1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:02,747 Coulson: Previously on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."... 2 00:00:02,782 --> 00:00:05,711 Talbot already gave up the location of the chamber. 3 00:00:05,801 --> 00:00:07,171 Hale: Yes, and we're waiting for Strucker 4 00:00:07,172 --> 00:00:08,506 to show us how to put it together. 5 00:00:08,507 --> 00:00:10,708 My father kept everything separate. 6 00:00:10,742 --> 00:00:13,644 There's no single journal that explains how the chamber works. 7 00:00:13,678 --> 00:00:15,312 We may be running out of time. 8 00:00:15,313 --> 00:00:18,315 My mother wanted to join forces with S.H.I.E.L.D., 9 00:00:18,350 --> 00:00:22,386 - with Daisy Johnson. - The Gravitonium is meant for you. 10 00:00:22,420 --> 00:00:25,055 - We have to find... - Phillip J. Coulson. 11 00:00:25,090 --> 00:00:27,324 Okay, let's start searching for landmarks that might match. 12 00:00:27,359 --> 00:00:30,127 It won't be easy. But that might be where he is. 13 00:00:30,162 --> 00:00:33,264 Daisy's taking a long shot to find where Hale is keeping Coulson, 14 00:00:33,298 --> 00:00:34,765 but we have something concrete 15 00:00:34,766 --> 00:00:35,833 that can get us one step ahead of her. 16 00:00:35,834 --> 00:00:38,836 Hale may be after a weapon powered by Gravitonium, 17 00:00:38,870 --> 00:00:41,605 probably in a location that Malick turned over to S.H.I.E.L.D. 18 00:00:41,640 --> 00:00:43,174 We have coordinates to three locations, 19 00:00:43,175 --> 00:00:44,642 so we'll start with the closest 20 00:00:44,643 --> 00:00:46,477 and hope we don't find company when we get there. 21 00:00:46,511 --> 00:00:48,179 Hale: Creel has broken out Talbot and Coulson. 22 00:00:48,180 --> 00:00:51,749 - Gear up and stop them. - Here we go. 23 00:00:51,783 --> 00:00:54,518 [Music] 24 00:00:54,553 --> 00:00:57,970 We're on Earth, right? 25 00:00:58,971 --> 00:01:02,579 5x17 - The Honeymoon 26 00:01:02,580 --> 00:01:05,482 [Birds chirping] 27 00:01:15,625 --> 00:01:17,825 Simmons: Feels good to be home. 28 00:01:19,962 --> 00:01:22,196 Just didn't think it'd be under these circumstances. 29 00:01:22,231 --> 00:01:24,098 - Did you pack the explosives? - I did. 30 00:01:24,132 --> 00:01:26,834 - And the extra ammunition? - Of course. 31 00:01:26,869 --> 00:01:28,836 I just want this to work. 32 00:01:28,871 --> 00:01:30,838 After everything we've done to get here. 33 00:01:30,873 --> 00:01:33,845 You made a choice. Don't look back. 34 00:01:35,310 --> 00:01:39,013 What are the chances that we find this weapon here? 35 00:01:39,047 --> 00:01:41,332 Gideon Malick hinted that this place was 36 00:01:41,333 --> 00:01:45,453 a crucial R&D site for Hydra. It's our best bet, by far. 37 00:01:45,487 --> 00:01:48,022 Autopilot will land the Quinjet somewhere nearby, 38 00:01:48,056 --> 00:01:50,491 keep it cloaked until we get back. 39 00:01:50,526 --> 00:01:53,961 - Ready if you are. - So ready. 40 00:01:55,831 --> 00:01:58,719 [Gangway motor whirring] 41 00:02:01,336 --> 00:02:03,070 I was thinking we could come back to England 42 00:02:03,105 --> 00:02:05,706 for our honeymoon... if we ever got one. 43 00:02:05,741 --> 00:02:07,041 Sounds perfect! 44 00:02:07,042 --> 00:02:09,844 Don't make me the third wheel, guys. 45 00:02:16,251 --> 00:02:18,986 No trouble with the straps this time. 46 00:02:20,622 --> 00:02:22,490 We've come a long way! 47 00:02:25,524 --> 00:02:30,491 [Music] 48 00:02:35,089 --> 00:02:38,197 sync & correction by f1nc0 ~ Addic7ed.com ~ 49 00:02:38,632 --> 00:02:41,275 [Music] 50 00:02:46,448 --> 00:02:48,482 [Footsteps] 51 00:02:51,587 --> 00:02:53,588 Talbot: [Breathing heavily] 52 00:02:57,092 --> 00:02:58,792 I got to take five. 53 00:02:59,761 --> 00:03:02,396 No, no, no. No, no, no. We could've been followed. 54 00:03:02,431 --> 00:03:03,497 We can't stop now. Come on. 55 00:03:03,498 --> 00:03:04,932 - Come on. - What do you care? 56 00:03:04,933 --> 00:03:07,101 You left me alone for months, Phil. 57 00:03:07,135 --> 00:03:09,971 I'm sure you can manage another couple of minutes, can't you? 58 00:03:10,005 --> 00:03:12,139 [Exhales sharply] 59 00:03:12,174 --> 00:03:14,108 Don't job down his throat. He's all you got. 60 00:03:14,142 --> 00:03:18,946 For what it's worth, I'm sorry we didn't find you sooner. 61 00:03:18,981 --> 00:03:20,681 Now come on. 62 00:03:20,682 --> 00:03:23,484 Just trying to hold out, Phil. Where were you? 63 00:03:23,518 --> 00:03:28,322 - We were in the future. - [Laughing] You were in the future. 64 00:03:28,357 --> 00:03:33,327 What, do you guys live in some fifth-dimension freak show? 65 00:03:33,362 --> 00:03:35,329 I'd say that's a relatively accurate description 66 00:03:35,364 --> 00:03:38,132 - of our day-to-day life. - Yeah, well, not mine. 67 00:03:38,166 --> 00:03:40,167 If we get out of here, I'm... I'm done! 68 00:03:40,202 --> 00:03:43,104 - I'm too jumbled as it is. - Hey. 69 00:03:43,138 --> 00:03:45,339 You gonna let someone like Hale get the best of you? 70 00:03:45,374 --> 00:03:49,477 - Huh? - She broke me, Phil. 71 00:03:49,511 --> 00:03:53,708 I let down the Air Force, my country... 72 00:03:54,116 --> 00:03:58,085 and I let down my family. 73 00:03:58,120 --> 00:04:00,087 I'm not gonna be able to look Carla in the eye again. 74 00:04:00,122 --> 00:04:01,455 Hey, hey, hey. 75 00:04:01,456 --> 00:04:05,026 I promise you, no one's gonna see it that way. 76 00:04:05,060 --> 00:04:07,695 Yeah? Well, I do. 77 00:04:07,729 --> 00:04:11,032 It's kind of a moot point if we freeze to death out here, isn't it? 78 00:04:11,066 --> 00:04:13,167 That's why we got to keep moving. 