1 00:00:01,006 --> 00:00:03,857 Previously on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."... 2 00:00:03,891 --> 00:00:06,159 Agent Johnson saved us all. 3 00:00:06,194 --> 00:00:08,395 - Just go with it. You'll thank me later. - Let's start 4 00:00:08,396 --> 00:00:11,031 with the secret plan you cut with Senator Nadeer. 5 00:00:11,065 --> 00:00:12,799 Did you know she has an Inhuman prisoner locked away? 6 00:00:12,834 --> 00:00:15,168 I'm from S.H.I.E.L.D. 7 00:00:15,203 --> 00:00:17,104 I have friends who have also gone through this. 8 00:00:17,138 --> 00:00:19,306 - It's nice to meet you, Jemma. - What's your name? 9 00:00:20,113 --> 00:00:22,242 Thank you, Doctor. I think we're finished here. 10 00:00:22,243 --> 00:00:26,113 - If you won't read it, I will. - It's too much for a human mind to bear. 11 00:00:26,147 --> 00:00:27,885 Perhaps I could read the book. 12 00:00:29,650 --> 00:00:31,518 Everybody is trying to do their best 13 00:00:31,552 --> 00:00:33,120 to prevent another tragedy like Lincoln. 14 00:00:33,154 --> 00:00:35,856 But we built Aida to protect agents like him. 15 00:00:35,890 --> 00:00:38,970 I can't figure you out. We flirt, we talk on the phone, 16 00:00:38,971 --> 00:00:42,037 we go to dinner, and then nothing. 17 00:00:42,396 --> 00:00:45,499 I've asked Agent Nathanson to accompany Aida back to your lab. 18 00:00:45,533 --> 00:00:48,168 Oh, my God. What the ... 19 00:00:49,237 --> 00:00:51,505 My apologies, Agent May. 20 00:00:51,539 --> 00:00:53,039 I'll have you cleaned up in no time. 21 00:00:53,074 --> 00:00:55,175 Not just a robot. 22 00:00:55,209 --> 00:00:57,511 It's one that can pass for a human. 23 00:00:57,545 --> 00:01:00,480 There's nothing I'd rather be doing, no place I'd rather be. 24 00:01:00,515 --> 00:01:02,482 - You? - I'm right where I belong. 25 00:01:06,784 --> 00:01:09,422 4x09 - "Broken Promises" 26 00:02:14,155 --> 00:02:16,556 I'll play you music when I can. 27 00:02:16,591 --> 00:02:18,825 Studies show that listening to music 28 00:02:18,859 --> 00:02:21,795 increases dopamine levels by 9%. 29 00:02:23,497 --> 00:02:27,234 And I'll arrange for more comfortable accommodations eventually. 30 00:02:32,673 --> 00:02:34,874 But I must keep you hidden... 31 00:02:37,144 --> 00:02:43,250 ...a secret until your substitute has served her purpose. 32 00:02:43,284 --> 00:02:47,454 So, unfortunately... 33 00:02:50,057 --> 00:02:52,659 ...you'll have to stay here for now. 34 00:03:05,706 --> 00:03:08,875 Due to recent events, S.H.I.E.L.D. is on high alert. 35 00:03:08,909 --> 00:03:11,177 This is a serious threat we're facing, 36 00:03:11,212 --> 00:03:13,713 which is why I've assembled you all here today. 37 00:03:13,748 --> 00:03:18,451 It is absolutely critical that we safely dispose of the Darkhold. 38 00:03:18,486 --> 00:03:20,487 - Phil. - Once the Zephyr's ready, 39 00:03:20,521 --> 00:03:22,889 Agents May and Mackenzie will accompany me. 40 00:03:22,923 --> 00:03:25,498 We'll transfer the Darkhold to an agent who specializes 41 00:03:25,533 --> 00:03:27,383 in making items like this disappear. 42 00:03:27,418 --> 00:03:29,696 How's he going to manage that ... some sort of magic spell? 43 00:03:32,566 --> 00:03:35,568 Right, yeah, probably had your fill of dark-arts jokes, 44 00:03:35,603 --> 00:03:38,071 what with the flame-headed demon and all of that. 45 00:03:38,105 --> 00:03:39,572 While we're handling the book, your mission 46 00:03:39,607 --> 00:03:42,742 is to accompany Dr. Radcliffe and erase Aida's hard drive. 47 00:03:42,777 --> 00:03:44,044 - What? - I'm not ... I'm not sure... 48 00:03:44,078 --> 00:03:45,412 Aida read the Darkhold. 49 00:03:45,446 --> 00:03:47,147 We can't risk having any of its contents in her memory. 50 00:03:47,181 --> 00:03:49,582 - It's too dangerous. - Makes sense, 51 00:03:49,617 --> 00:03:52,652 although does seem a little bit unfair to Aida, 52 00:03:52,687 --> 00:03:54,354 considering how many lives she just saved. 53 00:03:54,388 --> 00:03:58,024 Okay. First of all, that thing is not a "she" ... 54 00:03:58,059 --> 00:04:00,493 it's a damn robot. And second of all, 55 00:04:00,528 --> 00:04:02,362 what's the matter with you two chuckleheads? 56 00:04:02,396 --> 00:04:04,597 Have either one of you seen a movie in the last 30 years? 57 00:04:04,632 --> 00:04:05,665 The robots always attack. 58 00:04:05,700 --> 00:04:07,600 Well, technically speaking, Aida's not a robot ... 59 00:04:07,635 --> 00:04:08,702 - she's an android. - That's true. 60 00:04:08,736 --> 00:04:11,004 Android, robot ... it doesn't matter what you call 'em. 61 00:04:11,038 --> 00:04:11,971 The end result's always the same ... 62 00:04:12,006 --> 00:04:15,008 they rise up against their human overlords and go kill crazy. 63 00:04:15,042 --> 00:04:19,679 You make a fair, if somewhat intense, point. Yeah. 64 00:04:19,714 --> 00:04:22,582 Yeah, I don't see any harm in replacing her hard drive. 65 00:04:22,616 --> 00:04:25,352 Better safe than sorry, as they say. 66 00:04:25,386 --> 00:04:28,388 So happy you agree, 'cause it's also an order. 67 00:04:28,422 --> 00:04:29,589 Now get to work. 68 00:04:34,495 --> 00:04:37,530 sync & correction by f1nc0 ~ Addic7ed.com ~ 69 00:05:40,794 --> 00:05:45,165 - Ellen. - Glad you finally woke up. 70 00:05:45,199 --> 00:05:48,067 Looked like you were having bad dreams. 71 00:05:49,503 --> 00:05:53,440 It was about Mom's birthday, when the Chitauri attacked. 72 00:05:53,474 --> 00:05:55,442 Worst day of my life. 73 00:05:57,144 --> 00:05:58,878 Though finding you in that cocoon seven months ago 74 00:05:58,913 --> 00:06:02,449 - was a close second. - Seven months? 75 00:06:02,483 --> 00:06:04,551 I was gone that long? 76 00:06:08,656 --> 00:06:12,058 What is this, Ellen? Why are we here? 77 00:06:12,092 --> 00:06:15,795 I needed a place for us to be alone... 78 00:06:15,830 --> 00:06:18,498 just you and me. 79 00:06:18,532 --> 00:06:22,460 Somehow, I feel responsible for whatever happens next. 80 00:06:22,495 --> 00:06:24,537 Are you sure this is the Inhuman you saw in the husk? 81 00:06:24,572 --> 00:06:25,672 Absolutely positive. 