1 00:00:23,770 --> 00:00:24,810 一想起我的妻子 When I think of my wife, 2 00:00:27,190 --> 00:00:29,700 我就会想到她的头颅 I always think of her head. 3 00:00:31,150 --> 00:00:34,060 幻想着砸开她可爱的小脑瓜 I picture cracking her lovely skull. 4 00:00:34,110 --> 00:00:36,360 好好看看她的大脑 Unspooling her brains. 5 00:00:36,410 --> 00:00:39,040 想找出答案 Trying to get answers. 6 00:00:40,240 --> 00:00:43,740 婚姻里最重要的问题 The primal questions of any marriage. 7 00:00:43,790 --> 00:00:46,130 "你在想什么" "What are you thinking?" 8 00:00:46,170 --> 00:00:48,420 "你感觉如何" "How are you feeling?" 9 00:00:48,460 --> 00:00:51,090 "我们都对彼此做了些什么" "What have we done to each other?" 10 00:00:57,110 --> 00:01:01,120 消失的爱人 11 00:01:53,090 --> 00:01:59,840 七月五日 清 晨 12 00:02:26,060 --> 00:02:27,200 爱尔兰王子大驾光临 The Irish prince graces us with his presence. 13 00:02:27,200 --> 00:02:28,040 那间酒吧 营业 爱尔兰王子大驾光临 The Irish prince graces us with his presence. 14 00:02:28,040 --> 00:02:30,070 爱尔兰王子大驾光临 The Irish prince graces us with his presence. 15 00:02:31,730 --> 00:02:34,860 王子陛下不想被喷湿 His majesty prefers not to be moistened. 16 00:02:36,070 --> 00:02:37,360 我给你买了份礼物 I got you a present. 17 00:02:38,950 --> 00:02:39,590 -我讨厌这个游戏 -你喜欢的 - I hated this game. - You loved it. 18 00:02:39,590 --> 00:02:40,410 优秀策划者 -我讨厌这个游戏 -你喜欢的 - I hated this game. - You loved it. 19 00:02:40,410 --> 00:02:40,450 优秀策划者 20 00:02:40,450 --> 00:02:40,760 喜欢的是你 You loved it. 优秀策划者 21 00:02:40,760 --> 00:02:41,740 喜欢的是你 You loved it. 22 00:02:41,780 --> 00:02:44,070 谢谢 架子上又多了一个游戏 Thank you. I'll add it to the collection. 23 00:02:44,870 --> 00:02:47,040 能帮我倒杯波本吗 Can you pour me a bourbon? 24 00:02:53,290 --> 00:02:55,370 怎么这么焦虑 What's up, jitters? 25 00:02:59,090 --> 00:03:00,210 要是你不打算说 Well, if you're not going to talk, 26 00:03:00,210 --> 00:03:01,430 那我就得再讲个闷死人的 I'm gonna have to fill the silence 27 00:03:01,470 --> 00:03:04,850 马戈·邓恩的故事来打破沉寂了 with another excruciating story by Margo Dunne. 28 00:03:04,890 --> 00:03:07,560 我可以跟你讲讲我最近遇上的客人 I could tell you about my recent customer service experience. 29 00:03:07,600 --> 00:03:09,610 -不讲网络供应商了 -我爱听那个 - Changing Internet service providers. - I like that one. 30 00:03:09,640 --> 00:03:11,390 或者上次我看到一个女人 Or how about the time I saw that woman 31 00:03:11,390 --> 00:03:12,510 长得跟我朋友莫妮卡一模一样 who looked exactly like my friend Monica? 32 00:03:12,560 --> 00:03:14,480 可她不是莫妮卡 完全不认识她 But it wasn't Monica. It was a total stranger. 33 00:03:14,520 --> 00:03:16,440 刚好她也叫莫妮卡是吗 Who was also named Monica. 34 00:03:16,900 --> 00:03:18,620 -听起来有点意思 -挺不错的 - Made it kind of interesting. - It's great. 35 00:03:19,240 --> 00:03:20,570 我今天过得不好 I'm just having a bad day. 36 00:03:20,610 --> 00:03:22,570 -艾米吗 -是结婚纪念日 - Amy? - It's our anniversary. 37 00:03:22,610 --> 00:03:24,570 -五周年 -五年了 - Five years. - Five? 38 00:03:24,620 --> 00:03:25,790 时光飞逝啊 That came fast. 39 00:03:25,830 --> 00:03:27,160 还来势汹汹 And furious. 40 00:03:31,710 --> 00:03:33,390 我现在简直开心疯了 I'm so crazy, stupid happy. 41 00:03:33,390 --> 00:03:34,800 2005年1月8日 我现在简直开心疯了 I'm so crazy, stupid happy. 42 00:03:34,800 --> 00:03:36,300 2005年1月8日 43 00:03:37,630 --> 00:03:39,090 我遇见了一个男人 I met a boy. 44 00:03:39,130 --> 00:03:43,560 一个贴心 帅气 又酷毙的好男人 A great, sweet, gorgeous, cool-ass guy. 45 00:03:45,800 --> 00:03:47,090 打扰一下 小姐 Excuse me, miss? 46 00:03:47,140 --> 00:03:48,600 我只想提醒你一下 I just want you to be careful 47 00:03:48,640 --> 00:03:51,440 你的比利时私酿纯麦啤酒不要乱放 where you put down that monk-brewed Belgian wheat beer, 48 00:03:51,480 --> 00:03:52,420 因为现在这派对上 because the party's down to 49 00:03:52,420 --> 00:03:54,190 只剩下三箱破啤酒 和这瓶好酒 three beast lights and a bottle of pucker. 50 00:03:54,230 --> 00:03:55,940 没准有人会来抢呢 It might attract some desperate characters. 51 00:03:55,980 --> 00:03:58,820 或许吧 那些阿米什人刚成人 疯着呢 It could. I mean, the Amish are on a rumspringa. 52 00:04:02,900 --> 00:04:05,440 我的冷肉拼盘吃不下去了 他们就抢走了 They already relieved me of my artisanal meat platter. 53 00:04:05,490 --> 00:04:08,370 终于有人告诉我该怎么说那个词了 Finally, someone tells me how to pronounce that word. 54 00:04:08,410 --> 00:04:09,410 "肉"吗 "Meat"? 55 00:04:09,410 --> 00:04:10,660 对 就是"肉" 单音节 Yes, "Meat." One syllable. 56 00:04:11,000 --> 00:04:13,670 谢谢 我这喝的是谁的酒 Thank you. Whose beer am I about to drink? 57 00:04:13,710 --> 00:04:15,000 别告诉我 Don't tell me. 58 00:04:15,670 --> 00:04:17,340 来看看谁是你喜欢的类型 Let's see, who's your type? 59 00:04:17,750 --> 00:04:18,830 我没见你安静地坐下听那个人 I don't see you sitting quietly 60 00:04:18,880 --> 00:04:22,470 长篇大论地讲他关于普鲁斯特的研究生论文 while he bloviates on his postgrad thesis about Proust. 马塞尔·普鲁斯特 19世纪末期法国文学家 61 00:04:22,510 --> 00:04:24,810 是他吗 Is that him? 62 00:04:24,840 --> 00:04:26,290 讽刺型嬉皮士 自我意识旺盛 Ironic hipster, so self-aware, 63 00:04:26,290 --> 00:04:27,120 视一切为笑话 he makes everything a joke. 64 00:04:27,350 --> 00:04:30,350 我喜欢幽默的人 不是滑稽 I prefer men who are funny, not "Funny." 65 00:04:32,180 --> 00:04:33,510 那你是什么型的 What type are you? 66 00:04:33,560 --> 00:04:35,020 土生土长的密苏里人 Corn-fed, salt-of-the-earth Missouri guy. 67 00:04:35,060 --> 00:04:36,180 密苏里吗 Missouri? 68 00:04:36,230 --> 00:04:37,150 挺可爱的 Cute. 69 00:04:37,190 --> 00:04:37,860 纽约本地人 Native New Yorker? 70 00:04:37,860 --> 00:04:39,530 哈德森河口就是世界尽头 The world ends at the Hudson. 71 00:04:39,570 --> 00:04:40,650 你叫什么 What's your name? 72 00:04:40,690 --> 00:04:41,690 艾米 Amy. 73 00:04:41,690 --> 00:04:44,020 艾米 你是谁 Well, Amy, who are you? 74 00:04:45,360 --> 00:04:48,530 A 我是一流的手工艺品家 A, I'm an award-winning scrimshander. 75 00:04:48,570 --> 00:04:52,740 B 我是个有点影响力的小军阀 B, I'm a moderately influential warlord. 76 00:04:52,790 --> 00:04:55,920 C 我给杂志写人格小测试 C, I write personality quizzes for magazines. 77 00:04:56,290 --> 00:05:00,500 你这芊芊玉手肯定不是做工艺品的 Okay. Your hands are far too delicate for real scrimshaw work. 78 00:05:00,550 --> 00:05:01,880 我刚好订阅了 And I happen to be a charter 79 00:05:01,880 --> 00:05:03,800 小军阀周刊 subscriber to Middling Warlord Weekly. 80 00:05:03,840 --> 00:05:05,050 你要真是我肯定认得出你 So I'd recognize you. 81 00:05:05,380 --> 00:05:06,710 我选C I'm gonna go with "C." 82 00:05:06,760 --> 00:05:08,180 那你呢 And you? 83 00:05:09,010 --> 00:05:10,550 你是谁 Who are you? 84 00:05:10,600 --> 00:05:14,940 我是来把你拯救出来的人 I'm the guy to save you from all this awesomeness. 85 00:05:19,020 --> 00:05:21,850 你给男性杂志写专栏 So, you write for a men's magazine. 86 00:05:21,900 --> 00:05:25,160 老天 那你不就是男人界的专家 God, does that make you an expert on being a man? 87 00:05:25,190 --> 00:05:28,390 不是 就是讲讲该穿什么 该喝什么 No. It's, you know, what to wear, what to drink. 88 00:05:28,410 --> 00:05:30,370 还有该怎么胡扯 How to bullshit. 89 00:05:30,410 --> 00:05:32,000 永远不会对你胡扯 Never with you. 90 00:05:32,030 --> 00:05:32,860 得了吧 Ha, ha. 91 00:05:32,910 --> 00:05:34,530 不 我说真的 No, I mean it. 92 00:05:34,580 --> 00:05:36,380 很难相信你 It's hard to believe you. 93 00:05:36,410 --> 00:05:37,200 为什么 Why? 94 00:05:37,250 --> 00:05:38,880 可能是你下巴的缘故 I think it's your chin. 95 00:05:38,920 --> 00:05:40,050 我的下巴 My chin? 96 00:05:40,080 --> 00:05:42,750 是啊 看起来像个坏人 Yeah, it's quite villainous. 97 00:05:42,800 --> 00:05:44,430 那这样呢 Okay, how's this? 98 00:05:45,420 --> 00:05:48,590 百分百真诚 绝不胡扯 A hundred percent true, no bullshit. 99 00:05:48,970 --> 00:05:49,970 好吧 Okay. 100 00:05:49,970 --> 00:05:51,560 我们都搬到纽约 We all move to New York, 101 00:05:51,600 --> 00:05:53,010 然后就住在这些 and we end up living in 102 00:05:53,010 --> 00:05:55,730 小到不能再小的小房间里 但还没完 these little cubby holes, and that's not it. 103 00:05:55,770 --> 00:05:59,230 一出门 你就身在其中了 Come outside. Then, you're in it. 104 00:06:01,650 --> 00:06:03,400 你一定得看看这个 You have to see this. 105 00:06:11,950 --> 00:06:13,040 你好 Hey. 106 00:06:13,080 --> 00:06:14,080 你好 Hey. 107 00:06:23,040 --> 00:06:24,790 我现在必须吻你了 I have to kiss you now. 108 00:06:24,840 --> 00:06:26,260 是吗 Is that right? 109 00:06:26,300 --> 00:06:29,470 你从头甜到了脚 怎么能不吻你 I can't let you go through a sugar storm unkissed. 110 00:06:31,300 --> 00:06:32,460 等一下 Wait a second. 111 00:06:35,180 --> 00:06:36,640 好了 There you go. 112 00:06:48,570 --> 00:06:49,990 尼克·邓恩 Nick Dunne. 113 00:06:51,740 --> 00:06:53,830 我真的很喜欢你 I really like you. 114 00:07:00,000 --> 00:07:02,250 艾米是要弄个寻宝游戏 So, is Amy gonna do one of those anniversary, 115 00:07:03,210 --> 00:07:04,510 纪念周年吗 treasure hunts? 116 00:07:04,540 --> 00:07:06,540 你是说强行设计这么个游戏 You mean the forced march designed to prove 117 00:07:06,590 --> 00:07:09,550 来证明她丈夫是个多失职不贴心的混蛋吗 what an oblivious and uncaring asshole her husband is? 118 00:07:13,510 --> 00:07:15,220 "游戏人生" 我却不得要领 Life. I don't remember the point. 119 00:07:15,260 --> 00:07:17,470 玩游戏玩出挺深刻的想法啊 Deep Hasbro thoughts. 120 00:07:17,520 --> 00:07:18,850 该你了 Spin. 121 00:07:19,680 --> 00:07:21,890 去年把她气疯了的那条线索是什么来着 What was the clue last year she got so mad about? 122 00:07:21,940 --> 00:07:25,240 "当你可怜的艾米得了感冒 "When your poor Amy has a cold, 123 00:07:25,270 --> 00:07:26,980 这个甜点就一定得卖掉" this dessert just must be sold." 124 00:07:27,020 --> 00:07:28,020 答案是什么 The answer? 125 00:07:28,030 --> 00:07:29,820 我还是不知道 I still don't know the answer, go. 126 00:07:29,860 --> 00:07:31,040 几年前你肯定知道 A few years ago, you'd have known. 127 00:07:31,040 --> 00:07:32,020 几年前这游戏还很有意思 A few years ago, it was fun. 128 00:07:32,070 --> 00:07:33,730 第一年 纸婚纪念 Year one, the traditional gift was paper. 129 00:07:33,780 --> 00:07:35,980 她送了我一个特别漂亮的笔记本 She got me a beautiful notebook. 130 00:07:35,980 --> 00:07:37,240 要我去写小说 Told me to go write my novel. 131 00:07:37,290 --> 00:07:38,170 你给她送了什么 What did you get her? 132 00:07:38,200 --> 00:07:39,570 风筝 A kite. 133 00:07:39,620 --> 00:07:41,450 -她从来不放风筝 -好吧 - She'd never flown a kite. - Okay. 134 00:07:42,420 --> 00:07:45,010 那说第四年 花婚 Anyway. Year four, flowers. 135 00:07:45,040 --> 00:07:48,290 她引着我去后院的枯萎玫瑰花丛 She led me outside to the dying rosebush in the backyard. 136 00:07:48,630 --> 00:07:49,680 挺有象征意义 That's symbolic. 137 00:07:49,710 --> 00:07:50,710 没错 Yeah. 138 00:07:50,720 --> 00:07:52,180 第五年呢 What's the gift for five? 139 00:07:52,220 --> 00:07:53,010 木婚 Wood. 140 00:07:53,050 --> 00:07:55,510 -你送她什么 -木头做不出好礼物 - So, what did you get her? - There's no good gift for wood. 141 00:07:55,550 --> 00:07:56,490 我知道 回家 I know! Go home, 142 00:07:56,490 --> 00:07:58,880 操到她神志不清 再用你的大屌扇她 fuck her brains out, slap her with your penis. 143 00:07:58,930 --> 00:08:00,390 "这是你要的木头[阴茎] 婊子" "There's some wood for you, bitch." 144 00:08:03,940 --> 00:08:05,230 那间酒吧 The Bar. 145 00:08:05,980 --> 00:08:08,400 怎么 是的 等一下 Why, yes. Hang on one second. 146 00:08:08,440 --> 00:08:09,600 是沃利这个监控狂 Hey, it's watchful Wally. 147 00:08:11,900 --> 00:08:13,900 你好 沃特 怎么了 Hey, Walt. What's going on? 148 00:08:16,280 --> 00:08:19,360 非常谢谢 马上到 好的 再见 Thanks very much. I'll be right there. All right, bye-bye. 149 00:08:31,590 --> 00:08:34,260 小家伙 你在外面干什么 Hey, buddy. What are you doing out here? 150 00:08:35,470 --> 00:08:36,970 谢谢 沃特 Thanks, Walt! 151 00:08:52,650 --> 00:08:54,020 艾米 Ame? 152 00:09:14,380 --> 00:09:15,840 艾米 Amy! 153 00:09:28,520 --> 00:09:29,520 有人吗 Hello? 154 00:09:29,690 --> 00:09:31,150 进来 Come on in. 155 00:09:31,900 --> 00:09:32,700 你好 Hey. 156 00:09:32,730 --> 00:09:34,150 -邓恩先生 -你好 - Mister Dunne. - Hi. 157 00:09:34,190 --> 00:09:36,690 我是朗达·邦妮警探 这位是詹姆斯·吉尔平警官 I'm detective Rhonda Boney. This is officer James Gilpin. 158 00:09:36,740 --> 00:09:38,700 我知道你现在很担心你妻子 We understand there are concerns about your wife. 159 00:09:38,740 --> 00:09:42,660 我不知道我妻子在哪 一回来就看到这个 I don't know where my wife is. And I came home to this. 160 00:09:43,700 --> 00:09:46,490 我一般不会恐慌 Now, I don't panic easily, 161 00:09:46,830 --> 00:09:48,910 但这也太诡异了 but it's weird, right? 162 00:09:50,170 --> 00:09:51,170 介意我们四处看看吗 Mind if we look around? 163 00:09:51,420 --> 00:09:52,340 请便 Please. 164 00:09:52,380 --> 00:09:53,660 你们住这多久了 How long have you two been here? 165 00:09:53,670 --> 00:09:56,500 到九月就两年了 我们之前住在纽约 Two years in September. We used to live in New York. 166 00:09:56,550 --> 00:09:57,640 纽约市吗 City? 167 00:09:57,680 --> 00:10:00,810 没错 我是个作家 我俩都写作 Yeah, I was a writer. We were both writers. 168 00:10:00,850 --> 00:10:02,480 你们为什么搬回来 Why did you all move back here? 169 00:10:02,510 --> 00:10:04,130 我妈妈生病了 My mom got sick. 170 00:10:04,180 --> 00:10:07,140 很抱歉 她还好吗 Oh, I'm sorry. How is she? 171 00:10:07,190 --> 00:10:08,650 她过世了 She's dead. 172 00:10:08,690 --> 00:10:09,690 非常抱歉 I'm so sorry. 173 00:10:15,400 --> 00:10:17,690 那你现在做什么工作 What do you do now, for work? 174 00:10:18,570 --> 00:10:20,400 我和我姐姐在市中心开了那间酒吧 My sister Margo and I own the Bar downtown. 175 00:10:20,870 --> 00:10:22,710 那间酒吧啊 Oh, the bar. 176 00:10:22,740 --> 00:10:24,990 名字大爱 挺有创意的 Love the name. Very meta. 177 00:10:25,040 --> 00:10:26,130 谢谢 Thanks. 178 00:10:29,080 --> 00:10:30,870 挺漂亮的 Pretty things. 179 00:10:35,630 --> 00:10:36,970 待在这 Stay. 180 00:10:37,010 --> 00:10:38,760 那是我办公室 My office, here. 181 00:10:41,800 --> 00:10:43,840 裙子真漂亮 Beautiful dress. 182 00:10:47,850 --> 00:10:48,640 约会夜吗 Date night? 183 00:10:48,680 --> 00:10:49,930 是结婚纪念日 It's our anniversary. 184 00:10:53,110 --> 00:10:54,610 这里是客房 It's a guest bedroom, there. 185 00:10:54,900 --> 00:10:56,530 尽头是猫的房间 Cat's room on the end. 186 00:10:56,570 --> 00:10:58,120 我上来查过了 I checked up here. 187 00:11:02,490 --> 00:11:04,960 这就是厨房了吧 This is the kitchen obviously. 188 00:11:06,090 --> 00:11:07,560 这里是... This is the... 189 00:11:20,720 --> 00:11:22,560 这是我妻子的办公室 This is my wife's office. 190 00:11:22,590 --> 00:11:24,210 艾米的办公室 Amy's office. 191 00:11:36,880 --> 00:11:37,280 哈佛大学文学学士 192 00:11:37,280 --> 00:11:37,750 挺厉害的姑娘 Wow. Impressive gal. 哈佛大学文学学士 193 00:11:37,750 --> 00:11:39,190 挺厉害的姑娘 Wow. Impressive gal. 194 00:11:39,190 --> 00:11:40,210 耶鲁大学心理学讲师 挺厉害的姑娘 Wow. Impressive gal. 195 00:11:40,210 --> 00:11:40,320 挺厉害的姑娘 Wow. Impressive gal. 196 00:11:40,360 --> 00:11:41,570 我该担心吗 Yeah. Should I be concerned? 197 00:11:41,610 --> 00:11:42,780 我记得这个 I remember these. 198 00:11:44,030 --> 00:11:45,280 我最喜欢这些书 I loved these books. 199 00:11:49,450 --> 00:11:50,870 等等 Wait a minute. 200 00:11:50,910 --> 00:11:52,910 你妻子就是了不起的艾米吗 Your wife is the amazing Amy? 201 00:11:53,500 --> 00:11:55,840 没错 正是 Yeah. She is. 202 00:11:58,980 --> 00:12:00,310 2007年2月24日 203 00:12:00,310 --> 00:12:04,140 他妈的了不起的艾米要他妈的结婚了 Amazing-fucking-Amy is getting fucking married. 2007年2月24日 204 00:12:04,140 --> 00:12:04,180 2007年2月24日 205 00:12:04,180 --> 00:12:05,240 那晚是这样开始的 That's how the night started. 2007年2月24日 206 00:12:05,240 --> 00:12:05,970 那晚是这样开始的 That's how the night started. 207 00:12:06,010 --> 00:12:08,850 我 普通的 不完美的 真实的艾米 With me, regular, flawed, real Amy, 208 00:12:08,860 --> 00:12:10,120 一如既往地嫉妒着全能天才 jealous, as always, of the golden child, 209 00:12:10,120 --> 00:12:12,100 要是值得去做 那就值得做得漂亮 一如既往地嫉妒着全能天才 jealous, as always, of the golden child, 210 00:12:12,100 --> 00:12:12,140 要是值得去做 那就值得做得漂亮 211 00:12:12,140 --> 00:12:12,250 完美的 聪明的 了不起的艾米 perfect, brilliant, amazing Amy, 要是值得去做 那就值得做得漂亮 212 00:12:12,250 --> 00:12:15,140 完美的 聪明的 了不起的艾米 perfect, brilliant, amazing Amy, 213 00:12:15,150 --> 00:12:16,730 竟然他妈的要结婚了 who's getting fucking married. 214 00:12:17,060 --> 00:12:18,850 我十岁时放弃学大提琴 When I was 10, I quit cello. 215 00:12:18,900 --> 00:12:22,490 下本书里了不起的艾米就成了大提琴天才 In the next book, amazing Amy became a prodigy. 216 00:12:24,950 --> 00:12:25,950 你打排球吗 Did you play volleyball? 217 00:12:25,990 --> 00:12:27,870 我大一就被刷下来了 I got cut, freshman year. 218 00:12:27,910 --> 00:12:29,830 她进了大学校队 She made varsity. 219 00:12:31,250 --> 00:12:33,250 你什么时候养狗了 When did you have a dog? 220 00:12:33,290 --> 00:12:34,290 是她养的 She got the dog. 221 00:12:34,920 --> 00:12:37,420 "小邋遢"让她更贴近生活 Puddles made her more relatable. 222 00:12:38,840 --> 00:12:40,970 我爱你父母 I love your parents, 223 00:12:41,010 --> 00:12:42,800 但他们有时候真的挺混蛋的 but they really can be assholes. 224 00:12:42,840 --> 00:12:44,290 -尼克 -先生 - Nick! - Sir! 225 00:12:44,340 --> 00:12:46,130 感谢你能来 Hey, thanks for coming, man. 226 00:12:46,180 --> 00:12:46,970 不成问题 No problem. 227 00:12:47,010 --> 00:12:48,420 你好 亲爱的 Hey, sweetheart. 228 00:12:49,010 --> 00:12:50,430 今晚对你妈妈很重要 Big night for your mom. 229 00:12:50,470 --> 00:12:54,900 你去跟几个记者还有博主说两句 It would mean so much if you would talk to a few reporters, bloggers, 230 00:12:54,950 --> 00:12:56,220 给他们点小艾米的料 give them a little Amy color. 231 00:12:56,270 --> 00:12:58,140 大家想听你亲述 People wanna hear from you. 232 00:12:58,190 --> 00:12:59,820 -我们待不了多久 -好极了 - We can't stay long. - Fantastic. 233 00:12:59,860 --> 00:13:02,030 最多十五分钟 Fifteen minutes, tops. 234 00:13:02,360 --> 00:13:05,330 我能进入这个圈子 能有信托基金多亏了他们 This is why I have my brownstone, my trust fund. 235 00:13:05,330 --> 00:13:06,660 我知道我不能抱怨 I know I can't complain. 236 00:13:06,700 --> 00:13:09,330 你父母完全就是剽窃了你的童年 Your parents literally plagiarized your childhood. 237 00:13:09,370 --> 00:13:13,420 不 他们升华了它 然后兜售给读者 No, they improved upon it, and then peddled it to the masses. 238 00:13:13,450 --> 00:13:15,660 我以为你会穿白衣服来贴合婚礼主题 I thought you were gonna wear white to match the wedding theme. 239 00:13:15,710 --> 00:13:17,170 我觉得会很怪 I thought that would be creepy. 240 00:13:17,210 --> 00:13:19,670 "要是值得去做 那就值得..." "If it's worth doing, it's worth doing..." 241 00:13:19,710 --> 00:13:22,040 等等 我知道最后怎么说的 别告诉我 Hold up! I know how this ends. Don't tell me. 242 00:13:22,090 --> 00:13:23,890 你真可爱 尼克 You're very cute, Nick. 243 00:13:23,920 --> 00:13:25,560 艾米 你知道该怎么让你爸爸开心 Amy, you know what would make dad's night. 244 00:13:25,590 --> 00:13:27,210 马上去 I'm on it. 245 00:13:28,510 --> 00:13:31,510 我最喜欢陌生人来揭我伤疤 I love having strangers pick at my scabs. 246 00:13:31,560 --> 00:13:32,810 我很好奇 I'm curious whether 247 00:13:32,850 --> 00:13:34,560 你看到了不起的艾米走上红毯会不会难过 it's difficult for you to see amazing Amy heading down the aisle. 248 00:13:35,180 --> 00:13:38,020 还有这个庆祝这场虚拟婚礼的盛大派对 And this big party celebrating this fictional wedding. 249 00:13:38,060 --> 00:13:40,390 因为据我所知 你还未婚 Because it's my understanding you are not married. 250 00:13:40,440 --> 00:13:42,110 是真的吗 Is that correct? 251 00:13:43,070 --> 00:13:46,830 没错 了不起的艾米总是先我一步 Correct. Amazing Amy has always been one step ahead of me. 252 00:13:46,860 --> 00:13:50,690 抱歉 对不起 我有几个问题 Excuse me. I'm sorry, I just have a few questions. 253 00:13:51,080 --> 00:13:52,000 是你啊 It's you. 254 00:13:52,030 --> 00:13:54,570 我是秉着严谨的新闻态度来问的 I'm here in a strictly journalistic capacity. 255 00:13:54,870 --> 00:13:56,100 现在你跟尼克·邓恩 Now, you had the distinct pleasure 256 00:13:56,100 --> 00:13:58,200 愉快地交往了多久了 of dating Nick Dunne for how long? 257 00:13:58,250 --> 00:14:01,050 -美妙的两年 -美妙的两年啊 - Two magical years. - Two magical years. 258 00:14:01,090 --> 00:14:02,930 在这段时间里 你非常体贴 In the course of that time, you've had the opportunity 259 00:14:02,960 --> 00:14:05,420 比如尼克把"藜麦"说成"梨买" to perform such gracious gestures as 260 00:14:05,460 --> 00:14:09,380 你也不去纠正他 not correcting Nick when he pronounced "Quinoa" as "Kween-o-a." 261 00:14:09,430 --> 00:14:10,890 可以理解的错误 An understandable mistake. 262 00:14:10,930 --> 00:14:12,130 他以为藜麦是种鱼 He also thought it was a fish. 263 00:14:12,140 --> 00:14:13,730 他还以为美式软奶酪是奶酪 He thinks Velveeta is a cheese. 264 00:14:14,770 --> 00:14:17,060 尼克年迈的母亲每次见到你 You also manage to appear shocked and delighted 265 00:14:17,100 --> 00:14:19,680 都会即兴表演《纽约纽约》时 when Nick's elderly mother breaks into an impromptu rendition 电影《纽约纽约》主题曲 后成为纽约市代表曲 许多纽约的社交场合都可听到 266 00:14:19,730 --> 00:14:21,940 你每次都能表现得很惊喜 Of New York, New York, every time she sees you. 267 00:14:21,980 --> 00:14:24,020 这些破鞋子 These vegabond shoes. 268 00:14:24,070 --> 00:14:25,240 别吓人了 That's just frightening. 269 00:14:25,280 --> 00:14:27,910 你还给尼克买了他人生中第一把剪刀 You also bought Nick his very first pair of scissors. 270 00:14:27,950 --> 00:14:29,620 还有配套的订书机 And matching stapler. 271 00:14:29,660 --> 00:14:32,580 艾米 艾略特 你不单是了不起 Amy Elliott, you are more than amazing. 272 00:14:32,620 --> 00:14:36,130 你才华横溢还不矫揉造作 You are brilliant, yet entirely un-snobby. 273 00:14:36,160 --> 00:14:39,790 你让我充满挑战 充满惊喜 You challenge me. You surprise me. 274 00:14:39,830 --> 00:14:41,160 还有给读者爆点料 And, fun fact for the readers, 275 00:14:41,580 --> 00:14:43,290 你床上功夫世界一流 you have a world-class vagina. 276 00:14:46,090 --> 00:14:48,430 我的同僚们告诉我你还未婚 My colleagues tell me that you are not yet married. 277 00:14:48,970 --> 00:14:50,760 是否正确 Is that correct? 278 00:14:50,800 --> 00:14:52,260 我是未婚 I'm not. 279 00:14:52,300 --> 00:14:53,630 我们是不是该解决下这个问题了 Isn't it time we fixed that? 280 00:14:55,100 --> 00:14:56,770 然后 And then... 281 00:14:56,810 --> 00:14:59,650 那晚便不再糟糕了 the night wasn't so bad anymore. 282 00:15:15,990 --> 00:15:18,490 好了 这事算完成了 And it's done. Crossed off the list. 283 00:15:18,540 --> 00:15:19,960 这种案子我们一般来说 Now, normally, we would not 284 00:15:19,960 --> 00:15:22,500 不会马上以失踪案处理 treat this as a missing persons case so quick, 285 00:15:22,540 --> 00:15:23,980 但鉴于你屋子里的情况 but given the scene at your house, 286 00:15:24,000 --> 00:15:26,120 还有最近激增的暴力犯罪事件 and given our spike in violent crime of late, 287 00:15:26,170 --> 00:15:28,630 我们会严肃处理这起案件 We are gonna take this very, very seriously. 288 00:15:28,670 --> 00:15:29,670 好的 很好 Okay. Good. 289 00:15:29,670 --> 00:15:31,650 我们派了鉴定科的人去你家 We've got forensics over at your place. 290 00:15:31,650 --> 00:15:32,960 你有别的地方住吗 You got somewhere to stay? 291 00:15:33,010 --> 00:15:34,590 -我可以住我姐姐那 -好 - I could stay at my sister's. - Okay. 292 00:15:34,640 --> 00:15:36,940 我们会追踪艾米的手机 信用卡 We're tracking Amy's phone, her credit cards. 293 00:15:36,970 --> 00:15:38,640 还会组织搜索 张贴传单 We will organize searches, put up flyers. 294 00:15:38,680 --> 00:15:40,400 明天就开新闻发布会 We're gonna hold a press conference tomorrow. 295 00:15:40,400 --> 00:15:41,680 你们要开新闻发布会吗 You're having a press conference? 296 00:15:41,730 --> 00:15:43,320 引起大家重视 I wanna get the word out, right? 297 00:15:43,350 --> 00:15:45,230 是啊 只是突然感觉 Yeah, it's just all of a sudden, 298 00:15:45,240 --> 00:15:47,640 自己好像在演《法律与秩序》 I feel like I'm on a Law & Order episode. 美国电视史上播映时间最长犯罪剧集 299 00:15:54,700 --> 00:15:57,870 此类案件时间都很紧迫 Now, time is of the essence in these cases. 300 00:15:57,910 --> 00:16:00,660 但话说回来 你想找律师吗 But, that said, do you wanna wait and call a lawyer? 301 00:16:00,710 --> 00:16:01,840 完全不用 我想帮忙 Absolutely not. I just wanna help. 302 00:16:01,870 --> 00:16:03,660 你和艾米来这两年了 So, you and Amy have been here two years. 303 00:16:03,710 --> 00:16:06,970 -你是酒保 -我是老板 - You tend bar... - I own the bar. 304 00:16:07,000 --> 00:16:10,500 我还在莫霍克谷社区学院教创意写作 And I teach creative writing at mvcc. 305 00:16:10,550 --> 00:16:12,350 -没有孩子 -还没有 - No kids? - Not yet. 306 00:16:12,380 --> 00:16:13,840 那艾米通常都做什么 So, what does Amy do most days? 307 00:16:13,890 --> 00:16:16,100 有那么多学位 她都做些什么 A woman with all those degrees, what does she do? 308 00:16:16,600 --> 00:16:18,020 我也不知道 她一直都挺忙的 I don't know. She keeps busy. 309 00:16:18,060 --> 00:16:19,560 忙什么 Doing what? 310 00:16:20,070 --> 00:16:23,090 其实 她特别爱读书 Yeah, I mean, She's a voracious reader. 311 00:16:23,440 --> 00:16:26,280 所以她手里随时都拿着一本书 So, she's always got a book in her hand. 312 00:16:27,360 --> 00:16:28,820 不过 长日漫漫 Well, days can get long. 313 00:16:28,860 --> 00:16:30,120 我认识几个家庭主妇 I know a few housewives, 314 00:16:30,120 --> 00:16:32,700 中午就开始喝红酒了 that evening glass of wine starts coming at noon. 315 00:16:32,740 --> 00:16:34,030 有的是吃处方药 Or prescription pills. 316 00:16:34,070 --> 00:16:34,100 就在上周 有一位足球妈妈 Just last week, we had a soccer mom. 317 00:16:34,100 --> 00:16:35,570 全职顾家支持孩子学习生活的母亲 就在上周 有一位足球妈妈 Just last week, we had a soccer mom. 318 00:16:35,620 --> 00:16:36,000 人很好 Nice lady. 319 00:16:36,000 --> 00:16:38,080 因为吃奥施康定[止痛药]出事掉了几颗牙 Got her teeth kicked in over some oxycontin. 320 00:16:38,120 --> 00:16:40,210 自从那间商场倒闭 半个城的人都失业了 Ever since that mall went bust, half the town is out of work. 321 00:16:40,240 --> 00:16:41,740 毒品暴力的问题我们实在处理不过来 We cannot keep up with the drug violence. 322 00:16:41,790 --> 00:16:44,210 我保证 不是毒品暴力的问题 I'm pretty sure that's not it. 323 00:16:44,250 --> 00:16:46,090 艾米有没有什么朋友可以跟我们谈一谈 Has Amy got friends we can talk to? 324 00:16:48,090 --> 00:16:49,380 没 没有 No, not really. 325 00:16:49,420 --> 00:16:51,380 这么大的地方 连一个朋友都没有 No friends? This whole town? 326 00:16:51,420 --> 00:16:55,050 我妈去世以前 她和我妈的关系很好 She was very close with my mom, before she passed away. 327 00:16:55,090 --> 00:16:57,210 我们小区那一带的流浪汉 You know, we have a pretty serious homeless problem. 328 00:16:57,260 --> 00:16:58,380 很是问题的 In our neighborhood. 329 00:16:58,720 --> 00:17:00,480 我觉得你们应该查查这个 I think maybe you guys should check that out. 330 00:17:01,770 --> 00:17:02,770 我们会调查的 We'll look into that. 331 00:17:02,810 --> 00:17:05,440 你今天十一点左右到酒吧 So, you got to the bar around 11:00 today. 332 00:17:05,480 --> 00:17:07,070 那之前你在哪儿 正常排查而已 Where were you before that? Just to cross that out. 333 00:17:07,100 --> 00:17:08,100 早上我在家 Well, I was home. 334 00:17:08,100 --> 00:17:10,740 九点半出门 买了杯咖啡跟报纸 I left at 9:30, I got a cup of coffee, a newspaper. 335 00:17:10,780 --> 00:17:12,410 到索耶海滩看了会儿报纸 I went to Sawyer beach and read the news. 336 00:17:12,440 --> 00:17:14,610 你在那有碰见谁吗 Did you visit with anyone there? 337 00:17:14,650 --> 00:17:16,610 我就图那里没人打扰 I kind of go to Sawyer beach for the solitude. 338 00:17:17,780 --> 00:17:20,360 所以说 你妻子在这里没有朋友 So, your wife has no friends here. 339 00:17:20,410 --> 00:17:22,250 那她是不是比较冷漠呢 Is she kinda standoffish? 