1 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:04,320 It'’s called Operation Pear Tree. 2 00:00:04,360 --> 00:00:07,080 Our brief was to embed an undercover officer 3 00:00:07,120 --> 00:00:08,840 within an organised crime group. 4 00:00:08,880 --> 00:00:11,280 Detective Sergeant John Corbett. 5 00:00:13,840 --> 00:00:15,840 CORBETT: I'’m just trying to get to the truth. 6 00:00:15,880 --> 00:00:18,080 The top brass, they don'’t want me to succeed. 7 00:00:18,120 --> 00:00:20,600 But there'’s a bent copper running organised crime. 8 00:00:20,640 --> 00:00:22,560 I'’m sure of it. 9 00:00:24,720 --> 00:00:26,720 The man that broke in, I never saw his face. 10 00:00:26,760 --> 00:00:29,200 He said you'’d know why he'’d done it. 11 00:00:29,240 --> 00:00:30,760 I assaulted your gaffer'’s wife. 12 00:00:30,800 --> 00:00:33,360 He'’ll make sure I go down. There'’s no two ways about it. 13 00:00:33,400 --> 00:00:36,600 1-0 to 4-5, the order is Fahrenheit. 14 00:00:36,640 --> 00:00:38,320 We'’ll lose all of Corbett'’s intel. 15 00:00:38,360 --> 00:00:40,400 We know that Corbett is a cold-blooded killer. 16 00:00:43,000 --> 00:00:44,480 Give yourself up! 17 00:00:44,520 --> 00:00:47,400 You shoot me and the truth never comes out. 18 00:00:50,000 --> 00:00:52,280 HASTINGS: Lee Banks. - Who the hell are you? 19 00:00:52,320 --> 00:00:53,600 Superintendent Hastings. 20 00:00:53,640 --> 00:00:55,360 - [Knife slices] - You'’re a rat, John. 21 00:00:55,400 --> 00:00:57,280 A rat. 22 00:00:57,320 --> 00:00:59,840 What if he did blow Corbett'’s cover? 23 00:00:59,880 --> 00:01:02,640 It doesn'’t bear thinking about. 24 00:01:02,680 --> 00:01:04,720 This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. 25 00:01:04,760 --> 00:01:06,600 - How much? - A hundred grand. 26 00:01:06,640 --> 00:01:09,040 MOFFATT: Haven'’t we earned a payday? 27 00:01:09,080 --> 00:01:11,320 I don'’t want the fiasco of Operation Pear Tree, 28 00:01:11,360 --> 00:01:13,120 which was not of your making, 29 00:01:13,160 --> 00:01:16,560 add a disastrous coda to an otherwise distinguished career. 30 00:01:21,920 --> 00:01:24,120 Cover it up with all this stuff. Come on. 31 00:01:24,160 --> 00:01:25,880 I never asked you how your exams went. 32 00:01:25,920 --> 00:01:27,400 Yeah. Got a date for my interview. 33 00:01:29,680 --> 00:01:31,920 It'’s clear that the threshold test has been passed 34 00:01:31,960 --> 00:01:34,440 and therefore it is my lawful right to arrest you 35 00:01:34,480 --> 00:01:37,000 on suspicion of conspiracy to murder John Corbett. 36 00:01:37,040 --> 00:01:39,440 No, no, no. 37 00:01:39,480 --> 00:01:40,880 You will be held in custody 38 00:01:40,920 --> 00:01:42,480 while we gather further evidence. 39 00:01:42,520 --> 00:01:45,240 What is happening here? I am being framed! 40 00:01:47,800 --> 00:01:49,320 Today was just for starters. 41 00:01:49,360 --> 00:01:51,320 Now I'’m gonna prove that Hastings is H. 42 00:01:53,880 --> 00:01:56,280 [Low chatter] 43 00:01:56,320 --> 00:01:58,720 [Chatter quietens] 44 00:01:58,760 --> 00:02:01,440 The inquiry into Superintendent Hastings is not a matter 45 00:02:01,480 --> 00:02:03,760 over which you'’re entitled to exercise choice. 46 00:02:03,800 --> 00:02:06,080 Cooperation is your lawful duty as police officers. 47 00:02:06,120 --> 00:02:07,920 Failure to comply is an offence 48 00:02:07,960 --> 00:02:09,880 under police conduct regulations. 49 00:02:09,920 --> 00:02:14,000 Anyone obstructing my officers can and will face arrest. 50 00:02:14,040 --> 00:02:15,720 But let'’s not fall out over this. 51 00:02:15,760 --> 00:02:19,720 I'’m sure we can all work together nicely. 52 00:02:19,760 --> 00:02:21,920 DI Fleming, DS Arnott, can I borrow you a minute? 53 00:02:21,960 --> 00:02:23,640 Ma'’am. 54 00:02:25,680 --> 00:02:27,600 [Low chatter] 55 00:02:31,120 --> 00:02:32,680 Seven years and counting. 56 00:02:32,720 --> 00:02:35,240 No one'’s worked more closely with Hastings than you two. 57 00:02:35,280 --> 00:02:38,840 You'’ve better insights into the man than anyone else in AC-12. 58 00:02:38,880 --> 00:02:41,760 So...what you know, I need to know, 59 00:02:41,800 --> 00:02:43,320 my team needs to know. 60 00:02:47,640 --> 00:02:49,320 Ma'’am, I'’m not comfortable kicking 61 00:02:49,360 --> 00:02:51,600 the Gaffer when he'’s down. 62 00:02:51,640 --> 00:02:53,280 - He recruited you. - Yes, ma'’am. 63 00:02:53,320 --> 00:02:55,200 Mm-hm. 64 00:02:55,240 --> 00:02:57,760 Stuck by you when perhaps some others wouldn'’t have, 65 00:02:57,800 --> 00:03:01,120 shagging witnesses and suspects and the like. 66 00:03:03,120 --> 00:03:05,760 I sympathise with your loyalties, I really do, 67 00:03:05,800 --> 00:03:08,680 but we have found 50 grand stashed in his hotel room. 68 00:03:08,720 --> 00:03:10,360 So, if I were you, I wouldn'’t go around 69 00:03:10,400 --> 00:03:12,280 professing too close a loyalty to Hastings. 70 00:03:12,320 --> 00:03:14,800 Otherwise, people might just start suspecting you 71 00:03:14,840 --> 00:03:16,720 of being an accessory to his offences. 72 00:03:19,760 --> 00:03:23,040 "H". A senior police officer 73 00:03:23,080 --> 00:03:26,960 sitting at the top of an institutionalised relationship 74 00:03:27,000 --> 00:03:28,920 between organised crime 75 00:03:28,960 --> 00:03:31,120 and corrupt police officers. 76 00:03:33,920 --> 00:03:37,120 AC-12 failed to bring him down. 77 00:03:38,960 --> 00:03:40,400 I won'’t. 78 00:03:40,440 --> 00:03:41,800 [Door opens] 79 00:03:46,560 --> 00:03:48,480 Wow. 80 00:03:50,560 --> 00:03:52,040 - [Knock at door] - 50 grand? 81 00:03:52,080 --> 00:03:54,240 Ma'’am, sarge? Can we talk, please? 82 00:03:55,360 --> 00:03:56,880 Sure. What'’s up? 83 00:03:56,920 --> 00:03:59,560 I'’ve been looking into Corbett's past like you asked me to. 84 00:03:59,600 --> 00:04:00,960 You said it was confidential 85 00:04:01,000 --> 00:04:02,920 and I couldn'’t share it with anyone. 86 00:04:02,960 --> 00:04:04,440 - What have you found? - Er... 87 00:04:06,880 --> 00:04:08,400 May I ask what'’s going on in here? 88 00:04:08,440 --> 00:04:10,600 Yeah. A private conversation. 89 00:04:10,640 --> 00:04:14,920 Didn'’t you hear DCS Carmichael? We need to know everything. 90 00:04:14,960 --> 00:04:16,600 - It'’s Michelle, isn't it? - Yes. 91 00:04:16,640 --> 00:04:18,160 Listen, Michelle, we'’re AC-12. 92 00:04:18,200 --> 00:04:20,040 We do this to other units week in week out, 93 00:04:20,080 --> 00:04:21,760 so don'’t try telling me how it works. 94 00:04:21,800 --> 00:04:23,560 We'’re witnesses not suspects. 95 00:04:23,600 --> 00:04:26,120 Now stop making a tit of yourself and piss off. 96 00:04:29,280 --> 00:04:31,640 - Sorry. Go on. - Well... 97 00:04:31,680 --> 00:04:34,000 It goes back to Superintendent Hastings'’ service 98 00:04:34,040 --> 00:04:36,280 with the Royal Ulster Constabulary. 99 00:04:36,320 --> 00:04:38,600 When he was a PC in the 1980s, 100 00:04:38,640 --> 00:04:40,240 he was interviewed in connection 101 00:04:40,280 --> 00:04:43,520 with the disappearance of Anne-Marie McGillis. 102 00:04:43,560 --> 00:04:45,560 - Corbett'’s mum? - Yeah. 103 00:04:45,600 --> 00:04:48,440 - The records aren'’t brilliant. - No. Never were in them days. 104 00:04:48,480 --> 00:04:50,800 They'’ve been retained as the disappearance is unsolved. 105 00:04:50,840 --> 00:04:52,600 - You'’ve got this on file? - Yes, sarge. 106 00:04:52,640 --> 00:04:54,720 But I'’ve kept it security-protected. 107 00:04:54,760 --> 00:04:56,920 Well done. I don'’t want you getting in trouble, 108 00:04:56,960 --> 00:05:01,360 so you should share the file with DCS Carmichael'’s team. 109 00:05:01,400 --> 00:05:04,760 - Yes, ma'’am. Thank you, ma'am. - [Kate clears her throat] 110 00:05:06,720 --> 00:05:08,600 For Christ'’s sake, Kate. 111 00:05:08,640 --> 00:05:10,360 I'’m just calling it as I see it, Steve. 112 00:05:10,400 --> 00:05:11,920 The truth comes first. 113 00:05:11,960 --> 00:05:14,760 What, we help Carmichael hammer nails in the Gaffer'’s coffin? 114 00:05:14,800 --> 00:05:17,080 You heard Carmichael. If the Gaffer is found guilty, 115 00:05:17,120 --> 00:05:19,040 I guarantee it'’ll be us she'’ll be after next. 116 00:05:19,080 --> 00:05:20,840 We "must'’ve known Hastings was bent". 117 00:05:20,880 --> 00:05:24,040 What if the Gaffer'’s innocent? We'’ll have betrayed him. 118 00:05:24,080 --> 00:05:25,920 He'’ll come after us and we'’ll deserve it. 119 00:05:25,960 --> 00:05:27,800 Yeah. Well, I don'’t know about you, Steve, 120 00:05:27,840 --> 00:05:30,560 but I'’m not gonna sit around and wait for a kicking from anyone 121 00:05:30,600 --> 00:05:32,760 when there'’s police work to be done. 122 00:05:38,120 --> 00:05:40,760 [Outer door opens] 123 00:05:40,800 --> 00:05:42,400 GUARD: Stand clear of the door. 124 00:05:42,440 --> 00:05:44,840 [Door clangs, buzzer] 125 00:05:51,720 --> 00:05:53,440 [Key chain jingles] 126 00:05:56,640 --> 00:06:00,200 [Lock turns, door squeaks] 127 00:06:00,240 --> 00:06:02,000 Corbett'’s murder, Hastings'’ arrest - 128 00:06:02,040 --> 00:06:03,760 fortunately it will all be covered 129 00:06:03,800 --> 00:06:06,400 by our application for Public Interest Immunity. 130 00:06:06,440 --> 00:06:08,480 Nothing need ever come out. 131 00:06:08,520 --> 00:06:10,880 Unless Carmichael proves a link between Hastings 132 00:06:10,920 --> 00:06:12,280 and organised crime. 133 00:06:12,320 --> 00:06:14,800 We have to go public with that. 134 00:06:14,840 --> 00:06:17,720 There'’s pros and cons PR-wise. 135 00:06:17,760 --> 00:06:21,680 Which makes me think we need to erm...emphasise the wording. 136 00:06:21,720 --> 00:06:23,240 Wording? 137 00:06:23,280 --> 00:06:25,240 Operation Pear Tree'’s objective 138 00:06:25,280 --> 00:06:28,440 was to examine institutionalised links 139 00:06:28,480 --> 00:06:31,120 between corrupt police officers and organised criminals. 140 00:06:31,160 --> 00:06:33,320 Most people would prefer us spending that money 141 00:06:33,360 --> 00:06:35,520 reducing response times, 142 00:06:35,560 --> 00:06:38,600 putting more bobbies on the beat. 143 00:06:38,640 --> 00:06:41,280 Anyway, I'’ll leave that with you. 144 00:06:41,320 --> 00:06:42,960 Where are you going? 145 00:06:43,000 --> 00:06:46,800 The inquiry into Superintendent Hastings must be above reproach. 146 00:06:46,840 --> 00:06:49,120 Wouldn'’t hurt to make sure. 147 00:06:50,680 --> 00:06:52,280 [Door closes] 148 00:07:00,440 --> 00:07:02,160 [Dog barking] 149 00:07:06,520 --> 00:07:08,600 - Well, this is never easy. - No. 150 00:07:23,520 --> 00:07:25,160 Sorry for your loss. 151 00:07:25,200 --> 00:07:26,880 KATE: We'’re sorry to have to ask, 152 00:07:26,920 --> 00:07:28,640 but we'’re making further inquiries 153 00:07:28,680 --> 00:07:30,680 into John'’s undercover operation. 154 00:07:30,720 --> 00:07:32,760 I can'’t help you. 155 00:07:32,800 --> 00:07:34,720 I'’m not sure I would even if I could. 156 00:07:38,920 --> 00:07:41,320 I met John a few times. 157 00:07:41,360 --> 00:07:43,320 He was a very brave man. 158 00:07:47,400 --> 00:07:49,920 Steph, from what Merseyside Police have told us 159 00:07:49,960 --> 00:07:53,840 about your reaction to the news of your husband'’s death... 160 00:07:53,880 --> 00:07:55,760 it has made us question some of the things 161 00:07:55,800 --> 00:07:58,760 you said to us when we was last here. 162 00:07:58,800 --> 00:08:00,320 You'’re not in any trouble. 163 00:08:01,640 --> 00:08:03,680 We just wanna do right by John. 164 00:08:10,680 --> 00:08:13,320 - Sit down, if you like. - Thank you. 165 00:08:22,400 --> 00:08:25,280 It was all an act before. 166 00:08:25,320 --> 00:08:28,080 John told me that was how to play it. To...protect him. 167 00:08:30,960 --> 00:08:34,800 Going back to our visit on the 10th of March... 168 00:08:34,840 --> 00:08:37,880 ..we asked you about John'’s links to Northern Ireland. 169 00:08:39,960 --> 00:08:42,520 He grew up over there. 170 00:08:42,560 --> 00:08:45,400 When his mum died, he was took in by his auntie. 171 00:08:45,440 --> 00:08:47,320 Did John ever talk about his mum? 172 00:08:47,360 --> 00:08:49,080 Yeah. 173 00:08:49,120 --> 00:08:51,440 We'’ve got a name. Anne-Marie McGillis. 174 00:08:52,560 --> 00:08:54,520 Anne-Marie, yeah. 175 00:08:54,560 --> 00:08:56,480 What did John say about her? 176 00:08:57,720 --> 00:08:59,320 John never said much. 177 00:08:59,360 --> 00:09:01,680 To be honest, I don'’t know how much he ever knew. 178 00:09:01,720 --> 00:09:04,160 He was... He was only a kid when it all happened. 179 00:09:04,200 --> 00:09:05,840 About nine or ten. 180 00:09:06,720 --> 00:09:09,760 When what happened? 181 00:09:09,800 --> 00:09:12,840 The story was Anne-Marie was...was helping the police 182 00:09:12,880 --> 00:09:14,800 and then the police betrayed her... 183 00:09:16,360 --> 00:09:17,720 ..let on she was an informant, 184 00:09:17,760 --> 00:09:19,640 and that'’s why she got killed. 185 00:09:21,840 --> 00:09:24,640 Did John ever say there was a particular officer involved? 186 00:09:26,960 --> 00:09:28,720 When he was older, his auntie said 187 00:09:28,760 --> 00:09:32,640 there was one that Anne-Marie had talked about, 188 00:09:32,680 --> 00:09:35,360 a young fella her age. 189 00:09:35,400 --> 00:09:37,840 I think he took a shine to her and... 190 00:09:37,880 --> 00:09:39,560 she trusted him to look out for her. 191 00:09:41,080 --> 00:09:43,080 He should'’ve but he didn't. 192 00:09:44,440 --> 00:09:46,920 Or worse. 193 00:09:46,960 --> 00:09:48,800 What do you mean, worse? 194 00:09:50,280 --> 00:09:52,320 Something John said. 195 00:09:52,360 --> 00:09:54,280 This copper, he was... he was married, 196 00:09:54,320 --> 00:09:56,040 and there was a bit of scandal about him 197 00:09:56,080 --> 00:09:59,800 spending so much time round Anne-Marie'’s. 198 00:09:59,840 --> 00:10:02,880 Maybe it suited him for Anne-Marie to go missing. 199 00:10:02,920 --> 00:10:04,560 Did John have any evidence of this? 200 00:10:06,360 --> 00:10:08,040 Not as I know of. 201 00:10:08,080 --> 00:10:09,640 Was there a name for this officer? 202 00:10:10,880 --> 00:10:12,520 If there was, I never heard it. 203 00:10:14,240 --> 00:10:16,480 Not from John. 204 00:10:16,520 --> 00:10:18,400 Did John ever connect this family history 205 00:10:18,440 --> 00:10:20,480 to the undercover operation he was involved in 206 00:10:20,520 --> 00:10:21,880 at the time of his death? 207 00:10:21,920 --> 00:10:24,160 John never told me what his jobs was about, 208 00:10:24,200 --> 00:10:27,080 for me own protection... and his. 209 00:10:29,280 --> 00:10:31,800 Why are you so interested in what happened 210 00:10:31,840 --> 00:10:33,360 in Northern Ireland? 