1 00:00:01,400 --> 00:00:03,333 [ indistinct conversations ] 2 00:00:04,191 --> 00:00:07,124 I heard his class is full for the next five years, 3 00:00:07,224 --> 00:00:09,091 I heard even the waiting list has a waiting list, 4 00:00:09,191 --> 00:00:10,924 As always, we will do our best 5 00:00:11,024 --> 00:00:13,024 to accommodate as many of you as possible, 6 00:00:13,124 --> 00:00:16,358 But the fire marshal will enforce a cut-off point at 7 00:00:16,458 --> 00:00:18,391 Maximum capacity, 8 00:00:18,491 --> 00:00:20,324 [ students murmuring ] 9 00:00:23,724 --> 00:00:26,758 [ cheers and applause ] [ camera shutters clicking ] 10 00:00:26,858 --> 00:00:28,458 together: [ cheering ] 11 00:00:28,558 --> 00:00:30,391 Hex: Welcome once again, all 12 00:00:30,491 --> 00:00:32,458 you eager young minds, to 13 00:00:32,558 --> 00:00:35,458 History 310 -- Magical Artifacts 14 00:00:35,558 --> 00:00:37,024 and Antiquities! 15 00:00:37,124 --> 00:00:39,424 [ cheers and applause ] 16 00:00:43,324 --> 00:00:45,591 ♪ Ben 10 he's a kid, and he wants to have fun ♪ 17 00:00:45,691 --> 00:00:47,791 ♪ But when you need a superhero, he gets the job done ♪ 18 00:00:47,891 --> 00:00:51,058 ♪ Ben 10 with a device that he wears on his arm ♪ 19 00:00:51,158 --> 00:00:53,158 ♪ He can change his shape and save the world from harm ♪ 20 00:00:53,258 --> 00:00:55,724 ♪ When trouble's taking place He gets right in its face ♪ 21 00:00:55,824 --> 00:00:59,591 ♪ Ben 10 when lives are on the line ♪ 22 00:00:59,691 --> 00:01:01,758 ♪ It's hero time Ben 10 ♪ 23 00:01:04,058 --> 00:01:06,858 Hex: Allow me to introduce myself, 24 00:01:06,958 --> 00:01:08,958 I am Professor Hex, 25 00:01:09,058 --> 00:01:10,991 If you excel with me, you will 26 00:01:11,091 --> 00:01:13,324 unlock the hidden secrets of the 27 00:01:13,424 --> 00:01:14,924 Eldritch Arts, 28 00:01:15,024 --> 00:01:17,958 As well as earn one general-education credit, 29 00:01:18,058 --> 00:01:21,091 Of course, some of us have more of a head start than others, 30 00:01:21,191 --> 00:01:24,458 Welcome to the big leagues, Miss Tennyson, 31 00:01:24,558 --> 00:01:26,758 Gwen: [ laughs nervously ] 32 00:01:29,224 --> 00:01:32,191 Hex: Gwendolyn Tennyson, Gwen: The stone of Giramphiel! 33 00:01:32,291 --> 00:01:35,924 Hex: Gwendolyn Tennyson, Gwen: The Mesopotamian Tablet of Destiny, 34 00:01:36,024 --> 00:01:37,224 Hex: Gwendolyn Tennyson, 35 00:01:37,324 --> 00:01:39,824 Gwen: Um, um,,, King Ramses III, 36 00:01:39,924 --> 00:01:41,491 Hex: Very good, Miss Tennyson, 37 00:01:41,591 --> 00:01:43,091 But can you tell me which piece 38 00:01:43,191 --> 00:01:44,724 of medieval jewelry is known to 39 00:01:44,824 --> 00:01:46,358 cure blindness? 40 00:01:46,458 --> 00:01:49,458 The Ring of Mudarra, 41 00:01:49,558 --> 00:01:51,258 Gwen: Charmcaster? 42 00:01:53,224 --> 00:01:55,158 Hex: [ clears throat ] Yes, 43 00:01:55,258 --> 00:01:57,558 The charming new student is correct, 44 00:01:57,658 --> 00:02:01,324 Charmcaster: I have a question for you,,, professor, 45 00:02:01,424 --> 00:02:04,124 [ giggles ] What is the most powerful 46 00:02:04,224 --> 00:02:07,058 focusing talisman ever set among the Nine Realms? 47 00:02:08,724 --> 00:02:10,291 Oh, come on, As if you don't know, 48 00:02:10,391 --> 00:02:13,424 [ chuckles ] The Staff of Ages, 49 00:02:13,524 --> 00:02:15,291 Ring a bell? 50 00:02:15,391 --> 00:02:16,924 Hex: Class dismissed, 51 00:02:18,524 --> 00:02:20,358 [ students murmuring ] 52 00:02:20,458 --> 00:02:22,391 Gwen: Charmcaster, wait! 53 00:02:22,491 --> 00:02:24,291 I-I-I just want to talk, 54 00:02:28,458 --> 00:02:30,224 Rook: For the last time, 55 00:02:30,324 --> 00:02:33,724 Suemungousaur, you are 17 feet tall, 56 00:02:33,824 --> 00:02:35,424 You make a terrible shoplifter, 57 00:02:35,524 --> 00:02:36,958 [ warbles angrily ] 58 00:02:37,058 --> 00:02:39,891 [ cellphone ringing ] 59 00:02:39,991 --> 00:02:41,458 [ cellphone beeps ] Ben: Gwen! 60 00:02:41,558 --> 00:02:43,258 Hey, how are y-- 61 00:02:43,358 --> 00:02:44,724 [ sighs ] Fine, 62 00:02:44,824 --> 00:02:45,891 "Gwendolyn," 63 00:02:45,991 --> 00:02:47,791 Happy now? 64 00:02:48,724 --> 00:02:50,391 Don't move, We'll be right there, 65 00:02:50,491 --> 00:02:52,958 [ cellphone beeps ] Rook: We will? What about Suemungousaur? 