1 00:00:02,394 --> 00:00:06,714 [ deep voice ] Prepare to die at the hands of the Tetramand, earth scum! 2 00:00:06,714 --> 00:00:08,880 [ normal voice ] Sorry, dude, You four-armed freaks 3 00:00:08,980 --> 00:00:10,880 picked the wrong sandbox to play in, 4 00:00:10,980 --> 00:00:12,814 [ sighs ] What kind of species 5 00:00:12,914 --> 00:00:14,714 makes light of their own destruction? 6 00:00:14,814 --> 00:00:16,414 Who cares? This game is awesome, 7 00:00:16,514 --> 00:00:17,880 Now, stop distracting me, 8 00:00:17,980 --> 00:00:19,747 I'm about to collect a kill-level bonus, 9 00:00:19,847 --> 00:00:23,247 [ belches ] [ exclaims ] 10 00:00:25,580 --> 00:00:27,480 Look what you did! 11 00:00:27,580 --> 00:00:29,747 That's it! I'm getting rid of you for good, 12 00:00:29,847 --> 00:00:32,647 Omnitrix DNA is the nectar of the gods, 13 00:00:32,747 --> 00:00:35,547 I am not going anywhere, 14 00:00:36,347 --> 00:00:38,314 Hey! Now, now, look here, you, 15 00:00:38,414 --> 00:00:39,880 Blukic, Driba, 16 00:00:39,980 --> 00:00:43,680 I want this over-sized booger off me! 17 00:00:58,447 --> 00:01:01,147 Ben: [ coughs ] 18 00:01:06,980 --> 00:01:09,647 [ grunts ] 19 00:01:09,747 --> 00:01:11,614 Ooh, this is fun, 20 00:01:11,714 --> 00:01:14,414 Fine, I'll get Azmuth to do it, 21 00:01:14,514 --> 00:01:16,680 Blukic: You're going to Galvan Prime? 22 00:01:16,780 --> 00:01:18,480 Then we're coming too, 23 00:01:18,580 --> 00:01:22,247 There's someone we need to visit, 24 00:01:26,780 --> 00:01:30,347 This time, we will emerge victorious, 25 00:01:30,447 --> 00:01:31,980 And when we do, 26 00:01:32,080 --> 00:01:34,580 the annoying union between Azmuth and Tennyson 27 00:01:34,680 --> 00:01:36,580 will be dissolved,,, 28 00:01:36,680 --> 00:01:39,080 Permanently, 29 00:01:42,247 --> 00:01:45,247 ♪ Ben 10 ♪ ♪ He's a kid and he wants to have fun ♪ 30 00:01:45,347 --> 00:01:47,580 ♪ When you need a superhero he gets the job done ♪ 31 00:01:47,680 --> 00:01:50,214 ♪ Ben 10 ♪ ♪ With a device that he wears on his arm ♪ 32 00:01:50,314 --> 00:01:52,614 ♪ He can change his shape and save the world from harm ♪ 33 00:01:52,714 --> 00:01:54,447 ♪ When trouble's taking place ♪ 34 00:01:54,547 --> 00:01:55,680 ♪ He gets right in its face ♪ 35 00:01:55,780 --> 00:01:57,214 ♪ Ben 10 ♪ 36 00:01:57,314 --> 00:01:59,014 ♪ When lives are on the line ♪ 37 00:01:59,114 --> 00:02:01,647 ♪ It's hero time ♪ ♪ Ben 10 ♪ 38 00:02:03,847 --> 00:02:06,414 Where's Rook? I like him better, 39 00:02:06,514 --> 00:02:09,014 Visiting his sister at the Plumbers' Academy, 40 00:02:09,114 --> 00:02:11,847 Hmm, I never got to say goodbye, 41 00:02:17,180 --> 00:02:18,547 All right, Ben, 42 00:02:18,647 --> 00:02:20,980 What trouble have you brought me this time? 43 00:02:21,080 --> 00:02:24,180 Ben has a pest-control problem, 44 00:02:24,280 --> 00:02:26,047 Skurd: I resent that, 45 00:02:26,147 --> 00:02:28,080 A Slimebiote, 46 00:02:28,180 --> 00:02:29,680 I've never observed one, 47 00:02:29,780 --> 00:02:31,014 They're thought to be extinct, 48 00:02:31,114 --> 00:02:33,980 Hello, Ben, Magister Tennyson, 49 00:02:34,080 --> 00:02:36,514 Hiya, Luhley, 50 00:02:36,614 --> 00:02:39,480 You look mighty lovely today, 51 00:02:39,580 --> 00:02:41,247 Yeah, Luhley, 52 00:02:41,347 --> 00:02:46,280 Your skin flares gently in the gentle afternoon sun, 53 00:02:46,380 --> 00:02:48,914 Hi, Blukic, Driba, 54 00:02:49,014 --> 00:02:50,814 So, what's the verdict? 