1 00:00:19,400 --> 00:00:21,733 Okay. Thank you. 2 00:00:23,100 --> 00:00:25,500 Operation Damson is an ongoing initiative 3 00:00:25,500 --> 00:00:29,667 aimed at detection/prevention of gangland murders. 4 00:00:29,667 --> 00:00:32,333 Surveillance of a suspect under Operation Damson 5 00:00:32,333 --> 00:00:35,100 has been in place at an address for less than 24 hours, 6 00:00:35,100 --> 00:00:38,400 with intelligence sources indicating a significant belief 7 00:00:38,400 --> 00:00:42,333 the suspect is preparing to commit a gangland execution. 8 00:00:42,333 --> 00:00:47,067 The suspect is a known criminal with a history of violence. 9 00:00:47,067 --> 00:00:48,400 He is expected to be armed 10 00:00:48,400 --> 00:00:52,800 and is designated extremely dangerous. 11 00:00:57,667 --> 00:00:59,867 Senior AFO is Inspector McAndrew. 12 00:00:59,867 --> 00:01:01,000 Sir. 13 00:01:01,000 --> 00:01:02,500 You'll operate out of four vehicles, 14 00:01:02,500 --> 00:01:03,667 each crew to be positioned 15 00:01:03,667 --> 00:01:05,533 on the suspect's possible routes of travel, 16 00:01:05,533 --> 00:01:08,300 awaiting gold commander's orders to intercept. 17 00:01:08,300 --> 00:01:10,867 Crew assignments are as follows -- 18 00:01:10,867 --> 00:01:12,633 Victor Charlie Four Zero. 19 00:01:12,633 --> 00:01:14,133 -McAndrew. -Sir. 20 00:01:14,133 --> 00:01:15,333 -Lambert. -Sir. 21 00:01:15,333 --> 00:01:16,333 -Chappell. -Sir. 22 00:01:16,333 --> 00:01:17,633 -Miller. -Sir. 23 00:01:17,633 --> 00:01:19,667 Victor Charlie Five Zero. 24 00:01:19,667 --> 00:01:21,167 -Waldron. -Sir. 25 00:01:23,400 --> 00:01:25,733 McANDREW: You will each sign that you understand the law 26 00:01:25,733 --> 00:01:29,133 regarding the legal use of force as outlined by the SFC. 27 00:01:29,133 --> 00:01:31,300 You will each sign out your weapon. 28 00:01:31,300 --> 00:01:33,333 You will each sign out the type of ammunition 29 00:01:33,333 --> 00:01:34,767 and the number of rounds. 30 00:01:41,433 --> 00:01:42,633 -[ Buzzer sounds ] -Come on! 31 00:01:42,633 --> 00:01:45,500 -[ Bell ringing ] -Let's go, go, go, go! 32 00:01:47,800 --> 00:01:50,333 Go, go, go, go! Come on! 33 00:02:00,267 --> 00:02:01,600 Go. 34 00:02:01,600 --> 00:02:03,067 [ Sirens wailing ] 35 00:02:07,300 --> 00:02:08,767 [ Radio beeps ] 36 00:02:08,767 --> 00:02:10,100 McANDREW: Four Zero. Radio check. 37 00:02:10,100 --> 00:02:11,467 DANNY: Five Zero. Radio check. 38 00:02:11,467 --> 00:02:12,333 MAN: Six Zero. Radio check. 39 00:02:13,733 --> 00:02:15,500 WOMAN: Seven Zero. Radio check. 40 00:02:15,500 --> 00:02:16,433 McANDREW: Four Zero -- All vehicles disperse to routes. 41 00:02:16,433 --> 00:02:18,767 Disperse to routes. 42 00:02:18,767 --> 00:02:20,233 Victor Charlie Four Zero -- 43 00:02:20,233 --> 00:02:22,233 Transmit when in position, over. 44 00:02:22,233 --> 00:02:24,667 Five Zero, Bravo route, received. 45 00:02:24,667 --> 00:02:26,500 MAN: Six Zero, received. 46 00:02:26,500 --> 00:02:29,267 WOMAN: Seven Zero, received. 47 00:02:32,467 --> 00:02:35,233 Victor Charlie Five Zero in position on Bravo route. 48 00:02:35,233 --> 00:02:37,667 McANDREW: Received. 49 00:02:37,667 --> 00:02:41,400 Victor Charlie Five Zero in position, Bravo route. 50 00:02:41,400 --> 00:02:42,800 MAN: Suspect traveling west on Hill Street. 51 00:02:42,800 --> 00:02:44,833 Suspect is traveling west on Hill Street. 52 00:02:44,833 --> 00:02:48,600 He's taking Bravo route. Repeat -- Bravo route. 53 00:02:48,600 --> 00:02:50,467 DANNY: Victor Charlie Five Zero, received. 54 00:02:50,467 --> 00:02:52,300 REYNOLDS: Blue Toyota Celica, 55 00:02:52,300 --> 00:02:57,067 registration Lima Delta Zero Four Whiskey Echo Whiskey. 56 00:02:57,067 --> 00:02:59,533 Go. Go. 57 00:03:01,867 --> 00:03:03,767 McANDREW: Five Zero, report. 58 00:03:03,767 --> 00:03:06,300 Visual with target, maintaining obs. 59 00:03:06,300 --> 00:03:09,200 McANDREW: Victor Charlie Five Zero, we're en route to join. 60 00:03:09,200 --> 00:03:11,533 Four Zero, what's our order, Five Zero? 61 00:03:11,533 --> 00:03:16,067 Order is Fahrenheit. Repeat, order is Fahrenheit. 62 00:03:16,067 --> 00:03:17,067 Go. 63 00:03:17,067 --> 00:03:19,167 [ Siren wailing ] 64 00:03:31,700 --> 00:03:33,067 Left, left. 65 00:03:33,067 --> 00:03:35,633 Four Zero, our ETA is two minutes, 66 00:03:35,633 --> 00:03:37,567 repeat two minutes, Five Zero. 67 00:03:37,567 --> 00:03:39,333 Five Zero, received. 68 00:03:41,867 --> 00:03:43,267 -Hard stop. -Come off it, skipper! 69 00:03:43,267 --> 00:03:44,867 -Danny. -Hard stop! 70 00:03:44,867 --> 00:03:46,333 Danny! 71 00:03:48,367 --> 00:03:49,467 Shit! 72 00:03:54,700 --> 00:03:56,567 Go, go! 73 00:03:57,267 --> 00:03:58,433 Armed police! 74 00:03:58,433 --> 00:04:00,667 Skipper! Slow down! 75 00:04:00,667 --> 00:04:02,100 Armed police! 76 00:04:02,100 --> 00:04:03,733 -Slow down, skipper! -Police! 77 00:04:08,667 --> 00:04:10,033 Armed police! 78 00:04:12,600 --> 00:04:13,700 Okay. 79 00:04:13,700 --> 00:04:15,733 HARI: Come on! Come on! 80 00:04:35,133 --> 00:04:37,167 -JACKIE: Skipper! -HARI: Shots fired! 81 00:04:37,167 --> 00:04:39,700 ROD: Where is he?! Danny?! 82 00:04:42,300 --> 00:04:43,333 HARI: Danny?! 83 00:04:43,333 --> 00:04:45,400 [ Running footsteps ] 84 00:04:45,400 --> 00:04:47,133 JACKIE: Armed police! 85 00:04:47,133 --> 00:04:49,200 Oh, shit. 86 00:04:49,200 --> 00:04:51,567 Hari. Hari, mate, he's down. 87 00:04:51,567 --> 00:04:54,133 He refused to surrender his firearm. 88 00:04:55,467 --> 00:04:57,133 Jesus Christ, look where the gun is. 89 00:04:57,133 --> 00:04:58,367 How'd it get all the way over there, Danny? 90 00:04:58,367 --> 00:04:59,600 Brain injury, muscle spasm. He chucked it. 91 00:04:59,600 --> 00:05:01,800 Look at what it looks like, though, Danny. 92 00:05:01,800 --> 00:05:02,800 DANNY: Good point. 93 00:05:02,800 --> 00:05:04,600 [ Police radio chatter ] 94 00:05:04,600 --> 00:05:05,833 ROD: Hey, hey. Danny, Danny. 95 00:05:05,833 --> 00:05:07,833 -It was self-defense. -[ Sirens wailing ] 96 00:05:07,833 --> 00:05:10,100 But we all know the shit I'll get for it. 97 00:05:10,100 --> 00:05:11,667 -Skipper, wait. -For Christ's sake! 98 00:05:11,667 --> 00:05:13,000 You're making it worse. 99 00:05:13,000 --> 00:05:14,833 I'm the last person wants to see you lot in the shit. 100 00:05:14,833 --> 00:05:16,833 -Us? -We didn't do nothing. 101 00:05:16,833 --> 00:05:18,233 DANNY: That's the problem. 102 00:05:18,233 --> 00:05:19,667 So I'll cover for you and say we got here together, 103 00:05:19,667 --> 00:05:22,367 shouted "armed police," but the mad bastard pulled a gun. 104 00:05:22,367 --> 00:05:23,800 What are you talking about? 105 00:05:23,800 --> 00:05:25,200 He would have surrendered if you'd have got here in time. 106 00:05:25,200 --> 00:05:29,433 That's my report unless the lot of you man up right now. 107 00:05:29,433 --> 00:05:31,333 Discharge your weapons. 108 00:05:31,333 --> 00:05:32,600 No way. 109 00:05:32,600 --> 00:05:34,533 Shoot over the suspect's body, 110 00:05:34,533 --> 00:05:35,900 in the direction you'd have fired 111 00:05:35,900 --> 00:05:38,667 if you'd have actually managed to get here in time. 112 00:05:38,667 --> 00:05:40,133 No. 113 00:05:41,467 --> 00:05:43,267 Shoot now. 114 00:05:57,233 --> 00:05:58,367 Shoot. 115 00:05:59,400 --> 00:06:00,633 Shoot. 116 00:06:01,300 --> 00:06:03,233 You choked. 117 00:06:03,233 --> 00:06:05,033 Plausible. 118 00:06:07,567 --> 00:06:09,100 ROD: Jesus! 119 00:06:09,100 --> 00:06:11,167 [ Dogs barking ] 120 00:06:11,167 --> 00:06:13,233 McANDREW: Five Zero, status report. 121 00:06:13,233 --> 00:06:14,433 Status report. 122 00:06:19,767 --> 00:06:22,567 We're all in this together. 123 00:06:22,567 --> 00:06:24,700 -Best way. -[ Running footsteps ] 124 00:06:29,767 --> 00:06:31,300 Is anyone hurt? 125 00:06:31,300 --> 00:06:32,867 -We're fine, thanks, gov. -[ Radio beeps ] 126 00:06:32,867 --> 00:06:35,233 McANDREW: Suspect down. Repeat, suspect down. 127 00:06:36,133 --> 00:06:37,333 Stow your weapons. 128 00:06:38,400 --> 00:06:40,133 Victor Charlie Four One 129 00:06:40,133 --> 00:06:42,533 requesting forensic deployment to the scene. 130 00:06:42,533 --> 00:06:45,567 All AFOs and weapons require transporting to base 131 00:06:45,567 --> 00:06:48,533 for forensic recovery of evidence and debrief. 