1 00:00:12,055 --> 00:00:15,100 I hope you flowers are enjoyingthis fine morning. 2 00:00:19,020 --> 00:00:21,231 Good morning, inchworm. 3 00:00:21,314 --> 00:00:23,316 Oh! Good morning, flowers. 4 00:00:23,900 --> 00:00:27,571 How about a nice drink of waterto start your day? 5 00:00:29,155 --> 00:00:29,990 [Toad] Blah. 6 00:00:31,074 --> 00:00:32,491 Toad, is that you? 7 00:00:32,993 --> 00:00:33,994 [Toad] Yes, Frog. 8 00:00:36,580 --> 00:00:38,665 I am tangled up in your flowers. 9 00:00:39,207 --> 00:00:41,793 Oh, dear. Well, let me help you. 10 00:00:42,460 --> 00:00:45,714 [strains, grunts] 11 00:00:45,797 --> 00:00:46,882 Thank you, Frog. 12 00:00:46,965 --> 00:00:48,216 You're welcome, Toad. 13 00:00:49,342 --> 00:00:53,597 Whoa. What a fine garden you have, Frog. 14 00:00:53,680 --> 00:00:56,892 Thank you. It takes lots of hard workto have a garden. 15 00:00:58,351 --> 00:01:02,397 [sniffs] Oh, I wish I had a garden. 16 00:01:02,480 --> 00:01:04,523 Why, Toad, you can have a garden. 17 00:01:04,608 --> 00:01:05,692 I can? 18 00:01:05,775 --> 00:01:06,902 You can. 19 00:01:06,985 --> 00:01:09,988 But I do not know the first thingabout growing a garden. 20 00:01:10,614 --> 00:01:11,615 Hmm. 21 00:01:12,490 --> 00:01:16,494 The first step togrowing a garden are these. 22 00:01:16,578 --> 00:01:19,080 What are these? Tiny pebbles? 23 00:01:19,706 --> 00:01:21,625 Those are seeds. 24 00:01:21,708 --> 00:01:25,170 Plant them in the ground,and soon you will have a garden. 25 00:01:25,253 --> 00:01:26,254 How soon? 26 00:01:27,380 --> 00:01:28,381 Quite soon. 27 00:01:28,965 --> 00:01:31,718 Does this mean my gardenwill be as nice as yours? 28 00:01:31,801 --> 00:01:34,262 It could be, or even nicer! 29 00:01:34,346 --> 00:01:35,347 Goodness. 30 00:01:44,481 --> 00:01:47,567 Well, I have a garden to grow.Goodbye, Frog. 31 00:01:47,651 --> 00:01:48,652 Good luck, Toad! 32 00:01:50,403 --> 00:01:52,405 [humming] 33 00:01:56,201 --> 00:01:57,452 What you doing, Toad? 34 00:01:57,535 --> 00:01:59,871 I've got something very important, Gopher. 35 00:02:00,997 --> 00:02:02,040 [Gopher panting] 36 00:02:02,123 --> 00:02:03,375 And what's that? 37 00:02:03,458 --> 00:02:05,043 I have a garden to grow. 38 00:02:05,627 --> 00:02:07,128 [Gopher panting] 39 00:02:07,212 --> 00:02:09,506 Ooh. How soon will it grow? 40 00:02:09,588 --> 00:02:10,799 Quite soon. 41 00:02:10,882 --> 00:02:12,384 Good luck, Toad. 42 00:02:16,638 --> 00:02:20,976 There you are, seeds.I hope you enjoy your new home. 43 00:02:24,980 --> 00:02:27,315 Quite soon, my garden will appear. 44 00:02:31,111 --> 00:02:34,364 Frog said a gardenwould appear quite soon. 45 00:02:34,447 --> 00:02:36,449 But how soon is "quite soon"? 46 00:02:42,205 --> 00:02:44,791 [groans] It has been soon enough. 47 00:02:45,375 --> 00:02:47,794 Seeds, why are you not growing? 