55 00:02:50,914 --> 00:02:53,714 I can use ionic particle surgery 56 00:02:53,814 --> 00:02:55,347 to break the genetic adaptation bond 57 00:02:55,447 --> 00:02:56,780 between the two of you, 58 00:02:56,880 --> 00:02:59,714 That sounds kind of ow, You think? 59 00:02:59,814 --> 00:03:03,114 Well, it's practically painless, Practically?! 60 00:03:03,214 --> 00:03:04,980 Great, then what are we waiting for? 61 00:03:05,080 --> 00:03:07,847 Don't do this, Ben, I beg you! You need me, 62 00:03:07,947 --> 00:03:10,580 In what galaxy? Yes, Ben, 63 00:03:10,680 --> 00:03:12,280 Are you sure you want to do this? 64 00:03:12,380 --> 00:03:16,347 Why wouldn't I? Good relationships can be hard work, 65 00:03:16,447 --> 00:03:17,714 but it's often worth it, 66 00:03:17,814 --> 00:03:19,980 This one isn't, 67 00:03:20,080 --> 00:03:22,780 This place always makes me nervous, 68 00:03:22,880 --> 00:03:25,780 Predators don't scare me, Luhley, 69 00:03:25,880 --> 00:03:27,647 I'll protect you, 70 00:03:27,747 --> 00:03:29,880 Blukic, you're blushing, 71 00:03:29,980 --> 00:03:30,914 You, too, Driba, 72 00:03:31,014 --> 00:03:33,847 It's, um, overly warm in here, 73 00:03:33,947 --> 00:03:36,280 We're not, uh, acclimated 74 00:03:36,380 --> 00:03:38,247 to Galvan temperatures anymore, 75 00:03:38,347 --> 00:03:40,880 Really? It looked like one of you wanted to ask me out, 76 00:03:40,980 --> 00:03:44,180 What?! No, Maybe him, but not me, 77 00:03:44,280 --> 00:03:47,580 But if you did, who would I choose? 78 00:03:47,680 --> 00:03:48,914 Well, I, for one, 79 00:03:49,014 --> 00:03:50,847 would promise to respect your decision, 80 00:03:50,947 --> 00:03:53,647 W-whatever it might be, 81 00:03:53,747 --> 00:03:55,614 Get out of here! 82 00:03:55,714 --> 00:03:58,014 Yes, ma'am, We're not worthy! 83 00:03:58,114 --> 00:04:00,614 No, I mean we need to get out of here 84 00:04:00,714 --> 00:04:03,880 and warn the others that Malware is missing, 85 00:04:03,980 --> 00:04:05,147 [ gulp! ] 86 00:04:05,247 --> 00:04:07,680 Ow! 87 00:04:07,780 --> 00:04:10,214 Well, you got what you wanted, Ben, 88 00:04:10,314 --> 00:04:11,614 I hope you're satisfied, 89 00:04:11,714 --> 00:04:14,047 Skurd, how do you feel? 90 00:04:14,147 --> 00:04:16,714 Never better, Hey! 91 00:04:16,814 --> 00:04:18,280 This containment unit 92 00:04:18,380 --> 00:04:21,080 comes with a morphogenetic dampening field 93 00:04:21,180 --> 00:04:24,147 that will inhibit your unique abilities, 94 00:04:24,247 --> 00:04:27,480 Uh-oh, Now, my eukaryotic enigma, 95 00:04:27,580 --> 00:04:29,780 we can examine you more closely, 96 00:04:29,880 --> 00:04:31,147 Um,,, 97 00:04:31,247 --> 00:04:32,814 Help? 98 00:04:32,914 --> 00:04:36,080 Azmuth, Malware's gone! 99 00:04:36,180 --> 00:04:37,614 That's bad, 100 00:04:37,714 --> 00:04:40,414 Here, my splendiferous gem, 101 00:04:40,514 --> 00:04:42,447 These are for you, 102 00:04:42,547 --> 00:04:44,580 Pyara blooms? My favorite, 103 00:04:44,680 --> 00:04:46,480 Thanks, Driba, You're so sweet, 104 00:04:46,580 --> 00:04:49,280 Oh, ho, ho, it's on now, 105 00:04:49,380 --> 00:04:52,314 Listen, everyone, if Malware has returned to life, 106 00:04:52,414 --> 00:04:53,680 we don't have much time, 107 00:04:53,780 --> 00:04:55,714 All of Galvan Prime could be in danger, 108 00:04:55,814 --> 00:04:59,547 Yeah, but what's he planning? 109 00:04:59,647 --> 00:05:00,880 Are the drones in position? 110 00:05:00,980 --> 00:05:04,780 Yes, Let the attack begin, 111 00:05:07,747 --> 00:05:09,380 It looks like they're attack drones, 112 00:05:09,480 --> 00:05:11,280 Azmuth, what about the defense grid? 113 00:05:11,380 --> 00:05:15,747 I've strengthened the barrier since Malware's last attack, We're safe, 114 00:05:17,880 --> 00:05:19,580 Is that supposed to happen? 115 00:05:19,680 --> 00:05:21,547 No, it's not, 116 00:05:21,647 --> 00:05:23,680 Malware couldn't possibly know about 117 00:05:23,780 --> 00:05:25,880 teleportation frequency manipulation, 118 00:05:25,980 --> 00:05:28,214 Maybe someone's helping him, 119 00:05:33,947 --> 00:05:37,180 Time to get busy, [ beeps ] 120 00:05:39,114 --> 00:05:42,714 Let the games begin! 121 00:05:55,980 --> 00:05:57,780 [ beeps ] 122 00:05:58,847 --> 00:06:01,680 Great, My evil twin and squid face, 123 00:06:01,780 --> 00:06:04,347 Now we know who's behind these attacks, 124 00:06:04,447 --> 00:06:06,647 [ beeps ] 125 00:06:08,580 --> 00:06:10,647 Behold, my people, 126 00:06:10,747 --> 00:06:13,047 A hyper-evolved Galvan, 127 00:06:13,147 --> 00:06:15,147 I am your new master, 128 00:06:15,247 --> 00:06:16,947 Hardly, 129 00:06:17,047 --> 00:06:19,714 The reign of the first thinker is over, Azmuth, 130 00:06:19,814 --> 00:06:23,480 From now on, I am the ultimate thinker, 131 00:06:23,580 --> 00:06:26,714 Albedo wants to replace Azmuth, 132 00:06:26,814 --> 00:06:28,814 So what's Vilgax doing here? 133 00:06:28,914 --> 00:06:32,080 I have come to claim what is rightfully mine, 134 00:06:32,180 --> 00:06:34,647 Ben Tennyson, 135 00:06:42,347 --> 00:06:46,547 Now give me the Omnitrix, 136 00:06:48,247 --> 00:06:51,114 The Omnitrix -- I must have it, 137 00:06:51,214 --> 00:06:53,714 Vilgax stole Malware from the Hall of Predators, 138 00:06:53,814 --> 00:06:56,580 And fashioned it into a morphable suit of armor, 139 00:06:56,680 --> 00:06:58,114 with Albedo's help, no doubt, 140 00:06:58,214 --> 00:07:01,047 You think you're the smartest being in four galaxies? 141 00:07:01,147 --> 00:07:03,847 Five, actually, You're nothing! 