1 00:00:32,157 --> 00:00:34,450 MAN ON RADIO: ... gaming and tourism has been cold 2 00:00:34,534 --> 00:00:36,493 for the entire month of December 3 00:00:36,578 --> 00:00:39,288 while temperatures are nearing record highs... 4 00:00:40,248 --> 00:00:41,415 (CLATTERING) 5 00:00:48,631 --> 00:00:50,174 (UPBEAT BLUES MUSIC PLAYING) 6 00:01:21,081 --> 00:01:22,664 WOMAN: A diet Pepsi, please. 7 00:01:35,095 --> 00:01:36,470 Thank you. 8 00:02:04,541 --> 00:02:07,292 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. 9 00:02:07,377 --> 00:02:08,919 The roulette pit was a zoo tonight. 10 00:02:09,003 --> 00:02:12,131 Two Haitians got drunk, one of them tried to urinate on me... 11 00:02:12,215 --> 00:02:14,341 Let's get out of here. 12 00:02:14,425 --> 00:02:16,969 Doris, I just arrived. 13 00:02:17,053 --> 00:02:21,348 I picked this place 'cause it's deserted, you know? We can think. 14 00:02:21,683 --> 00:02:24,226 This is our future we're talkin' about now. 15 00:02:24,811 --> 00:02:27,146 Sweetheart, I don't mean to pressure you, 16 00:02:27,230 --> 00:02:29,982 but the Caesars people have offered me 17 00:02:30,066 --> 00:02:32,401 a roulette pit of my own in Atlantic City. 18 00:02:32,485 --> 00:02:33,861 That's a big break. 19 00:02:33,945 --> 00:02:36,572 And tomorrow's my deadline for telling them yes or no, 20 00:02:36,656 --> 00:02:38,532 so you got to tell me tonight. 21 00:02:40,160 --> 00:02:41,910 Will you come with me? 22 00:02:41,995 --> 00:02:45,164 That's not what you mean when you say, "Come with me. " 23 00:02:45,248 --> 00:02:48,500 You mean, "Come live with me, then love me, then marry me. " 24 00:02:48,585 --> 00:02:51,712 Yes, and have children. Is that so awful? 25 00:02:51,796 --> 00:02:54,590 Come on, Osgood, I've been married three times. 26 00:02:54,674 --> 00:02:55,883 I suck at it. 27 00:02:55,967 --> 00:02:57,176 You just haven't found... 28 00:02:57,260 --> 00:02:58,427 MAN: Let's dance. 29 00:02:59,137 --> 00:03:00,846 You and me, just you and me. Come on. 30 00:03:00,930 --> 00:03:01,930 I don't want to dance. 31 00:03:02,015 --> 00:03:03,015 We're talking here. 32 00:03:03,183 --> 00:03:04,766 All right? 33 00:03:04,976 --> 00:03:06,852 - Let's go, come on. - Hey, hey! 34 00:03:06,936 --> 00:03:07,978 Excuse me! 35 00:03:08,062 --> 00:03:09,188 Let go! Let go! 36 00:03:10,982 --> 00:03:13,233 Look, buddy, I don't think you want to make me mad. 37 00:03:13,318 --> 00:03:15,152 I don't care what games you two want to play... 38 00:03:15,236 --> 00:03:17,696 That's twice now you've touched her. Don't do it again! 39 00:03:17,780 --> 00:03:19,615 I won't touch her again 40 00:03:19,866 --> 00:03:21,533 until she asks me. 41 00:03:24,245 --> 00:03:26,246 I got one question. 42 00:03:26,331 --> 00:03:28,123 Is it all right if I touch you? 43 00:03:28,750 --> 00:03:30,209 Ay, Osgood! 44 00:03:30,293 --> 00:03:32,169 Oh, dear, look at that... (LAUGHING) 45 00:03:32,253 --> 00:03:33,337 I fuckin' knew it. 46 00:03:33,421 --> 00:03:34,379 Give me that! Give me that! 47 00:03:34,464 --> 00:03:35,964 - Hey! - All you got to do is come and get it. 48 00:03:36,049 --> 00:03:37,382 It's mine and I want it. 49 00:03:37,467 --> 00:03:39,676 God damn it, be careful with that! 50 00:03:39,761 --> 00:03:40,761 Come on, let's go. Take me out of here. 51 00:03:40,845 --> 00:03:42,262 That cost a lot of money, I had it made special. 52 00:03:42,347 --> 00:03:43,722 Fuck the money, Osgood! 53 00:03:43,806 --> 00:03:45,641 Osgood? 54 00:03:45,725 --> 00:03:47,809 No one's got a fuckin' name like Osgood. 55 00:03:47,894 --> 00:03:49,895 - Jesus. - Son of a bitch. 56 00:03:49,979 --> 00:03:51,313 (LAUGHING) 57 00:03:51,439 --> 00:03:52,731 Come on. Let's go, I'm scared. 58 00:03:52,815 --> 00:03:54,024 Who the fuck's got a name like Osgood? 59 00:03:54,108 --> 00:03:55,192 You don't have to be scared. 60 00:03:55,276 --> 00:03:56,735 I can't help it. That guy... 61 00:03:56,819 --> 00:03:58,737 - I could've handled him. - You don't want this? 62 00:03:58,821 --> 00:04:00,113 DORIS: I know. 63 00:04:00,782 --> 00:04:02,241 Is it house trained? 64 00:04:04,535 --> 00:04:06,787 God damn it! 65 00:04:09,332 --> 00:04:11,416 I try to behave like a gentleman, Doris. 66 00:04:11,501 --> 00:04:14,586 I really do, you know, but there's an animal side to everybody. 67 00:04:15,213 --> 00:04:17,422 You think less of me, don't you? For walking out. 68 00:04:17,507 --> 00:04:18,966 Please, how can you even say that? 69 00:04:19,050 --> 00:04:20,842 I was the one who dragged you out of there. 70 00:04:20,927 --> 00:04:23,512 I say that 'cause I think it's the truth. 71 00:04:25,431 --> 00:04:26,473 Osgood. 72 00:04:26,557 --> 00:04:28,433 No, no, no! Walk me to the car, please. 73 00:04:28,518 --> 00:04:31,478 Come back! Come over here, mate. 74 00:04:31,562 --> 00:04:33,021 I brought your hamster back! 75 00:04:33,106 --> 00:04:36,233 Ozzie, wozzie, wozzie. 76 00:04:36,317 --> 00:04:37,276 Osgood. 77 00:04:37,360 --> 00:04:38,485 God damn it! 78 00:04:38,987 --> 00:04:40,612 That's enough! 79 00:04:41,072 --> 00:04:43,532 Hey, look, I don't want this no more. 80 00:04:43,616 --> 00:04:45,909 I wouldn't know what to feed it. (LAUGHING) 81 00:04:45,994 --> 00:04:47,661 DORIS: Osgood, come back! 82 00:04:48,538 --> 00:04:50,580 Osgood, please! 83 00:04:55,044 --> 00:04:56,044 Oops. 84 00:04:57,171 --> 00:04:58,297 Move back. 85 00:04:58,381 --> 00:04:59,798 Move back, why? 86 00:05:00,508 --> 00:05:02,718 Safety precaution, let's say. 87 00:05:02,802 --> 00:05:04,678 I don't need no tricks 88 00:05:04,762 --> 00:05:07,306 to deal with a pee-wee shrimp fag like you. 89 00:05:08,808 --> 00:05:10,684 All I need is my hands. 90 00:05:15,898 --> 00:05:17,691 (BOTH GRUNTING) 91 00:05:21,779 --> 00:05:23,655 (GROANING) 92 00:05:24,907 --> 00:05:26,742 - Osgood... - Shut up! 93 00:05:26,826 --> 00:05:27,826 But I... 94 00:05:27,910 --> 00:05:30,996 Close your goddamn mouth, Doris. 95 00:05:31,080 --> 00:05:32,831 No one is leaving till it's over, 96 00:05:32,915 --> 00:05:35,709 and it isn't over till you say it is. 97 00:05:38,921 --> 00:05:40,547 It's over. 98 00:05:42,091 --> 00:05:43,133 Help me up, okay? 99 00:05:45,636 --> 00:05:47,554 You know what you are, pal? 100 00:05:47,638 --> 00:05:51,308 You're a coward, and your breath stinks! 101 00:05:58,733 --> 00:06:00,776 No, no, I'm a mess. I'm a mess. 102 00:06:00,860 --> 00:06:03,070 You're my own little hero. 103 00:06:16,918 --> 00:06:19,002 (MELANCHOLY CHRISTMAS MUSIC PLAYING) 104 00:08:39,268 --> 00:08:41,102 ORDERLY: Coming through, coming through! 105 00:08:43,898 --> 00:08:45,273 DOCTOR: Drew, what happened? 106 00:08:45,358 --> 00:08:46,942 Found her in the parking lot. 107 00:08:47,026 --> 00:08:48,860 She's in and out. Stand clear. 108 00:08:48,945 --> 00:08:50,403 FEMALE ORDERLY: Can you tell me your name? 109 00:08:54,283 --> 00:08:55,325 (BREATHING HEAVILY) Nick... 110 00:08:55,409 --> 00:08:56,826 DOCTOR: Do you have any allergies? 111 00:08:58,329 --> 00:09:01,039 Tell me who did this to you. Who did this to you? 112 00:09:01,123 --> 00:09:03,541 Sweetheart, can you tell me who did this to you? 113 00:09:05,294 --> 00:09:06,795 Nick... 114 00:09:09,966 --> 00:09:11,174 Nick... 115 00:09:12,510 --> 00:09:13,635 Nick. 116 00:09:27,733 --> 00:09:29,317 (INDISTINCT CONVERSATION OUTSIDE) 117 00:10:06,522 --> 00:10:08,398 (ENGINE STARTS) 118 00:10:58,032 --> 00:11:00,825 PINKY: Well, I never thought you'd make it in, huh? 119 00:11:00,910 --> 00:11:04,079 Isn't this the 5,000th morning in the Athens ofAmerica? 120 00:11:04,163 --> 00:11:05,997 Five fuckin' thousandth morning. 121 00:11:06,082 --> 00:11:07,248 How you survivin'? 122 00:11:09,502 --> 00:11:11,086 - Eh, you know. - (TOY SQUEAKS) 123 00:11:12,922 --> 00:11:15,215 - Nut mail? - It looks like it. 124 00:11:15,299 --> 00:11:17,258 I'm not up to it, Pinky. 125 00:11:17,343 --> 00:11:18,760 Read it to me. 126 00:11:19,929 --> 00:11:21,805 All right. 127 00:11:22,139 --> 00:11:24,724 Let the games begin. 128 00:11:24,809 --> 00:11:26,559 How about... A-ha. 129 00:11:26,644 --> 00:11:30,021 "Mr. Wild, how can I become a mercenary like you? 130 00:11:30,106 --> 00:11:34,317 "If someone were hypothetically interested in creating a small explosion, 131 00:11:34,819 --> 00:11:37,695 "how would one hypothetically research such a thing 132 00:11:37,780 --> 00:11:40,281 "without leaving a computer trail? Thanks. 133 00:11:40,449 --> 00:11:44,035 "PS. This is research for a hypothetical screenplay. " 134 00:11:45,121 --> 00:11:47,288 Hypothetically, I wouldn't answer this guy. 135 00:11:47,540 --> 00:11:48,957 Great advice, Pinky. 136 00:11:49,041 --> 00:11:50,750 (CHUCKLING) 137 00:11:50,835 --> 00:11:51,876 (DOOR BUZZING) 138 00:11:51,961 --> 00:11:54,212 Oh, good morning. 139 00:11:54,296 --> 00:11:56,422 Pinchus Zion, attorney at law. 140 00:11:56,507 --> 00:11:57,507 How can I help you? 141 00:11:57,591 --> 00:11:59,467 Cyrus Kinnick, looking for a Nick Wild. 142 00:12:03,222 --> 00:12:04,556 He's right behind you. 143 00:12:04,640 --> 00:12:06,808 Nick? This is Cyrus Kinnick. 144 00:12:07,935 --> 00:12:08,935 Thank you. 145 00:12:09,728 --> 00:12:11,104 Hello, Mr. Wild. 146 00:12:11,480 --> 00:12:13,523 I was thinking of hitting the casino tonight. 147 00:12:13,691 --> 00:12:14,774 I wish I could help you, pal. 148 00:12:14,859 --> 00:12:16,734 You got to be 21. They'll lose their license. 