9 00:00:00,010 --> 00:00:02,640 Previously on "Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D."... 10 00:00:02,650 --> 00:00:05,130 You and Mack have that secret to keep under wraps. 11 00:00:05,130 --> 00:00:05,790 This again? 12 00:00:05,790 --> 00:00:06,980 Oh, and now Mack's in on it. 13 00:00:06,980 --> 00:00:08,530 I'm just wondering if it means you're bringing Hunter in 14 00:00:08,530 --> 00:00:09,500 on the other thing. 15 00:00:09,500 --> 00:00:10,110 No. 16 00:00:10,110 --> 00:00:12,390 I shouldn't have to ask any of you to save one of our own. 17 00:00:12,390 --> 00:00:13,280 You never ask! 18 00:00:13,280 --> 00:00:14,170 That's enough! 19 00:00:14,580 --> 00:00:17,070 you survived the destruction because...you caused it. 20 00:00:18,330 --> 00:00:20,110 And I'm pretty sure the DNA results we're running right now 21 00:00:20,110 --> 00:00:20,970 are gonna confirm it. 22 00:00:20,970 --> 00:00:22,320 There's something wrong with you. 23 00:00:22,410 --> 00:00:24,330 Her DNA is an exact match to what it was before. 24 00:00:24,330 --> 00:00:25,200 She's clear. 25 00:00:25,210 --> 00:00:26,270 What did you just do? 26 00:00:26,270 --> 00:00:28,070 I switched your blood results with your old samples. 27 00:00:28,070 --> 00:00:29,450 The new samples are different? 28 00:00:29,450 --> 00:00:30,410 Drastically. 29 00:00:30,410 --> 00:00:32,250 For now, we should just keep it between us -- 30 00:00:32,920 --> 00:00:35,120 There's something very wrong with me. 38 00:01:21,780 --> 00:01:22,550 Kava. 39 00:01:24,480 --> 00:01:26,220 I must find Kava. 40 00:01:27,960 --> 00:01:30,900 Sorry. I don't know who that is. 41 00:01:31,630 --> 00:01:32,460 Do you guys? 42 00:01:40,480 --> 00:01:43,110 A pretty lady like you shouldn't be out here all alone. 43 00:01:43,560 --> 00:01:44,910 I can help you find Kava. 44 00:01:46,660 --> 00:01:48,860 I can help you with anything else that you need. 45 00:01:58,330 --> 00:01:59,050 Lady! 46 00:01:59,890 --> 00:02:01,410 Who the hell are you?! 47 00:02:02,710 --> 00:02:03,940 I do not know. 48 00:02:23,360 --> 00:02:24,360 Not bad. 49 00:02:25,280 --> 00:02:27,920 But once I'm pinned, you should try for a finishing blow. 50 00:02:29,730 --> 00:02:31,380 You want full "Mortal kombat"? 51 00:02:32,060 --> 00:02:34,240 I want you to stop holding back, Skye. 52 00:02:35,370 --> 00:02:36,790 I didn't want to hurt you. 53 00:02:38,440 --> 00:02:39,980 I didn't want to try to hurt you. 54 00:02:40,610 --> 00:02:42,400 I feel like I'm constantly on the verge of... 55 00:02:45,360 --> 00:02:46,120 I don't know. 56 00:02:46,120 --> 00:02:48,430 Look... we lost Trip, 57 00:02:48,430 --> 00:02:52,310 and it hurts like hell, but you can't shut those feelings out. 58 00:02:52,310 --> 00:02:53,610 Can't sustain that. 59 00:02:53,640 --> 00:02:55,800 Well, what's my option? I just lose it right here? 60 00:02:55,890 --> 00:02:58,900 We've talked about this. Control. 61 00:02:59,220 --> 00:03:02,110 Embrace your emotions, your nerves. 62 00:03:02,300 --> 00:03:05,660 Use them... on your terms. 63 00:03:05,700 --> 00:03:06,510 I don't know. 64 00:03:08,140 --> 00:03:10,460 What I'm feeling is pretty...dark. 65 00:03:11,230 --> 00:03:14,410 I'm afraid I'm gonna go postal and tear your head off. 66 00:03:14,420 --> 00:03:16,500 Go for it. I promise you won't. 67 00:03:17,350 --> 00:03:18,680 Maybe Skye needs a break. 68 00:03:21,450 --> 00:03:23,650 Training is not a group activity. 69 00:03:24,450 --> 00:03:25,130 Yeah. 70 00:03:25,750 --> 00:03:27,520 I just came down to... have -- 71 00:03:27,520 --> 00:03:29,820 Uh, see what... i-it's about. 72 00:03:30,160 --> 00:03:32,880 I'll tell you what, Fitz -- come back in an hour. 73 00:03:33,050 --> 00:03:35,010 I'd be happy to show you what it's all about. 74 00:03:35,010 --> 00:03:36,460 I'm fine, Fitz. 75 00:03:39,200 --> 00:03:39,870 Really. 76 00:03:48,300 --> 00:03:50,730 It would be pretty funny to see you and Fitz go at it -- 77 00:03:50,960 --> 00:03:52,070 Okay. Guess we're back on. 78 00:03:52,070 --> 00:03:53,490 And not holding back. 79 00:04:00,450 --> 00:04:01,100 Water. 80 00:04:13,570 --> 00:04:14,210 So... 81 00:04:15,220 --> 00:04:17,310 Coulson calls me into his office the other day. 82 00:04:19,560 --> 00:04:21,550 I thought he was gonna read me the Riot Act -- 83 00:04:22,080 --> 00:04:25,200 S.H.I.E.L.D.'s rules about fraternizing with fellow operatives. 84 00:04:25,410 --> 00:04:26,560 They're strict. 85 00:04:28,150 --> 00:04:30,910 But... he made me an offer. 86 00:04:31,990 --> 00:04:33,920 Wants to make my position here permanent. 87 00:04:35,010 --> 00:04:36,310 He's shorthanded now. 88 00:04:40,500 --> 00:04:41,580 You thinking about it? 89 00:04:42,760 --> 00:04:45,470 Well, wasn't thinking of leaving anytime soon. 90 00:04:46,000 --> 00:04:49,580 And I wouldn't mind taking on some more responsibility. 91 00:04:49,650 --> 00:04:50,780 Responsibility? 92 00:04:51,740 --> 00:04:53,380 Did you hear the words that just came out of your mouth? 93 00:04:53,460 --> 00:04:55,680 Yeah. That sounded a bit strange, didn't it? 94 00:04:55,680 --> 00:04:57,620 Yeah. Who is that guy? 95 00:04:57,860 --> 00:05:01,020 I don't know. But I do not trust him. 96 00:05:01,660 --> 00:05:03,310 Anyhow, can't hurt. 97 00:05:03,430 --> 00:05:05,820 Plus, this is fun. 98 00:05:06,480 --> 00:05:08,200 Fun was never a problem for us. 99 00:05:08,350 --> 00:05:09,350 No, you're right. 100 00:05:10,120 --> 00:05:12,890 - That part was always easy. - Till things go south. 101 00:05:12,890 --> 00:05:14,650 Yeah, then you turn into a bit of a nightmare. 102 00:05:14,650 --> 00:05:15,840 I remember it well. 103 00:05:20,310 --> 00:05:21,170 You tell me. 104 00:05:21,470 --> 00:05:23,100 It seems the thing that always came between us 105 00:05:23,100 --> 00:05:25,030 was your dedication to S.H.I.E.L.D. 106 00:05:26,330 --> 00:05:27,630 Now we're on the same team. 107 00:05:28,810 --> 00:05:29,720 It's simpler. 108 00:05:49,820 --> 00:05:51,350 The last Stark Copper jackets. 109 00:05:51,350 --> 00:05:53,150 I'll make sure Hill puts them on the list. 110 00:05:53,630 --> 00:05:54,370 Anything else? 111 00:05:57,410 --> 00:05:59,560 Sir, I can handle inventory myself. 112 00:05:59,740 --> 00:06:01,790 And I hope this isn't about my reaction after... 