132 00:06:48,533 --> 00:06:51,533 -You sure you're okay? -Fine. 133 00:06:51,533 --> 00:06:54,033 Everyone did their job. 134 00:06:55,567 --> 00:06:57,100 -[ Siren wails ] -[ Indistinct talking ] 135 00:06:57,100 --> 00:06:58,700 -Sir. -Carry on. 136 00:06:58,700 --> 00:07:01,700 -Sir. -Carry on. 137 00:07:03,333 --> 00:07:05,433 Sir. 138 00:07:05,433 --> 00:07:06,633 Steve. 139 00:07:08,833 --> 00:07:11,467 What do you reckon, son? One for us? 140 00:07:18,100 --> 00:07:21,467 Yeah. One for us. 141 00:07:27,167 --> 00:07:28,533 Sir. 142 00:07:29,400 --> 00:07:30,500 As you were. 143 00:07:30,500 --> 00:07:32,500 Forensics will take your firearms, 144 00:07:32,500 --> 00:07:35,500 gunshot-residue samples, clothing, nail scrapings. 145 00:07:35,500 --> 00:07:36,867 You are to remain at the station 146 00:07:36,867 --> 00:07:39,733 until they advise they don't need any further samples. 147 00:07:39,733 --> 00:07:41,033 Sir. 148 00:07:41,033 --> 00:07:42,300 You're all entitled to 48 hours recovery time. 149 00:07:42,300 --> 00:07:45,700 You'll all be offered posttraumatic counseling. 150 00:07:45,700 --> 00:07:48,800 My advice is to use these 48 hours wisely. 151 00:07:48,800 --> 00:07:50,200 Sir. 152 00:08:08,867 --> 00:08:10,333 [ Engine starts ] 153 00:08:14,333 --> 00:08:16,233 For the tape, please confirm you are the officer 154 00:08:16,233 --> 00:08:18,467 using the call sign Victor Charlie Five One. 155 00:08:18,467 --> 00:08:19,333 I am. 156 00:08:19,333 --> 00:08:21,600 Document 2 in your folders. 157 00:08:21,600 --> 00:08:25,133 This FA-1 was issued to AFOs at South Ferry Police Station 158 00:08:25,133 --> 00:08:27,200 on the day of 13th of May of this year. 159 00:08:27,200 --> 00:08:28,667 -Do you recognize that form? -I do, sir. 160 00:08:28,667 --> 00:08:29,867 Is that your signature? 161 00:08:29,867 --> 00:08:31,267 -It is, sir. -Mm-hmm. 162 00:08:31,267 --> 00:08:32,500 ARNOTT: According to the FA-1, 163 00:08:32,500 --> 00:08:34,500 you were issued with a Glock 17 service pistol 164 00:08:34,500 --> 00:08:38,800 serial number Mike November 8746546 165 00:08:38,800 --> 00:08:41,167 and 9x19mm Parabellum rounds. 166 00:08:41,167 --> 00:08:42,167 I was. 167 00:08:42,167 --> 00:08:43,733 HASTINGS: Now, can you inform us 168 00:08:43,733 --> 00:08:47,133 as to how you personally became involved in Operation Damson? 169 00:08:47,133 --> 00:08:51,367 It was a real-time deployment authorized by the SFC. 170 00:08:51,367 --> 00:08:52,900 I traveled in the second vehicle, 171 00:08:52,900 --> 00:08:54,800 designated Victor Charlie Five Zero, 172 00:08:54,800 --> 00:08:56,833 crewed by myself and the rest of my team. 173 00:08:56,833 --> 00:08:59,467 The rest of your team are AFO Victor Charlie Five Two, 174 00:08:59,467 --> 00:09:01,233 AFO Victor Charlie Five Three, 175 00:09:01,233 --> 00:09:03,267 and AFO Victor Charlie Five Four. 176 00:09:03,267 --> 00:09:05,167 We deployed to a holding position 177 00:09:05,167 --> 00:09:07,400 on one of four exit routes for the suspect 178 00:09:07,400 --> 00:09:11,100 and maintained radio contact with the operational senior AFO. 179 00:09:11,100 --> 00:09:12,833 For the tape, please confirm this was an inspector 180 00:09:12,833 --> 00:09:14,667 using the call sign Victor Charlie Four One. 181 00:09:14,667 --> 00:09:15,800 DANNY: Correct. 182 00:09:15,800 --> 00:09:17,400 Victor Charlie Four One notified me 183 00:09:17,400 --> 00:09:19,267 that the suspect was traveling towards us 184 00:09:19,267 --> 00:09:21,833 and authorized us to carry out a real-time intercept. 185 00:09:21,833 --> 00:09:23,600 Real-time intercept. Yeah. 186 00:09:23,600 --> 00:09:28,067 Things get a wee bit fuzzy for me here, Sergeant. 187 00:09:28,067 --> 00:09:32,667 Maybe you could be a ray of sunshine and burn off the fog. 188 00:09:32,667 --> 00:09:34,033 Mm? 189 00:09:40,367 --> 00:09:41,367 I'm waiting. 190 00:09:41,367 --> 00:09:43,700 Sir, I'm waiting for a question. 191 00:09:43,700 --> 00:09:46,433 What the super's asking you is how come, 192 00:09:46,433 --> 00:09:49,067 as per the statement given by Victor Charlie Four One, 193 00:09:49,067 --> 00:09:50,367 you were ordered to wait for support -- 194 00:09:50,367 --> 00:09:52,700 Not ordered. Advised. 195 00:09:52,700 --> 00:09:55,067 But you went ahead and carried out the hard stop anyway. 196 00:09:55,067 --> 00:09:56,867 The suspect was traveling at high speed 197 00:09:56,867 --> 00:09:58,233 to an unknown destination 198 00:09:58,233 --> 00:10:00,567 with the intention of committing a gangland execution. 199 00:10:00,567 --> 00:10:03,367 -Or so the intelligence said. -The intelligence did say. 200 00:10:03,367 --> 00:10:06,767 And if that's wrong, sir, take it up with them. 201 00:10:06,767 --> 00:10:08,600 Can we please just stick to a line of questioning 202 00:10:08,600 --> 00:10:10,867 that relates to Victor Charlie Five One's actions. 203 00:10:10,867 --> 00:10:12,667 On you go, Sergeant. 204 00:10:14,067 --> 00:10:16,500 It'll help if I refer to the map in our folders. 205 00:10:17,733 --> 00:10:20,400 Document 4. 206 00:10:21,567 --> 00:10:24,067 Traveling at high speed along Prince's Road, 207 00:10:24,067 --> 00:10:26,567 the suspect approached a line of parked cars 208 00:10:26,567 --> 00:10:27,733 with open road ahead. 209 00:10:27,733 --> 00:10:29,167 I was concerned if we didn't carry out 210 00:10:29,167 --> 00:10:32,233 the hard stop immediately, the suspect would get away. 211 00:10:32,233 --> 00:10:33,567 Oh, and that was your decision, was it? 212 00:10:33,567 --> 00:10:35,000 No, sir. 213 00:10:35,000 --> 00:10:37,333 It was the decision of the strategic firearms commander 214 00:10:37,333 --> 00:10:39,333 who designated the operational objective 215 00:10:39,333 --> 00:10:40,467 of preventing the suspect 216 00:10:40,467 --> 00:10:42,367 carrying out an act of lethal force, 217 00:10:42,367 --> 00:10:44,167 added to which, as police officers, 218 00:10:44,167 --> 00:10:46,867 it's a nonnegotiable duty to protect the public. 219 00:10:46,867 --> 00:10:49,500 May I answer the question now? 220 00:10:49,500 --> 00:10:51,167 HASTINGS: Please do. 221 00:10:51,167 --> 00:10:52,667 Fearing the suspect would get away 222 00:10:52,667 --> 00:10:55,067 and pose a danger to the public, 223 00:10:55,067 --> 00:10:57,567 I took the decision to close off his route of escape 224 00:10:57,567 --> 00:11:00,200 by executing a hard-stop maneuver on Prince's Road 225 00:11:00,200 --> 00:11:01,633 that trapped the suspect's vehicle 226 00:11:01,633 --> 00:11:03,367 between ours and the parked cars. 227 00:11:03,367 --> 00:11:07,300 The suspect then made his escape on foot via an alleyway, 228 00:11:07,300 --> 00:11:08,633 and I gave chase. 229 00:11:08,633 --> 00:11:11,367 This foot chase led to a confrontation in Prince's Court. 230 00:11:11,367 --> 00:11:14,633 We need you to tell us all about this confrontation. 231 00:11:14,633 --> 00:11:16,033 Once in Prince's Court, 232 00:11:16,033 --> 00:11:19,233 almost immediately the suspect realized he was cornered. 233 00:11:19,233 --> 00:11:22,300 The suspect turned his weapon on us and fired. 234 00:11:22,300 --> 00:11:23,833 We returned fire. 235 00:11:23,833 --> 00:11:27,400 Shots struck the suspect in the head and proved instantly fatal. 236 00:11:27,400 --> 00:11:29,200 We've received written statements from yourself 237 00:11:29,200 --> 00:11:31,233 and the other AFOs on your team. 238 00:11:31,233 --> 00:11:34,133 Said statements agree you all entered Prince's Court together. 239 00:11:34,133 --> 00:11:35,100 Correct. 240 00:11:35,100 --> 00:11:36,633 COTTAN: See, the thing is, 241 00:11:36,633 --> 00:11:40,667 we've got a statement off of an eyewitness on Prince's Road. 242 00:11:40,667 --> 00:11:42,033 Says that you entered that rough ground 243 00:11:42,033 --> 00:11:44,633 at least 30 seconds before the rest of your team. 244 00:11:44,633 --> 00:11:46,167 I was first out of our vehicle. 245 00:11:46,167 --> 00:11:48,100 That would have misled the eyewitness. 246 00:11:48,100 --> 00:11:49,233 You're saying she's mistaken? 247 00:11:49,233 --> 00:11:50,533 DANNY: I'm saying that my written statement 248 00:11:50,533 --> 00:11:52,767 and the written statements of my team are accurate. 249 00:11:52,767 --> 00:11:54,333 HASTINGS: Yes, they are. 250 00:11:54,333 --> 00:11:59,633 And entirely consistent in every detail. 