1 00:00:17,400 --> 00:00:18,567 Armed police! 2 00:00:24,833 --> 00:00:26,733 [ Dogs barking ] 3 00:00:28,233 --> 00:00:30,300 Shoot over the suspect's body, 4 00:00:30,300 --> 00:00:31,667 in the direction you'd have fired 5 00:00:31,667 --> 00:00:33,467 if you'd have actually managed to get here in time. 6 00:00:35,233 --> 00:00:36,333 ROD: Jesus! 7 00:00:36,333 --> 00:00:38,733 We're all in this together. Best way. 8 00:00:40,467 --> 00:00:42,600 You shot that fella in cold blood 9 00:00:42,600 --> 00:00:44,500 while your wee mates stood by and watched. 10 00:00:44,500 --> 00:00:46,600 -What was that? -Interview's finished, Danny. 11 00:00:46,600 --> 00:00:48,100 -I'm not. -ARNOTT: Good. 12 00:00:48,100 --> 00:00:50,133 Neither are we. 13 00:00:51,700 --> 00:00:53,567 BIGGELOE: You know why I've been appointed. 14 00:00:53,567 --> 00:00:55,667 To ensure that anticorruption inquiries 15 00:00:55,667 --> 00:00:57,767 don't get pulled apart in court 16 00:01:00,067 --> 00:01:01,700 Don't try playing the big man. 17 00:01:01,700 --> 00:01:04,300 We both know you're not up to it. 18 00:01:04,300 --> 00:01:05,733 She definitely does. 19 00:01:06,867 --> 00:01:09,533 You need me to make the hard choices for you. 20 00:01:09,533 --> 00:01:12,100 Because I see what's inside you. 21 00:01:12,100 --> 00:01:13,200 Jelly. 22 00:01:14,300 --> 00:01:15,767 COTTAN: Putting Kate into an AFO role 23 00:01:15,767 --> 00:01:18,133 is a whole level of jeopardy above a normal undercover -- 24 00:01:18,133 --> 00:01:19,333 I can handle it. 25 00:01:22,533 --> 00:01:24,767 COTTAN: Is that the file on the suspect shot by Waldron? 26 00:01:24,767 --> 00:01:27,467 Yeah. We need an unredacted file. 27 00:01:27,467 --> 00:01:28,567 Leave it to me. 28 00:01:28,567 --> 00:01:30,767 -You didn't know the suspect? -No. 29 00:01:30,767 --> 00:01:33,200 ARNOTT: Ronan Murphy. The suspect's name. 30 00:01:33,200 --> 00:01:35,300 Don't remember me? 31 00:01:35,300 --> 00:01:36,667 [ Barking ] 32 00:01:36,667 --> 00:01:39,667 The only thing with Ronan -- It was over too fast. 33 00:01:41,400 --> 00:01:43,167 ARNOTT: If there's something bigger here, Danny, 34 00:01:43,167 --> 00:01:45,733 you don't want to be the one left carrying the can. 35 00:01:48,700 --> 00:01:50,533 HARI: You better come up here, skipper. 36 00:01:50,533 --> 00:01:51,733 On my way. 37 00:01:53,733 --> 00:01:55,033 [ Gunshot ] 38 00:01:55,800 --> 00:01:58,267 Shot fired! Shot fired! 39 00:01:58,800 --> 00:02:01,367 -[ Gasping ] -What's he saying? 40 00:02:01,700 --> 00:02:02,900 What's he saying? 41 00:02:02,900 --> 00:02:04,867 KATE: Stay with me, Danny. Danny. Danny! 42 00:02:04,867 --> 00:02:07,633 [ Police radio chatter ] 43 00:02:11,533 --> 00:02:13,133 Come on, guys. 44 00:02:14,467 --> 00:02:16,467 Come away. Let them in. 45 00:02:17,067 --> 00:02:19,200 Come on, Kate. Let's leave them to it. 46 00:02:19,200 --> 00:02:21,400 Let me in. 47 00:02:21,400 --> 00:02:23,400 Weak pulse, right carotid. 48 00:02:23,400 --> 00:02:25,867 Left side's completely traumatized. 49 00:02:25,867 --> 00:02:27,067 Probably tolerate a Guedel. 50 00:02:27,067 --> 00:02:29,333 Let's get suction on, secure the airway. 51 00:02:29,333 --> 00:02:31,500 Oxygen and I.V. access. 52 00:02:35,100 --> 00:02:37,333 What the hell happened in there? 53 00:02:38,800 --> 00:02:40,233 Still in shock, gov. 54 00:02:40,233 --> 00:02:43,100 I just need a couple of minutes to get my head around it. 55 00:02:44,200 --> 00:02:46,700 I'm still making sense of it, gov. 56 00:02:52,100 --> 00:02:54,000 Get them to the station. 57 00:03:01,133 --> 00:03:03,333 You too, Francis. 58 00:03:04,633 --> 00:03:08,867 WOMAN: Maintaining pressure on left submandibular GSW. 59 00:03:08,867 --> 00:03:11,200 [ Police radio chatter ] 60 00:03:21,833 --> 00:03:23,633 [ Siren wails ] 61 00:03:28,067 --> 00:03:30,367 [ Police radio chatter ] 62 00:03:34,333 --> 00:03:37,167 D.S. Arnott, AC-12. 63 00:03:37,167 --> 00:03:39,067 Is he talking? I need to talk to him. 64 00:03:39,067 --> 00:03:40,600 The incident took place inside the bedroom, 65 00:03:40,600 --> 00:03:43,367 so it's off limit except to preserve life. 66 00:03:43,367 --> 00:03:44,700 WOMAN: Single GSW to the neck. 67 00:03:44,700 --> 00:03:46,567 Sinus rhythm, but BP's in his boots. 68 00:03:46,567 --> 00:03:48,467 -Sats dropping. -Is he gonna make it? 69 00:03:48,467 --> 00:03:50,133 MAN: Set me up for a crash tube. 70 00:03:51,633 --> 00:03:53,267 Stand by everyone. 71 00:03:53,267 --> 00:03:54,867 You need to fill in your pocket books. 72 00:03:54,867 --> 00:03:56,200 Then there'll be a debrief. 73 00:03:56,200 --> 00:03:57,367 Before you do anything, 74 00:03:57,367 --> 00:03:58,700 you'll be walked through it all by legal. 75 00:03:58,700 --> 00:04:01,300 Any news yet on Danny yet? 76 00:04:01,300 --> 00:04:03,067 [ Monitor beeping ] 77 00:04:03,067 --> 00:04:04,300 MAN: Sinus bradia. 78 00:04:04,300 --> 00:04:06,333 He's gone asystolic. 79 00:04:06,333 --> 00:04:08,700 Let's get him in. 80 00:04:08,700 --> 00:04:09,933 Okay. We're losing him. 81 00:04:09,933 --> 00:04:12,467 I've got asystole on the monitor and no output. 82 00:04:12,467 --> 00:04:13,767 Fluids wide open. 83 00:04:13,767 --> 00:04:16,100 -WOMAN: Off vent and bag him. -MAN: Start CPR. 84 00:04:16,100 --> 00:04:17,567 Adrenaline, one milligram. 85 00:04:27,367 --> 00:04:29,200 Four cycles of CPR given. 86 00:04:29,200 --> 00:04:31,167 We've had no output with chest compressions. 87 00:04:31,167 --> 00:04:35,467 No carotid pulse. Asystole on the monitor. 88 00:04:35,467 --> 00:04:38,700 Pronounce life extinct -- 08:34. 89 00:04:39,533 --> 00:04:41,600 Thanks, everybody. Sorry about that. 90 00:04:41,600 --> 00:04:43,667 We need to leave everything as is for the coroner. 91 00:04:43,667 --> 00:04:45,667 Disconnect monitoring, oxygen... 92 00:04:45,667 --> 00:04:48,000 [ Speaking indistinctly ] 93 00:04:50,300 --> 00:04:54,300 Don't touch anything else in case you contaminate it. 94 00:05:15,233 --> 00:05:17,367 So is anyone gonna tell me what actually happened? 95 00:05:17,367 --> 00:05:19,633 Jesus Christ, Kate. 96 00:05:22,100 --> 00:05:23,600 -There was a struggle. -Who with? 97 00:05:23,600 --> 00:05:25,567 We were all involved. 98 00:05:25,567 --> 00:05:28,533 Danny had his firearm out and it just went off. 99 00:05:28,533 --> 00:05:31,167 -I didn't hear a struggle. -You were downstairs! Jesus! 100 00:05:31,167 --> 00:05:33,533 And from downstairs, I didn't hear a struggle. 101 00:05:33,533 --> 00:05:34,767 By the time I got upstairs, 102 00:05:34,767 --> 00:05:37,300 not one of you was giving Danny first aid. 103 00:05:37,300 --> 00:05:39,467 What did Danny say to you? 104 00:05:42,433 --> 00:05:43,800 He whispered something to you. What did he say? 105 00:05:43,800 --> 00:05:45,567 I'm not sure what he meant. 106 00:05:45,567 --> 00:05:49,067 No, no. What did he -- What did he actually say? 107 00:05:51,333 --> 00:05:52,667 And just 'cause you didn't hear a struggle 108 00:05:52,667 --> 00:05:54,367 doesn't mean there wasn't one. 109 00:05:54,367 --> 00:05:56,400 Why didn't one of you help Danny? 110 00:05:56,400 --> 00:05:58,067 He was lying on the floor, he'd been shot, 111 00:05:58,067 --> 00:05:59,433 and there was blood everywhere. 112 00:05:59,433 --> 00:06:00,533 We were in shock. 113 00:06:00,533 --> 00:06:01,333 What, you couldn't lift a finger? 114 00:06:01,333 --> 00:06:02,633 Couldn't call for help? 115 00:06:02,633 --> 00:06:05,667 Look, do we have to talk about this right now? 116 00:06:08,267 --> 00:06:10,433 All I can see in my head is Danny just lying there, 117 00:06:10,433 --> 00:06:12,833 bleeding out, man. 118 00:06:12,833 --> 00:06:14,600 -What was your RT about? -What RT? 119 00:06:14,600 --> 00:06:16,767 You radioed Danny, telling him to come up. 120 00:06:16,767 --> 00:06:17,933 -Did I? -Yeah. 121 00:06:17,933 --> 00:06:19,667 You sent, "Better come up here, skipper." 122 00:06:19,667 --> 00:06:21,200 I'd have to hear the recording. 123 00:06:21,200 --> 00:06:23,233 Well, you were back-to-back on 2, so there is no recording. 124 00:06:23,233 --> 00:06:26,067 Can you just stop? 125 00:06:26,067 --> 00:06:27,633 Doing my head in. 126 00:06:27,633 --> 00:06:29,333 You know, if I'm gonna go along with this, 127 00:06:29,333 --> 00:06:31,733 I need to know what I'm covering for. 128 00:06:36,267 --> 00:06:37,733 Fine. 129 00:06:37,733 --> 00:06:40,267 The ballistics will say what really happened in that bedroom. 130 00:06:40,267 --> 00:06:41,767 Yeah, you'd think. 131 00:06:54,167 --> 00:06:55,600 Time, gaffer? 132 00:06:55,600 --> 00:06:57,600 I say they had plenty. 