340 00:17:22,290 --> 00:17:24,710 读了名校 心高气傲什么的 Ivy league? Rubs people the wrong way? 341 00:17:24,750 --> 00:17:26,250 她是纽约来的 She's from New York. 342 00:17:27,420 --> 00:17:30,760 她比较复杂 生活标准很高 She's complicated. She's got very high standards. 343 00:17:30,800 --> 00:17:31,800 A型人格 Type A? 344 00:17:31,960 --> 00:17:34,540 如果性格不合 A型性格的人能把你逼疯 That can make you crazy if you're not like that. 345 00:17:34,590 --> 00:17:37,420 你看起来比较闲散 是B型人格 You seem pretty laid-back. Type B. 346 00:17:37,470 --> 00:17:39,640 顺便问一下 艾米是什么血型 Speaking of which, Amy's blood type? 347 00:17:40,180 --> 00:17:41,980 老天 我不知道 我得回家查一下 God, I don't know. I'd have to look it up at the house. 348 00:17:42,010 --> 00:17:43,310 你不知道她有没有朋友 You don't know if she has friends, 349 00:17:43,310 --> 00:17:44,800 也不知道她每天都做些什么 you don't know what she does all day. 350 00:17:44,850 --> 00:17:46,760 连你老婆的血型都不知道 And you don't know your wife's blood type. 351 00:17:46,810 --> 00:17:47,930 你确定你俩结婚了吗 Sure you all are married? 352 00:17:49,690 --> 00:17:50,690 可能是O型 Maybe it's type O. 353 00:17:50,690 --> 00:17:52,910 -她的父母在哪 纽约吗 -是的 - Where are her folks? New York? - Yeah. 354 00:17:52,940 --> 00:17:54,650 他们能及时赶过来参加明天的新闻发布会吗 Can they get here in time for this press conference tomorrow? 355 00:17:54,690 --> 00:17:56,730 明天吗 我不知道 我还没告诉他们 Tomorrow? I have no idea. I haven't talked to them. 356 00:17:56,780 --> 00:17:58,620 你还没给你老婆的父母打电话 You haven't called your wife's parents yet? 357 00:17:58,660 --> 00:17:59,980 这栋楼又没信号 You can't get a signal in this building. 358 00:17:59,980 --> 00:18:01,080 你又一直在跟我谈话 I've been in here talking to you. 359 00:18:01,120 --> 00:18:03,580 给他们打电话 尼克 现在就打 Call them, please, Nick. Now. 360 00:18:03,620 --> 00:18:04,830 好吧 Fine. 361 00:18:10,330 --> 00:18:12,290 我应该知道自己老婆的血型吗 Should I know my wife's blood type? 362 00:18:12,340 --> 00:18:13,340 不用 No. 363 00:18:13,670 --> 00:18:17,460 抱歉 玛丽贝思 我也不知道是怎么回事 I apologize, Marybeth. I didn't know what was going on. 364 00:18:17,510 --> 00:18:19,010 我现在在警局 You know, now I'm at the station. 365 00:18:19,050 --> 00:18:20,620 家里都是警察 And the cops are at the house, 366 00:18:20,620 --> 00:18:22,550 事情比较严重 所以我给你打电话 and it's serious and I'm calling you. 367 00:18:23,260 --> 00:18:26,220 现在很多事情都还不清楚 There's a lot of things that are being juggled right now. 368 00:18:26,270 --> 00:18:29,530 我现在就站在朗达·邦妮警探旁边 I'm standing right next to detective Rhonda Boney. 369 00:18:29,560 --> 00:18:31,520 她负责这个案件 Who's the lead investigator on this and she's... 370 00:18:33,770 --> 00:18:35,940 我岳母想跟你说几句 My mother-in-law would like to speak with you. 371 00:18:37,360 --> 00:18:38,650 我是邦妮警探 This is detective Boney. 372 00:18:38,700 --> 00:18:40,040 我想回家 I wanna go home. 373 00:18:40,070 --> 00:18:42,530 我不明白为什么我得待在这 I don't know why I have to be here. 374 00:18:42,580 --> 00:18:45,210 我不想在这 我想回家 I don't wanna be here. I wanna go home. 375 00:18:45,240 --> 00:18:46,370 爸爸 Dad? 376 00:18:46,790 --> 00:18:48,380 这是我父亲 出什么事了 This is my father. What's going on? 377 00:18:48,410 --> 00:18:49,450 是吗 你就是尼克·邓恩 Really? You're Nick Dunne? 378 00:18:49,710 --> 00:18:51,710 联系你一下午都没找到你 We've been trying to get a hold of you all afternoon. 379 00:18:51,750 --> 00:18:53,410 我就在那儿 我老婆失踪了 I've been right there. My wife is missing. 380 00:18:53,460 --> 00:18:54,580 -贱货 -别说了 - Bitch. - Don't. 381 00:18:54,630 --> 00:18:57,010 你父亲午饭后离开养老院四处游荡 Your father wandered out of comfort hill after lunch. 382 00:18:57,050 --> 00:18:59,430 我们在79号公路发现了他 他迷路了 We found him walking route 79, disoriented. 383 00:18:59,470 --> 00:19:00,930 我们一直在给你打电话 跟你联系... We've been trying to call you for the last... 384 00:19:00,970 --> 00:19:02,220 我手机在这栋楼里收不到信号 I don't get a cell signal in this building. 385 00:19:02,260 --> 00:19:04,220 我就坐在离你二十英尺的地方 I've been sitting 20 feet away from you. 386 00:19:04,560 --> 00:19:06,190 先生 请不要用这种语气跟我说话 Sir, please don't take that tone with me. 387 00:19:06,220 --> 00:19:07,340 又笨又蠢又丑的贱货 Stupid, dumb, ugly bitch. 388 00:19:07,390 --> 00:19:08,930 爸爸 别说了 Dad, stop. 389 00:19:11,600 --> 00:19:12,810 你要不要先送他回去 You wanna drive him home? 390 00:19:13,480 --> 00:19:15,770 最好是这样 谢谢 I think that would be wise. Thanks. 391 00:19:35,340 --> 00:19:38,430 语音信箱已满 This voice mailbox is currently full. 392 00:19:39,340 --> 00:19:40,150 操 Fuck. 393 00:19:40,150 --> 00:19:40,340 养老院 操 Fuck. 394 00:19:40,340 --> 00:19:42,470 养老院 395 00:19:42,470 --> 00:19:45,060 把你的脏手拿开 Get your fucking hands off me. 养老院 396 00:19:45,060 --> 00:19:45,100 养老院 397 00:19:45,100 --> 00:19:45,410 谢谢 Thanks. 养老院 398 00:19:45,410 --> 00:19:46,480 谢谢 Thanks. 399 00:19:57,170 --> 00:19:59,280 2009年7月5日 400 00:19:59,280 --> 00:20:03,450 每个人都一而再地告诫我们 Everyone told us and told us and told us. 2009年7月5日 401 00:20:03,450 --> 00:20:03,490 2009年7月5日 402 00:20:03,490 --> 00:20:06,080 维持婚姻很辛苦 Marriage is hard work. 2009年7月5日 403 00:20:06,080 --> 00:20:06,100 2009年7月5日 404 00:20:06,120 --> 00:20:09,170 需要相互妥协 还要努力经营 And compromise and more work. 405 00:20:09,200 --> 00:20:11,450 "进入炼狱之人 勿抱尘世之望"[《神曲》] "Abandon all hope, ye who enter." 406 00:20:11,500 --> 00:20:14,420 "当小艾米的希望日趋减退 "When young Amy's hope did wane. 407 00:20:14,460 --> 00:20:15,800 "她流连于此 "She wandered here." 408 00:20:15,840 --> 00:20:18,340 但并非如此 对我和尼克来说不是这样 Well, it's not true. Not for me and Nick. 409 00:20:18,380 --> 00:20:21,010 "寻找简·奥斯汀 "In search of Jane." 410 00:20:21,050 --> 00:20:23,970 两年之于我们而言 With us, two years, 411 00:20:24,220 --> 00:20:25,640 正是浓情蜜意时 it's just good. 412 00:20:26,140 --> 00:20:27,980 奥斯汀 Austen. 413 00:20:29,470 --> 00:20:31,030 你是个独来独往的姑娘 You were an alienated teen, 414 00:20:31,030 --> 00:20:33,470 《傲慢与偏见》女主角 只有伊丽莎白·班内特能懂你 and only Elizabeth Bennet understood you. 415 00:20:33,980 --> 00:20:35,980 看看 Look at that. 416 00:20:37,820 --> 00:20:39,200 老天爷 My God. 417 00:20:39,690 --> 00:20:40,980 你这个风骚的女子 You naughty minx. 418 00:20:41,030 --> 00:20:44,120 通常我们进入下一步才能做爱 Well, technically, we are supposed to fuck at the next stop. 419 00:20:44,160 --> 00:20:45,790 没错 比较合传统 Yeah, in keeping with tradition. 420 00:20:45,820 --> 00:20:49,320 但我觉得这次可以通融一下 But I might be willing to bend the rules this once. 421 00:20:49,370 --> 00:20:51,080 求老天保佑简·奥斯汀 God bless Jane Austen. 422 00:21:02,740 --> 00:21:06,370 不好意思 I'm sorry. 423 00:21:06,430 --> 00:21:10,440 我可是热情洋溢的 看看 有此为证 I'm enthusiastic. Look at that. It's confirmed by the... 424 00:21:13,390 --> 00:21:15,680 谢谢 Thank you. 425 00:21:16,730 --> 00:21:18,190 两周年纪念日 棉婚 Year two. Cotton. 426 00:21:24,950 --> 00:21:26,360 之前不是开玩笑说 It's, we had that joke that 427 00:21:26,360 --> 00:21:29,200 我们的性生活好到普通床单无法承受 our sex was too good for ordinary. 428 00:21:29,240 --> 00:21:31,700 这床单有两千支... So, these are 2,000 thread-count... 429 00:21:36,750 --> 00:21:39,670 太可爱了 真想往咱俩脸上揍一拳 We're so cute. I wanna punch us in the face. 430 00:21:39,710 --> 00:21:42,920 太好了 真的 太棒了 That's pretty great. I mean, that is pretty great. 431 00:21:44,380 --> 00:21:45,840 他们有没有问你需不需要请律师 Did they ask if you wanted a lawyer? 432 00:21:45,880 --> 00:21:48,050 我不需要律师 好了 我来吧 I don't need a lawyer. Here, I'll do this. 433 00:21:48,550 --> 00:21:50,510 那他们有没有问关于艾米的私人问题 Well, did they ask personal stuff about Amy? 434 00:21:50,560 --> 00:21:51,730 他们问了 You know, they asked, 435 00:21:52,060 --> 00:21:53,520 为什么她没朋友 why didn't she have any friends? 436 00:21:53,560 --> 00:21:54,400 那你怎么回答的 What did you say? 437 00:21:54,430 --> 00:21:56,430 -我说她比较复杂 -尼克 - I said she was complicated. - Nick! 438 00:21:57,440 --> 00:22:00,070 所有人都知道 复杂的意思就是贱人 Everyone knows "Complicated" is code for "Bitch." 439 00:22:05,490 --> 00:22:07,280 天哪 我觉得很难受 God. I feel sick. 440 00:22:07,320 --> 00:22:08,730 谢谢 Thanks. 441 00:22:09,740 --> 00:22:11,030 这也太奇怪了 It's so bizarre. 442 00:22:11,080 --> 00:22:13,580 感觉这种事一定会发生在艾米身上似的 It seems like the kind of thing that would happen to Amy. 443 00:22:13,620 --> 00:22:14,790 她总是那么... She always attracts... 444 00:22:14,830 --> 00:22:16,420 戏剧性 Drama? 445 00:22:17,250 --> 00:22:18,630 你可以说的 就我们俩 You can say it. It's just me and you. 446 00:22:18,670 --> 00:22:21,220 虽然我不喜欢和艾米待在一起 Just because I don't like to be around Amy, 447 00:22:21,250 --> 00:22:22,690 但这不代表我不关心她 Doesn't mean I don't care about her. 448 00:22:25,590 --> 00:22:27,760 无论如何 带她走的人肯定会带她回来的 Anyway, whoever took her is bound to bring her back. 449 00:22:37,100 --> 00:22:39,140 警探 你好 Detective? Excuse me. 450 00:22:39,190 --> 00:22:41,820 我是诺艾尔·霍桑 艾米最好的朋友 I'm Noelle Hawthorne. I'm Amy's best friend. 451 00:22:42,940 --> 00:22:45,600 很好 那你家住哪里呢 诺艾尔 Well, great. Where do you live, Noelle? 452 00:22:46,150 --> 00:22:47,650 隔着五户人家 1032号 Five doors down. 1032. 453 00:22:47,700 --> 00:22:49,910 真好 能跟你谈谈真好 Wonderful. I would love to talk to you. 454 00:22:49,950 --> 00:22:51,830 我半个小时以后来可以吗 Can I come by in half an hour? 455 00:22:51,870 --> 00:22:53,580 -有什么消息了吗 -不好意思 - Y'all know anything yet? - I'm sorry. 456 00:22:53,620 --> 00:22:56,420 我还有人在这工作 给我半小时 I got guys on the clock in here. But you give me 30 minutes. 457 00:22:56,450 --> 00:22:57,780 但那个时间我一般都在洗澡 But that's usually bath time. 458 00:22:58,540 --> 00:23:01,130 那就边洗边说 Well, we'll talk in between shampoos. 459 00:23:03,880 --> 00:23:05,180 好了 有什么发现吗 All right. So, what do you got? 460 00:23:05,210 --> 00:23:07,840 你在厨房看到的肯定是溅出来的血 It was definitely blood spatter you saw in the kitchen. 461 00:23:08,340 --> 00:23:10,000 厨房嘛 刀具 准备食物什么的 Normally, kitchen, knives, food prep. 462 00:23:10,050 --> 00:23:12,420 应该不奇怪 但那片血迹太高了 Not that weird, but that is awfully high. 463 00:23:12,470 --> 00:23:14,100 所以我还要做一下荧光血迹测试 So, I'm gonna order a luminol sweep. 464 00:23:14,140 --> 00:23:15,310 没问题 Well, okay. 465 00:23:18,020 --> 00:23:19,110 有意思 Interesting. 466 00:23:19,140 --> 00:23:20,260 怎么了 What's that? 467 00:23:20,310 --> 00:23:23,810 房子是以她的名义租的 车也在她名下 House is rented in her name. Car's in her name. 468 00:23:23,860 --> 00:23:26,090 信用卡 家用设施 电话账单 Credit cards, utilities, phone bill, 469 00:23:26,090 --> 00:23:26,990 都是她的名字 all in her name. 470 00:23:27,030 --> 00:23:28,870 连他的酒吧都是在她的名下 Even his bar's in her name. 471 00:23:28,900 --> 00:23:30,820 我不明白这有什么好奇怪的 I don't know that that's so surprising. 472 00:23:30,860 --> 00:23:32,480 不奇怪 但很耻辱 No. But it is humiliating. 473 00:23:32,530 --> 00:23:33,440 有什么线索 What you got? 474 00:23:33,490 --> 00:23:36,320 在她难以启齿的秘密里找到的 It's with her unmentionables. 475 00:23:48,670 --> 00:23:51,550 我们的第一条线索 Well, we have our first clue. 476 00:23:57,000 --> 00:24:00,000 七月六日 消失一天后 477 00:24:02,650 --> 00:24:04,320 我得去洗个澡 I have to take a shower. 478 00:24:04,360 --> 00:24:06,150 不 别洗 你一晚都没睡 No, don't. You've been up all night. 479 00:24:06,190 --> 00:24:08,350 你得看着像一夜没睡的样子 You wanna look like you've been up all night. 480 00:24:09,990 --> 00:24:12,330 今天小心点 好吗 Hey, be careful today, okay? 481 00:24:12,360 --> 00:24:13,690 说得还真奇怪 That's a weird thing to say. 482 00:24:13,740 --> 00:24:15,130 你郁闷的时候就会喝酒 Well, when you're upset, you bottle up. 483 00:24:15,130 --> 00:24:17,500 看起来比较愤怒 就像... You can seem angry, like... 484 00:24:17,540 --> 00:24:19,040 千万别说 跟老爸一副德行 please don't say, "Like dad." 485 00:24:19,080 --> 00:24:20,800 要么你就得发动你的乖宝宝魅力攻势 Or else you swing into your momma's-boy charm offensive, 486 00:24:20,800 --> 00:24:21,840 不过那就有点不正经了 and that can feel glib. 487 00:24:21,870 --> 00:24:22,660 很好 Perfect. 488 00:24:22,710 --> 00:24:25,460 我会尽量照顾你的玻璃心的 I'll balance on the exact fucking edge of your emotional razor. 489 00:24:25,500 --> 00:24:27,330 好了 你只要 Okay. Just be... 490 00:24:27,380 --> 00:24:29,300 做自己 Myself? 491 00:24:29,340 --> 00:24:31,680 资助了一个彩票抽奖售票店以造福西部人民 Sponsoring a raffle to benefit west county 4h. 492 00:24:31,720 --> 00:24:35,180 抽奖销售密苏里足球队的季度赛球票 And raffling season tickets for mizzou football. 493 00:24:35,220 --> 00:24:38,520 你可以在烤翅店或轮胎店买到球票 Buy your tickets at the wing hut or local tri-state tire stores. 494 00:24:43,100 --> 00:24:44,430 你的岳父岳母赶过来了 Your in-laws made it. 495 00:24:46,440 --> 00:24:47,490 -兰德 -孩子 - Hi, Rand. - Hey, man. 496 00:24:47,520 --> 00:24:48,350 我是邦妮警探 I'm detective Boney. 497 00:24:48,400 --> 00:24:50,360 我是他的孪生姐姐 马尔 I'm the twin. Margo. 498 00:24:50,400 --> 00:24:53,480 我们昨天打了网球 到现在还没缓过来 We played tennis yesterday, Nick. I just can't get over it. 499 00:24:53,530 --> 00:24:54,870 玛丽贝思 真的很抱歉 Marybeth, I am really sorry. 500 00:24:54,910 --> 00:24:56,700 我就知道 你们不应该搬回来 I knew you never should have moved back here. 501 00:24:56,740 --> 00:24:57,860 我们也是没办法 We didn't have a lot of choice. 502 00:24:57,910 --> 00:25:01,580 我们都很担心 很害怕 We are all worried. We are all scared. 503 00:25:01,620 --> 00:25:03,160 但我们现在也都来了 But we are all here now. 504 00:25:03,170 --> 00:25:06,080 我们一起努力 肯定能找到艾米的 And we will find Amy, together. 505 00:25:16,300 --> 00:25:18,220 是不是我先来 然后你们再说点什么 Should I just go first, and then you guys can say something? 506 00:25:18,260 --> 00:25:19,260 好的 Good. 507 00:25:20,890 --> 00:25:25,230 大家都知道 我的妻子艾米·艾略特·邓恩 As you know, my wife, Amy Elliott Dunne. 508 00:25:25,270 --> 00:25:28,070 七月五日在家中莫名失踪 Disappeared from our home on the morning of July 5th. 509 00:25:29,020 --> 00:25:31,560 留下许多可疑的线索 Under suspicious circumstances. 510 00:25:31,610 --> 00:25:33,070 声音大一点 Louder! 511 00:25:33,110 --> 00:25:37,530 不管谁有了消息 If anyone out there has any information. 512 00:25:37,570 --> 00:25:39,900 请站出来 Please come forward. 513 00:25:39,950 --> 00:25:41,570 谢谢 Thank you. 514 00:25:43,910 --> 00:25:45,010 我叫兰德·艾略特 I'm Rand Elliott. 515 00:25:45,010 --> 00:25:46,740 这是我的妻子玛丽贝思·艾略特 My wife, Marybeth Elliott. 516 00:25:46,790 --> 00:25:47,870 我应该说名字吗 Should I have said my name? 517 00:25:48,460 --> 00:25:50,420 艾米是我们的独生女儿 Amy is our only child. 518 00:25:50,460 --> 00:25:54,460 她阳光 美丽 善良 She's bright, she's beautiful. She's kind. 519 00:25:54,970 --> 00:25:56,470 她确实是了不起的艾米 She really is amazing Amy. 520 00:25:56,800 --> 00:25:59,510 有成百上千万的人 You know, there are millions of people out there, 521 00:25:59,550 --> 00:26:02,090 陪伴她长大 关心她 爱护她 who grew up with her and care about her. 522 00:26:02,140 --> 00:26:04,770 我们关心她 我们很爱她 We care about her, we love her. 523 00:26:05,480 --> 00:26:08,070 我们只想让她回家 And we just want her back. 524 00:26:09,980 --> 00:26:12,600 艾米是位颇有成就的学者 Amy is a decorated scholar. 525 00:26:12,650 --> 00:26:15,620 在新闻界闯出了一片天 She forged a successful career in journalism. 526 00:26:15,650 --> 00:26:17,940 之后她回到丈夫的家乡 She returned here to her husband's hometown, 527 00:26:17,990 --> 00:26:20,330 在婆家开始了新的生活 and she made a life in her adopted home. 528 00:26:21,410 --> 00:26:23,790 而现在 艾米需要你的帮助 Now, Amy needs your help. 529 00:26:23,830 --> 00:26:27,960 我们在特鲁里旅馆设立了志愿者中心 We're establishing a volunteer headquarters at the Drury lodge. 530 00:26:28,000 --> 00:26:33,340 热线电话是18854寻找艾米 We have a hotline, 1-855-4-Amy-tips. 531 00:26:33,590 --> 00:26:39,010 我们的网址名称是"寻找了不起的艾米" And our website is www.Findamazingamy.com. 532 00:26:39,510 --> 00:26:41,470 -邓恩先生 -艾略特先生 - Mr. Dunne! - Mr. Elliott! 533 00:26:42,850 --> 00:26:44,690 邓恩先生 有没有凶杀的迹象 Mr. Dunne, any signs of foul play? 534 00:26:46,430 --> 00:26:50,100 艾略特先生 你上次跟女儿联系是什么时候 Mr. Elliott, when was the last time you spoke to your daughter? 535 00:26:51,610 --> 00:26:52,610 笑一笑 Smile. 536 00:26:59,200 --> 00:27:00,790 到此为止 谢谢大家 That's all for now. Thank you. 537 00:27:03,370 --> 00:27:06,210 艾米有很多仰慕者 Amy is the kind of girl who attracts admirers. 538 00:27:06,250 --> 00:27:07,130 对吧 尼克 Right, Nick? 539 00:27:07,160 --> 00:27:08,330 是的 确实如此 Yeah, definitely. 540 00:27:08,370 --> 00:27:10,870 我们有过活生生的例子 And we've had instances. 541 00:27:10,920 --> 00:27:12,970 -这事有点... -吓人 - Where things got... - scary. 542 00:27:13,000 --> 00:27:14,460 你知道德西·柯林斯吗 Do you know about Desi Collings? 543 00:27:14,500 --> 00:27:16,170 是的 德西·柯林斯的事我都知道 Yeah, I know all about Desi Collings. 544 00:27:16,210 --> 00:27:17,460 他对艾米很着迷 He was obsessed. 545 00:27:17,510 --> 00:27:20,850 高二那年艾米和他分手后还自杀过 He attempted suicide after Amy broke up with him sophomore year. 546 00:27:20,890 --> 00:27:22,430 我们不得不申请了禁令 We had to file a restraining order. 547 00:27:22,470 --> 00:27:24,850 这是高中的事了吧 二十年前 This would be high school? Twenty years ago? 548 00:27:24,890 --> 00:27:28,110 但他最近搬到圣路易斯 离这只有两小时 But he recently moved to St. Louis. That's just two hours away. 549 00:27:28,140 --> 00:27:30,010 不过 他家就是圣路易斯的 To be fair, he is from St. Louis. 550 00:27:30,060 --> 00:27:31,680 还有汤米·欧哈拉 We also have Tommy O'Hara. 551 00:27:31,730 --> 00:27:33,940 这个只是八年前 在纽约 This is only eight years ago, in New York. 552 00:27:33,980 --> 00:27:36,270 他俩分手以后 他就变得很暴力 She broke up with him, he got very physical. 553 00:27:36,320 --> 00:27:38,000 -她起诉了 -罪名是什么 - She filed charges. - What was the charge? 554 00:27:38,030 --> 00:27:40,120 性侵 威胁 恐吓 殴打还是什么 Sexual assault, threat, battery, what? 555 00:27:40,150 --> 00:27:42,110 我只知道情况很糟糕 I only know it was bad. 556 00:27:42,160 --> 00:27:43,950 -这事我怎么不知道 -好吧 - I didn't know this. - Okay. 557 00:27:43,990 --> 00:27:45,900 谢谢你们 Thank you. 558 00:27:45,950 --> 00:27:47,240 还有最近的吗 Anything more recent? 559 00:27:50,580 --> 00:27:52,580 据我所知没有了 Not that I know of. 560 00:27:55,040 --> 00:27:57,960 尼克 有时间吗 Hey, Nick? You got a minute? 561 00:27:59,130 --> 00:28:00,750 有 Yeah. 562 00:28:06,140 --> 00:28:07,520 想想我们得多迷惑 Imagine our confusion. 563 00:28:07,560 --> 00:28:08,730 在一起人口失踪案里 A missing persons case. 564 00:28:08,770 --> 00:28:10,040 却在妻子的衣帽间 And in your wife's dressing room, 565 00:28:10,040 --> 00:28:11,360 发现了一封写有"线索"两个字的信封 we find an envelope marked "Clue." 566 00:28:11,390 --> 00:28:13,640 那是为我们的结婚纪念日准备的 That's for our anniversary. 567 00:28:13,690 --> 00:28:15,990 我老婆喜欢寻宝游戏 My wife does these treasure hunts. 568 00:28:16,020 --> 00:28:18,400 我希望你能告诉我们这是什么意思 I'm hoping you can tell me what this means. 569 00:28:18,440 --> 00:28:19,440 你想玩艾米的寻宝游戏 You want to solve Amy's treasure hunt? 570 00:28:19,860 --> 00:28:22,180 这有助于我们了解艾米失踪前的动向 It'll help me track Amy's movements before she disappeared. 571 00:28:22,410 --> 00:28:24,580 当然 可以 Of course. Okay. 572 00:28:24,620 --> 00:28:27,210 "尽管空间狭窄 "Although this spot couldn't be tighter, 573 00:28:27,950 --> 00:28:30,660 "却是我最爱作家的温床 "It's a cozy room for my favorite writer." 574 00:28:33,500 --> 00:28:34,710 这个我知道 I know this one! 575 00:28:35,210 --> 00:28:38,720 尽管空间狭窄 Although this spot couldn't be any tighter, 576 00:28:39,340 --> 00:28:42,140 却是我最爱作家的温床 It's a cozy room for my favorite writer. 577 00:28:43,630 --> 00:28:47,050 下课铃响 就来见我 After-school meeting, don't mind if I do. 578 00:28:47,100 --> 00:28:50,020 看我这个老师合不合格 Maybe I'll teach you a thing or two. 579 00:28:54,060 --> 00:28:56,390 这个上面写了什么 Well, well. What does it say? 580 00:28:56,440 --> 00:28:57,950 线索二 Clue two. 581 00:28:59,070 --> 00:29:02,450 "帅哥 我们来玩间谍游戏吧 "Hey, handsome man, let's go undercover. 582 00:29:02,950 --> 00:29:06,830 "你来演间谍 我来当情人 "You'll be the spy, and I'll be his lover. 583 00:29:07,330 --> 00:29:08,370 "我们携手并肩 "Let's head on over. 584 00:29:08,410 --> 00:29:10,290 "去往那间棕色小屋 "To the little brown house. 585 00:29:10,330 --> 00:29:14,040 "一起扮演热辣亲密的夫妻 甜蜜相爱的伴侣 "We'll play hot, doting husband, sweet, loving spouse." 586 00:29:17,080 --> 00:29:18,080 这是你的吗 These yours? 587 00:29:18,710 --> 00:29:19,710 不是 No. 588 00:29:19,750 --> 00:29:21,210 不过你也看过第一条线索 But you read the first clue. 589 00:29:21,260 --> 00:29:24,390 好色的教授 淫荡的学生 Randy Professor, naughty student. 590 00:29:24,430 --> 00:29:25,470 我脸都红了 I blush. 591 00:29:25,510 --> 00:29:27,270 我和我前任只送过卡片 Me and my ex just swapped cards. 592 00:29:28,470 --> 00:29:29,840 这个棕色小屋在哪儿 Where's this little brown house? 593 00:29:29,890 --> 00:29:31,400 我不知道 I have no idea. 594 00:29:35,160 --> 00:29:38,000 帮助找寻 艾米·邓恩 请拨18854 寻找艾米 595 00:30:14,600 --> 00:30:15,970 你好 Hello? 596 00:30:16,640 --> 00:30:18,520 我是尼古拉斯·邓恩 Nicholas Dunne. 597 00:30:19,190 --> 00:30:22,280 这房子登记在我父亲威廉·邓恩名下 Under my father's name, William Dunne. 598 00:30:28,700 --> 00:30:31,040 我妻子的第一只宠物 这有必要吗 My wife's first pet? Is this necessary? 599 00:30:31,040 --> 00:30:32,790 能不能把警报... Can you just turn the bell... 600 00:30:32,830 --> 00:30:33,830 我知道 yeah, I know. 601 00:30:37,920 --> 00:30:40,210 是"小邋遢"吗 还是"贵宾犬" It's "Puddles", right? Or is it "Poodles"? 602 00:30:44,130 --> 00:30:45,760 没事了 We're good. 603 00:30:47,340 --> 00:30:48,460 你好啊 陌生人 Hello, stranger. 604 00:30:48,510 --> 00:30:50,640 没想到能在这遇到你 Fancy meeting you here. 605 00:30:50,680 --> 00:30:52,980 这是你爸爸的屋子吧 It's your dad's house, right? 606 00:30:53,010 --> 00:30:54,640 你在跟踪我吗 Are you following me? 607 00:30:54,680 --> 00:30:55,550 你来这干什么 What you doing? 608 00:30:55,600 --> 00:30:57,770 如你所说 这是我爸的屋子 Like you said, it's my dad's house. 609 00:30:57,810 --> 00:31:00,520 我每周都会来看一眼 防止失火什么的 I come by once a week, make sure the place hasn't burned down. 610 00:31:02,320 --> 00:31:03,610 看来今天还好 But it looks okay. 611 00:31:04,360 --> 00:31:06,240 我送你出去吧 I'll walk you out. 612 00:31:09,490 --> 00:31:14,280 我觉得这就是所谓的棕色小屋了 You know, I thought maybe this was the little brown house. 613 00:31:14,330 --> 00:31:15,540 线索里提到的那栋 From the clue. 614 00:31:15,580 --> 00:31:17,540 不可能 明明是蓝色 Nope. Still blue. 615 00:31:34,010 --> 00:31:38,220 想象我是个很坏很坏的女孩 Picture me, I'm a girl who's very, very bad. 616 00:31:38,270 --> 00:31:41,980 我必须受到惩罚 活该被逮个正着 I need to be punished, and by "Punished," I mean "Had." 617 00:31:42,480 --> 00:31:45,610 有人在那里为结婚五周年藏起了好东西 It's where you keep goodies for anniversary five. 618 00:31:45,900 --> 00:31:49,660 "快打开门来 仔细瞧一瞧 "So open the door, and look alive." 619 00:31:50,950 --> 00:31:51,990 贱货 Bitch! 620 00:31:55,700 --> 00:31:56,550 想找到你婚姻的软肋吗 Want to test your marriage for weak spots? 621 00:31:56,550 --> 00:31:58,700 2010年7月18日 想找到你婚姻的软肋吗 Want to test your marriage for weak spots? 622 00:31:58,700 --> 00:31:59,370 2010年7月18日 623 00:31:59,370 --> 00:32:00,000 只需加一场经济萧条 Add one recession. 2010年7月18日 624 00:32:00,000 --> 00:32:00,830 只需加一场经济萧条 Add one recession. 625 00:32:01,170 --> 00:32:02,460 再减去两份工作 Subtract two jobs. 626 00:32:03,040 --> 00:32:05,160 出奇地有效 It's surprisingly effective. 627 00:32:05,210 --> 00:32:07,620 答应我永远别像他们一样 Promise me we'll never be like them. 628 00:32:07,670 --> 00:32:08,790 像谁一样 Like who? 629 00:32:08,840 --> 00:32:10,600 那些失败的夫妻 All those awful couples we know. 630 00:32:10,630 --> 00:32:14,590 妻子把丈夫当成马戏团的猴子 Those wives who treat their men like dancing monkeys. 631 00:32:14,640 --> 00:32:16,700 训着管着还得带出去给人看 To be trained and paraded. 632 00:32:16,720 --> 00:32:19,430 丈夫眼中妻子就跟公路巡警似的 Husbands who treat their wives like the highway patrol. 633 00:32:19,810 --> 00:32:22,400 怕着躲着还得时刻算计着 To be out-foxed and avoided. 634 00:32:27,150 --> 00:32:28,820 我快被炒鱿鱼了 I think I'm gonna be laid off. 635 00:32:29,610 --> 00:32:30,540 虽然现在经济衰退 We're in a recession. 636 00:32:30,540 --> 00:32:32,400 不过没有过不去的坎儿 If it happens, we'll deal with it. 637 00:32:32,450 --> 00:32:34,660 我可能也会失业 I'll probably be next. 638 00:32:34,700 --> 00:32:35,950 但我们拥有彼此 We have each other. 639 00:32:36,330 --> 00:32:38,870 别的都是身外之物 Everything else is background noise. 640 00:32:39,950 --> 00:32:41,740 你真是独一无二 You are exceptional. 641 00:32:49,460 --> 00:32:50,710 到我说了 My turn. 642 00:32:52,590 --> 00:32:54,270 我父母的出版商不理他们 My parents' publisher dropped them, 643 00:32:54,270 --> 00:32:56,050 他们现在债台高筑 and they're in debt up to their ears. 644 00:32:56,100 --> 00:32:56,930 真糟糕 That's terrible. 645 00:32:56,970 --> 00:32:59,390 他们得从我的信托基金里拿钱还债 And they need to borrow from my trust fund. 646 00:32:59,430 --> 00:33:00,930 花了多少 How much? 647 00:33:00,980 --> 00:33:03,190 差不多一百万 Almost a million. 648 00:33:03,770 --> 00:33:05,360 那不是要用完了吗 That's almost all of it. 649 00:33:05,400 --> 00:33:07,700 所以轮到你说"别的都是身外之物"了 This is where you say, "Everything else is background noise." 650 00:33:07,730 --> 00:33:08,770 艾米 要是你失业了 Amy, if you're laid off. 651 00:33:08,940 --> 00:33:10,190 我也失业了 And I'm laid off. 652 00:33:10,230 --> 00:33:11,360 我已经决定好了 I said I'd do it. 653 00:33:11,400 --> 00:33:12,650 都不和我商量一下吗 Without talking to me? 654 00:33:12,700 --> 00:33:14,280 -其实... -你说了算 - Well, it's... - Your call. 655 00:33:14,320 --> 00:33:15,900 这本来就是他们的钱 Their money, technically. 656 00:33:20,330 --> 00:33:22,000 你说得对 You know what? You're right. 657 00:33:22,620 --> 00:33:24,620 别的都是身外之物 Everything else is just background noise. 658 00:33:38,720 --> 00:33:39,880 还买游戏 More games? 659 00:33:39,930 --> 00:33:41,550 没错 满足一下开枪杀人的欲望 Yeah, I just wanted to shoot some folks. 660 00:33:42,770 --> 00:33:44,230 那买这手提电脑干什么 What's the laptop for? 661 00:33:45,310 --> 00:33:46,310 用 Laptoping. 662 00:33:48,560 --> 00:33:49,480 我算明白了 I see. 663 00:33:49,520 --> 00:33:51,020 你能在不和我商量的前提下 You can give your parents $879,000 664 00:33:51,030 --> 00:33:52,520 借你父母八十八万还债 without talking to me, 665 00:33:53,070 --> 00:33:55,700 而我未经你允许买款游戏就犯了天条了 but God forbid I buy a video game without getting your permission. 666 00:33:55,740 --> 00:33:56,790 你买的太多了 You are spending a lot. 667 00:33:56,820 --> 00:33:59,070 你不相信我 你不相信我的判断 You don't trust me. You don't trust my judgment. 668 00:33:59,120 --> 00:34:00,680 甚至怀疑我的动机 You certainly don't trust my intention. 669 00:34:00,700 --> 00:34:01,660 你在胡扯什么 What are you talking about? 670 00:34:01,700 --> 00:34:03,320 这是咱俩婚前约法三章的 That's the basic tenet of a prenup, isn't it? 671 00:34:03,370 --> 00:34:05,620 你怎么又拿这事来说理 Why are you throwing that in my face again? 