79 00:04:13,201 --> 00:04:17,577 [Alarm blaring] [Music] 80 00:04:34,723 --> 00:04:39,120 [Steps on floor] 81 00:04:54,176 --> 00:04:57,178 [Warp drive whirring] 82 00:04:59,212 --> 00:05:05,024 [Music] 83 00:05:21,870 --> 00:05:23,570 We're never gonna find them. 84 00:05:23,572 --> 00:05:25,673 We've been circling the Trident Range for hours, 85 00:05:25,707 --> 00:05:27,708 and there's still no sign of Coulson and whoever he's with. 86 00:05:27,743 --> 00:05:28,688 Well, that's a surprise, 87 00:05:28,689 --> 00:05:30,578 considering we're following such a detailed map. 88 00:05:30,612 --> 00:05:33,180 Robin's been right about everything else. 89 00:05:33,215 --> 00:05:36,217 Yeah, well, what if this doesn't happen for another month or... 90 00:05:36,218 --> 00:05:37,852 or a year? Would it kill her to draw a calendar? 91 00:05:37,853 --> 00:05:39,220 Why don't you go ask her? 92 00:05:39,221 --> 00:05:41,255 Well, I thought that I left all this prophecy crap 93 00:05:41,289 --> 00:05:43,524 - back in the future. - Deke, you're not helping. 94 00:05:43,558 --> 00:05:46,093 Maybe we should change tactics. 95 00:05:46,128 --> 00:05:47,828 What are you thinking? 96 00:05:47,863 --> 00:05:49,730 The cloud cover's too thick to see through anyway. 97 00:05:49,765 --> 00:05:52,507 We should land, canvass the area on foot, let Coulson find us. 98 00:05:52,542 --> 00:05:54,568 Hale's hideout could be nearby. We'd be exposed. 99 00:05:54,603 --> 00:05:56,370 Give him a shot. 100 00:05:58,406 --> 00:06:00,074 If you think it's the right call. 101 00:06:00,075 --> 00:06:03,043 Davis, find a place to set her down. 102 00:06:03,078 --> 00:06:04,311 Okay. Where'd you have in mind? 103 00:06:04,312 --> 00:06:05,780 Anywhere. 104 00:06:05,781 --> 00:06:07,615 We should start looking for shelter. 105 00:06:07,649 --> 00:06:11,819 Maybe get a fire going. Were you ever a Boy Scout? 106 00:06:11,820 --> 00:06:14,989 Brigadier General outranks a Boy Scout, Coul... [Branch snaps] 107 00:06:18,787 --> 00:06:20,531 Run. 108 00:06:22,631 --> 00:06:24,365 [Panting] 109 00:06:24,399 --> 00:06:29,436 [Music] 110 00:06:29,471 --> 00:06:32,106 [Panting, grunts] 111 00:06:32,140 --> 00:06:35,317 No, come on. We got to keep moving. Come on. 112 00:06:36,344 --> 00:06:37,611 [Rumbling] 113 00:06:37,612 --> 00:06:39,413 [Mask clangs] 114 00:06:41,227 --> 00:06:43,417 [Music] 115 00:06:43,418 --> 00:06:44,552 You got your powers back. 116 00:06:44,553 --> 00:06:47,087 It's a long story. May, get them back to the Zephyr. 117 00:06:47,122 --> 00:06:48,822 - I'll take care of her. - Not a chance. 118 00:06:48,824 --> 00:06:51,227 It's a rescue mission. Look at them. 119 00:06:54,029 --> 00:06:55,629 [Coughs] 120 00:06:55,630 --> 00:06:59,967 - So, how'd you find us? - Robin. 121 00:07:00,001 --> 00:07:02,169 A little bit like cheating, don't you think? 122 00:07:02,204 --> 00:07:04,735 - Keep moving. - Daisy: And, Deke, 123 00:07:04,770 --> 00:07:06,140 watch their back. That's an order. 124 00:07:06,174 --> 00:07:08,209 [Grunting] 125 00:07:09,177 --> 00:07:12,519 [Breathing heavily] [Music] 126 00:07:14,282 --> 00:07:17,985 [Exhales sharply] Hoo! 127 00:07:18,019 --> 00:07:22,923 Wow. The legendary Quake. 128 00:07:24,392 --> 00:07:28,262 You know, you're much prettier in person. 129 00:07:28,296 --> 00:07:30,965 And meaner, so I'd stay where you are. 130 00:07:30,999 --> 00:07:34,602 It's funny. I have your poster up on my wall. 131 00:07:34,636 --> 00:07:38,505 You're like that, uh... hero... 132 00:07:38,540 --> 00:07:41,208 that every little girl wants to be when they grow up. 133 00:07:41,243 --> 00:07:45,179 Mm. Looks like you made a wrong turn along the way. 134 00:07:45,213 --> 00:07:47,081 No. 135 00:07:48,583 --> 00:07:53,354 I'm just engineered differently. I don't want to be you. 136 00:07:53,388 --> 00:07:56,257 I want to beat you. 137 00:07:57,492 --> 00:07:59,226 You can certainly try. 138 00:07:59,261 --> 00:08:02,029 [Rumbling] 139 00:08:02,063 --> 00:08:06,456 [Both grunting] [Music] 140 00:08:12,707 --> 00:08:14,408 [Gun cocks] 141 00:08:21,950 --> 00:08:27,900 [Grunting continues] 142 00:08:36,731 --> 00:08:39,635 [Grunts] [Rumbling] 143 00:08:39,636 --> 00:08:40,938 [Thud] 144 00:08:42,604 --> 00:08:47,833 [Panting] [Music] 145 00:08:49,377 --> 00:08:50,711 I don't think she's getting up from that. 146 00:08:50,712 --> 00:08:51,612 What are you still doing here? 147 00:08:51,613 --> 00:08:53,313 Well, I thought she had you for a sec, but... 148 00:08:53,315 --> 00:08:55,783 [Machine-gun fire] 149 00:08:55,817 --> 00:08:57,084 [Grunts] Deke! 150 00:08:57,085 --> 00:08:59,386 [Machine-gun fire] 151 00:08:59,421 --> 00:09:01,422 We got to get out of here. Let's go. [Grunts] 152 00:09:01,456 --> 00:09:03,057 [Machine-gun fire] 153 00:09:03,058 --> 00:09:09,008 [Music] [Beep] 154 00:09:09,064 --> 00:09:11,732 I need an extraction team at this location. 155 00:09:20,408 --> 00:09:26,358 [Music] 156 00:09:29,284 --> 00:09:31,051 [Grunts] 157 00:09:32,320 --> 00:09:34,955 [Grunts, panting] 158 00:09:36,757 --> 00:09:39,001 Get this plane in the air. 159 00:09:39,928 --> 00:09:41,628 [Grunting] We got you. 160 00:09:41,663 --> 00:09:46,882 [Music] 161 00:09:52,817 --> 00:09:56,086 I can't stop the bleeding. Grab the hemostatic granules. 162 00:09:56,087 --> 00:09:58,674 [Music] 163 00:09:58,723 --> 00:10:00,757 [Deke grunting] 164 00:10:01,960 --> 00:10:04,869 - It's okay. Scissors. - Oh. Come on, come on. 165 00:10:04,904 --> 00:10:06,604 Hope this thing has instructions. 166 00:10:10,502 --> 00:10:13,062 - Okay, hold him still. - That's not a good sign. 167 00:10:13,071 --> 00:10:15,105 [Screams] 168 00:10:17,375 --> 00:10:19,343 - It's working. - This is only a temporary fix. 169 00:10:19,377 --> 00:10:22,045 He's gonna need actual medical attention. 170 00:10:22,080 --> 00:10:24,548 - Call ahead to Simmons. Give her a heads-up. - No one's answering. 171 00:10:24,582 --> 00:10:26,383 Can you hold on until we make it to the Lighthouse? 172 00:10:26,417 --> 00:10:28,085 Just get us there as fast as you can. 173 00:10:28,086 --> 00:10:31,775 [Music] 174 00:10:35,760 --> 00:10:40,964 It's about damn time. The code is 6-2-8-8-2. 175 00:10:40,999 --> 00:10:42,799 [Keypad beeping] 176 00:10:42,834 --> 00:10:44,501 What the hell? Is Fitz evil again? 