1 00:00:08,717 --> 00:00:10,417 Watch out, now, for hijackers, 2 00:00:10,417 --> 00:00:12,817 The last three shipments of alien tech were hijacked, 3 00:00:12,817 --> 00:00:15,150 I don't want to get hijacked, 4 00:00:17,183 --> 00:00:18,983 [ tires screech ] 5 00:00:18,983 --> 00:00:20,650 [ brakes hiss ] 6 00:00:20,650 --> 00:00:23,583 Hey, look! It's Ben Tennyson! 7 00:00:23,583 --> 00:00:25,317 [ grunting ] 8 00:00:29,450 --> 00:00:31,483 Corvo: You are getting hijacked, 9 00:00:31,483 --> 00:00:35,050 Solid Plugg: Yeah, Do what you're told, and you won't be hurt, 10 00:00:35,050 --> 00:00:38,150 Fistrick: 110, 111, 112,,, 11 00:00:38,150 --> 00:00:41,050 [ tires screech, brakes hiss ] 12 00:00:41,050 --> 00:00:42,583 Liam: [ clucking ] 13 00:00:42,583 --> 00:00:43,950 Let's go! 14 00:00:54,750 --> 00:00:57,817 Fistrick: Thank you for you generous bro-nation, 15 00:00:57,817 --> 00:00:58,983 [ laughs ] 16 00:00:58,983 --> 00:01:01,683 [ truck door closes, tires squeal ] 17 00:01:04,817 --> 00:01:06,250 ♪ Ben 10 ♪ 18 00:01:06,250 --> 00:01:08,250 ♪ He's a kid, and he wants to have fun ♪ 19 00:01:08,250 --> 00:01:10,417 ♪ But when you need a superhero, he gets the job done ♪ 20 00:01:10,417 --> 00:01:11,683 ♪ Ben 10 ♪ 21 00:01:11,683 --> 00:01:13,650 ♪ With a device that he wears on his arm ♪ 22 00:01:13,650 --> 00:01:15,217 ♪ He can change his shape and save the world from harm ♪ 23 00:01:15,217 --> 00:01:16,517 ♪ When trouble's taking place ♪ 24 00:01:16,517 --> 00:01:17,917 ♪ He gets right in its face ♪ 25 00:01:17,917 --> 00:01:19,417 ♪ Ben 10 ♪ 26 00:01:19,417 --> 00:01:21,183 ♪ When lives are on the line ♪ 27 00:01:21,183 --> 00:01:22,383 ♪ It's hero time ♪ 28 00:01:22,383 --> 00:01:23,583 ♪ Ben 10 ♪ 29 00:01:29,283 --> 00:01:31,217 Max: Don't take it personally, Ben, 30 00:01:31,217 --> 00:01:33,050 They're just ringin' your chimes, 31 00:01:33,050 --> 00:01:35,183 Ben: How could I not take it personally? 32 00:01:35,183 --> 00:01:38,783 That's my face -- my personal face! 33 00:01:38,783 --> 00:01:42,017 Rook: It is difficult to know if you are being serious when 34 00:01:42,017 --> 00:01:44,450 chili fries are flying out of your mouth, 35 00:01:44,450 --> 00:01:47,083 Ben: This is angry eating, Rook, 36 00:01:47,083 --> 00:01:49,350 Rook: I see, You are destroying yourself from 37 00:01:49,350 --> 00:01:51,617 the inside to match your inner anger, 38 00:01:51,617 --> 00:01:53,783 Ben: Exactly, Huh? 39 00:01:53,783 --> 00:01:55,150 Max: Hey, look close, 40 00:01:55,150 --> 00:01:56,583 Four hijackings in Undertown, 41 00:01:56,583 --> 00:01:58,317 and we haven't got a clue, 42 00:02:00,017 --> 00:02:04,017 Ben: Hey, this one's giving the orders while doing curls, 43 00:02:04,017 --> 00:02:06,117 Who does that? 44 00:02:06,117 --> 00:02:07,417 Both: Fistrick, 45 00:02:07,417 --> 00:02:09,350 Ben: Jinx! You owe me some chili fries, 46 00:02:09,350 --> 00:02:12,350 Rook: On what planet does this jinx law apply? Surely not earth, 47 00:02:12,350 --> 00:02:15,050 Ben: I got it, I'll go undercover, 48 00:02:15,050 --> 00:02:17,717 get close to Fistrick, and catch him in the act, 49 00:02:17,717 --> 00:02:19,650 Then,,, what? 50 00:02:19,650 --> 00:02:24,650 Max: Undercover work takes self-control, Ben -- a lot of self-control, 51 00:02:24,650 --> 00:02:26,050 Ben: I have self-control, 52 00:02:26,050 --> 00:02:29,483 Rook: Your food choices say otherwise, 53 00:02:29,483 --> 00:02:30,617 Ben: Trust me -- 