1 00:00:04,922 --> 00:00:06,298 Kora, you don't have to die today. 2 00:00:06,298 --> 00:00:07,966 How'd you know I was gonna be out here? 3 00:00:07,966 --> 00:00:09,593 I have my new friend, Sibyl, to thank for that. 4 00:00:09,593 --> 00:00:11,637 I was actually supposed to die, too, 5 00:00:11,637 --> 00:00:13,597 but I found an escape hatch. 6 00:00:13,597 --> 00:00:14,765 You want to come along? 7 00:00:14,765 --> 00:00:16,850 That woman what did you do to her? 8 00:00:18,477 --> 00:00:19,811 She's none of your concern. 9 00:00:19,811 --> 00:00:21,939 I only wanted what was best for you. 10 00:00:21,939 --> 00:00:23,023 There's only fear in your eyes. 11 00:00:23,023 --> 00:00:24,691 You don't see anything but a threat. 12 00:00:24,691 --> 00:00:26,777 No. I love you. I've always loved you. 13 00:00:26,777 --> 00:00:28,528 You were gonna let him put a knife through my heart! 14 00:00:28,528 --> 00:00:30,906 Li, no! Stop! 15 00:00:33,825 --> 00:00:35,536 I can't leave my people behind to die. 16 00:00:35,536 --> 00:00:36,828 My daughter is still out there. 17 00:00:36,828 --> 00:00:38,580 We won't let you fight this battle alone. 18 00:00:38,580 --> 00:00:40,082 We'll send coordinates to that watch 19 00:00:40,082 --> 00:00:41,625 when we're ready to meet. 20 00:00:41,625 --> 00:00:42,960 You should find someplace to hide until then. 21 00:00:44,378 --> 00:00:46,964 This just feels right. 22 00:00:46,964 --> 00:00:49,883 I feel like we should give the world something new. 23 00:00:49,883 --> 00:00:51,301 And what's that? 24 00:00:52,844 --> 00:00:54,096 Anarchy. 25 00:01:02,271 --> 00:01:04,564 Here you go. 26 00:01:28,964 --> 00:01:30,674 You care for a challenge? 27 00:01:30,674 --> 00:01:32,009 Sure. 28 00:01:32,009 --> 00:01:34,219 A good challenge makes life worth living. 29 00:01:34,219 --> 00:01:35,846 Sounds like someone's a philosopher. 30 00:01:35,846 --> 00:01:38,724 That's pretty rare for a S. H. I. E. L. D. hangout. 31 00:01:38,724 --> 00:01:40,392 I don't know about all that, 32 00:01:40,392 --> 00:01:42,519 but I am a damn good dart thrower. 33 00:01:42,519 --> 00:01:44,021 Fair warning. 34 00:01:44,021 --> 00:01:47,024 How about we add a little wager? Make it fun? 35 00:01:47,024 --> 00:01:49,318 Oh, I'm not sure I want to lose all my money 36 00:01:49,318 --> 00:01:50,819 to the hottest recruit. 37 00:01:50,819 --> 00:01:52,195 Hmm? 38 00:01:53,739 --> 00:01:57,367 Well, top test scores and an ace pilot. 39 00:01:57,367 --> 00:02:01,455 You know, I need a pilot on my team. 40 00:02:01,455 --> 00:02:04,041 I appreciate you blowing smoke up my ass, 41 00:02:04,041 --> 00:02:05,542 but I don't think we've met. 42 00:02:05,542 --> 00:02:06,960 We haven't. 43 00:02:06,960 --> 00:02:08,378 But I know a lot about you. 44 00:02:08,378 --> 00:02:10,130 Like how your relationship with S. H. I. E. L. D. 45 00:02:10,130 --> 00:02:13,634 is headed for a very, very sad breakup. 46 00:02:13,634 --> 00:02:15,385 What the hell are you talking about? 47 00:02:15,385 --> 00:02:18,513 Seven years from now, in the Balkans, 48 00:02:18,513 --> 00:02:20,432 you get wounded real ugly, 49 00:02:20,432 --> 00:02:23,352 lying there with your guts out. 50 00:02:23,352 --> 00:02:26,146 You call for an extract, but they refuse. 51 00:02:28,607 --> 00:02:29,900 You survive, 52 00:02:29,900 --> 00:02:32,986 but you and S. H. I. E. L. D. are over with, 53 00:02:32,986 --> 00:02:35,072 and you fall right into the loving arms of Hydra. 54 00:02:37,032 --> 00:02:38,283 Wow. 55 00:02:38,283 --> 00:02:40,118 The future. 56 00:02:42,162 --> 00:02:43,747 Why don't I call the psych ward 57 00:02:43,747 --> 00:02:45,957 and tell them you wandered off? 58 00:02:50,295 --> 00:02:51,672 Damn. 59 00:02:54,800 --> 00:02:56,677 That's a neat trick. 60 00:02:56,677 --> 00:02:58,970 Yeah, that's called a superpower. 61 00:03:02,057 --> 00:03:04,059 Would you like one? 62 00:03:06,144 --> 00:03:07,688 Sweetheart. 63 00:03:07,688 --> 00:03:09,356 Two more beers on my tab. 64 00:03:09,356 --> 00:03:10,440 Okay. 65 00:03:10,440 --> 00:03:12,776 Under the name John Garrett. 66 00:03:12,776 --> 00:03:15,529 Captions by VITAC 67 00:03:19,991 --> 00:03:21,451 Stuck in the 1980s. 68 00:03:23,286 --> 00:03:24,871 Used to have nostalgia for them. 69 00:03:24,871 --> 00:03:26,998 That is very gone. 70 00:03:29,751 --> 00:03:32,087 Roxy. It's good to see you. 71 00:03:32,087 --> 00:03:34,673 Likewise, sir. Didn't expect you again so soon. 72 00:03:34,673 --> 00:03:38,218 Yeah, well, couldn't be helped. 73 00:03:38,218 --> 00:03:40,971 I know you guys are up to some top‐secret stuff. 74 00:03:40,971 --> 00:03:43,765 The Lighthouse is all yours. Control is up and running. 75 00:03:43,765 --> 00:03:45,267 Wish I could hang with you. 76 00:03:45,267 --> 00:03:46,726 Congrats on getting into the Academy. 77 00:03:46,726 --> 00:03:48,395 Thanks. Yeah. 78 00:03:48,395 --> 00:03:50,814 I thought I was in S. H. I. E. L. D., but it turns out 79 00:03:50,814 --> 00:03:53,233 Deke wasn't authorized to make me an agent. 80 00:03:54,401 --> 00:03:56,027 Rest of the gang signed up, too. 81 00:03:56,027 --> 00:03:58,196 Maybe we'll be reunited at the Triskelion 82 00:03:58,196 --> 00:03:59,281 after we graduate. 83 00:04:00,490 --> 00:04:02,159 Hey. 84 00:04:02,159 --> 00:04:04,536 You're not in a TV anymore, Coulson. 85 00:04:04,536 --> 00:04:05,579 That's cool. 86 00:04:05,579 --> 00:04:06,955 Just don't ask me to explain it. 87 00:04:08,165 --> 00:04:10,584 Well, duty calls. 88 00:04:10,584 --> 00:04:11,626 Good luck, Agent Glass. 89 00:04:16,840 --> 00:04:20,510 She mentioned the Triskelion, but it's 1983. 90 00:04:20,510 --> 00:04:22,053 Wasn't in use yet. 91 00:04:22,053 --> 00:04:23,847 It's ahead of schedule. 92 00:04:23,847 --> 00:04:25,974 Just like Project Insight. 93 00:04:25,974 --> 00:04:27,350 What are you thinking? 94 00:04:27,350 --> 00:04:28,518 Well, you're the Director 95 00:04:28,518 --> 00:04:30,687 No, enough with the formalities. 