142 00:07:03,947 --> 00:07:05,947 You hide in that lab of yours all day, 143 00:07:06,047 --> 00:07:08,647 pondering the cosmos, hoarding its secrets, 144 00:07:08,747 --> 00:07:10,080 That ends now, 145 00:07:10,180 --> 00:07:12,480 I'm going to tear your lab apart, 146 00:07:12,580 --> 00:07:15,214 and once I know the mysteries of the cosmos, 147 00:07:15,314 --> 00:07:17,814 I will reign supreme, 148 00:07:18,780 --> 00:07:22,814 Behold! I am your superior! 149 00:07:28,647 --> 00:07:30,680 Two enemies on two fronts, 150 00:07:30,780 --> 00:07:32,747 Three, counting those drones, 151 00:07:32,847 --> 00:07:35,747 We'll need to occupy all three forces simultaneously, 152 00:07:35,847 --> 00:07:38,947 Exactly, I'll lead the attack against Albedo, 153 00:07:39,047 --> 00:07:41,947 You take the rest of our forces and destroy these drones, 154 00:07:42,047 --> 00:07:44,080 What about me? I thought that was obvious, 155 00:07:44,180 --> 00:07:47,814 Use the Omnitrix to kick Vilgax's butt, 156 00:07:47,914 --> 00:07:50,747 Now we're talking, [ beeps ] 157 00:07:50,847 --> 00:07:55,047 Hey, squid face, Let's rumble, 158 00:08:09,780 --> 00:08:11,780 By the way, nice outfit, 159 00:08:11,880 --> 00:08:13,847 I didn't know Malware was in season, 160 00:08:13,947 --> 00:08:17,347 So is your destruction, 161 00:08:17,447 --> 00:08:22,647 [ grunts ] Seriously? 162 00:08:23,747 --> 00:08:26,514 [ beeps ] 163 00:08:27,847 --> 00:08:30,614 I warned you to hand over the Omnitrix, 164 00:08:30,714 --> 00:08:33,347 Now I'm going to beat you senseless 165 00:08:33,447 --> 00:08:34,947 and take it from you, 166 00:08:35,047 --> 00:08:37,780 You've been trying to get this for years, Vilgax, 167 00:08:37,880 --> 00:08:40,214 Each time, epic fail, 168 00:08:40,314 --> 00:08:42,580 This time will be different, 169 00:08:42,680 --> 00:08:45,480 [ beeps ] 170 00:08:45,580 --> 00:08:48,847 Let's test that theory, shall we? 171 00:08:55,047 --> 00:08:57,480 Azmuth: Albedo's breaching our defenses, 172 00:08:57,580 --> 00:09:00,814 Max: Vilgax and Albedo didn't just beam in here from nowhere, 173 00:09:00,914 --> 00:09:03,447 They must have a ship in orbit controlling these drones, 174 00:09:03,547 --> 00:09:06,414 If I can get to it and knock them out at the source,,, 175 00:09:06,514 --> 00:09:10,347 Then we Galvans can concentrate on stopping Albedo, 176 00:09:10,447 --> 00:09:12,580 And I can help Ben defeat Vilgax, 177 00:09:12,680 --> 00:09:16,547 Your tactical prowess is impressive, Max, 178 00:09:16,647 --> 00:09:19,680 There might be a little Galvan in your blood, 179 00:09:19,780 --> 00:09:23,580 It's all Tennyson, Do you have a teleporter? 180 00:09:28,080 --> 00:09:29,880 [ beeps ] 181 00:09:29,980 --> 00:09:31,714 Azmuth's inner sanctum, 182 00:09:31,814 --> 00:09:34,447 Soon, I'll be ruler of this world, 183 00:09:34,547 --> 00:09:37,180 [ beeps ] 184 00:09:47,714 --> 00:09:50,914 Irresistible, the smile which she shares, 185 00:09:51,014 --> 00:09:55,414 that purpose created in me by your tenderness, 186 00:09:55,514 --> 00:09:57,047 I am he, 187 00:09:57,147 --> 00:10:00,480 And she is you, Yeah, that was beautiful, 188 00:10:00,580 --> 00:10:04,214 Now push that endochronometric isolator over here, 189 