1 00:01:21,624 --> 00:01:23,585 All hides and furs! 2 00:01:23,668 --> 00:01:27,255 All types of fur and hides! From Hedeby! 3 00:01:35,180 --> 00:01:36,681 Hello, friends! 4 00:01:38,141 --> 00:01:41,853 The great King Ragnar, back from the dead. 5 00:01:41,936 --> 00:01:43,938 What are you doing here? 6 00:01:45,523 --> 00:01:47,692 I'll let you in on a secret. 7 00:01:48,443 --> 00:01:49,944 I'm going to raid England again. 8 00:01:50,028 --> 00:01:54,032 And I'm looking for warriors, like you and like you, to join me. 9 00:01:54,324 --> 00:01:56,534 Why do you want to raid England again? 10 00:01:57,160 --> 00:01:59,412 I've heard your son Bjorn has other plans. 11 00:01:59,496 --> 00:02:03,166 Yes, he does, but I have my own plans. 12 00:02:05,710 --> 00:02:09,172 To exact revenge on the destruction of the settlement. 13 00:02:10,632 --> 00:02:13,635 Yes. My brother and his family went with you. 14 00:02:14,427 --> 00:02:16,888 They were farmers, like me. 15 00:02:20,558 --> 00:02:23,436 We never did find out what happened to them. 16 00:02:26,773 --> 00:02:30,318 But it seems you knew all along 17 00:02:31,653 --> 00:02:33,571 and didn't tell us. 18 00:02:35,156 --> 00:02:39,244 And, now, you want us to go and revenge, 19 00:02:40,453 --> 00:02:43,581 not for my brother, and his wife, 20 00:02:44,082 --> 00:02:45,500 and their children, 21 00:02:45,583 --> 00:02:48,503 because you didn't care for them, no. 22 00:02:50,338 --> 00:02:52,131 For your own guilt. 23 00:02:53,341 --> 00:02:57,262 And do you know what, Ragnar Lothbrok? 24 00:02:58,638 --> 00:03:00,265 Do you know what? 25 00:03:24,289 --> 00:03:26,291 Thank you for your time. 26 00:03:27,125 --> 00:03:29,294 And if I had the mind to raid, 27 00:03:30,336 --> 00:03:33,631 I would raid with your son, and not with you! 28 00:03:34,924 --> 00:03:40,096 For I believe the gods have deserted you, King Ragnar Lothbrok! 29 00:03:41,472 --> 00:03:43,224 You are on your own! 30 00:03:43,975 --> 00:03:46,144 Everyone hates you now! 31 00:03:53,151 --> 00:03:56,946 You will have to travel down here, along the coast of Frankia. 32 00:03:58,323 --> 00:04:00,825 It will be hard not to be detected. 33 00:04:01,618 --> 00:04:04,662 I am sure Floki's new boats can out sail 34 00:04:04,787 --> 00:04:07,749 anything the Franks put out to sea. 35 00:04:07,832 --> 00:04:09,334 We cannot be at sea forever. 36 00:04:09,834 --> 00:04:11,669 Rollo has a new kingdom on the coast. 37 00:04:14,213 --> 00:04:16,257 I don't see any other way. 38 00:04:16,341 --> 00:04:18,092 Because there isn't one. 39 00:04:25,558 --> 00:04:27,435 I could talk to Rollo. 40 00:04:28,645 --> 00:04:30,021 Talk to him? 41 00:04:31,856 --> 00:04:33,650 After what he did? 42 00:04:34,108 --> 00:04:36,319 I have to be practical. 43 00:04:36,402 --> 00:04:38,196 It is the best way. 44 00:04:38,905 --> 00:04:40,365 It is our way. 45 00:04:41,532 --> 00:04:43,493 I will send messengers to him and if he kills them, 46 00:04:43,576 --> 00:04:45,036 I will know where he stands. 47 00:04:46,663 --> 00:04:48,081 And he will know where you are. 48 00:04:48,164 --> 00:04:49,999 He would find out anyway. 