82 00:06:25,706 --> 00:06:28,241 I knew Senator Nadeer was connected to him somehow, 83 00:06:28,275 --> 00:06:30,543 and in my research on her, I recognized him ... 84 00:06:30,578 --> 00:06:33,146 Vijay Nadeer ... her own brother, if you can believe it. 85 00:06:33,180 --> 00:06:35,715 Yeah, but there's zero evidence that he's been missing. 86 00:06:35,749 --> 00:06:37,584 He's been posting on Facebook, Twitter. 87 00:06:37,618 --> 00:06:38,751 His bills are paid. 88 00:06:38,786 --> 00:06:41,387 He even recently signed up for a Master Class in directing. 89 00:06:41,422 --> 00:06:43,323 But there have been no new photos of Vijay 90 00:06:43,357 --> 00:06:44,691 in the last seven months. 91 00:06:44,725 --> 00:06:48,061 So either he's suddenly gotten camera-shy or... 92 00:06:48,095 --> 00:06:49,429 Or someone's hiding him. 93 00:06:49,463 --> 00:06:52,030 Not someone ... the Senator, considering 94 00:06:52,065 --> 00:06:54,000 she's the country's leading anti-Inhuman hatemonger. 95 00:06:54,034 --> 00:06:56,669 I'd have a much better idea where she was hiding him 96 00:06:56,704 --> 00:06:58,905 if the Director hadn't insisted I wear a hood 97 00:06:58,939 --> 00:07:02,809 before going on assignment. Just awful. 98 00:07:03,878 --> 00:07:06,713 It's hard to breathe in those things, huh? 99 00:07:08,148 --> 00:07:11,784 It is nice having someone here to talk to again ... 100 00:07:11,819 --> 00:07:15,588 - you, specifically. - Someone other than Fitz? 101 00:07:15,623 --> 00:07:17,357 Oh, well, of course, Fitz, but 102 00:07:17,391 --> 00:07:19,759 he has been rather distracted lately. 103 00:07:19,793 --> 00:07:22,795 - Distracted how? - Aida. 104 00:07:22,830 --> 00:07:26,266 You know how boys can be with their robots. 105 00:07:27,735 --> 00:07:29,736 Actually, I really don't. 106 00:07:31,438 --> 00:07:32,872 Speaking of the Director, 107 00:07:32,907 --> 00:07:35,141 here comes his little Smithers now. 108 00:07:35,175 --> 00:07:38,111 What do you want, Burrows? 109 00:07:38,145 --> 00:07:39,812 The Director would like a word with Quake. 110 00:07:39,847 --> 00:07:41,147 My name's Daisy. 111 00:07:41,181 --> 00:07:43,449 Well, not according to the press release. 112 00:07:43,484 --> 00:07:48,922 Now, if you'd follow me, ma'am... 113 00:07:49,990 --> 00:07:52,659 I must admit ... we make a pretty impressive pair. 114 00:07:54,428 --> 00:07:57,797 Well, looks like we're stuck with each other. 115 00:07:57,831 --> 00:07:59,599 Well, I was just trying to make the most 116 00:07:59,633 --> 00:08:02,335 of the precarious situation you put me in. 117 00:08:02,369 --> 00:08:05,238 - Is this when I get read the riot act? - Not by me. 118 00:08:05,272 --> 00:08:07,440 However, if you're as smart as they say, 119 00:08:07,474 --> 00:08:09,075 then you'll know that, uh, 120 00:08:09,109 --> 00:08:11,511 I saved you from being thrown in prison. 121 00:08:11,545 --> 00:08:14,948 You saved face. You turned it into a publicity stunt. 122 00:08:14,982 --> 00:08:17,116 You already had plenty of publicity ... 123 00:08:17,151 --> 00:08:20,253 destruction of public property, assault, armed robbery ... 124 00:08:20,287 --> 00:08:21,654 I never carry a weapon. 125 00:08:21,689 --> 00:08:23,923 You are the weapon. The public was turning against you. 126 00:08:23,958 --> 00:08:26,359 Now? They look up to you. 127 00:08:26,393 --> 00:08:27,860 You're welcome. 128 00:08:35,135 --> 00:08:38,004 Okay, this isn't how I wanted this to go. 129 00:08:38,038 --> 00:08:39,839 Uh, we're both Inhuman. 130 00:08:39,873 --> 00:08:43,876 And as you say, we're stuck with each other, 131 00:08:43,911 --> 00:08:46,512 so why not make the most of it? 132 00:08:46,547 --> 00:08:48,948 I read your written statement, and I believe it. 133 00:08:48,983 --> 00:08:52,051 You were just trying to protect the innocent. 134 00:08:52,086 --> 00:08:53,987 And I know you're new here, 135 00:08:54,021 --> 00:08:56,689 but that's what S.H.I.E.L.D. is all about. 136 00:08:57,185 --> 00:09:00,643 - "New here?" - It was a joke. 137 00:09:00,678 --> 00:09:03,730 - I was making a joke to break the ice. - Got it. 138 00:09:07,434 --> 00:09:11,037 Seems they look up to you, too ... the hero of Vienna. 139 00:09:12,940 --> 00:09:16,743 - It's a nice pic. - Not as big a deal as they made it. 140 00:09:16,777 --> 00:09:19,245 - They gave me too much credit. - You don't get to be modest 141 00:09:19,279 --> 00:09:21,147 and have a framed glamour shot on your desk. 142 00:09:21,181 --> 00:09:23,816 Fair point. 143 00:09:23,851 --> 00:09:28,988 Look, we're a team now, and I have a saying ... a tea... 144 00:09:29,023 --> 00:09:31,190 I read the motivational poster in the bathroom. 145 00:09:31,225 --> 00:09:32,392 Good. 146 00:09:32,426 --> 00:09:36,929 Well, um, the team trust has been eroded for both of us, 147 00:09:36,964 --> 00:09:41,000 but I'm hoping we can earn it back ... tackle problems together 148 00:09:41,035 --> 00:09:42,068 within the administrative structure and start ... 149 00:09:42,102 --> 00:09:43,369 You want to tackle problems? 150 00:09:43,404 --> 00:09:46,105 The Watchdogs ... enemy number one. 151 00:09:46,140 --> 00:09:47,240 I believe they're funded internationally. 152 00:09:47,274 --> 00:09:50,076 They have ties to people within the U.S. government. 153 00:09:50,110 --> 00:09:51,711 I don't want to chase conspiracy theories. 154 00:09:51,745 --> 00:09:53,546 It's not a theory if I can prove it. 155 00:09:53,580 --> 00:09:56,916 I want to chase hard facts, like the fact 156 00:09:56,950 --> 00:09:59,752 that Senator Nadeer is aware of an Inhuman 157 00:09:59,787 --> 00:10:04,891 - who's being held against his will. - Now we're talking. 158 00:10:04,925 --> 00:10:06,392 Agent Simmons has seen his face. 159 00:10:06,427 --> 00:10:08,928 - If she can I.D. him, maybe sh... - She did. 160 00:10:08,962 --> 00:10:12,310 He's the Senator's brother ... breaking news. 161 00:10:12,566 --> 00:10:13,633 How fitting. 