00:10:08,247 --> 00:10:09,947 I got a wordsmith and a florist, 190 00:10:10,047 --> 00:10:13,047 How lucky am I? [ glass breaking ] 191 00:10:14,547 --> 00:10:18,814 At last, Azmuth's secrets are mine, 192 00:10:27,214 --> 00:10:28,680 Oh, man, 193 00:10:28,780 --> 00:10:30,247 That was my best shot, 194 00:10:30,347 --> 00:10:32,880 and Vilgax is still standing, 195 00:10:34,547 --> 00:10:35,914 Get out of my way! 196 00:10:36,014 --> 00:10:38,847 There's no way we will let Galvan Prime's secrets 197 00:10:38,947 --> 00:10:41,547 fall into the hands of a traitor, Right, boys? 198 00:10:41,647 --> 00:10:44,080 Yep, For sure, What she said, 199 00:10:44,180 --> 00:10:47,414 I'd love to help, but then I'm a prisoner, aren't I? 200 00:10:47,514 --> 00:10:49,214 If I were you,,, 201 00:10:49,314 --> 00:10:51,680 [ beeps ] 202 00:10:53,480 --> 00:10:56,447 I'd rethink the situation, 203 00:10:56,547 --> 00:10:58,480 You can't win, 204 00:10:58,580 --> 00:11:00,647 Turn over the Omnitrix, 205 00:11:00,747 --> 00:11:03,380 and maybe I'll let you live, 206 00:11:03,480 --> 00:11:05,214 Give up now and,,, 207 00:11:05,314 --> 00:11:06,647 I'll just go home, 208 00:11:06,747 --> 00:11:09,014 I'm really tired, 209 00:11:10,614 --> 00:11:15,047 Not again! 210 00:11:15,147 --> 00:11:17,580 [ beeps ] 211 00:11:17,680 --> 00:11:20,347 Grandpa? What are you doing here? 212 00:11:20,447 --> 00:11:22,314 Trying to shut down those drones, 213 00:11:22,414 --> 00:11:23,680 But I need more time, 214 00:11:23,780 --> 00:11:25,880 I don't think I can stop Vilgax, 215 00:11:25,980 --> 00:11:28,680 We'll find a way, Ben, somehow, 216 00:11:28,780 --> 00:11:30,614 He can't help you, 217 00:11:30,714 --> 00:11:32,647 Nothing can, Go ahead -- 218 00:11:32,747 --> 00:11:35,414 Change into any alien you wish, 219 00:11:35,514 --> 00:11:36,880 It won't do any good, 220 00:11:36,980 --> 00:11:42,114 I am unstoppable! [ chuckling ] 221 00:11:45,580 --> 00:11:50,780 At last, the Omnitrix is mine! 222 00:11:57,647 --> 00:12:01,280 Don't you know that little people shouldn't play with guns? 223 00:12:01,380 --> 00:12:02,780 Who are you calling little? 224 00:12:02,880 --> 00:12:05,647 Leave her alone, 225 00:12:05,747 --> 00:12:07,880 You're just in time, Azmuth, 226 00:12:07,980 --> 00:12:11,814 For what? To watch you bully my companions? 227 00:12:17,644 --> 00:12:20,344 No, To die, 228 00:12:23,144 --> 00:12:26,711 No! 229 00:12:30,544 --> 00:12:34,511 I love the smell of vaporized Azmuth in the morning, 230 00:12:34,611 --> 00:12:36,544 You're a monster! 231 00:12:36,644 --> 00:12:39,278 And you'll obey your new master, Luhley, 232 00:12:39,378 --> 00:12:41,378 or meet the same fate, 233 00:12:47,711 --> 00:12:50,044 Blukic, Driba, run! 234 00:12:50,144 --> 00:12:51,878 [ growling ] 235 00:12:51,978 --> 00:12:54,778 I can't believe he's gone, 236 00:12:54,878 --> 00:12:57,011 [ beeping ] 237 00:12:57,111 --> 00:13:00,411 Blukic, my hazard detector is picking up trace amounts 238 00:13:00,511 --> 00:13:01,744 of electromagnetic radiation, 239 00:13:01,844 --> 00:13:03,678 Teleportation signatures give off 240 00:13:03,778 --> 00:13:05,344 electromagnetic radiation, 241 00:13:05,444 --> 00:13:07,344 You don't think that Azmuth was smart enough 242 00:13:07,444 --> 00:13:11,044 to teleport himself at the exact moment he was vaporized? 