49 00:05:02,887 --> 00:05:05,223 I wish you were coming with me. 50 00:05:10,103 --> 00:05:11,604 No, you don't. 51 00:05:13,064 --> 00:05:15,984 You said yourself, this is your destiny, not mine. 52 00:05:17,694 --> 00:05:19,654 Your mistakes are yours 53 00:05:20,822 --> 00:05:22,532 and so are your successes. 54 00:05:27,286 --> 00:05:29,330 So, are you going to England? 55 00:05:30,832 --> 00:05:32,667 That is the plan. 56 00:05:33,084 --> 00:05:34,669 And who will sail with you? 57 00:05:37,755 --> 00:05:39,882 Somehow I will work it out. 58 00:05:43,761 --> 00:05:45,596 There is one thing I need your help with. 59 00:05:47,306 --> 00:05:48,433 What? 60 00:05:52,562 --> 00:05:54,022 I need ships. 61 00:05:57,150 --> 00:05:58,443 I will give you ships. 62 00:06:04,490 --> 00:06:05,950 That was easy. 63 00:06:14,834 --> 00:06:17,378 You've become a man in my absence. 64 00:06:19,839 --> 00:06:21,299 I'm proud of you. 65 00:06:34,562 --> 00:06:36,773 What are you laughing at? Hmm? 66 00:06:39,776 --> 00:06:42,153 She's my special servant now. 67 00:06:44,781 --> 00:06:47,992 And she has a lot of reasons to be grateful to me. 68 00:06:49,327 --> 00:06:51,162 I'm not sure I believe you, little brother. 69 00:06:51,704 --> 00:06:53,456 And I'm sure you're jealous. 70 00:06:55,291 --> 00:06:58,878 You cannot keep a slave to yourself. No, not like that. 71 00:07:00,213 --> 00:07:03,091 Mother, tell them to stop tormenting me. 72 00:07:03,841 --> 00:07:06,469 It makes me so happy you are with a woman. 73 00:07:08,471 --> 00:07:10,223 The rest of you should already be married. 74 00:07:10,348 --> 00:07:12,183 Ubbe, you should have children. 75 00:07:12,767 --> 00:07:14,685 I probably already have. 76 00:07:16,104 --> 00:07:18,022 Just because you are the sons of a king 77 00:07:18,189 --> 00:07:20,149 does not mean you can be irresponsible. 78 00:07:20,525 --> 00:07:23,069 It's important to find a woman and settle down. 79 00:07:23,152 --> 00:07:25,113 I thought I had found a woman. 80 00:07:25,196 --> 00:07:27,907 But now Ivar has taken her away from me. 81 00:07:28,699 --> 00:07:29,867 Skol! 82 00:07:32,370 --> 00:07:34,038 I don't mean love. 83 00:07:35,414 --> 00:07:37,375 You don't have to love the woman. 84 00:07:37,625 --> 00:07:41,087 As a King's son you can have as many women as you like, 85 00:07:41,754 --> 00:07:44,507 but you need one to breed with. 86 00:07:45,800 --> 00:07:47,969 So then you don't believe in love? 87 00:07:48,052 --> 00:07:49,345 I didn't say that. 88 00:07:49,428 --> 00:07:51,305 So you loved Ragnar when you married him? 89 00:07:52,390 --> 00:07:53,933 And he loved you? 90 00:07:54,016 --> 00:07:55,893 Of course I loved him! 91 00:07:57,895 --> 00:07:59,230 Some say that you bewitched him. 92 00:08:05,069 --> 00:08:06,445 What is wrong with you? 93 00:08:07,029 --> 00:08:08,948 Nothing's wrong with me. I just want to know 94 00:08:09,031 --> 00:08:11,868 if she's ever loved anyone except Harbard. 