1 00:00:17,367 --> 00:00:19,233 DANNY: So many years, I wondered what I'd do 2 00:00:19,233 --> 00:00:21,167 if I ever saw him again. 3 00:00:21,167 --> 00:00:22,233 And then I did. 4 00:00:22,233 --> 00:00:24,133 In a photo, in a briefing room. 5 00:00:24,133 --> 00:00:27,267 And I was being sent to meet him with a gun. 6 00:00:28,567 --> 00:00:31,833 When this is all done, Steve, I'll suffer for my actions. 7 00:00:31,833 --> 00:00:34,100 I'm under no illusions of a happy ending. 8 00:00:34,100 --> 00:00:35,133 -[ Gunshot ] -Shot fired! 9 00:00:35,133 --> 00:00:36,367 -[ Gasping ] -What's he saying? 10 00:00:36,367 --> 00:00:38,633 He whispered something to you. What did he say? 11 00:00:38,633 --> 00:00:40,100 I'm not sure what he meant. 12 00:00:42,300 --> 00:00:44,233 ARNOTT: My job is to find any and all evidence. 13 00:00:44,233 --> 00:00:46,433 And what was found in the case? 14 00:00:46,433 --> 00:00:48,200 A large number of banknotes. 15 00:00:48,200 --> 00:00:50,567 DEFENSE COUNSEL: How did Detective Sergeant Arnott react? 16 00:00:50,567 --> 00:00:52,200 He didn't bat an eye. 17 00:00:54,467 --> 00:00:56,500 ARNOTT: I don't think we should close the investigation 18 00:00:56,500 --> 00:00:57,733 into Danny Waldron's background. 19 00:00:57,733 --> 00:01:00,233 I'd like to keep digging. 20 00:01:01,833 --> 00:01:04,067 There's evidence of prolonged torture. 21 00:01:04,067 --> 00:01:05,233 Cause of death isn't clear. 22 00:01:05,233 --> 00:01:07,633 Cutting his head off can't have helped. 23 00:01:09,800 --> 00:01:13,133 ARNOTT: This photograph shows Danny Waldron as a teenager. 24 00:01:13,133 --> 00:01:14,633 This man's a young Ronan Murphy, 25 00:01:14,633 --> 00:01:16,200 the suspect shot by Danny Waldron 26 00:01:16,200 --> 00:01:17,200 during Operation Damson. 27 00:01:17,200 --> 00:01:18,567 What? They knew each other? 28 00:01:18,567 --> 00:01:19,500 ARNOTT: And this person bears a strong resemblance 29 00:01:19,500 --> 00:01:21,600 to Linus Murphy's severed head. 30 00:01:21,600 --> 00:01:22,800 Danny knew him too. 31 00:01:25,167 --> 00:01:27,333 No prior information 32 00:01:27,333 --> 00:01:29,233 of the operation to move Tommy Hunter. 33 00:01:29,233 --> 00:01:32,300 I had no prior knowledge. 34 00:01:32,300 --> 00:01:34,033 No prior knowledge at all. 35 00:01:36,167 --> 00:01:38,667 Kate knows about me and Jackie and Danny. 36 00:01:38,667 --> 00:01:40,267 I've got to come clean to AC-12. 37 00:01:40,267 --> 00:01:42,067 The longer I leave it, the worse it looks. 38 00:01:42,067 --> 00:01:44,300 It is with deep regret that I inform you all 39 00:01:44,300 --> 00:01:46,533 of the death of P.C. Rod Kennedy. 40 00:01:46,533 --> 00:01:49,667 Rod's body was found hanged at an industrial unit. 41 00:01:59,367 --> 00:02:01,167 We need to talk. 42 00:02:02,767 --> 00:02:04,767 You are now declaring 43 00:02:04,767 --> 00:02:08,667 that P.C. Rod Kennedy killed Sergeant Daniel Waldron? 44 00:02:08,667 --> 00:02:10,333 Yes, sir. 45 00:02:10,333 --> 00:02:12,133 Rod killed Danny. 46 00:02:32,067 --> 00:02:33,733 Look, I'm sorry about this. 47 00:02:33,733 --> 00:02:36,500 It's just that I've got no one else to talk to right now. 48 00:02:36,500 --> 00:02:38,433 It's fine. 49 00:02:40,833 --> 00:02:44,867 Look, mate, I don't think I can keep going into the station. 50 00:02:44,867 --> 00:02:47,400 All the stuff that's going on behind our backs. 51 00:02:47,400 --> 00:02:49,800 All the stuff that's going on to our faces. 52 00:02:49,800 --> 00:02:52,100 Yeah, well, Rod was a good bloke, wasn't he? 53 00:02:52,100 --> 00:02:54,533 You know, people can't get their heads 'round it. 54 00:02:54,533 --> 00:02:56,400 Yeah. 55 00:02:56,400 --> 00:02:58,567 I can see why. 56 00:03:02,467 --> 00:03:05,033 Look, Jackie, don't do this to yourself. 57 00:03:05,667 --> 00:03:09,500 My hands were on that gun, and I felt Rod force the trigger. 58 00:03:12,500 --> 00:03:14,100 He killed Danny. 59 00:03:15,400 --> 00:03:16,700 You know, we was right to stick together, 60 00:03:16,700 --> 00:03:20,133 you know, when he was here, but now he's gone. 61 00:03:20,133 --> 00:03:22,300 We've got to move on. 62 00:03:24,333 --> 00:03:26,200 Ah, come here. 63 00:03:42,200 --> 00:03:44,400 -[ Telephone ringing ] -Superintendent Hastings. 64 00:03:44,400 --> 00:03:45,900 FLEMING: Hi. Sorry to bother you, sir. 65 00:03:45,900 --> 00:03:49,067 I just followed Jackie Brickford to a meeting with Hari Bains. 66 00:03:49,067 --> 00:03:51,267 He seems pretty bloody shifty to me. 67 00:03:55,633 --> 00:03:56,800 Dot. 68 00:03:57,833 --> 00:03:59,700 Just so you know, I've authorized Kate 69 00:03:59,700 --> 00:04:01,767 to adopt direct surveillance on Hari Bains. 70 00:04:01,767 --> 00:04:02,900 Nice one, gaffer. 71 00:04:02,900 --> 00:04:04,533 Yeah, and I want Steve in on it too. 72 00:04:04,533 --> 00:04:05,733 Absolutely. 73 00:04:05,733 --> 00:04:08,367 Steve, get yourself over to South Ferry 74 00:04:08,367 --> 00:04:10,533 when Hari Bains comes on shift. 75 00:04:10,533 --> 00:04:13,167 -Be visible. -Sir. 76 00:04:24,267 --> 00:04:25,633 [ Cellphone chimes ] 77 00:04:43,333 --> 00:04:45,400 -[ Knocking ] -Come in. 78 00:04:45,400 --> 00:04:46,700 Inspector McAndrew. 79 00:04:46,700 --> 00:04:48,700 D.S. Arnott, AC-12. 80 00:04:48,700 --> 00:04:50,367 What do you want? 81 00:04:54,733 --> 00:04:56,733 In an interview you gave at AC-12, 82 00:04:56,733 --> 00:04:58,133 you informed us that Hari Bains 83 00:04:58,133 --> 00:05:00,133 had a good working relationship with Danny Waldron. 84 00:05:00,133 --> 00:05:01,367 Uh, yeah. So? 85 00:05:01,367 --> 00:05:04,067 Hari never made any complaints about Danny? 86 00:05:04,067 --> 00:05:06,400 -If anything, the opposite. -How so, ma'am? 87 00:05:06,400 --> 00:05:09,100 I was due to rotate Hari from Danny's squad, 88 00:05:09,100 --> 00:05:11,800 but Hari said that he respected Danny's professionalism 89 00:05:11,800 --> 00:05:13,367 and wanted to ride on more jobs with him. 90 00:05:13,367 --> 00:05:16,367 Really? When did he say this? 91 00:05:16,367 --> 00:05:19,267 McANDREW: A couple of days before the Abbott's Lane op. 92 00:05:19,267 --> 00:05:22,233 You mean a couple of days before the op that got Danny killed? 93 00:05:22,233 --> 00:05:24,100 I was all set to disband Danny's team 94 00:05:24,100 --> 00:05:25,767 after the shooting of Ronan Murphy. 95 00:05:25,767 --> 00:05:28,833 And there is no way you're gonna pin some blame on me 96 00:05:28,833 --> 00:05:31,200 just because you're struggling to find a scapegoat. 97 00:05:31,200 --> 00:05:33,767 Thank you, ma'am. You've been very helpful. 98 00:06:07,500 --> 00:06:10,233 [ Coin clinking ] 99 00:06:17,267 --> 00:06:18,833 [ Line ringing ] 100 00:06:18,833 --> 00:06:20,333 MAN: AC-12. 101 00:06:20,333 --> 00:06:23,700 D.C. Fleming. Put me through to Telecommunications please. 102 00:06:23,700 --> 00:06:24,933 -WOMAN: Telecoms. -D.C. Fleming. 103 00:06:24,933 --> 00:06:26,500 I need an identification on the last number dialed 104 00:06:26,500 --> 00:06:31,067 from a pay phone on the corner of Calman Road and Turner Road. 105 00:06:31,067 --> 00:06:32,733 WOMAN: Stand by. 106 00:06:32,733 --> 00:06:34,733 The number you have called is not recognized. 107 00:06:34,733 --> 00:06:37,133 Please check the number. 108 00:06:37,133 --> 00:06:39,500 The number you have called is -- 109 00:06:44,500 --> 00:06:48,100 Kate reports Bains attempting to make a call to this number. 110 00:06:48,100 --> 00:06:50,633 It relates to an unregistered pay-as-you-go mobile. 111 00:06:50,633 --> 00:06:52,100 Now, the call couldn't be connected 112 00:06:52,100 --> 00:06:55,300 because either the phone or the SIM card was out of service. 113 00:06:55,300 --> 00:06:58,067 ARNOTT: I've got Maneet liaising with the mobile network provider 114 00:06:58,067 --> 00:06:59,867 to see what information we can get about the number. 115 00:06:59,867 --> 00:07:01,267 Great. 116 00:07:01,267 --> 00:07:04,300 Tell Kate I want her on Hari Bains 'round the clock. 117 00:07:04,300 --> 00:07:06,433 Yeah, will do, gaffer. 118 00:07:21,500 --> 00:07:23,267 [ Cellphone rings ] 119 00:07:27,500 --> 00:07:28,833 Hello. 120 00:07:28,833 --> 00:07:29,900 MALE VOICE: What the bloody hell are you playing at, 121 00:07:29,900 --> 00:07:32,067 making a call from a public box? 122 00:07:32,067 --> 00:07:33,833 That's why we send you the unregistered mobiles. 123 00:07:33,833 --> 00:07:36,167 But the text came through to my own phone, so I thought -- 124 00:07:36,167 --> 00:07:38,500 Yeah, well, we had to get a message to you urgently, 125 00:07:38,500 --> 00:07:39,667 and you weren't answering. 126 00:07:39,667 --> 00:07:41,433 You're being watched by AC-12. 127 00:07:41,433 --> 00:07:44,400 -I didn't see anyone. -What did the text say? 128 00:07:44,400 --> 00:07:45,533 "Sit tight. Act normal." 129 00:07:45,533 --> 00:07:48,400 So how is this acting normal? Dickhead. 130 00:07:58,100 --> 00:07:59,700 -All right? -All right. 