1 00:00:15,600 --> 00:00:18,895 That was a fine dinner, Toad. 2 00:00:20,188 --> 00:00:22,274 Yes, very fine. 3 00:00:22,357 --> 00:00:26,778 Now I am feeling sleepy.I think I will go to bed. 4 00:00:26,861 --> 00:00:30,156 Would you like me to stop byfor a morning walk tomorrow? 5 00:00:30,240 --> 00:00:32,366 Mmm. No, thank you, Frog. 6 00:00:32,449 --> 00:00:34,911 Tomorrow morning, I will be sleeping in. 7 00:00:40,041 --> 00:00:44,129 Sleeping in? Are you sure?You might miss something fun. 8 00:00:45,255 --> 00:00:49,301 I am sure.Please do not wake me up in the morning. 9 00:00:50,677 --> 00:00:52,470 Good night, Frog. 10 00:00:56,850 --> 00:00:58,602 Aw. Good night, Toad. 11 00:02:03,917 --> 00:02:06,086 Frog! You are here? 12 00:02:06,169 --> 00:02:09,713 Toad! You are finally awake!Good afternoon. 13 00:02:09,798 --> 00:02:13,218 Afternoon? I have been asleep a long time. 14 00:02:13,718 --> 00:02:15,262 Have you been waiting for me? 15 00:02:15,345 --> 00:02:17,764 Yes. I came by for our walk, 16 00:02:17,847 --> 00:02:21,142 but then I rememberedyou said not to wake you up. 17 00:02:21,226 --> 00:02:23,645 Oh, yes. Thank you for remembering. 18 00:02:24,771 --> 00:02:28,567 So, did anything happenwhile I was asleep? 19 00:02:28,650 --> 00:02:32,737 Oh, a few things, I suppose.Would you like me to tell you about them? 20 00:02:32,821 --> 00:02:34,823 Yes, I think I would. 21 00:02:34,906 --> 00:02:36,074 Are you sure? 22 00:02:36,157 --> 00:02:38,952 Oh, I am sure. Tell me what happened. 23 00:02:39,619 --> 00:02:44,291 Well, the first thing I did was walkto your house with a picnic breakfast. 24 00:02:44,374 --> 00:02:46,376 A picnic breakfast? 25 00:02:46,459 --> 00:02:48,962 Yes,but when I remembered not to wake you, 26 00:02:49,045 --> 00:02:51,464 I decided to eat the breakfast myself. 27 00:02:51,548 --> 00:02:53,550 What did the breakfast look like? 28 00:02:55,302 --> 00:02:57,304 Oh, a bit like this. 29 00:02:57,387 --> 00:03:00,140 I filled it with all your favorite things. 30 00:03:00,223 --> 00:03:04,477 Blackberries, blueberries, fresh lemonade 31 00:03:04,561 --> 00:03:06,479 and freshly baked bread. 32 00:03:06,980 --> 00:03:10,191 I see. And how did it taste? 33 00:03:10,984 --> 00:03:13,320 Well, the berries were not too tart. 34 00:03:16,615 --> 00:03:18,450 The lemonade hit the spot.-Mmm. 35 00:03:21,870 --> 00:03:24,331 And the bread was gonein just a few bites. 36 00:03:27,459 --> 00:03:31,254 Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mmm. 37 00:03:31,838 --> 00:03:34,257 Oh, that sounds delicious. 38 00:03:34,341 --> 00:03:37,844 I wish I had been awake to enjoythat picnic with you this morning. 39 00:03:37,928 --> 00:03:39,262 Mmm. Mm-hmm. 40 00:03:39,763 --> 00:03:41,139 What happened next? 41 00:03:41,681 --> 00:03:45,602 Oh, just a few things.Are you sure you want to hear more? 42 00:03:45,685 --> 00:03:49,606 Yes, please tell me.I-I-I wanna hear about all of it. 43 00:03:50,690 --> 00:03:55,403 Okay. The next thing I didwas get out a two-seat bicycle. 