251 00:12:00,167 --> 00:12:02,767 You and your team, you acted as one? 252 00:12:02,767 --> 00:12:03,867 Correct. 253 00:12:03,867 --> 00:12:04,967 COTTAN: That's not always the case 254 00:12:04,967 --> 00:12:07,600 with you and your teams, though, is it? 255 00:12:07,600 --> 00:12:09,467 In your four years at South Ferry, 256 00:12:09,467 --> 00:12:11,433 there's been a fair few transfer requests from officers 257 00:12:11,433 --> 00:12:12,800 who didn't want to stay in your team. 258 00:12:12,800 --> 00:12:15,267 DANNY: Some guys can't cut it. 259 00:12:15,267 --> 00:12:16,900 I want them off my squad. 260 00:12:16,900 --> 00:12:19,567 To save face, they put in for a transfer request. 261 00:12:19,567 --> 00:12:22,400 ARNOTT: None of these officers had a problem with you? 262 00:12:22,400 --> 00:12:24,200 I've got high standards. 263 00:12:25,567 --> 00:12:27,533 That's their problem. 264 00:12:28,233 --> 00:12:30,767 So you all entered Prince's Court together. 265 00:12:30,767 --> 00:12:33,067 Yes, sir. 266 00:12:33,067 --> 00:12:34,567 We were moving fast on foot 267 00:12:34,567 --> 00:12:36,567 but I carried out a rapid risk assessment, 268 00:12:36,567 --> 00:12:38,233 noting there were no members of the public 269 00:12:38,233 --> 00:12:39,500 in immediate jeopardy. 270 00:12:39,500 --> 00:12:41,667 I called, "Armed police." 271 00:12:41,667 --> 00:12:44,667 The suspect turned his weapon on us and opened fire. 272 00:12:44,667 --> 00:12:48,100 I returned fire. The suspect fell to the ground. 273 00:12:48,100 --> 00:12:49,733 Immediate examination of the suspect 274 00:12:49,733 --> 00:12:51,400 by Victor Charlie Five Four 275 00:12:51,400 --> 00:12:54,167 revealed serious wounds to the head. 276 00:12:54,167 --> 00:12:55,733 The suspect had absent respiration, 277 00:12:55,733 --> 00:12:58,300 and his pulse was also absent. 278 00:12:58,300 --> 00:12:59,267 I secured his firearm. 279 00:12:59,267 --> 00:13:00,767 A few moments later, 280 00:13:00,767 --> 00:13:02,733 Victor Charlie Four One arrived on the scene with her team 281 00:13:02,733 --> 00:13:05,133 and assumed operational command. 282 00:13:05,133 --> 00:13:07,533 You discharged your pistols, not your G36s. 283 00:13:07,533 --> 00:13:10,067 We confronted the suspect in a confined space 284 00:13:10,067 --> 00:13:11,733 bounded by hard surfaces. 285 00:13:11,733 --> 00:13:14,200 Given the G36 has a muzzle velocity 286 00:13:14,200 --> 00:13:16,300 of over 900 meters per second, 287 00:13:16,300 --> 00:13:18,267 I identified a significant risk 288 00:13:18,267 --> 00:13:19,867 our rounds might pass through the suspect 289 00:13:19,867 --> 00:13:22,133 and ricochet back at us, causing injury. 290 00:13:22,133 --> 00:13:24,600 No, we don't have an eyewitness to the shooting, 291 00:13:24,600 --> 00:13:26,200 but we do have three ear witnesses. 292 00:13:26,200 --> 00:13:27,633 Three independent ear witnesses. 293 00:13:27,633 --> 00:13:30,600 Each ear witness claims to have heard a group of gunshots 294 00:13:30,600 --> 00:13:33,867 followed closely by what sounded like a second group of gunshots 295 00:13:33,867 --> 00:13:37,233 followed closely by a single gunshot. 296 00:13:37,233 --> 00:13:38,700 As per my written statement, 297 00:13:38,700 --> 00:13:40,700 it's a matter of fact 298 00:13:40,700 --> 00:13:43,100 that there was one shot fired by the suspect, 299 00:13:43,100 --> 00:13:44,667 immediately followed by a group of shots 300 00:13:44,667 --> 00:13:46,500 fired simultaneously by myself, 301 00:13:46,500 --> 00:13:49,867 Victor Charlie Five Two, and Victor Charlie Five Three. 302 00:13:49,867 --> 00:13:52,200 HASTINGS: These independent ear witnesses 303 00:13:52,200 --> 00:13:54,267 would seem to contradict said "fact." 304 00:13:54,267 --> 00:13:55,833 DANNY: It's an accepted and well-recognized 305 00:13:55,833 --> 00:13:56,967 acoustic phenomenon 306 00:13:56,967 --> 00:13:58,700 that an ear witness can be deceived 307 00:13:58,700 --> 00:14:00,200 by up to six different sounds 308 00:14:00,200 --> 00:14:02,567 associated with a single gunshot. 309 00:14:02,567 --> 00:14:04,667 Document 6 in your folders. 310 00:14:05,867 --> 00:14:09,067 Forensic report regarding Operation Damson. 311 00:14:09,067 --> 00:14:12,100 Gunshot residue from the discharge of a Glock 17 pistol 312 00:14:12,100 --> 00:14:14,833 was detected on the hands and clothing of the following -- 313 00:14:14,833 --> 00:14:16,667 Victor Charlie Five One, 314 00:14:16,667 --> 00:14:18,667 Victor Charlie Five Two, 315 00:14:18,667 --> 00:14:19,767 Victor Charlie Five Three. 316 00:14:19,767 --> 00:14:21,467 They all discharged their weapons. 317 00:14:21,467 --> 00:14:23,000 No one's disputing that. 318 00:14:23,000 --> 00:14:26,467 A Colt 1911 A1 pistol was found in the suspect's right hand. 319 00:14:26,467 --> 00:14:28,867 Gunshot residue from the discharge of this firearm 320 00:14:28,867 --> 00:14:30,733 was detected on the suspect. 321 00:14:30,733 --> 00:14:32,333 Gunshot residue from the Colt 322 00:14:32,333 --> 00:14:35,467 was also detected on Victor Charlie Five One. 323 00:14:39,067 --> 00:14:41,767 Are you able to explain this finding... 324 00:14:42,533 --> 00:14:44,033 ...Victor Charlie Five One? 325 00:14:44,033 --> 00:14:45,567 DANNY: I secured the suspect's firearm, 326 00:14:45,567 --> 00:14:47,967 causing secondary transfer of residue 327 00:14:47,967 --> 00:14:49,233 after the firearm had been discharged. 328 00:14:49,233 --> 00:14:52,333 This explains the high concentration of residue. 329 00:14:52,333 --> 00:14:53,300 Does it? 330 00:14:53,300 --> 00:14:54,733 The concentration and distribution 331 00:14:54,733 --> 00:14:56,533 are more characteristic of a gunman than a bystander. 332 00:14:56,533 --> 00:14:58,300 Caused when I secured the firearm. 333 00:14:58,300 --> 00:14:59,833 You expect us to believe that? 334 00:14:59,833 --> 00:15:02,267 At a distance of approximately five meters from the suspect, 335 00:15:02,267 --> 00:15:03,667 there was a small concentration 336 00:15:03,667 --> 00:15:05,767 of gunshot residue found on the ground. 337 00:15:05,767 --> 00:15:09,267 Said gunshot residue matched the suspect's firearm. 338 00:15:09,267 --> 00:15:10,433 How do you account for this? 339 00:15:10,433 --> 00:15:11,500 The suspect was in motion 340 00:15:11,500 --> 00:15:13,800 as he turned his firearm towards my team. 341 00:15:13,800 --> 00:15:14,967 He covered a short distance 342 00:15:14,967 --> 00:15:16,467 between raising the gun and firing it. 343 00:15:16,467 --> 00:15:19,267 There's gunshot residue on the ground where the body was found. 344 00:15:19,267 --> 00:15:20,700 That's where he fired the gun. 345 00:15:20,700 --> 00:15:23,433 Why is there gunshot residue five meters away, as well? 346 00:15:23,433 --> 00:15:24,767 My colleague has answered the question. 347 00:15:24,767 --> 00:15:27,167 Did the gun ever lie in a position on the ground 348 00:15:27,167 --> 00:15:28,467 five meters from the suspect? 349 00:15:28,467 --> 00:15:31,400 No, it did not. 350 00:15:34,367 --> 00:15:36,067 HASTINGS: Steve? 351 00:15:38,600 --> 00:15:40,000 Document 11. 352 00:15:40,500 --> 00:15:41,767 Postmortem result. 353 00:15:43,467 --> 00:15:44,800 Three bullets were recovered from the head wounds 354 00:15:44,800 --> 00:15:48,067 and were identified as 9x19mm Parabellum rounds 355 00:15:48,067 --> 00:15:50,767 fired by a Glock 17 pistol issued to 356 00:15:50,767 --> 00:15:53,633 Authorized Firearms Officer Victor Charlie Five One. 357 00:15:53,633 --> 00:15:55,833 COTTAN: Three shots. 358 00:15:55,833 --> 00:15:58,300 Oh, you made sure, didn't you, Sergeant? 359 00:15:58,300 --> 00:16:01,833 Victor Charlie Five One regrets the loss of life. 360 00:16:01,833 --> 00:16:04,167 But I don't need to remind everyone 361 00:16:04,167 --> 00:16:06,300 that he was an authorized firearms officer 362 00:16:06,300 --> 00:16:10,100 acting on the lawful orders of a strategic firearms commander. 363 00:16:10,100 --> 00:16:11,600 -ARNOTT: You regret killing him? -MARLEY: As I've said -- 364 00:16:11,600 --> 00:16:13,567 I'm asking Victor Charlie Five One. 365 00:16:13,567 --> 00:16:15,800 Victor Charlie Five One has the right to be interviewed 366 00:16:15,800 --> 00:16:19,433 by an officer at least one rank superior. 367 00:16:19,433 --> 00:16:23,633 Did you regret killing him, Victor Charlie Five One? 368 00:16:23,633 --> 00:16:27,200 -I regret the loss of life. -Three shots, fella! 