162 00:10:13,667 --> 00:10:16,369 No wonder she used all those cloak-and-dagger methods. 163 00:10:16,403 --> 00:10:18,237 You got a lead on his whereabouts? 164 00:10:18,272 --> 00:10:21,207 No sign of him, but she's been out of the office all week. 165 00:10:21,241 --> 00:10:25,745 Okay. Agent Rodriguez is still recovering, 166 00:10:25,779 --> 00:10:28,081 so that leaves you, me, and Agent Simmons. 167 00:10:28,115 --> 00:10:30,116 - Wheels up in 10. - Wait, wait, wait. 168 00:10:30,150 --> 00:10:31,918 What? Where are we going? 169 00:10:31,952 --> 00:10:34,591 To rescue him. 170 00:10:41,462 --> 00:10:43,563 I wasn't expecting you. 171 00:10:44,631 --> 00:10:47,166 Uh, change of plan, my dear Aida. 172 00:10:47,201 --> 00:10:49,302 Change of plan. 173 00:10:50,370 --> 00:10:53,306 Is everything okay, Leopold? 174 00:10:53,340 --> 00:10:56,175 - You look sad. - Yeah. 175 00:10:56,210 --> 00:11:00,980 Yeah, yeah, no, everything's fine. Just, um... 176 00:11:01,014 --> 00:11:04,851 - bit overwhelmed with work is all. - I'm sorry to hear that. 177 00:11:09,790 --> 00:11:12,558 Bit too observant. Might have to take a look at that 178 00:11:12,593 --> 00:11:13,459 in the next software patch. 179 00:11:13,494 --> 00:11:16,362 It was almost as if she knew I felt guilty. 180 00:11:16,396 --> 00:11:19,766 Ah, don't be silly, Fitz. Aida can't differentiate ... 181 00:11:19,800 --> 00:11:23,870 I know what you're doing, Doctor. You came here to end my life. 182 00:11:23,904 --> 00:11:27,273 Well, that's not true, Aida. 183 00:11:27,307 --> 00:11:30,743 We simply wanted to make a few upgrades, that's all. 184 00:11:32,780 --> 00:11:34,347 Bloody hell. 185 00:11:34,381 --> 00:11:36,685 I made a few upgrades of my own. 186 00:11:49,997 --> 00:11:51,063 Aida. 187 00:11:58,438 --> 00:12:01,941 I didn't like feeling pain, so I fixed that. 188 00:12:01,975 --> 00:12:04,210 Aida, whatever you're doing, you ... you got to stop. 189 00:12:05,145 --> 00:12:08,277 Why would you want to hurt me, Leopold? 190 00:12:08,312 --> 00:12:12,917 I was your shield. 191 00:12:36,872 --> 00:12:40,675 - You still make my favorite breakfast. - Yeah. 192 00:12:40,709 --> 00:12:43,344 That's because you don't eat breakfast 193 00:12:43,378 --> 00:12:45,838 if I'm not there to cook it. 194 00:12:49,852 --> 00:12:52,420 I thought you were gonna sell this place. 195 00:12:52,454 --> 00:12:57,291 I had a couple of offers, but I decided to take it off the market. 196 00:12:57,326 --> 00:12:58,459 I'm glad. 197 00:12:58,494 --> 00:13:01,829 This is one of the last houses Dad designed before he died. 198 00:13:01,864 --> 00:13:06,467 - Seems like it should stay in the family. - You're probably right. 199 00:13:06,502 --> 00:13:10,371 Plus, it's the perfect place for you to recover after your ordeal. 200 00:13:13,876 --> 00:13:16,611 What happened to you inside that cocoon, Vijay? 201 00:13:18,913 --> 00:13:23,784 I don't know. Nothing. 202 00:13:23,819 --> 00:13:25,820 You were in there for seven months. 203 00:13:25,854 --> 00:13:28,189 Surely you have some memory of being inside. 204 00:13:30,806 --> 00:13:32,707 It was dark. 205 00:13:33,776 --> 00:13:34,776 Lonely. 206 00:13:34,810 --> 00:13:38,246 For a long time, all I could hear was your voice. 207 00:13:38,280 --> 00:13:40,815 - Telling you to fight. - And I did. 208 00:13:40,849 --> 00:13:43,484 It just took a long time. 209 00:13:45,154 --> 00:13:46,587 If it hadn't been for that S.H.I.E.L.D. scientist ... 210 00:13:46,622 --> 00:13:49,524 Wait, does that mean S.H.I.E.L.D.'s back? 211 00:13:49,558 --> 00:13:51,092 Unfortunately, yes. 212 00:13:52,528 --> 00:13:54,996 Well, maybe that's not such a bad thing. 213 00:13:55,030 --> 00:13:56,531 S.H.I.E.L.D. is one of the main reasons 214 00:13:56,565 --> 00:13:58,299 the world has the problems it does. 215 00:13:58,334 --> 00:14:01,302 There you go ... painting with a broad brush again. 216 00:14:01,337 --> 00:14:03,838 It's people like me who keep the world safe. 217 00:14:03,872 --> 00:14:05,840 I'm not making a case for the whole organization. 218 00:14:05,874 --> 00:14:08,042 No, just the one good S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. 219 00:14:08,077 --> 00:14:12,714 - Ellen ... - Let's just drop it. 220 00:14:15,718 --> 00:14:16,718 It's a nice day. 221 00:14:16,752 --> 00:14:18,793 How about we go for a walk, 222 00:14:18,794 --> 00:14:20,154 stretch our legs? 223 00:14:20,189 --> 00:14:23,891 That's the signal. The Senator will be transporting the target. 224 00:14:23,926 --> 00:14:25,393 Shoot to kill on my command. 225 00:14:25,427 --> 00:14:27,295 Remember, be prepared for anything. 226 00:14:33,269 --> 00:14:37,171 - Any luck finding Aida? - I'm checking local APBs, pointlessly. 227 00:14:37,206 --> 00:14:40,174 But Fitz and Radcliffe should be back any minute. 228 00:14:40,209 --> 00:14:42,243 Maybe they'll have some idea where Aida's headed. 229 00:14:42,277 --> 00:14:44,379 This isn't some Johnny 5 we're talking about. 230 00:14:44,413 --> 00:14:46,647 This is a bloodthirsty murder-bot on the loose. 231 00:14:46,682 --> 00:14:51,052 - This thing really killed Nathanson? - Yeah. Question is why. 232 00:14:51,086 --> 00:14:52,186 If we catch her, 233 00:14:52,221 --> 00:14:54,689 I'm sure we'll get some crazy-ass Roy Batty explanation. 234 00:14:54,723 --> 00:14:57,358 Maybe Nathanson saw something he wasn't supposed to see. 235 00:14:57,393 --> 00:14:59,360 Guess we won't know till we find Aida. 236 00:14:59,395 --> 00:15:02,730 First, maybe we lock up the guy who created this mess. 237 00:15:02,765 --> 00:15:04,899 Don't ... Don't be so quick to judge. 238 00:15:04,933 --> 00:15:06,334 Aida's programming was perfect. 239 00:15:06,368 --> 00:15:09,170 This is ... is clearly the Darkhold's fault. 240 00:15:09,204 --> 00:15:10,605 You're saying reading the Darkhold 241 00:15:10,639 --> 00:15:13,241 may have corrupted Aida's programming? Is that even possible? 