1 00:00:17,067 --> 00:00:18,800 FLEMING: Before Danny died, he tried to say something. 2 00:00:18,800 --> 00:00:20,533 Now I reckon what he said was, "List." 3 00:00:20,533 --> 00:00:22,700 I've got a firearm in here! No one enter! 4 00:00:24,467 --> 00:00:26,067 HASTINGS: Investigating former 5 00:00:26,067 --> 00:00:27,400 Chief Superintendent Patrick Fairbank 6 00:00:27,400 --> 00:00:30,167 in respect of not adequately investigating complaints 7 00:00:30,167 --> 00:00:32,067 of child sexual exploitation. 8 00:00:32,067 --> 00:00:34,633 JOE: The things they did to us at Sands View. 9 00:00:34,633 --> 00:00:36,633 FLEMING: Joe? It's okay. 10 00:00:36,633 --> 00:00:38,600 Ma'am, I'm requesting authorization 11 00:00:38,600 --> 00:00:40,500 on an undercover operation. 12 00:00:40,500 --> 00:00:43,133 It'd be against a fellow AC-12 officer. 13 00:00:45,233 --> 00:00:46,467 D.I. Cottan set me up. 14 00:00:46,467 --> 00:00:47,667 As far as the rope goes, 15 00:00:47,667 --> 00:00:49,633 he must have planted it there beforehand. 16 00:00:49,633 --> 00:00:51,167 What happened with the postmortem? 17 00:00:51,167 --> 00:00:52,667 Weren't you supposed to organize it? 18 00:00:52,667 --> 00:00:54,767 ARNOTT: He knew forensics hadn't bothered testing the envelope. 19 00:00:54,767 --> 00:00:59,033 I don't want to get caught between you and D.I. Cottan. 20 00:01:01,233 --> 00:01:03,700 COTTAN: The Caddy is male, under 35. 21 00:01:03,700 --> 00:01:08,067 A detective. A London or South East accent. 22 00:01:08,067 --> 00:01:09,267 I'm sorry, gaffer, 23 00:01:09,267 --> 00:01:12,433 but the finger's pointing at one of our own. 24 00:01:14,367 --> 00:01:15,667 I have a number of concerns 25 00:01:15,667 --> 00:01:18,100 regarding D.S. Arnott's professional conduct. 26 00:01:18,100 --> 00:01:20,200 He's been bearing a firearm 'round the office. 27 00:01:20,200 --> 00:01:22,633 ARNOTT: I've signed the firearm back in. 28 00:01:22,633 --> 00:01:24,200 I'm innocent. 29 00:01:24,200 --> 00:01:26,867 The question is, are you? 30 00:01:26,867 --> 00:01:28,400 COTTAN: He's been accused of having 31 00:01:28,400 --> 00:01:29,633 an improper relationship with a suspect, 32 00:01:29,633 --> 00:01:32,267 of planting evidence against said suspect. 33 00:01:32,267 --> 00:01:33,533 I did not plant evidence! 34 00:01:33,533 --> 00:01:35,133 We agree the best course of action 35 00:01:35,133 --> 00:01:36,633 is for you to be suspended from duty 36 00:01:36,633 --> 00:01:39,233 until these matters can be addressed. 37 00:01:43,167 --> 00:01:46,167 -SIM card? -It's all in there. 38 00:01:48,067 --> 00:01:50,133 The incriminating item I've got on you, 39 00:01:50,133 --> 00:01:52,800 that's my only insurance. 40 00:01:54,767 --> 00:01:56,833 COTTAN: I need to know you've got my back. 41 00:01:56,833 --> 00:01:58,133 Oh, God, yeah. 42 00:01:58,133 --> 00:01:59,400 He's hiding summat. 43 00:01:59,400 --> 00:02:01,567 That lead on Steve. 44 00:02:01,567 --> 00:02:03,267 It looks like it's gonna pan out. 45 00:02:03,267 --> 00:02:06,233 He really did plant that money at Lindsay's. 46 00:02:06,233 --> 00:02:07,600 There's no list here, Steve. 47 00:02:07,600 --> 00:02:10,367 If there's not, Lindsay's gonna get what's coming. 48 00:02:13,167 --> 00:02:16,433 DENTON: I thought it was Steve's car till I saw the registration. 49 00:02:16,433 --> 00:02:17,800 I found Danny Waldron's list. 50 00:02:17,800 --> 00:02:20,433 It didn't make sense for Danny to make a hard copy 51 00:02:20,433 --> 00:02:23,233 of the original list that could be lost or destroyed. 52 00:02:23,233 --> 00:02:24,500 He'd make an online copy. 53 00:02:24,500 --> 00:02:28,633 The VIPs who were abusing boys at Sands View. 54 00:02:30,733 --> 00:02:32,567 [ Tires screech ] 55 00:02:33,133 --> 00:02:35,633 100 grand and you forget about all of this. 56 00:02:35,633 --> 00:02:37,367 That list included. 57 00:02:38,167 --> 00:02:39,567 Why don't you just take the money?! 58 00:02:39,567 --> 00:02:42,067 Because I'm a police officer! 59 00:02:45,733 --> 00:02:48,067 Do not send that message. 60 00:02:48,067 --> 00:02:52,067 Let's see what they all think when I bring in the Caddy. 61 00:02:52,067 --> 00:02:53,400 [ Beeps ] 62 00:03:06,367 --> 00:03:09,633 How long is this going to take? 63 00:03:15,133 --> 00:03:16,233 HASTINGS: Patrick Fairbank, 64 00:03:16,233 --> 00:03:18,100 some new information has come to light 65 00:03:18,100 --> 00:03:19,467 that we'd like to put to you. 66 00:03:19,467 --> 00:03:20,900 P.C. Bindra. 67 00:03:20,900 --> 00:03:24,333 Document 27 is a transcript of a professional tribunal 68 00:03:24,333 --> 00:03:27,767 which took place on the 19th of September, 1998, 69 00:03:27,767 --> 00:03:30,433 in which Oliver Stephens-Lloyd 70 00:03:30,433 --> 00:03:32,367 recorded he'd submitted a list 71 00:03:32,367 --> 00:03:34,467 of names of abusers at Sands View. 72 00:03:34,467 --> 00:03:37,100 Not this list again. 73 00:03:37,100 --> 00:03:40,433 I don't know anything about any list. 74 00:03:40,833 --> 00:03:45,233 Where is this new information? 75 00:03:48,533 --> 00:03:51,467 I think we're done. 76 00:03:53,700 --> 00:03:55,767 Actually, no, if you'd just keep your seat please. 77 00:03:55,767 --> 00:03:59,733 I think we're about to hear some new evidence, thank you. 78 00:04:04,633 --> 00:04:08,633 For the tape, D.C. Fleming has joined the interview. 79 00:04:10,233 --> 00:04:11,600 HASTINGS: Kate. 80 00:04:11,600 --> 00:04:15,133 For the tape, I'm showing the interviewee a video capture, 81 00:04:15,133 --> 00:04:17,333 Item KMF-4. 82 00:04:17,333 --> 00:04:20,533 Who is shown in Item KMF-4? 83 00:04:20,533 --> 00:04:23,633 I refused to take part in any video identification. 84 00:04:23,633 --> 00:04:26,433 You did, which meant we were forced to use a video capture 85 00:04:26,433 --> 00:04:27,667 from your previous interview. 86 00:04:27,667 --> 00:04:30,200 And we are legally entitled to use this image 87 00:04:30,200 --> 00:04:31,800 because your client was notified 88 00:04:31,800 --> 00:04:33,200 that he was going to be questioned 89 00:04:33,200 --> 00:04:37,067 regarding an offense -- misconduct in public office. 90 00:04:37,067 --> 00:04:39,867 In accordance with Paragraph 5, Code D, 91 00:04:39,867 --> 00:04:42,133 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act, 92 00:04:42,133 --> 00:04:45,600 Item KMF-4, alongside eight other video captures 93 00:04:45,600 --> 00:04:47,667 of unrelated, similar persons, 94 00:04:47,667 --> 00:04:50,867 was shown by an officer independent of this inquiry 95 00:04:50,867 --> 00:04:51,967 to a witness who was a resident 96 00:04:51,967 --> 00:04:54,667 at Sands View Boys' Home in the 1990s. 97 00:04:54,667 --> 00:04:58,833 This witness identified KMF-4 as showing one of the men 98 00:04:58,833 --> 00:05:01,233 who sexually abused him. 99 00:05:03,833 --> 00:05:07,433 These politicians and celebrities, 100 00:05:07,433 --> 00:05:09,300 they couldn't have got away with this 101 00:05:09,300 --> 00:05:10,533 time and time again 102 00:05:10,533 --> 00:05:13,433 without the collusion of police officers. 103 00:05:13,433 --> 00:05:16,267 I mean, I kept asking myself over and over again, 104 00:05:16,267 --> 00:05:18,467 how could they turn a blind eye? 105 00:05:18,467 --> 00:05:20,533 How could they allow these appalling things 106 00:05:20,533 --> 00:05:22,467 to happen to these children? 107 00:05:23,167 --> 00:05:25,700 And of course the answer's as plain as day. 108 00:05:25,700 --> 00:05:30,100 They didn't turn a blind eye. They were in on it! 109 00:05:38,733 --> 00:05:40,767 I'm gonna take this. 110 00:05:52,133 --> 00:05:54,433 This is a list of abusers. 111 00:05:55,300 --> 00:06:00,100 Corroborating the names we've already heard from our witness. 112 00:06:00,100 --> 00:06:02,567 Ronan Murphy. 113 00:06:02,567 --> 00:06:04,667 Linus Murphy. 114 00:06:06,300 --> 00:06:08,467 Dale Roach. 115 00:06:08,467 --> 00:06:10,433 Tommy Hunter. 116 00:06:11,467 --> 00:06:14,300 And Patrick Fairbank. 117 00:06:18,300 --> 00:06:20,600 Patrick Fairbank, I am arresting you 118 00:06:20,600 --> 00:06:22,567 for aggravated indecent assault 119 00:06:22,567 --> 00:06:28,133 in that this offense occurred before May the 1st, 2004, 120 00:06:28,133 --> 00:06:33,767 with a child or children under the age of 13... 121 00:06:34,733 --> 00:06:37,867 ...perverting the course of justice, 122 00:06:37,867 --> 00:06:41,767 and misconduct in public office. 123 00:06:50,700 --> 00:06:52,400 Sir. 124 00:06:54,467 --> 00:06:56,600 Well done. 125 00:06:57,467 --> 00:06:59,100 Well done yourself. 126 00:07:12,467 --> 00:07:15,467 Custody arranged at Polk Avenue. 127 00:07:17,700 --> 00:07:19,733 You think you've got me? 128 00:07:19,733 --> 00:07:21,800 You haven't got a clue. 129 00:07:21,800 --> 00:07:23,033 I hope you like the outdoors, 130 00:07:23,033 --> 00:07:25,833 because you are going to be directing traffic 131 00:07:25,833 --> 00:07:29,800 till the end of your sad little career. 132 00:08:12,833 --> 00:08:14,467 Bitch. 133 00:08:14,467 --> 00:08:15,900 DENTON: This is Lindsay Denton. 134 00:08:15,900 --> 00:08:17,533 Please leave a message after the tone. 135 00:08:17,533 --> 00:08:19,000 [ Beep ] 136 00:08:31,233 --> 00:08:33,200 Shit. 137 00:08:35,567 --> 00:08:38,800 D.S. Arnott, I need to report the theft of my service vehicle. 138 00:08:38,800 --> 00:08:39,900 Taxi! 139 00:08:39,900 --> 00:08:43,767 Yeah. 5... 5 Kingsgate Apartments. 140 00:08:43,767 --> 00:08:45,167 Yeah. 141 00:08:51,767 --> 00:08:55,600 D.S. Arnott. I need the key to Lindsay Denton's room. 142 00:09:27,133 --> 00:09:28,600 MAN: Sir. 143 00:09:36,367 --> 00:09:38,433 [ Police radio chatter ] 144 00:09:49,267 --> 00:09:51,333 Mother of God. 145 00:10:05,600 --> 00:10:07,033 This is Lindsay Denton. 146 00:10:07,033 --> 00:10:08,833 Please leave a message after the tone. 147 00:10:08,833 --> 00:10:09,867 [ Beep ] 148 00:10:09,867 --> 00:10:11,067 I know you nicked my pocket book. 149 00:10:11,067 --> 00:10:14,167 -I don't know where you are -- -[ Click ] 150 00:10:15,467 --> 00:10:16,800 [ Thud ] 151 00:10:19,467 --> 00:10:21,500 -Armed police! -Armed police! 152 00:10:21,500 --> 00:10:23,667 I'm AC-12! I'm AC-12! 153 00:10:23,667 --> 00:10:26,233 You! Keep your hands above your head! 154 00:10:26,233 --> 00:10:27,733 -I'm police. -Down on your knees! 155 00:10:27,733 --> 00:10:30,267 -Just calm down. I'm police. -Stop talking and stay still. 156 00:10:30,267 --> 00:10:32,500 My I.D.'s in my jacket. I'm AC-12. 157 00:10:32,500 --> 00:10:34,567 Stop talking and stay still. 158 00:10:34,567 --> 00:10:37,200 Lose the phone. 159 00:10:43,067 --> 00:10:44,100 Get everyone out. 160 00:10:44,100 --> 00:10:45,833 MAN: All right, everyone out! 161 00:10:45,833 --> 00:10:47,400 You've got the wrong guy. 162 00:10:51,500 --> 00:10:53,167 All clear, sir. 163 00:11:00,333 --> 00:11:02,033 Dot? 164 00:11:03,667 --> 00:11:04,867 Steven Arnott, I'm arresting you 165 00:11:04,867 --> 00:11:07,833 on suspicion of murdering Lindsay Denton. 166 00:11:07,833 --> 00:11:10,433 You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defense 167 00:11:10,433 --> 00:11:12,167 if you do not mention when questioned 168 00:11:12,167 --> 00:11:13,567 something you later rely on in court. 169 00:11:13,567 --> 00:11:16,200 Anything you do say may be used in evidence. 170 00:11:16,200 --> 00:11:17,467 -What's going on? -You know. 171 00:11:17,467 --> 00:11:18,700 Just keep your mouth shut till you get a lawyer. 172 00:11:18,700 --> 00:11:22,100 I'm trying to do you a favor. Get him out. 173 00:11:48,400 --> 00:11:50,800 D.I. Cottan, D.S. Arnott. 174 00:11:50,800 --> 00:11:52,833 You all right to book him in for me? 175 00:11:52,833 --> 00:11:55,167 You need to take his clothes for forensics 176 00:11:55,167 --> 00:11:56,633 before he goes in his cell. 177 00:11:56,633 --> 00:11:59,767 Steven Arnott, I'm satisfied that your arrest is lawful. 178 00:11:59,767 --> 00:12:02,500 I'm authorizing your detention in this police station 179 00:12:02,500 --> 00:12:04,667 in order that we can secure and preserve evidence 180 00:12:04,667 --> 00:12:06,000 in this investigation 181 00:12:06,000 --> 00:12:08,633 and to obtain evidence from you by questioning. 182 00:12:08,633 --> 00:12:10,100 I will also speak to an inspector 183 00:12:10,100 --> 00:12:13,333 to authorize you being held incommunicado at this time, 184 00:12:13,333 --> 00:12:16,267 delaying your right to have anyone told you're here 185 00:12:16,267 --> 00:12:17,700 or to make any calls. 186 00:12:19,167 --> 00:12:21,800 Do you understand? 187 00:12:24,100 --> 00:12:26,700 D.S. Arnott, can you account for your whereabouts 188 00:12:26,700 --> 00:12:31,800 between 0800 and 1200 hours on July the 17th this year? 189 00:12:31,800 --> 00:12:33,300 I was at home. 190 00:12:33,300 --> 00:12:38,100 This would be your home address, Flat 5, Kingsgate Apartments? 191 00:12:38,100 --> 00:12:39,667 Yes. 192 00:12:39,667 --> 00:12:42,267 Who were you with? 193 00:12:43,267 --> 00:12:45,600 Between those hours, I was alone. 194 00:12:45,600 --> 00:12:48,767 And your girlfriend, D.S. Samantha Railston, 195 00:12:48,767 --> 00:12:49,867 where was she? 196 00:12:49,867 --> 00:12:54,667 Sam left early for work, around 06:30. 197 00:12:54,667 --> 00:12:57,167 I was alone in the flat, but I made phone calls. 198 00:12:57,167 --> 00:12:59,400 They'll prove where I was. 199 00:13:00,867 --> 00:13:03,200 Document 3 in your folders. 200 00:13:03,200 --> 00:13:07,467 Document 3 is a photocopy of Item Reference ASJ-3, 201 00:13:07,467 --> 00:13:08,867 telecommunications record 202 00:13:08,867 --> 00:13:15,233 for mobile telephone 07591 152 425 203 00:13:15,233 --> 00:13:17,533 registered to Steven Arnott. 204 00:13:17,533 --> 00:13:19,333 Three calls are shown. 