96 00:04:30,687 --> 00:04:33,899 We're dead in the water here. I need you to be you. 97 00:04:33,899 --> 00:04:36,318 So if you have a mission for us, let us know. 98 00:04:36,318 --> 00:04:37,819 Timeline's coming apart. 99 00:04:37,819 --> 00:04:40,155 We have to put it back. 100 00:04:40,155 --> 00:04:41,573 Nathaniel Malick's out there 101 00:04:41,573 --> 00:04:44,034 with quake powers and a new base. 102 00:04:44,034 --> 00:04:45,494 You made a promise to Daisy's mom 103 00:04:45,494 --> 00:04:46,661 that she wouldn't have to fight him alone. 104 00:04:50,373 --> 00:04:52,584 I think it's time to keep that promise. 105 00:05:03,178 --> 00:05:05,263 Well, consider me impressed. 106 00:05:05,263 --> 00:05:07,516 A multi‐story base under a lighthouse? 107 00:05:07,516 --> 00:05:09,267 Yeah, we've just spent a lot of time down here, 108 00:05:09,267 --> 00:05:12,020 so maybe we're over it. 109 00:05:15,023 --> 00:05:16,942 Any idea why the new countdown didn't start 110 00:05:16,942 --> 00:05:18,360 after we fixed the Drive? 111 00:05:18,360 --> 00:05:20,904 Uh, the electrochron displacement mechanism 112 00:05:20,904 --> 00:05:23,365 did stabilize it, but it is possible the cumulative damage 113 00:05:23,365 --> 00:05:25,116 severed our operative transmission receiver's ability 114 00:05:25,116 --> 00:05:26,952 to penetrate space‐time. 115 00:05:26,952 --> 00:05:28,578 Did you understand that? 116 00:05:28,578 --> 00:05:31,373 Actually, yes. I did. 117 00:05:31,373 --> 00:05:32,916 I'm gonna grab some rest. 118 00:05:32,916 --> 00:05:34,209 Uh, the bunks are down that way. 119 00:05:34,209 --> 00:05:35,377 Can I take that off your hands? 120 00:05:35,377 --> 00:05:37,128 Um, I got it. Thanks. 121 00:05:37,128 --> 00:05:39,631 Just thought I'd put some weight on the new leg, is all. 122 00:05:39,631 --> 00:05:41,174 O...kay. 123 00:05:41,174 --> 00:05:42,259 Thank you. 124 00:05:50,183 --> 00:05:51,226 What? 125 00:05:51,226 --> 00:05:52,936 Say what you will about the '50s. 126 00:05:52,936 --> 00:05:55,230 At least he doesn't know chivalry is dead. 127 00:05:57,190 --> 00:05:59,150 Okay, anyway... 128 00:05:59,150 --> 00:06:02,821 I wish you'd pulled a solution for this out of my head. 129 00:06:02,821 --> 00:06:05,949 I need Fitz's brain now wherever it is. 130 00:06:05,949 --> 00:06:09,536 So, you don't remember anything about where you guys were? 131 00:06:09,536 --> 00:06:11,788 No. That's the point. 132 00:06:11,788 --> 00:06:16,459 What was the last thing that you...do remember? 133 00:06:16,459 --> 00:06:18,253 You were being hunted by Chronicoms, 134 00:06:18,253 --> 00:06:20,755 but did it ever get...violent? 135 00:06:20,755 --> 00:06:22,424 Why are you asking? 136 00:06:22,424 --> 00:06:25,468 Did I say something when you removed the implant? 137 00:06:25,468 --> 00:06:26,469 Not exactly. 138 00:06:26,469 --> 00:06:28,013 Daisy, I don't want to know. 139 00:06:28,013 --> 00:06:30,015 I thought we agreed no information was supposed to come out. 140 00:06:30,015 --> 00:06:31,182 I don't have any information. I 141 00:06:32,225 --> 00:06:35,312 You couldn't control yourself. 142 00:06:35,312 --> 00:06:37,939 No matter how confused I was, I can't know 143 00:06:37,939 --> 00:06:40,108 You were not confused. You were... 144 00:06:40,108 --> 00:06:42,235 You were devastated. 145 00:06:42,235 --> 00:06:43,778 I've never seen you so freaked. 146 00:06:43,778 --> 00:06:45,447 Y‐Y‐You were inconsolable. 147 00:06:48,617 --> 00:06:50,535 That's why I asked. 148 00:06:50,535 --> 00:06:53,079 Johnson, Simmons, report to Control. 149 00:07:03,340 --> 00:07:05,091 We're not waiting on a broken clock. 150 00:07:05,091 --> 00:07:06,259 We're gonna do something. 151 00:07:06,259 --> 00:07:07,719 Even if we could leave this time, 152 00:07:07,719 --> 00:07:09,846 leaving this Malick unleashed on the world 153 00:07:09,846 --> 00:07:11,640 could have irreparable consequences. 154 00:07:11,640 --> 00:07:14,184 He's taken control of Afterlife. We have to take it back. 155 00:07:14,184 --> 00:07:15,977 Starting with his hostages. 156 00:07:15,977 --> 00:07:17,646 And protecting Jiaying at all costs. 157 00:07:17,646 --> 00:07:19,648 Simmons, can you send our coordinates to her watch? 158 00:07:19,648 --> 00:07:21,024 On it. 159 00:07:21,024 --> 00:07:22,484 Uh... I‐I‐I don't think 160 00:07:22,484 --> 00:07:24,486 it's a good idea to bring her here. 161 00:07:24,486 --> 00:07:26,446 I hear you, but we can't lose any more parents. 162 00:07:26,446 --> 00:07:28,406 This is about protecting your existence. 163 00:07:28,406 --> 00:07:30,617 Aside from May and Yo‐Yo, Jiaying doesn't know us. 164 00:07:30,617 --> 00:07:32,744 We could minimize what we tell her. 165 00:07:32,744 --> 00:07:35,455 Nothing about her future, her power, or you, her 166 00:07:35,455 --> 00:07:36,790 Daughter? 167 00:07:39,417 --> 00:07:42,003 Um, Daisy, there's, uh... 168 00:07:42,003 --> 00:07:43,380 one other thing. 169 00:07:43,380 --> 00:07:45,215 At Afterlife, there was a woman who 170 00:07:46,966 --> 00:07:49,386 That was fast. 171 00:07:49,386 --> 00:07:51,096 He's hunting us. 172 00:07:54,808 --> 00:07:56,267 They call it Afterlife. 173 00:07:57,519 --> 00:08:00,522 I couldn't have picked a better name myself. 174 00:08:00,522 --> 00:08:03,316 Everyone I bring here has been saved from a tragic end 175 00:08:03,316 --> 00:08:05,568 and given a new beginning. 176 00:08:05,568 --> 00:08:06,861 How do you do that? 177 00:08:06,861 --> 00:08:09,030 How did you see my future? 178 00:08:09,030 --> 00:08:10,281 I'll show you. 179 00:08:11,533 --> 00:08:13,368 It's called the Time Stream. 180 00:08:13,368 --> 00:08:15,203 Sent back from the future. 181 00:08:17,330 --> 00:08:19,040 Almost done prepping, Mr. Malick. 182 00:08:20,834 --> 00:08:22,544 As soon as Dr. Grady here is finished, 183 00:08:22,544 --> 00:08:25,505 you'll get to dip your toe in. 184 00:08:25,505 --> 00:08:29,342 Grady here's not afraid of hazardous materials. 