95 00:08:12,326 --> 00:08:14,412 You remember Harbard, don't you? 96 00:08:16,038 --> 00:08:18,708 Of course she has loved someone else. 97 00:08:21,335 --> 00:08:24,755 She has always loved me? 98 00:08:29,969 --> 00:08:32,013 Isn't that right, Mother? 99 00:08:33,556 --> 00:08:34,974 She felt pity for you. 100 00:08:37,268 --> 00:08:38,561 That's all. 101 00:08:40,563 --> 00:08:42,857 We all feel pity for you. 102 00:08:44,025 --> 00:08:47,820 But sometimes we wish that she'd left you to the wolves. 103 00:08:49,488 --> 00:08:50,740 Sigurd! 104 00:08:50,990 --> 00:08:51,991 What? 105 00:09:09,342 --> 00:09:10,384 Ivar! 106 00:09:10,843 --> 00:09:12,470 It is all right. 107 00:09:13,930 --> 00:09:15,890 You're coming over here? 108 00:09:18,976 --> 00:09:20,269 Go on, Boneless! 109 00:09:29,487 --> 00:09:31,197 Go on, little Ivar. 110 00:09:31,948 --> 00:09:34,116 What are you going to do? 111 00:09:43,834 --> 00:09:45,461 Stop! Stop! Stop! 112 00:10:31,090 --> 00:10:32,466 It's good to be in Kattegat. 113 00:10:32,550 --> 00:10:34,385 Yeah, it'll be good. 114 00:10:59,910 --> 00:11:01,787 He's not scared of him. 115 00:11:01,871 --> 00:11:03,414 No. I'm telling you, he was afraid. 116 00:11:12,256 --> 00:11:13,424 Mother! 117 00:11:16,135 --> 00:11:17,511 And Astrid. 118 00:11:19,138 --> 00:11:20,848 What has brought you to Kattegat? 119 00:11:22,141 --> 00:11:25,186 I have to watch my son depart for his destiny. 120 00:11:25,269 --> 00:11:26,729 How could I stay away? 121 00:11:35,571 --> 00:11:37,364 Welcome to the feast. 122 00:11:37,573 --> 00:11:38,908 Thank you, Bjorn. 123 00:11:43,454 --> 00:11:45,498 Halfdan. King Harald. 124 00:11:45,581 --> 00:11:48,209 Bjorn Ironside! It's been a long time. 125 00:11:49,877 --> 00:11:51,128 Come, 126 00:11:51,295 --> 00:11:53,214 you have not been idle. 127 00:11:53,297 --> 00:11:55,716 We have all heard of your exploits. 128 00:11:55,800 --> 00:11:56,842 Yes. 129 00:11:56,926 --> 00:11:58,219 That you captured Rogaland 130 00:11:58,302 --> 00:12:00,638 and overthrew King Arnarson and Earl Eyjolf. 131 00:12:00,721 --> 00:12:01,847 Yes. Hmm. 132 00:12:03,432 --> 00:12:04,809 And also King Svein. 133 00:12:04,975 --> 00:12:06,352 Hmm. 134 00:12:07,978 --> 00:12:11,148 Then you are nearer to your ultimate ambition. 135 00:12:11,941 --> 00:12:13,818 Of being King of Norway. 136 00:12:15,986 --> 00:12:18,823 I think it is impossible, Bjorn. 137 00:12:20,783 --> 00:12:23,369 How can I ever overthrow King Ragnar? 138 00:12:26,163 --> 00:12:29,750 As for you, Bjorn, I want to say we believe in you. 139 00:12:29,834 --> 00:12:31,710 We believe in this journey. 140 00:12:31,794 --> 00:12:34,630 And we believe that the gods are with you. 141 00:12:35,673 --> 00:12:36,882 Indeed. 142 00:12:38,676 --> 00:12:41,846 Astrid! Come, have a drink. 143 00:12:49,395 --> 00:12:51,272 Come meet my brothers. 144 00:12:55,943 --> 00:12:59,613 Ubbe, Hvitserk, Sigurd and Ivar. 145 00:12:59,697 --> 00:13:01,282 Ah. Hvitserk is coming with us. 146 00:13:01,365 --> 00:13:04,785 I remember you, I remember all of you! 147 00:13:04,869 --> 00:13:07,830 But how you've all grown tall. 148 00:13:07,913 --> 00:13:09,331 You're not boys anymore! 