133 00:07:00,833 --> 00:07:03,133 [ Indistinct talking ] 134 00:07:05,667 --> 00:07:06,800 P.C. Francis. 135 00:07:06,800 --> 00:07:08,867 Sir. 136 00:07:08,867 --> 00:07:11,467 HASTINGS: Right, let's get straight down to brass tacks. 137 00:07:11,467 --> 00:07:14,533 How did Sergeant Daniel Waldron meet his death? 138 00:07:14,533 --> 00:07:16,233 He died in the ambulance, sir. 139 00:07:16,233 --> 00:07:18,567 You know exactly what I mean. 140 00:07:18,567 --> 00:07:20,867 Danny Waldron shot himself, sir. 141 00:07:20,867 --> 00:07:23,767 Danny put the gun to his own head. 142 00:07:23,767 --> 00:07:25,800 We were trying to help him. 143 00:07:25,800 --> 00:07:27,667 But we -- we couldn't get the gun off him, 144 00:07:27,667 --> 00:07:29,367 and the firearm discharged. 145 00:07:29,367 --> 00:07:30,467 By the time I entered the room, 146 00:07:30,467 --> 00:07:32,467 Danny was already bleeding profusely. 147 00:07:32,467 --> 00:07:33,867 Did you administer first aid? 148 00:07:33,867 --> 00:07:35,267 Kate -- 149 00:07:35,267 --> 00:07:38,533 um, Victor Charlie Five Five, 150 00:07:38,533 --> 00:07:41,267 she ran in and she tried to control the bleeding 151 00:07:41,267 --> 00:07:42,700 until the paramedics arrived. 152 00:07:42,700 --> 00:07:46,767 So you didn't administer first aid? 153 00:07:46,767 --> 00:07:50,200 Well, you hope you'll know what to do in them situations. 154 00:07:50,200 --> 00:07:51,300 Till it comes to it. 155 00:07:51,300 --> 00:07:53,233 Uh-huh. 156 00:07:54,533 --> 00:07:57,433 Image 297 -- a ballistic simulation 157 00:07:57,433 --> 00:07:58,733 of the bullet's trajectory. 158 00:07:58,733 --> 00:08:01,167 It appears the fatal shot was fired in a position 159 00:08:01,167 --> 00:08:04,400 close to Sergeant Waldron's chest and aimed upwards. 160 00:08:04,400 --> 00:08:06,433 That how it happened, Constable? 161 00:08:06,433 --> 00:08:07,900 Yes, sir. 162 00:08:07,900 --> 00:08:11,700 Now, forensics detected firearms residue on your hands, 163 00:08:11,700 --> 00:08:14,667 Victor Charlie Five Four, and the hands of your mates, 164 00:08:14,667 --> 00:08:17,233 Victor Charlie Five Two and Five Three. 165 00:08:17,233 --> 00:08:21,400 So that would all seem to fit. 166 00:08:21,400 --> 00:08:25,433 Well, case closed. We can all knock off early. 167 00:08:27,667 --> 00:08:29,733 There is an alternative explanation 168 00:08:29,733 --> 00:08:32,533 as to why you had your hands on that gun. 169 00:08:32,533 --> 00:08:34,567 As I said, sir, we were trying to get it off him. 170 00:08:34,567 --> 00:08:38,500 You weren't trying to force that firearm under Waldron's chin? 171 00:08:38,500 --> 00:08:41,400 That's a horrible accusation. We tried to save Danny. 172 00:08:41,400 --> 00:08:42,433 Who grabbed the gun first? 173 00:08:42,433 --> 00:08:44,800 Hari did, sir -- Sorry. 174 00:08:46,200 --> 00:08:49,233 Victor Charlie Five Four. 175 00:08:49,233 --> 00:08:52,367 I didn't even know that Danny had drawn his gun, 176 00:08:52,367 --> 00:08:54,867 and the next minute Hari's wrestling him for the gun, 177 00:08:54,867 --> 00:08:56,133 and he's shouting, "Danny, no!" 178 00:08:56,133 --> 00:08:58,167 and he's calling for me and Rod to help him. 179 00:08:58,167 --> 00:09:00,433 The three of us ended up fighting over the gun. 180 00:09:00,433 --> 00:09:02,367 We did everything we could to try and stop him. 181 00:09:02,367 --> 00:09:03,467 We just couldn't. 182 00:09:03,467 --> 00:09:05,667 Did he make any kind of statement? 183 00:09:05,667 --> 00:09:07,200 He tried to say something. 184 00:09:07,700 --> 00:09:09,233 What did he say? 185 00:09:09,233 --> 00:09:11,733 I couldn't make it out, sir. 186 00:09:13,500 --> 00:09:15,467 HASTINGS: Now Daniel Waldron, as you know, 187 00:09:15,467 --> 00:09:17,433 was involved in the shooting of a suspect 188 00:09:17,433 --> 00:09:18,867 during Operation Damson. 189 00:09:18,867 --> 00:09:21,067 ARNOTT: You and Victor Charlie Five Two and Five Three 190 00:09:21,067 --> 00:09:23,500 were on his team and witnessed what really happened. 191 00:09:23,500 --> 00:09:24,700 Was Danny coercing you 192 00:09:24,700 --> 00:09:26,400 into corroborating his version of events? 193 00:09:26,400 --> 00:09:27,667 No. 194 00:09:27,667 --> 00:09:29,633 For the tape, I am referring to a transcript 195 00:09:29,633 --> 00:09:32,233 of an interview with you on May 21st. 196 00:09:32,233 --> 00:09:34,567 D.I. Cottan and I repeatedly asked you 197 00:09:34,567 --> 00:09:36,167 if there were inaccuracies in your account 198 00:09:36,167 --> 00:09:38,167 of Sergeant Waldron's shooting of Ronan Murphy, 199 00:09:38,167 --> 00:09:41,133 to which you replied, "I can't do this. 200 00:09:41,133 --> 00:09:43,267 I'm sorry. I can't do this. 201 00:09:43,267 --> 00:09:46,167 No way am I testifying against Danny Waldron." 202 00:09:46,167 --> 00:09:47,600 No. 203 00:09:47,600 --> 00:09:50,433 How's about Danny Waldron scared you into covering for him. 204 00:09:50,433 --> 00:09:52,133 And then the three of you clubbed together, 205 00:09:52,133 --> 00:09:54,067 and then you put an end to it. 206 00:09:54,067 --> 00:09:54,967 No. No. 207 00:09:54,967 --> 00:09:56,600 That's just not what happened. 208 00:09:56,600 --> 00:09:59,700 Will you please stop? This is really upsetting! 209 00:09:59,700 --> 00:10:00,867 If Danny was threatening me, 210 00:10:00,867 --> 00:10:02,367 I would have reported him, without a doubt. 211 00:10:02,367 --> 00:10:03,500 All I had to do was report him. 212 00:10:03,500 --> 00:10:04,700 He can be a difficult bastard, yeah. 213 00:10:04,700 --> 00:10:07,433 But on an op, you've got your skipper's back. 214 00:10:07,433 --> 00:10:09,333 We were trying to save him, not hurt him. 215 00:10:09,333 --> 00:10:11,567 Danny Waldron killed himself, sir. 216 00:10:11,567 --> 00:10:14,233 -That's the honest truth. -ARNOTT: Why, though? 217 00:10:14,233 --> 00:10:17,200 Given back his firearms license, he was operational again. 218 00:10:17,200 --> 00:10:19,867 As far as Waldron was concerned, the case against him was closed. 219 00:10:19,867 --> 00:10:22,067 Who knows what was going on in his head? 220 00:10:22,067 --> 00:10:23,800 I was downstairs at the Abbott's Lane address 221 00:10:23,800 --> 00:10:26,433 and didn't witness the incident in the upstairs bedroom. 222 00:10:28,067 --> 00:10:31,467 Authorized Firearms Officer Victor Charlie Five Two, 223 00:10:31,467 --> 00:10:32,800 Victor Charlie Five Three, 224 00:10:32,800 --> 00:10:34,267 Victor Charlie Five Four, 225 00:10:34,267 --> 00:10:36,433 in my view, you have failed to give a plausible account 226 00:10:36,433 --> 00:10:37,867 of the events leading up to the death 227 00:10:37,867 --> 00:10:39,333 of Sergeant Daniel Waldron, 228 00:10:39,333 --> 00:10:42,400 and therefore I am arresting you on suspicion of his murder. 229 00:10:42,400 --> 00:10:44,433 Now, you don't have to say anything, 230 00:10:44,433 --> 00:10:46,433 however, it may harm your defense 231 00:10:46,433 --> 00:10:48,467 if you fail to mention something under questioning 232 00:10:48,467 --> 00:10:51,133 that you later go on to rely on in court. 233 00:10:51,133 --> 00:10:52,800 And of course anything you do say 234 00:10:52,800 --> 00:10:55,800 may be taken down in evidence. 235 00:10:58,233 --> 00:10:59,733 I'm after a cell for a copper. 236 00:10:59,733 --> 00:11:01,700 Somewhere where no one knows her. 237 00:11:01,700 --> 00:11:03,767 I need to arrange custody for a police officer 238 00:11:03,767 --> 00:11:05,400 at a station where he isn't known. 239 00:11:05,400 --> 00:11:06,600 Now. 240 00:11:10,267 --> 00:11:11,867 I wonder if, on reflection, 241 00:11:11,867 --> 00:11:15,200 you'd consider that perhaps you should have run it by me first. 242 00:11:15,200 --> 00:11:18,700 Four coppers went into a room. Only three came out alive. 243 00:11:18,700 --> 00:11:20,667 That's what I considered. 244 00:11:20,667 --> 00:11:23,733 They've experienced a tragic and shocking event. 245 00:11:23,733 --> 00:11:25,533 They've admitted that they were too traumatized 246 00:11:25,533 --> 00:11:27,633 to even remember first aid. 247 00:11:27,633 --> 00:11:30,267 Their Police Federation reps and their legal advisors 248 00:11:30,267 --> 00:11:32,467 are arguing that perhaps they were sent back to work 249 00:11:32,467 --> 00:11:34,167 too soon after the Damson shooting. 250 00:11:34,167 --> 00:11:35,833 Their inspector's getting it in the neck 251 00:11:35,833 --> 00:11:37,033 for not disbanding the squad. 252 00:11:37,033 --> 00:11:40,367 And frankly, I think they've all got a point. 253 00:11:40,367 --> 00:11:43,767 But it was you who vetoed their suspensions. 