185 00:08:29,342 --> 00:08:32,429 S.H.I.E.L.D. decided his tech was too dangerous 186 00:08:32,429 --> 00:08:35,390 and was set to take him out, so I brought him into the fold. 187 00:08:37,142 --> 00:08:39,185 You saying this thing's hazardous? 188 00:08:39,185 --> 00:08:41,563 Well, nothing to worry about. It's not gonna hurt you. 189 00:08:41,563 --> 00:08:44,065 It'll just... blow your mind. 190 00:08:46,609 --> 00:08:48,194 You'll be meeting Sibyl. 191 00:08:48,194 --> 00:08:50,238 She'll guide you. 192 00:08:50,238 --> 00:08:52,615 There's a lady in there? 193 00:08:53,950 --> 00:08:55,994 Something like that. 194 00:08:55,994 --> 00:08:57,787 She and I are after something 195 00:08:57,787 --> 00:08:59,330 same thing you were after 196 00:08:59,330 --> 00:09:01,833 in the story of your life you're about to see. 197 00:09:04,169 --> 00:09:06,004 Immortality. 198 00:09:08,923 --> 00:09:11,134 Prepare yourself. 199 00:09:11,134 --> 00:09:13,553 Most people don't like the ending. 200 00:09:26,983 --> 00:09:29,027 My people need protection. 201 00:09:29,027 --> 00:09:30,278 You should leave that to us. 202 00:09:30,278 --> 00:09:32,197 I don't know who you people are, 203 00:09:32,197 --> 00:09:34,032 and somehow, you knew how to find me. 204 00:09:34,032 --> 00:09:35,492 We needed your help. 205 00:09:35,492 --> 00:09:38,661 And then you led that man right to our front door. 206 00:09:38,661 --> 00:09:40,080 We're not your enemy. 207 00:09:40,080 --> 00:09:42,916 We save Inhumans. He wants to take their gifts. 208 00:09:42,916 --> 00:09:44,667 That's how he got his. 209 00:09:44,667 --> 00:09:46,252 Is that even possible? 210 00:09:48,046 --> 00:09:49,923 It is. 211 00:09:49,923 --> 00:09:51,800 That could kill them. 212 00:09:51,800 --> 00:09:54,094 If I can get in, I can get them out without being seen. 213 00:09:56,471 --> 00:09:59,265 I got my power back thanks to you. 214 00:09:59,265 --> 00:10:01,601 And if you get taken, you could lose it again, 215 00:10:01,601 --> 00:10:02,685 and then you give it to I'll go. 216 00:10:04,270 --> 00:10:06,272 Scout a point of attack. 217 00:10:06,272 --> 00:10:07,774 You said "be me." 218 00:10:07,774 --> 00:10:09,776 This me is disposable. If I get caught 219 00:10:09,776 --> 00:10:11,736 Disposable's the last thing you are. 220 00:10:11,736 --> 00:10:13,822 Recyclable, then. Minimal risk. 221 00:10:13,822 --> 00:10:14,948 I can take him in. 222 00:10:14,948 --> 00:10:15,907 I can't allow that. 223 00:10:15,907 --> 00:10:17,158 It's the easiest way. 224 00:10:17,158 --> 00:10:19,202 I know the layout. 225 00:10:19,202 --> 00:10:21,204 I'll drop him somewhere secret and then go. 226 00:10:25,500 --> 00:10:27,210 Alright. 227 00:10:27,210 --> 00:10:29,045 We'll fly close in the Quinjet. 228 00:10:29,045 --> 00:10:31,923 You and Gordon drop in, do recon, and find the prisoners. 229 00:10:31,923 --> 00:10:32,966 Then Yo‐Yo and I will go in. 230 00:10:34,175 --> 00:10:35,635 I'm going with you. 231 00:10:35,635 --> 00:10:37,428 We need you alive. 232 00:10:37,428 --> 00:10:38,888 Your people need you to lead. 233 00:10:38,888 --> 00:10:40,849 I have to get her back. 234 00:10:40,849 --> 00:10:42,475 Kora won't listen to you. 235 00:10:42,475 --> 00:10:44,477 Maybe I can talk some sense into her. 236 00:10:44,477 --> 00:10:47,272 But if she sees you, it can provoke her. 237 00:10:47,272 --> 00:10:48,898 A‐And then everyone's at risk. 238 00:10:50,692 --> 00:10:52,277 They're right. 239 00:10:52,277 --> 00:10:54,070 We can't risk it. 240 00:10:57,073 --> 00:10:58,158 I'll stay. 241 00:11:00,785 --> 00:11:02,620 But you have to bring back my daughter. 242 00:11:13,423 --> 00:11:14,966 What the hell, May? 243 00:11:14,966 --> 00:11:17,051 Did it just slip your mind that I have a sister? 244 00:11:17,051 --> 00:11:19,512 We were trying not to be swallowed by a time storm. 245 00:11:19,512 --> 00:11:21,347 Were you purposely trying to keep me in the dark? 246 00:11:21,347 --> 00:11:23,183 Is this some weird way of you trying to protect me? 247 00:11:23,183 --> 00:11:24,184 No. 248 00:11:25,852 --> 00:11:27,478 No. 249 00:11:27,478 --> 00:11:29,731 But Kora is volatile. 250 00:11:29,731 --> 00:11:31,524 She already tried to kill your mother. 251 00:11:33,276 --> 00:11:35,778 She just never said anything 252 00:11:35,778 --> 00:11:38,573 about a sister, another kid. 253 00:11:40,158 --> 00:11:43,536 It's possible that Kora wasn't alive. 254 00:11:45,580 --> 00:11:48,750 When we were at Afterlife, she stole a gun from a guard, 255 00:11:48,750 --> 00:11:51,336 and I think she intended to use it on herself. 256 00:11:51,336 --> 00:11:53,546 But Nathaniel got to her. 257 00:11:53,546 --> 00:11:55,590 I think, in the original timeline, she 258 00:11:55,590 --> 00:11:56,674 She went through with it. 259 00:12:00,136 --> 00:12:03,056 Which is why my mom would have left Afterlife 260 00:12:03,056 --> 00:12:04,766 to go do charity work and meet my dad and 261 00:12:04,766 --> 00:12:06,976 We can't go down that hole right now, Daisy. 262 00:12:06,976 --> 00:12:08,770 Let me go with you. 263 00:12:08,770 --> 00:12:10,230 No. 264 00:12:10,230 --> 00:12:11,773 We need you and your mother to survive. 265 00:12:11,773 --> 00:12:13,483 You're staying put. 266 00:12:13,483 --> 00:12:15,276 Don't tell me it's because I'm not 100%, because I feel fine. 267 00:12:15,276 --> 00:12:17,153 You're not going. 268 00:12:17,153 --> 00:12:18,780 This isn't time for that family reunion. 269 00:12:20,448 --> 00:12:22,492 We promised your mom we'd save Kora. 270 00:12:23,910 --> 00:12:25,787 If she can be saved. 271 00:12:29,791 --> 00:12:33,461 You can see the fluids draining from Mr. Li here 272 00:12:33,461 --> 00:12:36,422 into our friend Mr. Durant. 273 00:12:38,258 --> 00:12:41,302 The process used to be messy. 