672 00:34:05,670 --> 00:34:07,210 因为我本来就占理 Because it's easy to throw. 673 00:34:07,250 --> 00:34:08,050 尼克 我不明白 Nick, I don't get it. 674 00:34:08,080 --> 00:34:11,420 为什么你要逼着我变成我不喜欢的样子 I don't get why you're daring me to be someone I don't wanna be. 675 00:34:11,460 --> 00:34:14,540 变成一个唠唠叨叨控制欲爆表的泼妇 The nagging shrew. The controlling bitch. 676 00:34:14,590 --> 00:34:16,960 我不是那样的人 我是你妻子 I'm not that person. I'm your wife. 677 00:34:17,010 --> 00:34:18,180 抱歉 I'm sorry. 678 00:34:18,220 --> 00:34:20,560 我只是有点不知所措 我还未曾失业过 I just don't know how to do this. I've never not had a job. 679 00:34:20,600 --> 00:34:22,600 以前我卖过汉堡 刷过墙 我不... I flipped burgers, I painted houses. I don't... 680 00:34:22,640 --> 00:34:24,650 你会找到新工作的 You'll get another job. 681 00:34:29,060 --> 00:34:30,270 嗨 马尔 Hi, go. 682 00:34:32,020 --> 00:34:33,770 什么 等等 你说什么 What? Hold on. What? 683 00:34:33,820 --> 00:34:35,240 -突然间 -慢点儿说 怎么了 - And suddenly. - Slow down, what is it? 684 00:34:35,280 --> 00:34:37,280 我发现一切只会变得更糟 I knew everything was about to get worse. 685 00:34:37,320 --> 00:34:38,900 告诉我发生了什么事 Okay, tell me what's wrong. 686 00:34:48,680 --> 00:34:51,900 七月七日 消失两天后 687 00:35:06,270 --> 00:35:07,770 -上帝保佑你 尼克 -神父 - Bless you, Nick. - Father. 688 00:35:08,440 --> 00:35:09,860 汤姆 镇长先生 你们好 Hey, Tom. Mayor! 689 00:35:09,900 --> 00:35:11,150 尼克 很高兴见到你 Nick, good to see you. 690 00:35:11,190 --> 00:35:12,190 我也是 Good to see you. 691 00:35:12,230 --> 00:35:13,480 小朋友们 Hey, guys, hey. 692 00:35:15,900 --> 00:35:17,400 -乔蒂 -尼克 - Jodie. - Nick. 693 00:35:19,110 --> 00:35:20,730 我们会找到她的 Oh, we'll find her. 694 00:35:35,710 --> 00:35:37,420 你脸色真差 You look like hammered shit. 695 00:35:37,470 --> 00:35:39,140 谢谢 Thank you. 696 00:35:47,230 --> 00:35:48,950 你见过那个戴眼镜的家伙吗 You ever see that guy in the glasses before? 697 00:35:49,600 --> 00:35:50,540 别担心 我们录下了 Don't worry. We videotape everybody 698 00:35:50,540 --> 00:35:52,350 所有出入这栋建筑的人 that comes in and out of these things. 699 00:35:52,400 --> 00:35:54,190 你似乎找了不少 I mean, you tend to get a lot of... 700 00:35:54,230 --> 00:35:55,270 伪善人 Do-gooders? 701 00:35:55,320 --> 00:35:56,530 怪人 Freaks. 702 00:35:56,570 --> 00:35:58,530 我想问问你 Hey, I meant to ask you. 703 00:35:58,570 --> 00:36:00,030 诺艾尔·霍桑 Noelle Hawthorne? 704 00:36:00,910 --> 00:36:02,630 她是你邻居 也是艾米最好的朋友 She lives on your street. Amy's best friend. 705 00:36:03,740 --> 00:36:05,070 从没听过诺艾尔·霍桑这名字 I've never heard the name Noelle Hawthorne. 706 00:36:05,120 --> 00:36:07,290 就是有三胞胎的那一家 She and her husband have triplets. 707 00:36:08,620 --> 00:36:11,450 可能打过几次招呼 Yeah, we might say hi to them on the street. 708 00:36:11,830 --> 00:36:14,000 但绝不是什么最好的朋友 But "Best friend"? No. 709 00:36:14,540 --> 00:36:15,750 抱歉 我过去一下 Excuse me, one sec. 710 00:36:20,050 --> 00:36:22,140 他表现得就像和诺艾尔完全没有来往 He acted like Noelle was a complete stranger. 711 00:36:22,180 --> 00:36:23,270 意料之中 Of course he did. 712 00:36:23,640 --> 00:36:24,930 来 这两个给你 Look, these two are yours. 713 00:36:24,970 --> 00:36:27,340 看 他又在演好人了 Oh, look. He's being a good guy, 714 00:36:27,390 --> 00:36:29,310 这样所有人才会觉得他是无辜的 so everybody can see him being a good guy. 715 00:36:29,350 --> 00:36:31,140 你还真是不喜欢他啊 You really don't like him, do you? 716 00:36:31,190 --> 00:36:32,690 他哪儿讨人喜欢了 What's to like? 717 00:36:54,380 --> 00:36:58,010 语音信箱已满 按1转到 This mailbox is currently full. Press one to... 718 00:36:58,050 --> 00:37:01,430 尼克 请容我自我介绍一下 我叫肖纳·凯利 Nick? I just wanted to introduce myself. My name's Shawna Kelly. 719 00:37:01,670 --> 00:37:04,380 我为你遇到的麻烦表示遗憾 I am so sorry for your troubles. 720 00:37:04,430 --> 00:37:05,350 谢谢关心 Thank you. That's kind. 721 00:37:05,390 --> 00:37:06,810 你最近有好好吃饭吗 Are you remembering to eat? 722 00:37:06,850 --> 00:37:07,980 吃了不少冻肉 Well, a lot of cold cuts. 723 00:37:08,010 --> 00:37:12,180 那你可得尝尝我闻名世界的玉米鸡肉派 I'm gonna fix you up my world-famous chicken frito pie. 724 00:37:12,230 --> 00:37:13,750 十分感谢 不过不用劳烦了 That's very kind and very unnecessary. 725 00:37:13,770 --> 00:37:15,400 吃饱才有力气做事 You have to keep your strength. 726 00:37:15,940 --> 00:37:16,940 你能... Would you... 727 00:37:17,820 --> 00:37:19,700 说"玉米鸡肉派" Say, "Chicken frito pie!" 728 00:37:23,910 --> 00:37:27,830 能麻烦你删了这张照片吗 You know what? Would you delete that picture for me? 729 00:37:27,870 --> 00:37:29,750 -拍的很棒呀 -我知道 - It's a nice photo. - I know it is. 730 00:37:29,790 --> 00:37:31,210 就当帮我个忙 But just do me a favor. 731 00:37:31,250 --> 00:37:33,000 行吗 Will you? 732 00:37:33,040 --> 00:37:35,960 拜托你删了这张照片吧 Would you go ahead and please delete that picture? 733 00:37:36,000 --> 00:37:37,000 你就按一下 You just press... 734 00:37:37,040 --> 00:37:38,540 你有病吧 What is wrong with you? 735 00:37:38,590 --> 00:37:39,880 那别给其他人看 行吗 Could you please not share that with anyone? 736 00:37:39,920 --> 00:37:43,250 我爱给谁看就给谁看 I will share it with whomever I please. 737 00:37:47,050 --> 00:37:48,420 -伙计 -怎么了 - Dude. - Yeah? 738 00:37:48,470 --> 00:37:49,800 你岳母生气了 Marybeth is pissed. 739 00:37:50,520 --> 00:37:51,520 她生什么气 Why? 740 00:37:54,190 --> 00:37:55,770 玛丽贝思 Marybeth? 741 00:37:55,810 --> 00:37:59,230 你还把自己当成返校节国王了 It's like you're the goddamn homecoming king. 742 00:38:01,650 --> 00:38:04,110 我妈妈教导我要礼貌 It was important to my mother that I be polite. 743 00:38:04,150 --> 00:38:06,070 要做个体贴的绅士 I be considerate, I be a gentleman. 744 00:38:06,110 --> 00:38:07,820 你好像玩得还挺开心 It looked like you were having fun. 745 00:38:07,870 --> 00:38:10,120 这对我来说就是场噩梦 I am in a nightmare! 746 00:38:10,830 --> 00:38:13,250 我只是想尽量用一副好脸色 All I'm trying to do is be nice 747 00:38:13,290 --> 00:38:17,000 去面对那些乐意帮忙寻找艾米的人 to the people who are volunteering to help find Amy. 748 00:38:18,960 --> 00:38:20,720 你说得对 You're right. 749 00:38:21,590 --> 00:38:23,550 抱歉 And I'm sorry. 750 00:38:25,550 --> 00:38:29,180 老天爷 这地方闻起来一股屎味儿 My God, this place literally smells like feces. 751 00:38:40,150 --> 00:38:43,490 你搜查时发现什么豪华高尔夫球杆了吗 In your searches, did you find any golf clubs, real fancy? 752 00:38:43,530 --> 00:38:44,950 没 No. 753 00:38:46,070 --> 00:38:47,780 全新的电吉他呢 How about a brand new stratocaster? 754 00:38:47,820 --> 00:38:48,940 也没有 No, nothing like that. 755 00:38:49,660 --> 00:38:51,750 好吧 Well, all right. 756 00:38:56,750 --> 00:38:59,800 这电视有多大 没到65英寸吧 How big's that TV? It's not 65-inch. 757 00:38:59,830 --> 00:39:01,120 远远不到 No, it's nowhere near that. 758 00:39:01,170 --> 00:39:02,260 好的 Okay. 759 00:39:02,710 --> 00:39:04,120 -猫粮呢 -什么 - Kibble? - Excuse me? 760 00:39:04,170 --> 00:39:06,250 他让我顺便把猫喂了 He asked me to feed his cat. 761 00:39:06,300 --> 00:39:07,510 我记得食品柜里有 I saw some in the pantry. 762 00:39:07,840 --> 00:39:12,590 邦妮警探 吉尔平警官 我是诺艾尔·霍桑 Detective Boney, officer Gilpin? Noelle hawthorne! 763 00:39:12,640 --> 00:39:14,230 我知道你们都在屋里 I know y'all are in there! 764 00:39:14,270 --> 00:39:15,880 麻烦你将霍桑小姐 Would you please escort Miss Hawthorne 765 00:39:15,880 --> 00:39:18,770 和她的孩子们请到街上去 and her children back out to the street? 766 00:39:19,650 --> 00:39:21,740 邦妮警探 Detective Boney! 767 00:39:21,770 --> 00:39:25,600 告诉她这可能是犯罪现场 Just remind her it is a possible crime scene. 768 00:39:34,330 --> 00:39:39,170 看看这张大肥脸 妻子失踪还能笑成这样 Look at that pie-eating grin, from a guy whose wife is missing. 769 00:39:44,960 --> 00:39:46,540 -你还好吗 -好得很 - How are you doing? - Terrific. 770 00:39:48,300 --> 00:39:49,810 你岳母呢 How's Marybeth? 771 00:39:49,840 --> 00:39:51,670 她很不爽 She's a wreck. 772 00:39:51,720 --> 00:39:53,180 你呢 And you? 773 00:39:53,800 --> 00:39:55,430 爽爆了 Awesome. 774 00:39:56,470 --> 00:39:58,050 你没瞒着我什么吧 Have you told me everything? 775 00:39:58,310 --> 00:39:59,310 当然没有 Of course. 776 00:39:59,310 --> 00:40:00,310 当真 Everything? 777 00:40:00,310 --> 00:40:01,470 你怎么这么问 Why would you even ask me that? 778 00:40:01,520 --> 00:40:03,170 从艾米失踪那天早晨 Ever since you walked into the bar 779 00:40:03,170 --> 00:40:05,690 你走进我酒吧开始 你看起来就 that morning Amy went missing, you seem... 780 00:40:06,980 --> 00:40:07,980 -不在状态 -当然了 - Off. - I am off. 781 00:40:09,030 --> 00:40:12,370 所有人都跑来质疑我 对我评头论足 Everybody's examining me and projecting their shit on me. 782 00:40:12,410 --> 00:40:15,830 我只想过来跟你喝瓶啤酒 All I want is to come over here, have a beer with you, 783 00:40:15,870 --> 00:40:17,210 清静一会儿 and not be judged. 784 00:40:17,250 --> 00:40:18,750 行吗 Can we do that? 785 00:40:19,830 --> 00:40:21,160 当然 Of course. 786 00:40:22,540 --> 00:40:24,540 你知道我在想什么吗 You know what I keep thinking? 787 00:40:24,590 --> 00:40:25,630 如果妈妈也在这儿 If mom were here? 788 00:40:25,670 --> 00:40:29,090 是啊 就像小时候 Yeah. Like I'm 12. 789 00:40:30,550 --> 00:40:33,350 尼克 要是妈妈还在一定有办法 Nick, mom would fix it. 790 00:40:40,560 --> 00:40:43,780 我该吃药睡觉了 I'm gonna go Benadryl myself to sleep. 791 00:40:46,690 --> 00:40:49,020 -爱你 -爱你 - Love you. - Love you. 792 00:40:51,840 --> 00:40:53,360 2010年9月23日 793 00:40:53,360 --> 00:40:55,400 我不得不面对一个新的现实 So, here's a strange, new sentence. 2010年9月23日 794 00:40:55,400 --> 00:40:55,450 2010年9月23日 795 00:40:55,450 --> 00:40:58,920 我现在是密苏里人了 I am a Missourian. 2010年9月23日 796 00:40:58,920 --> 00:40:59,010 2010年9月23日 797 00:41:05,710 --> 00:41:07,090 再见 爸爸 Bye, Dad. 798 00:41:09,010 --> 00:41:12,470 没钱 没工作 前途一片灰暗 No money, no jobs, no prospects. 799 00:41:12,510 --> 00:41:14,680 我们收到了马尔的消息 And then, we heard from go. 800 00:41:14,720 --> 00:41:16,640 莫林 我的婆婆 Mama Maureen. 801 00:41:16,680 --> 00:41:19,520 乳腺癌四期 Stage 4 breast cancer. 802 00:41:21,680 --> 00:41:24,520 所以 我们搬去了密苏里州 So, we moved to Missouri. 803 00:41:24,560 --> 00:41:26,180 我倒不介意 I don't mind. 804 00:41:26,230 --> 00:41:29,400 只是希望他至少和我商量一下 I just wish he'd asked. 805 00:41:41,080 --> 00:41:43,540 回到老家的尼克很是开心 Nick is happy to be home. 806 00:41:43,580 --> 00:41:46,080 但我不知道我在会不会扫他的兴 But I don't know if he's happy I'm with him. 807 00:41:47,590 --> 00:41:50,840 我就像他拿错的一件行李 I feel like something he loaded by mistake. 808 00:41:50,880 --> 00:41:54,050 如有必要 丢掉也无妨 Something to be jettisoned, if necessary. 809 00:41:54,090 --> 00:41:56,300 就像一次性的东西 Something disposable. 810 00:41:58,140 --> 00:42:00,770 即便消失了他也不会在意 I feel like I could disappear. 811 00:42:04,870 --> 00:42:06,580 我在门外 812 00:42:44,770 --> 00:42:46,770 天啊 Oh, my God! 813 00:42:46,810 --> 00:42:48,770 -我在电视上看见你了 -好吧 - I saw you on TV. - Okay. 814 00:42:48,810 --> 00:42:50,480 -太疯狂了 -是的 - It's so crazy. - Yeah, I know. 815 00:42:50,520 --> 00:42:52,730 -她就这么消失了 -离家出走而已 - She just vanished? - She's just gone. 816 00:42:52,780 --> 00:42:54,620 -我担心死你了 -你去哪儿了 - I've been so worried about you. - Where have you been? 817 00:42:54,650 --> 00:42:56,480 我给你打了无数次电话 你怎么不接 I called you a hundred times. You gotta pick up your phone! 818 00:42:56,530 --> 00:42:57,580 我在排练 Rehearsals. 819 00:42:57,610 --> 00:42:58,650 什么 What? 820 00:42:58,700 --> 00:43:00,000 《福音》 Godspell. 821 00:43:01,830 --> 00:43:03,420 我姐姐在隔壁睡觉呢 My sister's asleep in the other room. 822 00:43:03,450 --> 00:43:04,570 我想见你 I needed to see you. 823 00:43:04,620 --> 00:43:06,280 我知道 但这太不理智了 I know this is a bad idea. 824 00:43:06,330 --> 00:43:07,830 我至少要听你说爱我 Can you at least tell me you love me? 825 00:43:07,870 --> 00:43:11,620 我是很爱你 但现在咱们必须得处处小心 I do love you, but we have to be really careful right now. 826 00:43:11,670 --> 00:43:12,930 我吓坏了 I've been so scared. 827 00:43:12,960 --> 00:43:14,170 在排练时吗 Between rehearsals? 828 00:43:14,210 --> 00:43:15,960 你让我过好自己的生活 You told me I needed to have my own life. 829 00:43:16,010 --> 00:43:17,510 我知道 I know. 830 00:43:17,550 --> 00:43:18,810 现在不行 We need to stop. 831 00:43:18,840 --> 00:43:20,010 我要你 I need you. 832 00:43:21,140 --> 00:43:22,980 爱抚我 Touch me. 833 00:43:26,390 --> 00:43:29,010 等等 过来 Stop it. Come here. 834 00:43:30,400 --> 00:43:32,110 坐下 Sit down. 835 00:43:32,150 --> 00:43:33,490 好 Okay. 836 00:43:33,520 --> 00:43:37,610 你有没有和别人提过咱俩的事 Did you, by any chance, tell anybody anything about us? 837 00:43:37,650 --> 00:43:39,150 短信中 或者在脸书上 Even in texting, or on Facebook. 838 00:43:39,200 --> 00:43:42,000 脸书 我打电话都用一次性手机 Facebook? I use the disposable phone. 839 00:43:42,030 --> 00:43:43,950 你给我买礼物也都用现金 我不傻 尼克 You buy my presents in cash. I'm not stupid, Nick. 840 00:43:43,990 --> 00:43:44,830 我知道 宝贝 I know, sweetie. 841 00:43:44,830 --> 00:43:46,870 那你是不是留了条红内裤在我办公室 Did you leave a pair of red panties in my office? 842 00:43:46,910 --> 00:43:50,330 可能吧 最好别是别人的 I don't know. Maybe. They better be mine. 843 00:43:50,370 --> 00:43:51,370 宝贝儿 好好想想 Sweetheart, think. 844 00:43:51,380 --> 00:43:53,840 我得回去数数我的红内裤有没有少 I don't know. I'd have to check my red panty inventory. 845 00:43:53,880 --> 00:43:56,510 安迪 现在可不是开玩笑的时候 Andie, I need you to take this seriously, okay? 846 00:43:56,550 --> 00:43:58,350 这是咱俩最后一次见面 直到 This is the last time we're gonna see each other, until... 847 00:43:58,380 --> 00:43:59,840 到什么时候 Until when? 848 00:44:00,380 --> 00:44:01,840 到风声过去 Until it's safe. 849 00:44:01,890 --> 00:44:03,480 你说过要离婚的 You were going to get a divorce. 850 00:44:03,510 --> 00:44:05,680 别再大声说这句话了 Never say that out loud again. 851 00:44:05,720 --> 00:44:08,390 好吧 抱歉 Okay. I'm sorry. 852 00:44:09,270 --> 00:44:10,270 我不想吵架 I don't wanna fight. 853 00:44:12,270 --> 00:44:13,850 我只想和你在一起 I just wanna be with you. 854 00:44:13,900 --> 00:44:15,070 安迪 拜托 Andie, please. 855 00:44:15,900 --> 00:44:17,570 我别无所求 That's all I want. 856 00:44:18,900 --> 00:44:19,980 现在不行 I can't. 857 00:44:22,320 --> 00:44:24,570 这是咱俩最后一次见面 It's our last time together. 858 00:44:24,620 --> 00:44:26,670 春宵一刻值千金 Let's make the most of it. 859 00:44:33,420 --> 00:44:36,760 动作快点儿 完事儿你就得走 Real quick, but then you have to go. 860 00:44:38,000 --> 00:44:39,990 2011年10月2日 861 00:44:39,990 --> 00:44:42,180 我丈夫已经失控了 My husband has come undone. 2011年10月2日 862 00:44:42,180 --> 00:44:42,430 2011年10月2日 863 00:44:42,430 --> 00:44:42,550 我们搬到密苏里州陪莫林治病 We moved to Missouri to save Maureen, 2011年10月2日 864 00:44:42,550 --> 00:44:45,390 我们搬到密苏里州陪莫林治病 We moved to Missouri to save Maureen, 865 00:44:45,430 --> 00:44:48,150 但结果却不尽如人愿 but as it turns out, we couldn't. 866 00:44:51,440 --> 00:44:53,190 你能来真是意义重大 It means a lot that you came. 867 00:44:54,360 --> 00:44:55,740 在上流社会受挫后 We took a hit on the brownstone, 868 00:44:55,770 --> 00:44:58,100 我用剩下的信托基金给他买了一个酒吧 and I used the last of my trust fund to buy him a bar. 869 00:44:58,860 --> 00:45:01,120 目前仍然没有盈利 So far, it's just costing money. 870 00:45:05,320 --> 00:45:09,110 尼克有需求时我是他泄欲的工具 Nick uses me for sex when he wants. 871 00:45:12,290 --> 00:45:14,800 其他时候我就跟不存在一样 Otherwise, I don't exist. 872 00:45:16,040 --> 00:45:18,120 今晚我们该进城逛逛 We should go to outback tonight. 873 00:45:18,170 --> 00:45:19,420 听起来不错 That would be nice. 874 00:45:19,460 --> 00:45:22,540 昨晚 绝望的我终于踏出了可悲至极的一步 Last night, I went from desperate to pathetic. 875 00:45:23,470 --> 00:45:26,640 我变成了自己讨厌的人 I became someone I don't even like. 876 00:45:26,680 --> 00:45:28,480 变成了我以前所嘲笑轻视的女人 The kind of woman I used to mock. 877 00:45:28,890 --> 00:45:30,600 你几乎天天出门 You're out so much. 878 00:45:30,640 --> 00:45:32,970 -我知道 -今晚在家待着吧 - I know. - Stay home. 879 00:45:33,020 --> 00:45:35,360 -不行 我已经迟到了 -我能一起去吗 - I can't, I'm already late. - Then, can I come? 880 00:45:35,400 --> 00:45:37,190 你会烦死的 You would hate it. 881 00:45:37,230 --> 00:45:40,480 我那帮高中同学都是大老粗 It's a bunch of my dorky high school friends. 882 00:45:41,490 --> 00:45:44,370 约法三章的 别找借口行吗 Do our code. No bullshit. 883 00:45:44,820 --> 00:45:47,190 不是说好不效仿那些失败的夫妻吗 I thought we weren't gonna be that couple. 884 00:45:53,710 --> 00:45:55,550 好吧 再见 Okay, bye. 885 00:45:57,210 --> 00:46:00,180 -我一直在想 -什么 - Hey, I've been thinking. - Yeah? 886 00:46:00,210 --> 00:46:01,580 一些能带来希望的事 Something positive. 887 00:46:03,010 --> 00:46:04,050 是时候要个孩子了 Maybe it's time. 888 00:46:05,340 --> 00:46:07,170 可现在最不是时候 Now is literally the worst time. 889 00:46:07,220 --> 00:46:08,460 那会是我们的新开始 It would be a new start for us. 890 00:46:08,680 --> 00:46:11,400 对我来说 我才真的有事可做 And for me, I would have a real purpose here. 891 00:46:11,430 --> 00:46:12,640 孩子可不是什么兴趣爱好 A child is not a hobby. 892 00:46:12,680 --> 00:46:13,680 不是兴趣爱好 Not a hobby. 893 00:46:14,690 --> 00:46:15,900 是我的动力 An inspiration. 894 00:46:16,440 --> 00:46:19,570 我们四小时后再争这个 我迟到了 We could have had this fight four hours ago. I'm late. 895 00:46:19,610 --> 00:46:20,860 我不知道你会跟我争 I didn't know it was gonna be a fight. 896 00:46:20,900 --> 00:46:22,040 你真的想变成 You really wanna be the 897 00:46:22,040 --> 00:46:24,320 靠孩子来挽救婚姻的人吗 couple that has a baby to save their marriage? 898 00:46:24,360 --> 00:46:25,360 "挽救" "Save"? 899 00:46:25,860 --> 00:46:28,030 重启 重组 重燃 管他什么词 Reboot, retool, rekindle, whatever! 900 00:46:28,070 --> 00:46:30,240 -而你现在就要摔门而去 -没错 - And you're gonna walk out the door now? - Yeah! 901 00:46:30,280 --> 00:46:32,820 你他妈就是个懦夫 You're a fucking coward. 902 00:46:32,870 --> 00:46:34,740 不 不能这么下去了 No, it can't go on like this. 903 00:46:34,790 --> 00:46:35,840 真的吗 Really? 904 00:46:35,870 --> 00:46:37,370 -我不准 -你不准 - I won't. - You won't? 905 00:46:37,420 --> 00:46:39,760 你不准 凭什么 这还满足不了你吗 You won't? Why, it's not good enough for you? 906 00:46:39,790 --> 00:46:40,710 差远了 It's not even close! 907 00:46:40,750 --> 00:46:42,880 你个臭婊子 You stupid bitch! 908 00:46:43,460 --> 00:46:46,420 他推开我 我并不害怕 What scared me wasn't that he'd pushed me. 909 00:46:46,470 --> 00:46:50,310 我怕的是他还会怎么伤害我 What scared me was how much he wanted to hurt me more. 910 00:46:50,640 --> 00:46:52,730 怕的是我终将意识到 What scared me was that I'd finally realized, 911 00:46:53,720 --> 00:46:57,390 我惧怕自己的丈夫 I am frightened of my own husband. 912 00:47:09,280 --> 00:47:10,780 要我打电话叫增援吗 You want me to call for backup? 913 00:47:10,830 --> 00:47:12,920 不用了 我会保护你的 Nah, I'll protect you. 914 00:47:20,670 --> 00:47:22,090 天啊 Jesus. 915 00:47:27,130 --> 00:47:29,800 他们应该把这儿烧掉 They ought to burn this place down. 916 00:47:30,260 --> 00:47:31,920 这班家伙也快把这烧掉了 Seems like folks are trying. 917 00:47:37,440 --> 00:47:39,730 你真觉得这儿会有什么吗 You really think this is anything? 918 00:47:39,770 --> 00:47:41,930 从单子上划掉吧 Cross it off the list. 919 00:47:53,030 --> 00:47:54,740 詹森 Hey, Jason. 920 00:47:54,790 --> 00:47:56,330 怎么了 朗达 What's up, Rhonda? 921 00:47:56,370 --> 00:47:58,620 1863年林肯在葛底斯堡发表的演说 "奉行一切人生来平等的原则" "And dedicated to the proposition that all men..." 922 00:47:59,710 --> 00:48:01,370 有在这附近看见这姑娘吗 Have you seen this girl around here? 923 00:48:01,370 --> 00:48:02,210 为什么要问她 Why do you ask? 924 00:48:02,460 --> 00:48:04,300 她失踪了 She was reported missing. 925 00:48:07,470 --> 00:48:09,350 "是否能够长久存在下去" "And so dedicated, can long endure." 926 00:48:09,380 --> 00:48:11,300 见过 我记得她 Yeah. I remember her. 927 00:48:11,340 --> 00:48:13,470 她来买什么 大麻 摇头丸 What did she want? Weed, pills? 928 00:48:15,140 --> 00:48:16,150 她来买枪 She wanted a gun. 929 00:48:16,390 --> 00:48:18,430 我告诉她我不卖那玩意儿 I told her it's not my thing. 930 00:48:18,480 --> 00:48:21,480 我也不好受 她看上去相当绝望 I felt bad, though. She seemed really desperate. 931 00:48:21,520 --> 00:48:25,100 她说要很小的 就能近距离开枪了 She said it needed to be small, so she could keep it close. 932 00:48:25,150 --> 00:48:26,990 你确定是她 Are you sure this is her? 933 00:48:27,030 --> 00:48:29,160 在这地方看到那样的姑娘可忘不了 You don't forget a girl like that in here. 934 00:48:30,150 --> 00:48:31,650 她穿着一身粉 She was all in pink. 935 00:48:31,700 --> 00:48:34,250 那天是情人节 It was Valentine's day. 936 00:48:36,510 --> 00:48:37,200 2012年2月14日 937 00:48:37,200 --> 00:48:39,950 情人节我觉得我该买把枪 For Valentine's day, I thought I'd buy a gun. 2012年2月14日 938 00:48:39,950 --> 00:48:40,000 2012年2月14日 939 00:48:40,000 --> 00:48:42,020 我都疯成这样子了 That is how crazy I've become. 2012年2月14日 940 00:48:42,020 --> 00:48:42,590 我都疯成这样子了 That is how crazy I've become. 941 00:48:43,670 --> 00:48:47,800 尼克想要我离开 可又不愿提出离婚 Nick wants me gone but he won't ask for a divorce. 942 00:48:47,840 --> 00:48:50,840 在他看来 我是他酒吧的老板 In his mind, I'm the owner of his bar, 943 00:48:50,840 --> 00:48:51,970 他唯一的资金来源 his only line of credit. 944 00:48:52,010 --> 00:48:53,520 手握婚前协议的贱人 The bitch with the prenup. 945 00:48:55,350 --> 00:48:57,690 我可以回我父母家 I could go home to my parents, 946 00:48:57,720 --> 00:49:00,140 那样我就不得不告诉他们真相 but I'd have to tell them the truth. 947 00:49:00,180 --> 00:49:04,020 可是说出来我自己都不会信 And I don't even know if I believe the truth. 948 00:49:04,060 --> 00:49:06,850 我真觉得尼克会伤害我吗 Can I really think Nick would hurt me? 949 00:49:07,480 --> 00:49:09,860 我开始妄想 太疯狂了 I'm being paranoid. Crazy. 950 00:49:11,200 --> 00:49:12,200 只是 It's just... 951 00:49:13,160 --> 00:49:15,700 有把枪在身边睡得会安稳些 I'd sleep better with a gun. 952 00:49:17,370 --> 00:49:19,550 寻人 艾米·邓恩 953 00:49:23,540 --> 00:49:26,410 七月八日 消失三天后 954 00:49:26,590 --> 00:49:28,010 糟糕 Oh, shit. 955 00:49:28,050 --> 00:49:31,680 起床了 宝贝 我姐要出来了 Wake up, baby. My sister's gonna come out here. 956 00:49:36,050 --> 00:49:38,260 -抱歉催你这么急 -没关系 - Sorry to rush you. - It's okay. 957 00:49:40,220 --> 00:49:41,720 -来 我帮你 -好 - Here. Let me help you. - Okay. 958 00:49:41,770 --> 00:49:43,860 穿好了 Just get that. 959 00:49:46,520 --> 00:49:48,020 小心点 Be very careful. 960 00:49:48,860 --> 00:49:49,860 我没事 I'm all right. 961 00:49:49,900 --> 00:49:52,480 给你 Here you go. 962 00:49:52,530 --> 00:49:54,410 向我保证每天都要跟我说话 Promise me we'll talk every day. 963 00:49:54,450 --> 00:49:55,700 好的 会的 Okay, we will. 964 00:49:55,740 --> 00:49:58,460 每天都要 尼克 不然我会疯的 Every day, Nick, or I'll go crazy. 965 00:49:59,240 --> 00:50:00,320 不要疯 Don't go crazy. 966 00:50:00,370 --> 00:50:01,630 好的 Okay. 967 00:50:06,040 --> 00:50:09,370 你个死蠢货 You fucking idiot. 968 00:50:09,420 --> 00:50:13,250 你个王八蛋 你他妈当着我的面撒谎 You fucking asshole! You fucking lied to my fucking face! 969 00:50:14,760 --> 00:50:16,310 很抱歉 I'm sorry. 970 00:50:18,100 --> 00:50:19,100 她多大了 How old is she? 971 00:50:19,430 --> 00:50:20,630 二十出头 She's in her early 20s. 972 00:50:21,560 --> 00:50:22,560 有多久了 How long? 973 00:50:23,100 --> 00:50:25,890 -一年半 -你骗了我一年多 - A year and a half. - You lied to me for over a year? 974 00:50:25,940 --> 00:50:27,620 我要是告诉你 你会阻止我的 If I told you, you would have made me stop. 975 00:50:27,650 --> 00:50:29,240 她也太小了 It's so fucking small. 976 00:50:29,270 --> 00:50:32,230 你个大骗子 就跟爸一个德行 You're a liar and a cheat! You're just like dad! 977 00:50:32,280 --> 00:50:33,570 你都怎么认识她的 How did you even meet her? 978 00:50:33,610 --> 00:50:34,820 她是我的学生 She's one of my students. 979 00:50:36,070 --> 00:50:37,740 我还以为作家都讨厌陈词滥调 I thought writers hated cliché. 980 00:50:37,780 --> 00:50:38,610 我不是作家 I'm not a writer. 981 00:50:38,660 --> 00:50:39,890 "呜呜 我被炒了 "Boo-hoo, I got laid off. 982 00:50:39,890 --> 00:50:40,910 我得去操个90后" I guess I'll fuck a teenager." 983 00:50:40,950 --> 00:50:41,960 不是那样的 好吗 It wasn't like that, okay? 984 00:50:41,960 --> 00:50:43,740 你不知道跟艾米在一起有多惨 You have no idea how shitty it was with Amy. 985 00:50:43,790 --> 00:50:45,710 她弄得我感觉多糟糕 How fucking terrible she made me feel. 986 00:50:45,750 --> 00:50:48,920 我真的郁闷得不行 Flyover boy. I would get knots in my stomach. 987 00:50:48,960 --> 00:50:50,800 回家时 在我都他妈没进门之前 Just coming home, knowing she would be sitting there, 988 00:50:50,840 --> 00:50:53,000 就知道她会那么坐在那儿一脸不满 dissatisfied, before I even walked in the fucking door. 989 00:50:53,010 --> 00:50:54,430 这样太糟糕了 This is so bad. 990 00:50:54,470 --> 00:50:56,560 要是有人发现了 你就完了 If anybody finds out, you're totally fucked. 991 00:50:56,590 --> 00:50:59,210 邦妮在我办公室发现了一条内裤 Boney found a pair of panties in my office, 992 00:50:59,260 --> 00:51:00,800 偶尔安迪和我会在那儿... where, occasionally, Andie and I... 993 00:51:01,260 --> 00:51:02,380 我都不知道这意味着什么 I don't know what the fuck it means. 994 00:51:02,430 --> 00:51:03,590 你当她们是傻逼吗 Are they super-twat's? 995 00:51:03,640 --> 00:51:05,720 她叫安迪 Her name is Andie. 996 00:51:05,770 --> 00:51:07,270 她也不太确定 She's not entirely sure. 997 00:51:07,310 --> 00:51:08,970 所以你上的这个姑娘 So we are dealing with a 20-year-old, 998 00:51:09,020 --> 00:51:10,430 都20岁了 少条内裤都不知道 who isn't sure where she leaves her undies? 999 00:51:10,480 --> 00:51:12,730 如果不是安迪的 那就是艾米的 If they're not Andie's, that means that they're Amy's, 1000 00:51:12,780 --> 00:51:14,490 她刻意留在那儿让我发现的 and she left them there for me to find. 1001 00:51:14,530 --> 00:51:16,490 尼克 之前我还替你担惊受怕 Nick, I was scared for you before, 1002 00:51:16,490 --> 00:51:18,290 现在我真的是目瞪口呆了 and now, I'm fucking petrified. 1003 00:51:18,320 --> 00:51:20,610 我们今晚要为你失踪的妻子守夜 We're having a vigil tonight for your missing wife. 1004 00:51:20,660 --> 00:51:23,790 今早你却在跟你的小女友吻别 And this morning, you're kissing your college girlfriend goodbye! 1005 00:51:23,830 --> 00:51:25,000 你能想象吗 Can you imagine? 1006 00:51:25,620 --> 00:51:28,950 你最近有看电视吗 Have you watched television lately? 1007 00:51:29,000 --> 00:51:32,010 有线台的新闻全在播你干的好事 Cable news is all over your shit. 1008 00:51:32,630 --> 00:51:34,470 这位酒吧老板犯什么毛病了 I mean, what is wrong with this barkeep? 1009 00:51:34,510 --> 00:51:36,990 妻子失踪了 His wife's nowhere to be found, 1010 00:51:36,990 --> 00:51:39,570 而这位尼克·邓恩却在与别人调情 and here's Nick Dunne for you, flirting. 1011 00:51:39,570 --> 00:51:40,510 拍得不错吧 Cute pic, huh? 1012 00:51:40,550 --> 00:51:43,010 -那是谁 -一个可悲的追星族 - Who is that? - Some fucking tragedy groupie. 1013 00:51:43,060 --> 00:51:44,980 -那他妈是谁 -我不知道 - Who the fuck is that? - I don't know. 1014 00:51:45,020 --> 00:51:46,150 她想给我做派来着 She was trying to give me a casserole. 