1 00:00:04,478 --> 00:00:06,447 Ben: [ groans ] Ow, 2 00:00:07,982 --> 00:00:10,284 How long was I out? 3 00:00:10,284 --> 00:00:11,986 And where am I? 4 00:00:11,986 --> 00:00:14,589 [ bird screeches ] 5 00:00:14,589 --> 00:00:19,460 oh, right -- stupid parallel-world wasteland dimension, 6 00:00:19,460 --> 00:00:22,330 Psychobos: AND, sadly, you are not alone, 7 00:00:22,330 --> 00:00:24,799 Ben 23: [ grunts ] 8 00:00:24,799 --> 00:00:26,868 [ rumbling, whirring ] 9 00:00:34,743 --> 00:00:37,779 Mad Rook: get to work -- now! 10 00:00:37,779 --> 00:00:40,815 Ben 23: [ grunts ] Why don't you get down here and do it yourself? 11 00:00:40,815 --> 00:00:44,218 Mad Rook: Because then there'd be no one to fire laser blast at you! 12 00:00:44,218 --> 00:00:48,022 Now dig! 13 00:00:48,022 --> 00:00:53,828 Ben: YOU'RE the underboss, 14 00:00:53,828 --> 00:00:56,230 ♪ Ben 10 ♪ ♪ He's a kid, and he wants to have fun ♪ 15 00:00:56,230 --> 00:00:58,833 ♪ But when you need a superhero, he gets the job done ♪ 16 00:00:58,833 --> 00:01:01,269 ♪ Ben 10 ♪ ♪ With a device that he wears on his arm ♪ 17 00:01:01,269 --> 00:01:03,805 ♪ He can change his shape and save the world from harm ♪ 18 00:01:03,805 --> 00:01:05,339 ♪ When trouble's taking place ♪ 19 00:01:05,339 --> 00:01:06,407 ♪ He gets right in its face ♪ 20 00:01:06,407 --> 00:01:08,476 ♪ Ben 10 ♪ 21 00:01:08,476 --> 00:01:09,944 ♪ When lives are on the line ♪ 22 00:01:09,944 --> 00:01:12,614 ♪ It's hero time ♪ ♪ Ben 10 ♪ 23 00:01:15,483 --> 00:01:16,985 Mad Rook: Keep digging! 24 00:01:16,985 --> 00:01:18,587 Warlord Tennyson commands it! 25 00:01:18,587 --> 00:01:21,656 BUT,,, THE key,,, has been found, 26 00:01:21,656 --> 00:01:23,658 Why do we have to keep digging? 27 00:01:23,658 --> 00:01:26,360 Mad Rook: Because the boss said so, 28 00:01:30,431 --> 00:01:36,404 Psychobos: Well, I, for one, have no intention of putting up with this indignity, 29 00:01:36,971 --> 00:01:37,972 Both: AAAAAH! 30 00:01:37,972 --> 00:01:40,074 All: AAAH! 31 00:01:40,074 --> 00:01:42,511 Ben: Do,,,not,,,ever,,, 32 00:01:42,511 --> 00:01:44,378 do,,,that,,,again! 33 00:01:44,378 --> 00:01:46,781 Psychobos: Weakling, 34 00:01:46,781 --> 00:01:47,982 Ben: Come on! 35 00:01:47,982 --> 00:01:49,951 Ben 23: My hero watch won't work, either, 36 00:01:49,951 --> 00:01:53,822 Psychobos: You know, I am quite able to repair your omnitrices, 37 00:01:53,822 --> 00:01:56,991 Ben: Then do it, Psychobos, Ben 23: Yeah, 38 00:01:56,991 --> 00:01:58,226 What are you waiting for? 39 00:01:58,226 --> 00:01:59,961 Psychobos: Prying eyes, 40 00:01:59,961 --> 00:02:07,769 First we must escape from this work gang -- and I use the term loosely, 41 00:02:07,769 --> 00:02:10,905 [ gasping ] 42 00:02:10,905 --> 00:02:14,175 [ gasping stops ] 43 00:02:14,175 --> 00:02:15,610 Mad Rook: Water! 44 00:02:19,480 --> 00:02:23,484 Water? You want water, slacker? 45 00:02:23,484 --> 00:02:24,953 [ slurps ] 46 00:02:24,953 --> 00:02:27,255 Ahh, Here you go, 47 00:02:27,255 --> 00:02:28,389 Oh, my bad, 48 00:02:28,389 --> 00:02:30,825 Ben: Hey! A little compassion! 49 00:02:30,825 --> 00:02:34,295 It's not like you don't have plenty to spare, 50 00:02:34,295 --> 00:02:39,734 And who are you, not-warlord-Tennyson, to give Pakmar orders?! 