274 00:12:41,302 --> 00:12:43,179 But a guy I know once said 275 00:12:43,179 --> 00:12:45,306 discovery requires experimentation, 276 00:12:45,306 --> 00:12:48,393 so we experimented, found a better way. 277 00:12:48,393 --> 00:12:50,353 Still not painless. 278 00:12:50,353 --> 00:12:54,274 This is Kora, the one Inhuman we trust. 279 00:12:54,274 --> 00:12:55,984 The others felt entitled to judge 280 00:12:55,984 --> 00:12:57,819 who is given gifts, who not. 281 00:12:57,819 --> 00:12:59,404 It was tradition. 282 00:12:59,404 --> 00:13:01,906 When you're raised in it, you don't know any better. 283 00:13:01,906 --> 00:13:03,700 Those days are over. 284 00:13:03,700 --> 00:13:05,702 Kora and I are champions of the people, 285 00:13:05,702 --> 00:13:08,121 like Robin Hood stealing from the high and mighty 286 00:13:08,121 --> 00:13:10,623 and giving to those more deserving. 287 00:13:10,623 --> 00:13:13,501 Take Durant here. 288 00:13:13,501 --> 00:13:16,754 Simple mercenary, just trying to earn a decent living. 289 00:13:16,754 --> 00:13:18,881 S.H.I.E.L.D. decided he worked for the wrong people. 290 00:13:18,881 --> 00:13:21,009 What did they do, Durant? 291 00:13:21,009 --> 00:13:22,510 They shot down our plane. 292 00:13:22,510 --> 00:13:24,512 They shot it right out of the sky. 293 00:13:24,512 --> 00:13:27,849 And who are they to decide that? 294 00:13:27,849 --> 00:13:30,143 S.H.I.E.L.D., Hydra, Inhumans 295 00:13:30,143 --> 00:13:33,146 all committing horrors in the name of world order. 296 00:13:33,146 --> 00:13:34,105 Control. 297 00:13:35,732 --> 00:13:37,692 You saved him from that oppression. 298 00:13:37,692 --> 00:13:39,319 And from the crashing plane. 299 00:13:39,319 --> 00:13:40,945 What kind of power is he getting? 300 00:13:50,872 --> 00:13:51,873 That's what he's getting. 301 00:13:53,916 --> 00:13:55,793 Kora. 302 00:13:55,793 --> 00:13:58,004 Mr. Li is in a lot of pain. 303 00:14:00,214 --> 00:14:02,050 Why don't you put him out of his misery. 304 00:14:04,010 --> 00:14:06,137 Mercy comes in many forms. 305 00:14:07,346 --> 00:14:10,058 I should have killed you years ago. 306 00:14:16,856 --> 00:14:19,150 I forgive you for believing that. 307 00:14:35,875 --> 00:14:37,919 I want a power like that. 308 00:14:37,919 --> 00:14:39,670 Don't worry. 309 00:14:39,670 --> 00:14:42,548 You'll get yours as soon as we take it from S. H. I. E. L. D. 310 00:14:50,640 --> 00:14:52,016 20 minutes out. 311 00:14:56,312 --> 00:14:57,146 Nope. 312 00:14:57,146 --> 00:14:59,690 What? You don't trust me? 313 00:14:59,690 --> 00:15:02,151 You seem pretty calm, considering where we're headed. 314 00:15:02,151 --> 00:15:04,070 Well, this fight is necessary. 315 00:15:04,070 --> 00:15:05,404 That probably helps. 316 00:15:26,509 --> 00:15:27,593 Hey. 317 00:15:28,845 --> 00:15:30,805 I was just... 318 00:15:30,805 --> 00:15:32,890 taking a look at this again. 319 00:15:32,890 --> 00:15:36,227 Staying in the '80s wouldn't be my worst‐case scenario, but... 320 00:15:36,227 --> 00:15:38,688 I know everybody wants to go home. 321 00:15:40,398 --> 00:15:43,609 And, hey, at least we're still alive, right? 322 00:15:46,320 --> 00:15:48,865 It's not the first time he's saved us. 323 00:15:48,865 --> 00:15:51,159 When it looked like the end for Fitz and me, 324 00:15:51,159 --> 00:15:52,368 there was Enoch. 325 00:15:54,245 --> 00:15:55,788 Yeah, well, he sacrificed himself 326 00:15:55,788 --> 00:15:58,207 so that we could all go on. 327 00:15:58,207 --> 00:15:59,292 And we will. 328 00:16:02,211 --> 00:16:03,671 Just got to figure out why this thing isn't communicating 329 00:16:03,671 --> 00:16:05,256 with Fitz anymore. 330 00:16:07,466 --> 00:16:08,968 Maybe it never was. 331 00:16:12,263 --> 00:16:13,931 But you said he was controlling the jumps. 332 00:16:13,931 --> 00:16:16,225 I thought he was, but consider the logic. 333 00:16:16,225 --> 00:16:17,685 We followed wherever the Chronicoms went. 334 00:16:17,685 --> 00:16:19,812 They dictated time and place. 335 00:16:19,812 --> 00:16:21,856 The Zephyr could have been pre‐programmed to follow. 336 00:16:21,856 --> 00:16:23,649 But we took out the Chronicoms. 337 00:16:23,649 --> 00:16:26,485 And the Drive was damaged in the process. 338 00:16:26,485 --> 00:16:28,779 Every jump since then has been a malfunction. 339 00:16:31,407 --> 00:16:33,201 So, why wouldn't Fitz help us? 340 00:16:40,666 --> 00:16:41,834 Don't. 341 00:16:43,044 --> 00:16:45,171 Maybe it's too painful to remember. 342 00:16:46,839 --> 00:16:48,341 To want to remember. 343 00:16:48,341 --> 00:16:49,967 Please don't even think that. 344 00:16:51,219 --> 00:16:52,637 I sent him messages 345 00:16:52,637 --> 00:16:54,805 that disappeared into the depths of space. 346 00:16:56,724 --> 00:16:57,725 No answer. 347 00:16:57,725 --> 00:16:59,060 Fitz is out there. 348 00:17:00,311 --> 00:17:01,854 Whatever's happening right now 349 00:17:01,854 --> 00:17:03,648 is happening for a reason. 350 00:17:03,648 --> 00:17:05,900 We're gonna fix this and get back to him. 351 00:17:05,900 --> 00:17:06,984 Okay? 352 00:17:09,278 --> 00:17:10,655 Yeah. 353 00:17:10,655 --> 00:17:12,657 Okay. 354 00:17:29,090 --> 00:17:31,008 Find the location of the prisoners, then jump back. 355 00:17:31,008 --> 00:17:32,510 Copy. 356 00:17:32,510 --> 00:17:34,637 If you're not back in 30 minutes, we're coming in. 357 00:17:34,637 --> 00:17:37,390 And no hero business. Understood? 358 00:17:37,390 --> 00:17:38,766 Understood. 359 00:17:38,766 --> 00:17:40,810 I'm taking us into a section that's usually empty, 360 00:17:40,810 --> 00:17:42,019 so no one will see us. 361 00:17:42,019 --> 00:17:43,354 Is there anything special you need me to do? 362 00:17:43,354 --> 00:17:45,565 Do we have to, like... hug or something? 363 00:17:45,565 --> 00:17:48,025 You're hilarious, but no. 364 00:17:48,025 --> 00:17:50,444 You guys might want to take a step back, though. 365 00:17:58,578 --> 00:18:00,496 I feel tingly. 366 00:18:00,496 --> 00:18:01,747 It goes away. 367 00:18:01,747 --> 00:18:04,959 Actually, it's not unpleasant. 