131 00:07:59,700 --> 00:08:01,700 Look, for my two penn'orth, 132 00:08:01,700 --> 00:08:03,200 I think we're flogging a dead horse 133 00:08:03,200 --> 00:08:04,300 with Bains and Brickford. 134 00:08:04,300 --> 00:08:06,733 Rod Kennedy killed Danny Waldron. 135 00:08:06,733 --> 00:08:08,833 Couldn't handle the guilt. He topped himself. 136 00:08:08,833 --> 00:08:10,033 FLEMING: Maybe it wasn't suicide. 137 00:08:10,033 --> 00:08:11,767 We ought to request a second postmortem 138 00:08:11,767 --> 00:08:13,133 on Rod Kennedy's body. 139 00:08:13,133 --> 00:08:15,233 The first one was only looking for cause of death. 140 00:08:15,233 --> 00:08:17,100 We should get a Home Office pathologist 141 00:08:17,100 --> 00:08:18,633 looking for evidence of crime. 142 00:08:19,800 --> 00:08:21,767 Sure. Yeah, leave that with me. 143 00:08:21,767 --> 00:08:23,100 Cheers. 144 00:08:23,100 --> 00:08:25,700 Look, do you like chili? 145 00:08:25,700 --> 00:08:28,567 The food, not the country. 146 00:08:28,567 --> 00:08:29,467 [ Chuckles ] 147 00:08:29,467 --> 00:08:32,600 I've got a pot on the simmer. 148 00:08:33,800 --> 00:08:35,700 You've probably eaten. 149 00:08:36,767 --> 00:08:38,200 No, I haven't, actually. 150 00:08:38,200 --> 00:08:40,400 Well? 151 00:08:41,067 --> 00:08:42,467 Yeah. 152 00:08:44,867 --> 00:08:48,500 -Not too fiery? -I'll cope. 153 00:08:48,500 --> 00:08:51,067 If you go to the trouble of making a pot, 154 00:08:51,067 --> 00:08:52,800 you might as well make it last a few days. 155 00:08:52,800 --> 00:08:55,300 You know, one night you can have it with rice, 156 00:08:55,300 --> 00:08:57,333 one night baked potato... 157 00:08:57,333 --> 00:08:58,500 [ Laughs ] 158 00:08:58,500 --> 00:09:00,233 It's rock 'n' roll, me. 159 00:09:00,233 --> 00:09:01,700 Well, I'm not complaining. 160 00:09:01,700 --> 00:09:02,933 By the time I knock off, 161 00:09:02,933 --> 00:09:04,600 the only thing that's open's a dodgy kebab. 162 00:09:04,600 --> 00:09:06,400 That's undercover, isn't it? 163 00:09:06,400 --> 00:09:07,633 Stupid hours. 164 00:09:07,633 --> 00:09:09,833 Well, Mark works in I.T. 165 00:09:09,833 --> 00:09:13,267 He did a lot from home, which was great for childcare. 166 00:09:13,267 --> 00:09:14,800 Just not so great for us. 167 00:09:14,800 --> 00:09:16,667 You still see the kid, though? 168 00:09:16,667 --> 00:09:18,533 Yeah. 169 00:09:19,467 --> 00:09:21,667 Sorry. I shouldn't poke my nose in. 170 00:09:21,667 --> 00:09:24,400 No, it's fine. It was the right decision. 171 00:09:24,400 --> 00:09:27,533 You know, give him security and stability. 172 00:09:27,533 --> 00:09:30,233 Just not such a great decision for me, to be honest. 173 00:09:30,233 --> 00:09:32,833 See, me and my missus, we never got 'round to having kids. 174 00:09:32,833 --> 00:09:35,167 -Was she a copper too? -Forensics. 175 00:09:35,167 --> 00:09:37,067 -I don't see much of her now. -No? 176 00:09:37,067 --> 00:09:39,200 No, I was on the piss most nights. 177 00:09:39,200 --> 00:09:40,300 Couldn't pass a bookie's. 178 00:09:40,300 --> 00:09:43,300 Final straw was we'd put down half 179 00:09:43,300 --> 00:09:44,433 on a fortnight in Majorca... 180 00:09:44,433 --> 00:09:45,633 Oh, don't tell me. 181 00:09:45,633 --> 00:09:48,733 5-to-1. Dead cert. 182 00:09:48,733 --> 00:09:50,500 I couldn't go home to face the music. 183 00:09:50,500 --> 00:09:53,300 So I took out a loan, 184 00:09:53,300 --> 00:09:55,700 put a grand down on the last race of the day, 185 00:09:55,700 --> 00:09:57,367 try and win it all back. 186 00:10:00,533 --> 00:10:01,867 Barrel of laughs, me. Yeah. 187 00:10:01,867 --> 00:10:04,100 [ Both laugh ] 188 00:10:04,100 --> 00:10:06,633 -Here, I'll have your bowl. -Cheers. 189 00:10:20,500 --> 00:10:22,733 Hey, there's seconds here if you fancy. 190 00:10:22,733 --> 00:10:25,733 Any more, and I won't get off this sofa. 191 00:10:36,367 --> 00:10:39,033 [ Telephone rings ] 192 00:10:40,500 --> 00:10:41,600 Yeah. 193 00:10:41,600 --> 00:10:42,533 I've got something for you, Sarge. 194 00:10:42,533 --> 00:10:44,367 On that photo found at Danny's. 195 00:10:44,367 --> 00:10:46,800 Yeah. Sure. 196 00:10:46,800 --> 00:10:48,733 BINDRA: It's from a boys' home called Sands View. 197 00:10:48,733 --> 00:10:50,267 Danny Waldron's mum died when he was 11, 198 00:10:50,267 --> 00:10:52,800 and he moved up north to live with his dad and his step-mum, 199 00:10:52,800 --> 00:10:55,433 but that didn't work out and he got taken into care. 200 00:10:55,433 --> 00:10:57,200 Danny was a resident at Sands View 201 00:10:57,200 --> 00:10:58,833 from the age of 13 until he was 17. 202 00:10:58,833 --> 00:11:00,267 ARNOTT: I keep going through the file. 203 00:11:00,267 --> 00:11:02,333 There's no link between Danny Waldron and Ronan Murphy 204 00:11:02,333 --> 00:11:03,433 while Danny was a police officer. 205 00:11:03,433 --> 00:11:06,367 The only link must be this boys' home. 206 00:11:06,367 --> 00:11:09,067 Unfortunately, I can't get hold of any records for that period. 207 00:11:09,067 --> 00:11:11,133 One council department told me they were lost in a fire. 208 00:11:11,133 --> 00:11:12,833 Another department told me they went missing 209 00:11:12,833 --> 00:11:13,967 during an office move. 210 00:11:13,967 --> 00:11:15,367 You think they've been lost on purpose? 211 00:11:15,367 --> 00:11:16,300 Who knows? 212 00:11:16,300 --> 00:11:17,800 The lads were chucked out at 17 213 00:11:17,800 --> 00:11:20,400 and pretty much left to fend for themselves, with no follow-up. 214 00:11:20,400 --> 00:11:22,467 However, I've cross-checked with individuals 215 00:11:22,467 --> 00:11:24,300 known to the criminal justice system, 216 00:11:24,300 --> 00:11:25,633 and I've got a name for you. 217 00:11:25,633 --> 00:11:26,900 Same age as Danny, 218 00:11:26,900 --> 00:11:29,433 so chances are they were there at the same time. 219 00:11:30,233 --> 00:11:31,467 Good work. 220 00:11:31,467 --> 00:11:33,500 [ Machinery whirring ] 221 00:11:41,367 --> 00:11:43,367 [ Speaking indistinctly ] 222 00:11:45,333 --> 00:11:47,633 -Joseph Nash? -Yeah? 223 00:11:47,633 --> 00:11:50,367 Can I talk to you somewhere quieter, please? 224 00:11:51,233 --> 00:11:52,600 Yeah. 225 00:12:01,567 --> 00:12:05,333 I'd like to show you a photograph, if that's all right. 226 00:12:05,333 --> 00:12:07,867 It's a photocopy of an original image 227 00:12:07,867 --> 00:12:11,200 believed to be approximately 15 to 20 years old. 228 00:12:14,200 --> 00:12:17,367 -Do you recognize the image? -Yeah. 229 00:12:17,367 --> 00:12:19,133 Do you recall the name of this location? 230 00:12:19,133 --> 00:12:20,367 Yes. 231 00:12:21,233 --> 00:12:24,367 Mr. Nash, you're not in any trouble. 232 00:12:24,367 --> 00:12:26,400 How did you find out my name? 233 00:12:26,400 --> 00:12:27,633 I'm not gonna lie -- 234 00:12:27,633 --> 00:12:28,700 You committed a number of minor offenses. 235 00:12:28,700 --> 00:12:31,467 Look, I was just a kid back then. 236 00:12:31,467 --> 00:12:33,267 I've put my life back together now. 237 00:12:33,267 --> 00:12:35,367 The convictions are spent. 238 00:12:35,367 --> 00:12:37,067 It was only that your record cross-checked 239 00:12:37,067 --> 00:12:40,033 with an inquiry I'm involved with. 240 00:12:44,467 --> 00:12:46,733 An inquiry into Sands View? 241 00:12:46,733 --> 00:12:49,033 Connected to Sands View. 242 00:12:50,533 --> 00:12:52,733 Do you recognize this individual? 243 00:12:53,533 --> 00:12:55,500 -Yes. Danny. -Danny Waldron. 244 00:12:55,500 --> 00:12:57,300 Yeah. 245 00:12:57,300 --> 00:12:58,867 ARNOTT: Do you recognize this individual? 246 00:12:58,867 --> 00:13:00,600 Yes. 247 00:13:01,767 --> 00:13:04,333 What do you remember about that person? 248 00:13:04,333 --> 00:13:07,100 They took us for football on a Tuesday afternoon. 249 00:13:07,100 --> 00:13:10,233 -He was one of the staff? -No, he just took us for footie. 250 00:13:10,233 --> 00:13:13,333 What else do you recall about him? 251 00:13:15,333 --> 00:13:17,467 You're being a big help, Joe. 252 00:13:18,433 --> 00:13:21,800 Is it okay if I ask you about one more person? 253 00:13:23,167 --> 00:13:26,633 This man here. Him. 254 00:13:27,333 --> 00:13:28,767 Who is he? 255 00:13:30,333 --> 00:13:32,633 Mr. Murphy. He was the caretaker. 256 00:13:32,633 --> 00:13:35,400 The other man -- the football coach -- 257 00:13:35,400 --> 00:13:37,067 was his name Murphy too? 258 00:13:37,067 --> 00:13:38,733 Might have been. 259 00:13:39,600 --> 00:13:42,467 -They was a pair. -A pair? 260 00:13:46,433 --> 00:13:49,600 The older one, the caretaker, he had the keys. 261 00:13:51,067 --> 00:13:53,133 For the dormitories. 262 00:13:53,133 --> 00:13:55,633 Changing rooms. The basement. 263 00:13:56,433 --> 00:13:59,633 But him, the younger one, 264 00:13:59,633 --> 00:14:02,267 he was in on it too. 265 00:14:02,267 --> 00:14:03,700 With the others. 266 00:14:04,500 --> 00:14:06,100 What others? 267 00:14:06,100 --> 00:14:08,667 Just -- Not in the photo. 