177 00:10:44,502 --> 00:10:46,069 Yo-Yo and Simmons broke him out. 178 00:10:46,070 --> 00:10:49,339 Wha... Why? Where did they go? 179 00:10:49,374 --> 00:10:55,324 [Music] 180 00:10:58,249 --> 00:11:00,651 Looks like there may be a way in up here. 181 00:11:08,593 --> 00:11:10,360 Radiation poisoning would be a whole new way 182 00:11:10,395 --> 00:11:12,429 to find out we can still die. 183 00:11:12,463 --> 00:11:14,431 - Should we turn back? - No need. 184 00:11:14,465 --> 00:11:17,856 Primula vulgaris... primrose. I used to pick these as a girl. 185 00:11:17,891 --> 00:11:19,570 I mean, it's a hardy species, 186 00:11:19,604 --> 00:11:23,469 but even it couldn't survive in irradiated soil. 187 00:11:23,708 --> 00:11:25,542 [Tablet beeps, Geiger counter crackling] 188 00:11:25,577 --> 00:11:27,611 Fitz: You'll find more radiation in a dentist's office. 189 00:11:27,645 --> 00:11:33,350 [Music] 190 00:11:38,923 --> 00:11:42,859 Talbot probably just posted these signs to keep out interlopers. 191 00:11:42,894 --> 00:11:45,028 They won't scare off Hydra. 192 00:11:57,642 --> 00:11:59,342 Let me. 193 00:12:03,348 --> 00:12:06,617 Well, looks like getting your arms chopped off isn't all bad. 194 00:12:07,485 --> 00:12:10,654 The... Well... Yeah... It is... obviously, it's bad. 195 00:12:10,688 --> 00:12:12,356 It's really bad getting your arms chopped off, 196 00:12:12,357 --> 00:12:15,509 - but maybe there is a silver lining... - Well, as much as I'm enjoying 197 00:12:15,510 --> 00:12:19,129 this day in the country, we have a job to do. 198 00:12:19,163 --> 00:12:21,498 After you, better half. 199 00:12:21,532 --> 00:12:25,482 [Music] 200 00:12:29,340 --> 00:12:31,040 Daisy: Here, take these. 201 00:12:32,443 --> 00:12:34,578 We're landing soon. 202 00:12:42,520 --> 00:12:45,155 [Sighs] 203 00:12:45,189 --> 00:12:46,799 That was reckless back there, Deke. 204 00:12:46,834 --> 00:12:49,292 You're this kind to everybody who takes a bullet for you? 205 00:12:49,327 --> 00:12:51,461 - You were the reason we had to retreat. - Well, I'm sorry. 206 00:12:51,496 --> 00:12:53,864 Next time, I'll try to keep all my blood inside of my body. 207 00:12:53,898 --> 00:12:55,232 I had Hale's daughter down for the count. 208 00:12:55,233 --> 00:12:57,504 - We could've captured her. - Yeah, she was down, 209 00:12:57,539 --> 00:12:58,702 and I was trying to secure her weapon, 210 00:12:58,736 --> 00:12:59,970 like any other agent would have. 211 00:12:59,971 --> 00:13:02,139 - You're not an agent! - Oh, really? 212 00:13:02,173 --> 00:13:04,675 Well, then maybe you should stop ordering me around like one, then. 213 00:13:04,709 --> 00:13:07,444 Because this top-dog thing doesn't suit you. 214 00:13:07,478 --> 00:13:10,528 What does it matter if you don't listen? I can't fight 215 00:13:10,563 --> 00:13:12,482 - and protect your dumb ass at the same time. - You are the worst. 216 00:13:12,517 --> 00:13:14,518 - I... I was trying to give you backup... - I didn't need your backup! 217 00:13:14,552 --> 00:13:17,688 Even though you threatened to kill me a couple of dozen times... 218 00:13:17,722 --> 00:13:19,790 [Coughing] 219 00:13:19,824 --> 00:13:21,892 Here. Have some water. 220 00:13:21,926 --> 00:13:26,830 [Coughing continues] Deke. Deke... 221 00:13:26,864 --> 00:13:30,934 We need help over here! Now! 222 00:13:32,603 --> 00:13:34,643 Mack, where have you been? Get Simmons. We need her. 223 00:13:34,672 --> 00:13:36,473 She's not here. She and Yo-Yo locked me in Fitz's cell 224 00:13:36,507 --> 00:13:38,207 - and ran off to who knows where. - Fitz's cell? 225 00:13:38,209 --> 00:13:39,276 Must be the long story you mentioned. 226 00:13:39,277 --> 00:13:41,378 Yeah. I left you in charge. What the hell happened? 227 00:13:41,412 --> 00:13:42,546 Well, they think they can't be killed. 228 00:13:42,547 --> 00:13:44,381 You try arguing with someone who's totally irrational. 229 00:13:44,415 --> 00:13:45,582 We'll decide who's rational later. 230 00:13:45,583 --> 00:13:47,283 - What are we gonna do for Deke? - He's coughing up blood. 231 00:13:47,285 --> 00:13:49,052 If Simmons is AWOL, we have to get him to a hospital. 232 00:13:49,087 --> 00:13:51,621 We don't have time for that. Piper, you were in training 233 00:13:51,622 --> 00:13:52,956 to be a field medic for the strike team. 234 00:13:52,957 --> 00:13:55,225 - What are we looking at? - Uh, he's in shock. 235 00:13:55,259 --> 00:13:56,793 If he doesn't get a blood transfusion soon... 236 00:13:56,794 --> 00:13:58,295 No choice. Treat him here. 237 00:13:58,296 --> 00:13:59,996 I have zero field experience. There's no way. 238 00:14:00,031 --> 00:14:01,531 - I'm not a surgeon. - Just talk me through it. 239 00:14:01,532 --> 00:14:04,768 I'm not afraid of blood, and I got a steady hand. 240 00:14:04,802 --> 00:14:08,038 - Hale: You should put some ice on that. - That's not necessary. 241 00:14:08,039 --> 00:14:10,741 - I need you at your best. - When am I not? 242 00:14:10,775 --> 00:14:12,375 You know, I could've beaten Daisy Johnson today 243 00:14:12,376 --> 00:14:13,477 if you hadn't forced her to run. 244 00:14:13,478 --> 00:14:16,012 Too much of a risk. She's got an unfair advantage. 245 00:14:16,047 --> 00:14:18,565 Once we complete our objective, you'll be able to beat her 246 00:14:18,566 --> 00:14:19,415 without breaking a sweat. 247 00:14:19,417 --> 00:14:20,550 So move up the timetable, then. 248 00:14:20,551 --> 00:14:23,754 No, not until Creel tells us more about the Gravitonium. 249 00:14:23,788 --> 00:14:25,488 Now get in. 250 00:14:26,624 --> 00:14:27,691 Are you serious? 251 00:14:27,692 --> 00:14:30,627 You went against my orders, nearly murdered Creel. 252 00:14:30,661 --> 00:14:32,929 - We need him for this. - For what?! 253 00:14:32,964 --> 00:14:35,932 He's dangerous. He's completely out of your control. 