1 00:00:00,289 --> 00:00:02,681 Previously on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."... 2 00:00:02,884 --> 00:00:05,175 Do you see an Earth that can be saved? 3 00:00:05,209 --> 00:00:08,045 It's too late. It's already been quaked apart. 4 00:00:08,079 --> 00:00:09,947 We need to make sure this world never comes to be. 5 00:00:09,981 --> 00:00:12,249 Yeah. No matter what. 6 00:00:12,283 --> 00:00:14,084 We found a literal piece of the puzzle. 7 00:00:14,118 --> 00:00:15,886 The Monolith ... it's been fractured. 8 00:00:15,920 --> 00:00:19,319 - The shard fits into the machine right here. - This could be our way home. 9 00:00:19,354 --> 00:00:20,123 Yeah, but the shard alone isn't enough. 10 00:00:20,124 --> 00:00:21,158 We need the whole Monolith. 11 00:00:21,159 --> 00:00:24,027 You've seen what I can do. All right? I can help. 12 00:00:24,062 --> 00:00:26,964 You say his geokinesis is the key to building a new Monolith. 13 00:00:26,998 --> 00:00:28,602 That's the idea. 14 00:00:28,637 --> 00:00:30,734 Won't matter if we can't make it back to the Lighthouse. 15 00:00:30,768 --> 00:00:32,235 Everybody buckle in! 16 00:00:39,610 --> 00:00:41,712 - We spotted something that ... - Let me guess. 17 00:00:41,746 --> 00:00:44,214 The Destroyer and her friends are heading here. 18 00:00:44,248 --> 00:00:46,805 - Yes, but how do you ... - Ready a squad. 19 00:00:47,285 --> 00:00:50,287 Kasius, apologies, but how did you know? 20 00:00:50,321 --> 00:00:53,123 They have a seer telling them what's to come. 21 00:00:53,157 --> 00:00:55,598 Well, I have one of my own. 22 00:01:00,741 --> 00:01:05,602 5x10 - Past Life 23 00:01:51,049 --> 00:01:52,649 No... 24 00:01:53,918 --> 00:01:58,855 Tear the ship apart. Find them! 25 00:02:00,272 --> 00:02:03,601 sync & correction by f1nc0 ~ Addic7ed.com ~ 26 00:02:20,678 --> 00:02:22,278 All clear. 27 00:02:24,682 --> 00:02:27,818 Hopefully, we can say the same for Enoch. 28 00:02:32,123 --> 00:02:34,558 No life-forms detected. 29 00:03:02,253 --> 00:03:04,754 The diversion seems to have worked. 30 00:03:04,789 --> 00:03:06,790 They're still searching the ship. 31 00:03:06,824 --> 00:03:08,291 Good. You're secure? 32 00:03:08,292 --> 00:03:11,061 Yes. The machine will be online 33 00:03:11,095 --> 00:03:13,850 by the time Flint builds the Monolith. 34 00:03:14,332 --> 00:03:16,580 Easier said than done. 35 00:03:30,248 --> 00:03:34,084 So, one more time ... the machine uses the little piece 36 00:03:34,118 --> 00:03:36,219 to trigger the bigger piece through space? 37 00:03:36,254 --> 00:03:37,354 Yeah, or time. 38 00:03:37,355 --> 00:03:39,956 It mirrors the harmonic resonant frequency of photons, 39 00:03:39,991 --> 00:03:41,538 which can exist out of space-time. 40 00:03:41,573 --> 00:03:43,393 Yeah, I ... I hear you saying words, but what ... what do they ... 41 00:03:43,394 --> 00:03:45,595 If Flint can't construct the Monolith, none of this matters. 42 00:03:45,596 --> 00:03:47,430 Robin said he can, so I believe it. 43 00:03:47,465 --> 00:03:49,432 We'll talk him through it once we meet up with them. 44 00:03:49,467 --> 00:03:51,801 We can't go yet. There are still people in danger. 45 00:03:51,836 --> 00:03:54,270 Coulson's on it. He's rescuing the Inhumans right now. 46 00:03:54,272 --> 00:03:56,535 But not the dead ones. 47 00:03:57,475 --> 00:03:59,176 Look. When I was brought back, 48 00:03:59,210 --> 00:04:01,945 I heard someone else going through the same pain, 49 00:04:01,979 --> 00:04:05,315 - the same process. - Being revived? Who? 50 00:04:05,349 --> 00:04:07,751 Some Inhuman. Has to be. 51 00:04:07,785 --> 00:04:09,352 They're the only thing Kasius values. 52 00:04:09,353 --> 00:04:12,322 Look, if we don't find them, nobody will. It's a whole other section ... 53 00:04:12,323 --> 00:04:14,457 Yeah, but right now, you need to get on that trawler. 54 00:04:14,492 --> 00:04:16,493 People are depending on you to fly them up to safety. 55 00:04:16,527 --> 00:04:20,062 Show me where to go, I'll go. 56 00:04:20,198 --> 00:04:23,400 Tess is needed at the trawler. You guys meet Fitz-Simmons. 57 00:04:23,401 --> 00:04:25,135 I'll save whoever I can and meet you at the rendezvous. 58 00:04:25,169 --> 00:04:27,637 - Easy. - Nothing about that sounds easy. 59 00:04:27,672 --> 00:04:29,206 You two get that thing to Flint. 60 00:04:29,207 --> 00:04:31,124 - We'll worry about survivors... - And kill Kasius. 61 00:04:31,125 --> 00:04:33,410 - ...get them to safety. - And then we kill Kasius? 62 00:04:33,411 --> 00:04:34,411 When does that happen? 