268 00:14:09,500 --> 00:14:11,167 Visitors. 269 00:14:12,867 --> 00:14:15,800 We got told they were very important people, 270 00:14:15,800 --> 00:14:19,333 and we had to do exactly what they said. 271 00:14:19,333 --> 00:14:22,233 Did you ever get the names of any of these people? 272 00:14:22,233 --> 00:14:25,067 No. No, we never got any names. 273 00:14:25,067 --> 00:14:29,333 And even if we did, it was just "Mr. Smith." 274 00:14:31,400 --> 00:14:33,433 What happened with these visitors? 275 00:14:39,400 --> 00:14:41,800 Well, sometimes they'd... 276 00:14:41,800 --> 00:14:42,767 [ Sighs ] 277 00:14:42,767 --> 00:14:44,100 They'd come to the home, 278 00:14:44,100 --> 00:14:48,033 and we'd be told it was like a private interview. 279 00:14:48,733 --> 00:14:51,267 "Mr. Smith can be a big help to you when you move on" 280 00:14:51,267 --> 00:14:53,767 sort of thing, you know? 281 00:14:55,800 --> 00:15:00,000 And then you'd go to a room with Mr. Smith. 282 00:15:04,400 --> 00:15:06,533 Or a few of you would. 283 00:15:07,833 --> 00:15:09,800 With a few of them. 284 00:15:10,467 --> 00:15:12,700 The abuse always took place within Sands View? 285 00:15:12,700 --> 00:15:15,500 No. Not always. It was, um... 286 00:15:15,500 --> 00:15:17,733 Sometimes there'd be a car or a minibus, 287 00:15:17,733 --> 00:15:22,300 and they'd take us to a hotel or a guesthouse or some big... 288 00:15:24,133 --> 00:15:27,100 ...some big private home, you know? 289 00:15:27,833 --> 00:15:30,000 But the parties... 290 00:15:31,833 --> 00:15:34,400 The parties, they were the worst. 291 00:15:34,400 --> 00:15:36,167 Parties? 292 00:15:36,167 --> 00:15:39,633 Yeah, there'd be a few of them, these -- these VIPs. 293 00:15:42,700 --> 00:15:45,067 And we'd be farmed out. 294 00:15:47,500 --> 00:15:51,200 Do you recall any details in terms of names, addresses, 295 00:15:51,200 --> 00:15:52,833 or the people who drove you to and from these parties? 296 00:15:52,833 --> 00:15:55,367 This was a long time ago. All right, mate? 297 00:15:55,367 --> 00:15:57,300 And I wish I could remember that information 298 00:15:57,300 --> 00:15:58,367 and forget about the rest. 299 00:15:58,367 --> 00:16:01,400 But it's the opposite. 300 00:16:02,600 --> 00:16:05,067 I know this is hard, Joe. 301 00:16:05,667 --> 00:16:08,300 But is there anything you can tell me about these individuals 302 00:16:08,300 --> 00:16:10,667 that might help identify them? 303 00:16:14,867 --> 00:16:17,800 Yeah, there's one of them stands out. 304 00:16:19,767 --> 00:16:21,867 He was... 305 00:16:21,867 --> 00:16:27,300 He was a big f-- big fat whale of a fella. 306 00:16:27,300 --> 00:16:30,400 He always wore a suit. 307 00:16:30,400 --> 00:16:33,133 And when he took the suit jacket off, 308 00:16:33,133 --> 00:16:35,533 he always had these -- these -- these sweat patches, 309 00:16:35,533 --> 00:16:38,033 and he -- he stank of it. 310 00:16:39,833 --> 00:16:41,700 And when I got told he'd asked for me again, 311 00:16:41,700 --> 00:16:44,367 I'd -- I'd throw up, you know? 312 00:16:44,367 --> 00:16:47,800 I... I'd be sick. 313 00:16:51,267 --> 00:16:53,200 Is Danny the one? 314 00:16:53,200 --> 00:16:55,433 The one? 315 00:16:55,433 --> 00:16:56,500 Yeah. 316 00:16:56,500 --> 00:17:00,533 Who's got people listening to us at last. 317 00:17:00,533 --> 00:17:02,533 Yeah. 318 00:17:02,533 --> 00:17:04,233 Yeah, he is. 319 00:17:25,300 --> 00:17:26,400 Arnott. 320 00:17:26,400 --> 00:17:27,567 Any report yet on the second P.M.? 321 00:17:27,567 --> 00:17:28,800 What second P.M.? 322 00:17:28,800 --> 00:17:29,933 Dot said he was organizing 323 00:17:29,933 --> 00:17:32,333 a second postmortem on Rod Kennedy. 324 00:17:32,333 --> 00:17:35,100 First I've heard of it. Leave it with me. 325 00:17:35,100 --> 00:17:37,567 FLEMING: Okay. I'll head back to South Ferry. 326 00:17:55,833 --> 00:17:57,800 McANDREW: Right. I'll tell her. 327 00:18:01,467 --> 00:18:03,633 Francis, that was your rep. 328 00:18:03,633 --> 00:18:07,033 AC-12 want you in for interview straightaway. 329 00:18:26,833 --> 00:18:28,333 She doesn't know anything. 330 00:18:28,333 --> 00:18:30,467 She never believed us, not for a minute. 331 00:18:30,467 --> 00:18:33,267 Jackie, she weren't in the room when Danny was shot. 332 00:18:33,267 --> 00:18:35,867 But he whispered something to her as he was dying. 333 00:18:35,867 --> 00:18:37,100 Yeah. 334 00:18:37,100 --> 00:18:38,433 And if he'd managed to tell her the truth, 335 00:18:38,433 --> 00:18:42,133 you think she would have kept quiet this whole time? 336 00:18:42,600 --> 00:18:44,200 No. 337 00:18:45,433 --> 00:18:48,233 Trust me. She don't know anything. 338 00:18:48,233 --> 00:18:49,433 Yeah? 339 00:18:52,067 --> 00:18:53,467 All right, mate. 340 00:19:01,800 --> 00:19:05,067 I've continued to search records relating to Sands View. 341 00:19:05,067 --> 00:19:06,267 Our witness, Joseph Nash, 342 00:19:06,267 --> 00:19:08,400 claims a number of his abusers were VIPs, 343 00:19:08,400 --> 00:19:11,100 all of who used the same alias, "Mr. Smith." 344 00:19:11,100 --> 00:19:13,200 Hence Nash wasn't able to give us any names. 345 00:19:13,200 --> 00:19:18,433 But he did claim one of these abusers was extremely obese. 346 00:19:19,467 --> 00:19:21,467 Sports day at Sands View. 347 00:19:24,767 --> 00:19:26,767 -ARNOTT: Who is he? -BINDRA: Dale Roach. 348 00:19:26,767 --> 00:19:29,233 He was leader of the city council during the period 349 00:19:29,233 --> 00:19:33,000 Danny Waldron and Joe Nash were residents at Sands View. 350 00:19:34,700 --> 00:19:36,400 ARNOTT: Is this the man, Joe? 351 00:19:40,533 --> 00:19:42,600 Yeah, that's him. 352 00:19:42,600 --> 00:19:44,400 Thank you. 353 00:19:45,633 --> 00:19:48,100 Now, it would help if you could come to my department 354 00:19:48,100 --> 00:19:50,800 and look through some images of other individuals... 355 00:19:55,333 --> 00:19:58,067 Joe, I came from a loving family. 356 00:19:58,067 --> 00:19:59,600 I had a nice childhood, 357 00:19:59,600 --> 00:20:01,500 and I can't begin to imagine what yours must have been like. 358 00:20:01,500 --> 00:20:04,000 20 years... 359 00:20:04,533 --> 00:20:05,800 ...it's took you to come here. 360 00:20:05,800 --> 00:20:07,167 I want to help. 361 00:20:07,167 --> 00:20:08,867 20 years 362 00:20:08,867 --> 00:20:12,367 I've had that monster in my head. 363 00:20:12,367 --> 00:20:15,067 The sounds he made. The smell of him. 364 00:20:15,067 --> 00:20:20,100 And the things they did to us at Sands View. 365 00:20:21,233 --> 00:20:23,700 No copper ever gave a toss. 366 00:20:26,100 --> 00:20:28,100 Are you saying offenses committed at Sands View 367 00:20:28,100 --> 00:20:30,100 were reported to police and no action was taken? 368 00:20:31,100 --> 00:20:32,433 We told teachers, 369 00:20:32,433 --> 00:20:35,033 we told social workers, and, yeah... 370 00:20:35,567 --> 00:20:37,467 ...we told coppers. 371 00:20:37,467 --> 00:20:39,167 And then we learned not to. 372 00:20:39,167 --> 00:20:41,333 Danny Waldron's dead, Joe. 373 00:20:43,233 --> 00:20:45,433 He was killed because he was going after the people 374 00:20:45,433 --> 00:20:48,200 who did this to you. 375 00:20:48,200 --> 00:20:50,567 Danny's mission is now my mission. 376 00:20:50,567 --> 00:20:54,133 And I promise you, I will get these bastards. 377 00:21:22,467 --> 00:21:24,133 GIRL: Daddy, Daddy! 378 00:21:24,133 --> 00:21:26,367 Hey! Hello, you. 379 00:21:26,367 --> 00:21:27,567 -Is that for me? -Mm-hmm. 380 00:21:27,567 --> 00:21:29,733 Thank you very much. 381 00:21:32,600 --> 00:21:35,633 I will always, always love you, okay? 382 00:21:35,633 --> 00:21:36,733 Mm-hmm. 383 00:21:36,733 --> 00:21:38,400 Come here. 384 00:21:47,767 --> 00:21:49,067 How long has he been here? 385 00:21:49,067 --> 00:21:52,500 I'd have to check. Two or three years at least. 386 00:21:53,367 --> 00:21:55,067 Any family? 387 00:21:55,067 --> 00:21:57,367 No family, no visitors. 388 00:22:12,700 --> 00:22:14,367 Mr. Roach. 389 00:22:16,400 --> 00:22:18,367 Mr. Roach. 390 00:22:19,233 --> 00:22:20,800 Can he hear me? 391 00:22:20,800 --> 00:22:23,567 He doesn't understand much. Can't talk. 392 00:22:23,567 --> 00:22:26,467 -What's wrong with him? -Massive stroke. 393 00:22:30,333 --> 00:22:32,633 Sorry, do you need me to stay? 394 00:22:32,633 --> 00:22:34,533 No. Thank you. 395 00:22:34,533 --> 00:22:36,467 Call if you need me. 396 00:22:40,400 --> 00:22:42,000 [ Door closes ] 397 00:22:52,367 --> 00:22:56,700 Mr. Roach, do you recognize the name Sands View Boys' Home? 398 00:23:00,833 --> 00:23:03,033 Mr. Roach. 399 00:23:03,800 --> 00:23:07,133 I'm Detective Sergeant Steve Arnott. 400 00:23:07,133 --> 00:23:11,267 I'm investigating claims relating to Sands View. 401 00:23:11,267 --> 00:23:12,667 Do you understand me? 402 00:23:16,433 --> 00:23:19,633 I know what you did to those boys. 403 00:23:43,533 --> 00:23:46,700 [ Door opens ] 404 00:23:46,700 --> 00:23:48,633 Danny Waldron recognized Ronan Murphy 405 00:23:48,633 --> 00:23:50,100 as an occasional sports volunteer 406 00:23:50,100 --> 00:23:51,567 at Sands View Boys' home. 407 00:23:51,567 --> 00:23:55,300 Somehow, from Ronan, he was able to track down Linus Murphy. 