254 00:14:35,967 --> 00:14:37,901 Yes, as are you. 255 00:14:37,935 --> 00:14:40,604 That's why I'm putting you both back in your cage. 256 00:14:45,009 --> 00:14:47,043 Do I need to force you? 257 00:14:47,078 --> 00:14:53,028 [Music] 258 00:15:03,494 --> 00:15:05,462 [Door slams] 259 00:15:05,496 --> 00:15:09,043 [Music] 260 00:15:11,622 --> 00:15:16,655 [Music] 261 00:15:23,815 --> 00:15:25,782 [Bag unzips] 262 00:15:25,817 --> 00:15:28,485 [Tablet beeping] 263 00:15:28,519 --> 00:15:31,421 Power's being diverted to a space on the second floor, 264 00:15:31,455 --> 00:15:34,090 but according to this plan, there's nothing there. 265 00:15:34,125 --> 00:15:36,737 Bad guys rarely mark their evil lairs on blueprints. 266 00:15:36,772 --> 00:15:38,695 We'll find a way to locate it once we get inside. 267 00:15:38,729 --> 00:15:42,332 - We may have to improvise that bit. - We're improving all the bits. 268 00:15:42,333 --> 00:15:43,700 Any idea what the weapon in there is? 269 00:15:43,701 --> 00:15:47,270 - We'll blow it up regardless. - Hold on. [Tablet beeping] 270 00:15:47,305 --> 00:15:49,439 I'm reading an encrypted radio signal. 271 00:15:49,473 --> 00:15:54,003 - Coming from where? - Coming here. Move. 272 00:15:54,912 --> 00:15:57,380 [Truck approaching] 273 00:16:12,997 --> 00:16:14,697 Inside. 274 00:16:15,867 --> 00:16:18,335 Simmons: Anton Ivanov is providing security. 275 00:16:18,369 --> 00:16:19,736 Means we're in the right place. 276 00:16:19,737 --> 00:16:25,687 - And that we've lost our advantage. - A man who can't die, huh? 277 00:16:25,776 --> 00:16:28,003 Maravilloso. [Music] 278 00:16:30,036 --> 00:16:32,304 Mack: Almost cleaned out. 279 00:16:32,689 --> 00:16:34,690 [Heart monitor beeping] 280 00:16:39,395 --> 00:16:41,663 Okay. Where do we go from here? 281 00:16:41,698 --> 00:16:44,833 I think he has a hemothorax... blood in his chest cavity. 282 00:16:44,867 --> 00:16:46,567 We need to stop the bleeding and drain it. 283 00:16:49,806 --> 00:16:50,806 Okay. 284 00:16:50,807 --> 00:16:51,573 You're gonna need to cut into the wound 285 00:16:51,574 --> 00:16:52,708 so we can see what we're doing. 286 00:16:52,709 --> 00:16:54,876 - What about anesthesia? - Well, he's already unconscious, 287 00:16:54,911 --> 00:16:55,811 and I haven't read that chapter yet, 288 00:16:55,812 --> 00:16:57,813 so we'll just figure it out as we go. 289 00:16:59,816 --> 00:17:02,751 So, this kid's from the future? 290 00:17:02,785 --> 00:17:05,454 Yeah. And in that future, Earth is gone, 291 00:17:05,488 --> 00:17:08,457 and the last of humanity is enslaved by alien overlords. 292 00:17:08,491 --> 00:17:10,625 [Chuckles] 293 00:17:10,660 --> 00:17:15,931 Alien... over... I should've stayed in my cell. 294 00:17:17,400 --> 00:17:19,701 You're telling me that we got our asses handed to us 295 00:17:19,736 --> 00:17:24,272 - by little green men. - They were big and blue. 296 00:17:24,307 --> 00:17:27,609 But they didn't crack the world apart. 297 00:17:27,643 --> 00:17:29,343 They said it was Daisy. 298 00:17:29,345 --> 00:17:32,547 And you're still sending her on missions? 299 00:17:32,582 --> 00:17:35,851 I need her leading missions. I got an old injury acting up. 300 00:17:35,852 --> 00:17:42,624 - Not sure what my timetable is, exactly. - Oh, for the love of flapjacks. 301 00:17:42,658 --> 00:17:44,826 Do you ever have any good news? 302 00:17:44,861 --> 00:17:47,662 There's a young Inhuman who's seen a better future. 303 00:17:47,697 --> 00:17:49,598 We're working toward that. 304 00:17:49,632 --> 00:17:52,934 [Sighs] Anything else we can do for him? 305 00:17:52,969 --> 00:17:55,407 We're here if they need a hand. 306 00:17:56,272 --> 00:17:58,006 Can I talk to you for a second? 307 00:18:04,814 --> 00:18:07,916 We need to talk about Fitz-Simmons and Yo-Yo. 308 00:18:07,950 --> 00:18:09,684 If they really believe they can't be killed... 309 00:18:09,719 --> 00:18:12,487 That's not the conversation we're having right now. 310 00:18:12,522 --> 00:18:14,790 Oh. Then, what conversation are we having right now? [Music] 311 00:18:14,824 --> 00:18:17,192 Well, the one where you explain all the stupid decisions 312 00:18:17,193 --> 00:18:19,861 - you've been making recently. - That's rather specific. 313 00:18:19,862 --> 00:18:21,930 Giving yourself up to Hale was a mistake. 314 00:18:21,964 --> 00:18:23,298 She was about to blow up the Zephyr. 315 00:18:23,299 --> 00:18:24,800 - What did you want me to do? - I don't know. 316 00:18:24,801 --> 00:18:27,202 Stall her long enough for me to get to the cockpit. 317 00:18:27,236 --> 00:18:30,238 You hold on while I throw the plane into a vertical dive, maybe. 318 00:18:30,239 --> 00:18:31,907 - Knock out Creel... - You gonna get to a point? 319 00:18:31,908 --> 00:18:34,476 My point is, you didn't even try! 320 00:18:34,510 --> 00:18:36,812 You just rolled over without a fight. 321 00:18:36,846 --> 00:18:39,014 I did what I thought was best, and it got results. 322 00:18:39,048 --> 00:18:41,316 We rescued Talbot and learned about Hale's agenda. 323 00:18:41,350 --> 00:18:44,753 - Yeah, and nearly lost Deke in the process. - He should've listened to Daisy. 324 00:18:44,754 --> 00:18:45,620 Well, maybe Daisy shouldn't have been put 325 00:18:45,621 --> 00:18:47,322 in that position in the first place. 326 00:18:47,356 --> 00:18:51,626 - You don't think she should lead? - Unh-unh. I didn't say that. 327 00:18:51,661 --> 00:18:54,729 But she does need time. She's questioning herself. 328 00:18:54,764 --> 00:18:57,699 - I question myself every day... - Let me speak. 329 00:18:58,734 --> 00:19:02,537 All Daisy could think about... was getting you back. 330 00:19:03,940 --> 00:19:05,841 She's not ready for your job, Phil. 331 00:19:05,875 --> 00:19:07,843 She has to be. My time is running out. 332 00:19:07,877 --> 00:19:10,045 Because you're being irresponsible. 333 00:19:10,079 --> 00:19:12,681 You said you weren't in a hurry to die, but you're not acting like it. 334 00:19:12,682 --> 00:19:14,816 So this isn't so much about my stupidity 335 00:19:14,851 --> 00:19:17,752 - as it is about me dying. - Seems like one thing led to the other. 