211 00:10:33,400 --> 00:10:35,520 Is there a connection? 212 00:10:35,560 --> 00:10:37,480 We don'’t know. 213 00:10:44,240 --> 00:10:46,440 Corbett never mentioned Hastings to Steph. 214 00:10:46,480 --> 00:10:48,040 He was only a kid when it happened, 215 00:10:48,080 --> 00:10:49,720 maybe he never knew the name. 216 00:10:49,760 --> 00:10:52,480 Still. The undercover officer recruited to investigate links 217 00:10:52,520 --> 00:10:55,840 between the OCG and corrupt officers, all the way up to H, 218 00:10:55,880 --> 00:10:57,480 just happens to be the son of a woman 219 00:10:57,520 --> 00:10:59,120 murdered on the Gaffer'’s patch? 220 00:10:59,160 --> 00:11:01,640 Now we know why Corbett was so convinced the Gaffer'’s bent. 221 00:11:01,680 --> 00:11:03,480 What we don'’t know is if someone else knew 222 00:11:03,520 --> 00:11:05,360 about Corbett'’s past link to the Gaffer 223 00:11:05,400 --> 00:11:07,960 or if Corbett managed to put himself forward for the job. 224 00:11:08,000 --> 00:11:09,480 Exactly. 225 00:11:09,520 --> 00:11:11,400 Any chance of it being a coincidence? 226 00:11:11,440 --> 00:11:13,360 Coincidence my arse. 227 00:11:19,680 --> 00:11:21,360 I see you'’ve cleared everybody out. 228 00:11:21,400 --> 00:11:23,240 That will save the mutual embarrassment 229 00:11:23,280 --> 00:11:24,760 when I'’m reinstated. 230 00:11:24,800 --> 00:11:27,600 DCS Carmichael had concerns about security. 231 00:11:27,640 --> 00:11:30,360 AC-12 had a corrupt DI who shot his way out of here. 232 00:11:37,040 --> 00:11:39,120 - You manage to get any sleep? - Not much. 233 00:11:43,840 --> 00:11:46,200 [Clears her throat] 234 00:11:46,240 --> 00:11:48,160 Thank you, as you were. 235 00:11:50,760 --> 00:11:52,800 This heavy mob that you'’ve parachuted in, 236 00:11:52,840 --> 00:11:55,000 they look a bit trigger-happy to me. 237 00:11:55,040 --> 00:11:57,040 Our man, Police Sergeant Kyle Ferringham, 238 00:11:57,080 --> 00:11:58,640 he knows this building inside out. 239 00:11:58,680 --> 00:12:01,160 You will not find a safer pair of hands. 240 00:12:01,200 --> 00:12:06,040 You just said it. He'’s your man. I'’ll stick with mine, thank you. 241 00:12:12,400 --> 00:12:14,320 [DIR tone starts] 242 00:12:18,760 --> 00:12:20,200 [DIR tone stops] 243 00:12:20,240 --> 00:12:22,200 Second interview of Hastings in the presence of his solicitor 244 00:12:22,240 --> 00:12:24,520 by DCS Carmichael, DI Brandyce, and PS Tranter. 245 00:12:24,560 --> 00:12:25,920 You remain under caution. 246 00:12:25,960 --> 00:12:28,200 As you know, you may be held for up to 24 hours 247 00:12:28,240 --> 00:12:29,960 at which point you will be released 248 00:12:30,000 --> 00:12:32,760 or charged with conspiracy to murder John Corbett. 249 00:12:35,480 --> 00:12:37,400 Pausing interview. 250 00:12:39,160 --> 00:12:41,280 PS Ferringham, on official business. 251 00:12:44,200 --> 00:12:46,360 - What'’s going on? - Gill Biggeloe, 252 00:12:46,400 --> 00:12:48,560 Senior Legal Counsel to the PCC, 253 00:12:48,600 --> 00:12:50,320 attending as an official observer 254 00:12:50,360 --> 00:12:53,160 to ensure correct procedures are followed. 255 00:12:53,200 --> 00:12:56,520 - Why wasn'’t I informed? - You just were. 256 00:12:56,560 --> 00:12:59,080 Thank you. 257 00:12:59,120 --> 00:13:01,320 Ma'’am. 258 00:13:02,320 --> 00:13:03,920 Hi, Ted. 259 00:13:09,080 --> 00:13:11,000 [DIR tone starts again] 260 00:13:14,000 --> 00:13:15,640 - [Tone stops] - Resuming interview, 261 00:13:15,680 --> 00:13:18,880 now with PCC'’s Senior Legal Counsel observing. 262 00:13:18,920 --> 00:13:22,000 - Mr Hastings... - I... I thought, ma'’am, 263 00:13:22,040 --> 00:13:25,480 that we had agreed that I would be addressed by my rank? 264 00:13:26,880 --> 00:13:28,520 Given the gravity of the charge, 265 00:13:28,560 --> 00:13:31,040 I know we'’d both hate to be accused of special treatment. 266 00:13:31,080 --> 00:13:33,440 Best we treat you like any normal, regular person 267 00:13:33,480 --> 00:13:35,760 who'’s been accused of plotting to kill someone, 268 00:13:35,800 --> 00:13:38,040 don'’t you agree? 269 00:13:38,080 --> 00:13:39,760 When did you receive confirmation 270 00:13:39,800 --> 00:13:41,880 that John Corbett had assaulted your wife? 271 00:13:45,160 --> 00:13:47,920 I'’m sorry to probe. I know this must be extremely upsetting. 272 00:13:47,960 --> 00:13:50,080 - On the 12th of March. - When on the 12th of March? 273 00:13:51,680 --> 00:13:53,640 During the operation to apprehend him. 274 00:13:55,480 --> 00:13:58,880 Oh. I see. 275 00:13:58,920 --> 00:14:01,920 Talk about a pressure situation. My heart goes out to you. 276 00:14:01,960 --> 00:14:03,800 To have that trauma at that same moment 277 00:14:03,840 --> 00:14:06,800 as being in command of armed officers surrounding Corbett. 278 00:14:07,920 --> 00:14:09,520 Still, and I'’m sorry about this, 279 00:14:09,560 --> 00:14:12,320 I do need to ask you about the events that followed. 280 00:14:12,360 --> 00:14:13,720 DI Brandyce. 281 00:14:13,760 --> 00:14:16,440 Document 53 in your folders. 282 00:14:16,480 --> 00:14:18,640 Document 53 is a copy of the report 283 00:14:18,680 --> 00:14:20,760 made by the Tactical Firearms Commander 284 00:14:20,800 --> 00:14:23,880 during said operation on the 12th of March. 285 00:14:23,920 --> 00:14:26,800 Written on the 13th of March and received later that day 286 00:14:26,840 --> 00:14:29,560 by the Strategic Firearms Commander. 287 00:14:29,600 --> 00:14:32,280 Drawing your attention to page 3 of said report, 288 00:14:32,320 --> 00:14:34,320 paragraph 4. 289 00:14:34,360 --> 00:14:36,360 "Superintendent Hastings relayed 290 00:14:36,400 --> 00:14:39,200 a Fahrenheit order to DS Arnott." 291 00:14:39,240 --> 00:14:40,880 - Did you give said order? - Yes. 292 00:14:40,920 --> 00:14:42,600 What'’s your understanding of said order? 293 00:14:42,640 --> 00:14:44,400 The authority to deploy lethal force 294 00:14:44,440 --> 00:14:47,040 to prevent immediate loss of life 295 00:14:47,080 --> 00:14:50,120 or prevent immediate danger to the public. 296 00:14:50,160 --> 00:14:52,000 Responsibility for issuing said order 297 00:14:52,040 --> 00:14:53,880 lies with the Strategic Firearms Commander. 298 00:14:53,920 --> 00:14:56,880 For the order to be issued by any other officer is unlawful. 299 00:14:56,920 --> 00:14:59,400 Corbett had already drawn his firearm. 300 00:14:59,440 --> 00:15:01,840 DS Arnott was facing an immediate threat to life. 301 00:15:01,880 --> 00:15:03,880 I was concerned DS Arnott would hesitate 302 00:15:03,920 --> 00:15:05,840 and Corbett would discharge his firearm. 303 00:15:05,880 --> 00:15:08,960 I gave the order to save my officer'’s life. 304 00:15:09,000 --> 00:15:10,880 In your mind, having just learned 305 00:15:10,920 --> 00:15:14,400 that Corbett had tortured your wife... 306 00:15:14,440 --> 00:15:16,400 ..no other motivations were at work? 307 00:15:16,440 --> 00:15:17,520 None. 308 00:15:17,560 --> 00:15:19,040 And he was involved in the death 309 00:15:19,080 --> 00:15:20,840 of one of your officers, PC Bindra. 310 00:15:20,880 --> 00:15:22,440 - Yes. - You weren'’t vengeful 311 00:15:22,480 --> 00:15:24,800 - towards Corbett? - My first concern remained, 312 00:15:24,840 --> 00:15:26,800 as it should do for all police officers, 313 00:15:26,840 --> 00:15:28,280 the preservation of life. 314 00:15:28,320 --> 00:15:30,720 You weren'’t concerned with preserving Corbett'’s life. 315 00:15:30,760 --> 00:15:32,160 I did not cause his death. 316 00:15:32,200 --> 00:15:34,200 He brought it upon himself when he went rogue. 317 00:15:34,240 --> 00:15:35,520 I take no pleasure in this 318 00:15:35,560 --> 00:15:37,520 but the man had it coming to him in spades. 319 00:15:39,720 --> 00:15:42,880 I'’d like to return to the remarks you made to DS Railston 320 00:15:42,920 --> 00:15:45,320 following the assault on your wife. 321 00:15:45,360 --> 00:15:47,040 That'’s Document 60 in your folders. 322 00:15:47,080 --> 00:15:50,000 Document 60 is a crime report by DS Samantha Railston 323 00:15:50,040 --> 00:15:52,520 detailing statements made by Edward Hastings 324 00:15:52,560 --> 00:15:54,480 on the 8th of March. 325 00:15:54,520 --> 00:15:59,000 Page 2, para 3: "Superintendent Hastings stated: 326 00:15:59,040 --> 00:16:01,200 '’Whoever's responsible better start praying 327 00:16:01,240 --> 00:16:03,920 he'’s up in front of the judge before I get my hands on him.'’" 328 00:16:03,960 --> 00:16:05,880 What did you mean by that? 329 00:16:07,000 --> 00:16:08,520 It was rhetorical. 330 00:16:08,560 --> 00:16:10,840 What would you have done if, as per your statement, 331 00:16:10,880 --> 00:16:13,720 you had "got" your "hands on him"? 332 00:16:13,760 --> 00:16:16,200 I'’d have done what any police officer would have done 333 00:16:16,240 --> 00:16:18,200 and arrested him for grievous bodily harm. 334 00:16:18,240 --> 00:16:20,520 What any law-abiding officer would do. 335 00:16:20,560 --> 00:16:21,960 I am a law-abiding officer. 336 00:16:22,000 --> 00:16:23,440 And yet on the 12th of March 337 00:16:23,480 --> 00:16:26,040 you ordered DS Arnott to shoot John Corbett in cold blood. 338 00:16:26,080 --> 00:16:27,760 To prevent an immediate loss of life. 339 00:16:27,800 --> 00:16:29,640 Later that day you visited Lee Banks, 340 00:16:29,680 --> 00:16:31,880 an OCG member on remand in Blackthorn Prison. 341 00:16:31,920 --> 00:16:34,240 Yeah. To harvest information on the OCG. 342 00:16:34,280 --> 00:16:37,680 When DS Arnott did not deploy lethal force against Corbett, 343 00:16:37,720 --> 00:16:40,920 did you take matters into your own hands and disclose to Banks 344 00:16:40,960 --> 00:16:43,400 that John Corbett was an undercover police officer? 345 00:16:43,440 --> 00:16:45,560 - No, I did not. - Disclosing this information 346 00:16:45,600 --> 00:16:48,120 with the expectation it would be passed on to the OCG? 347 00:16:48,160 --> 00:16:51,040 No! 348 00:16:51,080 --> 00:16:53,760 I'’m sorry to labour something I know you find very upsetting 349 00:16:53,800 --> 00:16:55,120 but I'’d like to return to 350 00:16:55,160 --> 00:16:57,680 the injuries John Corbett inflicted on your wife. 351 00:16:57,720 --> 00:17:00,320 - If you must. - Thank you. 352 00:17:00,360 --> 00:17:04,240 The case was dealt with by the Serious Crime Unit. 353 00:17:04,280 --> 00:17:05,680 Document 60 in your folders. 354 00:17:05,720 --> 00:17:09,280 Drawing your attention to page 2, para 2: 355 00:17:09,320 --> 00:17:11,320 "When questioned, Superintendent Hastings 356 00:17:11,360 --> 00:17:13,320 denied knowledge of any significance 357 00:17:13,360 --> 00:17:15,960 to the pattern of injuries sustained by the victim." 358 00:17:16,000 --> 00:17:17,560 That what you said to DS Railston? 359 00:17:17,600 --> 00:17:18,760 Yes. 360 00:17:18,800 --> 00:17:21,120 Thank you for being truthful with us. 361 00:17:21,160 --> 00:17:23,680 I can'’t tell you how much easier that makes everything. 362 00:17:23,720 --> 00:17:25,280 Now, as part of our inquiry, 363 00:17:25,320 --> 00:17:28,040 we'’ve been given access to your service record. 364 00:17:28,080 --> 00:17:33,520 The service record is summarised in Document 2 in your folders. 365 00:17:33,560 --> 00:17:35,080 The service record indicates 366 00:17:35,120 --> 00:17:39,080 Edward Hastings joined the Royal Ulster Constabulary in 1982 367 00:17:39,120 --> 00:17:42,360 and served as a police constable for seven years 368 00:17:42,400 --> 00:17:46,800 until his promotion to police sergeant and transfer in 1989. 369 00:17:46,840 --> 00:17:48,360 I don'’t mean to put you on the spot 370 00:17:48,400 --> 00:17:51,400 but seven years'’ policing in Northern Ireland in the 1980s 371 00:17:51,440 --> 00:17:53,200 and you never came across injuries 372 00:17:53,240 --> 00:17:55,960 that involved the wrists, knees and ankles? 373 00:17:56,000 --> 00:17:58,160 Yeah, but you have to remember that my team 374 00:17:58,200 --> 00:18:01,120 had only just discovered that DS Railston'’s Officer Commanding, 375 00:18:01,160 --> 00:18:03,920 Detective Chief Superintendent Hargreaves, was corrupt, 376 00:18:03,960 --> 00:18:06,320 having been an accomplice with the OCG 377 00:18:06,360 --> 00:18:09,120 in their armed robbery of the Eastfield Depot. 378 00:18:09,160 --> 00:18:11,400 So you'’re offering by way of an explanation 379 00:18:11,440 --> 00:18:13,000 that you withheld information 380 00:18:13,040 --> 00:18:16,040 for fear of how it would be misused by Railston? 381 00:18:16,080 --> 00:18:18,240 The assault on my wife appeared to be the work of 382 00:18:18,280 --> 00:18:20,600 the organised crime group we were investigating - 383 00:18:20,640 --> 00:18:22,480 a threat or a warning to me 384 00:18:22,520 --> 00:18:26,520 to suppress the inquiry. 385 00:18:26,560 --> 00:18:29,160 I didn'’t want to give them the satisfaction of knowing 386 00:18:29,200 --> 00:18:31,880 how upsetting I found the whole event. 387 00:18:31,920 --> 00:18:34,480 So you did appreciate the significance of the injuries? 388 00:18:34,520 --> 00:18:37,280 Yes, all right. Look, if you want me to state the obvious. 389 00:18:37,320 --> 00:18:40,440 Yes, a resemblance to punishment and/or torture 390 00:18:40,480 --> 00:18:43,840 meted out by paramilitary and/or terrorist organisations. 391 00:18:43,880 --> 00:18:45,440 Indeed, so now let'’s turn to 392 00:18:45,480 --> 00:18:48,040 your service with the Royal Ulster Constabulary 393 00:18:48,080 --> 00:18:50,720 in the period 1982 to '’89 inclusive. 394 00:18:50,760 --> 00:18:52,640 Document 62. 395 00:18:52,680 --> 00:18:55,920 PC Edward Hastings served in West Belfast. 396 00:18:55,960 --> 00:18:57,680 A periodic professional assessment 397 00:18:57,720 --> 00:18:59,760 submitted in the summer of 1988 398 00:18:59,800 --> 00:19:02,240 by Police Sergeant Thomas Cranford 399 00:19:02,280 --> 00:19:04,480 notes the following... [Clears her throat] 400 00:19:04,520 --> 00:19:05,960 "Hastings appears to have 401 00:19:06,000 --> 00:19:07,920 a rapport with the Catholic community 402 00:19:07,960 --> 00:19:09,920 due to his own Catholic tendencies." 403 00:19:09,960 --> 00:19:12,240 Are you able to tell us about your background? 404 00:19:12,280 --> 00:19:14,200 Well, I'’d really rather not. 405 00:19:14,240 --> 00:19:17,000 A Catholic in the RUC, you were in the minority. 406 00:19:17,040 --> 00:19:20,680 I was, and am, a police officer. 