149 00:13:10,875 --> 00:13:13,419 I am so much taller when I stand up! 150 00:13:13,711 --> 00:13:16,213 I'm sure you wish you could come with us. 151 00:13:18,340 --> 00:13:19,633 Go to Hel! 152 00:13:21,218 --> 00:13:22,386 I like him. 153 00:13:23,971 --> 00:13:25,055 Floki! 154 00:13:25,681 --> 00:13:27,141 Floki! Harald. 155 00:13:27,224 --> 00:13:28,559 Floki! 156 00:13:28,642 --> 00:13:29,643 Good to see you. 157 00:13:29,768 --> 00:13:30,769 So good to see you. 158 00:13:30,853 --> 00:13:32,646 Come, come see Helga! 159 00:13:35,232 --> 00:13:36,734 Helga! Hello. 160 00:13:37,860 --> 00:13:39,528 We were wondering if you survived. 161 00:13:39,612 --> 00:13:40,988 Yes, Helga. 162 00:13:43,741 --> 00:13:45,409 All these years... 163 00:13:46,076 --> 00:13:49,330 All these years we've dreamed of this very moment. 164 00:13:49,413 --> 00:13:50,789 I have a new boat to show you, Harald. 165 00:13:50,873 --> 00:13:51,832 Yes? 166 00:13:51,916 --> 00:13:54,418 A boat that will take us to new worlds. 167 00:13:54,919 --> 00:13:56,503 We should drink to that. 168 00:13:59,089 --> 00:14:00,591 Skol. Skol. 169 00:14:25,991 --> 00:14:27,451 Queen Aslaug. 170 00:14:28,410 --> 00:14:29,870 Earl Ingstad. 171 00:14:33,666 --> 00:14:36,210 Whatever our differences, 172 00:14:36,293 --> 00:14:38,295 it seems that my son Bjorn 173 00:14:38,379 --> 00:14:41,632 and your son Hvitserk will go on this journey together. 174 00:14:41,715 --> 00:14:45,552 And so we must wish them both the luck of the gods. 175 00:14:47,638 --> 00:14:49,390 Perhaps we should make a sacrifice. 176 00:14:49,473 --> 00:14:52,643 We should. And we can both officiate. 177 00:14:55,145 --> 00:14:57,690 You forget, Lagertha, I am the Queen. 178 00:14:59,984 --> 00:15:01,944 I never forget anything. 179 00:15:06,031 --> 00:15:07,783 ...comes along, and it flows. 180 00:15:07,866 --> 00:15:08,993 A toast! 181 00:15:09,827 --> 00:15:13,956 To all of us! Reunited and stronger than ever! 182 00:15:14,290 --> 00:15:16,292 - Skol! - Skol! 183 00:15:49,366 --> 00:15:50,784 Did he see you? No. 184 00:15:50,868 --> 00:15:51,952 Did he see you leaving? 185 00:15:52,077 --> 00:15:53,162 No, no. But why? 186 00:15:53,245 --> 00:15:56,915 He's crazy. He wanted to kill me. I am frightened of him. 187 00:15:57,750 --> 00:15:59,960 Ivar? He's just a cripple. 188 00:16:00,502 --> 00:16:02,880 What do you mean, just a cripple? 189 00:16:03,380 --> 00:16:06,717 He's the strongest, most violent man I have ever known. 190 00:16:07,051 --> 00:16:09,595 And I want to be protected from him. 191 00:16:11,555 --> 00:16:13,640 Why did he want to kill you? 192 00:16:15,434 --> 00:16:16,935 In case I told you. 193 00:16:17,603 --> 00:16:19,313 Told me what? 194 00:16:21,065 --> 00:16:23,400 Told me what? You can tell me. 195 00:16:23,859 --> 00:16:26,153 That he cannot satisfy a woman. 196 00:16:28,113 --> 00:16:31,325 You won't say anything, will you, Sigurd? 197 00:16:31,408 --> 00:16:32,993 I won't tell anyone. Do you swear? 198 00:16:33,077 --> 00:16:34,495 I won't tell anyone. 199 00:16:34,578 --> 00:16:35,662 If he found out... 200 00:16:35,746 --> 00:16:38,165 I won't tell anyone. All right? 