243 00:13:11,144 --> 00:13:12,344 Do you? 244 00:13:12,444 --> 00:13:14,044 He was, We're not, 245 00:13:14,144 --> 00:13:15,778 Then he could still be alive, 246 00:13:15,878 --> 00:13:17,511 For about four minutes, 247 00:13:17,611 --> 00:13:19,644 After that, his atoms would degrade, 248 00:13:19,744 --> 00:13:21,478 We have to reconstitute him, 249 00:13:21,578 --> 00:13:23,011 How long has it been? 250 00:13:23,111 --> 00:13:26,111 Three minutes, give or take a minute, 251 00:13:27,844 --> 00:13:31,778 I've waited a lifetime for this, 252 00:13:31,878 --> 00:13:34,178 [ beeps ] 253 00:13:36,478 --> 00:13:41,011 Looks like you'll have to wait a little longer, Octo-head, 254 00:13:43,744 --> 00:13:46,178 Attaboy, Ben, 255 00:13:48,978 --> 00:13:51,444 Whatever you two are gonna do, do it now! 256 00:13:51,544 --> 00:13:56,244 How come Azmuth didn't program a return destination for himself? 257 00:13:56,344 --> 00:13:57,778 He didn't have time, 258 00:13:57,878 --> 00:14:00,078 Which is why he's counting on us to rescue him, 259 00:14:00,178 --> 00:14:03,311 Now, activate the teleport beacon, [ beeps ] 260 00:14:07,478 --> 00:14:10,911 We did it! I did it! Took you long enough, 261 00:14:11,644 --> 00:14:14,511 You two are amazing! 262 00:14:14,611 --> 00:14:17,711 Huh? No! 263 00:14:17,811 --> 00:14:20,344 I destroyed you! 264 00:14:21,678 --> 00:14:23,544 Yes, well, I was smart enough 265 00:14:23,644 --> 00:14:25,778 to prepare for that contingency, 266 00:14:25,878 --> 00:14:27,878 And this one, too, 267 00:14:27,978 --> 00:14:30,811 [ Ultimatrix powers down ] 268 00:14:30,911 --> 00:14:33,278 I've disabled your Ultimatrix, 269 00:14:33,378 --> 00:14:39,278 Aw, you mean I'm stuck in this hideous form forever? 270 00:14:40,044 --> 00:14:42,144 Albedo, do you know why 271 00:14:42,244 --> 00:14:44,511 they started calling me the first thinker? 272 00:14:44,611 --> 00:14:46,778 It wasn't because I'd achieved 273 00:14:46,878 --> 00:14:49,378 a perfect score on my G,A,T,S, as a tadpole, 274 00:14:49,478 --> 00:14:51,078 I knew that was apocryphal, 275 00:14:51,178 --> 00:14:54,111 Oh, I did, but I'm the first thinker 276 00:14:54,211 --> 00:14:57,744 because I always plan for every contingency, 277 00:14:57,844 --> 00:14:59,811 After I designed the Omnitrix, 278 00:14:59,911 --> 00:15:03,178 the most powerful technology in five galaxies, 279 00:15:03,278 --> 00:15:04,844 my first thought was, 280 00:15:04,944 --> 00:15:07,711 "Gee, I should probably invent a failsafe 281 00:15:07,811 --> 00:15:10,678 in case some interstellar head case 282 00:15:10,778 --> 00:15:13,344 ever gets a hold of one of these things," 283 00:15:13,444 --> 00:15:14,944 So I did, 284 00:15:15,044 --> 00:15:17,911 No! 285 00:15:18,744 --> 00:15:21,078 