66 00:02:53,058 --> 00:02:54,724 Ben: We've got bigger fish to fry, 67 00:02:54,824 --> 00:02:56,058 Rook: This hardly seems like 68 00:02:56,158 --> 00:02:58,224 a good time to meet Gwendolyn for a meal, 69 00:02:58,324 --> 00:03:00,358 Ben: It's just an expression, Rook, 70 00:03:00,458 --> 00:03:01,958 No fish, no frying, 71 00:03:02,058 --> 00:03:04,424 Rook: Who made up your language? 72 00:03:04,524 --> 00:03:07,691 [ warbles ] 73 00:03:07,791 --> 00:03:08,758 [ warbles ] 74 00:03:08,858 --> 00:03:11,858 [ warbles angrily ] 75 00:03:11,958 --> 00:03:14,024 Kevin: Are you sure it was Charmcaster? 76 00:03:14,124 --> 00:03:16,458 Gwen: Am I -- [ scoffs ] Of course I'm sure! 77 00:03:16,558 --> 00:03:17,958 What kind of question is that?! 78 00:03:18,058 --> 00:03:20,458 I-I-I think I know Charmcaster when I see her, 79 00:03:20,558 --> 00:03:26,191 Kevin: A lot of kids try out different looks when they go away to college, 80 00:03:26,291 --> 00:03:27,424 Gwen: Ha ha, 81 00:03:27,524 --> 00:03:29,124 Kevin: I'm just sayin', 82 00:03:29,224 --> 00:03:31,024 Gwen: Fine, Then don't believe me, 83 00:03:31,124 --> 00:03:33,891 Ben and Rook are on their way here, anyway, 84 00:03:33,991 --> 00:03:36,758 Kevin: Aaaaand I'm done, 85 00:03:36,858 --> 00:03:39,858 It's just gonna get trashed when Ben gets here, 86 00:03:41,824 --> 00:03:42,958 Rook: Why would Charmcaster 87 00:03:43,058 --> 00:03:44,891 come to this university, of all places? 88 00:03:44,991 --> 00:03:47,724 There is nothing connecting her here that I know of, 89 00:03:47,824 --> 00:03:49,358 Ben: Except Gwen, 90 00:03:49,458 --> 00:03:50,691 Gwen: Yeah, about that,,, 91 00:03:50,791 --> 00:03:52,158 There he is! [ screams ] 92 00:03:52,258 --> 00:03:55,358 I love you! [ indistinct talking ] 93 00:03:55,458 --> 00:03:56,958 Hey! Disperse! 94 00:03:57,058 --> 00:03:59,758 This is a place of learning, not a malt shop, 95 00:03:59,858 --> 00:04:02,024 Go! 96 00:04:02,124 --> 00:04:04,658 Hex: [ sighs ] Thank you, Helena, 97 00:04:04,758 --> 00:04:07,158 Such tomfoolery, 98 00:04:07,258 --> 00:04:09,791 Little girls and their crushes, 99 00:04:09,891 --> 00:04:12,991 What you need is brains, not youth, 100 00:04:13,091 --> 00:04:17,024 A mature woman has its advantages, [ chuckles ] 101 00:04:17,124 --> 00:04:21,691 Say, tea, tonight, my office? 102 00:04:21,791 --> 00:04:23,458 Hex: [ shudders ] 103 00:04:23,558 --> 00:04:26,124 Oh,,,look -- one of my students, 104 00:04:29,924 --> 00:04:31,191 Ben: Gwen! Look out! Hex! 105 00:04:31,291 --> 00:04:33,458 [ beep ] Kickin Hawk: [ screeches ] 106 00:04:33,558 --> 00:04:35,224 Gwen: Ben, no! 107 00:04:37,958 --> 00:04:39,224 Kickin Hawk: [ roars ] 108 00:04:39,324 --> 00:04:41,458 Gwen: It's not what you think! 109 00:04:41,558 --> 00:04:42,691 Professor Hex is the best 110 00:04:42,791 --> 00:04:44,124 History of Magical Artifacts 111 00:04:44,224 --> 00:04:45,624 and Antiquities teacher we've 112 00:04:45,724 --> 00:04:46,891 ever had, 113 00:04:46,991 --> 00:04:48,758 Kickin Hawk: "Professor Hex"? 