205 00:13:19,333 --> 00:13:22,133 Can you tell us what was happening with these calls? 206 00:13:22,133 --> 00:13:24,833 [ Sighs ] 207 00:13:24,833 --> 00:13:28,433 I'd realized Lindsay had stolen my pocket book. 208 00:13:28,433 --> 00:13:29,600 I called her from my flat, 209 00:13:29,600 --> 00:13:31,100 but it went straight to her voicemail. 210 00:13:31,100 --> 00:13:33,867 I went to her approved premises to try and track her down, 211 00:13:33,867 --> 00:13:37,233 but she wasn't there, so I tried calling her again. 212 00:13:37,233 --> 00:13:40,567 And the call to the AC-12 switchboard? 213 00:13:40,567 --> 00:13:42,700 To report the theft of my service vehicle. 214 00:13:42,700 --> 00:13:44,567 HASTINGS: Thank you. 215 00:13:45,667 --> 00:13:49,333 When was the last time you saw Lindsay Denton alive? 216 00:13:50,667 --> 00:13:53,467 The night before. My flat. 217 00:13:54,100 --> 00:13:55,833 Lindsay had a theory that Danny Waldron 218 00:13:55,833 --> 00:13:58,433 left a list of abusers in a graveyard. 219 00:13:58,433 --> 00:14:00,733 We were searching online burial records for a name 220 00:14:00,733 --> 00:14:03,500 that might have been a memorable association for Danny. 221 00:14:03,500 --> 00:14:07,100 She left my flat, and I went to the graveyard alone. 222 00:14:07,100 --> 00:14:08,667 It must have been while she was in my flat 223 00:14:08,667 --> 00:14:09,800 that she took my pocket book. 224 00:14:09,800 --> 00:14:12,067 At this time, myself and D.I. Cottan 225 00:14:12,067 --> 00:14:13,500 were carrying out direct surveillance 226 00:14:13,500 --> 00:14:14,667 on Steve Arnott's flat, 227 00:14:14,667 --> 00:14:16,733 authorized by Superintendent Hastings 228 00:14:16,733 --> 00:14:20,300 under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000. 229 00:14:20,300 --> 00:14:21,300 Noted. 230 00:14:21,300 --> 00:14:23,767 We saw you and Lindsay split up. 231 00:14:23,767 --> 00:14:25,400 Now, after you'd left, 232 00:14:25,400 --> 00:14:26,867 she looked like the cat who'd got the cream. 233 00:14:26,867 --> 00:14:28,533 She sent you off on a wild goose chase 234 00:14:28,533 --> 00:14:30,367 while she went and cracked the case. 235 00:14:30,367 --> 00:14:34,067 'Cause actually Danny had hidden the list online. 236 00:14:34,600 --> 00:14:35,800 She found the list? 237 00:14:35,800 --> 00:14:38,167 She did indeed. 238 00:14:38,167 --> 00:14:40,700 You've got to hand it to her. She got the job done. 239 00:14:40,700 --> 00:14:44,133 And she made a total mug of you. 240 00:14:44,133 --> 00:14:46,567 And these phone calls we've been talking about, 241 00:14:46,567 --> 00:14:48,633 they're all around noon onwards. 242 00:14:48,633 --> 00:14:49,767 None of them corroborate 243 00:14:49,767 --> 00:14:52,700 you being in your flat before that time. 244 00:14:53,367 --> 00:14:56,267 The proprietor of the Internet caf -- 245 00:14:56,267 --> 00:15:01,100 Now, she reckons she saw Denton leave around 11:00, 11:30. 246 00:15:01,100 --> 00:15:04,133 She didn't see where Denton went or who she met, 247 00:15:04,133 --> 00:15:05,867 and we've no information on her whereabouts 248 00:15:05,867 --> 00:15:08,633 till her body was discovered at 12:30. 249 00:15:08,633 --> 00:15:10,667 But you were at home all this time? 250 00:15:10,667 --> 00:15:11,833 Yes, sir. 251 00:15:11,833 --> 00:15:13,767 So, what were you doing all this time? 252 00:15:17,633 --> 00:15:18,633 D.S. Arnott? 253 00:15:18,633 --> 00:15:20,533 I slept. 254 00:15:20,767 --> 00:15:22,633 You had a kip? Seriously? 255 00:15:22,633 --> 00:15:23,833 I'd been up most of the night. 256 00:15:23,833 --> 00:15:26,300 You didn't think of calling her straightaway? 257 00:15:27,467 --> 00:15:28,800 No, sir. 258 00:15:28,800 --> 00:15:30,833 She'd sent you to this graveyard on a fool's errand, 259 00:15:30,833 --> 00:15:32,100 stolen your pocket book. 260 00:15:32,100 --> 00:15:34,700 COTTAN: I'd have been after her like a shot. 261 00:15:34,700 --> 00:15:36,800 You, you're stuck to your sofa 262 00:15:36,800 --> 00:15:38,700 watching "Homes Under the Hammer." 263 00:15:41,400 --> 00:15:43,333 I got home late. 264 00:15:44,833 --> 00:15:47,767 Sam -- my girlfriend -- and I, we had a row. 265 00:15:47,767 --> 00:15:50,500 I had some wine, and I fell asleep on the sofa. 266 00:15:50,500 --> 00:15:51,733 I overslept. 267 00:15:51,733 --> 00:15:54,100 As soon as I realized my pocket book was gone, 268 00:15:54,100 --> 00:15:55,567 I took action. 269 00:15:55,567 --> 00:15:57,433 Still, you were sorely pissed off with her, weren't you? 270 00:15:57,433 --> 00:15:59,533 D.S. Arnott is simply stating the facts. 271 00:15:59,533 --> 00:16:02,133 Oh, right. So you weren't pissed off with her? 272 00:16:03,100 --> 00:16:06,400 In the early hours of the 17th, I followed Mr. Arnott 273 00:16:06,400 --> 00:16:09,167 to the graveyard of St. Barnabas Church, 274 00:16:09,167 --> 00:16:11,433 in which he stated, 275 00:16:11,433 --> 00:16:12,567 "If there's no list here, 276 00:16:12,567 --> 00:16:14,833 then Lindsay's gonna get what's coming." 277 00:16:14,833 --> 00:16:19,300 HASTINGS: Can you tell us what you meant by those words? 278 00:16:19,300 --> 00:16:21,567 I was angry. 279 00:16:22,233 --> 00:16:25,167 Angry with Kate. Angry with Lindsay. 280 00:16:25,167 --> 00:16:26,700 I didn't mean anything. 281 00:16:26,700 --> 00:16:28,367 HASTINGS: But you do admit that you were angry with Lindsay? 282 00:16:28,367 --> 00:16:31,100 Oh, those words go way beyond angry. 283 00:16:31,100 --> 00:16:33,667 I didn't kill Lindsay. 284 00:16:34,800 --> 00:16:36,100 At her trial, Lindsay testified 285 00:16:36,100 --> 00:16:39,300 that there was a sexual relationship between you. 286 00:16:39,300 --> 00:16:42,633 The relevant section for the transcript is Document 46. 287 00:16:42,633 --> 00:16:45,333 I don't need a transcript. She was lying. 288 00:16:45,333 --> 00:16:47,067 Data retrieval from Lindsay's mobile 289 00:16:47,067 --> 00:16:49,400 resulted in detection of the following file, 290 00:16:49,400 --> 00:16:53,333 Item Reference MKJ-32. 291 00:16:53,333 --> 00:16:56,700 For the tape, I will now play MKJ-32. 292 00:16:56,700 --> 00:16:57,700 [ Beeps ] 293 00:16:57,700 --> 00:16:59,467 [ Heavy breathing ] 294 00:16:59,467 --> 00:17:01,200 ARNOTT: That okay? 295 00:17:02,467 --> 00:17:03,567 DENTON: Yeah. 296 00:17:03,567 --> 00:17:06,000 [ Heavy breathing continues ] 297 00:17:09,267 --> 00:17:12,067 ARNOTT: You okay? 298 00:17:12,067 --> 00:17:13,600 DENTON: Yeah. 299 00:17:13,600 --> 00:17:16,333 [ Heavy breathing continues ] 300 00:17:19,667 --> 00:17:21,000 [ Beeps ] 301 00:17:21,000 --> 00:17:24,500 Do you recognize the voices on this audio file? 302 00:17:25,567 --> 00:17:26,867 Me and Lindsay. 303 00:17:26,867 --> 00:17:30,367 And can you tell us where the recording was made? 304 00:17:30,367 --> 00:17:32,500 In her bedroom. 305 00:17:32,500 --> 00:17:34,400 HASTINGS: And were you aware at the time 306 00:17:34,400 --> 00:17:37,133 that this recording was being made? 307 00:17:38,200 --> 00:17:39,433 No, sir, I wasn't. 308 00:17:39,433 --> 00:17:41,333 As D.S. Arnott didn't give his permission, 309 00:17:41,333 --> 00:17:42,667 the recording was illegal. 310 00:17:42,667 --> 00:17:47,167 Still, it's not a nice thing to do someone, that. 311 00:17:47,167 --> 00:17:48,400 Just another thing she did 312 00:17:48,400 --> 00:17:50,667 to put a few more winds on your clock, eh? 313 00:17:50,667 --> 00:17:55,333 Time and time again you denied any impropriety. 314 00:17:55,333 --> 00:17:58,133 What you can't know is that we were both almost fully clothed, 315 00:17:58,133 --> 00:17:59,500 and the file's been abridged. 316 00:17:59,500 --> 00:18:01,700 If you'd had the opportunity to continue listening, 317 00:18:01,700 --> 00:18:04,500 you'd have heard that we stopped through mutual consent. 318 00:18:04,500 --> 00:18:07,233 Stopped what? 319 00:18:09,200 --> 00:18:12,800 There was some kissing, some touching. 320 00:18:13,467 --> 00:18:15,500 Lindsay became upset, and I comforted her. 321 00:18:15,500 --> 00:18:17,400 Sir, I give you my word, 322 00:18:17,400 --> 00:18:20,400 Lindsay Denton and I did not have sex. 323 00:18:20,400 --> 00:18:21,900 Your word. 324 00:18:21,900 --> 00:18:24,800 COTTAN: Look, whatever your version is of that audio file, 325 00:18:24,800 --> 00:18:27,567 sounds like you pair went way beyond the professional. 326 00:18:27,567 --> 00:18:30,700 And then she used it to discredit your case against her. 327 00:18:30,700 --> 00:18:31,800 Now, I don't know many blokes 328 00:18:31,800 --> 00:18:33,167 who wouldn't be angry about that. 329 00:18:33,167 --> 00:18:36,700 And thanks to her accusations, you were suspended, 330 00:18:36,700 --> 00:18:40,167 your career potentially in ruins. 331 00:18:42,467 --> 00:18:45,667 Now, for the tape, on-screen is Image 5. 332 00:18:45,667 --> 00:18:48,167 Image 5 is a crime scene photograph 333 00:18:48,167 --> 00:18:50,100 taken at 12:45 on July 17th 334 00:18:50,100 --> 00:18:52,567 showing the body of Lindsay Denton. 335 00:18:52,567 --> 00:18:54,667 Image 8. 336 00:18:54,667 --> 00:18:56,033 That's my car. 337 00:18:56,033 --> 00:18:57,833 Image 8 is a crime-scene photograph showing the vehicle 338 00:18:57,833 --> 00:19:00,533 in which Lindsay Denton's body was found. 339 00:19:00,533 --> 00:19:03,633 It's a dark gray Volvo S60. 340 00:19:03,633 --> 00:19:06,267 HASTINGS: You agree it's your car? 341 00:19:07,667 --> 00:19:10,633 As I've said, sir, I reported my vehicle stolen. 342 00:19:10,633 --> 00:19:13,467 FLEMING: Document 6 in your folders. 343 00:19:13,467 --> 00:19:19,100 Document 6 is a photocopy of Item Reference IKL-1. 344 00:19:19,100 --> 00:19:21,500 IKL-1 is the log for service vehicles. 345 00:19:21,500 --> 00:19:24,833 On July 1st, you signed out service vehicle 346 00:19:24,833 --> 00:19:27,867 Foxtrot Juliet One Four Romeo Charlie Zulu, 347 00:19:27,867 --> 00:19:29,467 and it was never signed back in. 348 00:19:29,467 --> 00:19:31,867 You should have. The second you were suspended. 349 00:19:31,867 --> 00:19:33,600 COTTAN: It's a perk of the job. 350 00:19:33,600 --> 00:19:34,933 Didn't want to give up the motor. 351 00:19:34,933 --> 00:19:37,300 HASTINGS: So it's a matter of fact that this vehicle 352 00:19:37,300 --> 00:19:39,367 was in your possession at the time of the murder. 353 00:19:39,367 --> 00:19:41,267 The fact, sir, is someone stole the vehicle. 354 00:19:41,267 --> 00:19:43,433 And you reported it stolen when? 355 00:19:44,633 --> 00:19:48,167 In the call made to the AC-12 switchboard at 11:59. 356 00:19:48,167 --> 00:19:50,667 Yeah, but Lindsay was last seen alive up to an hour earlier, 357 00:19:50,667 --> 00:19:52,000 at the Internet caf. 358 00:19:52,000 --> 00:19:53,533 Now, that is plenty of time for you to get home 359 00:19:53,533 --> 00:19:54,767 and report your car stolen. 360 00:19:54,767 --> 00:19:56,633 I reported the theft as soon as I realized. 361 00:19:56,633 --> 00:19:59,100 The car must have been stolen earlier. 362 00:20:01,567 --> 00:20:03,333 I see. 363 00:20:04,833 --> 00:20:07,600 COTTAN: Document 7 is a copy of the pathologist's report 364 00:20:07,600 --> 00:20:10,633 following a postmortem examination of Lindsay Denton. 365 00:20:10,633 --> 00:20:11,800 And the cause of death 366 00:20:11,800 --> 00:20:14,300 was a single gunshot wound to the head. 367 00:20:14,833 --> 00:20:16,167 Image 6. 368 00:20:16,167 --> 00:20:20,233 Image 6 is a forensic photograph of Item Reference NJC-4. 369 00:20:20,233 --> 00:20:22,667 Item NJC-4 is a bullet found lodged 370 00:20:22,667 --> 00:20:24,833 in the passenger-side trim of service vehicle 371 00:20:24,833 --> 00:20:28,433 Foxtrot Juliet One Four Romeo Charlie Zulu. 372 00:20:28,433 --> 00:20:33,533 NJC-4 has been identified as a 9x19mm Parabellum round. 373 00:20:33,533 --> 00:20:35,300 Image 13. 374 00:20:35,300 --> 00:20:38,600 Image 13 shows Item Reference SCS-9. 375 00:20:38,600 --> 00:20:41,400 SCS-9 is a service-issue firearm, 376 00:20:41,400 --> 00:20:48,100 Glock 17 pistol serial number November Mike 8494748. 377 00:20:48,100 --> 00:20:51,133 The Glock 17 was found a short distance from the vehicle 378 00:20:51,133 --> 00:20:54,133 containing the body of Lindsay Denton. 379 00:20:54,133 --> 00:20:57,467 Document 11 in your folders, also on-screen. 380 00:20:57,467 --> 00:20:59,600 Document 11 is the firearms issue log 381 00:20:59,600 --> 00:21:01,100 from South Ferry Armory. 382 00:21:01,100 --> 00:21:04,267 You'll see a highlighted entry on the morning of July 13th 383 00:21:04,267 --> 00:21:07,500 relating to said Glock 17 serial number 384 00:21:07,500 --> 00:21:10,400 November Mike 8494748. 385 00:21:10,400 --> 00:21:12,567 Said firearm was never returned. 386 00:21:12,567 --> 00:21:14,033 ARNOTT: No. 387 00:21:14,033 --> 00:21:16,567 I returned my firearm a few days before Lindsay was murdered. 388 00:21:16,567 --> 00:21:19,533 -Not according to these records. -ARNOTT: No. No. 389 00:21:19,533 --> 00:21:20,800 I returned it. 390 00:21:20,800 --> 00:21:22,733 Ask them at the armory. They'll confirm it. 391 00:21:22,733 --> 00:21:25,267 It's here in black and white, son. 392 00:21:25,267 --> 00:21:28,700 You always follow the regs when it comes to firearms? 393 00:21:30,333 --> 00:21:33,433 D.S. Arnott was seen bearing a firearm within this building 394 00:21:33,433 --> 00:21:34,533 that did not, in my view, 395 00:21:34,533 --> 00:21:37,467 meet satisfactory operational requirement. 396 00:21:37,467 --> 00:21:40,633 On July 13th I gave D.S. Arnott a verbal warning 397 00:21:40,633 --> 00:21:42,233 that he was in breach of Section 7 398 00:21:42,233 --> 00:21:45,567 of the 1968 Firearms Act. 399 00:21:48,433 --> 00:21:51,200 What forensics do you have linking me to the crime scene? 