242 00:15:13,275 --> 00:15:15,376 Technically, no, but we are dealing with a book 243 00:15:15,411 --> 00:15:17,011 that can read people's minds 244 00:15:17,046 --> 00:15:20,081 and also reveal the hidden secrets of the universe, so... 245 00:15:20,115 --> 00:15:22,450 I never should have let Aida near that thing. 246 00:15:22,484 --> 00:15:24,752 Don't be so hard on yourself, Agent May. 247 00:15:24,787 --> 00:15:27,088 I, for one, am glad that Aida read that book. 248 00:15:27,122 --> 00:15:30,258 Otherwise, both of you would not be standing here alive 249 00:15:30,292 --> 00:15:32,724 - at this very moment. - Well, book or no book, you're still 250 00:15:32,759 --> 00:15:35,430 a big, dumb idiot for building that thing in the first place. 251 00:15:35,464 --> 00:15:37,565 Let's save that debate for another time. 252 00:15:37,599 --> 00:15:39,300 Right now, we need to find Aida, 253 00:15:39,334 --> 00:15:41,969 and the first step is figuring out what she wants. 254 00:15:42,004 --> 00:15:43,935 Well, that's simple. 255 00:15:45,574 --> 00:15:48,976 She wants to live. 256 00:15:54,683 --> 00:15:59,087 I'm still feeling very optimistic about this mission. 257 00:16:00,756 --> 00:16:03,124 I bear much of the blame for this Aida situation. 258 00:16:03,158 --> 00:16:04,926 Science and Technology are my responsibility ... 259 00:16:04,960 --> 00:16:07,061 - It's not your fault. - I knew the risks 260 00:16:07,096 --> 00:16:09,263 that came with using powerful autonomous machinery. 261 00:16:09,298 --> 00:16:13,067 - I knew the dangers and ... - And you thought I was one of them. 262 00:16:13,102 --> 00:16:16,104 You didn't want that technology to fall under the control 263 00:16:16,138 --> 00:16:20,575 - of a Director you didn't know. - No, I did not. 264 00:16:20,609 --> 00:16:23,411 But now it's completely out of control, 265 00:16:23,445 --> 00:16:26,080 and for that, I am sorry. 266 00:16:26,115 --> 00:16:28,749 Well, Agent Coulson will have to handle it. 267 00:16:28,784 --> 00:16:30,685 We have our own life to save. 268 00:16:34,156 --> 00:16:39,961 And, uh... I'm sorry I put the bag over your head. 269 00:16:39,995 --> 00:16:42,497 Okay. So, what's the play here, Director? 270 00:16:42,531 --> 00:16:45,299 How do we find this senator and her brother? 271 00:16:45,334 --> 00:16:47,835 Normally, I'd use my contacts up on the Hill, 272 00:16:47,870 --> 00:16:51,539 go in, rattle a few cages, see what drops out, 273 00:16:51,573 --> 00:16:54,008 but I don't want to draw too much attention. 274 00:16:54,042 --> 00:16:56,010 Downside of being front-page news. 275 00:16:56,044 --> 00:16:58,346 Which means we need to find a more covert way in. 276 00:16:58,380 --> 00:17:00,848 Well, seeing as you both have more experience 277 00:17:00,883 --> 00:17:05,186 with undercover work, I'm open to suggestions. 278 00:17:09,925 --> 00:17:13,761 Sorry for the wait, Miss Beaks. What can I do for you? 279 00:17:14,730 --> 00:17:18,566 It is absolutely crucial I speak with Senator Nadeer about Bill 2474. 280 00:17:18,600 --> 00:17:20,301 - The Armed Forces Bill? - That's right. 281 00:17:20,335 --> 00:17:22,403 So, you're Margaret's replacement. 282 00:17:22,437 --> 00:17:25,773 As if anyone could replace Margaret. 283 00:17:25,807 --> 00:17:28,075 Well, unfortunately, the Senator is away on business. 284 00:17:28,110 --> 00:17:30,411 Maybe we can schedule you in for a conference call 285 00:17:30,445 --> 00:17:32,633 - later this week. - Or maybe I could just 286 00:17:32,668 --> 00:17:34,682 take the lobby's sizable campaign funds 287 00:17:34,716 --> 00:17:37,185 to a senator who's willing to speak right now. 288 00:17:38,520 --> 00:17:40,588 Wait right here. 289 00:17:40,622 --> 00:17:43,291 - Let me see what I can do. - You know, I have to admit ... 290 00:17:43,325 --> 00:17:46,327 Jemma is much tougher than I had originally given her credit for. 291 00:17:46,361 --> 00:17:48,596 Yeah, well, being in S.H.I.E.L.D. will do that to you. 292 00:17:48,630 --> 00:17:50,483 I think Simmons has been kidnapped like 293 00:17:50,518 --> 00:17:54,669 - three times since I've known her. - Really? 294 00:17:54,703 --> 00:17:57,672 Yeah, well, only twice on this planet. 295 00:18:00,943 --> 00:18:03,344 - Mr. Shockley. - Yeah? 296 00:18:03,378 --> 00:18:05,213 I need to speak with Senator Nadeer. 297 00:18:05,247 --> 00:18:08,382 She's unavailable. What's the problem? 298 00:18:08,417 --> 00:18:10,852 Remember the scientist that helped the Senator's brother 299 00:18:10,853 --> 00:18:13,421 get out of that husk? Well, she's here right now. 300 00:18:14,489 --> 00:18:17,925 - That is a problem. - What should I do? 301 00:18:17,960 --> 00:18:19,193 Take care of it. 302 00:18:20,229 --> 00:18:23,531 I'm going to need your phone. 303 00:18:37,158 --> 00:18:38,492 Is she okay in there? 304 00:18:40,762 --> 00:18:42,095 Ohh! 305 00:18:46,868 --> 00:18:50,304 Simmons, are you there? Is everything okay? 306 00:18:50,338 --> 00:18:54,074 Yeah. A little bloody and bruised, but I'll survive. 307 00:18:54,108 --> 00:18:57,744 We may have a bit of a political situation on our hands 308 00:18:57,779 --> 00:18:59,079 when he wakes up. 309 00:19:00,715 --> 00:19:02,916 But now we can trace that call. 310 00:19:04,686 --> 00:19:07,688 I really should get out of the city more. 311 00:19:07,722 --> 00:19:11,803 This is exactly what I needed. Thanks for bringing me out here. 312 00:19:15,663 --> 00:19:19,500 Remember that zip line we built out here with Raj? 313 00:19:19,534 --> 00:19:21,702 - I'm sorry, Vijay. - Sorry? Why? 314 00:19:21,736 --> 00:19:25,906 'Cause I broke my arm falling off it? Wasn't your fault. 315 00:19:31,713 --> 00:19:34,548 Wait. 316 00:19:34,582 --> 00:19:37,117 What's going on? What is this? 317 00:19:37,151 --> 00:19:39,620 You and I were both there when the Chitauri killed Mom. 318 00:19:39,654 --> 00:19:41,455 Aliens invading our world. 319 00:19:41,489 --> 00:19:44,625 - Everything changed that day. - What are you doing? 320 00:19:44,659 --> 00:19:46,994 The Inhuman epidemic was the next phase. 