368 00:18:04,959 --> 00:18:07,878 If we head this way, we can find where they're keeping them. 369 00:18:11,966 --> 00:18:14,719 Waiting is the hardest part. 370 00:18:17,805 --> 00:18:19,724 Take him to be prepped. 371 00:18:26,480 --> 00:18:27,815 You knew we were coming. 372 00:18:27,815 --> 00:18:29,525 To this very spot. 373 00:18:29,525 --> 00:18:31,611 Well, if you want to get technical, 374 00:18:31,611 --> 00:18:33,779 I knew there was a 94% chance. 375 00:18:33,779 --> 00:18:35,448 Because you have the Time Stream. 376 00:18:41,120 --> 00:18:43,539 You don't know what you've gotten yourself into. 377 00:18:43,539 --> 00:18:46,250 Sibyl wants this planet for her Chronicoms. 378 00:18:46,250 --> 00:18:47,627 Oh, you hear that, Durant? 379 00:18:47,627 --> 00:18:49,420 I think he's giving us the old good guy pitch, 380 00:18:49,420 --> 00:18:51,464 appealing to the "better angels of my nature." 381 00:18:51,464 --> 00:18:54,091 Ooh. Nice Abe Lincoln reference. 382 00:18:54,091 --> 00:18:56,260 Maybe I'm just helping you not die. 383 00:18:56,260 --> 00:18:58,512 Your father was co‐opted by Sibyl. Look where that got him. 384 00:18:58,512 --> 00:19:00,222 Um, my father was killed by your team. 385 00:19:00,222 --> 00:19:01,641 Or do you want to try to deny that? 386 00:19:01,641 --> 00:19:03,517 Didn't get me as choked up as I thought it would. 387 00:19:03,517 --> 00:19:05,519 Sounds like the apple fell far from the tree. 388 00:19:05,519 --> 00:19:09,106 I have no use for my father's way of thinking. 389 00:19:09,106 --> 00:19:10,858 He trapped himself in Hydra, 390 00:19:10,858 --> 00:19:13,778 bound by its history, rules, hierarchy. 391 00:19:13,778 --> 00:19:15,446 No, thanks. 392 00:19:15,446 --> 00:19:18,616 Here's my pitch goodbye to all that. 393 00:19:18,616 --> 00:19:21,786 Say hello to anarchy. 394 00:19:21,786 --> 00:19:24,664 You'd be surprised how tempting that is to some people. 395 00:19:35,299 --> 00:19:36,592 Buddy! 396 00:19:36,592 --> 00:19:37,718 There he is! 397 00:19:42,056 --> 00:19:43,307 You don't have to do this. 398 00:19:44,850 --> 00:19:46,060 He's just a kid. 399 00:19:46,060 --> 00:19:48,521 We gave him a chance to join us. 400 00:19:48,521 --> 00:19:49,814 You must be Kora. 401 00:19:49,814 --> 00:19:51,649 And you're Agent Coulson. 402 00:19:51,649 --> 00:19:54,276 Oh, call him Phil. 403 00:19:54,276 --> 00:19:57,530 I've seen it all, bud everything you did to me. 404 00:19:57,530 --> 00:19:59,448 I'm sorry have we met? 405 00:19:59,448 --> 00:20:01,951 Not yet, but I got a sneak peek at my future, 406 00:20:01,951 --> 00:20:03,869 and you play a big part in it. 407 00:20:03,869 --> 00:20:05,454 Here's a hint 408 00:20:05,454 --> 00:20:08,666 you vaporize me with a space laser. 409 00:20:08,666 --> 00:20:10,167 Garrett. 410 00:20:10,167 --> 00:20:13,003 Clever digging up our greatest hits. 411 00:20:13,003 --> 00:20:14,672 I'm not even mad. 412 00:20:14,672 --> 00:20:16,382 They let me watch you die a bunch of times. 413 00:20:16,382 --> 00:20:17,717 Made me feel better. 414 00:20:17,717 --> 00:20:19,051 Oh, yeah? Which one was your favorite? 415 00:20:19,051 --> 00:20:20,594 Uh Oh. 416 00:20:20,594 --> 00:20:23,305 Long‐haired creepo, stabbed you with a pointy stick. 417 00:20:23,305 --> 00:20:26,016 That was funny. 418 00:20:26,016 --> 00:20:27,393 You haven't changed a bit. 419 00:20:27,393 --> 00:20:29,145 And I'm aware that statement makes no sense. 420 00:20:32,022 --> 00:20:33,274 Here comes the good stuff, John. 421 00:20:44,535 --> 00:20:45,911 Hmm. 422 00:20:58,549 --> 00:21:00,426 Hey. 423 00:21:00,426 --> 00:21:02,011 Hey. 424 00:21:02,011 --> 00:21:04,054 Lookin' spry for an old guy. 425 00:21:04,054 --> 00:21:05,097 How's it feeling? 426 00:21:05,097 --> 00:21:06,390 Fantastic. 427 00:21:06,390 --> 00:21:08,309 I think I'm a fan of the 21st century. 428 00:21:08,309 --> 00:21:09,393 Yeah, don't get your hopes up. 429 00:21:09,393 --> 00:21:13,147 We make a mean prosthetic, but, uh, fascism is back. 430 00:21:13,147 --> 00:21:15,065 You mean the thing I helped wipe out 10 years ago? 431 00:21:15,065 --> 00:21:17,401 Yeah. The past won't leave us alone. 432 00:21:17,401 --> 00:21:19,361 Yeah, Mack caught me up. 433 00:21:19,361 --> 00:21:23,199 You know, you said her name to me when, uh... 434 00:21:23,199 --> 00:21:24,575 Malick was doing a number on you. 435 00:21:24,575 --> 00:21:26,035 Jiaying. 436 00:21:27,828 --> 00:21:29,747 Hydra did the same thing to her. 437 00:21:29,747 --> 00:21:31,707 They cut her up, they took her power 438 00:21:31,707 --> 00:21:34,126 in my past and in her future. 439 00:21:35,920 --> 00:21:40,257 She can heal herself, live...a long time. 440 00:21:40,257 --> 00:21:42,259 Malick thought that's what I could do. 441 00:21:42,259 --> 00:21:44,428 He's after the real thing now. 442 00:21:44,428 --> 00:21:47,097 Did Mack say anything about what happened with her and I? 443 00:21:51,060 --> 00:21:54,688 Yeah, well, things got really bad, and it... 444 00:21:57,191 --> 00:21:59,109 It's a long story. 445 00:21:59,109 --> 00:22:01,320 But it came to an end. 446 00:22:01,320 --> 00:22:02,988 Maybe now's your chance to experience 447 00:22:02,988 --> 00:22:04,073 what she was like before that. 448 00:22:05,574 --> 00:22:06,784 You should talk to her. 449 00:22:06,784 --> 00:22:07,910 No, I shouldn't. 450 00:22:07,910 --> 00:22:09,662 She She can't know who I am. 451 00:22:09,662 --> 00:22:10,871 Why not? 452 00:22:10,871 --> 00:22:12,164 Because of the timeline 453 00:22:12,164 --> 00:22:13,624 The timeline is screwed. 454 00:22:13,624 --> 00:22:14,708 Pardon my French. 