113 00:06:01,800 --> 00:06:03,800 No, I told you... we're fine. 114 00:06:04,590 --> 00:06:06,520 After puerto rico, we need to take stock. 115 00:06:06,520 --> 00:06:07,650 What happened out there was... 116 00:06:07,650 --> 00:06:09,270 Yeah, I don't like thinking about that. 117 00:06:10,640 --> 00:06:13,020 I don't blame you, but I have been thinking about it, 118 00:06:13,030 --> 00:06:15,760 and I realized I've been wasting your talents. 119 00:06:17,020 --> 00:06:17,680 Sir? 120 00:06:17,960 --> 00:06:20,770 Look, I know you love it under the hood of a car, but... 121 00:06:21,340 --> 00:06:23,060 I could really use you out in the field. 122 00:06:23,340 --> 00:06:25,060 You're a force to be reckoned with, Mack. 123 00:06:25,060 --> 00:06:25,840 Believe me. 124 00:06:27,170 --> 00:06:29,540 Okay, but violence isn't really my thing. 125 00:06:30,210 --> 00:06:33,500 You know, that alien crap made me into something I'm not. 126 00:06:33,500 --> 00:06:35,410 I know. But have you seen yourself? 127 00:06:35,560 --> 00:06:37,320 You're a little bit of a beast all the time. 128 00:06:37,630 --> 00:06:40,010 A blue-dot operative in Portugal phoned in. 129 00:06:40,020 --> 00:06:41,640 You should hear what he has to say. 130 00:06:42,390 --> 00:06:43,710 Looks like you're starting now. 131 00:06:44,170 --> 00:06:46,460 Oh, you'll want everyone on the bus for this. 133 00:06:54,010 --> 00:06:55,270 Thank you for watching her. 134 00:06:55,930 --> 00:06:57,430 I hear from the prime minister's office 135 00:06:57,430 --> 00:06:59,320 I'm to hold this crazy lady here for you, 136 00:06:59,320 --> 00:07:00,750 I hold this crazy lady. 137 00:07:00,750 --> 00:07:03,120 How did you subdue her and get her to wait? 138 00:07:03,130 --> 00:07:04,200 No subduing. 139 00:07:04,620 --> 00:07:05,410 She stayed willingly 140 00:07:05,410 --> 00:07:08,560 once I told her I'd found "Kava" and he was on his way to meet her. 141 00:07:10,310 --> 00:07:11,580 But I'm not kava. 142 00:07:11,950 --> 00:07:14,390 I'm glad I'm not the one who has to tell her that. 143 00:07:16,880 --> 00:07:18,810 Pick up her sword from booking before you go. 144 00:07:19,740 --> 00:07:21,170 So you are not Kava. 145 00:07:21,460 --> 00:07:23,700 No. But I'm a friend. 146 00:07:24,050 --> 00:07:25,900 "Son of Coul"? See? 147 00:07:26,530 --> 00:07:27,890 We've worked together before. 148 00:07:31,590 --> 00:07:33,610 I apologize. I do not remember. 149 00:07:33,680 --> 00:07:35,260 You have no memory of who you are? 150 00:07:36,380 --> 00:07:38,600 I-I know I am from Asgard. 151 00:07:39,830 --> 00:07:41,850 But I do not remember my home there. 152 00:07:42,080 --> 00:07:45,480 You tell me my name is lady Sif, but... 153 00:07:46,240 --> 00:07:47,660 why I left Asgard, 154 00:07:47,670 --> 00:07:49,950 what brought me here to Midgard... 155 00:07:50,440 --> 00:07:54,170 why I wear these hides instead of armor... 156 00:07:56,040 --> 00:07:56,990 A mystery. 157 00:07:57,510 --> 00:07:58,880 One I'll help you solve. 158 00:08:00,540 --> 00:08:02,250 I'm sure a clue will turn up somewhere. 159 00:08:03,220 --> 00:08:03,880 Twitter. 160 00:08:05,190 --> 00:08:06,250 Skye found it. 161 00:08:23,720 --> 00:08:26,130 That's me. I don't remember this. 162 00:08:27,570 --> 00:08:28,830 I'm a decent fighter. 163 00:08:29,020 --> 00:08:31,960 This guy can hold his own against you. Impressive. 164 00:08:31,960 --> 00:08:32,860 Last time you were here, 165 00:08:32,860 --> 00:08:34,770 You came to collect a rogue asgardian. 166 00:08:35,060 --> 00:08:36,520 That would explain his strength. 167 00:08:36,520 --> 00:08:40,230 Regardless, she traveled across the universe to find him. 168 00:08:40,290 --> 00:08:41,350 He's dangerous. 169 00:08:52,710 --> 00:08:54,250 Make that more than dangerous. 170 00:08:55,790 --> 00:08:57,200 We know you were after him. 171 00:08:57,510 --> 00:08:59,450 Question is, what's he after? 173 00:09:10,880 --> 00:09:14,030 Take me to your supplies, powering elements... 174 00:09:14,250 --> 00:09:15,170 Fuel! 175 00:09:18,180 --> 00:09:19,840 Do not try and fight me. 176 00:09:19,980 --> 00:09:22,100 Someone on your world has changed. 177 00:09:22,900 --> 00:09:24,360 I am here to hunt them down. 178 00:09:24,610 --> 00:09:26,670 What do you -- what do you want from me? 179 00:09:28,170 --> 00:09:28,980 Don't worry. 180 00:09:31,310 --> 00:09:32,430 You won't remember. 181 00:09:35,010 --> 00:09:36,770 We found a couple of other videos of the fight, 182 00:09:36,770 --> 00:09:38,880 and we've been analyzing them frame by frame, which -- 183 00:09:38,880 --> 00:09:41,900 Which didn't get us much in the way of, um... 184 00:09:42,480 --> 00:09:43,460 Of anything new. 185 00:09:43,460 --> 00:09:44,710 Yeah. Thanks. 186 00:09:44,790 --> 00:09:47,430 Um, until we get to... here. 187 00:09:49,190 --> 00:09:51,210 I do very much enjoy that part. 188 00:09:51,210 --> 00:09:52,790 So, he -- he's -- he's wearing something -- 189 00:09:52,790 --> 00:09:54,640 something mechanical, and she nailed it. 190 00:09:54,640 --> 00:09:55,580 And there's more. 191 00:10:00,180 --> 00:10:01,000 What is that? 192 00:10:02,170 --> 00:10:02,940 Blood? 193 00:10:02,950 --> 00:10:04,430 Hope so. It could give us a lead. 194 00:10:04,430 --> 00:10:05,890 Well, there's no way to know from the video. 195 00:10:05,890 --> 00:10:07,220 Once we land, Fitz, 196 00:10:07,220 --> 00:10:09,710 you go with Hunter and Mack, handle forensics. 197 00:10:09,710 --> 00:10:11,890 I need you and Bobbi to talk to witnesses in the area, 198 00:10:11,890 --> 00:10:13,660 see if we can track down where this guy went. 199 00:10:13,660 --> 00:10:15,490 Sir, the science division has loaded the team 200 00:10:15,490 --> 00:10:17,260 with heavier suppression artillery. 201 00:10:17,260 --> 00:10:18,560 After Raina's vanishing act, 202 00:10:18,560 --> 00:10:20,830 we advise that when you find this...man, 203 00:10:20,830 --> 00:10:23,100 you contain him first, ask questions later. 204 00:10:23,110 --> 00:10:24,820 New icers are still in development. 205 00:10:24,820 --> 00:10:26,550 Very good. Keep me posted. 206 00:10:28,190 --> 00:10:29,080 New icers? 207 00:10:30,370 --> 00:10:32,310 The mechanical design is still top-notch, 208 00:10:32,310 --> 00:10:33,290 but we're looking into 209 00:10:33,290 --> 00:10:35,230 a more concentrated dendrotoxin formula. 