201 00:16:40,918 --> 00:16:42,252 Thank you. 202 00:16:44,338 --> 00:16:45,589 Poor Ivar. 203 00:16:47,925 --> 00:16:48,926 Yeah. 204 00:16:49,009 --> 00:16:50,552 Poor Margrethe. 205 00:16:52,262 --> 00:16:54,014 I suppose you had to console her. 206 00:16:54,598 --> 00:16:55,808 I did what I could. 207 00:16:58,435 --> 00:16:59,436 Hmm. 208 00:17:02,272 --> 00:17:03,607 She's terrified of him. 209 00:17:05,901 --> 00:17:07,069 So am I, Sigurd. 210 00:17:11,115 --> 00:17:12,449 So am I. 211 00:19:44,810 --> 00:19:46,770 I know you can hear me. 212 00:19:50,274 --> 00:19:51,942 I want you to know 213 00:19:53,193 --> 00:19:58,407 that I can never forgive you for taking away my husband and my world. 214 00:20:01,618 --> 00:20:04,037 And look what you've done with it! 215 00:20:15,674 --> 00:20:17,634 You call yourself Queen. 216 00:20:18,969 --> 00:20:21,680 But you will never be Queen in Kattegat. 217 00:20:42,617 --> 00:20:46,246 What are you digging your hoard up for? Huh? 218 00:20:46,330 --> 00:20:49,916 Everything you saved to spend after your death. 219 00:20:54,171 --> 00:20:56,423 I have no choice! 220 00:20:56,506 --> 00:20:59,760 I have to bribe people to sail with me. 221 00:21:01,345 --> 00:21:02,679 You're a loser. 222 00:21:02,763 --> 00:21:06,183 Why don't you come and help me lift, cripple boy? 223 00:21:17,444 --> 00:21:19,029 Good boy. 224 00:21:27,871 --> 00:21:30,957 Halfdan, King Harald, go with the gods. 225 00:21:31,041 --> 00:21:32,376 We will. And you. 226 00:21:32,542 --> 00:21:33,835 More fresh water. Bring it. 227 00:21:33,919 --> 00:21:35,295 You, help me here. 228 00:21:35,379 --> 00:21:37,214 - ...bring you blessings. - Something from the... 229 00:21:37,297 --> 00:21:40,300 I will bring, from the land of the eternal sun. 230 00:21:40,384 --> 00:21:43,053 Yeah, put it there. Yes, down there, yeah. 231 00:21:44,262 --> 00:21:45,680 Helga? 232 00:21:45,847 --> 00:21:47,641 May the gods bless you. 233 00:21:47,724 --> 00:21:50,685 Listen to her. Be brave and take my ax. 234 00:21:51,436 --> 00:21:54,189 - And look after your shield. - Don't lose your shield! 235 00:21:54,272 --> 00:21:57,275 - I hear of their red wine. - I want to taste it. 236 00:21:59,903 --> 00:22:02,030 Careful now! It's slipping! 237 00:22:11,832 --> 00:22:13,500 Now, now, put it straight back on the boat. 238 00:22:13,583 --> 00:22:15,919 We need a hand. Bring the other one. 239 00:22:16,002 --> 00:22:18,380 Inge! Go and help your father! 240 00:22:18,463 --> 00:22:20,132 I'm coming! 241 00:22:21,258 --> 00:22:23,385 Wish him luck. Come back for more. 242 00:22:24,594 --> 00:22:26,805 Be strong. Be safe. 243 00:22:29,391 --> 00:22:30,767 I will. 244 00:22:31,935 --> 00:22:34,062 Don't come back unless you have seen 245 00:22:34,187 --> 00:22:36,314 or done something extraordinary. 246 00:22:36,398 --> 00:22:38,358 Otherwise, you will not be in the stories 247 00:22:38,442 --> 00:22:40,026 and what will I be able to tell our children 248 00:22:40,110 --> 00:22:43,613 about their famous father, Bjorn Ironside? 