63 00:04:34,412 --> 00:04:36,746 Because some of us aren't getting out of here on a magic rock. 64 00:04:36,747 --> 00:04:39,716 We won't leave until humanity's in control of its future. 65 00:04:39,750 --> 00:04:42,485 But in the meantime, everyone do your job, 66 00:04:42,520 --> 00:04:44,254 meet at the rendezvous point. 67 00:04:50,394 --> 00:04:54,331 Mack, it's an Inhuman in pain. I have to go. 68 00:04:54,365 --> 00:04:57,634 - Elena, please... - Look at you. 69 00:04:57,635 --> 00:05:00,303 A few days ago, you were begging for spare mushrooms. 70 00:05:00,338 --> 00:05:02,372 Now you're the kid who's saving the world. 71 00:05:02,406 --> 00:05:03,873 Don't say that. 72 00:05:03,874 --> 00:05:05,909 I liked it better when I was flying under the radar. 73 00:05:05,943 --> 00:05:09,022 Kid without hair ... you were never under the radar. 74 00:05:10,448 --> 00:05:14,584 You'll do great. Get back safe, okay? 75 00:05:14,585 --> 00:05:17,553 Reading minds is not one of them. 76 00:05:19,257 --> 00:05:22,331 Take care of the big guy. He worries. 77 00:05:36,307 --> 00:05:40,977 Shh. Shh. 78 00:05:42,313 --> 00:05:43,647 I'm here. 79 00:05:43,648 --> 00:05:49,352 I'm here... to care for you as you've cared for me. 80 00:05:51,789 --> 00:05:55,258 - Fix her. - This damage is beyond repair. 81 00:05:55,293 --> 00:05:57,360 You do it all the time for Inhumans, 82 00:05:57,395 --> 00:06:00,130 the trash girl I sent as my messenger. Fix her. 83 00:06:00,131 --> 00:06:03,199 Terran biology is simple. Sinara is Kree. 84 00:06:03,234 --> 00:06:05,068 It won't work. You know this. 85 00:06:05,102 --> 00:06:08,438 Stop defying me and fix her. 86 00:06:08,472 --> 00:06:10,373 With respect, she's dead. 87 00:06:10,408 --> 00:06:13,276 I don't know how to remedy that for our kind. 88 00:06:16,347 --> 00:06:20,720 Then I suggest you study the condition more closely. 89 00:06:22,653 --> 00:06:25,855 Fetch the Inhuman trainer. 90 00:06:29,760 --> 00:06:35,498 Look at me, clawing at the walls of my own mind. 91 00:06:35,533 --> 00:06:38,601 I envy your sleep. 92 00:06:38,636 --> 00:06:42,572 You rest while S.H.I.E.L.D. stalks my every move. 93 00:06:42,606 --> 00:06:44,641 Scavengers. 94 00:06:48,179 --> 00:06:52,415 No, you're right. They plot to destroy my enterprise 95 00:06:52,450 --> 00:06:54,851 as they did the world my father lusted after. 96 00:07:05,996 --> 00:07:09,466 Tell me these scraps are not all that was recovered from the ship. 97 00:07:10,401 --> 00:07:12,769 From the old woman you sent to the surface... 98 00:07:12,803 --> 00:07:18,108 - years ago, who spoke of the prophecy. - I remember. 99 00:07:18,142 --> 00:07:21,111 She who predicted they'd come through time. 100 00:07:21,145 --> 00:07:25,615 - Yes. I think she intended them ... - To go back. 101 00:07:28,519 --> 00:07:30,420 Of course. 102 00:07:31,822 --> 00:07:37,360 Every word from my seer's mouth confirms they would. 103 00:07:37,395 --> 00:07:42,699 And if they're here, they have yet to crack the world apart. 104 00:07:45,169 --> 00:07:47,537 Well, picture it, Sinara. 105 00:07:47,571 --> 00:07:51,141 To them, it's still lush, still whole. 106 00:07:53,711 --> 00:07:56,210 Tye. 107 00:07:57,581 --> 00:08:00,216 You've never seen the Earth as it was. 108 00:08:00,251 --> 00:08:04,587 My father... 109 00:08:04,622 --> 00:08:09,692 who had better vision than his race who shunned him, 110 00:08:09,727 --> 00:08:11,961 called it a hidden blue gem. 111 00:08:13,464 --> 00:08:18,168 He and his entire confederacy wanted it for their own. 112 00:08:20,638 --> 00:08:26,910 Gather my Inhumans, a fighting force to crush S.H.I.E.L.D. 113 00:08:26,944 --> 00:08:29,546 With them out of the past, 114 00:08:29,580 --> 00:08:33,516 my father will then encounter no resistance. 115 00:08:35,286 --> 00:08:39,592 Earth waiting for his embrace. 116 00:08:40,624 --> 00:08:45,762 Yes, but the remaining Inhumans are barely trained. 117 00:08:57,308 --> 00:08:59,409 My family has a tradition. 118 00:09:00,744 --> 00:09:03,079 When all is lost... 119 00:09:04,748 --> 00:09:08,318 ...you die with honor. 120 00:09:08,352 --> 00:09:09,919 Drink the Odium. 121 00:09:15,759 --> 00:09:18,962 It burns through the body. 122 00:09:20,030 --> 00:09:23,433 All strength, no pain. 123 00:09:27,972 --> 00:09:29,572 A fearsome last stand. 124 00:09:32,676 --> 00:09:36,579 A brilliant flash of light and splendor. 125 00:09:45,656 --> 00:09:47,123 Go fight. 126 00:09:47,124 --> 00:09:52,462 Until the last moment when your heart bursts with rage. 127 00:09:58,238 --> 00:10:00,739 If we ever get out of here... 128 00:10:00,740 --> 00:10:03,375 I'm gonna tour my bike down a very scenic highway 129 00:10:03,409 --> 00:10:05,377 till the wheels melt off. 130 00:10:06,446 --> 00:10:11,283 - Isn't that the thing that kids ride? - It's a motorcycle. 