400 00:21:51,200 --> 00:21:54,433 Your car. Your gun. I'd say that's plenty. 401 00:21:54,433 --> 00:21:56,700 Were my fingerprints on the gun? 402 00:21:56,700 --> 00:21:59,133 There were no fingerprints found on the firearm at all. 403 00:21:59,133 --> 00:22:00,400 It appeared to have been wiped. 404 00:22:00,400 --> 00:22:02,700 Right. So no prints. 405 00:22:02,700 --> 00:22:04,833 Lindsay Denton was shot at close range. 406 00:22:04,833 --> 00:22:05,967 The vehicle interior shows 407 00:22:05,967 --> 00:22:08,300 a substantial blood-spatter pattern. 408 00:22:08,300 --> 00:22:10,800 Did you find blood particles on me? 409 00:22:11,367 --> 00:22:13,167 At the time of Steve Arnott's arrest, 410 00:22:13,167 --> 00:22:15,167 his clothing was seized for forensic examination. 411 00:22:15,167 --> 00:22:18,467 There were no traces of blood or gunshot residue detected. 412 00:22:18,467 --> 00:22:19,800 COTTAN: Yes, but anyone with half a brain 413 00:22:19,800 --> 00:22:21,600 covered in blood and gunshot residue 414 00:22:21,600 --> 00:22:23,433 would know to dispose of his clothing. 415 00:22:23,433 --> 00:22:25,700 -So where's this clothing? -You tell us. 416 00:22:25,700 --> 00:22:27,833 Why would I shoot Lindsay in my own car? 417 00:22:27,833 --> 00:22:30,333 I'd know the forensics would be totally incriminating. 418 00:22:30,333 --> 00:22:32,467 -Correct. They are. -So I wouldn't have done it! 419 00:22:32,467 --> 00:22:34,067 HASTINGS: Come on, you were at the end of your tether 420 00:22:34,067 --> 00:22:35,433 with Lindsay Denton. 421 00:22:35,433 --> 00:22:37,233 She'd betrayed you, manipulated you, deceived you, 422 00:22:37,233 --> 00:22:38,633 and finally she discredited you. 423 00:22:38,633 --> 00:22:39,600 You weren't thinking straight. 424 00:22:39,600 --> 00:22:41,633 So I used my service-issue firearm 425 00:22:41,633 --> 00:22:42,833 that I left at the scene? 426 00:22:42,833 --> 00:22:44,633 And I used my registered service vehicle? 427 00:22:44,633 --> 00:22:46,133 I mean, that's just stupid! 428 00:22:46,133 --> 00:22:47,267 You panicked. 429 00:22:47,267 --> 00:22:48,700 You left your bullet and the casing, 430 00:22:48,700 --> 00:22:50,567 and you didn't do a good enough job disposing of the gun. 431 00:22:50,567 --> 00:22:52,667 Then you cobbled together some story 432 00:22:52,667 --> 00:22:53,967 about your motor being nicked. 433 00:22:53,967 --> 00:22:56,100 In fact, the only thing you didn't make a hash of 434 00:22:56,100 --> 00:22:57,467 was the bloodstained clothing. 435 00:22:57,467 --> 00:22:59,000 That's not what happened. 436 00:23:02,733 --> 00:23:07,300 Image 22 shows Item Reference EDC-3, 437 00:23:07,300 --> 00:23:08,667 found in said service vehicle. 438 00:23:08,667 --> 00:23:11,067 Can you tell us what item EDC-3 is? 439 00:23:11,067 --> 00:23:12,233 My pocket book. 440 00:23:12,233 --> 00:23:14,200 And is that the one stolen by Lindsay? 441 00:23:14,200 --> 00:23:15,367 Yes, sir. 442 00:23:15,367 --> 00:23:16,867 So you went after her to get it back, 443 00:23:16,867 --> 00:23:18,233 things got out of hand, 444 00:23:18,233 --> 00:23:21,333 and in your panic you didn't even remember to take it. 445 00:23:21,333 --> 00:23:23,200 I didn't take it because I wasn't there! 446 00:23:23,200 --> 00:23:24,667 HASTINGS: Yeah, so you've said. 447 00:23:24,667 --> 00:23:27,667 Is there anyone -- anyone -- that we can talk to 448 00:23:27,667 --> 00:23:28,833 who will bear witness to the fact 449 00:23:28,833 --> 00:23:30,267 that you were at home during the time 450 00:23:30,267 --> 00:23:33,100 of Lindsay Denton's murder? 451 00:23:37,633 --> 00:23:39,433 I had my issues with Lindsay Denton. 452 00:23:39,433 --> 00:23:42,600 I can't deny that. But I wouldn't kill her. 453 00:23:42,600 --> 00:23:44,400 So you've said. 454 00:23:46,833 --> 00:23:49,233 I didn't have that gun. 455 00:23:49,233 --> 00:23:50,333 So if I didn't return it, 456 00:23:50,333 --> 00:23:52,667 why didn't anyone try and recover it? 457 00:23:54,567 --> 00:23:57,333 D.S. Arnott's asked a very important question. 458 00:24:00,833 --> 00:24:03,500 Yes, well I admit, there was a failure to do due diligence 459 00:24:03,500 --> 00:24:05,600 in the part of the officers at South Ferry Armory. 460 00:24:05,600 --> 00:24:08,167 But I've written to the strategic firearms commander, 461 00:24:08,167 --> 00:24:10,133 making my feelings on the matter abundantly clear, 462 00:24:10,133 --> 00:24:12,233 and I can assure you disciplinary action will -- 463 00:24:12,233 --> 00:24:16,167 No one realized because I had returned the firearm! 464 00:24:16,600 --> 00:24:18,633 Someone must have access to the booking-out forms 465 00:24:18,633 --> 00:24:20,100 and replaced the real one -- 466 00:24:20,100 --> 00:24:21,600 the one showing I surrendered the gun -- with a forgery. 467 00:24:21,600 --> 00:24:24,500 Yeah, but this same someone would have to have signed out 468 00:24:24,500 --> 00:24:26,300 the same gun that was used in the murder. 469 00:24:26,300 --> 00:24:27,733 And where's the record of that? 470 00:24:27,733 --> 00:24:29,067 It's the same thing, sir -- 471 00:24:29,067 --> 00:24:31,267 stolen so no one can track who's got the weapon. 472 00:24:31,267 --> 00:24:32,833 All right, let me get this straight, D.S. Arnott. 473 00:24:32,833 --> 00:24:36,567 What you're saying is that some impostor acquired the firearm 474 00:24:36,567 --> 00:24:39,167 and then tampered with the paperwork to cover his tracks? 475 00:24:39,167 --> 00:24:40,200 Yes, sir. 476 00:24:40,200 --> 00:24:41,433 Obviously the same person 477 00:24:41,433 --> 00:24:43,100 who stole my service vehicle that morning. 478 00:24:43,100 --> 00:24:45,067 So your defense is, "It wasn't me. 479 00:24:45,067 --> 00:24:46,533 It was just some random impostor." 480 00:24:46,533 --> 00:24:48,000 No. Not random. 481 00:24:48,000 --> 00:24:51,100 To know it's extremely difficult to steal a service-issue firearm 482 00:24:51,100 --> 00:24:52,467 but not actually all that difficult 483 00:24:52,467 --> 00:24:55,133 to fake the paperwork, that takes inside knowledge. 484 00:24:55,133 --> 00:24:56,633 This was done by a police officer. 485 00:24:56,633 --> 00:24:58,400 COTTAN: Oh, but apparently it's a piece of cake 486 00:24:58,400 --> 00:25:00,600 to steal a service-issue vehicle fitted with deadlocks 487 00:25:00,600 --> 00:25:02,267 and an immobilizer? 488 00:25:03,667 --> 00:25:06,400 I have to say this is all sounding a bit far-fetched, son. 489 00:25:13,567 --> 00:25:16,600 There's a parallel in this case, sir. 490 00:25:16,600 --> 00:25:19,400 Ever since we started investigating Danny Waldron -- 491 00:25:19,400 --> 00:25:21,400 first his shooting of Ronan Murphy, 492 00:25:21,400 --> 00:25:22,533 then Danny's murder -- 493 00:25:22,533 --> 00:25:23,833 there have been holes that the evidence 494 00:25:23,833 --> 00:25:25,133 hasn't completely filled, 495 00:25:25,133 --> 00:25:27,733 one of which is the murder of P.C. Rod Kennedy. 496 00:25:27,733 --> 00:25:29,533 COTTAN: Sir, this is a massive tangent. 497 00:25:29,533 --> 00:25:31,667 D.S. Arnott knows we have to charge or release, 498 00:25:31,667 --> 00:25:32,633 and he's playing for time. 499 00:25:32,633 --> 00:25:33,967 Sir, D.I. Cottan was too quick 500 00:25:33,967 --> 00:25:36,433 to close the investigation into Kennedy's murder, 501 00:25:36,433 --> 00:25:38,533 just like he was with his inquiry into the Caddy. 502 00:25:38,533 --> 00:25:39,933 He's doing the same thing here. 503 00:25:39,933 --> 00:25:42,867 He's cutting corners, not challenging evidence robustly, 504 00:25:42,867 --> 00:25:45,100 and I'm the one suffering for his negligence. 505 00:25:45,100 --> 00:25:47,500 Sir, D.S. Arnott's casting aspersions for one reason 506 00:25:47,500 --> 00:25:50,067 and one reason only -- to discredit this case, 507 00:25:50,067 --> 00:25:53,367 to get AC-12 taken off the investigation against him. 508 00:25:53,367 --> 00:25:54,600 See, it's what these coppers do 509 00:25:54,600 --> 00:25:56,533 when you know you've got 'em bang to rights -- 510 00:25:56,533 --> 00:25:58,100 exploit their knowledge of the system 511 00:25:58,100 --> 00:25:59,100 to try and tie us in knots. 512 00:25:59,100 --> 00:26:00,433 Look, I'd be really grateful 513 00:26:00,433 --> 00:26:03,467 if we could just stick to the issue in hand here, 514 00:26:03,467 --> 00:26:06,300 which is the murder of Lindsay Denton. 515 00:26:09,067 --> 00:26:10,333 Thank you, sir. 516 00:26:10,333 --> 00:26:11,800 Now, with respect to service vehicle 517 00:26:11,800 --> 00:26:15,167 Foxtrot Juliet One Four Romeo Charlie Zulu, 518 00:26:15,167 --> 00:26:17,733 a forensic search was carried out at the crime scene. 519 00:26:17,733 --> 00:26:19,400 Image 43. 520 00:26:19,400 --> 00:26:22,233 Interior of service vehicle boot. 521 00:26:22,233 --> 00:26:24,133 Image 45. 522 00:26:24,133 --> 00:26:27,400 Image 45 is Item Reference VCT-7. 523 00:26:27,400 --> 00:26:29,500 Do you recognize VCT-7? 524 00:26:29,500 --> 00:26:31,067 My gym bag. 525 00:26:31,067 --> 00:26:33,067 COTTAN: Image 46. 526 00:26:33,067 --> 00:26:36,700 Image 46 shows the contents of VCT-7. 527 00:26:36,700 --> 00:26:40,167 Sports clothing and trainers. 528 00:26:40,167 --> 00:26:41,633 Image 47. 529 00:26:41,633 --> 00:26:45,067 That was not in my bag! What -- What is going on here?! 530 00:26:45,067 --> 00:26:48,367 D.S. Arnott. Please. 531 00:26:48,367 --> 00:26:52,433 Image 47 shows Item Reference VCT-9. 532 00:26:52,433 --> 00:26:56,733 VCT-9 is an unregistered pay-as-you-go mobile phone. 533 00:26:56,733 --> 00:26:58,067 HASTINGS: Your phone, D.S. Arnott? 534 00:26:58,067 --> 00:26:59,433 -No, sir. -"No, sir." 535 00:26:59,433 --> 00:27:02,067 Someone put that there. 536 00:27:03,100 --> 00:27:05,800 VCT-9 is a phone of the type reportedly associated 537 00:27:05,800 --> 00:27:08,200 with covert criminal communications. 538 00:27:08,200 --> 00:27:09,567 That is not my phone. 539 00:27:09,567 --> 00:27:11,400 What the hell is it doing in your gym bag? 540 00:27:11,400 --> 00:27:13,567 D.S. Arnott denies any knowledge of the phone. 541 00:27:13,567 --> 00:27:15,367 There's clearly some irregularity with the search. 542 00:27:15,367 --> 00:27:17,267 My department carries out its searches 543 00:27:17,267 --> 00:27:19,600 to the letter of the law, fella. 544 00:27:19,600 --> 00:27:21,733 The letter. 545 00:27:21,733 --> 00:27:24,100 Document 19 in your folders. 546 00:27:24,100 --> 00:27:27,633 For the tape, this is a partial transcript 547 00:27:27,633 --> 00:27:29,833 of Lindsay Denton's retrial. 548 00:27:29,833 --> 00:27:31,567 Now, at Lindsay Denton's first trial, 549 00:27:31,567 --> 00:27:33,767 she was convicted of conspiracy to murder, 550 00:27:33,767 --> 00:27:35,767 and the prosecution hung on crucial evidence 551 00:27:35,767 --> 00:27:39,300 found at her home address, namely 50 grand in cash 552 00:27:39,300 --> 00:27:41,167 that was linked via financial forensics 553 00:27:41,167 --> 00:27:43,867 to other bribes employed in the conspiracy. 554 00:27:43,867 --> 00:27:46,167 I didn't plant that money. 555 00:27:47,333 --> 00:27:48,700 Image 49. 556 00:27:48,700 --> 00:27:52,633 Image 49 shows Item reference VCT-11. 557 00:27:52,633 --> 00:27:55,733 Now, VCT-11 is a £5 note. 558 00:27:56,467 --> 00:27:58,800 Is that your £5 note? 559 00:27:58,800 --> 00:28:01,067 I don't remember having any money in the bag. 560 00:28:01,067 --> 00:28:03,400 Not your phone, now it's not your money either? 561 00:28:03,400 --> 00:28:04,600 I'm saying I don't recall 562 00:28:04,600 --> 00:28:06,733 if I was carrying any money in the bag. 563 00:28:06,733 --> 00:28:08,300 Fair enough. 564 00:28:08,300 --> 00:28:10,200 It was in the inside pocket. 565 00:28:10,200 --> 00:28:14,067 It's only a fiver. It's easy to forget. 566 00:28:14,067 --> 00:28:17,233 Now, we ran forensics on that £5 note. 567 00:28:17,233 --> 00:28:19,100 Document 20 in your folders. 568 00:28:19,100 --> 00:28:21,133 D.C. Fleming. 569 00:28:22,533 --> 00:28:24,733 FLEMING: For the tape, I'm referring to Document 20. 570 00:28:24,733 --> 00:28:28,067 Document 20 is a photocopy of an original report 571 00:28:28,067 --> 00:28:29,833 made by the financial forensics unit, 572 00:28:29,833 --> 00:28:34,833 Report Sierra Alpha/5657/15. 573 00:28:34,833 --> 00:28:36,833 The summary reads, 574 00:28:36,833 --> 00:28:40,300 "Pollen particles detected on banknote VCT-11 575 00:28:40,300 --> 00:28:42,533 show a close match to pollen particles 576 00:28:42,533 --> 00:28:46,100 detected on banknotes AJK-72." 577 00:28:46,100 --> 00:28:48,733 AJK-72 is the item reference 578 00:28:48,733 --> 00:28:51,500 for the £50,000 found at Lindsay Denton's home. 579 00:28:51,500 --> 00:28:52,767 There is no way! 580 00:28:52,767 --> 00:28:55,267 Look! That is not my money. 581 00:28:55,267 --> 00:28:56,400 A second ago you couldn't even remember. 582 00:28:56,400 --> 00:28:57,867 There is no way that I'd have money 583 00:28:57,867 --> 00:29:00,800 that was from the same source as Lindsay Denton's bribe! 584 00:29:00,800 --> 00:29:02,800 But Lindsay Denton knew you'd planted that evidence, 585 00:29:02,800 --> 00:29:04,533 and she was your most vociferous accuser. 586 00:29:04,533 --> 00:29:06,400 So maybe she was onto this evidence too. 587 00:29:06,400 --> 00:29:07,667 She wasn't onto any evidence. 588 00:29:07,667 --> 00:29:09,300 I mean, she couldn't have known about this. 589 00:29:09,300 --> 00:29:10,367 Oh, right. So you hid it from her? 590 00:29:10,367 --> 00:29:11,567 I didn't mean it like that. 591 00:29:11,567 --> 00:29:13,400 That money would be very hard to come by. 592 00:29:13,400 --> 00:29:15,433 But together with the phone, 593 00:29:15,433 --> 00:29:17,733 this indicates a clear pattern of corrupt conduct. 