1015 00:51:46,180 --> 00:51:47,850 今天的节目我们请到了辩护律师 On the show today we have defense attorney, 1016 00:51:47,850 --> 00:51:49,310 坦纳·博尔特 Tanner Bolt. 1017 00:51:49,350 --> 00:51:51,890 杀妻凶手的守护神 Patron Saint to wife-killers everywhere. 1018 00:51:52,190 --> 00:51:53,620 坦纳·博尔特 Tanner Bolt, 1019 00:51:53,620 --> 00:51:55,700 你真的打算为尼克·邓恩辩护吗 would you actually consider defending Nick Dunne? 1020 00:51:55,740 --> 00:51:56,870 一如既往的我想说 Well, let me just say... 1021 00:51:56,900 --> 00:51:59,650 埃伦 感谢你如此热情地欢迎我 as always, Ellen, thank you for such a warm welcome. 1022 00:51:59,700 --> 00:52:01,250 我当然会为尼克·邓恩辩护 But of course, I'd defend Nick Dunne. 1023 00:52:01,530 --> 00:52:04,030 虽然他没有在大家面前痛哭流涕 Listen, just because this guy isn't walking around weeping, 1024 00:52:04,080 --> 00:52:05,500 并不代表他就不受伤 that doesn't mean that he's not hurting. 1025 00:52:05,540 --> 00:52:07,860 坦纳 反社会的标志之一 Tanner, the hallmark of a sociopath 1026 00:52:07,860 --> 00:52:08,880 就是缺乏同情心 is a lack of empathy. 1027 00:52:08,920 --> 00:52:10,880 真相是 在这种情况下要显得正常 But the truth is, you'd have to be a sociopath 1028 00:52:11,380 --> 00:52:13,170 就太反社会了 to behave normally in this situation. 1029 00:52:13,210 --> 00:52:15,960 因为这是世上最不正常的情况 Because it's the most abnormal situation in the world. 1030 00:52:16,010 --> 00:52:18,680 坦纳 你是想告诉我这张照片 Tanner, are you trying to tell me that this photo 1031 00:52:18,720 --> 00:52:20,970 根本不是正常行为吗 is remotely in the realm of acceptable behavior? 1032 00:52:21,010 --> 00:52:23,670 我最讨厌被女人批评攻击了 I'm so sick of being picked apart by women. 1033 00:52:25,060 --> 00:52:26,940 你得雇坦纳·博尔特 You need to hire Tanner Bolt. 1034 00:52:29,020 --> 00:52:29,820 我不该沦落至此 I don't deserve this. 1035 00:52:29,850 --> 00:52:31,720 无罪推定 Innocent until proven guilty. 1036 00:52:31,770 --> 00:52:34,140 你就该遭这报应 That's exactly what you deserve. 1037 00:52:34,190 --> 00:52:35,740 回去吧 尼克 Go home, Nick. 1038 00:53:01,720 --> 00:53:03,140 伙计 Hey, buddy. 1039 00:53:19,030 --> 00:53:20,820 我们居然还没逮捕这家伙 I can't believe we haven't arrested this guy. 1040 00:53:20,860 --> 00:53:22,820 不能因这金发碧眼的傻瓜的一面之辞 We're not gonna arrest anybody, 1041 00:53:22,860 --> 00:53:24,420 我们就去逮捕谁 just because some blonde dunce says so. 1042 00:53:24,780 --> 00:53:27,280 你这么给他开脱 爱上他了吗 Why are you going so easy on him? You got a crush? 1043 00:53:27,580 --> 00:53:30,920 首先 我是在办案 不是搜捕女巫 One, I am conducting an investigation, not a witch-hunt. 1044 00:53:30,960 --> 00:53:32,880 其次 别这么跟我说话 永远不要 And, two, don't talk to me that way, ever. 1045 00:53:32,920 --> 00:53:34,210 她想要买枪 She was trying to buy a gun. 1046 00:53:34,250 --> 00:53:34,940 我们不知道是谁 We don't know who 1047 00:53:34,940 --> 00:53:36,420 或者什么东西吓到她了 吉尔 or what was scaring her, Gil. 1048 00:53:36,460 --> 00:53:37,460 汇报最新情况 Give me the update. 1049 00:53:37,960 --> 00:53:40,580 目前没有吸毒的可能 这条去掉了 No drug angles panned out yet, so cross that off the list. 1050 00:53:40,630 --> 00:53:42,590 我去找了照顾尼克父亲的护士们 I talked to the nurses who care for Nick's father. 1051 00:53:42,630 --> 00:53:44,350 那家伙虽是个混蛋 但虚弱到不行 The guy's a bastard, but he's weak as a kitten, 1052 00:53:44,360 --> 00:53:45,340 所以也从单子上划去 so cross that off the list. 1053 00:53:46,600 --> 00:53:47,740 鲁米诺荧光测试结果 厨房的血迹 So, luminol lit up the kitchen 1054 00:53:47,740 --> 00:53:50,020 是七月四日的 like the 4th of July. 1055 00:53:51,390 --> 00:53:52,510 血迹相当多 The blood is profuse. 1056 00:53:52,560 --> 00:53:53,670 是艾米的 B型 It is Amy's, type B, 1057 00:53:53,670 --> 00:53:54,780 很快就能提取出DNA了 and we should have DNA soon. 1058 00:53:54,810 --> 00:53:55,890 可能的凶器呢 Thoughts on a weapon? 1059 00:53:55,940 --> 00:53:57,860 这痕迹表明是被钝器重击所致 Trajectory indicates blunt force. 1060 00:53:57,900 --> 00:54:00,240 也许是根球杆 或是小木棍 Maybe a club or a two-by-four. 1061 00:54:00,820 --> 00:54:04,080 她在那儿倒下了 但我怀疑她又爬起来了 She fell there, but I doubt she got back up. 1062 00:54:04,110 --> 00:54:05,530 艾米的医疗记录拿到了吗 Amy's medical records come in? 1063 00:54:05,570 --> 00:54:07,570 还没有 今晚晚些时候能拿到 No, we'll have them later tonight. 1064 00:54:09,160 --> 00:54:10,580 我妻子说他是个杀手 My wife says he's a killer. 1065 00:54:10,830 --> 00:54:13,170 好吧 要是蒂凡尼说... Well, if Tiffany says... 1066 00:54:45,530 --> 00:54:46,690 感谢你们都能来 Thank you all for coming out. 1067 00:54:48,370 --> 00:54:50,000 唐尼 你还好吗 Hey Donnie, how are you? 1068 00:54:50,030 --> 00:54:53,370 里克 非常感谢 Rich, thank you so much. 1069 00:55:08,720 --> 00:55:12,310 非常感谢 谢谢你们今晚能来 Thank you, folks. Thank you for being here tonight. 1070 00:55:12,350 --> 00:55:14,150 这对我们的家庭意义重大 It just means the world to our family. 1071 00:55:14,680 --> 00:55:16,140 对艾米也是 And to Amy. 1072 00:55:16,730 --> 00:55:18,730 大家都知道 As you all know, 1073 00:55:19,560 --> 00:55:22,850 我的妻子 艾米·艾略特·邓恩 my wife, Amy Elliott Dunne. 1074 00:55:22,900 --> 00:55:24,400 三天前失踪了 disappeared three days ago. 1075 00:55:24,990 --> 00:55:28,540 我恳求任何知道相关信息的人 And I want to implore anyone who has any information at all. 1076 00:55:28,570 --> 00:55:31,490 请站出来 帮助我们 Please come forward. Help us. 1077 00:55:31,530 --> 00:55:32,450 太性感了 So hot. 1078 00:55:32,490 --> 00:55:33,860 他太可怕了 He is so creepy. 1079 00:55:33,910 --> 00:55:34,980 我想说几句 I wanna say something, 1080 00:55:34,980 --> 00:55:37,370 因为我觉得你们也许会有疑问 because I think some of you might be wondering, 1081 00:55:37,420 --> 00:55:39,340 却又出于礼貌不便提出 and are too polite to ask. 1082 00:55:39,830 --> 00:55:42,920 我与我妻子的失踪毫不相干 I had nothing to do with the disappearance of my wife. 1083 00:55:43,500 --> 00:55:45,460 我正配合警方调查 I'm cooperating with the police. 1084 00:55:45,510 --> 00:55:47,550 我也没有雇律师 I haven't hired a lawyer. 1085 00:55:47,590 --> 00:55:48,710 我没什么好隐瞒的 I have nothing to hide. 1086 00:55:50,010 --> 00:55:52,510 艾米是我的灵魂伴侣 Amy is my soul mate. 1087 00:55:52,760 --> 00:55:54,050 她美丽 She is brilliant, 1088 00:55:54,600 --> 00:55:57,690 迷人而又睿智 she's charming, and wise. 1089 00:55:58,020 --> 00:55:59,730 我爱你 艾米 I love you, Amy. 1090 00:56:03,860 --> 00:56:04,950 混蛋 Asshole. 1091 00:56:06,280 --> 00:56:08,200 我爱我的妻子 I love my wife. 1092 00:56:08,570 --> 00:56:09,780 十分地爱 So much. 1093 00:56:12,280 --> 00:56:16,620 也许我没有为了媒体的镜头而故作姿态 And I may not behave for the cameras the way they want me to, 1094 00:56:17,040 --> 00:56:20,250 如果他们想以此惩罚我 我没意见 and if they wanna punish me for that, that's okay. 1095 00:56:20,290 --> 00:56:24,000 但我想请求那些媒体人 请来骚扰我 But I just wanna ask you in the media, please, harass me, 1096 00:56:24,050 --> 00:56:27,090 但不要去骚扰这儿的人 but don't harass the people of this town. 1097 00:56:27,130 --> 00:56:29,170 要嘲弄就嘲弄我吧 If you need to mock somebody, mock me. 1098 00:56:29,220 --> 00:56:30,430 尼克 Nick! 1099 00:56:30,470 --> 00:56:32,630 请不要把调查当儿戏 But please don't turn this investigation into a circus. 1100 00:56:32,640 --> 00:56:34,230 你妻子在哪儿 尼克 Where's your wife, Nick? 1101 00:56:34,260 --> 00:56:35,760 让警察去做他们的工作 Let the police do their jobs. 1102 00:56:36,220 --> 00:56:37,800 你对你怀孕的妻子做了什么 What did you do to your pregnant wife? 1103 00:56:39,640 --> 00:56:40,890 你告诉他们了吗 尼克 Did you tell them that, Nick? 1104 00:56:40,940 --> 00:56:42,990 你告诉他们艾米已经怀孕六周了吗 Did you tell them Amy was six weeks pregnant? 1105 00:56:46,730 --> 00:56:47,870 感谢大家今晚的支持 Thank you for your support tonight. 1106 00:56:47,870 --> 00:56:48,900 让我们一起寻找艾米 Let's find Amy. 1107 00:56:51,070 --> 00:56:52,710 继续吧 如果你们想说点什么 Go ahead, if you guys wanna say something. 1108 00:56:56,790 --> 00:56:58,170 吉尔 快去 Gil, go, go. 1109 00:57:00,500 --> 00:57:01,630 尼克 你去哪儿 Nick, where are you going? 1110 00:57:01,670 --> 00:57:03,260 拦住他 Stop him! 1111 00:57:03,290 --> 00:57:05,500 现在不接受提问 谢谢 No questions right now. Thank you. 1112 00:57:08,010 --> 00:57:09,550 你为什么要逃走 Why are you running away? 1113 00:57:10,630 --> 00:57:12,050 别跑 Don't run. 1114 00:57:13,140 --> 00:57:14,140 大家不要过来 Everybody, stay back. 1115 00:57:18,930 --> 00:57:21,100 大伙 不要拍了 你们知道规矩的 Guys, come on. You know better. 1116 00:57:21,140 --> 00:57:23,600 别踩草坪 从路缘上下来 Get off the grass, get down to the curb. 1117 00:57:23,650 --> 00:57:25,070 -吉尔 -交给我 - Hey, Gil. - On it. 1118 00:57:25,110 --> 00:57:26,150 好了 All right. 1119 00:57:26,190 --> 00:57:27,980 好了 听她的 不许拍照 All right, y'all heard her. No pictures. 1120 00:57:28,030 --> 00:57:29,320 谁 Hello? 1121 00:57:30,070 --> 00:57:31,620 谁 Hello? 1122 00:57:31,650 --> 00:57:32,480 操 Fuck. 1123 00:57:32,530 --> 00:57:34,040 你吓到我了 要喝一杯吗 You scared me. Want a drink? 1124 00:57:34,070 --> 00:57:35,570 你知道她怀孕了吗 Did you know she was pregnant? 1125 00:57:35,620 --> 00:57:36,150 我跟你说了 I told you, 1126 00:57:36,150 --> 00:57:37,750 诺艾尔·霍桑就他妈疯了 Noelle Hawthorne is fucking crazy. 1127 00:57:37,790 --> 00:57:38,830 她都不认识艾米 She doesn't even know Amy. 1128 00:57:39,500 --> 00:57:41,100 我看她们是对好闺蜜呢 They look like pretty good friends to me. 1129 00:57:48,670 --> 00:57:49,940 我不知道 Look, I don't know. 1130 00:57:49,940 --> 00:57:52,090 但这也证明不了她怀孕了 But it certainly doesn't prove that she's pregnant. 1131 00:57:52,130 --> 00:57:53,340 我们很快就能拿到她的医疗记录了 We have her medical records coming. 1132 00:57:53,380 --> 00:57:55,260 -好 -趁这会我们聊聊 - Good. - So, let's talk while we wait. 1133 00:57:55,300 --> 00:57:57,510 先从这边开始 犯罪现场 Let's start over here. The scene of the crime. 1134 00:57:57,560 --> 00:58:00,440 我们见过不少私闯民宅的现场 You see, we've seen dozens of home invasions. 1135 00:58:00,470 --> 00:58:02,430 数都数不清 Dozens and dozens. 1136 00:58:02,480 --> 00:58:04,690 这块区域 我们一看见就觉得不对劲 This area right here, it looked wrong from the second we saw it. 1137 00:58:04,730 --> 00:58:07,900 一切都像是刻意摆出来的 看 The whole thing looked staged. Watch this. 1138 00:58:09,820 --> 00:58:11,800 经历了一番生死搏斗 And yet, they remained upright 1139 00:58:11,800 --> 00:58:13,240 却还能这么井然有序 throughout this life-and-death struggle? 1140 00:58:13,650 --> 00:58:15,400 我不知道 你想要我说什么 I don't know. What do you want me to say? 1141 00:58:15,450 --> 00:58:17,080 你妻子失踪后你有打扫过房子吗 Did you do any housekeeping the day your wife went missing? 1142 00:58:17,120 --> 00:58:18,120 没有 No. 1143 00:58:18,120 --> 00:58:20,370 因为我们的人做了荧光测试 Because our guys did a luminol test. 1144 00:58:20,410 --> 00:58:23,080 很遗憾地告诉你 厨房那片可亮了 And I'm sorry to tell you, but that kitchen lit up. 1145 00:58:23,120 --> 00:58:24,510 艾米在那儿流了很多血 Amy lost a lot of blood in there, 1146 00:58:24,520 --> 00:58:25,370 尼克 很多 Nick. A lot. 1147 00:58:25,420 --> 00:58:26,420 我的天哪 Oh, my God. 1148 00:58:26,420 --> 00:58:27,760 没错 接着有人给拖掉了 Yeah, and then somebody mopped it up. 1149 00:58:27,790 --> 00:58:28,380 等一下 Wait a second. 1150 00:58:28,380 --> 00:58:30,250 如果他们想要制造犯罪现场 Why would they mop up the blood, 1151 00:58:30,300 --> 00:58:31,900 为什么还要把血给拖掉 if they're trying to stage a crime scene? 1152 00:58:31,920 --> 00:58:34,670 没有血 也没有尸体 就意味着绑架 No blood and no body suggests kidnapping. 1153 00:58:34,720 --> 00:58:37,140 也就告诉我们去调查外面的人 It tells us, look at people outside the house. 1154 00:58:37,180 --> 00:58:38,600 就像你一直在提的那些流浪汉 Like these homeless you keep mentioning. 1155 00:58:38,640 --> 00:58:41,730 一地的血 没有尸体 则意味着谋杀 A pool of blood and no body suggests homicide. 1156 00:58:41,770 --> 00:58:43,770 那我们就要调查家里的人 It tells us to look at people inside the house. 1157 00:58:43,810 --> 00:58:45,960 我们来就是为了这个 尼克 Which is what we're doing here, Nick. 1158 00:58:45,960 --> 00:58:46,530 我知道了 I see. 1159 00:58:46,560 --> 00:58:47,880 所以你的婚姻情况如何 尼克 So, how was your marriage, Nick? 1160 00:58:47,880 --> 00:58:49,520 因为现在 只有诺艾尔的描述 Because right now, all we got is Noelle. 1161 00:58:49,570 --> 00:58:51,110 她说 "不好" She says, "Not good." 1162 00:58:51,150 --> 00:58:52,650 吉尔 你和你妻子都因为些什么起争执 Gil, what do you and your wife argue about? 1163 00:58:52,690 --> 00:58:54,820 -什么最让你生气 -钱 缺钱 - What pisses you off? - Money, lack thereof. 1164 00:58:54,860 --> 00:58:56,610 我和我前任也是一样 Me and my ex, it's the same. 1165 00:58:56,660 --> 00:58:57,460 之所以提这个 I mention that 1166 00:58:57,460 --> 00:59:00,000 是因为我们看了你的财务状况 尼克 because we got a look at your finances, Nick. 1167 00:59:00,030 --> 00:59:02,740 十一万七千美元的信用卡债务 $117,000 in credit card debt. 1168 00:59:02,790 --> 00:59:04,750 -什么 -我调了些你买的东西的清单 - What? - I pulled up some of the merchandise. 1169 00:59:04,790 --> 00:59:06,800 都是这些大手笔的挥霍 There are these fun little splurges. 1170 00:59:06,830 --> 00:59:08,370 这些东西我都没买过 I didn't buy any of this stuff. 1171 00:59:08,420 --> 00:59:09,550 我都不打高尔夫 I don't even golf! 1172 00:59:09,590 --> 00:59:10,920 我打 你买的都是好球杆 I do! You bought great clubs. 1173 00:59:10,960 --> 00:59:12,250 我喜欢机器狗 I like the robot dog. 1174 00:59:12,300 --> 00:59:14,260 这是身份盗窃 这是重罪 This is identity theft! This is a felony! 1175 00:59:14,300 --> 00:59:15,260 我们得查出是谁干的 We need to find out who did this! 1176 00:59:15,300 --> 00:59:17,060 好吧 那我们谈谈人寿保险 All right. Let's talk about life insurance. 1177 00:59:17,090 --> 00:59:17,870 在四月份 Because in April, 1178 00:59:17,880 --> 00:59:19,630 你把艾米的人寿保险保额突然提高到了 you bumped up Amy's life insurance 1179 00:59:19,680 --> 00:59:20,680 一百二十万 to $1.2 million. 1180 00:59:20,720 --> 00:59:21,510 我是提高了 Yes, I did. 1181 00:59:21,510 --> 00:59:23,090 那是她的主意 她要我提高的 That was her idea. She wanted me to. 1182 00:59:23,140 --> 00:59:24,300 文书的字都是你签的 You filed the paperwork. 1183 00:59:24,350 --> 00:59:25,550 是她让我签的 Because she told me to! 1184 00:59:26,390 --> 00:59:27,310 等一等 Hold on a sec. 1185 00:59:27,350 --> 00:59:29,140 嗯 好的 Yeah? Okay. 1186 00:59:31,070 --> 00:59:32,240 你确定 For sure? 1187 00:59:32,650 --> 00:59:33,820 好吧 All right. 1188 00:59:37,910 --> 00:59:38,910 她是怀孕了 She was pregnant. 1189 00:59:42,990 --> 00:59:44,620 这事太扯了 This is insane. 1190 00:59:44,660 --> 00:59:47,160 那么我的问题就变成了... So, my question becomes... 1191 00:59:47,210 --> 00:59:50,130 我不会再跟你说话了 I don't want to talk to you again, ever. 1192 00:59:50,170 --> 00:59:51,340 除非有律师在场 Without a lawyer. 1193 00:59:59,680 --> 01:00:00,680 马尔 Margo! 1194 01:00:14,940 --> 01:00:17,360 等一下 让我说完 Just hold on a second. Let me finish. 1195 01:00:17,400 --> 01:00:18,320 尼克 Nick? 1196 01:00:18,360 --> 01:00:21,150 我听到了 我听到了 我也很惊讶 I hear you, I hear you. I was as surprised as... 1197 01:00:21,200 --> 01:00:25,040 我知道你不开心 我也不知道她怀孕了 I know you're upset. I had no idea she was pregnant. 1198 01:00:25,450 --> 01:00:28,580 我也是这么想的 但显然... Listen, I thought so, too, but evidently that wasn't... 1199 01:00:31,080 --> 01:00:33,210 你想知道真相吗 you want to know the truth? 1200 01:00:33,250 --> 01:00:35,620 真相就是艾米不想要孩子 The truth is, Amy didn't want kids. 1201 01:00:38,050 --> 01:00:40,100 对 我也很震惊 Well, I'm as surprised as... 1202 01:00:41,430 --> 01:00:43,230 你跟我说是你不想要孩子的 you told me you didn't want kids. 1203 01:00:44,220 --> 01:00:45,620 我可不想吵架 I was trying to put a good face on. 1204 01:00:45,640 --> 01:00:47,520 结果你老婆突然就怀孕了 Then, suddenly, you've got a pregnant wife. 1205 01:00:47,560 --> 01:00:48,900 这下你的问题严重了 That's a problem for you. 1206 01:00:48,940 --> 01:00:52,030 再加上那个秘密小情人 Especially when you factor in the secret teenage girlfriend. 1207 01:00:52,060 --> 01:00:53,520 拜托 别再看艾伦·阿伯特的节目了 Oh, stop watching Ellen Abbott! 1208 01:00:53,560 --> 01:00:54,890 那你他妈就告诉我事实 You have to fucking talk to me! 1209 01:00:57,570 --> 01:00:59,910 我没跟你说她不想要孩子 I didn't tell you that she didn't want kids, 1210 01:00:59,910 --> 01:01:01,620 是因为她不想让别人知道 好吗 because she didn't want me to. OK? 1211 01:01:01,660 --> 01:01:03,870 因为那样你们又会多一条恨她的理由 Because it would have just been another reason for you to hate her. 1212 01:01:03,910 --> 01:01:05,790 理由已经够多了 这样比较简单... And we had enough of those already! It was easier to just... 1213 01:01:05,830 --> 01:01:08,040 -骗我吗 -我想要孩子 - lie to me? - I wanted kids! 1214 01:01:08,080 --> 01:01:10,250 我们刚搬来的时候 我去过人工受孕诊所 When we first moved here, I went to a fertility clinic! 1215 01:01:10,290 --> 01:01:11,960 -没成功吗 -我做了我那一半 - It didn't work? - I did my part! 1216 01:01:12,000 --> 01:01:13,050 打飞机吗 Masturbate. 1217 01:01:13,080 --> 01:01:14,080 轮到艾米做她那一半的时候 When it came time for Amy to do her thing, 1218 01:01:14,080 --> 01:01:14,790 突然她就说 all of a sudden it was like... 1219 01:01:14,840 --> 01:01:16,380 "我不清楚诶 还是别做了吧" "Well, I don't know. Maybe. No, thanks." 1220 01:01:16,420 --> 01:01:18,420 现在还有谁会相信你的话 Now, who would believe you? 1221 01:01:19,590 --> 01:01:20,790 好吧 All right. 1222 01:01:30,430 --> 01:01:32,220 这是诊所寄来的信 This is a letter from the clinic. 1223 01:01:32,270 --> 01:01:34,740 告诉我他们要销毁我的精子 Notifying me that they're gonna destroy my sample, 1224 01:01:34,770 --> 01:01:36,770 除非我联系他们 unless I contact them. 1225 01:01:38,030 --> 01:01:39,570 我把信给了艾米 So, I gave it to Amy. 1226 01:01:39,610 --> 01:01:42,610 第二天却在垃圾桶里找到了它 The next day, I saw it in the trash. 1227 01:01:42,660 --> 01:01:44,240 可是那时候你已经和安迪好上了吧 But you were already with Andie by then, right? 1228 01:01:44,280 --> 01:01:47,110 我想和艾米要个孩子 I wanted a baby with Amy. 1229 01:01:47,160 --> 01:01:48,690 如果一年前艾米能怀孕的话 A year ago, Amy being pregnant 1230 01:01:48,690 --> 01:01:51,340 那就再好不过了 would have been the best thing ever! 1231 01:01:57,880 --> 01:01:59,760 "当你可怜的艾米染上风寒 甜点也..." "When your poor Amy has a cold, this dessert just..." 1232 01:01:59,800 --> 01:02:01,180 这是你没解开的提示 this is the clue you couldn't solve. 1233 01:02:01,220 --> 01:02:02,350 对 Yeah. 1234 01:02:04,050 --> 01:02:05,220 德西寄来的信 A letter from Desi. 1235 01:02:05,220 --> 01:02:07,420 是艾米的那个变态前男友吗 That creepy boyfriend of Amy's? 1236 01:02:07,470 --> 01:02:09,840 对 那个愿意为她赴汤蹈火的大款 Yeah, it was the fucking rich guy who would do anything for her. 1237 01:02:09,890 --> 01:02:11,850 老是看到他的名字 真是恶心 It just kept hanging over my head. It was disgusting. 1238 01:02:11,890 --> 01:02:12,890 你们的婚前协议 Your prenup? 1239 01:02:13,230 --> 01:02:14,800 尼克 你为啥收着这些东西 Nick, why have you kept this stuff? 1240 01:02:14,800 --> 01:02:16,190 你的恨意都在这个盒子里了 It's like a little box of hate. 1241 01:02:16,230 --> 01:02:18,020 不知道 也许我确实恨她 I don't know, go! Maybe I hate her! 1242 01:02:20,900 --> 01:02:24,020 不管怎样我都爱你 I love you no matter what. 1243 01:02:24,070 --> 01:02:25,440 但是你必须告诉我 But you need to tell me. 1244 01:02:25,490 --> 01:02:26,910 告诉你什么 Tell you what? 1245 01:02:27,740 --> 01:02:29,360 你想问我什么 What are you asking me? 1246 01:02:30,950 --> 01:02:34,120 你是要问我有没有杀我老婆吗 马尔 Are you asking me if I killed my wife, go? 1247 01:02:34,580 --> 01:02:36,660 你是要问我这个吗 我有没有杀我老婆 Is that what you're asking me? If I murdered my wife? 1248 01:02:36,710 --> 01:02:39,130 我不会问你这种问题的 I would never ask you that! 1249 01:02:43,090 --> 01:02:44,090 马尔 Margo! 1250 01:02:56,900 --> 01:02:59,110 别踩到玻璃 Don't walk on the glass. 1251 01:03:00,820 --> 01:03:03,450 你啥都不知道对吧 You have no clue, do you? 1252 01:03:18,890 --> 01:03:19,850 线索三 1253 01:03:21,250 --> 01:03:22,830 他那天为什么过来 Why was he here that night? 1254 01:03:24,470 --> 01:03:27,310 他的老婆失踪了 为什么要到这儿来 His wife is missing. Why come here? 1255 01:03:27,340 --> 01:03:28,340 谁在乎呢 Who cares? 1256 01:03:28,550 --> 01:03:29,800 朗达 我们已经破案了 Rhonda, we got this. 1257 01:03:29,850 --> 01:03:31,350 逮捕他吧 Let's make the arrest. 1258 01:03:31,390 --> 01:03:33,480 你知道没有尸体要立谋杀案有多难吗 Do you know how hard it is to make a murder case without a body? 1259 01:03:33,520 --> 01:03:34,440 不知道 No. 1260 01:03:34,480 --> 01:03:36,650 非常难 Well, it's incredibly hard. 1261 01:03:36,690 --> 01:03:39,570 所以 我还需要一样东西 So, I want one last thing. 1262 01:03:39,610 --> 01:03:40,610 什么东西 What's that? 1263 01:03:42,230 --> 01:03:44,520 尸体 I want a body. 1264 01:03:45,700 --> 01:03:50,120 想象我是个很坏很坏的女孩 Picture me. I'm a girl who's very, very bad. 1265 01:03:50,160 --> 01:03:51,790 小心 Be careful. 1266 01:03:56,330 --> 01:03:59,520 我必须受到惩罚 活该被逮个正着 I need to be punished, and by "Punished," I mean "Had." 1267 01:03:59,520 --> 01:04:00,690 惩罚 皮鞭 锁链 坏 我必须受到惩罚 活该被逮个正着 I need to be punished, and by "Punished," I mean "Had." 1268 01:04:00,690 --> 01:04:00,750 我必须受到惩罚 活该被逮个正着 I need to be punished, and by "Punished," I mean "Had." 1269 01:04:05,300 --> 01:04:06,300 该死 Fuck. 1270 01:04:07,860 --> 01:04:11,100 五周年纪念的东西都在那里 It's where you keep goodies for anniversary five. 1271 01:04:12,240 --> 01:04:12,350 木头 1272 01:04:12,350 --> 01:04:14,320 快打开门吧 So, open the door. 木头 1273 01:04:14,320 --> 01:04:14,520 快打开门吧 So, open the door. 1274 01:04:14,560 --> 01:04:15,940 惩罚 木头 沙滩 Punish. Wood. Beach. 1275 01:04:15,980 --> 01:04:18,480 进来瞧一瞧 And look alive. 1276 01:04:21,610 --> 01:04:24,200 惩罚 木头 Punish. Wood. 1277 01:04:25,360 --> 01:04:26,950 木头 Wood. 1278 01:04:59,060 --> 01:05:01,780 我会试着相信我的丈夫爱我 I will practice believing my husband loves me, 1279 01:05:01,810 --> 01:05:04,230 也会爱这个孩子 and will love this baby. 1280 01:05:04,900 --> 01:05:08,530 相信这个孩子也许能拯救我们的婚姻 That this child might really save our marriage. 1281 01:05:09,400 --> 01:05:10,860 但也许我错了 But I could be wrong. 1282 01:05:17,040 --> 01:05:18,960 因为有时候 Because sometimes, 1283 01:05:19,960 --> 01:05:22,170 他看我的眼神 the way he looks at me, 1284 01:05:23,250 --> 01:05:25,000 让我感觉 I think. 1285 01:05:25,040 --> 01:05:26,120 我的梦中情人 Man of my dreams. 1286 01:05:28,050 --> 01:05:30,140 我孩子的父亲 Father of my child. 1287 01:05:30,930 --> 01:05:34,930 我的丈夫 也许会杀了我 This man of mine may kill me. 1288 01:05:36,310 --> 01:05:38,310 他也许真的会 He may truly 1289 01:05:39,230 --> 01:05:40,230 杀了我 Kill me. 1290 01:05:42,440 --> 01:05:43,940 我的天 WTF? 1291 01:06:08,880 --> 01:06:11,470 现在我死了 我觉得开心多了 I am so much happier now that I'm dead. 1292 01:06:14,030 --> 01:06:16,510 七月五日 清 晨 1293 01:06:16,510 --> 01:06:17,990 理论上说还是"失踪" Technically, "Missing." 七月五日 清 晨 1294 01:06:17,990 --> 01:06:18,090 理论上说还是"失踪" Technically, "Missing." 1295 01:06:18,930 --> 01:06:20,590 但很快就会判定我死亡了 Soon to be presumed dead. 1296 01:06:22,310 --> 01:06:23,440 消失了 Gone. 1297 01:06:24,400 --> 01:06:26,530 而我那懒惰 撒谎 劈腿 And my lazy, lying, cheating, 1298 01:06:26,540 --> 01:06:28,250 还蒙在鼓里的丈夫 oblivious husband, 1299 01:06:28,290 --> 01:06:30,980 会因为谋杀我而锒铛入狱 will go to prison for my murder. 1300 01:06:32,280 --> 01:06:34,830 尼克·邓恩夺走了我的骄傲与尊严 Nick Dunne took my pride and my dignity, 1301 01:06:34,860 --> 01:06:37,360 还有我的希望和财产 and my hope and my money. 1302 01:06:37,410 --> 01:06:41,000 他不停向我索取 直到我不再存在 He took and took from me until I no longer existed. 1303 01:06:41,040 --> 01:06:42,460 这就是谋杀 That's murder. 1304 01:06:42,500 --> 01:06:45,300 让他得到应有的惩罚吧 Let the punishment fit the crime. 1305 01:06:45,880 --> 01:06:48,880 要伪造一出以假乱真的谋杀 必须非常严谨 To fake a convincing murder, you have to have discipline. 1306 01:06:53,090 --> 01:06:56,090 和一个蠢货邻居交朋友 You befriend a local idiot. 1307 01:06:59,640 --> 01:07:02,810 倾听她无聊生活的各种细节 Harvest the details of her humdrum life. 1308 01:07:03,180 --> 01:07:06,770 不停地跟她提起你老公的暴脾气 And cram her with stories about your husban's violet temper. 1309 01:07:07,900 --> 01:07:10,200 秘密地制造财政危机 Secretly create some money troubles. 1310 01:07:10,440 --> 01:07:13,610 刷爆信用卡 网上赌博也可以 Credit cards, perhaps online gambling. 1311 01:07:16,240 --> 01:07:18,450 趁他不注意 With the help of the unwitting, 1312 01:07:18,490 --> 01:07:20,490 提高自己的保险金额 bump up your life insurance. 1313 01:07:22,200 --> 01:07:25,370 购买逃走用的车 去二手交易网站 Purchase getaway car. Craigslist. 1314 01:07:25,410 --> 01:07:28,700 买便宜的普通车 现金交易 Generic. Cheap. Pay cash. 1315 01:07:29,170 --> 01:07:31,020 你需要包装自己 You need to package yourself 1316 01:07:31,020 --> 01:07:33,800 这样你走了大家才会觉得可惜 so that people will truly mourn your loss. 1317 01:07:33,840 --> 01:07:36,810 美国人最爱的就是孕妇了 And America loves pregnant women. 1318 01:07:37,130 --> 01:07:40,130 就好像滚个床单很难一样 As if it's so hard to spread your legs. 1319 01:07:40,180 --> 01:07:41,410 知道真正难的是什么吗 You know what's hard? 1320 01:07:41,410 --> 01:07:41,480 如何抽干马桶 知道真正难的是什么吗 You know what's hard? 1321 01:07:41,480 --> 01:07:41,970 如何抽干马桶 1322 01:07:41,970 --> 01:07:42,870 伪造怀孕 Faking a pregnancy. 如何抽干马桶 1323 01:07:42,870 --> 01:07:43,930 伪造怀孕 Faking a pregnancy. 1324 01:07:43,980 --> 01:07:46,150 首先 抽干你的马桶 First, drain your toilet. 1325 01:07:47,850 --> 01:07:50,600 邀请怀孕的蠢货去你家 Invite pregnant idiot into your home, 1326 01:07:50,650 --> 01:07:53,160 给她狂灌柠檬汁 and ply her with lemonade. 1327 01:07:58,320 --> 01:08:00,490 窃取怀孕的蠢货的尿 Steal pregnant idiot's urine. 1328 01:08:02,700 --> 01:08:04,200 收工 Voilà. 1329 01:08:04,250 --> 01:08:08,210 在医疗记录里 你已经怀孕了 A pregnancy is now part of your legal medical record. 1330 01:08:14,710 --> 01:08:16,040 周年纪念日快乐 Happy anniversary. 1331 01:08:18,720 --> 01:08:21,480 等着对这事毫无察觉的老公 Wait for your clueless husband 1332 01:08:21,510 --> 01:08:23,380 出门上班 To start his day. 1333 01:08:24,850 --> 01:08:26,310 他走啦 Off he goes. 1334 01:08:26,350 --> 01:08:28,510 现在时间紧迫 And the clock is ticking. 1335 01:08:29,690 --> 01:08:32,190 一丝不苟地布置犯罪现场 Meticulously stage your crime scene, 1336 01:08:32,860 --> 01:08:36,870 留下足够让人起疑的破绽 with just enough mistakes to raise the specter of doubt. 1337 01:08:38,280 --> 01:08:40,240 你需要流血 You need to bleed. 1338 01:08:40,570 --> 01:08:41,570 很多血 A lot. 1339 01:08:42,200 --> 01:08:43,870 非常非常多 A lot, a lot. 1340 01:08:47,210 --> 01:08:49,040 像是头被打破了一样 A head wound kind of bleed. 1341 01:08:49,710 --> 01:08:52,210 犯罪现场才会有的血迹 A crime scene kind of bleed. 1342 01:08:55,210 --> 01:08:57,330 擦血迹 但不能擦干净 You need to clean poorly 1343 01:08:57,380 --> 01:08:58,380 就像是他做的 Like he would. 1344 01:08:59,090 --> 01:09:01,590 擦干 流血 流血 擦干 Clean and bleed. Bleed and clean. 1345 01:09:02,220 --> 01:09:04,810 再留下一些线索 And leave a little something behind. 1346 01:09:05,470 --> 01:09:07,220 七月还点壁炉 A fire in July? 1347 01:09:08,770 --> 01:09:09,860 因为你是你 And because you're you, 1348 01:09:09,890 --> 01:09:11,140 仅仅这些是不够的 you don't stop there. 