48 00:02:48,712 --> 00:02:52,215 Aha! It must bebecause you do not know what to do. 49 00:02:52,299 --> 00:02:55,343 Not to worry, seeds.I will tell you what to do. 50 00:02:56,011 --> 00:03:00,348 Seeds, start growing now. 51 00:03:03,518 --> 00:03:06,730 Hmm. Maybe they cannot hear me. 52 00:03:06,813 --> 00:03:10,817 Of course! How can they hear mewhen they are buried under the ground? 53 00:03:11,318 --> 00:03:16,823 Hello down there!Now, seeds, start growing! 54 00:03:20,410 --> 00:03:23,246 Oh, seeds, why won't you grow? 55 00:03:23,330 --> 00:03:27,417 Seeds, you can tell me.Is it something I said? 56 00:03:27,500 --> 00:03:30,086 [Frog] Toad, why are you shouting? 57 00:03:30,587 --> 00:03:32,214 Was that you seeds? 58 00:03:32,297 --> 00:03:35,425 No, it was me.I heard you all the way from my house. 59 00:03:35,508 --> 00:03:38,720 [groans] These seeds will not grow. 60 00:03:39,304 --> 00:03:41,389 That's because you are shouting too much. 61 00:03:42,432 --> 00:03:44,601 These poor seeds are afraid to grow. 62 00:03:45,101 --> 00:03:48,772 Oh, no. I do not wantthe seeds to be afraid. 63 00:03:48,855 --> 00:03:51,650 Why don't you leavethe seeds alone for a few days? 64 00:03:51,733 --> 00:03:54,986 The sun will shine on them,the rain will fall on them, 65 00:03:55,070 --> 00:03:58,198 and soon, your seeds will start to grow. 66 00:03:58,281 --> 00:04:00,200 This is all I have to do? 67 00:04:00,283 --> 00:04:02,118 This is all you have to do. 68 00:04:07,624 --> 00:04:08,625 [groaning] 69 00:04:12,254 --> 00:04:16,591 Toad. It is time to sleep,which is your favorite thing to do. 70 00:04:17,216 --> 00:04:18,218 Now, sleep. 71 00:04:20,554 --> 00:04:22,472 Blah! I cannot. 72 00:04:28,770 --> 00:04:33,108 Maybe the seeds have not grownbecause they are afraid of the dark. 73 00:04:33,608 --> 00:04:35,986 I would be afraid out therein the dark too, 74 00:04:36,069 --> 00:04:37,988 with no one to keep me company. 75 00:04:38,071 --> 00:04:40,574 Oh, those poor lonely seeds. 76 00:04:44,786 --> 00:04:49,708 It is okay, seeds. You do not needto be afraid. Toad is here. 77 00:04:51,042 --> 00:04:52,085 Huh? 78 00:04:52,878 --> 00:04:54,838 Oh. Evening, Firefly. 79 00:04:54,921 --> 00:04:58,592 Hey there, Toad.Little past your bedtime, isn't it? 80 00:04:58,675 --> 00:05:00,969 I am growing a garden. 81 00:05:01,052 --> 00:05:04,222 A garden? How lovely. 82 00:05:04,306 --> 00:05:07,809 Except I think my seedsare too afraid of the dark to grow. 83 00:05:07,893 --> 00:05:12,898 Aw, I'm sorry to hear that.No one likes being afraid in the dark. 84 00:05:13,523 --> 00:05:17,277 Lucky for me,I got a built-in night-light. 85 00:05:19,863 --> 00:05:23,992 Oh! Can you and your friends light up myyard so the seeds will not be in the dark? 86 00:05:24,075 --> 00:05:26,161 Oh, we'd be happy to help with that. 87 00:05:26,244 --> 00:05:28,038 Thank you, Firefly. 88 00:05:28,121 --> 00:05:31,708 Friends and cousins,who are also my friends, 89 00:05:31,791 --> 00:05:35,629 time to light up the night. Let's dance. 