114 00:04:48,858 --> 00:04:50,091 Rook: Gwendolyn, with due 115 00:04:50,191 --> 00:04:51,691 respect, you and the student 116 00:04:51,791 --> 00:04:53,358 body are obviously under the 117 00:04:53,458 --> 00:04:54,824 influence of Hex's spell, 118 00:04:54,924 --> 00:04:56,391 Gwen: A little credit, 119 00:04:56,491 --> 00:04:57,758 I checked for that, 120 00:04:57,858 --> 00:05:00,891 Full sweep of the campus, 121 00:05:00,991 --> 00:05:03,091 See? No sign of any spell, mind 122 00:05:03,191 --> 00:05:05,658 control or otherwise, Now do you believe me? 123 00:05:05,758 --> 00:05:09,924 Kickin Hawk: Or Hex is just magically making you think there's no spell, 124 00:05:10,024 --> 00:05:11,724 Kevin: [ scoffs ] Come on, 125 00:05:11,824 --> 00:05:13,458 Gwendolyn would never fall for 126 00:05:13,558 --> 00:05:15,358 the old "I used to be bad, but 127 00:05:15,458 --> 00:05:17,058 now I'm good" routine, 128 00:05:19,524 --> 00:05:20,458 What? 129 00:05:20,558 --> 00:05:22,124 [ Omnitrix powers down ] 130 00:05:22,224 --> 00:05:24,924 Ben: All right, So, I may not know what you're up to, 131 00:05:25,024 --> 00:05:28,158 but you're up to,,, something, Admit it! 132 00:05:28,258 --> 00:05:29,891 Gwen: Ben! You're being rude! 133 00:05:29,991 --> 00:05:31,791 Hex: That's all right, Gwendolyn, 134 00:05:31,891 --> 00:05:35,891 There will always be people who don't like to give second chances, 135 00:05:35,991 --> 00:05:37,458 I had to donate my entire 136 00:05:37,558 --> 00:05:39,124 collection of rare books to the 137 00:05:39,224 --> 00:05:42,191 university to even be considered for this job, 138 00:05:42,291 --> 00:05:44,691 Never get a tattoo on your face, children, 139 00:05:44,791 --> 00:05:48,058 It severely limits your career choices, 140 00:05:49,091 --> 00:05:51,058 By the way, an excellent job in 141 00:05:51,158 --> 00:05:52,658 class today, Gwendolyn -- 142 00:05:52,758 --> 00:05:53,858 as always, 143 00:05:53,958 --> 00:05:54,824 Gwen: [ chuckles nervously ] 144 00:05:54,924 --> 00:05:56,724 Thank you, professor, 145 00:05:56,824 --> 00:05:58,458 But what was Charmcaster doing here? 146 00:05:58,558 --> 00:06:00,691 Hex: I have no idea, 147 00:06:00,791 --> 00:06:02,391 I hadn't seen or heard from my 148 00:06:02,491 --> 00:06:05,724 wayward niece in a very long time before today, 149 00:06:05,824 --> 00:06:08,358 I'm just relieved to know she's alive, 150 00:06:08,458 --> 00:06:09,891 Rook: Mr, Hex, it is my 151 00:06:09,991 --> 00:06:11,891 unfortunate duty to inform you 152 00:06:11,991 --> 00:06:13,858 that your niece is both unstable 153 00:06:13,958 --> 00:06:15,424 and very dangerous, 154 00:06:15,524 --> 00:06:17,524 Hex: Unstable? In what way? 155 00:06:17,624 --> 00:06:20,424 Ben: [ as Charmcaster ] What's that, magic talking bag? 156 00:06:20,524 --> 00:06:22,124 You think I should try to kill 157 00:06:22,224 --> 00:06:23,791 Ben and Rook, even after they 158 00:06:23,891 --> 00:06:25,424 helped me get my rune back? 159 00:06:25,524 --> 00:06:27,358 Okay! 160 00:06:27,458 --> 00:06:28,758 Rook: Ben is correct, 161 00:06:28,858 --> 00:06:30,691 To put it gently, she was a few 162 00:06:30,791 --> 00:06:32,458 Amber Ogia bushels short of a 163 00:06:32,558 --> 00:06:34,424 properly sized harvest, 164 00:06:34,524 --> 00:06:35,424 Hex: [ sighs ] 165 00:06:35,524 --> 00:06:36,991 I was afraid of that, 166 00:06:37,091 --> 00:06:38,891 Charmcaster has had a tough 167 00:06:38,991 --> 00:06:41,158 life, but she is family, and I 168 00:06:41,258 --> 00:06:43,358 believe there is good in her,,, 169 00:06:43,458 --> 00:06:44,991 somewhere, 170 00:06:45,091 --> 00:06:46,858 If you'll excuse me, Gwendolyn, 171 00:06:46,958 --> 00:06:50,058 today has left me quite fatigued, 172 00:06:53,024 --> 00:06:55,358 [ growls ] Ben: But he's got to be evil! 173 00:06:55,458 --> 00:06:57,858 Just look at him! 174 00:06:57,958 --> 00:06:59,424 Rook: I am not aware of any 175 00:06:59,524 --> 00:07:00,891 Earthly laws against having a 176 00:07:00,991 --> 00:07:02,724 skull for a face, 177 00:07:02,824 --> 00:07:04,124 Gwen: And finding Charmcaster 178 00:07:04,224 --> 00:07:05,624 needs to be our top priority 179 00:07:05,724 --> 00:07:06,891 right now, 180 00:07:06,991 --> 00:07:08,391 Ben: Maybe yours, 181 00:07:08,491 --> 00:07:09,824 [ wrapper crinkles ] 182 00:07:09,924 --> 00:07:10,891 Kevin: Well, sounds like 183 00:07:10,991 --> 00:07:13,824 you've got everything covered, 184 00:07:13,924 --> 00:07:15,924 If you need us, Rook and I will be at the garage, 185 00:07:16,024 --> 00:07:19,524 Gwen: What happened to not bothering to work on your car while Ben was in town? 186 00:07:19,624 --> 00:07:23,158 Kevin: New plan, But I need Rook's genius alien brain, 187 00:07:23,258 --> 00:07:25,458 Rook: Hmm, It would be a pleasant diversion 188 00:07:25,558 --> 00:07:27,858 to discuss the latest advancements in 189 00:07:27,958 --> 00:07:30,724 crystalline-fusion tech with a fellow gearhead, 190 00:07:30,824 --> 00:07:34,458 Kevin: Great, Catch up with you later, 191 00:07:34,558 --> 00:07:36,091 Ben: [ slurps ] 192 00:07:50,658 --> 00:07:54,958 Hex: That was unwise, showing up like that, They could have caught you, 193 00:07:55,058 --> 00:07:56,258 Charmcaster: It couldn't be helped, 194 00:07:56,358 --> 00:07:59,724 I needed something to crush our enemies, 195 00:07:59,824 --> 00:08:01,491 Hex: You have to understand, 196 00:08:01,591 --> 00:08:03,424 Charmcaster -- that part of my 197 00:08:03,524 --> 00:08:05,291 life is behind me now, 198 00:08:06,758 --> 00:08:08,224 Charmcaster: No, he'll help us, 199 00:08:08,324 --> 00:08:10,891 He knows we've been wronged, and he owes us! 200 00:08:10,991 --> 00:08:12,424 Hex: What happened? 201 00:08:12,524 --> 00:08:13,658 Charmcaster: Puberty, 202 00:08:13,758 --> 00:08:15,124 A bad relationship or two, 203 00:08:15,224 --> 00:08:17,424 You were too a bad boyfriend! 204 00:08:17,524 --> 00:08:18,491 Now shut up, or I'll stick you 205 00:08:18,591 --> 00:08:19,724 in the dishwasher again! 206 00:08:19,824 --> 00:08:21,824 Do not test me! 207 00:08:23,158 --> 00:08:24,991 I know I'm not well, Uncle Hex, 208 00:08:25,091 --> 00:08:26,858 I just thought,,,you're the only 209 00:08:26,958 --> 00:08:28,624 family I have left, 210 00:08:28,724 --> 00:08:30,458 Like always, the two of us 211 00:08:30,558 --> 00:08:32,491 versus the world, right? 212 00:08:39,958 --> 00:08:41,991 Hex: Ungh! Charmcaster: [ laughs ] 213 00:08:42,091 --> 00:08:45,458 Oh, how the mighty have fallen! 214 00:08:45,558 --> 00:08:46,758 Hex: [ grunts ] 215 00:08:46,858 --> 00:08:48,658 I don't know what you want, but 216 00:08:48,758 --> 00:08:50,224 you will not get it, 217 00:08:50,324 --> 00:08:51,158 I won't let you, 218 00:08:51,258 --> 00:08:52,791 Charmcaster: Oh, I'll get it, 219 00:08:52,891 --> 00:08:54,424 My family's birthright -- the 220 00:08:54,524 --> 00:08:55,824 talisman left at the door by the 221 00:08:55,924 --> 00:08:57,024 lurker at the threshold, the 222 00:08:57,124 --> 00:08:58,358 most powerful item in this whole 223 00:08:58,458 --> 00:08:59,858 ratty collection! 224 00:08:59,958 --> 00:09:02,224 Where is it, Uncle? 225 00:09:02,324 --> 00:09:05,124 Where did you hide the Staff of Ages? 226 00:09:11,562 --> 00:09:13,762 Charmcaster: Give it to me, Uncle! 227 00:09:13,862 --> 00:09:15,996 Give the staff to me! 228 00:09:18,196 --> 00:09:20,696 Hex: A nice side benefit of 229 00:09:20,796 --> 00:09:22,996 donating my entire collection -- 230 00:09:23,096 --> 00:09:25,162 all of my magical books are 231 00:09:25,262 --> 00:09:27,629 right here when I need them, 232 00:09:34,162 --> 00:09:36,096 Is this the staff you were 233 00:09:36,196 --> 00:09:38,662 searching for? Charmcaster: [ groans ] 234 00:09:38,762 --> 00:09:40,129 Hex: I am unbeatable within 235 00:09:40,229 --> 00:09:41,996 these walls, Charmcaster! 236 00:09:42,096 --> 00:09:44,929 This is pointless, child, Give it up, 237 00:09:45,029 --> 00:09:46,796 Build a life here, with me, 238 00:09:46,896 --> 00:09:49,896 We can be a family again, Charmcaster: Life? 239 00:09:49,996 --> 00:09:57,029 [ chuckles ] I had a life once, But then he took it from me! 240 00:09:57,129 --> 00:09:59,696 What do you mean, which one am I talking about?! 241 00:09:59,796 --> 00:10:01,629 Both! Neither! 