249 00:22:48,869 --> 00:22:52,330 Tell them that I love them. 250 00:23:02,674 --> 00:23:04,926 Yes, they will. It's very warm. 251 00:23:08,096 --> 00:23:09,055 It's pulling to the left. 252 00:23:09,139 --> 00:23:10,140 Take it. 253 00:23:10,223 --> 00:23:13,268 You cannot pay enough gold for this adventure! 254 00:23:22,444 --> 00:23:24,905 May you wet your blade with blood. 255 00:23:32,329 --> 00:23:34,706 May the gods be with you, brother. 256 00:23:35,665 --> 00:23:38,001 Come back! Tell me your stories. 257 00:23:45,509 --> 00:23:48,762 What a beautiful dragon you've built for us, Floki. 258 00:23:53,433 --> 00:23:55,477 Now, let's fly her to Rome. 259 00:24:00,982 --> 00:24:04,778 They'll sign up all right, Father. But they will be the worst. 260 00:24:06,404 --> 00:24:07,531 They'll be shit. 261 00:24:09,783 --> 00:24:11,409 The dregs. 262 00:24:26,883 --> 00:24:28,301 Who is this? 263 00:24:38,311 --> 00:24:40,105 That is King Ecbert. 264 00:24:43,066 --> 00:24:44,568 Can I keep it? 265 00:25:12,012 --> 00:25:13,054 Check the big one at the top. 266 00:25:23,648 --> 00:25:25,567 Well, just know there was one yesterday. 267 00:25:25,650 --> 00:25:26,860 It was empty. 268 00:25:27,694 --> 00:25:29,029 Who exactly is going 269 00:25:29,112 --> 00:25:31,114 to pay for all this, young Ivar? 270 00:25:59,142 --> 00:26:02,771 Go on. Take it. Ah, that's a good choice, 271 00:26:03,063 --> 00:26:05,899 I got that from Lindisfarne. Go on, go on. 272 00:26:05,982 --> 00:26:07,942 Here you go. Here. Hey. 273 00:26:08,026 --> 00:26:09,611 What are you doing, Father? 274 00:26:10,195 --> 00:26:11,404 What does it look like? 275 00:26:11,488 --> 00:26:12,864 It looks like you're humiliating yourself. 276 00:26:12,947 --> 00:26:14,240 Here you go. 277 00:26:14,324 --> 00:26:16,659 You give me that. No. 278 00:26:18,995 --> 00:26:20,330 I don't care. 279 00:26:20,455 --> 00:26:21,748 What if we care, Father? 280 00:26:25,668 --> 00:26:27,045 Go. 281 00:26:28,171 --> 00:26:29,255 Ah! 282 00:26:30,006 --> 00:26:31,216 Friend. 283 00:26:32,926 --> 00:26:34,177 Have you changed your mind? 284 00:26:34,302 --> 00:26:35,512 Perhaps. 285 00:26:36,971 --> 00:26:39,349 For that I will sail with you. 286 00:26:46,231 --> 00:26:47,732 No, Father! 287 00:26:50,235 --> 00:26:52,404 Take it. Take it. 288 00:27:08,461 --> 00:27:09,796 Thank you. 289 00:27:11,965 --> 00:27:13,049 Take it! Take it! 290 00:27:14,884 --> 00:27:16,261 Take it! 291 00:27:44,581 --> 00:27:46,332 What are you doing? 292 00:27:49,002 --> 00:27:51,087 I am going with Father. 293 00:27:54,424 --> 00:27:55,884 What do you mean? 294 00:27:56,926 --> 00:27:58,928 I am sailing to England. 295 00:28:06,102 --> 00:28:09,939 Tell your father I need to speak to him. 296 00:28:12,150 --> 00:28:14,694 He can't avoid me any longer. 297 00:28:52,565 --> 00:28:54,150 My wife. 298 00:28:57,862 --> 00:29:00,031 And mother of my sons. 299 00:29:01,324 --> 00:29:05,995 We both know that love was not what brought us together. 300 00:29:11,626 --> 00:29:13,670 But you've endured me. 301 00:29:16,923 --> 00:29:19,217 You've suffered my words, 302 00:29:20,635 --> 00:29:22,178 and my neglect. 