149 00:12:16,944 --> 00:12:18,236 I'm 23 years old, 150 00:12:18,320 --> 00:12:20,113 but my youthful appearance is one of the reasons 151 00:12:20,197 --> 00:12:21,823 why I believe I need a bodyguard. 152 00:12:22,158 --> 00:12:23,324 May I be frank? 153 00:12:24,618 --> 00:12:25,660 Grab a seat. 154 00:12:29,456 --> 00:12:32,750 I looked you up on an online guide to Vegas, but you weren't in it. 155 00:12:33,294 --> 00:12:34,669 That bothers me. 156 00:12:34,753 --> 00:12:38,173 See, I'm a considerable gambler, 157 00:12:38,257 --> 00:12:41,426 if that isn't being too boastful and safety means much to me. 158 00:12:41,510 --> 00:12:43,553 I checked under every synonym for safety, 159 00:12:43,637 --> 00:12:45,221 but there was no Nick Wild. 160 00:12:45,306 --> 00:12:48,474 Well, you should've tried between "chapels" and "charm schools. " 161 00:12:48,559 --> 00:12:50,727 I don't want to be too boastful either, Mr. Kinnick, 162 00:12:50,811 --> 00:12:53,646 but you're talking to the only chaperone in all of Nevada. 163 00:12:54,356 --> 00:12:58,401 See, now, I'm confused. I was referred to you by an ex-client. 164 00:12:58,485 --> 00:13:00,361 He was a neighbor of mine in Boston. 165 00:13:00,446 --> 00:13:01,988 I simply took him off his advice, 166 00:13:02,072 --> 00:13:04,115 but now I fear you may be too jocular. 167 00:13:05,284 --> 00:13:07,076 Could you tell me about yourself? 168 00:13:07,161 --> 00:13:10,079 You mean, you want my qualifications? 169 00:13:11,040 --> 00:13:12,707 Along those lines. 170 00:13:13,876 --> 00:13:15,335 Along those lines. 171 00:13:17,713 --> 00:13:20,256 Well, I've been knocked down, blown up, 172 00:13:20,341 --> 00:13:22,634 lied to, shit on, and shot at. 173 00:13:22,718 --> 00:13:24,302 So nothing surprises me much anymore, 174 00:13:24,386 --> 00:13:26,888 except the things that people do to each other. 175 00:13:27,348 --> 00:13:31,142 I'm a licensed pilot, took karate in Tokyo. 176 00:13:31,227 --> 00:13:33,311 I lectured on economics at Yale. 177 00:13:33,395 --> 00:13:36,147 I can memorize the front pages of The New York Times in five minutes 178 00:13:36,232 --> 00:13:38,233 and repeat it back to you in five weeks. 179 00:13:38,317 --> 00:13:41,736 I was the National Golden Gloves champion three years in a row. 180 00:13:42,196 --> 00:13:45,490 I'm fluent in four languages and can wrestle with a menu in five more... 181 00:13:45,574 --> 00:13:47,742 - Jesus! - Don't interrupt me. There's more. 182 00:13:47,826 --> 00:13:49,244 - More? - Yeah. 183 00:13:49,703 --> 00:13:51,204 I lie a lot. 184 00:13:53,791 --> 00:13:54,791 (GIGGLING) 185 00:13:57,169 --> 00:13:59,420 (GIGGLING CONTINUES) 186 00:14:03,092 --> 00:14:06,761 I'm staying at Caesars, Mr. Wild. 187 00:14:06,845 --> 00:14:08,262 Shall we say 7:00? 188 00:14:09,431 --> 00:14:11,599 7:00, Mr. Kinnick. 189 00:14:33,038 --> 00:14:34,163 (HORN HONKING) 190 00:14:37,459 --> 00:14:38,710 It worked, Nicky! 191 00:14:38,961 --> 00:14:40,378 (LAUGHS) 192 00:14:40,462 --> 00:14:43,589 It fuckin' worked! It really worked. 193 00:14:44,091 --> 00:14:46,217 How could you be such a bastard, Os, huh? 194 00:14:46,301 --> 00:14:48,636 You said I was a coward and my breath was bad. 195 00:14:49,096 --> 00:14:50,805 That's not an insult, that's a fuckin' insult. 196 00:14:50,889 --> 00:14:52,265 That was in character, man. 197 00:14:52,349 --> 00:14:54,559 I'm fuckin' around. You're too sensitive. 198 00:14:54,643 --> 00:14:57,228 And you didn't tell me you were gonna take my fuckin' hair. 199 00:14:57,312 --> 00:14:58,855 - What was that, man? - (LAUGHING) 200 00:14:58,981 --> 00:15:00,398 She likes you better without it. 201 00:15:00,482 --> 00:15:03,317 Women, they like honesty. 202 00:15:04,319 --> 00:15:06,696 Who knew? Word to the wise. 203 00:15:06,780 --> 00:15:08,740 All right, fresh from the bank. 204 00:15:09,366 --> 00:15:10,825 $1,000. 205 00:15:10,951 --> 00:15:12,577 That's not the right amount. 206 00:15:12,661 --> 00:15:15,329 Are you callin' me a crook? 'Cause I am not a crook. 207 00:15:15,414 --> 00:15:16,539 Nobody said you were. 208 00:15:16,623 --> 00:15:17,999 You forgot the bonus, Nicky! 209 00:15:18,083 --> 00:15:22,503 I said if she came along out of pressure I was putting on, fine. Whatever. Done. 210 00:15:22,588 --> 00:15:25,131 But if by seeing the real me, 211 00:15:25,215 --> 00:15:27,717 it could bring out that she loved me, 212 00:15:27,801 --> 00:15:30,511 there'd be a $500 bonus. $1,000. 213 00:15:31,221 --> 00:15:34,474 And that's what happened? She saw the real you? 214 00:15:34,641 --> 00:15:36,059 (SQUEALING) 215 00:15:36,351 --> 00:15:38,186 She fuckin' loves me, man. 216 00:15:38,270 --> 00:15:39,479 Love. 217 00:15:46,028 --> 00:15:47,111 (SIGHS) 218 00:15:49,782 --> 00:15:51,866 I'll take the $500, Os. 219 00:15:55,120 --> 00:15:57,538 This day keeps gettin' better and better. 220 00:15:59,041 --> 00:16:00,333 (GIGGLING) 221 00:16:00,417 --> 00:16:04,087 I love you, man. I mean, I love you. 222 00:16:04,171 --> 00:16:05,588 Yeah! 223 00:16:05,672 --> 00:16:08,591 Hey, I'm gonna write you from Atlantic City. 224 00:16:09,093 --> 00:16:11,552 Ooh, it's where we're all headed. How you doin', Nick? 225 00:16:11,637 --> 00:16:13,137 Great, Rox. 226 00:16:15,057 --> 00:16:18,309 So, I put Casanova on table two like you asked. 227 00:16:18,393 --> 00:16:20,770 I'll bet you give him the room with the busted toilet. 228 00:16:20,854 --> 00:16:22,814 Oh, yeah, I like that one. 229 00:16:22,898 --> 00:16:25,149 MAN: I'm not wearing a ring. You wouldn't have known it. 230 00:16:25,234 --> 00:16:28,778 I stay with her on account of our four kids and I can survive, 231 00:16:28,862 --> 00:16:31,906 except when fate, through a toilet that won't flush, 232 00:16:31,990 --> 00:16:35,993 brings me in contact with a special specimen like you. 233 00:16:37,579 --> 00:16:39,914 - What'd I miss? - The special specimen. 234 00:16:39,998 --> 00:16:42,250 - Fuck! - Shh. He's about to ask for a memory. 235 00:16:42,334 --> 00:16:43,918 Okay, she's dead, but she won't lie down. 236 00:16:44,002 --> 00:16:45,002 She'll lie down. 237 00:16:45,087 --> 00:16:47,922 She just doesn't realize it's gonna happen in five minutes. 238 00:16:49,091 --> 00:16:51,509 MAN: I could get a key to a $1,000 suite. 239 00:16:51,593 --> 00:16:54,762 So please, Marie, leave me with the memory. 240 00:16:54,847 --> 00:16:56,931 Give me something I can cherish to remember. 241 00:16:58,934 --> 00:16:59,934 Okay. 242 00:17:00,018 --> 00:17:02,687 Okay. Thank you. Come on. 243 00:17:02,771 --> 00:17:05,857 Son of a bitch! How does he get fucked every time? 244 00:17:05,941 --> 00:17:07,066 What is that? 245 00:17:07,151 --> 00:17:08,526 Hey, he wants it that much. 246 00:17:08,610 --> 00:17:10,403 Well, I don't have anything like that. 247 00:17:10,487 --> 00:17:12,029 - Do you? - Sure. 248 00:17:12,114 --> 00:17:14,657 Never had to rest my head on the same pillow twice. 249 00:17:14,741 --> 00:17:16,450 - Well, travel costs. - Tell me. 250 00:17:16,535 --> 00:17:20,371 I need $500,000 to buy me five years. 251 00:17:20,455 --> 00:17:23,666 Right now, I'm only short $499,500. 252 00:17:24,126 --> 00:17:25,918 - Well, luck will find you then. - I know. 253 00:17:26,128 --> 00:17:28,379 When it does, I'll grab that fucker by the throat. 254 00:17:28,463 --> 00:17:29,797 Yeah. 255 00:17:49,943 --> 00:17:51,986 Oh, and hey, Nick? Holly just called. 256 00:17:52,905 --> 00:17:56,324 Said if you're not finished with your grapefruit juice, don't waste it. 257 00:17:56,658 --> 00:17:57,658 (SIGHS) 258 00:18:08,003 --> 00:18:09,128 (DOORBELL RINGS) 259 00:18:09,838 --> 00:18:11,047 WOMAN: It's open. 260 00:18:16,929 --> 00:18:18,137 You want some coffee? 261 00:18:18,222 --> 00:18:19,430 No. 262 00:18:19,806 --> 00:18:21,724 I just brewed it. 263 00:18:21,808 --> 00:18:25,186 It's 100%* Colombian, it's right there on the table. 264 00:18:26,104 --> 00:18:27,104 Holly, if you're gonna hide, 265 00:18:27,189 --> 00:18:29,690 why couldn't we have just talked on the phone? 266 00:18:31,276 --> 00:18:34,695 I just don't think I want you seeing me like this. 267 00:18:53,882 --> 00:18:55,716 Hey, Nick. 268 00:19:05,394 --> 00:19:06,394 (SIGHS) 269 00:19:08,355 --> 00:19:11,899 You know, I kept calling out for you in Emergency. 270 00:19:15,404 --> 00:19:18,364 The doctor says I kept saying "Nick" over and over again. 271 00:19:20,826 --> 00:19:22,410 They thought that you were the one who... 272 00:19:23,787 --> 00:19:25,329 Who did? 273 00:19:28,083 --> 00:19:30,042 I don't know. 274 00:19:32,337 --> 00:19:33,963 That's why I phoned you. 275 00:19:41,013 --> 00:19:42,972 So I had a date last night. 276 00:19:44,057 --> 00:19:45,683 When I left, 277 00:19:45,934 --> 00:19:48,686 I got to the elevator and the doors were opening 278 00:19:48,770 --> 00:19:50,354 and it was going up. 279 00:19:51,982 --> 00:19:53,441 There were three guys inside. 280 00:19:55,068 --> 00:19:56,944 The young guy was the boss. 281 00:19:57,446 --> 00:19:59,530 He spoke real strong like a fighter. 282 00:20:00,449 --> 00:20:02,283 The two big guys were his flunkies. 283 00:20:03,285 --> 00:20:06,704 And the fighter says, "Come on to the party. " 284 00:20:08,040 --> 00:20:10,875 And I said I was tired, and he said, 285 00:20:10,959 --> 00:20:13,127 "Hey, I'm too pretty to turn down. " 286 00:20:14,963 --> 00:20:17,715 And he pulled me inside and... 287 00:20:19,301 --> 00:20:22,595 We get to his suite, I said, 288 00:20:22,679 --> 00:20:24,221 "Where's the party?" 