44 00:03:59,115 --> 00:04:00,575 What did that look like? 45 00:04:03,578 --> 00:04:04,704 A lot like this. 46 00:04:04,788 --> 00:04:07,499 You went for a ride on that? 47 00:04:07,582 --> 00:04:09,501 Yes. After I put on my helmet. 48 00:04:19,553 --> 00:04:23,348 I went for a ride on the bicycle,wishing you were riding with me. 49 00:04:23,431 --> 00:04:24,849 How was the ride? 50 00:04:24,933 --> 00:04:25,934 Beautiful. 51 00:04:28,520 --> 00:04:32,440 The flowers were in bloom,and the air smelled fresh. 52 00:04:32,941 --> 00:04:35,652 Oh. Mmm. 53 00:04:36,611 --> 00:04:39,406 I wishI'd been awake to ride with you too. 54 00:04:41,533 --> 00:04:45,203 Then I went downa b-b-bumpy part of the p-p-path. 55 00:04:45,287 --> 00:04:48,957 Oh, m-my.Th-then what happened? 56 00:04:49,040 --> 00:04:52,919 I came to a big flat rockand jumped off the ground! 57 00:04:53,003 --> 00:04:55,463 Whoo-hoo!-Yay! 58 00:04:55,547 --> 00:04:56,715 Oof! 59 00:04:59,009 --> 00:05:00,635 That must have been quite a jump. 60 00:05:01,219 --> 00:05:03,597 I wish I'd been awake to see that. 61 00:05:07,475 --> 00:05:08,768 What happened next? 62 00:05:09,311 --> 00:05:12,397 I was feeling hotand tired from the bicycle ride, 63 00:05:12,480 --> 00:05:16,443 so I sat in the shade of a big treeby the river to cool down. 64 00:05:16,526 --> 00:05:18,445 What did you do while you sat? 65 00:05:18,945 --> 00:05:23,241 Well, I was still feeling hotwhen I saw a trout swimming in the river. 66 00:05:23,325 --> 00:05:26,745 I said,"Hello, Trout. Could you cool me down?" 67 00:05:29,873 --> 00:05:33,293 Ugh. I do not thinkI would've liked being awake for that. 68 00:05:33,877 --> 00:05:36,796 The water cooled me offfor what came next. 69 00:05:36,880 --> 00:05:38,840 Wait, there is more? 70 00:05:38,924 --> 00:05:40,383 Oh, yes. 71 00:05:43,136 --> 00:05:44,596 I needed to dry off. 72 00:05:44,679 --> 00:05:47,307 So, I walked to the meadowand stayed there a while, 73 00:05:47,390 --> 00:05:49,476 looking at the clouds in the sky. 74 00:05:49,559 --> 00:05:51,311 Did you see any clouds? 75 00:05:51,394 --> 00:05:56,191 Yes. I saw a cloudthat looked just like a duck! 76 00:05:56,274 --> 00:05:57,442 A duck? 77 00:05:57,525 --> 00:05:59,986 I wonder what that would look like. 78 00:06:00,070 --> 00:06:01,863 Oh, a lot like that. 79 00:06:05,909 --> 00:06:08,787 Wow. That must've been quite a sight. 80 00:06:09,871 --> 00:06:10,872 Blah. 81 00:06:11,748 --> 00:06:15,335 I wish I had been awaketo see that duck-shaped cloud. 82 00:06:16,336 --> 00:06:19,756 After the sun dried my clothes,I heard music. 83 00:06:21,341 --> 00:06:23,426 It sounded like it was coming from town. 84 00:06:29,474 --> 00:06:32,686 So I got back on the bicycleto see what was going on. 85 00:06:34,437 --> 00:06:37,357 -What did you find when you got there? 86 00:06:37,440 --> 00:06:40,610 I saw that Mink was giving away ice cream. 87 00:06:41,111 --> 00:06:44,531 -Free samples! Get your free samples here! 88 00:06:44,614 --> 00:06:46,575 Try one or two. 89 00:06:46,658 --> 00:06:48,159 I got a vanilla cone. 90 00:06:49,828 --> 00:06:51,955 And then I said, "Thank you, Mink." 91 00:06:52,038 --> 00:06:53,999 You are welcome, Frog. 92 00:06:54,082 --> 00:06:55,750 I would've gotten chocolate. 