210 00:10:35,230 --> 00:10:36,820 And wouldn't that be dangerous? 211 00:10:36,860 --> 00:10:37,870 But effective. 212 00:10:37,880 --> 00:10:40,370 Given these elevated threats, we can't risk it not being. 213 00:11:00,270 --> 00:11:02,460 My mind is that of a lost adolescent. 214 00:11:03,000 --> 00:11:05,280 I can provide no information of value. 215 00:11:05,740 --> 00:11:06,850 Not totally true. 216 00:11:06,850 --> 00:11:09,750 Judging by your clothes, we know you were undercover, 217 00:11:09,870 --> 00:11:12,190 probably something you learned after your last visit here. 218 00:11:12,190 --> 00:11:16,510 Your usual full-armor look is a little more...conspicuous. 219 00:11:16,510 --> 00:11:19,580 So you're saying I wear that armor most of the time? 220 00:11:20,560 --> 00:11:22,280 Does this mean I'm a warrior? 221 00:11:22,650 --> 00:11:23,470 A good one. 222 00:11:24,090 --> 00:11:25,220 A great warrior. 223 00:11:27,070 --> 00:11:28,590 It's just details that you're missing. 224 00:11:28,590 --> 00:11:30,670 You must remember things about your home world, right? 225 00:11:30,670 --> 00:11:32,710 Only basic lessons a child would learn. 226 00:11:32,720 --> 00:11:33,920 The name of your sword? 227 00:11:35,160 --> 00:11:36,680 What about Thor? 228 00:11:41,570 --> 00:11:42,850 I do not know this word, 229 00:11:42,850 --> 00:11:46,240 yet when you say it, I...want to smile. 230 00:11:47,550 --> 00:11:48,300 Why? 231 00:11:48,750 --> 00:11:51,310 Who can explain the mysteries of the Asgardian brain? 232 00:11:51,930 --> 00:11:52,710 I can. 233 00:11:54,210 --> 00:11:55,490 I can't see any blood. 234 00:11:56,020 --> 00:11:58,830 Fitz, isn't there some special light that finds blood? 235 00:11:59,240 --> 00:12:00,030 Not blood. 236 00:12:00,670 --> 00:12:02,940 What's up, magnum, P.I.? You enjoying this? 237 00:12:03,150 --> 00:12:04,840 Who doesn't like a good mystery? 238 00:12:05,300 --> 00:12:07,500 Guess we're both embracing new challenges. 239 00:12:08,440 --> 00:12:09,040 That mean you're taking 240 00:12:09,040 --> 00:12:11,040 the permanent position that Coulson offered? 241 00:12:11,270 --> 00:12:12,440 He's a man down. 242 00:12:12,880 --> 00:12:15,150 I know you have your reservations, but I like the guy. 243 00:12:15,780 --> 00:12:17,180 Don't you want to see how this plays out? 244 00:12:20,700 --> 00:12:22,190 - What's that? - I don't know. 245 00:12:23,590 --> 00:12:25,200 This is about where the big guy was standing 246 00:12:25,200 --> 00:12:26,800 when Sif nailed him with the sword, right? 247 00:12:26,800 --> 00:12:28,240 - Yeah. - Look at this. 248 00:12:33,550 --> 00:12:35,550 I-I barely touched it. I swear. 249 00:12:35,660 --> 00:12:37,310 Trust me -- there is no universe on which 250 00:12:37,310 --> 00:12:38,850 I think you did that on your own. 251 00:12:39,400 --> 00:12:41,300 Turbo, what do you think? 252 00:12:43,160 --> 00:12:44,670 - Simmons. - Yes, Fitz. 253 00:12:44,670 --> 00:12:46,660 We're uploading some information to you. 254 00:12:47,380 --> 00:12:49,400 Whatever came out of that guy's chest... 255 00:12:50,340 --> 00:12:51,500 I'm guessing it wasn't blood. 256 00:12:51,500 --> 00:12:53,330 - I'll give it a look. - See? 257 00:12:53,660 --> 00:12:55,110 Who doesn't like a good mystery? 261 00:13:11,060 --> 00:13:12,170 You speak portuguese? 262 00:13:12,720 --> 00:13:14,950 I'm no expert. It's a pretty language. 263 00:13:14,950 --> 00:13:16,480 It's hard to gauge if someone's lying. 264 00:13:17,730 --> 00:13:19,000 Are you an expert at that? 265 00:13:19,110 --> 00:13:21,020 At lying or telling if someone's lying? 266 00:13:21,540 --> 00:13:23,820 I have a feeling you're probably an expert at both. 267 00:13:24,700 --> 00:13:25,520 Can I help you? 268 00:13:25,940 --> 00:13:28,180 Hi, yes, we're looking for anyone 269 00:13:28,180 --> 00:13:30,590 who may have been injured in the incident at the pier 270 00:13:30,590 --> 00:13:32,170 or may have seen this man. 271 00:13:34,860 --> 00:13:36,820 No, he does not look familiar to me. 272 00:13:37,050 --> 00:13:39,840 As far as the injuries, I can ask around. 273 00:13:39,920 --> 00:13:42,200 The nurse who was working earlier took ill. 274 00:13:42,200 --> 00:13:45,070 So we are short-staffed. It may take a while. 275 00:13:45,350 --> 00:13:46,630 Okay. Well, we'll be here. 278 00:13:50,540 --> 00:13:53,040 Wait. Is that woman all right? What happened to her? 280 00:13:57,980 --> 00:13:59,520 Yet you do not serve a king? 281 00:13:59,690 --> 00:14:01,390 Not really how it works with us. 282 00:14:02,070 --> 00:14:03,710 I wonder if I serve the king 283 00:14:03,710 --> 00:14:05,750 as the great warrior you say I am. 284 00:14:05,750 --> 00:14:08,290 Odin? Oh, we know you do. You've met him. 285 00:14:08,290 --> 00:14:09,710 Shut...up. 286 00:14:09,710 --> 00:14:10,790 It's her! 287 00:14:11,130 --> 00:14:13,960 I was just conducting my interview with Mr. Cardozo here, 288 00:14:13,960 --> 00:14:15,630 asking him what he saw the other day, when -- 289 00:14:15,630 --> 00:14:18,100 You are a dangerous monster. 290 00:14:18,340 --> 00:14:19,780 I am no monster. 291 00:14:20,060 --> 00:14:21,370 I am sometimes dangerous, 292 00:14:21,380 --> 00:14:23,470 but only toward those who are deserving. 293 00:14:25,290 --> 00:14:28,740 I do not actually know. Is it only toward those who are -- 294 00:14:28,740 --> 00:14:30,170 No, that was right. 295 00:14:30,170 --> 00:14:30,880 Excellent. 296 00:14:31,290 --> 00:14:33,190 Answer his question, elderly man. 297 00:14:33,190 --> 00:14:36,200 Look, just tell us what you saw after they fought. 298 00:14:36,310 --> 00:14:38,020 The man destroyed my booth! 299 00:14:38,360 --> 00:14:39,880 What does he want with balloons? 300 00:14:39,880 --> 00:14:43,400 He went for my helium, broke off the valves, and took them! 301 00:14:43,410 --> 00:14:44,670 What does he need those for? 302 00:14:45,210 --> 00:14:46,910 Sir, the boys were right. 303 00:14:46,910 --> 00:14:48,330 That definitely wasn't blood. 304 00:14:48,330 --> 00:14:50,840 - What are we talking about? - It was liquid nitrogen. 305 00:14:50,840 --> 00:14:52,280 The post was frozen solid and cracked. 