289 00:20:27,350 --> 00:20:29,351 And he says, "You're it. " 290 00:20:31,646 --> 00:20:34,482 And he signals for the big guys to go into the next room. 291 00:20:35,317 --> 00:20:37,610 And he says, "Aren't you the lucky bitch? 292 00:20:39,821 --> 00:20:43,199 "You're the only girl in the world tonight that gets to touch it. " 293 00:20:46,620 --> 00:20:50,790 And he looks down at himself and says, 294 00:20:51,833 --> 00:20:54,543 "The envy of all mankind. " 295 00:20:56,463 --> 00:20:57,755 (SCOFFS) 296 00:21:03,386 --> 00:21:06,305 Well, he did what he did. 297 00:21:08,725 --> 00:21:12,228 And the big guys worked me over real good on the service stairs. 298 00:21:13,605 --> 00:21:16,315 And some hotel people, they dumped me at Emergency. 299 00:21:30,622 --> 00:21:32,873 Isn't $100 what you charge for the first hour? 300 00:21:34,584 --> 00:21:36,919 Today's my day for turnin' down money. 301 00:21:37,379 --> 00:21:38,879 What'd you wanna pay me for? 302 00:21:40,799 --> 00:21:42,675 'Cause I wanna sue his ass, Nicky. 303 00:21:42,759 --> 00:21:44,969 You must hire a lawyer, Holly. I'm not a lawyer. 304 00:21:45,053 --> 00:21:47,138 I don't even know his name or what room he was in 305 00:21:47,222 --> 00:21:49,056 or any goddamn thing about him. 306 00:21:49,808 --> 00:21:52,476 Then you must hire a detective, Holly. I'm not a detective. 307 00:21:52,561 --> 00:21:54,812 I don't know any goddamn detectives, Nick. I know you, 308 00:21:54,896 --> 00:21:56,730 and you know everybody. 309 00:21:57,524 --> 00:22:00,359 I mean, how could you not help me? 310 00:22:00,485 --> 00:22:02,695 'Cause I'm gonna guess the three gentlemen you talked about 311 00:22:02,779 --> 00:22:04,405 were not IBM executives. 312 00:22:05,073 --> 00:22:06,907 What hotel were you in? 313 00:22:08,785 --> 00:22:10,452 The Golden Nugget. 314 00:22:11,538 --> 00:22:13,414 Better and better. 315 00:22:13,498 --> 00:22:15,040 A lot of people like it. 316 00:22:15,125 --> 00:22:17,835 True, and so is this. 317 00:22:18,086 --> 00:22:19,503 Every high school student knows 318 00:22:19,588 --> 00:22:22,089 there's no such thing as organized crime in America. 319 00:22:22,299 --> 00:22:24,175 Every elementary school student knows 320 00:22:24,259 --> 00:22:26,844 that if organized crime ever dreamt of invading, 321 00:22:26,928 --> 00:22:29,847 the last city they would come to would be Vegas. 322 00:22:29,931 --> 00:22:31,682 And every kindergarten student knows 323 00:22:31,766 --> 00:22:33,726 that if the mob ever did come to town, 324 00:22:33,810 --> 00:22:36,437 the last hotel to be tainted would be the Golden Nugget. 325 00:22:37,314 --> 00:22:39,315 Shit, Holly, I mean, 326 00:22:39,399 --> 00:22:41,859 even their fucking showgirls can rip the phone book in half. 327 00:22:41,943 --> 00:22:44,403 Remember when I told you not to go to that place? 328 00:22:47,991 --> 00:22:50,784 You know what? You could always piss me off, Holly. 329 00:22:52,537 --> 00:22:54,121 I'm leaving now. 330 00:22:55,665 --> 00:22:57,791 But I want us to be clear. 331 00:23:01,213 --> 00:23:04,882 Holly, when I came to this town, you was just a kid who lived across the street. 332 00:23:05,217 --> 00:23:08,636 That first year, Baby himself tried to recruit me for his organization. 333 00:23:09,054 --> 00:23:10,387 I said no. 334 00:23:11,473 --> 00:23:13,724 If someone got bloody, I wanted it to be for my reasons, 335 00:23:13,808 --> 00:23:15,142 not anybody else's. 336 00:23:16,228 --> 00:23:17,853 Baby accepted that. 337 00:23:18,480 --> 00:23:21,565 Since then I've stayed away from them and they stayed away from me. 338 00:23:24,110 --> 00:23:26,904 I don't know a soul that works at the Golden Nugget. 339 00:23:28,406 --> 00:23:30,950 I don't have one contact there. 340 00:23:32,702 --> 00:23:34,370 I swear to God. 341 00:24:14,369 --> 00:24:15,619 Hey, Millicent. 342 00:24:15,704 --> 00:24:17,288 (CHUCKLES) 343 00:24:17,372 --> 00:24:20,291 I don't think they much appreciate us having visitors. 344 00:24:20,375 --> 00:24:24,211 Hey, listen, I'm interested in a guy who looks like a fighter. 345 00:24:24,754 --> 00:24:26,839 Has a suite, I guess on a high floor, 346 00:24:26,923 --> 00:24:28,632 travels with two large bodyguards. 347 00:24:28,717 --> 00:24:31,218 You still live in Naked City? 348 00:24:31,303 --> 00:24:32,720 You know Big Daddy's? 349 00:24:32,804 --> 00:24:33,971 Of course. 350 00:24:34,055 --> 00:24:35,764 I get off at 4:00. 351 00:24:35,849 --> 00:24:38,559 You come down there about 4:15. 352 00:24:39,185 --> 00:24:41,520 If I ain't there, I couldn't find nothin'. 353 00:24:41,896 --> 00:24:44,523 If I am, we'll talk. 354 00:24:46,985 --> 00:24:49,236 - Hey, Nick. - Hey, Millicent. 355 00:24:50,321 --> 00:24:53,323 Too bad you got all that British blood in you. 356 00:24:53,700 --> 00:24:57,828 If you was black, I'd bed you good and fast. 357 00:24:57,912 --> 00:24:59,705 You could make believe. 358 00:24:59,789 --> 00:25:03,000 Nah. Don't think this is racial or anything, 359 00:25:03,084 --> 00:25:05,252 but I never feel like you people are clean. 360 00:25:06,212 --> 00:25:08,922 This is a housekeeper you're talking to, remember? 361 00:25:09,007 --> 00:25:12,760 I can tell if a Brit's been in a room, just like that. 362 00:25:13,178 --> 00:25:15,596 Why should I think that was racial or anything? 363 00:25:15,680 --> 00:25:17,389 Glad you don't. 364 00:25:18,099 --> 00:25:22,561 Now, this fighter guy, his name is Danny DeMarco, 365 00:25:22,645 --> 00:25:24,146 suite 3506. 366 00:25:24,230 --> 00:25:27,191 He's from a fine old Italian family back east. 367 00:25:27,275 --> 00:25:29,860 He's a son and heir and his daddy loves him 368 00:25:29,944 --> 00:25:33,322 which is why he never goes no place without them two big mothers. 369 00:25:33,406 --> 00:25:35,324 How big are they? 370 00:25:35,408 --> 00:25:36,742 A lot bigger than you. 371 00:25:40,288 --> 00:25:41,789 You did me something once. 372 00:25:42,999 --> 00:25:45,000 I will owe you forever. 373 00:25:45,710 --> 00:25:48,587 But now, I need you to do me something. 374 00:25:52,092 --> 00:25:55,803 Do not fuck with these guys. 375 00:26:02,310 --> 00:26:03,727 Pickle. 376 00:26:03,812 --> 00:26:05,521 (CELL PHONE RINGING) 377 00:26:07,816 --> 00:26:11,110 Lady in housekeeping, I just met with her. 378 00:26:11,194 --> 00:26:13,570 She struck out, Holly. Couldn't find out a thing. 379 00:26:14,697 --> 00:26:17,157 Oh, Nick. Don't lie anymore. 380 00:26:21,162 --> 00:26:23,330 You know what he did when he was finished? 381 00:26:25,500 --> 00:26:26,917 He put a gun inside me. 382 00:26:29,003 --> 00:26:32,381 He said, "You got one shot at breathing. 383 00:26:33,424 --> 00:26:35,050 "Tell me you love me. 384 00:26:35,718 --> 00:26:38,053 "And if I believe you I'll let you go. " 385 00:26:39,556 --> 00:26:41,932 I said, "Oh, God, I love you. 386 00:26:42,517 --> 00:26:44,643 "I love you so much, I do. " 387 00:26:46,020 --> 00:26:49,064 And he said, "Never shit a shitter. " 388 00:26:49,941 --> 00:26:51,441 And then he pulled the trigger. 389 00:26:53,903 --> 00:26:55,362 And I scream 390 00:26:56,447 --> 00:26:58,073 and I hear a click. 391 00:27:00,535 --> 00:27:03,537 Some fucking games to play with another human. Right, Nicky? 392 00:27:06,040 --> 00:27:07,124 (SIGHS) 393 00:27:08,001 --> 00:27:09,543 And I want to sue him, 394 00:27:11,004 --> 00:27:12,921 and you know who he is, 395 00:27:14,048 --> 00:27:15,674 and you just let him walk away. 396 00:27:15,800 --> 00:27:17,384 NICK: Just know I tried, Holly. 397 00:27:17,844 --> 00:27:19,887 Sure, you liar. 398 00:27:20,763 --> 00:27:22,764 Just know this one thing. 399 00:27:23,725 --> 00:27:26,226 All those times I told you I cared for you... 400 00:27:26,311 --> 00:27:27,895 Yeah, I know, I know. You were lying. 401 00:27:28,271 --> 00:27:30,939 Wrong. I loved you. 402 00:27:32,317 --> 00:27:34,860 Every good thing I ever said was true. 403 00:27:34,944 --> 00:27:37,946 And when you hit bottom, who climbed down there and found you? 404 00:27:38,823 --> 00:27:40,908 - Only me. - Holly... 405 00:28:19,280 --> 00:28:20,447 Hey! 406 00:28:21,991 --> 00:28:24,868 Sorry, made a wrong turn back that way. 407 00:28:27,997 --> 00:28:29,873 I am ready to see the sights. 408 00:28:29,958 --> 00:28:31,458 Follow me, Mr. Kinnick. 409 00:28:32,252 --> 00:28:33,460 (MELANCHOLY CHRISTMAS MUSIC PLAYING) 410 00:29:28,349 --> 00:29:30,600 I hadn't realized these places were so big. 411 00:29:30,685 --> 00:29:33,145 Yeah, the noise bothers people sometimes. 412 00:29:33,229 --> 00:29:35,397 I don't mind the noise. 413 00:29:35,481 --> 00:29:37,107 Golden Gate is much smaller. 414 00:29:37,191 --> 00:29:39,318 It's just a short drive down the block. 415 00:29:39,402 --> 00:29:40,902 By all means. 416 00:29:54,417 --> 00:29:56,960 This isn't as nice as some of those other places. 417 00:29:57,045 --> 00:29:58,628 Eh, tourist traps. 418 00:30:00,673 --> 00:30:02,549 How did you get into this line of work? 419 00:30:02,633 --> 00:30:04,342 Special forces, am I right? 420 00:30:04,427 --> 00:30:06,928 Trained to run around all commando. 