369 00:16:27,200 --> 00:16:29,267 Standard practice is to aim at the maximum body mass, 370 00:16:29,267 --> 00:16:30,200 the chest. 371 00:16:30,200 --> 00:16:31,400 Why head shots? 372 00:16:31,400 --> 00:16:33,133 I was 10 meters away in good visibility. 373 00:16:33,133 --> 00:16:34,700 The shots were highly achievable. 374 00:16:34,700 --> 00:16:36,433 Standard practice is double-tap the trigger, 375 00:16:36,433 --> 00:16:37,600 discharging shots in pairs. 376 00:16:37,600 --> 00:16:39,000 Not two shots, not four. 377 00:16:39,000 --> 00:16:41,367 He collapsed after the third shot, so I ceased fire. 378 00:16:41,367 --> 00:16:43,200 Yeah, right. You shot him down like a dog. 379 00:16:43,200 --> 00:16:45,133 Sir, your language is inflammatory. 380 00:16:45,133 --> 00:16:46,833 Yeah. 381 00:16:46,833 --> 00:16:47,933 ARNOTT: You'd prefer only to have wounded him? 382 00:16:47,933 --> 00:16:50,367 DANNY: We don't shoot to wound. 383 00:16:50,367 --> 00:16:51,633 We shoot to neutralize the lethal threat. 384 00:16:51,633 --> 00:16:52,533 You were the only AFO to strike the target. 385 00:16:52,533 --> 00:16:54,300 Yes. That's what happ-- 386 00:16:54,300 --> 00:16:55,700 HASTINGS: Listen to me, son. 387 00:16:55,700 --> 00:16:57,533 We weren't born yesterday. 388 00:16:57,533 --> 00:16:59,333 You shot that fella in cold blood 389 00:16:59,333 --> 00:17:01,167 while your wee mates stood by and watched. 390 00:17:01,167 --> 00:17:03,667 I shot first and the others fired a fraction later, 391 00:17:03,667 --> 00:17:05,433 by which time the suspect had collapsed, 392 00:17:05,433 --> 00:17:06,600 and their shots missed. 393 00:17:06,600 --> 00:17:07,733 You saw all that in a fraction of a second? 394 00:17:07,733 --> 00:17:10,833 I've never been to this building before. 395 00:17:10,833 --> 00:17:13,500 You saw me walk into this interview room, 396 00:17:13,500 --> 00:17:16,833 sit down in a matter of a few seconds. 397 00:17:16,833 --> 00:17:20,100 Over my left shoulder are three rows of open-plan desks 398 00:17:20,100 --> 00:17:21,467 in front of a glass partition 399 00:17:21,467 --> 00:17:24,100 dividing the open-plan area from a private office, 400 00:17:24,100 --> 00:17:26,367 range 20 meters. 401 00:17:26,367 --> 00:17:28,400 Seated at the desks are seven personnel 402 00:17:28,400 --> 00:17:30,533 comprising four males and three females. 403 00:17:30,533 --> 00:17:31,733 Over my right shoulder 404 00:17:31,733 --> 00:17:34,600 is a longitudinal partition at chest height, 405 00:17:34,600 --> 00:17:37,167 beyond which is gate-controlled access, range 20 meters. 406 00:17:37,167 --> 00:17:38,767 Entrance and exit to this floor level 407 00:17:38,767 --> 00:17:40,233 are via key-controlled lifts 408 00:17:40,233 --> 00:17:42,700 adjacent to the waiting area at my four o'clock position, 409 00:17:42,700 --> 00:17:44,300 range 35 meters. 410 00:17:44,300 --> 00:17:46,533 Why the second shot? Why the third? 411 00:17:46,533 --> 00:17:47,833 The first shot was fatal. 412 00:17:47,833 --> 00:17:49,667 HASTINGS: Why did you keep firing? 413 00:17:49,667 --> 00:17:51,100 Were you losing it out there, fella? 414 00:17:51,100 --> 00:17:55,233 I cite under common law my lawful right to use lethal force 415 00:17:55,233 --> 00:17:57,233 for preservation of life or in self-defense 416 00:17:57,233 --> 00:17:58,400 where this threat is immediate. 417 00:17:58,400 --> 00:18:01,333 Yes, and in response I cite Section 117 418 00:18:01,333 --> 00:18:03,133 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act, 419 00:18:03,133 --> 00:18:04,400 the use of reasonable force. 420 00:18:04,400 --> 00:18:07,633 And for the tape the emphasis is mine 421 00:18:07,633 --> 00:18:08,900 and not contained in the act. 422 00:18:08,900 --> 00:18:10,233 That's an easy argument from behind a desk, sir. 423 00:18:10,233 --> 00:18:15,333 From behind this desk, Sergeant, we uphold standards, 424 00:18:15,333 --> 00:18:17,567 standards you're expected to meet 425 00:18:17,567 --> 00:18:20,500 as a serving police officer. 426 00:18:24,167 --> 00:18:28,133 Do you recognize the man in this image? 427 00:18:28,133 --> 00:18:31,200 I object in the strongest possible terms. 428 00:18:31,200 --> 00:18:33,100 Victor Charlie Five One's been involved 429 00:18:33,100 --> 00:18:35,767 in an extremely tragic and distressing incident, 430 00:18:35,767 --> 00:18:39,200 and this line of inquiry is offensive and insensitive. 431 00:18:39,200 --> 00:18:43,633 Your man doesn't strike me as the, uh, sensitive type. 432 00:18:45,167 --> 00:18:46,500 Are you? 433 00:18:48,100 --> 00:18:48,867 Am I what? 434 00:18:48,867 --> 00:18:51,567 Sensitive. 435 00:18:52,500 --> 00:18:56,000 In your personnel file, there's no recorded next of kin. 436 00:18:56,633 --> 00:18:59,567 Wife? Fiancée? 437 00:18:59,567 --> 00:19:02,400 This line of questioning has no bearing on the investigation. 438 00:19:02,400 --> 00:19:04,233 We don't know that yet. 439 00:19:04,233 --> 00:19:06,133 I'm single. 440 00:19:12,267 --> 00:19:14,333 The suspect was an armed criminal 441 00:19:14,333 --> 00:19:15,700 with a history of violence 442 00:19:15,700 --> 00:19:19,067 posing an immediate and credible threat to the public. 443 00:19:20,167 --> 00:19:22,500 In respect of Operation Damson, 444 00:19:22,500 --> 00:19:25,233 on May 13th the strategic firearms commander 445 00:19:25,233 --> 00:19:27,467 authorized the use of firearms. 446 00:19:27,467 --> 00:19:31,467 Under Section 3 of the Criminal Law Act 1967, 447 00:19:31,467 --> 00:19:33,567 I am also entitled to use such force 448 00:19:33,567 --> 00:19:35,167 as is reasonable in the circumstances 449 00:19:35,167 --> 00:19:36,233 to prevent crime. 450 00:19:36,233 --> 00:19:37,533 And under Section 117 451 00:19:37,533 --> 00:19:40,267 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, 452 00:19:40,267 --> 00:19:42,200 I am entitled to use reasonable force 453 00:19:42,200 --> 00:19:44,100 in the exercise of police powers. 454 00:19:44,100 --> 00:19:45,367 Under common law, 455 00:19:45,367 --> 00:19:47,433 I have the lawful right to use lethal force 456 00:19:47,433 --> 00:19:49,600 for preservation of life or in self-defense 457 00:19:49,600 --> 00:19:50,700 where this threat is immediate. 458 00:19:50,700 --> 00:19:53,600 At no time has anyone in this room 459 00:19:53,600 --> 00:19:56,267 put forward credible evidence that I acted unlawfully, 460 00:19:56,267 --> 00:19:58,100 and therefore I formally request 461 00:19:58,100 --> 00:19:59,800 that my withdrawal from operational deployment 462 00:19:59,800 --> 00:20:02,600 be lifted and my firearms permit be reinstated 463 00:20:02,600 --> 00:20:06,400 so I can get back to doing what I do best! 464 00:20:07,067 --> 00:20:10,000 This investigation is far from over, son. 465 00:20:10,533 --> 00:20:14,200 As far as I'm concerned, we've only just scratched the surface. 466 00:20:14,200 --> 00:20:16,433 Request denied. Interview terminated. 467 00:20:16,433 --> 00:20:18,333 Off you go. 468 00:20:19,367 --> 00:20:20,500 Desk duty only. 469 00:20:36,700 --> 00:20:38,367 [ Button clicks ] 470 00:20:38,367 --> 00:20:40,633 [ Door opens ] 471 00:20:41,833 --> 00:20:43,333 Danny, don't do this. 472 00:20:43,333 --> 00:20:44,833 What was that? My personal life? 473 00:20:44,833 --> 00:20:46,167 What was that? 474 00:20:46,167 --> 00:20:48,100 -Nothing personal. -No? 475 00:20:48,100 --> 00:20:49,500 Interview's finished, Danny. 476 00:20:49,500 --> 00:20:51,100 -I'm not. -ARNOTT: Good. 477 00:20:51,100 --> 00:20:53,167 Neither are we. 478 00:21:54,433 --> 00:21:56,767 SAM: There isn't a bomb under it. 479 00:21:57,700 --> 00:21:59,733 But there ought to be. 480 00:22:02,100 --> 00:22:04,433 Fortunately I booked a table. 481 00:22:04,433 --> 00:22:06,467 Somewhere ridiculously expensive. 482 00:22:06,467 --> 00:22:08,467 Well, I guess I had that coming. 483 00:22:08,467 --> 00:22:11,133 I'm so sorry. I forgot... 484 00:22:12,700 --> 00:22:14,367 All right. 485 00:22:14,367 --> 00:22:16,167 Then what am I... 486 00:22:17,533 --> 00:22:20,300 ...supposed to do with these? 487 00:22:20,300 --> 00:22:22,233 Happy anniversary. 488 00:22:53,233 --> 00:22:55,267 [ Panting ] 489 00:23:00,267 --> 00:23:01,533 [ Retching ] 490 00:23:16,400 --> 00:23:18,367 MAN: Come on! Come on! Let's go! Let's go! 491 00:23:18,367 --> 00:23:20,867 Victor Charlie Two Zero, on our way. 492 00:23:20,867 --> 00:23:23,700 McANDREW: Victor Charlie Two Zero, received. 