242 00:10:03,429 --> 00:10:05,029 Aaaah! 243 00:10:05,129 --> 00:10:07,696 Aaaaaaaaaah! 244 00:10:18,196 --> 00:10:20,096 Rook: Two secret car elevators, 245 00:10:20,196 --> 00:10:21,896 Galvan fuel injectors, 246 00:10:21,996 --> 00:10:24,062 Appoplexian cold-burning nitrus, 247 00:10:24,162 --> 00:10:26,096 Your setup is very high in 248 00:10:26,196 --> 00:10:27,762 sugar, indeed, 249 00:10:27,862 --> 00:10:29,396 Kevin: Just say "sweet," dude, 250 00:10:29,496 --> 00:10:30,862 And let me guess -- you're 251 00:10:30,962 --> 00:10:32,396 wondering how I can afford all 252 00:10:32,496 --> 00:10:35,129 this when I lost my job at the garage? 253 00:10:35,229 --> 00:10:37,462 Rook: The thought had crossed my mind, 254 00:10:37,562 --> 00:10:39,896 Kevin: Relax, Plumber boy, Everything's legit, 255 00:10:39,996 --> 00:10:44,162 Remember when I won the Taydenite wheels from Warlord Gar? 256 00:10:46,996 --> 00:10:48,962 [ whirring ] 257 00:10:49,062 --> 00:10:51,429 Rook: I see, You turn into Taydenite, the one 258 00:10:51,529 --> 00:10:54,362 substance in the universe hard enough to cut Taydenite, 259 00:10:54,462 --> 00:10:56,762 And since pure Taydenite is worth a fortune,,, 260 00:10:56,862 --> 00:11:02,629 Kevin: Exactly, As long as I have this baby, I'm living on easy street, 261 00:11:02,729 --> 00:11:03,962 Rook: And now that you have 262 00:11:04,062 --> 00:11:05,696 secured a certain largess, you 263 00:11:05,796 --> 00:11:07,196 mean to modify your own car to 264 00:11:07,296 --> 00:11:09,896 be practically indestructible by Ben or his aliens? 265 00:11:09,996 --> 00:11:12,762 Kevin: Yeah, Pretty smart, right? 266 00:11:12,862 --> 00:11:14,396 Rook: We will have to replace 267 00:11:14,496 --> 00:11:16,896 the frame, a few coats of Pyronite wax for resisting 268 00:11:16,996 --> 00:11:20,462 extreme temperatures, Orishan glass for multiple atmospheres, 269 00:11:20,562 --> 00:11:24,429 and some new way to resist high-explosive yields, 270 00:11:24,529 --> 00:11:25,696 Kevin: Mm-hmm, 271 00:11:25,796 --> 00:11:27,096 Rook: It is a monumental 272 00:11:27,196 --> 00:11:29,529 task -- perhaps altogether impossible, 273 00:11:29,629 --> 00:11:31,829 Kevin: That mean you're out? Rook: No, 274 00:11:31,929 --> 00:11:33,229 I was just pointing out how much 275 00:11:33,329 --> 00:11:35,096 fun this is going to be, 276 00:11:37,762 --> 00:11:39,629 Hex: I'd like to remind my 277 00:11:39,729 --> 00:11:41,062 students -- the ones actually 278 00:11:41,162 --> 00:11:42,862 taking this class -- to pick up 279 00:11:42,962 --> 00:11:45,529 their graded quizzes before they go, 280 00:11:45,629 --> 00:11:48,562 Ben: He's gonna do something evil any minute now, I know it! 281 00:11:48,662 --> 00:11:51,162 Gwen: I'm telling you, he's not, 282 00:11:51,262 --> 00:11:52,696 Professor Hex isn't evil, 283 00:11:52,796 --> 00:11:55,696 He's just a,,,bad dresser, 284 00:11:55,796 --> 00:11:56,929 B-plus?! 285 00:11:57,029 --> 00:11:59,996 Oh, that is evil, 286 00:12:04,529 --> 00:12:06,962 Charmcaster: A protection spell, 287 00:12:07,062 --> 00:12:10,129 How maddeningly like my worthless uncle, 288 00:12:11,329 --> 00:12:14,396 No one can enter Hex's library without his presence, 289 00:12:14,496 --> 00:12:18,696 Well, I can't go in there when he is, Duh! 290 00:12:18,796 --> 00:12:20,396 Uncle Hex is all-powerful in his 291 00:12:20,496 --> 00:12:22,062 library, like you used to be in 292 00:12:22,162 --> 00:12:24,162 Legerdomain before I -- 293 00:12:26,762 --> 00:12:27,829 Kevin: Here goes nothing, 294 00:12:27,929 --> 00:12:28,829 Zed: [ whines ] 295 00:12:28,929 --> 00:12:30,629 [ buzzer ] 296 00:12:37,662 --> 00:12:39,162 [ buzzer ] 297 00:12:40,696 --> 00:12:42,029 [ buzzer ] 298 00:12:42,129 --> 00:12:43,562 [ buzzer ] 299 00:12:43,662 --> 00:12:45,796 [ buzzer ] 300 00:12:45,896 --> 00:12:47,729 [ buzzer ] 301 00:12:57,796 --> 00:12:59,696 both: All right! 