254 00:11:43,767 --> 00:11:46,533 I mean, they're only back at work because of you. 255 00:11:46,533 --> 00:11:47,767 What steps have you taken 256 00:11:47,767 --> 00:11:50,167 to evaluate Danny Waldron's mental state? 257 00:11:50,167 --> 00:11:52,367 Come on. You don't honestly believe he killed himself. 258 00:11:52,367 --> 00:11:54,167 He had a history of professional discord. 259 00:11:54,167 --> 00:11:57,600 No stable relationship. He certainly had risk factors. 260 00:11:57,600 --> 00:11:59,000 And he did it just like that, 261 00:11:59,000 --> 00:12:00,800 in front of his whole squad in the middle of an op? 262 00:12:00,800 --> 00:12:01,867 We're speculating. 263 00:12:01,867 --> 00:12:03,067 What we know for sure 264 00:12:03,067 --> 00:12:05,400 is that if you can't successfully charge them 265 00:12:05,400 --> 00:12:06,867 in the next 36 hours, 266 00:12:06,867 --> 00:12:10,500 it will be a hugely embarrassing climbdown. 267 00:12:11,867 --> 00:12:17,133 My sincere advice is to take a more circumspect approach. 268 00:12:17,133 --> 00:12:21,333 Rescind the arrests in favor of revoking their firearms permits 269 00:12:21,333 --> 00:12:24,467 and confining them to desk duties while inquiries continue. 270 00:12:24,467 --> 00:12:25,733 What? 271 00:12:27,867 --> 00:12:30,500 And that isn't a climbdown? 272 00:12:31,600 --> 00:12:32,800 [ Knocking ] 273 00:12:38,500 --> 00:12:41,067 -Forget it. -No, scrap that. 274 00:12:42,533 --> 00:12:45,633 Let's not fall out, Ted. I'm here to help. 275 00:12:45,633 --> 00:12:50,267 I should also emphasize the importance of confidentiality. 276 00:12:50,267 --> 00:12:52,700 We already have a legal suppression order in place 277 00:12:52,700 --> 00:12:54,333 to restrict press coverage. 278 00:12:54,333 --> 00:12:56,100 The PCC and the chief constable 279 00:12:56,100 --> 00:12:58,633 are in complete agreement on this. 280 00:12:58,633 --> 00:13:02,833 In the absence of hard facts around Danny Waldron's death, 281 00:13:02,833 --> 00:13:06,633 we don't want wild speculation to affect public confidence. 282 00:13:06,633 --> 00:13:10,200 I mean, if you and the PCC and the chief constable 283 00:13:10,200 --> 00:13:12,633 are all in agreement, 284 00:13:12,633 --> 00:13:14,433 who am I to argue? 285 00:13:32,667 --> 00:13:34,467 Let there be no misunderstanding. 286 00:13:34,467 --> 00:13:36,567 I do not care what the lawyer says. 287 00:13:36,567 --> 00:13:39,767 We are gonna investigate that mob. 288 00:13:41,067 --> 00:13:42,533 Sir. 289 00:13:44,000 --> 00:13:47,100 ARNOTT: Sir, I don't think we should close the investigation 290 00:13:47,100 --> 00:13:48,400 into Danny Waldron's background. 291 00:13:48,400 --> 00:13:52,167 Hari Bains was right -- Danny had his demons. 292 00:13:52,167 --> 00:13:54,333 And I'd like to keep digging. 293 00:13:55,700 --> 00:13:57,333 Thank you, sir. 294 00:13:57,733 --> 00:14:00,300 [ Whirring ] 295 00:14:01,833 --> 00:14:04,433 -Armed police! -Armed police! 296 00:14:08,667 --> 00:14:10,833 -Check upstairs. -Armed police! 297 00:14:10,833 --> 00:14:13,000 Armed police! 298 00:14:17,167 --> 00:14:19,033 All clear. 299 00:14:31,500 --> 00:14:32,733 Sarge. 300 00:14:33,800 --> 00:14:36,467 Hello. Hey. 301 00:14:36,467 --> 00:14:39,500 No one said anything about Danny Waldron having a dog. 302 00:14:41,767 --> 00:14:43,333 ARNOTT: He didn't. 303 00:14:48,100 --> 00:14:50,067 [ Telephone rings ] 304 00:14:50,067 --> 00:14:50,867 AC-12. 305 00:14:50,867 --> 00:14:52,367 Sorry, who's that? 306 00:14:52,367 --> 00:14:54,567 P.C. Maneet Bindra. I've been posted. 307 00:14:54,567 --> 00:14:55,700 It's D.S. Arnott. 308 00:14:55,700 --> 00:14:57,167 Trying to track the owner of a missing dog. 309 00:14:57,167 --> 00:14:59,433 I've tried the number on its collar, but it's out of service. 310 00:14:59,433 --> 00:15:01,167 If you give me the number, Sarge, 311 00:15:01,167 --> 00:15:03,300 I'll try and get you a lead. 312 00:15:04,633 --> 00:15:08,300 077 009 00381. 313 00:15:08,300 --> 00:15:10,767 Just get it done. 314 00:15:15,600 --> 00:15:19,567 MAN: Item reference FJP-2 -- Daniel Waldron's handset. 315 00:15:37,100 --> 00:15:40,533 I've got a firearm in here! No one enter! 316 00:15:40,533 --> 00:15:43,500 We need someone firearms-trained to make safe. 317 00:15:43,500 --> 00:15:45,200 Jonesy's downstairs. 318 00:15:45,200 --> 00:15:46,567 Yes, sir. 319 00:15:48,467 --> 00:15:52,167 Jonesy! Gov wants you. Firearm. 320 00:16:06,767 --> 00:16:08,233 [ Footsteps ] 321 00:16:10,100 --> 00:16:12,633 -Sir? -Yeah, all yours, Jonesy. 322 00:16:17,800 --> 00:16:20,367 We seized a laptop and a phone. 323 00:16:20,367 --> 00:16:21,633 Won't have any more info 324 00:16:21,633 --> 00:16:24,333 on Danny Waldron's data files till the morning. 325 00:16:24,333 --> 00:16:25,633 ARNOTT: Right. 326 00:16:25,633 --> 00:16:27,100 -Grab a seat. -Cheers. 327 00:16:27,100 --> 00:16:29,800 Okay. Illegal firearm. 328 00:16:29,800 --> 00:16:31,433 No information on its origin. 329 00:16:31,433 --> 00:16:34,367 Plus the case and its contents. 330 00:16:34,367 --> 00:16:37,233 Storage receipt. Trying to trace. 331 00:16:37,233 --> 00:16:39,867 Photo. Looking into this and all. 332 00:16:39,867 --> 00:16:42,033 And this. 333 00:16:44,733 --> 00:16:47,133 -What was in it? -Nothing. 334 00:16:47,133 --> 00:16:48,767 What, an envelope with nothing inside? 335 00:16:48,767 --> 00:16:50,733 Well, that's what the report says. 336 00:16:50,733 --> 00:16:53,800 So, look, we need to have a quick operational briefing. 337 00:16:53,800 --> 00:16:56,733 Right, you're following leads on Danny Waldron, 338 00:16:56,733 --> 00:16:59,367 which means I'm after Bains, Brickford, and Kennedy. 339 00:16:59,367 --> 00:17:02,700 -That sound about right to you? -Yeah. Good. 340 00:17:02,700 --> 00:17:05,433 Well, as Kate's undercover's on my side of the line, 341 00:17:05,433 --> 00:17:08,567 is there any probs if I look after liaison? 342 00:17:09,300 --> 00:17:11,533 Um... [ Clears throat ] 343 00:17:11,533 --> 00:17:14,200 What, I thought you'd be happy, you know? 344 00:17:14,200 --> 00:17:16,267 Avoid skulking about in dark alleys. 345 00:17:16,267 --> 00:17:18,133 Yeah, it's... 346 00:17:18,133 --> 00:17:20,133 Kate and I have worked together for three years now. 347 00:17:20,133 --> 00:17:21,600 Yeah, and you've got a partnership. 348 00:17:21,600 --> 00:17:23,567 Yeah. Exactly. 349 00:17:23,567 --> 00:17:25,600 Look, I get it. 350 00:17:25,600 --> 00:17:29,433 But like I said, it's on my side of the investigation. 351 00:17:41,233 --> 00:17:42,300 -All right? -All right. 352 00:17:42,300 --> 00:17:44,600 -This'll warm your cockles. -Ta. 353 00:17:44,600 --> 00:17:46,567 Steve never brought refreshments. 354 00:17:46,567 --> 00:17:49,500 Look, there's not really much to report. It's early days. 355 00:17:49,500 --> 00:17:52,467 It's just gaffer's got me on the trail of the Three Wise Monkeys. 356 00:17:52,467 --> 00:17:54,467 Right, well, now all three of them are Speak No Evil. 357 00:17:54,467 --> 00:17:56,400 Well, it's up to you to change all that, isn't it? 358 00:17:56,400 --> 00:17:58,667 -No pressure. -No pressure. 359 00:17:58,667 --> 00:18:01,567 -What did Waldron say? -When? 360 00:18:01,567 --> 00:18:03,700 -You know, his dying words. -Word. 361 00:18:03,700 --> 00:18:04,800 He started to say, "Listen..." 362 00:18:04,800 --> 00:18:07,133 and that was all he could get out. 363 00:18:07,133 --> 00:18:10,200 -Why? -Just curious. 364 00:18:10,200 --> 00:18:12,833 I noticed your reaction to me in the interview. 365 00:18:12,833 --> 00:18:14,800 Did I say something that didn't hit the right note? 366 00:18:14,800 --> 00:18:18,067 Just you're a brilliant liar. That's all. 367 00:18:18,067 --> 00:18:19,600 Kind of unsettled me. 368 00:18:21,133 --> 00:18:23,433 -Well, thanks for the drink. -Anytime. 369 00:18:23,433 --> 00:18:26,000 -Night, Dot. -Night. 370 00:18:37,200 --> 00:18:38,800 [ Vibrating ] 371 00:18:38,800 --> 00:18:41,100 [ Indistinct talking on television ] 372 00:18:44,067 --> 00:18:46,133 -Arnott. -It's Maneet, Sarge. 373 00:18:46,133 --> 00:18:49,333 Sorry to bother you, but that out-of-service number 374 00:18:49,333 --> 00:18:51,133 relates to a discontinued account. 375 00:18:51,133 --> 00:18:52,767 The dog owner must not have updated 376 00:18:52,767 --> 00:18:54,233 the information on the collar. 377 00:18:54,233 --> 00:18:57,633 It's a Linus Murphy. Lives locally. 378 00:18:57,633 --> 00:19:00,367 -Did you say Murphy? -Yes, Sarge. 379 00:19:00,367 --> 00:19:03,533 Right. Text me the address and organize some armed backup. 380 00:19:03,533 --> 00:19:04,767 Will do, Sarge. 