455 00:22:14,708 --> 00:22:15,876 And look who you're talking to 456 00:22:15,876 --> 00:22:17,294 a guy who served under "I Like Ike" 457 00:22:17,294 --> 00:22:18,504 and was supposed to be dead by now. 458 00:22:18,504 --> 00:22:19,421 Ike? 459 00:22:19,421 --> 00:22:20,631 Y 460 00:22:20,631 --> 00:22:23,425 Point is... 461 00:22:23,425 --> 00:22:26,428 you got a rare opportunity here. 462 00:22:26,428 --> 00:22:28,931 I got a list of people long gone by now I'd... 463 00:22:28,931 --> 00:22:31,976 I'd do anything to have one last stolen moment with. 464 00:22:33,185 --> 00:22:36,480 Regardless of what space‐time has to say about it. 465 00:22:36,480 --> 00:22:38,274 I don't know. 466 00:22:38,274 --> 00:22:39,859 I'll be your chaperone. How about that? 467 00:22:39,859 --> 00:22:43,279 You need me to bail you out, I'll be right there. 468 00:22:43,279 --> 00:22:46,532 You really are a square, aren't you? 469 00:22:46,532 --> 00:22:48,826 Harsh, but...yes. 470 00:22:54,081 --> 00:22:56,625 Coulson, come in. 471 00:22:56,625 --> 00:22:57,918 Coulson! 472 00:22:57,918 --> 00:22:59,753 Something's wrong. They should be back by now. 473 00:22:59,753 --> 00:23:00,796 My turn, then. 474 00:23:00,796 --> 00:23:02,464 I'll go in and take a look around. 475 00:23:02,464 --> 00:23:03,632 No. It should be me. 476 00:23:03,632 --> 00:23:05,050 You stay put. 477 00:23:05,050 --> 00:23:06,677 I'll zip in and out. They'll never see me coming. 478 00:23:06,677 --> 00:23:08,095 Unless they do. 479 00:23:08,095 --> 00:23:09,763 Mack. If they caught Gordon, 480 00:23:09,763 --> 00:23:11,807 who knows what we're walking into. 481 00:23:11,807 --> 00:23:13,434 Just stand by for my signal. 482 00:23:13,434 --> 00:23:16,478 As soon as I find Coulson, I'll call for you. 483 00:23:19,690 --> 00:23:21,650 I'll be ready. 484 00:23:24,320 --> 00:23:26,780 This isn't anarchy. This is evil. 485 00:23:26,780 --> 00:23:29,325 Justice isn't always pretty, Agent Coulson. 486 00:23:29,325 --> 00:23:31,368 You know, a man who's died and killed as much as you 487 00:23:31,368 --> 00:23:33,120 should understand that by now. 488 00:23:33,120 --> 00:23:34,288 Speaking of pretty, 489 00:23:34,288 --> 00:23:36,165 I get to keep the old baby blues, right? 490 00:23:36,165 --> 00:23:37,416 Good question. 491 00:23:37,416 --> 00:23:39,335 You know, I'm not...really sure. 492 00:23:39,335 --> 00:23:40,753 What? 493 00:23:40,753 --> 00:23:42,379 Whoa. No, no, no, no, no. Time out, man! 494 00:23:42,379 --> 00:23:43,631 That is not what I signed up for! 495 00:23:43,631 --> 00:23:45,007 Kora, please. 496 00:23:45,007 --> 00:23:47,343 Gordon helped Jiaying keep Kora prisoner. 497 00:23:47,343 --> 00:23:49,929 Uh, dude, come on. 498 00:23:51,263 --> 00:23:52,932 I don't feel so hot. 499 00:23:52,932 --> 00:23:54,850 Uh, unplug me, man. 500 00:23:54,850 --> 00:23:56,268 I changed my mind! 501 00:24:02,524 --> 00:24:04,151 You see? 502 00:24:04,151 --> 00:24:05,069 Everything worked out. Huh? 503 00:24:05,069 --> 00:24:06,153 Pun intended. 504 00:24:06,153 --> 00:24:08,030 You don't know what you're doing, 505 00:24:08,030 --> 00:24:09,823 giving that man that power. 506 00:24:09,823 --> 00:24:11,784 It was written in the stars. 507 00:24:13,077 --> 00:24:15,371 I wanted out, and I was out. 508 00:24:15,371 --> 00:24:17,998 I disappeared, reappeared. 509 00:24:17,998 --> 00:24:19,667 There should be a word for that. 510 00:24:19,667 --> 00:24:21,418 You teleported. 511 00:24:21,418 --> 00:24:22,586 I like that! 512 00:24:22,586 --> 00:24:23,754 Yeah. Thanks, Phil. 513 00:24:23,754 --> 00:24:24,922 Alright, you think with enough practice, 514 00:24:24,922 --> 00:24:25,965 you could take me with you, 515 00:24:25,965 --> 00:24:27,508 you could go where I tell you to? 516 00:24:27,508 --> 00:24:28,425 Bet your bottom dollar. 517 00:24:28,425 --> 00:24:30,010 Good. 518 00:24:30,010 --> 00:24:31,637 We have our target out there. Let's go find her. 519 00:24:33,180 --> 00:24:34,473 Hang on. 520 00:24:34,473 --> 00:24:35,641 Is that... 521 00:24:35,641 --> 00:24:37,309 Oh, yep! 522 00:24:37,309 --> 00:24:38,769 Here it comes. 523 00:24:38,769 --> 00:24:41,230 Cleared for takeoff, bud. 524 00:24:52,241 --> 00:24:53,951 Tell me there's news. 525 00:24:53,951 --> 00:24:56,328 I'm sorry. Nothing yet. 526 00:24:56,328 --> 00:24:57,871 I knew this was a mistake. 527 00:24:57,871 --> 00:24:59,248 I never should've agreed to this plan. 528 00:24:59,248 --> 00:25:00,708 You can trust us. 529 00:25:00,708 --> 00:25:02,167 Trust you? 530 00:25:02,167 --> 00:25:03,836 I don't know anything about you. 531 00:25:03,836 --> 00:25:05,254 And no one will tell me anything. 532 00:25:05,254 --> 00:25:06,588 We just want to help. 533 00:25:08,090 --> 00:25:10,551 Afterlife is important to us, too. 534 00:25:10,551 --> 00:25:12,594 You don't know the first thing about it. 535 00:25:13,971 --> 00:25:15,097 She's been there. 536 00:25:18,726 --> 00:25:20,102 Before your friends showed up, 537 00:25:20,102 --> 00:25:22,354 we'd never had an outsider find us. 538 00:25:22,354 --> 00:25:24,356 She's no outsider. 539 00:25:27,317 --> 00:25:29,194 Go on. Show her. 540 00:25:49,882 --> 00:25:51,133 Vibrations. 541 00:25:53,469 --> 00:25:55,929 Where did you learn that? 542 00:25:55,929 --> 00:25:56,972 From you. 543 00:25:58,515 --> 00:26:00,184 At Afterlife. 544 00:26:00,184 --> 00:26:02,061 In 30 years. 545 00:26:05,689 --> 00:26:07,566 We're from the future, and I know how that sounds, 546 00:26:07,566 --> 00:26:08,650 but it's... 547 00:26:10,903 --> 00:26:12,362 ...it's the truth. 548 00:26:13,781 --> 00:26:14,948 I, um... 549 00:26:16,658 --> 00:26:19,119 I had a feeling I... 550 00:26:19,119 --> 00:26:21,663 I knew you. 551 00:26:21,663 --> 00:26:24,875 There's something... 552 00:26:24,875 --> 00:26:26,043 so familiar. 553 00:26:29,755 --> 00:26:31,965 Your gift it's a lot like... 554 00:26:38,722 --> 00:26:41,600 Nathaniel took that from you. 555 00:26:41,600 --> 00:26:43,393 It almost killed me. 556 00:26:45,604 --> 00:26:49,149 It's knowledge of the future that led him to us, 557 00:26:49,149 --> 00:26:52,111 that he used to warp Kora's mind 558 00:26:52,111 --> 00:26:54,154 and turn her against me. 559 00:27:00,035 --> 00:27:01,078 Were you close with her? 560 00:27:05,707 --> 00:27:07,626 Inseparable. 