302 00:12:59,796 --> 00:13:00,862 Kevin: Let's take this to 303 00:13:00,962 --> 00:13:02,696 another level, 304 00:13:02,796 --> 00:13:05,096 [ door opens, closes ] 305 00:13:05,196 --> 00:13:07,096 There you are, Hex, 306 00:13:07,196 --> 00:13:09,096 I've been looking all over to 307 00:13:09,196 --> 00:13:10,662 share that tea, 308 00:13:10,762 --> 00:13:11,896 Hex: Helena, I'm flattered, 309 00:13:11,996 --> 00:13:14,296 but this really isn't the best -- 310 00:13:27,096 --> 00:13:28,896 Excuse me, young lady, 311 00:13:28,996 --> 00:13:30,862 You've not seen Professor Hex 312 00:13:30,962 --> 00:13:32,629 around, by chance? 313 00:13:32,729 --> 00:13:34,429 We two had,,,a-an engagement, 314 00:13:34,529 --> 00:13:37,496 Charmcaster: Mm, You just missed him, 315 00:13:37,596 --> 00:13:40,662 [ bell tolling ] 316 00:13:40,762 --> 00:13:42,996 [ indistinct talking ] 317 00:13:48,262 --> 00:13:50,229 Eye Guy: Ah! Aah! 318 00:13:50,329 --> 00:13:52,329 Lucky Girl: Really? You're the walking eyeball 319 00:13:52,429 --> 00:13:54,029 monster, and I scared you? 320 00:13:54,129 --> 00:13:56,462 Eye Guy: I didn't expect to see you here, 321 00:13:56,562 --> 00:13:58,396 Don't you have your favorite class now? 322 00:13:58,496 --> 00:14:01,496 Lucky Girl: Cancelled, Professor Hex didn't show up, 323 00:14:01,596 --> 00:14:04,462 Eye Guy: Sounds pretty suspicious, 324 00:14:04,562 --> 00:14:06,796 Lucky Girl: Maybe he just has the flu, 325 00:14:06,896 --> 00:14:09,096 [ Omnitrix powers down ] 326 00:14:11,096 --> 00:14:12,062 Maybe not, 327 00:14:12,162 --> 00:14:13,229 Lucky Girl! 328 00:14:13,329 --> 00:14:15,696 Have you seen professor Hex? 329 00:14:15,796 --> 00:14:18,696 We had an,,,appointment, 330 00:14:18,796 --> 00:14:19,896 Lucky Girl: Uh, no, citizen, 331 00:14:19,996 --> 00:14:22,329 But I'll keep a sharp lookout for him, 332 00:14:22,429 --> 00:14:23,729 Promise, 333 00:14:23,829 --> 00:14:25,129 Thank you, darling, 334 00:14:25,229 --> 00:14:29,662 Such a well-mannered young woman you are, 335 00:14:29,762 --> 00:14:32,129 Oh, Hex, darling! Yoo-hoo! 336 00:14:32,229 --> 00:14:33,462 Lucky Girl: This campus just 337 00:14:33,562 --> 00:14:36,362 keeps getting weirder and weirder, 338 00:14:42,329 --> 00:14:43,796 Rook: Are we sure this 339 00:14:43,896 --> 00:14:46,396 scratch was not present before? 340 00:14:46,496 --> 00:14:49,096 Then our work is not done, 341 00:14:54,796 --> 00:14:56,429 Charmcaster: Oh, Uncle Hex, 342 00:14:56,529 --> 00:15:00,696 Your reputation always did open doors for me, 343 00:15:00,796 --> 00:15:02,229 [ click ] 344 00:15:06,796 --> 00:15:09,062 O,,,M,,,G, 345 00:15:09,162 --> 00:15:10,729 This is so exciting! 346 00:15:10,829 --> 00:15:12,462 Can you even stand it? 347 00:15:12,562 --> 00:15:15,762 Okay, now, If I were a Staff of Eldritch 348 00:15:15,862 --> 00:15:19,196 Power, where would I be? 349 00:15:28,762 --> 00:15:30,096 Jackpot, 350 00:15:40,196 --> 00:15:42,096 [ rattling ] 351 00:15:43,762 --> 00:15:44,896 [ squeals ] 352 00:15:44,996 --> 00:15:46,596 The Staff of Ages! 353 00:15:46,696 --> 00:15:48,829 And it's all mine! 354 00:15:48,929 --> 00:15:50,862 This is my lucky -- Ugh! 355 00:15:50,962 --> 00:15:52,529 Lucky Girl: Stop this, Charmcaster! 356 00:15:52,629 --> 00:15:54,729 Your uncle says you're not a bad person, 357 00:15:54,829 --> 00:15:56,662 You're just,,,damaged, 358 00:15:56,762 --> 00:15:57,662 Charmcaster: [ grunts ] 359 00:15:57,762 --> 00:15:59,996 I'll show you damaged! 360 00:16:02,296 --> 00:16:04,229 Lucky Girl: [ gasps ] Is that,,,? 361 00:16:04,329 --> 00:16:05,862 Charmcaster: As long as I am 362 00:16:05,962 --> 00:16:07,696 with my dear Uncle Hex in his 363 00:16:07,796 --> 00:16:12,296 library, I am invincible! 