421 00:30:07,138 --> 00:30:08,597 What were you? 422 00:30:08,681 --> 00:30:11,433 SBS? SRR? SAS? 423 00:30:11,517 --> 00:30:13,643 - Just S. - Just S. 424 00:30:13,728 --> 00:30:15,896 - S for special? - S for shut your mouth. 425 00:30:15,980 --> 00:30:18,065 It's not something I'm getting into with you. 426 00:30:18,149 --> 00:30:20,859 I can take care of things. That's all you need to know. 427 00:30:20,943 --> 00:30:22,986 That, and running around "all commando" 428 00:30:23,071 --> 00:30:24,821 isn't a preferred military term. 429 00:30:25,406 --> 00:30:26,740 Are you always so touchy? 430 00:30:31,037 --> 00:30:32,496 Oh, hi, excuse me. 431 00:30:32,580 --> 00:30:34,498 Can I get a Fiji water, please? 432 00:30:34,582 --> 00:30:37,250 You knock the bottles over, they don't roll away. 433 00:30:37,668 --> 00:30:38,835 Nicky? 434 00:30:38,920 --> 00:30:40,170 Vodka double. 435 00:30:40,254 --> 00:30:42,672 In a square glass so it doesn't roll away. 436 00:30:43,007 --> 00:30:44,007 Mmm. 437 00:30:45,259 --> 00:30:48,220 Well, I am going to hit the craps table. 438 00:30:48,304 --> 00:30:50,305 The $100 tables are back there. 439 00:30:50,389 --> 00:30:51,765 Yeah, but I can make a greater number 440 00:30:51,849 --> 00:30:53,850 of smaller bets at the $10 tables. 441 00:30:54,560 --> 00:30:56,353 Sounds like a winning system. 442 00:30:56,437 --> 00:30:58,396 - I got your back. - Great. 443 00:30:59,982 --> 00:31:01,608 I'd like to bet $10 on the shooter, please. 444 00:31:01,692 --> 00:31:03,068 DEALER: Ten on the shooter, yes sir. 445 00:31:03,152 --> 00:31:04,444 Hey, Nick. 446 00:31:05,279 --> 00:31:06,947 I've seen you happier. 447 00:31:07,031 --> 00:31:09,032 How wrong you are, Cassandra. 448 00:31:09,617 --> 00:31:12,077 This is the highlight of my career. 449 00:31:12,161 --> 00:31:14,538 - I'm protecting a Fiji drinker. - Here we go! 450 00:31:14,622 --> 00:31:17,207 Big bet's $10 on a single roll of the dice. 451 00:31:17,291 --> 00:31:20,168 What you see on my face is ecstasy. 452 00:31:21,462 --> 00:31:23,213 My shift's starting. 453 00:31:24,590 --> 00:31:26,174 - DEALER: Yellow 11, that's it. - (CYRUS CHEERING) 454 00:31:28,052 --> 00:31:29,427 Winner's rolling hot. 455 00:31:39,355 --> 00:31:41,189 HOLLY: You know who he is, 456 00:31:42,316 --> 00:31:44,609 and you just let him walk away. 457 00:31:51,200 --> 00:31:52,868 We're quits, okay? 458 00:31:52,952 --> 00:31:54,494 But I intend on gambling for hours. 459 00:31:54,579 --> 00:31:56,329 I don't have hours. 460 00:31:56,664 --> 00:31:58,415 And you're safe in the casino, Kinnick. 461 00:31:58,499 --> 00:32:00,333 Nobody'll mug you in the casino. 462 00:32:00,418 --> 00:32:03,211 And outside they've got these yellow things called taxis. 463 00:32:03,671 --> 00:32:06,089 Just grab one and you'll be back at Caesars 464 00:32:06,174 --> 00:32:08,008 in half a minute. Home and dry. 465 00:32:08,092 --> 00:32:09,718 Goodbye, Kinnick. 466 00:32:19,228 --> 00:32:20,854 (DOORBELL RINGS) 467 00:32:24,025 --> 00:32:26,651 His name's Danny DeMarco. He's staying at the Golden Nugget. 468 00:32:26,736 --> 00:32:29,112 Suite 3506. 469 00:32:29,197 --> 00:32:31,114 - Good night, Holly. - Wait. 470 00:32:32,116 --> 00:32:34,117 - What? - At least let me write it down. 471 00:32:35,077 --> 00:32:36,828 Then write it down. 472 00:32:38,372 --> 00:32:40,207 - You know how to spell it? - No. 473 00:32:40,666 --> 00:32:42,584 - What'd you say? - That's what I said. 474 00:32:43,085 --> 00:32:45,295 Good luck with your fucking lawsuit, okay? 475 00:32:45,379 --> 00:32:47,088 What are you so angry about? 476 00:32:47,465 --> 00:32:49,132 - Liar! - I'm not. 477 00:32:49,217 --> 00:32:52,219 You never once intended suing the son of a bitch, did you, sweetness? 478 00:32:52,303 --> 00:32:53,511 You'll see. 479 00:32:54,889 --> 00:32:57,182 I won't help you anymore. I don't help liars. 480 00:32:57,266 --> 00:32:58,058 - Quit calling me that. - Quit doing it, then. 481 00:32:58,059 --> 00:32:59,643 - Quit calling me that. - Quit doing it, then. 482 00:32:59,727 --> 00:33:00,894 Would you help me? 483 00:33:01,103 --> 00:33:03,480 - What kind of help could I give you? - You know. 484 00:33:03,564 --> 00:33:04,981 Yeah, I'd get killed. 485 00:33:05,066 --> 00:33:06,107 There's only three of them. 486 00:33:06,192 --> 00:33:07,192 Three of them with guns. 487 00:33:07,276 --> 00:33:10,111 You got to go in there and you got to soften them up, so I can have my chance! 488 00:33:10,196 --> 00:33:11,238 Chance for what, Holly? 489 00:33:11,322 --> 00:33:12,822 I want his nuts in my hands! 490 00:33:15,743 --> 00:33:17,202 And if they kill me? 491 00:33:18,621 --> 00:33:20,288 I'll be miserable for days. 492 00:33:23,251 --> 00:33:25,752 I want him so bad for what he did to me. 493 00:33:26,379 --> 00:33:27,963 I want my revenge, Nicky. 494 00:33:32,134 --> 00:33:33,134 (SIGHS) 495 00:34:09,213 --> 00:34:11,798 (KNOCK ON DOOR) 496 00:34:13,551 --> 00:34:14,551 (DANCE MUSIC PLAYING) 497 00:34:17,888 --> 00:34:18,888 MAN: (SIGHING) Yeah? 498 00:34:18,973 --> 00:34:21,391 I'm here to see Mr. DeMarco. 499 00:34:22,810 --> 00:34:24,144 About? 500 00:34:25,062 --> 00:34:26,479 It's personal. 501 00:34:26,939 --> 00:34:27,939 Well, he's busy. 502 00:34:29,317 --> 00:34:32,110 I don't think Baby is gonna be too happy with me stuck out here. 503 00:34:32,445 --> 00:34:33,653 I don't give a shit. 504 00:34:38,534 --> 00:34:40,076 - Who was it? - It was some guy. 505 00:34:40,161 --> 00:34:41,619 Said he was a friend of Baby's. 506 00:34:43,414 --> 00:34:44,414 Shit. 507 00:34:46,250 --> 00:34:47,250 (SIGHS) 508 00:34:47,335 --> 00:34:48,668 So you're a friend of Baby's? 509 00:34:51,088 --> 00:34:52,339 What's this about? 510 00:34:53,007 --> 00:34:54,341 A girl. 511 00:34:57,011 --> 00:34:58,803 DeMARCO: You two get the fuck out. 512 00:35:02,016 --> 00:35:05,143 (DeMARCO LAUGHING) 513 00:35:05,227 --> 00:35:07,270 Hey, you kidding me? 514 00:35:12,276 --> 00:35:13,610 You searched him? 515 00:35:13,694 --> 00:35:15,445 Mmm-hmm. Yup. 516 00:35:15,529 --> 00:35:17,197 Checked the hat? 517 00:35:20,576 --> 00:35:24,120 Sorry about that, Santy Claus. Can't be too careful these days. 518 00:35:24,205 --> 00:35:26,456 We should have a drink. Any friend of Baby's... 519 00:35:26,540 --> 00:35:28,875 It's good of you to see me like this, Mr. DeMarco. 520 00:35:28,959 --> 00:35:31,378 Danny. Call me Danny. 521 00:35:31,462 --> 00:35:33,880 - What do I call you? - Nick. 522 00:35:33,964 --> 00:35:37,384 Well, Nick, I'm told there's something about a girl? 523 00:35:38,636 --> 00:35:39,636 Where is she? 524 00:35:39,720 --> 00:35:40,970 In my sled on the roof. 525 00:35:41,055 --> 00:35:43,014 (LAUGHING) 526 00:35:43,099 --> 00:35:44,974 Oh, is she pretty? 527 00:35:45,059 --> 00:35:46,309 Was. 528 00:35:47,228 --> 00:35:48,353 Come again? 529 00:35:48,437 --> 00:35:52,482 Last night a friend of mine was shown some disrespect and I thought, you know, 530 00:35:52,566 --> 00:35:55,026 maybe you might do something to make things okay. 531 00:35:55,111 --> 00:35:56,486 Oh, that. 532 00:35:57,696 --> 00:36:01,282 We'll you see, Nick, that wasn't disrespect. 533 00:36:02,993 --> 00:36:04,702 That was a game. 534 00:36:05,496 --> 00:36:07,789 We were having ourselves a little party. 535 00:36:07,873 --> 00:36:10,375 And what happened after wasn't so nice either. 536 00:36:10,459 --> 00:36:12,919 She had to be stitched up in Emergency. 537 00:36:13,003 --> 00:36:14,045 Oh. 538 00:36:18,509 --> 00:36:20,218 Could he be talking about us? 539 00:36:20,302 --> 00:36:21,594 No, that's not us. 540 00:36:21,679 --> 00:36:23,012 No, not us, boss. 541 00:36:23,097 --> 00:36:25,098 They're lying, Nick. 542 00:36:25,182 --> 00:36:27,517 I know this is probably another game you're playing, 543 00:36:27,601 --> 00:36:29,144 only this time it's with me. 544 00:36:32,356 --> 00:36:34,149 You can't show disrespect to a whore 545 00:36:34,233 --> 00:36:35,733 and that's what your friend is. 546 00:36:35,818 --> 00:36:37,068 No, she's... 547 00:36:37,153 --> 00:36:38,528 It's best not to interrupt me, Nick. 548 00:36:39,697 --> 00:36:40,905 Yes, sir. 549 00:36:40,990 --> 00:36:43,366 She's a whore, you're her pimp. 550 00:36:43,451 --> 00:36:45,785 At least you look like a two-bit pimp to me. Am I right? 551 00:36:47,455 --> 00:36:50,248 No, I'm legit, Mr. DeMarco. 552 00:36:50,541 --> 00:36:52,000 Look, see. 553 00:36:52,084 --> 00:36:56,296 Credit cards, driver's license, they're all mine. 554 00:36:58,841 --> 00:37:02,385 Well, Nick, what the hell. 555 00:37:02,470 --> 00:37:03,887 Maybe you have a point. 556 00:37:05,931 --> 00:37:09,058 Would $50,000 cover your disrespect, Nick? 557 00:37:09,518 --> 00:37:10,768 You're very generous. 558 00:37:11,979 --> 00:37:13,855 And you're very stupid. 559 00:37:15,858 --> 00:37:18,234 But even so, you probably know what this is. 560 00:37:18,319 --> 00:37:20,153 And where it's been. 561 00:37:20,321 --> 00:37:21,362 Let me just leave. 562 00:37:21,447 --> 00:37:22,780 Oh, you're gonna leave, Nick. 563 00:37:22,865 --> 00:37:25,492 The question is what shape you're gonna be in when you do so. 564 00:37:25,576 --> 00:37:26,576 Listen, I... 565 00:37:26,660 --> 00:37:30,538 Didn't I tell you something about interrupting me, you dumb fuck? 566 00:37:33,042 --> 00:37:34,042 (SIGHS) 567 00:37:35,169 --> 00:37:37,003 Yes, sir. 568 00:37:37,505 --> 00:37:39,255 You remember what? 569 00:37:39,340 --> 00:37:40,715 You said it was best not to. 570 00:37:40,799 --> 00:37:42,133 Right. 