336 00:19:17,787 --> 00:19:20,722 You realize this isn't easy for me, but I've accepted it. 337 00:19:20,756 --> 00:19:22,456 Which is the problem. 338 00:19:22,959 --> 00:19:25,594 Maybe I'm reckless. But if this is the end, 339 00:19:25,595 --> 00:19:27,896 better to go out doing something that matters. 340 00:19:27,930 --> 00:19:32,033 No. You don't get to make that decision alone. 341 00:19:32,068 --> 00:19:35,337 That decision is made with the people who love you. 342 00:19:35,371 --> 00:19:37,606 - May... - And that's me. 343 00:19:37,607 --> 00:19:39,541 I love you. 344 00:19:42,245 --> 00:19:47,272 I thought that would shut you up. [Music] 345 00:19:51,821 --> 00:19:57,771 [Music] 346 00:20:06,969 --> 00:20:08,737 [Keypad beeping] 347 00:20:12,408 --> 00:20:14,409 [Keypad beeping] 348 00:20:16,812 --> 00:20:18,847 [Lock clicks] 349 00:20:21,183 --> 00:20:23,418 You're not supposed to be here. 350 00:20:23,452 --> 00:20:26,421 I wanted you to know before her. 351 00:20:26,455 --> 00:20:32,260 [Music] 352 00:20:32,295 --> 00:20:36,131 It's all here. Are you ready? 353 00:20:36,132 --> 00:20:39,467 - [Sighs] She won't let me. - Why? 354 00:20:39,468 --> 00:20:42,103 More tests. Creel betrayed us, 355 00:20:42,104 --> 00:20:44,172 but she'll still listen to every word that he says. 356 00:20:44,206 --> 00:20:46,341 You said this was ours. 357 00:20:46,375 --> 00:20:47,943 You don't have to follow her orders anymore. 358 00:20:47,944 --> 00:20:49,978 She locked me in here. I don't have a choice. 359 00:20:50,012 --> 00:20:52,180 Of course you do. 360 00:20:52,214 --> 00:20:54,862 You could tear her apart if you wanted to. 361 00:20:56,986 --> 00:20:59,721 So why don't you? 362 00:21:03,025 --> 00:21:04,659 I don't know. 363 00:21:04,660 --> 00:21:10,432 [Music] 364 00:21:10,466 --> 00:21:12,200 The mechs are still sending signals back and forth. 365 00:21:12,234 --> 00:21:15,036 - We should keep following it. - And then sneak past them? 366 00:21:15,071 --> 00:21:19,808 - Yeah, call that plan A. - Plan A seems ambitious. 367 00:21:19,842 --> 00:21:24,512 Well [sighs] that's why we have a plan B. 368 00:21:24,547 --> 00:21:29,182 [Music] 369 00:21:34,023 --> 00:21:36,658 Yes, General, we have found the chamber. 370 00:21:36,692 --> 00:21:38,560 We are looking it over as we speak. 371 00:21:38,594 --> 00:21:41,129 Hale: We'll join you as soon as Strucker finishes the plans. 372 00:21:41,163 --> 00:21:42,297 Keep it secure until then. 373 00:21:42,298 --> 00:21:47,369 That will not be a problem so long as you keep your word. 374 00:21:47,403 --> 00:21:49,070 You'll have your chance with the chamber. 375 00:21:49,071 --> 00:21:52,874 Another step toward becoming the superior man. 376 00:21:52,908 --> 00:21:56,711 I hope it is as powerful as you promised. 377 00:21:56,746 --> 00:21:58,947 As do I. 378 00:22:03,386 --> 00:22:05,756 What was that? 379 00:22:06,422 --> 00:22:08,523 Nothing I can't handle. 380 00:22:08,557 --> 00:22:14,507 [Music] 381 00:22:18,934 --> 00:22:21,002 What were those mechs guarding? 382 00:22:21,037 --> 00:22:24,192 [Music] 383 00:22:42,058 --> 00:22:44,893 This isn't connected to a water main. 384 00:22:48,927 --> 00:22:51,923 [Music] 385 00:22:53,836 --> 00:22:55,403 [Grunts] 386 00:22:55,404 --> 00:23:01,354 [Gate whirring] 387 00:23:04,814 --> 00:23:10,764 [Music] 388 00:23:14,156 --> 00:23:17,580 [Grunts] [Clank] 389 00:23:21,764 --> 00:23:26,334 - Just destroy all of it. - Should've brought more explosives. 390 00:23:26,368 --> 00:23:28,169 Won't be long until they realize 391 00:23:28,204 --> 00:23:30,138 we've slipped through their defenses... 392 00:23:36,545 --> 00:23:41,817 [Music] 393 00:23:43,185 --> 00:23:46,821 We can cut out its heart once we work out what this thing does, 394 00:23:46,856 --> 00:23:48,556 and to whom. 395 00:23:51,727 --> 00:23:54,596 Lee: Mr. Ivanov... you think he could be trusted? 396 00:23:54,630 --> 00:23:57,599 At the moment, his interests align with mine. 397 00:23:57,633 --> 00:24:00,702 He wants to be first into the chamber. 398 00:24:00,736 --> 00:24:03,304 I want to see what it does to human flesh. 399 00:24:03,339 --> 00:24:04,842 Would you like me to accompany you? 400 00:24:04,877 --> 00:24:07,709 No, I want you to stay focused on our contingency plan. 401 00:24:07,743 --> 00:24:10,145 You know the message that needs to be sent. 402 00:24:10,179 --> 00:24:11,879 Of course, General. 403 00:24:16,152 --> 00:24:17,886 Ruby... 404 00:24:24,326 --> 00:24:30,276 [Music] 405 00:24:31,033 --> 00:24:33,334 You didn't think I'd still be here. 406 00:24:34,537 --> 00:24:37,038 I assumed Strucker opened the door. 407 00:24:38,073 --> 00:24:40,041 I'm surprised you're not with him right now. 408 00:24:40,075 --> 00:24:41,943 Where would we go? 409 00:24:43,712 --> 00:24:46,915 It doesn't matter if there's a lock on that door or not. 410 00:24:46,949 --> 00:24:48,649 I'd never run from you. 411 00:24:50,085 --> 00:24:54,088 - I've kept you safe. - You've kept me obedient. 412 00:24:54,123 --> 00:24:58,993 And I've let you control me. And I have no idea why. 413 00:24:59,028 --> 00:25:02,363 Ruby, I have great plans for you. 414 00:25:02,398 --> 00:25:04,933 Like Whitehall had great plans for you? 415 00:25:04,967 --> 00:25:07,268 You have always said that you wanted a choice, 416 00:25:07,303 --> 00:25:09,674 but you've never given me one. 417 00:25:11,040 --> 00:25:13,441 I-I know that I've demanded a lot from you recently, 418 00:25:13,475 --> 00:25:15,944 - but I... - No, Mom, you've demanded the impossible, 419 00:25:15,978 --> 00:25:19,714 and I have tried to be everything that you wanted me to be. 420 00:25:19,715 --> 00:25:21,916 - I tried to eliminate weakness. - I know, I know. 421 00:25:21,951 --> 00:25:23,752 I tried to be you! 422 00:25:23,753 --> 00:25:25,553 I've passed every test, 423 00:25:25,588 --> 00:25:29,090 and I've learned every lesson [Sobbing] and I'm not enough! 424 00:25:29,124 --> 00:25:32,126 - I never said that. - I'm a disappointment. 