54 00:02:30,617 --> 00:02:32,450 I've got this, 55 00:02:32,450 --> 00:02:33,650 Eh,,,just one more, 56 00:02:33,650 --> 00:02:36,017 [ chomps ] 57 00:02:36,017 --> 00:02:39,583 Ow! Ow! Is that it? Blukic: Yep, 58 00:02:39,583 --> 00:02:43,117 Driba: The next time you transform, you'll lock into the 59 00:02:43,117 --> 00:02:47,017 DNA of whichever alien you choose until you remove the lock 60 00:02:47,017 --> 00:02:48,250 with a verbal code, 61 00:02:48,250 --> 00:02:50,750 Then you can just transform as usual, 62 00:02:50,750 --> 00:02:54,183 Blukic: But to revert back to your original DNA lock, 63 00:02:54,183 --> 00:02:57,150 use the verbal code again, Got it? 64 00:02:57,150 --> 00:02:59,383 Ben: I think so, What's the verbal-unlock code? 65 00:02:59,383 --> 00:03:03,083 Driba: It's the first thing you said after we locked it, 66 00:03:03,083 --> 00:03:04,083 Wasn't that clear? 67 00:03:04,083 --> 00:03:05,650 Ben: "Is that it?" 68 00:03:05,650 --> 00:03:07,117 Unlock code accepted, 69 00:03:07,117 --> 00:03:10,117 Blukic: No! Not before you transform! 70 00:03:10,117 --> 00:03:14,483 Driba: [ sighs ] Well, now we have to initialize it again! 71 00:03:14,483 --> 00:03:16,383 Ben: Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! 72 00:03:20,583 --> 00:03:22,250 [ beep ] 73 00:03:22,250 --> 00:03:24,217 Rook: Perhaps this requires one of your more muscular transformations, 74 00:03:24,217 --> 00:03:27,117 Ben: What do you think I'm trying for? 75 00:03:27,117 --> 00:03:28,683 Come on, four arms! 76 00:03:28,683 --> 00:03:31,183 [ beep ] 77 00:03:31,183 --> 00:03:36,083 Rook: Four arms would've been an excellent choice, 78 00:03:36,083 --> 00:03:38,083 Remember -- self-control! 79 00:03:38,083 --> 00:03:40,583 Wildvine: [ groans ] 80 00:03:40,583 --> 00:03:42,517 [ door beeps ] 81 00:03:45,483 --> 00:03:48,617 Liam: [ clucking ] 82 00:03:48,617 --> 00:03:51,250 Corvo: [ grunting ] 83 00:03:55,250 --> 00:03:57,783 Wildvine: [ grunting ] 84 00:03:57,783 --> 00:03:59,183 Fistrick: You're new, bro, 85 00:03:59,183 --> 00:04:00,217 Wildvine: Yeah, 86 00:04:00,217 --> 00:04:01,950 I was lookin' for a new gym, 87 00:04:01,950 --> 00:04:05,517 Uh, like, workin' out is my life, 88 00:04:05,517 --> 00:04:08,083 Fistrick: [ chuckles ] I heard that, 89 00:04:08,083 --> 00:04:10,017 Welcome to my brojo, 90 00:04:10,017 --> 00:04:12,950 Grab a bench and knock out a few reps, 91 00:04:12,950 --> 00:04:15,117 Wildvine: [ chuckling ] Yeah, 92 00:04:15,117 --> 00:04:18,117 Yeah, I'm gonna,,,rep it up, 93 00:04:18,117 --> 00:04:20,117 Like, crazy rep, [ chuckles ] 94 00:04:20,117 --> 00:04:22,383 Corvo: [ grunting ] 95 00:04:26,483 --> 00:04:28,350 [ stomach rumbles ] 96 00:04:31,217 --> 00:04:32,917 Wildvine: Rook! Rook: Yes, Ben? 97 00:04:32,917 --> 00:04:36,050 Wildvine: Remember when you said you owed me chili fries? 98 00:04:36,050 --> 00:04:37,883 Rook: I never said that, 99 00:04:37,883 --> 00:04:41,783 Wildvine: Well, you're off the hook if you get me a meatball sub, 100 00:04:41,783 --> 00:04:43,183 Rook: A what? 101 00:04:43,183 --> 00:04:45,417 Wildvine: All these reps are making me hungry, 102 00:04:45,417 --> 00:04:48,117 [ clank ] 103 00:04:48,117 --> 00:04:50,983 Uh,,,I mean,,, 104 00:04:50,983 --> 00:04:51,983 got to carbo-load, 105 00:04:51,983 --> 00:04:53,517 [ chuckles ] Right? 