381 00:19:05,800 --> 00:19:08,233 -Work. -It's all right. 382 00:19:10,700 --> 00:19:13,567 -Love you. -Love you too. 383 00:19:17,767 --> 00:19:20,700 -[ Door bangs open ] -ARNOTT: Armed police! 384 00:19:22,267 --> 00:19:24,167 Anyone home? 385 00:19:27,133 --> 00:19:29,000 Found your dog. 386 00:19:35,200 --> 00:19:37,100 Check upstairs. 387 00:20:24,833 --> 00:20:26,400 Don't... 388 00:20:26,400 --> 00:20:28,167 Don't come in. 389 00:20:29,800 --> 00:20:31,833 Call for a forensic deployment. 390 00:20:31,833 --> 00:20:34,800 Keep checking for other casualties. 391 00:20:35,333 --> 00:20:37,700 -Sir. -COTTAN: All right. 392 00:20:39,267 --> 00:20:41,133 There's evidence of prolonged torture. 393 00:20:41,133 --> 00:20:42,633 Cause of death isn't clear. 394 00:20:42,633 --> 00:20:44,500 Cutting his head off can't have helped. 395 00:20:44,500 --> 00:20:46,100 Well, lack of blood from the neck means -- 396 00:20:46,100 --> 00:20:48,500 Joke. I'm a bloody detective inspector. 397 00:20:48,500 --> 00:20:50,667 I can tell he was decapitated postmortem. 398 00:20:50,667 --> 00:20:52,167 It can't have been to conceal his I.D. 399 00:20:52,167 --> 00:20:55,533 I mean, the premises are full of evidence confirming who he is. 400 00:20:55,533 --> 00:20:58,233 Going through the findings in Danny Waldron's flat, 401 00:20:58,233 --> 00:21:00,267 the receipt relates to a storage company. 402 00:21:00,267 --> 00:21:01,867 Danny left something for us to find. 403 00:21:01,867 --> 00:21:03,233 I'm liaising with the company to find out 404 00:21:03,233 --> 00:21:05,600 which of their facilities the receipt originates from. 405 00:21:05,600 --> 00:21:06,833 HASTINGS: Good. 406 00:21:06,833 --> 00:21:08,067 Danny Waldron's telecommunications history 407 00:21:08,067 --> 00:21:10,733 is very quiet in the days leading up to his death. 408 00:21:10,733 --> 00:21:13,300 There's only one contact that stands out -- 409 00:21:13,300 --> 00:21:16,100 a call from a mobile lasting only two seconds, 410 00:21:16,100 --> 00:21:18,800 and then a text message from this same mobile number. 411 00:21:18,800 --> 00:21:21,267 You got I.D. on the contact? 412 00:21:21,267 --> 00:21:23,667 The mobile service provider has disclosed the registered user. 413 00:21:23,667 --> 00:21:25,800 I'm just cross-checking with the DVLA 414 00:21:25,800 --> 00:21:28,667 to see if the driving license photocard matches the selfie. 415 00:21:28,667 --> 00:21:30,067 Well done, well done. 416 00:21:30,067 --> 00:21:31,333 BINDRA: The hard drive of Danny Waldron's work computer 417 00:21:31,333 --> 00:21:33,833 hasn't revealed anything suspicious as yet. 418 00:21:33,833 --> 00:21:35,867 The same goes for the domestic laptop we seized. 419 00:21:35,867 --> 00:21:38,700 And I'm still trying to trace this photo. 420 00:21:38,700 --> 00:21:41,500 Good work. 421 00:21:41,500 --> 00:21:44,200 Let me know when you've got the info on the storage facility. 422 00:22:01,233 --> 00:22:02,667 All right? 423 00:22:02,667 --> 00:22:05,133 Must be nice having all this extra energy to work off. 424 00:22:05,133 --> 00:22:06,600 Is that supposed to be funny? 425 00:22:06,600 --> 00:22:07,967 Look, I've swerved desk duties, 426 00:22:07,967 --> 00:22:10,733 but AC-12 are gonna keep after all of you, me included. 427 00:22:10,733 --> 00:22:14,333 -We can't run away from them. -Really? 428 00:22:14,333 --> 00:22:17,467 Is that why they've had to back off arresting us? 429 00:22:17,467 --> 00:22:19,733 That's cause they haven't got enough evidence yet. 430 00:22:19,733 --> 00:22:22,333 That'll change when they know about Hari's radio call. 431 00:22:22,333 --> 00:22:23,933 Yeah? 432 00:22:23,933 --> 00:22:27,467 Well, the only way they'll know about that is if you tell them. 433 00:22:27,467 --> 00:22:30,833 Or Hari does. He seems pretty nervous to me. 434 00:22:30,833 --> 00:22:34,567 We went into the room. There was no one there. 435 00:22:34,567 --> 00:22:37,133 We had to get a steer on whether to look for firearms 436 00:22:37,133 --> 00:22:38,767 or to call in for a search team. 437 00:22:38,767 --> 00:22:40,800 It didn't sound like that to me. 438 00:22:40,800 --> 00:22:43,167 Hari said, "Better come up here," like there was trouble. 439 00:22:43,167 --> 00:22:45,200 That put Danny on edge, so he drew his firearm. 440 00:22:45,200 --> 00:22:46,100 -Okay, so? -So... 441 00:22:46,100 --> 00:22:48,600 Someone was entrapping Danny. 442 00:22:48,600 --> 00:22:51,300 You know something, Kate? 443 00:22:51,300 --> 00:22:53,200 You don't know a thing. 444 00:23:24,500 --> 00:23:27,300 D.S. Arnott. We spoke on the phone. 445 00:23:27,300 --> 00:23:30,000 I've got this receipt here. 446 00:23:47,467 --> 00:23:49,467 Step back, please. 447 00:24:22,533 --> 00:24:25,167 [ Breathing heavily ] 448 00:24:25,167 --> 00:24:27,533 [ Exhales slowly ] 449 00:24:42,333 --> 00:24:44,300 Must have made a right whiff. 450 00:24:44,300 --> 00:24:45,500 Yeah. 451 00:24:45,500 --> 00:24:47,400 -Sir. -Yeah. 452 00:24:47,400 --> 00:24:49,433 Looks like this is Linus Murphy's missing head, 453 00:24:49,433 --> 00:24:51,867 although we're just waiting on full forensics. 454 00:24:51,867 --> 00:24:54,600 And the postmortem? 455 00:24:54,600 --> 00:24:56,567 Report came through earlier. 456 00:24:56,567 --> 00:24:58,567 Multiple serious cutting and gouging wounds 457 00:24:58,567 --> 00:25:01,367 to the chest, abdomen, genitals, and anus. 458 00:25:01,367 --> 00:25:03,300 The cause of death was internal hemorrhaging 459 00:25:03,300 --> 00:25:04,833 due to a pelvic fracture. 460 00:25:04,833 --> 00:25:07,500 No prints or fibers were found on the implements or the body 461 00:25:07,500 --> 00:25:08,567 or at the premises, 462 00:25:08,567 --> 00:25:09,567 therefore it's still not possible 463 00:25:09,567 --> 00:25:11,067 to pin the murder on Danny Waldron. 464 00:25:11,067 --> 00:25:15,600 However, the photograph shows Danny Waldron as a teenager, 465 00:25:15,600 --> 00:25:19,333 and facial-recognition software gives a 99.5% likelihood 466 00:25:19,333 --> 00:25:21,400 this man's a young Ronan Murphy, 467 00:25:21,400 --> 00:25:22,867 the suspect shot by Danny Waldron 468 00:25:22,867 --> 00:25:23,867 during Operation Damson. 469 00:25:23,867 --> 00:25:25,233 What? They knew each other? 470 00:25:25,233 --> 00:25:27,367 ARNOTT: And this person bears a strong resemblance 471 00:25:27,367 --> 00:25:28,733 to Linus Murphy's severed head. 472 00:25:28,733 --> 00:25:30,533 Danny knew him too. 473 00:25:30,533 --> 00:25:32,133 HASTINGS: What the hell are they both doing 474 00:25:32,133 --> 00:25:33,367 in a photograph with Waldron? 475 00:25:33,367 --> 00:25:34,567 I'll update when I've got more facts, sir. 476 00:25:34,567 --> 00:25:38,667 Now, there's nothing inside the envelope, 477 00:25:38,667 --> 00:25:40,433 but I believe that's because Danny Waldron 478 00:25:40,433 --> 00:25:42,400 met his death prematurely. 479 00:25:42,400 --> 00:25:43,600 I mean, all these mementos 480 00:25:43,600 --> 00:25:46,133 would seem to be clues to his activities, 481 00:25:46,133 --> 00:25:47,633 and I reckon at some point he intended 482 00:25:47,633 --> 00:25:49,333 to include something more in the envelope. 483 00:25:49,333 --> 00:25:51,100 That makes sense. 484 00:25:51,567 --> 00:25:53,000 Yes? 485 00:25:53,000 --> 00:25:56,067 The I.D. checks out on Danny Waldron's last contact -- 486 00:25:56,067 --> 00:25:57,567 Rachel O'Connor. 487 00:25:57,567 --> 00:25:59,100 Thanks, Maneet. 488 00:26:00,867 --> 00:26:04,067 Good work, Steve. Carry on. 489 00:26:05,200 --> 00:26:06,767 Yeah. 490 00:26:06,767 --> 00:26:08,567 Nice one. 491 00:26:28,533 --> 00:26:31,367 May I ask what is or was your relationship 492 00:26:31,367 --> 00:26:33,167 with Sergeant Danny Waldron? 493 00:26:33,833 --> 00:26:37,133 We met on a night out. 494 00:26:37,133 --> 00:26:40,367 He was with a bunch of his police mates. 495 00:26:40,367 --> 00:26:42,167 Analysis of Danny's phone records 496 00:26:42,167 --> 00:26:44,533 reveals a call from your mobile phone to his 497 00:26:44,533 --> 00:26:46,700 lasting a couple of seconds. 498 00:26:46,700 --> 00:26:48,700 That was the night we met. 499 00:26:48,700 --> 00:26:51,433 I was giving him my phone number. 500 00:26:51,433 --> 00:26:54,400 I'm sorry to pry, but it may help our investigation 501 00:26:54,400 --> 00:26:56,667 to know the extent of your relationship. 502 00:26:56,667 --> 00:27:00,300 We had a couple of drinks, and he walked me home. 503 00:27:00,300 --> 00:27:02,267 He didn't come inside. 504 00:27:02,267 --> 00:27:04,467 Thank you. You sent him a text message. 505 00:27:04,467 --> 00:27:06,867 A couple of days later. 