425 00:25:32,161 --> 00:25:33,161 You said that, Mom. 426 00:25:34,162 --> 00:25:37,866 And after everything that you've done to me, 427 00:25:37,900 --> 00:25:40,949 I've kept trying, because all I've ever wanted 428 00:25:40,950 --> 00:25:43,605 - to do is please you. - Ruby... 429 00:25:43,606 --> 00:25:46,107 [Crying] 430 00:25:46,141 --> 00:25:49,744 - You're my one weakness, Mom. - Ruby... 431 00:25:49,745 --> 00:25:54,749 [Music] 432 00:25:59,855 --> 00:26:01,555 And I'm yours. 433 00:26:02,191 --> 00:26:06,378 [Grunts] [Groans] 434 00:26:06,528 --> 00:26:09,931 - Ruby, stop. - I'll make you proud. 435 00:26:09,965 --> 00:26:15,169 [Music] 436 00:26:20,209 --> 00:26:22,610 Get that ready for transport... now. 437 00:26:27,216 --> 00:26:31,459 - How'd it go? - We're free and clear. 438 00:26:35,171 --> 00:26:37,205 [Footsteps approaching] [Doors open] 439 00:26:42,311 --> 00:26:44,188 Daisy... [Gunshot] 440 00:26:44,223 --> 00:26:47,548 Hey, hey! Whoa, General. It's okay. It's okay. 441 00:26:48,250 --> 00:26:50,785 Sorry. You startled me. 442 00:26:50,820 --> 00:26:53,087 [Sighs] 443 00:26:53,122 --> 00:26:56,758 It's bad enough I look like a... bottle brush. 444 00:26:56,792 --> 00:26:59,093 Yeah, well, you probably can't look at me 445 00:26:59,128 --> 00:27:01,563 without remembering... what happened. 446 00:27:01,597 --> 00:27:06,267 Not always in the driver seat. 447 00:27:06,302 --> 00:27:07,735 I know you didn't try and kill me. 448 00:27:07,736 --> 00:27:09,170 I know that was a skin-job. 449 00:27:09,171 --> 00:27:12,540 Still, I'm... I'm really sorry. 450 00:27:13,776 --> 00:27:17,111 I should apologize to you. 451 00:27:17,146 --> 00:27:19,147 You came on a rescue mission to try and save me. 452 00:27:19,181 --> 00:27:21,316 It went south. No, it's too high of a risk. 453 00:27:21,350 --> 00:27:22,484 You should never have brought me here. 454 00:27:22,485 --> 00:27:25,487 It's... it's okay, General. 455 00:27:25,521 --> 00:27:28,289 Um I brought you a change of clothes. 456 00:27:28,324 --> 00:27:32,793 - Is there anything else you need? - Thank you. 457 00:27:36,599 --> 00:27:39,334 I'd like to talk to my wife. 458 00:27:39,368 --> 00:27:41,269 You know, just to tell her I'm safe. 459 00:27:41,303 --> 00:27:44,105 I'm sorry. Hale is still looking for us. 460 00:27:44,106 --> 00:27:46,908 We... We can't have any contact with the outside world. 461 00:27:46,942 --> 00:27:49,511 - We have to stay dark. - I said cat... cat! 462 00:27:49,512 --> 00:27:54,282 I scared George, and... I need to talk to my son. 463 00:27:54,316 --> 00:27:56,918 I need him to know I haven't forgotten him. 464 00:27:58,053 --> 00:28:02,590 I'm sure he knows how much you love him. 465 00:28:06,429 --> 00:28:09,430 I abandoned him, Agent Johnson! 466 00:28:09,465 --> 00:28:13,902 You don't get a second chance to fix a screw-up like that. 467 00:28:13,903 --> 00:28:15,926 [Music] 468 00:28:15,961 --> 00:28:19,715 Maybe I can get word to them through a secure channel. 469 00:28:22,344 --> 00:28:24,044 That's all I'm asking for. 470 00:28:28,417 --> 00:28:31,286 But that's not why you're here, is it. 471 00:28:32,988 --> 00:28:35,779 We're trying to figure out our next move. [Music] 472 00:28:36,759 --> 00:28:38,259 I need you to tell me what you can 473 00:28:38,260 --> 00:28:41,265 about the site Hale kept you in and... 474 00:28:42,031 --> 00:28:45,800 I need you to tell me everything you told her about us. 475 00:28:50,406 --> 00:28:52,814 This could take a while. 476 00:28:56,845 --> 00:28:58,212 Well, that didn't take long. 477 00:28:58,213 --> 00:29:00,315 She won't work without this component. 478 00:29:00,349 --> 00:29:02,550 And the machine does what, exactly? 479 00:29:02,585 --> 00:29:04,252 It's an Adaptive Particle Processor. 480 00:29:04,253 --> 00:29:05,920 Scans an element at the atomic level, 481 00:29:05,921 --> 00:29:07,288 and then this component converts it 482 00:29:07,289 --> 00:29:09,090 to be merged with the recipient's DNA. 483 00:29:09,124 --> 00:29:11,526 We think it's the same technology that gave Carl Creel his powers, 484 00:29:11,527 --> 00:29:14,329 only his abilities are temporary and require physical touch. 485 00:29:14,363 --> 00:29:16,230 Yeah, but the machine's been upgraded, 486 00:29:16,265 --> 00:29:19,133 - so if Hale were to use Gravitonium... - Yeah, yeah, I get it. 487 00:29:19,134 --> 00:29:20,234 No gizmo, no apocalypse. 488 00:29:20,269 --> 00:29:22,337 But there's always a chance that we've tried this before. 489 00:29:22,371 --> 00:29:23,237 More than a chance. 490 00:29:23,238 --> 00:29:28,076 Previous selves probably came here, made all the same decisions... 491 00:29:28,110 --> 00:29:30,378 still failed to change the timeline. 492 00:29:30,412 --> 00:29:32,714 You spoke to your older self in the future. 493 00:29:32,748 --> 00:29:33,915 Did she give you any clues, 494 00:29:33,916 --> 00:29:36,551 any specific ways to stop this all from happening again? 495 00:29:36,585 --> 00:29:39,766 We didn't have much time. 496 00:29:42,391 --> 00:29:45,193 I haven't told anyone this, not even Mack. 497 00:29:45,227 --> 00:29:47,362 I didn't want to put this on the team. 498 00:29:48,964 --> 00:29:50,664 What? 499 00:29:52,735 --> 00:29:55,036 We have to let Coulson die. 500 00:29:55,037 --> 00:29:56,471 [Music] 501 00:29:56,472 --> 00:29:59,641 What? That... That doesn't make sense. 502 00:29:59,675 --> 00:30:02,543 The other me, she said... 503 00:30:02,578 --> 00:30:05,046 "trying to save him is what led to the end." 504 00:30:05,080 --> 00:30:08,549 But... how... 505 00:30:08,584 --> 00:30:11,419 [Pounding on door] 506 00:30:11,453 --> 00:30:14,255 Time to improvise an exit strategy. 