106 00:04:53,517 --> 00:04:57,217 Solid Plugg: Now he's making me hungry, 107 00:04:57,217 --> 00:05:01,117 Wildvine: Okay, meatball sub -- regular, 108 00:05:01,117 --> 00:05:02,517 Don't let them talk you into the gloppenbeef, 109 00:05:02,517 --> 00:05:05,283 Corvo: Who are you talking to? 110 00:05:05,283 --> 00:05:08,283 Wildvine: [ chuckles ] uh,,,m-m-m-myself, 111 00:05:08,283 --> 00:05:12,050 I like to psych myself up while I'm workin' out, 112 00:05:12,050 --> 00:05:14,217 Corvo: Bro, who sent you? You're a plant! 113 00:05:14,217 --> 00:05:16,383 Solid Plugg: Of course he's a plant, 114 00:05:16,383 --> 00:05:19,483 Fistrick: Hey, This is a bro-centric gym, 115 00:05:19,483 --> 00:05:22,617 We're all brothers here, 116 00:05:22,617 --> 00:05:24,750 This guy ain't no redspot, 117 00:05:24,750 --> 00:05:27,017 Besides, we got nothin' to hide, 118 00:05:27,017 --> 00:05:31,217 I'm a legitimate businessman, right? 119 00:05:31,217 --> 00:05:33,083 Corvo: Oh, Right, 120 00:05:33,083 --> 00:05:35,217 Totally legitimate, 121 00:05:37,050 --> 00:05:38,383 Fistrick: Come on, 122 00:05:38,383 --> 00:05:40,817 These muscles ain't gonna build themselves, 123 00:05:40,817 --> 00:05:42,583 [ chime rings ] 124 00:05:46,550 --> 00:05:48,150 Rook: [ sniffs ] 125 00:05:48,150 --> 00:05:50,183 Fistrick: Hold it, Hold it! 126 00:05:50,183 --> 00:05:52,383 Time to play our super-sick game 127 00:05:52,383 --> 00:05:58,017 invented by me -- "who can lift the heaviest thing?" 128 00:05:58,017 --> 00:06:00,117 Wildvine: Really? 129 00:06:00,117 --> 00:06:03,017 Corvo: [ grunting ] 130 00:06:03,017 --> 00:06:06,350 Solid Plugg: Uh, watch this, 131 00:06:06,350 --> 00:06:08,483 [ grunts ] 132 00:06:08,483 --> 00:06:10,083 Liam: [ chuckles ] 133 00:06:10,083 --> 00:06:11,650 That's the best you can do? 134 00:06:11,650 --> 00:06:14,850 Fistrick: See, the path to the ultimate you is no joke, 135 00:06:14,850 --> 00:06:18,717 You got to be in peak condition to stimulate those good bromosomes, 136 00:06:18,717 --> 00:06:23,083 Wildvine: Oh, yeah, I'm all about the, uh, bromosomes, 137 00:06:23,083 --> 00:06:25,083 Liam: [ grunts ] 138 00:06:25,083 --> 00:06:27,750 Solid Plugg: What do you think of that, new guy? 139 00:06:27,750 --> 00:06:31,450 I bet you wish you had muscles instead of vines, 140 00:06:31,450 --> 00:06:32,383 Liam: [ squawks ] 141 00:06:32,383 --> 00:06:34,083 Wildvine: I'll take that bet, 142 00:06:34,083 --> 00:06:38,217 [ grunting ] 143 00:06:38,217 --> 00:06:39,883 Yeah, 144 00:06:39,883 --> 00:06:45,083 Solid Plugg: [ gasps ] Boss, this guy should go on our next,,,uh,,,workout, 145 00:06:45,083 --> 00:06:49,783 You know, the one with billions of weights, 146 00:06:49,783 --> 00:06:53,083 Fistrick: Plugg, make like a clam and dummy up, 147 00:06:53,083 --> 00:06:54,517 We have a winner! 148 00:06:54,517 --> 00:06:57,950 Bro, you lifted the heaviest thing -- this time, 149 00:06:57,950 --> 00:07:00,017 Wildvine: Thanks, bro, [ chuckles ] 150 00:07:00,017 --> 00:07:01,017 [ clank ] 151 00:07:01,017 --> 00:07:02,650 Um,,,I'm gonna go stretch my 152 00:07:02,650 --> 00:07:04,417 vines with some wind sprints, 153 00:07:04,417 --> 00:07:07,317 Uh, got to go get my cardio in, right? 154 00:07:07,317 --> 00:07:08,217 Oh, yeah, 155 00:07:08,217 --> 00:07:10,083 Rook: [ chomps ] 156 00:07:10,083 --> 00:07:11,950 [ knock on window ] 157 00:07:11,950 --> 00:07:16,117 Wildvine: I know Fistrick's next move -- a robbery at Billions Tower, 158 00:07:16,117 --> 00:07:18,183 Rook: [ muffled ] Billions b-bower? 