Hang on, Ben, 286 00:15:31,978 --> 00:15:34,378 It's no use, I need Skurd, 287 00:15:34,478 --> 00:15:36,011 I never should have let him go, 288 00:15:36,111 --> 00:15:38,444 I'll open a comm-link to the surface, 289 00:15:46,844 --> 00:15:49,811 Skurd, you've got to help me, Say what? 290 00:15:49,911 --> 00:15:51,478 You were right about us, 291 00:15:51,578 --> 00:15:53,378 We make a great team, 292 00:15:53,478 --> 00:15:54,911 So, if you're still listening, 293 00:15:55,011 --> 00:15:56,944 help me, Skurd the Slimebiote, 294 00:15:57,044 --> 00:15:59,078 you're my only hope, 295 00:15:59,178 --> 00:16:03,278 You heard him, Get me out of here! 296 00:16:03,378 --> 00:16:05,378 I'll teleport you to Vilgax's ship, 297 00:16:05,478 --> 00:16:08,311 No, don't! I'm a one-celled organism, remember? 298 00:16:08,411 --> 00:16:12,178 Split me apart and the reconstitution process will destroy me, 299 00:16:12,278 --> 00:16:15,211 Also, teleporting makes me space sick, 300 00:16:15,311 --> 00:16:18,078 I'll fly him there, 301 00:16:18,178 --> 00:16:21,744 How will you get past the drones, my celestial bonnet? 302 00:16:21,844 --> 00:16:23,778 Very carefully, 303 00:16:29,878 --> 00:16:34,144 [ groans ] I left captivity for this? 304 00:16:43,078 --> 00:16:45,744 You're fantastic, my dear, 305 00:16:52,544 --> 00:16:54,878 Skurd, where are you, buddy? 306 00:16:54,978 --> 00:16:59,178 Your friend won't get here in time, 307 00:17:00,411 --> 00:17:03,144 Incoming! 308 00:17:03,244 --> 00:17:05,211 [ grunts ] 309 00:17:09,144 --> 00:17:13,278 Skurd, boy, am I glad to see you, 310 00:17:18,211 --> 00:17:19,744 [ beeps ] 311 00:17:23,778 --> 00:17:25,378 [ cheering ] 312 00:17:25,478 --> 00:17:27,044 Thanks, Magister Tennyson, 313 00:17:27,144 --> 00:17:28,211 My pleasure, 314 00:17:28,311 --> 00:17:30,578 Now that those drones are out of commission, 315 00:17:30,678 --> 00:17:33,178 it's payback time, 316 00:17:33,278 --> 00:17:36,811 Stop! Tennyson! 317 00:17:40,544 --> 00:17:43,211 I'm sorry, Skurd, You were right all along, 318 00:17:43,311 --> 00:17:45,044 Uh, what was that? I-I'm sorry, 319 00:17:45,144 --> 00:17:46,578 I couldn't quite hear you, 320 00:17:46,678 --> 00:17:49,478 I said I was wrong, I do need you, 321 00:17:49,578 --> 00:17:51,711 I know, 322 00:17:51,811 --> 00:17:56,078 DNA! Mm-mmm! Yummy! 323 00:17:56,178 --> 00:17:58,544 Thanks for the breather, Grandpa, 324 00:17:58,644 --> 00:18:00,411 Anytime, Ben, 325 00:18:01,778 --> 00:18:03,978 [ exclaims ] 326 00:18:04,811 --> 00:18:07,144 [ grunts ] 327 00:18:07,844 --> 00:18:09,344 Okay, people, 328 00:18:09,444 --> 00:18:12,278 Let's shut down this nut bag, 329 00:18:12,378 --> 00:18:14,111 Heads up! 330 00:18:22,778 --> 00:18:26,044 This is more like it, 331 00:18:52,611 --> 00:18:56,978 That's right, We're back, 332 00:19:00,111 --> 00:19:01,744 Hmm, Are you thinking what I'm thinking? 