90 00:05:37,214 --> 00:05:40,717 -[Firefly 1] Yeah. All right.-[Firefly 2] Yeah. I love it. 91 00:05:40,800 --> 00:05:43,970 -[Firefly 3] Ooh. That's nice.-[Firefly 4] Yeah, switch those things on. 92 00:05:44,054 --> 00:05:45,972 [fireflies chattering] 93 00:05:46,890 --> 00:05:48,183 There you go, seeds. 94 00:05:48,683 --> 00:05:53,855 Now you do not have to beafraid of the dark. Good night. [yawning] 95 00:05:59,402 --> 00:06:03,740 Now I am sure the seeds will grow.[snores] 96 00:06:08,870 --> 00:06:10,372 Good morning, morning! 97 00:06:10,455 --> 00:06:13,667 Now I am sure it has been soon enoughfor the seeds to grow. 98 00:06:17,045 --> 00:06:18,046 [groans] 99 00:06:19,172 --> 00:06:21,216 I must be missing something. 100 00:06:21,716 --> 00:06:24,636 If only these seeds could tell mewhy they will not grow. 101 00:06:28,890 --> 00:06:31,851 Oh! If you are afraid of the dark, 102 00:06:31,935 --> 00:06:34,646 then you seeds might alsobe afraid of the rain. 103 00:06:41,444 --> 00:06:44,447 I will read you seeds a story so grandthat you will forget 104 00:06:44,531 --> 00:06:47,117 all about being afraid while it rains. 105 00:06:47,200 --> 00:06:52,622 "Once upon a time, there wasa very valiant Sir Toad and Squire Frog." 106 00:06:55,917 --> 00:06:59,379 "They were two brave friendson a mighty big quest." 107 00:07:00,130 --> 00:07:05,302 "And with only their wits, gumption,some string, a stick, a few buttons, 108 00:07:05,385 --> 00:07:07,888 and also, a ladle and some old pants, 109 00:07:09,347 --> 00:07:13,393 that is how Sir Toad and Squire Frogoutsmarted the Green Knight." 110 00:07:17,606 --> 00:07:20,609 Not yet? Okay, I will keep reading to you. 111 00:07:21,526 --> 00:07:25,071 "At last, all brave Sir Toadand Squire Frog had to do 112 00:07:25,155 --> 00:07:30,577 was ask the fearsome troll if it wanteda cold glass of lemonade. The end." 113 00:07:33,121 --> 00:07:36,124 You still have not grown.Not even a little bit. 114 00:07:41,254 --> 00:07:42,422 Not even a little bit. 115 00:07:43,673 --> 00:07:47,552 You seeds must be awfully scared.Do not fear. 116 00:07:48,053 --> 00:07:52,140 I will stay here and keep you companyso you will not be afraid. 117 00:07:53,266 --> 00:07:56,686 Silly faces are sure to make you happy.Right, seeds? 118 00:07:56,770 --> 00:07:57,771 [blows raspberry] 119 00:07:58,271 --> 00:08:00,106 [babbling] 120 00:08:05,153 --> 00:08:06,154 Hmm. 121 00:08:08,531 --> 00:08:12,285 I hope this poem fills youwith as much joy as it does me. 122 00:08:13,328 --> 00:08:18,333 There once was a very nice ToadWho lived in a lovely abode 123 00:08:18,917 --> 00:08:22,337 He made friends with a bugAnd they cut up a rug 124 00:08:22,420 --> 00:08:25,173 And enjoyed cherry pie à la mode 125 00:08:26,550 --> 00:08:27,384 Hmm. 126 00:08:29,678 --> 00:08:34,765 [groans] Still not growing.What else can I do? 127 00:08:36,183 --> 00:08:37,476 I know. 128 00:08:37,561 --> 00:08:38,812 Music. 