506 00:27:06,867 --> 00:27:09,167 I hadn't heard from him. 507 00:27:09,167 --> 00:27:10,567 When did you see him again? 508 00:27:10,567 --> 00:27:12,133 I didn't. 509 00:27:13,367 --> 00:27:15,367 Did he seem troubled to you 510 00:27:15,367 --> 00:27:17,567 or concerned about something in particular? 511 00:27:17,567 --> 00:27:21,733 No. We were having a good time. 512 00:27:21,733 --> 00:27:25,367 I was disappointed he never got back to me. 513 00:27:25,367 --> 00:27:26,700 Why? 514 00:27:26,700 --> 00:27:30,167 He seemed very lonely. 515 00:27:30,167 --> 00:27:32,400 I thought he needed to make a connection. 516 00:27:32,400 --> 00:27:35,267 Seems like I was wrong. 517 00:27:35,267 --> 00:27:37,100 You're not wrong. 518 00:27:37,100 --> 00:27:39,767 How is he? Is he okay? 519 00:27:41,633 --> 00:27:43,700 I'm very sorry, miss. 520 00:27:43,700 --> 00:27:47,400 A few days ago, Danny Waldron was killed in the line of duty. 521 00:28:18,633 --> 00:28:21,467 SAM: Hi. This is Sam. Please leave a message. 522 00:28:21,467 --> 00:28:22,500 [ Beeps ] 523 00:28:22,500 --> 00:28:24,833 Hi. I'm working late. 524 00:28:24,833 --> 00:28:26,633 I just wanted to say... 525 00:28:28,667 --> 00:28:30,633 ...I'm lucky to have you. 526 00:28:35,200 --> 00:28:37,133 I'll see you when I get home. 527 00:28:44,300 --> 00:28:46,100 Steve. 528 00:28:46,100 --> 00:28:48,467 There's really no point you being here. 529 00:28:48,467 --> 00:28:50,033 I know. 530 00:28:52,767 --> 00:28:54,167 PROSECUTOR: My Lady, 531 00:28:54,167 --> 00:28:56,567 the prosecution applies for public interest immunity 532 00:28:56,567 --> 00:28:58,800 in order that Detective Sergeant Arnott 533 00:28:58,800 --> 00:29:02,200 be exempted from testifying in respect of this matter. 534 00:29:02,200 --> 00:29:05,333 Disclosures of covert tactics in open court 535 00:29:05,333 --> 00:29:08,833 will undermine current and future police operations. 536 00:29:08,833 --> 00:29:09,933 Detective Sergeant Arnott 537 00:29:09,933 --> 00:29:12,200 conducted an undercover investigation 538 00:29:12,200 --> 00:29:15,733 that was, and is, of the utmost sensitivity. 539 00:29:15,733 --> 00:29:18,100 Some of this evidence was the subject 540 00:29:18,100 --> 00:29:19,867 of the defendant's successful appeal 541 00:29:19,867 --> 00:29:24,867 to be retried for her original convictions. 542 00:29:24,867 --> 00:29:27,667 The application is refused. 543 00:29:34,533 --> 00:29:36,167 Sorry. 544 00:29:41,100 --> 00:29:44,067 We tried. You're gonna have to face her again. 545 00:29:49,233 --> 00:29:51,333 Stand away from the door. 546 00:30:12,167 --> 00:30:13,533 You all right, Jacks? 547 00:30:13,533 --> 00:30:15,433 Yeah. You all right, gov? 548 00:30:15,433 --> 00:30:19,233 -McANDREW: Are you feeling okay? -Yeah. 549 00:30:19,233 --> 00:30:22,133 It's just been a rough couple of weeks. That's all. 550 00:30:22,133 --> 00:30:23,567 Yeah. 551 00:30:26,567 --> 00:30:27,733 [ Spits ] 552 00:30:38,700 --> 00:30:41,767 Detective Sergeant Arnott, please would you tell the court 553 00:30:41,767 --> 00:30:44,367 how you came to be involved in the investigation 554 00:30:44,367 --> 00:30:46,200 surrounding the defendant? 555 00:30:46,200 --> 00:30:49,133 I was and still am a serving detective in AC-12. 556 00:30:49,133 --> 00:30:51,867 On September 5, 2013, 557 00:30:51,867 --> 00:30:54,600 there was an attempt on the life of a protected witness, 558 00:30:54,600 --> 00:30:56,233 John Thomas Hunter. 559 00:30:56,233 --> 00:30:57,833 A police convoy was ambushed, 560 00:30:57,833 --> 00:31:00,400 causing the deaths of three police officers. 561 00:31:00,400 --> 00:31:02,467 AC-12 was assigned to investigate 562 00:31:02,467 --> 00:31:04,300 the possibility of police complicity 563 00:31:04,300 --> 00:31:06,500 in the conspiracy to assassinate Hunter, 564 00:31:06,500 --> 00:31:09,400 and our inquiries focused on the officer who led the convoy 565 00:31:09,400 --> 00:31:10,833 and was the sole survivor. 566 00:31:10,833 --> 00:31:14,400 And this officer was the defendant? 567 00:31:17,267 --> 00:31:18,500 Yes. 568 00:31:18,500 --> 00:31:21,433 Former Detective Inspector Lindsay Denton. 569 00:31:21,433 --> 00:31:24,233 PROSECUTOR: Thank you. 570 00:31:26,567 --> 00:31:28,033 DEFENSE COUNSEL: Detective Sergeant Arnott, 571 00:31:28,033 --> 00:31:31,300 did you give evidence at the defendant's original trial? 572 00:31:31,300 --> 00:31:32,267 Yes, I did. 573 00:31:32,267 --> 00:31:34,267 Was there any significant evidence 574 00:31:34,267 --> 00:31:36,300 discovered at the defendant's home? 575 00:31:36,300 --> 00:31:38,333 A hidden sum of cash was found. 576 00:31:38,333 --> 00:31:40,400 Found where exactly? 577 00:31:40,400 --> 00:31:43,600 In some items belonging to the defendant's late mother. 578 00:31:43,600 --> 00:31:46,833 Specifically the overnight case. 579 00:31:46,833 --> 00:31:49,800 How did that make its way to the defendant's bedroom? 580 00:31:49,800 --> 00:31:52,567 -I carried it up for her. -Why? 581 00:31:52,567 --> 00:31:54,767 I was carrying out an undercover operation 582 00:31:54,767 --> 00:31:56,033 to investigate the defendant. 583 00:31:56,033 --> 00:31:59,600 And who authorized this undercover operation? 584 00:31:59,600 --> 00:32:02,367 My commanding officer, Superintendent Hastings. 585 00:32:02,367 --> 00:32:03,633 DEFENSE COUNSEL: When? 586 00:32:03,633 --> 00:32:05,733 The operation was authorized retroactively. 587 00:32:05,733 --> 00:32:06,933 After you carried the case 588 00:32:06,933 --> 00:32:09,067 belonging to the defendant's late mother 589 00:32:09,067 --> 00:32:10,700 up to the bedroom, what did you do? 590 00:32:10,700 --> 00:32:12,033 I offered my sympathies, 591 00:32:12,033 --> 00:32:14,200 and I turned the conversation towards the events 592 00:32:14,200 --> 00:32:16,533 surrounding the conspiracy to murder Tommy Hunter. 593 00:32:17,400 --> 00:32:19,600 Did you ever spend a night at the defendant's house? 594 00:32:19,600 --> 00:32:22,333 -No, I did not. -Part of a night? 595 00:32:23,367 --> 00:32:25,867 -ARNOTT: Yes. -Until what time? 596 00:32:25,867 --> 00:32:28,400 3:00, 4:00 in the morning. 597 00:32:28,400 --> 00:32:31,533 If you're unsure of the exact time, Detective Sergeant, 598 00:32:31,533 --> 00:32:34,400 you may refer to your pocket book. 599 00:32:35,700 --> 00:32:36,933 You did record in your pocket book 600 00:32:36,933 --> 00:32:39,600 every time you stayed with the defendant? 601 00:32:39,600 --> 00:32:41,500 No. I was undercover. 602 00:32:41,500 --> 00:32:42,600 If she sneaked a look at it, 603 00:32:42,600 --> 00:32:44,700 she would have found out what I was up to. 604 00:32:44,700 --> 00:32:46,233 What were you doing with the defendant 605 00:32:46,233 --> 00:32:48,467 until 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning? 606 00:32:48,467 --> 00:32:49,600 Talking. 607 00:32:49,600 --> 00:32:51,433 My undercover operation was designed 608 00:32:51,433 --> 00:32:52,967 to win the defendant's trust. 609 00:32:52,967 --> 00:32:57,467 You were endeavoring to create a close personal relationship 610 00:32:57,467 --> 00:32:58,667 with the defendant? 611 00:32:58,667 --> 00:33:00,300 ARNOTT: No, only to create the appearance 612 00:33:00,300 --> 00:33:01,733 of a close relationship. 613 00:33:01,733 --> 00:33:02,867 I was working. 614 00:33:02,867 --> 00:33:05,467 Are there any specific operational rules 615 00:33:05,467 --> 00:33:07,300 associated with an undercover operation 616 00:33:07,300 --> 00:33:10,067 with respect to the closeness of such a relationship? 617 00:33:10,067 --> 00:33:11,300 Yes. 618 00:33:11,300 --> 00:33:14,067 Would a sexual relationship be acceptable 619 00:33:14,067 --> 00:33:15,567 during an undercover operation? 620 00:33:15,567 --> 00:33:17,233 Under current guidelines, no. 621 00:33:17,233 --> 00:33:19,167 DEFENSE COUNSEL: Was that the reason 622 00:33:19,167 --> 00:33:22,100 you didn't seek authorization for your undercover operation? 623 00:33:22,100 --> 00:33:25,067 My Lady, we've already established that the operation 624 00:33:25,067 --> 00:33:27,167 was authorized retrospectively. 625 00:33:27,167 --> 00:33:28,733 Move on, Ms. Hepburn. 626 00:33:31,267 --> 00:33:35,333 How many times were you alone with the defendant in her home? 627 00:33:35,333 --> 00:33:36,767 About a dozen. 628 00:33:36,767 --> 00:33:38,467 At this time, was the case 629 00:33:38,467 --> 00:33:40,133 against the defendant going well? 630 00:33:40,133 --> 00:33:41,600 It was work in progress. 631 00:33:41,600 --> 00:33:43,533 But you needed a key piece of evidence to crack the case. 632 00:33:43,533 --> 00:33:46,333 My job is to find any and all evidence. 