407 00:19:20,720 --> 00:19:23,440 I do not discriminate against my fellow officers 408 00:19:23,480 --> 00:19:25,360 on grounds of creed 409 00:19:25,400 --> 00:19:27,480 and I would appreciate the same courtesy. 410 00:19:27,520 --> 00:19:28,840 Well, the Sergeant writing up 411 00:19:28,880 --> 00:19:31,040 that RUC periodic professional assessment 412 00:19:31,080 --> 00:19:32,960 didn'’t mind referring to it. 413 00:19:33,000 --> 00:19:34,800 Document 62 continued, 414 00:19:34,840 --> 00:19:37,600 "Hastings'’ family background is more complicated, 415 00:19:37,640 --> 00:19:40,120 which may prove valuable in future assignments." 416 00:19:40,160 --> 00:19:42,160 What did he mean by that? 417 00:19:42,200 --> 00:19:44,240 - You'’d have to ask him. - We did. 418 00:19:44,280 --> 00:19:46,840 Document 65 in your folders. 419 00:19:46,880 --> 00:19:48,600 Statement by former Police Sergeant, 420 00:19:48,640 --> 00:19:50,920 now retired, Thomas Cranford, 421 00:19:50,960 --> 00:19:53,200 submitted to Anti-Corruption Unit 3 422 00:19:53,240 --> 00:19:55,560 on the 14th of March. 423 00:19:55,600 --> 00:19:57,600 "We all thought he was Protestant. 424 00:19:57,640 --> 00:20:00,960 "Edward" and "Hastings"... What else is the fella going to be? 425 00:20:01,000 --> 00:20:03,680 Turned out that was a sensitive subject. 426 00:20:03,720 --> 00:20:06,480 His old man was a Protestant but he'’d married a Catholic 427 00:20:06,520 --> 00:20:09,200 and when he went off, his mum brought up young Ted that way." 428 00:20:09,240 --> 00:20:12,480 - Why did you leave the RUC? - Well... 429 00:20:12,520 --> 00:20:16,360 The kind of talk we just heard being quoted didn'’t help. 430 00:20:16,400 --> 00:20:19,560 In 1989, you suffered serious injuries. 431 00:20:19,600 --> 00:20:21,640 On the 29th of June, 1989, 432 00:20:21,680 --> 00:20:24,880 an RUC patrol vehicle drove over a pipe bomb, 433 00:20:24,920 --> 00:20:27,800 causing the death of PC Patrick O'’Malley 434 00:20:27,840 --> 00:20:30,160 and serious injury to PC Edward Hastings. 435 00:20:30,200 --> 00:20:32,800 Hm, two Catholic officers targeted... 436 00:20:32,840 --> 00:20:35,040 Yeah, well, it doesn'’t take a genius to see why 437 00:20:35,080 --> 00:20:36,360 I put in for a transfer. 438 00:20:36,400 --> 00:20:38,640 Or were you targeted for another reason? 439 00:20:40,920 --> 00:20:42,800 I don'’t know what you'’re referring to. 440 00:20:42,840 --> 00:20:46,840 I'’d like to examine events in the period 1988-89 441 00:20:46,880 --> 00:20:50,440 and specifically a special assignment you took part in. 442 00:20:50,480 --> 00:20:54,120 Do you recognise the name Anne-Marie McGillis? 443 00:20:54,160 --> 00:20:56,680 For the DIR, I'’m showing interviewee Image 41, 444 00:20:56,720 --> 00:20:59,360 an RUC file photograph of Anne-Marie McGillis. 445 00:21:02,360 --> 00:21:03,840 Mr Hastings? 446 00:21:08,120 --> 00:21:11,280 You'’re going back 30 years here. Come on. 447 00:21:11,320 --> 00:21:14,320 Well, let'’s see if this can jog your memory. 448 00:21:14,360 --> 00:21:15,960 Document 78 in your folders. 449 00:21:16,000 --> 00:21:17,560 Document 78 is a report 450 00:21:17,600 --> 00:21:19,840 entered into the Royal Ulster Constabulary files 451 00:21:19,880 --> 00:21:23,720 on Missing Persons, dated the 23rd of May, 1989. 452 00:21:23,760 --> 00:21:25,800 Anne-Marie McGillis was reported missing 453 00:21:25,840 --> 00:21:28,800 on the 19th of April, 1989. 454 00:21:28,840 --> 00:21:31,400 The night before, Tuesday the 18th of April, 455 00:21:31,440 --> 00:21:33,680 Anne-Marie left her son with a neighbour, 456 00:21:33,720 --> 00:21:35,720 informing the neighbour she was popping out 457 00:21:35,760 --> 00:21:38,320 for a couple of hours to visit a friend in hospital. 458 00:21:38,360 --> 00:21:41,080 Anne-Marie never returned to collect her son. 459 00:21:41,120 --> 00:21:43,880 No witnesses came forward to reveal Anne-Marie'’s movements 460 00:21:43,920 --> 00:21:45,280 on the night she disappeared. 461 00:21:45,320 --> 00:21:47,600 No one known to Anne-Marie was able to identify 462 00:21:47,640 --> 00:21:50,080 the family friend who was admitted into hospital. 463 00:21:50,120 --> 00:21:53,040 Missing Persons concluded that this person didn'’t exist, 464 00:21:53,080 --> 00:21:55,120 that Anne-Marie had deceived her neighbour 465 00:21:55,160 --> 00:21:58,000 regarding her activities on the night she disappeared. 466 00:21:58,040 --> 00:22:00,120 A number of individuals known to Anne-Marie 467 00:22:00,160 --> 00:22:02,760 were interviewed in the missing persons inquiry. 468 00:22:02,800 --> 00:22:06,520 One such individual was Police Constable Edward Hastings. 469 00:22:06,560 --> 00:22:08,840 Do you recall these events, Mr Hastings? 470 00:22:08,880 --> 00:22:10,000 Some. 471 00:22:10,040 --> 00:22:12,840 What do you recall? 472 00:22:12,880 --> 00:22:14,680 Well, Anne-Marie'’s husband 473 00:22:14,720 --> 00:22:17,200 had been murdered a few years before. 474 00:22:17,240 --> 00:22:20,800 Apparently he was active during the Troubles 475 00:22:20,840 --> 00:22:24,000 in one of those nasty little tit-for-tat killings. 476 00:22:24,040 --> 00:22:27,760 Anyway, she blamed someone higher up the chain of command 477 00:22:27,800 --> 00:22:30,840 for her husband'’s death. You know... 478 00:22:30,880 --> 00:22:33,600 She felt that he was sacrificed needlessly. 479 00:22:33,640 --> 00:22:35,560 Grief, I think... 480 00:22:37,440 --> 00:22:39,640 ..made her turn to passing information 481 00:22:39,680 --> 00:22:42,760 to the police about terrorist activities. 482 00:22:42,800 --> 00:22:44,800 She was a CHIS, an informant? 483 00:22:44,840 --> 00:22:46,240 Yeah. 484 00:22:46,280 --> 00:22:48,840 And did you play a role in Anne-Marie serving as a CHIS? 485 00:22:48,880 --> 00:22:52,440 Yeah, well, she lived on my patch. You know, in those days 486 00:22:52,480 --> 00:22:55,280 it was very difficult for the RUC to enter certain areas, 487 00:22:55,320 --> 00:22:58,400 to...to put it mildly, 488 00:22:58,440 --> 00:22:59,760 and I think some local women 489 00:22:59,800 --> 00:23:02,600 found out my mother was a Catholic and that I was too 490 00:23:02,640 --> 00:23:04,760 and I think that bought a bit of trust. 491 00:23:04,800 --> 00:23:07,080 You were instrumental in Anne-Marie trusting police 492 00:23:07,120 --> 00:23:08,600 with information she was disclosing 493 00:23:08,640 --> 00:23:11,560 - about terrorist organisations? - I helped, that'’s all. 494 00:23:11,600 --> 00:23:13,840 Did you have meetings with Mrs McGillis? 495 00:23:14,920 --> 00:23:16,480 Some. 496 00:23:16,520 --> 00:23:18,880 According to the file you didn'’t always meet in covert locations. 497 00:23:18,920 --> 00:23:20,960 You were seen entering and leaving her home. 498 00:23:21,000 --> 00:23:24,320 Yes, well, you know, I'’d give her a hand with odd jobs. 499 00:23:24,360 --> 00:23:27,240 There was no man about the house. 500 00:23:27,280 --> 00:23:30,640 I'’m no expert in RUC covert tactics in the 1980s 501 00:23:30,680 --> 00:23:32,400 but I'’d have thought making it appear 502 00:23:32,440 --> 00:23:34,360 a young woman from a Republican community 503 00:23:34,400 --> 00:23:36,800 has some kind of friendship with a police officer 504 00:23:36,840 --> 00:23:38,360 is only going to invite trouble, 505 00:23:38,400 --> 00:23:41,200 the sort of trouble that might get you targeted by a pipe bomb 506 00:23:41,240 --> 00:23:43,120 or get your lady friend murdered. 507 00:23:43,160 --> 00:23:45,080 I object to the term "lady friend". 508 00:23:45,120 --> 00:23:47,040 What level of friendship was it? 509 00:23:48,640 --> 00:23:50,040 What do you mean? 510 00:23:50,080 --> 00:23:51,720 She was an attractive young widow. 511 00:23:51,760 --> 00:23:54,320 Yes, and I was a married man! 512 00:23:54,360 --> 00:23:57,560 The file says there were rumours you were conducting an affair. 513 00:23:57,600 --> 00:24:00,080 Yeah, but that'’s what they were: rumours. Just gossip. 514 00:24:00,120 --> 00:24:02,920 Drummed up by people no better than they should'’ve been. 515 00:24:02,960 --> 00:24:04,760 Regardless, you can see how your intimacy 516 00:24:04,800 --> 00:24:06,480 could'’ve put Anne-Marie in jeopardy. 517 00:24:06,520 --> 00:24:08,200 That'’s not what happened! 518 00:24:10,960 --> 00:24:12,960 [Sighs] 519 00:24:13,000 --> 00:24:16,160 Did she meet a police officer to pass information 520 00:24:16,200 --> 00:24:20,480 on the evening of Tuesday the 18th of April, 1989? 521 00:24:22,720 --> 00:24:24,200 Yes. 522 00:24:24,240 --> 00:24:26,160 - You? - Yes. 523 00:24:27,480 --> 00:24:28,880 What happened that night? 524 00:24:28,920 --> 00:24:31,280 Well, she told me that she'’d made up some story 525 00:24:31,320 --> 00:24:33,120 about going to visit a sick friend. 526 00:24:33,160 --> 00:24:34,680 She passed the information to me 527 00:24:34,720 --> 00:24:36,800 and as far as I know she returned home. 528 00:24:36,840 --> 00:24:38,600 Were you involved in her disappearance? 529 00:24:38,640 --> 00:24:40,960 No. 530 00:24:41,000 --> 00:24:44,760 As God is my witness, I was not. 531 00:24:44,800 --> 00:24:45,960 According to the file, 532 00:24:46,000 --> 00:24:47,880 you were the last person to see her alive. 533 00:24:47,920 --> 00:24:51,520 That is an equivocation, Detective Chief Superintendent, 534 00:24:51,560 --> 00:24:53,080 as well you now. 535 00:24:53,120 --> 00:24:55,400 I'’ll rephrase. 536 00:24:55,440 --> 00:24:57,120 You were the last person 537 00:24:57,160 --> 00:24:59,080 to admit to police in an official statement 538 00:24:59,120 --> 00:25:00,880 to seeing Anne-Marie McGillis alive. 539 00:25:00,920 --> 00:25:04,520 I watched her walk down the street, turn the corner. 540 00:25:04,560 --> 00:25:07,240 Anne-Marie McGillis trusted you implicitly. 541 00:25:07,280 --> 00:25:08,760 Yes, I believe she did. 542 00:25:08,800 --> 00:25:10,200 One theory considered by the RUC 543 00:25:10,240 --> 00:25:12,760 is you exploited that to lure Anne-Marie to her death. 544 00:25:12,800 --> 00:25:14,720 - Completely false. - That as a Catholic 545 00:25:14,760 --> 00:25:16,640 you were susceptible to relationships with 546 00:25:16,680 --> 00:25:18,840 the organisations Anne-Marie was informing on. 547 00:25:18,880 --> 00:25:21,080 Look, you know, growing up back then, in the '’70s, 548 00:25:21,120 --> 00:25:23,480 they were everywhere, part of the culture. 549 00:25:23,520 --> 00:25:25,800 This sort of organisation? 550 00:25:25,840 --> 00:25:28,040 Oh, come on, no. I didn'’t want any part of that. 551 00:25:28,080 --> 00:25:29,280 I became a police officer. 552 00:25:29,320 --> 00:25:31,240 Anything familiar about their appearance? 553 00:25:31,280 --> 00:25:33,160 It was a different time, different thing. 554 00:25:33,200 --> 00:25:35,960 They'’re wearing the clothing associated with OCGs 555 00:25:36,000 --> 00:25:38,800 AC-12 have been investigating for seven years or more. 556 00:25:38,840 --> 00:25:40,560 There'’s no direct connection! 557 00:25:40,600 --> 00:25:43,920 Anne-Marie McGillis'’s remains weren'’t found until 2001. 558 00:25:43,960 --> 00:25:45,880 Document 72. 559 00:25:45,920 --> 00:25:48,400 Document 72 is the postmortem report 560 00:25:48,440 --> 00:25:50,520 on Anne-Marie McGillis. 561 00:25:50,560 --> 00:25:53,560 Cause of death was a single gunshot wound to the head. 562 00:25:53,600 --> 00:25:56,240 Additional gunshot wounds were detected bilaterally 563 00:25:56,280 --> 00:25:59,200 on the victim'’s wrists, knees and ankles. 564 00:25:59,240 --> 00:26:02,400 Lesions caused by haemorrhage indicate these gunshot wounds 565 00:26:02,440 --> 00:26:05,040 were inflicted when the victim was still alive. 566 00:26:05,080 --> 00:26:07,040 Anne-Marie McGillis was tortured 567 00:26:07,080 --> 00:26:09,320 in the same pattern as that inflicted on your wife. 568 00:26:09,360 --> 00:26:11,120 Well, that'’s how they did it back then. 569 00:26:11,160 --> 00:26:14,680 But this does not necessitate a direct connection. 570 00:26:14,720 --> 00:26:17,120 Her son. Did you ever meet him? 571 00:26:17,160 --> 00:26:19,120 Er... 572 00:26:19,160 --> 00:26:21,840 No. She always left her son with some neighbours 573 00:26:21,880 --> 00:26:23,360 or a family friend. 574 00:26:23,400 --> 00:26:26,400 - She never wanted him involved. - When Anne-Marie disappeared, 575 00:26:26,440 --> 00:26:28,880 her son was orphaned at the age of ten. 576 00:26:28,920 --> 00:26:31,440 He was taken in by Anne-Marie'’s sister and brother-in-law 577 00:26:31,480 --> 00:26:32,840 who resided in Liverpool. 578 00:26:32,880 --> 00:26:35,280 The boy was adopted and he took her surname. 579 00:26:37,920 --> 00:26:39,680 Corbett. 580 00:26:39,720 --> 00:26:41,640 John Corbett. 581 00:26:44,000 --> 00:26:45,920 [Breathing heavily] 582 00:27:00,400 --> 00:27:02,240 Corbett was Anne-Marie'’s wee fella? 583 00:27:08,360 --> 00:27:10,280 [Sobs] Oh, no. 584 00:27:12,760 --> 00:27:14,400 GILL: Would you like a break, Ted? 585 00:27:14,440 --> 00:27:16,720 Yes, of course. 586 00:27:16,760 --> 00:27:18,680 HASTINGS: [Strained] OK. 587 00:27:24,920 --> 00:27:27,360 - Anything I can do, sir? - Just give me a minute. 588 00:27:38,920 --> 00:27:40,840 [Sobs] 589 00:27:57,520 --> 00:27:58,640 Mark Moffatt. 590 00:27:58,680 --> 00:28:00,560 - DI Fleming. - DS Arnott. 591 00:28:00,600 --> 00:28:02,080 Do you have a minute, sir? 592 00:28:02,120 --> 00:28:03,400 The sir'’s long gone. 593 00:28:03,440 --> 00:28:04,760 Mark'’s fine. 594 00:28:04,800 --> 00:28:07,320 I don'’t know if you remember us from AC-12. 595 00:28:07,360 --> 00:28:09,360 - Can you give us a minute? - Yeah, sure. 596 00:28:09,400 --> 00:28:11,800 Water under the bridge, as far as I'’m concerned. 597 00:28:11,840 --> 00:28:13,280 No hard feelings. 598 00:28:13,320 --> 00:28:16,400 We have some questions about your commercial relationship 599 00:28:16,440 --> 00:28:18,360 with Superintendent Hastings. 600 00:28:21,120 --> 00:28:24,400 Well, Ted was an original investor 601 00:28:24,440 --> 00:28:29,240 in a development that went south about six years back. 602 00:28:29,280 --> 00:28:32,240 We got it back on track, so I offered Ted a buy-in 603 00:28:32,280 --> 00:28:34,240 to try and recoup his original losses. 604 00:28:34,280 --> 00:28:35,760 And did he? 605 00:28:35,800 --> 00:28:38,600 Unfortunately he couldn'’t come up with the funds. 606 00:28:38,640 --> 00:28:40,640 According to Superintendent Hastings, 607 00:28:40,680 --> 00:28:43,760 you loaned him £50,000 off book. 608 00:28:43,800 --> 00:28:46,040 [Laughing] 50? 609 00:28:46,080 --> 00:28:48,760 Yeah. That'’s the figure we'’ve been given. 