507 00:30:14,289 --> 00:30:16,457 You guys open one of the doors, whoosh, whoosh, 508 00:30:16,492 --> 00:30:19,494 I take their guns, we shoot the robots, we go home. 509 00:30:19,528 --> 00:30:21,663 Sounds brilliant to me. 510 00:30:24,667 --> 00:30:26,367 Mack is going to be sad to miss this. 511 00:30:26,368 --> 00:30:29,237 [Air whooshes] 512 00:30:29,271 --> 00:30:31,406 [Electricity crackles] [Groaning] 513 00:30:31,440 --> 00:30:33,408 Yo-Yo... Yo-Yo, what's going on? 514 00:30:34,476 --> 00:30:36,176 Aah! 515 00:30:39,782 --> 00:30:42,434 [Heart monitor beeping] [Music] 516 00:30:43,552 --> 00:30:47,147 Is that furrowed brow about our patient or about Yo-Yo? 517 00:30:47,556 --> 00:30:50,658 [Sighs] One minute, I'm... terrified for her, 518 00:30:50,693 --> 00:30:53,027 and the next minute, I'm furious with her. 519 00:30:55,898 --> 00:31:00,468 Elena's always been stubborn, but ever since her arms... 520 00:31:00,502 --> 00:31:04,505 - Yeah, well, if I hadn't let Hale... - No, don't do that. 521 00:31:04,506 --> 00:31:06,941 - You made a mistake. - Yeah, a big mistake. 522 00:31:06,975 --> 00:31:08,810 Like, how do you even begin to make up for something like that? 523 00:31:08,844 --> 00:31:11,579 Well... [Metal clinks] you fix something else. 524 00:31:11,580 --> 00:31:14,348 That's why I like engines, putting the pieces together... 525 00:31:14,383 --> 00:31:16,317 [Heart monitor beeping rapidly] 526 00:31:16,351 --> 00:31:17,752 [Gasps] No, no, no, no, no, no. 527 00:31:17,753 --> 00:31:18,753 Piper, what do we do? 528 00:31:18,754 --> 00:31:20,594 Uh, we have to find the source of the bleeding. 529 00:31:25,394 --> 00:31:28,062 All right, the bullet's in there. Must've nicked an artery. 530 00:31:28,063 --> 00:31:33,801 [Music] 531 00:31:33,836 --> 00:31:35,837 - All right, step two. - You have to clamp the artery 532 00:31:35,838 --> 00:31:38,235 before his blood pressure drops any more. 533 00:31:40,042 --> 00:31:42,477 Did not think I'd be doing this today. 534 00:31:43,545 --> 00:31:45,580 [Gasping] [Rapid beeping] 535 00:31:45,614 --> 00:31:47,314 Damn it, stay still! 536 00:31:48,016 --> 00:31:50,017 We're trying to help you. 537 00:31:58,091 --> 00:32:03,512 [Beeping slows] He's stabilized. 538 00:32:03,547 --> 00:32:06,067 Okay. That's step two. 539 00:32:06,068 --> 00:32:07,602 Yeah. Well, we're gonna have to wait to high-five. 540 00:32:07,603 --> 00:32:09,370 Step three is, you sew his artery shut 541 00:32:09,404 --> 00:32:11,857 so he doesn't bleed out and die. 542 00:32:13,475 --> 00:32:15,076 [Groaning] 543 00:32:15,077 --> 00:32:17,411 - We need a new plan. - What happened out there? 544 00:32:17,446 --> 00:32:19,580 [Pounding continues] [Groans] 545 00:32:21,650 --> 00:32:23,885 I don't know. I was using my speed, 546 00:32:23,919 --> 00:32:26,087 and it felt like my arms were being ripped off. 547 00:32:26,121 --> 00:32:29,457 - The mech arms aren't built to go that fast. - The interface is transmitting 548 00:32:29,491 --> 00:32:31,192 every electrical signal simultaneously. 549 00:32:31,226 --> 00:32:33,694 It's overloading your nervous system. 550 00:32:33,729 --> 00:32:36,230 I don't need an explanation! I need a solution! 551 00:32:38,567 --> 00:32:40,535 [Pounding continues] I can't recalibrate them, 552 00:32:40,569 --> 00:32:42,947 not here, not before that door gives out. 553 00:32:43,071 --> 00:32:44,771 Take cover there. 554 00:32:45,507 --> 00:32:47,441 Fitz and I will draw them away from the exits, 555 00:32:47,476 --> 00:32:48,476 keep them occupied. 556 00:32:48,477 --> 00:32:51,612 You find a way out, make it to the Quinjet, call for backup. 557 00:32:51,647 --> 00:32:55,950 - I can fight. I think one of you should... - No. We have a rule. 558 00:32:55,984 --> 00:32:57,785 We never leave each other's side anymore. 559 00:32:57,820 --> 00:32:59,554 [Pounding continues] 560 00:33:03,692 --> 00:33:11,611 [Gunfire] [Music] 561 00:33:26,181 --> 00:33:28,282 I'm sorry you never got the honeymoon you dreamed of. 562 00:33:28,317 --> 00:33:29,550 Nonsense. 563 00:33:29,551 --> 00:33:32,180 I'm protecting England from evil robots with the man I love. 564 00:33:32,215 --> 00:33:34,288 [Gunfire continues] [Guns cock] 565 00:33:40,117 --> 00:33:46,647 [Music] 566 00:33:48,871 --> 00:33:53,340 - [Gun clicks] Oh, it's jammed! - Go back, go back! 567 00:33:57,813 --> 00:34:01,449 - Running low. - I don't know what we were thinking. 568 00:34:01,483 --> 00:34:07,433 [Panting] [Music] 569 00:34:10,492 --> 00:34:12,192 There you are. 570 00:34:17,812 --> 00:34:20,347 Oh! Please tell me you still believe time can't be changed. 571 00:34:20,382 --> 00:34:23,550 You want to debate that now? Isn't... 572 00:34:23,585 --> 00:34:24,952 [Gunfire] 573 00:34:24,953 --> 00:34:26,086 Isn't that why we're here? 574 00:34:26,087 --> 00:34:28,422 No, Fitz, just tell me it's against the law of physics. 575 00:34:28,456 --> 00:34:30,090 I need that right now. 576 00:34:30,091 --> 00:34:32,760 - The perception of time is an illusion. - Last mag. 577 00:34:32,794 --> 00:34:36,230 [Machine-gun fire] According to Hermann Minkowski, space-time... 578 00:34:36,264 --> 00:34:38,432 No, you know, I was wrong! It's not helping. 579 00:34:38,466 --> 00:34:39,967 Ah! [Gunfire] 580 00:34:39,968 --> 00:34:45,918 [Music] 581 00:34:52,547 --> 00:34:54,647 I heard what happened to you. 582 00:34:55,717 --> 00:34:59,153 - Now you are also part machine. - Not the part that matters. 583 00:35:04,659 --> 00:35:08,028 [Chuckles] I no longer feel pain. 584 00:35:08,063 --> 00:35:10,464 [Grunts] 585 00:35:10,498 --> 00:35:14,234 Unlike you. I have died dozens of times. 586 00:35:14,269 --> 00:35:16,704 But you, no second chances. 587 00:35:31,920 --> 00:35:34,470 [Electricity crackling] Part machine. 588 00:35:34,622 --> 00:35:36,322 [Speaking Spanish] 589 00:35:36,324 --> 00:35:42,274 [Shattering glass] 590 00:35:42,489 --> 00:35:45,666 [Music] 591 00:35:45,667 --> 00:35:48,374 [Mechs whirring] 592 00:35:50,038 --> 00:35:52,072 [Grunts] 593 00:35:52,107 --> 00:35:54,108 [Panting] 594 00:35:56,711 --> 00:35:59,279 Who's superior now? 595 00:35:59,314 --> 00:36:02,149 [Electricity crackles] 596 00:36:03,852 --> 00:36:06,620 He was controlling them. 597 00:36:06,654 --> 00:36:08,354 [Helicopter blades whirring] 598 00:36:15,230 --> 00:36:17,464 [Heart monitor beeping] 599 00:36:19,635 --> 00:36:23,037 - Welcome back. - You are on a lot of drugs. 