51 00:02:39,734 --> 00:02:42,971 Ben: [ grunts ] You'd be surprised at what I can do, 52 00:02:42,971 --> 00:02:43,938 [ gasps ] 53 00:02:43,938 --> 00:02:45,874 [ whiffle! Whiffle! ] ya-a-a-a-h! 54 00:02:45,874 --> 00:02:48,042 [ thud! ] 55 00:02:48,042 --> 00:02:49,177 [ laughter ] 56 00:02:49,177 --> 00:02:50,745 Mad Rook: Enough! 57 00:02:50,745 --> 00:02:53,047 You only look like the boss, 58 00:02:53,047 --> 00:02:54,348 Back to work, 59 00:02:54,348 --> 00:02:57,919 Ben: Hey, Rook, in my world, we're partners, 60 00:02:57,919 --> 00:03:00,722 You're one of the most decent guys I know, 61 00:03:00,722 --> 00:03:03,291 Look around, You're on the wrong side here, 62 00:03:03,291 --> 00:03:07,996 Mad Rook: Listen, scum, we're not in your world, wherever that may be, 63 00:03:07,996 --> 00:03:13,067 The only side that matters here is the winning side, which I'm already on, 64 00:03:16,871 --> 00:03:20,775 Ben: What were you just doing back there? 65 00:03:20,775 --> 00:03:23,578 Psychobos: Gentlemen, our way out, 66 00:03:29,450 --> 00:03:33,187 Ben 23: When do we blow this crater? 67 00:03:33,187 --> 00:03:36,825 Ben: Don't think we're ever gonna have a better chance than,,,now! 68 00:03:36,825 --> 00:03:38,660 Psychobos: Ugh! Ben 23: Ugh! 69 00:03:38,660 --> 00:03:42,797 Ohh! Mad Rook: Stop! Stop or I'll fire! 70 00:03:46,735 --> 00:03:48,269 Ben 23: You know I'm driving, 71 00:03:48,269 --> 00:03:51,072 Ben: Hey! They give out licenses early in your world? 72 00:03:51,072 --> 00:03:53,775 Ben 23: Hater, You never let me have any fun, 73 00:03:53,775 --> 00:03:55,443 Ben: Besides, I'm on the left, 74 00:03:55,443 --> 00:03:57,011 Ben 23: Then I call shotgun, 75 00:03:57,011 --> 00:03:58,580 Psychobos: Just go! 76 00:03:58,580 --> 00:04:00,081 [ engine sputtering ] 77 00:04:00,081 --> 00:04:03,518 If we are going to depart, I suggest we do it quickly! 78 00:04:05,386 --> 00:04:07,455 Ben: Gee, wish I'd thought of that, 79 00:04:07,455 --> 00:04:11,292 Psychobos: I wish you'd thought to sneak away without yelling, "now!" 80 00:04:11,292 --> 00:04:13,261 [ engine turns over ] 81 00:04:13,261 --> 00:04:14,563 [ tires screech ] 82 00:04:14,563 --> 00:04:17,532 Mad Rook: Come back! Come back! 83 00:04:17,532 --> 00:04:20,535 Warlord Tennyson isn't gonna like this, 84 00:04:24,172 --> 00:04:28,442 Psychobos: This is a tolerable shelter, all things considered, 85 00:04:28,442 --> 00:04:32,213 Ben: Yeah, My grandpa taught me a lot of camping stuff, 86 00:04:32,213 --> 00:04:37,451 though he was probably thinking "state park," not "post-apocalyptic Mr, Smoothy," 87 00:04:37,451 --> 00:04:38,987 Ben 23: Whatever, 88 00:04:38,987 --> 00:04:41,856 It's dark out here and it's damp and there are rats and it's 89 00:04:41,856 --> 00:04:45,894 dirty, and no matter how much I complain, nobody fixes it! 90 00:04:45,894 --> 00:04:48,663 Psychobos: Once I, too, had lackeys to fix things, 91 00:04:48,663 --> 00:04:53,902 Ben 23: Soon as I get home, I'm gonna fire somebody -- teach the others a lesson, 92 00:04:53,902 --> 00:04:55,837 Psychobos: Oh, how delightful, 93 00:04:55,837 --> 00:04:58,907 Ben: And you