408 00:23:55,300 --> 00:23:57,567 Now, Linus was the caretaker at Sands View 409 00:23:57,567 --> 00:24:00,400 and used his position to include Ronan, his nephew, 410 00:24:00,400 --> 00:24:01,600 in his activities. 411 00:24:02,967 --> 00:24:06,167 Now a witness has given us another name -- Dale Roach. 412 00:24:06,167 --> 00:24:08,833 Councilor Dale Roach. 413 00:24:08,833 --> 00:24:12,567 Unfortunately Roach isn't fit to stand trial. 414 00:24:12,567 --> 00:24:14,133 I think Danny Waldron 415 00:24:14,133 --> 00:24:15,467 purposefully created a trail of evidence 416 00:24:15,467 --> 00:24:19,167 that led us to connect him to Linus Murphy's murder. 417 00:24:19,167 --> 00:24:21,533 And now we're on the trail of the other abusers. 418 00:24:24,833 --> 00:24:27,633 There's only one thing we're interested in here, son, 419 00:24:27,633 --> 00:24:30,300 and one thing only. 420 00:24:31,400 --> 00:24:33,067 And that's bent coppers. 421 00:24:33,067 --> 00:24:34,633 Boys made complaints, 422 00:24:34,633 --> 00:24:37,533 some allegedly to police officers. 423 00:24:39,733 --> 00:24:42,000 Thank you, Steve. 424 00:24:44,700 --> 00:24:46,533 Sir. 425 00:24:48,133 --> 00:24:50,433 [ Intercom rings ] 426 00:24:58,300 --> 00:24:59,267 Hi. 427 00:24:59,267 --> 00:25:01,300 Kate? 428 00:25:02,100 --> 00:25:03,067 Come in. 429 00:25:03,067 --> 00:25:04,167 [ Buzzes ] 430 00:25:18,267 --> 00:25:19,400 Something wrong? 431 00:25:19,400 --> 00:25:21,633 You didn't come back to the station. 432 00:25:21,633 --> 00:25:24,667 By the time I'd finished with AC-12, my shift was over. 433 00:25:24,667 --> 00:25:26,667 So, what's going on? 434 00:25:26,667 --> 00:25:28,467 They just wanted to go over the details 435 00:25:28,467 --> 00:25:29,800 of the day Danny was killed. 436 00:25:29,800 --> 00:25:31,700 Times, places. 437 00:25:31,700 --> 00:25:34,633 You know what they're like -- fishing for inconsistencies, 438 00:25:34,633 --> 00:25:36,400 anything they can pounce on. 439 00:25:36,400 --> 00:25:38,167 -And did they? -Did they what? 440 00:25:38,167 --> 00:25:39,500 Pounce. 441 00:25:40,967 --> 00:25:43,400 -We shouldn't talk about this. -What did you tell them, Kate? 442 00:25:43,400 --> 00:25:46,067 We can't have this conversation. You should leave. 443 00:25:46,067 --> 00:25:47,400 I need to know. 444 00:25:48,600 --> 00:25:50,733 You keep asking me to leave you alone. 445 00:25:50,733 --> 00:25:52,500 Congratulations. You're on your own. 446 00:25:52,500 --> 00:25:55,367 -What do they know, Kate? -You should go. 447 00:25:55,367 --> 00:25:57,467 What do they know? 448 00:25:57,467 --> 00:26:00,467 They're onto the pair of you. 449 00:26:03,767 --> 00:26:05,233 What about us? 450 00:26:06,733 --> 00:26:09,500 They know Hari stopped McAndrew from disbanding Danny's squad. 451 00:26:09,500 --> 00:26:11,167 What? 452 00:26:12,233 --> 00:26:13,667 I never knew anything about that. 453 00:26:13,667 --> 00:26:14,867 And they know about the phone calls. 454 00:26:14,867 --> 00:26:16,433 What? What phone calls? 455 00:26:16,433 --> 00:26:18,167 Yeah, right, "What phone calls?" 456 00:26:18,167 --> 00:26:21,233 -Bye, Jackie. -What phone calls, Kate?! 457 00:26:22,400 --> 00:26:24,600 They've got Hari making calls from a phone box 458 00:26:24,600 --> 00:26:27,333 to an unregistered pay-as-you-go number. 459 00:26:27,333 --> 00:26:30,633 They know it must be a phone you're using covertly. 460 00:26:30,633 --> 00:26:33,133 You two are in collusion and developing your strategy 461 00:26:33,133 --> 00:26:34,733 using untraceable telephone calls. 462 00:26:34,733 --> 00:26:36,567 It's not me he's been calling. 463 00:26:44,633 --> 00:26:47,333 [ Door opens ] 464 00:26:47,333 --> 00:26:48,400 [ Door closes ] 465 00:26:48,400 --> 00:26:49,567 [ Doorbell rings ] 466 00:26:49,567 --> 00:26:52,167 [ Up-tempo music playing ] 467 00:26:55,400 --> 00:26:57,167 Stay here. I'll get it. 468 00:27:09,767 --> 00:27:11,367 So, what's up, then? 469 00:27:11,367 --> 00:27:13,267 Who have you been calling? 470 00:27:13,267 --> 00:27:14,500 What? 471 00:27:14,500 --> 00:27:16,367 AC-12 know you've been making dodgy calls. 472 00:27:16,367 --> 00:27:18,567 They think I'm in on it. 473 00:27:18,567 --> 00:27:20,267 All this time, we trusted you. 474 00:27:20,267 --> 00:27:21,633 It was just the three of us. 475 00:27:21,633 --> 00:27:23,767 Now Rod's dead, and that still isn't the end of it! 476 00:27:23,767 --> 00:27:25,633 Jackie, what... 477 00:27:26,300 --> 00:27:29,067 Who have you been making those calls to? 478 00:27:29,067 --> 00:27:30,333 What aren't you telling me?! 479 00:27:30,333 --> 00:27:31,867 I haven't been making any calls, all right? 480 00:27:31,867 --> 00:27:35,600 It's just me and you. As long as we stick together, then... 481 00:27:35,600 --> 00:27:37,567 Jackie, I've been telling you the truth. 482 00:28:00,667 --> 00:28:02,767 [ Line ringing ] 483 00:28:04,600 --> 00:28:08,167 Yeah, I'm sorry. I know it's late. 484 00:28:08,167 --> 00:28:11,233 I need to go in and see AC-12. 485 00:28:11,867 --> 00:28:14,567 And I'm gonna need a solicitor. 486 00:28:22,167 --> 00:28:24,500 -Stand away from the door. -[ Buzzer sounds ] 487 00:28:52,467 --> 00:28:55,800 Ms. Denton, you remain under oath. 488 00:28:55,800 --> 00:28:58,767 Thank you, my lady. 489 00:28:58,767 --> 00:29:00,833 PROSECUTOR: Ms. Denton, 490 00:29:00,833 --> 00:29:03,633 in your examination-in-chief by your own counsel, 491 00:29:03,633 --> 00:29:07,100 you made a number of references to an undercover operation 492 00:29:07,100 --> 00:29:09,100 conducted by Detective Sergeant Arnott 493 00:29:09,100 --> 00:29:10,567 of Anti-Corruption Unit 12? 494 00:29:10,567 --> 00:29:11,433 Yes, I did. 495 00:29:11,433 --> 00:29:12,867 Did any of these operations 496 00:29:12,867 --> 00:29:14,500 involve Detective Sergeant Arnott 497 00:29:14,500 --> 00:29:16,133 being present at your home? 498 00:29:16,133 --> 00:29:17,433 Some did. 499 00:29:17,433 --> 00:29:19,600 You were alone with Detective Sergeant Arnott? 500 00:29:19,600 --> 00:29:21,067 Sometimes. 501 00:29:21,067 --> 00:29:22,400 And on all these occasions 502 00:29:22,400 --> 00:29:24,633 there were no other police officers in the vicinity? 503 00:29:24,633 --> 00:29:27,233 There was a constable stationed outside the house. 504 00:29:27,233 --> 00:29:28,333 Where outside? 505 00:29:28,333 --> 00:29:29,567 On the doorstep. 506 00:29:29,567 --> 00:29:31,700 And where did sexual relations take place? 507 00:29:31,700 --> 00:29:33,233 In the bedroom. 508 00:29:33,233 --> 00:29:34,833 And how was the bedroom accessed? 509 00:29:34,833 --> 00:29:36,400 Via the stairs. 510 00:29:36,400 --> 00:29:40,733 PROSECUTOR: And how far do the stairs lie from the front door? 511 00:29:40,733 --> 00:29:43,767 I don't know. Three or four meters from the front door. 512 00:29:43,767 --> 00:29:47,600 From the plans of your home obtained by the prosecution, 513 00:29:47,600 --> 00:29:51,367 the distance is 2.7 meters. 514 00:29:51,367 --> 00:29:53,733 -If you say so. -I don't "say" so. 515 00:29:53,733 --> 00:29:55,367 It's a fact. 516 00:29:55,367 --> 00:29:58,333 And if I'm inaccurate, I'll be corrected. 517 00:30:00,467 --> 00:30:02,400 There are written statements by all the officers 518 00:30:02,400 --> 00:30:04,833 stationed outside the door in early October, 519 00:30:04,833 --> 00:30:08,433 and not one recalls hearing you and Detective Sergeant Arnott 520 00:30:08,433 --> 00:30:09,367 go upstairs together. 521 00:30:09,367 --> 00:30:11,267 Well, that doesn't surprise me. 522 00:30:11,267 --> 00:30:12,700 PROSECUTOR: It doesn't surprise you 523 00:30:12,700 --> 00:30:15,333 that trained police officers on guard duty, 524 00:30:15,333 --> 00:30:16,633 in a high state of vigilance, 525 00:30:16,633 --> 00:30:19,467 don't hear the two of you go upstairs for sex 526 00:30:19,467 --> 00:30:22,700 when he or she is less than three meters away? 527 00:30:22,700 --> 00:30:24,500 We were discreet. 528 00:30:24,500 --> 00:30:26,600 PROSECUTOR: Hmm. 529 00:30:26,600 --> 00:30:29,633 You've told the jury that this intimacy 530 00:30:29,633 --> 00:30:32,100 with Detective Sergeant Arnott won your trust, 531 00:30:32,100 --> 00:30:33,400 and therefore you permitted him 532 00:30:33,400 --> 00:30:35,333 unsupervised access to your home. 533 00:30:35,333 --> 00:30:36,833 There were times when I was napping 534 00:30:36,833 --> 00:30:39,433 or in the bath or shower, and he was free to roam the premises. 535 00:30:39,433 --> 00:30:41,400 I trusted him completely. 