131 00:10:13,553 --> 00:10:18,223 Imagine a... a rocket on two wheels... 132 00:10:18,257 --> 00:10:22,260 - with a place to hold on. - Sounds crazy. 133 00:10:22,295 --> 00:10:23,895 Yeah, you'd dig it. 134 00:10:28,601 --> 00:10:33,138 You know... Earth isn't a bad place to grow up. 135 00:10:35,374 --> 00:10:38,276 If you want to come... 136 00:10:38,311 --> 00:10:40,712 you'd always have a home with me and Yo-Yo. 137 00:10:42,315 --> 00:10:43,949 Yeah, well, still don't know how 138 00:10:43,983 --> 00:10:45,584 I'm supposed to build a time machine. 139 00:10:45,618 --> 00:10:48,220 It's a portal, not a time machine. 140 00:10:50,623 --> 00:10:54,981 And you'll build it with this. 141 00:11:07,440 --> 00:11:08,507 - Let's go! - Go, go, go! 142 00:11:08,508 --> 00:11:10,442 Get the Inhumans to the trawler! 143 00:11:13,646 --> 00:11:15,480 Guns, man! It's like cheating! 144 00:11:15,515 --> 00:11:16,982 They shouldn't give these to anyone 145 00:11:16,983 --> 00:11:18,350 that's not a really, really good person. 146 00:11:18,351 --> 00:11:21,407 - You think there'd be a law. - Daisy! 147 00:11:46,345 --> 00:11:49,748 - What happened to you? - Kasius freed me. 148 00:11:49,782 --> 00:11:52,283 I feel no pain. 149 00:11:54,487 --> 00:11:56,087 Aah! 150 00:12:01,227 --> 00:12:03,428 Feel that? 151 00:12:05,665 --> 00:12:07,833 You okay? 152 00:12:07,867 --> 00:12:10,869 - Just a wardrobe malfunction. You? - Yeah. 153 00:12:10,870 --> 00:12:12,771 Turns out they have PCP in space. 154 00:12:26,719 --> 00:12:28,520 I heard you were dead. 155 00:12:29,589 --> 00:12:33,925 You look good for... dead. I mean, I... 156 00:12:33,926 --> 00:12:36,154 You don't look great, but you ... I mean, you've been 157 00:12:36,155 --> 00:12:40,574 - through something, but ... - It's good to see you, too, Deke. 158 00:12:50,943 --> 00:12:53,511 I've been where you are right now. 159 00:12:53,546 --> 00:12:58,216 Something like this... changes you. 160 00:12:58,251 --> 00:13:01,019 Yeah? 161 00:13:01,053 --> 00:13:05,891 I keep questioning what happened, what's real. 162 00:13:07,293 --> 00:13:10,962 That's real, and it's worth the cost. 163 00:13:12,698 --> 00:13:16,368 Okay. This trawler's almost ready. We should get to the rendezvous. 164 00:13:16,402 --> 00:13:18,370 You okay flying them up to the human levels? 165 00:13:18,404 --> 00:13:19,971 I've been watching enough to manage on my own. 166 00:13:19,972 --> 00:13:23,224 I'll be back for Flint, anyone else coming up. 167 00:13:23,259 --> 00:13:26,807 Good. Now get out of here. 168 00:13:31,338 --> 00:13:35,587 You were right. We can fight back. 169 00:14:03,015 --> 00:14:06,151 The ambush cost us the last of our Inhumans. 170 00:14:06,185 --> 00:14:10,322 But there's nowhere to go. They will be caught. Trust me. 171 00:14:13,092 --> 00:14:17,395 "Trust," he says, over and again. 172 00:14:17,430 --> 00:14:22,534 Tye, the doctor, my royal guards ... failures, all. 173 00:14:24,704 --> 00:14:29,607 - Even you, if I'm being honest. - Sir. Sir, we need a plan. 174 00:14:29,642 --> 00:14:33,244 Silence! Can't you see we're discussing one? 175 00:14:43,823 --> 00:14:46,424 I, too, have failed. 176 00:14:47,626 --> 00:14:51,963 Lost Inhumans. Lost you. 177 00:14:51,964 --> 00:14:55,333 The glory we sought evades us. 178 00:15:00,339 --> 00:15:04,009 But if I pledge myself... 179 00:15:06,078 --> 00:15:08,980 ...I could still give my father everything he desired, 180 00:15:09,015 --> 00:15:12,250 help elevate the Kasius family name. 181 00:15:27,433 --> 00:15:30,668 I know there's a path back to glory. 182 00:15:33,572 --> 00:15:35,607 A path back to you. 183 00:15:41,781 --> 00:15:47,585 My seer's knowledge has run dry ... that, or she has misled us. 184 00:15:50,589 --> 00:15:53,091 Either way, it's time I used her 185 00:15:53,125 --> 00:15:55,894 to send one last message of my own. 186 00:16:19,618 --> 00:16:21,419 Hello? 187 00:16:23,255 --> 00:16:25,557 I'm here to help. 188 00:16:29,495 --> 00:16:31,763 What's your name? 189 00:16:34,767 --> 00:16:36,779 Elena. 190 00:16:37,770 --> 00:16:41,225 It's good to see you. 191 00:16:46,193 --> 00:16:47,668 This is a trick. 192 00:16:47,777 --> 00:16:50,503 I thought the same thing when I was standing where you are. 193 00:16:50,537 --> 00:16:53,506 - This isn't real. - I wish it were true. 194 00:16:53,540 --> 00:16:56,342 An LMD or a Framework illusion... 195 00:16:56,377 --> 00:17:00,780 - but it's me. I'm you. - How? I ... 