wonder why your azmuth sent you to me, 94 00:04:58,907 --> 00:05:00,709 We're not going anywhere yet, 95 00:05:00,709 --> 00:05:02,343 Ben 23: Why not?! 96 00:05:02,343 --> 00:05:05,780 Once crabby fixes our hero watches, there's got to be a way, 97 00:05:05,780 --> 00:05:07,616 [ whining ] I want to go home! 98 00:05:07,616 --> 00:05:10,785 Ben: Yeah, we also need to fix the mess warlord me has made of this world, 99 00:05:10,785 --> 00:05:14,956 Grandpa Max taught me to always leave a campsite cleaner than you found it, 100 00:05:14,956 --> 00:05:16,758 Ben 23: Quit yankin' my chain, 101 00:05:16,758 --> 00:05:19,728 Ben: Sorry, I was reaching for more firewood, 102 00:05:19,728 --> 00:05:22,263 How 'bout it, Psychobos? Ready to fix the omnitrices? 103 00:05:22,263 --> 00:05:25,066 Ben 23: Out here? Where's he supposed to get the parts? 104 00:05:25,066 --> 00:05:28,970 Psychobos: I've already had a few thoughts about that, 105 00:05:32,173 --> 00:05:33,875 Mad Ben: They escaped?! 106 00:05:33,875 --> 00:05:36,044 What do you mean, they escaped?! 107 00:05:36,044 --> 00:05:39,080 Nobody escapes from warlord Ben Tennyson! 108 00:05:39,080 --> 00:05:41,816 Mad Rook: It -- it won't happen again, sir, 109 00:05:41,816 --> 00:05:44,986 Mad Ben: It shouldn't have happened in the first place! 110 00:05:44,986 --> 00:05:46,521 Maltruant double-crossed me, 111 00:05:46,521 --> 00:05:47,922 We were gonna rule together! 112 00:05:47,922 --> 00:05:49,524 Mad Rook: But he's gone now, 113 00:05:49,524 --> 00:05:51,092 I-I think we can stop digging, 114 00:05:51,092 --> 00:05:54,128 If there were more artifacts, Maltruant would have stayed 115 00:05:54,128 --> 00:05:55,296 around to collect them, 116 00:05:55,296 --> 00:05:57,532 Mad Ben: Do you think you can offer me advice? 117 00:05:57,532 --> 00:05:59,233 Really? We're chums now, are we? 118 00:05:59,233 --> 00:06:02,236 Mad Rook: Uh, no, sir, We are not chums, 119 00:06:02,236 --> 00:06:03,237 I'm sorry, sir, 120 00:06:03,237 --> 00:06:04,873 Mad Ben: Keep them digging -- now! 121 00:06:04,873 --> 00:06:06,541 Mad Rook: Immediately, sir! 122 00:06:06,541 --> 00:06:11,312 You are the supreme power! In this world, 123 00:06:14,816 --> 00:06:17,986 Psychobos: And with that, I am done, 124 00:06:17,986 --> 00:06:22,691 I've repaired your ridiculous galvan devices, as promised, 125 00:06:22,691 --> 00:06:23,925 Try them, 126 00:06:23,925 --> 00:06:25,927 Both: Are you sure this is safe? 127 00:06:25,927 --> 00:06:29,964 Psychobos: Quite safe, though I use the term extremely loosely, 128 00:06:29,964 --> 00:06:33,735 Ben: Let's hope our omnitrixii -- 129 00:06:33,735 --> 00:06:35,236 Ben 23: Omnitrices, 130 00:06:35,236 --> 00:06:37,238 Ben: Nah, Omnitrixia, 131 00:06:37,238 --> 00:06:38,439 Omnitrixim? 132 00:06:38,439 --> 00:06:41,910 Let's just hope the watches can get us out of here, 133 00:06:41,910 --> 00:06:44,245 Here comes Humungousaur! 134 00:06:50,451 --> 00:06:51,953 Huh? 135 00:06:51,953 --> 00:06:55,657 Humungousaur 23: Yeah! Check it! I'm dyno mighty! 