610 00:28:48,800 --> 00:28:51,880 I don'’t know how Ted'’s got that idea. 611 00:28:51,920 --> 00:28:55,040 Does the name John Corbett mean anything to you? 612 00:28:55,080 --> 00:28:57,000 No. Sorry. 613 00:28:58,400 --> 00:29:00,600 If that'’s all? 614 00:29:00,640 --> 00:29:02,240 Thanks for your time. 615 00:29:02,280 --> 00:29:04,200 Give Ted my best. 616 00:29:08,240 --> 00:29:10,160 Well, we drew a blank on Corbett. 617 00:29:10,200 --> 00:29:12,680 Well, you saw his reaction when we mentioned the 50 grand. 618 00:29:12,720 --> 00:29:15,320 Something'’s not right. Need to find out what. 619 00:29:21,760 --> 00:29:23,680 [DIR tone starts] 620 00:29:28,320 --> 00:29:29,520 [Tone stops] 621 00:29:29,560 --> 00:29:31,760 Resuming interview. You remain under caution. 622 00:29:31,800 --> 00:29:33,280 Now let'’s examine in more detail 623 00:29:33,320 --> 00:29:36,840 some evidence we found in your hotel room on the 14th of March. 624 00:29:36,880 --> 00:29:40,000 Image 9. 625 00:29:40,040 --> 00:29:43,960 You'’ll recall Image 9 shows item reference MB-1. 626 00:29:44,000 --> 00:29:45,840 You'’ll recall item reference MB-1 627 00:29:45,880 --> 00:29:47,640 is a brown envelope addressed to you 628 00:29:47,680 --> 00:29:50,040 containing item reference MB-2. 629 00:29:50,080 --> 00:29:54,320 MB-2 are banknotes in the sum of £50,000. 630 00:29:54,360 --> 00:29:56,640 Superintendent Hastings has already given 631 00:29:56,680 --> 00:29:59,520 a full and clear explanation regarding this item. 632 00:29:59,560 --> 00:30:01,160 To summarise, 633 00:30:01,200 --> 00:30:04,880 it was an unsolicited advance on future profits. 634 00:30:04,920 --> 00:30:06,120 Superintendent Hastings 635 00:30:06,160 --> 00:30:08,240 was extremely uncomfortable about the loan 636 00:30:08,280 --> 00:30:10,280 and phoned Mark Moffatt to return the money. 637 00:30:10,320 --> 00:30:11,640 DI Brandyce. 638 00:30:11,680 --> 00:30:14,240 We took further steps to detect the source of said cash. 639 00:30:14,280 --> 00:30:16,480 I told you, it came from Mark Moffatt. 640 00:30:16,520 --> 00:30:18,600 DI Brandyce. 641 00:30:18,640 --> 00:30:21,560 Document 40 in your folders. 642 00:30:21,600 --> 00:30:23,920 Forensic analysis of banknotes MB-2 643 00:30:23,960 --> 00:30:26,480 detected microscopic pollen deposits. 644 00:30:26,520 --> 00:30:28,040 Pollen grains detected on MB-2 645 00:30:28,080 --> 00:30:30,240 were subjected to chemical analysis. 646 00:30:30,280 --> 00:30:33,080 The chemical structure of pollen grains detected on MB-2 647 00:30:33,120 --> 00:30:35,240 closely resembles the chemical structure 648 00:30:35,280 --> 00:30:38,200 of pollen grains detected on items of evidence 649 00:30:38,240 --> 00:30:42,240 gathered during AC-12'’s inquiry into Operation Pear Tree. 650 00:30:42,280 --> 00:30:45,800 Said evidence are item reference JLM-5 651 00:30:45,840 --> 00:30:48,200 and item reference JD-5. 652 00:30:48,240 --> 00:30:50,240 Image 12, Tina. 653 00:30:51,240 --> 00:30:52,880 Image 12 shows 654 00:30:52,920 --> 00:30:56,880 a cache of banknotes in the sum of £25,000 655 00:30:56,920 --> 00:31:00,160 detected under floorboards at 21 Cleric Way. 656 00:31:00,200 --> 00:31:02,440 Recognise the banknotes shown in the image? 657 00:31:02,480 --> 00:31:06,000 - No, no, I do not. - Said banknotes were detected 658 00:31:06,040 --> 00:31:08,200 at a property belonging to Vihaan Malhotra. 659 00:31:08,240 --> 00:31:10,720 Image 31. 660 00:31:10,760 --> 00:31:13,960 Image 31 shows item reference JD-5. 661 00:31:14,000 --> 00:31:17,800 JD-5 is a cache of banknotes in the sum of £5,000 662 00:31:17,840 --> 00:31:21,880 - detected at 17 Hazelton St. - Said banknotes were detected 663 00:31:21,920 --> 00:31:24,960 at a property belonging to PS Jane Cafferty. 664 00:31:25,000 --> 00:31:26,400 The similar pollen structures 665 00:31:26,440 --> 00:31:30,840 detected on items JD-5, JLM-5 and MB-2 666 00:31:30,880 --> 00:31:34,120 indicate a 99.5% probability 667 00:31:34,160 --> 00:31:36,480 the items derive from the same original source. 668 00:31:36,520 --> 00:31:38,000 I have not been bribed! 669 00:31:38,040 --> 00:31:40,920 The 50 grand found in your hotel room came from the same pot 670 00:31:40,960 --> 00:31:44,560 as that used to bribe Vihaan Malhotra and PS Jane Cafferty. 671 00:31:44,600 --> 00:31:47,600 And according to evidence obtained by your own unit, 672 00:31:47,640 --> 00:31:49,520 those individuals were in the pay 673 00:31:49,560 --> 00:31:51,360 of the same organised crime group 674 00:31:51,400 --> 00:31:53,080 in which John Corbett was embedded. 675 00:31:53,120 --> 00:31:56,080 I do not have a connection with Malhotra or Cafferty! 676 00:31:56,120 --> 00:31:58,440 - This bribe proves you do. - No. 677 00:31:58,480 --> 00:32:02,160 Was it an inducement or a reward for telling Lee Banks 678 00:32:02,200 --> 00:32:04,880 the identity of the undercover officer within the OCG? 679 00:32:04,920 --> 00:32:06,360 I disclosed nothing to Banks. 680 00:32:06,400 --> 00:32:09,240 A disclosure which brought about the murder of John Corbett. 681 00:32:09,280 --> 00:32:11,280 - No. - What was Corbett onto 682 00:32:11,320 --> 00:32:13,640 that you were so desperate to keep hidden? 683 00:32:15,600 --> 00:32:17,520 I'’ll repeat the question. 684 00:32:17,560 --> 00:32:19,200 What was John Corbett onto 685 00:32:19,240 --> 00:32:21,160 that you were so desperate to keep hidden? 686 00:32:21,200 --> 00:32:24,040 Look... 687 00:32:24,080 --> 00:32:26,560 ..you have fabricated a motive where none existed. 688 00:32:26,600 --> 00:32:28,680 Who would want John Corbett dead? 689 00:32:30,640 --> 00:32:32,800 - What do you mean? - If you didn'’t, who would? 690 00:32:32,840 --> 00:32:34,440 Clearly any individual against whom 691 00:32:34,480 --> 00:32:36,440 John Corbett might be gathering evidence, 692 00:32:36,480 --> 00:32:39,000 including members of the OCG with whom he was embedded. 693 00:32:39,040 --> 00:32:41,920 Were there any specific corrupt police officers targeted 694 00:32:41,960 --> 00:32:44,000 - by Operation Pear Tree? - Not that I'’m aware of. 695 00:32:45,000 --> 00:32:46,560 Hm. 696 00:32:46,600 --> 00:32:49,720 Now Document 5 in your folders. 697 00:32:49,760 --> 00:32:51,840 This is a copy of a document seized by AC-12 698 00:32:51,880 --> 00:32:54,920 on the 23rd of February 699 00:32:54,960 --> 00:32:57,600 from the offices of Operation Pear Tree. 700 00:32:57,640 --> 00:33:02,280 I direct you to page 6, paragraph 6. 701 00:33:04,000 --> 00:33:05,280 "It remains to be determined 702 00:33:05,320 --> 00:33:08,120 if police officers of senior and/or executive rank 703 00:33:08,160 --> 00:33:10,920 are actively complicit in organised criminal activities 704 00:33:10,960 --> 00:33:13,480 either as individuals or as a conspiracy. 705 00:33:13,520 --> 00:33:15,680 A hypothesis to be examined by the operation 706 00:33:15,720 --> 00:33:17,240 is that said alleged complicity 707 00:33:17,280 --> 00:33:19,760 is orchestrated by a single police officer 708 00:33:19,800 --> 00:33:22,320 of senior or executive rank." 709 00:33:22,360 --> 00:33:23,760 Do you recognise those words? 710 00:33:23,800 --> 00:33:25,160 Yeah, yeah. I'’ve read the file. 711 00:33:25,200 --> 00:33:27,520 There'’s a helluva lot of ifs and buts in there. 712 00:33:27,560 --> 00:33:29,720 Page 6, paragraph 8: 713 00:33:29,760 --> 00:33:31,200 "DI Matthew Cottan, 714 00:33:31,240 --> 00:33:33,000 serving in Anti-Corruption Unit 12 715 00:33:33,040 --> 00:33:35,000 from 2013 until his death, 716 00:33:35,040 --> 00:33:38,880 recorded a dying declaration on the 18th of July, 2015." 717 00:33:38,920 --> 00:33:40,840 Thank you, Tina. 718 00:33:43,240 --> 00:33:44,680 KATE: Who was top dog, Dot? 719 00:33:46,520 --> 00:33:47,840 You were the Caddy. 720 00:33:47,880 --> 00:33:49,400 We know that. 721 00:33:49,440 --> 00:33:50,640 [Sirens in distance] 722 00:33:50,680 --> 00:33:53,080 - Told... - Told? 723 00:33:53,120 --> 00:33:55,640 You told someone, someone very senior. 724 00:33:57,360 --> 00:33:59,480 DOT: Prom... 725 00:33:59,520 --> 00:34:01,760 KATE: Promotion? Someone promoted you? 726 00:34:01,800 --> 00:34:03,160 Who? 727 00:34:03,200 --> 00:34:04,360 Come on, Dot. 728 00:34:04,400 --> 00:34:06,960 Come in, he can'’t talk. 729 00:34:07,000 --> 00:34:09,720 Right, blink for the first two letters of his name. 730 00:34:09,760 --> 00:34:13,400 A, B, C, D, 731 00:34:13,440 --> 00:34:16,160 E, F, G, 732 00:34:16,200 --> 00:34:17,800 H, I... 733 00:34:17,840 --> 00:34:19,880 H. His name begins with H. 734 00:34:19,920 --> 00:34:21,120 Right, second letter. 735 00:34:21,160 --> 00:34:24,720 A, B, C, D, 736 00:34:24,760 --> 00:34:26,680 - E... - That'’s it. Out of the way! 737 00:34:28,600 --> 00:34:29,840 I'’ll start bagging. 738 00:34:31,880 --> 00:34:34,120 Thank you, Tina. 739 00:34:34,160 --> 00:34:36,560 In his dying declaration, DI Cottan declared that 740 00:34:36,600 --> 00:34:38,280 the name of the senior officer 741 00:34:38,320 --> 00:34:41,080 commanding the complicity with organised crime began with H. 742 00:34:42,640 --> 00:34:46,840 Page 6, paragraph 8 continued, 743 00:34:46,880 --> 00:34:48,720 "An investigation by AC-12 744 00:34:48,760 --> 00:34:50,680 concluded in 2017 745 00:34:50,720 --> 00:34:54,040 that H was Assistant Chief Constable Derek Hilton. 746 00:34:54,080 --> 00:34:57,840 Hilton was found dead on the 5th of May, 2017. 747 00:34:57,880 --> 00:34:59,840 However, the hypothesis must be examined 748 00:34:59,880 --> 00:35:02,000 that H is an officer other than Hilton." 749 00:35:02,040 --> 00:35:03,240 Recall these words? 750 00:35:03,280 --> 00:35:05,440 The evidence against Hilton was overwhelming. 751 00:35:05,480 --> 00:35:07,600 Clearly, if any new evidence came to light, 752 00:35:07,640 --> 00:35:10,200 AC-12 would gladly investigate. 753 00:35:10,240 --> 00:35:12,840 Has any other officer ever been accused of being H? 754 00:35:16,040 --> 00:35:17,480 I'’ll repeat the question. 755 00:35:17,520 --> 00:35:21,000 Has any other senior officer ever been accused of being H? 756 00:35:21,040 --> 00:35:22,680 - Yes. - Who? 757 00:35:24,560 --> 00:35:26,840 The accusation was a calculated falsehood 758 00:35:26,880 --> 00:35:30,600 designed to sabotage a lawful anti-corruption inquiry. 759 00:35:30,640 --> 00:35:32,520 Who was accused? 760 00:35:32,560 --> 00:35:35,360 In an effort to sabotage an AC-12 inquiry 761 00:35:35,400 --> 00:35:37,400 that was about to uncover his own offences, 762 00:35:37,440 --> 00:35:39,440 Assistant Chief Constable Derek Hilton 763 00:35:39,480 --> 00:35:43,160 falsely accused the Senior Investigating Officer... 764 00:35:43,200 --> 00:35:45,920 in order to discredit AC-12, 765 00:35:45,960 --> 00:35:47,480 discredit the inquiry 766 00:35:47,520 --> 00:35:49,960 and to protect his own wrongdoing. 767 00:35:50,000 --> 00:35:51,920 The SIO being who? 768 00:35:54,440 --> 00:35:55,840 Myself. 769 00:35:55,880 --> 00:35:58,840 To be clear, you were served with a Regulation 15 Notice. 770 00:35:58,880 --> 00:36:01,280 The allegation against Superintendent Hastings 771 00:36:01,320 --> 00:36:02,920 was disproved. 772 00:36:02,960 --> 00:36:04,160 It wasn'’t disproved. 773 00:36:04,200 --> 00:36:06,600 There was insufficient evidence to prove it. 774 00:36:06,640 --> 00:36:08,240 I'’d argue they'’re the same thing. 775 00:36:08,280 --> 00:36:09,800 They'’re not. They're really not. 776 00:36:09,840 --> 00:36:11,320 Detective Chief Superintendent, 777 00:36:11,360 --> 00:36:14,760 better to save the commentary and stick to asking questions. 778 00:36:17,280 --> 00:36:18,720 Just saying. 779 00:36:18,760 --> 00:36:20,160 While I'’ve got your attention, 780 00:36:20,200 --> 00:36:23,400 I wonder if we can dig into 781 00:36:23,440 --> 00:36:26,400 this search of Superintendent Hastings'’ hotel room. 782 00:36:26,440 --> 00:36:28,200 - This has all been covered. - Not by me. 783 00:36:28,240 --> 00:36:30,880 What were the grounds for the search? 784 00:36:31,800 --> 00:36:33,720 Section 18 [5]. 785 00:36:35,320 --> 00:36:40,040 Well, why then does Document 12 in your folders, 786 00:36:40,080 --> 00:36:41,640 the arresting officer'’s report, 787 00:36:41,680 --> 00:36:44,600 refer to Section 32 as the legal power used 788 00:36:44,640 --> 00:36:46,240 to carry out the search? 789 00:36:46,280 --> 00:36:49,360 DI Brandyce? 790 00:36:49,400 --> 00:36:51,280 The correct search form was supplied. 791 00:36:51,320 --> 00:36:52,920 Afterwards, yes, 792 00:36:52,960 --> 00:36:55,880 but initially it seems that the officers at the scene 793 00:36:55,920 --> 00:36:57,920 of Superintendent Hastings'’ arrest 794 00:36:57,960 --> 00:36:59,360 were under the impression 795 00:36:59,400 --> 00:37:02,240 that the search was being carried out under Section 32. 796 00:37:02,280 --> 00:37:04,080 You were there at that time, weren'’t you? 797 00:37:04,120 --> 00:37:06,400 - Yes. - So under what power 798 00:37:06,440 --> 00:37:10,560 did you carry out the search at the time? 799 00:37:12,520 --> 00:37:15,000 There was some confusion. 800 00:37:15,040 --> 00:37:17,000 I see that, DI Brandyce. 801 00:37:18,840 --> 00:37:23,120 You carried out the search under Section 32. 802 00:37:23,160 --> 00:37:25,520 There'’s even the original search form in the file. 803 00:37:25,560 --> 00:37:28,080 Thank you. 804 00:37:28,120 --> 00:37:29,360 As we all know, 805 00:37:29,400 --> 00:37:32,320 Section 32 permits the search of a premises 806 00:37:32,360 --> 00:37:35,040 the detainee was at either at the time of his arrest 807 00:37:35,080 --> 00:37:37,000 or immediately prior to that arrest. 808 00:37:37,040 --> 00:37:40,560 I refer to Document 13 in your folders, 809 00:37:40,600 --> 00:37:42,960 the statement given by Superintendent Hastings 810 00:37:43,000 --> 00:37:44,560 on the 14th of March. 811 00:37:44,600 --> 00:37:46,200 Superintendent Hastings 812 00:37:46,240 --> 00:37:49,000 states that he travelled from this office, 813 00:37:49,040 --> 00:37:50,640 Anti-Corruption Unit 12, 814 00:37:50,680 --> 00:37:52,680 to the Edge Park Hotel. 815 00:37:52,720 --> 00:37:54,200 Superintendent Hastings 816 00:37:54,240 --> 00:37:56,400 wasn'’t in his hotel room at the time of his arrest 817 00:37:56,440 --> 00:37:58,600 or immediately prior. 818 00:37:58,640 --> 00:38:02,440 Section 32 was the incorrect legal power. 819 00:38:02,480 --> 00:38:04,520 This mistake was detected and corrected 820 00:38:04,560 --> 00:38:06,400 only after the search. 