306 00:14:52,280 --> 00:14:53,750 He must have been carrying a supply, 307 00:14:53,750 --> 00:14:56,240 and Sif must have damaged his containment hardware. 308 00:14:56,240 --> 00:14:59,180 So that's what he needed the tank valves for -- to repair it. 309 00:14:59,180 --> 00:15:00,440 Why carry nitrogen? 310 00:15:01,020 --> 00:15:02,140 Might have needed it for fuel, 311 00:15:02,140 --> 00:15:03,490 might have needed it for a weapon. 312 00:15:03,490 --> 00:15:05,560 If he's alien, he might need it to breathe. 313 00:15:05,570 --> 00:15:06,590 Not to breathe. 314 00:15:06,930 --> 00:15:09,700 Only seven intelligent species across the known realms 315 00:15:09,700 --> 00:15:12,770 require heightened levels of nitrogen gas, none humanoid. 316 00:15:15,310 --> 00:15:17,370 I learned this as a child. Did you not? 317 00:15:20,480 --> 00:15:22,210 Bobbi, anything? 318 00:15:22,400 --> 00:15:24,510 Sir, we have evidence he's here at the hospital. 319 00:15:24,870 --> 00:15:26,940 It's a big place, though. He might be hiding anywhere. 320 00:15:27,120 --> 00:15:28,490 Well, we know he needs nitrogen, 321 00:15:28,490 --> 00:15:30,870 and they use it in hospitals to power surgical equipment. 322 00:15:30,870 --> 00:15:31,760 Let's start there. 324 00:15:57,740 --> 00:15:59,260 You do not want to fight me. 325 00:16:00,320 --> 00:16:02,080 We just have some questions for you. 326 00:16:35,800 --> 00:16:38,010 Simmons is tending to Bobbi. She's gonna be okay. 327 00:16:38,120 --> 00:16:39,280 The guy was blue, 328 00:16:39,280 --> 00:16:41,410 like "He just tested some Willy Wonka gum" blue, 329 00:16:41,410 --> 00:16:42,490 and he needed nitrogen 330 00:16:42,490 --> 00:16:44,750 for whatever device turned his skin pink. 331 00:16:45,070 --> 00:16:46,230 Do you think he's a Kree? 332 00:16:47,200 --> 00:16:49,800 You told me last year the Kree had not visited our realm. 333 00:16:50,020 --> 00:16:52,590 If a Kree came to your world unannounced now, 334 00:16:52,590 --> 00:16:54,300 I would assume he's up to no good. 335 00:16:54,370 --> 00:16:56,660 He attacked Bobbi and Skye, so that's a yes. 336 00:16:56,660 --> 00:16:58,560 Yeah. The guy throws a mean punch. 337 00:16:58,560 --> 00:17:00,010 Let's assume you were here to stop him. 338 00:17:00,010 --> 00:17:01,320 We still don't know his objective. 339 00:17:01,320 --> 00:17:03,980 No, but knowing he is Kree helps. 340 00:17:04,090 --> 00:17:05,510 Kava, for example. 341 00:17:05,510 --> 00:17:07,830 I thought it was a name. 'tis a kree word. 342 00:17:07,840 --> 00:17:11,560 You also learn other species' entire languages as a child? 343 00:17:11,920 --> 00:17:13,360 "Kava" means "Keys." 344 00:17:13,360 --> 00:17:15,570 - Keys? - A device used to unlock -- 345 00:17:15,570 --> 00:17:16,670 Yeah, I know keys. 346 00:17:16,890 --> 00:17:18,520 It's something. Let's look into it. 347 00:17:20,180 --> 00:17:20,910 Skye... 348 00:17:21,680 --> 00:17:24,440 Thank you for engaging my enemy. 349 00:17:25,250 --> 00:17:26,420 You are quite brave. 350 00:17:30,830 --> 00:17:32,770 The whole room was shaking, Fitz. 351 00:17:32,770 --> 00:17:34,060 The gun in my hand exploded. 352 00:17:34,060 --> 00:17:35,300 Oh, god. 353 00:17:35,720 --> 00:17:37,040 I-I thought that I could handle it. 354 00:17:37,040 --> 00:17:38,480 But I can't. It's too much. 355 00:17:38,610 --> 00:17:40,870 I-I think we have to tell coulson what's happening. 356 00:17:40,870 --> 00:17:42,600 Hang on. Wait. 357 00:17:42,600 --> 00:17:45,380 Just wait until I've or-- analyzed -- 358 00:17:45,380 --> 00:17:47,980 I can't control it when I get upset or nervous. 359 00:17:47,980 --> 00:17:49,970 I'm running that diagnostic on your blood samples right now. 360 00:17:49,970 --> 00:17:51,600 Hopefully, when it's done, we'll have a solution. 361 00:17:51,600 --> 00:17:52,660 There's nothing you -- 362 00:17:53,900 --> 00:17:56,630 Sorry to interrupt... whatever this is. 363 00:17:56,740 --> 00:17:59,230 Just wanted to check out the new toys from sci-tech. 364 00:18:00,980 --> 00:18:01,690 Okay. 365 00:18:06,210 --> 00:18:09,890 I'm...gonna...scour the web for "Key" references. 366 00:18:11,730 --> 00:18:12,970 Yeah, you do that. 367 00:18:14,950 --> 00:18:17,240 You, Ms. Morse, will live. 368 00:18:17,240 --> 00:18:18,080 That's a relief. 369 00:18:18,080 --> 00:18:19,300 I'll get you some antibiotic cream 370 00:18:19,300 --> 00:18:21,310 so we can keep you nice and uninfected. 371 00:18:21,400 --> 00:18:22,410 - Thanks. - Stay here. 372 00:18:29,080 --> 00:18:31,040 There goes your modeling career. 373 00:18:32,280 --> 00:18:33,590 You should talk, pretty boy. 374 00:18:39,300 --> 00:18:40,180 You talk to hunter? 375 00:18:40,180 --> 00:18:40,970 I did. 376 00:18:41,810 --> 00:18:43,040 He's thinking about sticking around. 377 00:18:43,640 --> 00:18:44,490 I heard. 378 00:18:45,760 --> 00:18:46,820 I think it's good. 379 00:18:48,250 --> 00:18:49,170 Things are good. 380 00:18:51,990 --> 00:18:52,820 Maybe... 381 00:18:54,330 --> 00:18:55,670 We should bring him on board. 382 00:18:56,340 --> 00:18:58,870 No chance. That ship has sailed. 383 00:18:59,810 --> 00:19:02,700 Besides the fact that you two have a pattern that repeats itself, 384 00:19:02,900 --> 00:19:04,080 you didn't tell him in the first place 385 00:19:04,080 --> 00:19:05,230 because you didn't want him to know 386 00:19:05,230 --> 00:19:06,550 that you'd been lying to him. 387 00:19:06,980 --> 00:19:09,020 Trust has never been our strong suit. 388 00:19:09,190 --> 00:19:11,440 And -- and we're building something real here. 389 00:19:11,440 --> 00:19:12,650 I know he thinks so. 390 00:19:12,890 --> 00:19:14,630 But how is he gonna feel if you tell him now? 391 00:19:14,760 --> 00:19:17,770 Well, you can't risk it. He'll react badly. 392 00:19:17,770 --> 00:19:19,300 And it could blow up in our face in a big way. 393 00:19:19,300 --> 00:19:21,130 You can't bring him in on this, Bobbi. 394 00:19:21,130 --> 00:19:22,510 W-what am I supposed to do? I can't bring him -- 395 00:19:22,520 --> 00:19:25,480 I don't want him here in case he takes their side. 396 00:19:27,380 --> 00:19:29,530 He's a friend. I don't want him fighting against us. 397 00:19:29,530 --> 00:19:31,020 He would never. 