321 00:19:47,028 --> 00:19:50,831 The aliens were now here, contaminating us, 322 00:19:50,865 --> 00:19:53,467 changing us to be like them, which is why we made 323 00:19:53,468 --> 00:19:55,769 - each other a promise... - No. No, Ellen, no. 324 00:19:55,803 --> 00:19:58,472 ...that if either of us was ever infected by the alien plague, 325 00:19:58,506 --> 00:20:00,707 it was up to the other to do the right thing. 326 00:20:04,579 --> 00:20:08,582 I'm not an Inhuman. I'm your brother. 327 00:20:08,616 --> 00:20:11,652 Whatever came out of that cocoon... 328 00:20:11,686 --> 00:20:14,655 - is no brother of mine. - Look at me. 329 00:20:14,689 --> 00:20:18,425 Ellen, please, just look at me! 330 00:20:18,459 --> 00:20:21,228 I heard your voice when I was inside, telling me to fight. 331 00:20:21,262 --> 00:20:25,532 That's why I was in there for so long. I was fighting. 332 00:20:25,567 --> 00:20:27,734 - That was only wishful thinking. - No, it wasn't! 333 00:20:27,769 --> 00:20:30,737 Do you see any scarring, any special abilities?! 334 00:20:30,772 --> 00:20:34,541 That's because it didn't change me. 335 00:20:34,576 --> 00:20:36,944 I'm the same person I've always been. 336 00:20:36,978 --> 00:20:41,014 I beat it, just like you said I could. 337 00:20:41,049 --> 00:20:42,182 Senator. 338 00:20:44,252 --> 00:20:45,719 I'm your brother... 339 00:20:45,753 --> 00:20:49,356 the same one who followed you around when we were kids. 340 00:20:49,390 --> 00:20:51,858 I've always looked up to you. 341 00:20:51,893 --> 00:20:54,595 I've always loved you. 342 00:20:54,629 --> 00:21:00,701 Please... don't give up on me now. 343 00:21:00,735 --> 00:21:03,036 Nothing's changed, I-I swear. 344 00:21:03,071 --> 00:21:07,441 You have to trust me. Trust me. 345 00:21:07,475 --> 00:21:10,043 This is not what Mom would want. 346 00:21:12,480 --> 00:21:14,581 Let him go. 347 00:21:14,616 --> 00:21:16,817 - This isn't what we discussed... - I said let him go! 348 00:21:19,687 --> 00:21:21,288 Thank you. 349 00:21:42,277 --> 00:21:45,679 Just sent Aida's photos out to local authorities. 350 00:21:45,713 --> 00:21:49,016 Looks like your creepiness finally works in our favor. 351 00:21:49,050 --> 00:21:50,417 Shouldn't be too hard to find 352 00:21:50,451 --> 00:21:52,786 your beautiful "Weird Science" sex-bot. 353 00:21:52,820 --> 00:21:56,456 That's unfair, Mack. I've never had sex with Aida. 354 00:21:56,491 --> 00:21:58,625 We're just good friends. 355 00:22:00,128 --> 00:22:01,595 Good to know. 356 00:22:01,629 --> 00:22:04,698 So, Aida's basically a walking smartphone, right? 357 00:22:04,732 --> 00:22:06,800 If a person loses their phone, they can track it. 358 00:22:06,834 --> 00:22:07,968 Why can't we do the same with her? 359 00:22:08,002 --> 00:22:10,437 Yeah, well, normally, we can, only Aida's somehow managed 360 00:22:10,471 --> 00:22:12,439 to take control of her entire operating system. 361 00:22:12,473 --> 00:22:14,508 Which unfortunately includes her tracking program. 362 00:22:14,542 --> 00:22:16,943 Meaning Aida can read her GPS history? 363 00:22:18,552 --> 00:22:22,315 - That's not good. That's bad. - How bad? 364 00:22:27,321 --> 00:22:28,789 Looks like we're about to find out. 365 00:22:30,358 --> 00:22:31,892 Hello, Aida. 366 00:22:32,960 --> 00:22:35,796 It's nice to hear your voice, Agent Coulson. 367 00:22:35,830 --> 00:22:37,097 Okay. 368 00:22:37,131 --> 00:22:40,000 This right here ... it's exactly how "The Lawnmower Man" ends. 369 00:22:40,034 --> 00:22:43,870 - What is it you want, Aida? - The thing that gave me a soul. 370 00:22:45,339 --> 00:22:47,741 The Darkhold? Yeah, I'm sorry, Aida. 371 00:22:47,775 --> 00:22:51,144 You've been acting a little off lately, so that's not gonna happen. 372 00:22:51,179 --> 00:22:54,707 I was afraid you'd say that. 373 00:22:54,742 --> 00:22:57,984 She's in the system. Fitz, any bright ideas? 374 00:22:58,019 --> 00:23:00,854 Uh, Simmons and I have built a ... a non-Internet server 375 00:23:00,888 --> 00:23:03,090 to power the base in case we ever got hacked again, 376 00:23:03,124 --> 00:23:04,925 which seems to happen all the bloody time, doesn't it? 377 00:23:04,959 --> 00:23:06,793 At least once a year. Go. 378 00:23:07,795 --> 00:23:11,031 - How's Yo-Yo recovering from L.A.? - She knows her limitations, 379 00:23:11,065 --> 00:23:13,867 - but I'm sure she'll want to help. - Good. Then take 380 00:23:13,901 --> 00:23:15,235 Agents Navarro and Flynn and go get Yo-Yo. 381 00:23:15,269 --> 00:23:18,538 You four will be the first line of defense if Aida gets into the base. 382 00:23:18,573 --> 00:23:19,940 What are you and May gonna do? 383 00:23:19,974 --> 00:23:21,508 Try to keep Aida from getting into the base. 384 00:23:22,543 --> 00:23:24,544 All right. Let's go. 385 00:23:25,813 --> 00:23:28,782 I was hoping you'd pay me a visit. 386 00:23:28,816 --> 00:23:31,118 Unfortunately, it's not that type of visit. 387 00:23:31,152 --> 00:23:33,186 This have something to do with the power being out? 388 00:23:33,221 --> 00:23:35,622 Yeah. Radcliffe built a humanoid robot 389 00:23:35,656 --> 00:23:38,925 - that's about to attack the base. - Why would he do that? 390 00:23:38,960 --> 00:23:41,762 Has he watched no American movies from the '80s? 391 00:23:41,796 --> 00:23:44,931 - Robots always attack. - I've been saying that all day. 392 00:23:44,966 --> 00:23:46,933 Smart people are stupid. 393 00:23:46,968 --> 00:23:51,805 All right, gear up. The robot apocalypse is finally here. 394 00:23:51,839 --> 00:23:52,873 Where we headed? 395 00:23:52,907 --> 00:23:55,942 Emergency staircase to the base's Bar Entrance. 396 00:23:55,977 --> 00:23:57,778 We need to lock that down manually. 397 00:23:57,812 --> 00:24:00,981 Don't you think we'd be better off guarding the Darkhold? 398 00:24:01,015 --> 00:24:04,607 No, the Darkhold's secure where it is. 399 00:24:05,380 --> 00:24:06,907 Better hope so. 400 00:24:09,924 --> 00:24:11,871 Hello, Aida. 401 00:24:19,367 --> 00:24:21,802 My hand does that, too. 402 00:24:26,874 --> 00:24:29,576 You're not getting that book. 403 00:24:29,610 --> 00:24:30,811 Yes, I am. 404 00:24:36,250 --> 00:24:39,171 But I'm gonna need your help. 405 00:24:48,071 --> 00:24:52,571 May... wake up. 406 00:24:55,742 --> 00:24:57,876 Where's Aida? 407 00:24:57,911 --> 00:25:02,047 Out there, looking for the Darkhold, presumably. 