196 00:17:00,814 --> 00:17:05,785 I waited so long to see myself again, still with hope in my eyes. 197 00:17:05,819 --> 00:17:07,587 How are you alive? 198 00:17:08,889 --> 00:17:10,489 They killed me, 199 00:17:10,491 --> 00:17:14,460 brought me back to take my blood, my DNA, 200 00:17:14,495 --> 00:17:17,263 then again and again for years. 201 00:17:17,297 --> 00:17:22,468 They revive me when they want, kill me when they don't. 202 00:17:22,503 --> 00:17:26,806 What? H-How? How many times? 203 00:17:26,840 --> 00:17:29,833 I held on to the thought of this moment. 204 00:17:31,512 --> 00:17:36,382 - No. This is wrong. - But this time, 205 00:17:36,417 --> 00:17:39,879 when they asked me how our team fought back, 206 00:17:39,914 --> 00:17:43,016 I tried to give them as little as I could. 207 00:17:43,051 --> 00:17:45,625 But I knew you were close. 208 00:17:45,659 --> 00:17:50,730 You and... Mack. 209 00:17:52,199 --> 00:17:56,124 Mack. He's still alive. 210 00:17:57,471 --> 00:18:00,073 Hold him for as long as you can. 211 00:18:00,107 --> 00:18:02,742 What happens to Mack? What happens? 212 00:18:02,776 --> 00:18:05,645 I practiced so many times what to say. 213 00:18:05,679 --> 00:18:09,415 I wanted to be better, save you from the pain. 214 00:18:09,450 --> 00:18:13,820 But seeing you... 215 00:18:13,854 --> 00:18:17,490 - all the pain comes back. - You've been here this whole time... 216 00:18:17,524 --> 00:18:20,827 Stuck in the loop. 217 00:18:20,861 --> 00:18:23,462 - Like you. - The loop? 218 00:18:25,165 --> 00:18:27,700 We make it back in time. 219 00:18:27,734 --> 00:18:31,456 But then we bring everything that's to come. 220 00:18:31,491 --> 00:18:36,342 - I... I don't believe that. - I know. 221 00:18:36,376 --> 00:18:39,345 I don't think I did, either. 222 00:18:39,379 --> 00:18:44,016 Until I was on fire, reaching for Mack. 223 00:18:44,051 --> 00:18:46,452 And then there was nothing there. 224 00:18:46,487 --> 00:18:48,287 Well, you can tell me how to stop it, right? 225 00:18:48,322 --> 00:18:52,325 - How do we change it? - I'm not sure you can. 226 00:19:07,207 --> 00:19:10,468 Hello, again. They have located me. 227 00:19:10,503 --> 00:19:14,147 Repeat ... they have located me. 228 00:19:15,782 --> 00:19:17,650 We copy. You sure they found you? 229 00:19:17,684 --> 00:19:20,353 The evidence is highly suggestive. 230 00:19:20,387 --> 00:19:22,088 We never should have left him alone. 231 00:19:22,122 --> 00:19:24,824 We're here forever if he loses control of that machine. 232 00:19:24,858 --> 00:19:27,603 Enoch, how long can you hold out? 233 00:19:32,466 --> 00:19:34,600 I calculate 12 minutes. 234 00:19:34,635 --> 00:19:36,669 What? That is not enough time. 235 00:19:36,703 --> 00:19:39,238 That machine activates a Monolith we haven't even built yet. 236 00:19:39,239 --> 00:19:43,176 - We have to go secure the Zephyr. - Oh, damn it. Really? 237 00:19:43,210 --> 00:19:46,045 We had to leave the machine in the hands of some automaton? 238 00:19:46,079 --> 00:19:48,514 I knew the moment that I laid eyes on all of you 239 00:19:48,549 --> 00:19:51,751 that it was gonna spell my downfall. 240 00:19:56,623 --> 00:19:58,223 I'll go. 241 00:19:59,159 --> 00:20:03,548 I'll secure the machine and... save the weird robot. 242 00:20:03,664 --> 00:20:07,066 Well, I'll come. It'd be better if we take the plane together. 243 00:20:07,100 --> 00:20:09,035 Yeah. No duh. But none of the time travelers can go, 244 00:20:09,036 --> 00:20:10,970 because you all need to be at the rendezvous 245 00:20:11,004 --> 00:20:12,605 when it's turned on, so do the math. 246 00:20:12,639 --> 00:20:16,742 You're one guy against the Kree. You'll be massively outgunned. 247 00:20:16,743 --> 00:20:19,145 I'm kind of trying to do the whole hero thing here, man. 248 00:20:19,179 --> 00:20:21,747 Is that your pep talk? 249 00:20:21,782 --> 00:20:24,720 You guys get killed, and who saves the world then? 250 00:20:25,319 --> 00:20:27,787 I told my parents not to believe in this roach-crap fairy tale, 251 00:20:27,821 --> 00:20:29,488 and they went and they died for it anyway. 252 00:20:29,523 --> 00:20:31,390 And I'm probably next in line. 253 00:20:31,425 --> 00:20:33,459 But there is no way in hell that I am gonna let 254 00:20:33,493 --> 00:20:36,896 some blue Kreeper destroy that machine before I get to see 255 00:20:36,930 --> 00:20:38,631 whether or not that damn thing was worth any of this. 256 00:20:38,665 --> 00:20:40,366 Look, I'm sure you put up a good fight, but if my ride home 257 00:20:40,367 --> 00:20:41,968 depends on that machine, I'm gonna secure it myself. 