493 00:23:24,367 --> 00:23:26,367 [ Engines starting ] 494 00:23:27,367 --> 00:23:29,033 [ Tires screech ] 495 00:23:31,467 --> 00:23:32,700 [ Sighs ] 496 00:23:32,700 --> 00:23:34,500 [ Indistinct talking, telephone ringing ] 497 00:24:07,500 --> 00:24:11,000 It's all right, mate. You leave it to us, yeah? 498 00:24:18,867 --> 00:24:21,067 Oi. 499 00:24:23,667 --> 00:24:26,533 You gonna tell us how it went with AC-12? 500 00:24:27,500 --> 00:24:28,633 You first. 501 00:24:28,633 --> 00:24:30,467 We stuck to the story, mate. 502 00:24:30,467 --> 00:24:32,500 JACKIE: Not that you gave us much of a choice. 503 00:24:32,500 --> 00:24:35,633 -So we all stuck to the story. -[ Door opens ] 504 00:24:37,467 --> 00:24:39,500 -All right? -All right. 505 00:24:42,633 --> 00:24:44,200 [ Door closes ] 506 00:24:44,200 --> 00:24:46,400 They'll go through the motions, hit a brick wall, case closed. 507 00:24:46,400 --> 00:24:48,300 All the time you just want us to play along? 508 00:24:48,300 --> 00:24:49,333 It's worked so far. 509 00:24:49,333 --> 00:24:51,767 -So far. -What's your problem? 510 00:24:52,800 --> 00:24:54,500 My problem... 511 00:24:57,700 --> 00:24:59,067 My problem 512 00:24:59,067 --> 00:25:03,333 is what really happened with you and that suspect. 513 00:25:05,100 --> 00:25:08,267 Don't try playing the big man. 514 00:25:08,267 --> 00:25:10,733 We both know you're not up to it. 515 00:25:12,667 --> 00:25:14,467 She definitely does. 516 00:25:23,267 --> 00:25:25,233 [ Speaking indistinctly ] 517 00:25:31,667 --> 00:25:32,900 [ Knocks ] 518 00:25:32,900 --> 00:25:34,833 All right to come in with the gaffer a minute? 519 00:25:34,833 --> 00:25:36,167 Sure. 520 00:25:40,567 --> 00:25:42,767 Kate. Thanks. 521 00:25:42,767 --> 00:25:45,500 We're just discussing the Daniel Waldron shooting. 522 00:25:45,500 --> 00:25:47,633 Is there an undercover assignment? 523 00:25:47,633 --> 00:25:50,433 Look, can I just say, this feels like a long shot. 524 00:25:50,433 --> 00:25:52,300 Kate was kept out of the interview on purpose 525 00:25:52,300 --> 00:25:53,400 to give us this option. 526 00:25:53,400 --> 00:25:54,600 We should use it. 527 00:25:54,600 --> 00:25:56,667 Remind me, Kate -- Are you firearms trained? 528 00:25:56,667 --> 00:25:57,833 Yes, sir, I am. 529 00:25:57,833 --> 00:26:00,267 The statements given by Waldron's team 530 00:26:00,267 --> 00:26:01,400 are all highly consistent. 531 00:26:01,400 --> 00:26:03,233 That's not suspicious in itself. 532 00:26:03,233 --> 00:26:04,500 What else are they gonna do, 533 00:26:04,500 --> 00:26:06,067 given 48 hours to get their stories straight? 534 00:26:06,067 --> 00:26:08,367 ARNOTT: Look, the question is whether Waldron's story adds up 535 00:26:08,367 --> 00:26:10,400 and whether his squad's really as loyal as they appear. 536 00:26:10,400 --> 00:26:12,733 The only way to get the inside story is with Kate on the case. 537 00:26:12,733 --> 00:26:14,633 Putting Kate into an AFO role 538 00:26:14,633 --> 00:26:17,067 is a whole level of jeopardy above a normal undercover -- 539 00:26:17,067 --> 00:26:19,300 I can handle it. 540 00:26:19,300 --> 00:26:21,533 [ Rock music playing ] 541 00:26:21,533 --> 00:26:24,767 It's kind of a regular thing, first Wednesday or every month. 542 00:26:24,767 --> 00:26:27,233 You all right? Lets off a bit of steam. 543 00:26:27,233 --> 00:26:28,767 -I'm in. -What can I get you? 544 00:26:28,767 --> 00:26:30,000 Oh, no. My shout, gov. 545 00:26:30,000 --> 00:26:32,400 Is the right answer. Vodka and tonic. Big one. 546 00:26:32,400 --> 00:26:33,867 Coming up. 547 00:26:33,867 --> 00:26:37,800 The new AFO. Kate, um... 548 00:26:37,800 --> 00:26:39,100 Kate Francis. 549 00:26:39,100 --> 00:26:40,133 All right? 550 00:26:40,133 --> 00:26:41,533 Everyone all right for a drink? 551 00:26:41,533 --> 00:26:43,167 Yeah, I've got one here. Thanks. 552 00:26:46,567 --> 00:26:48,533 You've got to be kidding me. 553 00:26:57,267 --> 00:26:58,433 All right? 554 00:27:03,733 --> 00:27:04,967 Relax, mate. Off duty. 555 00:27:04,967 --> 00:27:06,833 You don't normally do the monthly piss-up. 556 00:27:06,833 --> 00:27:09,167 Bit of bonding felt like a good idea. 557 00:27:10,100 --> 00:27:11,500 No one gonna buy me a drink? 558 00:27:11,500 --> 00:27:13,333 What you having, skipper? 559 00:27:13,333 --> 00:27:16,300 Mineral water. Still. 560 00:27:17,333 --> 00:27:18,500 Ta. 561 00:27:33,667 --> 00:27:35,333 How are you doing, then? You all right? 562 00:27:35,333 --> 00:27:38,000 Fine. You? 563 00:27:39,133 --> 00:27:41,600 Yeah, I'm good, yeah. 564 00:27:44,167 --> 00:27:47,333 I think I best give Jackie a hand with them drinks. 565 00:27:53,467 --> 00:27:54,367 McANDREW: Danny. 566 00:27:54,367 --> 00:27:56,133 DANNY: Evening, ma'am. 567 00:27:56,133 --> 00:27:59,167 Meet Kate Francis. Kate, Danny Waldron. 568 00:27:59,167 --> 00:28:00,800 -You all right? -How you doing? 569 00:28:02,200 --> 00:28:03,867 -Thanks for the drink, Kate. -That's all right. 570 00:28:03,867 --> 00:28:05,767 -See you in a bit. -Yep. 571 00:28:08,833 --> 00:28:10,133 You're new, then? 572 00:28:10,133 --> 00:28:12,200 Yeah, I got posted while, um... 573 00:28:12,200 --> 00:28:13,833 While I've been chained to a desk. 574 00:28:13,833 --> 00:28:15,367 Sorry. 575 00:28:15,367 --> 00:28:16,467 They give you the firepower, 576 00:28:16,467 --> 00:28:18,300 but when you actually do what's necessary, 577 00:28:18,300 --> 00:28:19,467 suddenly you're a pariah. 578 00:28:19,467 --> 00:28:22,167 [ Chuckles ] 579 00:28:22,167 --> 00:28:23,300 Where are you posted from? 580 00:28:23,300 --> 00:28:25,267 East Mids. 581 00:28:25,267 --> 00:28:26,700 [ Laughs ] 582 00:28:26,700 --> 00:28:29,133 You know what, Jackie? I think I best call it a night. 583 00:28:29,133 --> 00:28:32,300 Laila ain't sleeping too good, you know? 584 00:28:32,300 --> 00:28:34,400 Can't say I blame you, mate. 585 00:28:38,300 --> 00:28:40,300 -See you in a bit. -See you. 586 00:28:42,600 --> 00:28:45,167 -Would you excuse me? -Yeah, of course. 587 00:28:45,600 --> 00:28:47,100 Hari. 588 00:28:49,133 --> 00:28:51,433 You sure everything's all right? 589 00:28:51,433 --> 00:28:52,867 Yeah, it's fine, yeah. 590 00:28:52,867 --> 00:28:55,200 It's just the missus ain't sleeping too good, you know? 591 00:28:55,200 --> 00:28:59,167 Why do I get the feeling you're not 100% on board? 592 00:29:00,233 --> 00:29:01,700 I am. 593 00:29:03,067 --> 00:29:06,767 I'm going home so Laila can grab an early night, yeah? 594 00:29:11,500 --> 00:29:14,800 You need me to make the hard choices for you. 595 00:29:14,800 --> 00:29:17,533 Because I see what's inside you. 596 00:29:19,233 --> 00:29:21,300 Jelly. 597 00:29:21,300 --> 00:29:23,433 The fact is, if we'd not stuck together, 598 00:29:23,433 --> 00:29:27,033 AC-12 would be charging the lot of us, not just me. 599 00:29:28,133 --> 00:29:29,533 Worth bearing in mind 600 00:29:29,533 --> 00:29:32,200 when you've got that nice little family to provide for. 601 00:29:36,267 --> 00:29:38,100 Love to Laila. 602 00:30:02,300 --> 00:30:03,533 -Hi. -Hi. 603 00:30:03,533 --> 00:30:05,067 Danny. 604 00:30:05,067 --> 00:30:06,667 Rachel. 605 00:30:10,367 --> 00:30:11,367 Big night out? 606 00:30:11,367 --> 00:30:14,333 Just a quiet one with workmates. 607 00:30:15,233 --> 00:30:17,067 Your workmates? 608 00:30:17,067 --> 00:30:18,233 Yeah. 609 00:30:20,700 --> 00:30:23,567 Would it be okay if I bought you another drink? 610 00:30:23,567 --> 00:30:25,600 Yeah. That would be okay. 611 00:30:25,600 --> 00:30:27,267 Dry white wine? 612 00:30:27,267 --> 00:30:28,500 Very good. 613 00:30:28,500 --> 00:30:30,233 Great. 614 00:30:37,867 --> 00:30:39,500 This is me. 615 00:30:45,267 --> 00:30:47,067 It was really nice to meet you. 616 00:30:47,067 --> 00:30:50,033 Nice to meet you too. 617 00:30:56,167 --> 00:30:58,067 Can I kiss you? 618 00:31:13,633 --> 00:31:16,467 -That was nice. -Very nice. 619 00:31:18,467 --> 00:31:20,767 -Can I get your phone number? -Sure. 620 00:31:24,400 --> 00:31:25,800 What's yours? 621 00:31:25,800 --> 00:31:33,300 It's 07700 922621. 622 00:31:33,300 --> 00:31:34,633 Okay. 623 00:31:36,300 --> 00:31:38,767 Here's mine. 624 00:31:38,767 --> 00:31:41,133 -[ Cellphone chimes ] -Got it. 625 00:31:41,800 --> 00:31:43,400 Thank you. 626 00:31:45,100 --> 00:31:48,000 -Night, Rachel. -Night. 