93 00:06:59,713 --> 00:07:01,798 Blah. 94 00:07:01,882 --> 00:07:05,552 I really wish I had been awaketo eat ice cream with you. 95 00:07:09,431 --> 00:07:10,682 So long, fellas. 96 00:07:13,101 --> 00:07:15,979 Every time I found something new in town, 97 00:07:16,062 --> 00:07:19,733 I thought of you, Toad.Like helping Rabbit knit a new scarf. 98 00:07:27,574 --> 00:07:28,575 Ta-da! 99 00:07:31,077 --> 00:07:33,955 Or helping Snailcatch a piece of runaway mail. 100 00:07:36,458 --> 00:07:37,459 Mmm. 101 00:07:38,752 --> 00:07:42,172 That all sounds wonderful,but what about the music? 102 00:07:42,672 --> 00:07:43,673 Oh, yes. 103 00:07:43,757 --> 00:07:46,676 It turns out a band was playingat the end of town. 104 00:07:51,264 --> 00:07:55,769 When I saw the band up on the stage,I wished that you could see it with me. 105 00:07:58,396 --> 00:08:00,523 Yeah. Yeah.- 106 00:08:02,359 --> 00:08:03,568 What did you do then? 107 00:08:04,110 --> 00:08:06,696 What anyone would do. I danced! 108 00:08:08,615 --> 00:08:10,784 Whoo-hoo! 109 00:08:15,622 --> 00:08:17,249 Ah!-Mm-hmm. 110 00:08:17,332 --> 00:08:19,292 Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. 111 00:08:19,376 --> 00:08:24,422 While I danced, the band askedif I wanted to join them on stage. 112 00:08:24,506 --> 00:08:26,424 Did you?-I did! 113 00:08:36,058 --> 00:08:38,979 Oh, yeah.-Yeah! All right. 114 00:08:41,273 --> 00:08:44,609 The band thanked me for joining them,and I hopped off stage. 115 00:08:57,122 --> 00:08:59,207 And that is what I did in town, Toad. 116 00:09:02,544 --> 00:09:04,629 To think I missed all of it. 117 00:09:05,380 --> 00:09:09,968 Oh, how I wish I'd been awaketo dance and play in the band with you. 118 00:09:15,891 --> 00:09:17,183 Did anything else happen? 119 00:09:18,810 --> 00:09:21,897 Not really. I walked back to your housewith the bicycle, 120 00:09:21,980 --> 00:09:24,566 and then you woke up a little while later. 121 00:09:24,649 --> 00:09:28,153 Oh, Frog.I wish I had been awake for all of that. 122 00:09:33,617 --> 00:09:36,369 I wish I had eaten that picnic breakfast 123 00:09:36,453 --> 00:09:39,831 and been on that bicycleand looked at those clouds 124 00:09:39,915 --> 00:09:43,418 and enjoyed that ice creamand played in that band. 125 00:09:43,501 --> 00:09:47,297 Oh, I wish I had not slept in after all. 126 00:09:47,380 --> 00:09:49,549 But Toad, now that you're awake, 127 00:09:49,633 --> 00:09:52,427 it meanswe can do all those fun things together. 128 00:09:52,510 --> 00:09:53,553 We can? 129 00:09:53,637 --> 00:09:55,055 Yes, we can! 130 00:09:55,847 --> 00:09:59,267 Hmm. That sounds like a good idea, Frog. 131 00:09:59,768 --> 00:10:01,811 Maybe we can do those things tomorrow. 132 00:10:01,895 --> 00:10:05,273 Tomorrow? But Toad, where are you going? 133 00:10:06,191 --> 00:10:07,234 To bed. 134 00:10:07,317 --> 00:10:11,321 I am very sleepy after hearingabout all the things you did today. 