258 00:20:41,969 --> 00:20:44,737 You ... You drive me out of my skull, 259 00:20:44,771 --> 00:20:47,840 this part of you ... this impetuous, bullheaded squabb... 260 00:20:47,874 --> 00:20:49,375 I was offering backup, genius. 261 00:20:49,376 --> 00:20:52,311 No, when the other side of you is a friggin' hero 262 00:20:52,346 --> 00:20:56,716 who can't help herself but do good, then be great. 263 00:20:58,685 --> 00:21:01,487 The world needs that person to make it home. 264 00:21:06,793 --> 00:21:10,830 Just try not to destroy it when you get there. 265 00:21:10,864 --> 00:21:15,557 - It was almost nice knowing you. - And you're a pain in my ass. 266 00:21:18,639 --> 00:21:22,308 - I'm not sure I'm ready for this. - Okay. 267 00:21:22,342 --> 00:21:25,177 Close your eyes and concentrate on the stone. 268 00:21:27,848 --> 00:21:29,649 Can you feel it? 269 00:21:31,551 --> 00:21:34,887 - Yes. And I can move it. - Not yet. 270 00:21:34,888 --> 00:21:38,324 So, every part of the universe, from the stars to this stone, 271 00:21:38,358 --> 00:21:40,493 are basically made from the same things. 272 00:21:40,527 --> 00:21:43,162 And you're in touch with its mineral composition. 273 00:21:43,196 --> 00:21:45,398 - You can manipulate it, yeah? - Mm-hmm. 274 00:21:45,432 --> 00:21:48,868 So now I want you to feel how this stone is different 275 00:21:48,902 --> 00:21:50,553 from others you've felt before... 276 00:21:50,554 --> 00:21:53,406 but its internal structure. Can you? 277 00:21:53,407 --> 00:21:56,475 I-I know it's a stone. 278 00:21:56,510 --> 00:21:59,745 But inside, it's intricate, complex. 279 00:21:59,780 --> 00:22:04,717 You know, parts hardened by pressure, hollowed by loss. 280 00:22:07,954 --> 00:22:14,927 I feel... gaps. Like, uh... 281 00:22:14,961 --> 00:22:19,231 Like someone carved patterns at a micro level. 282 00:22:20,634 --> 00:22:24,603 - It's beautiful. - Yeah. That's right. 283 00:22:24,638 --> 00:22:27,670 - He's good at this. - Yeah. So are you. 284 00:22:28,108 --> 00:22:30,710 It's a composite, we think. Mostly limestone. 285 00:22:30,744 --> 00:22:33,150 I can't generate rock. Oh, no, that's okay. 286 00:22:33,185 --> 00:22:34,914 We know where to find plenty of limestone. 287 00:22:34,948 --> 00:22:37,516 Okay. But if it's a composite, what about the rest? 288 00:22:37,551 --> 00:22:39,385 We have a plan for that. 289 00:22:41,321 --> 00:22:45,213 - They're coming. We got to move. - Let's go! 290 00:22:45,659 --> 00:22:47,860 Hey, how are you with confined spaces? 291 00:22:47,894 --> 00:22:50,896 - I grew up in a tin can. - Okay, good. What about vast ones? 292 00:22:53,400 --> 00:22:56,034 - Hey. - Submit and avoid pain! 293 00:23:08,915 --> 00:23:14,187 - We got to run now. - This was your way out? 294 00:23:15,021 --> 00:23:16,589 Can't fight them all. 295 00:23:16,590 --> 00:23:20,449 The rest need to be afraid to follow us. 296 00:23:23,797 --> 00:23:27,433 Whatever's coming, I'm not afraid to hear it. 297 00:23:27,467 --> 00:23:32,071 - Tell me how to fight. - I want to. 298 00:23:32,105 --> 00:23:34,607 I want to help you fix the mistakes. 299 00:23:36,843 --> 00:23:39,512 I want to tell you something different than last time. 300 00:23:39,546 --> 00:23:42,815 But the more I talk... 301 00:23:42,849 --> 00:23:46,652 the more I hear my words echo all over again. 302 00:23:46,686 --> 00:23:48,921 It's okay. Take it slow. 303 00:23:48,955 --> 00:23:54,460 - Just tell me what you remember. - I remember feeling helpless. 304 00:23:54,494 --> 00:23:57,530 Not being able to change people's choices. 305 00:23:57,564 --> 00:24:01,162 His choices. 306 00:24:01,568 --> 00:24:06,505 - Mack? - No. Coulson. 307 00:24:08,809 --> 00:24:12,978 - How we looking? - Almost done. 308 00:24:13,013 --> 00:24:14,914 Yay. 309 00:24:17,584 --> 00:24:22,655 All set. Express train to the bottom of the Lighthouse, no stops. 310 00:24:22,689 --> 00:24:24,957 Right to the belly of the beast. 311 00:24:24,991 --> 00:24:28,138 Daisy, can't waste time. 312 00:24:28,929 --> 00:24:31,323 I'm not coming. 313 00:24:34,701 --> 00:24:36,001 I know you're scared about going home. 314 00:24:36,002 --> 00:24:38,737 No, I'm terrified. Look around. 315 00:24:38,738 --> 00:24:40,806 Billions of people gone. 316 00:24:40,841 --> 00:24:44,243 If there's a chance I'm the cause... I can't go. 317 00:24:44,277 --> 00:24:45,911 We can get through this together. 318 00:24:45,946 --> 00:24:47,880 You don't even have your powers anymore. 