627 00:32:17,767 --> 00:32:20,467 Listen, Hari, can I talk to you about something? 628 00:32:21,400 --> 00:32:22,733 In the pub, I couldn't help noticing 629 00:32:22,733 --> 00:32:24,633 you and Danny. 630 00:32:24,633 --> 00:32:27,400 Is he giving you a hard time? 631 00:32:27,400 --> 00:32:30,067 When hasn't he? But that's just what he's like. 632 00:32:30,067 --> 00:32:33,467 But you all stood by him after he killed a suspect. 633 00:32:33,467 --> 00:32:36,400 Did it really happen the way you all said it did? 634 00:32:36,400 --> 00:32:38,133 My advice to you is don't ask. 635 00:32:38,133 --> 00:32:41,500 I don't think you've got any idea what he's capable of. 636 00:32:41,500 --> 00:32:43,300 Not a clue. 637 00:32:56,833 --> 00:32:58,300 Kate. 638 00:32:58,300 --> 00:33:00,533 Danny Waldron's squad. 639 00:33:00,533 --> 00:33:03,500 If anyone's got a wobble, it's Hari Bains. 640 00:33:04,367 --> 00:33:05,733 Received. 641 00:33:08,567 --> 00:33:12,100 Suspect turned his gun on us, and we returned fire. 642 00:33:12,700 --> 00:33:18,567 The suspect, he discharged his weapon, and we returned fire. 643 00:33:20,400 --> 00:33:21,767 COTTAN: Well, would it be easier 644 00:33:21,767 --> 00:33:24,233 for you to tell us who fired first? 645 00:33:25,867 --> 00:33:28,567 The suspect fired his pistol at us, 646 00:33:28,567 --> 00:33:32,100 and we fired back at him. 647 00:33:33,767 --> 00:33:36,267 HASTINGS: But you didn't, did you, Constable? 648 00:33:36,267 --> 00:33:38,667 No, sir. No. Uh... 649 00:33:38,667 --> 00:33:40,767 Well, the suspect had already taken fire to the head 650 00:33:40,767 --> 00:33:42,400 and he went down. 651 00:33:42,400 --> 00:33:44,500 HASTINGS: So, what, you hesitated? Is that it? 652 00:33:44,500 --> 00:33:46,500 No, sir. 653 00:33:46,500 --> 00:33:49,567 No, it just all felt like it happened in the same moment, 654 00:33:49,567 --> 00:33:53,667 you know, the suspect firing and then him being taken down. 655 00:33:53,667 --> 00:33:55,300 ARNOTT: Why was there a patch of gunshot residue 656 00:33:55,300 --> 00:33:59,133 from the suspect's firearm five meters away from his body? 657 00:34:00,100 --> 00:34:02,433 It must have been the suspect was moving 658 00:34:02,433 --> 00:34:05,567 from one position to the other as he fired. 659 00:34:05,567 --> 00:34:07,400 HASTINGS: "Must have"? 660 00:34:07,400 --> 00:34:09,433 I mean, he -- he was. 661 00:34:09,433 --> 00:34:11,800 He was moving when he fired. 662 00:34:22,467 --> 00:34:25,067 ARNOTT: We know it's not easy, being confined to desk duty. 663 00:34:25,067 --> 00:34:26,633 COTTAN: Particularly if you're the only one 664 00:34:26,633 --> 00:34:28,300 who didn't open fire. 665 00:34:28,300 --> 00:34:31,567 Well, I didn't choke, if that's what you mean. 666 00:34:31,567 --> 00:34:34,133 No one said you choked. 667 00:34:34,133 --> 00:34:35,400 Yeah, well, you're AC-12. 668 00:34:35,400 --> 00:34:37,600 You're always looking for an angle, aren't you? 669 00:34:39,167 --> 00:34:40,700 We appreciate there's trust issues. 670 00:34:40,700 --> 00:34:41,833 And no one wants to seem like 671 00:34:41,833 --> 00:34:43,333 they're telling tales on their own. 672 00:34:43,333 --> 00:34:46,333 But no one wants to let a bent copper off the hook either. 673 00:34:46,333 --> 00:34:49,233 Look, we've read your record. 674 00:34:49,233 --> 00:34:51,333 You're an honest copper. 675 00:34:51,333 --> 00:34:53,333 This is bothering you, Harinderpal. 676 00:34:53,333 --> 00:34:54,867 Hari. 677 00:34:54,867 --> 00:34:57,467 It's bothering you, Hari. 678 00:34:57,467 --> 00:34:59,700 A lot. 679 00:35:08,100 --> 00:35:10,867 Look, I told Waldron to let the suspect go. 680 00:35:10,867 --> 00:35:12,200 We were in pursuit. 681 00:35:12,200 --> 00:35:13,267 I mean, like the bloke's still gonna carry out a hit 682 00:35:13,267 --> 00:35:14,500 with half the force on his tail. 683 00:35:14,500 --> 00:35:16,667 What, you knew Waldron was out of control, 684 00:35:16,667 --> 00:35:17,767 and you tried to deter him? 685 00:35:17,767 --> 00:35:19,267 No, I never said he was out of control. 686 00:35:19,267 --> 00:35:20,633 COTTAN: Well, what are you saying? 687 00:35:20,633 --> 00:35:23,600 You followed Danny Waldron's script to the letter. 688 00:35:23,600 --> 00:35:25,367 Except for one moment. 689 00:35:25,367 --> 00:35:26,833 The little patch of gunshot residue 690 00:35:26,833 --> 00:35:29,267 that was nowhere near where the suspect's gun was found. 691 00:35:29,267 --> 00:35:31,100 See what I mean? 692 00:35:31,100 --> 00:35:33,267 You act like every copper's bent till he's proven otherwise. 693 00:35:33,267 --> 00:35:34,700 -But I'm clean. -COTTAN: Prove it. 694 00:35:34,700 --> 00:35:36,367 Tell us what really happened. 695 00:35:36,367 --> 00:35:38,433 Why was there so much gunshot residue 696 00:35:38,433 --> 00:35:39,900 from the suspect's firearm on Waldron? 697 00:35:39,900 --> 00:35:43,233 What did he really do when he claimed he was securing it? 698 00:35:46,100 --> 00:35:47,367 I can't do this. 699 00:35:48,533 --> 00:35:50,267 [ Clears throat ] I'm sorry. I can't do this. 700 00:35:50,267 --> 00:35:51,667 There's... 701 00:35:51,667 --> 00:35:54,767 There's no way I'm testifying against Danny Waldron. 702 00:36:15,300 --> 00:36:16,367 [ Engine starts ] 703 00:36:16,367 --> 00:36:18,267 Hari Bains is damned if he does, 704 00:36:18,267 --> 00:36:19,867 damned if he doesn't, poor bugger. 705 00:36:19,867 --> 00:36:21,767 We'll be able to compel him, I'm sure, sir. 706 00:36:21,767 --> 00:36:23,033 If we can get to threshold, 707 00:36:23,033 --> 00:36:24,767 he'll go with the flow to save his own neck. 708 00:36:24,767 --> 00:36:26,867 We're a long way from threshold yet, though. 709 00:36:26,867 --> 00:36:30,300 I've really got to go now. Talk later. Bye. 710 00:36:30,300 --> 00:36:32,367 -Gill. -Sorry. 711 00:36:33,233 --> 00:36:34,800 The Police Federation are pushing back 712 00:36:34,800 --> 00:36:36,800 against Danny Waldron's treatment. 713 00:36:36,800 --> 00:36:38,700 I got an e-mail from their lawyer 714 00:36:38,700 --> 00:36:40,800 that was three pages long. 715 00:36:40,800 --> 00:36:42,533 They want him operational again 716 00:36:42,533 --> 00:36:43,900 and his firearms permit reinstated 717 00:36:43,900 --> 00:36:46,533 unless you can show there's substantive suspicion 718 00:36:46,533 --> 00:36:48,533 of crime and/or misconduct 719 00:36:48,533 --> 00:36:50,700 and/or endangerment of public trust. 720 00:36:50,700 --> 00:36:51,967 Yeah, well, we've got them all. 721 00:36:51,967 --> 00:36:54,267 You don't have endangerment of public trust, 722 00:36:54,267 --> 00:36:56,733 as Operation Damson remains unreported in the press 723 00:36:56,733 --> 00:36:58,467 as per a legal suppression order. 724 00:36:58,467 --> 00:36:59,567 So, what have you actually got 725 00:36:59,567 --> 00:37:01,867 regarding crime and/or misconduct? 726 00:37:01,867 --> 00:37:03,067 There's a strong suspicion 727 00:37:03,067 --> 00:37:04,733 Danny Waldron was adjacent to the suspect 728 00:37:04,733 --> 00:37:06,333 when the suspect's firearm went off 729 00:37:06,333 --> 00:37:07,767 and that Waldron moved the firearm 730 00:37:07,767 --> 00:37:09,367 before forensics got to the scene. 731 00:37:09,367 --> 00:37:11,067 Yeah, I've listened to the tape. 732 00:37:11,067 --> 00:37:12,600 You all did your best. 733 00:37:12,600 --> 00:37:16,400 But Waldron deals plausibly with all your areas of inquiry. 734 00:37:16,400 --> 00:37:18,333 And his team's statements back him up. 735 00:37:18,333 --> 00:37:21,533 Well, we interviewed one of his team, P.C. Harinderpal Bains, 736 00:37:21,533 --> 00:37:22,833 who we strongly suspect 737 00:37:22,833 --> 00:37:25,400 is detachable from Waldron's version of events. 738 00:37:25,400 --> 00:37:26,533 Is he on the record? 739 00:37:26,533 --> 00:37:27,800 No, ma'am, but... 740 00:37:27,800 --> 00:37:29,533 I'm a civilian. It's Gill or Miss Biggeloe. 741 00:37:29,533 --> 00:37:31,333 So he's not on the record. 742 00:37:31,333 --> 00:37:33,200 No, but we have an officer undercover 743 00:37:33,200 --> 00:37:35,433 probing for weaknesses in the team's statements. 744 00:37:35,433 --> 00:37:37,067 Has she found any? 745 00:37:37,067 --> 00:37:38,867 Well, not yet, but she's only just started. 