821 00:38:06,440 --> 00:38:09,160 Now, as items MB-1 and MB-2 submitted in evidence 822 00:38:09,200 --> 00:38:11,560 were detected unlawfully, 823 00:38:11,600 --> 00:38:13,960 I can'’t see how the cache of £50,000 824 00:38:14,000 --> 00:38:17,240 can be used in evidence against Superintendent Hastings. 825 00:38:17,280 --> 00:38:19,240 Well, that is for a court to decide. 826 00:38:19,280 --> 00:38:20,840 Well, given what I'’ve heard, 827 00:38:20,880 --> 00:38:23,800 the judge will almost certainly exclude it. 828 00:38:23,840 --> 00:38:25,680 And it'’s the only evidence you'’ve got 829 00:38:25,720 --> 00:38:29,360 linking Superintendent Hastings to organised crime. 830 00:38:35,640 --> 00:38:37,560 [She taps a pen] 831 00:38:42,440 --> 00:38:44,080 I think we'’ll call a temporary halt, 832 00:38:44,120 --> 00:38:47,280 give my team time to examine further evidence. 833 00:38:47,320 --> 00:38:49,240 Mr Hastings, you will be returned to custody 834 00:38:49,280 --> 00:38:50,560 and charged or released 835 00:38:50,600 --> 00:38:52,800 within 24 hours of your original arrest. 836 00:38:52,840 --> 00:38:55,360 Approximately six hours. 837 00:38:55,400 --> 00:38:57,080 Interview terminated. 838 00:39:04,200 --> 00:39:05,960 - [She clears her throat] May I? - Yes. 839 00:39:06,000 --> 00:39:07,680 Yes, of course. 840 00:39:13,000 --> 00:39:15,160 Gill, I don'’t know what to say. 841 00:39:15,200 --> 00:39:16,520 I am not gonna lie, Ted, 842 00:39:16,560 --> 00:39:19,320 it is a good job that someone was paying attention. 843 00:39:19,360 --> 00:39:21,640 God knows where your solicitor was during all that. 844 00:39:21,680 --> 00:39:23,480 Everything is here in black and white. 845 00:39:23,520 --> 00:39:25,880 I know. I don'’t know why I didn'’t see it myself. 846 00:39:25,920 --> 00:39:29,600 The idea that you are corrupt is ridiculous. 847 00:39:29,640 --> 00:39:32,520 Clearly, Mark Moffatt'’s lying about the money. 848 00:39:32,560 --> 00:39:34,680 You don'’t have a bent bone in your body. 849 00:39:36,040 --> 00:39:38,160 This'’ll all go away, Ted. 850 00:39:38,200 --> 00:39:39,320 Trust me. 851 00:39:40,440 --> 00:39:41,840 Thanks, Gill. 852 00:39:41,880 --> 00:39:43,800 - Thank you. - Yeah. 853 00:39:53,200 --> 00:39:55,720 DI Fleming, DS Arnott to see DSU Powell. 854 00:39:55,760 --> 00:39:56,920 [Door opens] 855 00:39:56,960 --> 00:39:58,880 It'’s fine, I've got this. 856 00:40:02,960 --> 00:40:04,880 - Ma'’am. - Ma'’am. 857 00:40:11,440 --> 00:40:13,640 Detective Superintendent Alison Powell 858 00:40:13,680 --> 00:40:16,120 with DI Fleming, DS Arnott, AC-12. 859 00:40:16,160 --> 00:40:19,200 Confirm that you grant permission for this recording. 860 00:40:19,240 --> 00:40:21,920 - DI Fleming, confirmed. - DS Arnott, confirmed. 861 00:40:21,960 --> 00:40:23,680 We'’d like to fill in some background 862 00:40:23,720 --> 00:40:25,360 on how John Corbett was recruited. 863 00:40:25,400 --> 00:40:27,720 How was Corbett assigned as the UCO? 864 00:40:27,760 --> 00:40:29,600 John was one of a number of candidates 865 00:40:29,640 --> 00:40:31,520 considered for the role. 866 00:40:31,560 --> 00:40:33,960 He presented with a distinguished record 867 00:40:34,000 --> 00:40:37,000 of successful operations against organised crime. 868 00:40:37,040 --> 00:40:40,360 Did he come to you first, ma'’am? Did he volunteer? 869 00:40:40,400 --> 00:40:42,320 What are you getting at, DI Fleming? 870 00:40:43,520 --> 00:40:46,320 It'’s a straight question, ma'am. 871 00:40:46,360 --> 00:40:49,680 There was a shortlist, the candidates were evaluated, 872 00:40:49,720 --> 00:40:52,640 Corbett was selected as the right officer for the job. 873 00:40:52,680 --> 00:40:54,600 Who selected him? 874 00:40:58,320 --> 00:40:59,720 Look... 875 00:40:59,760 --> 00:41:02,240 I made the recommendations on Corbett. 876 00:41:02,280 --> 00:41:04,160 This was my operation. 877 00:41:04,200 --> 00:41:05,680 But you can'’t put all of this on me. 878 00:41:05,720 --> 00:41:08,760 I wasn'’t the only person involved. 879 00:41:08,800 --> 00:41:11,440 Who else was involved in selecting Corbett? 880 00:41:18,320 --> 00:41:20,040 [Device beeps] 881 00:41:20,080 --> 00:41:22,000 This is off the record. 882 00:41:26,520 --> 00:41:28,520 How long have we got? 883 00:41:28,560 --> 00:41:30,440 Just a few hours. 884 00:41:30,480 --> 00:41:32,400 We'’re gonna have to blue light it. 885 00:41:35,840 --> 00:41:37,600 We just got the email. 886 00:41:37,640 --> 00:41:39,640 I'’m calling for authentication. 887 00:41:39,680 --> 00:41:41,760 - Thanks. CARMICHAEL: Edward Hastings? 888 00:41:41,800 --> 00:41:44,120 New evidence against you has come to light. 889 00:41:44,160 --> 00:41:46,160 It will be submitted in written form 890 00:41:46,200 --> 00:41:49,680 and you and your solicitor will have four hours to consider it. 891 00:41:49,720 --> 00:41:51,520 - What new evidence? - Great, thanks. 892 00:41:51,560 --> 00:41:54,520 Pending further investigation, I will be seeking an extension 893 00:41:54,560 --> 00:41:57,080 of 12 hours to your permitted custody time. 894 00:41:57,120 --> 00:41:59,320 - What evidence? - Take him to the cells. 895 00:41:59,360 --> 00:42:01,400 Come on, Ted, we should do as they say. 896 00:42:06,040 --> 00:42:07,760 [Gate beeps] 897 00:42:12,480 --> 00:42:14,920 - Thank you, Tina. - Ma'’am. 898 00:42:14,960 --> 00:42:16,920 Looks like we'’ve got him, ma'am. 899 00:42:18,680 --> 00:42:21,960 You nearly cost me this case. 900 00:42:22,000 --> 00:42:24,160 I'’ll be expecting your transfer request 901 00:42:24,200 --> 00:42:25,840 first thing in the morning. 902 00:42:31,960 --> 00:42:33,880 [Key chain rattling] 903 00:42:54,400 --> 00:42:56,320 [Door is locked, grille slams] 904 00:43:08,000 --> 00:43:10,360 Mrs Corbett, we'’ve got a new line of inquiry. 905 00:43:10,400 --> 00:43:12,040 We need your urgent help with it. 906 00:43:12,080 --> 00:43:14,360 - May we come in, please? - Yeah. 907 00:43:14,400 --> 00:43:16,040 - Come on. - Thanks. 908 00:43:20,760 --> 00:43:22,680 [Police radio chatter] 909 00:43:57,280 --> 00:43:59,360 OFFICER ON RADIO: Subject is in the building. 910 00:43:59,400 --> 00:44:01,720 Repeat. Subject is in the building. 911 00:44:08,600 --> 00:44:10,640 This must be awful for you, Ted. 912 00:44:21,240 --> 00:44:22,640 [DIR tone starts] 913 00:44:28,560 --> 00:44:29,960 [DIR tone stops] 914 00:44:30,000 --> 00:44:32,880 Interview with Edward Hastings. You remain under caution. 915 00:44:32,920 --> 00:44:35,120 Have you considered with your solicitor 916 00:44:35,160 --> 00:44:37,240 the new documents disclosed to you? 917 00:44:37,280 --> 00:44:39,840 I have. 918 00:44:39,880 --> 00:44:41,760 Edward Hastings, when was the last time 919 00:44:41,800 --> 00:44:43,520 you were in contact with John Corbett? 920 00:44:43,560 --> 00:44:44,760 Never. 921 00:44:44,800 --> 00:44:46,560 Have you ever been near enough 922 00:44:46,600 --> 00:44:49,120 to make physical contact with John Corbett? 923 00:44:49,160 --> 00:44:51,120 [Mutters] Never. Never. 924 00:44:52,400 --> 00:44:54,120 I'’ll ask you again. 925 00:44:54,160 --> 00:44:56,760 When were you last in physical contact with John Corbett? 926 00:44:56,800 --> 00:44:58,400 I only ever saw the fella once. 927 00:44:58,440 --> 00:45:00,320 It was across a very busy street 928 00:45:00,360 --> 00:45:04,200 during an AC-12 surveillance operation. 929 00:45:04,240 --> 00:45:06,000 Must have been 100 yards away. 930 00:45:06,040 --> 00:45:07,880 As you see in the disclosure documents, 931 00:45:07,920 --> 00:45:10,480 specifically Document 106 in your folders, 932 00:45:10,520 --> 00:45:12,560 forensic examination of Corbett'’s body 933 00:45:12,600 --> 00:45:15,200 has detected human hairs not belonging to him. 934 00:45:15,240 --> 00:45:17,440 Said hairs were attached to follicular cells, 935 00:45:17,480 --> 00:45:19,120 which permitted DNA analysis. 936 00:45:19,160 --> 00:45:21,440 The DNA found in these follicular cells 937 00:45:21,480 --> 00:45:24,160 matches that of a person on the police database 938 00:45:24,200 --> 00:45:27,640 who is a police officer who has submitted a DNA sample 939 00:45:27,680 --> 00:45:31,200 for routine elimination from crime scene contamination. 940 00:45:31,240 --> 00:45:33,600 As you know from the documents disclosed to you, 941 00:45:33,640 --> 00:45:36,360 the DNA deposits detected on John Corbett'’s body 942 00:45:36,400 --> 00:45:38,760 match your elimination samples. 943 00:45:38,800 --> 00:45:42,120 I'’ve never been within 100 yards of John Corbett. 944 00:45:42,160 --> 00:45:45,200 Your DNA was found on his body. Can you explain this finding? 945 00:45:45,240 --> 00:45:47,240 I can'’t! It must have been planted. 946 00:45:47,280 --> 00:45:50,200 As a result of this evidence, I have been in consultation 947 00:45:50,240 --> 00:45:52,840 with the Senior Prosecutor in the Complex Case Unit. 948 00:45:52,880 --> 00:45:54,600 I did not kill Corbett! 949 00:45:54,640 --> 00:45:56,440 The evidence against you is sufficient 950 00:45:56,480 --> 00:45:58,280 to charge you with the murder of John Corbett. 951 00:45:58,320 --> 00:46:00,000 No, I'’m being framed. 952 00:46:00,040 --> 00:46:03,480 I'’ll move on to examine your motive for murdering Corbett. 953 00:46:03,520 --> 00:46:05,480 I did not murder Corbett! 954 00:46:05,520 --> 00:46:07,840 May I ask, given the gravity of the murder charge, 955 00:46:07,880 --> 00:46:09,800 why are you continuing? 956 00:46:09,840 --> 00:46:11,680 I have been tasked with investigating 957 00:46:11,720 --> 00:46:14,400 the highest level of corruption between police officers 958 00:46:14,440 --> 00:46:16,240 and organised crime - the highest level. 959 00:46:16,280 --> 00:46:17,920 HASTINGS: I am not corrupt! 960 00:46:17,960 --> 00:46:21,200 I'’m the one who's leading the fight against corruption! 961 00:46:21,240 --> 00:46:23,240 The highest level... 962 00:46:23,280 --> 00:46:25,680 is the individual codenamed "H". 963 00:46:28,280 --> 00:46:31,080 Significantly, Cottan led AC-12'’s inquiry 964 00:46:31,120 --> 00:46:33,120 into the identity of the police officer 965 00:46:33,160 --> 00:46:35,640 believed to be the intermediary for organised crime, 966 00:46:35,680 --> 00:46:37,200 codenamed "the Caddy". 967 00:46:37,240 --> 00:46:39,520 The Caddy was identified as being Cottan himself. 968 00:46:39,560 --> 00:46:43,240 Superintendent Hastings was the Senior Investigating Officer 969 00:46:43,280 --> 00:46:45,200 on the inquiry into H. 970 00:46:46,960 --> 00:46:49,400 I see an interesting parallel there. 971 00:46:49,440 --> 00:46:52,840 No, no. There'’s no parallel there, I'’m not H. 972 00:46:52,880 --> 00:46:55,160 Still, there was an allegation that you were. 973 00:46:55,200 --> 00:46:57,280 Why were you reluctant to entrust the investigation 974 00:46:57,320 --> 00:46:59,360 to an independent Anti-Corruption unit? 975 00:46:59,400 --> 00:47:00,640 I-I wasn'’t. 976 00:47:00,680 --> 00:47:02,600 Why did you shoot Robert Denmoor? 977 00:47:03,920 --> 00:47:05,400 TRANTER: Image 76 on screen. 978 00:47:05,440 --> 00:47:08,400 Image 76 shows Robert Denmoor, a violent criminal, 979 00:47:08,440 --> 00:47:11,040 with known associations to organised crime. 980 00:47:11,080 --> 00:47:12,680 Denmoor was incriminated in a plot 981 00:47:12,720 --> 00:47:14,880 to tamper with evidence in Operation Trapdoor. 982 00:47:14,920 --> 00:47:17,560 Denmoor was shot dead by Superintendent Hastings 983 00:47:17,600 --> 00:47:19,840 on the ground floor of AC-12'’s headquarters 984 00:47:19,880 --> 00:47:21,920 on the 4th of May, 2017. 985 00:47:21,960 --> 00:47:24,200 Denmoor posed an immediate threat to life 986 00:47:24,240 --> 00:47:26,640 and lethal force was required to stop him. 987 00:47:26,680 --> 00:47:28,680 Therefore, the coroner... 988 00:47:28,720 --> 00:47:31,360 recorded a finding of "lawful killing". 989 00:47:31,400 --> 00:47:34,320 The official report records there were a dozen AFOs 990 00:47:34,360 --> 00:47:36,600 on the scene and none of them opened fire. 991 00:47:36,640 --> 00:47:39,000 According to the report, you snatched a firearm 992 00:47:39,040 --> 00:47:40,440 from a wounded AFO. 993 00:47:40,480 --> 00:47:41,920 Yeah, I did. 994 00:47:41,960 --> 00:47:44,720 The round fired by you prevented questioning of Denmoor. 995 00:47:44,760 --> 00:47:46,480 Prevented the loss of life. 996 00:47:46,520 --> 00:47:48,400 Denmoor would have been a key witness 997 00:47:48,440 --> 00:47:50,560 who could have confirmed Hilton as H. 998 00:47:50,600 --> 00:47:52,440 - Yes. - Or excluded him. 999 00:47:52,480 --> 00:47:53,680 Yes, also. 1000 00:47:53,720 --> 00:47:55,600 You were prepared to lose priceless evidence - 1001 00:47:55,640 --> 00:47:57,920 the same judgment you demonstrated on 12th March, 1002 00:47:57,960 --> 00:47:59,440 when you ordered DS Arnott 1003 00:47:59,480 --> 00:48:01,760 to deploy lethal force against John Corbett. 1004 00:48:01,800 --> 00:48:03,320 I told you, Corbett was armed, 1005 00:48:03,360 --> 00:48:05,840 he was responsible for the deaths of Maneet Bindra, 1006 00:48:05,880 --> 00:48:07,200 Lester Hargreaves. 1007 00:48:07,240 --> 00:48:09,840 I gave the order to safeguard my officer'’s life. 1008 00:48:09,880 --> 00:48:12,480 Corbett was notifying DS Arnott of a meeting 1009 00:48:12,520 --> 00:48:15,560 with a high-ranking nominal who could well have been H. 1010 00:48:15,600 --> 00:48:17,600 But Corbett was a liar! 1011 00:48:17,640 --> 00:48:20,280 He was playing games with all of us. 1012 00:48:20,320 --> 00:48:22,040 He was a decorated undercover officer 1013 00:48:22,080 --> 00:48:24,040 whose courageous actions brought to justice 1014 00:48:24,080 --> 00:48:25,960 members of organised criminal groups. 1015 00:48:26,000 --> 00:48:29,560 Corbett gave DS Arnott alone details of the meeting with H. 1016 00:48:29,600 --> 00:48:30,840 He did. 1017 00:48:30,880 --> 00:48:32,920 You ordered DS Arnott to disclose those details? 1018 00:48:32,960 --> 00:48:35,880 Damn right! I was his commanding officer, for Christ'’s sake! 1019 00:48:35,920 --> 00:48:37,400 What the hell'’s going on here? 1020 00:48:37,440 --> 00:48:40,440 At that meeting, 12th March at the Palisades Shopping Centre, 1021 00:48:40,480 --> 00:48:42,520 - what happened? - No meeting took place. 1022 00:48:42,560 --> 00:48:44,880 - Why do you think that was? - Well... 1023 00:48:44,920 --> 00:48:47,200 Corbett was about to be apprehended by AC-12. 1024 00:48:47,240 --> 00:48:49,840 I suspect he lied about the meeting at the Palisades 1025 00:48:49,880 --> 00:48:51,360 to secure his own escape. 