536 00:30:41,400 --> 00:30:44,200 And you've alleged that on one of these occasions 537 00:30:44,200 --> 00:30:46,600 Detective Sergeant Arnott planted a sum of money 538 00:30:46,600 --> 00:30:49,367 in your late mother's overnight case. 539 00:30:50,467 --> 00:30:52,367 Did you witness Detective Sergeant Arnott 540 00:30:52,367 --> 00:30:54,133 bringing the £50,000 into your home? 541 00:30:54,133 --> 00:30:55,367 No. 542 00:30:55,367 --> 00:30:56,700 Did you ever witness Detective Sergeant Arnott 543 00:30:56,700 --> 00:30:59,733 having access to tens of thousands of pounds in cash? 544 00:30:59,733 --> 00:31:01,100 He'd hardly do it openly. 545 00:31:01,100 --> 00:31:03,833 Corrupt officers have access to criminal contacts. 546 00:31:03,833 --> 00:31:07,100 Please answer the question you've been asked. 547 00:31:08,433 --> 00:31:11,200 Did you ever witness Detective Sergeant Arnott 548 00:31:11,200 --> 00:31:14,733 with such an enormous sum of cash? 549 00:31:14,733 --> 00:31:17,067 I don't know how Steve Arnott got hold of the money 550 00:31:17,067 --> 00:31:18,533 and then got it into my house. 551 00:31:18,533 --> 00:31:19,667 -Ms. Denton, you've answered. -And I'm still answering. 552 00:31:19,667 --> 00:31:22,867 If I'm inaccurate, I'll be corrected. 553 00:31:22,867 --> 00:31:24,633 [ Whispering ] The nerve of that one. 554 00:31:24,633 --> 00:31:27,200 DENTON: Steve Arnott had my complete trust 555 00:31:27,200 --> 00:31:28,700 and the trust of the officers on guard duty. 556 00:31:28,700 --> 00:31:31,633 He could easily have picked his moment to plant the money, 557 00:31:31,633 --> 00:31:34,833 and I firmly believe that that is the best explanation 558 00:31:34,833 --> 00:31:36,000 for how it came to be there, 559 00:31:36,000 --> 00:31:39,300 because I had never seen that money before. 560 00:31:39,300 --> 00:31:42,133 PROSECUTOR: Were you aware that you were under investigation 561 00:31:42,133 --> 00:31:43,600 by Anti-Corruption Unit 12? 562 00:31:43,600 --> 00:31:44,800 Yes, I was. 563 00:31:44,800 --> 00:31:46,867 And were you cooperating with that investigation? 564 00:31:46,867 --> 00:31:47,933 Yes, I was. 565 00:31:47,933 --> 00:31:49,467 You were being completely honest, 566 00:31:49,467 --> 00:31:50,600 to the best of your knowledge, 567 00:31:50,600 --> 00:31:52,100 in assisting them with their inquiries? 568 00:31:52,100 --> 00:31:53,267 Yes, I was. 569 00:31:53,267 --> 00:31:54,833 And had you always been completely honest 570 00:31:54,833 --> 00:31:58,500 with Anti-Corruption Unit 12? 571 00:32:04,733 --> 00:32:07,267 Please answer, Ms. Denton. 572 00:32:07,267 --> 00:32:08,500 It was a complex case, 573 00:32:08,500 --> 00:32:11,100 and there were many details that were elusive 574 00:32:11,100 --> 00:32:13,800 and at times required further thought and examination 575 00:32:13,800 --> 00:32:16,300 before I could give a definitive answer. 576 00:32:16,300 --> 00:32:19,100 Did you lie in relation to matters 577 00:32:19,100 --> 00:32:22,333 surrounding the conspiracy to murder Tommy Hunter? 578 00:32:27,300 --> 00:32:29,300 JUDGE: Ms. Denton. 579 00:32:31,133 --> 00:32:33,433 As I said, it was a complex case 580 00:32:33,433 --> 00:32:37,233 and many details were difficult to define or recollect. 581 00:32:37,233 --> 00:32:39,433 Did you lie about having prior knowledge of Hunter? 582 00:32:39,433 --> 00:32:40,900 No. 583 00:32:40,900 --> 00:32:43,767 You lied about having prior knowledge of Hunter, didn't you? 584 00:32:43,767 --> 00:32:45,233 No. 585 00:32:45,233 --> 00:32:47,267 You told the investigators lie after lie to confound them 586 00:32:47,267 --> 00:32:49,400 and to pervert the course of justice, didn't you? 587 00:32:49,400 --> 00:32:51,700 -It wasn't like that. -It was like that. 588 00:32:51,700 --> 00:32:55,400 You wove a web of deceit to confound the investigators 589 00:32:55,400 --> 00:32:56,900 and to protect yourself, 590 00:32:56,900 --> 00:32:59,800 and you've the effrontery to attempt to deceive this jury. 591 00:32:59,800 --> 00:33:00,933 No. 592 00:33:00,933 --> 00:33:02,167 Did you fabricate the improper relations 593 00:33:02,167 --> 00:33:03,600 between you and Detective Sergeant Arnott? 594 00:33:03,600 --> 00:33:04,967 No. 595 00:33:04,967 --> 00:33:06,100 Did you fabricate the planting of evidence against you? 596 00:33:06,100 --> 00:33:07,433 No. 597 00:33:07,433 --> 00:33:08,633 Lindsay Denton, aren't you an artful, devious person 598 00:33:08,633 --> 00:33:10,133 who has betrayed the trust placed in her 599 00:33:10,133 --> 00:33:11,100 as a police officer? 600 00:33:11,100 --> 00:33:12,400 No. 601 00:33:12,400 --> 00:33:13,700 And haven't you repeatedly and shamelessly connived 602 00:33:13,700 --> 00:33:15,600 to obstruct those who would bring you to justice? 603 00:33:15,600 --> 00:33:17,500 No, I haven't! 604 00:33:28,267 --> 00:33:31,233 Watching that circus really turned my stomach. 605 00:33:33,700 --> 00:33:36,767 Listen, I owe you an apology for the other night. 606 00:33:36,767 --> 00:33:40,467 Your, uh, dinner invitation. 607 00:33:40,467 --> 00:33:41,833 You're a married man. 608 00:33:41,833 --> 00:33:43,833 This is it. 609 00:33:43,833 --> 00:33:46,267 But here we are, two colleagues having a drink, 610 00:33:46,267 --> 00:33:49,267 and the sky hasn't fallen in yet. 611 00:33:51,133 --> 00:33:52,533 Yeah. 612 00:33:53,800 --> 00:33:55,233 Yeah. 613 00:34:18,700 --> 00:34:20,100 This is a voluntary interview 614 00:34:20,100 --> 00:34:23,367 by Authorized Firearms Officer Victor Charlie Five Three 615 00:34:23,367 --> 00:34:24,733 in the presence of 616 00:34:24,733 --> 00:34:26,767 her Police Federation representative and solicitor 617 00:34:26,767 --> 00:34:30,400 by Superintendent Hastings and D.S. Arnott. 618 00:34:30,400 --> 00:34:32,400 I want to cooperate. 619 00:34:33,500 --> 00:34:37,300 I want to go on record that I have never at any time 620 00:34:37,300 --> 00:34:40,833 engaged with any other officer in covert telecommunications 621 00:34:40,833 --> 00:34:43,200 to knowingly mislead lawful inquiries. 622 00:34:43,200 --> 00:34:45,667 Glad to hear it. 623 00:34:45,667 --> 00:34:51,267 I also want to clarify some details, 624 00:34:51,267 --> 00:34:52,600 previous statements made 625 00:34:52,600 --> 00:34:56,100 regarding the death of Sergeant Daniel Waldron. 626 00:34:56,100 --> 00:34:58,200 Very good. 627 00:34:58,200 --> 00:35:00,533 Carry on. 628 00:35:01,667 --> 00:35:06,633 I never saw the exact moment the struggle started, 629 00:35:06,633 --> 00:35:10,233 the struggle for the gun that killed Daniel Waldron. 630 00:35:10,233 --> 00:35:12,167 Neither did Rod. 631 00:35:12,700 --> 00:35:15,800 We had to rely on what Hari -- 632 00:35:15,800 --> 00:35:18,533 on what Five Four told us. 633 00:35:19,233 --> 00:35:22,600 He said that Danny had entered the room with his firearm drawn 634 00:35:22,600 --> 00:35:24,467 and that he turned the gun on Five Four. 635 00:35:24,467 --> 00:35:27,267 So you're saying Danny tried to kill Five Four? 636 00:35:27,267 --> 00:35:31,100 I'm saying that's only what Five Four told us. 637 00:35:31,100 --> 00:35:33,567 He said that Danny turned the gun on him. 638 00:35:33,567 --> 00:35:35,767 Five Four made a grab for the firearm 639 00:35:35,767 --> 00:35:37,700 to stop Danny from shooting him. 640 00:35:37,700 --> 00:35:39,433 There was a struggle for the gun. 641 00:35:39,433 --> 00:35:42,633 Rod and I joined in that struggle. 642 00:35:42,633 --> 00:35:44,467 The gun went off and killed Danny. 643 00:35:44,467 --> 00:35:45,967 HASTINGS: Hold on a second. 644 00:35:45,967 --> 00:35:50,367 Constable, this is going way beyond clarifying a statement. 645 00:35:50,367 --> 00:35:54,333 I mean, you are changing your story all over again here. 646 00:35:54,333 --> 00:35:57,133 This is the truth, sir. 647 00:35:57,133 --> 00:36:00,300 Well, you need to take a deep breath, 648 00:36:00,300 --> 00:36:01,767 and we need to caution you. 649 00:36:01,767 --> 00:36:04,500 You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defense 650 00:36:04,500 --> 00:36:06,100 if you fail to mention when questioned 651 00:36:06,100 --> 00:36:07,800 something you later rely on in court. 652 00:36:07,800 --> 00:36:09,700 Anything you do say may be used in evidence. 653 00:36:09,700 --> 00:36:12,433 -Do you understand? -I understand. 654 00:36:12,433 --> 00:36:17,133 So now you're saying that Danny wasn't trying to kill himself? 655 00:36:17,133 --> 00:36:20,433 He was trying to kill Victor Charlie Five Four, 656 00:36:20,433 --> 00:36:21,533 or so Five Four claimed? 657 00:36:21,533 --> 00:36:22,767 Yes, sir. 658 00:36:22,767 --> 00:36:26,167 -That seemed plausible. -Why? 659 00:36:28,067 --> 00:36:30,133 Danny was bullying us into covering for him 660 00:36:30,133 --> 00:36:31,633 after he shot a suspect. 661 00:36:33,133 --> 00:36:35,600 He moved the suspect's firearm, 662 00:36:35,600 --> 00:36:37,267 and then he discharged the weapon, 663 00:36:37,267 --> 00:36:39,067 narrowly missing Five Four. 664 00:36:39,067 --> 00:36:40,467 What, you conspired with Daniel Waldron 665 00:36:40,467 --> 00:36:43,433 to provide false statements regarding the shooting? 