333 00:19:01,844 --> 00:19:03,611 Yes, Goody, 334 00:19:03,711 --> 00:19:05,878 So we both agree to knock Vilgax into the warp core, 335 00:19:05,978 --> 00:19:08,211 I was thinking we could really use a smoothie break, 336 00:19:08,311 --> 00:19:10,911 but, yeah, let's go with your idea instead, 337 00:19:18,444 --> 00:19:20,911 No! 338 00:19:28,844 --> 00:19:30,778 The warp core is going to melt down, 339 00:19:30,878 --> 00:19:32,844 We have to get out of here, 340 00:19:37,011 --> 00:19:38,811 What's happening to Vilgax? 341 00:19:38,911 --> 00:19:40,744 Photon radiation from the warp core breach 342 00:19:40,844 --> 00:19:42,678 is causing the Galvanic mechamorph-based armor 343 00:19:42,778 --> 00:19:44,411 to transmute and calcify, 344 00:19:44,511 --> 00:19:47,444 That suit of his just became a death trap, 345 00:19:47,544 --> 00:19:53,311 That's what you get for threatening innocent planets, you dirtbag! 346 00:19:54,444 --> 00:19:56,911 Ben, we need to leave now, 347 00:19:57,011 --> 00:19:59,344 Don't worry, folks, I got this, 348 00:19:59,444 --> 00:20:00,944 [ beeps ] 349 00:20:01,044 --> 00:20:04,944 Okay, Everyone, hang on, 350 00:20:05,044 --> 00:20:09,078 Wait, Ben! Magister Tennyson doesn't have a space suit, 351 00:20:10,578 --> 00:20:13,344 Relax, I've got us covered, 352 00:20:26,078 --> 00:20:28,944 We're stronger together, buddy, That's for sure, 353 00:20:29,044 --> 00:20:32,044 I tried to tell you, but would you listen to me? 354 00:20:32,144 --> 00:20:33,244 No, 355 00:20:33,344 --> 00:20:35,544 Which is why we need someone more flexible 356 00:20:35,644 --> 00:20:37,744 calling the shots, Like me, 357 00:20:37,844 --> 00:20:39,944 Okay, look, I can still change my mind, 358 00:20:40,044 --> 00:20:43,178 You have extraordinary instincts, 359 00:20:44,844 --> 00:20:47,344 Driba, Blukic, I want to thank you both 360 00:20:47,444 --> 00:20:50,211 for being smart enough to recognize the clue 361 00:20:50,311 --> 00:20:53,778 left behind by my brilliant contingency plan, 362 00:20:53,878 --> 00:20:55,178 You are welcome, 363 00:20:55,278 --> 00:20:57,344 How are you feeling now, boss? 364 00:20:57,444 --> 00:20:58,878 Like brand new, 365 00:20:58,978 --> 00:21:01,978 The reconstitution process fixed my sciatica, 366 00:21:02,078 --> 00:21:03,678 What happened to Albedo? 367 00:21:03,778 --> 00:21:05,578 Oh, he's keeping the city clean 368 00:21:05,678 --> 00:21:09,378 for the next 30 Galvan solar cycles, 369 00:21:14,278 --> 00:21:17,278 Can I get some sunblock out here? 370 00:21:17,378 --> 00:21:20,278 So, is one of you going to ask me out 371 00:21:20,378 --> 00:21:22,378 or should I just choose? 372 00:21:23,411 --> 00:21:24,611 Okay, Fine, 373 00:21:24,711 --> 00:21:26,944 I choose,,, Driba, 374 00:21:28,328 --> 00:21:32,528 Thank you, my sumptuous grail! 375 00:21:32,862 --> 00:21:34,495 [ smooches ] [ sniffles ] 376 00:21:34,595 --> 00:21:37,195 I'll never love again, 377 00:21:41,395 --> 00:21:44,328 Blukic, this is my cousin Duffy, 378 00:21:44,428 --> 00:21:46,495 You're cute, 379 00:21:46,595 --> 00:21:49,028 I'm in love again! 380 00:21:49,128 --> 00:21:50,895 Aren't happy endings great? 381 00:21:50,995 --> 00:21:53,528 Actually, they kind of are,