1026 00:48:51,400 --> 00:48:54,480 Or he was telling the truth and the information was leaked to H. 1027 00:48:56,400 --> 00:48:59,840 We detected no evidence of a leak. 1028 00:48:59,880 --> 00:49:02,800 We examined your personal communications records 1029 00:49:02,840 --> 00:49:04,480 and found no suspicious calls. 1030 00:49:04,520 --> 00:49:08,680 But I do need you to account for two unexplained findings. 1031 00:49:08,720 --> 00:49:11,520 We'’ve detected activity in the vicinity of AC-12 1032 00:49:11,560 --> 00:49:13,560 on unregistered mobile phones, 1033 00:49:13,600 --> 00:49:17,960 so-called burner phones, used for illicit communications. 1034 00:49:18,000 --> 00:49:21,360 We'’ve identified a specific burner phone. Tina, thank you. 1035 00:49:21,400 --> 00:49:25,440 Document 92 is a call history of an unregistered mobile: 1036 00:49:25,480 --> 00:49:29,520 07700 900856. 1037 00:49:29,560 --> 00:49:31,440 The device shows clusters of activity 1038 00:49:31,480 --> 00:49:34,200 in the vicinity of AC-12 over the last six weeks, 1039 00:49:34,240 --> 00:49:38,000 also engaged in communication with other burner phones. 1040 00:49:38,040 --> 00:49:40,440 Cross-checking with door entry download data reveals 1041 00:49:40,480 --> 00:49:43,960 only one AC-12 officer was in the building on every occasion 1042 00:49:44,000 --> 00:49:48,040 07700 900856 was detected. 1043 00:49:48,080 --> 00:49:50,800 That officer was Superintendent Edward Hastings. 1044 00:49:50,840 --> 00:49:55,800 Is 07700 900856 your phone? 1045 00:49:55,840 --> 00:49:58,200 - No, it is not. - Did you dispose of the phone? 1046 00:49:58,240 --> 00:49:59,640 There was never a phone. 1047 00:49:59,680 --> 00:50:02,520 Have you ever disposed of a communications device? 1048 00:50:05,160 --> 00:50:06,240 Tina. 1049 00:50:06,280 --> 00:50:08,240 Document 24. Document 24... 1050 00:50:08,280 --> 00:50:11,600 shows screenshots from a laptop forensically recovered 1051 00:50:11,640 --> 00:50:14,000 from the Flicker nightclub used by Lisa McQueen 1052 00:50:14,040 --> 00:50:16,240 and John Corbett to communicate with H. 1053 00:50:16,280 --> 00:50:20,640 As we can see, H issued his orders via text. 1054 00:50:20,680 --> 00:50:23,480 I repeat. Have you ever disposed of a communications device? 1055 00:50:23,520 --> 00:50:25,520 - No. - PS Tranter, thank you. 1056 00:50:25,560 --> 00:50:27,080 As stated by DCS Carmichael, 1057 00:50:27,120 --> 00:50:29,520 we examined the communication history of Edward Hastings. 1058 00:50:29,560 --> 00:50:31,240 Document 28 in your folders 1059 00:50:31,280 --> 00:50:35,480 is said communication history relating to your personal mobile 1060 00:50:35,520 --> 00:50:38,040 and your work registered mobile telephone. 1061 00:50:38,080 --> 00:50:41,600 From these phones, we'’ve been able to harvest location data. 1062 00:50:41,640 --> 00:50:45,160 We detected suspicious behaviour on the 5th of March. 1063 00:50:45,200 --> 00:50:48,320 Location data places both phones at the Edge Park Hotel 1064 00:50:48,360 --> 00:50:50,760 around 1500 hours that day. 1065 00:50:50,800 --> 00:50:53,760 The user then switches off both phones for the rest of the day. 1066 00:50:53,800 --> 00:50:56,480 When location data resumes the next day, the 6th of March, 1067 00:50:56,520 --> 00:50:59,240 the phones are back in the Edge Park Hotel. 1068 00:50:59,280 --> 00:51:01,880 Why did you switch off your phones? 1069 00:51:01,920 --> 00:51:04,840 I um... I really don'’t recall. 1070 00:51:04,880 --> 00:51:08,440 Do you recall the significance of that date, 5th March? 1071 00:51:08,480 --> 00:51:10,120 Er...no. 1072 00:51:10,160 --> 00:51:13,600 That night the OCG carried out a robbery at the Eastfield Depot, 1073 00:51:13,640 --> 00:51:17,080 making away with seized goods with an estimated street value 1074 00:51:17,120 --> 00:51:18,560 of £50 million. 1075 00:51:18,600 --> 00:51:21,880 OK, look, I'’m sorry. The date must have slipped my mind. 1076 00:51:21,920 --> 00:51:25,560 Where were you from 1500 hours on the 5th of March? 1077 00:51:25,600 --> 00:51:27,840 Well, I remained... 1078 00:51:27,880 --> 00:51:31,960 I remained in and around the Edge Park Hotel on standby 1079 00:51:32,000 --> 00:51:35,040 for developments for AC-12'’s surveillance operation 1080 00:51:35,080 --> 00:51:36,480 on the Eastfield Depot. 1081 00:51:36,520 --> 00:51:40,440 This was a... a hugely important operation. 1082 00:51:40,480 --> 00:51:43,840 Wasn'’t it essential that you be contactable? 1083 00:51:43,880 --> 00:51:46,520 Well, we'’d established a direct line of communication 1084 00:51:46,560 --> 00:51:48,080 through Airwave radio. 1085 00:51:48,120 --> 00:51:50,400 I had direct dial access to my officers. 1086 00:51:50,440 --> 00:51:53,000 My own works phone was redundant. 1087 00:51:53,040 --> 00:51:55,960 Why didn'’t you attend the operation in person? 1088 00:51:56,000 --> 00:51:58,640 To ensure operational independence. 1089 00:51:58,680 --> 00:52:03,480 DI Fleming, she acted as the Tactical Firearms Commander 1090 00:52:03,520 --> 00:52:06,240 under an independent Strategic Firearms Commander. 1091 00:52:06,280 --> 00:52:08,360 The result being your whereabouts were unknown 1092 00:52:08,400 --> 00:52:11,640 until you made contact via an Airwave radio later that night. 1093 00:52:11,680 --> 00:52:13,280 That'’s neither here nor there. 1094 00:52:13,320 --> 00:52:16,120 We attempted to trace your movements on 5th March. 1095 00:52:16,160 --> 00:52:17,840 Tina, thank you. 1096 00:52:17,880 --> 00:52:20,960 Starting from a radius of 100 metres around Edge Park Hotel, 1097 00:52:21,000 --> 00:52:24,120 we examined CCTV and traffic cameras - Image 32. 1098 00:52:24,160 --> 00:52:26,280 CARMICHAEL: Who'’s seen in this image? 1099 00:52:27,760 --> 00:52:30,080 - Me. - What'’s the package you carry? 1100 00:52:32,920 --> 00:52:34,440 I'’m reserving comment. 1101 00:52:34,480 --> 00:52:38,000 We traced the taxi'’s journey to a drop-off point in Moss Heath. 1102 00:52:38,040 --> 00:52:41,880 Again, we examined CCTV cameras in a 100-metre radius. 1103 00:52:41,920 --> 00:52:43,080 Image 33. 1104 00:52:43,120 --> 00:52:46,400 CARMICHAEL: Who'’s seen in this image? 1105 00:52:46,440 --> 00:52:48,960 - Me. - And what are you doing? 1106 00:52:57,520 --> 00:53:00,520 We know from the recovered laptop from the nightclub 1107 00:53:00,560 --> 00:53:03,680 that the OCG communicated with H via online messaging. 1108 00:53:03,720 --> 00:53:08,360 Examination of the OCG'’s laptop'’s hard drive 1109 00:53:08,400 --> 00:53:11,320 revealed a sophisticated re-routing system 1110 00:53:11,360 --> 00:53:15,640 via various VPNs to disguise H'’s IP address. 1111 00:53:15,680 --> 00:53:18,800 And while we'’re still unable to determinate H'’s location, 1112 00:53:18,840 --> 00:53:21,680 we know for certain that the hard drive of the computer 1113 00:53:21,720 --> 00:53:24,000 would contain metadata proving it was used 1114 00:53:24,040 --> 00:53:26,040 to communicate with the OCG. 1115 00:53:26,080 --> 00:53:30,400 Evidence that he would take great pains to dispose of. 1116 00:53:47,200 --> 00:53:48,240 OK. 1117 00:53:50,760 --> 00:53:53,600 Well, we shall come back to it. 1118 00:53:55,360 --> 00:53:57,640 As we'’ve established, the night of the 5th of March 1119 00:53:57,680 --> 00:54:00,160 saw the OCG robbery at the Eastfield Depot. 1120 00:54:00,200 --> 00:54:02,200 At 2240 hours that night, 1121 00:54:02,240 --> 00:54:05,160 a Status Zero radio call was made by PC Kieran Bloom, 1122 00:54:05,200 --> 00:54:07,880 requesting urgent assistance to Farmers Lane. 1123 00:54:07,920 --> 00:54:09,920 How did you respond to that emergency call? 1124 00:54:09,960 --> 00:54:11,880 The Authorised Firearms Officers 1125 00:54:11,920 --> 00:54:14,160 who were giving assistance to the AC-12 surveillance 1126 00:54:14,200 --> 00:54:16,200 of the Eastfield Depot 1127 00:54:16,240 --> 00:54:18,840 were the nearest Armed Response Unit. 1128 00:54:18,880 --> 00:54:22,520 So, given our responsibility towards preserving life, 1129 00:54:22,560 --> 00:54:26,080 I authorised the AFOs to render assistance. 1130 00:54:26,120 --> 00:54:30,720 As a result of your actions, the OCG were able to flee Eastfield 1131 00:54:30,760 --> 00:54:33,160 with £50 million worth of seized goods. 1132 00:54:33,200 --> 00:54:37,080 My decision was based on saving police officers'’ lives. 1133 00:54:37,120 --> 00:54:39,600 Priceless, I would say. 1134 00:54:39,640 --> 00:54:42,920 H would have wanted the robbery to succeed, wouldn'’t he, 1135 00:54:42,960 --> 00:54:45,240 so that he could have shared in the proceeds? 1136 00:54:45,280 --> 00:54:46,560 That'’s hypothetical. 1137 00:54:50,040 --> 00:54:53,560 You went to a nightclub known to be an OCG haunt 1138 00:54:53,600 --> 00:54:55,320 in the hope of effecting a meeting 1139 00:54:55,360 --> 00:54:57,560 without independent authorisation. 1140 00:54:57,600 --> 00:54:59,440 Yeah, but look, you know... 1141 00:54:59,480 --> 00:55:02,480 they'’d killed Maneet, they'd murdered Lester Hargreaves, 1142 00:55:02,520 --> 00:55:04,160 they'’d held up the Eastfield Depot. 1143 00:55:04,200 --> 00:55:05,600 Time was running out. 1144 00:55:05,640 --> 00:55:07,760 You pretended to be H successfully enough 1145 00:55:07,800 --> 00:55:11,680 for the OCG to share with you the proceeds of the robbery. 1146 00:55:11,720 --> 00:55:15,080 No, I was using them to find out where the proceeds were hidden. 1147 00:55:15,120 --> 00:55:17,720 Who better to impersonate H than H himself? 1148 00:55:17,760 --> 00:55:19,760 That is not what was happening. 1149 00:55:19,800 --> 00:55:22,880 Like I told you, time was running out. I was desperate. 1150 00:55:22,920 --> 00:55:25,400 Well, it'’s convenient to rationalise all this 1151 00:55:25,440 --> 00:55:27,280 as the desperation of a failing SIO. 1152 00:55:27,320 --> 00:55:29,320 But before we do, 1153 00:55:29,360 --> 00:55:31,600 let'’s consider the communications made 1154 00:55:31,640 --> 00:55:34,880 between Corbett and you via a computer link. Tina. 1155 00:55:34,920 --> 00:55:37,400 Document 105 in your folders and on screen. 1156 00:55:37,440 --> 00:55:41,240 Document 105 is a transcript of a written message 1157 00:55:41,280 --> 00:55:42,720 composed by you and transmitted 1158 00:55:42,760 --> 00:55:45,960 on the evening of the 12th of March. 1159 00:55:46,000 --> 00:55:48,000 Please look at line three, which reads: 1160 00:55:48,040 --> 00:55:50,320 "I can definitely pull the right strings." 1161 00:55:50,360 --> 00:55:52,800 CARMICHAEL: Note the misspelling of "definitely". 1162 00:55:52,840 --> 00:55:54,600 Going back to earlier messages 1163 00:55:54,640 --> 00:55:56,400 believed to have been written by H. 1164 00:55:56,440 --> 00:56:00,840 Please look at the message transmitted on the 3rd of March. 1165 00:56:00,880 --> 00:56:03,400 "Eastfield Depot is definitely high risk." 1166 00:56:03,440 --> 00:56:05,080 Again, note the misspelling. 1167 00:56:05,120 --> 00:56:07,720 How closely had you studied the messages by H? 1168 00:56:07,760 --> 00:56:09,760 Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, quite closely. 1169 00:56:09,800 --> 00:56:13,080 Closely enough to duplicate the misspelling of this word? 1170 00:56:13,120 --> 00:56:14,360 Yes. 1171 00:56:14,400 --> 00:56:16,880 You'’re the SIO on one of the biggest 1172 00:56:16,920 --> 00:56:19,720 Anti-Corruption operations this force has ever seen 1173 00:56:19,760 --> 00:56:23,320 and you have the headspace to learn to spell like H? 1174 00:56:24,000 --> 00:56:25,480 Yes. 1175 00:56:25,520 --> 00:56:27,960 Isn'’t it more likely that you inadvertently misspelled it? 1176 00:56:28,000 --> 00:56:29,760 - No. - Isn'’t it more likely 1177 00:56:29,800 --> 00:56:32,160 you made the same mistake as H because you are H? 1178 00:56:32,200 --> 00:56:34,120 I am not H. 1179 00:56:36,880 --> 00:56:39,280 Looking at another part of the impersonator message. 1180 00:56:39,320 --> 00:56:42,480 Line four: "I need you to bring all this to a close." 1181 00:56:42,520 --> 00:56:44,200 What did you mean by that? 1182 00:56:44,240 --> 00:56:47,440 What H meant was that the Eastfield goods were a liability 1183 00:56:47,480 --> 00:56:49,800 and needed to be taken out of the country quickly. 1184 00:56:49,840 --> 00:56:52,800 It could imply another meaning - the order to execute Corbett. 1185 00:56:52,840 --> 00:56:54,760 No, absolutely not! 1186 00:56:54,800 --> 00:56:57,520 What private material was stored on the hard drive 1187 00:56:57,560 --> 00:57:00,760 of the laptop computer that you erased on the 5th of March? 1188 00:57:00,800 --> 00:57:02,520 It'’s not relevant to this inquiry. 1189 00:57:02,560 --> 00:57:05,160 If we'’d been able to find H's computer, we'’d have proof. 1190 00:57:05,200 --> 00:57:07,320 You disposed of your computer because you knew 1191 00:57:07,360 --> 00:57:10,360 it would prove beyond all reasonable doubt you are H. 1192 00:57:10,400 --> 00:57:11,600 No. 1193 00:57:11,640 --> 00:57:13,560 Then why did you dispose of the computer? 1194 00:57:20,320 --> 00:57:22,240 I was looking at pornography. 1195 00:57:23,520 --> 00:57:25,880 Nothing illegal, nothing extreme. 1196 00:57:25,920 --> 00:57:29,840 I just did not want it to be found, that'’s all. 1197 00:57:30,880 --> 00:57:32,640 Nothing illegal or extreme, 1198 00:57:32,680 --> 00:57:34,600 but you disposed of the computer? 1199 00:57:34,640 --> 00:57:36,640 Look, it was private stuff. 1200 00:57:36,680 --> 00:57:38,960 So, you know, my wife has left me, and... 1201 00:57:39,000 --> 00:57:41,000 Jesus Christ. 1202 00:57:41,040 --> 00:57:43,320 Look, I really don'’t want to discuss it. 1203 00:57:43,360 --> 00:57:47,680 And after you entered the nightclub as part of your erm... 1204 00:57:47,720 --> 00:57:50,480 ..unauthorised undercover operation, 1205 00:57:50,520 --> 00:57:54,240 you were next located where the Eastfield goods were concealed. 1206 00:57:54,280 --> 00:57:56,160 It was pure chance a burner phone, 1207 00:57:56,200 --> 00:57:59,120 inadvertently left on by an OCG member, meant you were found. 1208 00:57:59,160 --> 00:58:02,040 We'’d be forgiven for thinking you didn'’t want to be found. 1209 00:58:02,080 --> 00:58:04,080 That'’s simply not true! 1210 00:58:04,120 --> 00:58:07,440 The net was closing in, your identity was being unmasked. 1211 00:58:07,480 --> 00:58:10,880 You'’d reunited with the OCG in order to share in the profits 1212 00:58:10,920 --> 00:58:12,920 of the Eastfield robbery. 1213 00:58:12,960 --> 00:58:15,920 No, look, look... 1214 00:58:15,960 --> 00:58:20,600 I had risked my life and my career in order to catch them. 1215 00:58:20,640 --> 00:58:23,640 The two most precious things to me in the whole world, 1216 00:58:23,680 --> 00:58:26,160 I'’d laid them on the line. 1217 00:58:26,200 --> 00:58:28,880 Because I was so determined. 