666 00:36:44,300 --> 00:36:45,667 Yes, sir. 667 00:36:46,367 --> 00:36:48,767 We were all really scared of Danny. 668 00:36:48,767 --> 00:36:51,367 There was a part of him that was capable of doing anything. 669 00:36:51,367 --> 00:36:52,600 -So you killed him. -No. 670 00:36:52,600 --> 00:36:55,200 [ Voice breaking ] It seemed like an accident. 671 00:36:58,567 --> 00:37:01,400 Five Four convinced me and Rod 672 00:37:01,400 --> 00:37:03,767 that if we said that we'd killed Danny in self defense 673 00:37:03,767 --> 00:37:06,500 that the least we'd be looking at would be manslaughter. 674 00:37:06,500 --> 00:37:11,700 He told us to claim that we were trying to save Danny, 675 00:37:11,700 --> 00:37:14,300 and that way nobody could blame us for his death. 676 00:37:14,300 --> 00:37:15,767 Yes, but instead of telling the truth, 677 00:37:15,767 --> 00:37:17,333 the three of you went off and concocted 678 00:37:17,333 --> 00:37:18,867 a whole new version of events. 679 00:37:18,867 --> 00:37:22,500 And then you decided to blame Rod Kennedy for Danny's death. 680 00:37:22,500 --> 00:37:26,100 I knew Rod was jealous of Danny. 681 00:37:26,100 --> 00:37:28,333 It seemed plausible that he could have been the one. 682 00:37:28,333 --> 00:37:30,133 You don't believe that anymore? 683 00:37:30,133 --> 00:37:32,300 No, sir. 684 00:37:32,833 --> 00:37:37,100 Five Four initiated the struggle with that gun, 685 00:37:37,100 --> 00:37:40,100 and it's only his word for it that it was self-defense. 686 00:37:41,333 --> 00:37:43,500 I just don't believe him anymore. 687 00:37:43,500 --> 00:37:47,133 I can't cover for Five Four any longer. 688 00:37:49,667 --> 00:37:54,367 He convinced me to blame Rod. 689 00:37:54,367 --> 00:37:57,167 But I'm not sure that Rod could have killed Danny. 690 00:37:58,067 --> 00:38:00,633 He wasn't that sort of man. 691 00:38:07,800 --> 00:38:09,800 I betrayed him. 692 00:38:14,800 --> 00:38:18,133 Constable, you have my sincere condolences 693 00:38:18,133 --> 00:38:20,767 for the deaths of your colleagues. 694 00:38:20,767 --> 00:38:23,367 However, we have a job to do, 695 00:38:23,367 --> 00:38:26,133 and that job requires us to investigate 696 00:38:26,133 --> 00:38:29,567 thoroughly and impartially the murder of one of our own. 697 00:38:29,567 --> 00:38:33,300 And whilst we appreciate your cooperation here today, 698 00:38:33,300 --> 00:38:37,100 you have knowingly misled 699 00:38:37,100 --> 00:38:40,400 this inquiry for weeks 700 00:38:40,400 --> 00:38:43,700 on matters of the utmost gravity. 701 00:38:43,700 --> 00:38:47,767 Firstly in respect of the shooting dead of a suspect. 702 00:38:47,767 --> 00:38:52,467 Secondly in respect of the loss of life 703 00:38:52,467 --> 00:38:54,700 of an officer in the line of duty, 704 00:38:54,700 --> 00:38:57,233 the withholding of crucial information, 705 00:38:57,233 --> 00:39:00,200 the blatant disregard from your lawful duty 706 00:39:00,200 --> 00:39:03,767 as a police officer to comply with a criminal investigation. 707 00:39:03,767 --> 00:39:07,767 Therefore I am submitting to the police board 708 00:39:07,767 --> 00:39:09,667 that you be served with a red notice, 709 00:39:09,667 --> 00:39:13,533 which is the termination of your contract as a police officer. 710 00:39:13,533 --> 00:39:17,133 And moreover I will report to the Crown prosecutor 711 00:39:17,133 --> 00:39:19,367 regarding perverting the course of justice 712 00:39:19,367 --> 00:39:20,800 and assisting an offender. 713 00:39:20,800 --> 00:39:22,633 Now, you won't be charged at this time, 714 00:39:22,633 --> 00:39:25,467 however, pending my discussion with the Crown prosecutor, 715 00:39:25,467 --> 00:39:27,367 you may be charged with these offenses. 716 00:39:27,367 --> 00:39:32,433 But I thought if I cooperated, that you'd go easier on me. 717 00:39:32,433 --> 00:39:35,367 A suspension. 718 00:39:35,367 --> 00:39:36,800 A yellow notice. 719 00:39:36,800 --> 00:39:40,067 HASTINGS: A fellow officer has been killed. 720 00:39:40,667 --> 00:39:44,800 There is no more serious offense that we investigate. 721 00:39:44,800 --> 00:39:48,467 Now, you may think I'm harsh, Constable... 722 00:39:49,867 --> 00:39:53,267 ...but I know that this is justice. 723 00:39:59,333 --> 00:40:01,100 [ Sobbing ] 724 00:40:02,833 --> 00:40:04,867 [ Door opens ] 725 00:40:04,867 --> 00:40:06,400 All rise. 726 00:40:17,467 --> 00:40:20,367 Foreman of the jury, please stand. 727 00:40:20,867 --> 00:40:23,867 Have you reached a verdict upon which you are all agreed? 728 00:40:23,867 --> 00:40:26,733 No, we have not. 729 00:40:26,733 --> 00:40:29,300 JUDGE: In these circumstances 730 00:40:29,300 --> 00:40:32,167 I am willing to accept a majority verdict 731 00:40:32,167 --> 00:40:34,333 upon which 10 or more of you agree. 732 00:40:34,333 --> 00:40:36,233 Yes, my lady. 733 00:40:37,367 --> 00:40:39,000 All rise. 734 00:40:46,567 --> 00:40:48,567 [ Door opens ] 735 00:40:57,533 --> 00:41:00,267 Pick. "A" or "B." 736 00:41:00,267 --> 00:41:01,533 "A." 737 00:41:01,533 --> 00:41:04,167 The report from the second P.M. on P.C. Kennedy. 738 00:41:08,433 --> 00:41:09,667 -[ Knock on door ] -Yeah. 739 00:41:09,667 --> 00:41:12,433 Boss, sorry, I thought this shouldn't wait. 740 00:41:12,433 --> 00:41:13,800 Yeah. Come on. 741 00:41:20,467 --> 00:41:22,000 This something I should know about, gaffer? 742 00:41:22,000 --> 00:41:24,600 Yeah, why didn't you bring the whole bloody office with you? 743 00:41:24,600 --> 00:41:25,733 Look, I'm sorry, sir. 744 00:41:25,733 --> 00:41:26,600 The pathologist revised the findings 745 00:41:26,600 --> 00:41:27,733 on Rod Kennedy's postmortem. 746 00:41:27,733 --> 00:41:29,700 HASTINGS: What, you mean she's admitted 747 00:41:29,700 --> 00:41:30,600 that they screwed up on the first one? 748 00:41:30,600 --> 00:41:32,333 Well, the findings are subtle. 749 00:41:32,333 --> 00:41:33,900 But there's a superficial head injury. 750 00:41:33,900 --> 00:41:36,300 Bruising was hidden under scalp hair at the back of the head. 751 00:41:36,300 --> 00:41:38,100 And minor defensive wounds on the hands. 752 00:41:38,100 --> 00:41:39,833 Again, very subtle. 753 00:41:39,833 --> 00:41:41,667 Unfortunately no organic material recovered 754 00:41:41,667 --> 00:41:43,133 from under the fingernails. 755 00:41:43,133 --> 00:41:44,333 None of this is very strong. 756 00:41:44,333 --> 00:41:45,733 No, but I went back over the forensics, 757 00:41:45,733 --> 00:41:47,833 and there were foreign fibers in Kennedy's clothing. 758 00:41:47,833 --> 00:41:49,367 Again, not strong. 759 00:41:49,367 --> 00:41:50,667 Similar fibers were found 760 00:41:50,667 --> 00:41:52,467 in Kennedy's nose and mouth at the second P.M. 761 00:41:52,467 --> 00:41:54,200 Right. 762 00:41:54,200 --> 00:41:56,133 Best guess -- Someone smothered him, 763 00:41:56,133 --> 00:41:57,733 then hanged him while he was unconscious. 764 00:41:57,733 --> 00:41:59,867 Well, if Bains killed Danny, 765 00:41:59,867 --> 00:42:02,300 I'll lay you evens he killed Kennedy as well. 766 00:42:02,300 --> 00:42:04,400 Maneet just showed me this. 767 00:42:04,400 --> 00:42:07,833 Traffic-camera vidcaps from the night of Rod Kennedy's death. 768 00:42:07,833 --> 00:42:10,200 This camera's located less than half a mile 769 00:42:10,200 --> 00:42:11,533 from the industrial estate. 770 00:42:11,533 --> 00:42:15,233 This registration matches a vehicle registered to... 771 00:42:15,233 --> 00:42:17,200 Harinderpal Bains. 772 00:42:19,567 --> 00:42:21,167 We've definitely gone over threshold 773 00:42:21,167 --> 00:42:23,367 for our friend P.C. Hari Bains. 774 00:42:23,367 --> 00:42:24,333 Bring him in, Steve. 775 00:42:24,333 --> 00:42:26,200 -Good call, gaffer. -Sir. 776 00:42:29,667 --> 00:42:31,200 What happened with the postmortem? 777 00:42:31,200 --> 00:42:32,600 Weren't you supposed to organize it? 778 00:42:32,600 --> 00:42:33,967 Yeah, listen, mate. 779 00:42:33,967 --> 00:42:36,433 No, I sent the e-mail, but I only just saw this morning 780 00:42:36,433 --> 00:42:38,600 it bounced back from the pathologist's office. 781 00:42:38,600 --> 00:42:39,833 All right. 782 00:42:39,833 --> 00:42:42,633 Steve, lifesaver. 783 00:42:45,167 --> 00:42:46,800 [ Telephone rings ] 784 00:42:48,167 --> 00:42:51,533 Maneet, get me an update on Hari Bains' whereabouts. 785 00:42:51,533 --> 00:42:52,767 Urgent. 786 00:42:53,767 --> 00:42:55,033 Telecoms. 787 00:42:55,033 --> 00:42:56,567 I'll get hold of Kate, see if she's on his tail. 788 00:42:56,567 --> 00:43:00,400 We need an urgent triangulation on a suspect's mobile phone. 789 00:43:00,400 --> 00:43:06,200 Telephone number 07591 152 689. 790 00:43:11,433 --> 00:43:12,633 [ Telephone rings ] 791 00:43:12,633 --> 00:43:15,067 -Yeah? -He's at or near home. 792 00:43:15,067 --> 00:43:16,367 Right. Could have concealed firearms. 793 00:43:16,367 --> 00:43:17,933 Organize armed backup. 