364 00:16:15,062 --> 00:16:17,962 Lucky Girl: We'll see about that, 365 00:16:18,062 --> 00:16:20,096 Charmcaster: [ chuckles ] 366 00:16:21,996 --> 00:16:24,029 Lucky Girl: No! 367 00:16:35,696 --> 00:16:36,696 [ grunts ] 368 00:16:36,796 --> 00:16:38,929 Unh! 369 00:16:39,029 --> 00:16:40,696 Charmcaster: Yes, 370 00:16:40,796 --> 00:16:42,329 And now to squash little 371 00:16:42,429 --> 00:16:47,162 Miss Teacher's Pest once and for all, 372 00:16:51,796 --> 00:16:53,996 Lucky Girl: Aaaah! 373 00:16:55,762 --> 00:16:57,662 [ grunts ] 374 00:16:57,762 --> 00:16:59,029 [ panting ] 375 00:16:59,129 --> 00:17:01,329 Charmcaster: Already tired, Gwen? 376 00:17:01,429 --> 00:17:02,662 Oh! Or is it "Gwendolyn" now? 377 00:17:02,762 --> 00:17:04,529 I forget, 378 00:17:12,262 --> 00:17:13,962 Big mistake, Gwendolyn! 379 00:17:14,062 --> 00:17:17,629 Lucky Girl: Call me Lucky Girl! 380 00:17:19,462 --> 00:17:21,962 Kevin: Talpaedan impact resistance, 381 00:17:22,062 --> 00:17:24,162 Rook: Amperi electrical insulation, 382 00:17:24,262 --> 00:17:25,529 Kevin: Fireproof, 383 00:17:25,629 --> 00:17:26,496 Rook: Waterproof, 384 00:17:26,596 --> 00:17:27,596 Kevin: Bulletproof, 385 00:17:27,696 --> 00:17:28,696 Rook: Explosion-proof, 386 00:17:28,796 --> 00:17:30,662 Kevin: Everything-proof! 387 00:17:30,762 --> 00:17:31,762 both: Yes! 388 00:17:31,862 --> 00:17:33,696 Kevin: We did it, buddy, 389 00:17:33,796 --> 00:17:35,629 There's no way Ben or anyone in 390 00:17:35,729 --> 00:17:37,429 the galaxy can ever touch this 391 00:17:37,529 --> 00:17:38,729 beauty now, 392 00:17:42,362 --> 00:17:44,596 [ crickets chirping ] 393 00:17:44,696 --> 00:17:45,662 Rook: Magic, 394 00:17:45,762 --> 00:17:48,462 Kevin: I blame myself, 395 00:17:48,562 --> 00:17:52,029 Lucky Girl: Shield of the Seraphim! 396 00:17:53,729 --> 00:17:55,229 Song of the Elder Sign! 397 00:17:58,229 --> 00:18:00,396 Charmcaster: Protection spells, 398 00:18:00,496 --> 00:18:01,462 How quaint, 399 00:18:01,562 --> 00:18:04,462 I always was the better sorceress, 400 00:18:04,562 --> 00:18:05,396 Lucky Girl: Maybe, 401 00:18:05,496 --> 00:18:06,796 But if you were the better 402 00:18:06,896 --> 00:18:08,329 student, you would know that 403 00:18:08,429 --> 00:18:10,229 the invocation of the Wandering 404 00:18:10,329 --> 00:18:12,229 Eye,,, 405 00:18:12,329 --> 00:18:14,096 all: is an illusion spell, 406 00:18:14,196 --> 00:18:16,629 Charmcaster: Huh? 407 00:18:16,729 --> 00:18:19,029 Zed: [ growls ] 408 00:18:19,796 --> 00:18:21,696 Charmcaster: [ grunting ] 409 00:18:25,429 --> 00:18:27,396 That was your big play -- 410 00:18:27,496 --> 00:18:29,696 Steal Uncle Hex back from me? 411 00:18:29,796 --> 00:18:32,096 I don't need my uncle anymore to 412 00:18:32,196 --> 00:18:34,396 defeat you! 413 00:18:36,196 --> 00:18:37,462 Ghostfreak: Gwen, I've been 414 00:18:37,562 --> 00:18:40,129 all over campus, and there's no sign of -- 415 00:18:40,229 --> 00:18:42,262 Hey! There she is! 416 00:18:42,362 --> 00:18:43,996 Lucky Girl: Not helpful, Ben, 417 00:18:44,096 --> 00:18:45,629 Charmcaster: Aaaaah! 418 00:18:45,729 --> 00:18:48,696 [ grunts ] 419 00:18:48,796 --> 00:18:51,029 Lucky Girl: Aaaaah! 420 00:18:52,596 --> 00:18:53,729 [ bats squeak ] 421 00:18:53,829 --> 00:18:56,629 Kevin: Charmcaster and the rock bats, 422 00:18:56,729 --> 00:18:58,529 Sounds like a band name, 423 00:19:05,162 --> 00:19:06,396 Rook: It is no use, 424 00:19:06,496 --> 00:19:08,329 Charmcaster's magic is too powerful, 425 00:19:08,429 --> 00:19:10,696 Ghostfreak: Why aren't we ending this? 426 00:19:10,796 --> 00:19:12,696 Kevin: Be my guest, Tennyson, 427 00:19:12,796 --> 00:19:14,029 Nobody can get near her, 428 00:19:14,129 --> 00:19:15,229 Ghostfreak: Hmm, 429 00:19:15,329 --> 00:19:17,296 Maybe no body can, but 430 00:19:17,396 --> 00:19:20,229 Ghostfreak doesn't have a body! 431 00:19:22,462 --> 00:19:24,696 Lucky Girl: Drive her back into the library, 432 00:19:24,796 --> 00:19:26,396 Kevin: Uh, G, please tell me 433 00:19:26,496 --> 00:19:28,096 there's an "and then" to that 434 00:19:28,196 --> 00:19:29,462 idea, 'cause isn't the library 435 00:19:29,562 --> 00:19:32,129 where all of Hex's magic books are? 436 00:19:32,229 --> 00:19:33,229 Lucky Girl: Just do it, 437 00:19:33,329 --> 00:19:35,062 I'll handle the rest, 438 00:19:35,162 --> 00:19:37,162 Chant of Toth! 439 00:19:37,262 --> 00:19:38,629 Charmcaster: Ooh! 440 00:19:38,729 --> 00:19:41,162 You would make a nice totem, 441 00:19:43,496 --> 00:19:45,562 Ghostfreak: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah! 442 00:19:48,496 --> 00:19:49,896 Aaaah! 