746 00:37:38,867 --> 00:37:41,300 So she hasn't. 747 00:37:41,300 --> 00:37:43,867 Look, I've seen enough bent coppers in my time 748 00:37:43,867 --> 00:37:45,633 to know when one of them is hiding something. 749 00:37:45,633 --> 00:37:47,200 You know why I've been appointed. 750 00:37:47,200 --> 00:37:49,167 To ensure that anticorruption inquiries 751 00:37:49,167 --> 00:37:52,467 don't get pulled apart in court to everyone's embarrassment. 752 00:37:52,467 --> 00:37:54,833 HASTINGS: Yeah, well, we'd all be severely embarrassed 753 00:37:54,833 --> 00:37:56,367 if Daniel Waldron manages 754 00:37:56,367 --> 00:37:57,833 to pull something like this off again. 755 00:37:57,833 --> 00:37:59,633 We are protecting the public, 756 00:37:59,633 --> 00:38:02,633 and sometimes that means we have to protect them 757 00:38:02,633 --> 00:38:03,467 from our own officers. 758 00:38:03,467 --> 00:38:05,033 Legally this case is weak, 759 00:38:05,033 --> 00:38:08,400 and juries don't convict police officers for killing suspects. 760 00:38:08,400 --> 00:38:10,467 I've got no option but to recommend 761 00:38:10,467 --> 00:38:12,800 that Waldron and his team return to active duty 762 00:38:12,800 --> 00:38:15,267 and that their firearms permits are reinstated. 763 00:38:23,533 --> 00:38:27,067 What, she running our investigations now? 764 00:38:29,867 --> 00:38:32,767 Search of premises for Class A drugs. 765 00:38:32,767 --> 00:38:34,867 Residents are known to be in possession, 766 00:38:34,867 --> 00:38:37,667 have access to firearms. 767 00:38:38,467 --> 00:38:40,067 Good to be back. 768 00:39:03,300 --> 00:39:05,400 Armed police! 769 00:39:07,633 --> 00:39:09,333 Armed police! 770 00:39:09,333 --> 00:39:11,767 Jacks, you, Rod, and Hari secure these rooms. 771 00:39:11,767 --> 00:39:13,133 Kate, with me. 772 00:39:17,167 --> 00:39:18,367 Go. Go. 773 00:39:24,600 --> 00:39:26,533 Armed police! 774 00:39:37,400 --> 00:39:39,433 Armed police! 775 00:39:43,267 --> 00:39:45,233 Armed police! 776 00:39:54,367 --> 00:39:55,667 All clear. Check the landing. 777 00:40:15,867 --> 00:40:17,800 Kate, check in with the others. 778 00:40:17,800 --> 00:40:19,600 -[ Radio beeps ] -Victor Charlie Five Five. 779 00:40:19,600 --> 00:40:22,167 -ROD: Five Two. -Status? 780 00:40:22,167 --> 00:40:23,733 Still checking. 781 00:40:31,167 --> 00:40:33,667 Move. Move. 782 00:40:36,267 --> 00:40:38,267 Armed police! 783 00:40:38,267 --> 00:40:40,033 [ Wings flapping ] 784 00:40:54,500 --> 00:40:56,333 -No! -[ Gasps ] 785 00:40:58,500 --> 00:41:00,533 Check your safety. Stand down. 786 00:41:00,533 --> 00:41:02,167 -[ Radio beeps ] -Get the search team in here. 787 00:41:02,167 --> 00:41:04,667 And we need an ambulance and social services. 788 00:41:04,667 --> 00:41:05,800 HARI: Yes, skipper. 789 00:41:05,800 --> 00:41:08,567 It's all right. No one's gonna hurt you. 790 00:41:08,567 --> 00:41:10,467 Good boy. 791 00:41:10,467 --> 00:41:12,700 -[ Boy babbling ] -It's all right. 792 00:41:14,233 --> 00:41:15,433 How old are you, eh? 793 00:41:18,500 --> 00:41:21,267 [ Boy crying ] 794 00:41:24,400 --> 00:41:26,533 Hi, it's me. 795 00:41:26,533 --> 00:41:28,733 Yeah, fine, just I'll be busy later. 796 00:41:28,733 --> 00:41:32,200 I just wanted to get him before he went to bed. 797 00:41:32,200 --> 00:41:33,700 Thanks. 798 00:41:36,400 --> 00:41:39,600 Hi, sweetheart. Have you had a nice day? 799 00:41:40,500 --> 00:41:42,367 Have you? 800 00:41:42,367 --> 00:41:44,667 Oh, that's lovely. 801 00:42:02,200 --> 00:42:04,267 MAN: Sergeant Waldron. 802 00:42:11,267 --> 00:42:12,667 Kate. 803 00:42:16,100 --> 00:42:19,400 There's no easy way to say this. 804 00:42:19,400 --> 00:42:21,800 This isn't gonna work. 805 00:42:21,800 --> 00:42:24,400 Look, nobody feels worse about what happened -- 806 00:42:24,400 --> 00:42:26,633 what nearly happened -- than I do. 807 00:42:26,633 --> 00:42:29,133 I decide who's right for my team -- 808 00:42:29,133 --> 00:42:31,500 no one else -- who can cut it and who can't. 809 00:42:31,500 --> 00:42:35,300 It's nothing personal. You're just not up to the job. 810 00:42:35,300 --> 00:42:37,067 I messed up, but I'll learn. 811 00:42:37,067 --> 00:42:40,233 -I don't give in, skipper. -Neither do I. 812 00:42:40,233 --> 00:42:42,600 Best you put in for a transfer. 813 00:42:43,733 --> 00:42:46,567 Save me having to turn nasty. 814 00:43:07,633 --> 00:43:10,067 Sorry. 815 00:43:10,067 --> 00:43:12,367 Don't be. It's a free country. 816 00:43:13,700 --> 00:43:15,233 Here you are. 817 00:43:19,700 --> 00:43:21,167 Here you go. 818 00:43:25,633 --> 00:43:27,700 So you worked with Jackie long? 819 00:43:27,700 --> 00:43:29,567 Couple of years, on and off. 820 00:43:29,567 --> 00:43:31,533 And Danny? 821 00:43:32,433 --> 00:43:33,800 Bit less. 822 00:43:33,800 --> 00:43:34,967 I don't get the impression there's much love lost. 823 00:43:34,967 --> 00:43:37,133 Sorry, Kate. Sorry, listen, I'm just... 824 00:43:37,133 --> 00:43:39,067 Just not feeling very sociable right now. 825 00:43:39,067 --> 00:43:42,100 Yeah, no worries. 826 00:43:42,100 --> 00:43:43,300 All right? 827 00:43:50,100 --> 00:43:52,500 Right. I better get in. See you in a bit. 828 00:44:00,733 --> 00:44:03,033 Look, I'm sorry. 829 00:44:04,667 --> 00:44:07,167 -What else can I say to you? -What else can you say? 830 00:44:07,167 --> 00:44:09,600 How do you think I feel right now? 831 00:44:09,600 --> 00:44:10,667 Just ignore him. 832 00:44:10,667 --> 00:44:13,700 Ignore him? Are you taking the piss? 833 00:44:22,667 --> 00:44:24,300 ARNOTT: Thanks. 834 00:44:24,800 --> 00:44:26,467 Finally. 835 00:44:28,300 --> 00:44:30,400 Is that the file on the suspect shot by Waldron? 836 00:44:30,400 --> 00:44:31,800 Yeah. 837 00:44:38,300 --> 00:44:39,633 What? 838 00:44:45,200 --> 00:44:46,800 We need an unredacted file. 839 00:44:47,533 --> 00:44:50,367 Leave it to me. I'll crack some heads together. 840 00:45:06,467 --> 00:45:08,667 [ Panting ] 841 00:45:11,500 --> 00:45:12,667 [ Spits ] 842 00:45:21,100 --> 00:45:22,333 You shouldn't be here. 843 00:45:22,333 --> 00:45:24,433 That only applies if we're investigating you. 844 00:45:24,433 --> 00:45:27,300 -You're off the hook. -What do you want? 845 00:45:27,300 --> 00:45:29,100 You didn't know the suspect? 846 00:45:31,800 --> 00:45:33,067 No. 847 00:45:33,067 --> 00:45:35,633 Not heard a rumor about him, heard the name? 848 00:45:35,633 --> 00:45:37,867 You need to caution me before you can ask that. 849 00:45:37,867 --> 00:45:40,067 Like this is on the record. 850 00:45:40,067 --> 00:45:42,200 I just want to know the truth. 851 00:45:47,133 --> 00:45:49,133 The file on Ronan Murphy. 852 00:45:49,733 --> 00:45:51,400 The suspect's name. 853 00:45:51,400 --> 00:45:53,400 Large sections were redacted. 854 00:45:54,633 --> 00:45:57,100 If there's something bigger here, Danny, 855 00:45:57,100 --> 00:46:00,267 you don't want to be the one left carrying the can. 856 00:46:01,167 --> 00:46:02,467 Do you run, Steve? 857 00:46:02,467 --> 00:46:06,067 I don't have to. No one's chasing me. 858 00:46:06,067 --> 00:46:07,733 I do. 859 00:46:08,567 --> 00:46:10,633 Miles, some nights. 860 00:46:10,633 --> 00:46:11,733 Tens of miles. 861 00:46:11,733 --> 00:46:15,500 It gets so every part of me hurts. 862 00:46:15,500 --> 00:46:17,267 But the one thing I know is, 863 00:46:17,267 --> 00:46:20,433 you keep going through the pain, because if you stop, 864 00:46:20,433 --> 00:46:24,167 it's gonna hurt a whole lot more to get started again. 865 00:46:25,133 --> 00:46:29,867 When this is all done, Steve, I'll suffer for my actions. 866 00:46:29,867 --> 00:46:33,300 I'm under no illusions of an happy ending. 867 00:46:33,300 --> 00:46:35,533 But I ain't gonna stop. 868 00:46:41,700 --> 00:46:43,867 Danny. 869 00:46:43,867 --> 00:46:46,133 One thing we both know. 870 00:46:46,133 --> 00:46:49,600 Easiest way to get away with killing someone? 871 00:46:49,600 --> 00:46:52,000 Be a police officer. 872 00:47:00,667 --> 00:47:02,067 [ Doorbell rings ] 873 00:47:02,067 --> 00:47:04,500 WOMAN: [ Speaking indistinctly ] 874 00:47:10,567 --> 00:47:12,467 [ Dog barking ] 875 00:48:02,867 --> 00:48:04,700 See you. 876 00:48:04,700 --> 00:48:08,233 Come on. Do you want to have a go with the light? 877 00:48:08,233 --> 00:48:10,533 Press the button. Press the button for Daddy. 