1349 01:09:11,560 --> 01:09:13,770 你需要一本日记 You need a diary. 1350 01:09:13,810 --> 01:09:16,730 至少三百条关于尼克和艾米的故事 Minimum, 300 entries on the Nick and Amy story. 1351 01:09:17,400 --> 01:09:19,690 先从童话般的热恋说起 Start with the fairy tale early days. 1352 01:09:19,740 --> 01:09:22,040 那些都是真的 真实得残忍 Those are true. And they're crucial. 1353 01:09:22,070 --> 01:09:24,070 必须把尼克和艾米写得非常可爱 You want Nick and Amy to be likeable. 1354 01:09:24,410 --> 01:09:27,040 然后 开始编造 After that, you invent. 1355 01:09:27,080 --> 01:09:28,080 花天酒地 The spending. 1356 01:09:28,080 --> 01:09:29,880 虐待和恐惧 The abuse. The fear. 1357 01:09:29,910 --> 01:09:32,870 威胁使用暴力 The threat of violence. 1358 01:09:32,920 --> 01:09:34,880 尼克还觉得自己是作家呢 And Nick thought he was the writer. 1359 01:09:35,590 --> 01:09:36,880 烧掉刚刚好的一部分 Burn it just the right amount. 1360 01:09:38,710 --> 01:09:40,590 确定警察能找到它 Make sure the cops will find it. 输入密码 1361 01:09:45,600 --> 01:09:48,650 最后 尊重传统 布置特别的寻宝游戏 Finally, honor tradition with a very special treasure hunt. 1362 01:09:51,120 --> 01:09:51,230 七月五日 失踪两小时后 1363 01:09:51,230 --> 01:09:54,030 如果我不出错 全世界都会憎恨尼克 And if I get everything right, the world will hate Nick, 七月五日 失踪两小时后 1364 01:09:54,030 --> 01:09:54,060 七月五日 失踪两小时后 1365 01:09:54,060 --> 01:09:54,470 因为他杀了自己美丽的孕妇妻子 for killing his beautiful, pregnant wife. 七月五日 失踪两小时后 1366 01:09:54,470 --> 01:09:56,770 因为他杀了自己美丽的孕妇妻子 for killing his beautiful, pregnant wife. 1367 01:09:56,820 --> 01:09:59,450 在愤怒平息后 当我准备好时 And after all the outrage, when I'm ready, 1368 01:09:59,490 --> 01:10:01,490 我会吃上一把安眠药 然后跳进水里 I'll go out on the water with a handful of pills, 1369 01:10:01,490 --> 01:10:04,040 口袋里装满石头 and a pocket full of stones. 1370 01:10:04,070 --> 01:10:06,860 当他们找到我的尸体 他们会认为 And when they find my body, they'll know, 1371 01:10:06,910 --> 01:10:10,210 尼克·邓恩像扔垃圾一样抛弃了他的妻子 Nick Dunne dumped his beloved like garbage. 1372 01:10:10,250 --> 01:10:12,590 而她则缓缓飘落 飘过那些 And she floated down past all the other 1373 01:10:12,620 --> 01:10:15,950 受尽凌辱 无人理会 无处求援的女人 Abused, unwanted, inconvenient women. 1374 01:10:17,340 --> 01:10:19,300 然后 尼克也会死去 Then, Nick will die, too. 1375 01:10:20,170 --> 01:10:22,040 尼克和艾米会彻底消失 Nick and Amy will be gone. 1376 01:10:22,090 --> 01:10:24,210 不过 我们也从没存在过 But, then, we never really existed. 1377 01:10:24,260 --> 01:10:27,480 尼克爱上的只是我扮演的女孩罢了 Nick loved a girl I was pretending to be. 1378 01:10:27,510 --> 01:10:28,510 "好妹子" "Cool girl." 1379 01:10:28,970 --> 01:10:32,810 男人总是这么拍女孩马屁 不是吗 Men always use that, don't they? As their defining compliment. 1380 01:10:32,850 --> 01:10:33,850 "她是个好妹子" "She's a cool girl." 1381 01:10:34,980 --> 01:10:36,110 好妹子很性感 Cool girl is hot. 1382 01:10:36,150 --> 01:10:37,570 好妹子热情勇敢 Cool girl is game. 1383 01:10:37,610 --> 01:10:38,610 好妹子幽默风趣 Cool girl is fun. 1384 01:10:38,940 --> 01:10:41,440 好妹子从不对她的男人生气 Cool girl never gets angry at her man. 1385 01:10:41,490 --> 01:10:44,120 她只会露出谦卑又忠诚的微笑 She only smiles in a chagrined, loving manner 1386 01:10:44,780 --> 01:10:47,740 然后把嘴凑上去被操 And then presents her mouth for fucking. 1387 01:10:47,780 --> 01:10:49,780 她喜欢他爱的一切 She likes what he likes. 1388 01:10:49,830 --> 01:10:53,290 她的男人肯定是个喜欢色情漫画的音乐迷 So evidently, he's a vinyl hipster who loves fetish manga. 1389 01:10:54,330 --> 01:10:57,620 如果他喜欢狂野的女孩 她就是个时尚潮女 If he likes girls gone wild, she's a mall babe, 1390 01:10:57,670 --> 01:11:01,470 会在猫头鹰餐厅忍受着辣翅大聊橄榄球 who talks football and endures buffalo wings at Hooters. 1391 01:11:01,510 --> 01:11:05,100 遇到尼克·邓恩的时候 我知道他想要个好妹子 When I met Nick Dunne, I knew he wanted cool girl. 1392 01:11:05,130 --> 01:11:07,800 我承认 我愿意为了他尝试一次 And for him, I'll admit, I was willing to try. 1393 01:11:07,850 --> 01:11:09,850 我用蜜蜡刮掉了我的阴毛 I wax-stripped my pussy raw. 1394 01:11:10,520 --> 01:11:12,520 我喝着罐装啤酒看亚当·桑德勒的喜剧 I drank canned beer watching Adam Sandler movies. 1395 01:11:12,520 --> 01:11:13,650 阅读眼镜 我喝着罐装啤酒看亚当·桑德勒的喜剧 I drank canned beer watching Adam Sandler movies. 1396 01:11:13,890 --> 01:11:16,680 我吃冷掉的披萨 保持完美身材 I ate cold pizza and remained a size two. 1397 01:11:16,730 --> 01:11:18,690 基本上定期给他口交 I blew him semi-regularly. 1398 01:11:20,020 --> 01:11:21,350 我活在当下 I lived in the moment. 1399 01:11:21,650 --> 01:11:24,190 我他妈享受人生 I was fucking game. 1400 01:11:24,820 --> 01:11:26,860 不能说我一点儿都不喜欢那样 I can't say I didn't enjoy some of it. 1401 01:11:27,700 --> 01:11:31,000 尼克发掘了我性格中从未出现过的部分 Nick teased out of me things I didn't know existed. 1402 01:11:31,040 --> 01:11:34,340 温和 幽默 轻松 A lightness, a humor, an ease. 1403 01:11:34,370 --> 01:11:37,290 但我也让他变得更聪明 更锋利 But I made him smarter. Sharper. 1404 01:11:37,330 --> 01:11:40,960 让他成为了和我旗鼓相当的对手 I inspired him to rise to my level. 1405 01:11:41,000 --> 01:11:44,730 我造就了自己的梦中情人 I forged the man of my dreams. 1406 01:11:44,730 --> 01:11:44,750 七月五日 失踪十小时后 我造就了自己的梦中情人 I forged the man of my dreams. 1407 01:11:44,750 --> 01:11:47,090 七月五日 失踪十小时后 1408 01:11:47,090 --> 01:11:49,000 我们乐于扮演别人 We were happy pretending to be other people. 七月五日 失踪十小时后 1409 01:11:49,000 --> 01:11:50,010 我们乐于扮演别人 We were happy pretending to be other people. 1410 01:11:50,050 --> 01:11:51,880 我们是最幸福的夫妻 We were the happiest couple we knew. 1411 01:11:53,520 --> 01:11:54,780 如果不是最幸福的一对 And what's the point of being together, 1412 01:11:54,780 --> 01:11:56,520 那还在一起干什么呢 if you're not the happiest? 1413 01:11:57,190 --> 01:11:59,400 可尼克变得懒惰 But Nick got lazy. 1414 01:11:59,440 --> 01:12:01,650 变成了我绝不会嫁给的男人 He became someone I did not agree to marry. 1415 01:12:01,690 --> 01:12:04,860 他居然希望我无条件地爱他 He actually expected me to love him unconditionally. 1416 01:12:05,530 --> 01:12:07,550 然后他把身无分文的我 Then he dragged me, penniless, 1417 01:12:07,550 --> 01:12:10,040 拖来了中部的穷乡僻壤 to the navel of this great country 1418 01:12:10,070 --> 01:12:14,030 给自己找了个更新鲜 更年轻 更活泼的 And found himself a newer, younger, bouncier 1419 01:12:14,080 --> 01:12:15,080 好妹子 Cool girl. 1420 01:12:17,420 --> 01:12:18,830 我会看着他毁掉我 You think I'd let him destroy me 1421 01:12:18,830 --> 01:12:21,590 然后自己去过幸福生活吗 And end up happier than ever? 1422 01:12:22,090 --> 01:12:23,760 门都没有 No fucking way. 1423 01:12:24,130 --> 01:12:25,930 他不会赢的 He doesn't get to win. 1424 01:12:36,270 --> 01:12:40,230 我可爱 有魅力 正直的密苏里男生 My cute, charming, salt-of-the-earth, Missouri guy. 1425 01:12:42,650 --> 01:12:45,110 他需要上一课 He needed to learn. 1426 01:12:45,820 --> 01:12:48,450 成年人会努力争取 Grown-ups work for things. 1427 01:12:48,990 --> 01:12:50,950 成年人会付出努力 Grown-ups pay. 1428 01:12:52,330 --> 01:12:54,920 成年人会承担后果 Grown-ups suffer consequences. 1429 01:12:58,410 --> 01:12:59,620 等一下 Wait. 1430 01:13:00,000 --> 01:13:02,800 给我二十秒 不要责备我或者打断我 I need 20 seconds where you don't judge me, interrupt me 1431 01:13:02,840 --> 01:13:04,470 也别生气 Or get angry. 1432 01:13:05,920 --> 01:13:07,460 好吧 Okay. 1433 01:13:11,430 --> 01:13:13,390 这是信用卡账单上的那些东西吗 Is that all the stuff from the credit cards? 1434 01:13:13,430 --> 01:13:16,600 五周年纪念的东西都放哪了 Where do you store goodies for anniversary five? 1435 01:13:16,640 --> 01:13:17,430 木婚 Wood. 1436 01:13:17,480 --> 01:13:20,610 -所以是小木屋 -我的小木屋 - Woodshed. - Yeah, my woodshed. 1437 01:13:20,650 --> 01:13:23,150 那个该死的贱人 That fucking bitch. 1438 01:13:24,980 --> 01:13:26,310 -我还以为... -没关系 - I thought... - It's all right. 1439 01:13:26,360 --> 01:13:27,820 换我也会那么想 I would have, too. 1440 01:13:31,280 --> 01:13:32,480 那礼物是什么 What's that present? 1441 01:13:32,530 --> 01:13:34,280 不知道 I don't know. 1442 01:13:34,330 --> 01:13:36,290 打开看看吧 Let's find out. 1443 01:13:42,880 --> 01:13:44,260 "亲爱的老公 我知道 "Dear husband, I know 1444 01:13:44,260 --> 01:13:46,800 你以为自己可以在这个世界上为所欲为 You think you're moving through this world unseen. 1445 01:13:46,840 --> 01:13:48,260 别再这么想了 Don't believe that for a second. 1446 01:13:48,300 --> 01:13:50,580 我知道你去过哪里 也知道你将要去哪里 I know where you've been, and I know where you're going. 1447 01:13:53,800 --> 01:13:55,840 这个纪念日 我安排了一次旅行 For this anniversary, I've arranged a trip. 1448 01:13:55,890 --> 01:13:57,770 沿着河流 一直向上 Follow the river, up, up, up. 1449 01:13:57,810 --> 01:14:00,520 好好享受吧 因为你已经完蛋了 Sit back and relax, because you are done." 1450 01:14:00,560 --> 01:14:01,980 "沿河向上"是什么意思 What's "Up, up river"? 1451 01:14:02,020 --> 01:14:04,190 进监狱的意思 "Up the river." Prison. 1452 01:14:04,230 --> 01:14:06,150 这贱人真他妈疯了 Fucking crazy bitch. 1453 01:14:06,190 --> 01:14:07,810 原来是这样 That's what this is. 1454 01:14:07,860 --> 01:14:10,160 她想诬陷我谋杀了她 She's framing me for her murder. 1455 01:14:10,190 --> 01:14:11,480 你娶了个变态啊 You married a complete psychopath. 1456 01:14:11,530 --> 01:14:13,660 周年纪念那天早上 The morning of our anniversary 1457 01:14:13,700 --> 01:14:18,000 我想跟她提离婚的 我实在受不了了 I was gonna ask her for a divorce. I just couldn't do it. 1458 01:14:18,040 --> 01:14:20,500 没办法再假装下去 一天都不行 I couldn't fake it for another year, another day. 1459 01:14:20,540 --> 01:14:21,460 结果呢 Then what happened? 1460 01:14:21,500 --> 01:14:22,800 在我开口以前 她说 Before I could say anything, she said, 1461 01:14:22,830 --> 01:14:24,520 "我希望你出去静一静 "I need you to go somewhere, 1462 01:14:24,520 --> 01:14:26,210 想想我们的婚姻" and really think about our marriage." 1463 01:14:26,250 --> 01:14:27,500 她知道我会去索耶沙滩 She knew I would go to Sawyer beach. 1464 01:14:27,550 --> 01:14:28,840 这样你就没有不在场证明了 So you'd have no alibi. 1465 01:14:28,880 --> 01:14:31,100 她一步步操纵了我 She stage-managed me. 1466 01:14:31,380 --> 01:14:35,050 她知道我会怎么做 我他妈还真的那么做了 She knew exactly what I would do. And I fucking did it. 1467 01:14:35,090 --> 01:14:36,630 我去了沙滩 思考了我们的婚姻 I went to the beach, I thought about our marriage. 1468 01:14:36,680 --> 01:14:38,390 决定回去提出离婚 I came back and decided I wanted a divorce. 1469 01:14:38,430 --> 01:14:39,670 但等你到家的时候 And by the time you got home, 1470 01:14:39,680 --> 01:14:41,220 她已经不见了 she was gone. 1471 01:14:41,850 --> 01:14:44,360 -真他妈的 -她真厉害 - You fuck! - She's good. 1472 01:14:45,350 --> 01:14:47,350 想到她不在了 Part of me was relieved 1473 01:14:47,400 --> 01:14:49,700 我有点解脱了的感觉 when I thought she was gone. 1474 01:14:54,070 --> 01:14:55,780 潘趣与朱迪的木偶 Punch and Judy puppets. 1475 01:14:58,080 --> 01:15:01,870 记得吗 他把朱迪打死 又杀了孩子 Remember, he beats Judy to death and kills that baby. 1476 01:15:01,910 --> 01:15:03,030 所以我是潘趣咯 So I'm punch. 1477 01:15:04,040 --> 01:15:04,740 这我们都知道了 We already knew that. 1478 01:15:04,740 --> 01:15:06,050 艾米 你想表达什么 Amy, what's your point? 1479 01:15:07,210 --> 01:15:10,050 密苏里州有死刑吗 Does Missouri have the death penalty? 1480 01:15:14,320 --> 01:15:18,700 七月六日 消失一天后 1481 01:15:19,860 --> 01:15:22,990 自杀? 1482 01:15:23,370 --> 01:15:24,370 自杀? 1483 01:15:26,160 --> 01:15:27,660 自杀? 丢掉所有东西 把车丢掉 没有指纹 擦干净 1484 01:15:29,480 --> 01:15:30,750 在艾伦·阿伯特的网站发匿名留言 寻找丢车地点 1485 01:15:36,950 --> 01:15:38,370 邻居你好啊 Hey, neighbor. 1486 01:15:39,280 --> 01:15:41,660 我已经好几周没见到正常的邻居了 It's been weeks since I had anyone decent next door. 1487 01:15:42,290 --> 01:15:44,920 我可不知道自己算不算正常 Well, I don't know how decent I feel. 1488 01:15:44,960 --> 01:15:46,310 只要你不养蛇 As long as you don't own a python, 1489 01:15:46,310 --> 01:15:48,090 或者在凌晨四点放死亡金属 and blast death metal at 4 am, 1490 01:15:48,130 --> 01:15:50,130 咱们就能成好闺蜜 we're gonna be best friends. 1491 01:15:50,170 --> 01:15:52,260 好吧 很高兴认识你 All right. Nice meeting you. 1492 01:15:52,300 --> 01:15:53,890 我是格蕾塔 I'm Greta. 1493 01:15:54,510 --> 01:15:55,800 我是南希 I'm Nancy. 1494 01:15:55,840 --> 01:15:57,800 你要去码头吗 我需要涂点防晒霜 Are you going to the marina? I could use some creamer. 1495 01:15:57,840 --> 01:15:59,260 抱歉 我帮不了你 I'm sorry. I can't. 1496 01:15:59,300 --> 01:16:00,510 我还有事要做 I've got work to do. 1497 01:16:00,810 --> 01:16:02,850 好吧 回头见 All right. See you around! 1498 01:16:03,140 --> 01:16:05,050 会的 You will. 1499 01:16:16,550 --> 01:16:20,170 七月七日 失踪两天后 1500 01:16:42,110 --> 01:16:42,320 艾伦·阿伯特 1501 01:16:51,020 --> 01:16:56,230 快 让我看看你的专属亲切微笑 Come on. Show me that darling Nicky smile. 1502 01:16:58,030 --> 01:16:59,910 你个混蛋 You asshole. 1503 01:17:13,850 --> 01:17:19,320 七月八日 失踪三天后 1504 01:17:19,680 --> 01:17:21,430 南希 Nancy. 1505 01:17:23,720 --> 01:17:25,550 南希 Nancy. 1506 01:17:26,560 --> 01:17:28,770 今天又热起来了 It's hot again today. 1507 01:17:30,560 --> 01:17:32,890 你从哪来的 So, where are you from? 1508 01:17:33,400 --> 01:17:34,570 我猜猜 Let me guess. 1509 01:17:37,690 --> 01:17:38,690 内布拉斯加州 Nebraska. 1510 01:17:40,910 --> 01:17:42,120 是新奥尔良市 New Orleans. 1511 01:17:45,580 --> 01:17:48,080 如果要涂防晒油 我技术很好的 You know, I am an expert oiler. 1512 01:17:48,120 --> 01:17:49,910 我猜也是 Oh, I just bet you are. 1513 01:17:49,960 --> 01:17:52,590 润肤乳和香精 还有防晒霜 Lotions and balms. Ointment. 1514 01:17:53,290 --> 01:17:55,210 你们被晒黑了我可是会心疼的 I would hate for y'all to get tan lines. 1515 01:17:55,250 --> 01:17:57,250 真贴心 So sweet. 1516 01:17:58,090 --> 01:18:00,760 好吧 你们知道到哪里可以找到我 Okay. You know where I'll be. 1517 01:18:03,640 --> 01:18:06,060 看来我们挑男人的眼光一致啊 I see we have the same taste in men. 1518 01:18:07,770 --> 01:18:10,020 那种眼光已经被我丢进浴室的柜子里了 I clipped it on a bathroom cabinet. 1519 01:18:10,060 --> 01:18:13,110 至少你可以不必为他保守秘密了 Least you could do is not keep his secrets for him. 1520 01:18:14,150 --> 01:18:15,530 我猜猜看 Let me guess. 1521 01:18:15,570 --> 01:18:19,450 他想看比赛 而你却在旁边唠叨个没完 He's trying to watch the big game and you just won't shut up. 1522 01:18:19,740 --> 01:18:22,580 不对 你看起来不像是话多的人 No, you don't seem like much of a talker. 1523 01:18:22,610 --> 01:18:23,610 我懂了 I got it. 1524 01:18:23,610 --> 01:18:26,070 你男人被你捉奸在床 You caught your boy rubbing up on some hot little skank, 1525 01:18:26,120 --> 01:18:28,120 他也搅了你的好事 当做礼尚往来 and he apologized to you by busting you a good one. 1526 01:18:30,500 --> 01:18:31,500 更糟糕 Worse. 1527 01:18:31,620 --> 01:18:32,620 更糟吗 Worse? 1528 01:18:33,460 --> 01:18:37,170 我去他上班的酒吧想给他一个惊喜 I went to the bar where he works to surprise him. 1529 01:18:37,210 --> 01:18:38,710 结果他和一个 And out he comes with 1530 01:18:38,710 --> 01:18:41,920 完全不该出现在酒吧的女孩出来了 this girl who had no business being in a bar. 1531 01:18:44,890 --> 01:18:46,890 我们相识的第一个晚上 On the very first night that we met, 1532 01:18:47,140 --> 01:18:51,310 走过一家在卸糖霜的面包店 we walked by a bakery that was having their sugar delivered. 1533 01:18:52,140 --> 01:18:54,520 漫天都是糖霜 到处都是 And it was in the air, everywhere. 1534 01:18:54,560 --> 01:18:56,850 像一场糖霜暴风雪 A sugar storm. 1535 01:18:56,900 --> 01:18:59,030 他第一次吻我之前 And before he kissed me, 1536 01:18:59,070 --> 01:19:01,160 他俯过身 he leaned in, 1537 01:19:02,650 --> 01:19:04,940 做了这个动作 and did this. 1538 01:19:15,630 --> 01:19:18,090 -猜猜怎么着 -怎么了 - And guess what. - What? 1539 01:19:18,130 --> 01:19:19,840 他对她做了同样的动作 He did the exact same thing with her. 1540 01:19:24,090 --> 01:19:27,090 这是我听过的最让我恶心的事了 That is the most disgusting thing I ever heard. 1541 01:19:27,140 --> 01:19:28,850 谢谢你 Thank you. 1542 01:19:43,610 --> 01:19:45,190 非常感谢 Thanks very much. 1543 01:19:51,990 --> 01:19:54,280 好了 我们成焦点了 Well, we've gone mainstream. 1544 01:19:54,430 --> 01:19:58,680 七月九日 失踪四天后 1545 01:20:09,890 --> 01:20:13,020 这是上诉程序 我们会尝试起诉他们 It's an appeals process, so we will attempt to appeal to them. 1546 01:20:13,060 --> 01:20:15,190 博尔特先生 坦纳·博尔特 Mr. Bolt. Tanner Bolt? 1547 01:20:17,060 --> 01:20:18,470 尼克·邓恩 Nick Dunne. 1548 01:20:18,520 --> 01:20:20,810 我一直在等你的电话 我的朋友 I have been sitting by the phone, my friend. 1549 01:20:24,280 --> 01:20:25,530 抱歉 I'm sorry. 1550 01:20:25,570 --> 01:20:27,410 你不相信我吗 Do you not believe me? 1551 01:20:27,450 --> 01:20:30,700 不 我相信 但这是我听过的最疯狂的事 No, I believe you. It's just the craziest thing I've ever heard. 1552 01:20:30,740 --> 01:20:34,070 我挺喜欢的 但对你来说 糟糕透顶 I love it. But, for you, it sucks. 1553 01:20:34,790 --> 01:20:36,120 但这种情况下你不是应该 But you gotta have a grudging respect 1554 01:20:36,120 --> 01:20:38,090 向她的手段致敬吗 for your wife at this point, right? 1555 01:20:38,120 --> 01:20:39,700 -你是想把我嘲笑出去吗 -不 - Are you laughing me out of the building? - No! 1556 01:20:39,750 --> 01:20:41,500 开什么玩笑 案子我接了 Are you kidding me? I'm in. 1557 01:20:41,540 --> 01:20:43,000 必须接 I'm way in. 1558 01:20:43,050 --> 01:20:45,680 你找对人了 我就接这种案子 尼克 You came to the right guy. This is what I do, Nick. 1559 01:20:45,720 --> 01:20:47,720 所以我的定金是十万 This is why I have a $100,000 retainer. 1560 01:20:47,720 --> 01:20:49,140 我能打赢"必输"的官司 I win the unwinnable cases. 1561 01:20:49,180 --> 01:20:50,850 十万 $100,000? 1562 01:20:50,890 --> 01:20:52,430 这个我们可以想办法 We'll figure something out. 1563 01:20:52,470 --> 01:20:53,510 我会给你一个特别的 I'll give you a special 1564 01:20:53,510 --> 01:20:56,430 "我的妻子深谙复仇之术"折扣 "My wife is skilled in the art of vengeance" Rate. 1565 01:20:56,480 --> 01:20:57,520 好吧 Okay. 1566 01:20:57,560 --> 01:20:59,190 那么 打算怎么办 So, what's the plan? 1567 01:20:59,230 --> 01:21:01,110 眼下 是双方各执一词的阶段 Well, right now, it's a "He said, she said." 1568 01:21:01,150 --> 01:21:03,610 -她说的故事比我的好 -不 尼克 - She's telling a better story. - No, Nick. 1569 01:21:03,650 --> 01:21:05,490 她讲诉的故事堪称完美 She is telling the perfect story. 1570 01:21:05,780 --> 01:21:07,020 所以今天我们就要开始 So, we need to start today 1571 01:21:07,020 --> 01:21:09,080 准备你的辩词 如果用得上的话 to prepare your defense, should we need it. 1572 01:21:09,110 --> 01:21:11,510 -而如果我们决定采用你的版本 -真相 - And if we decide to go with your version of... - The truth. 1573 01:21:12,410 --> 01:21:15,750 那我们需要改变公众对艾米的看法 Then we'll need to realign the public's perception of Amy. 1574 01:21:15,790 --> 01:21:18,040 不能再让他们把她当美国甜心 Make them stop seeing her as America's sweetheart, 1575 01:21:18,080 --> 01:21:19,450 而是看清她的本质 and see her for what she is, 1576 01:21:19,450 --> 01:21:21,410 一个善于操纵别人思想的人 which a mind-fucker of the first degree. 1577 01:21:21,830 --> 01:21:23,640 现在 这是个浩大的改观工程 Now, that is a huge realignment. 1578 01:21:23,650 --> 01:21:25,790 除你之外 我们还需要其他人的声音 We'll need other voices besides yours. 1579 01:21:25,840 --> 01:21:26,720 必须有一个人 There has to be someone out there 1580 01:21:26,720 --> 01:21:28,100 曾经吃过她苦头的人 that she's screwed with in the past. 1581 01:21:28,130 --> 01:21:31,210 有个纽约人 叫汤米·欧哈拉 There's a New York guy. O'Hara, Tommy O'Hara. 1582 01:21:31,260 --> 01:21:33,630 八年前 她起诉过他 Eight years ago, she pressed charges against him. 1583 01:21:33,680 --> 01:21:35,850 那应该很容易找到 That should be easy to find. 1584 01:21:36,390 --> 01:21:39,760 曾经的同学 德西·柯林斯 Ex-classmate, Desi Collings. 1585 01:21:39,810 --> 01:21:41,690 她说他跟踪过她 他住在圣路易斯 She said that he stalked her. He's in St. Louis. 1586 01:21:42,980 --> 01:21:45,230 你去找汤米 我去起草合同 You go talk to Tommy, and I'll draw up the contract. 1587 01:21:49,530 --> 01:21:52,540 和你说了 你找对人了 I told you, you came to the right guy. 1588 01:21:54,740 --> 01:21:55,950 是的 Apparently. 1589 01:22:05,000 --> 01:22:06,790 汤米 Tommy? 1590 01:22:06,840 --> 01:22:08,390 我是 Yeah. 1591 01:22:08,800 --> 01:22:10,760 -谢谢你来见我 -没事 - Thanks for seeing me. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. 1592 01:22:13,850 --> 01:22:15,560 你需要喝点东西 You're gonna want a drink. 1593 01:22:16,100 --> 01:22:17,440 对 Yeah. 1594 01:22:17,470 --> 01:22:20,260 她说你对她动粗了 So, she said you got physical with her. 1595 01:22:20,310 --> 01:22:23,280 不 哥们 她说我强奸她 No, dude, she said I raped her. 1596 01:22:23,310 --> 01:22:25,680 强奸是一级重罪 First degree, felony rape. 1597 01:22:26,440 --> 01:22:28,150 -你做了吗 -你呢 - Did you do it? - Did you do it? 1598 01:22:29,320 --> 01:22:31,410 可能要蹲30年大牢 甚至终身监禁 I was looking at 30 years to life. 1599 01:22:31,950 --> 01:22:33,490 -你有被庭审过吗 -他妈的根本没有 - Did you get a trial? - Fuck, no. 1600 01:22:33,530 --> 01:22:35,740 我看起来像能吃牢饭的人吗 Do I look like I would do well in the yard? 1601 01:22:35,780 --> 01:22:38,700 我做了个辩诉交易 只是性侵 无需入狱 I pled down, man. Sexual assault one, no jail time. 1602 01:22:39,120 --> 01:22:40,790 -那也不是小事 -是啊 - That's something. - Oh, yeah. 1603 01:22:40,830 --> 01:22:42,250 这八年来我都找不到工作 I've been unemployed for the last eight years, 1604 01:22:42,290 --> 01:22:43,160 因为我必须在每一份求职信上 because I have to write 1605 01:22:43,170 --> 01:22:44,800 注明我曾性侵他人 "Sexual offender" on every job application. 1606 01:22:44,830 --> 01:22:46,150 邻里监督组织那里也有我的名字 I'm on a neighborhood watch list, 1607 01:22:46,160 --> 01:22:47,790 因为我不得不报备自己是名危险分子 because I have to register as a predator. 1608 01:22:47,840 --> 01:22:49,720 我快十年没交过女朋友了 I haven't had a date in almost a decade, 1609 01:22:49,720 --> 01:22:51,180 因为只要她们上网搜索我... because if a girl googles me... 1610 01:22:53,130 --> 01:22:55,050 你能和我说说这是怎么回事吗 Could you walk me through what happened? 1611 01:22:55,340 --> 01:22:58,470 我在这场派对上认识了艾米 I meet Amy at this party, you know? 1612 01:22:58,510 --> 01:23:00,140 我们一拍即合 她很完美 We click. She's perfect. 1613 01:23:00,180 --> 01:23:02,510 漂亮 聪明 又博览群书 She's beautiful, she's smart, she's well-read. 1614 01:23:02,560 --> 01:23:04,860 还有二十岁脱衣舞娘的妖娆身材 She's got an ass like a 20-year-old stripper. 1615 01:23:04,900 --> 01:23:06,690 我想 "这里面有什么内幕" I think, "What's the catch?" 1616 01:23:06,730 --> 01:23:09,900 几个月之后 我才想到 这事不会善了 A few months, it hits me. This is not going to be easy. 1617 01:23:10,570 --> 01:23:13,620 女生就像需要修缮的房屋 但是艾米 Girls like a fixer-upper, but Amy? 1618 01:23:13,650 --> 01:23:17,110 我成了她的附属物 她把我当成她的东西 She annexed me. She made me her business. 1619 01:23:17,160 --> 01:23:20,960 有点过分了 她出去给我买领带 It was just too much. She went out and bought me ties. 1620 01:23:21,000 --> 01:23:23,210 我们至少去了二十趟 And we must have gone 20 rounds over that. 1621 01:23:23,250 --> 01:23:26,010 就买个领带 这整件事变得... Ties. The whole thing just became... 1622 01:23:26,040 --> 01:23:29,830 -所以你和她分手 -不 我只是躲着她 - So, you broke up with her. - No, I just backed away. 1623 01:23:29,880 --> 01:23:32,680 给她点空间 没什么大不了 对吧 Gave her some space. No big deal, right? 1624 01:23:32,720 --> 01:23:34,390 我是这么想的 So I thought. 1625 01:23:34,430 --> 01:23:36,720 后来有天晚上 艾米来我家 Then one night, Amy comes over to my place, 1626 01:23:36,760 --> 01:23:39,680 带了一瓶波旁威士忌和我喜欢的乐队的盗版碟 with a bottle of Bourbon and a bootleg of this band I love. 1627 01:23:39,720 --> 01:23:42,720 不到两分钟 她把我内裤脱了 And within two minutes, she's got my pants around my ankles, 1628 01:23:42,770 --> 01:23:44,360 然后她跪着 然后... and she is kneeling down, and... 1629 01:23:44,390 --> 01:23:46,390 抱歉 我知道她是你妻子 I'm sorry. I know it's your wife. 1630 01:23:46,440 --> 01:23:48,320 -你们做爱了 -对 两厢情愿的 - You had sex? - Yeah, consensual. 1631 01:23:48,360 --> 01:23:50,450 很激烈 但那是她强烈要求的 It was rough, but she was screaming for it. 1632 01:23:50,900 --> 01:23:53,240 第二天早上 两名警察来敲我的门 Next morning, there's two cops at my door. 1633 01:23:53,570 --> 01:23:56,490 艾米的受伤情况与强奸吻合 Amy has wounds that are consistent with rape. 1634 01:23:56,530 --> 01:23:59,700 手腕上被捆的痕迹 还有我的精液 Ligature marks on her wrist, and my semen. 1635 01:23:59,740 --> 01:24:03,410 看起来就像我把艾米绑在床上 强奸了她 It looks like I've tied Amy to my bed, and raped her. 1636 01:24:03,450 --> 01:24:04,910 说是我干的 Me! 1637 01:24:04,960 --> 01:24:06,710 然后 猜猜他们找到了什么 And then, guess what they find. 1638 01:24:06,750 --> 01:24:08,800 我床上的床头架 一边一条 Headboards of my bed, one on each side. 1639 01:24:09,210 --> 01:24:10,550 那种你不会戴的领带 The ties you wouldn't wear. 1640 01:24:10,590 --> 01:24:11,930 你果然了解你的妻子 You do know your wife. 1641 01:24:12,590 --> 01:24:14,430 -你后来有见过她吗 -有 - Did you ever see her again? - Yeah. 1642 01:24:14,470 --> 01:24:15,890 上周 在电视上 你也在 On TV, last week, with you. 1643 01:24:16,470 --> 01:24:17,000 我在想 I thought, 1644 01:24:17,000 --> 01:24:17,890 "艾米 "There's Amy. 1645 01:24:17,930 --> 01:24:21,940 她从被强奸晋级为被谋杀了" She's graduated from being raped to being murdered." 1646 01:24:25,770 --> 01:24:26,940 你也在看这个吗 You been watching this, too? 1647 01:24:26,980 --> 01:24:28,190 昨晚的爆炸性消息 Last night's bombshell. 1648 01:24:28,230 --> 01:24:29,280 我们刚发现 We just found out, 1649 01:24:29,310 --> 01:24:32,140 艾米·艾略特·邓恩在失踪时确实怀孕了 Amy Elliott Dunne was, indeed, pregnant when she went missing. 1650 01:24:32,650 --> 01:24:35,620 凯莉·卡布丁娜 这事让我想吐 Kelly Capitono, this makes me wanna throw up. 1651 01:24:35,650 --> 01:24:37,110 一个怀孕的女人 What is it about a pregnant woman, 1652 01:24:37,110 --> 01:24:38,610 一个身体里孕育着生命的女人 a woman carrying life inside her, 1653 01:24:38,660 --> 01:24:40,120 却让男人变成了禽兽 that turns men into animals? 1654 01:24:40,160 --> 01:24:41,660 艾伦 这种情况不少见 Ellen, this is an epidemic. 1655 01:24:41,950 --> 01:24:44,200 男友或者丈夫的毒手 The third leading cause of death among pregnant women 1656 01:24:44,250 --> 01:24:46,630 是孕妇的第三大死因 is homicide committed by a boyfriend or husband. 1657 01:24:46,660 --> 01:24:49,540 我们绝不要忘记这位妻子 Let's not forget about the wife, ever. 1658 01:24:49,580 --> 01:24:53,620 今晚 我们欢迎艾米的挚友 诺艾尔·霍桑 Tonight, we welcome Amy's best friend, Noelle Hawthorne. 1659 01:24:53,670 --> 01:24:56,040 谢谢你来参加节目 诺艾尔 Thanks for being on the show, Noelle. 1660 01:24:56,090 --> 01:24:57,380 谢谢 艾伦 Thank you, Ellen. 1661 01:24:57,430 --> 01:24:58,930 请容我说一句 And let me just say this... 1662 01:24:58,970 --> 01:25:02,560 艾米会感谢你的 还有你为女性所作的一切 Amy would have loved you, and all you do for women. 1663 01:25:02,600 --> 01:25:03,640 真感动 Oh, that's nice. 1664 01:25:03,680 --> 01:25:05,800 和我们聊聊你的朋友吧 诺艾尔 Why don't you tell us about your friend, Noelle? 1665 01:25:05,850 --> 01:25:08,400 艾米待人非常友善 Amy was so nurturing. 1666 01:25:08,440 --> 01:25:10,820 谁能说出来 哪怕就一次 Oh, I'd love if just once, someone was like, 1667 01:25:10,860 --> 01:25:12,150 "她就是个小婊子" "She was a real rag." 1668 01:25:14,650 --> 01:25:17,230 她美丽 聪慧而且善良 She was beautiful and smart and kind. 1669 01:25:17,280 --> 01:25:19,330 我看像个有钱的贱人 Seems like a rich bitch to me. 1670 01:25:19,360 --> 01:25:21,990 你什么意思 大家都喜欢她 What do you mean? People love her. 1671 01:25:22,030 --> 01:25:24,450 不知道 她看起来很傲慢 I don't know. She seems uppity. 