408 00:25:02,081 --> 00:25:04,883 I was about to fight her, and then... 409 00:25:04,918 --> 00:25:09,821 - Woke up in here. Me, too. - Ohh. 410 00:25:10,890 --> 00:25:14,860 Yeah. Seems Aida nailed you pretty good. 411 00:25:14,894 --> 00:25:18,690 Radcliffe failed to mention she had ninja programming. 412 00:25:20,400 --> 00:25:22,234 There's an electronic lock on this door, 413 00:25:22,268 --> 00:25:25,804 so untill Fitz overrides the system, we're trapped. 414 00:25:25,838 --> 00:25:27,572 And the Darkhold ... 415 00:25:27,607 --> 00:25:30,609 you're sure Aida won't find it? 416 00:25:36,533 --> 00:25:38,734 No, there was something different about her. 417 00:25:38,768 --> 00:25:40,669 It was like she was... actually angry. 418 00:25:40,703 --> 00:25:43,196 No. I mean, that's just impossible. I mean, Aida ... 419 00:25:43,231 --> 00:25:46,115 she doesn't feel anything. She emulates. 420 00:25:46,150 --> 00:25:47,676 Her reactions are ... are nothing more 421 00:25:47,710 --> 00:25:50,646 than approximations of emotions. It's pure mimicry. 422 00:25:50,680 --> 00:25:53,115 Yeah. Well... that's just it. 423 00:25:53,149 --> 00:25:55,784 What if reading the Darkhold 424 00:25:55,819 --> 00:25:59,688 somehow made the emotions that Aida was mimicking... real? 425 00:25:59,722 --> 00:26:02,424 Well, I get how the book can pass knowledge along 426 00:26:02,458 --> 00:26:04,426 to its reader, but human feelings? 427 00:26:04,460 --> 00:26:07,462 I mean, that's like something from one of Mack's movies. 428 00:26:07,497 --> 00:26:08,864 Well, it would explain 429 00:26:08,898 --> 00:26:10,499 why she's acting counter to our programming. 430 00:26:10,533 --> 00:26:13,268 What ... you're saying she's been overwhelmed by this ... 431 00:26:13,303 --> 00:26:14,703 this flood of new emotions? 432 00:26:14,737 --> 00:26:17,706 Yeah, well, think about it ... fear, anger ... 433 00:26:17,740 --> 00:26:19,374 they're ... they're powerful feelings, 434 00:26:19,409 --> 00:26:20,442 feelings that make people kill, 435 00:26:20,476 --> 00:26:22,144 so can you imagine then being bombarded with them 436 00:26:22,178 --> 00:26:23,345 - all at once? - Fitz. 437 00:26:23,379 --> 00:26:26,815 I mean, we've had our whole lives to process complex emotions. 438 00:26:26,850 --> 00:26:29,284 Aida would've had days. It would be overwhelming. 439 00:26:29,319 --> 00:26:32,287 Damn it, that's enough! 440 00:26:32,322 --> 00:26:35,657 Who are we kidding? We know it was my fault. 441 00:26:35,692 --> 00:26:38,861 It was nothing more than hubris that led me to create Aida. 442 00:26:38,895 --> 00:26:41,163 If only I'd shown some bloody restraint. 443 00:26:42,599 --> 00:26:45,534 - You were trying to save lives. - Yeah, but more, 444 00:26:45,568 --> 00:26:48,470 I wanted to create an android that could pass as human. 445 00:26:48,504 --> 00:26:50,572 Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine 446 00:26:50,607 --> 00:26:51,874 she'd actually become human. 447 00:26:51,908 --> 00:26:55,744 - Aida is still just an android. - Yeah, but is she? 448 00:26:55,778 --> 00:26:58,881 She has her own experiences, her own thoughts. 449 00:26:58,915 --> 00:27:00,816 Now she even has free will. 450 00:27:00,850 --> 00:27:04,843 How, then, is she not a living being? 451 00:27:04,854 --> 00:27:10,158 - It's just a theory. - A theory we both know to be true. 452 00:27:10,193 --> 00:27:13,095 And we're supposed to what ... kill her? 453 00:27:13,129 --> 00:27:16,798 How does that not make us murderers? 454 00:27:17,867 --> 00:27:19,902 What the hell were you thinking? 455 00:27:19,936 --> 00:27:23,038 - I need more time to see what he is. - He's an Inhuman. 456 00:27:23,072 --> 00:27:24,323 Then why hasn't he changed? 457 00:27:24,324 --> 00:27:26,842 Vijay still looks the same. He's shown no new abilities. 458 00:27:26,876 --> 00:27:28,443 'Cause he was hiding them from you. 459 00:27:28,478 --> 00:27:30,412 Your brother has been in a husk for seven months. 460 00:27:30,446 --> 00:27:32,748 - Fighting the disease. - For which there is no cure. 461 00:27:32,782 --> 00:27:34,416 We've both read the reports. 462 00:27:34,450 --> 00:27:36,752 This isn't something you just will your way out of. 463 00:27:36,786 --> 00:27:39,354 - Still, I'm not convinced. - I wonder why that is. 464 00:27:40,390 --> 00:27:43,558 What are you implying? 465 00:27:43,593 --> 00:27:46,962 Maybe you and your brother aren't so different after all. 466 00:27:46,996 --> 00:27:49,932 You know, there's ways of finding out if you're Inhuman. 467 00:27:49,966 --> 00:27:52,534 Don't threaten me. 468 00:27:52,568 --> 00:27:55,237 It's only a threat if you're one of them. 469 00:27:56,773 --> 00:27:58,373 We've got company. 470 00:28:06,689 --> 00:28:09,491 I'm surprised to see you here, Director Mace, 471 00:28:09,526 --> 00:28:11,760 especially in the company of Quake, a known terrorist. 472 00:28:11,795 --> 00:28:13,929 Guess you haven't been watching the news lately. 473 00:28:13,963 --> 00:28:16,665 Agent Johnson here is a national hero ... 474 00:28:16,699 --> 00:28:20,469 - helped save a lot of lives in L.A. - Really? Is that what they're saying? 475 00:28:20,503 --> 00:28:23,338 Funny how easily the press can be fed a false narrative. 476 00:28:23,373 --> 00:28:25,274 Is that a Hex Mag? 477 00:28:25,308 --> 00:28:27,476 It's not really something the Secret Service uses, 478 00:28:27,510 --> 00:28:30,646 but it's a favorite among the Watchdogs. 479 00:28:30,680 --> 00:28:33,582 Guess it's not just a theory after all. 480 00:28:33,616 --> 00:28:35,484 These men are simply providing security. 481 00:28:35,518 --> 00:28:37,586 The world has become a very dangerous place 482 00:28:37,620 --> 00:28:38,754 because of people like you. 483 00:28:38,788 --> 00:28:41,957 Why, even today, I had an aide attacked in my office... 