443 00:19:49,996 --> 00:19:51,729 [ groans ] 444 00:19:54,329 --> 00:19:56,162 Charmcaster: Unh! 445 00:19:58,196 --> 00:20:01,762 [ chuckles ] Is this your way of saying you give up? 446 00:20:01,862 --> 00:20:03,596 I blasted you out of here once, 447 00:20:03,696 --> 00:20:04,696 and I'll do it again! 448 00:20:04,796 --> 00:20:06,029 Lucky Girl: Really? 449 00:20:06,129 --> 00:20:07,496 Because last time, you had 450 00:20:07,596 --> 00:20:08,529 access to this place's 451 00:20:08,629 --> 00:20:10,029 protector, 452 00:20:10,129 --> 00:20:11,696 This time, I do, 453 00:20:11,796 --> 00:20:14,729 So in here, that makes me all-powerful! 454 00:20:14,829 --> 00:20:16,129 Charmcaster: No! 455 00:20:16,229 --> 00:20:18,562 No! [ panting ] 456 00:20:18,662 --> 00:20:21,296 You think you're so smart? Lucky Girl: Yeah, kinda, 457 00:20:21,396 --> 00:20:23,696 Only one of us actually goes to this school, 458 00:20:23,796 --> 00:20:25,996 Charmcaster: [ growls ] 459 00:20:34,796 --> 00:20:36,162 Aaaaaaaaaaaaah! 460 00:20:38,762 --> 00:20:40,462 This isn't over! 461 00:20:42,662 --> 00:20:44,162 No!! 462 00:20:46,729 --> 00:20:48,162 Lucky Girl: It never is, 463 00:20:48,262 --> 00:20:49,396 Ben: Well, there's something 464 00:20:49,496 --> 00:20:51,262 you definitely don't see every day, 465 00:20:51,362 --> 00:20:53,129 Kevin: Yeah, unless you're us, 466 00:20:53,229 --> 00:20:55,362 Rook: And Charmcaster? She is gone? 467 00:20:55,462 --> 00:20:58,396 Lucky Girl: Not without a parting threat, but I'm not worried, 468 00:20:58,496 --> 00:21:00,396 She'll have a lot more to deal with next time, 469 00:21:00,496 --> 00:21:02,462 Kevin: What's that supposed to mean? 470 00:21:02,562 --> 00:21:04,696 Rook: I see, Charmcaster leaving this 471 00:21:04,796 --> 00:21:09,629 dimension with the Hex totem left a magical vacuum in this realm, 472 00:21:09,729 --> 00:21:11,029 Lucky Girl: Hex's library and 473 00:21:11,129 --> 00:21:12,329 everything in it is mine now, 474 00:21:12,429 --> 00:21:13,729 It's a big responsibility, 475 00:21:13,829 --> 00:21:15,362 I just,,,wish I didn't have to 476 00:21:15,462 --> 00:21:17,029 lose my favorite teacher to 477 00:21:17,129 --> 00:21:19,696 finally get myself a real secret lair on campus, 478 00:21:19,796 --> 00:21:25,062 Ben: Hmm, New secret lair, and we defeated Charmcaster, Not a bad day's work, 479 00:21:25,162 --> 00:21:28,696 Rook: If you do not count all of the destruction to university property, 480 00:21:28,796 --> 00:21:30,696 Kevin: [ sniffles ] 481 00:21:30,796 --> 00:21:32,162 Lucky Girl: Kevin? 482 00:21:32,262 --> 00:21:34,329 Are you,,,crying? Kevin: No, 483 00:21:34,429 --> 00:21:36,629 No, I, uh,,, [ coughs ] 484 00:21:36,729 --> 00:21:37,996 I have allergies, 485 00:21:38,096 --> 00:21:39,629 Rook: Look on the bright 486 00:21:39,729 --> 00:21:41,196 side -- now you have an excuse 487 00:21:41,296 --> 00:21:42,662 to go back to the auto show, 488 00:21:42,762 --> 00:21:44,396 Kevin: Hey! That's right! 489 00:21:44,496 --> 00:21:46,196 What do you say, Rook? Give me a lift? 490 00:21:46,296 --> 00:21:49,296 Rook: It would be my pleasure, 491 00:21:49,396 --> 00:21:52,496 Ben: Hey! How am I supposed to get back to Bellwood? 492 00:21:52,596 --> 00:21:54,029 [ door closes ] 493 00:21:59,462 --> 00:22:01,096 [ beep ] 494 00:22:01,196 --> 00:22:03,162 Walkatrout: Figures,