633 00:33:46,333 --> 00:33:51,533 Would you please remind the court who found the cash? 634 00:33:51,533 --> 00:33:53,200 A forensic search team. 635 00:33:53,200 --> 00:33:55,000 Led by whom? 636 00:33:57,567 --> 00:33:59,200 Me. 637 00:34:01,500 --> 00:34:04,267 DEFENSE COUNSEL: No further questions. 638 00:34:16,600 --> 00:34:18,567 Is it true? 639 00:34:18,567 --> 00:34:21,067 -What? -Don't. 640 00:34:22,300 --> 00:34:23,767 No. 641 00:34:25,800 --> 00:34:28,467 I didn't have sex with her. 642 00:34:28,467 --> 00:34:30,367 -But? -But nothing. 643 00:34:30,367 --> 00:34:32,633 -Nothing? -No. 644 00:34:33,533 --> 00:34:34,967 Right. 645 00:34:34,967 --> 00:34:37,833 We've both had relationships -- you just as much as me -- 646 00:34:37,833 --> 00:34:39,200 and I don't dredge up your old boyfriends. 647 00:34:39,200 --> 00:34:42,067 -None of them were suspects. -It was before we met. 648 00:34:42,067 --> 00:34:44,267 You're protesting a lot for someone who didn't shag her. 649 00:34:44,267 --> 00:34:46,633 Because I did stuff back then. 650 00:34:46,633 --> 00:34:48,600 I'm different now. 651 00:34:48,600 --> 00:34:50,800 I only want to be with you. 652 00:34:59,667 --> 00:35:01,300 We good? 653 00:35:03,100 --> 00:35:04,500 Yeah. 654 00:35:06,333 --> 00:35:09,733 I can guarantee you 110% 655 00:35:09,733 --> 00:35:11,600 none of my people would plant evidence. 656 00:35:11,600 --> 00:35:13,433 They know I would throw the book at them, 657 00:35:13,433 --> 00:35:15,833 followed by the bookshelf. 658 00:35:15,833 --> 00:35:17,467 I know you would, Ted. 659 00:35:17,467 --> 00:35:20,133 Maybe this'll cheer you up. 660 00:35:20,133 --> 00:35:21,633 Peace offering. 661 00:35:21,633 --> 00:35:23,767 An unredacted file on Ronan Murphy, 662 00:35:23,767 --> 00:35:26,533 the suspect shot dead by Danny Waldron. 663 00:35:26,533 --> 00:35:30,300 I have been shifting heaven and earth. 664 00:35:30,300 --> 00:35:32,300 Now you don't have to. 665 00:35:32,300 --> 00:35:35,633 Well, thank you, Gill. Thank you very, very much. 666 00:35:35,633 --> 00:35:37,567 Ted, people are gunning for AC-12. 667 00:35:37,567 --> 00:35:38,800 I'm just trying to make sure 668 00:35:38,800 --> 00:35:40,733 they get as little ammunition as possible. 669 00:35:41,700 --> 00:35:44,133 Well, I appreciate your efforts, of course. 670 00:35:44,133 --> 00:35:46,500 I've got a table booked across town. 671 00:35:46,500 --> 00:35:47,867 A girlfriend's canceled on me, 672 00:35:47,867 --> 00:35:50,267 if you want to take the edge off. 673 00:35:51,267 --> 00:35:53,167 Uh... 674 00:35:53,167 --> 00:35:55,633 No, I think I better go home to the wife. 675 00:35:55,633 --> 00:35:57,767 Okay. 676 00:35:58,467 --> 00:36:00,067 But thanks for the file. 677 00:36:43,433 --> 00:36:45,233 Is this really the way you want it to go? 678 00:36:45,233 --> 00:36:47,600 Hari and Jackie are leading you up the garden path. 679 00:36:47,600 --> 00:36:49,167 Nobody's doing nothing. 680 00:36:49,167 --> 00:36:51,100 This was a new posting for me, and look what I've walked into. 681 00:36:51,100 --> 00:36:53,300 -It's doing my head in, mate. -How do you think I'm feeling? 682 00:36:53,300 --> 00:36:55,100 It must be ten times worse for you. 683 00:36:55,100 --> 00:36:58,633 And you'd think better of Jackie, wouldn't you? 684 00:36:58,633 --> 00:37:02,567 The little looks. The waterworks. 685 00:37:02,567 --> 00:37:04,467 If I can see there's something going on between you two, 686 00:37:04,467 --> 00:37:05,700 I can't be the only one. 687 00:37:05,700 --> 00:37:06,600 You're just putting two and two together, 688 00:37:06,600 --> 00:37:07,633 and you're coming up with 400. 689 00:37:07,633 --> 00:37:10,533 First one to come clean to AC-12, 690 00:37:10,533 --> 00:37:12,233 they always get off the lightest. 691 00:37:12,233 --> 00:37:16,100 If it isn't gonna be you, then maybe it'll be me. 692 00:37:18,500 --> 00:37:20,167 What did he say before he died? 693 00:37:20,167 --> 00:37:22,233 I don't know. I couldn't work it out. 694 00:37:22,233 --> 00:37:24,400 Bollocks. 695 00:37:24,400 --> 00:37:27,233 Let's just say, I know what's going on. 696 00:37:28,367 --> 00:37:30,433 This won't just be your career up the spout. 697 00:37:30,433 --> 00:37:33,133 This will be a long stint inside. 698 00:37:33,133 --> 00:37:35,500 Plenty of time to wonder if covering for Hari and Jackie 699 00:37:35,500 --> 00:37:36,733 was your smartest move. 700 00:37:36,733 --> 00:37:40,467 And prison's such a lovely place for a copper. 701 00:38:02,867 --> 00:38:05,733 -Hari. -[ Door closes ] 702 00:38:05,733 --> 00:38:06,700 All right, bud. 703 00:38:06,700 --> 00:38:08,100 Give a bloke some peace, will you? 704 00:38:08,100 --> 00:38:09,300 This is getting out of hand. 705 00:38:09,300 --> 00:38:11,867 We need to talk. Yeah? 706 00:38:11,867 --> 00:38:14,300 Yeah. Not here, though, right. 707 00:38:14,300 --> 00:38:17,700 I'll, uh -- I'll figure out a place and a time. 708 00:38:17,700 --> 00:38:19,300 Yeah? 709 00:38:25,433 --> 00:38:27,067 [ Computer chimes ] 710 00:38:36,533 --> 00:38:38,733 -[ Knock on door ] -Yeah. 711 00:38:38,733 --> 00:38:41,433 Sir, I've got all the forensics in on Linus Murphy. 712 00:38:41,433 --> 00:38:43,333 HASTINGS: And? 713 00:38:44,400 --> 00:38:46,700 The head's been formally identified as Linus Murphy's 714 00:38:46,700 --> 00:38:48,600 based on DNA and dental records 715 00:38:48,600 --> 00:38:51,067 and matched to the body found at Linus Murphy's address. 716 00:38:51,067 --> 00:38:53,133 Forensic examination of the head 717 00:38:53,133 --> 00:38:56,267 has also provided the missing link to Danny Waldron. 718 00:38:56,267 --> 00:38:59,100 Cells in the mouth that match Waldron's DNA. 719 00:38:59,100 --> 00:39:01,133 Cells? 720 00:39:01,133 --> 00:39:02,767 Semen cells. 721 00:39:06,667 --> 00:39:10,167 Well, now we know why he wanted to chop the head off. 722 00:39:11,467 --> 00:39:14,167 You did right to question Waldron's private life. 723 00:39:15,467 --> 00:39:20,133 Mind you, I never had the man pegged as a homosexual. 724 00:39:20,133 --> 00:39:23,133 I'm not sure that's necessarily true, sir. 725 00:39:25,633 --> 00:39:27,667 The unredacted file on Ronan Murphy. 726 00:39:27,667 --> 00:39:29,600 Thank you, sir. 727 00:39:30,800 --> 00:39:32,033 I haven't read anything in it 728 00:39:32,033 --> 00:39:33,367 that changes my understanding of anything. 729 00:39:33,367 --> 00:39:35,567 But take it away with you. You might find something. 730 00:39:35,567 --> 00:39:37,100 On you go. 731 00:39:37,100 --> 00:39:38,467 Sir. 732 00:39:56,067 --> 00:39:57,300 What's that, then? 733 00:39:57,300 --> 00:40:00,267 Gaffer finally got us the file on Ronan Murphy. 734 00:40:00,267 --> 00:40:01,667 Dead end. 735 00:40:52,700 --> 00:40:54,233 Hey up, buddy. 736 00:40:54,233 --> 00:40:55,667 How's it going, then? You all right? 737 00:40:55,667 --> 00:40:57,467 I don't know about you, 738 00:40:57,467 --> 00:40:59,100 but I ain't slept in God knows how long. 739 00:40:59,100 --> 00:41:01,133 Yeah, I know. 740 00:41:01,667 --> 00:41:04,600 Just trying not to show it to the missus. 741 00:41:06,333 --> 00:41:08,267 It's horrible, isn't it? 742 00:41:08,267 --> 00:41:10,600 Don't see any way of getting through to the other side. 743 00:41:11,667 --> 00:41:13,233 What other side? 744 00:41:13,233 --> 00:41:17,167 AC-12 dropping the investigation. 745 00:41:17,167 --> 00:41:18,767 Going back to work and that. 746 00:41:18,767 --> 00:41:21,300 Like nothing ever happened, eh? 747 00:41:21,300 --> 00:41:24,233 Well, no, I didn't mean it like that, did I? 748 00:41:29,467 --> 00:41:31,267 Look, um... 749 00:41:32,100 --> 00:41:36,367 I've been talking to my -- to my rep and the legal advisor. 750 00:41:37,267 --> 00:41:40,300 I haven't -- haven't told them anything. 751 00:41:41,667 --> 00:41:44,367 I need this job. 752 00:41:44,367 --> 00:41:45,567 I need my pension. 753 00:41:45,567 --> 00:41:46,767 People are putting two and two together. 754 00:41:46,767 --> 00:41:47,767 Wait. What are you on about? What people? 755 00:41:47,767 --> 00:41:51,833 Danny managed to say something. 756 00:41:51,833 --> 00:41:53,500 Kate knows what happened. 757 00:41:53,500 --> 00:41:55,100 Yeah, but how can she, though? 758 00:41:55,100 --> 00:41:58,133 I don't know. I don't know. 759 00:41:58,133 --> 00:42:01,100 But if anyone's in the frame, it's me. 760 00:42:01,100 --> 00:42:02,433 Listen, mate, look. 761 00:42:02,433 --> 00:42:03,667 It's like I said -- We've just got to sit tight. 762 00:42:03,667 --> 00:42:06,767 Kate knows about me and Jackie and Danny. 