878 00:48:10,533 --> 00:48:13,167 Won't be long before you're driving yourself, will it? 879 00:48:13,167 --> 00:48:15,467 -Vroom, vroom. -It'll be a few years yet. 880 00:48:15,467 --> 00:48:16,533 Have a good day. 881 00:48:16,533 --> 00:48:18,600 -Yeah, see you. -See you later. 882 00:48:34,300 --> 00:48:36,067 Hari. 883 00:48:36,767 --> 00:48:38,600 Ma'am. 884 00:48:38,600 --> 00:48:39,600 You all right, Hari? 885 00:48:39,600 --> 00:48:41,833 Yeah, I'm fine, thanks, gov. 886 00:48:41,833 --> 00:48:43,000 I'm concerned about 887 00:48:43,000 --> 00:48:45,100 the interpersonal dynamics on the unit. 888 00:48:45,100 --> 00:48:48,233 So I'm gonna disband Danny's squad. 889 00:48:49,833 --> 00:48:51,767 Well, what did Danny have to say about that? 890 00:48:51,767 --> 00:48:53,433 He won't be the problem. 891 00:48:53,433 --> 00:48:56,100 The problem will be getting AFOs to work with him. 892 00:49:00,833 --> 00:49:03,067 I know he's not the easiest skipper, 893 00:49:03,067 --> 00:49:05,167 but he's good at his job. 894 00:49:05,167 --> 00:49:08,100 I'm learning loads from him, so I'd rather keep at it. 895 00:49:08,100 --> 00:49:10,233 -Seriously? -Yeah. 896 00:49:10,233 --> 00:49:12,233 If you move us on now, ma'am, 897 00:49:12,233 --> 00:49:14,467 then it looks like we messed up, doesn't it? 898 00:49:14,467 --> 00:49:16,067 And we didn't. 899 00:49:24,600 --> 00:49:26,667 MINISTER: Man that is born of a woman 900 00:49:26,667 --> 00:49:31,733 hath but a short time to live and is full of misery. 901 00:49:31,733 --> 00:49:35,233 He cometh up, and is cut down, like a flower. 902 00:49:35,233 --> 00:49:38,067 He fleeth as it were a shadow, 903 00:49:38,067 --> 00:49:41,267 and never continueth in one stay. 904 00:49:41,267 --> 00:49:43,100 Let us pray. 905 00:49:53,200 --> 00:49:55,267 Here you are, girl. Oh, there's a good dog. 906 00:50:04,233 --> 00:50:05,567 [ Bell dings ] 907 00:50:18,833 --> 00:50:20,467 Don't remember me? 908 00:50:22,400 --> 00:50:24,567 -No. -No? 909 00:50:24,567 --> 00:50:28,300 Nor did the man that you buried. 910 00:50:31,367 --> 00:50:33,667 -[ Metal clanks ] -[ Barking ] 911 00:50:34,367 --> 00:50:36,433 [ Whimpering ] 912 00:50:36,433 --> 00:50:39,067 Get down. 913 00:50:48,167 --> 00:50:49,333 Sit. 914 00:50:51,733 --> 00:50:56,067 Every time you don't do what I say, it gets worse. 915 00:50:56,067 --> 00:50:59,200 You'll sit, all right? 916 00:50:59,800 --> 00:51:01,367 But first... 917 00:51:04,133 --> 00:51:06,433 ...you'll take off all your clothes. 918 00:51:20,700 --> 00:51:22,767 I never knew his name. 919 00:51:23,500 --> 00:51:25,300 Not really. 920 00:51:27,300 --> 00:51:29,600 We did have a name for him, though. 921 00:51:32,400 --> 00:51:37,533 So many years, I wondered what I'd do if I ever saw him again. 922 00:51:37,533 --> 00:51:39,700 And then I did. 923 00:51:39,700 --> 00:51:42,633 In a photo, in a briefing room. 924 00:51:45,533 --> 00:51:48,567 And I was being sent to meet him with a gun. 925 00:51:53,433 --> 00:51:58,200 Before you ask [Sniffles] this isn't the one. 926 00:51:58,200 --> 00:52:00,333 Illegal, untraceable. 927 00:52:00,333 --> 00:52:02,767 No problem with using it on you. 928 00:52:15,100 --> 00:52:16,567 So who was he to you? 929 00:52:17,600 --> 00:52:18,733 Nephew. 930 00:52:19,633 --> 00:52:20,967 [ Sniffles ] 931 00:52:20,967 --> 00:52:24,267 I never knew that there was a family connection. 932 00:52:28,167 --> 00:52:30,367 We had a name for you too. 933 00:52:32,300 --> 00:52:33,733 Do you want to know what it was? 934 00:52:35,767 --> 00:52:38,233 Do you want to know what it was? 935 00:52:38,233 --> 00:52:40,433 [ Laughing ] 936 00:52:40,433 --> 00:52:42,033 [ Crying ] Fuck. 937 00:52:48,300 --> 00:52:50,833 [ Thud ] 938 00:52:50,833 --> 00:52:52,600 [ Groans ] 939 00:52:57,567 --> 00:53:01,133 The only thing with Ronan -- It was over too fast. 940 00:53:02,400 --> 00:53:05,367 But I've got you to make up for that. 941 00:53:57,333 --> 00:53:59,000 Here you go. 942 00:54:06,333 --> 00:54:08,167 [ Cellphone chimes ] 943 00:54:40,233 --> 00:54:41,800 [ Sobs ] 944 00:54:42,733 --> 00:54:44,667 [ Telephone rings ] 945 00:54:55,133 --> 00:54:57,133 Sergeant Waldron. 946 00:54:57,133 --> 00:54:58,700 [ Sirens wailing ] 947 00:55:05,167 --> 00:55:07,100 McANDREW: Four Zero, radio check. 948 00:55:07,100 --> 00:55:09,133 Seven Zero, radio check. 949 00:55:09,133 --> 00:55:10,767 All units, intel reports 950 00:55:10,767 --> 00:55:12,767 no egress from the premises this morning. 951 00:55:12,767 --> 00:55:14,300 Residents are believed to be in situ 952 00:55:14,300 --> 00:55:16,700 and should be considered armed and dangerous 953 00:55:16,700 --> 00:55:18,533 till proved otherwise. 954 00:55:18,533 --> 00:55:21,267 Five zero have been briefed and will enter and secure premises. 955 00:55:21,267 --> 00:55:23,633 Other units are to stand by and await orders. 956 00:55:23,633 --> 00:55:24,767 Four one. 957 00:55:24,767 --> 00:55:25,800 MAN: Six Zero, received. 958 00:56:09,100 --> 00:56:12,100 Armed police! Armed police! 959 00:56:12,100 --> 00:56:13,333 Armed police! 960 00:56:13,333 --> 00:56:16,567 -Armed police! -Nobody move! Armed police! 961 00:56:18,467 --> 00:56:19,867 -Armed police! -Armed police! 962 00:56:19,867 --> 00:56:21,533 Show me your hands! Turn around! 963 00:56:21,533 --> 00:56:23,400 Hands behind your back! Walk to me! 964 00:56:24,400 --> 00:56:26,767 Keep coming! 965 00:56:26,767 --> 00:56:27,567 -Move! -Turn around! 966 00:56:27,567 --> 00:56:29,233 Hands behind your back! 967 00:56:29,233 --> 00:56:30,733 Behind your back! To me! 968 00:56:30,733 --> 00:56:31,767 WOMAN: Aah! 969 00:56:31,767 --> 00:56:33,667 Move! Move! 970 00:56:34,467 --> 00:56:35,700 Who else is in the house? 971 00:56:35,700 --> 00:56:37,567 MAN: No one. 972 00:56:40,100 --> 00:56:42,600 We're going up. Call it in, Channel 1. 973 00:56:42,600 --> 00:56:44,367 Victor Charlie Five Five on 1. 974 00:56:44,367 --> 00:56:46,533 McANDREW: Victor Charlie Four One, go ahead, Five Five. 975 00:56:46,533 --> 00:56:48,800 Two suspects in custody. Continuing the search. 976 00:56:48,800 --> 00:56:50,300 Hari, Rod, Jacks, go up. 977 00:56:50,300 --> 00:56:52,067 -Kate, stay put. -I'm good to go up. 978 00:56:52,067 --> 00:56:53,400 You lot go up. 979 00:56:53,400 --> 00:56:56,067 Back-to-back on 2. 980 00:57:10,567 --> 00:57:13,267 Stay on 1. 981 00:57:13,267 --> 00:57:14,833 You really gonna be like this? 982 00:57:14,833 --> 00:57:17,067 You had your chance to make this painless. 983 00:57:17,067 --> 00:57:19,333 In the morning I'm telling McAndrew 984 00:57:19,333 --> 00:57:21,333 to bump you off the squad. 985 00:57:21,333 --> 00:57:23,333 HARI: Victor Charlie Five One. 986 00:57:23,333 --> 00:57:25,400 -Five One. -Five Four. 987 00:57:25,400 --> 00:57:26,733 You better come up here, skipper. 988 00:57:26,733 --> 00:57:28,500 On my way. 989 00:57:28,500 --> 00:57:31,133 Don't move a muscle. 990 00:57:46,567 --> 00:57:47,800 [ Gunshot ] 991 00:57:47,800 --> 00:57:48,867 Who else is up there?! 992 00:57:48,867 --> 00:57:50,167 No one! I told you! 993 00:57:50,167 --> 00:57:52,567 Shot fired, Five Five. No further information. 994 00:57:52,567 --> 00:57:53,667 Shot fired! 995 00:57:53,667 --> 00:57:54,400 McANDREW: Victor Charlie Four One. 996 00:57:54,400 --> 00:57:55,700 What's going on? 997 00:57:55,700 --> 00:57:57,067 Shit! 998 00:57:57,067 --> 00:57:59,733 -Five Five, report. -[ Man moaning ] 999 00:57:59,733 --> 00:58:03,567 Any call sign, request urgent sit rep on shot fired. 1000 00:58:03,567 --> 00:58:05,633 [ Indistinct radio chatter ] 1001 00:58:06,500 --> 00:58:07,967 [ Gasping ] 1002 00:58:07,967 --> 00:58:12,767 Victor Charlie Five Five, status zero, officer seriously wounded. 1003 00:58:14,733 --> 00:58:16,300 What happened? 1004 00:58:16,300 --> 00:58:18,500 DANNY: [ Gasping ] 1005 00:58:21,600 --> 00:58:23,700 We understand we have a status zero on one of our officers. 1006 00:58:23,700 --> 00:58:25,600 Stay with me, Danny! Stay with me! 1007 00:58:27,667 --> 00:58:29,333 Urgent medical attention required. 1008 00:58:29,333 --> 00:58:31,600 -[ Gasping ] -What's he saying? 1009 00:58:31,600 --> 00:58:34,400 -DANNY: [ Gasping ] -ROD: What's he saying? 1010 00:58:35,667 --> 00:58:37,767 We have an officer down. 1011 00:58:37,767 --> 00:58:40,400 Stay with me, Danny. Danny. Danny!