319 00:24:47,914 --> 00:24:49,815 It's only a matter of time, and you know it. 320 00:24:49,850 --> 00:24:52,051 If there's an emergency or if one of you are in danger, 321 00:24:52,085 --> 00:24:54,086 I will need them, and we will find a way. 322 00:24:54,120 --> 00:24:56,989 If I go through that portal, you know it's the beginning of the end. 323 00:24:57,023 --> 00:25:00,726 - I don't. - We made it back home, and we fought 324 00:25:00,760 --> 00:25:03,962 to save the world from a future we knew was coming. 325 00:25:03,963 --> 00:25:06,098 - We have to fight. - Of course. 326 00:25:06,099 --> 00:25:10,536 But the more we fought... the closer it came. 327 00:25:10,570 --> 00:25:12,404 We don't even know you did this. 328 00:25:12,439 --> 00:25:15,274 - I was right in the epicenter. - I won't let you sacrifice yourself 329 00:25:15,275 --> 00:25:16,775 because you're scared of what's to come. 330 00:25:16,776 --> 00:25:19,778 What's to come is the end of everything. 331 00:25:19,813 --> 00:25:23,616 If you can change the future here, you can change it from back home. 332 00:25:23,650 --> 00:25:26,619 But we know this solution works. We can stop this today. 333 00:25:26,620 --> 00:25:29,221 No, it's not about today. It's about tomorrow. 334 00:25:29,222 --> 00:25:32,625 Even if we solve this problem, the world is never safe. 335 00:25:32,659 --> 00:25:35,394 The job goes on. We go on. 336 00:25:35,428 --> 00:25:39,465 The team makes one choice, and it ruins everything. 337 00:25:39,499 --> 00:25:41,099 A choice to do what? 338 00:25:43,103 --> 00:25:44,870 - To save him. - What do you mean? 339 00:25:44,905 --> 00:25:47,940 - Please. - Maybe I don't go with you. 340 00:25:47,974 --> 00:25:50,643 You know it's the right move. 341 00:25:50,677 --> 00:25:55,314 Coulson, as an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., you trained me to fight. 342 00:25:55,348 --> 00:25:58,576 Now I'm making my stand... here. 343 00:25:58,611 --> 00:26:02,169 May trained you to fight. 344 00:26:04,658 --> 00:26:06,651 I need you to lead. 345 00:26:12,132 --> 00:26:14,227 Phil Coulson is dying. 346 00:26:14,601 --> 00:26:17,201 And you have to let him. 347 00:26:33,635 --> 00:26:37,604 Coulson... How? How does he die? 348 00:26:38,640 --> 00:26:41,275 It's already begun. 349 00:26:41,309 --> 00:26:45,312 He's sick, and he knows it. We tried to stop it. 350 00:26:45,346 --> 00:26:48,949 Loyalty ... it cost us the world. 351 00:26:48,983 --> 00:26:51,618 You heard all this, and still you couldn't change anything. 352 00:26:51,653 --> 00:26:56,323 I know. Stuck in the loop. 353 00:26:56,357 --> 00:26:59,737 But you can forge a different fu... 354 00:27:00,662 --> 00:27:05,499 Even as I say the words, I realize I've heard them before. 355 00:27:05,533 --> 00:27:07,801 Are you telling me to go back and change the world, 356 00:27:07,835 --> 00:27:09,636 or are you warning me that I can't? 357 00:27:11,506 --> 00:27:13,540 You need to go. They're coming. 358 00:27:13,541 --> 00:27:15,942 - No. Not yet. - I hope you travel a path 359 00:27:15,943 --> 00:27:18,712 to a world I've never seen. Now go. 360 00:27:18,713 --> 00:27:19,980 Not until you come with me! 361 00:27:19,981 --> 00:27:24,065 Go! This is not my path. 362 00:27:24,485 --> 00:27:27,654 Please! Please. 363 00:27:27,689 --> 00:27:29,589 Go now! 364 00:28:58,379 --> 00:29:02,849 They were sweeping the floor, but never reported in. 365 00:29:02,884 --> 00:29:04,618 We underestimated their strength, sir. 366 00:29:04,652 --> 00:29:07,788 Strength? They cut off their heads. 367 00:29:07,822 --> 00:29:09,556 They must answer for it. 368 00:29:09,590 --> 00:29:14,694 They have nowhere to run. We have their ship. 369 00:29:14,729 --> 00:29:18,799 Next, we secure all of the trawlers 370 00:29:18,833 --> 00:29:22,568 and squeeze the Terrans until they drop at our feet. 371 00:29:33,681 --> 00:29:35,949 Oh, no... 372 00:29:49,518 --> 00:29:50,831 You okay? 373 00:29:55,036 --> 00:29:57,895 Well... that worked. 374 00:30:06,547 --> 00:30:09,683 My last experience will be a new one. 375 00:30:18,626 --> 00:30:21,127 Where has this been all my life, right? 376 00:30:21,162 --> 00:30:24,865 Level three, hidden in a wall cavity. 377 00:30:24,899 --> 00:30:26,800 Yeah, now you tell me. 378 00:30:28,135 --> 00:30:31,838 Well, that's not good. What's it gonna take to fix you up? 379 00:30:31,873 --> 00:30:37,177 I think, at this point, our efforts would be best spent... 380 00:30:37,211 --> 00:30:39,482 repairing that. 381 00:30:44,752 --> 00:30:48,688 You got this. Just concentrate. 382 00:30:52,260 --> 00:30:54,327 He's a bright kid. 383 00:30:55,563 --> 00:30:57,497 Sorry I killed the guards in front of him. 384 00:30:57,532 --> 00:31:00,667 Yeah. It's good to see him building something. 