1672 01:25:26,160 --> 01:25:28,660 被宠坏的富家女孩 嫁给了一个骗子 Spoiled rich girl, married a cheating asshole. 1673 01:25:28,710 --> 01:25:29,920 付出了最大的代价 Paid the ultimate price. 1674 01:25:29,960 --> 01:25:33,420 唯一的秘密是她的丈夫 我们从未见过尼克 The only secret was her husband. We never met Nick. 1675 01:25:33,460 --> 01:25:35,080 他从没介绍过自己 He never introduced himself. 1676 01:25:35,130 --> 01:25:37,510 为什么呢 诺艾尔 你觉得是为什么呢 Why was that, Noelle? Why do you think? 1677 01:25:37,550 --> 01:25:38,550 我想我们都知道原因 I think we know why. 1678 01:25:39,340 --> 01:25:41,590 因为他脾气非常暴躁 Because he had a violent temper. 1679 01:25:41,640 --> 01:25:42,680 这话有点刻薄了 A little harsh. 1680 01:25:42,720 --> 01:25:44,300 这就是生活啊 宝贝 That's life, baby. 1681 01:25:44,350 --> 01:25:45,910 他知道我已经看透了他 He knew I'd have seen right through him. 1682 01:25:46,850 --> 01:25:48,190 别误会我 Don't get me wrong. 1683 01:25:48,230 --> 01:25:50,110 我不是说 他就可以杀害她 I'm not saying it's okay he killed her. 1684 01:25:50,140 --> 01:25:53,560 我只是说 事情是有原因的 I'm just saying, there are consequences. 1685 01:25:55,690 --> 01:25:56,690 真爽 Fuck, yeah. 1686 01:25:56,730 --> 01:25:59,150 她那么孤单 She was so alone. 1687 01:25:59,200 --> 01:26:01,120 而且她那么无辜 And she was so innocent. 1688 01:26:01,160 --> 01:26:02,680 你是个很好的朋友 诺艾尔 You're a good friend, Noelle. 1689 01:26:02,680 --> 01:26:04,620 你也是我们节目的好朋友 And you're a good friend of the show. 1690 01:26:04,660 --> 01:26:05,870 谢谢你来参加节目 Thanks for coming on. 1691 01:26:05,910 --> 01:26:07,370 请告诉我你搞定了坦纳·博尔特 Please tell me you landed Tanner Bolt. 1692 01:26:07,410 --> 01:26:09,700 是坦纳·博尔特搞定了我 Tanner Bolt landed me. 1693 01:26:09,750 --> 01:26:13,050 回去的路上我会联系德西·柯林斯 I'm gonna try and see Desi Collings on my way home. 1694 01:26:13,080 --> 01:26:15,040 还有 马尔 And, Go. 1695 01:26:15,090 --> 01:26:18,260 坦纳要十万的聘请定金 Tanner's retainer is $100,000. 1696 01:26:18,710 --> 01:26:20,170 这还仅仅只是定金 That's just the retainer. 1697 01:26:20,550 --> 01:26:24,180 我有四万七的存款 退休金里还有两千五 Listen, I've got $47,000 in savings. I've got $2,500 in an IRA. 1698 01:26:24,220 --> 01:26:26,100 我同意对房子做二次抵押 I'm approved for a second mortgage on the house. 1699 01:26:26,100 --> 01:26:27,310 我们可以从这里着手 We will go from there. 1700 01:26:27,350 --> 01:26:29,100 谢谢 Thank you. 1701 01:26:29,850 --> 01:26:31,510 -我爱你 -我也爱你 - I love you. - I love you, too. 1702 01:26:31,560 --> 01:26:34,310 尼克把患有老年痴呆的爸爸送进养老院 Nick keeps his father, who has Alzheimer's, in a facility. 1703 01:26:34,360 --> 01:26:36,570 去年他去看望他爸几次呢 就一次 Number of times he visited last year? One. 1704 01:26:36,610 --> 01:26:37,610 操 Oh, fuck! 1705 01:26:37,610 --> 01:26:40,320 他的双胞胎姐姐 马尔 是个美人 His twin sister, Margo, well, she is a peach. 1706 01:26:40,360 --> 01:26:42,690 他俩天天躲在艾米买给他们的酒吧里 These two spend their days in the bar Amy bought them. 1707 01:26:43,280 --> 01:26:45,400 玩什么呢 劳伦 玩过家家吗 Playing what, Lauren? Playing house? 1708 01:26:45,450 --> 01:26:46,580 他妈的 What the fuck? 1709 01:26:46,620 --> 01:26:49,290 双胞胎姐弟经常能激发和教唆对方 Twin siblings often enable and abet. 1710 01:26:49,790 --> 01:26:51,630 虽然我没有调查过尼克 或者他姐姐 While I never examined Nick, or his sister, 1711 01:26:52,420 --> 01:26:54,550 但他们看起来非常的亲近 they both seem very, very close. 1712 01:26:54,880 --> 01:26:56,130 双胞胎乱伦 It's twin-cest. 1713 01:26:56,460 --> 01:26:59,170 亲近得让人觉得可疑 劳伦 Disturbingly close, Lauren. 1714 01:26:59,210 --> 01:27:01,210 那么 问题就来了 And so, we close with a question. 1715 01:27:01,260 --> 01:27:02,760 什么样的道德腐朽 What kind of moral rot, 1716 01:27:02,800 --> 01:27:07,510 会让美丽多才 善良聪慧的母亲消失 allows a beautiful, talented, kind, smart, loving mother 1717 01:27:07,560 --> 01:27:11,270 而上天却听不到我们愤怒的哭喊 to vanish without the heavens hearing our outraged cries? 1718 01:27:11,310 --> 01:27:12,360 能给我支烟吗 Can I bum a cigarette? 1719 01:27:12,390 --> 01:27:16,140 艾米·艾略特·邓恩 我们关心你 不会忘记你 Amy Elliott Dunne, we care about you, and we will not forget. 1720 01:27:16,650 --> 01:27:18,860 知道还有什么是我们不会忘记的吗 And you know what else we won't forget? 1721 01:27:18,900 --> 01:27:21,280 密苏里是有死刑的 Missouri has the death penalty. 1722 01:27:21,320 --> 01:27:22,490 阿门 Amen. 1723 01:27:48,350 --> 01:27:50,640 我要举报一些可疑的行迹 I'd like to report some strange activity, 1724 01:27:50,680 --> 01:27:54,180 就在马尔·邓恩家附近的小木屋间那边 near the woodshed on the property of One Margo Dunne. 1725 01:27:59,080 --> 01:28:00,370 上网浏览新闻 --Ellen Abbott --通俗小报 怀孕消息传开了吗? 没有就打爆料热线 警方是否发现了信用卡账单? 没有就打爆料热线 1726 01:28:05,380 --> 01:28:06,710 自杀? 丢弃汽车 --没有指纹 --擦干净 1727 01:28:42,400 --> 01:28:44,530 -邓恩先生 -科林斯先生 - Mr. Dunne. - Mr. Collings. 1728 01:28:45,530 --> 01:28:48,620 我认得你 在志愿者中心见过 I know you. I saw you at the volunteer center. 1729 01:28:48,660 --> 01:28:50,370 我是想帮忙 I wanted to help. 1730 01:28:51,160 --> 01:28:52,870 希望你不介意我路过打扰 I hope you don't mind me coming by. 1731 01:28:52,910 --> 01:28:55,990 我从你给我妻子写的信上知道了你的地址 I got your address from this letter that you wrote my wife. 1732 01:28:56,870 --> 01:29:00,370 我和艾米认为写信这种失落的艺术很美好 Amy and I believe in the lost art of letter-writing. 1733 01:29:00,420 --> 01:29:04,260 我一直很好奇 在这么多事之后 I always wondered why you kept in touch after... 1734 01:29:04,920 --> 01:29:06,210 为什么还要保持联系 Everything. 1735 01:29:06,260 --> 01:29:08,680 在寄宿学校你们交往了两年 对吗 You were together for two years in boarding school, right? 1736 01:29:08,720 --> 01:29:10,890 她是我第一任正式的女友 She was my first serious girlfriend. 1737 01:29:10,930 --> 01:29:13,730 -为什么分手 -真是个奇怪的问题 - Why did you break up? - That's a strange question. 1738 01:29:13,760 --> 01:29:15,720 你对她不好吗 还是背着她有别人了 Did you treat her bad? Did you cheat on her? 1739 01:29:15,770 --> 01:29:16,980 这个问题很无礼 That's a rude question. 1740 01:29:17,020 --> 01:29:18,730 我告诉你艾米是怎么和我说的吧 Let me tell you what Amy told me. 1741 01:29:18,770 --> 01:29:21,740 她甩了你 你完全崩溃了 She dumped you, you completely unraveled. 1742 01:29:21,770 --> 01:29:23,850 你跟踪过她 威胁过她 You stalked her, you threatened her. 1743 01:29:23,900 --> 01:29:27,410 你曾试图在她床上自杀 被收容治疗 And you attempted suicide in her bed and were institutionalized. 1744 01:29:27,450 --> 01:29:31,370 你妻子失踪 你大老远过来就为了说这些吗 Your wife is missing, and you came all this way to tell me this? 1745 01:29:31,410 --> 01:29:33,620 我以为会听到这个故事的另一个版本 I thought there might be another side to this story. 1746 01:29:37,290 --> 01:29:39,130 科林斯先生 Mr. Collings. 1747 01:29:41,210 --> 01:29:43,130 操 Fuck. 1748 01:29:48,760 --> 01:29:51,770 艾米·艾略特·邓恩失踪一案 The missing persons case of Amy Elliott Dunne. 1749 01:29:51,800 --> 01:29:53,490 她是了不起的艾米儿童读物系列里的 She is the beautiful blonde inspiration 1750 01:29:53,490 --> 01:29:55,470 金发美人 for the Amazing Amy kids' book series. 1751 01:30:12,660 --> 01:30:14,870 你又在读那本日记 You're reading that diary again? 1752 01:30:14,910 --> 01:30:15,960 你知道里面最后写了什么 You know how it ends. 1753 01:30:15,990 --> 01:30:18,450 我觉得很有意思 It interests me. 1754 01:30:18,500 --> 01:30:20,090 朗达 Hey, Rhonda. 1755 01:30:20,120 --> 01:30:22,040 "他会杀了我" 日记最后这么写了 "He's gonna kill me." The end. 1756 01:30:22,080 --> 01:30:24,200 他为什么去他爸爸的房子里烧日记本 Why did he go to his dad's house to burn it? 1757 01:30:24,250 --> 01:30:25,370 那是私人房产 而且没有人在 It's private. There's no one there. 1758 01:30:25,420 --> 01:30:28,220 他为什么没有确保日记被完全烧毁 Why didn't he make sure it actually burned? 1759 01:30:28,260 --> 01:30:29,540 因为他触发了警报 Because he tripped the alarm. 1760 01:30:29,540 --> 01:30:31,220 你拿着手电筒出现了 You were up his ass with a flashlight. 1761 01:30:31,260 --> 01:30:33,600 这整件事透着古怪 The whole thing just feels hinky. 1762 01:30:33,640 --> 01:30:35,730 比如发现写着"线索"的信封 Like finding an envelope marked "Clue." 1763 01:30:35,760 --> 01:30:36,880 你有听过那句话吗 You ever hear the expression, 1764 01:30:36,930 --> 01:30:38,770 "最简单的答案通常是正确的" "The simplest answer is often the correct one"? 1765 01:30:39,480 --> 01:30:41,480 其实 我一直都不觉得那句话是对的 Actually, I've never found that to be true. 1766 01:30:41,520 --> 01:30:43,320 -晚安 -晚安 - Good night. - Good night. 1767 01:30:51,420 --> 01:30:54,380 七月十日 失踪五天后 1768 01:30:56,450 --> 01:30:58,320 猫王来密苏里州了 Elvis is in Missouri. 1769 01:30:58,370 --> 01:31:00,500 谢天谢地 进屋来 Thank God. Come on in. 1770 01:31:00,540 --> 01:31:02,340 关于艾米 首先你要知道的是 First thing you have to understand about Amy, 1771 01:31:02,340 --> 01:31:03,420 她喜欢教训人 she loves to teach lessons. 1772 01:31:03,540 --> 01:31:06,000 -扮演上帝 -对 旧约的神 - Play God. - Yeah, old testament God. 1773 01:31:06,040 --> 01:31:07,080 好 继续说 Okay. Keep talking. 1774 01:31:07,130 --> 01:31:08,840 她发现我背着她和安迪有了婚外情 She finds out I've been cheating on her with Andie, 1775 01:31:08,880 --> 01:31:10,470 决定给我个教训 decides to teach me a lesson. 1776 01:31:10,510 --> 01:31:12,430 伪造自己的死亡 并嫁祸给我 Fakes her own death, frames me for it. 1777 01:31:12,470 --> 01:31:14,680 房子里的血迹 信用卡 人寿保险 Blood in the house, credit cards, life insurance. 1778 01:31:14,720 --> 01:31:15,930 她设置了寻宝游戏 She does the treasure hunt. 1779 01:31:15,970 --> 01:31:17,310 现在寻宝游戏成了关键 Now, the treasure hunt is critical. 1780 01:31:17,350 --> 01:31:18,720 她把我的婚外情 She's taking us on a tour 1781 01:31:18,720 --> 01:31:21,020 展示给大家 还变本加厉 of my infidelities. Rubbing my nose in it. 1782 01:31:21,060 --> 01:31:23,110 她把线索一的卡片留给警察 And she leaves clue number one for the police, 1783 01:31:23,140 --> 01:31:24,850 引他们去我的办公室 which will lead them back to my office, 1784 01:31:24,900 --> 01:31:27,440 而那正是我和安迪经常私会的地方 which is a place where Andie and I would often... 1785 01:31:27,480 --> 01:31:28,810 她还在那儿放了一条红色内裤 And she leaves a pair of red panties. 1786 01:31:28,860 --> 01:31:30,030 影响你的形象 Right. Racy, looks bad. 1787 01:31:30,070 --> 01:31:31,780 -线索二呢 -我爸爸的房子 - Clue two. - My father's house. 1788 01:31:31,820 --> 01:31:33,070 另一个我和安迪 Another place where Andie and I 1789 01:31:33,070 --> 01:31:34,200 偶尔发生关系的地方 would occasionally have relations. 1790 01:31:34,240 --> 01:31:35,620 -线索三呢 -在小木屋 - Clue three? - Woodshed. 1791 01:31:35,660 --> 01:31:37,160 -也是我和...-我的天 - Also a location... - Oh, my God. 1792 01:31:37,200 --> 01:31:38,960 -我们没处可去 -去开房啊 - We had limited options. - A hotel. 1793 01:31:38,990 --> 01:31:40,430 艾米会看见信用卡账单 Amy would have seen the credit card bill. 1794 01:31:40,430 --> 01:31:41,490 那就用安迪的信用卡 Put it on Andie's credit card. 1795 01:31:41,540 --> 01:31:42,880 安迪的账单会直接传到她爸妈那儿 Andie's statement went right to her parents. 1796 01:31:42,910 --> 01:31:44,030 尼克 马尔 Nick, Margo, 1797 01:31:44,030 --> 01:31:45,450 我们能谈谈那个棕色房子吗 can we head over to the little brown house? 1798 01:31:45,500 --> 01:31:47,300 -它指的是哪儿 -我爸爸家 - This leads us to what? - My dad's house. 1799 01:31:47,340 --> 01:31:49,090 爸爸的房子是蓝色的 Dad's house is blue. 1800 01:31:50,380 --> 01:31:53,430 爸妈离婚之后 他不在我们身边 After the divorce, when dad wasn't coming around. 1801 01:31:53,760 --> 01:31:58,020 我一直都假装他是个间谍 叫布朗先生 I used to pretend that he was a spy named Mr. Brown, who... 1802 01:31:58,050 --> 01:32:00,170 为了确保他孩子的安全 For the sake of his children's safety, 1803 01:32:00,170 --> 01:32:01,720 不能与他们相认 had to deny their existence. 1804 01:32:01,770 --> 01:32:03,190 你从没跟我说过 You never told me that. 1805 01:32:03,430 --> 01:32:05,220 你竟然告诉她了 You told her that? 1806 01:32:05,270 --> 01:32:07,570 在办公室发现了可以让你定罪的红内裤 We've got incriminating red panties in your office. 1807 01:32:07,900 --> 01:32:10,300 你的小木屋里有一堆价值不菲的奢侈品 We've got a showcase showdown worth of crap in your woodshed. 1808 01:32:11,400 --> 01:32:13,820 那么 你爸爸的房子里到底有什么 So, what in God's name is at your father's house, 1809 01:32:13,820 --> 01:32:14,730 尼克 Nick? 1810 01:32:14,780 --> 01:32:15,870 实话实说 And be honest. 1811 01:32:15,910 --> 01:32:17,750 我真的不知道 I honestly have no idea. 1812 01:32:17,760 --> 01:32:19,050 案发现场 请勿进入 1813 01:32:24,910 --> 01:32:25,700 无论他们发现了什么 Whatever they found, 1814 01:32:25,700 --> 01:32:28,620 肯定不是什么好东西 I think it's safe to assume that it's very bad. 1815 01:32:30,460 --> 01:32:32,710 我们有太多不可控因素 We got a lot of uncontained issues here. 1816 01:32:32,960 --> 01:32:36,050 尼克 安迪现在是什么态度 Nick, do you have any idea as to what Andie's mindset is? 1817 01:32:37,260 --> 01:32:39,060 守夜之后我们还没联系过 Well, We haven't communicated since the vigil. 1818 01:32:39,100 --> 01:32:40,430 好吧 艾米的父母呢 Okay. Amy's parents? 1819 01:32:40,470 --> 01:32:42,050 -不好说 -更麻烦了 - No, it's... - More pressure. 1820 01:32:42,100 --> 01:32:42,850 我们有个硬伤 We got a hurt, 1821 01:32:42,850 --> 01:32:45,360 你的小女朋友随时都可能把事情公之于众 young girlfriend who will no doubt go public at any moment. 1822 01:32:45,390 --> 01:32:46,890 -不 安迪不会那么做 -她会的 - No, Andie won't do that. - She will. 1823 01:32:46,940 --> 01:32:48,650 这种女孩都会这么做 别感情用事 They always do. Don't take it personally. 1824 01:32:49,150 --> 01:32:51,320 艾米巧妙地把我们束缚住了 Amy's got us in an interesting bind. 1825 01:32:51,650 --> 01:32:53,420 我们得向警察坦白你和安迪的关系 We need to tell the cops about Andie. 1826 01:32:53,420 --> 01:32:53,950 不是吧 Really? 1827 01:32:53,990 --> 01:32:56,160 现在安迪的存在让你多了一个杀人动机 Right now, Andie just gives you another motive. 1828 01:32:56,990 --> 01:32:58,160 我们还要告诉警察小木屋的事 We need to tell the cops about the woodshed. 1829 01:32:58,450 --> 01:32:59,870 我们必须主动坦白 We need to be on the front end of that. 1830 01:32:59,910 --> 01:33:02,250 但是我要提醒你接下来会发生的事 But I'm gonna warn you as to what will happen. 1831 01:33:02,830 --> 01:33:04,040 他们会逮捕马尔 They'll go after Margo. 1832 01:33:04,080 --> 01:33:05,080 他们没权这样做 能吗 They can't do that, can they? 1833 01:33:05,120 --> 01:33:07,030 她是你的共犯 帮你隐藏了证据 She's your accomplice. She helped you hide the evidence. 1834 01:33:07,080 --> 01:33:09,160 看起来她知道你杀了艾米 In all likelihood, she knows that you killed Amy. 1835 01:33:10,080 --> 01:33:11,500 天啊 God. 1836 01:33:11,840 --> 01:33:13,930 那我们该怎么做 Well, what are we going to do? 1837 01:33:13,960 --> 01:33:14,960 我们得找到艾米 We find Amy. 1838 01:33:15,260 --> 01:33:17,600 不 其他策略都忽略了重点 No. Any other strategy is missing the point. 1839 01:33:17,630 --> 01:33:19,960 我认识两个前特工哥们 很能干 I've got two ex-secret service guys that are really good. 1840 01:33:20,010 --> 01:33:21,630 我叫他们去调查 I'll put them on it. 1841 01:33:21,680 --> 01:33:23,100 但是该从哪儿开始找 尼克 But where do they start, Nick? 1842 01:33:23,470 --> 01:33:24,590 艾米会去哪儿 Where would Amy go? 1843 01:33:26,770 --> 01:33:28,400 不知道 I have no idea. 1844 01:33:32,860 --> 01:33:35,490 我们记分吗 Are we keeping score? 1845 01:33:36,150 --> 01:33:37,520 喂 Hey! 1846 01:33:39,160 --> 01:33:42,330 我还以为我们最近对男性敬而远之呢 I thought we were steering clear of men for a while. 1847 01:33:42,370 --> 01:33:43,370 他人很好 He's nice. 1848 01:33:43,370 --> 01:33:45,870 因为他想干你 Because he wants to fuck you. 1849 01:33:47,500 --> 01:33:49,040 她还在为前任而苦恼吗 She's still moping about her ex? 1850 01:33:50,830 --> 01:33:53,500 他也被背叛过 He got cheated on, too. 1851 01:33:56,880 --> 01:33:59,750 我们三个是欧扎克最悲伤的人 We three are the saddest sacks in all the Ozarks. 1852 01:33:59,800 --> 01:34:01,340 我不悲伤 I'm not sad. 1853 01:34:01,890 --> 01:34:02,890 我是生气 I'm angry. 1854 01:34:02,890 --> 01:34:04,690 那不就得了 There you go. 1855 01:34:04,720 --> 01:34:07,340 我被老婆抛弃那时都要宿醉而死了 I almost drank myself to death when my wife left me. 1856 01:34:07,390 --> 01:34:09,640 我想要自杀 你信吗 I was gonna kill myself. Can you believe that? 1857 01:34:09,690 --> 01:34:10,820 别便宜了他 Don't give him the pleasure. 1858 01:34:10,850 --> 01:34:13,980 我想把自己淹死在墨西哥湾 I was going to drown myself in the Gulf of Mexico. 1859 01:34:14,020 --> 01:34:16,520 成为大白鲨的美餐 Let myself be dinner for the great whites. 1860 01:34:16,570 --> 01:34:18,370 海湾里都是牛鲨 来自新奥尔良的小姐 Gulf is bull sharks, Miss Nawlins. 1861 01:34:18,400 --> 01:34:22,320 为什么要死的是我 我又不是那个混蛋 Why should I die? I'm not the asshole. 1862 01:34:22,370 --> 01:34:24,830 应该把这话印在T恤上 Please put that on a t-shirt. 1863 01:34:33,380 --> 01:34:35,760 土豪小姐 你不是说你破产了吗 Miss moneybags. I thought you said you were broke. 1864 01:34:37,260 --> 01:34:38,550 不少钱啊 That's a fat wad. 1865 01:34:40,340 --> 01:34:42,130 都是零头 It's mostly singles. 1866 01:34:42,180 --> 01:34:44,060 零头 你做什么的 脱衣舞娘 Singles? What are you, a stripper? 1867 01:34:44,850 --> 01:34:47,440 应召女郎 还是"口"艺高超 Swamp girls, or treasure chest? 1868 01:34:48,560 --> 01:34:49,610 我们逗你玩呢 We're just teasing. 1869 01:34:50,390 --> 01:34:52,180 你们在新奥尔良不开玩笑的吗 Don't they tease people down in nola? 1870 01:34:54,610 --> 01:34:57,570 尼克·邓恩随时都可能被捕 We can expect Nick Dunne's arrest any day now. 1871 01:34:57,610 --> 01:34:59,620 我们现在发现了房间里的血迹 We've got blood in the house, 1872 01:34:59,620 --> 01:35:01,330 巨额债款和意外怀孕 huge debt, an unwanted pregnancy. 1873 01:35:01,360 --> 01:35:05,320 而且艾米·艾略特·邓恩已经失踪五天了 And we have Amy Elliott Dunne, missing for five days. 1874 01:35:05,370 --> 01:35:07,500 为正义呐喊吧 Crying out for justice. 1875 01:35:08,290 --> 01:35:10,000 马上回来 We'll be right back. 1876 01:35:40,040 --> 01:35:44,090 七月十一日 失踪六天后 1877 01:36:02,260 --> 01:36:04,850 坦纳想到个坏主意 他要让你露面 Tanner has a very bad idea he's going to pitch you. 1878 01:36:04,880 --> 01:36:05,670 是吗 Yeah? 1879 01:36:05,720 --> 01:36:07,310 你明天去圣路易斯 上莎伦·希伯的节目 You're doing Sharon Schieber tomorrow in St. Louis. 1880 01:36:07,350 --> 01:36:08,350 这么做不合适吧 It could go so wrong. 1881 01:36:08,390 --> 01:36:10,140 然后你告诉她安迪的事 And you are going to tell her about Andie. 1882 01:36:10,180 --> 01:36:11,470 不 Nope. 1883 01:36:11,520 --> 01:36:13,520 这真不是个好主意 That sounds like a very bad idea. 1884 01:36:13,560 --> 01:36:15,650 你已经三天没跟她联系了 You haven't heard from her in three days. 1885 01:36:15,690 --> 01:36:19,400 这就是个定时炸弹 你会被整得很惨 This is a ticking time bomb. You've gotta throw yourself on it. 1886 01:36:19,440 --> 01:36:20,460 人们会恨死我的 People are gonna hate me. 1887 01:36:20,460 --> 01:36:21,980 之后他们就会原谅你 And then, they will forgive you. 1888 01:36:22,030 --> 01:36:24,490 一个在电视上大方承认自己是混蛋的男人 A guy admitting that he's a gigantic asshole on television? 1889 01:36:24,530 --> 01:36:26,200 人们会同情你 People empathize with that. 1890 01:36:27,620 --> 01:36:28,700 我们为什么不直接发个声明 Why don't we just put out a statement? 1891 01:36:28,700 --> 01:36:29,540 得让他们看见你 They need to see you. 1892 01:36:29,580 --> 01:36:32,670 莎伦的节目有上千万的观众 Sharon's specials, they get 10 million viewers. 1893 01:36:32,700 --> 01:36:35,200 她很有煽动力 如果她拿你做话题人物 She is a crusader. If she takes you on as a cause... 1894 01:36:35,250 --> 01:36:37,170 她会问些犀利的问题 She's going to ask real questions. 1895 01:36:37,210 --> 01:36:39,050 我会教你怎么说 I will drill you as if you were doing a deposition. 1896 01:36:39,090 --> 01:36:40,550 什么该说 什么不该说 What to say, what not to say. 1897 01:36:40,590 --> 01:36:41,720 就像只训练有素的猴子 A trained monkey? 1898 01:36:41,750 --> 01:36:43,870 训练有素的猴子不会被处死 A trained monkey who doesn't get the lethal injection. 1899 01:36:45,130 --> 01:36:48,590 尼克 这次关乎到人们怎么看你 Nick, this case is about what people think of you. 1900 01:36:48,640 --> 01:36:50,390 你得让他们喜欢你 They need to like you. 1901 01:36:50,430 --> 01:36:54,270 你这样做会获得成千上万的支持者 Now, you do this and you will reach millions of those people. 1902 01:36:55,430 --> 01:36:57,930 也许我只需要得到一个人的支持 Maybe I only need to reach one. 1903 01:37:07,410 --> 01:37:08,200 谁啊 Hello? 1904 01:37:08,240 --> 01:37:09,450 嗨 亲爱的 Hey, baby. 1905 01:37:10,910 --> 01:37:12,500 马上来 One minute. 1906 01:37:21,250 --> 01:37:22,710 -嗨 -嗨 - Hey. - Hey. 1907 01:37:22,750 --> 01:37:23,750 你要走了吗 You clearing out? 1908 01:37:23,750 --> 01:37:25,580 没 我就收拾下房间 No, I'm just cleaning up. 1909 01:37:25,630 --> 01:37:27,210 我们进去道别吧 Let us come in and say goodbye. 1910 01:37:27,260 --> 01:37:28,310 我等会过去... I'll come by before... 1911 01:37:28,340 --> 01:37:30,090 让我们帮你一把 let us give you a hand. 1912 01:37:36,270 --> 01:37:38,730 你收拾得真彻底 Yeah, you gotta clear everything out, here. 1913 01:37:40,400 --> 01:37:43,110 桃乐茜真是个细心的人 Dorothy is a real stickler. 1914 01:37:44,440 --> 01:37:47,730 连个挂钩都没留下 Not even a spare hanger can you leave behind. 1915 01:37:50,320 --> 01:37:51,920 我得确保你没落任何东西 Gotta make sure nothing's tucked inside. 1916 01:37:54,410 --> 01:37:55,410 袜子 A sock... 1917 01:37:56,330 --> 01:37:59,130 内衣 或者其他什么 or undies or what have you. 1918 01:38:03,960 --> 01:38:05,290 你清理得真干净 You did a real good job. 1919 01:38:07,300 --> 01:38:09,430 你把钱藏哪了 亲爱的 Where is the money, sweetheart? 1920 01:38:13,100 --> 01:38:14,100 看看她裙子底下 Look under her dress. 1921 01:38:15,640 --> 01:38:16,900 他让你这么干的吗 He talked you into this? 1922 01:38:16,930 --> 01:38:18,260 是我叫他这么干的 I talked him into it. 1923 01:38:18,310 --> 01:38:20,320 你们一走我就报警 The second you leave, I'm calling the cops. 1924 01:38:20,810 --> 01:38:24,480 你的眼镜是假的 头发也是染的 Your glasses are fake. Your hair's dyed all hamster. 1925 01:38:24,520 --> 01:38:25,640 你说你叫南希 You say your name's Nancy, 1926 01:38:25,640 --> 01:38:27,600 但喊你名字你总是没反应 but you don't even answer to it half the time. 1927 01:38:27,650 --> 01:38:28,290 你在躲避什么 You're hiding. 1928 01:38:28,290 --> 01:38:30,110 我不知道为什么 也不关心这个 I don't know why, and I don't really care. 1929 01:38:30,150 --> 01:38:32,190 但是你绝对不会报警 But you ain't gonna call the cops. 1930 01:38:32,530 --> 01:38:34,610 而且我觉得你也没被虐待过 And I don't think you've ever really been hit before. 1931 01:38:40,830 --> 01:38:42,830 我靠 Holy shit. 1932 01:38:45,880 --> 01:38:48,680 抱歉 我们真的很需要钱 Sorry, but we really need the money. 1933 01:38:48,710 --> 01:38:50,340 下次一定多加小心 明白吗 Next place, be more careful, okay? 1934 01:38:50,380 --> 01:38:52,740 外面有很多比我们还坏的人 There are a lot of people out there a lot worse than we are. 1935 01:39:27,340 --> 01:39:28,970 抱歉 你不能在这儿睡觉 Excuse me. You can't sleep here. 1936 01:39:54,380 --> 01:39:56,570 七月十二日 失踪七天后 1937 01:39:56,570 --> 01:39:57,420 我没有杀害我的妻子 I did not kill my wife. 七月十二日 失踪七天后 1938 01:39:57,420 --> 01:39:59,660 我没有杀害我的妻子 I did not kill my wife. 1939 01:40:00,660 --> 01:40:03,950 再来一遍吧 别那么愣 Why don't you try it again? A little less wooden. 1940 01:40:04,000 --> 01:40:05,090 我没杀我妻子 I didn't kill my wife. 1941 01:40:06,920 --> 01:40:08,630 -干嘛 -你每次表现得自以为是 - What are you doing? - Every time you look smug, 1942 01:40:08,670 --> 01:40:10,060 生闷气 或者紧张的时候 or annoyed or tense, 1943 01:40:10,060 --> 01:40:11,340 我就拿小熊软糖扔你 I'm gonna hit you with a gummy bear. 1944 01:40:11,380 --> 01:40:12,570 难道这能缓解我紧绷的神经吗 That's supposed to make me less tense? 1945 01:40:12,570 --> 01:40:13,340 我们再来一遍 Let's try it again. 1946 01:40:13,380 --> 01:40:15,050 邓恩先生 据我了解 Mr. Dunne, from what I understand, 1947 01:40:15,050 --> 01:40:16,670 你和你的妻子有些矛盾 you and your wife had some bumps. 1948 01:40:17,720 --> 01:40:20,550 是 我们这几年过得不是很顺利 Yeah, we had some tough years. 1949 01:40:20,550 --> 01:40:21,680 我失业了 I lost my job. 1950 01:40:21,720 --> 01:40:22,720 是你们都失业了 You both did. 1951 01:40:25,440 --> 01:40:27,320 我们都失业了 We both lost our jobs. 1952 01:40:27,360 --> 01:40:29,900 我们不得不回老家照顾我母亲 I had to move back home so we could take care of my mother, 1953 01:40:29,940 --> 01:40:32,480 她癌症晚期 我的爸爸... who was dying of cancer and my dad, who had... 1954 01:40:32,530 --> 01:40:34,280 你爸爸提不得 your dad's scorched earth. 1955 01:40:34,320 --> 01:40:35,990 尽量谈你的母亲 说说你们的关系 Let's talk about your mom, how close you were. 1956 01:40:36,030 --> 01:40:37,190 接着说 Go on. 1957 01:40:37,240 --> 01:40:39,750 时间一久 就会积累矛盾 For a while, things had been building up. 1958 01:40:39,780 --> 01:40:43,280 "积累"让人感觉要爆发 不能这么说 "Built up" implies that an explosion is coming. No. 1959 01:40:43,330 --> 01:40:45,750 可以说 我们的婚姻走上了错误的轨道 At a certain point, we got on the wrong track. 1960 01:40:46,580 --> 01:40:48,200 我一时懦弱 I had a moment of weakness. 1961 01:40:48,250 --> 01:40:50,660 你的"一时"可是持续了十五个多月 Your "Moment" Was over 15 months. 1962 01:40:54,470 --> 01:40:56,560 我对妻子很无礼 I disrespected my wife. 1963 01:40:57,220 --> 01:40:59,640 对婚姻不重视 And I disrespected my marriage. 1964 01:41:00,100 --> 01:41:01,480 我一直都很后悔 And I'll always regret it. 1965 01:41:02,220 --> 01:41:03,050 这话管用 That works. 1966 01:41:03,100 --> 01:41:05,520 别怕表现得像个愚蠢的老公 尼克 Don't be afraid to play up the dufus husband thing, Nick. 1967 01:41:05,560 --> 01:41:07,270 我就是个傻瓜 我糟透了 I was an idiot. I'm a fuck-up. 1968 01:41:07,310 --> 01:41:08,140 我做的一切都是错的 Everything I do is wrong." 1969 01:41:08,190 --> 01:41:10,240 我懂男人都需要怎么做 I know. What men are supposed to do in general. 1970 01:41:12,360 --> 01:41:13,410 -谢了 -你感觉怎么样 - Thank you. - How do you feel? 1971 01:41:13,440 --> 01:41:16,650 感觉不错 能递给我那个盒子吗 I feel good. Go, can you pass me that box, please? 1972 01:41:17,070 --> 01:41:19,690 这是艾米在我三十三岁生日时送的礼物 It's Amy's 33rd birthday present to me. 1973 01:41:19,740 --> 01:41:20,740 你不喜欢这手表 You hate that watch. 1974 01:41:20,780 --> 01:41:22,860 不 我喜欢 No, go. I love that watch. 1975 01:41:22,910 --> 01:41:24,910 就像我喜欢这条领带 Just like I love this tie. 1976 01:41:24,950 --> 01:41:28,080 就像我爱我的妻子 Just like I love my wife. 1977 01:41:42,610 --> 01:41:44,030 赌场 1978 01:41:58,450 --> 01:41:59,830 你来了 It's you! 1979 01:41:59,860 --> 01:42:01,860 真是你 It's you. 1980 01:42:02,700 --> 01:42:04,700 对不起 I'm sorry. 1981 01:42:05,370 --> 01:42:06,710 对不起 I'm sorry. 1982 01:42:07,620 --> 01:42:09,620 天啊 Good God. 1983 01:42:09,670 --> 01:42:11,050 上周 Last week, 1984 01:42:11,540 --> 01:42:13,660 我威胁他说我要离开 I threatened to leave, 1985 01:42:13,660 --> 01:42:16,710 他说要找到我并且杀了我 and he said he'd find me and he'd kill me. 1986 01:42:17,050 --> 01:42:19,220 所以我才消失掉 So, I disappeared. 1987 01:42:20,380 --> 01:42:22,210 我流产了 I lost the baby. 1988 01:42:22,720 --> 01:42:24,510 我甚至都不敢告诉父母 I couldn't even tell my parents. 1989 01:42:24,560 --> 01:42:28,480 我感到很羞耻 也很害怕 I'm so ashamed and I'm so afraid. 