136 00:07:03,397 --> 00:07:05,433 Ben: Quick, uh, dyno mighty, 137 00:07:05,433 --> 00:07:07,368 Get us out of these chains, 138 00:07:07,368 --> 00:07:11,940 Humungousaur 23: Who do you think you're ordering around, little man? 139 00:07:11,940 --> 00:07:15,509 Ben: Just do it, 140 00:07:15,509 --> 00:07:17,278 Both: Aah! 141 00:07:17,278 --> 00:07:18,947 Psychobos: Ahh, 142 00:07:18,947 --> 00:07:20,849 Liberation at last! 143 00:07:20,849 --> 00:07:25,186 And now, if you gentlemen will excuse me,,, 144 00:07:25,186 --> 00:07:27,255 Humungousaur 23: Hey! Ben: Let him go, 145 00:07:27,255 --> 00:07:29,591 I want to see if this works both ways, 146 00:07:29,591 --> 00:07:31,526 Change me into humungousaur, 147 00:07:31,526 --> 00:07:38,132 [ beeping ] 148 00:07:38,132 --> 00:07:40,969 Humungousaur 23: Oh, dang, You're orbit-man, 149 00:07:40,969 --> 00:07:42,571 Gravattack: Gravattack, 150 00:07:42,571 --> 00:07:44,305 And that's not who I asked for, 151 00:07:44,305 --> 00:07:45,640 You did this on purpose, 152 00:07:45,640 --> 00:07:47,742 Humungousaur 23: You can't prove it, 153 00:07:47,742 --> 00:07:49,310 Gravattack: [ sighs ] 154 00:07:49,310 --> 00:07:51,145 Humungousaur 23: You know, I've been thinking about which 155 00:07:51,145 --> 00:07:54,315 combo transformation might get us back to our dimension -- 156 00:07:54,315 --> 00:07:56,450 [ boom! ] 157 00:07:56,450 --> 00:07:57,586 [ zap! ] 158 00:07:57,586 --> 00:07:58,887 Ben: What did I say? 159 00:07:58,887 --> 00:08:01,122 Ben 23: Yeah, yeah -- zero tolerance for 160 00:08:01,122 --> 00:08:03,357 alternate-dimension warlord uses, 161 00:08:03,357 --> 00:08:06,327 Ben: That's probably the kind of lesson your azmuth wanted me to teach you, 162 00:08:06,327 --> 00:08:08,162 Ben 23: Fine, Let's tell him we did that, 163 00:08:08,162 --> 00:08:10,464 Ben: How 'bout we just go do it instead? 164 00:08:10,464 --> 00:08:11,900 Come on, 165 00:08:21,175 --> 00:08:23,411 Ohh, 166 00:08:23,411 --> 00:08:27,515 Uh, please,,,water, 167 00:08:27,515 --> 00:08:30,351 Ahh, Another customer, 168 00:08:30,351 --> 00:08:33,454 Pakmar loves customers! 169 00:08:33,454 --> 00:08:35,423 Customers who can pay! 170 00:08:35,423 --> 00:08:37,525 [ weakly ] Please, 171 00:08:37,525 --> 00:08:39,694 Ben: Give him a drink! 172 00:08:39,694 --> 00:08:41,495 Ben 23: He said, "please," 173 00:08:41,495 --> 00:08:43,998 Ben: And while you're at it, any chance of getting me a smoothy? 174 00:08:43,998 --> 00:08:46,334 [ gasps ] Aah! 175 00:08:46,334 --> 00:08:48,269 [ whimpering ] 176 00:08:48,269 --> 00:08:52,907 Mad Rook: You're fools to come back here, 177 00:08:55,577 --> 00:08:57,879 Ben: You ready? [ beeps ] 178 00:08:57,879 --> 00:09:06,087 Here comes,,,big chill, 179 00:09:06,087 --> 00:09:09,824 Big Chill 23: Ooh, Freeze-ghost, 180 00:09:09,824 --> 00:09:12,460 Ben: Freeze-ghost? Really? Whatever, 181 00:09:12,460 --> 00:09:13,662 Turn me into Rath, 182 00:09:13,662 --> 00:09:15,396 Big Chill 23: You got it, 183 00:09:15,396 --> 00:09:19,167 [ beeping ] 184 00:09:19,167 --> 00:09:20,835 Eye guy: But "eye" asked for -- 185 00:09:20,835 --> 00:09:22,704 Big chill 23: Never heard of Rath, 186 00:09:22,704 --> 00:09:25,974 I call this one "eye guy," 187 00:09:25,974 --> 00:09:27,441 Eye Guy: Yeah, 188 00:09:27,441 --> 00:09:31,846 I got to admit the name's pretty lame, 189 00:09:39,287 --> 00:09:42,390 And now for the "eye-cing" on the cake, 190 00:09:42,390 --> 00:09:45,560 Mad Rook: [ gasps ] 191 00:09:45,560 --> 00:09:46,695 Big chill 23: [ roars ] 192 00:09:46,695 --> 00:09:48,229 Mad Rook: Aaaaaaah! 