571 00:37:44,845 --> 00:37:46,429 You see, if I'm sweet to you, Nick, 572 00:37:46,514 --> 00:37:48,890 if I just let you walk out of here free as air, 573 00:37:48,974 --> 00:37:51,851 well, I want people to know how sweet I am. 574 00:37:51,936 --> 00:37:54,270 So, be honest, Nick. 575 00:37:54,355 --> 00:37:56,439 Tell me about my good qualities, 576 00:37:56,524 --> 00:37:58,983 and if I believe you, well, you're free as air. 577 00:38:05,908 --> 00:38:08,076 You're a great man, Mr. DeMarco. 578 00:38:08,160 --> 00:38:10,828 A peach of a guy. You're the best. 579 00:38:10,913 --> 00:38:13,206 A genuine top of the line human being. 580 00:38:14,041 --> 00:38:15,375 (CHUCKLES SOFTLY) 581 00:38:16,335 --> 00:38:20,588 You failed so far, Nick, but I'm gonna give you one more chance. 582 00:38:21,423 --> 00:38:24,050 So go ahead, talk about me. 583 00:38:43,529 --> 00:38:45,196 The fuck are you thinking about, huh? 584 00:38:48,951 --> 00:38:49,576 Corsica. 585 00:38:49,577 --> 00:38:50,660 Corsica. 586 00:38:52,288 --> 00:38:53,621 But it went away. 587 00:38:53,706 --> 00:38:56,666 Tiel, Kinlaw, take this dumb fuck out of my sight. 588 00:38:56,750 --> 00:38:59,711 Why don't you show him how sweet I really am? 589 00:39:02,423 --> 00:39:03,965 Let's go. 590 00:39:14,393 --> 00:39:15,393 (GROANING) 591 00:39:31,243 --> 00:39:32,619 Stop him! 592 00:40:11,659 --> 00:40:13,076 That's him. 593 00:40:13,160 --> 00:40:14,494 Better be, 594 00:40:14,578 --> 00:40:16,287 or he's got one hell of a lawsuit. 595 00:40:21,752 --> 00:40:22,919 You softened them up pretty good. 596 00:40:25,547 --> 00:40:27,173 Remember me? 597 00:40:31,845 --> 00:40:36,099 Sure, you're the party girl we had all those nice games with. 598 00:40:36,183 --> 00:40:37,517 HOLLY: Right. 599 00:40:37,976 --> 00:40:42,146 I had so much fun, I can't stand that that party is over. 600 00:40:42,231 --> 00:40:43,940 I wanted it to go on forever. 601 00:40:45,526 --> 00:40:47,527 Hey, what's she up to, huh? 602 00:40:54,243 --> 00:40:56,536 - The envy of all mankind. - Yeah. 603 00:40:59,623 --> 00:41:01,749 Do you know who I am? 604 00:41:02,543 --> 00:41:04,085 Of course. 605 00:41:08,841 --> 00:41:10,216 You're the party giver. 606 00:41:11,635 --> 00:41:14,053 What the fuck is she doing, huh? 607 00:41:15,389 --> 00:41:18,641 What is this about? Money? Is that what this is? 608 00:41:18,726 --> 00:41:21,644 Sure it is. You know what, just take the 50, huh? 609 00:41:21,729 --> 00:41:23,771 - Take it, for Christ sake. - What money? 610 00:41:23,856 --> 00:41:25,732 $50,000. Top desk drawer. 611 00:41:27,860 --> 00:41:29,193 Yeah, there you go. 612 00:41:34,283 --> 00:41:35,992 Yeah, see? 613 00:41:36,076 --> 00:41:38,077 This isn't about money. 614 00:41:40,122 --> 00:41:42,165 This is about love. 615 00:41:42,249 --> 00:41:43,708 Is it? 616 00:41:43,792 --> 00:41:45,501 (LAUGHING) Hey, I didn't do nothin'. 617 00:41:45,586 --> 00:41:47,253 It was all Tiel and Kinlaw. 618 00:41:47,337 --> 00:41:49,881 It was them. Why don't you tell your girl to put those away? 619 00:41:50,466 --> 00:41:52,175 I hope I sharpened these enough. 620 00:41:54,845 --> 00:41:56,679 - Let's see. - Hey... 621 00:41:56,764 --> 00:41:58,931 Hey, wait... Wait! Hey... 622 00:41:59,767 --> 00:42:01,225 - (GASPING) - Guess they're sharp enough. 623 00:42:02,352 --> 00:42:06,397 Look, there's a little tiny cut right on the envy of all mankind. 624 00:42:06,482 --> 00:42:07,815 (SCREAMING) 625 00:42:09,860 --> 00:42:12,195 Let me... Just let me be! Let me be, please! 626 00:42:12,279 --> 00:42:14,781 I... You got the wrong idea! I'm really a good guy! 627 00:42:14,865 --> 00:42:16,699 - I am! - So you're not mad at me, then? 628 00:42:16,784 --> 00:42:19,911 (CRYING) No! No! 629 00:42:21,121 --> 00:42:23,664 Good, I'm not mad at you, either. 630 00:42:25,667 --> 00:42:27,877 I'm gonna give you the same break that you gave me. 631 00:42:30,088 --> 00:42:31,464 (SOBBING) 632 00:42:32,800 --> 00:42:34,634 Tell me you love me, 633 00:42:34,718 --> 00:42:37,512 and if I believe it, then I'll let you keep it. 634 00:42:38,263 --> 00:42:41,974 But if I don't believe you, that means you're a bad boy. 635 00:42:42,059 --> 00:42:44,101 And bad boys need to be punished. 636 00:42:46,146 --> 00:42:49,148 So that the envy of all mankind 637 00:42:49,233 --> 00:42:51,400 will have to go away with me. 638 00:42:53,237 --> 00:42:54,987 (MOANING) 639 00:42:58,158 --> 00:43:00,201 I love you. (SOBBING) 640 00:43:01,328 --> 00:43:02,745 What'd you say? 641 00:43:02,830 --> 00:43:04,163 I love you. 642 00:43:05,457 --> 00:43:07,708 I don't think that sounded very sincere. 643 00:43:07,793 --> 00:43:09,669 - Did it? - This is your show. 644 00:43:10,754 --> 00:43:13,589 Don't! Don't do this, don't! Don't! 645 00:43:15,509 --> 00:43:16,759 Last chance. 646 00:43:18,262 --> 00:43:19,470 (SCREAMING) I fucking love you! 647 00:43:19,555 --> 00:43:20,930 I just... I just love... 648 00:43:21,014 --> 00:43:22,223 I love you! I love you! 649 00:43:22,307 --> 00:43:23,975 Please, please don't... Look, okay. 650 00:43:24,059 --> 00:43:26,060 I made a little mistake. I made a little mistake! 651 00:43:26,144 --> 00:43:28,104 Everyone can make a little mistake, okay? 652 00:43:28,188 --> 00:43:29,313 Just don't! 653 00:43:29,398 --> 00:43:31,107 No, no, no, please don't! 654 00:43:31,191 --> 00:43:33,776 Don't! Don't! I'm sorry! 655 00:43:34,695 --> 00:43:37,780 (SOBBING) 656 00:43:39,366 --> 00:43:40,908 Don't! 657 00:43:40,993 --> 00:43:44,036 (SCREAMING) 658 00:43:51,378 --> 00:43:54,672 (SOBBING CONTINUES) 659 00:44:00,554 --> 00:44:01,971 Wish I brought my camera. 660 00:44:02,055 --> 00:44:03,723 Okay. Okay. 661 00:44:08,353 --> 00:44:09,937 NICK: You have to leave town, Holly. 662 00:44:10,022 --> 00:44:11,647 They're coming for me, too. 663 00:44:11,732 --> 00:44:14,400 First, I'm gonna win enough cash to get out of this place for good. 664 00:44:14,484 --> 00:44:16,736 Yeah, I know. I spent the last hours packing, 665 00:44:16,820 --> 00:44:17,904 without regret I might add, 666 00:44:17,988 --> 00:44:20,114 - because I'm heading straight for... - Hey, don't tell me. 667 00:44:20,198 --> 00:44:22,116 If I don't know, I can't tell anybody. 668 00:44:22,200 --> 00:44:23,492 You that sure they'll come after you? 669 00:44:23,577 --> 00:44:25,494 - You know damn well they will. - You could've killed them. 670 00:44:25,746 --> 00:44:27,413 I try not to do that. 671 00:44:32,127 --> 00:44:33,336 No, you keep it all. 672 00:44:33,420 --> 00:44:35,880 You're the one that took the risk. 673 00:44:40,594 --> 00:44:42,720 Okay, I want half. 674 00:44:44,056 --> 00:44:46,223 I'm the one that took the beating. 675 00:44:46,308 --> 00:44:47,934 (UPBEAT ROCK MUSIC PLAYING) 676 00:45:44,658 --> 00:45:48,077 Well, you only look about a million times better than before. 677 00:45:48,161 --> 00:45:50,079 A friend of mine left town. 678 00:45:50,163 --> 00:45:52,540 We had this kind of going away thing. 679 00:45:52,624 --> 00:45:54,166 Sounds sweet. 680 00:45:54,251 --> 00:45:56,252 How much longer you on this shift? 681 00:45:56,336 --> 00:45:58,129 11:50. 10 minutes. 682 00:45:58,213 --> 00:46:00,548 What the hell, I shall keep you company. 683 00:46:00,632 --> 00:46:03,342 Well, I've been killing everyone tonight, Nicky. 684 00:46:03,427 --> 00:46:07,179 You did something for me once. So believe this, bet small. 685 00:46:09,016 --> 00:46:10,599 Changing 100. 686 00:46:10,684 --> 00:46:12,268 Since it's a five dollar minimum, 687 00:46:12,894 --> 00:46:14,395 how's if I bet five dollars? 688 00:46:23,030 --> 00:46:24,030 Bust. 689 00:46:24,781 --> 00:46:26,240 It's been like that. 690 00:46:31,663 --> 00:46:32,621 Blackjack. 691 00:46:32,706 --> 00:46:34,290 I lose more friends this way. 692 00:46:50,557 --> 00:46:52,183 What is it? 693 00:46:53,060 --> 00:46:55,227 Cass, I've got 19. 694 00:46:55,729 --> 00:46:59,398 And you've got a 10 showing, except I know somethin'. 695 00:47:00,609 --> 00:47:02,359 Your down card is another picture 696 00:47:02,444 --> 00:47:04,570 which makes 20, so my 19 is shit. 697 00:47:06,531 --> 00:47:08,491 You want me to hit 19, Nicky? 698 00:47:08,575 --> 00:47:09,909 I'll tell you why. 699 00:47:11,411 --> 00:47:13,454 Because there's a weight on my shoulder now. 700 00:47:13,538 --> 00:47:16,582 Locks right into my shoulder now. It's happened. 701 00:47:17,542 --> 00:47:19,502 I've got to go for the throat, Cass. 702 00:47:19,586 --> 00:47:23,130 Because of all the people in all the casinos in all the world, 703 00:47:23,215 --> 00:47:25,424 luck's come camping with me. 704 00:47:26,259 --> 00:47:29,553 So, yes, I want you to hit my 19. 705 00:47:32,099 --> 00:47:35,351 And I'd like a two. Two is 21. 706 00:47:35,435 --> 00:47:37,144 Means I win. 707 00:47:39,564 --> 00:47:41,857 My two please, Cass. 708 00:47:50,158 --> 00:47:51,867 Jesus. 709 00:47:52,786 --> 00:47:55,996 I'd like a $1,000 dollar chip, please, Cass. 710 00:47:57,124 --> 00:47:59,625 One way or another, this is my last night in Vegas. 711 00:48:00,794 --> 00:48:02,878 Changing 1,000. 712 00:48:39,499 --> 00:48:40,833 Take care, Nicky. 713 00:48:44,254 --> 00:48:46,422 - You playing? - No. 714 00:48:48,008 --> 00:48:49,258 You got mean eyes. 715 00:49:19,456 --> 00:49:20,998 Up or down? 716 00:49:25,378 --> 00:49:27,046 I had luck riding with me, 717 00:49:28,340 --> 00:49:29,798 then they changed dealers. 