1990 01:42:29,230 --> 01:42:30,400 他在找你 Well, he is looking for you. 1991 01:42:31,060 --> 01:42:33,020 三天前他来过我家 He showed up on my doorstep three days ago. 1992 01:42:33,060 --> 01:42:35,560 他看见我给你的信就找过来了 He tracked me from my letters to you. 1993 01:42:36,690 --> 01:42:37,900 你还留着那些信 You saved them. 1994 01:42:38,490 --> 01:42:39,530 你的存在 Knowing you were out there, 1995 01:42:39,570 --> 01:42:42,190 是这几年来唯一支撑我的事 was the only thing that's kept me going these past few years. 1996 01:42:42,240 --> 01:42:43,620 我们报警吧 你可以说明一切 Let's go to the police. You can explain everything. 1997 01:42:43,660 --> 01:42:44,960 不 我现在不能露面 No, I can't turn up now. 1998 01:42:44,990 --> 01:42:48,070 我会很难堪 人人都会瞧不起我 I'd be a pariah. Everyone would hate me. 1999 01:42:49,910 --> 01:42:52,200 我想让尼克蹲监狱是不是错了 Is it wrong to want Nick to go to prison? 2000 01:42:52,250 --> 01:42:54,090 他应该为他所做的进监狱 He should go to prison for what he's done. 2001 01:42:56,920 --> 01:42:59,380 我把你安顿在我的湖边小屋 I'm setting you up at my lake house. 2002 01:42:59,420 --> 01:43:00,420 那里非常隐蔽 It's utterly secluded. 2003 01:43:01,840 --> 01:43:03,670 你为什么对我这么好 Why are you so good to me? 2004 01:43:03,720 --> 01:43:05,060 你知道原因 You know why. 2005 01:43:05,100 --> 01:43:06,230 打扰一下 Excuse me. 2006 01:43:06,260 --> 01:43:07,380 我们见过 对吧 I know you, don't I? 2007 01:43:07,430 --> 01:43:08,220 不 No. 2008 01:43:08,270 --> 01:43:10,230 你是那个新奥尔良姑娘 对吗 You're one of the Nolan girls, right? 2009 01:43:10,270 --> 01:43:13,150 不 我们来自温尼伯 不好意思 No, we're from Winnipeg. Excuse us. 2010 01:43:13,190 --> 01:43:14,070 我们该走了 We should leave. 2011 01:43:14,110 --> 01:43:15,190 等一下 Just a second. 2012 01:43:15,770 --> 01:43:19,020 是邦妮 我待会再给她回电话 That was Boney. I'll call her later. 2013 01:43:19,070 --> 01:43:20,950 坦纳 见到你真高兴 Tanner. Nice to see you. 2014 01:43:21,240 --> 01:43:22,370 莎伦 你好啊 Sharon! Hi. 2015 01:43:22,410 --> 01:43:24,080 希望这次不虚此行 Hope this is worth my while. 2016 01:43:24,120 --> 01:43:25,250 你一定会满意的 You're gonna be very happy. 2017 01:43:25,700 --> 01:43:26,500 我是莎伦 Sharon. 2018 01:43:26,530 --> 01:43:28,740 希伯小姐 非常感谢 Ms. Schieber. Thank you so much for doing this. 2019 01:43:28,790 --> 01:43:30,920 采访开始之前你要喝点或吃点什么吗 Can I get you anything to drink or eat before we get started? 2020 01:43:30,960 --> 01:43:32,960 不用了 我吃了很多小熊软糖 No, I had some gummy bears. 2021 01:43:34,040 --> 01:43:35,620 搞什么 What the fuck? 2022 01:43:36,790 --> 01:43:37,920 怎么了 I'm sorry? 2023 01:43:38,340 --> 01:43:39,690 我们关于了不起的艾米失踪一案 We have a major shocking development 2024 01:43:39,690 --> 01:43:42,220 有了令人震惊的进展 in the amazing Amy disappearance. 2025 01:43:42,260 --> 01:43:43,640 现在进行直播 We go live to that story now. 2026 01:43:43,680 --> 01:43:44,970 我的天 Oh, my God. 2027 01:43:47,140 --> 01:43:48,940 你个小贱货 You little slut. 2028 01:43:48,970 --> 01:43:51,970 我叫安迪·菲茨杰拉德 My name is Andie Fitzgerald. 2029 01:43:52,980 --> 01:43:54,650 我在学校认识了尼古拉斯·邓恩 I met Nicholas dunne, 2030 01:43:54,690 --> 01:43:58,320 他是我的创意写作老师 when he was my creative writing teacher at Mill Valley. 2031 01:43:58,360 --> 01:44:00,450 她为什么穿得像个保姆 Why is she dressed like a babysitter? 2032 01:44:00,480 --> 01:44:01,940 我非常惭愧 I am deeply ashamed... 2033 01:44:01,990 --> 01:44:05,120 与已婚男人发展恋爱关系 of having been romantically involved with a married man. 2034 01:44:05,160 --> 01:44:07,080 这个大胸骚货 The girl with the giant cum-on-me tits. 2035 01:44:07,120 --> 01:44:09,120 我以为我们是真爱 I truly believed we were in love. 2036 01:44:09,160 --> 01:44:11,000 现在开始装圣女了 Now, she looks like a fucking mennonite. 2037 01:44:12,500 --> 01:44:13,960 我知道这种事没有借口 I know that is no excuse. 2038 01:44:14,000 --> 01:44:15,300 对 没借口 No, it is not. 2039 01:44:15,330 --> 01:44:16,780 在我心里 I do not, in my heart, 2040 01:44:16,780 --> 01:44:19,670 我不认为尼克·邓恩会为我而杀人 believe Nick Dunne would have killed for me. 2041 01:44:19,710 --> 01:44:22,130 我为每个关心艾米的人祈祷 My prayers go out to everyone who loves Amy. 2042 01:44:22,170 --> 01:44:25,170 我为给他们带来的伤害而道歉 I apologize for the pain this has caused them. 2043 01:44:30,390 --> 01:44:32,350 我们待尼克·邓恩如亲生儿子 We have loved Nick Dunne like a son. 2044 01:44:33,180 --> 01:44:34,560 但从今往后 恩断义绝 That love ended today. 2045 01:44:34,850 --> 01:44:36,470 走吧 他们看起来很不好 Come on, you're staring at ghosts. 2046 01:44:36,520 --> 01:44:39,180 他用无尽的谎言回报我们的信任 He met our trust with lie after lie. 2047 01:44:39,520 --> 01:44:41,440 我们现在坚定地相信 We now absolutely believe, 2048 01:44:41,480 --> 01:44:43,860 尼克与我们女儿的失踪有很大关系 Nick is involved in the disappearance of our daughter. 2049 01:44:43,900 --> 01:44:46,150 我们的了不起的艾米 Our amazing Amy. 2050 01:44:47,030 --> 01:44:49,150 真是个劲爆的消息 Well, this just got very exciting. 2051 01:44:49,870 --> 01:44:51,580 我们需要点时间 We need a moment. 2052 01:44:53,580 --> 01:44:55,340 我们得取消访谈 We're gonna have to bow out of this. 2053 01:44:55,370 --> 01:44:57,170 -什么都没变 -一切都变了 - Nothing has changed. - Everything has changed. 2054 01:44:57,210 --> 01:44:57,810 一小时之间 An hour ago, 2055 01:44:57,810 --> 01:44:59,630 我们还掌握主动权 现在呢 we were ahead of this. Now? 2056 01:44:59,670 --> 01:45:01,310 -我能处理好 -我们是被动的 - I can handle this. - We're on the defense. 2057 01:45:01,340 --> 01:45:03,390 现在的事态完全不同了 This is a completely different dynamic. 2058 01:45:03,420 --> 01:45:06,170 -我能处理好 -她能活剥了你 - I can handle it. - She's going to eat you alive. 2059 01:45:06,720 --> 01:45:08,390 相信我 Just trust me. 2060 01:45:12,770 --> 01:45:14,150 来吧 Okay. 2061 01:45:14,180 --> 01:45:15,260 很好 Great. 2062 01:45:16,100 --> 01:45:17,560 把麦克风给他 Mic him. 2063 01:45:37,290 --> 01:45:39,090 一 二 三 四 五 One, two, three, four, five. 2064 01:45:45,420 --> 01:45:46,420 谢谢 Thank you. 2065 01:45:47,590 --> 01:45:48,880 他不该对化妆师微笑 He shouldn't smile at the makeup artist. 2066 01:45:48,930 --> 01:45:49,930 就是 呵呵 Yeah, no kidding. 2067 01:45:54,600 --> 01:45:57,730 准备 五 四 Roll tape. Five, four, 2068 01:45:57,770 --> 01:45:59,400 三 二 three, two... 2069 01:46:01,610 --> 01:46:04,530 说真的 我都不敢相信你表现得这么好 Seriously, I can't believe how fucking good you were. 2070 01:46:04,570 --> 01:46:05,520 是艾米激发出了我的潜能 Amy brings out the best in me. 2071 01:46:05,520 --> 01:46:06,030 别这么说 Don't. 2072 01:46:06,070 --> 01:46:07,080 你们两个别放松 Keep it together, you two. 2073 01:46:07,080 --> 01:46:09,240 至少在接下来的二十四小时里 At least for the next 24 hours. 2074 01:46:09,280 --> 01:46:10,050 大家仍然不喜欢你 People still hate you. 2075 01:46:10,060 --> 01:46:11,700 女人都恨不得把你眼珠子挖出来 Women want to scratch your eyes out. 2076 01:46:11,740 --> 01:46:13,610 安迪在电视上的表现很奏效 Andie was really good TV. 2077 01:46:13,660 --> 01:46:15,710 -她是公众心里的好人 -这就是问题 - She's a good person. - There is lies the problem. 2078 01:46:15,750 --> 01:46:16,750 我们得平息这场风波 Ride this out, 2079 01:46:16,790 --> 01:46:18,160 明天莎伦的节目一播出 and when Sharon airs tomorrow, 2080 01:46:18,160 --> 01:46:19,800 我们将会看见一个崭新的你 we'll be looking at a whole new you. 2081 01:46:19,830 --> 01:46:21,410 但在那之前 But, until then... 2082 01:46:21,460 --> 01:46:23,420 别露面 Don't show your face. 2083 01:46:23,460 --> 01:46:25,290 没问题 No problem. 2084 01:46:41,600 --> 01:46:42,980 欢迎 Welcome. 2085 01:46:44,980 --> 01:46:46,810 别拘束 Make yourself at home. 2086 01:46:46,860 --> 01:46:50,830 这里有音乐 有线电视 I've got music, satellite... 2087 01:46:50,860 --> 01:46:51,860 在线电影 Netflix. 2088 01:46:51,860 --> 01:46:52,940 他是她的老师 He was her teacher! 2089 01:46:52,990 --> 01:46:53,990 数字电视 Roku. 2090 01:46:54,530 --> 01:46:57,030 当然还有网络 Internet, obviously. 2091 01:46:57,620 --> 01:47:00,340 一个成年男子 Here is a supposedly grown man... 2092 01:47:00,370 --> 01:47:01,730 如果你想吃什么 If there is ever anything 2093 01:47:01,730 --> 01:47:04,160 但是找不到的话 you have a taste for and you can't find it. 2094 01:47:04,210 --> 01:47:06,470 告诉我 我给你买 Just let me know and I will get it for you. 2095 01:47:06,500 --> 01:47:09,630 除了专业课 他还给她上了一堂性教育课 Instead of the a-b-c's, he taught her the birds and the bees. 2096 01:47:09,670 --> 01:47:12,590 她妈妈这个时候又会怎么想呢 And just think how her mother must feel at a time like this. 2097 01:47:12,640 --> 01:47:14,640 楼下有藏酒室 Wine cellar's downstairs. 2098 01:47:18,100 --> 01:47:19,480 我还会给你买些衣服 I'll get you some clothes, too. 2099 01:47:19,520 --> 01:47:22,940 不是说你这身不好看 Not that I don't appreciate bait shop chic. 2100 01:47:24,110 --> 01:47:26,610 地板是暖的 按你喜好调的温度 The floors are heated, just dial to your liking. 2101 01:47:26,650 --> 01:47:29,820 这里有浴袍和毛巾 浴室里有桑拿 There's robes and towels. The shower has steam. 2102 01:47:29,860 --> 01:47:32,190 浴缸是按摩式的 The bathtub has a massage cycle. 2103 01:47:34,030 --> 01:47:36,070 如果你心情好 可以看看窗外的美景 There's a great view, if you're in the mood. 2104 01:47:36,120 --> 01:47:37,660 心情不好就拉上窗帘 Blackout curtains if you're not. 2105 01:47:37,700 --> 01:47:40,160 英国奢华床具品牌 床垫是萨维的 The bed is savoir. 2106 01:47:40,200 --> 01:47:42,450 你一定会睡得很好 You'll never get a better sleep. 2107 01:47:46,340 --> 01:47:48,680 我正需要好好睡一觉 This is just what I need. 2108 01:47:50,130 --> 01:47:52,040 我很累了 I'm so exhausted. 2109 01:47:53,550 --> 01:47:55,710 那我就让你好好休息吧 I'll leave you to it, then. 2110 01:47:57,470 --> 01:48:00,220 艾米 我很高兴你在这里 Amy, I am so happy that you are here. 2111 01:48:01,230 --> 01:48:04,360 我不希望你有丝毫担忧 And I don't want you to worry for one moment. 2112 01:48:04,400 --> 01:48:06,360 这里到处都是摄像头 There are cameras everywhere. 2113 01:48:06,400 --> 01:48:09,280 房子内外所有入口角落都有 The exterior, all along the grounds, the entryway. 2114 01:48:09,320 --> 01:48:10,320 任何人 Anyone, 2115 01:48:10,480 --> 01:48:12,730 进来或出去 who is caught coming or going, 2116 01:48:15,990 --> 01:48:17,580 都会被拍下来 will be recorded. 2117 01:48:19,160 --> 01:48:21,880 你很安全 You are more than safe. 2118 01:48:23,830 --> 01:48:27,330 我不会再让你跑掉了 And I am not letting you get away again. 2119 01:48:36,070 --> 01:48:39,610 七月十三日 失踪八天后 2120 01:49:13,090 --> 01:49:14,680 -早上好 -别这样 - Good morning! - Don't do that! 2121 01:49:16,430 --> 01:49:17,560 对不起 I'm sorry. 2122 01:49:19,550 --> 01:49:21,050 我需要有安全感 I need to feel safe. 2123 01:49:21,390 --> 01:49:24,400 你很安全 You are very safe. 2124 01:49:26,600 --> 01:49:28,220 -你想干什么 -没干什么 - What have you been up to? - Nothing. 2125 01:49:28,270 --> 01:49:30,980 艾米 我不是尼克 Amy, I'm not Nick. 2126 01:49:31,020 --> 01:49:33,020 这对我来说很困难 It's hard for me. 2127 01:49:35,950 --> 01:49:39,580 这么多年来 一直被人操纵着 After so many years under someone's thumb... 2128 01:49:41,830 --> 01:49:43,150 我懂你的感受 I know just what that feels like. 2129 01:49:44,040 --> 01:49:46,040 我从来没有操纵过你 You were never under my thumb. 2130 01:49:46,620 --> 01:49:48,660 -被你牵着鼻子走 -从未有过 - On your leash. - Never. 2131 01:49:48,710 --> 01:49:50,210 一个新的开始 A new start. 2132 01:49:51,500 --> 01:49:53,120 得体的衣服 Decent clothes. 2133 01:49:54,050 --> 01:49:56,300 染发剂 化妆品 眉钳 Hair dye. Makeup. Tweezers. 2134 01:49:56,590 --> 01:49:58,090 那边的健身房可以俯瞰整个湖 There's a gym overlooking the lake. 2135 01:49:58,470 --> 01:50:00,170 你越快看起来像自己 The sooner you look like yourself, 2136 01:50:00,170 --> 01:50:02,020 你就会感到越自在 the sooner you'll feel like yourself. 2137 01:50:02,050 --> 01:50:03,270 我出去为今晚买点东西 I'll get groceries for tonight, 2138 01:50:03,270 --> 01:50:05,180 我们今晚看莎伦·希伯的秀 做个了结 we'll watch Sharon Schieber, and finally move on. 2139 01:50:05,220 --> 01:50:07,760 我觉得我应该自己一个人看 I think that's something I should watch on my own. 2140 01:50:08,190 --> 01:50:09,900 胡说 Nonsense. 2141 01:50:13,520 --> 01:50:14,940 我会回来的 I'll be back. 2142 01:50:16,570 --> 01:50:18,740 我期待着 And I am looking forward 2143 01:50:18,780 --> 01:50:21,700 跟艾米·艾略特的重聚 to my reunion with Amy Elliott. 2144 01:50:44,890 --> 01:50:46,060 这下可好了 Great. 2145 01:50:47,100 --> 01:50:49,190 晚上好 我是莎伦·希伯 Good evening, I'm Sharon Schieber. 2146 01:50:49,230 --> 01:50:50,860 -今晚 终于 -赶紧 - Tonight, exclusively. - Hurry up. 2147 01:50:51,770 --> 01:50:53,640 一位丈夫要打破沉默 A husband breaks his silence, 2148 01:50:53,640 --> 01:50:56,150 不仅向我们披露他妻子失踪的内幕 not just on his wife's disappearance. 2149 01:50:56,190 --> 01:50:59,980 还回应了他的外遇和外界传言 But on his infidelity, and all those shocking rumors. 2150 01:51:02,450 --> 01:51:04,000 尼克·邓恩 Nick Dunne. 2151 01:51:04,030 --> 01:51:07,530 你现在估计是全美最被讨厌的男人了 You're probably the most hated man in America right now. 2152 01:51:07,580 --> 01:51:10,170 是的 而且是我自己活该 I probably am. And I probably deserve it. 2153 01:51:10,210 --> 01:51:11,800 那条领带是我买的 I bought that tie. 2154 01:51:11,830 --> 01:51:13,870 你杀了你妻子吗 尼克 Did you kill your wife, Nick? 2155 01:51:13,920 --> 01:51:17,010 我没有杀我妻子 I did not kill my wife. 2156 01:51:17,670 --> 01:51:19,210 我不是杀人犯 I am not a murderer. 2157 01:51:19,260 --> 01:51:21,180 但是你出轨了 But you were unfaithful. 2158 01:51:21,220 --> 01:51:23,430 我是出轨了 I was unfaithful. 2159 01:51:23,470 --> 01:51:25,140 我也感到很羞愧 And I am deeply ashamed. 2160 01:51:25,180 --> 01:51:27,520 更严重的是 你让艾米的父母 And, on top of that, you allowed Amy's parents, 2161 01:51:27,810 --> 01:51:30,560 她的朋友 以及你镇上的所有人 her friends, all the people in your hometown, 2162 01:51:30,600 --> 01:51:33,030 相信你是个忠诚的丈夫 Believe you were a loving husband, 2163 01:51:33,030 --> 01:51:35,520 急切地寻找自己失踪的妻子 desperate to find his missing wife. 2164 01:51:35,570 --> 01:51:37,450 我的确很急切要找到我的妻子 Well, I am desperate to find my missing wife. 2165 01:51:37,480 --> 01:51:38,640 说是这么说 不过我很好奇 You say that, but I'm wondering, 2166 01:51:38,640 --> 01:51:40,480 你要怎么让我们相信你 how you expect us to believe you. 2167 01:51:40,530 --> 01:51:42,240 我们现在知道你是个骗子 Now that we know you're a liar. 2168 01:51:42,530 --> 01:51:45,660 我之前没承认自己有外遇 I didn't come forward with my affair. 2169 01:51:45,700 --> 01:51:48,870 因为我知道 这会让我看起来坏得无可救药 Because I knew it would make me look really, really bad. 2170 01:51:49,700 --> 01:51:51,490 但我已经不在乎了 But I don't care about that anymore. 2171 01:51:51,540 --> 01:51:53,170 我只是想找到我的妻子 I just want to find my wife. 2172 01:51:53,210 --> 01:51:55,760 -我只是想搞清楚 -让我给你说清楚 - I'm just trying to get clear... - let me be clear. 2173 01:51:55,790 --> 01:52:00,210 我虽然不是个杀人犯 我也不是个好人 Just because I am not a murderer doesn't make me a good guy. 2174 01:52:00,260 --> 01:52:01,430 我不是个好人 I'm not a good guy. 2175 01:52:01,840 --> 01:52:04,300 我是一位好妻子的坏丈夫 I was a bad husband to a great wife. 2176 01:52:04,680 --> 01:52:06,430 我打破了对她的誓言 I broke the vow that I made to her. 2177 01:52:06,680 --> 01:52:09,230 说得真好 尼克 Those are pretty words, Nick. 2178 01:52:09,560 --> 01:52:11,310 但这对你来说到底意味着什么 But what does that really mean to you? 2179 01:52:11,350 --> 01:52:13,390 我是个彻头彻尾的骗子 It basically means that I was a con artist. 2180 01:52:14,350 --> 01:52:17,560 七年前 我遇到艾米·艾略特 I met Amy Elliott seven years ago. 2181 01:52:17,610 --> 01:52:19,200 我完全被迷住了 I was completely transfixed. 2182 01:52:19,650 --> 01:52:21,560 艾米非常迷人 Amy can do that to you. 2183 01:52:21,610 --> 01:52:24,150 我只是一个普通的男人 I was this average guy from an average place. 2184 01:52:24,200 --> 01:52:26,200 怀揣着一丝梦想 with mediocre aspirations. 2185 01:52:26,240 --> 01:52:28,740 我遇到了一个让我为之倾倒的女人 And I met a woman who dazzled me. 2186 01:52:28,780 --> 01:52:30,740 我希望得到她的爱 And I wanted her to love me. 2187 01:52:30,790 --> 01:52:33,130 所以我假装自己很优秀 So I pretended to be better than I was. 2188 01:52:34,000 --> 01:52:37,670 在我们结婚时 我承诺会成为那样的人 When we got married, I promised to be that guy. 2189 01:52:37,710 --> 01:52:39,540 一个勤奋工作的人 That guy who works harder. 2190 01:52:39,590 --> 01:52:41,800 一个跟她一样 努力向上 That guy who, who lives and acts, 2191 01:52:41,840 --> 01:52:44,760 用尽全力去爱的人 and loves with as much passion as she does. 2192 01:52:45,010 --> 01:52:46,220 但我让她失望了 But I failed her. 2193 01:52:47,140 --> 01:52:48,500 我没有正确处理事情 Instead of doing what was right. 2194 01:52:49,760 --> 01:52:50,930 我选择了逃避 I did what was easy. 2195 01:52:51,680 --> 01:52:55,310 你说得好像你的妻子能起死回生 You talk like a man who believes he can make amends to his wife. 2196 01:52:55,350 --> 01:52:56,970 还活着似的 Who believes his wife is still alive. 2197 01:52:57,020 --> 01:52:58,310 她的确还活着 She is still alive. 2198 01:53:00,190 --> 01:53:03,020 你能看着镜头吗 Will you look at that camera for me? 2199 01:53:03,360 --> 01:53:06,320 看着镜头 Will you look in the lens, 2200 01:53:06,360 --> 01:53:08,320 跟你的妻子说话 and talk to your wife? 2201 01:53:08,370 --> 01:53:11,460 如果她依然活着 能看到你今晚的采访 If she is out there, able to hear and see you tonight. 2202 01:53:11,490 --> 01:53:14,160 你会对她说什么 尼克 What would you like to say to her, Nick? 2203 01:53:17,710 --> 01:53:20,010 艾米 我爱你 Amy, I love you. 2204 01:53:20,710 --> 01:53:23,500 你是我见过最棒的人 You're the best person I've ever known. 2205 01:53:23,550 --> 01:53:25,310 我已经对我的所作所为 And I've taken myself to the 2206 01:53:25,310 --> 01:53:28,020 感到无比后悔 woodshed for the way that I've treated you. 2207 01:53:28,050 --> 01:53:30,010 如果你能回来 我保证 And if you come back, I promise, 2208 01:53:30,050 --> 01:53:32,550 我会花一辈子的时间去弥补你 I will spend every day making it up to you. 2209 01:53:33,060 --> 01:53:36,900 我会成为我承诺的完美男人 I will be the man that I promised you I would be. 2210 01:53:39,480 --> 01:53:40,480 我爱你 I love you. 2211 01:53:41,400 --> 01:53:42,990 回家吧 Come home. 2212 01:53:47,740 --> 01:53:48,740 给我 Here. 2213 01:53:54,870 --> 01:53:56,490 不管你怎么想 Regardless of what you thought, 2214 01:53:56,540 --> 01:53:58,710 怎么样 What does it say? 2215 01:53:58,750 --> 01:54:00,300 我想我们都同意 I think we can all agree, 2216 01:54:00,330 --> 01:54:01,830 天啊 你太厉害了 Oh, my God. You fucking killed it. 2217 01:54:01,880 --> 01:54:03,050 事情远远没那么简单 there's more to him than meets the eye. 2218 01:54:03,090 --> 01:54:04,210 他们都为你疯狂 They're going crazy for you. 2219 01:54:04,210 --> 01:54:08,710 他们从不喜欢我 喜欢我 恨我 They disliked me, they liked me, they hated me, 2220 01:54:08,760 --> 01:54:10,390 变成了爱我 and now they love me. 2221 01:54:10,430 --> 01:54:13,390 坦诚的人值得尊重 A candor and an honesty that's worthy of respect. 2222 01:54:13,430 --> 01:54:15,340 很显然 他赢得了我的尊重 He's certainly earned mine. 2223 01:54:16,180 --> 01:54:17,260 怎么了 What is it? 2224 01:54:20,100 --> 01:54:23,270 我是莎伦·希伯 晚安 I'm Sharon Schieber. Good night. 2225 01:54:28,200 --> 01:54:30,990 马尔·邓恩 这是搜查令 Margo Dunne, this is a search warrant for your property. 2226 01:54:31,030 --> 01:54:33,240 我通常会忽略爆料电话 I usually ignore tipline calls. 2227 01:54:33,280 --> 01:54:35,150 但有邻居看到陌生男子 But a neighbor was concerned 2228 01:54:35,150 --> 01:54:37,870 在你的小木屋附近游荡 about a strange man around your woodshed. 2229 01:54:38,290 --> 01:54:39,290 打给坦纳 Call Tanner. 2230 01:54:39,290 --> 01:54:40,460 该死的 Okay. Fuck! 2231 01:54:44,590 --> 01:54:46,050 你的女朋友很可爱 尼克 Girlfriend's real cute, Nick. 2232 01:54:47,300 --> 01:54:48,380 是因为这件事吗 Is that what this is about? 2233 01:54:49,800 --> 01:54:52,300 整个调查中 I have treated you more than fair 2234 01:54:52,300 --> 01:54:54,550 我都对你很公平 throughout this entire investigation. 2235 01:54:54,600 --> 01:54:56,900 我一次又一次给你机会坦白 I gave you the benefit of the doubt over and over. 2236 01:54:56,930 --> 01:54:58,430 每次你说了愚蠢的话 Every time you said something stupid. 2237 01:54:58,480 --> 01:55:00,860 我就想 他只是蠢而已 I thought, "Maybe he's just stupid." 2238 01:55:00,900 --> 01:55:03,440 但我错了 事情原来是这样的 But I was wrong. That's what this is about. 2239 01:55:03,480 --> 01:55:04,600 这些就是你不用的高尔夫球杆吗 Are these the clubs you don't play golf with? 2240 01:55:04,650 --> 01:55:05,650 那些全都不是我的 None of that is mine. 2241 01:55:05,940 --> 01:55:07,520 也不是我放在这里的 None of this was put here by me. 2242 01:55:07,570 --> 01:55:08,920 很不错的球杆 Those are nice clubs. 2243 01:55:08,920 --> 01:55:11,120 好一个男人的密室 You got the makings of a real man cave. 2244 01:55:11,160 --> 01:55:14,290 就等着妻子永远消失了 Everything just waiting until the wife goes away for good. 2245 01:55:14,330 --> 01:55:15,410 尼克 Nick! 2246 01:55:16,660 --> 01:55:19,580 -你们不能这样做 -我们当然可以 - You can't do that! - Of course we can. 2247 01:55:27,880 --> 01:55:30,460 艾米 是时候重新开始了 Amy, it's time to move on. 2248 01:55:30,510 --> 01:55:32,220 我有什么能帮忙的吗 What can I do to help? 2249 01:55:32,930 --> 01:55:34,480 我需要时间考虑 I need some time to think. 2250 01:55:34,510 --> 01:55:37,010 -这是你最不需要的 -德西 - That's the last thing you need. - Desi. 2251 01:55:37,060 --> 01:55:39,650 二十年来 你一直让我等 Twenty years, you have kept me dangling. 2252 01:55:39,680 --> 01:55:43,350 你昨晚终于来见我了 你选择了我 Finally, last night, you came to me, and you chose me. 2253 01:55:44,060 --> 01:55:45,390 跟着昨晚的直觉走 Follow that instinct. 2254 01:55:45,440 --> 01:55:47,600 不要再让自己挨打 Don't trust the instinct that left you beaten, 2255 01:55:47,600 --> 01:55:51,570 睡在车里无家可归 担惊受怕 and homeless, sleeping in your car, fearing for your life. 2256 01:55:54,910 --> 01:55:57,620 我不会强迫你 I'm not gonna force myself on you. 2257 01:56:00,040 --> 01:56:02,710 你说的我都懂 德西 I understand what you're saying, Desi. 2258 01:56:03,960 --> 01:56:05,590 我真的懂 I do. 2259 01:56:07,120 --> 01:56:11,580 我被长时间虐待 Just been... I've been so mistreated for so long. 2260 01:56:13,590 --> 01:56:16,470 都忘了如何处事 I've forgotten how to behave. 2261 01:56:22,230 --> 01:56:24,530 我明天会搬进来 I'll move in here tomorrow. 2262 01:56:24,560 --> 01:56:27,140 我们一起想办法解决 And we'll work it out together. 2263 01:56:29,230 --> 01:56:32,940 我只想要你做回自己 I just want you to be you again. 2264 01:56:40,790 --> 01:56:42,310 他们抓走马尔是为了吓唬你 They only took Margo to fuck with you. 2265 01:56:42,330 --> 01:56:44,040 我不能让她在那里多待一秒 She's not spending another fucking second in there. 2266 01:56:44,080 --> 01:56:46,830 我要进去告诉他们真相 I'm gonna go in, and I'm gonna tell them everything. 2267 01:56:47,500 --> 01:56:49,250 怎么了 What? 2268 01:56:51,260 --> 01:56:52,890 我们只能跟邦妮透漏一点 We tell Boney very little. 2269 01:56:52,920 --> 01:56:55,050 没有尸体 没有凶器 Without a body, without a murder weapon. 2270 01:56:55,090 --> 01:56:57,380 他们只能期望你认罪 Their only hope is a confession. 2271 01:56:57,430 --> 01:56:59,390 把说话权让给他们 So, you let them do all the talking. 2272 01:56:59,430 --> 01:57:01,550 那我们就有时间组织你的辩词 That way, we can jump-start your defense. 2273 01:57:01,600 --> 01:57:03,980 真相就是我的辩词 The truth is my defense. 2274 01:57:09,940 --> 01:57:10,940 认得它们吗 Recognize these? 2275 01:57:10,940 --> 01:57:13,060 艾米送我的周年纪念日礼物 Yes. It's Amy's anniversary present to me. 2276 01:57:13,110 --> 01:57:14,900 她是通过这些告诉你她怀孕的吗 尼克 Was that how she told you she was pregnant, Nick? 2277 01:57:14,950 --> 01:57:17,450 妈妈爸爸孩子 这就让你生气了吗 Mommy, daddy, baby, and that made you real mad? 2278 01:57:17,950 --> 01:57:19,120 不 No. 2279 01:57:20,370 --> 01:57:22,490 -认得这个吗 -从未见过 - Recognize this? - Never seen that before in my life. 2280 01:57:22,700 --> 01:57:25,950 这是艾米的日记 在你爸爸家里找到的 It's Amy's diary. We found this at your father's house. 2281 01:57:27,960 --> 01:57:29,260 这是你妻子的笔迹吗 Is this your wife's handwriting? 2282 01:57:29,290 --> 01:57:31,290 -他又不是鉴定专... -看上去是 - He's not a handwriting ex... - looks like it. 2283 01:57:31,340 --> 01:57:32,470 我们的专家也这样认为 Our experts thought so, too. 2284 01:57:33,800 --> 01:57:35,940 我们来玩个是真还是假的游戏 Do you wanna play a little true or false? 2285 01:57:36,260 --> 01:57:37,470 没问题 Sure. 2286 01:57:37,510 --> 01:57:41,980 "他抹掉我嘴唇上的糖霜 吻了我" "And then he brushes the sugar off my lips so he can taste me." 2287 01:57:43,100 --> 01:57:45,110 真的 Yeah, that's true. 2288 01:57:46,350 --> 01:57:48,350 你还以为藜麦是种鱼 You thought quinoa was a fish? 2289 01:57:49,650 --> 01:57:50,990 这也是真的 That is also true, yes. 2290 01:57:53,150 --> 01:57:55,270 她想要孩子 你攻击了她 She wanted to get pregnant, you assaulted her. 2291 01:57:55,320 --> 01:57:57,330 我打了她 从来没有 I hit her? No, never happened. 2292 01:57:57,360 --> 01:57:58,980 -这里说的是推 -完全没有 - "Pushed," It says "Pushed." - Absolutely not. 2293 01:57:59,030 --> 01:58:00,110 我从来没碰过她 I never touched her. 2294 01:58:02,540 --> 01:58:04,170 她试图去买枪 She tried to buy a gun. 2295 01:58:04,830 --> 01:58:06,710 不会吧 不过我也不知道 I doubt that, but I don't know. 2296 01:58:08,120 --> 01:58:09,750 我要读下最后一句吗 Shall I read the last entry? 2297 01:58:09,790 --> 01:58:10,830 读吧 Sure. 2298 01:58:12,130 --> 01:58:14,260 "这男人可能会杀了我" "This man may kill me." 2299 01:58:14,300 --> 01:58:16,510 她的原话 "这男人可能会杀了我" In her own words, "This man may kill me." 2300 01:58:16,550 --> 01:58:18,680 就是个简单的尾注罢了 It's kind of a convenient end note. 2301 01:58:25,180 --> 01:58:26,600 以备日后参考 For future reference. 2302 01:58:26,640 --> 01:58:28,970 记住 你不是笔迹鉴定专家 The truth, you are not a handwriting expert. 2303 01:58:29,020 --> 01:58:30,070 我知道了 Okay, I know. 2304 01:58:38,490 --> 01:58:40,330 朱蒂失踪的手柄 Judy's missing handle. 2305 01:58:41,870 --> 01:58:44,160 宽四寸厚二尺 跟球杆一样大 Big as a two-by-four, right? Big as a club. 2306 01:58:44,200 --> 01:58:46,950 我们第一天在你家办公室的壁炉里找到的 We found this day one, in the fireplace in your home office. 2307 01:58:47,000 --> 01:58:48,020 我们一开始不知道是什么 We didn't know what the hell it was, 2308 01:58:48,020 --> 01:58:49,670 但七月里生火吗 but fire in July? 2309 01:58:49,710 --> 01:58:50,550 我们把它包了起来 We bagged it. 2310 01:58:50,580 --> 01:58:51,700 我也从未见过 I've never seen that before either. 2311 01:58:51,750 --> 01:58:54,370 我们验过了 火是抹不去血迹的 尼克 We just tested it. Fire doesn't erase blood, Nick. 2312 01:58:54,420 --> 01:58:56,630 尼古拉斯·邓恩 So, finally, Nicholas Dunne, 2313 01:58:56,670 --> 01:58:58,290 你因杀害你妻子而被捕 you're under arrest for the murder of your wife. 2314 01:58:58,340 --> 01:58:59,550 别说话 Do not say another word. 2315 01:58:59,590 --> 01:59:00,920 -不听听我的辩词吗 -尼克 - What about my side? - Nick! 2316 01:59:06,700 --> 01:59:09,740 七月二十六日 失踪二十一天后 2317 01:59:14,270 --> 01:59:15,730 还要咖啡吗 More coffee? 2318 01:59:15,780 --> 01:59:17,570 好的 I'd love it. 2319 01:59:19,860 --> 01:59:23,490 记得以前我们逃课去的那个岬角吗 Remember that time we skipped school and drove to the cape? 2320 01:59:23,530 --> 01:59:26,070 当然 现捞的龙虾 God, yeah. Lobster right from the ocean. 