193 00:09:48,229 --> 00:09:49,698 [ muttering ] 194 00:09:49,698 --> 00:09:51,666 Big chill 23: Cool, Get it? 195 00:09:51,666 --> 00:09:53,735 Eye Guy: Dude, watch the puns! 196 00:09:53,735 --> 00:09:57,772 Pretty soon you use up all the "eye-conic" ones, and they just 197 00:09:57,772 --> 00:10:00,775 get "cornea" and "cornea," 198 00:10:00,775 --> 00:10:02,644 Both: Aah! Ugh! 199 00:10:02,644 --> 00:10:05,079 Ben 23: I see what you mean, 200 00:10:05,079 --> 00:10:06,815 [ gasping ] W-water, 201 00:10:06,815 --> 00:10:08,149 Ben 23: Aaaah! 202 00:10:12,053 --> 00:10:13,521 Ben: I got an idea, 203 00:10:13,521 --> 00:10:14,789 Turn me into bloxx, 204 00:10:14,789 --> 00:10:16,891 Ben 23: You mean build-a-guy? 205 00:10:16,891 --> 00:10:18,593 Ben: Fine, Whatever, 206 00:10:18,593 --> 00:10:20,895 [ beeping ] 207 00:10:28,202 --> 00:10:29,938 Four arms 23: Handyman? 208 00:10:29,938 --> 00:10:32,073 Bloxx: Will you stop it? 209 00:10:39,914 --> 00:10:43,618 Four arms 23: Oh, I get it, 210 00:10:43,618 --> 00:10:45,587 Ugh! 211 00:10:45,587 --> 00:10:47,622 Ugh! 212 00:10:47,622 --> 00:10:49,558 [ all gulping ] 213 00:10:49,558 --> 00:10:51,225 Noooooooo! 214 00:10:51,225 --> 00:10:54,162 Pakmar's beautiful water! 215 00:10:54,162 --> 00:10:55,564 [ sobs ] 216 00:10:55,564 --> 00:10:57,799 Pakmar is ruined! 217 00:10:57,799 --> 00:11:00,301 Help me, Ben Tennyson! 218 00:11:02,336 --> 00:11:05,540 Four arms 23: Can we try to go home now? 219 00:11:05,540 --> 00:11:08,209 Bloxx: Not quite yet, 220 00:11:14,816 --> 00:11:16,918 Thank you, 221 00:11:21,623 --> 00:11:24,425 Ben: Hey! Hold up a sec! 222 00:11:24,425 --> 00:11:28,129 You guys are welcome to run, but that won't change anything, 223 00:11:28,129 --> 00:11:30,599 You'll all just wind up in chains again, 224 00:11:30,599 --> 00:11:34,268 The way to win is to stop Warlord Ben once and for all, 225 00:11:34,268 --> 00:11:38,707 You stand together, you can do anything -- anything! 226 00:11:38,707 --> 00:11:41,576 Come on! Who's with me?! 227 00:11:41,576 --> 00:11:43,111 Freedom! 228 00:11:43,111 --> 00:11:48,249 [ insects chirping, bird cawing ] 229 00:11:48,249 --> 00:11:50,418 I am! 230 00:11:50,418 --> 00:11:53,121 [ all cheering ] 231 00:11:53,121 --> 00:11:58,727 Mad Ben: And what do we have here? 232 00:11:58,727 --> 00:12:02,230 There he is! That one destroyed Pakmar's business! 233 00:12:02,230 --> 00:12:05,099 Have you ever heard of such a thing? 234 00:12:08,870 --> 00:12:10,238 Mad Ben: You fool! 235 00:12:10,238 --> 00:12:13,374 Can't leave you alone for a minute now, can I? 236 00:12:20,314 --> 00:12:23,818 Mad Rook: I'll make it up to you, 237 00:12:23,818 --> 00:12:25,519 Ben: What are you waiting for? 238 00:12:25,519 --> 00:12:29,090 You'll never have a better chance to take him down than now! 239 00:12:29,090 --> 00:12:32,627 [ all shouting ] 240 00:12:36,097 --> 00:12:39,500 Mad NRG: You want me? Come get me! 241 00:12:41,836 --> 00:12:44,072 [ all screaming ] 242 00:12:46,007 --> 00:12:53,081 But I promise you it won't be easy, 243 00:12:53,081 --> 00:12:54,115 Aaaaaaaaaaaaah! 