763 00:42:06,767 --> 00:42:08,733 I've got to come clean to AC-12. 764 00:42:08,733 --> 00:42:10,200 The longer I leave it, the worse it looks. 765 00:42:10,200 --> 00:42:13,500 Mate, I've got a little 'un and another one on the way. 766 00:42:13,500 --> 00:42:16,267 It wasn't my idea to lie through our teeth! 767 00:42:16,267 --> 00:42:18,233 Yeah, but we had to lie, though, didn't we? 768 00:42:18,233 --> 00:42:19,633 Because the truth makes us sound guilty, 769 00:42:19,633 --> 00:42:21,167 and we're not guilty, are we? 770 00:42:21,167 --> 00:42:23,367 It was us or him, wasn't it? 771 00:42:23,367 --> 00:42:24,867 It wasn't us. 772 00:42:24,867 --> 00:42:27,267 It was you! 773 00:42:34,400 --> 00:42:37,567 Look where it's got us. 774 00:42:37,567 --> 00:42:39,333 A career up the spout. 775 00:42:41,867 --> 00:42:44,167 A stint inside. 776 00:42:48,467 --> 00:42:50,600 It's a great place for a copper. 777 00:42:54,667 --> 00:42:56,633 [ Bell ringing ] 778 00:42:59,233 --> 00:43:01,033 [ Ringing stops ] 779 00:43:07,333 --> 00:43:09,400 The defense calls Lindsay Denton. 780 00:43:21,767 --> 00:43:24,800 "I do solemnly, sincerely, and truly declare and affirm 781 00:43:24,800 --> 00:43:27,133 that the evidence I shall give will be the truth, 782 00:43:27,133 --> 00:43:30,567 the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." 783 00:43:37,767 --> 00:43:41,700 Ms. Denton, last year you were convicted in this court 784 00:43:41,700 --> 00:43:43,767 because 10 out of 12 jurors were sure 785 00:43:43,767 --> 00:43:47,267 you'd conspired in the murder of a protected witness, 786 00:43:47,267 --> 00:43:49,167 John Thomas Hunter. 787 00:43:49,167 --> 00:43:54,633 Would you tell this jury whether you were guilty of that crime? 788 00:43:54,633 --> 00:43:55,967 No. 789 00:43:55,967 --> 00:43:59,100 I had nothing to do with the murder of Tommy Hunter. 790 00:44:00,533 --> 00:44:03,100 DEFENSE COUNSEL: We've heard from Detective Sergeant Arnott 791 00:44:03,100 --> 00:44:05,600 that one important item of evidence against you 792 00:44:05,600 --> 00:44:09,233 was a sum of approximately £50,000 in cash 793 00:44:09,233 --> 00:44:10,733 found at your home. 794 00:44:10,733 --> 00:44:13,767 To the best of your knowledge, how was that evidence found? 795 00:44:13,767 --> 00:44:15,667 I have full knowledge of how it was found, 796 00:44:15,667 --> 00:44:18,433 as I was present at the time. 797 00:44:18,433 --> 00:44:21,433 Detective Constable Kate Fleming led me upstairs, 798 00:44:21,433 --> 00:44:23,467 where a team of forensic-scene investigators 799 00:44:23,467 --> 00:44:25,300 led by Detective Sergeant Arnott 800 00:44:25,300 --> 00:44:28,133 were in the process of searching my bedroom. 801 00:44:28,133 --> 00:44:30,733 Detective Sergeant Arnott remarked upon the fact 802 00:44:30,733 --> 00:44:34,300 I'd shown a peculiar interest in my mum's personal belongings. 803 00:44:34,300 --> 00:44:36,067 Peculiar? In what way? 804 00:44:36,067 --> 00:44:37,300 Detective Sergeant Arnott 805 00:44:37,300 --> 00:44:39,200 remarked that I'd been particularly anxious 806 00:44:39,200 --> 00:44:41,267 about Mum's things not being returned to me. 807 00:44:41,267 --> 00:44:43,100 Were you? 808 00:44:43,100 --> 00:44:46,500 I was devastated by her death. 809 00:44:46,500 --> 00:44:49,600 The thought of them being lost was heartbreaking. 810 00:44:49,600 --> 00:44:54,233 I kept them in that room, and I didn't even touch them. 811 00:44:54,233 --> 00:44:57,333 I didn't even try to move them. I just... 812 00:44:58,133 --> 00:45:01,100 As long as they were there, 813 00:45:01,100 --> 00:45:04,167 somehow it felt to me that my mum was there. 814 00:45:09,400 --> 00:45:12,533 Are you okay to carry on, Ms. Denton? 815 00:45:16,867 --> 00:45:18,167 Yes. 816 00:45:18,167 --> 00:45:20,567 You were recalling that Detective Sergeant Arnott 817 00:45:20,567 --> 00:45:22,333 was leading a forensic search. 818 00:45:22,333 --> 00:45:25,233 He asked one of the forensic search team 819 00:45:25,233 --> 00:45:27,200 to open Mum's overnight case. 820 00:45:27,200 --> 00:45:29,367 And what was found in the case? 821 00:45:29,367 --> 00:45:32,433 A large number of banknotes. 822 00:45:32,433 --> 00:45:35,333 Had you ever seen these banknotes before? 823 00:45:35,333 --> 00:45:36,333 Never. 824 00:45:36,333 --> 00:45:37,700 How did you react? 825 00:45:37,700 --> 00:45:39,367 Astonished. 826 00:45:39,367 --> 00:45:41,267 Devastated. 827 00:45:41,267 --> 00:45:42,733 Confused. 828 00:45:42,733 --> 00:45:47,067 DEFENSE COUNSEL: And how did Detective Sergeant Arnott react? 829 00:45:47,067 --> 00:45:48,467 He didn't bat an eye. 830 00:45:48,467 --> 00:45:52,733 DEFENSE COUNSEL: He didn't seem surprised or curious 831 00:45:52,733 --> 00:45:54,167 or triumphant? 832 00:45:54,167 --> 00:45:55,633 No. 833 00:45:55,633 --> 00:45:57,633 DEFENSE COUNSEL: How would you describe your relationship 834 00:45:57,633 --> 00:46:00,733 with Detective Sergeant Arnott up until that point? 835 00:46:00,733 --> 00:46:02,533 I thought we'd become friends. 836 00:46:02,533 --> 00:46:05,233 DEFENSE COUNSEL: You became close? 837 00:46:05,233 --> 00:46:07,367 Yeah. 838 00:46:07,367 --> 00:46:10,633 An undercover officer is forbidden from sexual relations 839 00:46:10,633 --> 00:46:12,433 with a person that they are investigating -- 840 00:46:12,433 --> 00:46:16,067 My Lady, the investigating officer's relationship 841 00:46:16,067 --> 00:46:18,200 with the defendant has no bearing 842 00:46:18,200 --> 00:46:21,667 on the abundant and powerful evidence against her. 843 00:46:21,667 --> 00:46:23,833 DEFENSE COUNSEL: My Lady, an undercover officer 844 00:46:23,833 --> 00:46:25,467 must abide by a code of conduct. 845 00:46:25,467 --> 00:46:27,467 Failure to follow that code of conduct 846 00:46:27,467 --> 00:46:28,700 implies that there are other rules 847 00:46:28,700 --> 00:46:30,067 he might be prepared to break. 848 00:46:30,067 --> 00:46:32,667 I'll allow the question. 849 00:46:38,200 --> 00:46:42,100 While undercover and investigating you, 850 00:46:42,100 --> 00:46:46,567 did Steve Arnott engage in sexual relations with you? 851 00:46:48,367 --> 00:46:50,400 Yes. 852 00:46:50,400 --> 00:46:53,433 On how many occasions? 853 00:46:54,833 --> 00:46:56,667 Once. 854 00:46:58,800 --> 00:47:04,433 I was very vulnerable following my mum's death. 855 00:47:05,733 --> 00:47:08,467 He seemed like the only person in the world who understood 856 00:47:08,467 --> 00:47:11,467 what -- what I was going through. 857 00:47:11,467 --> 00:47:13,467 Sorry. 858 00:47:13,467 --> 00:47:16,700 And as a police officer, 859 00:47:16,700 --> 00:47:18,733 what conclusion did you draw from that 860 00:47:18,733 --> 00:47:21,800 regarding Steve Arnott's relationship with you? 861 00:47:21,800 --> 00:47:24,800 That, as sexual relations are forbidden, 862 00:47:24,800 --> 00:47:28,167 that he couldn't be undercover or investigating me anymore. 863 00:47:28,167 --> 00:47:32,733 How many times was Steve Arnott in your house? 864 00:47:32,733 --> 00:47:34,500 I'd say a dozen. 865 00:47:34,500 --> 00:47:36,633 But you were always there at the same time, weren't you? 866 00:47:36,633 --> 00:47:39,167 I wasn't sleeping very well at night. 867 00:47:39,167 --> 00:47:42,300 Sometimes I'd doze off on the sofa and wake up, 868 00:47:42,300 --> 00:47:45,167 and a couple of hours would have gone by. 869 00:47:45,167 --> 00:47:46,833 Oh, and he'd been there the whole time? 870 00:47:46,833 --> 00:47:48,700 Yes. 871 00:47:48,700 --> 00:47:51,500 But you had no idea where in the house he'd been 872 00:47:51,500 --> 00:47:53,467 or what he'd been doing? 873 00:47:54,367 --> 00:47:55,600 No. 874 00:47:55,600 --> 00:47:59,167 With access to your late mother's belongings? 875 00:48:00,800 --> 00:48:02,200 Yeah. 876 00:48:03,633 --> 00:48:07,167 DEFENSE COUNSEL: Thank you, Ms. Denton. 877 00:48:10,767 --> 00:48:12,400 My Lady... 878 00:48:12,400 --> 00:48:14,533 Yes, let's leave it there for today. 879 00:48:14,533 --> 00:48:16,233 USHER: All rise. 880 00:48:21,700 --> 00:48:23,700 [ Door opens ] 881 00:48:26,733 --> 00:48:29,167 [ Door closes ] 882 00:48:47,067 --> 00:48:48,733 [ Door closes ] 883 00:48:56,867 --> 00:48:58,767 D.S. Arnott. 884 00:49:08,667 --> 00:49:10,433 Shut the door. 885 00:49:13,333 --> 00:49:15,467 Remain standing. 886 00:49:16,233 --> 00:49:18,467 Did you have sexual relations with a suspect 887 00:49:18,467 --> 00:49:19,800 you were investigating whilst undercover? 