2321 01:59:26,120 --> 01:59:27,750 真让我怀念以前 This reminds me of that. 2322 01:59:28,250 --> 01:59:29,920 过不完的假期 Never-ending holiday. 2323 01:59:31,460 --> 01:59:33,670 你不无聊吗 You're not bored? 2324 01:59:33,710 --> 01:59:35,220 德西 我怎么会无聊呢 Desi, how could I be bored? 2325 01:59:35,250 --> 01:59:37,710 你可以谈论十八世纪的交响乐 You can discuss 18th-century symphonies. 2326 01:59:37,760 --> 01:59:39,430 十九世纪的印象派 19th-century impressionists, 2327 01:59:39,430 --> 01:59:40,680 法国小说家 引用普鲁斯特的原文 quote Proust in French. 2328 01:59:41,050 --> 01:59:43,650 尼克对文化的了解 Nick's idea of culture was 2329 01:59:43,650 --> 01:59:45,170 只限于边看电视剧 a reality TV marathon 2330 01:59:45,220 --> 01:59:47,090 边打飞机 with one hand down his boxers. 2331 01:59:49,100 --> 01:59:50,690 我得走了 I really have to get going. 2332 01:59:51,020 --> 01:59:54,360 我会尽快回来的 But I will be back just as soon as I can. 2333 02:00:00,950 --> 02:00:02,030 我的钥匙 My keys. 2334 02:00:07,240 --> 02:00:09,240 谢谢 Thank you. 2335 02:00:20,460 --> 02:00:22,040 年轻人都这样穿 That's how the kids wear it. 2336 02:01:22,860 --> 02:01:26,690 邓恩 有律师要见你 Dunne? You got one hell of a lawyer. 2337 02:01:31,120 --> 02:01:33,500 -你还好吗 -还好 你呢 - Are you okay? - Yes. Are you? 2338 02:01:34,830 --> 02:01:36,700 走吧 Let's go. 2339 02:01:36,890 --> 02:01:39,750 现在怎么样了 So... what does this mean? 2340 02:01:39,790 --> 02:01:41,960 你可以出狱了 Well, you're out on bond. 2341 02:01:42,000 --> 02:01:45,210 舒舒服服在家准备庭审 You can relax at home while we prep for trial. 2342 02:01:50,720 --> 02:01:52,720 低着头 Keep your head down. 2343 02:02:08,160 --> 02:02:10,540 坦纳 有任何艾米的消息吗 Tanner, is there any fucking lead on Amy? 2344 02:02:10,580 --> 02:02:12,580 我的两个得力助手在查 I've got two of my best guys on it. 2345 02:02:13,080 --> 02:02:14,710 她就像消失在空气了 She's air. 2346 02:02:16,750 --> 02:02:19,710 有种你就回家 艾米 Come home, Amy. I dare you. 2347 02:02:27,730 --> 02:02:30,940 八月三日 失踪二十九天后 2348 02:03:16,930 --> 02:03:19,470 科林斯先生到家咯 Mr. Collings is home. 2349 02:03:19,520 --> 02:03:21,900 你好 科林斯先生 Hello, Mr. Collings. 2350 02:03:21,940 --> 02:03:23,820 我想你了 I've missed you. 2351 02:03:23,860 --> 02:03:25,490 我一直在想 I've been thinking... 2352 02:03:25,940 --> 02:03:28,110 我不能离开你 I don't wanna be without you. 2353 02:03:28,820 --> 02:03:31,160 留下来陪我 Stay with me. 2354 02:03:31,200 --> 02:03:32,530 这一切结束后 And when all this dies down, 2355 02:03:32,530 --> 02:03:34,160 按你说的 我们去希腊 we'll go to Greece, like you said. 2356 02:03:34,200 --> 02:03:36,500 章鱼和拼字游戏吗 Octopus and scrabble? 2357 02:03:38,500 --> 02:03:40,750 你觉得离结束还有多久呢 How long do you think until it's done? 2358 02:03:40,790 --> 02:03:42,640 不久了 六个月的庭审 Not long. Six months for the trials. 2359 02:03:42,640 --> 02:03:44,380 判决很快的 Sentencing will be quick. 2360 02:03:44,880 --> 02:03:45,970 他会上诉的 He'll appeal. 2361 02:03:46,000 --> 02:03:48,130 其他的我可以在国外看 I can watch the rest overseas. 2362 02:04:05,520 --> 02:04:06,810 慢点来 Go slowly. 2363 02:04:06,860 --> 02:04:07,860 我就想要 But I want it. 2364 02:04:28,210 --> 02:04:29,790 别急 Don't rush. 2365 02:04:29,840 --> 02:04:31,930 上我吧 Just do it. 2366 02:04:40,390 --> 02:04:41,930 再快点 Harder. 2367 02:05:36,380 --> 02:05:42,090 八月四日 失踪三十天后 2368 02:06:20,490 --> 02:06:23,660 你个婊子 You fucking bitch. 2369 02:06:32,340 --> 02:06:36,010 别担心 你们还会有很多小孩的 Don't you worry, you're gonna have lots of babies. 2370 02:06:37,630 --> 02:06:41,130 她的伤口是被强奸导致的 有精液残留 Her wounds are consistent with rape. There was semen present. 2371 02:06:41,180 --> 02:06:42,340 我们会确保找到匹配者 We'll make sure it's a match. 2372 02:06:42,350 --> 02:06:44,100 会找到的 Yeah, it'll match. 2373 02:06:44,140 --> 02:06:46,610 非常感谢你 Thank you very much. 2374 02:06:46,640 --> 02:06:48,140 你怎么看 What do you think? 2375 02:06:48,190 --> 02:06:49,480 咱俩又成好友啦 Are we pals again? 2376 02:06:49,520 --> 02:06:53,060 我知道你没杀你的妻子 所以是的 Now that I know you didn't murder your wife, yes. 2377 02:06:53,110 --> 02:06:54,110 你怎么看 What do you think? 2378 02:06:54,110 --> 02:06:57,030 绑架 这故事太扯了 Kidnapping? The story's insane. 2379 02:06:59,200 --> 02:07:01,660 她吃了好多止痛药 She's on fairly heavy painkillers. 2380 02:07:01,700 --> 02:07:03,620 没关系 我想帮忙 It's okay. I want to help. 2381 02:07:03,660 --> 02:07:05,080 邓恩女士 我知道你受了不少苦 Ms. Dunne, I know what you've been through 2382 02:07:05,120 --> 02:07:07,460 所以我们会尽量简短 so we'll keep this very brief. 2383 02:07:07,500 --> 02:07:09,880 你能给我们讲一下事发经过吗 Can you walk us through what happened? 2384 02:07:12,500 --> 02:07:15,120 那天早晨我听到门铃响 That morning, the doorbell rang. 2385 02:07:16,010 --> 02:07:18,010 很正常 So normal. 2386 02:07:18,050 --> 02:07:19,890 于是我打开了门 I opened the door. 2387 02:07:20,510 --> 02:07:22,350 好奇怪 So strange. 2388 02:07:22,970 --> 02:07:26,590 从高中起 他就不肯放过我 Since high school, he won't ever go away. 2389 02:07:26,640 --> 02:07:29,720 而我只是不想伤害他 And I've just tried to be nice to him. 2390 02:07:29,770 --> 02:07:31,400 于是我给他回信 Answer his letters. 2391 02:07:31,650 --> 02:07:33,650 让他保持冷静 Keep him calm. 2392 02:07:35,070 --> 02:07:36,530 天啊 Oh, my God. 2393 02:07:37,150 --> 02:07:38,770 是我鼓励了他的行为 I've encouraged him. 2394 02:07:38,820 --> 02:07:40,620 你不能怪自己 You can't blame yourself. 2395 02:07:42,240 --> 02:07:44,410 他推开门进了屋 He pushed inside. 2396 02:07:45,990 --> 02:07:48,030 然后就抓住我 And he grabbed me. 2397 02:07:48,750 --> 02:07:51,840 但我挣脱了 跑到了厨房 But I got away, and ran to the kitchen. 2398 02:07:52,170 --> 02:07:53,880 他用棒子打我 And he clubbed me. 2399 02:07:54,340 --> 02:07:55,760 我跌倒了 I collapsed. 2400 02:07:55,800 --> 02:07:59,850 那根棍子实际上是一个潘趣和朱迪玩偶的手柄 That club was actually the handle to a Punch and Judy puppet. 2401 02:07:59,880 --> 02:08:01,300 没错 Right. 2402 02:08:02,220 --> 02:08:03,640 寻宝游戏 Treasure hunt. 2403 02:08:05,560 --> 02:08:07,600 我在马尔家藏了一些玩偶 I'd hidden some puppets at Go's... 2404 02:08:07,640 --> 02:08:09,360 那这个手柄怎么会落在德西手里呢 Then how did Desi have that handle? 2405 02:08:11,230 --> 02:08:13,150 是我随手抓到的 I'd just found it. 2406 02:08:13,900 --> 02:08:16,320 它肯定是掉下来了 It must have fallen off. 2407 02:08:18,230 --> 02:08:20,350 德西推门闯进来时我正抓着它 I was holding it when Desi pushed in. 2408 02:08:20,350 --> 02:08:21,900 所以他是从我那抢的 So, he got it from me. 2409 02:08:21,950 --> 02:08:23,160 关于那个小木屋... About that woodshed... 2410 02:08:23,200 --> 02:08:24,870 他把我带到他的湖边小屋 He took me to his lake house. 2411 02:08:25,450 --> 02:08:27,160 把我绑到他的床上 Tied me to his bed. 2412 02:08:27,200 --> 02:08:29,740 再说一下那个小木屋 很快 很快 Back to the woodshed real quick. Real quick. 2413 02:08:29,790 --> 02:08:31,630 你去那里放玩偶的时候 When you went to place the puppets there, 2414 02:08:31,660 --> 02:08:33,060 有没有注意到那个棚屋很满 did you notice that it was packed... 2415 02:08:33,080 --> 02:08:34,240 里面好多东西 Lots of stuff. 2416 02:08:34,290 --> 02:08:35,930 都是用你丈夫名下的信用卡 Corresponding to purchases 2417 02:08:35,930 --> 02:08:38,710 买来的东西 made on credit cards in your husband's name. 2418 02:08:38,750 --> 02:08:40,250 尼克和他的信用卡 Nick and credit cards. 2419 02:08:40,300 --> 02:08:42,850 他买东西 我唠叨 我不知道 也许吧 He buys, I nag. I don't know, probably. 2420 02:08:42,880 --> 02:08:44,500 他在马尔家藏了很多东西 He hid a lot of stuff at Go's. 2421 02:08:44,500 --> 02:08:45,670 他们俩很亲近 They're very close. 2422 02:08:46,220 --> 02:08:50,550 我现在可以继续讲我被一个 Now, may I go back to where I was being held prisoner 2423 02:08:50,600 --> 02:08:53,360 有精神病史的人囚禁的事了吗 by a man with a history of mental problems? 2424 02:08:53,390 --> 02:08:54,470 请继续 邓恩女士 Please continue, Ms. Dunne. 2425 02:08:58,770 --> 02:09:00,850 德西当晚侵犯了我 Desi assaulted me that night. 2426 02:09:01,820 --> 02:09:03,660 晚晚如此 Every night. 2427 02:09:04,780 --> 02:09:07,190 他把我像狗一样绑着 He tied me up like a dog. 2428 02:09:08,580 --> 02:09:11,080 然后他就惩罚我 And then, he'd punish me. 2429 02:09:13,000 --> 02:09:15,050 饿着我 Starve me. 2430 02:09:16,330 --> 02:09:18,250 给我除毛 Shave me. 2431 02:09:19,880 --> 02:09:21,840 鸡奸我 Sodomize me. 2432 02:09:22,630 --> 02:09:24,460 他家到处都是摄像头 There were cameras everywhere. 2433 02:09:24,510 --> 02:09:27,470 请找出来 请把录像带找出来 Please find this. Please find the tapes. 2434 02:09:29,140 --> 02:09:32,350 她用开箱刀割了他的喉咙 She slit his throat with a box cutter. 2435 02:09:33,430 --> 02:09:35,640 如果她一直被他绑着 How did she manage to get a hold of a box cutter, 2436 02:09:35,690 --> 02:09:38,280 那她是怎么拿到开箱刀的呢 if he had her tied up the whole time? 2437 02:09:39,230 --> 02:09:41,270 你就不能为你妻子安全回家而开心吗 Can't you just be happy your wife is home and safe? 2438 02:09:42,070 --> 02:09:44,030 艾米 我们找到了你的日记 Amy, we found your diary. 2439 02:09:44,070 --> 02:09:45,690 里面你多次指控 It contains many concerning 2440 02:09:45,690 --> 02:09:48,160 你丈夫对你进行精神和身体上的虐待 allegations of mental and physical abuse. 2441 02:09:48,200 --> 02:09:51,080 这就是丑恶的真相 Well, it's the ugly truth. 2442 02:09:51,910 --> 02:09:53,410 尼克不想要孩子 Nick didn't want a baby. 2443 02:09:55,250 --> 02:09:58,550 他脾气大 我们还有经济问题 He has a temper. We had money problems. 2444 02:09:59,460 --> 02:10:00,580 但我爱他 But I love him. 2445 02:10:00,630 --> 02:10:02,380 那你为什么要买枪呢 Then why did you try to buy a gun? 2446 02:10:04,340 --> 02:10:06,420 对不起 我觉得我要晕了 I'm sorry, I feel myself fading. 2447 02:10:06,470 --> 02:10:08,310 请再让我问清楚一件事 If I could just clarify one thing... 2448 02:10:08,340 --> 02:10:11,550 如果这个案子一直交给你这么无能的人 If this case had been left in your deeply incompetent hands 2449 02:10:11,600 --> 02:10:13,480 我丈夫肯定早就被判了死刑 my husband would be on death row, 2450 02:10:13,770 --> 02:10:17,520 而我肯定还被绑在床上呢 and I'd be tied, still, spread-eagle. 2451 02:10:17,810 --> 02:10:21,480 邓恩女士 您很勇敢 我们问完了 Ms. Dunne, you've been very brave. We're finished. 2452 02:10:22,360 --> 02:10:24,530 现在 我得问你 Now, I have to ask you 2453 02:10:24,570 --> 02:10:27,410 你觉得和你丈夫回家安全吗 do you feel safe going home with your husband? 2454 02:10:39,830 --> 02:10:42,460 我们向上帝祈祷 上帝回应了我们的祷告 We prayed to God, and God has answered our prayers. 2455 02:10:42,500 --> 02:10:43,870 艾米·邓恩回家了 Amy Dunne is home. 2456 02:10:43,920 --> 02:10:46,000 我知道你们有很多问题和担忧 Now, I know there are a lot of questions and concerns 2457 02:10:46,050 --> 02:10:48,060 但现在 我们要耐心等待 but for right now, we wanna sit tight, 2458 02:10:48,090 --> 02:10:49,130 心怀感激 and just be thankful 2459 02:10:49,130 --> 02:10:53,010 感激降临在密西西比的这一奇迹 and grateful for this miracle on the Mississippi. 2460 02:11:00,480 --> 02:11:02,280 让一让 借过一下 Excuse me. Excuse us, folks. 2461 02:11:54,030 --> 02:11:55,240 我们爱你 艾米 We love you, Amy! 2462 02:11:59,870 --> 02:12:01,700 好了 你可以不用再装了 All right, you can stop pretending now. 2463 02:12:01,750 --> 02:12:03,420 我没装啊 I'm not pretending. 2464 02:12:04,130 --> 02:12:05,840 你很完美 You were perfect. 2465 02:12:06,460 --> 02:12:09,000 电视上的尼克正是我当初爱上的那人 The Nick I saw on TV, that's the Nick I fell in love with. 2466 02:12:09,050 --> 02:12:09,970 你知道我只是 You do know I was just 2467 02:12:09,970 --> 02:12:11,760 故意拣你想听的说 对吧 telling you what you wanted to hear, right? 2468 02:12:11,800 --> 02:12:13,630 这证明你有多了解我 That's how well you know me. 2469 02:12:13,680 --> 02:12:16,310 你对我的了解深入骨髓 You know me in your marrow. 2470 02:12:17,310 --> 02:12:18,900 好吧 Okay. 2471 02:12:18,930 --> 02:12:22,260 你得告诉我到底发生了什么 You need to tell me exactly what happened. 2472 02:12:23,560 --> 02:12:24,810 把衣服脱了 Take off your clothes. 2473 02:12:25,310 --> 02:12:28,520 我得确定你没带窃听器 I need to make sure you're not wearing a wire. 2474 02:12:41,830 --> 02:12:45,830 你杀了人 艾米 你是个杀人犯 You killed someone, Amy. You're a murderer. 2475 02:12:45,880 --> 02:12:47,470 我是个斗士 I'm a fighter. 2476 02:12:47,500 --> 02:12:49,960 我冲破荆棘回到你身边 I fought my way back to you. 2477 02:12:50,010 --> 02:12:51,850 你杀了个人 You killed a guy. 2478 02:12:51,880 --> 02:12:53,840 你用开箱刀割破了他的喉咙 You slashed his throat with a box cutter. 2479 02:12:53,890 --> 02:12:56,380 你上了国家电视台 You went on national television 2480 02:12:56,380 --> 02:12:58,560 求我救你一命 and begged for me to save your life. 2481 02:12:59,140 --> 02:13:00,400 于是我就救了你 And I obliged. 2482 02:13:00,430 --> 02:13:01,890 但我要那个尼克 But I want that Nick. 2483 02:13:02,230 --> 02:13:03,650 我要走了 I'm leaving. 2484 02:13:03,690 --> 02:13:06,320 你真的认为这样做明智吗 You really think that's smart? 2485 02:13:06,980 --> 02:13:07,980 洗发水 Shampoo. 2486 02:13:10,690 --> 02:13:14,610 身受重伤惨遭强奸的妻子奋力回到丈夫身边 Wounded, raped wife battles her way back to her husband, 2487 02:13:14,660 --> 02:13:16,540 却遭丈夫狠心抛弃 and he deserts her. 2488 02:13:16,570 --> 02:13:17,610 他们会毁了你的 They'll destroy you. 2489 02:13:18,370 --> 02:13:19,870 邻居们也会避开你 Neighbors will shun you. 2490 02:13:19,910 --> 02:13:24,120 而我会确保所有人都记得你带给我的伤痛 And I'll make sure that no one forgets the pain you caused me. 2491 02:13:26,210 --> 02:13:30,900 我不想跟门口你那些粉丝有任何瓜葛 I don't want anything to do with your groupies outside. 2492 02:13:31,880 --> 02:13:33,500 他们一走 Once they go, 2493 02:13:34,380 --> 02:13:35,300 我就走 I go. 2494 02:13:35,340 --> 02:13:38,760 你今晚好好再考虑一下 Give it the night. Sleep on it. 2495 02:13:55,610 --> 02:13:57,190 你真的怀过孕吗 Was there ever a baby? 2496 02:13:57,490 --> 02:13:59,580 你想要的话 There can be. 2497 02:14:03,580 --> 02:14:04,590 晚安 Good night. 2498 02:14:54,060 --> 02:14:57,400 八月五日 回家一日后 2499 02:14:57,510 --> 02:14:59,180 尼克 Hey, Nick! 2500 02:15:11,310 --> 02:15:12,560 早上好 帅哥 Hello, handsome. 2501 02:15:15,690 --> 02:15:17,440 要可丽饼吗 Crepe? 2502 02:15:18,150 --> 02:15:19,070 好 Sure. 2503 02:15:19,110 --> 02:15:20,820 她是他的梦中情人 She was his dream girl. 2504 02:15:20,870 --> 02:15:22,270 当这个拥有巨额遗产 And when this spoiled, rich, 2505 02:15:22,270 --> 02:15:24,290 被宠坏的富家子发现自己无法得到她 entitled little boy couldn't have her 2506 02:15:24,330 --> 02:15:25,710 就把她掳走了 he took her. 2507 02:15:33,090 --> 02:15:34,430 你们肯定超自豪 You must be so proud. 2508 02:15:41,680 --> 02:15:43,680 已经四个小时了 It's been four hours. 2509 02:15:44,180 --> 02:15:47,020 尼克 尼克 你和艾米下一步有何打算 Nick? Nick? What's next for you and Amy? 2510 02:15:51,190 --> 02:15:54,030 现在最重要的是我们的婚姻 Right now, it's all about our marriage. 2511 02:15:54,860 --> 02:15:58,370 两个人彼此相爱 却没法经营婚姻 When two people love each other and can't make that work 2512 02:15:58,400 --> 02:16:00,820 这才是真正的悲剧 that's the real tragedy. 2513 02:16:04,580 --> 02:16:06,620 吻我的脸 Kiss my cheek. 2514 02:16:12,800 --> 02:16:15,100 八月九日 回家五日后 不敢相信那该死的蛇蝎女人居然成了美国甜心 I can't believe that fucking spider is America's sweetheart. 2515 02:16:15,100 --> 02:16:15,780 第二次相爱的机会 八月九日 回家五日后 不敢相信那该死的蛇蝎女人居然成了美国甜心 I can't believe that fucking spider is America's sweetheart. 2516 02:16:15,780 --> 02:16:15,800 八月九日 回家五日后 第二次相爱的机会 2517 02:16:15,800 --> 02:16:16,980 她亲口跟我说她杀了德西 She told me she killed Desi. 八月九日 回家五日后 第二次相爱的机会 2518 02:16:16,980 --> 02:16:18,010 她亲口跟我说她杀了德西 She told me she killed Desi. 2519 02:16:18,050 --> 02:16:19,390 不是自卫 而是谋杀 Not self-defense. Murder. 2520 02:16:19,420 --> 02:16:20,960 -我们就不能弄个窃听器吗 -没用的 - Can't we get a wire? - That's not gonna work. 2521 02:16:21,010 --> 02:16:22,180 她之前都跟你说过一次了 She told you once before. 2522 02:16:22,220 --> 02:16:24,560 但她逼我脱光衣服站在花洒下 Yeah, because she had me strip naked, and stand in the shower. 2523 02:16:24,600 --> 02:16:27,850 我发誓 你俩是我见过最狗血的人了 I swear, you two are the most fucked-up people I've ever known. 2524 02:16:27,890 --> 02:16:29,350 而我还专攻狗血案 And I specialize in fucked-up. 2525 02:16:29,600 --> 02:16:31,430 你和艾米住在同一个屋檐下 You and Amy under the same roof? 2526 02:16:31,480 --> 02:16:33,280 真该把这个拍成真人秀 You should pitch that as reality television. 2527 02:16:33,900 --> 02:16:36,280 艾米·邓恩 密西西比的奇迹 Amy Dunne, and the miracle on the Mississippi. 2528 02:16:36,320 --> 02:16:38,820 我和尼克经历了一段困难时期 Nick and I have been through some bad patches. 2529 02:16:38,860 --> 02:16:40,200 我们也有不顺的时候 We've had our dark days. 2530 02:16:40,240 --> 02:16:42,080 但我们非常感谢大家 But we thank you so much, 2531 02:16:42,570 --> 02:16:47,110 原谅尼克 支持我们共建新生活 for supporting us in our new life together, for forgiving Nick. 2532 02:16:47,370 --> 02:16:51,090 真的 你们的鼓励对我们意义重大 Really, your encouragement means the world. 2533 02:16:51,120 --> 02:16:52,530 她真厉害 She's good. 2534 02:16:52,580 --> 02:16:55,160 了不起的艾米和低声下气的丈夫 Amazing Amy and the humbled husband. 2535 02:16:55,210 --> 02:16:57,300 密苏里州版的《比弗利娇妻》 The Real Housewives of Branson. 2536 02:16:57,340 --> 02:16:58,430 照顾好这家伙 Take care of this guy, will you? 2537 02:16:58,460 --> 02:17:00,060 你居然就这么走了 I can't believe you're just leaving now. 2538 02:17:00,090 --> 02:17:01,640 你现在不再身处险境了 You are not at risk anymore. 2539 02:17:01,670 --> 02:17:03,210 我全身都写满了"身处险境" I'm the definition of "at risk". 2540 02:17:03,260 --> 02:17:05,410 有人请你写书 拍电影 You got a book deal, a lifetime movie, 2541 02:17:05,410 --> 02:17:07,390 酒吧也变成了连锁 you franchised the bar. 2542 02:17:07,430 --> 02:17:08,480 你也许该感谢她 You may wanna thank her. 2543 02:17:11,520 --> 02:17:12,940 就是千万别惹急她 Just don't piss her off. 2544 02:17:13,770 --> 02:17:14,770 再见了 See you, guys. 2545 02:17:16,900 --> 02:17:18,570 猫王离开密苏里州了 Elvis has left Missouri. 2546 02:17:18,610 --> 02:17:19,700 她在杀人过程中肯定犯了错 She had to have made a mistake. 2547 02:17:19,730 --> 02:17:22,020 我们得逐句核实艾米的故事 We need to check Amy's story, piece by piece. 2548 02:17:22,070 --> 02:17:23,950 尼克 我什么都做不了 Nick, I can't do anything. 2549 02:17:24,360 --> 02:17:27,190 全国的焦点都在我们身上 但我们搞砸了 We had the national spotlight on us, we stained the rug. 2550 02:17:27,240 --> 02:17:28,960 这案子现在归联调局管 警局已经不插手了 The case is with the feds now, they're done. 2551 02:17:28,990 --> 02:17:30,030 可这不意味着你也得撒手不管啊 That doesn't mean you have to be done. 2552 02:17:30,450 --> 02:17:32,240 我管不了 It does. 2553 02:17:34,760 --> 02:17:40,520 九月九日 回家五周后 2554 02:18:03,820 --> 02:18:05,280 你在干吗 What are you doing? 2555 02:18:07,200 --> 02:18:08,790 我睡不着 Couldn't sleep. 2556 02:18:08,820 --> 02:18:09,820 来吧 Come on 2557 02:18:10,120 --> 02:18:12,290 我陪你回去睡 let me tuck you back in. 2558 02:18:24,970 --> 02:18:27,600 你知道你可以跟我一起睡对吧 You know you can sleep with me, right? 2559 02:18:29,680 --> 02:18:31,770 知道 只不过 Yeah, it's just 2560 02:18:31,810 --> 02:18:33,310 我还需要点时间 I need more time. 2561 02:18:33,350 --> 02:18:36,900 我永远永远都不会伤害你的 I would never, ever hurt you. 2562 02:18:38,690 --> 02:18:41,150 但我确实需要你的参与 I do need you to participate, though. 2563 02:18:41,190 --> 02:18:43,350 我需要你演好自己的角色 I need you to do your part. 2564 02:18:53,660 --> 02:18:54,470 好了 Okay. 2565 02:18:54,470 --> 02:18:54,660 九月二十三日 回家七周后 好了 Okay. 2566 02:18:54,660 --> 02:18:55,410 九月二十三日 回家七周后 2567 02:18:55,410 --> 02:18:58,240 你们听到的关于我妻子的一切 Everything you have heard about my wife 九月二十三日 回家七周后 2568 02:18:58,240 --> 02:18:58,290 九月二十三日 回家七周后 2569 02:18:58,290 --> 02:18:59,470 都是谎言 is a lie. 九月二十三日 回家七周后 2570 02:18:59,470 --> 02:18:59,660 都是谎言 is a lie. 2571 02:18:59,710 --> 02:19:03,800 她是个工于心计 凶残的变态 She is a calculating, murderous psychopath. 2572 02:19:04,420 --> 02:19:05,960 我一直和她串通一气 And I have been complicit... 2573 02:19:06,010 --> 02:19:07,140 尼克 Nick! 2574 02:19:12,800 --> 02:19:14,980 尼克 早餐好了 Nick? Breakfast. 2575 02:19:15,020 --> 02:19:16,020 亲爱的 Honey? 2576 02:19:19,560 --> 02:19:22,020 我们该拉手 We should hold hands. 2577 02:19:22,060 --> 02:19:25,150 不用一直拉着 但要偶尔拉一下 Not the entire time, but on and off throughout. 2578 02:19:26,570 --> 02:19:28,780 "尼克 娇妻失而复得感觉如何" "So, Nick, how does it feel to have your wife back?" 2579 02:19:31,410 --> 02:19:33,290 感觉棒极了 "It's fantastic. 2580 02:19:33,330 --> 02:19:34,540 多少人能如此幸运 How many people are lucky 2581 02:19:34,550 --> 02:19:36,370 有机会再次获得爱 enough to get a second chance at love?" 2582 02:19:36,410 --> 02:19:38,120 "棒极了"有点轻浮 "Fantastic" is a little flippant. 2583 02:19:38,540 --> 02:19:39,670 "了不起" "Amazing"? 2584 02:19:39,710 --> 02:19:42,550 我要你承认你用信用卡买了那些东西 I need you to admit that you got the credit cards, 2585 02:19:42,590 --> 02:19:45,590 并藏在了马尔家 还有你推了我 and that you hid all that stuff at Go's and that you pushed me. 2586 02:19:46,340 --> 02:19:49,390 我需要那三样东西来获得安全感 I'm gonna need those three things to feel safe. 2587 02:19:50,590 --> 02:19:52,420 你必须说得跟真的一样 尼克 You have to own this, Nick. 2588 02:19:53,220 --> 02:19:56,760 别担心 我知道该怎么说 Don't worry. I know exactly what to say. 2589 02:19:58,350 --> 02:20:00,100 尼克 Nick. 2590 02:20:03,060 --> 02:20:05,690 你家真漂亮 What a beautiful home. 2591 02:20:06,940 --> 02:20:09,610 我很感谢你为我们抽出时间 尼克 I so appreciate you giving us this time, Nick. 2592 02:20:09,650 --> 02:20:11,820 你在国家电视台上 You went on national television, 2593 02:20:11,860 --> 02:20:14,320 跟大众说我谋杀了我的妻子 and told people that I murdered my wife. 2594 02:20:14,370 --> 02:20:15,620 我是跟着故事走 I go where the story goes. 2595 02:20:15,660 --> 02:20:18,630 你暗示我跟我姐之间存在不伦关系 You implied that I had carnal relations with my sister. 2596 02:20:18,660 --> 02:20:22,200 我可没那么说 只是说你们俩"非常亲近" I didn't use the "I" word. I said you two were "Extremely close." 2597 02:20:22,250 --> 02:20:26,930 你和一群笨蛋把我分析成反社会者 You and a panel of nitwits diagnosed me as a sociopath. 2598 02:20:28,130 --> 02:20:29,880 为打破僵局 我带了这个 Ice-breaker. 2599 02:20:33,590 --> 02:20:35,380 正好配你的机器狗 To go with your robot dog. 2600 02:20:35,430 --> 02:20:37,480 我去叫艾米 I'll go find Amy. 2601 02:20:39,520 --> 02:20:41,610 她在楼下了 She's downstairs. 2602 02:20:44,110 --> 02:20:45,740 -这是什么 -送你的 - What is it? - It's for you. 2603 02:20:45,770 --> 02:20:47,190 打开看看 Open it. 2604 02:20:47,480 --> 02:20:49,230 你不用再送礼物给我了 I don't need any more gifts from you. 2605 02:20:49,280 --> 02:20:50,990 打开看看 Open it. 2606 02:21:03,540 --> 02:21:05,200 我根本没碰过你 I didn't touch you. 2607 02:21:05,250 --> 02:21:06,290 你不需要碰我 You didn't need to. 2608 02:21:06,340 --> 02:21:09,550 胡扯 那张废弃通知书 Bullshit. That notice of disposal. 2609 02:21:09,590 --> 02:21:11,100 我有的 被你给扔了 I have that. You threw it out. 2610 02:21:11,130 --> 02:21:12,960 那张通知书 没错 The notice, yes. 2611 02:21:13,340 --> 02:21:14,340 我要验血 I want a blood test. 2612 02:21:14,760 --> 02:21:15,840 我要做亲子鉴定 I want a paternity test. 2613 02:21:16,640 --> 02:21:17,980 我最爱做鉴定了 I love tests. 2614 02:21:18,010 --> 02:21:19,840 随便你怎么教那些人恨我 You can teach those people to hate me all you want. 2615 02:21:19,890 --> 02:21:22,600 我不在乎 我要离开你 I don't care. I am leaving you. 2616 02:21:24,730 --> 02:21:27,440 我不用教你的孩子恨你 I won't have to teach your child to hate you. 2617 02:21:27,480 --> 02:21:29,850 他自己就会了 He'll do that all by himself. 2618 02:21:29,900 --> 02:21:31,770 你这个该死的婊子 You fucking cunt! 2619 02:21:33,650 --> 02:21:36,030 那我也是你娶回家的婊子 I'm the cunt you married. 2620 02:21:36,070 --> 02:21:37,860 你唯一喜欢自己的时候 The only time you liked yourself, 2621 02:21:37,910 --> 02:21:41,580 就是当你努力成为这个婊子喜欢的人的时候 was when you were trying to be someone this cunt might like. 2622 02:21:41,620 --> 02:21:45,080 我不会放弃的 我就是这种婊子 I'm not a quitter. I'm that cunt. 2623 02:21:48,840 --> 02:21:52,090 我为你杀过人 还有谁能这么说 I've killed for you. Who else can say that? 2624 02:21:53,340 --> 02:21:55,880 你以为你娶个中西部的小姑娘就开心了 You think you would be happy with a nice midwestern girl? 2625 02:21:55,930 --> 02:21:58,770 不可能的 宝贝 你要的人就是我 No way, baby. I'm it. 2626 02:21:58,800 --> 02:22:02,220 你有妄想症 你神经错乱了 Look, you're delusional. You're insane. 2627 02:22:02,270 --> 02:22:03,770 你做这些到底是为什么呀 Why would you even want this? 2628 02:22:04,140 --> 02:22:05,220 是 我是爱过你 Yes, I loved you. 2629 02:22:05,270 --> 02:22:07,290 可后来咱俩只剩互相怨恨 And then all we did was resent each other, 2630 02:22:07,290 --> 02:22:08,740 互相试图控制对方 and try to control each other. 2631 02:22:08,770 --> 02:22:09,810 和给对方造成痛苦了 And cause each other pain. 2632 02:22:10,320 --> 02:22:12,110 这就是婚姻 That's marriage. 2633 02:22:14,780 --> 02:22:17,160 我要去准备了 Now, I'm getting ready. 2634 02:22:42,470 --> 02:22:43,570 我无法眼睁睁地看着你 I can't watch you 2635 02:22:43,570 --> 02:22:45,550 在接下来的十八年里跟那破鞋玩过家家 play house with that thing for the next 18 years. 2636 02:22:45,600 --> 02:22:47,260 我不能一走了之 I can't just walk away. 2637 02:22:47,310 --> 02:22:48,890 你可以获得监护权 You could get custody. 2638 02:22:48,940 --> 02:22:52,820 不可能的 你也清楚 No, I won't. And you know it. 2639 02:22:52,860 --> 02:22:55,370 那将是我的孩子 我不会丢下他的 It's gonna be my child. I'm not gonna leave it. 2640 02:22:55,990 --> 02:22:57,790 你想留下来 You wanna stay. 2641 02:22:57,820 --> 02:23:01,740 我有责任 这不再是我想不想的问题了 I have a responsibility. It's not about what I want anymore. 2642 02:23:01,780 --> 02:23:03,030 你想跟她在一起 You wanna stay with her. 2643 02:23:13,670 --> 02:23:14,710 我的心都被你伤透了 You're breaking my heart. 2644 02:23:15,170 --> 02:23:18,800 马尔 你是我的理性之声 Go, you're my voice of reason. 2645 02:23:18,840 --> 02:23:21,340 我需要你在我的身边 I need you with me on this. 2646 02:23:21,390 --> 02:23:23,850 我当然会在你身边 Of course I'm with you. 2647 02:23:26,480 --> 02:23:30,480 咱俩还没出生 我就在你身边了 I was with you before we were even born. 2648 02:23:32,230 --> 02:23:35,020 我们经历过黑暗时期 We've been through the darkness. 2649 02:23:35,570 --> 02:23:38,870 我们走了出来 更加亲密 We've come out, united. 2650 02:23:41,870 --> 02:23:44,040 我们会沟通 We communicate. 2651 02:23:46,330 --> 02:23:48,840 我们对彼此诚实 We're honest with each other. 2652 02:23:48,870 --> 02:23:50,370 对吧 Right? 2653 02:23:52,290 --> 02:23:54,790 我们是犯罪团伙 We're partners in crime. 2654 02:23:58,170 --> 02:23:59,170 还有呢 And? 2655 02:24:00,890 --> 02:24:02,220 还有 And? 2656 02:24:05,720 --> 02:24:07,640 我们要当父母了 We're gonna be parents. 2657 02:24:09,350 --> 02:24:10,970 天啊 My goodness! 2658 02:24:11,400 --> 02:24:13,360 -太激动人心了 -谢谢 - How exciting! - Thank you. 2659 02:24:18,150 --> 02:24:20,520 "你在想什么" "What are you thinking?" 2660 02:24:23,370 --> 02:24:25,580 "你感觉怎么样" "How are you feeling?" 2661 02:24:27,540 --> 02:24:30,170 "我们对彼此做了些什么" "What have we done to each other?" 2662 02:24:31,750 --> 02:24:33,840 "我们将何去何从" "What will we do?"