561 00:27:07,626 --> 00:27:10,420 She clung to my leg for the first three years. 562 00:27:10,420 --> 00:27:12,506 Shy, sweet girl. 563 00:27:12,506 --> 00:27:14,174 What changed? 564 00:27:16,260 --> 00:27:18,595 Terrigenesis. 565 00:27:18,595 --> 00:27:21,140 I thought she was ready, but... 566 00:27:21,140 --> 00:27:22,516 Kora lost control. 567 00:27:22,516 --> 00:27:24,434 There were accidents. 568 00:27:24,434 --> 00:27:27,479 The more I tried to help, the more she pulled away. 569 00:27:29,857 --> 00:27:31,233 That must be hard. 570 00:27:34,111 --> 00:27:35,946 Being so close to someone 571 00:27:35,946 --> 00:27:39,533 and not being able to reach them. 572 00:27:41,451 --> 00:27:43,871 The others... 573 00:27:43,871 --> 00:27:47,040 they wanted her gone. 574 00:27:47,040 --> 00:27:50,878 But they don't see what I do. 575 00:27:50,878 --> 00:27:53,714 Kora has a a good heart. 576 00:27:53,714 --> 00:27:56,633 She's worth saving. 577 00:27:56,633 --> 00:27:58,427 Well, she's lucky to have you. 578 00:28:02,222 --> 00:28:05,601 My power has allowed me to live a long life. 579 00:28:05,601 --> 00:28:08,061 I used to think it was my greatest gift, 580 00:28:08,061 --> 00:28:10,063 but I was wrong. 581 00:28:12,107 --> 00:28:13,567 It was her. 582 00:28:18,655 --> 00:28:20,157 Um...sorry. 583 00:28:20,157 --> 00:28:21,950 Did I say something? 584 00:28:21,950 --> 00:28:23,410 Uh... 585 00:28:25,579 --> 00:28:27,664 Growing up, I... 586 00:28:27,664 --> 00:28:30,250 I never knew my mom. 587 00:28:30,250 --> 00:28:35,005 And when I finally found her... 588 00:28:35,005 --> 00:28:36,632 uh... 589 00:28:36,632 --> 00:28:38,759 she wasn't who I'd hoped she would be. 590 00:28:41,386 --> 00:28:43,013 She hurt you. 591 00:28:45,891 --> 00:28:50,103 I can't speak to your mother's reasons, 592 00:28:50,103 --> 00:28:53,482 but for me... 593 00:28:53,482 --> 00:28:57,986 sometimes, trying to do the right thing 594 00:28:57,986 --> 00:29:00,948 comes out all wrong. 595 00:29:13,794 --> 00:29:14,795 We're here. 596 00:29:14,795 --> 00:29:17,255 Nailed it! Yoo! 597 00:29:17,255 --> 00:29:19,049 More like third time's a charm. 598 00:29:20,509 --> 00:29:24,096 Hey. I saw these guys open up for Twisted Sister. 599 00:29:26,139 --> 00:29:30,143 You've had yourself a day, but it's not over yet. 600 00:29:30,143 --> 00:29:32,229 We're gonna have to split up. Are you ready? 601 00:29:32,229 --> 00:29:35,315 If the job was easy, it wouldn't be any fun. 602 00:29:44,282 --> 00:29:45,659 Coulson. 603 00:29:45,659 --> 00:29:47,619 Hang in there. We're leaving. 604 00:29:47,619 --> 00:29:49,204 The door. 605 00:29:49,204 --> 00:29:51,623 You let me worry about that. 606 00:29:51,623 --> 00:29:54,209 This room was built to hold powerful Inhumans. 607 00:29:54,209 --> 00:29:55,377 Yeah? 608 00:29:55,377 --> 00:29:57,087 And I'm about to bust us out of here. 609 00:29:57,087 --> 00:29:58,171 Watch. 610 00:29:58,171 --> 00:30:00,424 It's gonna be super‐satisfying. 611 00:30:00,424 --> 00:30:01,550 You can't get us out. 612 00:30:04,136 --> 00:30:05,345 But maybe I can. 613 00:30:06,388 --> 00:30:08,056 Save your energy. You're too weak. 614 00:30:09,141 --> 00:30:11,226 The other Inhumans... 615 00:30:11,226 --> 00:30:12,936 I can't let this happen to them. 616 00:30:12,936 --> 00:30:13,979 Gordon, wait! 617 00:30:17,315 --> 00:30:19,234 It's okay. You're gonna be alright. 618 00:30:21,028 --> 00:30:22,821 You're hilarious. 619 00:30:31,913 --> 00:30:33,623 Who the hell are you? 620 00:30:35,125 --> 00:30:36,835 Melinda May! 621 00:30:36,835 --> 00:30:39,212 Blast from the future! 622 00:30:39,212 --> 00:30:41,381 It's your old buddy John Garrett. 623 00:30:41,381 --> 00:30:43,008 Same rugged good looks 624 00:30:43,008 --> 00:30:45,052 just...maybe a little less rugged. 625 00:30:46,553 --> 00:30:48,430 How'd you find this place, John? 626 00:30:48,430 --> 00:30:51,224 Well, my pal Nate told me how to find it. 627 00:30:51,224 --> 00:30:52,184 He's around here somewhere. 628 00:31:00,484 --> 00:31:02,110 I know where I'm going, 629 00:31:02,110 --> 00:31:03,737 but the landing part's a little tricky. 630 00:31:05,113 --> 00:31:07,491 Coulson called it teleporting. 631 00:31:07,491 --> 00:31:08,366 Gordon. 632 00:31:10,202 --> 00:31:11,870 What are you doing here? 633 00:31:11,870 --> 00:31:13,371 Planning a little road trip. 634 00:31:13,371 --> 00:31:15,290 Looking for an open‐minded gal to tag along. 635 00:31:15,290 --> 00:31:16,875 Thought you'd never ask. 636 00:31:16,875 --> 00:31:18,001 Oh, sorry, babe. 637 00:31:18,001 --> 00:31:19,294 You ain't who I'm 638 00:31:29,387 --> 00:31:30,514 Oh, right. 639 00:31:30,514 --> 00:31:31,556 Bye. 640 00:31:37,729 --> 00:31:38,855 Whoa. 641 00:31:43,944 --> 00:31:45,987 Daisy, do you copy? 642 00:31:45,987 --> 00:31:47,072 Daisy, come in. 643 00:31:47,072 --> 00:31:48,281 May, what's wrong? 644 00:31:48,281 --> 00:31:49,908 John Garrett's here with Nathaniel, 645 00:31:49,908 --> 00:31:51,034 and they have Gordon's powers. 646 00:31:51,034 --> 00:31:53,662 Get Jiaying someplace safe. 647 00:31:53,662 --> 00:31:55,413 We have to go. 648 00:32:01,753 --> 00:32:03,672 I've been looking all over for you. 649 00:32:11,596 --> 00:32:13,723 Coulson. 650 00:32:13,723 --> 00:32:14,975 Gordon? 651 00:32:16,184 --> 00:32:18,270 The Inhumans are being held in a room down that way. 652 00:32:21,189 --> 00:32:22,190 Alright. 653 00:32:23,233 --> 00:32:24,234 Better call Yo‐Yo. 654 00:32:24,234 --> 00:32:25,819 Yo Yo 655 00:32:25,819 --> 00:32:27,195 Still not used to that. 656 00:32:27,195 --> 00:32:29,447 May radio'd. Nathaniel's at the Lighthouse. 657 00:32:29,447 --> 00:32:30,782 He's with John Garrett. 658 00:32:30,782 --> 00:32:32,075 I'll explain on the way back. 659 00:32:32,075 --> 00:32:33,451 Okay. 660 00:32:33,451 --> 00:32:34,911 Yo‐Yo and I will get the hostages out. 661 00:32:34,911 --> 00:32:36,538 Find Kora. We'll meet back at the Quinjet. 