159 00:07:18,183 --> 00:07:19,683 Wildvine: Sorry -- what? 160 00:07:19,683 --> 00:07:22,083 The words coming out of your mouth look like meatballs, 161 00:07:22,083 --> 00:07:23,083 Rook: [ gulps ] 162 00:07:23,083 --> 00:07:24,117 [ chuckles nervously ] 163 00:07:24,117 --> 00:07:26,250 Allow me to explain, 164 00:07:27,083 --> 00:07:28,983 I have nothing, 165 00:07:28,983 --> 00:07:31,117 Fistrick: Yo, I'm Ben 10, 166 00:07:31,117 --> 00:07:32,550 There's a "threat" to the 167 00:07:32,550 --> 00:07:36,217 wicked-sick space nose-cone deal you got up in here, 168 00:07:36,217 --> 00:07:38,117 Let me check on it, bro, 169 00:07:38,117 --> 00:07:40,550 Liam: [ clucking ] 170 00:07:43,450 --> 00:07:45,217 [ door beeps ] 171 00:07:46,850 --> 00:07:51,217 Solid Plugg: Hey, How are we getting this thing out of here? 172 00:07:51,217 --> 00:07:53,150 Fistrick: Hold up, bro, 173 00:07:53,150 --> 00:07:54,583 There's too many of us, 174 00:07:54,583 --> 00:07:55,783 Liam: [ clucking ] 175 00:07:55,783 --> 00:07:56,950 Corvo: 1, 2, 3, 4,,, 176 00:07:56,950 --> 00:07:59,017 Solid Plugg: This is confusing, 177 00:07:59,017 --> 00:08:02,317 Ben: Well, let me make it easy for you, 178 00:08:02,317 --> 00:08:04,717 [ beep ] 179 00:08:04,717 --> 00:08:10,050 Crashhopper: There, Now the real Ben looks like somebody else, 180 00:08:10,050 --> 00:08:12,250 Corvo: [ grunts ] 181 00:08:16,183 --> 00:08:18,017 Crashhopper: Solid Plugg? 182 00:08:18,017 --> 00:08:19,117 Solid Plugg: I know, 183 00:08:19,117 --> 00:08:21,583 I'm denser than I seem, 184 00:08:21,583 --> 00:08:22,617 Rook: [ grunts ] 185 00:08:22,617 --> 00:08:24,983 Crashhopper: [ grunts ] 186 00:08:24,983 --> 00:08:26,550 [ groans ] 187 00:08:26,550 --> 00:08:28,617 Fistrick: Now the way we tell who the real Ben 10 is,,, 188 00:08:28,617 --> 00:08:30,483 [ omnitrix powers down ] 189 00:08:31,583 --> 00:08:34,583 [ grunting ] 190 00:08:34,583 --> 00:08:37,450 ,,,the real one is paste, 191 00:08:41,020 --> 00:08:43,120 Fistrick: [ strained ] I'm gonna flatten you! 192 00:08:43,120 --> 00:08:44,287 [ alarm blaring ] 193 00:08:44,287 --> 00:08:45,287 Huh? 194 00:08:45,287 --> 00:08:46,653 You fried the alarm, right? 195 00:08:46,653 --> 00:08:48,587 Corvo: I did, but,,,I don't know, 196 00:08:48,587 --> 00:08:50,853 They must have, like, a regeneration circuit, 197 00:08:50,853 --> 00:08:52,953 Liam: [ clucks ] We got to bail now! 198 00:08:52,953 --> 00:08:55,587 Ben: [ groans ] Still timed out, 199 00:09:03,120 --> 00:09:06,487 Fistrick: Ben 10, you must've been doing squats or something, 200 00:09:06,487 --> 00:09:09,920 bro, 'cause the universe is smiling back today, 201 00:09:11,687 --> 00:09:14,187 Max: You should've reported in and let us assist, 202 00:09:14,187 --> 00:09:18,687 If they get a delivery system for that nose cone, Fistrick's spaceborne again, 203 00:09:18,687 --> 00:09:21,053 Ben: So go bring him in, Grandpa, 204 00:09:21,053 --> 00:09:25,587 Rook: Ben, if we arrest him now, we may never find that nose cone, 205 00:09:25,587 --> 00:09:27,553 The infinitum tip is irreplaceable, 206 00:09:27,553 --> 00:09:31,387 Ben: Fistrick may be a crook, but at least he doesn't yell at his bros, 207 00:09:31,387 --> 00:09:33,453 Max: I'm not your bro, 208 00:09:33,453 --> 00:09:36,353 Liam: [ clucks ] Fistrick: 274,,, 209 00:09:36,353 --> 00:09:37,553 Wildvine: [ grunting ] 210 00:09:37,553 --> 00:09:39,087 Fistrick: ,,,275, 211 00:09:39,087 --> 00:09:41,687 [ chuckles ] Killer set, bro, 212 00:09:41,687 --> 00:09:43,220 Wildvine: Yeah, bro, 213 00:09:43,220 --> 00:09:44,653 Really works up an appetite, 214 00:09:44,653 --> 00:09:47,853 [ chuckles ] want to grab some chili fries? 