129 00:08:38,895 --> 00:08:41,940 [country music playing] 130 00:08:47,445 --> 00:08:53,034 ♪ Pop up and say helloLet the rhythm help you grow ♪ 131 00:08:53,118 --> 00:08:56,580 ♪ We're strumming a tuneAnd ready for sprouts quite soon ♪ 132 00:08:59,416 --> 00:09:04,045 ♪ Have no fearIt's perfectly lovely out here ♪ 133 00:09:04,129 --> 00:09:07,757 ♪ We've plenty of roomAnd ready for sprouts quite soon ♪ 134 00:09:11,011 --> 00:09:15,765 Whew! Well, Toad, we're all song-ed out.That was quite the hootenanny! 135 00:09:15,849 --> 00:09:18,435 Be sure and tell uswhen it's been quite soon enough 136 00:09:18,518 --> 00:09:20,770 and your seeds decide to grow, Toad. 137 00:09:21,354 --> 00:09:22,814 [Firefly] So long, Toad. 138 00:09:22,898 --> 00:09:25,442 -Bye now, Toad.-Good luck with those seeds, Toad. 139 00:09:26,151 --> 00:09:27,569 Thank you, everyone. 140 00:09:34,784 --> 00:09:36,703 [groans] What shall I do? 141 00:09:38,622 --> 00:09:42,042 These must be the most frightened seedsin the entire world. 142 00:09:42,834 --> 00:09:45,921 [yawns] It is okay, seeds. 143 00:09:46,004 --> 00:09:50,217 Soon, you will be happy enough to grow.I promise. 144 00:09:50,300 --> 00:09:53,887 [yawning] Good night, seeds. [snoring] 145 00:09:59,392 --> 00:10:00,393 [snoring] 146 00:10:06,399 --> 00:10:10,237 [Frog] Toad. Toad! Look at your garden! 147 00:10:10,320 --> 00:10:13,073 Oh, no. The seeds! Are they all right? 148 00:10:13,156 --> 00:10:16,076 They're more than all right. Look! 149 00:10:17,077 --> 00:10:19,496 They are starting to grow. 150 00:10:22,332 --> 00:10:25,293 Hello. My name is Toad. 151 00:10:25,377 --> 00:10:28,588 It is very nice to meet you, tiny garden. 152 00:10:28,672 --> 00:10:33,051 The seeds stopped being afraid.I will finally have a nice garden. 153 00:10:33,552 --> 00:10:36,179 I am very happy for you, Toad. 154 00:10:36,263 --> 00:10:40,934 Maybe the seeds were not afraid after all.Maybe they just needed time to grow. 155 00:10:42,310 --> 00:10:47,274 But you were right, Frog.Growing this garden was very hard work. 156 00:10:47,357 --> 00:10:48,191 It was? 157 00:10:48,275 --> 00:10:52,529 Oh, yes. Firefly and his friendskept them company at night. 158 00:10:52,612 --> 00:10:56,658 I read the seeds stories in the rain,and recited them poetry, 159 00:10:56,741 --> 00:10:58,285 and even played them music. 160 00:10:58,368 --> 00:11:01,871 You did all that for your seeds? 161 00:11:01,955 --> 00:11:03,790 How else would I grow a garden? 162 00:11:04,374 --> 00:11:09,004 I am certain this is going to beone very happy garden indeed. 163 00:11:11,506 --> 00:11:12,507 Where are you going? 164 00:11:12,591 --> 00:11:14,968 I need a tuba to play for my garden. 165 00:11:15,051 --> 00:11:18,388 Yes! Can you play for my garden after? 