244 00:12:54,115 --> 00:12:56,751 Aaaaaaaaaaaaah! 245 00:12:56,751 --> 00:12:58,720 Ben 23: Hey! 246 00:12:58,720 --> 00:13:02,456 Rath: This,,,is Rath! 247 00:13:02,456 --> 00:13:05,560 Frankenstrike 23: This is Lightning Volt! Yes! 248 00:13:05,560 --> 00:13:06,795 Rath: [ growls ] 249 00:13:06,795 --> 00:13:08,396 And Rath wants to tell you, 250 00:13:08,396 --> 00:13:11,332 Ben Tennyson in an alternate-dimension NRG form, 251 00:13:11,332 --> 00:13:13,768 you're going down for the long count! 252 00:13:13,768 --> 00:13:15,570 Mad NRG: really? 253 00:13:16,605 --> 00:13:20,609 [ beeping ] 254 00:13:20,609 --> 00:13:24,012 [ beeping ] 255 00:13:40,562 --> 00:13:44,966 Mad Waybig: It's time I showed you all just how easily I 256 00:13:44,966 --> 00:13:47,235 can crush anyone who opposes me! 257 00:13:47,235 --> 00:13:49,804 Rath: Just try it! Rath will destroy you! 258 00:13:49,804 --> 00:13:52,206 Rath isn't -- uh-oh, 259 00:13:57,946 --> 00:14:01,550 Rath: Whoa! 260 00:14:01,550 --> 00:14:04,586 Hey! Watch who you're stomping on! 261 00:14:07,956 --> 00:14:09,591 Aah! 262 00:14:21,535 --> 00:14:23,672 [ grunts ] 263 00:14:39,320 --> 00:14:42,323 Mad Waybig: Aah! 264 00:14:46,460 --> 00:14:49,297 Frankenstrike 23: Ugh! 265 00:14:52,801 --> 00:14:54,869 Rath: Yah! 266 00:14:54,869 --> 00:14:57,706 Come on, dystopian warlord me! 267 00:14:57,706 --> 00:14:59,440 Fall down already! 268 00:14:59,440 --> 00:15:00,441 Yah! 269 00:15:00,441 --> 00:15:04,478 Mad Waybig: That tickles, Stop, 270 00:15:14,388 --> 00:15:16,090 Rath: [ roars ] 271 00:15:16,090 --> 00:15:18,226 Frankenstrike 23: [ grunts ] 272 00:15:28,570 --> 00:15:31,673 [ beeping ] 273 00:15:31,673 --> 00:15:36,510 Ben 23: Well, that was a waste of time, 274 00:15:36,510 --> 00:15:39,881 Mad Waybig: Where are you, cowards?! 275 00:15:39,881 --> 00:15:42,551 Come out and face me! 276 00:15:42,551 --> 00:15:45,954 Ben: Quick -- change me into nanomech, 277 00:15:45,954 --> 00:15:49,357 Little guy, about this big? Don't you have him? 278 00:15:49,357 --> 00:15:51,593 Ben 23: Oh, you mean teeny-weeny, 279 00:15:51,593 --> 00:15:53,695 Ben: Do I even have to tell you that's a bad name? 280 00:15:53,695 --> 00:15:57,599 Ben 23: All right, all right, 281 00:16:08,910 --> 00:16:11,412 [ grunting ] 282 00:16:23,091 --> 00:16:26,060 Mad Waybig: Ow! Miserable insect! 283 00:16:26,060 --> 00:16:30,464 Out! Get out of my -- my,,, 284 00:16:36,037 --> 00:16:38,840 feel like,,,I'm gonna,,, 285 00:16:38,840 --> 00:16:41,743 barf, 286 00:16:41,743 --> 00:16:43,645 [ all cheering ] 287 00:16:43,645 --> 00:16:54,989 [ beeping ] 288 00:16:54,989 --> 00:16:57,992 [ beeping ] 289 00:16:57,992 --> 00:16:59,728 Mad Ben: You cheated, 290 00:16:59,728 --> 00:17:03,698 Ben: There are rules to this? 291 00:17:03,698 --> 00:17:06,968 Mad Ben: What are you just standing there for?! 292 00:17:06,968 --> 00:17:08,302 It's time to end the madness! 293 00:17:08,302 --> 00:17:13,975 Mad Rook: I couldn't agree with you more, 294 00:17:13,975 --> 00:17:15,309 Mad Ben: [ grunts ] 295 00:17:15,309 --> 00:17:17,646 remove this thing -- immediately! 