215 00:09:47,853 --> 00:09:50,087 Fistrick: That garbage? Come on! 216 00:09:50,087 --> 00:09:51,653 I envy you floraunas, 217 00:09:51,653 --> 00:09:56,420 You eat pure sunlight through the process of photo-simpleness, 218 00:09:56,420 --> 00:09:57,520 Liam: [ squawks ] 219 00:09:57,520 --> 00:09:59,253 Fistrick: Pure purity, bro, 220 00:09:59,253 --> 00:10:01,087 Wildvine: Exactly, 221 00:10:01,087 --> 00:10:03,653 [ chuckles ] I was just totally kidding you there, 222 00:10:03,653 --> 00:10:06,187 Fistrick: The healthiest diet is a pure diet, 223 00:10:06,187 --> 00:10:10,120 Seek pure-trification in all things, but mostly food, 224 00:10:10,120 --> 00:10:12,153 We are what we eat, right? 225 00:10:12,153 --> 00:10:13,287 So we are food, 226 00:10:13,287 --> 00:10:14,820 Wildvine: Ri-I-I-I-I-ght, 227 00:10:14,820 --> 00:10:16,120 [ chuckles ] 228 00:10:16,120 --> 00:10:19,187 Liam: [ clucks ] Hey, boss, ain't we goin' out soon? 229 00:10:19,187 --> 00:10:21,120 Fistrick: Right, Yeah, 230 00:10:21,120 --> 00:10:22,853 Okay, time to go, 231 00:10:22,853 --> 00:10:24,753 Wildvine: Uh, where -- where you goin'? 232 00:10:24,753 --> 00:10:26,820 Fistrick: Listen, you're a bro, 233 00:10:26,820 --> 00:10:30,887 You know how it is, A bro's got to have secrets sometimes, 234 00:10:30,887 --> 00:10:33,453 even from another bro -- for now, 235 00:10:33,453 --> 00:10:35,420 [ door beeps ] 236 00:10:37,120 --> 00:10:38,920 [ door opens ] 237 00:10:40,420 --> 00:10:44,287 Ben: At least undercover, I was working out when nothing happened, 238 00:10:44,287 --> 00:10:47,553 Rook: Surprise, partner! 239 00:10:47,553 --> 00:10:52,553 Ben: Yeah, I used to love those, but now they seem,,, gross, 240 00:10:52,553 --> 00:10:54,587 Rook: May I have yours? 241 00:10:56,920 --> 00:10:58,753 Ben: Slow down there, farm boy, 242 00:10:58,753 --> 00:11:02,653 Meatball subs are a sometime food, not an anytime food, 243 00:11:04,953 --> 00:11:06,120 Rook: Wait, 244 00:11:06,120 --> 00:11:08,220 They are not always food? 245 00:11:08,220 --> 00:11:09,520 Ben, are you -- 246 00:11:09,520 --> 00:11:11,487 Ben: No! I'm not too close to the case, 247 00:11:11,487 --> 00:11:13,253 Is it weird to care about nutrition? 248 00:11:13,253 --> 00:11:15,387 Rook: For you? Yes, 249 00:11:17,787 --> 00:11:19,220 [ beep ] 250 00:11:19,220 --> 00:11:20,287 [ tires squeal ] 251 00:11:20,287 --> 00:11:21,287 Ben: Ohh! 252 00:11:21,287 --> 00:11:22,887 How did we miss them?! 253 00:11:22,887 --> 00:11:24,687 [ tires squeal ] 254 00:11:39,087 --> 00:11:40,253 [ beep ] 255 00:11:40,253 --> 00:11:42,087 Come on, Omnitrix! Give me Fasttrack! 256 00:11:42,087 --> 00:11:43,853 [ beep ] 257 00:11:52,187 --> 00:11:53,253 [ grunts ] 258 00:11:53,253 --> 00:11:55,120 Feedback: Sorry, Sorry, 259 00:11:57,253 --> 00:11:59,120 [ growling ] 260 00:12:01,387 --> 00:12:03,187 [ yelps ] Feedback: Aah! 261 00:12:03,187 --> 00:12:05,753 [ panting ] 262 00:12:05,753 --> 00:12:08,120 Feedback: [ grunts ] Ow! Hey! 263 00:12:08,120 --> 00:12:09,820 [ grunts ] 264 00:12:09,820 --> 00:12:11,153 [ clank ] 265 00:12:13,253 --> 00:12:14,853 [ tires screech ] 266 00:12:14,853 --> 00:12:16,920 [ brakes hiss ] 267 00:12:21,553 --> 00:12:23,220 [ tires squeal ] 268 00:12:23,220 --> 00:12:25,487 Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah! 269 00:12:27,553 --> 00:12:30,487 Max: Are you getting too close to the case? 270 00:12:30,487 --> 00:12:34,587 Rook: Yes, You have been warned about getting too close to the case, 271 00:12:34,587 --> 00:12:37,687 Ben: Yeah, yeah, I'm late for my workout, 272 00:12:37,687 --> 00:12:40,820 Max: You are staying right here, 273 00:12:46,453 --> 00:12:48,287 Liam: [ clucks ] 274 00:12:48,287 --> 00:12:50,320 Wildvine: Uh,,,hey, 275 00:12:50,320 --> 00:12:51,553 Preppin' for a workout? 276 00:12:51,553 --> 00:12:53,220 Fistrick: Where you been? 277 00:12:53,220 --> 00:12:54,353 Wildvine: Around, 278 00:12:54,353 --> 00:12:56,020 You know [chuckles] Places, 279 00:12:56,020 --> 00:12:59,387 Fistrick: Well, you're welcome to stay, use the equipment, 280 00:12:59,387 --> 00:13:01,487 Unless you want to join us, 281 00:13:01,487 --> 00:13:03,753 You must've been curious by now, 282 00:13:03,753 --> 00:13:06,520 Wildvine: Eh,,,why not? 283 00:13:17,853 --> 00:13:18,820 Whoa, 284 00:13:18,820 --> 00:13:20,587 Fistrick: Pretty radical, right? 285 00:13:20,587 --> 00:13:21,853 You're one of us now, 286 00:13:21,853 --> 00:13:24,553 You got potential -- potential bro-ness, 287 00:13:24,553 --> 00:13:26,587 Wildvine: Thanks, 288 00:13:38,953 --> 00:13:42,153 Fistrick: This workout's in orbit, behind a force field and 289 00:13:42,153 --> 00:13:45,387 laser-defense grid that'd shoot down anything with an engine, 290 00:13:45,387 --> 00:13:47,420 Liam: Ignition! 291 00:13:51,620 --> 00:13:53,153 Fistrick: Sick, right? 292 00:13:53,153 --> 00:13:56,087 Wildvine: Uh, did you say something about a,,,force field? 293 00:13:56,087 --> 00:13:57,953 Liam: Bros away! 294 00:14:02,253 --> 00:14:03,953 [ clucks ] 295 00:14:10,720 --> 00:14:13,353 Fistrick: Yeah -- that force field, 296 00:14:13,353 --> 00:14:15,487 Wildvine: Are you whack-a-doo? 297 00:14:15,487 --> 00:14:18,487 When we hit, everyone on that ship is doomed! 298 00:14:18,487 --> 00:14:20,620 Fistrick: Relax, It's fully automated, 299 00:14:20,620 --> 00:14:23,187 The crew's all chillaxing in Undertown, waiting for a refuel, 300 00:14:23,187 --> 00:14:25,720 Wildvine: You sure we're gonna survive? 301 00:14:25,720 --> 00:14:27,553 Fistrick: Kinda sure, bro, 302 00:14:27,553 --> 00:14:29,053 Aaaaaaaaaaah! 303 00:14:29,053 --> 00:14:30,053 Wildvine: Aah! 304 00:14:30,053 --> 00:14:31,653 Liam: [ clucks ] 305 00:14:36,187 --> 00:14:38,420 [ all grunt ] 306 00:14:40,953 --> 00:14:42,787 [ beeping ] 307 00:14:46,287 --> 00:14:48,120 [ all chuckling ] 308 00:14:50,620 --> 00:14:52,687 Wildvine: What do you need those for? 309 00:14:52,687 --> 00:14:53,853 You said it was unmanned, 310 00:14:53,853 --> 00:14:58,220 Solid Plugg: Security cameras, 311 00:14:58,220 --> 00:14:59,687 Put yours on, 312 00:14:59,687 --> 00:15:02,553 Fistrick: You're in with us, bro -- all the way, 313 00:15:02,553 --> 00:15:05,687 Wildvine: All the way, Huh, Gotcha, 314 00:15:11,887 --> 00:15:13,420 [ doors hiss ] 315 00:15:17,120 --> 00:15:19,453 [ device whirring ] 316 00:15:19,453 --> 00:15:22,620 Wildvine: Plants? 317 00:15:22,620 --> 00:15:24,087 Should I be offended? 