594 00:29:17,733 --> 00:29:19,567 I am not bent! 595 00:29:26,433 --> 00:29:30,333 This is obviously a very difficult experience, Steve. 596 00:29:30,333 --> 00:29:33,033 Would you like some time alone with your solicitor? 597 00:29:34,267 --> 00:29:36,433 -No. -HASTINGS: Very well. 598 00:29:36,433 --> 00:29:39,167 But, you know, can we all just calm down here 599 00:29:39,167 --> 00:29:41,433 and not let our emotions get the better of us? 600 00:29:41,433 --> 00:29:42,633 Sir. 601 00:29:42,633 --> 00:29:44,133 So, moving on. 602 00:29:44,133 --> 00:29:48,600 In respect of another murder, that of Sergeant Daniel Waldron, 603 00:29:48,600 --> 00:29:50,067 have you any comment to make? 604 00:29:50,067 --> 00:29:52,567 Waldron was murdered by Hari Bains. 605 00:29:53,233 --> 00:29:56,200 Bains confessed, and he intends to plead guilty. 606 00:29:56,200 --> 00:29:58,733 Yeah, well, Bains owed gambling debts to the wrong people. 607 00:29:58,733 --> 00:30:01,533 And we believe they contracted him to kill Waldron. 608 00:30:01,533 --> 00:30:03,267 Indeed. 609 00:30:03,267 --> 00:30:04,867 Significantly, Bains received a call 610 00:30:04,867 --> 00:30:06,500 the night of the 31st of May 611 00:30:06,500 --> 00:30:10,167 from a phone of the type found in your car. 612 00:30:10,167 --> 00:30:12,133 The night before he shot and killed Danny Waldron. 613 00:30:12,133 --> 00:30:15,833 According to Bains, in a statement made on June 30th, 614 00:30:15,833 --> 00:30:20,433 the caller had a London/South East accent. 615 00:30:23,233 --> 00:30:24,333 So? 616 00:30:24,333 --> 00:30:26,133 So was that you? 617 00:30:26,133 --> 00:30:28,400 London and the South East have such small populations, 618 00:30:28,400 --> 00:30:30,267 it could only have been me. 619 00:30:30,267 --> 00:30:31,700 Would you kindly just answer the question, please, D.S. Arnott? 620 00:30:31,700 --> 00:30:33,567 Bains and I met loads of times. 621 00:30:33,567 --> 00:30:35,800 He would have known my voice and been able to identify it. 622 00:30:35,800 --> 00:30:38,100 The call was clearly made by another person unknown. 623 00:30:38,100 --> 00:30:39,667 Yes, and you're familiar with 624 00:30:39,667 --> 00:30:41,533 the putative corrupt police officer, 625 00:30:41,533 --> 00:30:44,300 code name the Caddy? 626 00:30:54,300 --> 00:30:55,767 I am. 627 00:30:55,767 --> 00:30:58,467 D.I. Cottan. 628 00:30:58,467 --> 00:30:59,767 Sir. 629 00:30:59,767 --> 00:31:02,400 Assimilation of all credible witness testimony 630 00:31:02,400 --> 00:31:04,833 based on direct contact with said individual 631 00:31:04,833 --> 00:31:07,867 leads to the following profile. 632 00:31:07,867 --> 00:31:09,800 The Caddy is male. 633 00:31:09,800 --> 00:31:12,367 The Caddy is almost certainly from a working-class background 634 00:31:12,367 --> 00:31:14,400 and grew up in an urban environment. 635 00:31:14,400 --> 00:31:16,400 He's probably under 35. 636 00:31:16,400 --> 00:31:19,067 He is almost certainly a detective. 637 00:31:19,067 --> 00:31:21,233 He's trained in covert operations 638 00:31:21,233 --> 00:31:22,733 such as counter-terrorism. 639 00:31:22,733 --> 00:31:24,867 And all ear witnesses report the Caddy 640 00:31:24,867 --> 00:31:29,233 as having a London or South East accent. 641 00:31:29,233 --> 00:31:30,233 This is insane. 642 00:31:30,233 --> 00:31:32,267 God help me, son, I wish it was. 643 00:31:32,267 --> 00:31:34,600 Sir, that's your evidence? 644 00:31:34,600 --> 00:31:35,833 A profile? 645 00:31:35,833 --> 00:31:37,667 COTTAN: Oh, we've more than just a profile. 646 00:31:37,667 --> 00:31:39,267 Only the Caddy would have had access 647 00:31:39,267 --> 00:31:40,667 to the same source of bribe money 648 00:31:40,667 --> 00:31:42,167 found at Lindsay Denton's house, 649 00:31:42,167 --> 00:31:46,400 the same supply we found some of in your service vehicle boot. 650 00:31:46,400 --> 00:31:49,000 [ Whispering ] 651 00:31:58,867 --> 00:32:02,433 Would you like some more time, D.S. Arnott? 652 00:32:04,500 --> 00:32:06,833 No. 653 00:32:06,833 --> 00:32:08,233 D.I. Cottan originally volunteered 654 00:32:08,233 --> 00:32:11,133 to investigate the Caddy and closed the case prematurely 655 00:32:11,133 --> 00:32:13,733 based on flimsy evidence provided by an old colleague. 656 00:32:13,733 --> 00:32:16,200 Yes, but we're not here to discuss D.I. Cottan. 657 00:32:16,200 --> 00:32:17,600 COTTAN: He's just looking at some angle 658 00:32:17,600 --> 00:32:18,800 to try and discredit this investigation. 659 00:32:18,800 --> 00:32:22,567 I intend to be heard, sir. On the record. 660 00:32:24,133 --> 00:32:27,500 Very well. That's your right. 661 00:32:30,500 --> 00:32:34,633 D.I. Cottan, you carried out the original inquiry into the Caddy. 662 00:32:34,633 --> 00:32:35,800 I did. 663 00:32:35,800 --> 00:32:37,267 That wrongly identified D.C. Jeremy Cole. 664 00:32:37,267 --> 00:32:38,167 Yes. 665 00:32:38,167 --> 00:32:39,367 Based purely on the testimony 666 00:32:39,367 --> 00:32:40,700 of your former colleague, D.C. Nigel Morton. 667 00:32:40,700 --> 00:32:43,633 Yeah, but Morton has since revised his statement 668 00:32:43,633 --> 00:32:45,367 and D.I. Cottan and D.C. Fleming 669 00:32:45,367 --> 00:32:47,767 are reopening that particular inquiry. 670 00:32:51,600 --> 00:32:54,100 You also failed to order a second postmortem 671 00:32:54,100 --> 00:32:55,267 on the body of Rod Kennedy. 672 00:32:55,267 --> 00:32:57,500 My e-mail bounced back, as well you know. 673 00:32:57,500 --> 00:32:59,167 Sir, he's clutching at straws here. 674 00:32:59,167 --> 00:33:00,767 In respect of the original inquiry 675 00:33:00,767 --> 00:33:02,600 into the murder of Sergeant Danny Waldron, 676 00:33:02,600 --> 00:33:04,267 you led a search of Waldron's flat. 677 00:33:04,267 --> 00:33:05,133 I did. 678 00:33:05,133 --> 00:33:06,233 And as part of that search, 679 00:33:06,233 --> 00:33:07,633 you found an envelope addressed to me. 680 00:33:07,633 --> 00:33:08,867 Yes. 681 00:33:08,867 --> 00:33:11,067 And the forensics that you failed to carry out 682 00:33:11,067 --> 00:33:12,867 on the inside of that envelope detected traces of ink and blood 683 00:33:12,867 --> 00:33:15,767 suggesting it contained a note written by Danny Waldron 684 00:33:15,767 --> 00:33:17,367 and presumably intended for me. 685 00:33:17,367 --> 00:33:18,500 No note was ever found. 686 00:33:18,500 --> 00:33:20,867 Danny Waldron saved his list online. 687 00:33:20,867 --> 00:33:21,967 Which we only discovered weeks later 688 00:33:21,967 --> 00:33:23,733 'cause you failed to pursue this lead! 689 00:33:23,733 --> 00:33:24,733 COTTAN: I did not. 690 00:33:24,733 --> 00:33:25,800 The note had been in that envelope! 691 00:33:25,800 --> 00:33:29,033 That's not what was in the envelope! 692 00:33:35,800 --> 00:33:38,333 Item Reference MRC-1. 693 00:33:38,333 --> 00:33:39,667 Item reference MRC-1 694 00:33:39,667 --> 00:33:41,600 is the envelope recovered from Danny Waldron's flat. 695 00:33:41,600 --> 00:33:45,233 And for the tape, Mr. Arnott is quite correct -- 696 00:33:45,233 --> 00:33:47,333 It does bear his name. 697 00:33:47,333 --> 00:33:50,400 Item Reference MRC-2 is the contents of the envelope. 698 00:33:50,400 --> 00:33:52,867 Now, this item was entered into evidence separately 699 00:33:52,867 --> 00:33:54,600 for reasons of internal security. 700 00:33:54,600 --> 00:33:57,433 You will see in your folders Document Appendix 1. 701 00:33:57,433 --> 00:33:58,933 It refers to sequestered evidence. 702 00:33:58,933 --> 00:34:02,433 Sequestration of evidence was authorized by Gill Biggeloe, 703 00:34:02,433 --> 00:34:06,767 leading legal counsel to Anti-Corruption Unit 12. 704 00:34:11,100 --> 00:34:15,133 This is what was in the envelope. 705 00:34:18,433 --> 00:34:19,700 Now, for the tape, 706 00:34:19,700 --> 00:34:22,200 I'm showing Mr. Arnott the sequestered evidence, 707 00:34:22,200 --> 00:34:24,767 a white golf tee. 708 00:34:34,067 --> 00:34:36,467 Steve Arnott. 709 00:34:36,467 --> 00:34:38,167 Golf tee. 710 00:34:39,467 --> 00:34:43,267 I think Danny Waldron was trying to tell us something. 711 00:34:47,233 --> 00:34:50,067 Have you got anything further to add, D.S. Arnott? 712 00:34:54,700 --> 00:34:57,467 For the tape, the interviewee is shaking his head. 713 00:35:00,300 --> 00:35:02,867 Steven Arnott, you will remain under arrest 714 00:35:02,867 --> 00:35:04,733 for the murder of Lindsay Denton. 715 00:35:04,733 --> 00:35:07,133 I will now seek guidance from the Crown prosecutor 716 00:35:07,133 --> 00:35:09,133 as to how to charge you for said offense. 717 00:35:09,133 --> 00:35:12,233 You will be taken to a place of custody. 718 00:35:12,233 --> 00:35:15,133 If you are not charged within 24 hours of the original arrest, 719 00:35:15,133 --> 00:35:16,233 you will be released, 720 00:35:16,233 --> 00:35:19,633 however, I will seek the authority 721 00:35:19,633 --> 00:35:21,200 for a 12-hour extension. 722 00:35:21,200 --> 00:35:23,367 Is all this understood? 723 00:35:23,867 --> 00:35:27,200 -Yes, sir. -Interview discontinued. 724 00:35:41,567 --> 00:35:42,633 [ Sighs ] 725 00:36:00,500 --> 00:36:04,500 God help me if I ever get a good night's sleep again. 726 00:36:05,167 --> 00:36:09,500 D.I. Cottan, my office, five minutes. 727 00:36:09,500 --> 00:36:11,200 Sir. 728 00:36:14,200 --> 00:36:16,000 You okay? 729 00:36:18,600 --> 00:36:20,467 That can't have been easy. 730 00:36:20,467 --> 00:36:22,167 Well done. 731 00:36:49,100 --> 00:36:50,733 Sorry. 732 00:36:53,467 --> 00:36:55,400 Just when exactly did you get the idea 733 00:36:55,400 --> 00:36:57,500 of sequestering evidence from me, hmm? 734 00:36:57,500 --> 00:37:00,300 In 35 years, this has been my worst day in the service. 735 00:37:00,300 --> 00:37:02,800 And now this little incident just about caps the whole lot! 736 00:37:02,800 --> 00:37:05,167 Was it your idea to go behind my back? 737 00:37:05,167 --> 00:37:06,633 Or was it yours? 738 00:37:06,633 --> 00:37:11,433 To be fair to D.I. Cottan, he sought me out for guidance. 739 00:37:11,433 --> 00:37:13,867 It was my decision to sequester the evidence 740 00:37:13,867 --> 00:37:15,433 from Danny Waldron's flat 741 00:37:15,433 --> 00:37:18,467 because of its sensitive nature in regard to a fellow officer. 742 00:37:18,467 --> 00:37:21,867 It seemed a bizarre and possibly meaningless find, sir, 743 00:37:21,867 --> 00:37:23,300 but I just had a feeling... 744 00:37:23,300 --> 00:37:24,800 "Feeling"? 745 00:37:25,600 --> 00:37:27,567 ...that it might alert Steve. 746 00:37:27,567 --> 00:37:28,800 And if it had have done, 747 00:37:28,800 --> 00:37:30,200 then we wouldn't have had all this other evidence. 748 00:37:30,200 --> 00:37:33,600 Oh, yeah, you're on very thin ice with me, D.I. Cottan. 749 00:37:33,600 --> 00:37:36,400 Are there any other surprises in store? 750 00:37:36,400 --> 00:37:37,733 I hope not, sir. 751 00:37:37,733 --> 00:37:39,633 I hope not too. 752 00:37:40,500 --> 00:37:42,467 Dismissed. 753 00:37:42,467 --> 00:37:43,633 Sir. 754 00:37:45,467 --> 00:37:47,033 [ Door opens ] 755 00:37:50,700 --> 00:37:51,800 [ Door closes ] 756 00:37:51,800 --> 00:37:53,767 At the time, neither D.I. Cottan nor I 757 00:37:53,767 --> 00:37:55,867 knew if the golf tee was relevant. 758 00:37:55,867 --> 00:37:57,067 Clearly, recent events 759 00:37:57,067 --> 00:37:58,800 have created a more significant context. 760 00:37:58,800 --> 00:37:59,867 Clearly! 761 00:37:59,867 --> 00:38:01,233 Yes, I can see you're angry, Ted. 762 00:38:01,233 --> 00:38:04,667 But the fact that you personally recruited Steve Arnott 763 00:38:04,667 --> 00:38:06,000 did weigh on my decision. 764 00:38:06,000 --> 00:38:07,433 What? You decided that I was going to be biased? 765 00:38:07,433 --> 00:38:09,767 I'm sorry, but at the time it felt like the right decision. 766 00:38:09,767 --> 00:38:11,200 Now, can we just calm down? 767 00:38:11,200 --> 00:38:15,500 I am calm! I'm totally bloody calm! 768 00:38:16,733 --> 00:38:19,433 Look, I know this is abysmal timing, 769 00:38:19,433 --> 00:38:23,267 but former Chief Superintendent Patrick Fairbank's legal team 770 00:38:23,267 --> 00:38:26,800 are applying for the child sex abuse charges to be dropped. 771 00:38:26,800 --> 00:38:28,000 What? 772 00:38:28,000 --> 00:38:29,700 They're saying that he repeatedly stated 773 00:38:29,700 --> 00:38:31,333 in his interviews that, 774 00:38:31,333 --> 00:38:33,267 "I'm not as sharp as I used to be." 775 00:38:33,267 --> 00:38:34,467 Yeah. I know he said that. 776 00:38:34,467 --> 00:38:36,433 They're saying that an independent physician 777 00:38:36,433 --> 00:38:39,500 should have examined his intellectual fitness 778 00:38:39,500 --> 00:38:41,567 for interview. 779 00:38:42,100 --> 00:38:46,533 They're having his G.P. attest he's got senile dementia. 780 00:38:46,533 --> 00:38:48,700 He isn't fit to stand trial. 781 00:38:48,700 --> 00:38:51,667 Mother of God. 782 00:38:53,233 --> 00:38:56,300 D.S. Arnott has to be charged or released today. 783 00:38:56,300 --> 00:39:00,267 Don't delay your call to the Crown prosecutor. 784 00:39:01,133 --> 00:39:02,567 Fine. 785 00:39:02,567 --> 00:39:04,367 Thank you. 786 00:39:10,200 --> 00:39:12,067 [ Door closes ] 787 00:41:08,167 --> 00:41:12,233 Superintendent Hastings for the senior Crown prosecutor please. 788 00:41:12,233 --> 00:41:15,300 Hastings. That's right -- like the battle. 789 00:41:15,300 --> 00:41:16,600 [ Knock on door ] 790 00:41:18,800 --> 00:41:20,300 -Sir. -Come in, come in. 791 00:41:22,167 --> 00:41:25,367 Anything to avoid making this call. 792 00:41:27,133 --> 00:41:29,700 Listen, sir, before you call the Crown prosecutor, 793 00:41:29,700 --> 00:41:33,400 there's some things we need to discuss. 