166 00:11:19,556 --> 00:11:20,724 [Frog playing tuba] 167 00:11:24,311 --> 00:11:28,607 [laughs] Whoo! Yay! 168 00:11:40,994 --> 00:11:43,288 [Toad sniffs] Hmm. 169 00:11:43,371 --> 00:11:44,915 What do you smell, Toad? 170 00:11:44,998 --> 00:11:48,084 Ah, something sweet. Flowers. 171 00:11:49,878 --> 00:11:51,546 [sniffs] 172 00:11:51,630 --> 00:11:53,423 What do you smell, Frog? 173 00:11:53,506 --> 00:11:56,509 The sharp, fresh scent of pine needles. 174 00:11:57,594 --> 00:11:59,804 Oh! [sniffing] 175 00:12:00,305 --> 00:12:01,348 What is it, Toad? 176 00:12:01,431 --> 00:12:02,933 I smell something good. 177 00:12:06,937 --> 00:12:08,897 I would know this smell anywhere. 178 00:12:09,522 --> 00:12:12,108 It is a cake. 179 00:12:13,193 --> 00:12:14,569 Hello, Toad. 180 00:12:15,654 --> 00:12:19,574 Rabbit. This is a delicious smelling cakeyou have right here, 181 00:12:19,658 --> 00:12:22,827 and, uh, you might need someoneto try it for you. 182 00:12:23,328 --> 00:12:27,415 Very important to make sure a cakelike this tastes as good as it smells. 183 00:12:27,499 --> 00:12:29,834 Oh, I would loveto give you a taste, Toad, 184 00:12:29,918 --> 00:12:32,546 but this cake was bakedfor a very special day. 185 00:12:33,296 --> 00:12:37,634 Very special day?What very special day is it for? 186 00:12:37,717 --> 00:12:38,718 Tuesday. 187 00:12:39,219 --> 00:12:41,596 Tuesday is tomorrow. 188 00:12:41,680 --> 00:12:45,517 Yes, and you are welcome to come backand have a piece then. 189 00:12:47,394 --> 00:12:49,688 [groaning] 190 00:12:54,776 --> 00:12:56,945 Hey. What is wrong, Toad? 191 00:12:57,028 --> 00:12:59,114 Now all I can think about is cake. 192 00:12:59,864 --> 00:13:02,200 I will never be ableto wait a whole entire day 193 00:13:02,284 --> 00:13:05,036 for Rabbit's "very special day"to get here. 194 00:13:05,704 --> 00:13:06,997 Blah. 195 00:13:07,080 --> 00:13:11,334 You have nothing to worry about, Toad.I have it all figured out. 196 00:13:11,418 --> 00:13:12,460 You do? 197 00:13:12,544 --> 00:13:15,130 Yes! I will bake you a cake. 198 00:13:15,213 --> 00:13:18,049 You will? Really? When? 199 00:13:18,133 --> 00:13:19,134 Right now. 200 00:13:21,678 --> 00:13:25,098 But you need a special occasionto bake a cake. 201 00:13:25,599 --> 00:13:27,767 Like Tuesday. 202 00:13:28,268 --> 00:13:30,562 Oh, but today is a special day. 203 00:13:30,645 --> 00:13:34,816 Today is Frog Bakes a Cake for Toad Day! 204 00:13:34,900 --> 00:13:38,778 Huh. That does sound like a special day. 205 00:13:38,862 --> 00:13:43,450 It is. And it only happens once a year,so I better get started. 206 00:13:51,249 --> 00:13:52,876 This is very exciting. 207 00:13:54,127 --> 00:13:55,587 What do I need to do? 208 00:13:55,670 --> 00:14:00,258 All you need to do is sit right hereand leave everything to me. 209 00:14:00,342 --> 00:14:05,013 This should be a real show.Frog is baking a cake just for me. 210 00:14:05,639 --> 00:14:07,599 Hmm, let's see. 211 00:14:07,682 --> 00:14:11,603 I will need a bowland something to mix with. 212 00:14:15,649 --> 00:14:16,650 [Frog] Hmm. 213 00:14:18,235 --> 00:14:19,736 -Toad.