296 00:17:17,646 --> 00:17:19,480 What do you think you're doing?! 297 00:17:19,480 --> 00:17:22,150 Mad Rook: Precisely what you ask of me, 298 00:17:22,150 --> 00:17:24,485 I'm putting an end to this madness, 299 00:17:24,485 --> 00:17:26,420 You're not fit to rule this world, 300 00:17:26,420 --> 00:17:30,592 Without your power watch, you're nothing more than a petty little thug, 301 00:17:30,592 --> 00:17:32,193 Mad Ben: Little?! Little?! 302 00:17:32,193 --> 00:17:34,796 Mad Rook: It's time that people were allowed to fend for 303 00:17:34,796 --> 00:17:40,301 themselves and time for you to pay for what you've done to them, 304 00:17:40,301 --> 00:17:41,970 Mad Ben: This ain't over! 305 00:17:41,970 --> 00:17:45,740 I'll be back to make you suffer -- every one of you! 306 00:17:45,740 --> 00:17:48,777 You haven't heard the last of me! 307 00:17:48,777 --> 00:17:53,014 Mad Rook: If there's any justice in the world, we have, 308 00:17:55,917 --> 00:17:57,051 Ben 23: Okay, 309 00:17:57,051 --> 00:17:58,987 So, now what's keeping us here? 310 00:17:58,987 --> 00:18:00,388 Ben: Actually, nothing, 311 00:18:00,388 --> 00:18:01,923 Ben 23: Then let's eject, 312 00:18:01,923 --> 00:18:03,191 You take techno bubble, 313 00:18:03,191 --> 00:18:04,425 I'll take windey hindey, 314 00:18:04,425 --> 00:18:06,160 [ omnitrices beeping ] 315 00:18:06,160 --> 00:18:08,262 Ben: Why didn't we change? 316 00:18:08,262 --> 00:18:10,264 Ben 23: And what's with the beeping? 317 00:18:10,264 --> 00:18:12,133 Psychobos: [ laughs evilly ] 318 00:18:12,133 --> 00:18:17,572 By attempting to dial up those particular aliens, you activated 319 00:18:17,572 --> 00:18:19,841 a little failsafe I installed, 320 00:18:19,841 --> 00:18:21,910 Ben: Psychobos! Ben 23: You nozzle! 321 00:18:21,910 --> 00:18:26,615 Psychobos: Any second, your omnitrices will overload and explode, 322 00:18:26,615 --> 00:18:30,785 putting you both out of my misery forever, 323 00:18:30,785 --> 00:18:33,421 Ben: Then you'll be stuck here, too, 324 00:18:33,421 --> 00:18:37,859 Psychobos: With this planet's ample supply of slave labor, 325 00:18:37,859 --> 00:18:41,663 soon I will construct a proper dimensional portal, 326 00:18:41,663 --> 00:18:45,299 But who knows? If they treat me well enough, 327 00:18:45,299 --> 00:18:47,569 maybe I'll just stick around, 328 00:18:47,569 --> 00:18:50,471 Ben: You haven't won yet, Psychobos, 329 00:18:50,471 --> 00:18:53,608 [ beeping ] 330 00:18:56,244 --> 00:18:59,881 Grey matter: If anyone can thwart your plan, it would be grey matter! 331 00:18:59,881 --> 00:19:03,885 Grey matter 23: You mean brainfrog, of course, but you're totally right, 332 00:19:03,885 --> 00:19:07,856 We need to bypass this circuit here,,, 333 00:19:07,856 --> 00:19:11,860 Grey matter: Rewire this coupling here, and,,, 334 00:19:11,860 --> 00:19:14,629 Ben 23: ,,,everything is back to normal again, 335 00:19:14,629 --> 00:19:16,430 Psychobos: Ugh! Ugh! 336 00:19:16,430 --> 00:19:20,134 I can't even conquer a wasteland anymore! 337 00:19:20,134 --> 00:19:22,971 Where did I g-go wrong? 