794 00:41:34,800 --> 00:41:38,133 This is a favor to her, not you. 795 00:41:38,133 --> 00:41:39,667 Two minutes. 796 00:41:49,400 --> 00:41:52,133 It's good to see you. 797 00:41:58,467 --> 00:42:00,767 Is there anything I can do? 798 00:42:01,867 --> 00:42:05,100 You can say you don't believe a word of it. 799 00:42:05,100 --> 00:42:06,833 Of course I don't. 800 00:42:06,833 --> 00:42:09,167 Sam... 801 00:42:09,167 --> 00:42:12,433 My DCI has got me on desk duty. 802 00:42:12,433 --> 00:42:15,133 She asked me outright if I was in on it with you. 803 00:42:15,133 --> 00:42:16,633 I'm innocent. 804 00:42:16,633 --> 00:42:19,300 Yeah, I know. 805 00:42:23,133 --> 00:42:24,767 Well, you came. 806 00:42:26,567 --> 00:42:28,033 I'm glad. 807 00:42:31,433 --> 00:42:33,800 I'm sorry about the flat being closed for forensics. 808 00:42:33,800 --> 00:42:37,033 It's fine. I'm at a friend's place. 809 00:42:37,500 --> 00:42:39,400 They've got to release me in a few hours, 810 00:42:39,400 --> 00:42:42,333 so we can be back in soon. 811 00:42:49,233 --> 00:42:51,033 Steve. 812 00:42:56,867 --> 00:42:59,133 I'm sorry. 813 00:43:13,567 --> 00:43:14,733 So which one were you looking at? 814 00:43:14,733 --> 00:43:16,533 Which one were you originally looking at? 815 00:43:16,533 --> 00:43:17,700 That. 816 00:43:21,333 --> 00:43:23,667 You still haven't charged Steve Arnott. 817 00:43:23,667 --> 00:43:25,033 We need more time. 818 00:43:25,033 --> 00:43:27,867 I know it's difficult going after one of your own. 819 00:43:27,867 --> 00:43:30,233 It's what we do for a living. 820 00:43:31,233 --> 00:43:32,600 D.C. Fleming has caused me 821 00:43:32,600 --> 00:43:34,633 to want to reexamine the evidence against Steve Arnott. 822 00:43:34,633 --> 00:43:37,367 Come on, Ted. There's a mountain of evidence. 823 00:43:37,367 --> 00:43:40,367 His gun. The car. 824 00:43:40,367 --> 00:43:42,433 The money. The threat. 825 00:43:42,433 --> 00:43:45,167 Motive, opportunity, means. 826 00:43:45,500 --> 00:43:47,100 FLEMING: During the interview with Steven Arnott, 827 00:43:47,100 --> 00:43:50,767 I identified a number of issues that merit further examination. 828 00:43:50,767 --> 00:43:53,267 Of course you want to believe that Steve's innocent. 829 00:43:53,267 --> 00:43:54,833 Of course you do. 830 00:43:54,833 --> 00:43:58,367 But you're jumping to rash and extremely damaging conclusions. 831 00:43:58,367 --> 00:44:00,833 D.C. Fleming, please. 832 00:44:00,833 --> 00:44:02,633 Ms. Biggeloe, you do not have to say anything, 833 00:44:02,633 --> 00:44:04,767 but it may harm your defense if you do not mention -- 834 00:44:04,767 --> 00:44:05,833 Excuse me? 835 00:44:05,833 --> 00:44:08,833 Gill, please. This is necessary. 836 00:44:08,833 --> 00:44:11,733 You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defense 837 00:44:11,733 --> 00:44:13,300 if you do not mention when questioned 838 00:44:13,300 --> 00:44:15,100 something you later rely on in court. 839 00:44:15,100 --> 00:44:17,467 Anything you do say may be used in evidence. 840 00:44:17,467 --> 00:44:20,700 It's been a long day and night. Let's get a grip, Ted. 841 00:44:20,700 --> 00:44:22,533 FLEMING: Did you furnish Superintendent Hastings 842 00:44:22,533 --> 00:44:25,133 with an intelligence file relating to Ronan Murphy, 843 00:44:25,133 --> 00:44:27,167 the suspect shot dead by Sergeant Danny Waldron 844 00:44:27,167 --> 00:44:29,767 on the 13th of May? 845 00:44:30,700 --> 00:44:31,800 I did. 846 00:44:31,800 --> 00:44:33,633 And from who did you obtain that file? 847 00:44:33,633 --> 00:44:34,767 "Whom." 848 00:44:34,767 --> 00:44:37,067 It was supplied to me in confidence, 849 00:44:37,067 --> 00:44:38,267 and to reveal the source 850 00:44:38,267 --> 00:44:40,500 would be a betrayal of that confidence. 851 00:44:40,500 --> 00:44:42,867 Gill, you're under caution. 852 00:44:42,867 --> 00:44:47,567 It would help us enormously if you could provide an answer. 853 00:44:54,267 --> 00:44:55,700 Very well. Show her. 854 00:44:57,867 --> 00:45:01,700 This is a signed authority from Superintendent Summers at AC-3 855 00:45:01,700 --> 00:45:03,700 for me to conduct an undercover operation 856 00:45:03,700 --> 00:45:04,967 against AC-12 officers. 857 00:45:04,967 --> 00:45:06,200 I can see what it is. When did this happen? 858 00:45:06,200 --> 00:45:07,567 I only found out about this this evening. 859 00:45:07,567 --> 00:45:10,200 FLEMING: Under said authority, I obtained evidence 860 00:45:10,200 --> 00:45:13,533 that this file originated from D.S. Nicola Rogerson 861 00:45:13,533 --> 00:45:15,233 at major violent crime. 862 00:45:15,233 --> 00:45:16,567 In a written statement, 863 00:45:16,567 --> 00:45:18,800 D.S. Rogerson claims that the file was requested 864 00:45:18,800 --> 00:45:20,100 by an AC-12 officer. 865 00:45:20,100 --> 00:45:24,067 Did an AC-12 officer furnish you with this file 866 00:45:24,067 --> 00:45:26,200 on condition of anonymity? 867 00:45:27,533 --> 00:45:29,133 Yes. 868 00:45:29,133 --> 00:45:31,833 D.S. Rogerson's copy of the file 869 00:45:31,833 --> 00:45:35,500 did not contain the omissions made to the one you received. 870 00:45:35,500 --> 00:45:37,767 I was given that file in good faith, 871 00:45:37,767 --> 00:45:40,367 and I completely deny tampering with it. 872 00:45:40,367 --> 00:45:41,733 Yeah, well, no one's suggesting you did. 873 00:45:41,733 --> 00:45:43,300 What we're exploring here 874 00:45:43,300 --> 00:45:45,800 is that the alterations were made 875 00:45:45,800 --> 00:45:49,467 by said AC-12 officer. 876 00:45:49,467 --> 00:45:52,733 Now, can you confirm the name 877 00:45:52,733 --> 00:45:55,733 we've heard from Rogerson? 878 00:46:00,167 --> 00:46:01,733 Fine. 879 00:46:03,233 --> 00:46:05,833 Detective Inspector Matthew Cottan. 880 00:46:05,833 --> 00:46:08,367 HASTINGS: [ Sighs ] 881 00:46:08,367 --> 00:46:12,067 He brought you the golf tee, 882 00:46:12,067 --> 00:46:14,200 so we assumed that he would have brought you the file. 883 00:46:14,200 --> 00:46:15,767 Good. 884 00:46:15,767 --> 00:46:21,200 D.C. Fleming, would you kindly excuse us for a moment, please? 885 00:46:23,467 --> 00:46:25,600 Thank you, Kate. 886 00:46:34,400 --> 00:46:36,667 You're barking up the wrong tree. 887 00:46:36,667 --> 00:46:39,733 Matthew Cottan has done a first-rate job 888 00:46:39,733 --> 00:46:41,833 of rooting out a bad apple. 889 00:46:41,833 --> 00:46:43,067 Gill -- 890 00:46:43,067 --> 00:46:44,300 As for the file, he knew we were being obstructed, 891 00:46:44,300 --> 00:46:46,867 so he obtained it through unofficial channels. 892 00:46:46,867 --> 00:46:48,833 Yeah? Why didn't he just give it me? 893 00:46:48,833 --> 00:46:51,400 Because he was afraid you'd give him a dressing down 894 00:46:51,400 --> 00:46:52,600 for acting improperly. 895 00:46:52,600 --> 00:46:54,467 Gill. 896 00:46:54,467 --> 00:46:56,533 Even after the time we spent together, 897 00:46:56,533 --> 00:47:01,600 you really don't know me at all. 898 00:47:05,433 --> 00:47:07,333 [ Door opens ] 899 00:47:07,333 --> 00:47:08,733 [ Door closes ] 900 00:47:08,733 --> 00:47:11,300 This is a video capture taken from a traffic camera 901 00:47:11,300 --> 00:47:12,800 situated on the Kingsgate Expressway 902 00:47:12,800 --> 00:47:14,533 showing traffic at the time indicated 903 00:47:14,533 --> 00:47:17,500 in the top right-hand corner -- 9:46. 904 00:47:17,500 --> 00:47:18,367 Steve's car? 905 00:47:18,367 --> 00:47:20,733 At first glance, yes, but... 906 00:47:22,233 --> 00:47:24,800 -Different reg. -Correct. 907 00:47:24,800 --> 00:47:26,667 Here are more traffic-camera images. 908 00:47:26,667 --> 00:47:28,533 This same vehicle captured 909 00:47:28,533 --> 00:47:30,200 traveling through the city center 910 00:47:30,200 --> 00:47:33,233 on traffic cameras a few minutes apart. 911 00:47:33,233 --> 00:47:37,167 Image enhancement has failed to show who's driving. 912 00:47:38,267 --> 00:47:40,133 Now here's a street map. 913 00:47:40,133 --> 00:47:42,367 This street map shows the locations of the vehicle 914 00:47:42,367 --> 00:47:45,333 at times corresponding to the exact times 915 00:47:45,333 --> 00:47:46,700 of the traffic-camera images. 916 00:47:46,700 --> 00:47:49,300 I'm now gonna add the location of the Internet café 917 00:47:49,300 --> 00:47:52,533 where Lindsay Denton was last seen alive that morning. 918 00:47:53,800 --> 00:47:55,600 Someone was driving the vehicle 919 00:47:55,600 --> 00:47:57,567 to Lindsay's location that morning. 920 00:47:57,567 --> 00:47:58,667 BINDRA: Yeah. 921 00:47:58,667 --> 00:48:00,433 And previous to the Internet café, 922 00:48:00,433 --> 00:48:01,533 Lindsay Denton was last seen 923 00:48:01,533 --> 00:48:03,667 at her approved premises the night before. 924 00:48:03,667 --> 00:48:07,200 I'm now gonna add the location of the approved premises. 925 00:48:07,200 --> 00:48:08,467 There's an hour's delay 926 00:48:08,467 --> 00:48:10,467 in the timeline of the vehicle's movements, 927 00:48:10,467 --> 00:48:13,233 suggesting it hung around the approved premises 928 00:48:13,233 --> 00:48:14,533 during this time. 929 00:48:14,533 --> 00:48:18,233 So Lindsay was followed to the Internet café? 930 00:48:19,500 --> 00:48:20,867 Looks like it, sir. 931 00:48:20,867 --> 00:48:23,433 And correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the same time 932 00:48:23,433 --> 00:48:24,800 that Steve said that he was home alone. 933 00:48:24,800 --> 00:48:28,433 Yes, that's correct, sir. Steve doesn't have an alibi. 934 00:48:28,433 --> 00:48:30,767 So it could be him driving that vehicle. 935 00:48:30,767 --> 00:48:33,333 One final thing. 936 00:48:33,333 --> 00:48:36,167 I've identified this registration 937 00:48:36,167 --> 00:48:38,700 as belonging to another make and model entirely. 938 00:48:38,700 --> 00:48:41,167 They're fake plates. 939 00:48:42,133 --> 00:48:43,533 HASTINGS: Well done. Well done. 940 00:48:43,533 --> 00:48:45,433 I think you better get that wee one home. 941 00:48:45,433 --> 00:48:47,500 And thanks very much for coming in. 942 00:48:56,467 --> 00:49:00,433 Why would Steve be driving his own car with fake plates? 943 00:49:01,167 --> 00:49:03,000 To hide his movements. 944 00:49:03,467 --> 00:49:04,500 It doesn't make sense, sir. 945 00:49:04,500 --> 00:49:06,200 She wouldn't have got in the car. 946 00:49:06,200 --> 00:49:08,067 If Steve turned up with fake plates, 947 00:49:08,067 --> 00:49:09,500 she'd have known he was up to something. 948 00:49:09,500 --> 00:49:11,700 -She would never get in. -Maybe she just didn't see it. 949 00:49:11,700 --> 00:49:15,267 We all know Lindsay, sir. She never missed a thing. 950 00:49:15,700 --> 00:49:18,600 Sorry, Kate, you couldn't give us a hand with the lift? 951 00:49:18,600 --> 00:49:20,333 Yeah, sure. 952 00:49:28,200 --> 00:49:29,700 Off the record, 953 00:49:29,700 --> 00:49:32,200 D.I. Cottan put pressure on me not to tell Steve 954 00:49:32,200 --> 00:49:34,433 about the additional forensics on the envelope 955 00:49:34,433 --> 00:49:37,133 found in Danny Waldron's flat. 956 00:49:39,633 --> 00:49:41,433 Cheers, Maneet. 957 00:50:00,333 --> 00:50:03,067 -He's here, sir. -And? 958 00:50:03,067 --> 00:50:05,667 Well, I can't say he's very happy. 959 00:50:18,067 --> 00:50:21,667 D.C. Morton, would you mind coming with us? 960 00:50:26,700 --> 00:50:28,100 D.C. Morton? 961 00:50:28,100 --> 00:50:31,700 I'm not coming anywhere till I get some assurances. 962 00:50:31,700 --> 00:50:33,833 Assurances of what? 963 00:50:33,833 --> 00:50:36,367 Four things. 964 00:50:36,367 --> 00:50:40,333 I-mmu-ni-ty. 965 00:50:42,100 --> 00:50:44,067 Sir. 966 00:50:52,133 --> 00:50:54,600 [ Cellphone vibrating ] 967 00:50:59,867 --> 00:51:02,133 D.I. Cottan. 968 00:51:04,833 --> 00:51:07,300 Questions about what, sir? 969 00:51:09,567 --> 00:51:12,167 And when do you want to do this, sir? 970 00:51:14,067 --> 00:51:17,400 No. No, I'm happy to assist. 971 00:51:48,467 --> 00:51:50,400 [ Shaver buzzing ] 972 00:51:55,333 --> 00:51:57,333 All right. 973 00:51:58,233 --> 00:52:00,167 Let's do this. 974 00:52:12,600 --> 00:52:14,300 Morning. 975 00:52:19,700 --> 00:52:21,167 A word to the wise. 976 00:52:21,167 --> 00:52:24,133 Arnott or Cottan, if either turns out to be a bad apple, 977 00:52:24,133 --> 00:52:25,400 he's acting alone. 978 00:52:25,400 --> 00:52:28,833 They can't be connected to any wider conspiracy. 979 00:52:28,833 --> 00:52:30,867 I see. 980 00:52:30,867 --> 00:52:33,133 And Patrick Fairbank the same? 981 00:52:33,133 --> 00:52:34,767 We feel his legal team have a strong case. 982 00:52:34,767 --> 00:52:36,100 His dementia precludes a trial. 983 00:52:36,100 --> 00:52:39,467 He might have forgotten some important details. 984 00:52:39,467 --> 00:52:40,667 Exactly. 985 00:52:40,667 --> 00:52:43,233 Or worse still, 986 00:52:43,233 --> 00:52:45,433 he might remember them. 987 00:52:45,433 --> 00:52:47,600 What are you saying? 988 00:52:47,600 --> 00:52:48,700 You see, I finally understand 989 00:52:48,700 --> 00:52:51,100 why you were appointed by the PCC. 990 00:52:51,100 --> 00:52:52,467 I'm the loose cannon here. 991 00:52:52,467 --> 00:52:53,967 You know, if I see a bent copper, 992 00:52:53,967 --> 00:52:57,667 I'll go after him irrespective of rank or political expediency. 993 00:52:57,667 --> 00:53:01,000 I'm not gonna apologize for having one eye on P.R. 994 00:53:01,367 --> 00:53:03,700 Anti-corruption is a double-edged sword. 995 00:53:03,700 --> 00:53:05,633 We need to find just enough bent coppers 996 00:53:05,633 --> 00:53:07,300 to avoid accusations of a cover-up, 997 00:53:07,300 --> 00:53:09,500 but not so many that the public starts to wonder 998 00:53:09,500 --> 00:53:11,233 if the police can be trusted. 