662 00:32:36,538 --> 00:32:38,373 I got a feeling she might be expecting that. 663 00:32:40,750 --> 00:32:42,794 Malick's got guards up ahead. 664 00:32:42,794 --> 00:32:44,045 No problem. 665 00:32:45,672 --> 00:32:46,756 Hey, dummy! 666 00:32:51,803 --> 00:32:53,096 Do your thing. 667 00:32:55,765 --> 00:32:57,392 Aah! 668 00:33:04,065 --> 00:33:06,401 It's okay. You're safe. 669 00:33:09,362 --> 00:33:11,740 For the record, I'm digging the upgrade. 670 00:33:12,949 --> 00:33:15,118 Alright. Let's get you out of here. 671 00:33:18,330 --> 00:33:19,623 Don't shoot. 672 00:33:20,874 --> 00:33:22,459 The two of us in here? 673 00:33:22,459 --> 00:33:24,544 You want to bring the whole of River's End down on our heads? 674 00:33:24,544 --> 00:33:25,420 Give me a reason. 675 00:33:27,214 --> 00:33:29,257 Where's Kora? What have you done with her? 676 00:33:31,301 --> 00:33:32,969 Sorry. Kora couldn't make it. 677 00:33:32,969 --> 00:33:34,387 But she sends her best. 678 00:33:34,387 --> 00:33:36,181 And don't you look at me like that. 679 00:33:36,181 --> 00:33:37,849 You still have Daisy. 680 00:33:37,849 --> 00:33:39,059 Isn't one daughter enough? 681 00:33:44,606 --> 00:33:46,441 Oh. Y‐You didn't know. 682 00:33:49,945 --> 00:33:53,615 Wow. It's like a season finale of "Dallas" around here. 683 00:33:53,615 --> 00:33:55,742 I'm sorry. 684 00:33:55,742 --> 00:33:57,077 I wanted to tell you, but I 685 00:33:57,077 --> 00:33:59,037 What you said about your mother 686 00:33:59,037 --> 00:34:00,664 you were talking about me. 687 00:34:00,664 --> 00:34:02,624 It's... 688 00:34:02,624 --> 00:34:03,792 It's okay. 689 00:34:03,792 --> 00:34:05,335 I hurt you? 690 00:34:05,335 --> 00:34:06,544 But I would never 691 00:34:06,544 --> 00:34:08,755 It's actually a riveting story. 692 00:34:08,755 --> 00:34:10,966 See, Hydra just cuts you all to bits. 693 00:34:10,966 --> 00:34:12,550 You're left for dead, your powers stolen. 694 00:34:12,550 --> 00:34:16,137 That part, you both have in common now. 695 00:34:16,137 --> 00:34:17,931 Daisy grows up alone. 696 00:34:17,931 --> 00:34:19,933 Sad. 697 00:34:19,933 --> 00:34:21,309 Finds you eventually, but by then, 698 00:34:21,309 --> 00:34:23,228 you're all militant and she's with S. H. I. E. L. D. 699 00:34:23,228 --> 00:34:25,063 Stop it. You're on opposite sides. 700 00:34:25,063 --> 00:34:27,023 So you start to drain the life out of her. 701 00:34:27,023 --> 00:34:28,608 Enough. And it's working. 702 00:34:28,608 --> 00:34:29,943 You're about to kill her. 703 00:34:29,943 --> 00:34:33,071 But guess who steps in to crush your spine. 704 00:34:33,071 --> 00:34:34,197 Dear old 705 00:34:34,197 --> 00:34:35,657 Enough! 706 00:34:42,872 --> 00:34:44,624 Nice quake. 707 00:34:44,624 --> 00:34:46,042 I'd give it a B. 708 00:34:46,042 --> 00:34:47,585 B‐plus. 709 00:34:47,585 --> 00:34:49,671 Definitely room for improvement. 710 00:34:59,097 --> 00:35:00,599 If you haven't done the math, 711 00:35:00,599 --> 00:35:03,143 I've had these powers a lot longer than you have. 712 00:35:05,395 --> 00:35:08,064 Leave my daughter alone. 713 00:35:17,282 --> 00:35:18,658 Stay back. 714 00:35:18,658 --> 00:35:19,659 I won't say it again. 715 00:35:21,119 --> 00:35:22,120 Mom, no! 716 00:35:29,794 --> 00:35:31,129 Well, I guess she won't live forever. 717 00:35:33,673 --> 00:35:35,175 And you won't live at all. 718 00:36:30,563 --> 00:36:32,732 If he's not here for Jiaying, what's he after? 719 00:36:34,317 --> 00:36:36,695 Who's this Garrett fella, anyway? 720 00:36:43,535 --> 00:36:44,703 There you are! 721 00:36:44,703 --> 00:36:45,912 Sousa, shoot him! 722 00:37:16,317 --> 00:37:17,569 Kora. 723 00:37:19,362 --> 00:37:20,447 Turn around. 724 00:37:21,990 --> 00:37:23,199 Slowly. 725 00:37:27,036 --> 00:37:28,913 Agent Coulson. 726 00:37:28,913 --> 00:37:30,498 I've been waiting. 727 00:37:31,708 --> 00:37:33,960 The rest of your gang is gone. 728 00:37:33,960 --> 00:37:35,378 They abandoned you. 729 00:37:35,378 --> 00:37:38,715 Garrett moved them off somewhere else. 730 00:37:38,715 --> 00:37:40,133 I wanted to come with you. 731 00:37:41,718 --> 00:37:43,470 Meet my sister. 732 00:37:43,470 --> 00:37:45,096 You know, Sibyl told me all about her 733 00:37:52,604 --> 00:37:54,814 Nathaniel killed Jiaying. 734 00:37:54,814 --> 00:37:57,484 I don't understand, but he didn't want her power at all. 735 00:37:57,484 --> 00:37:59,110 I'm still trying to find where he went, 736 00:37:59,110 --> 00:38:00,904 and Garrett's MIA, too. 737 00:38:42,403 --> 00:38:43,655 They took Simmons. 738 00:38:52,413 --> 00:38:53,248 Where's Deke? 739 00:39:00,088 --> 00:39:01,589 Deke, come in. 740 00:39:01,589 --> 00:39:02,590 Deke. 741 00:39:04,300 --> 00:39:07,011 Deke, come in. Where are you? 742 00:39:20,567 --> 00:39:22,944 Deke Shaw, answer your radio! 743 00:39:24,571 --> 00:39:25,989 May, where are we going? 744 00:39:25,989 --> 00:39:27,782 We're not going anywhere. You are. 745 00:39:27,782 --> 00:39:29,367 The Zephyr's been hijacked. 746 00:39:55,476 --> 00:39:56,895 We'll return in a moment. 747 00:40:00,773 --> 00:40:04,277 Today just keeps getting better and better. 748 00:40:04,277 --> 00:40:08,406 First, superpowers, now a spaceship. 749 00:40:08,406 --> 00:40:11,409 Can I get a "best day ever"?! 750 00:40:11,409 --> 00:40:12,952 Best day ever! 751 00:40:12,952 --> 00:40:15,580 If duct tape doesn't work, I can liquify a femur or two. 752 00:40:15,580 --> 00:40:16,831 It's your call. 753 00:40:21,294 --> 00:40:23,588 Why am I here? What do you want? 754 00:40:23,588 --> 00:40:27,216 My pal Sibyl ran the numbers, 755 00:40:27,216 --> 00:40:29,135 and every outcome where we don't come out on top 756 00:40:29,135 --> 00:40:30,803 has one thing in common. 757 00:40:31,763 --> 00:40:33,222 Fitz. 758 00:40:33,222 --> 00:40:36,059 He's gotten in our way long enough.