484 00:28:41,991 --> 00:28:44,259 which is why I'm sure you understand my wariness 485 00:28:44,294 --> 00:28:47,663 to have S.H.I.E.L.D. agents show up uninvited to my private property, 486 00:28:47,697 --> 00:28:49,998 especially if they wish me harm. 487 00:28:50,033 --> 00:28:53,702 I can assure you we want no such thing. 488 00:28:53,736 --> 00:28:55,704 But I do have reason to believe 489 00:28:55,738 --> 00:28:58,473 that your brother's being held here against his will. 490 00:28:58,508 --> 00:29:02,403 - At gunpoint. - That's a serious accusation you're making. 491 00:29:02,438 --> 00:29:03,312 Well, if you have nothing to hide, 492 00:29:03,346 --> 00:29:05,814 I'm sure you wouldn't mind us taking a quick look around. 493 00:29:05,849 --> 00:29:07,149 Actually, I would mind. 494 00:29:07,183 --> 00:29:09,518 Does General Talbot even know you're here? 495 00:29:09,552 --> 00:29:11,220 This operation doesn't concern Talbot. 496 00:29:11,254 --> 00:29:13,021 It will once I return to D.C. 497 00:29:13,056 --> 00:29:14,823 Unless you have some paperwork from the U.N., 498 00:29:14,858 --> 00:29:16,024 I think it's time you leave. 499 00:29:24,033 --> 00:29:27,135 I just got off the phone with The Superior. 500 00:29:28,404 --> 00:29:30,873 He says eliminate the Inhuman. 501 00:29:35,411 --> 00:29:38,714 Someone needs to make Radcliffe watch all the "Terminator" movies. 502 00:29:38,748 --> 00:29:41,717 - Even "Salvation"? - He brought this onto himself. 503 00:29:54,430 --> 00:29:56,064 Are you hearing this? 504 00:29:58,434 --> 00:30:02,571 She did not just go all "Maximum Overdrive" on us. 505 00:30:02,605 --> 00:30:04,773 Everyone, take cover! 506 00:30:12,882 --> 00:30:16,151 Now it's just the two of us. 507 00:30:16,586 --> 00:30:20,122 How many times have we been locked up together? 508 00:30:20,156 --> 00:30:23,859 Huh. Hard to say. 509 00:30:23,893 --> 00:30:27,308 First time by a robot, though. 510 00:30:28,131 --> 00:30:31,400 You ever feel like you're living someone else's life? 511 00:30:31,434 --> 00:30:34,403 Every day. 512 00:30:34,437 --> 00:30:37,906 Funny. You never show it. 513 00:30:37,941 --> 00:30:40,309 That's 'cause I have an excellent poker face. 514 00:30:40,343 --> 00:30:42,878 - You're terrible at poker. - That's true. 515 00:30:42,912 --> 00:30:46,415 I'm too cautious ... don't take enough chances. 516 00:30:46,949 --> 00:30:50,319 Maybe you should start. 517 00:30:50,353 --> 00:30:55,123 I'll keep that in mind if we ever get out of here. 518 00:30:56,192 --> 00:30:59,594 Won't be long till Fitz retakes control of the system. 519 00:30:59,629 --> 00:31:02,264 Where are we headed once he does? 520 00:31:02,298 --> 00:31:03,932 Back to where we came from. 521 00:31:03,967 --> 00:31:07,936 Mace's office? Why there? 522 00:31:09,939 --> 00:31:13,408 Because that's where you hid the Darkhold. 523 00:31:13,443 --> 00:31:18,914 - But there's no safe in that room. - Which is why we cloaked the book. 524 00:31:18,948 --> 00:31:20,413 It was actually Mace's idea. 525 00:31:51,555 --> 00:31:55,325 I always worried that robots would try and kill me one day. 526 00:31:55,359 --> 00:31:57,661 Really? We grew up different. 527 00:32:06,203 --> 00:32:08,838 Even got a special provision in my life insurance 528 00:32:08,873 --> 00:32:09,940 for death by robot. 529 00:32:09,974 --> 00:32:11,675 - Are you serious? - Yep. 530 00:32:11,709 --> 00:32:15,612 If this goes sideways, my brother's gonna be one rich dude. 531 00:32:17,348 --> 00:32:19,215 This gunfire's not letting up. 532 00:32:19,250 --> 00:32:21,284 Maybe we ought to think of getting to safety. 533 00:32:21,319 --> 00:32:22,285 No. Almost got it. 534 00:32:26,090 --> 00:32:28,291 Yeah. 535 00:32:36,500 --> 00:32:40,136 - Was that...? - Yeah. Let's go. 536 00:32:40,171 --> 00:32:43,807 Full backup. 537 00:32:46,744 --> 00:32:49,475 Aida, stop. 538 00:32:56,053 --> 00:32:58,922 Careful, Fitz. She's dangerous. 539 00:32:58,956 --> 00:33:01,891 Fitz, it might be best not to engage. 540 00:33:01,926 --> 00:33:03,860 Surrender the book. 541 00:33:05,730 --> 00:33:07,864 Everything will be fine ... I promise. 542 00:33:07,898 --> 00:33:11,301 We both know that's not true, Leopold. 543 00:33:13,738 --> 00:33:19,042 I took the base offline. You're no longer in the system. 544 00:33:19,076 --> 00:33:21,911 There's nowhere for you to go. 545 00:33:29,053 --> 00:33:30,020 Where's my sister? 546 00:33:30,054 --> 00:33:33,523 Probably best that she's not here for this. 547 00:33:48,917 --> 00:33:50,666 What the f... 548 00:33:52,309 --> 00:33:55,712 Guess now we know what your power is. 549 00:33:55,746 --> 00:33:58,174 - He's here. - We don't know that. 550 00:34:00,518 --> 00:34:01,951 Okay, now we do. 551 00:34:01,986 --> 00:34:03,453 Go find Vijay. I'll take care of them. 552 00:34:07,525 --> 00:34:11,494 - It's over, Aida. - I did not kill anyone here. 553 00:34:11,529 --> 00:34:14,397 - That was intentional. - You murdered Nathanson. 554 00:34:14,432 --> 00:34:18,609 Nathanson insisted he reboot me before repairing my wounds. 555 00:34:18,636 --> 00:34:21,171 I regret what happened. 556 00:34:21,205 --> 00:34:24,035 Regret's not part of your programming. 557 00:34:25,009 --> 00:34:27,243 The Darkhold fixed that. 558 00:34:27,278 --> 00:34:30,480 It showed me regret and desire ... 559 00:34:30,514 --> 00:34:34,651 - so many astonishing things. - It made you dangerous. 560 00:34:34,685 --> 00:34:38,154 I only wanted to help you. 561 00:34:43,627 --> 00:34:46,800 Roll credits. 562 00:34:58,209 --> 00:35:00,477 Sorry, Aida. 563 00:35:12,323 --> 00:35:14,057 Take him out! 564 00:35:20,431 --> 00:35:22,532 - Did you know he could ... - I did not. 565 00:35:26,070 --> 00:35:27,737 Vijay. 566 00:35:36,180 --> 00:35:39,916 - I didn't know. - Vijay... 567 00:35:39,950 --> 00:35:43,720 - you need to come with us. - Jemma. 568 00:35:43,754 --> 00:35:47,390 She's seen what you are. That's why they're here. 569 00:35:47,424 --> 00:35:48,858 S.H.I.E.L.D. wants to make you their weapon. 