135 00:10:11,404 --> 00:10:14,532 Well… …all right then.Good night, Toad. 136 00:10:15,242 --> 00:10:16,243 Good night, Frog. 137 00:10:20,997 --> 00:10:24,417 Oh, and Frog,if you come back tomorrow morning, 138 00:10:24,501 --> 00:10:26,419 feel free to wake me up. 139 00:10:47,607 --> 00:10:52,112 Frog, look atall these ripe summer veggies you grew. 140 00:10:52,195 --> 00:10:54,573 A very nice crop indeed. 141 00:10:54,656 --> 00:10:57,075 Should we pick something tasty for lunch? 142 00:10:57,158 --> 00:10:59,786 Mmm. Yes, I-I think we should. 143 00:11:00,287 --> 00:11:02,664 What about those? They look nice. 144 00:11:03,415 --> 00:11:06,084 And this tomato feels juicy. 145 00:11:09,337 --> 00:11:12,549 Or cucumbers? Peppers? 146 00:11:12,632 --> 00:11:13,633 Corn? 147 00:11:13,717 --> 00:11:15,844 They all sound fine, Frog. 148 00:11:15,927 --> 00:11:19,514 But what I was really hoping foris some fresh summer squash. 149 00:11:19,598 --> 00:11:20,974 That is my favorite. 150 00:11:22,058 --> 00:11:26,062 You know, Toad,I might have one that is ready. 151 00:11:26,605 --> 00:11:28,982 There was one growing back over here. 152 00:11:37,032 --> 00:11:40,160 That squash is incredible! 153 00:11:40,243 --> 00:11:42,245 Yes, it is rather big. 154 00:11:42,746 --> 00:11:46,082 Big? Frog, it is monumental. 155 00:11:46,625 --> 00:11:49,377 Tremendous. A world record. 156 00:11:49,461 --> 00:11:52,505 I am just happyI can share it with my best friend. 157 00:11:54,299 --> 00:11:55,467 Hello, Gopher. 158 00:11:55,550 --> 00:11:57,886 Well, hello there, neighbors. 159 00:11:57,969 --> 00:12:02,182 Good galloping gourd,that squash is enormous! 160 00:12:03,433 --> 00:12:05,227 What an achievement. 161 00:12:06,394 --> 00:12:08,104 You grew this, Frog? 162 00:12:08,188 --> 00:12:10,148 Yes. Yes, he did. 163 00:12:10,232 --> 00:12:11,942 Marvelous work, Frog. 164 00:12:12,025 --> 00:12:14,444 Your garden really is something. 165 00:12:14,527 --> 00:12:16,863 Frog is the best gardener. 166 00:12:16,947 --> 00:12:18,365 Thank you, friends. 167 00:12:18,448 --> 00:12:21,034 Hmm. You know, Frog, 168 00:12:21,576 --> 00:12:24,955 we should take this squash to townso everyone can marvel 169 00:12:25,038 --> 00:12:27,707 at its spectacular sizeand glorious color. 170 00:12:28,250 --> 00:12:30,293 What a fabulous idea! 171 00:12:31,127 --> 00:12:33,755 Really?-Yes. One of my best. 172 00:12:33,838 --> 00:12:36,883 You two get a move on.I'll spread the word. 173 00:12:39,135 --> 00:12:42,806 Come on, Frog. We must get your squashloaded up for its trip to town. 174 00:13:03,451 --> 00:13:04,786 Hi there, friends. 175 00:13:04,869 --> 00:13:05,912 Hello, Mink. 176 00:13:05,996 --> 00:13:08,915 What are you two up toon this fine, fine day? 177 00:13:08,999 --> 00:13:14,254 We are off to town to show everyonethe marvelous squash that Frog grew. 178 00:13:14,337 --> 00:13:17,215 Mercy me! That squash is marvelous. 179 00:13:18,800 --> 00:13:23,263 In fact, that squash is so marvelousit deserves a song. 180 00:13:24,681 --> 00:13:27,559 ♪ There's a fresh, picked vegetableOn the scene ♪ 181 00:13:27,642 --> 00:13:30,520 ♪ It's lumpy and bumpyWith golds and greens ♪ 182 00:13:30,604 --> 00:13:33,106 ♪ A wonder that'll make you scream ♪ 183 00:13:33,189 --> 00:13:35,525 ♪ It's the biggest squash you've seen ♪ 184 00:13:36,109 --> 00:13:39,404 Yeah! Whoo-hoo!