303 00:29:30,436 --> 00:29:33,022 Yet you never turned our sons against me. 304 00:29:37,360 --> 00:29:40,863 I am sure that there are times when you've hated me, 305 00:29:44,200 --> 00:29:46,869 but you never poisoned their minds 306 00:29:48,329 --> 00:29:50,707 or stopped them from loving me. 307 00:29:52,959 --> 00:29:55,003 And for all of that, 308 00:29:57,630 --> 00:29:59,841 with all my heart 309 00:30:02,260 --> 00:30:04,554 I am grateful to you. 310 00:30:23,072 --> 00:30:25,199 Why are you saying this now? 311 00:30:29,203 --> 00:30:31,414 Because it needed to be said. 312 00:31:30,682 --> 00:31:33,976 You told them! 313 00:31:34,143 --> 00:31:36,312 No, I didn't. I swear. 314 00:31:38,147 --> 00:31:40,441 I do not believe you. 315 00:31:41,234 --> 00:31:43,986 It's true! I swear it, Ivar! I swear it! 316 00:31:47,490 --> 00:31:48,700 Hush. 317 00:31:49,575 --> 00:31:51,077 I believe you. 318 00:31:53,579 --> 00:31:57,125 Just let me lie here beside you, 319 00:31:58,793 --> 00:32:00,461 and touch you. 320 00:33:46,818 --> 00:33:49,320 Ivar! Ivar! 321 00:33:50,112 --> 00:33:51,364 Mother. 322 00:33:54,784 --> 00:33:56,160 You can't go. 323 00:33:56,953 --> 00:33:58,871 What are you talking about? 324 00:33:58,955 --> 00:34:01,082 There's going to be a storm. 325 00:34:02,083 --> 00:34:04,418 Everything will end in disaster. 326 00:34:14,303 --> 00:34:15,638 You've seen that? 327 00:34:15,930 --> 00:34:17,598 Yes, I've seen it. 328 00:34:22,144 --> 00:34:23,688 You will drown. 329 00:34:24,397 --> 00:34:26,023 I've seen it. 330 00:34:27,024 --> 00:34:28,818 You can't go. 331 00:34:28,901 --> 00:34:31,404 Stop telling me what to do, Mother. 332 00:34:40,079 --> 00:34:44,500 Mother, all my life you have been suffocating me. 333 00:34:48,004 --> 00:34:49,964 Paying me 334 00:34:50,047 --> 00:34:53,009 so much special attention. 335 00:34:54,260 --> 00:34:55,803 Why? 336 00:34:56,679 --> 00:34:58,347 Why Ivar? 337 00:35:00,349 --> 00:35:02,268 Because I'm a cripple. 338 00:35:05,688 --> 00:35:07,231 Poor Ivar. 339 00:35:12,194 --> 00:35:14,488 And now poor Ivar has a chance, 340 00:35:14,572 --> 00:35:17,617 finally, to prove himself for the gods. 341 00:35:20,536 --> 00:35:23,956 I will not let you take that away from me, Mother. 342 00:35:24,582 --> 00:35:26,375 You will die, Ivar. 343 00:35:27,835 --> 00:35:29,629 I don't care if I die. 344 00:35:35,676 --> 00:35:36,928 Mother, 345 00:35:39,221 --> 00:35:40,473 I love you. 346 00:35:46,145 --> 00:35:50,691 But just one day with my father, 347 00:35:52,026 --> 00:35:53,402 being a man, 348 00:35:57,406 --> 00:36:00,743 that's worth a lifetime of pity. 349 00:36:15,007 --> 00:36:16,342 Go. 350 00:38:02,531 --> 00:38:05,242 Hurry up. We've got a tide to catch. 351 00:38:07,995 --> 00:38:08,996 Hmm. 352 00:38:59,046 --> 00:39:00,256 You all right? 353 00:39:14,395 --> 00:39:16,355 I'm terrified of water. 354 00:39:23,445 --> 00:39:26,782 There are plenty of worse ways to die than to drown. 355 00:40:40,856 --> 00:40:42,399 Hold the sails! 356 00:40:52,451 --> 00:40:53,744 Let go!