1218 00:58:28,920 --> 00:58:32,480 And I was so desperate that AC-12 would not fail. 1219 00:58:34,560 --> 00:58:37,160 One thing I keep going back to is that dying declaration 1220 00:58:37,200 --> 00:58:38,800 by DI Cottan - Tina. 1221 00:58:38,840 --> 00:58:40,560 Thank you. 1222 00:58:40,600 --> 00:58:43,080 Cottan, your own officer, named the top man as H. 1223 00:58:43,120 --> 00:58:46,480 Now, finally, there'’s overwhelming evidence H is you. 1224 00:58:46,520 --> 00:58:48,360 I'’m not H. 1225 00:58:48,400 --> 00:58:50,960 John Corbett was proving the trail led to your door. 1226 00:58:51,000 --> 00:58:52,800 - No. - It'’s why you had him murdered. 1227 00:58:52,840 --> 00:58:54,760 - No. - You told Arnott to shoot him. 1228 00:58:54,800 --> 00:58:56,160 No. 1229 00:58:56,200 --> 00:58:58,600 When that plan failed, you visited Lee Banks in prison 1230 00:58:58,640 --> 00:59:01,800 and revealed to him Corbett was an undercover police officer. 1231 00:59:01,840 --> 00:59:03,200 No, no. 1232 00:59:03,240 --> 00:59:04,920 But killing Corbett wasn'’t enough. 1233 00:59:04,960 --> 00:59:07,040 You needed to know what he had on you. 1234 00:59:07,080 --> 00:59:09,440 That was the biggest mistake that you made. 1235 00:59:09,480 --> 00:59:11,800 In the final meeting with Corbett, 1236 00:59:11,840 --> 00:59:13,560 before you slashed his throat 1237 00:59:13,600 --> 00:59:15,520 and dumped him at the breaker'’s yard, 1238 00:59:15,560 --> 00:59:18,160 one of your hairs contaminated Corbett'’s body. 1239 00:59:18,200 --> 00:59:19,200 No! 1240 00:59:21,080 --> 00:59:24,040 Edward Hastings...H... 1241 00:59:24,080 --> 00:59:26,720 I have been in consultation with the Senior Prosecutor 1242 00:59:26,760 --> 00:59:30,040 at the Complex Case Unit and will now go back to her, 1243 00:59:30,080 --> 00:59:33,040 seeking authority to charge you with the murder of John Corbett, 1244 00:59:33,080 --> 00:59:34,880 conspiracy to commit armed robbery, 1245 00:59:34,920 --> 00:59:36,960 and malfeasance in a public office. 1246 00:59:37,000 --> 00:59:39,320 I think it might be helpful if Mr Hastings 1247 00:59:39,360 --> 00:59:41,680 is given some time with his solicitor. 1248 00:59:41,720 --> 00:59:44,320 Fine by me. 1249 00:59:44,360 --> 00:59:46,040 Thank you, Tina. Well done. 1250 00:59:46,080 --> 00:59:47,200 Ma'’am. 1251 00:59:52,720 --> 00:59:56,080 TRANTER: Interview terminated at 2146. 1252 01:00:01,680 --> 01:00:03,440 Where'’s the AFOs? 1253 01:00:06,240 --> 01:00:08,360 - Kyle. - Ma'’am. 1254 01:00:08,400 --> 01:00:10,040 There was meant to be armed support 1255 01:00:10,080 --> 01:00:12,040 while the Gaffer was being interviewed. 1256 01:00:12,080 --> 01:00:14,480 Looks like it'’s been scaled back. 1257 01:00:14,520 --> 01:00:16,920 It'’ll be down to other operational commitments. 1258 01:00:16,960 --> 01:00:18,760 Always is. 1259 01:00:18,800 --> 01:00:20,200 OK. 1260 01:00:26,960 --> 01:00:29,160 GILL: You'’ve got to hand it to Carmichael. 1261 01:00:29,200 --> 01:00:32,240 There is...a lot stacking up. 1262 01:00:32,280 --> 01:00:34,120 And that'’s with setting aside 1263 01:00:34,160 --> 01:00:36,120 the bundle of cash in your hotel room. 1264 01:00:36,160 --> 01:00:38,120 Which I was about to return. 1265 01:00:38,160 --> 01:00:41,200 All of it? 1266 01:00:41,240 --> 01:00:43,280 Moffatt denies any knowledge of the money, 1267 01:00:43,320 --> 01:00:45,480 so nobody'’s put the exact sum to him, 1268 01:00:45,520 --> 01:00:47,440 but according to the files, 1269 01:00:47,480 --> 01:00:50,280 the amount required to buy into the property development 1270 01:00:50,320 --> 01:00:52,400 wasn'’t 50 grand. 1271 01:00:52,440 --> 01:00:54,240 It was 100. 1272 01:00:54,280 --> 01:00:59,360 Now, if there is another 50 grand...somewhere... 1273 01:00:59,400 --> 01:01:02,400 eventually someone'’s gonna find it. 1274 01:01:02,440 --> 01:01:04,040 Now, I'’m on your side, Ted, 1275 01:01:04,080 --> 01:01:05,960 but if I was on a jury, 1276 01:01:06,000 --> 01:01:08,800 I'’d say this all looks damning. 1277 01:01:08,840 --> 01:01:11,120 Now, I'’m confident I can talk the PCC 1278 01:01:11,160 --> 01:01:12,880 into applying political pressure 1279 01:01:12,920 --> 01:01:15,280 to suppress Carmichael'’s investigation. 1280 01:01:15,320 --> 01:01:16,800 Much better to blow our trumpets 1281 01:01:16,840 --> 01:01:18,480 about recovering the stolen goods 1282 01:01:18,520 --> 01:01:20,920 and neutralising the OCG. 1283 01:01:20,960 --> 01:01:23,600 You'’ll have to accept a misconduct charge 1284 01:01:23,640 --> 01:01:26,280 for carrying out unauthorised operations... 1285 01:01:26,320 --> 01:01:28,520 and resign from the Force. 1286 01:01:28,560 --> 01:01:30,680 No doubt, AC-12 will be disbanded. 1287 01:01:35,400 --> 01:01:36,880 CARMICHAEL: Thank you. Yes. 1288 01:01:36,920 --> 01:01:38,640 The threshold tests have been met. 1289 01:01:38,680 --> 01:01:41,280 - [Beep] - What'’s going on? 1290 01:01:41,320 --> 01:01:43,160 The DCS is onto the Crown Prosecutor. 1291 01:01:43,200 --> 01:01:45,080 Mm-hm. 1292 01:01:45,120 --> 01:01:47,120 - Ma'’am. - Ma'’am. 1293 01:01:50,520 --> 01:01:52,920 - DS Arnott. - DI Fleming. 1294 01:01:57,120 --> 01:02:00,200 The last thing I need right now is another knife in my back. 1295 01:02:00,240 --> 01:02:02,280 That was never our intention, sir. 1296 01:02:02,320 --> 01:02:04,720 Yeah? Funny way of showing it. 1297 01:02:06,440 --> 01:02:08,640 We'’ve been making inquiries into some of the gaps 1298 01:02:08,680 --> 01:02:10,320 in our understanding of Corbett'’s involvement 1299 01:02:10,360 --> 01:02:12,080 - in Operation Pear Tree. - Yeah? 1300 01:02:12,120 --> 01:02:13,800 Under whose orders? Hers? 1301 01:02:13,840 --> 01:02:15,920 No, sir. On our own. 1302 01:02:15,960 --> 01:02:18,960 We'’re just trying to find the truth. 1303 01:02:19,000 --> 01:02:21,120 - What'’s going on? - We'’ve gathered 1304 01:02:21,160 --> 01:02:23,680 further information that may be relevant to your inquiry. 1305 01:02:23,720 --> 01:02:26,280 - You can brief me in private. - If it'’s OK, ma'am, 1306 01:02:26,320 --> 01:02:29,440 we intend to share our findings with Superintendent Hastings 1307 01:02:29,480 --> 01:02:30,960 and his solicitor. 1308 01:02:31,000 --> 01:02:33,720 His solicitor is making calls. 1309 01:02:33,760 --> 01:02:35,840 Well, they'’ve come to talk to me 1310 01:02:35,880 --> 01:02:37,520 and I'’d like to hear what they say. 1311 01:02:37,560 --> 01:02:40,960 Quite right. It'’s up to you if you want to be in on it, or not. 1312 01:02:42,880 --> 01:02:45,320 KATE: Operation Pear Tree was originally authorised 1313 01:02:45,360 --> 01:02:47,560 following an instruction from Rohan Sindwhani, 1314 01:02:47,600 --> 01:02:49,280 the Police and Crime Commissioner. 1315 01:02:49,320 --> 01:02:52,000 Sindwhani had made an election promise 1316 01:02:52,040 --> 01:02:54,280 to tackle police corruption. 1317 01:02:54,320 --> 01:02:57,360 The specific remit of Pear Tree is to examine whether complicity 1318 01:02:57,400 --> 01:02:59,560 between organised crime and police officers 1319 01:02:59,600 --> 01:03:02,320 has been institutionalised in this force. 1320 01:03:02,360 --> 01:03:04,760 Detective Superintendent Alison Powell, 1321 01:03:04,800 --> 01:03:06,560 having no connection to Central Police, 1322 01:03:06,600 --> 01:03:08,080 was brought in to lead Pear Tree. 1323 01:03:08,120 --> 01:03:10,480 Powell identified suitable undercover officers 1324 01:03:10,520 --> 01:03:12,680 from outside forces and submitted their CVs 1325 01:03:12,720 --> 01:03:14,880 to Deputy Chief Constable Andrea Wise. 1326 01:03:14,920 --> 01:03:16,560 Following a consultation process, 1327 01:03:16,600 --> 01:03:18,640 John Corbett was selected to be the UCO. 1328 01:03:18,680 --> 01:03:20,960 KATE: Corbett'’s background was available 1329 01:03:21,000 --> 01:03:23,280 to be examined as part of the process. 1330 01:03:23,320 --> 01:03:25,280 This was before his service record 1331 01:03:25,320 --> 01:03:27,160 was erased from the database 1332 01:03:27,200 --> 01:03:30,160 and large portions of the Pear Tree files were redacted. 1333 01:03:30,200 --> 01:03:32,240 DSU Powell informed us that PCC Sindwhani 1334 01:03:32,280 --> 01:03:34,040 took no part in the selection process 1335 01:03:34,080 --> 01:03:36,360 but it was agreed his Senior Legal Counsel 1336 01:03:36,400 --> 01:03:38,040 would act on his behalf. 1337 01:03:38,080 --> 01:03:41,000 I don'’t need to remind everyone there'’s been controversy 1338 01:03:41,040 --> 01:03:43,080 surrounding undercover operations. 1339 01:03:43,120 --> 01:03:45,560 The PCC required assurances 1340 01:03:45,600 --> 01:03:48,000 that Pear Tree was legally watertight. 1341 01:03:48,040 --> 01:03:49,640 According to DSU Powell, 1342 01:03:49,680 --> 01:03:53,120 the Senior Legal Counsel strongly favoured Corbett 1343 01:03:53,160 --> 01:03:55,880 and was instrumental in selecting him. 1344 01:03:55,920 --> 01:03:58,000 Corbett had a distinguished record 1345 01:03:58,040 --> 01:04:00,040 handling the perils of being embedded 1346 01:04:00,080 --> 01:04:01,640 inside an organised crime group. 1347 01:04:01,680 --> 01:04:05,240 He was by far the best man for the job. 1348 01:04:05,280 --> 01:04:09,160 Ms Biggeloe, when did you first become aware of John Corbett? 1349 01:04:09,200 --> 01:04:11,720 Well, when we looked at the files 1350 01:04:11,760 --> 01:04:13,760 to, um...select an undercover officer. 1351 01:04:15,120 --> 01:04:17,160 Gill Biggeloe, you do not have to say anything 1352 01:04:17,200 --> 01:04:18,640 but it may harm your defence 1353 01:04:18,680 --> 01:04:19,960 if you do not mention when questioned 1354 01:04:20,000 --> 01:04:21,320 something you later rely on in court. 1355 01:04:21,360 --> 01:04:23,680 Anything you do say may be used in evidence. 1356 01:04:29,560 --> 01:04:31,120 Mm. OK. 1357 01:04:32,480 --> 01:04:34,240 Well, given that the DIR'’s off, 1358 01:04:34,280 --> 01:04:38,840 I'’d like to make my own personal recording. Any objections? 1359 01:04:38,880 --> 01:04:42,560 CARMICHAEL: I think we need to take a step back, actually. 1360 01:04:42,600 --> 01:04:44,000 Recording on. 1361 01:04:44,040 --> 01:04:46,560 KATE: If you could kindly bear with us, ma'’am. 1362 01:04:46,600 --> 01:04:50,160 Ms Biggeloe, did you ever meet John Corbett? 1363 01:04:50,200 --> 01:04:52,560 I refer you to my previous response. 1364 01:04:52,600 --> 01:04:55,000 - DS Arnott. - As part of our inquiry, 1365 01:04:55,040 --> 01:04:57,160 we interviewed Corbett'’s widow, Stephanie. 1366 01:04:57,200 --> 01:04:58,680 On the first occasion, 1367 01:04:58,720 --> 01:05:01,160 she confirmed Corbett'’s upbringing in Northern Ireland. 1368 01:05:01,200 --> 01:05:02,840 Following our interview with DSU Powell, 1369 01:05:02,880 --> 01:05:05,120 we went back to Mrs Corbett with specific questions 1370 01:05:05,160 --> 01:05:08,800 regarding Corbett'’s recruitment to Operation Pear Tree. 1371 01:05:08,840 --> 01:05:11,480 We managed to convince her to cooperate with our inquiry 1372 01:05:11,520 --> 01:05:13,960 and reveal hitherto undisclosed evidence. 1373 01:05:14,000 --> 01:05:16,160 Following a lawful search of the family home, 1374 01:05:16,200 --> 01:05:17,920 under Mrs Corbett'’s guidance, 1375 01:05:17,960 --> 01:05:20,560 we recovered items concealed by her husband. 1376 01:05:20,600 --> 01:05:22,240 Among the items was an audio recording 1377 01:05:22,280 --> 01:05:24,760 of a meeting between John Corbett and Gill Biggeloe 1378 01:05:24,800 --> 01:05:27,120 which took place in January 2018, 1379 01:05:27,160 --> 01:05:31,000 a month before the inception of Operation Pear Tree. 1380 01:05:31,040 --> 01:05:34,280 Well, if such a recording exists, it'’s inadmissible. 1381 01:05:34,320 --> 01:05:37,080 It'’s correct that if acting on official police business, 1382 01:05:37,120 --> 01:05:40,480 Corbett would'’ve required authorisation from RIPA. 1383 01:05:40,520 --> 01:05:43,240 Yeah, well, he wasn'’t acting on official police business 1384 01:05:43,280 --> 01:05:45,720 and I can assure you that my legal team and I 1385 01:05:45,760 --> 01:05:47,320 will move heaven and earth 1386 01:05:47,360 --> 01:05:50,280 so this particular recording will be heard in court. 1387 01:05:51,360 --> 01:05:52,960 Playing recording. 1388 01:05:53,000 --> 01:05:56,000 GILL: The RUC officer who betrayed your mother, 1389 01:05:56,040 --> 01:05:58,440 his name'’s Hastings. 1390 01:05:58,480 --> 01:06:03,320 Superintendent Ted Hastings. 1391 01:06:03,360 --> 01:06:05,320 CORBETT: What, he'’s a super now? 1392 01:06:05,360 --> 01:06:07,960 That'’s taking the piss. How do you know all this? 1393 01:06:08,000 --> 01:06:09,920 GILL: From a private investigator 1394 01:06:09,960 --> 01:06:12,200 who'’s been looking into Hastings'’ past. 1395 01:06:12,240 --> 01:06:15,160 It'’s all in the file, chapter and verse. 1396 01:06:15,200 --> 01:06:20,200 You read it and then tell me how you feel about my proposal. 1397 01:06:20,240 --> 01:06:22,040 CORBETT: I'’m in. Tell me now. 1398 01:06:22,080 --> 01:06:24,240 GILL: We'’re setting up an undercover operation 1399 01:06:24,280 --> 01:06:26,600 to prove he'’s bent. 1400 01:06:26,640 --> 01:06:30,560 To finally bring down the man who had your mother killed. 1401 01:06:30,600 --> 01:06:32,320 CORBETT: It'’s definitely him? 1402 01:06:32,360 --> 01:06:33,960 - Hastings? - Yeah. 1403 01:06:37,200 --> 01:06:39,600 KATE: Gill Biggeloe sought incriminating material 1404 01:06:39,640 --> 01:06:41,360 on Superintendent Hastings 1405 01:06:41,400 --> 01:06:43,680 and then used it to manipulate John Corbett 1406 01:06:43,720 --> 01:06:47,600 into believing Superintendent Hastings is "H". 1407 01:06:49,800 --> 01:06:50,920 Why, Gill? 1408 01:06:58,840 --> 01:07:00,760 It'’s complicated. 1409 01:07:00,800 --> 01:07:02,960 We'’ve got time. 1410 01:07:03,000 --> 01:07:04,240 Actually, you don'’t. 1411 01:07:08,440 --> 01:07:11,280 Armed TFC, guns down! Stand by! 1412 01:07:13,000 --> 01:07:14,680 We need to shut this building down! 1413 01:07:14,720 --> 01:07:17,120 - Guns down now! - Do as he says! 1414 01:07:19,240 --> 01:07:21,400 - TFC, now. - Received. Moving in. 1415 01:07:21,440 --> 01:07:24,840 - Guns down! - Hands where we can see '’em! 1416 01:07:24,880 --> 01:07:27,920 - Hands above your head! - Who authorised this? 1417 01:07:27,960 --> 01:07:31,240 We detected apparent security lapses on entering the building. 1418 01:07:31,280 --> 01:07:33,760 The SFC authorised us to deploy firearms. 