-Yes! 185 00:13:40,989 --> 00:13:46,953 I have never seena squash so lumpy and bumpy and big. 186 00:13:47,537 --> 00:13:49,456 Frog grew it in his garden. 187 00:13:49,539 --> 00:13:52,208 We're headed to townso everyone can admire it. 188 00:13:52,292 --> 00:13:56,838 Ooh, will it be like a festivalwhere we all gather together 189 00:13:56,922 --> 00:13:58,340 and have a big party? 190 00:13:58,882 --> 00:14:03,011 Hmm, yes, a festival. 191 00:14:03,094 --> 00:14:05,931 And will there be apple ciderand doughnuts? 192 00:14:06,514 --> 00:14:07,766 Certainly. 193 00:14:07,849 --> 00:14:12,854 Excellent. A festival's not a festivalwithout apple cider and doughnuts. 194 00:14:12,938 --> 00:14:14,147 See ya there! 195 00:14:14,231 --> 00:14:15,732 See ya!- 196 00:14:20,320 --> 00:14:23,281 ♪ From a tiny seed planted in the ground ♪ 197 00:14:23,365 --> 00:14:26,326 ♪ To a festival for our whole town ♪ 198 00:14:26,409 --> 00:14:28,745 ♪ It will be the most renowned ♪ 199 00:14:28,828 --> 00:14:31,539 ♪ It's the biggest squash around ♪ 200 00:14:32,916 --> 00:14:34,334 Unbelievable! 201 00:14:34,417 --> 00:14:35,669 Incredible! 202 00:14:36,211 --> 00:14:38,004 Unbelievably incredible! 203 00:14:39,464 --> 00:14:42,217 Where did you find that amazing squash? 204 00:14:42,300 --> 00:14:44,719 Frog grew it all by himself. 205 00:14:44,803 --> 00:14:47,764 Well done, Frog!-Thank you. 206 00:14:47,847 --> 00:14:50,392 Oh,and Toad is throwing a festival in town 207 00:14:50,475 --> 00:14:53,061 so everyonecan appreciate the squash Frog grew. 208 00:14:53,144 --> 00:14:55,897 Ooh, will there be hayrides? 209 00:14:55,981 --> 00:14:57,399 Definitely. 210 00:14:57,482 --> 00:15:00,151 And bobbing for acornsand corn in the hole? 211 00:15:00,235 --> 00:15:03,238 Yes. Yes. Uh, yes! 212 00:15:03,321 --> 00:15:04,489 Ooh! 213 00:15:04,573 --> 00:15:09,119 Whoo! Party!We wouldn't miss it for the world. 214 00:15:09,202 --> 00:15:10,579 Hoorah! 215 00:15:11,329 --> 00:15:15,125 You know, Toad,I am not sure all this fuss is necessary. 216 00:15:15,208 --> 00:15:19,504 Nonsense, Frog.This is a once-in-a-lifetime big deal. 217 00:15:20,005 --> 00:15:21,047 To town! 218 00:15:42,652 --> 00:15:46,573 Splendid, that'll do!-Here come Frog and Toad with the squash! 219 00:15:46,656 --> 00:15:48,074 Hoorah! 220 00:15:48,158 --> 00:15:51,369 Hoowee, things sure are shaping up nicely. 221 00:15:53,163 --> 00:15:56,499 Yes, we took the libertyof beginning the preparations. 222 00:15:56,583 --> 00:16:01,546 Yes, Mole,it is a very grand party for my squash. 223 00:16:01,630 --> 00:16:03,381 Oh, we are not finished yet. 224 00:16:05,008 --> 00:16:07,219 Robin, we need more decorations. 225 00:16:07,302 --> 00:16:08,720 Right away, Toad. 226 00:16:08,803 --> 00:16:12,307 Where is the corn in the hole?-We have it here, Toad. 227 00:16:12,390 --> 00:16:14,100 Hmm, needs more corn. 228 00:16:14,184 --> 00:16:16,436 A-And who is doing the hayrides? 229 00:16:21,608 --> 00:16:24,152 I'm on it, Toad. 230 00:16:25,028 --> 00:16:26,029 Thank you, Snail. 