385 00:31:00,701 --> 00:31:02,769 There's too much death in this place. 386 00:31:04,205 --> 00:31:05,505 And asking him to blow out that window 387 00:31:05,506 --> 00:31:06,940 and the Krees didn't help. 388 00:31:06,941 --> 00:31:08,842 Oh, that wasn't me. That was the fiancée. 389 00:31:08,876 --> 00:31:14,247 - Ah. Fiancée? - Two... 390 00:31:14,248 --> 00:31:15,549 - Okay. - Aah! 391 00:31:15,550 --> 00:31:18,018 So, it's going to feel strange at first, 392 00:31:18,052 --> 00:31:21,821 - but your hearing will normalize. - I can hear you. 393 00:31:21,856 --> 00:31:26,159 I can hear... my voice. 394 00:31:28,229 --> 00:31:29,996 What happened? 395 00:31:30,031 --> 00:31:32,332 He ICE'd her. She didn't want to come. 396 00:31:32,366 --> 00:31:34,167 I'm not leaving anyone behind. 397 00:31:34,201 --> 00:31:35,801 Where's Yo-Yo? She didn't find you? 398 00:31:37,271 --> 00:31:39,906 - She's not with you? - No, she was picking up some survivors. 399 00:31:39,941 --> 00:31:40,740 She should be back by now. 400 00:31:40,741 --> 00:31:43,009 She'll make it back. She's strong. 401 00:31:45,046 --> 00:31:47,881 Hurry. Who knows when that portal's gonna open. 402 00:31:50,284 --> 00:31:53,820 - You're Flint? - Yes. 403 00:31:54,956 --> 00:31:59,793 - You're gonna get us home. - Yes. I am. 404 00:31:59,794 --> 00:32:03,663 Good. What are you waiting for? 405 00:33:04,125 --> 00:33:05,492 Yo-Yo. 406 00:33:14,068 --> 00:33:17,337 - Let her go! - Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. 407 00:33:17,338 --> 00:33:19,406 Mack, no. 408 00:33:21,409 --> 00:33:23,643 Elena told me I'd find you here. 409 00:33:26,647 --> 00:33:29,883 Yo-Yo... what'd they do to you? 410 00:33:31,819 --> 00:33:33,887 I've gotten to know Elena quite well. 411 00:33:33,921 --> 00:33:37,023 Pain can be so persuasive. 412 00:33:37,058 --> 00:33:40,060 Mack, run! Leave! Go home! 413 00:33:40,094 --> 00:33:42,996 I'm not leaving. I said let her go! 414 00:33:43,030 --> 00:33:45,331 Look at her tremble. 415 00:33:45,366 --> 00:33:49,402 Perhaps she knows what comes next for you... 416 00:33:49,437 --> 00:33:54,507 for me, huh? For all of us here, 417 00:33:54,542 --> 00:33:59,012 standing on the edge of timeless, violent glory. 418 00:34:07,855 --> 00:34:10,256 No! No! 419 00:34:10,291 --> 00:34:11,725 No! 420 00:34:14,095 --> 00:34:15,729 Aah! 421 00:34:37,486 --> 00:34:38,886 Take the Orchard! 422 00:34:38,887 --> 00:34:42,156 - Slaughter the rest! - It's not gonna happen. 423 00:35:06,143 --> 00:35:08,382 Hyah! 424 00:35:11,820 --> 00:35:14,622 I'm gonna beat your body with your own skull! 425 00:35:14,656 --> 00:35:16,657 She didn't deserve to die. 426 00:35:17,993 --> 00:35:19,593 Raah! 427 00:35:25,000 --> 00:35:26,000 Ow! 428 00:35:26,001 --> 00:35:28,002 Stop it! I'm trying to fix you! 429 00:35:28,036 --> 00:35:30,037 It does one thing ... it opens a door. 430 00:35:30,072 --> 00:35:33,808 - You'd think they'd make it simple. - I think this vessel 431 00:35:33,842 --> 00:35:36,210 is too damaged to power the Monolith. 432 00:35:36,244 --> 00:35:40,514 - Then what can? - Me. 433 00:35:41,416 --> 00:35:47,688 My battery has sustained me for more than 32,000 Earth years. 434 00:35:47,723 --> 00:35:51,225 Modifying the cell stack could create a thermal feedback 435 00:35:51,259 --> 00:35:53,928 capable of delivering more than enough power. 436 00:35:53,962 --> 00:35:56,497 Thermal feedback? What happens to you in that scenario? 437 00:35:56,531 --> 00:36:01,168 I will expire knowing I returned my friends home. 438 00:36:01,203 --> 00:36:03,938 And then my battery chemistry 439 00:36:03,972 --> 00:36:07,441 will consume my body in an exothermal reaction 440 00:36:07,476 --> 00:36:10,577 violent enough to decimate several levels of the Lighthouse. 441 00:36:11,747 --> 00:36:12,780 So it's not great for the guy 442 00:36:12,781 --> 00:36:14,448 that's standing next to you flipping the switch. 443 00:36:17,486 --> 00:36:22,323 That person... would be completely atomized. 444 00:36:24,092 --> 00:36:25,159 Deke, come in. 445 00:36:27,729 --> 00:36:30,898 I'm liking this plan less. 446 00:36:30,932 --> 00:36:32,400 Yeah, we're here. 447 00:36:32,401 --> 00:36:35,603 We got the Monolith built. I think it might work. 448 00:36:35,637 --> 00:36:36,904 How's the machine coming? 449 00:36:39,841 --> 00:36:42,043 Yeah, all right. 450 00:36:42,077 --> 00:36:44,078 It's great. We found a fix for the machine. 451 00:36:44,112 --> 00:36:46,080 Good. You were right about taking the Zephyr. 