600 00:36:23,071 --> 00:36:25,606 But, hey, good news... you didn't die. 601 00:36:25,640 --> 00:36:27,340 [Mumbling] Thank you. 602 00:36:28,343 --> 00:36:29,810 You guys saved me. 603 00:36:29,811 --> 00:36:33,814 - Well, we're just glad you pulled through. - Is Daisy here? 604 00:36:33,815 --> 00:36:36,517 - She's so pretty. - What now? 605 00:36:36,518 --> 00:36:40,487 I want to put my mouth on her mouth and move it around a lot. 606 00:36:40,522 --> 00:36:44,525 But I don't want to do that unless she wants to, too, 607 00:36:44,559 --> 00:36:46,527 'cause that's what makes it nice. 608 00:36:46,561 --> 00:36:49,963 But I don't think she wants that, 609 00:36:49,998 --> 00:36:53,534 'cause she does not like me one bit. 610 00:36:53,568 --> 00:36:56,336 I mean, she's... she's not my type, 611 00:36:56,371 --> 00:36:58,472 but I... I get it. [Clears throat] 612 00:36:58,506 --> 00:37:01,675 - Okay, Spaceman, maybe we should... - Ma-a-a-a-ck! 613 00:37:01,676 --> 00:37:05,646 Dude! You are so cool. 614 00:37:05,680 --> 00:37:08,715 Do we know any handshakes? 615 00:37:08,750 --> 00:37:13,387 - Uh, I appreciate that, but... - Should I shave my head? 616 00:37:13,421 --> 00:37:15,255 Yeah, no, I see no flaws in that plan. 617 00:37:15,290 --> 00:37:17,778 Maybe then Daisy would like me, because she... 618 00:37:17,827 --> 00:37:21,161 she protected me. She's very smart. 619 00:37:21,196 --> 00:37:23,697 Uh, okay. Would it hurt him if I turn this up? 620 00:37:23,731 --> 00:37:25,399 - Yeah, I don't think so. - Good. 621 00:37:25,400 --> 00:37:28,602 I also... Ooh. My brain is falling... 622 00:37:28,636 --> 00:37:32,153 Hey, something weird just happened. 623 00:37:32,640 --> 00:37:34,208 Nah. I-I wouldn't. 624 00:37:34,209 --> 00:37:37,411 Uh, remember the signal transceivers from the mechs? 625 00:37:37,445 --> 00:37:39,713 - Yeah. - We got a ping. 626 00:37:39,714 --> 00:37:41,977 We're tracing it. [Music] 627 00:37:45,820 --> 00:37:48,122 They're not damaged. They just went offline. 628 00:37:48,156 --> 00:37:51,558 - Perhaps something Yo-Yo did? - Yeah. 629 00:37:51,559 --> 00:37:54,561 Whatever it is, we're safe... for now. 630 00:37:54,596 --> 00:37:58,799 - Still can't believe we survived. - Me neither. 631 00:37:58,833 --> 00:38:02,703 But you were so certain we'd be fine. "Time is fixed" and all that. 632 00:38:02,737 --> 00:38:05,739 I started having my doubts. 633 00:38:05,773 --> 00:38:08,108 Maybe your hopeful nature's rubbing off on me. 634 00:38:09,597 --> 00:38:11,512 [Clank] 635 00:38:11,513 --> 00:38:14,581 Ruby: Aww, how cute. 636 00:38:14,616 --> 00:38:18,619 Well, looks like you two have made quite the mess. [Music] 637 00:38:18,653 --> 00:38:20,654 Strucker: It's not the first time. 638 00:38:20,688 --> 00:38:22,693 They were there when S.H.I.E.L.D. tortured me. 639 00:38:22,728 --> 00:38:27,227 [Music] 640 00:38:32,333 --> 00:38:36,170 No... They destroyed a component for the infuser. 641 00:38:36,204 --> 00:38:37,304 It's useless. 642 00:38:37,305 --> 00:38:40,807 We can't transfer the Gravitonium until it's repaired. 643 00:38:43,678 --> 00:38:47,381 Fix it. Or bleed out. 644 00:38:47,382 --> 00:38:50,900 Fitz, we can't let it happen again. 645 00:38:51,319 --> 00:38:53,807 We don't have a choice. 646 00:38:56,858 --> 00:38:58,659 We never did. 647 00:38:58,693 --> 00:39:02,715 [Music] 648 00:39:03,100 --> 00:39:05,800 Coulson: We'll return in a moment. 649 00:39:09,351 --> 00:39:13,399 [Music] [Knock on door] 650 00:39:13,433 --> 00:39:16,168 - Hey. - Hey. 651 00:39:16,202 --> 00:39:18,270 I thought you'd like to know that we got a lead on Hale. 652 00:39:18,304 --> 00:39:22,107 - You really helped. - [Chuckles] I wouldn't go that far. 653 00:39:24,477 --> 00:39:28,347 I also thought about what you said about your son. 654 00:39:28,381 --> 00:39:31,684 And, um... if... if I would've known 655 00:39:31,718 --> 00:39:36,714 that my dad cared growing up, it would've made a big difference. 656 00:39:37,390 --> 00:39:40,426 Um, so, it took some doing, 657 00:39:40,460 --> 00:39:43,796 uh, but this phone was set to bounce 658 00:39:43,830 --> 00:39:45,531 through a dozen foreign relays. 659 00:39:45,565 --> 00:39:47,833 We only have one shot, and even then, just a few minutes. 660 00:39:47,867 --> 00:39:53,548 But you can call them, without Hale tracing us. 661 00:39:54,007 --> 00:39:55,707 Thank you. 662 00:39:58,511 --> 00:40:00,479 [Dialing] 663 00:40:00,513 --> 00:40:04,385 [Music] 664 00:40:06,419 --> 00:40:08,487 [Phone beeps] Carla: Hello? 665 00:40:08,521 --> 00:40:10,823 Hi, honey. It's Glenn. 666 00:40:10,857 --> 00:40:14,727 Oh, Glenn. I was so worried. 667 00:40:14,761 --> 00:40:16,528 I know. I'm... I'm so sorry. 668 00:40:16,563 --> 00:40:19,865 Once the Air Force took you, I-I got a few progress reports, 669 00:40:19,899 --> 00:40:21,400 but then you never called. 670 00:40:21,401 --> 00:40:23,451 I thought I'd never see you again. 671 00:40:23,486 --> 00:40:25,837 Honey, I'm sorry. I only have a few minutes. 672 00:40:25,872 --> 00:40:28,373 I-I just want you to tell George that his dad's okay 673 00:40:28,408 --> 00:40:31,543 and his father loves him very much. 674 00:40:31,578 --> 00:40:32,778 And I'm getting better. 675 00:40:32,779 --> 00:40:36,381 I'm getting stronger, and I'm... 676 00:40:36,416 --> 00:40:40,853 I'm not yelling... as much. 677 00:40:40,887 --> 00:40:42,821 - Glenn... - Yeah? 678 00:40:42,856 --> 00:40:46,391 Carla: The doctors said you should take a deep breath. 679 00:40:46,426 --> 00:40:50,229 Calm your mind. You know what is best. 680 00:40:50,230 --> 00:40:54,266 What is best is you comply. 681 00:40:54,300 --> 00:40:58,604 Remember, your compliance will be rewarded. [Music] 682 00:41:02,709 --> 00:41:06,879 Glenn, are you ready to comply? 683 00:41:06,880 --> 00:41:09,782 [Music] 684 00:41:09,783 --> 00:41:12,384 I'm happy to. 685 00:41:13,489 --> 00:41:17,870 sync & correction by f1nc0 ~ Addic7ed.com ~