398 00:19:33,260 --> 00:19:36,220 He loves you, and he probably will always love you. 399 00:19:36,580 --> 00:19:39,110 But I still think he might be capable of killing you. 400 00:19:42,200 --> 00:19:43,800 You're telling me to push him away. 401 00:19:44,200 --> 00:19:45,890 I'm saying it's the only way you'll ever have a chance 402 00:19:45,890 --> 00:19:49,240 to be together, to make it work someday. 403 00:19:49,500 --> 00:19:51,190 You remember what it felt like 404 00:19:51,190 --> 00:19:52,990 when our friends turned out to be Hydra. 405 00:19:52,990 --> 00:19:53,990 We're not Hydra. 406 00:19:53,990 --> 00:19:55,690 You remember how it felt. 407 00:19:57,880 --> 00:20:00,510 The best thing would be if he decided to leave... 408 00:20:02,140 --> 00:20:03,710 and he wasn't anywhere near here 409 00:20:03,710 --> 00:20:06,140 when we pull the trigger on this thing. 410 00:20:07,280 --> 00:20:08,400 And then... 411 00:20:08,780 --> 00:20:12,230 maybe there's a world where we're all friends in the end. 412 00:20:18,390 --> 00:20:19,380 I'm saying I can't find 413 00:20:19,380 --> 00:20:22,010 any particular keys that would be hugely important, 414 00:20:22,010 --> 00:20:24,920 not literal keys, not metaphorical keys, 415 00:20:24,920 --> 00:20:27,310 not as in "To the city." It doesn't mean that I... 416 00:20:27,310 --> 00:20:29,440 Wait. Look at this. 417 00:20:31,410 --> 00:20:34,760 "Chaves." A city known for its sedimentary basins. I don't... 418 00:20:34,760 --> 00:20:36,860 Guess what "Chaves" means in English. 419 00:20:36,860 --> 00:20:38,910 Let me guess. "Keys." 420 00:20:38,910 --> 00:20:40,620 That's where the Kree was heading. 421 00:20:40,620 --> 00:20:44,180 That's where I was chasing him. That was my mission. 422 00:20:44,180 --> 00:20:47,270 But Chaves, Portugal... we've seen that name before. 423 00:20:47,270 --> 00:20:49,060 It was in Whitehall's SSR file. 424 00:20:49,060 --> 00:20:51,170 The site of his dig back in 1945, 425 00:20:51,170 --> 00:20:52,580 where he first found the obelisk. 426 00:20:52,580 --> 00:20:54,000 That's where we have to go. 427 00:20:55,360 --> 00:20:56,460 Director? 428 00:20:58,110 --> 00:21:00,060 I'd like to sit this one out, please. 429 00:21:01,050 --> 00:21:02,080 You all right? 430 00:21:02,080 --> 00:21:04,650 Yeah, just after my run-in with blue man group, 431 00:21:04,650 --> 00:21:06,850 I still feel a little banged-up, and I'm just worried 432 00:21:06,850 --> 00:21:09,330 I'm not gonna be much help out there, so... 433 00:21:09,370 --> 00:21:11,720 Okay. Whenever you're ready. 434 00:21:11,980 --> 00:21:15,600 Is it really about being hurt, or is it about your nerves? 435 00:21:15,600 --> 00:21:16,820 I promise, it's just about the guy 436 00:21:16,820 --> 00:21:20,410 making me see cartoon birdies all around my head. That's it. 437 00:21:20,600 --> 00:21:22,960 Have Simmons give you one more check while we're gone. 438 00:21:22,960 --> 00:21:24,810 Let's make sure there's nothing serious. 439 00:21:24,810 --> 00:21:26,070 O-okay. 440 00:21:26,780 --> 00:21:28,370 Pull up the SSR file. 441 00:21:28,720 --> 00:21:31,310 I want to pinpoint exactly where this Kree guy's going. 442 00:21:50,870 --> 00:21:51,990 Stay right there. 443 00:21:55,010 --> 00:21:56,160 Put your hands up. 444 00:21:58,920 --> 00:22:00,350 You will not stop me. 445 00:22:00,350 --> 00:22:01,650 Want to bet? 446 00:22:08,480 --> 00:22:10,230 I am here to help. 447 00:22:11,210 --> 00:22:13,580 Is that why you attacked me, Kree? 448 00:22:13,690 --> 00:22:16,360 You were the one who attacked. 449 00:22:16,390 --> 00:22:19,320 I had to take your memory to keep you from tracking me. 450 00:22:20,720 --> 00:22:22,280 How did you track me? 451 00:22:23,050 --> 00:22:26,350 You do not ask the questions, Kree. You do not talk. 452 00:22:26,540 --> 00:22:29,420 Actually... we need him to talk. 453 00:22:29,850 --> 00:22:33,080 Look, I-I can prove that -- that I'm not a threat 454 00:22:33,290 --> 00:22:34,480 and that I'm here to help. 455 00:22:34,480 --> 00:22:35,920 Bring me my truncheon. 456 00:22:35,920 --> 00:22:37,520 How very Kree. 457 00:22:37,520 --> 00:22:39,690 He needs a weapon to make a point. 458 00:22:39,690 --> 00:22:41,560 My truncheon can restore her memory. 459 00:22:41,570 --> 00:22:44,990 Would that not be a-a gesture of my noble intentions? 460 00:22:44,990 --> 00:22:45,960 I'll consider it once we know 461 00:22:45,960 --> 00:22:47,930 that thing does what you say it does. 462 00:22:48,860 --> 00:22:51,140 - Do you have a name? - Vin-tak. 463 00:22:51,830 --> 00:22:53,860 And I will earn your trust. 464 00:23:05,420 --> 00:23:07,730 Simmons left you with truncheon duty? 465 00:23:09,300 --> 00:23:11,770 Funny word... "Truncheon." 466 00:23:12,180 --> 00:23:13,450 She wanted to take more precautions 467 00:23:13,450 --> 00:23:15,330 before investigating it, but I figured, 468 00:23:15,330 --> 00:23:17,500 hell, there's certainly more to it than meets the eye. 469 00:23:17,500 --> 00:23:18,990 Been saying the same about you for years. 470 00:23:19,000 --> 00:23:22,310 Supposedly, the Kree used this to wipe lady Sif's memory. 471 00:23:23,130 --> 00:23:25,450 There's a dial on the bottom, but none of our equipment 472 00:23:25,450 --> 00:23:28,360 can detect any electrical or spectrographic signals. 473 00:23:28,370 --> 00:23:29,390 Is that your fancy way of saying 474 00:23:29,390 --> 00:23:30,860 you don't know how to turn it on? 475 00:23:30,970 --> 00:23:32,470 Or if it can. 476 00:23:32,870 --> 00:23:36,200 Well, I know something else we could try turning on. 477 00:23:38,450 --> 00:23:39,130 Hey, careful with that. 478 00:23:39,130 --> 00:23:41,250 You don't want to erase my hard drive, do you? 479 00:23:41,250 --> 00:23:43,500 Like I said, it doesn't seem to be working. 480 00:23:44,550 --> 00:23:45,800 All right, then... 481 00:23:46,410 --> 00:23:47,710 Well, maybe I can help you with it. 482 00:23:47,710 --> 00:23:49,760 The sooner we get it done, the sooner we... 483 00:23:49,760 --> 00:23:51,060 How are you gonna help me? 484 00:23:52,510 --> 00:23:54,980 Can I just get a little space, please? 