999 00:53:11,233 --> 00:53:14,300 So we let Patrick Fairbank just slip through the net 1000 00:53:14,300 --> 00:53:16,333 because of all the peers and the politicians 1001 00:53:16,333 --> 00:53:18,400 and the police officers he might implicate? 1002 00:53:18,400 --> 00:53:20,733 Meanwhile we go back to chasing disc jockeys 1003 00:53:20,733 --> 00:53:22,667 and, what, game-show hosts? 1004 00:53:22,667 --> 00:53:23,833 I'm just doing my job. 1005 00:53:23,833 --> 00:53:25,000 And I'm doing mine. 1006 00:53:25,000 --> 00:53:26,233 And it's called nicking bent coppers. 1007 00:53:26,233 --> 00:53:28,700 And I don't care whether it's one rotten apple 1008 00:53:28,700 --> 00:53:30,333 or the whole bloody barrel. 1009 00:53:30,333 --> 00:53:33,167 There's a line. It's called right and wrong. 1010 00:53:33,167 --> 00:53:37,333 And I know which side my duty lies. 1011 00:53:37,333 --> 00:53:38,533 So why don't you write 1012 00:53:38,533 --> 00:53:41,100 a nice letter of resignation to the PCC, 1013 00:53:41,100 --> 00:53:42,767 or I swear to God, 1014 00:53:42,767 --> 00:53:47,000 I will drag you down with the rest of them. 1015 00:54:13,333 --> 00:54:15,267 In last night's interview of D.S. Arnott, 1016 00:54:15,267 --> 00:54:16,733 you produced a piece of evidence, 1017 00:54:16,733 --> 00:54:19,533 Item Reference MRC-2, 1018 00:54:19,533 --> 00:54:21,233 namely the golf tee in the envelope 1019 00:54:21,233 --> 00:54:23,067 found at Danny Waldron's flat. 1020 00:54:23,800 --> 00:54:26,300 I wonder if you could explain in a little bit more detail 1021 00:54:26,300 --> 00:54:28,633 how you came by this piece of evidence. 1022 00:54:28,633 --> 00:54:31,633 I'm not sure I understand what you're driving at, sir? 1023 00:54:32,300 --> 00:54:34,300 Well, there were half a dozen of you on that search. 1024 00:54:34,300 --> 00:54:36,233 How come no one else saw it? 1025 00:54:36,233 --> 00:54:38,767 Did you swear them all to secrecy or what? 1026 00:54:38,767 --> 00:54:40,833 Oh, I see, sir. Uh, no. 1027 00:54:40,833 --> 00:54:44,267 What happened was, we detected an illegal firearm. 1028 00:54:44,267 --> 00:54:45,533 I sent an officer 1029 00:54:45,533 --> 00:54:47,700 to bring someone with firearms training urgently 1030 00:54:47,700 --> 00:54:49,867 so as to secure the firearm. 1031 00:54:49,867 --> 00:54:52,367 I had a legitimate concern it wasn't safe 1032 00:54:52,367 --> 00:54:53,833 or it was booby-trapped. 1033 00:54:53,833 --> 00:54:56,400 And it was then that I saw the golf tee in the envelope. 1034 00:54:56,400 --> 00:54:57,667 So... 1035 00:54:58,500 --> 00:55:01,433 ...with no one else watching you, 1036 00:55:01,433 --> 00:55:03,367 you seized this piece of evidence? 1037 00:55:03,367 --> 00:55:04,400 Yes, sir. 1038 00:55:07,767 --> 00:55:09,633 Did you order forensics on the golf tee? 1039 00:55:09,633 --> 00:55:11,733 I did, but there were no notable findings. 1040 00:55:11,733 --> 00:55:14,367 Did you order forensics on the inside of the envelope? 1041 00:55:14,367 --> 00:55:16,500 -Yes, sir. -When? 1042 00:55:16,500 --> 00:55:19,367 Well, this was something we omitted in the first instance 1043 00:55:19,367 --> 00:55:22,267 but rectified as the inquiry progressed. 1044 00:55:22,833 --> 00:55:24,600 Did you put pressure on a junior rank 1045 00:55:24,600 --> 00:55:27,500 not to disclose the forensics to D.S. Arnott? 1046 00:55:28,667 --> 00:55:30,600 -Yes. -Why? 1047 00:55:30,600 --> 00:55:32,533 Steve Arnott was concocting accusations 1048 00:55:32,533 --> 00:55:33,700 I wasn't doing my job properly. 1049 00:55:33,700 --> 00:55:35,633 I didn't want to give him any ammunition. 1050 00:55:35,633 --> 00:55:41,200 So you actually missed a crucial piece of evidence. 1051 00:55:41,200 --> 00:55:43,200 Well... 1052 00:55:44,100 --> 00:55:47,867 Forensics detected ink and blood on the inside of that envelope. 1053 00:55:47,867 --> 00:55:49,467 That suggests there was 1054 00:55:49,467 --> 00:55:51,367 a bloodstained note inside the envelope. 1055 00:55:51,367 --> 00:55:52,800 There wasn't, though. 1056 00:55:52,800 --> 00:55:55,200 No ink or blood on the golf tee? 1057 00:55:55,200 --> 00:55:56,600 HASTINGS: So, what? 1058 00:55:56,600 --> 00:55:57,700 Danny Waldron must have put it in there 1059 00:55:57,700 --> 00:55:59,233 after he'd removed the note? 1060 00:55:59,233 --> 00:56:01,167 Look, this note -- 1061 00:56:01,167 --> 00:56:04,267 Some people have been making a mountain out of a mole hill. 1062 00:56:04,267 --> 00:56:05,600 If it was such an issue, 1063 00:56:05,600 --> 00:56:07,267 why didn't I just pocket the envelope, 1064 00:56:07,267 --> 00:56:09,233 and no one would be any the wiser? 1065 00:56:09,233 --> 00:56:12,000 Which I didn't do, by the way. 1066 00:56:12,367 --> 00:56:13,867 Maybe the envelope had already been seen 1067 00:56:13,867 --> 00:56:15,600 by somebody else on the search team, 1068 00:56:15,600 --> 00:56:17,500 but the contents hadn't. 1069 00:56:19,133 --> 00:56:20,733 I found a golf tee. 1070 00:56:20,733 --> 00:56:22,833 I remained in the vicinity of the firearm 1071 00:56:22,833 --> 00:56:25,367 until an officer arrived to make it safe. 1072 00:56:25,367 --> 00:56:26,833 Now, if that note went walkabout, 1073 00:56:26,833 --> 00:56:29,600 it's because Danny Waldron moved it before we got there. 1074 00:56:29,600 --> 00:56:31,633 In the end, missing the forensics 1075 00:56:31,633 --> 00:56:33,700 made no difference to the inquiry whatsoever. 1076 00:56:33,700 --> 00:56:34,767 That's one of the things 1077 00:56:34,767 --> 00:56:36,500 we're here to determine, D.I. Cottan, 1078 00:56:36,500 --> 00:56:39,267 and I'll be the judge of that, thank you. 1079 00:56:40,200 --> 00:56:42,733 D.C. Fleming. Moving on. 1080 00:56:46,400 --> 00:56:48,633 Item Reference EGH-1. 1081 00:56:48,633 --> 00:56:52,167 EGH-1 is an intelligence file on Ronan Murphy, 1082 00:56:52,167 --> 00:56:54,733 the suspect shot dead by Danny Waldron. 1083 00:56:54,733 --> 00:56:56,667 It's where this whole inquiry started, 1084 00:56:56,667 --> 00:56:58,033 and it omitted information 1085 00:56:58,033 --> 00:57:00,067 that would have allowed us to connect Ronan Murphy 1086 00:57:00,067 --> 00:57:02,433 to known high-ranking criminal Tommy Hunter 1087 00:57:02,433 --> 00:57:05,800 and the cover-up of historic child sexual abuse. 1088 00:57:06,667 --> 00:57:09,300 D.I. Cottan, have you seen this file before? 1089 00:57:09,300 --> 00:57:10,533 Yes, sir. 1090 00:57:10,533 --> 00:57:13,767 And who provided you with access to this file? 1091 00:57:13,767 --> 00:57:15,067 You did, sir. 1092 00:57:16,333 --> 00:57:19,600 You see, my particular concern here, D.I. Cottan, 1093 00:57:19,600 --> 00:57:23,100 is if you were familiar with this file 1094 00:57:23,100 --> 00:57:26,433 before I gave you access. 1095 00:57:29,600 --> 00:57:32,700 Do you have an answer, D.I. Cottan? 1096 00:57:33,500 --> 00:57:36,133 Yes, I was familiar with the file. 1097 00:57:36,133 --> 00:57:37,233 HASTINGS: Yes. 1098 00:57:37,233 --> 00:57:39,767 And how were you familiar with it? 1099 00:57:39,767 --> 00:57:41,000 I acquired the file 1100 00:57:41,000 --> 00:57:42,500 from a former major violent crime officer 1101 00:57:42,500 --> 00:57:45,533 involved in the investigation into the murder of Tommy Hunter. 1102 00:57:45,533 --> 00:57:47,733 D.S. Rogerson. 1103 00:57:47,733 --> 00:57:49,467 I then passed it over to Gill Biggeloe. 1104 00:57:49,467 --> 00:57:51,067 Yet not to me? 1105 00:57:51,067 --> 00:57:53,133 Not to D.S. Arnott? Not to D.C. Fleming? 1106 00:57:53,133 --> 00:57:55,500 Well, I wanted to avoid Steven Arnott. 1107 00:57:55,500 --> 00:57:57,233 I think we all know why. 1108 00:57:57,233 --> 00:57:59,567 That file had crucial pieces of information removed 1109 00:57:59,567 --> 00:58:01,400 and held this inquiry back for weeks. 1110 00:58:01,400 --> 00:58:02,767 Well, I'm sorry about that, sir, 1111 00:58:02,767 --> 00:58:05,767 but I took that file at face value, in good faith. 1112 00:58:05,767 --> 00:58:08,133 And when we found out about the missing information, 1113 00:58:08,133 --> 00:58:09,633 why didn't you say something? 1114 00:58:09,633 --> 00:58:10,900 You should have been shouting that from the rafters, man! 1115 00:58:10,900 --> 00:58:14,100 No, sir. No. I didn't have the evidence yet. 1116 00:58:14,100 --> 00:58:15,767 And I didn't want to alert them beforehand. 1117 00:58:15,767 --> 00:58:17,733 Alert who? 1118 00:58:18,333 --> 00:58:19,667 Don't you see, sir? 1119 00:58:19,667 --> 00:58:24,133 D.S. Rogerson is a former girlfriend of D.S. Arnott. 1120 00:58:27,800 --> 00:58:29,333 I'm sorry, sir. 1121 00:58:29,333 --> 00:58:31,067 Weren't you aware of the relationship 1122 00:58:31,067 --> 00:58:32,533 between Rogerson and Arnott? 1123 00:58:33,667 --> 00:58:36,167 No. I wasn't. 1124 00:58:36,167 --> 00:58:38,700 You should have told him, D.C. Fleming, 1125 00:58:38,700 --> 00:58:41,233 spare the gaffer his blushes. 1126 00:58:41,233 --> 00:58:43,633 The only person known to have handled that file 1127 00:58:43,633 --> 00:58:47,133 apart from D.S. Rogerson is you, not D.S. Arnott. 1128 00:58:47,133 --> 00:58:49,333 Well, the pair of them must have hatched a plot 1129 00:58:49,333 --> 00:58:50,500 to alter the file. 1130 00:58:50,500 --> 00:58:52,467 D.S. Rogerson denies altering the file. 1131 00:58:52,467 --> 00:58:54,633 Yeah, well, she would, wouldn't she? 1132 00:58:54,633 --> 00:58:55,933 Look, it sounds to me like 1133 00:58:55,933 --> 00:58:57,167 this is another one to throw at Steven Arnott. 1134 00:58:57,167 --> 00:58:58,433 Yeah, well I'm still exercised by the fact 1135 00:58:58,433 --> 00:59:00,633 that you didn't mention any of this sooner. 1136 00:59:00,633 --> 00:59:03,167 Yeah, well, I don't cast aspersions on fellow officers 1137 00:59:03,167 --> 00:59:05,467 unless I can back it up with hard evidence. 1138 00:59:05,467 --> 00:59:08,133 Unlike some I could mention. 1139 00:59:13,767 --> 00:59:15,500 D.C. Fleming. 1140 00:59:17,600 --> 00:59:19,500 On-screen you'll see evidence gathered 1141 00:59:19,500 --> 00:59:22,067 in the case against Harinderpal Bains. 1142 00:59:22,067 --> 00:59:27,367 Images 291 and 292, showing Item Reference MR-3 and MR-4. 1143 00:59:27,367 --> 00:59:30,800 MR-3 and MR-4 are unregistered mobile phones 1144 00:59:30,800 --> 00:59:33,200 recovered from Hari Bains' home. 1145 00:59:33,667 --> 00:59:35,800 Sir, what is this? 1146 00:59:36,533 --> 00:59:38,033 One of our own's about to be charged with murder. 1147 00:59:38,033 --> 00:59:40,500 I think we're entitled to ask a few questions, don't you? 1148 00:59:40,500 --> 00:59:43,733 Yeah. No, no, of course. Whatever I can do to help. 1149 00:59:44,500 --> 00:59:46,300 These phones were provided to Bains, 1150 00:59:46,300 --> 00:59:48,233 and he used them to communicate with the Caddy. 1151 00:59:48,233 --> 00:59:49,600 A similar type of phone 1152 00:59:49,600 --> 00:59:52,167 was recovered from the boot of D.S. Arnott's car. 1153 00:59:52,167 --> 00:59:53,767 Yeah, well, these are matters of fact 1154 00:59:53,767 --> 00:59:55,467 in the case against Steven Arnott. 1155 00:59:55,467 --> 00:59:57,067 Yeah, well, I'm just making sure 1156 00:59:57,067 --> 00:59:59,333 we all understand the facts as they stand. 1157 00:59:59,333 --> 01:00:02,100 We'll return to the phones shortly. 1158 01:00:02,100 --> 01:00:04,567 Now, in last night's interview of D.S. Arnott, 1159 01:00:04,567 --> 01:00:06,667 you stated that you'd attempted to order 1160 01:00:06,667 --> 01:00:09,467 a second postmortem on the body of P.C. Rod Kennedy. 1161 01:00:09,467 --> 01:00:12,400 A search of e-mail records found no e-mail from you 1162 01:00:12,400 --> 01:00:16,367 to the pathologist's office requesting said postmortem. 1163 01:00:17,800 --> 01:00:19,467 HASTINGS: D.I. Cottan? 1164 01:00:19,467 --> 01:00:21,300 [ Exhales sharply ] 1165 01:00:21,867 --> 01:00:24,333 Sir? Seriously? 1166 01:00:24,333 --> 01:00:28,200 Look, you know what the I.T. system's like in this building. 1167 01:00:28,200 --> 01:00:29,600 Just because it's not on the server, 1168 01:00:29,600 --> 01:00:31,333 that does not mean I didn't send it. 1169 01:00:31,333 --> 01:00:32,567 As a matter of fact, D.I. Cottan, 1170 01:00:32,567 --> 01:00:35,200 what I'm seeing here is a -- is a pattern. 1171 01:00:35,667 --> 01:00:39,467 A pattern of failure to discharge your responsibilities 1172 01:00:39,467 --> 01:00:40,933 as a senior detective. 1173 01:00:40,933 --> 01:00:43,200 I mean, you should have been chasing up that postmortem. 1174 01:00:43,200 --> 01:00:45,300 No. You're absolutely right, sir. 1175 01:00:45,300 --> 01:00:47,633 And what's worse is Kate had made a specific point 1176 01:00:47,633 --> 01:00:48,700 of asking me and all. 1177 01:00:48,700 --> 01:00:50,833 I was beside myself when I realized, 1178 01:00:50,833 --> 01:00:54,133 and I apologize unreservedly for my error. 1179 01:00:56,200 --> 01:00:58,733 But you see, D.I. Cottan, 1180 01:00:58,733 --> 01:01:00,567 it raises the distinct possibility 1181 01:01:00,567 --> 01:01:03,133 that you were somehow reluctant to seek confirmation 1182 01:01:03,133 --> 01:01:04,867 that Kennedy wasn't a suicide, 1183 01:01:04,867 --> 01:01:07,800 that he was, in fact, murdered. 1184 01:01:07,800 --> 01:01:10,067 Well, I was very pleased with that information, sir, 1185 01:01:10,067 --> 01:01:12,633 as it was instrumental in our arrest of Bains, 1186 01:01:12,633 --> 01:01:15,467 for which I won a commendation. 1187 01:01:15,467 --> 01:01:18,567 HASTINGS: Let's just stay with Hari Bains for a second. 1188 01:01:18,567 --> 01:01:21,533 He leveled some very disturbing allegations 1189 01:01:21,533 --> 01:01:23,733 against you, D.I. Cottan, wouldn't you agree? 1190 01:01:23,733 --> 01:01:26,067 Which I strenuously deny. 1191 01:01:26,067 --> 01:01:29,433 And for which there's zero evidence. 