718 00:49:29,883 --> 00:49:32,134 (CHUCKLES) 719 00:49:32,219 --> 00:49:34,220 (SIGHING) 720 00:49:39,768 --> 00:49:40,893 Asshole! 721 00:49:42,771 --> 00:49:45,189 Not you, me. 722 00:49:45,273 --> 00:49:46,482 How do I know it's gone? 723 00:49:51,488 --> 00:49:52,905 DEALER: Blackjack. 724 00:49:54,532 --> 00:49:56,075 Give me a chip rack, please. 725 00:49:57,244 --> 00:49:59,161 (UPBEAT R&B MUSIC PLAYING) 726 00:50:08,505 --> 00:50:09,838 Can I raise the limit? 727 00:50:10,340 --> 00:50:11,548 No. 728 00:50:11,633 --> 00:50:13,384 I'll play the whole table then. 729 00:50:40,036 --> 00:50:43,289 Nah, I'm not greedy. 730 00:50:45,792 --> 00:50:47,376 You got to win some time. 731 00:50:56,303 --> 00:50:57,511 DEALER: Blackjack. 732 00:50:57,595 --> 00:50:59,179 What the fuck is this? 733 00:50:59,264 --> 00:51:01,307 Retribution for 5,000 mornings. 734 00:51:01,391 --> 00:51:03,642 And watch your mouth in front of a lady. 735 00:51:04,060 --> 00:51:05,436 Thanks, sweetie. 736 00:51:19,075 --> 00:51:21,660 God, what a thing when luck comes calling, huh? 737 00:51:24,289 --> 00:51:25,456 Good. 738 00:51:28,626 --> 00:51:29,626 Yes! 739 00:51:31,671 --> 00:51:33,130 (LAUGHS) 740 00:51:36,718 --> 00:51:38,844 Son of a goddamn bitch. 741 00:51:54,861 --> 00:51:56,612 Good. 742 00:51:56,780 --> 00:51:57,863 (SIGHING) 743 00:51:59,699 --> 00:52:01,867 If I win, 744 00:52:01,951 --> 00:52:03,994 I'm over 500. 745 00:52:05,663 --> 00:52:07,790 And that'll be the last you ever hear of me. 746 00:52:28,520 --> 00:52:30,771 (CROWD CHEERS) 747 00:52:33,900 --> 00:52:35,818 Yes! What the hell! 748 00:52:35,902 --> 00:52:37,027 Yes! 749 00:52:37,904 --> 00:52:39,613 Five hundred and 750 00:52:40,573 --> 00:52:41,740 6,000. 751 00:52:43,868 --> 00:52:45,577 It isn't exactly a round number, 752 00:52:45,662 --> 00:52:48,497 but then I was never one to quibble. 753 00:52:57,590 --> 00:52:59,883 - Fiji? - Vodka. 754 00:52:59,968 --> 00:53:01,093 Rocks with a twist? 755 00:53:01,177 --> 00:53:02,511 Look at that. 756 00:53:02,595 --> 00:53:04,263 Doubles, please, Veronica. 757 00:53:04,931 --> 00:53:06,598 Thank you, Veronica. 758 00:53:07,350 --> 00:53:09,143 So what do your friends call you? 759 00:53:09,227 --> 00:53:11,353 Cyrus is a pretty shitty name. 760 00:53:11,438 --> 00:53:13,564 I always wanted to be called Ace or Duke. 761 00:53:13,648 --> 00:53:16,191 But Cyrus seems like the overwhelming choice. 762 00:53:17,610 --> 00:53:19,903 How are you not more excited? 763 00:53:19,988 --> 00:53:22,656 Never hit over half a mil before. 764 00:53:22,740 --> 00:53:25,075 I don't know why I'm not more excited. 765 00:53:25,160 --> 00:53:27,911 Maybe it's because I never dared think it would happen. 766 00:53:29,122 --> 00:53:30,706 That make sense? 767 00:53:31,416 --> 00:53:32,708 Kind of. 768 00:53:32,917 --> 00:53:34,042 Anything else? 769 00:53:34,127 --> 00:53:35,252 That's all, thanks, hon. 770 00:53:35,420 --> 00:53:37,921 Here, love, take some time off. Go see your mom. 771 00:53:38,715 --> 00:53:40,591 Thank you so much, Nick. 772 00:53:44,137 --> 00:53:46,430 - Well, cheers. - Hey, cheers. 773 00:53:49,809 --> 00:53:51,059 You're leaving town? 774 00:53:51,144 --> 00:53:53,812 Think bigger. State, country, continent. 775 00:53:56,024 --> 00:53:57,691 Five free years, Duke. 776 00:53:58,359 --> 00:54:00,402 I've been dreamin' this since forever. 777 00:54:00,487 --> 00:54:02,654 $100,000 per. 778 00:54:03,281 --> 00:54:04,948 I've got it figured to the penny. 779 00:54:06,659 --> 00:54:08,577 Guess you haven't liked Vegas much, huh? 780 00:54:08,661 --> 00:54:10,913 You're not supposed to like Vegas. 781 00:54:10,997 --> 00:54:15,000 It's just this creeping virus people catch sometimes. 782 00:54:18,213 --> 00:54:19,838 Sweet dreams. 783 00:54:20,131 --> 00:54:22,090 I'm off to Corsica in the morning. 784 00:54:22,175 --> 00:54:24,927 I'm gonna sail the Mediterranean before I die. 785 00:54:25,345 --> 00:54:26,803 Well, I'll walk you out. 786 00:54:26,888 --> 00:54:28,639 That's very kind of you, Duke. 787 00:54:48,993 --> 00:54:51,036 (HEART BEATING) 788 00:55:32,537 --> 00:55:33,579 NICK: Fuck. 789 00:55:34,581 --> 00:55:36,498 - What's happened? - (SIGHING) 790 00:55:37,417 --> 00:55:39,001 It was all horseshit. 791 00:55:40,295 --> 00:55:43,922 It's just a loser's dream. 792 00:55:45,425 --> 00:55:47,009 I don't get you. 793 00:55:47,093 --> 00:55:48,635 This is not what I need. 794 00:55:50,346 --> 00:55:53,015 Five years would only be fine at first. 795 00:55:53,766 --> 00:55:55,892 After that I'd just realize that every day 796 00:55:55,977 --> 00:55:58,020 was another day closer to bein' back here. 797 00:55:59,272 --> 00:56:03,108 I never pushed the logic, because I never thought I'd be in this position. 798 00:56:03,985 --> 00:56:06,028 Half a million. 799 00:56:06,112 --> 00:56:08,363 Well, half a million's nothing. 800 00:56:09,824 --> 00:56:11,867 I know now what I really need. 801 00:56:13,661 --> 00:56:14,786 What's that? 802 00:56:15,622 --> 00:56:17,247 "Fuck you" money. 803 00:56:20,251 --> 00:56:22,419 Enough so I'll never have to come back here. 804 00:56:24,547 --> 00:56:26,381 Freedom. 805 00:56:27,300 --> 00:56:29,635 That's what "fuck you" money is. 806 00:56:44,817 --> 00:56:46,234 I don't want any limit. 807 00:56:46,319 --> 00:56:47,736 I have to clear that. 808 00:56:50,907 --> 00:56:52,324 Let me check. 809 00:56:55,745 --> 00:56:57,329 He thinks I'm gonna lose. 810 00:56:59,666 --> 00:57:00,916 You've got it. 811 00:57:01,000 --> 00:57:02,167 Asshole. 812 00:57:03,920 --> 00:57:05,587 It's 500. 813 00:57:05,963 --> 00:57:07,005 You count it. 814 00:57:13,054 --> 00:57:16,348 -500,000 going out. - Send it. 815 00:57:23,815 --> 00:57:25,732 That's 525,000. 816 00:57:28,236 --> 00:57:30,987 This fella's gettin' awful heavy. 817 00:57:31,072 --> 00:57:32,823 All on one, Cass. 818 00:57:51,384 --> 00:57:53,593 It's just like we started, Cass. 819 00:57:55,805 --> 00:57:58,557 I know you've got another picture under there. 820 00:58:06,899 --> 00:58:07,899 Hit me. 821 00:58:10,111 --> 00:58:11,111 A four. 822 00:58:13,239 --> 00:58:14,740 If you don't mind. 823 00:59:01,120 --> 00:59:03,288 You should've stood, Nicky. 824 00:59:04,582 --> 00:59:05,791 You would've won. 825 00:59:13,591 --> 00:59:14,925 (SIGHS) 826 00:59:15,009 --> 00:59:17,511 I came in with $25,000. 827 00:59:18,012 --> 00:59:19,805 Lost $25,000. 828 00:59:22,767 --> 00:59:24,267 No big deal. 829 00:59:39,992 --> 00:59:42,619 (CROWD APPLAUDING) 830 00:59:54,257 --> 00:59:56,675 You fuckin' had it. 831 00:59:58,970 --> 01:00:00,262 You fuckin' had it! 832 01:00:00,346 --> 01:00:02,264 It was right there. 833 01:00:02,348 --> 01:00:03,932 You fuckin' had it! 834 01:00:04,016 --> 01:00:06,017 You fuckin' had it. 835 01:00:15,027 --> 01:00:16,695 It was all there. 836 01:00:17,196 --> 01:00:18,280 It was all there. 837 01:00:18,364 --> 01:00:20,657 On the fucking table. 838 01:00:21,033 --> 01:00:22,242 (YELLING) 839 01:00:22,326 --> 01:00:23,535 You fuckin' had it! 840 01:00:23,619 --> 01:00:25,245 On the fucking table! 841 01:00:26,289 --> 01:00:28,999 (GROANING) 842 01:00:33,129 --> 01:00:34,546 You fuckin' had it. 843 01:00:34,630 --> 01:00:36,214 You fuckin' had it! 844 01:00:41,721 --> 01:00:42,721 (GRUNTING) 845 01:01:06,662 --> 01:01:08,747 (GROANING) 846 01:01:11,459 --> 01:01:13,793 (TOILET FLUSHING) 847 01:01:18,424 --> 01:01:20,717 Would you like your grapefruit juice now? 848 01:01:23,512 --> 01:01:24,804 (SIGHING) 849 01:01:26,265 --> 01:01:27,766 How did I get here? 850 01:01:27,850 --> 01:01:30,018 After you passed out, I tipped some of the staff 851 01:01:30,102 --> 01:01:31,686 to help me bring you. 852 01:01:36,901 --> 01:01:38,568 Thank you. 853 01:01:43,032 --> 01:01:45,617 Hmm, I thought you'd be thirsty. 854 01:01:47,870 --> 01:01:50,163 Listen, Duke, you're a great caterer, 855 01:01:50,247 --> 01:01:51,373 and I appreciate it. 856 01:01:51,457 --> 01:01:54,250 But I think you got somethin' to say and it's time you said it. 857 01:01:54,335 --> 01:01:55,585 (SCOFFS) 858 01:01:57,088 --> 01:01:58,213 You won't laugh? 859 01:01:58,589 --> 01:01:59,714 Not today. 860 01:02:04,095 --> 01:02:05,345 All right, I... 861 01:02:07,807 --> 01:02:10,141 I lied about my friend recommending you. 862 01:02:10,226 --> 01:02:12,519 And I didn't have to ask for your qualifications. 863 01:02:12,603 --> 01:02:15,063 I knew everything about you, I've researched you. 864 01:02:15,147 --> 01:02:17,273 I knew about the grapefruit juice, right? 865 01:02:17,984 --> 01:02:19,526 And the double vodka. 866 01:02:19,610 --> 01:02:24,531 And I know about why you always sit in the same spot at the Silver Spoon counter. 867 01:02:25,866 --> 01:02:30,245 I need something from you and I've come too far for a no answer. 868 01:02:35,001 --> 01:02:40,213 A while back in Boston I saw this old guy on the street 869 01:02:40,297 --> 01:02:42,424 and he had a sign on his back that said, 870 01:02:42,883 --> 01:02:44,217 "Please don't hit me. " 871 01:02:45,052 --> 01:02:48,847 And my first thought was, "What a sad thing. " 872 01:02:49,473 --> 01:02:51,349 But then... 873 01:02:51,684 --> 01:02:53,768 I got so fucking mad 874 01:02:54,478 --> 01:02:57,313 because I realized that was going to be me when I got old. 875 01:02:57,398 --> 01:03:00,483 Just an old nut scared of the world. 