485 00:23:57,730 --> 00:23:58,720 There she is. 486 00:23:58,730 --> 00:24:00,220 I need time figuring this out. 487 00:24:00,220 --> 00:24:01,770 Well, it seems like you already have. 488 00:24:01,770 --> 00:24:02,870 Not at all. 489 00:24:06,380 --> 00:24:08,430 I just think that we... 490 00:24:09,710 --> 00:24:11,630 should slow things down a little bit. 491 00:24:12,820 --> 00:24:14,280 Yeah, okay, I get it. 492 00:24:15,170 --> 00:24:16,540 Just a bit of fun, yeah? 493 00:24:18,030 --> 00:24:19,960 Though, usually, things get a little more heated 494 00:24:19,960 --> 00:24:21,780 before you turn frosty. 495 00:24:26,150 --> 00:24:29,450 Okay, sweetheart. Consider it slowed. 496 00:24:31,630 --> 00:24:33,200 Don't die out there, yeah? 497 00:24:33,930 --> 00:24:35,070 Hey, Hunter. 498 00:24:59,560 --> 00:25:01,990 It's possible that only he can operate it. 499 00:25:01,990 --> 00:25:05,400 We've seen other alien materials react to biology or DNA. 500 00:25:05,410 --> 00:25:07,410 - Don't remind me. - Or me. 501 00:25:07,610 --> 00:25:09,540 We've all been there, done that. 502 00:25:09,870 --> 00:25:11,810 Fitz and Simmons will examine the case. 503 00:25:11,810 --> 00:25:13,270 If this guy's telling the truth, 504 00:25:13,270 --> 00:25:15,690 we might finally get the answers we've been searching for. 505 00:25:19,690 --> 00:25:22,170 Tell us how the truncheon works, Kree. 506 00:25:22,170 --> 00:25:24,270 The Kree has a name. 507 00:25:25,000 --> 00:25:27,240 And that only works when in my hand. 508 00:25:27,300 --> 00:25:28,990 Hmm. That's convenient. 509 00:25:29,240 --> 00:25:31,780 It has a-a dial on the bottom. 510 00:25:37,760 --> 00:25:38,840 Sorry. 511 00:25:39,200 --> 00:25:41,230 The argument was going nowhere. 512 00:25:41,230 --> 00:25:42,480 You back with us? 513 00:25:42,710 --> 00:25:44,950 Yes. My memories have returned. 514 00:25:44,950 --> 00:25:49,000 I am Lady Sif of Asgard, friend of the S.H.I.E.L.D. 515 00:25:53,140 --> 00:25:55,530 Asgardian... well, that explains a lot. 516 00:25:55,530 --> 00:25:59,000 It is true. We do not trust Kree. 517 00:25:59,000 --> 00:26:00,660 That is why I am here. 518 00:26:00,870 --> 00:26:03,490 When Heimdall saw that one landed on your world, 519 00:26:03,490 --> 00:26:05,840 Odin charged me with retrieving him. 520 00:26:05,840 --> 00:26:07,440 So you came to pick a fight. 521 00:26:07,440 --> 00:26:10,090 We know enough about Kree history to be concerned. 522 00:26:10,090 --> 00:26:11,790 Well, then, if you know Kree history, 523 00:26:11,790 --> 00:26:13,970 perhaps you've heard the tale of terrigenesis. 524 00:26:13,970 --> 00:26:15,140 Of course. 525 00:26:15,560 --> 00:26:17,550 Ancient Kree descending on planets, 526 00:26:17,550 --> 00:26:20,560 altering the inhabitants to fight their war. 527 00:26:21,420 --> 00:26:23,670 And earth was one of them. 528 00:26:24,990 --> 00:26:27,000 Blue angels who fell from the sky. 529 00:26:27,000 --> 00:26:29,950 Eons ago, the Kree waged a very long war. 530 00:26:29,950 --> 00:26:33,150 The casualties were high, and they needed more soldiers. 531 00:26:33,160 --> 00:26:34,760 You mean cannon fodder. 532 00:26:34,760 --> 00:26:36,400 We needed killers. 533 00:26:37,140 --> 00:26:40,240 One vicious faction among the Kree 534 00:26:40,240 --> 00:26:43,160 genetically modified other creatures' DNA. 535 00:26:43,380 --> 00:26:44,690 These modifications 536 00:26:44,700 --> 00:26:47,750 can be activated with terrigen crystals. 537 00:26:47,750 --> 00:26:50,460 We know these torturous experiments failed. 538 00:26:50,650 --> 00:26:51,950 Not on earth. 539 00:26:52,720 --> 00:26:54,730 Here, we had to shut them down. 540 00:26:54,780 --> 00:26:56,810 This faction had built a city. 541 00:26:56,810 --> 00:26:58,110 They brought with them the diviners, 542 00:26:58,110 --> 00:27:00,020 which hold the crystals. 543 00:27:00,020 --> 00:27:02,540 Their plans were discovered and thwarted 544 00:27:02,540 --> 00:27:04,560 by the better of my kind, 545 00:27:04,610 --> 00:27:08,320 Putting an end to that dark chapter of our past. 546 00:27:08,690 --> 00:27:09,980 Until now. 547 00:27:10,380 --> 00:27:14,050 When I saw that an ancient signal had been triggered, 548 00:27:14,060 --> 00:27:16,050 I knew it had to be a diviner. 549 00:27:16,050 --> 00:27:18,080 If the Kree empire learned 550 00:27:18,080 --> 00:27:19,920 that these experiments were a success, 551 00:27:19,920 --> 00:27:21,880 They would be likely to renew them. 552 00:27:21,880 --> 00:27:23,310 Why did you come here? 553 00:27:23,310 --> 00:27:26,990 These transformed beings are...abominations. 554 00:27:26,990 --> 00:27:30,150 I knew that I had to find the remainder of the diviners 555 00:27:30,150 --> 00:27:32,470 before another monstrosity occurred, 556 00:27:32,540 --> 00:27:34,840 and erase any knowledge of it. 557 00:27:34,840 --> 00:27:39,050 How many diviners are supposed to be in that crate? 558 00:27:39,200 --> 00:27:41,070 Enough to create an army. 559 00:27:48,460 --> 00:27:50,760 Sir, the crate is empty. 560 00:27:53,470 --> 00:27:55,370 My worst fear has come true. 561 00:27:56,380 --> 00:27:57,640 We have to assume they were all taken 562 00:27:57,640 --> 00:27:59,680 at the same time back in the 40s. 563 00:27:59,680 --> 00:28:01,500 Does that mean Hydra has them? 564 00:28:01,510 --> 00:28:03,790 And if hydra doesn't, who does? 565 00:28:03,910 --> 00:28:05,500 Fitz, what is this? 567 00:28:06,860 --> 00:28:09,810 Oh! Uh... uh, that's...nothing. 568 00:28:09,810 --> 00:28:10,610 It's just a... 569 00:28:10,610 --> 00:28:12,080 It's remarkable. 570 00:28:12,120 --> 00:28:14,060 Extra macromolecules just like in Raina's blood 571 00:28:14,060 --> 00:28:16,710 But...different ones. Whose DNA is this? 572 00:28:16,710 --> 00:28:18,760 It's, uh... it's, uh... 573 00:28:18,760 --> 00:28:22,340 A simulation that I created -- or a-a theory of, uh -- 574 00:28:22,340 --> 00:28:25,030 A simulation? Fitz, this is uncanny. 575 00:28:25,030 --> 00:28:28,230 The precision, the detail... it reads as real. 576 00:28:28,230 --> 00:28:30,080 Yeah, but it's just a simulation. 577 00:28:35,090 --> 00:28:37,160 We must find the remaining diviners, 578 00:28:37,160 --> 00:28:39,460 as well as anyone who's transformed. 579 00:28:39,460 --> 00:28:41,830 We drowned the temple where the diviners were activated, 580 00:28:41,830 --> 00:28:43,130 So that's a plus. 581 00:28:43,130 --> 00:28:45,040 And we do know the woman who was changed. 582 00:28:45,040 --> 00:28:47,100 So, someone was transformed. 583 00:28:47,100 --> 00:28:48,760 A Kree slave warrior created. 