1192 01:01:30,133 --> 01:01:31,500 Yeah. 1193 01:01:31,500 --> 01:01:34,367 Well, we carried out a search of your service vehicle. 1194 01:01:34,367 --> 01:01:35,667 What? 1195 01:01:37,400 --> 01:01:40,433 Now, I'm doing very well to avoid blowing my top here. 1196 01:01:41,233 --> 01:01:42,433 This is out of order. 1197 01:01:42,433 --> 01:01:44,700 And as you well know, completely illegal 1198 01:01:44,700 --> 01:01:47,233 under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, 1199 01:01:47,233 --> 01:01:49,200 as D.I. Cottan is neither under arrest 1200 01:01:49,200 --> 01:01:50,367 nor charged with an offense. 1201 01:01:50,367 --> 01:01:52,400 Yes, well, said illegality would only apply 1202 01:01:52,400 --> 01:01:54,833 if it was D.I. Cottan's personal vehicle. 1203 01:01:54,833 --> 01:01:56,467 His service vehicle is owned by the police, 1204 01:01:56,467 --> 01:01:58,533 and as such we are entitled to search it 1205 01:01:58,533 --> 01:02:00,133 without any form of authority. 1206 01:02:00,133 --> 01:02:04,333 Still, in my view we've reached the point where either you stop 1207 01:02:04,333 --> 01:02:06,767 or you caution my client. 1208 01:02:15,500 --> 01:02:17,800 D.I. Cottan, stay right there. 1209 01:02:20,467 --> 01:02:22,300 You do not have to say anything, 1210 01:02:22,300 --> 01:02:24,467 however, it may harm your defense 1211 01:02:24,467 --> 01:02:26,800 if you fail to mention something under questioning 1212 01:02:26,800 --> 01:02:29,467 that you later go on to rely on in court. 1213 01:02:29,467 --> 01:02:34,367 And of course, anything you do say may be used in evidence. 1214 01:02:34,367 --> 01:02:36,433 Thank you. 1215 01:02:41,133 --> 01:02:43,567 Now, what the hell are you doing searching my car? 1216 01:02:43,567 --> 01:02:47,600 This is a signed authority from Superintendent Summers at AC-3 1217 01:02:47,600 --> 01:02:50,833 to investigate AC-12 officers 1218 01:02:50,833 --> 01:02:55,667 based on concerns raised by D.C. Fleming. 1219 01:02:57,500 --> 01:02:58,633 Kate? 1220 01:02:59,800 --> 01:03:02,533 Just doing our job here. There's nothing personal. 1221 01:03:05,467 --> 01:03:09,333 Kate was obviously investigating Steven Arnott, not me. 1222 01:03:09,333 --> 01:03:12,600 The signed authority from Superintendent Summers 1223 01:03:12,600 --> 01:03:15,700 is a bit like grandma's nightgown -- 1224 01:03:15,700 --> 01:03:17,700 It covers everything. 1225 01:03:17,700 --> 01:03:19,233 D.C. Fleming, 1226 01:03:19,233 --> 01:03:22,167 the search of D.I. Cottan's service vehicle, if you please. 1227 01:03:22,167 --> 01:03:23,767 FLEMING: Sir. 1228 01:03:23,767 --> 01:03:28,267 Service vehicle November Juliet Zero Seven Zulu Foxtrot Whiskey 1229 01:03:28,267 --> 01:03:31,233 was examined forensically, with one notable finding. 1230 01:03:31,233 --> 01:03:34,533 Item GBS-8 is a number of synthetic fibers. 1231 01:03:34,533 --> 01:03:38,733 "Comparison of fibers from GBS-8 and NTW-7 1232 01:03:38,733 --> 01:03:41,300 finds multiple chemical correlations 1233 01:03:41,300 --> 01:03:43,433 that imply a very strong likelihood 1234 01:03:43,433 --> 01:03:46,800 the materials derive from the same original source." 1235 01:03:46,800 --> 01:03:49,567 "The same original source." 1236 01:03:49,567 --> 01:03:53,467 NTW-7 is the item reference assigned to the rope 1237 01:03:53,467 --> 01:03:57,467 found at the industrial unit where Hari Bains was arrested. 1238 01:03:57,467 --> 01:04:01,167 HASTINGS: The noose had been in your boot. 1239 01:04:01,167 --> 01:04:03,533 The noose that you claimed 1240 01:04:03,533 --> 01:04:07,633 Hari Bains was gonna hang you with. 1241 01:04:07,633 --> 01:04:10,400 What the forensics are suggesting 1242 01:04:10,400 --> 01:04:13,133 is that you planted it there in that industrial unit 1243 01:04:13,133 --> 01:04:16,433 to falsely incriminate Bains for Kennedy's murder. 1244 01:04:24,633 --> 01:04:27,433 Bains had handled the rope when he prepared the noose. 1245 01:04:27,433 --> 01:04:28,533 Bains and I had a scuffle 1246 01:04:28,533 --> 01:04:30,400 in which he attempted to overpower me. 1247 01:04:30,400 --> 01:04:32,300 Fibers transferred onto me. 1248 01:04:32,300 --> 01:04:33,733 Those fibers were then transferred 1249 01:04:33,733 --> 01:04:36,767 into my service vehicle the next morning when I clocked on. 1250 01:04:36,767 --> 01:04:39,767 They were in the boot, nowhere else. 1251 01:04:39,767 --> 01:04:42,833 The first thing I do before I get in the motor 1252 01:04:42,833 --> 01:04:45,200 is sling my coat and briefcase in the boot. 1253 01:04:45,200 --> 01:04:47,500 Now, if those fibers were going to end up anywhere, 1254 01:04:47,500 --> 01:04:49,733 that is exactly where they'd be found. 1255 01:04:52,667 --> 01:04:57,733 Are you covering for the real murderer of Rod Kennedy? 1256 01:04:57,733 --> 01:05:00,167 No, I'm not. 1257 01:05:00,167 --> 01:05:03,533 Were you involved in murdering Rod Kennedy? 1258 01:05:03,533 --> 01:05:06,467 No, I wasn't. 1259 01:05:10,467 --> 01:05:12,167 [ Clears throat ] 1260 01:05:14,167 --> 01:05:16,500 Returning to the mobile phones. 1261 01:05:16,500 --> 01:05:18,300 Happy to. 1262 01:05:19,567 --> 01:05:21,500 On-screen, Image 104. 1263 01:05:21,500 --> 01:05:24,700 Image 104 shows Item Reference KMF-13, 1264 01:05:24,700 --> 01:05:26,533 an unregistered mobile phone, 1265 01:05:26,533 --> 01:05:28,600 and Item Reference KMF-14 1266 01:05:28,600 --> 01:05:31,833 is a subscriber identification module. 1267 01:05:31,833 --> 01:05:34,100 Do you recognize these items? 1268 01:05:36,300 --> 01:05:38,367 -No. -HASTINGS: "No"? 1269 01:05:38,367 --> 01:05:39,833 I'll give you "no." 1270 01:05:39,833 --> 01:05:42,500 These items were submitted to us in evidence 1271 01:05:42,500 --> 01:05:46,067 by a witness who alleges that they do, or did, belong to you. 1272 01:05:46,067 --> 01:05:47,533 Well, then the witness is mistaken. 1273 01:05:47,533 --> 01:05:52,367 Analysis of said subscriber identification module KMF-14 1274 01:05:52,367 --> 01:05:56,367 revealed no activity since October 2014. 1275 01:05:56,367 --> 01:05:59,133 All communications up to and including that date 1276 01:05:59,133 --> 01:06:02,167 appeared to relate to other unregistered users. 1277 01:06:02,167 --> 01:06:05,233 Right, so you've got a phone that doesn't belong to me 1278 01:06:05,233 --> 01:06:07,400 and a load of mysterious calls. 1279 01:06:07,400 --> 01:06:09,600 Pardon me if I don't see the significance. 1280 01:06:10,800 --> 01:06:13,700 On-screen, Image 909. 1281 01:06:13,700 --> 01:06:17,600 Image 909 is Item Reference SJP-32. 1282 01:06:17,600 --> 01:06:19,167 It was detected in the boot of a vehicle 1283 01:06:19,167 --> 01:06:23,467 found at the Edge Park Golf Club in July of 2012. 1284 01:06:23,467 --> 01:06:26,167 The vehicle is registered to Alex Campbell, 1285 01:06:26,167 --> 01:06:29,833 the alias being used at the time by one John Thomas Hunter. 1286 01:06:29,833 --> 01:06:33,067 Now, it was known Tommy Hunter used numerous such phones 1287 01:06:33,067 --> 01:06:35,500 to conduct his criminal activities. 1288 01:06:35,500 --> 01:06:38,400 But this particular phone is of interest to us 1289 01:06:38,400 --> 01:06:42,667 because of a call made on the 8th of July of 2012 1290 01:06:42,667 --> 01:06:44,567 at around midnight 1291 01:06:44,567 --> 01:06:46,400 was from Hunter's phone to yours. 1292 01:06:46,400 --> 01:06:52,233 And that's the significance, fella, in black and white. 1293 01:06:52,567 --> 01:06:54,267 I've no connection with this phone 1294 01:06:54,267 --> 01:06:55,633 or SIM card you've been given, 1295 01:06:55,633 --> 01:06:57,667 and I've certainly no connection to Hunter. 1296 01:06:57,667 --> 01:07:02,367 So how come we're being told this phone belongs to you? 1297 01:07:03,733 --> 01:07:05,100 This witness you've got, 1298 01:07:05,100 --> 01:07:07,733 I bet he said he found this phone in my service vehicle 1299 01:07:07,733 --> 01:07:10,400 a couple of years back. 1300 01:07:10,400 --> 01:07:12,633 Yeah, well, I can neither confirm nor deny. 1301 01:07:12,633 --> 01:07:14,033 Yeah, well, I can confirm 1302 01:07:14,033 --> 01:07:17,400 that he sat on this so-called evidence for a long time. 1303 01:07:17,400 --> 01:07:19,200 I reckon he also told you he conned me 1304 01:07:19,200 --> 01:07:20,800 into taking the wrong SIM card back 1305 01:07:20,800 --> 01:07:22,233 while he held on to the real McCoy. 1306 01:07:22,233 --> 01:07:25,567 Yeah, well, as I said, I can neither confirm nor deny. 1307 01:07:25,567 --> 01:07:29,500 Is there anything you've got linking me to these items? 1308 01:07:29,500 --> 01:07:31,233 Mm? 1309 01:07:31,233 --> 01:07:33,633 Something like forensic evidence? 1310 01:07:35,733 --> 01:07:38,667 I did leave my phone in my service vehicle. 1311 01:07:38,667 --> 01:07:41,233 And I was very grateful when D.C. Morton -- 1312 01:07:41,233 --> 01:07:43,200 and let's not be coy about names -- 1313 01:07:43,200 --> 01:07:44,700 returned it to me. 1314 01:07:44,700 --> 01:07:47,367 Now, I've no idea where this other SIM card has come from. 1315 01:07:47,367 --> 01:07:50,767 But D.C. Morton informed us that it was you who induced him 1316 01:07:50,767 --> 01:07:52,800 to mislead the original inquiry about the Caddy, 1317 01:07:52,800 --> 01:07:54,733 that it was you, D.I. Cottan, 1318 01:07:54,733 --> 01:07:57,567 who suggested attributing the nickname 1319 01:07:57,567 --> 01:07:59,367 to a deceased police officer. 1320 01:07:59,367 --> 01:08:01,700 Well, that's just not true, sir. 1321 01:08:01,700 --> 01:08:04,100 It was D.C. Morton who did the misleading. 1322 01:08:04,100 --> 01:08:07,700 He's the one that's been falsely claiming disability benefits. 1323 01:08:07,700 --> 01:08:10,533 Now, he'll say anything to cling on to his pension, 1324 01:08:10,533 --> 01:08:11,800 anything at all. 1325 01:08:11,800 --> 01:08:15,333 The man is a completely unreliable witness. 1326 01:08:19,233 --> 01:08:24,700 D.I. Cottan, where were you on the morning of July 17th? 1327 01:08:25,367 --> 01:08:26,467 You're asking me where I was 1328 01:08:26,467 --> 01:08:28,367 when Lindsay Denton was murdered? 1329 01:08:28,367 --> 01:08:30,400 100% that's what she's asking you. 1330 01:08:30,400 --> 01:08:33,133 You need to demonstrate some legal basis for that question, 1331 01:08:33,133 --> 01:08:36,167 or I suggest you withdraw it immediately. 1332 01:08:37,067 --> 01:08:40,367 Kate, bring up the next item and the map. 1333 01:08:41,767 --> 01:08:44,867 FLEMING: Item Reference MB-1 to MB-5. 1334 01:08:44,867 --> 01:08:47,533 Traffic cameras captured images of this vehicle 1335 01:08:47,533 --> 01:08:49,633 on the morning of Lindsay's murder. 1336 01:08:49,633 --> 01:08:52,400 Identical make, model, and color as Steve Arnott's 1337 01:08:52,400 --> 01:08:54,800 but with different registration. 1338 01:08:56,067 --> 01:08:57,300 It was driven on the route 1339 01:08:57,300 --> 01:08:59,367 matching Lindsay's location that morning. 1340 01:09:00,200 --> 01:09:02,433 The registration proved to be false. 1341 01:09:02,433 --> 01:09:04,600 We're curious about the logic here. 1342 01:09:04,600 --> 01:09:06,067 The logic? 1343 01:09:07,367 --> 01:09:08,467 Steve Arnott takes the trouble to disguise the vehicle, 1344 01:09:08,467 --> 01:09:09,600 but there were no fake plates found 1345 01:09:09,600 --> 01:09:11,733 where Lindsay's body was discovered. 1346 01:09:11,733 --> 01:09:14,567 I mean, why would Steve remove the fake plates 1347 01:09:14,567 --> 01:09:16,100 and then leave Lindsay's body 1348 01:09:16,100 --> 01:09:20,033 lying in the front passenger seat for all the world to find? 1349 01:09:21,400 --> 01:09:23,267 Well, my hypothesis would be 1350 01:09:23,267 --> 01:09:26,233 Steven Arnott only meant to abduct Lindsay Denton. 1351 01:09:26,233 --> 01:09:30,267 Something went wrong, he killed her, he panicked. 1352 01:09:31,167 --> 01:09:33,100 Would Lindsay really have got into Steve's car 1353 01:09:33,100 --> 01:09:35,167 if she'd seen it was displaying fake plates? 1354 01:09:35,167 --> 01:09:37,700 Everyone makes mistakes. 1355 01:09:38,333 --> 01:09:41,433 Indeed we do, D.I. Cottan. 1356 01:09:45,667 --> 01:09:47,000 Are there any witnesses 1357 01:09:47,000 --> 01:09:50,267 that saw Steve's car being stolen, as he claimed? 1358 01:09:50,267 --> 01:09:51,667 Hmm? 1359 01:09:51,667 --> 01:09:55,767 Any witnesses that saw anyone else driving the vehicle? 1360 01:09:58,233 --> 01:10:02,200 I think these are questions for Steven Arnott, not me. 1361 01:10:03,633 --> 01:10:04,900 D.C. Fleming. 1362 01:10:04,900 --> 01:10:07,533 Steve Arnott insists he returned his firearm 1363 01:10:07,533 --> 01:10:09,700 four days before Lindsay's murder. 1364 01:10:09,700 --> 01:10:12,233 The booking-out officer at South Ferry Armory 1365 01:10:12,233 --> 01:10:13,500 corroborates Steve's story. 1366 01:10:13,500 --> 01:10:15,633 The booking-out officer's covering his own ass. 1367 01:10:15,633 --> 01:10:18,400 Yeah, well, an impostor could have obtained the murder weapon 1368 01:10:18,400 --> 01:10:20,467 and then forged the paperwork to make it appear 1369 01:10:20,467 --> 01:10:22,867 that Steve Arnott's firearm had the same serial number 1370 01:10:22,867 --> 01:10:25,600 as the murder weapon and that he never returned it. 1371 01:10:25,600 --> 01:10:27,700 That's an interesting theory. 1372 01:10:27,700 --> 01:10:31,333 But it couldn't have been me. I'm not an AFO. 1373 01:10:31,333 --> 01:10:33,367 How would I have obtained the murder weapon? 1374 01:10:33,367 --> 01:10:37,267 The Caddy commands a network of corrupt officers. 1375 01:10:37,267 --> 01:10:39,300 He does. 1376 01:10:39,300 --> 01:10:42,333 But Steve Arnott's the Caddy, not me. 1377 01:10:42,333 --> 01:10:45,100 You've thought that since before Lindsay's murder. 