794 00:43:17,933 --> 00:43:20,600 Telecoms triangulation places Hari Bains at his home address. 795 00:43:20,600 --> 00:43:23,300 We understand that his wife and one child 796 00:43:23,300 --> 00:43:25,267 reside at this same address. 797 00:43:25,267 --> 00:43:26,333 What? 798 00:43:26,333 --> 00:43:27,733 P.C. Francis is in Bains' squad. 799 00:43:27,733 --> 00:43:29,767 She shouldn't be in here. 800 00:43:30,500 --> 00:43:32,333 Correct. 801 00:43:32,333 --> 00:43:33,433 Thank you. 802 00:43:33,433 --> 00:43:34,767 Francis. 803 00:43:37,400 --> 00:43:39,067 Sir. 804 00:43:48,400 --> 00:43:50,100 [ Cellphone rings ] 805 00:43:50,100 --> 00:43:51,433 D.I. Cottan. 806 00:43:51,433 --> 00:43:54,300 I've been bumped off the op. Too close to Bains. 807 00:43:54,300 --> 00:43:56,333 I need to be in on this, Dot. Can you make a call? 808 00:43:56,333 --> 00:43:59,167 No. This is too dangerous. I want you out of it. 809 00:43:59,167 --> 00:44:00,400 Oh, for Christ's sake, Dot. 810 00:44:00,400 --> 00:44:02,433 -Sorry, Kate. -[ Beeps ] 811 00:44:03,333 --> 00:44:06,300 You set aside that this is one of our own. 812 00:44:06,300 --> 00:44:08,133 Hari Bains is potentially armed 813 00:44:08,133 --> 00:44:10,600 and is considered to be extremely dangerous. 814 00:44:15,500 --> 00:44:17,633 Let's get this done. 815 00:44:17,633 --> 00:44:19,667 [ Sirens wailing ] 816 00:44:32,267 --> 00:44:33,500 Hello. 817 00:44:33,500 --> 00:44:35,333 ARNOTT: Kate, you were right about the P.M. 818 00:44:35,333 --> 00:44:38,300 Rod Kennedy. He was murdered. 819 00:44:38,300 --> 00:44:40,067 [ Cellphone rings ] 820 00:44:43,767 --> 00:44:45,333 Hello. 821 00:44:45,333 --> 00:44:47,167 MALE VOICE: You're being fitted up for murdering Rod Kennedy. 822 00:44:47,167 --> 00:44:48,700 No, he was -- he was fine when I left him. 823 00:44:48,700 --> 00:44:51,233 Do you hear how guilty you sound already? 824 00:44:51,233 --> 00:44:52,467 I don't -- I don't know what to do. 825 00:44:52,467 --> 00:44:53,700 Well, I do this for a living. 826 00:44:53,700 --> 00:44:57,500 If you want a way out, you'll listen to me. 827 00:45:16,667 --> 00:45:18,100 -Where's your D.I.? -On his way. 828 00:45:18,100 --> 00:45:19,433 Then I'm the ranking officer. 829 00:45:19,433 --> 00:45:20,633 We need Bains alive for information 830 00:45:20,633 --> 00:45:22,000 on the murder of Danny Waldron. 831 00:45:22,000 --> 00:45:24,500 Armed police! Come out with your hands above your head! 832 00:45:25,533 --> 00:45:26,767 LAILA: I'm coming out! 833 00:45:28,767 --> 00:45:30,333 -Where's Hari? -I-I don't know. 834 00:45:30,333 --> 00:45:31,600 He went into the garage. 835 00:45:31,600 --> 00:45:33,100 -Can you open it? -The keys are on the side. 836 00:45:33,100 --> 00:45:34,133 Get her out of here. 837 00:45:34,133 --> 00:45:36,067 McANDREW: Hari! It's McAndrew! 838 00:45:37,133 --> 00:45:39,667 -We're opening the garage door. -[ Beeps ] 839 00:45:42,100 --> 00:45:43,500 It's jammed. 840 00:45:43,500 --> 00:45:45,167 Wait! 841 00:45:52,567 --> 00:45:54,767 Clear. Open it. 842 00:45:55,833 --> 00:45:58,233 Don't touch the phone. 843 00:46:07,767 --> 00:46:09,200 [ Cellphone rings ] 844 00:46:09,200 --> 00:46:10,333 Arnott. 845 00:46:10,333 --> 00:46:12,100 COTTAN: I've got eyes on Hari Bains. 846 00:46:12,100 --> 00:46:13,633 He just entered the industrial unit 847 00:46:13,633 --> 00:46:15,400 where Rod Kennedy's body was found. 848 00:46:15,400 --> 00:46:16,600 Look, he's probably armed. 849 00:46:16,600 --> 00:46:17,867 Don't move in, sir, till I bring backup. 850 00:46:17,867 --> 00:46:19,567 I'm not daft. I'm gonna stay well out of it. 851 00:46:19,567 --> 00:46:20,767 Thanks, sir. On our way. 852 00:46:20,767 --> 00:46:21,833 Come here, come here. Secure that phone. 853 00:46:21,833 --> 00:46:24,667 I've got obs on Bains. Follow me. 854 00:46:29,267 --> 00:46:30,433 [ Siren wails ] 855 00:46:30,433 --> 00:46:32,433 Kate, we've got obs on Bains. 856 00:46:32,433 --> 00:46:34,133 I'm en route to the industrial unit 857 00:46:34,133 --> 00:46:35,367 where Rod Kennedy was found. 858 00:46:35,367 --> 00:46:37,333 Cheers, Steve. I'm on my way. 859 00:47:22,767 --> 00:47:24,433 Seriously? 860 00:47:24,433 --> 00:47:27,533 Of all the places to run, mate? 861 00:47:27,533 --> 00:47:29,333 Where are you going now? 862 00:47:34,267 --> 00:47:36,233 What are you doing here? 863 00:47:36,233 --> 00:47:38,400 I'm just minding my own business. 864 00:47:38,867 --> 00:47:42,000 Reexamining an old crime scene. 865 00:47:42,700 --> 00:47:44,567 You expecting someone else? 866 00:47:45,667 --> 00:47:46,833 Who? 867 00:47:46,833 --> 00:47:49,667 Don't know what you're on about, mate. 868 00:47:49,667 --> 00:47:51,833 Well, have it your own way. 869 00:47:51,833 --> 00:47:53,400 I was just trying to give you a chance 870 00:47:53,400 --> 00:47:55,600 before the circus arrives. 871 00:48:02,800 --> 00:48:05,233 Chance of what? 872 00:48:11,067 --> 00:48:13,267 The way I see it, 873 00:48:13,267 --> 00:48:16,167 it's your word against Jackie Brickford's. 874 00:48:16,167 --> 00:48:19,133 Now, if you're seen to be cooperating with the inquiry, 875 00:48:19,133 --> 00:48:21,767 then it doesn't take a genius to figure out 876 00:48:21,767 --> 00:48:23,233 who they'll believe, eh? 877 00:48:23,233 --> 00:48:26,600 Listen, bud, I don't trust you as far as I can throw you. 878 00:48:26,600 --> 00:48:29,267 This is where your mate Rod died. 879 00:48:29,833 --> 00:48:32,567 And we've just had the postmortem report in. 880 00:48:32,567 --> 00:48:34,400 He was murdered. 881 00:48:35,600 --> 00:48:37,567 You see, that's what I'm doing here. 882 00:48:37,567 --> 00:48:39,767 You? 883 00:48:39,767 --> 00:48:42,233 Its not very clever, is it, 884 00:48:42,233 --> 00:48:44,733 returning to the scene of the crime? 885 00:48:44,733 --> 00:48:46,500 Look, I had nothing to do with that. 886 00:48:46,500 --> 00:48:50,100 I believe you, mate. I do. 887 00:48:50,100 --> 00:48:52,700 And frankly, between the two of us, 888 00:48:52,700 --> 00:48:55,767 the forensics aren't that strong. 889 00:48:55,767 --> 00:48:58,600 But will Hastings? Hmm? 890 00:48:58,600 --> 00:49:01,633 Will the CPS? 891 00:49:03,067 --> 00:49:06,200 See, this is that chance I was talking about. 892 00:49:08,300 --> 00:49:10,300 Now, starting with Danny Waldron -- 893 00:49:10,300 --> 00:49:12,600 Before he died, did he ever confide into you 894 00:49:12,600 --> 00:49:14,267 about those two pervs he killed? 895 00:49:14,267 --> 00:49:17,233 -No, he never said owt. -You think carefully. 896 00:49:17,233 --> 00:49:20,200 Ronan Murphy and Linus Murphy were the blokes he killed. 897 00:49:20,200 --> 00:49:22,133 Did he ever mention any other names? 898 00:49:22,133 --> 00:49:23,867 Politicians, coppers? 899 00:49:23,867 --> 00:49:26,333 -No. -Think! 900 00:49:26,333 --> 00:49:28,533 Tommy Hunter and Lindsay Denton? 901 00:49:28,533 --> 00:49:31,367 W-What would Danny have to say about them? 902 00:49:33,867 --> 00:49:35,200 All right. 903 00:49:36,233 --> 00:49:38,267 So who are you here to meet? 904 00:49:38,267 --> 00:49:40,300 I don't know. 905 00:49:40,300 --> 00:49:42,300 I never met him. 906 00:49:42,300 --> 00:49:44,100 I don't know anything about him. 907 00:49:45,700 --> 00:49:47,067 Nothing? 908 00:49:47,067 --> 00:49:48,300 No, nothing. 909 00:49:48,300 --> 00:49:50,133 Have it your own way. 910 00:49:50,133 --> 00:49:51,833 Mate, look. You don't understand. 911 00:49:51,833 --> 00:49:53,733 What don't I understand? 912 00:49:53,733 --> 00:49:55,600 Man, I'm just small fry. 913 00:49:55,600 --> 00:49:58,533 -Steady. -It's just my phone. 914 00:49:59,167 --> 00:50:02,800 Look, it's unregistered. Right? They can't trace it. 915 00:50:02,800 --> 00:50:05,433 I'll call him for you now, yeah? 916 00:50:06,433 --> 00:50:07,800 Yeah. 917 00:50:15,600 --> 00:50:17,267 [ Special information tone plays ] 918 00:50:17,267 --> 00:50:19,633 The number you have called is not recognized. 919 00:50:19,633 --> 00:50:21,300 Please check the number. 920 00:50:21,300 --> 00:50:24,300 The number you have called is not recognized. 921 00:50:24,300 --> 00:50:26,200 Please check the number. 922 00:50:26,200 --> 00:50:28,567 The number you have called -- 923 00:50:30,100 --> 00:50:32,567 There is no "bloke." 924 00:50:33,233 --> 00:50:35,367 It's all you. 925 00:50:35,367 --> 00:50:37,400 You killed Danny Waldron. 926 00:50:37,400 --> 00:50:39,333 You persuaded your mates to lie about it. 927 00:50:39,333 --> 00:50:41,800 And then when Rod Kennedy wanted to come clean, you killed him. 928 00:50:41,800 --> 00:50:44,233 No. None of that's true. 929 00:50:44,233 --> 00:50:46,700 [ Sirens wailing ] 930 00:50:46,700 --> 00:50:49,100 I never killed Rod. 931 00:51:00,333 --> 00:51:01,500 Ugh! 932 00:51:15,500 --> 00:51:17,300 McANDREW: Go! 933 00:51:17,300 --> 00:51:18,500 -Armed police! -Armed police! 934 00:51:18,500 --> 00:51:19,767 AC-12, don't shoot! 