584 00:28:48,760 --> 00:28:49,760 Have you put it down? 585 00:28:49,760 --> 00:28:51,730 No. She disappeared. 586 00:28:51,730 --> 00:28:52,990 What do you know of her? 587 00:28:52,990 --> 00:28:55,630 We don't know much about Raina's transformation. 588 00:28:56,080 --> 00:28:58,460 Skye witnessed it but didn't see much. 589 00:28:59,850 --> 00:29:01,050 You were there? 590 00:29:02,750 --> 00:29:04,060 What did you see? 591 00:29:04,430 --> 00:29:06,730 I-I didn't -- I mean, n-nothing. 592 00:29:06,730 --> 00:29:08,140 Were there others with you? 593 00:29:08,140 --> 00:29:10,460 The changes may not be on the surface... 594 00:29:10,460 --> 00:29:12,550 But buried inside. 595 00:29:13,020 --> 00:29:16,640 You must understand, these creatures are weapons... 596 00:29:16,850 --> 00:29:19,570 Abominations... even if they don't know it. 597 00:29:40,030 --> 00:29:41,140 Another one? 598 00:29:45,520 --> 00:29:47,340 Son of coul, what is this? 599 00:29:49,850 --> 00:29:50,890 Skye... 600 00:29:52,110 --> 00:29:53,720 ...you want to talk to us? 601 00:29:59,310 --> 00:30:02,150 Skye, what's doing this? 602 00:30:05,690 --> 00:30:06,740 I am. 603 00:30:07,370 --> 00:30:08,300 Don't! 604 00:30:17,490 --> 00:30:20,120 Hand her over. I will take her to Asgard. 605 00:30:20,120 --> 00:30:21,540 It will be safer for all of you. 606 00:30:21,540 --> 00:30:22,730 We will do no such thing. 607 00:30:22,730 --> 00:30:24,650 The weapon has been activated. 608 00:30:24,650 --> 00:30:27,390 It needs to be eliminated before it hurts someone. 609 00:30:27,390 --> 00:30:28,700 Skye is not a weapon. 610 00:30:28,700 --> 00:30:31,810 Coulson, no one is saying Skye chose this, 611 00:30:31,810 --> 00:30:33,670 But she is dangerous. 612 00:30:33,670 --> 00:30:34,960 I don't want to be this way. 613 00:30:34,960 --> 00:30:37,490 Imagine what will happen if your powers grow. 614 00:30:37,490 --> 00:30:39,270 It may not stop at breaking glass. 615 00:30:39,270 --> 00:30:42,440 You could bring down buildings, tear continents apart... 616 00:30:42,440 --> 00:30:43,910 I can get a handle on it. 617 00:30:43,910 --> 00:30:45,630 That's not what you were designed for. 618 00:30:45,630 --> 00:30:48,050 You were designed to destroy, 619 00:30:48,050 --> 00:30:49,860 which is why you must be put down. 620 00:30:49,860 --> 00:30:52,400 Yeah, well, that sounds an awful lot like killing to me. 621 00:30:52,990 --> 00:30:55,290 - This is not your concern. - Skye, let's go. 622 00:30:55,290 --> 00:30:56,240 Fitz, we need bambino! 623 00:30:56,240 --> 00:30:57,960 You want her, you go through me! 624 00:31:01,310 --> 00:31:02,600 W-what's going on? 625 00:31:02,600 --> 00:31:04,490 Jemma, I'm so sorry. 626 00:31:08,140 --> 00:31:09,200 You knew. 627 00:31:17,790 --> 00:31:20,130 Uh, Lady Sif and the Kree are trying to take Skye away. 628 00:31:21,760 --> 00:31:23,190 Sif, you've got your memory back. 629 00:31:23,200 --> 00:31:24,490 You know we're friends. 630 00:31:24,490 --> 00:31:25,700 Consider what you're doing. 631 00:31:25,700 --> 00:31:27,780 This is for the protection of your people. 632 00:31:27,790 --> 00:31:29,280 Enough! 633 00:31:40,170 --> 00:31:42,690 Your friend Skye is an atrocity, 634 00:31:42,710 --> 00:31:44,900 and I must go put an end to this. 635 00:31:44,900 --> 00:31:46,500 We'll decide what she is. 636 00:31:46,930 --> 00:31:48,780 But for now, you're not going anywhere. 637 00:31:48,780 --> 00:31:50,570 This is not your fight. 638 00:31:51,290 --> 00:31:52,880 It kind of is now. 639 00:31:54,640 --> 00:31:56,580 Maybe we should call in some real backup. 640 00:32:07,080 --> 00:32:08,990 This is twice now, you and me. 641 00:32:09,900 --> 00:32:11,360 You must really love fighting. 642 00:32:11,360 --> 00:32:13,340 Love fighting? No. 643 00:32:13,940 --> 00:32:15,890 But you're coming after one of my people, 644 00:32:15,890 --> 00:32:18,080 so I'm willing to fight. 645 00:32:18,080 --> 00:32:19,230 That's noble. 646 00:32:19,720 --> 00:32:22,490 Stupid...but noble. 647 00:32:43,350 --> 00:32:44,300 Okay. 648 00:32:44,910 --> 00:32:47,580 Listen to me... just me. 649 00:32:47,580 --> 00:32:50,530 We can do this. You, can do this. 650 00:32:50,870 --> 00:32:53,590 I can't. I can't make it stop. 651 00:32:53,590 --> 00:32:55,710 You will control your emotions, 652 00:32:55,710 --> 00:32:57,520 just like we practiced. 653 00:32:58,410 --> 00:33:00,280 I can't make it stop. 654 00:33:00,670 --> 00:33:02,640 Everyone is at risk. 655 00:33:02,910 --> 00:33:06,820 Just focus. Skye, look at me. Focus. 656 00:33:06,820 --> 00:33:08,120 It'll stop. 657 00:33:08,980 --> 00:33:11,720 Agent May, release the girl! 658 00:33:18,820 --> 00:33:20,830 You knew you couldn't stop me. 659 00:33:20,920 --> 00:33:22,720 So what was the point? 660 00:33:23,960 --> 00:33:25,640 Just wanted the attention. 661 00:33:41,510 --> 00:33:43,830 May, she'll get through. 662 00:33:43,830 --> 00:33:47,400 Ignore it. Remember... focus. 663 00:33:49,960 --> 00:33:51,410 I can't. 664 00:33:59,760 --> 00:34:00,860 Skye. 665 00:34:03,940 --> 00:34:05,300 She harmed herself. 666 00:34:06,290 --> 00:34:08,510 Even though she knew it meant giving up her freedom. 667 00:34:08,510 --> 00:34:10,210 All to save the rest of you. 668 00:34:10,210 --> 00:34:13,140 Don't you see? She wants to get better. 669 00:34:13,170 --> 00:34:15,310 If you take her away from the people she loves, 670 00:34:15,320 --> 00:34:16,840 she'll only get worse. 671 00:34:43,410 --> 00:34:45,800 I know you think I overreacted. 672 00:34:46,700 --> 00:34:48,260 But this decision... 673 00:34:49,330 --> 00:34:52,940 leaving skye with you... it carries real danger. 674 00:34:52,940 --> 00:34:54,470 I want you to understand that. 675 00:34:54,470 --> 00:34:57,490 I do. But we'll help her through it. 676 00:35:00,290 --> 00:35:01,650 Have we arrived yet? 677 00:35:01,650 --> 00:35:05,100 This... does not seem familiar. 678 00:35:05,180 --> 00:35:07,190 No, this is not your home planet. 679 00:35:07,190 --> 00:35:08,860 Lady Sif will take you from here. 680 00:35:08,860 --> 00:35:11,890 I apologize for my forgetfulness. 681 00:35:12,090 --> 00:35:13,900 You have been very kind. 682 00:35:16,650 --> 00:35:18,280 Why is my hand not blue? 683 00:35:18,930 --> 00:35:20,250 You are in disguise 684 00:35:20,250 --> 00:35:22,010 from the people pursuing you. Remember? 