231 00:16:27,656 --> 00:16:30,033 But will somebody please bring me a hat? 232 00:16:30,867 --> 00:16:33,536 Here's one, Toad.-No, no, no. 233 00:16:33,620 --> 00:16:37,874 A festival hat.It needs to be bigger and shiny. 234 00:16:37,958 --> 00:16:39,167 Okey dokey. 235 00:16:43,755 --> 00:16:46,967 Frog, it is time for you to goand get ready with Mole. 236 00:16:47,050 --> 00:16:48,969 Get ready? But why? 237 00:16:49,052 --> 00:16:52,514 Your squash is the most important guestat the festival. 238 00:16:52,597 --> 00:16:54,641 You must be dressed for the occasion. 239 00:16:55,225 --> 00:16:56,560 Indeed. 240 00:16:56,643 --> 00:17:00,981 You need an outfit befittingthe grower of such a stupendous squash. 241 00:17:01,064 --> 00:17:02,983 Well, if you are sure. 242 00:17:04,401 --> 00:17:08,446 All right, Squash,it is time to get you ready as well. 243 00:17:22,919 --> 00:17:27,674 Ah, and here he is, the frog of the hour. 244 00:17:30,176 --> 00:17:32,220 I feel silly in this outfit. 245 00:17:32,304 --> 00:17:34,973 Well, I think you look spiffy. 246 00:17:35,056 --> 00:17:37,642 Now, what do you think of the festival? 247 00:17:38,310 --> 00:17:40,979 Wow. 248 00:17:44,232 --> 00:17:46,693 Aha.-Mmm. Ah. 249 00:17:46,776 --> 00:17:52,407 Toad, I cannot believe you did all thisfor me and my squash. 250 00:17:52,490 --> 00:17:56,328 Naturally. A big squash needs a big party. 251 00:17:56,411 --> 00:17:58,204 Apple cider. 252 00:17:58,288 --> 00:17:59,581 Ooh, yes, please. 253 00:17:59,664 --> 00:18:03,168 Congratulations on your squash, Frog.Most impressive. 254 00:18:03,251 --> 00:18:04,711 Thank you, Lizard. 255 00:18:04,794 --> 00:18:06,546 Super festival, Toad. 256 00:18:06,630 --> 00:18:10,342 Thank you,only the finest for Frog and his squash. 257 00:18:10,425 --> 00:18:12,969 Cheers, Toad.-Cheers, Frog. 258 00:18:14,804 --> 00:18:17,390 -Mmm. 259 00:18:18,975 --> 00:18:21,853 Whoo-hoo-hoo!-Whoo! 260 00:18:24,022 --> 00:18:26,107 Speech, Frog! Speech! 261 00:18:26,191 --> 00:18:27,817 -Yes, yes, yes. 262 00:18:27,901 --> 00:18:30,403 Say something.Whatever you say is gonna be good. 263 00:18:32,614 --> 00:18:33,740 Come, Frog. 264 00:18:36,743 --> 00:18:41,081 Uh, I planted the seed and watered it. 265 00:18:43,333 --> 00:18:46,378 The sun shone and the rain fell, 266 00:18:46,878 --> 00:18:49,297 and when the squash was finally ripe, 267 00:18:49,381 --> 00:18:50,966 Toad and I picked it. 268 00:18:54,719 --> 00:18:56,388 Oh. Well done, Frog! 269 00:18:57,055 --> 00:18:59,182 Thank you all for coming. 270 00:18:59,266 --> 00:19:02,727 I have one last surprise. Ready, Mole? 271 00:19:02,811 --> 00:19:04,020 Ready, Toad. 272 00:19:04,854 --> 00:19:07,315 Everyone smile for the camera. 273 00:19:07,399 --> 00:19:12,487 I will now place the festival hatupon the squash. 274 00:19:16,825 --> 00:19:18,577 Me first. Let me see. 275 00:19:18,660 --> 00:19:21,454 Uh, Raccoon, y-you're blocking my view. 276 00:19:22,622 --> 00:19:25,333 I wanna see the squash too.