876 01:03:01,152 --> 01:03:02,485 And so I've come to you. 877 01:03:04,905 --> 01:03:06,489 I want you to teach me. 878 01:03:08,451 --> 01:03:11,119 - Teach you what? - Anything. 879 01:03:11,203 --> 01:03:12,495 Everything. 880 01:03:12,580 --> 01:03:16,124 I need you to kill the fear that lives inside of me every day. 881 01:03:16,208 --> 01:03:17,625 You want to sail the Mediterranean, 882 01:03:17,710 --> 01:03:20,253 I want to do something brave before I die. 883 01:03:24,133 --> 01:03:25,884 Hey, listen, kid... 884 01:03:27,887 --> 01:03:31,347 I earned 70 million dollars by the time I was 19. 885 01:03:33,434 --> 01:03:34,476 Don't call me kid. 886 01:03:36,979 --> 01:03:38,313 Jesus. 887 01:03:40,149 --> 01:03:41,357 How? 888 01:03:41,442 --> 01:03:42,650 It was nothing. 889 01:03:42,735 --> 01:03:46,821 I put a new twist on an old twist on computer software. 890 01:03:48,407 --> 01:03:51,409 Being smart is the only defense I've ever had, 891 01:03:51,494 --> 01:03:53,286 but it's not enough anymore. 892 01:03:55,081 --> 01:03:56,748 You've got to help me. 893 01:04:00,294 --> 01:04:02,087 You know how fuckin' weird this is? 894 01:04:02,922 --> 01:04:05,965 You're not even 30, set for life. 895 01:04:06,050 --> 01:04:08,635 I'm pushing 40, broke. 896 01:04:08,719 --> 01:04:10,470 I'll pay you. I'll make you rich. 897 01:04:10,554 --> 01:04:13,389 I have been rich. Most recently last night. 898 01:04:13,933 --> 01:04:16,101 Yeah, I could help you with that, too. 899 01:04:17,436 --> 01:04:19,771 Help me with what? 900 01:04:21,774 --> 01:04:22,899 Are you serious? 901 01:04:23,984 --> 01:04:27,445 I like blackjack maybe more than I should. 902 01:04:27,780 --> 01:04:28,780 That's all. 903 01:04:28,989 --> 01:04:30,448 Why do you think you stay here? 904 01:04:30,825 --> 01:04:33,868 You hate it so much it's the only place you can stay. 905 01:04:33,953 --> 01:04:35,870 It's the only place you're worthy of. 906 01:04:37,248 --> 01:04:38,623 It's all so obvious. 907 01:04:38,707 --> 01:04:40,291 Well, if it's all so fuckin' obvious, 908 01:04:40,376 --> 01:04:42,710 why are you so fuckin' wrong? Huh? 909 01:04:45,464 --> 01:04:47,423 Don't go! We can help each other! 910 01:04:47,508 --> 01:04:50,301 You know what? You're just like the nuts who write to me. 911 01:04:50,761 --> 01:04:53,096 You want adventure? Swell! 912 01:04:53,180 --> 01:04:55,056 Well, I earned my past, Cyrus. 913 01:04:55,141 --> 01:04:56,307 Go earn your own. 914 01:05:23,127 --> 01:05:25,670 This one's on me, Nick. Looks like you need it. 915 01:05:34,138 --> 01:05:35,930 Nick Wild, how you doin'? 916 01:05:36,015 --> 01:05:38,641 You need to come with us. Mr. DeMarco's waiting. 917 01:05:52,239 --> 01:05:54,365 (UPBEAT CHRISTMAS MUSIC PLAYING) 918 01:05:57,286 --> 01:05:58,995 (BOTH GRUNTING) 919 01:06:17,056 --> 01:06:18,181 (SCREAMING) 920 01:06:19,725 --> 01:06:20,725 (WOMAN SCREAMS) 921 01:06:38,202 --> 01:06:39,535 (MEN GRUNTING) 922 01:07:08,357 --> 01:07:10,942 (GROANING IN PAIN) 923 01:07:23,330 --> 01:07:24,330 (BONES CRACK) 924 01:07:29,003 --> 01:07:30,003 (SHOUTING) 925 01:07:40,848 --> 01:07:42,432 - (BONES CRACK) - (YELLS) 926 01:08:27,311 --> 01:08:32,190 We lie together beneath the moonlight 927 01:08:32,941 --> 01:08:37,570 Stars are beamin', you light up the night 928 01:08:37,863 --> 01:08:40,573 You tell me that you love me 929 01:08:40,657 --> 01:08:43,242 But it's time you prove 930 01:08:43,327 --> 01:08:47,163 Put your money where your mouth is 931 01:08:47,498 --> 01:08:50,041 Baby, make your move 932 01:08:52,878 --> 01:08:57,090 Baby, make your move 933 01:08:57,966 --> 01:08:59,133 Take five. 934 01:09:07,976 --> 01:09:09,852 Nicholas. Nicholas. 935 01:09:09,937 --> 01:09:11,562 - Baby. - (CHUCKLES) 936 01:09:12,398 --> 01:09:15,441 I heard you were up over 500 last night at the Gate. 937 01:09:15,526 --> 01:09:16,776 Talk of the town. 938 01:09:16,860 --> 01:09:17,985 Do you remember, when was it? 939 01:09:18,070 --> 01:09:21,030 A couple months ago when you had us beaten for 200 grand? 940 01:09:21,115 --> 01:09:22,323 Right here at the Nugget? 941 01:09:22,408 --> 01:09:23,866 Till your luck changed. 942 01:09:23,951 --> 01:09:25,660 I'll get there someday. 943 01:09:28,997 --> 01:09:30,415 Nicholas. 944 01:09:31,458 --> 01:09:34,961 I'm just in a terrible bind and it's all because of you. 945 01:09:35,587 --> 01:09:38,965 It seems that somebody broke into room 3506 last night, 946 01:09:39,049 --> 01:09:42,802 beat up on three guys and took $50,000. 947 01:09:43,220 --> 01:09:45,263 And that was before I had my Wheaties. 948 01:09:45,347 --> 01:09:47,390 (CHUCKLING) 949 01:09:47,474 --> 01:09:48,975 If only that were funny. 950 01:09:49,643 --> 01:09:53,354 No, it seems that this same somebody 951 01:09:53,439 --> 01:09:56,274 shot and killed two gentlemen named Kinlaw and Tiel. 952 01:09:57,109 --> 01:09:59,861 Shot them while they were tied and helpless. 953 01:10:01,029 --> 01:10:04,574 And an eyewitness claims that that someone was you. 954 01:10:06,952 --> 01:10:08,119 And you believe that? 955 01:10:09,830 --> 01:10:11,456 If I did, you'd be dead. 956 01:10:14,793 --> 01:10:16,127 Come along, Nicholas. 957 01:10:16,211 --> 01:10:17,420 Come along where? 958 01:10:17,504 --> 01:10:20,631 To see DeMarco. I have to find the truth. 959 01:10:20,716 --> 01:10:23,384 Wait a minute, you mean I'm on trial? 960 01:10:23,469 --> 01:10:25,803 For your life, I should imagine. 961 01:11:12,893 --> 01:11:14,268 DeMARCO: Why do I have to tell it again? 962 01:11:14,353 --> 01:11:17,188 I told you. You believe me. So why? 963 01:11:18,690 --> 01:11:22,610 Because, Daniel, you are asking me to kill Nicholas here. 964 01:11:22,694 --> 01:11:24,779 And if a mistake was later discovered, 965 01:11:24,863 --> 01:11:26,697 I would feel simply dreadful. 966 01:11:26,782 --> 01:11:29,534 So please, be as brief as you will. 967 01:11:32,204 --> 01:11:34,705 I feel guilty because I let him in. 968 01:11:34,790 --> 01:11:37,208 When the knock came on the door, I... 969 01:11:37,292 --> 01:11:40,044 I wasn't thinking and I opened it. 970 01:11:40,796 --> 01:11:42,713 And right away he pistol whips me, 971 01:11:42,798 --> 01:11:44,340 right in the mouth, you see? Right there. 972 01:11:44,424 --> 01:11:45,800 - Mmm-hmm. Yes. - Right there. 973 01:11:45,884 --> 01:11:47,343 - Yeah. - And he's quick. 974 01:11:47,553 --> 01:11:50,429 He takes out Tiel and Kinlaw like they were nothing. 975 01:11:50,514 --> 01:11:51,806 And he ties them up back to back, 976 01:11:51,890 --> 01:11:53,391 the way they were when you found 'em. 977 01:11:53,892 --> 01:11:58,479 And then he rifles my desk, he takes the 50 and 978 01:11:59,898 --> 01:12:03,651 for no fucking reason he goes crazy 979 01:12:03,735 --> 01:12:07,613 and he shoots maybe my two best friends in the whole world. 980 01:12:09,992 --> 01:12:11,158 Why? 981 01:12:14,329 --> 01:12:17,999 Probably he's pissed that there wasn't more cash. 982 01:12:18,083 --> 01:12:20,001 And probably he would've killed me, too, 983 01:12:20,085 --> 01:12:22,003 but there was a noise out in the hall 984 01:12:22,087 --> 01:12:24,171 and he panicked and he ran. 985 01:12:25,132 --> 01:12:27,925 Shot 'em with their own guns, Baby. 986 01:12:28,010 --> 01:12:29,510 Can you believe that? 987 01:12:30,929 --> 01:12:32,179 You check. 988 01:12:32,931 --> 01:12:34,849 You'll see that I'm telling the truth. 989 01:12:34,933 --> 01:12:37,184 They're gonna have his fingerprints all over 'em. 990 01:12:37,269 --> 01:12:38,728 Don't bother checkin'. 991 01:12:38,812 --> 01:12:40,229 The fingerprints are mine. 992 01:12:41,523 --> 01:12:42,898 This is all true then? 993 01:12:42,983 --> 01:12:44,442 - Some. - Which? 994 01:12:48,071 --> 01:12:49,572 You better speak, Nicholas. 995 01:12:49,740 --> 01:12:52,158 And I suggest you begin right now. 996 01:12:54,286 --> 01:12:56,662 I'll ask just two questions, Baby. 997 01:12:56,747 --> 01:12:59,957 If you're gonna answer them to your satisfaction, do what you will. 998 01:13:01,460 --> 01:13:03,044 First, why would I use a gun? 999 01:13:03,128 --> 01:13:05,671 The fuck kind of question is that, huh? 1000 01:13:05,756 --> 01:13:07,923 Why does anybody use a gun? 1001 01:13:08,258 --> 01:13:10,009 Nicholas never does. 1002 01:13:10,552 --> 01:13:12,970 Believe me, he could kill you with... 1003 01:13:13,639 --> 01:13:15,556 He could kill you with this 1004 01:13:15,641 --> 01:13:17,183 from five feet or 15. 1005 01:13:19,061 --> 01:13:21,187 And the answer to your question is this. 1006 01:13:21,271 --> 01:13:22,730 It's the perfect cover. 1007 01:13:22,814 --> 01:13:25,399 Nobody would ever dream that Nick Wild needed a gun 1008 01:13:25,484 --> 01:13:26,901 to commit a robbery. 1009 01:13:28,570 --> 01:13:31,072 All right, Nicholas. Second question. 1010 01:13:31,156 --> 01:13:33,032 Second and last. 1011 01:13:36,620 --> 01:13:39,038 Baby, what do you know about my body? 1012 01:13:39,331 --> 01:13:41,248 I mean, underneath my clothes? 1013 01:13:41,583 --> 01:13:43,167 Obviously nothing. 1014 01:13:43,251 --> 01:13:45,252 Well, then, there's my second question. 1015 01:13:45,879 --> 01:13:49,632 How is it possible that I know that Mr. DeMarco here 1016 01:13:49,716 --> 01:13:52,426 has a small but definite cut 1017 01:13:52,511 --> 01:13:54,178 on the upper side of his Hampton? 