-Yes, Frog? 214 00:14:20,320 --> 00:14:22,239 What is in a cake? 215 00:14:22,822 --> 00:14:28,578 Simple. You will need flour, sugar,eggs, butter and a little milk. 216 00:14:28,662 --> 00:14:29,663 Right! 217 00:14:37,629 --> 00:14:38,755 Flour. 218 00:14:40,006 --> 00:14:41,007 [coughing] 219 00:14:42,425 --> 00:14:45,387 Now, what is next? Oh, eggs! 220 00:14:46,513 --> 00:14:47,514 [scatting] 221 00:14:51,643 --> 00:14:52,644 [Toad] Oh. 222 00:14:53,687 --> 00:14:57,691 Uh, you were supposedto crack the eggs, Frog. 223 00:14:57,774 --> 00:14:58,775 Right. 224 00:15:03,530 --> 00:15:04,531 All cracked! 225 00:15:05,115 --> 00:15:06,533 Okay, mix that up. 226 00:15:07,117 --> 00:15:09,786 Uh… [groans] 227 00:15:12,289 --> 00:15:13,456 Seems kinda lumpy. 228 00:15:14,124 --> 00:15:16,543 Hmm. This does not look right. 229 00:15:17,168 --> 00:15:20,797 Maybe you should add a little bit of milkto get things moving, Frog. 230 00:15:20,881 --> 00:15:22,090 Ah! The milk. 231 00:15:22,883 --> 00:15:24,301 [scatting] 232 00:15:29,389 --> 00:15:30,807 A little more. 233 00:15:34,477 --> 00:15:35,478 A little more. 234 00:15:38,148 --> 00:15:39,649 A little more? 235 00:15:45,655 --> 00:15:47,991 [groans] Uh… 236 00:15:50,577 --> 00:15:51,578 [Frog scats] 237 00:15:52,829 --> 00:15:55,582 -[strains, laughs]-[cutlery clinking] 238 00:15:56,082 --> 00:15:57,167 [slurps] 239 00:15:57,250 --> 00:16:01,838 Relax, Toad. Frog is having fun.Frog is being kind. 240 00:16:05,217 --> 00:16:08,178 Frog is making the worst cake'I have ever seen. 241 00:16:08,261 --> 00:16:09,471 [Frog] On to sugar. 242 00:16:09,971 --> 00:16:11,014 Ooh. 243 00:16:13,767 --> 00:16:16,102 [groans] That's not enough sugar. 244 00:16:16,186 --> 00:16:19,022 And a little butter. [laughs] 245 00:16:19,522 --> 00:16:21,775 ♪ Baking for Toad is something great ♪ 246 00:16:21,858 --> 00:16:24,361 ♪ And when Frog is done,We'll have some cake ♪ 247 00:16:24,444 --> 00:16:25,445 [Frog scatting] 248 00:16:30,033 --> 00:16:32,452 Frog. [stammers] That is not-- 249 00:16:32,535 --> 00:16:36,539 -You-- You cannot-- I do not think---[Frog scatting, laughs] 250 00:16:36,623 --> 00:16:38,541 This is not how you make a cake! 251 00:16:40,168 --> 00:16:45,257 [sighs] I am sorry, Frog.I know you are having fun baking for me, 252 00:16:45,340 --> 00:16:47,676 but this is really hard for me to watch. 253 00:16:53,932 --> 00:16:56,977 Toad, I do not know how to bake a cake. 254 00:16:57,477 --> 00:16:58,311 No? 255 00:17:00,230 --> 00:17:02,899 No. Can you help me? 256 00:17:03,483 --> 00:17:07,195 I would love to help you!We will do it together. 257 00:17:07,279 --> 00:17:08,280 Together. 258 00:17:13,285 --> 00:17:16,287 First, we get all ofour ingredients ready. 