1378 01:10:45,100 --> 01:10:46,000 -Yeah. -Yeah. 1379 01:10:46,000 --> 01:10:47,333 In fact you made a call to me 1380 01:10:47,333 --> 01:10:49,400 the night before Lindsay's murder. 1381 01:10:50,100 --> 01:10:52,567 You called me after you'd observed Lindsay Denton 1382 01:10:52,567 --> 01:10:54,800 return to her approved premises. 1383 01:10:54,800 --> 01:10:56,667 -Yeah. -Yeah. 1384 01:10:56,667 --> 01:10:57,967 At 15 minutes after midnight, 1385 01:10:57,967 --> 01:11:00,433 you called me from your mobile, and you said, 1386 01:11:00,433 --> 01:11:03,300 "That lead on Steve. Looks like it's gonna pan out. 1387 01:11:03,300 --> 01:11:05,367 He really did plant the money at Lindsay's. 1388 01:11:05,367 --> 01:11:06,567 Sorry. 1389 01:11:06,567 --> 01:11:07,633 I thought you'd want to know 1390 01:11:07,633 --> 01:11:09,600 before it becomes common knowledge." 1391 01:11:09,600 --> 01:11:13,300 HASTINGS: Did you make that call, D.I. Cottan? 1392 01:11:13,300 --> 01:11:15,200 Uh [Clears throat] yeah. 1393 01:11:15,200 --> 01:11:18,133 Yeah, so what was the lead that was gonna pan out? 1394 01:11:18,133 --> 01:11:20,300 Um... 1395 01:11:22,600 --> 01:11:25,300 Well, it couldn't have been the money in Steve's gym bag 1396 01:11:25,300 --> 01:11:28,133 because that wasn't discovered until the forensics carried out 1397 01:11:28,133 --> 01:11:31,300 a search of the service vehicle the next day. 1398 01:11:33,167 --> 01:11:35,533 Arnott was behaving suspiciously, 1399 01:11:35,533 --> 01:11:37,300 and I wanted to give Kate a heads-up 1400 01:11:37,300 --> 01:11:38,867 as they've been partners for a long time. 1401 01:11:38,867 --> 01:11:40,733 Oh, well, that's very considerate of you, 1402 01:11:40,733 --> 01:11:45,700 but I will ask you for a second time, what was the lead? 1403 01:11:47,633 --> 01:11:49,433 Um... 1404 01:11:51,367 --> 01:11:54,267 I'd glimpsed some banknotes in his gym bag. 1405 01:11:54,267 --> 01:11:55,233 I intended to investigate. 1406 01:11:55,233 --> 01:11:57,167 When did you see the banknotes? 1407 01:11:57,167 --> 01:11:58,567 Earlier that day. 1408 01:12:01,700 --> 01:12:02,767 But how could you have known 1409 01:12:02,767 --> 01:12:03,867 that forensics would connect them 1410 01:12:03,867 --> 01:12:06,800 to the money planted at Lindsay's? 1411 01:12:15,167 --> 01:12:18,200 D.I. Cottan, were you able to forewarn Kate 1412 01:12:18,200 --> 01:12:19,833 because you had a scheme in mind 1413 01:12:19,833 --> 01:12:21,433 where you were gonna plant that money 1414 01:12:21,433 --> 01:12:22,567 in Steve's service vehicle? 1415 01:12:22,567 --> 01:12:23,967 No. No. Absolutely not. 1416 01:12:23,967 --> 01:12:27,733 FLEMING: That's how the service vehicle was stolen. 1417 01:12:28,667 --> 01:12:31,100 You cloned the key and were plotting to use it 1418 01:12:31,100 --> 01:12:32,367 to plant evidence against Steve. 1419 01:12:32,367 --> 01:12:35,700 No. No. Absolutely not. 1420 01:12:35,700 --> 01:12:37,167 HASTINGS: D.I. Cottan, 1421 01:12:37,167 --> 01:12:39,800 I think we've earned the right to ask you the question -- 1422 01:12:39,800 --> 01:12:43,500 Will you kindly tell us your whereabouts 1423 01:12:43,500 --> 01:12:47,000 between 10:00 and 11:00 that morning? 1424 01:12:48,667 --> 01:12:51,133 Well, I really don't have to answer that question. 1425 01:12:52,833 --> 01:12:54,133 Don't you? 1426 01:12:54,133 --> 01:12:56,133 This is a voluntary interview, 1427 01:12:56,133 --> 01:12:57,367 and I'm only cooperating 1428 01:12:57,367 --> 01:12:59,733 out of my lawful duty as a police officer 1429 01:12:59,733 --> 01:13:01,867 to assist in a criminal inquiry. 1430 01:13:01,867 --> 01:13:03,200 Indeed you are. Indeed you are. 1431 01:13:03,200 --> 01:13:05,567 We can call a halt to the proceedings right there 1432 01:13:05,567 --> 01:13:08,733 and leave this question hanging over you and your career. 1433 01:13:08,733 --> 01:13:12,067 Or you can stick your hand up and offer us an answer 1434 01:13:12,067 --> 01:13:14,233 and exclude yourself from our inquiry. 1435 01:13:14,233 --> 01:13:16,433 It's entirely your decision. 1436 01:13:16,833 --> 01:13:18,467 Take your time. 1437 01:13:28,700 --> 01:13:30,767 [ Clears throat ] 1438 01:13:33,100 --> 01:13:34,667 I was at my flat. 1439 01:13:35,700 --> 01:13:37,333 I'd had a late night on surveillance, 1440 01:13:37,333 --> 01:13:39,633 and I needed to catch up on some kip. 1441 01:13:39,633 --> 01:13:42,233 So you were in during those hours? 1442 01:13:42,233 --> 01:13:44,267 -Yeah. -Yeah. 1443 01:13:45,600 --> 01:13:47,567 Say that again. 1444 01:13:49,767 --> 01:13:51,767 You just said you were in your flat. 1445 01:13:51,767 --> 01:13:53,767 We have that on tape. 1446 01:13:58,433 --> 01:14:00,200 Uh... 1447 01:14:00,767 --> 01:14:02,867 It's a very simple matter, D.I. Cottan. 1448 01:14:02,867 --> 01:14:06,067 D.I. Cottan has answered. Haven't you, D.I. Cottan? 1449 01:14:07,067 --> 01:14:08,700 You've mentioned when questioned 1450 01:14:08,700 --> 01:14:12,533 something you later intend to rely on in court. 1451 01:14:16,067 --> 01:14:18,467 Yeah, look, I -- Uh... 1452 01:14:18,467 --> 01:14:21,233 Sorry. I may have got that wrong. 1453 01:14:21,233 --> 01:14:22,200 Uh... 1454 01:14:22,200 --> 01:14:24,333 I just need to think. 1455 01:14:24,333 --> 01:14:27,067 Um... 1456 01:14:27,067 --> 01:14:30,633 I'd -- I'd been up late and... 1457 01:14:30,633 --> 01:14:33,400 Take your time. Take your time. 1458 01:14:38,133 --> 01:14:41,133 Look, I-I, uh -- I need to think about that one. 1459 01:14:41,133 --> 01:14:43,800 HASTINGS: Absolutely. Absolutely. 1460 01:14:47,633 --> 01:14:49,467 Maybe I could just check my calendar. 1461 01:14:49,467 --> 01:14:51,100 HASTINGS: Yeah, yeah. 1462 01:14:53,833 --> 01:14:57,667 You wouldn't have entered my flat, would you, Kate? 1463 01:15:08,167 --> 01:15:10,300 I mean, alone. 1464 01:15:26,367 --> 01:15:28,733 Tend to this wounded man here! Quick! 1465 01:15:28,733 --> 01:15:31,433 -MAN: Sir! -Kate, you all right?! 1466 01:15:31,433 --> 01:15:32,500 Someone start CPR! 1467 01:15:32,500 --> 01:15:35,033 I want this building locked down! 1468 01:15:36,800 --> 01:15:40,000 -[ Alarm blaring ] -Open the door! 1469 01:15:41,700 --> 01:15:43,267 Don't move! 1470 01:15:43,267 --> 01:15:45,600 Give me your Glock! 1471 01:15:45,600 --> 01:15:48,833 There's a pickup point. It's all arranged. 1472 01:15:48,833 --> 01:15:51,600 [ Tires screech ] 1473 01:15:57,233 --> 01:15:59,800 -Get back! -Move! 1474 01:16:03,367 --> 01:16:06,133 Stop! Stop! Armed police! 1475 01:16:08,533 --> 01:16:10,767 Keep driving as fast as you can. 1476 01:16:10,767 --> 01:16:12,300 MAN: Okay. 1477 01:16:18,833 --> 01:16:20,667 It looks like they're gonna go left. 1478 01:16:20,667 --> 01:16:22,300 Go with them. 1479 01:16:29,667 --> 01:16:31,333 Keep up with them. 1480 01:16:36,267 --> 01:16:38,633 Keep going. Keep going. 1481 01:16:42,367 --> 01:16:44,433 Right. Drive on! 1482 01:16:51,567 --> 01:16:53,000 Shit. 1483 01:16:54,800 --> 01:16:57,000 Get back! Back! 1484 01:16:58,400 --> 01:17:00,567 -[ Cellphone rings ] -MAN: Two males, one armed. 1485 01:17:00,567 --> 01:17:04,200 IC1, dark hair, 6'5". 1486 01:17:05,533 --> 01:17:06,867 Kate? 1487 01:17:06,867 --> 01:17:09,467 Suspects heading north off Kingsgate high street. 1488 01:17:09,467 --> 01:17:12,600 North off Kingsgate high street! 1489 01:17:14,100 --> 01:17:15,367 Kate, listen to me. 1490 01:17:15,367 --> 01:17:16,600 Maintain visual contact but do not approach. 1491 01:17:16,600 --> 01:17:18,500 We have an armed response unit on the way. 1492 01:17:18,500 --> 01:17:20,567 Repeat -- Do not approach. 1493 01:17:20,567 --> 01:17:22,533 Sir. 1494 01:17:56,067 --> 01:17:57,433 Armed police! 1495 01:18:01,833 --> 01:18:03,233 Drop your weapon! 1496 01:18:03,233 --> 01:18:05,067 Drop yours! 1497 01:18:14,867 --> 01:18:17,100 Kate, sit rep. 1498 01:18:17,100 --> 01:18:20,333 One suspect down. Repeat -- One suspect down. 1499 01:18:20,333 --> 01:18:23,400 Second suspect heading to Moss Heath flyover. 1500 01:18:23,400 --> 01:18:26,467 Moss Heath flyover! 1501 01:18:26,467 --> 01:18:28,867 Okay, so which one of them is still up and running? 1502 01:18:28,867 --> 01:18:30,667 Dot. 1503 01:18:32,200 --> 01:18:34,200 What can I do to help, sir? 1504 01:18:34,200 --> 01:18:36,300 Good girl. Get on to the SFC. 1505 01:18:36,300 --> 01:18:39,500 I need to know where those armed response units are. 1506 01:18:40,600 --> 01:18:43,767 Strategic firearms commander. 1507 01:19:08,133 --> 01:19:09,333 Shit. 1508 01:19:10,700 --> 01:19:13,433 Drop you gun! Drop your phone! 1509 01:19:13,433 --> 01:19:15,300 Kate. 1510 01:19:15,300 --> 01:19:18,500 Drop 'em! Hands over your head! 1511 01:19:20,867 --> 01:19:22,333 They're not here for you, then? 1512 01:19:22,333 --> 01:19:25,833 Not yet. But they will be. 1513 01:19:25,833 --> 01:19:29,200 My advice -- Run now while you can. 1514 01:19:29,200 --> 01:19:32,467 I am too knackered to run. Drop the gun! 1515 01:19:36,067 --> 01:19:37,600 You went into my flat that morning. 1516 01:19:37,600 --> 01:19:39,167 You saw I wasn't there? 1517 01:19:39,167 --> 01:19:40,833 Maybe. Maybe not. 1518 01:19:40,833 --> 01:19:43,633 When did you know? 1519 01:19:44,233 --> 01:19:46,133 That'd be telling. 1520 01:19:46,533 --> 01:19:49,667 Well, now I see why we never slept together. 1521 01:19:50,833 --> 01:19:53,300 It wasn't that I didn't want to. 1522 01:19:54,533 --> 01:19:57,133 -Please go now, while it's safe. -I get it. 1523 01:19:57,133 --> 01:19:59,533 Steve Arnott's the Caddy, so you can retire. 1524 01:19:59,533 --> 01:20:00,900 Yeah. Something like that, yeah. 1525 01:20:00,900 --> 01:20:05,633 They picked you, groomed you, guided your career. 1526 01:20:06,100 --> 01:20:07,633 You know everything. 1527 01:20:09,300 --> 01:20:11,300 What are you gonna do now, just stop? 1528 01:20:11,300 --> 01:20:14,300 What do you think they're gonna do? 1529 01:20:16,300 --> 01:20:18,567 There's only one way you can put this behind you. 1530 01:20:18,567 --> 01:20:20,600 Kate, I know what I'm doing. 1531 01:20:20,600 --> 01:20:21,967 Patrick Fairbank. 1532 01:20:21,967 --> 01:20:25,633 They're saying he's gonna get off the child abuse charges. 1533 01:20:26,500 --> 01:20:30,433 You know names, dates, places. 1534 01:20:30,733 --> 01:20:33,767 You know all about monsters like him. 1535 01:20:35,367 --> 01:20:37,100 Confess. 1536 01:20:37,100 --> 01:20:38,867 Give us the names of all the people 1537 01:20:38,867 --> 01:20:41,800 that have ruined all these people's lives, 1538 01:20:41,800 --> 01:20:45,133 all these monsters you've protected! 1539 01:20:46,633 --> 01:20:49,100 Do the right thing. 1540 01:20:49,100 --> 01:20:50,700 Confess. 1541 01:20:51,333 --> 01:20:53,167 Tell us everything. 1542 01:20:54,100 --> 01:20:55,300 Aah! 1543 01:21:03,500 --> 01:21:05,100 Go! Go! 1544 01:21:05,100 --> 01:21:08,333 [ Engine revs, tires screech ] 1545 01:21:44,700 --> 01:21:46,000 P.C. Bindra, AC-12. 1546 01:21:46,000 --> 01:21:48,200 I am still awaiting the requested information. 1547 01:21:48,200 --> 01:21:49,400 HASTINGS: Be on, everybody. 1548 01:21:49,400 --> 01:21:51,700 One of our own's out there in harm's way. 1549 01:21:51,700 --> 01:21:54,233 I need to know what's going on! 1550 01:21:54,233 --> 01:21:56,100 Our officer's at Moss Heath flyover. 1551 01:21:56,100 --> 01:21:58,767 We need a location on those armed units, sir. 1552 01:22:38,400 --> 01:22:39,567 [ Tires screech ] 1553 01:22:45,567 --> 01:22:47,400 [ Car alarm blaring ] 1554 01:22:53,300 --> 01:22:54,733 WOMAN: We need an ambulance! 1555 01:22:54,733 --> 01:22:57,433 Armed police! Get back! 1556 01:22:58,100 --> 01:22:59,733 Get back! 1557 01:23:04,733 --> 01:23:07,167 Dot, drop the gun! 1558 01:23:07,167 --> 01:23:08,800 Put it down! 1559 01:23:24,333 --> 01:23:26,333 -No! -[ Gunshots ] 1560 01:23:26,867 --> 01:23:27,833 [ Gunshots ] 1561 01:23:27,833 --> 01:23:30,300 [ Sirens wailing ] 1562 01:23:31,267 --> 01:23:33,800 Armed police! Drop your weapon! On the ground! 1563 01:23:33,800 --> 01:23:35,767 -Hands behind your head! -I'm AC-12! 1564 01:23:35,767 --> 01:23:37,467 -Everyone back! -AC-12! 1565 01:23:37,467 --> 01:23:39,133 Everyone get back now! 1566 01:23:39,700 --> 01:23:42,233 WOMAN: ...urgent paramedic support. 1567 01:23:42,233 --> 01:23:44,600 MAN: Request urgent armed support. 1568 01:23:45,700 --> 01:23:47,533 Get away from him! 1569 01:23:47,533 --> 01:23:49,300 I'm taking his dying declaration! 1570 01:23:49,300 --> 01:23:50,767 Now, Sergeant, you will stand down! 1571 01:23:50,767 --> 01:23:53,700 Suspect down. Believed to be... 1572 01:23:53,700 --> 01:23:55,067 [ Beeps ] 1573 01:23:55,067 --> 01:23:58,033 Come on, Dot. Say it. 1574 01:24:00,433 --> 01:24:02,667 Come on, Dot. 1575 01:24:04,200 --> 01:24:06,033 Fairbank... 1576 01:24:06,700 --> 01:24:08,433 Yeah. 1577 01:24:30,667 --> 01:24:33,300 You're free to go. 1578 01:24:40,233 --> 01:24:41,667 Kate? 1579 01:24:41,667 --> 01:24:44,333 Who else would it be? 1580 01:25:01,600 --> 01:25:03,667 Thanks, mate. 1581 01:25:07,433 --> 01:25:09,733 Come on. Let's get you home. 1582 01:25:24,400 --> 01:25:26,600 Good shot, sir. 1583 01:25:31,367 --> 01:25:33,300 [ Siren wails ] 1584 01:26:24,133 --> 01:26:25,033 [ Cheering ] 1585 01:26:25,033 --> 01:26:26,567 -Congratulations. -Thank you. 1586 01:26:26,567 --> 01:26:28,467 Job very well done. 1587 01:26:28,467 --> 01:26:30,733 -Good work. -Thank you. 1588 01:26:30,733 --> 01:26:32,700 Well done, Kate! 1589 01:26:39,267 --> 01:26:41,167 Congratulations! 1590 01:26:41,767 --> 01:26:44,167 [ Indistinct shouting ] 1591 01:27:02,233 --> 01:27:04,167 Steve. 1592 01:27:04,167 --> 01:27:05,600 Kate.