318 00:15:24,087 --> 00:15:25,553 Fistrick: Bulking fronds, 319 00:15:25,553 --> 00:15:27,853 They only grow in artificial gravity, 320 00:15:27,853 --> 00:15:33,920 Highly valuable, super-nutritious -- the perfect workout fuel, bro, 321 00:15:33,920 --> 00:15:35,920 [ charger beeping ] 322 00:15:39,687 --> 00:15:42,420 Solid Plugg: Uh, we got it all, boss, 323 00:15:42,420 --> 00:15:44,853 Corvo: The explosive chargers are set, 324 00:15:44,853 --> 00:15:46,820 Fistrick: That's to cover our tracks, 325 00:15:46,820 --> 00:15:49,053 Wildvine: We can't reuse that rocket, 326 00:15:49,053 --> 00:15:50,287 How are we leaving? 327 00:15:50,287 --> 00:15:52,887 Fistrick: You're gonna love it, 328 00:16:02,920 --> 00:16:04,587 Liam: [ clucks ] 329 00:16:07,753 --> 00:16:11,303 Wildvine: Oh, those suits are protection for re-entry, 330 00:16:11,303 --> 00:16:15,937 Solid Plugg: This kid's pretty smart, 331 00:16:15,937 --> 00:16:17,203 Wildvine: Uh, where's mine? 332 00:16:17,203 --> 00:16:20,303 Liam: [ cluckles ] Not that smart, 333 00:16:20,303 --> 00:16:23,237 Fistrick: You don't need one, Tennyson, 334 00:16:23,237 --> 00:16:24,770 Wildvine: [ gasps ] 335 00:16:28,337 --> 00:16:31,237 Wildvine: You figured out who I am? 336 00:16:31,237 --> 00:16:32,770 Fistrick: Come on, Ben Tennyson, 337 00:16:32,770 --> 00:16:35,403 You think I'm mentally in-composted or something? 338 00:16:35,403 --> 00:16:38,503 Wildvine: Aw! Can't believe I blew my own cover! 339 00:16:38,503 --> 00:16:42,537 Fistrick: Bro, you got too close to the case, 340 00:16:42,537 --> 00:16:43,637 [ grunts ] 341 00:16:43,637 --> 00:16:46,737 Hey! Quit it! We got us some insurance, 342 00:16:49,870 --> 00:16:51,103 Wildvine: Rook! 343 00:16:51,103 --> 00:16:52,637 If you hurt him, Fistrick -- 344 00:16:52,637 --> 00:16:55,970 Fistrick: I saved his life when I took this from him, 345 00:16:55,970 --> 00:16:57,770 The way I see it, we're even, 346 00:16:57,770 --> 00:17:01,637 Liam: That's totally sick, boss, but we're gonna miss our window, 347 00:17:01,637 --> 00:17:02,803 Fistrick: Do it! 348 00:17:06,070 --> 00:17:09,003 Your bro's under the hydroponics, 349 00:17:09,003 --> 00:17:11,570 Save him or fight me -- your choice, 350 00:17:11,570 --> 00:17:14,503 [ muffled ] Or should I say, your dilemmon, 351 00:17:16,337 --> 00:17:19,503 For what it's worth, I tried to go straight, 352 00:17:19,503 --> 00:17:23,737 But you know how much this stuff goes for retail? 353 00:17:27,037 --> 00:17:28,337 Wildvine: Is that it? 354 00:17:28,337 --> 00:17:29,870 Unlock code accepted, 355 00:17:29,870 --> 00:17:31,003 [ omnitrix powers down ] 356 00:17:31,003 --> 00:17:32,703 Ben: No! I meant -- 357 00:17:32,703 --> 00:17:34,537 [ groans ] Forget it! 358 00:17:37,537 --> 00:17:39,437 [ panting ] 359 00:17:41,570 --> 00:17:42,703 [ beep ] 360 00:17:42,703 --> 00:17:44,037 Rook! 361 00:17:45,303 --> 00:17:47,070 We got to go! Come on! 362 00:17:47,070 --> 00:17:48,570 [ beep ] 363 00:18:01,003 --> 00:18:02,803 [ helmet beeping ] 364 00:18:10,437 --> 00:18:12,370 Corvo: Yeah, man! Ha ha! 365 00:18:12,370 --> 00:18:15,170 Fistrick: [ chuckling ] Yeah, bro! 366 00:18:18,170 --> 00:18:19,570 Rook: Hang tight, Ben! 367 00:18:19,570 --> 00:18:24,170 Bloxx: Says the guy whose butt isn't on fire, 368 00:18:24,170 --> 00:18:25,170 [ omnitrix powers down ] 369 00:18:25,170 --> 00:18:27,803 Rook: Huh? 370 00:18:27,803 --> 00:18:29,103 [ both scream ] 371 00:18:29,103 --> 00:18:30,270 Ben: That's better, 372 00:18:30,270 --> 00:18:32,137 Rook: In what way? 373 00:18:32,137 --> 00:18:35,470 Ben: Relax, As soon as the omnitrix is ready again, I'll fly us home, 374 00:18:35,470 --> 00:18:38,370 [ beep ] 375 00:18:38,370 --> 00:18:41,237 Mole-Stache: I say, mole-stache? 