338 00:19:29,110 --> 00:19:32,313 Mad Rook: There's room in Warlord Tennyson's cell for you, too, 339 00:19:32,313 --> 00:19:33,948 Ben: Nice job, 340 00:19:33,948 --> 00:19:35,984 You know, as these people start to fend for themselves, 341 00:19:35,984 --> 00:19:39,553 you're gonna be one of the major, uh, fenders, 342 00:19:39,553 --> 00:19:41,022 Mad Rook: Come again? 343 00:19:41,022 --> 00:19:43,692 Ben: Trust me -- you're a natural-born peacekeeper, 344 00:19:43,692 --> 00:19:48,296 But if you want to sound more like an authority, I'd probably drop the contractions, 345 00:19:48,296 --> 00:19:50,131 Mad Rook: Thanks, I'll -- 346 00:19:50,131 --> 00:19:52,466 uh, I will consider that, 347 00:19:52,466 --> 00:19:55,536 Ben 23: We're out? 348 00:19:55,536 --> 00:19:57,839 [ beeping ] 349 00:19:57,839 --> 00:20:01,610 Upgrade 23: We just combine our powers and do it like Maltruant, 350 00:20:05,479 --> 00:20:07,381 Clockwork: Get ready,,, 351 00:20:07,381 --> 00:20:09,150 get set,,, 352 00:20:23,097 --> 00:20:25,867 Upgrade 23: Aw, man! 353 00:20:25,867 --> 00:20:28,069 Ben: It sounded like it would work, 354 00:20:28,069 --> 00:20:31,873 Ben 23: Great, Now we're trapped here forever -- no adoration, 355 00:20:31,873 --> 00:20:34,743 no Mr, Gyro, no merchandising! 356 00:20:34,743 --> 00:20:37,045 [ slump! ] Ben: No worries, 357 00:20:37,045 --> 00:20:38,179 Look over there, 358 00:20:40,649 --> 00:20:43,017 Do you see what I see? 359 00:20:43,017 --> 00:20:45,553 Ben 23: [ gasps ] 360 00:20:47,656 --> 00:20:50,524 Mad Rook: Farewell, alternate Ben Tennysons, 361 00:20:53,327 --> 00:20:55,463 Ben 23: I remember this joint, 362 00:20:55,463 --> 00:20:57,198 Ben: I bet you do, 363 00:20:57,198 --> 00:21:00,134 It's Professor Hokestar's special dimension-hopping Mr, Smoothy, 364 00:21:01,502 --> 00:21:05,239 Rook: At last, You have no idea how worried I have been, 365 00:21:05,239 --> 00:21:08,777 Ben: Dude! I've never been happier to see anyone! 366 00:21:08,777 --> 00:21:11,479 Rook: The professor and I have been searching all over 367 00:21:11,479 --> 00:21:13,081 every known universe for you -- 368 00:21:13,081 --> 00:21:13,982 and, uh, for your 369 00:21:13,982 --> 00:21:15,984 extradimensional counterpart, as well, 370 00:21:15,984 --> 00:21:19,621 Ben 23: Whoa! I'm really hearing the "no contractions" thing! 371 00:21:19,621 --> 00:21:23,625 Ben: So, learn any valuable lessons from our visit to Benwood? 372 00:21:23,625 --> 00:21:25,827 Ben 23: Absolutely -- no go camping, 373 00:21:25,827 --> 00:21:28,763 Ben: [ imitates buzzer sounding ] Try again, 374 00:21:28,763 --> 00:21:32,066 Ben 23: Uh,,,two days without video games feels like a week? 375 00:21:32,066 --> 00:21:33,089 Ben: Nope, 376 00:21:33,089 --> 00:21:34,723 Ben 23: Okay, okay, 377 00:21:34,723 --> 00:21:38,823 I'm only worthy of my hero watch when I'm making other people's lives better, 378 00:21:38,823 --> 00:21:42,556 There's a lot riding on what we do, and we'd better not blow it, 379 00:21:42,556 --> 00:21:45,423 [ light applause ] 380 00:21:45,423 --> 00:21:47,989 Rook: That,,, is a valuable lesson, 381 00:21:47,989 --> 00:21:53,256 Ben: Yeah, I was going for "no chewing on azmuth," but this is better, 382 00:21:53,256 --> 00:21:55,723 Can I mentor or what?