452 00:36:46,114 --> 00:36:47,615 Just make sure everyone's in place 453 00:36:47,616 --> 00:36:49,116 the second we get it powered on, all right? 454 00:36:49,117 --> 00:36:50,684 We're only gonna get one shot at this. 455 00:36:50,685 --> 00:36:55,423 Right. You know, your parents would be proud of you. 456 00:36:55,457 --> 00:36:58,960 I'll find out soon enough. 457 00:37:01,029 --> 00:37:03,764 Well, we're about to give them a hell of a show. 458 00:37:03,799 --> 00:37:08,002 Thanks. We'll have everyone in place. 459 00:37:08,036 --> 00:37:09,636 That machine's going to explode. 460 00:37:09,638 --> 00:37:12,339 - It's not safe down here. - What? 461 00:37:12,340 --> 00:37:14,008 You're welcome to come back with us, 462 00:37:14,042 --> 00:37:16,243 but if not, you got to leave now. 463 00:37:16,278 --> 00:37:18,279 - Meet Tess at the trawler. - Where? Which one? 464 00:37:18,280 --> 00:37:21,252 But Mack, Yo-Yo, they're not back yet. I... 465 00:37:25,687 --> 00:37:29,123 Tell them I had more work to do. 466 00:37:30,559 --> 00:37:34,995 - Come on. I know the way. - Thank you. 467 00:37:35,765 --> 00:37:38,833 - Coulson, what's happening? - Where are they? 468 00:37:38,834 --> 00:37:41,836 Unh! 469 00:37:41,870 --> 00:37:43,971 There's nothing you can do to me. 470 00:37:51,746 --> 00:37:55,716 Raah! 471 00:38:12,000 --> 00:38:14,068 I want to watch the light die in your eyes. 472 00:38:14,102 --> 00:38:16,470 Hunh! 473 00:38:16,505 --> 00:38:18,906 My father will see me. 474 00:38:18,940 --> 00:38:20,540 He will have his world! 475 00:38:21,443 --> 00:38:23,477 Not just the sliver Quake left behind. 476 00:38:25,780 --> 00:38:27,281 Silence. 477 00:38:27,282 --> 00:38:29,550 Aah! 478 00:38:29,584 --> 00:38:31,184 Ohh. 479 00:38:33,255 --> 00:38:34,922 Aah! 480 00:38:34,956 --> 00:38:36,556 Aah! 481 00:39:00,882 --> 00:39:03,717 Yo-Yo... she... 482 00:39:11,092 --> 00:39:12,692 Mack. 483 00:39:18,733 --> 00:39:22,895 How? You were killed. 484 00:39:22,896 --> 00:39:25,101 - Cant't be... - Oh. 485 00:39:25,367 --> 00:39:29,131 I'm so sorry you had to see that. It wasn't me. 486 00:39:29,244 --> 00:39:36,345 - But you were dead. - No. I'm here. 487 00:39:36,985 --> 00:39:39,845 And it's time to go home. 488 00:39:46,928 --> 00:39:48,963 Just a few more. 489 00:39:50,532 --> 00:39:53,167 I will be offline sooner than anticipated. 490 00:39:54,836 --> 00:39:59,240 Far sooner. You need to patch in immediately. 491 00:39:59,274 --> 00:40:01,308 Okay, okay. Just hang on. We're going, we're going. 492 00:40:01,343 --> 00:40:04,345 - Guys, we got a problem. - What's wrong? 493 00:40:04,379 --> 00:40:05,699 I'm using Enoch to power the machine, 494 00:40:05,700 --> 00:40:07,681 but I'm losing him. You got to launch now. 495 00:40:07,682 --> 00:40:10,951 What? No, Deke, it's too early. 496 00:40:10,986 --> 00:40:13,153 The team isn't back yet. 497 00:40:13,188 --> 00:40:18,325 Enoch... Enoch, buddy, hang on. 498 00:40:18,360 --> 00:40:19,727 I know that you've done so much already, 499 00:40:19,728 --> 00:40:21,979 but, please, please, just hang on. 500 00:40:22,014 --> 00:40:23,831 Guys, I'm buying as much time as I can here! 501 00:40:23,865 --> 00:40:25,871 Let's go! 502 00:40:25,921 --> 00:40:29,222 The rock's gonna open! Get here now! 503 00:40:31,006 --> 00:40:32,373 I always knew that working with you guys 504 00:40:32,374 --> 00:40:34,541 was gonna blow up in my face! It's about to get literal! 505 00:40:39,748 --> 00:40:41,348 Come on, buddy. Just hang together, okay? 506 00:40:46,087 --> 00:40:48,397 You know she'll never forgive you, right? 507 00:40:49,257 --> 00:40:51,225 I have to hope. 508 00:40:53,028 --> 00:40:54,428 We're losing him! I'm out of time! 509 00:41:00,101 --> 00:41:02,340 Son of a bi... 510 00:41:05,278 --> 00:41:08,591 We'll return in a moment. 511 00:41:15,332 --> 00:41:17,967 You sure Deke didn't make it out? 512 00:41:18,002 --> 00:41:21,037 He would have been standing right in the middle of that explosion. 513 00:41:22,740 --> 00:41:25,041 Maybe he at least got the rock open. 514 00:41:25,075 --> 00:41:26,976 Some of them had to make it home. 515 00:41:27,011 --> 00:41:31,181 They made it back. I just know it. 516 00:41:33,617 --> 00:41:39,122 Well... in any case, we got a second chance. 517 00:41:39,156 --> 00:41:41,457 Our friends from S.H.I.E.L.D. gave us that, yeah? 518 00:41:44,995 --> 00:41:46,958 Clean slate. 519 00:41:48,432 --> 00:41:50,066 Future's up to us now. 520 00:41:50,100 --> 00:41:53,536 There's a lot that needs fixing. 521 00:41:54,171 --> 00:41:59,543 You're right. Here's your blueprint. 522 00:42:16,002 --> 00:42:20,189 sync & correction by f1nc0 ~ Addic7ed.com ~