935 00:51:19,767 --> 00:51:22,433 Stay on the ground! Hands behind your head! 936 00:51:22,433 --> 00:51:23,567 Cuff him. 937 00:51:23,567 --> 00:51:26,267 -You okay, Dot? -Yeah. 938 00:51:31,567 --> 00:51:33,167 ARNOTT: Harinderpal Bains, I'm arresting you 939 00:51:33,167 --> 00:51:34,233 for the murder of Roderick Kennedy. 940 00:51:34,233 --> 00:51:35,533 You do not have to say anything, 941 00:51:35,533 --> 00:51:36,700 but it may harm your defense 942 00:51:36,700 --> 00:51:37,800 if you fail to mention when questioned 943 00:51:37,800 --> 00:51:39,000 something you later rely on in court. 944 00:51:39,000 --> 00:51:42,600 Anything you do say may be used in evidence. 945 00:51:42,600 --> 00:51:43,833 Key. 946 00:51:43,833 --> 00:51:45,833 What the hell are you doing here, Francis? 947 00:51:45,833 --> 00:51:48,367 D.C. Fleming, ma'am. AC-12. 948 00:51:48,367 --> 00:51:49,800 ARNOTT: What happened? 949 00:51:49,800 --> 00:51:52,000 Go take a look. 950 00:52:11,567 --> 00:52:14,100 COTTAN: When I got here, Bains jumped me. 951 00:52:14,100 --> 00:52:15,433 You know, he was gonna string me up 952 00:52:15,433 --> 00:52:17,467 the same way he did Rod Kennedy. 953 00:52:17,467 --> 00:52:19,333 I shouldn't have gone in without backup, sir. 954 00:52:19,333 --> 00:52:21,167 I just didn't want him to get away, you know? 955 00:52:21,167 --> 00:52:23,167 No, nobody's gonna question your judgment. 956 00:52:23,167 --> 00:52:24,267 You did a grand job, son. 957 00:52:24,267 --> 00:52:25,800 No, take yourself off to the hospital 958 00:52:25,800 --> 00:52:27,167 and get yourself a checkup. 959 00:52:27,167 --> 00:52:28,467 Go on. Off you go. 960 00:52:28,467 --> 00:52:29,900 -Cheers, gov. -Yeah. 961 00:52:29,900 --> 00:52:33,300 Inspector, we're gonna take this man into our custody, 962 00:52:33,300 --> 00:52:36,067 but I'd like you to give us one of your crews to ride shotgun. 963 00:52:36,067 --> 00:52:37,400 Yes, sir. 964 00:52:39,167 --> 00:52:42,400 You're lucky AC-12 got to you first. 965 00:52:42,400 --> 00:52:44,100 My team, we're following. 966 00:52:44,100 --> 00:52:46,067 The rest of you, back to the station. 967 00:52:46,067 --> 00:52:47,733 MAN: You heard the gov. 968 00:52:50,200 --> 00:52:53,000 Have you anything to say? 969 00:52:55,133 --> 00:52:56,833 Take him away. 970 00:52:56,833 --> 00:52:58,333 Steve. 971 00:53:01,300 --> 00:53:03,733 -FLEMING: You okay, Dot? -Yeah, I'll live. 972 00:53:09,767 --> 00:53:12,000 [ Indistinct talking ] 973 00:53:15,133 --> 00:53:17,400 [ Engine starts ] 974 00:53:18,400 --> 00:53:20,433 [ Siren wails ] 975 00:53:36,067 --> 00:53:37,167 Jury's coming back. 976 00:53:37,167 --> 00:53:39,233 You're free to come in if you want. 977 00:53:39,233 --> 00:53:41,000 I'll wait here. 978 00:53:52,200 --> 00:53:54,233 [ Door opens ] 979 00:54:07,067 --> 00:54:08,767 Will the defendant please stand? 980 00:54:11,867 --> 00:54:14,667 Will the foreman of the jury please stand? 981 00:54:18,767 --> 00:54:21,200 An 18-1 search of Hari Bains' home 982 00:54:21,200 --> 00:54:22,867 uncovered a cache of mobile phones. 983 00:54:22,867 --> 00:54:25,433 All of the unregistered pay-as-you-go variety. 984 00:54:25,433 --> 00:54:29,200 Finding these phones allowed us to examine their call history. 985 00:54:29,200 --> 00:54:31,167 Hari Bains received a call the night before 986 00:54:31,167 --> 00:54:32,767 going to Inspector McAndrew 987 00:54:32,767 --> 00:54:34,667 and volunteering to stay on Danny's squad. 988 00:54:34,667 --> 00:54:36,300 And who was the call from? 989 00:54:36,300 --> 00:54:37,833 Well, unfortunately it was also 990 00:54:37,833 --> 00:54:39,867 an unregistered pay-as-you-go phone, 991 00:54:39,867 --> 00:54:42,200 and said phone is no longer in history. 992 00:54:42,200 --> 00:54:44,467 Same M.O. as the recent text Bains received 993 00:54:44,467 --> 00:54:46,267 telling him to "sit tight." 994 00:54:46,267 --> 00:54:49,367 Three days later there's another call from the same number. 995 00:54:49,367 --> 00:54:52,200 That was the night before Bains murdered Danny Waldron. 996 00:54:52,200 --> 00:54:54,100 You think they're connected? 997 00:54:54,100 --> 00:54:55,333 Well, if they are, sir, 998 00:54:55,333 --> 00:54:57,233 it means somebody's been pulling the strings, 999 00:54:57,233 --> 00:54:58,767 someone who ordered Danny's murder. 1000 00:54:58,767 --> 00:55:02,133 -Well done, Dot. -Nice one, Dot. 1001 00:55:03,233 --> 00:55:05,333 Good job. 1002 00:55:05,333 --> 00:55:06,633 Welcome back, Dot. 1003 00:55:06,633 --> 00:55:07,467 Thanks, gaffer. 1004 00:55:07,467 --> 00:55:08,667 -Great work, sir. -Cheers. 1005 00:55:08,667 --> 00:55:11,133 USHER: On the charge of conspiracy to murder, 1006 00:55:11,133 --> 00:55:13,633 have you reached a verdict upon which at least 10 of you agree? 1007 00:55:13,633 --> 00:55:14,633 We have. 1008 00:55:14,633 --> 00:55:16,667 USHER: What is your verdict? 1009 00:55:16,667 --> 00:55:18,467 FOREMAN: Not guilty. 1010 00:55:19,300 --> 00:55:20,400 USHER: On the charge of 1011 00:55:20,400 --> 00:55:22,000 perverting the course of justice, 1012 00:55:22,000 --> 00:55:24,567 have you reached a verdict upon which at least 10 of you agree? 1013 00:55:24,567 --> 00:55:27,233 -FOREMAN: We have. -What is your verdict? 1014 00:55:27,233 --> 00:55:28,667 Guilty. 1015 00:55:30,400 --> 00:55:31,900 JUDGE: Members of the jury, 1016 00:55:31,900 --> 00:55:37,133 thank you for your time and efforts in this complex case. 1017 00:55:37,133 --> 00:55:39,400 You are now dismissed. 1018 00:55:43,867 --> 00:55:45,833 I'm putting you in for a commendation. 1019 00:55:45,833 --> 00:55:47,400 Sir, I don't deserve that. 1020 00:55:47,400 --> 00:55:48,833 Would you listen to this fella? 1021 00:55:48,833 --> 00:55:51,300 Single-handedly brings in an AFO 1022 00:55:51,300 --> 00:55:52,867 who killed two coppers in cold blood, 1023 00:55:52,867 --> 00:55:54,033 and for all he knew, 1024 00:55:54,033 --> 00:55:55,333 they could've been armed to the teeth. 1025 00:55:55,333 --> 00:55:57,467 I'll give you "don't deserve it." 1026 00:55:57,467 --> 00:55:59,500 Thank you, sir. 1027 00:55:59,500 --> 00:56:01,467 -Nice one, Dot. -Cheers, mate. 1028 00:56:01,467 --> 00:56:03,500 JUDGE: Lindsay Denton, 1029 00:56:03,500 --> 00:56:06,367 for the offense of perverting the course of justice, 1030 00:56:06,367 --> 00:56:11,100 I impose a sentence of 38 months imprisonment. 1031 00:56:11,767 --> 00:56:13,267 Since you have already served 1032 00:56:13,267 --> 00:56:15,433 the custodial term of that sentence, 1033 00:56:15,433 --> 00:56:18,833 your immediate release on license will follow. 1034 00:56:18,833 --> 00:56:21,100 You are now free to go. 1035 00:56:29,633 --> 00:56:31,467 All rise. 1036 00:56:54,200 --> 00:56:57,533 Can't believe it. They've let her out on license. 1037 00:56:58,567 --> 00:57:00,333 WOMAN: Lindsay! Lindsay! 1038 00:57:00,333 --> 00:57:02,600 -Were you framed? -[ Indistinct talking ] 1039 00:57:03,567 --> 00:57:06,667 Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to make a brief statement 1040 00:57:06,667 --> 00:57:08,600 on behalf of my client. 1041 00:57:08,600 --> 00:57:12,633 My client would like to thank the men and women of the jury 1042 00:57:12,633 --> 00:57:15,400 who were faced with a complex case but did not... 1043 00:57:15,400 --> 00:57:19,167 585 days, and on every single one 1044 00:57:19,167 --> 00:57:21,667 I thought about what I'd do when this moment finally came. 1045 00:57:21,667 --> 00:57:24,433 DEFENSE COUNSEL: ...supported her in her quest for justice. 1046 00:57:24,433 --> 00:57:26,667 But there are many questions... 1047 00:57:26,667 --> 00:57:28,233 I forgive you. 1048 00:57:28,233 --> 00:57:30,633 ...behind the tragic and shocking events 1049 00:57:30,633 --> 00:57:34,533 of 5th of September 2013. 1050 00:57:34,533 --> 00:57:35,600 MAN: Who framed you? 1051 00:57:35,600 --> 00:57:37,633 Who's the real guilty party, Lindsay? 1052 00:57:37,633 --> 00:57:39,333 I'd like to thank the jury. 1053 00:57:39,333 --> 00:57:40,633 WOMAN: Do you believe you were set up? 1054 00:57:40,633 --> 00:57:42,300 Do you think you were framed, Lindsay? 1055 00:57:42,300 --> 00:57:44,267 I'd just like to get on with the rest of my life. 1056 00:57:44,267 --> 00:57:47,400 [ Indistinct shouting ] 1057 00:57:50,400 --> 00:57:52,000 [ Indistinct shouting ] 1058 00:57:52,000 --> 00:57:53,200 MAN: Lindsay, what are you gonna do next? 1059 00:57:53,200 --> 00:57:55,800 [ Indistinct shouting ] 1060 00:57:58,567 --> 00:58:01,733 I'd like to thank the jury for their decision. 1061 00:58:01,733 --> 00:58:03,700 [ Cellphone rings ] 1062 00:58:06,633 --> 00:58:08,400 [ Cellphones ringing and vibrating ] 1063 00:58:10,533 --> 00:58:12,233 [ Cellphones ringing and vibrating ] 1064 00:58:12,233 --> 00:58:16,367 WOMAN: ...was acquitted of the charge of conspiracy to murder. 1065 00:58:19,867 --> 00:58:21,533 [ Indistinct shouting ] 1066 00:58:21,533 --> 00:58:24,067 WOMAN: Lindsay! Lindsay! 1067 00:58:24,067 --> 00:58:26,567 DENTON: I'd just like to -- to get on with my life.