1419 01:07:33,800 --> 01:07:37,080 All your AFOs are being disarmed as a precaution. 1420 01:07:43,200 --> 01:07:44,760 This burner phone... 1421 01:07:44,800 --> 01:07:47,920 It isn'’t the same burner phone I'’ve been accused of owning, 1422 01:07:47,960 --> 01:07:49,520 by any chance, Tina, is it? 1423 01:07:49,560 --> 01:07:51,800 [Sighs] Tina, number. 1424 01:07:51,840 --> 01:07:54,320 077...00... 1425 01:07:54,360 --> 01:07:56,400 900856. 1426 01:07:59,400 --> 01:08:01,040 [Phone buzzes] 1427 01:08:01,080 --> 01:08:03,920 HASTINGS: Oh, yeah. There it is. 1428 01:08:03,960 --> 01:08:07,400 You see, Gill only ever visited me when she came to AC-12. 1429 01:08:07,440 --> 01:08:10,440 That'’s how we mistook this phone for mine. 1430 01:08:13,000 --> 01:08:14,680 TFC, 6-4. 1431 01:08:14,720 --> 01:08:16,320 Any obs on OCG? 1432 01:08:17,400 --> 01:08:19,640 6-4. No contacts yet. Stand by. 1433 01:08:21,480 --> 01:08:23,400 Looks like the cavalry'’s not coming. 1434 01:08:23,440 --> 01:08:24,640 HASTINGS: Yeah. 1435 01:08:24,680 --> 01:08:27,600 The last time Dot Cottan sent that message out, 1436 01:08:27,640 --> 01:08:29,960 he was busted out in a couple of seconds. 1437 01:08:30,000 --> 01:08:32,800 Looks like you'’re not as valuable as him - 1438 01:08:32,840 --> 01:08:34,960 or as valuable as you thought you were. 1439 01:08:35,000 --> 01:08:37,560 "As valuable" to who exactly? 1440 01:08:37,600 --> 01:08:40,360 Well, Gill told me that she was a defence solicitor. 1441 01:08:40,400 --> 01:08:42,440 You meet a lot of shady types doing that. 1442 01:08:42,480 --> 01:08:45,200 So you get some major piece of work... 1443 01:08:45,240 --> 01:08:47,840 off a serious criminal charge, 1444 01:08:47,880 --> 01:08:50,160 they put you on a retainer. 1445 01:08:50,200 --> 01:08:53,680 But these retainers come with strings attached, don'’t they? 1446 01:08:53,720 --> 01:08:57,560 But I suspect that she was enticed by the glamour. 1447 01:08:57,600 --> 01:08:59,120 Why frame the Gaffer? 1448 01:08:59,160 --> 01:09:01,800 It'’s always more palatable to offer up a rotten apple 1449 01:09:01,840 --> 01:09:04,920 than to uncover institutionalised corruption. 1450 01:09:04,960 --> 01:09:08,960 And as AC-12 have been a constant thorn 1451 01:09:09,000 --> 01:09:10,600 in the side of the OCG, 1452 01:09:10,640 --> 01:09:13,680 what better rotten apple than their commanding officer? 1453 01:09:13,720 --> 01:09:15,440 Right, Gill? 1454 01:09:18,080 --> 01:09:21,560 The money in the hotel room. Where did that come from? 1455 01:09:23,240 --> 01:09:26,200 I bet you asked some of your little criminal mates to... 1456 01:09:26,240 --> 01:09:28,800 slip that through to Moffatt, am I right? 1457 01:09:28,840 --> 01:09:31,920 There'’s damning DNA evidence against Superintendent Hastings. 1458 01:09:31,960 --> 01:09:35,760 It'’s hardly damning. A couple of hair follicles. Come on. 1459 01:09:40,680 --> 01:09:42,400 Hang on. 1460 01:09:44,120 --> 01:09:47,040 Don'’t tell me. Was that your doing, Gill? 1461 01:09:47,080 --> 01:09:49,080 Don'’t worry, Ted. 1462 01:09:49,120 --> 01:09:51,800 I'’ll spare your blushes in front of everyone. 1463 01:09:54,320 --> 01:09:57,200 Gill used the bathroom of my hotel room. 1464 01:09:57,240 --> 01:10:00,480 She must have taken some hairs out of the comb... 1465 01:10:00,520 --> 01:10:03,400 passed them on to the OCG and they planted them on... 1466 01:10:03,440 --> 01:10:04,640 Corbett'’s body. 1467 01:10:06,720 --> 01:10:09,280 Who killed Corbett? 1468 01:10:09,320 --> 01:10:10,800 Did you give the order? 1469 01:10:13,520 --> 01:10:16,800 We all know confessing to Conspiracy to Murder 1470 01:10:16,840 --> 01:10:20,920 will make me ineligible for immunity from prosecution. 1471 01:10:22,520 --> 01:10:24,720 And the institutionalised complicity 1472 01:10:24,760 --> 01:10:28,480 between organised crime and corrupt police officers? 1473 01:10:28,520 --> 01:10:30,760 Have you not been listening, love? 1474 01:10:30,800 --> 01:10:32,400 There'’s no such thing. 1475 01:10:32,440 --> 01:10:35,600 I'’m just one rotten apple. 1476 01:10:35,640 --> 01:10:37,920 HASTINGS: Well, never mind betraying me, Gill. 1477 01:10:37,960 --> 01:10:40,680 Never mind framing me. What about John Corbett? 1478 01:10:40,720 --> 01:10:45,200 I mean, you let him believe that he was chasing the truth. 1479 01:10:45,240 --> 01:10:49,880 Justice for his mother. For Christ sake, for Anne-Marie. 1480 01:10:49,920 --> 01:10:52,560 But instead he was chasing a lie. 1481 01:10:52,600 --> 01:10:55,040 You set a hare running and you sat around 1482 01:10:55,080 --> 01:10:57,880 as you watched the dogs rip it apart. 1483 01:10:57,920 --> 01:11:01,080 A tragic, senseless death. 1484 01:11:06,680 --> 01:11:09,400 3-7. 6-4, sit-rep? 1485 01:11:09,440 --> 01:11:11,600 6-4. Still no obs. 1486 01:11:12,600 --> 01:11:13,880 KATE: Received. 1487 01:11:13,920 --> 01:11:15,880 Ma'’am, it appears we no longer need 1488 01:11:15,920 --> 01:11:18,320 to defend ourselves against a threat in this building. 1489 01:11:18,360 --> 01:11:19,840 I suggest we make arrangements 1490 01:11:19,880 --> 01:11:22,560 to transport Miss Biggeloe to custody asap. 1491 01:11:22,600 --> 01:11:25,280 - Agreed. - I'’ll take care of that, ma'am. 1492 01:11:25,320 --> 01:11:26,520 Thank you, Tina. 1493 01:11:26,560 --> 01:11:28,240 Gill Biggeloe, you are under arrest 1494 01:11:28,280 --> 01:11:29,880 for Perverting the Course of Justice 1495 01:11:29,920 --> 01:11:31,720 and Misconduct in a Public Office. 1496 01:11:34,120 --> 01:11:37,280 Sir, I'’d advise you get out of the building, too. 1497 01:11:37,320 --> 01:11:39,400 Yeah. Thank you, Kate. 1498 01:11:45,800 --> 01:11:47,880 I'’m afraid I'm gonna have to cuff you. 1499 01:11:47,920 --> 01:11:50,600 Could be a trek to custody. You might want a loo break now. 1500 01:11:50,640 --> 01:11:52,320 Thank you. 1501 01:11:52,360 --> 01:11:54,800 Gonna have to come with you. I'’m sorry. 1502 01:11:55,880 --> 01:11:57,680 KATE: 3-7, 6-4. 1503 01:11:57,720 --> 01:11:59,760 6-4. Receiving. 1504 01:11:59,800 --> 01:12:02,400 We'’re sending down DCS Carmichael and the Gaffer. 1505 01:12:02,440 --> 01:12:05,520 We'’ll keep Gill Biggeloe up here until we can provide escort. 1506 01:12:05,560 --> 01:12:07,960 - 6-4. Received. - Thanks, you two. 1507 01:12:08,000 --> 01:12:09,880 I don'’t know what to say. 1508 01:12:09,920 --> 01:12:11,440 You'’re welcome, sir. 1509 01:12:11,480 --> 01:12:14,000 Just doing our job. 1510 01:12:14,040 --> 01:12:16,480 It'’s a damn sight more than that. 1511 01:12:20,240 --> 01:12:21,920 [Sighs] I could murder a cuppa. 1512 01:12:27,440 --> 01:12:29,360 [Whispered muttering] 1513 01:12:31,360 --> 01:12:32,920 Oh, God. 1514 01:12:35,080 --> 01:12:37,160 [She sobs] 1515 01:12:55,280 --> 01:12:57,200 [Toilet flushes] 1516 01:13:06,600 --> 01:13:08,480 Argh! 1517 01:13:08,520 --> 01:13:11,320 [Groaning and shrieking] 1518 01:13:11,360 --> 01:13:12,480 Help! 1519 01:13:15,800 --> 01:13:17,360 Aargh! 1520 01:13:18,200 --> 01:13:19,800 [Groaning] 1521 01:13:20,680 --> 01:13:22,040 Drop it! 1522 01:13:25,560 --> 01:13:27,040 Alpha-Charlie 3-7. 1523 01:13:27,080 --> 01:13:29,720 Request urgent cas-evac from AC-12 for two persons, 1524 01:13:29,760 --> 01:13:32,320 one low-velocity GSW, one knife wound. 1525 01:13:32,360 --> 01:13:34,040 - Gill, are you all right? - Yeah. 1526 01:13:34,080 --> 01:13:36,000 - Received, 3-7. - Steve? 1527 01:13:37,120 --> 01:13:39,040 Steve, are you all right? 1528 01:13:40,440 --> 01:13:42,200 I never shot anybody. 1529 01:13:43,680 --> 01:13:45,600 [Panting] 1530 01:13:48,400 --> 01:13:49,960 [Police radio chatter] 1531 01:13:50,000 --> 01:13:52,160 Confirm premises now secure... 1532 01:13:54,240 --> 01:13:56,240 [Gate beeps] 1533 01:13:56,280 --> 01:13:59,120 Confirm. DS Arnott'’s weapon has been made safe, 1534 01:13:59,160 --> 01:14:00,800 ready for forensics recovery. 1535 01:14:03,080 --> 01:14:05,080 STEVE: Think she'’ll talk? 1536 01:14:05,120 --> 01:14:07,040 KATE: She'’ll want to make a deal. 1537 01:14:07,080 --> 01:14:09,920 Too fond of the finer things to do a prison stretch. 1538 01:14:22,920 --> 01:14:26,200 The OCG didn'’t think Gill was worth saving. 1539 01:14:26,240 --> 01:14:29,000 But someone gave the order to stop her talking. 1540 01:14:30,400 --> 01:14:31,880 Who? 1541 01:15:00,560 --> 01:15:02,040 What is it? 1542 01:15:05,960 --> 01:15:07,640 MEDIC: That'’s it. Out of the way. 1543 01:15:09,200 --> 01:15:11,360 I'’ll start bagging. Respiratory arrest. 1544 01:15:13,920 --> 01:15:15,920 [Muffled speech from interview] 1545 01:15:28,760 --> 01:15:30,440 McQUEEN: Maybe I can stop others 1546 01:15:30,480 --> 01:15:32,320 from making the same mistakes. 1547 01:15:32,360 --> 01:15:34,200 Immunity from prosecution 1548 01:15:34,240 --> 01:15:36,680 and Witness Protection has been agreed. 1549 01:15:36,720 --> 01:15:40,320 There is one final gap we need to fill in. 1550 01:15:40,360 --> 01:15:43,320 How did you know John Clayton was an undercover officer, 1551 01:15:43,360 --> 01:15:44,720 DS John Corbett? 1552 01:15:46,200 --> 01:15:48,120 Didn'’t. 1553 01:15:48,160 --> 01:15:49,720 Just thought he was a rat. 1554 01:15:49,760 --> 01:15:51,320 How? 1555 01:15:51,360 --> 01:15:53,920 That leak about the meeting at the Palisades. 1556 01:15:55,240 --> 01:15:57,280 It could have only come from him. 1557 01:15:57,320 --> 01:15:59,160 How did that work? 1558 01:15:59,200 --> 01:16:00,920 John was told the top man wanted a meet 1559 01:16:00,960 --> 01:16:02,840 at the shopping centre. 1560 01:16:02,880 --> 01:16:05,520 We had a meeting point in one of the walkways. 1561 01:16:05,560 --> 01:16:08,480 It was nice and public, so if anyone spotted us, 1562 01:16:08,520 --> 01:16:10,680 they'’d think twice about trying to take us out. 1563 01:16:12,320 --> 01:16:14,280 No one else in the unit knew about the meet 1564 01:16:14,320 --> 01:16:17,120 except for me and John. 1565 01:16:17,160 --> 01:16:20,200 One of our blokes worked the shopping centre, in security. 1566 01:16:20,240 --> 01:16:22,440 He'’d seen the coppers waiting to ambush us. 1567 01:16:22,480 --> 01:16:26,200 So, we knew for certain the leak had to come from John. 1568 01:16:26,240 --> 01:16:30,200 What did Lee Banks reveal to you about John Corbett? 1569 01:16:30,240 --> 01:16:32,920 Only that there was a rat in the unit. 1570 01:16:32,960 --> 01:16:36,840 Hastings told Lee Banks about Corbett, I'’m sure of it. 1571 01:16:36,880 --> 01:16:39,640 She'’s lying to cover herself. 1572 01:16:39,680 --> 01:16:41,800 She knows if she admits to killing Corbett, 1573 01:16:41,840 --> 01:16:46,200 she forfeits immunity from prosecution. 1574 01:16:46,240 --> 01:16:49,000 - What does Banks say? - He'’s still not talking. 1575 01:16:50,880 --> 01:16:52,800 Then, without his testimony, 1576 01:16:52,840 --> 01:16:56,280 you can'’t prove Hastings blew Corbett'’s cover. 1577 01:16:56,320 --> 01:16:58,280 It'’s a dead end, Patricia. Close the case. 1578 01:16:58,320 --> 01:17:01,240 - Ma'’am, I think if I... - You had a bent officer 1579 01:17:01,280 --> 01:17:03,560 on your team. 1580 01:17:03,600 --> 01:17:04,880 Glass houses? 1581 01:17:11,600 --> 01:17:13,720 KATE: Which OCG members were involved 1582 01:17:13,760 --> 01:17:15,960 in the murder of John Corbett? 1583 01:17:16,000 --> 01:17:19,480 McQUEEN: A few of them. Not me. 1584 01:17:20,440 --> 01:17:22,080 They'’re all dead now. 1585 01:17:22,120 --> 01:17:23,920 Who inflicted the fatal knife wound 1586 01:17:23,960 --> 01:17:26,000 that caused John Corbett to bleed to death? 1587 01:17:27,240 --> 01:17:30,200 He'’s dead now, too. 1588 01:17:30,240 --> 01:17:32,360 Miroslav Minkowicz. 1589 01:17:33,840 --> 01:17:36,720 Are there any members of the OCG still at large? 1590 01:17:38,200 --> 01:17:40,120 Not that I know of. 1591 01:17:48,240 --> 01:17:51,360 Where I grew up, it was easy to fall in with the wrong crowd. 1592 01:17:51,400 --> 01:17:56,760 My mum was off her face on drink and drugs a lot of the time. 1593 01:17:56,800 --> 01:17:59,200 The person who made me see that there was another way, 1594 01:17:59,240 --> 01:18:02,280 to be a useful member of society, was a police officer. 1595 01:18:02,320 --> 01:18:04,600 PC Simon Bannerjee. 1596 01:18:04,640 --> 01:18:08,000 He'’s the reason why I wanted to become a police officer too. 1597 01:18:08,880 --> 01:18:10,600 To help people. 1598 01:18:20,960 --> 01:18:22,920 - Sir. - Sir. 1599 01:18:25,080 --> 01:18:27,520 We'’ve been re-examining Dot'’s dying declaration. 1600 01:18:27,560 --> 01:18:29,920 The frame it was frozen on during your interview 1601 01:18:29,960 --> 01:18:31,880 made me spot something we'’ve all missed. 1602 01:18:31,920 --> 01:18:33,640 Look at Dot'’s left hand. 1603 01:18:40,480 --> 01:18:42,000 Watch again. 1604 01:18:47,080 --> 01:18:49,760 HASTINGS: So, his fingers are tapping? So? 1605 01:18:49,800 --> 01:18:53,280 Dot tried to tell us something before he lost consciousness. 1606 01:18:53,320 --> 01:18:56,040 He couldn'’t speak due to the gunshot wound to his chest. 1607 01:18:56,080 --> 01:18:58,040 But he could move his hand. 1608 01:19:00,400 --> 01:19:02,320 KATE: Tap, tap, tap-tap. 1609 01:19:03,760 --> 01:19:06,720 Tap, tap, tap, tap. 1610 01:19:08,720 --> 01:19:10,360 Morse Code. 1611 01:19:10,400 --> 01:19:14,640 Dot, dot, dot, dot. 1612 01:19:14,680 --> 01:19:18,000 The letter "H" in Morse Code is four dots. 1613 01:19:18,040 --> 01:19:21,040 "H" is not an initial. It'’s a clue. 1614 01:19:21,080 --> 01:19:23,760 Four dots. Four caddies. 1615 01:19:23,800 --> 01:19:26,400 Four police staff in league with organised crime. 1616 01:19:27,360 --> 01:19:29,640 Dot...Hilton... 1617 01:19:30,680 --> 01:19:32,920 ..Gill... 1618 01:19:32,960 --> 01:19:35,160 plus one more. 1619 01:19:35,200 --> 01:19:37,640 And they'’re still out there. 1620 01:19:40,240 --> 01:19:42,920 The Deputy Chief Constable and I are pleased to report 1621 01:19:42,960 --> 01:19:44,960 Operation Pear Tree has completed 1622 01:19:45,000 --> 01:19:48,680 a thorough investigation into institutionalised complicity 1623 01:19:48,720 --> 01:19:52,560 between organised criminals and corrupt police officers. 1624 01:19:52,600 --> 01:19:55,480 Its robust findings couldn'’t be clearer. 1625 01:19:55,520 --> 01:20:00,040 There is no institutionalised corruption in this police force. 1626 01:20:00,080 --> 01:20:02,400 This constabulary will work tirelessly 1627 01:20:02,440 --> 01:20:04,120 to root out rotten apples in its ranks. 1628 01:21:10,240 --> 01:21:12,160 [Music drowns speech]