1018 01:13:55,806 --> 01:13:57,014 Answer? 1019 01:13:57,891 --> 01:14:00,184 I saw it put there by a dear sweet lady 1020 01:14:01,103 --> 01:14:02,520 with a pair of garden shears. 1021 01:14:02,604 --> 01:14:04,063 What is this shit, huh? 1022 01:14:04,147 --> 01:14:05,314 It's easy to find out if I'm lying, 1023 01:14:05,399 --> 01:14:07,066 just have him take down his trousers. 1024 01:14:07,150 --> 01:14:09,276 You're not buying this crap, are you, Baby? 1025 01:14:09,361 --> 01:14:13,114 Someone go get a microscope so we locate Mr. DeMarco's pecker. 1026 01:14:13,198 --> 01:14:14,615 DeMARCO: You know what? I'm not stripping. 1027 01:14:14,700 --> 01:14:16,033 I'm not stripping for nobody. 1028 01:14:16,118 --> 01:14:17,993 I think you must, Daniel. 1029 01:14:18,078 --> 01:14:20,287 Nicholas is risking his life 1030 01:14:20,372 --> 01:14:22,832 on a very unusual long shot here. 1031 01:14:23,917 --> 01:14:25,126 I know it's embarrassing, 1032 01:14:25,210 --> 01:14:27,294 but I'll make it easier for you. 1033 01:14:27,587 --> 01:14:29,588 You and I will go in the other room, 1034 01:14:29,673 --> 01:14:31,716 and we'll both take down our pants. 1035 01:14:32,217 --> 01:14:34,009 I won't. I won't. 1036 01:14:35,345 --> 01:14:36,762 - I'm afraid you must. - It's... 1037 01:14:37,472 --> 01:14:39,515 - It's a matter of principle, Baby. I... - (ALL LAUGHING) 1038 01:14:39,599 --> 01:14:41,809 BABY: Nobody would... MAN: Second cousin. 1039 01:14:41,893 --> 01:14:43,310 It's principle. 1040 01:14:43,395 --> 01:14:44,353 Oh, dear. 1041 01:14:44,438 --> 01:14:45,646 (LAUGHING) 1042 01:14:45,731 --> 01:14:47,648 It's principle! He... 1043 01:14:47,733 --> 01:14:50,276 Would somebody shut this goddamn fucker up? 1044 01:14:50,360 --> 01:14:52,862 Oh, Daniel, you just blew the ballgame. 1045 01:14:52,946 --> 01:14:55,823 Nobody in your family has had even a passing relationship 1046 01:14:55,907 --> 01:14:57,908 with a principle in the past 50 years. 1047 01:14:57,993 --> 01:14:59,410 So you're siding with him? 1048 01:14:59,745 --> 01:15:02,413 Baby, you believe him over me? 1049 01:15:05,041 --> 01:15:06,292 I believe this. 1050 01:15:06,835 --> 01:15:11,255 I believe that somebody who looks like Nicholas 1051 01:15:11,923 --> 01:15:13,632 did the deed. 1052 01:15:13,717 --> 01:15:16,218 And I will endeavor to find him. 1053 01:15:17,554 --> 01:15:18,637 Now, you may go. 1054 01:15:22,267 --> 01:15:25,269 You. I'm gonna see you real soon. 1055 01:15:25,645 --> 01:15:27,563 I'm gonna see you real soon. 1056 01:15:27,647 --> 01:15:28,647 (FENCE RATTLES) 1057 01:15:29,441 --> 01:15:31,817 You watch your fuckin' back! 1058 01:15:34,237 --> 01:15:36,030 Why do you think he did it? 1059 01:15:36,114 --> 01:15:37,948 He's a very macho little slime. 1060 01:15:39,284 --> 01:15:42,161 And he broke down and humiliated himself in front of them. 1061 01:15:44,289 --> 01:15:46,123 You know he'll come for you. 1062 01:15:47,167 --> 01:15:48,167 Yeah. 1063 01:15:52,172 --> 01:15:54,465 If you don't care, why'd you defend yourself? 1064 01:15:54,549 --> 01:15:57,259 I didn't wanna be remembered for doin' what he said. 1065 01:15:58,220 --> 01:16:00,554 Dyin' ain't so bad. 1066 01:16:01,681 --> 01:16:03,933 And at least I'll be out of Las Vegas. 1067 01:16:05,727 --> 01:16:06,811 (CHUCKLES) 1068 01:16:06,895 --> 01:16:09,230 Thank you, Nicholas. Good luck. 1069 01:16:09,314 --> 01:16:10,606 Cheers, Baby. 1070 01:16:10,690 --> 01:16:11,941 All right. Be well. 1071 01:17:17,257 --> 01:17:19,258 (TIRES SCREECHING) 1072 01:17:27,392 --> 01:17:28,642 ROXY: Hey. 1073 01:17:29,394 --> 01:17:30,853 That bad, huh? 1074 01:17:35,066 --> 01:17:36,734 FEMALE CUSTOMER: Could you get the check, please? 1075 01:17:51,333 --> 01:17:53,626 (SIGHING) 1076 01:17:55,921 --> 01:17:57,379 I'm leaving. 1077 01:17:57,672 --> 01:17:59,798 I'm only here to give you a present of gratitude 1078 01:17:59,883 --> 01:18:01,383 of everything you taught me. 1079 01:18:03,053 --> 01:18:04,511 What, for Christ sakes? 1080 01:18:08,308 --> 01:18:09,934 That everyone's afraid. 1081 01:18:14,314 --> 01:18:17,775 That I'm not the only cowardly asshole in this world. 1082 01:18:18,443 --> 01:18:19,944 You're one, too. 1083 01:18:20,403 --> 01:18:22,279 I really needed this now. 1084 01:18:25,200 --> 01:18:27,409 What I have to deal with is that 1085 01:18:27,494 --> 01:18:29,912 I'm the one inside my own skin. 1086 01:18:30,455 --> 01:18:32,581 Maybe it's not so terrible. 1087 01:18:32,666 --> 01:18:33,874 And if you can admit what you are, 1088 01:18:33,959 --> 01:18:37,127 you might find it's not so terrible either. 1089 01:18:44,886 --> 01:18:45,886 (SIGHS) 1090 01:18:47,222 --> 01:18:48,347 Okay, Duke. 1091 01:18:48,890 --> 01:18:50,265 I admit it. 1092 01:18:51,309 --> 01:18:52,977 If I'd won the full million, 1093 01:18:53,061 --> 01:18:55,688 I would have figured out some reason to go for more. 1094 01:18:57,732 --> 01:18:59,733 I'm a trapped compulsive. 1095 01:19:01,444 --> 01:19:03,612 There. I said it. 1096 01:19:03,697 --> 01:19:05,823 See me tap dancing? 1097 01:19:08,535 --> 01:19:10,202 No, 1098 01:19:10,286 --> 01:19:12,955 but you might have taken the first tiny step toward your sailboat. 1099 01:19:13,123 --> 01:19:14,331 Yeah, doubtful. 1100 01:19:15,667 --> 01:19:19,086 Doubtful for two reasons, the first being the lack of funding. 1101 01:19:19,170 --> 01:19:20,337 (CHUCKLING) 1102 01:19:21,006 --> 01:19:22,881 I knew you were gonna say that. 1103 01:19:23,967 --> 01:19:26,010 Reach under the counter. 1104 01:19:26,094 --> 01:19:27,845 I told you I bought you a present. 1105 01:19:28,680 --> 01:19:30,681 I taped it there before you got here. 1106 01:19:44,487 --> 01:19:45,863 What's this? 1107 01:19:46,031 --> 01:19:47,740 One plane ticket to Corsica 1108 01:19:48,700 --> 01:19:51,201 and a check for $500,000. 1109 01:19:53,288 --> 01:19:55,205 (SIGHS) 1110 01:19:58,710 --> 01:20:01,295 Okay, so, first reason's taken care of. 1111 01:20:01,546 --> 01:20:02,880 Now, what's the second? 1112 01:20:06,801 --> 01:20:08,469 I'm bein' murdered any minute. 1113 01:20:09,220 --> 01:20:10,721 Murdered? 1114 01:20:11,765 --> 01:20:14,058 Really? When is this happening? 1115 01:20:14,142 --> 01:20:16,226 (DOOR OPENS) 1116 01:20:20,065 --> 01:20:21,106 Now. 1117 01:20:28,073 --> 01:20:29,073 Oh. 1118 01:20:33,078 --> 01:20:35,037 (SIGHING) 1119 01:20:48,093 --> 01:20:50,594 CYRUS: (LOUDLY) Oh 1120 01:20:50,678 --> 01:20:53,722 Sweet mystery of life 1121 01:20:53,807 --> 01:20:56,517 I finally found you 1122 01:20:56,601 --> 01:20:57,684 Sir, you have to stop that. 1123 01:20:57,769 --> 01:20:59,269 Sweet mystery of life 1124 01:20:59,354 --> 01:21:01,021 What the fuck? 1125 01:21:01,106 --> 01:21:04,775 I finally know the secret to it all! 1126 01:21:06,111 --> 01:21:07,277 Oh... 1127 01:21:09,823 --> 01:21:12,533 Put them away, put them away. 1128 01:21:12,617 --> 01:21:15,452 I want him found now, today. 1129 01:21:16,246 --> 01:21:18,205 I want you to find that asshole. 1130 01:21:18,289 --> 01:21:20,207 I want you to find him. I don't care how long it takes 1131 01:21:20,291 --> 01:21:22,042 any of you dumb fucks. 1132 01:21:22,127 --> 01:21:23,752 You call more fuckin' guys. 1133 01:21:23,837 --> 01:21:26,421 Get two on the bus station and a few at the airport. 1134 01:21:26,506 --> 01:21:29,049 Check every bar, every casino, every whorehouse. 1135 01:21:29,134 --> 01:21:31,468 Turn over every goddamn rock he could slither under. 1136 01:21:32,053 --> 01:21:34,304 You find out where he lives... 1137 01:21:35,640 --> 01:21:36,932 Where he works... 1138 01:21:39,269 --> 01:21:40,561 How much it costs. 1139 01:21:40,645 --> 01:21:43,313 Go back inside there, grab that fuckin' kid 1140 01:21:43,398 --> 01:21:45,357 and kill that motherfucker, too! 1141 01:21:53,491 --> 01:21:54,658 (MEN GRUNTING) 1142 01:22:23,730 --> 01:22:26,148 Get in there! Get in there! Go! 1143 01:22:37,327 --> 01:22:39,328 (GROANING) 1144 01:23:09,025 --> 01:23:10,692 (YELLING) 1145 01:23:11,319 --> 01:23:13,195 (GROANING) 1146 01:23:27,752 --> 01:23:29,628 (GASPING) 1147 01:23:42,934 --> 01:23:44,685 You don't wanna go back there. 1148 01:23:44,769 --> 01:23:46,728 - You lost them? - In a manner of speaking. 1149 01:23:46,813 --> 01:23:48,563 Hey, wait, you forgot these. 1150 01:23:49,232 --> 01:23:50,440 Take them. 1151 01:23:50,733 --> 01:23:51,692 No, I can't. 1152 01:23:51,776 --> 01:23:53,026 No, take them! 1153 01:23:53,111 --> 01:23:55,279 Nick, please. I can leave town now 1154 01:23:55,363 --> 01:23:57,447 and know that I'm not a coward. 1155 01:23:57,532 --> 01:24:00,450 And you have no idea what a relief that is for me. 1156 01:24:03,788 --> 01:24:05,372 You earned this. 1157 01:24:12,005 --> 01:24:14,631 Thanks. And not just for this. 1158 01:24:15,258 --> 01:24:16,425 And not just for acting like an idiot 1159 01:24:16,509 --> 01:24:18,760 so I could get out of the diner. 1160 01:24:19,637 --> 01:24:20,846 You're a good friend. 1161 01:24:22,974 --> 01:24:24,391 We're friends? 1162 01:24:24,475 --> 01:24:25,892 Don't ruin it. 1163 01:24:33,693 --> 01:24:35,235 Good-bye, Duke. 1164 01:24:35,570 --> 01:24:37,321 Merry Christmas, Nick. 1165 01:24:37,864 --> 01:24:39,239 (STARTING MOTOR) 1166 01:24:39,324 --> 01:24:40,407 (ROCK MUSIC PLAYING) 1167 01:25:46,891 --> 01:25:48,572 (MELLOW MUSIC PLAYING)