-Make room for me. I can't see! 277 00:19:25,417 --> 00:19:27,919 Down in front, could you take off your hatso I can see the hat? 278 00:19:28,003 --> 00:19:30,005 -Hold on. No pushing. 279 00:19:44,477 --> 00:19:47,856 The squash has been squashed. 280 00:19:54,696 --> 00:19:56,323 It is all right, Toad. 281 00:19:56,406 --> 00:19:59,534 But Frog,your beautiful squash is ruined, 282 00:19:59,618 --> 00:20:01,202 and it is all my fault. 283 00:20:02,579 --> 00:20:05,665 That is okay. I am not upset. 284 00:20:07,042 --> 00:20:08,251 You are not upset? 285 00:20:08,752 --> 00:20:10,295 Of course not. 286 00:20:10,378 --> 00:20:15,050 It was very nice of you to go toso much trouble for me and my squash. 287 00:20:15,634 --> 00:20:19,137 Everyone had such a lovely time today,thanks to you. 288 00:20:19,888 --> 00:20:21,932 Wonderful festival, Toad. 289 00:20:22,015 --> 00:20:24,184 Simply splendiferous. 290 00:20:25,310 --> 00:20:29,648 I just wanted everyone to knowwhat a fabulous gardener you are 291 00:20:29,731 --> 00:20:31,816 and be as proud of you as I am. 292 00:20:32,359 --> 00:20:35,779 I know, Toad. And I appreciate it. 293 00:20:35,862 --> 00:20:40,700 But what you must rememberis that squash does not just look amazing. 294 00:20:40,784 --> 00:20:42,994 It tastes amazing too. 295 00:20:43,870 --> 00:20:45,830 Squash is my favorite. 296 00:20:46,331 --> 00:20:50,252 I know. And the best part,we have plenty to share. 297 00:20:50,752 --> 00:20:55,590 Squashed squash for everyone!- 298 00:20:56,258 --> 00:20:58,051 Here you go. Enjoy. 299 00:20:59,344 --> 00:21:03,223 I'm going to roast my squash in butter.What about you, Lizard? 300 00:21:03,723 --> 00:21:06,142 I think I'll put mine in a sandwich. 301 00:21:07,269 --> 00:21:08,770 Squash salad for me. 302 00:21:11,064 --> 00:21:12,065 Enjoy. 303 00:21:13,608 --> 00:21:14,609 Whoo-hoo! 304 00:21:19,364 --> 00:21:22,534 One squash casserole for my best friend. 305 00:21:23,618 --> 00:21:26,371 Mmm. Splendid. 306 00:21:26,955 --> 00:21:30,333 Things did not goquite as I had planned today, Frog. 307 00:21:30,417 --> 00:21:32,377 Quite all right, Toad. 308 00:21:32,460 --> 00:21:37,757 As I always say,all's well that ends in a delicious meal. 309 00:21:38,925 --> 00:21:40,010 Mmm. 310 00:21:40,093 --> 00:21:41,970 Mmm. 311 00:21:48,143 --> 00:21:52,606 ♪ We woke up and found a doorOnly us kids could explore ♪ 312 00:21:52,689 --> 00:21:56,109 ♪ So we opened it to see what was behind ♪ 313 00:21:57,485 --> 00:22:04,451 ♪ I will keep your secrets safeWith mine ♪ 314 00:22:05,535 --> 00:22:10,624 ♪ We can wish on shooting stars that fadeSleep inside the orchid shade ♪ 315 00:22:10,707 --> 00:22:13,919 ♪ I wouldn't change it even if I could ♪ 316 00:22:14,669 --> 00:22:18,965 ♪ There is magic in the placesWe'd least expect to look ♪ 317 00:22:19,049 --> 00:22:23,261 ♪ We can fill up all the pagesThere is no end to our book ♪ 318 00:22:23,345 --> 00:22:27,682 ♪ Be the wheels to my roadBe the Frog to my Toad ♪ 319 00:22:27,766 --> 00:22:32,312 ♪ We can be anything that we wanna be ♪ 320 00:22:32,395 --> 00:22:33,980 ♪ Now the sun is going down ♪ 321 00:22:34,064 --> 00:22:38,985 ♪ On that other side of town tonight ♪