888 00:49:19,800 --> 00:49:22,333 Lindsay Denton's gonna say anything to con the jury. 889 00:49:22,333 --> 00:49:24,067 Did you or didn't you? 890 00:49:24,067 --> 00:49:25,800 No, sir, I did not. 891 00:49:25,800 --> 00:49:28,167 If that's your answer. 892 00:49:28,167 --> 00:49:30,667 It is my answer, sir. 893 00:49:32,800 --> 00:49:34,467 She claims that when the money was found, 894 00:49:34,467 --> 00:49:35,433 you didn't bat an eye. 895 00:49:35,433 --> 00:49:36,567 Is that correct? 896 00:49:36,567 --> 00:49:38,100 Yes. 897 00:49:38,100 --> 00:49:40,100 Why would that be, now? 898 00:49:40,100 --> 00:49:41,700 The search team had established the find 899 00:49:41,700 --> 00:49:44,600 prior to Denton entering the premises. 900 00:49:44,600 --> 00:49:47,667 I ordered them to simulate making the find in front of her. 901 00:49:47,667 --> 00:49:49,567 To see her reaction. 902 00:49:49,567 --> 00:49:52,467 You make the find, you show her. 903 00:49:52,467 --> 00:49:55,200 There's your reaction there. You were showboating! 904 00:49:55,200 --> 00:49:57,500 -Yes, sir. -I'll give you "yes, sir." 905 00:49:57,500 --> 00:50:00,300 The defense are using this to discredit your work 906 00:50:00,300 --> 00:50:02,100 and the work of this department. 907 00:50:02,100 --> 00:50:03,433 Your team was bossing the game. 908 00:50:03,433 --> 00:50:05,600 You went and gave away a penalty! 909 00:50:05,600 --> 00:50:08,200 -Sir. -Get the hell out of here! 910 00:50:16,500 --> 00:50:18,100 [ Telephone rings ] 911 00:50:18,100 --> 00:50:21,200 Superintendent Hastings. 912 00:50:40,567 --> 00:50:42,633 Mother of God. 913 00:50:57,433 --> 00:51:00,267 Who's in charge here? 914 00:51:00,267 --> 00:51:02,100 I want a preview of the forensics. 915 00:51:06,500 --> 00:51:09,233 It is with deep regret that I inform you all... 916 00:51:10,200 --> 00:51:13,300 ...of the death of P.C. Rod Kennedy. 917 00:51:13,300 --> 00:51:16,433 Rod's body was found hanged at an industrial unit. 918 00:51:16,433 --> 00:51:20,100 Early indications are that he took his own life. 919 00:51:20,100 --> 00:51:22,567 There'll be a book of condolence in the squad room, 920 00:51:22,567 --> 00:51:24,333 and we'll send out the necessary information 921 00:51:24,333 --> 00:51:28,033 for those of you who want to send flowers and cards. 922 00:51:51,367 --> 00:51:53,400 Is there anything I can do? 923 00:51:55,600 --> 00:51:57,300 I'll be fine. 924 00:51:59,867 --> 00:52:01,400 Here. 925 00:52:11,233 --> 00:52:14,500 Did you have any idea he'd do something like that? 926 00:52:14,500 --> 00:52:16,133 Did you? 927 00:52:21,133 --> 00:52:23,100 This has gone too far. 928 00:52:26,533 --> 00:52:28,600 [ Doorbell rings ] 929 00:52:34,533 --> 00:52:36,300 We need to talk. 930 00:52:36,300 --> 00:52:39,667 -Jackie, it's late. -I'm not leaving. 931 00:52:57,867 --> 00:52:59,000 Everything all right? 932 00:52:59,000 --> 00:53:02,300 I was gonna ask you the same thing. 933 00:53:02,300 --> 00:53:04,233 Kate, I read your report. 934 00:53:04,233 --> 00:53:06,633 You had nothing on Rod Kennedy. 935 00:53:07,633 --> 00:53:09,400 The last thing that Danny said to me 936 00:53:09,400 --> 00:53:11,267 before he died was, "Listen..." 937 00:53:11,267 --> 00:53:12,600 And that was all he could get out. 938 00:53:12,600 --> 00:53:15,533 You weren't to know how bad he'd fall for the bluff. 939 00:53:15,533 --> 00:53:17,533 That's why I'm asking if you're okay. 940 00:53:17,533 --> 00:53:20,233 I'm just doing my job, mate. 941 00:53:35,367 --> 00:53:37,667 Well done, Kate. 942 00:53:45,733 --> 00:53:48,100 Rod and I were involved. 943 00:53:49,767 --> 00:53:51,667 HASTINGS: An affair... 944 00:53:52,367 --> 00:53:55,833 ...between two armed officers serving side by side. 945 00:53:55,833 --> 00:53:59,400 That is a serious lack of professionalism, Constable. 946 00:53:59,400 --> 00:54:01,733 Yes, sir. 947 00:54:02,767 --> 00:54:04,467 We had to keep the relationship hidden 948 00:54:04,467 --> 00:54:05,667 or we'd have both been disciplined. 949 00:54:05,667 --> 00:54:07,800 And were you still involved with Rod Kennedy 950 00:54:07,800 --> 00:54:09,067 at the time of his death? 951 00:54:09,067 --> 00:54:10,267 No. 952 00:54:10,267 --> 00:54:12,400 We'd broken up a couple of months before. 953 00:54:12,400 --> 00:54:14,333 Why? 954 00:54:14,333 --> 00:54:16,033 [ Exhales slowly ] 955 00:54:18,767 --> 00:54:20,433 Something happened between me and Danny. 956 00:54:20,433 --> 00:54:23,667 What happened between you and Danny? 957 00:54:23,667 --> 00:54:26,633 It was a one-night thing. 958 00:54:29,233 --> 00:54:31,067 Rod found out about it. 959 00:54:31,067 --> 00:54:34,800 Him and Danny had a bust-up. Danny was... 960 00:54:37,067 --> 00:54:40,467 Danny was in the habit of making remarks, 961 00:54:40,467 --> 00:54:41,767 undermining Rod. 962 00:54:41,767 --> 00:54:44,700 Rod was really jealous. He couldn't handle it. 963 00:54:44,700 --> 00:54:46,833 ARNOTT: Why did Danny Waldron draw his firearm? 964 00:54:46,833 --> 00:54:49,167 HARI: I don't know. 965 00:54:49,167 --> 00:54:50,667 We didn't do anything, 966 00:54:50,667 --> 00:54:55,167 and there was nothing to suggest he was in any kind of danger. 967 00:54:56,133 --> 00:55:00,433 So I can only imagine he was spooked by summat. 968 00:55:04,267 --> 00:55:06,067 Go on. 969 00:55:07,133 --> 00:55:09,567 And that's when Rod went for him. 970 00:55:10,400 --> 00:55:12,133 Rod grabbed Danny's gun, 971 00:55:12,133 --> 00:55:15,367 and the two of them started wrestling with it. 972 00:55:15,367 --> 00:55:17,800 And me and Victor Charlie Five Three, 973 00:55:17,800 --> 00:55:20,400 we tried to get it off them both. 974 00:55:21,533 --> 00:55:23,667 And that's when it went off. 975 00:55:23,667 --> 00:55:27,700 So let's be perfectly clear, Constable. 976 00:55:27,700 --> 00:55:29,833 You are now declaring 977 00:55:29,833 --> 00:55:33,667 that P.C. Rod Kennedy killed Sergeant Daniel Waldron? 978 00:55:33,667 --> 00:55:35,667 Yes, sir. 979 00:55:39,400 --> 00:55:40,767 Rod killed Danny. 980 00:55:42,100 --> 00:55:43,733 Rod killed Danny. 981 00:55:55,433 --> 00:55:58,100 Oldest trick in the book -- Blame the dead bloke. 982 00:55:58,100 --> 00:55:59,867 He killed himself, though. 983 00:55:59,867 --> 00:56:01,633 Fits with him being the guilty party. 984 00:56:01,633 --> 00:56:03,433 First there were three of them sticking together. 985 00:56:03,433 --> 00:56:05,433 Now there's two. 986 00:56:05,433 --> 00:56:09,067 HASTINGS: I've said it before, and I'll say it again -- 987 00:56:09,067 --> 00:56:10,800 Catching criminals is tough enough, 988 00:56:10,800 --> 00:56:14,500 but catching coppers, God give me strength. 989 00:56:15,500 --> 00:56:17,600 We keep going, fellas. 990 00:56:17,600 --> 00:56:20,333 We keep going. 991 00:56:20,333 --> 00:56:21,667 Sir. 992 00:56:22,533 --> 00:56:24,067 Sir. 993 00:56:31,400 --> 00:56:33,367 [ Rings doorbell ] 994 00:56:43,700 --> 00:56:46,433 [ Cellphone rings ] 995 00:56:50,167 --> 00:56:51,300 Hello. 996 00:56:51,300 --> 00:56:53,067 MALE VOICE: Bin the previous phone. 997 00:56:53,067 --> 00:56:54,300 Use this one for now. 998 00:56:54,300 --> 00:56:56,700 You'll have a new one in a couple of days. 999 00:56:59,167 --> 00:57:01,400 I made one mistake. 1000 00:57:03,833 --> 00:57:06,533 One mistake, and you keep making me pay. 1001 00:57:06,533 --> 00:57:08,367 MALE VOICE: AC-12 went for it? 1002 00:57:09,267 --> 00:57:11,767 -Yeah. -Oh, don't be modest. 1003 00:57:11,767 --> 00:57:14,367 I heard you played them like violins. 1004 00:57:18,800 --> 00:57:23,367 I had no prior information of the operation. 1005 00:57:23,367 --> 00:57:25,667 I had no prior information 1006 00:57:25,667 --> 00:57:27,367 of the operation to move Tommy Hunter. 1007 00:57:27,367 --> 00:57:29,600 No prior information. No prior... 1008 00:57:29,600 --> 00:57:31,800 No prior knowledge. I had no prior knowledge. 1009 00:57:32,600 --> 00:57:36,800 I had no prior knowledge of the operation to move Tommy Hunter. 1010 00:57:40,567 --> 00:57:43,233 Every day I wish it had been... 1011 00:57:44,067 --> 00:57:46,667 ...somebody else who'd taken that call... 1012 00:57:47,767 --> 00:57:52,600 ...somebody else who had to stand by 1013 00:57:52,600 --> 00:57:56,267 and watch as their... 1014 00:57:57,100 --> 00:57:59,267 ...fellow officers... 1015 00:58:02,300 --> 00:58:04,400 ...were gunned were down... 1016 00:58:06,433 --> 00:58:08,100 ...and set alight. 1017 00:58:14,333 --> 00:58:16,233 [ Inhales sharply ] 1018 00:58:16,233 --> 00:58:18,500 [ Sniffling ] 1019 00:58:18,500 --> 00:58:20,333 [ Exhales sharply ] 1020 00:58:27,100 --> 00:58:31,600 I had no prior knowledge of the operation. 1021 00:58:31,600 --> 00:58:34,433 No prior knowledge at all.