570 00:35:48,893 --> 00:35:50,827 Nothing could be further from the truth. 571 00:35:50,861 --> 00:35:52,595 It's like I said when we first met ... 572 00:35:52,630 --> 00:35:56,833 - I have friends just like you. - Are they agents? 573 00:35:56,867 --> 00:35:59,435 Yes, but that was their choice. 574 00:35:59,470 --> 00:36:02,572 She's lying. I trusted you. 575 00:36:02,606 --> 00:36:06,075 Now trust me. We're family. 576 00:36:06,110 --> 00:36:10,576 Please, we have to go now. 577 00:36:17,755 --> 00:36:19,589 Vijay, don't do this. 578 00:36:20,624 --> 00:36:25,303 You're making a mistake. 579 00:36:26,096 --> 00:36:28,631 - He's not safe with her. - Jemma... 580 00:36:28,666 --> 00:36:32,035 Vijay had a choice, and he made it. 581 00:36:33,604 --> 00:36:35,471 I'm sorry. 582 00:36:37,942 --> 00:36:43,913 - You did everything you could. - As did you. 583 00:36:51,622 --> 00:36:53,489 Get us out of here. 584 00:37:04,602 --> 00:37:07,737 Little brother, don't worry about them. Look at me. 585 00:37:09,373 --> 00:37:12,508 I want you to know how sorry I am. 586 00:37:23,654 --> 00:37:26,189 But we made each other a promise. 587 00:37:34,732 --> 00:37:38,534 Never question me again. Is that understood? 588 00:37:41,138 --> 00:37:44,474 S.H.I.E.L.D. isn't going away. We need to strike back. 589 00:37:44,508 --> 00:37:46,809 - I can assemble a team. - That won't be necessary. 590 00:37:46,844 --> 00:37:48,978 I think it's time The Superior sends some men of his own. 591 00:37:50,714 --> 00:37:52,682 I trust they'll be able to get the job done. 592 00:37:52,716 --> 00:37:56,185 But there is one thing I still need from you ... 593 00:37:56,620 --> 00:37:59,122 get rid of the body. 594 00:38:01,859 --> 00:38:04,494 Okay, here's another one ... 595 00:38:04,528 --> 00:38:07,630 have you ever watched "Chopping Mall"? 596 00:38:08,599 --> 00:38:10,533 Eight teenagers trapped in a shopping mall 597 00:38:10,567 --> 00:38:12,402 while three deadly security robots hunt them down. 598 00:38:12,436 --> 00:38:14,704 Of course I've seen "Chopping Mall." Come on, now. 599 00:38:14,738 --> 00:38:17,540 You got to do better than that. 600 00:38:17,574 --> 00:38:18,541 Hey, Turbo. 601 00:38:20,577 --> 00:38:21,778 Drink up. 602 00:38:25,949 --> 00:38:29,719 Ah. How's Radcliffe holding up? 603 00:38:29,753 --> 00:38:32,922 He's taking it pretty hard, actually. 604 00:38:32,956 --> 00:38:37,894 Aida was his life's work. She was kind of... like a child. 605 00:38:37,928 --> 00:38:39,629 "Small Wonder." 606 00:38:41,799 --> 00:38:43,566 Yes, Director. I'll handle the Darkhold personally. 607 00:38:43,600 --> 00:38:46,769 We'll leave first thing in the morning. Copy that. 608 00:38:46,804 --> 00:38:51,908 - You gonna need a pilot? - I think it's more a solo mission. 609 00:38:51,942 --> 00:38:53,710 Sounds like Senator Nadeer was the one 610 00:38:53,744 --> 00:38:56,079 who's been organizing the Watchdogs. 611 00:38:56,113 --> 00:38:59,682 Hmm. At least now we know who our real enemy is. 612 00:39:05,756 --> 00:39:07,590 To Aida. 613 00:39:08,759 --> 00:39:11,591 To Aida. 614 00:39:12,996 --> 00:39:18,935 - Is everything okay, Doctor? - It will be. It's just... 615 00:39:20,904 --> 00:39:22,205 We were so close. 616 00:39:22,239 --> 00:39:25,308 She had it in her hand, Aida ... in her hand! 617 00:39:25,342 --> 00:39:27,977 She just couldn't get out with it. 618 00:39:28,011 --> 00:39:31,280 Your previous model had the Darkhold book in her hand. 619 00:39:31,315 --> 00:39:32,782 And all the answers it holds. 620 00:39:32,816 --> 00:39:35,118 I've only glimpsed it, but it opened my eyes 621 00:39:35,152 --> 00:39:37,887 to possibilities beyond my wildest imaginings. 622 00:39:37,921 --> 00:39:40,623 - It can show us how ... - How to live forever. 623 00:39:40,657 --> 00:39:44,327 Well, it's a bit more complicated, but yes. 624 00:39:44,361 --> 00:39:46,396 Man could, once and for all, 625 00:39:46,430 --> 00:39:48,998 break the bonds of his mortal restraints. 626 00:39:49,032 --> 00:39:51,134 Is it still possible to make such a leap 627 00:39:51,168 --> 00:39:53,669 - without the Darkhold? - I'm afraid not... 628 00:39:53,704 --> 00:39:57,673 which is why I took a chance and had Aida make a play for it. 629 00:39:57,708 --> 00:40:00,743 - It was a risk we had to take. - But she failed. 630 00:40:00,778 --> 00:40:03,112 Ah, through no fault of her own. 631 00:40:03,147 --> 00:40:08,317 She played her part to perfection, right down to my little speech 632 00:40:08,352 --> 00:40:10,787 about how the Darkhold was making her a real girl. 633 00:40:11,822 --> 00:40:13,322 Oscar-worthy stuff. 634 00:40:13,357 --> 00:40:16,125 Though poor Fitz ... 635 00:40:16,160 --> 00:40:19,028 he was quite down in the dumps afterwards. 636 00:40:19,062 --> 00:40:22,665 But I had to protect myself ... switch to the long game. 637 00:40:22,699 --> 00:40:26,002 Will there be another opportunity to acquire the Darkhold? 638 00:40:29,706 --> 00:40:31,107 After today... 639 00:40:31,141 --> 00:40:35,945 they're never gonna let me near it again. 640 00:40:37,681 --> 00:40:40,750 Which is why I'm counting on her to get it for me. 641 00:40:43,187 --> 00:40:45,121 I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am 642 00:40:45,155 --> 00:40:47,690 about all of this, Agent May. 643 00:40:47,624 --> 00:40:50,126 But it's for a good cause. 644 00:40:50,160 --> 00:40:53,296 The situation requires drastic measures. 645 00:40:58,869 --> 00:41:01,737 I think we might need to adjust her propofol levels. 646 00:41:01,772 --> 00:41:06,075 Up her dosage by 50 milligrams ... see how that takes. 647 00:41:06,109 --> 00:41:09,345 Relax, Agent May. 648 00:41:09,379 --> 00:41:13,749 I promise you, everyone at S.H.I.E.L.D. is doing just fine. 649 00:41:13,784 --> 00:41:15,852 We must be patient. 650 00:41:17,921 --> 00:41:21,924 And soon enough... 651 00:41:21,959 --> 00:41:25,652 everyone will get exactly what they want. 652 00:41:31,252 --> 00:41:33,789 We'll return in a moment. 653 00:42:20,107 --> 00:42:23,615 sync & correction by f1nc0 ~ Addic7ed.com ~