376 00:18:41,237 --> 00:18:43,203 This is quite unprecedented, 377 00:18:43,203 --> 00:18:45,503 Aha! I caught an updraft! 378 00:18:49,837 --> 00:18:50,870 Corvo: Aaah! 379 00:18:50,870 --> 00:18:52,570 Solid Plugg: Ungh! 380 00:18:54,403 --> 00:18:57,170 Fistrick: No! My bulkin' fronds! 381 00:19:00,637 --> 00:19:01,803 Liam: [ clucks ] 382 00:19:11,337 --> 00:19:13,503 Fistrick: [ gasps ] 383 00:19:28,337 --> 00:19:31,070 Liam: [ clucks ] Fistrick: Huh? 384 00:19:35,670 --> 00:19:39,970 Mole-Stache: Sir, you leave me no choice but to pummel you, 385 00:19:39,970 --> 00:19:41,603 Fistrick: Aaaaaaaaaah-- Unh! Unh! 386 00:19:41,603 --> 00:19:45,203 Mole-Stache: [ chuckles ] Et là! quite close, that, 387 00:19:45,203 --> 00:19:47,270 Fistrick: Uhaaaaaaaaah! Unh! 388 00:19:47,270 --> 00:19:48,803 [ truck door opens ] 389 00:19:48,803 --> 00:19:49,803 [ engine turns over ] 390 00:19:49,803 --> 00:19:51,737 See ya, bro! 391 00:19:52,870 --> 00:19:55,170 Mole-Stache: [ grunting ] 392 00:19:56,970 --> 00:19:58,903 Fistrick: Uhaaaaah! 393 00:19:58,903 --> 00:20:01,703 [ groaning ] Nice 'stache, bro, 394 00:20:01,703 --> 00:20:06,237 [ omnitrix powers down ] 395 00:20:06,237 --> 00:20:08,837 Ben: [ groans ] I am so sick of you and "bro" and your bros and being your bro 396 00:20:08,837 --> 00:20:14,337 and watching what I eat and working out and nutritional supplements! 397 00:20:14,337 --> 00:20:17,203 Fistrick: Don't deny your bromosomes, 398 00:20:17,203 --> 00:20:19,370 You are what you eat, bro, 399 00:20:21,437 --> 00:20:25,137 Ben: Stop saying "bro," bro! I mean,,,dude, 400 00:20:25,137 --> 00:20:27,037 The only thing my bromosomes are 401 00:20:27,037 --> 00:20:32,070 telling me is to hand you over and bag me some chili fries! 402 00:20:33,337 --> 00:20:35,637 Fistrick: Ugh, Vaya con carne, 403 00:20:35,637 --> 00:20:40,403 Max: Ben, you took a lot of chances, but I can't argue with results, 404 00:20:40,403 --> 00:20:46,503 Aw, who am I kidding? Omnitrix or not, you step that far out of line again, and I will,,, 405 00:20:46,503 --> 00:20:51,637 I'll have your dad ship you off to a military academy! 406 00:20:51,637 --> 00:20:53,937 Ben: Whoa, 407 00:20:53,937 --> 00:20:55,770 [ chomping ] 408 00:21:01,537 --> 00:21:02,370 Rook: Hello, 409 00:21:02,370 --> 00:21:03,970 A meatball sub, please, 410 00:21:03,970 --> 00:21:07,170 We don't make meatball subs, sir, 411 00:21:08,737 --> 00:21:10,103 Rook: Ben -- 412 00:21:10,103 --> 00:21:11,937 Ben: I know, I know -- "it's sometime food," 413 00:21:11,937 --> 00:21:13,470 But the sometime is now, 414 00:21:13,470 --> 00:21:16,137 Rook: No, They do not make meatball subs, 415 00:21:16,137 --> 00:21:17,737 Is this not a restaurant?! 416 00:21:17,737 --> 00:21:20,870 Ben: Come on, I'll buy you a sub on the way back to the base, 417 00:21:20,870 --> 00:21:22,303 Rook: That is very kind, 418 00:21:22,303 --> 00:21:24,003 And several more to go, 419 00:21:24,003 --> 00:21:26,870 Ben: Anything you -- yeah, 420 00:21:26,870 --> 00:21:29,703 Let's get a whole mess of 'em, 421 00:21:33,203 --> 00:21:34,703 Fistrick: [ grunting ] 422 00:21:34,703 --> 00:21:38,237 Blukic: Chow time,,, bro, 423 00:21:38,237 --> 00:21:40,270 [ both laughing ] 424 00:21:44,537 --> 00:21:45,870 Fistrick: What? 425 00:21:45,870 --> 00:21:49,137 Tennyson! 426 00:21:49,137 --> 00:21:51,237 I know you're behind this, bro! 427 00:21:51,237 --> 00:21:56,537 You can cage my spirit, but you can't cage my diet!