259 00:17:16,871 --> 00:17:17,872 Butter. 260 00:17:18,998 --> 00:17:20,000 Butter! 261 00:17:20,792 --> 00:17:21,793 [Toad] Eggs. 262 00:17:22,334 --> 00:17:23,503 [Frog] Eggs! 263 00:17:23,587 --> 00:17:24,920 [Toad] Flour. 264 00:17:25,005 --> 00:17:26,171 [Frog] Flour! 265 00:17:26,256 --> 00:17:27,299 [Toad] Milk. 266 00:17:28,049 --> 00:17:29,134 [Frog] Milk! 267 00:17:29,217 --> 00:17:30,427 [Toad] Sugar. 268 00:17:30,510 --> 00:17:31,678 Sugar! 269 00:17:32,178 --> 00:17:36,600 Good. That should be everything we need.Now we will bake. 270 00:17:37,350 --> 00:17:39,352 [upbeat music playing] 271 00:18:13,803 --> 00:18:16,223 And now it bakes. 272 00:18:19,559 --> 00:18:20,560 [timer ticking] 273 00:18:29,444 --> 00:18:30,487 Is it ready yet? 274 00:18:30,570 --> 00:18:32,197 No, Frog. Not yet. 275 00:18:34,324 --> 00:18:35,367 Is it ready now? 276 00:18:35,450 --> 00:18:37,369 No, Frog. Not yet. 277 00:18:38,954 --> 00:18:40,956 -[timer dings]-[exclaims] Is it now? 278 00:18:41,039 --> 00:18:43,375 Yes. Now it is ready. 279 00:18:48,338 --> 00:18:49,923 [sniffs] 280 00:18:50,006 --> 00:18:54,010 Oh, Toad. It smells amazing. 281 00:18:54,094 --> 00:18:55,178 It does. 282 00:18:55,720 --> 00:18:56,972 Frosting now? 283 00:18:57,055 --> 00:18:59,057 Mmm. Not yet, Frog. 284 00:18:59,140 --> 00:19:02,811 We have to let the cake cool first,or all that frosting will melt. 285 00:19:02,894 --> 00:19:04,521 I like melted frosting. 286 00:19:04,604 --> 00:19:09,234 [sighs] Well, I do not.You watch the cake. I will wash up. 287 00:19:09,317 --> 00:19:10,318 [humming] 288 00:19:13,572 --> 00:19:18,577 [sighs] I had no idea that bakinga cake took so much waiting. 289 00:19:23,832 --> 00:19:24,833 [Toad humming] 290 00:19:25,834 --> 00:19:27,043 [gasping] 291 00:19:33,008 --> 00:19:35,427 Is it cool enough to frost now, Toad? 292 00:19:35,510 --> 00:19:36,928 I believe it is. 293 00:19:37,429 --> 00:19:38,847 [vocalizing] 294 00:19:38,930 --> 00:19:39,931 [groans] 295 00:19:40,849 --> 00:19:43,018 All frosted! What do you think, Toad? 296 00:19:43,977 --> 00:19:46,897 Well, it is a little uneven on this side. 297 00:19:47,397 --> 00:19:51,818 And-- And this side. And up here.And-- And over there. 298 00:19:51,902 --> 00:19:53,236 Here let me. 299 00:19:53,320 --> 00:19:54,613 [humming] 300 00:20:01,494 --> 00:20:06,291 [gasps] Look what you did, Toad.This cake looks wonderful! 301 00:20:07,167 --> 00:20:09,252 We will see if it tastes wonderful. 302 00:20:15,050 --> 00:20:19,012 [Frog gulps] Mmm. [exclaims] 303 00:20:19,095 --> 00:20:24,601 Frog Bakes a Cake for Toad Day is my newfavorite very special day of the year. 304 00:20:26,311 --> 00:20:27,896 Mm-mm-mmm! 305 00:20:31,858 --> 00:20:33,026 [groans] 306 00:20:34,694 --> 00:20:37,113 This is the mostdelicious cake ever, Toad. 307 00:20:37,197 --> 00:20:38,281 You have to try it. 308 00:20:45,747 --> 00:20:47,499 Don't you like your cake, Toad? 309 00:20:48,375 --> 00:20:51,211 No, I do not like my cake. 310 00:20:51,836 --> 00:20:55,006 In fact, this is the worst cakeI have ever had. 311 00:20:55,549 --> 00:21:00,554 It is? Seems fine to me.What don't you like about it? 312 00:21:00,637 --> 00:21:04,724 You wanted to bake me a cake,which was so kind of you. 313 00:21:04,808 --> 00:21:08,061 And then you asked me for my helpso we could do it together. 