685 00:35:22,010 --> 00:35:23,030 Right. 686 00:35:24,490 --> 00:35:26,140 I will keep watch. 687 00:35:29,260 --> 00:35:32,020 I'll return him to his home planet, Hala. 688 00:35:32,020 --> 00:35:33,830 He'll remember none of this. 689 00:35:34,530 --> 00:35:36,790 No more trouble should come from there. 690 00:35:37,410 --> 00:35:38,060 But here... 691 00:35:38,060 --> 00:35:41,220 Yes. There are other diviners. 692 00:35:41,230 --> 00:35:43,830 But we flooded the city so no one can activate them. 693 00:35:43,830 --> 00:35:45,390 We'll take every precaution. 694 00:35:45,510 --> 00:35:46,510 Coulson... 695 00:35:47,560 --> 00:35:50,430 your people make decisions based on logic. 696 00:35:50,870 --> 00:35:51,880 Usually. 697 00:35:51,920 --> 00:35:54,350 Usually. As do mine. 698 00:35:55,060 --> 00:35:56,910 Leaving Skye with us 699 00:35:56,910 --> 00:35:58,500 is the logical choice, I promise. 700 00:35:58,680 --> 00:36:01,590 No. No, that is not what I mean. 701 00:36:01,680 --> 00:36:04,450 Asgard is millennia beyond you 702 00:36:04,450 --> 00:36:06,840 in our pursuit of science, of knowledge, 703 00:36:06,840 --> 00:36:08,210 And we have learned 704 00:36:08,470 --> 00:36:11,250 there are some things that can never be understood. 705 00:36:11,290 --> 00:36:13,290 Is this little talk one of them? 706 00:36:13,450 --> 00:36:15,900 I know you wish to affect the outcome, 707 00:36:16,400 --> 00:36:20,190 But it may be -- it may be beyond that. 708 00:36:21,950 --> 00:36:23,430 Are you talking about fate? 709 00:36:23,440 --> 00:36:25,300 I am saying there are tides in the universe 710 00:36:25,310 --> 00:36:27,110 that you cannot swim against. 711 00:36:31,710 --> 00:36:34,510 Best of luck, son of Coul. 712 00:36:34,870 --> 00:36:35,790 Thank you. 713 00:36:45,910 --> 00:36:48,680 Heimdall, open the bifrost. 714 00:36:58,730 --> 00:37:00,610 Not a lot of laughs, that one. 715 00:37:00,630 --> 00:37:02,710 And when I say that about somebody... 716 00:37:04,500 --> 00:37:05,760 You agree with her. 717 00:37:06,050 --> 00:37:08,010 You think Skye's more than we can handle. 718 00:37:08,670 --> 00:37:11,280 Look, most of the time, I believe what I see. 719 00:37:11,280 --> 00:37:13,120 You know that, but... 720 00:37:13,120 --> 00:37:14,000 "But"... 721 00:37:15,090 --> 00:37:16,100 You died. 722 00:37:16,450 --> 00:37:18,040 You were brought back... 723 00:37:18,320 --> 00:37:21,340 with a map to a city encoded in your DNA. 724 00:37:22,010 --> 00:37:23,490 Our team's first mission? 725 00:37:23,860 --> 00:37:24,930 We picked up Skye. 726 00:37:24,930 --> 00:37:26,810 Last week, we took her to that city. 727 00:37:26,810 --> 00:37:29,230 I can't help but remember what Lumley said. 728 00:37:30,520 --> 00:37:32,100 Wherever Skye goes... 729 00:37:32,820 --> 00:37:34,120 Death follows. 730 00:37:43,310 --> 00:37:44,220 Jemma... 731 00:37:48,110 --> 00:37:50,610 I know you feel that I could have been, uh... 732 00:37:51,800 --> 00:37:53,510 a bit more forthrigh... 733 00:37:53,510 --> 00:37:54,570 "Forthright." 734 00:37:54,650 --> 00:37:56,300 Fitz, as understatements go, 735 00:37:56,300 --> 00:37:59,190 I think that qualifies as an instant classic. 736 00:37:59,500 --> 00:38:01,110 You lied to me. 737 00:38:01,260 --> 00:38:02,690 Okay. So now we're even. 738 00:38:03,560 --> 00:38:05,570 Can you blame me, the way you were going on about Raina, 739 00:38:05,580 --> 00:38:08,610 that she's a-a-a plague to be eradicated? I mean-- 740 00:38:08,610 --> 00:38:10,670 Skye is my friend. She's different. 741 00:38:10,670 --> 00:38:13,110 Oh, yeah. Like I was your friend, and then I changed. 742 00:38:13,110 --> 00:38:14,480 How did you handle that? 743 00:38:15,140 --> 00:38:17,610 Uh, t-the point is, secrets don't help any of us. 744 00:38:17,610 --> 00:38:19,070 Skye should have just come clean. 745 00:38:19,070 --> 00:38:21,300 What, and risk being locked up, studied, or who knows what else? 746 00:38:21,300 --> 00:38:22,490 No, I wouldn't let her. 747 00:38:22,490 --> 00:38:23,490 Oh, you wouldn't let her. 748 00:38:23,490 --> 00:38:24,180 We could have handled her 749 00:38:24,180 --> 00:38:25,810 in a way that would have kept everyone safe. 750 00:38:25,810 --> 00:38:28,110 It wasn't fair to us, Fitz. We had a right to know. 751 00:38:28,110 --> 00:38:30,400 A right to know. What... is that the same way 752 00:38:30,400 --> 00:38:31,890 that Sif and the Kree had a right to know? 753 00:38:31,890 --> 00:38:33,600 I think this situation's a little bit different, mate. 754 00:38:33,600 --> 00:38:34,650 No, you would have done to her 755 00:38:34,650 --> 00:38:36,960 - exactly what they wanted to. - You don't know that. 756 00:38:36,960 --> 00:38:38,820 Yes, I do know that! They would... you would... 757 00:38:38,820 --> 00:38:40,980 you'd "Handle her"! Mack just said it! Like, uh -- 758 00:38:40,980 --> 00:38:43,740 like Skye's something to be locked away in a cage somewhere. 759 00:38:43,740 --> 00:38:45,080 We should be protecting her. 760 00:38:45,080 --> 00:38:49,030 No, Fitz. We're the ones that need protection from her. 761 00:38:55,840 --> 00:38:56,870 S... 762 00:39:07,630 --> 00:39:08,560 Skye. 763 00:40:00,020 --> 00:40:01,030 Let's talk. 764 00:40:01,810 --> 00:40:02,850 Hey, what's going on? 765 00:40:02,850 --> 00:40:04,180 - You and Bobbi... - What's up? 766 00:40:04,960 --> 00:40:06,060 I-I don't know what you're talking... 767 00:40:06,060 --> 00:40:08,310 No, I know you're keeping something from me. 768 00:40:08,570 --> 00:40:10,630 I don't know what it is, but here's what I do know. 769 00:40:10,890 --> 00:40:12,620 I know about the flash drive. 770 00:40:12,620 --> 00:40:13,930 I know Coulson doesn't know about it, 771 00:40:13,940 --> 00:40:15,560 but I bet he'd like to. 772 00:40:15,830 --> 00:40:17,560 I know there's no support group. 773 00:40:17,560 --> 00:40:18,770 Hunter, listen. It's... 774 00:40:18,770 --> 00:40:20,690 No, Mack, don't. 775 00:40:22,630 --> 00:40:23,870 Who's "Backup"? 776 00:40:24,110 --> 00:40:26,200 Bobbi mentioned it to you in the hallway. 777 00:40:26,540 --> 00:40:29,160 Who, is "Backup"? 778 00:40:29,230 --> 00:40:30,230 Okay, I... 779 00:40:31,630 --> 00:40:33,150 Well, that's... 780 00:40:50,840 --> 00:40:51,990 Damn it.