314 00:21:08,562 --> 00:21:11,314 And wasn't that fun? Baking together? 315 00:21:11,856 --> 00:21:15,360 But we did not bake together.I took over everything. 316 00:21:15,902 --> 00:21:20,657 It cannot be Frog Bakes a Cakefor Toad Day when Toad bakes the cake. 317 00:21:21,658 --> 00:21:24,244 Please, Frog, let me make things right. 318 00:21:26,955 --> 00:21:29,207 I would rather have your cake instead. 319 00:21:30,125 --> 00:21:32,794 This cake? Are you sure? 320 00:21:32,878 --> 00:21:37,048 I am positive. We will put it in the ovenand see what happens. 321 00:21:40,594 --> 00:21:41,595 [timer ticking] 322 00:21:46,433 --> 00:21:47,267 [timer dings] 323 00:21:49,644 --> 00:21:52,063 This cake looks a little strange, Toad. 324 00:21:53,356 --> 00:21:55,609 The important thing is how it tastes. 325 00:21:56,526 --> 00:21:58,528 [Frog grunting, straining] 326 00:22:08,914 --> 00:22:09,915 [Toad gagging] 327 00:22:17,214 --> 00:22:19,633 Well, how does it taste? 328 00:22:21,092 --> 00:22:23,178 This is… [crunches] 329 00:22:24,888 --> 00:22:27,807 …the best cake I have ever had, Frog. 330 00:22:31,311 --> 00:22:35,565 Oh, I don't know, Toad.I-I still think I prefer yours. 331 00:22:35,649 --> 00:22:38,902 You can have it, Frog.This is the cake I want. 332 00:22:38,985 --> 00:22:40,820 The one you made for me. 333 00:22:40,904 --> 00:22:46,243 It may be hard and not very sweet,but it is a cake I will always remember. 334 00:22:47,285 --> 00:22:49,287 [crunching] 335 00:22:50,538 --> 00:22:52,540 Would you like some milk to go with that? 336 00:22:52,624 --> 00:22:56,002 [gagging] Yes, please. 337 00:23:03,468 --> 00:23:08,098 [singer] ♪ We woke up and found a doorOnly us kids could explore ♪ 338 00:23:08,181 --> 00:23:11,268 ♪ So we opened it to see what was behind ♪ 339 00:23:12,769 --> 00:23:18,733 ♪ I will keep your secrets safeWith mine ♪ 340 00:23:21,069 --> 00:23:25,532 ♪ We can wish on shooting stars that fadeSleep inside the orchid shade ♪ 341 00:23:25,615 --> 00:23:28,702 ♪ I wouldn't change it even if I could ♪ 342 00:23:30,036 --> 00:23:34,374 ♪ There is magic in the placesWe'd least expect to look ♪ 343 00:23:34,457 --> 00:23:38,587 ♪ We can fill up all the pagesThere is no end to our book ♪ 344 00:23:38,670 --> 00:23:42,716 ♪ Be the wheels to my roadBe the Frog to my Toad ♪ 345 00:23:42,799 --> 00:23:47,220 ♪ We can be anything that we wanna be ♪ 346 00:23:47,304 --> 00:23:53,810 ♪ Now the sun is going downOn that other side of town tonight ♪