1 00:01:25,319 --> 00:01:33,322 Subtitles by MemoryOnSmells http://UKsubtitles.ru. 2 00:02:22,988 --> 00:02:25,586 'The X-rays are clear. Thyroid function is good.' 3 00:02:25,952 --> 00:02:28,513 Nothing's wrong with Duke, Mrs Spicer. 4 00:02:28,514 --> 00:02:30,912 Then why is he so fat? 5 00:02:30,913 --> 00:02:33,151 I think we have to consider lifestyle factors now. 6 00:02:33,170 --> 00:02:34,809 No, look, we've been through this. 7 00:02:34,810 --> 00:02:38,129 Duke gets a long walk, every evening, right through the woods. 8 00:02:38,130 --> 00:02:40,731 And who walks him? Malcolm. My husband. 9 00:02:40,732 --> 00:02:42,930 Every day? Yes! Two hours. 10 00:02:42,931 --> 00:02:45,690 Wow. That just seems strange. 11 00:02:45,691 --> 00:02:48,650 Why is a walk strange? 12 00:02:48,651 --> 00:02:53,050 If Duke was walking for two hours every day, 13 00:02:53,051 --> 00:02:55,651 he wouldn't be so overweight. 14 00:02:57,251 --> 00:03:00,171 Why would my husband lie to me about walking the dog? 15 00:03:00,172 --> 00:03:02,851 I have no idea, Mrs Spicer. 16 00:03:42,291 --> 00:03:43,971 Who is it? My sister. 17 00:03:48,171 --> 00:03:53,370 Please. Just ask her out. I can't stand all this yearning. 18 00:03:53,371 --> 00:03:56,451 You've got to put yourself on the other side, man. 19 00:03:56,452 --> 00:03:58,090 No. Can't do that. 20 00:03:58,091 --> 00:04:00,089 You've liked her for too long. 21 00:04:00,090 --> 00:04:03,371 If you're not going to do anything about it, you should just move on. 22 00:04:03,372 --> 00:04:05,370 I have a plan. Really? 23 00:04:05,371 --> 00:04:07,489 Does it involve coming in here every day 24 00:04:07,490 --> 00:04:10,291 and watching her tuck into someone who's not you? 25 00:04:11,891 --> 00:04:14,211 How long do those guys last with her? 26 00:04:14,212 --> 00:04:16,570 With Caitlin? Days, man. 27 00:04:16,571 --> 00:04:17,690 Exactly. 28 00:04:17,691 --> 00:04:20,849 If i ask her out now, even if it works out, we're doomed to fail. 29 00:04:20,850 --> 00:04:23,051 We're too young to make a relationship work. 30 00:04:23,052 --> 00:04:24,970 You could just have fun. 31 00:04:24,971 --> 00:04:29,290 This is important. I'm keeping my powder dry. 32 00:04:29,291 --> 00:04:32,091 She goes out with the goofs, has her heart broken, blah, blah. 33 00:04:32,092 --> 00:04:37,010 And then, when she's in her 20s, I'll ask her out. 34 00:04:37,011 --> 00:04:40,971 And she'll realise Linus is the one. 35 00:04:46,331 --> 00:04:48,011 And i'll marry her. 36 00:05:04,211 --> 00:05:07,130 Mum, look, someone's dumped their bike. 37 00:05:07,131 --> 00:05:08,691 They'll be back for it. 38 00:05:08,692 --> 00:05:11,011 But they've just left it. 39 00:05:13,611 --> 00:05:15,451 Leave it, come on. 40 00:05:26,971 --> 00:05:29,211 Oi, psycho! 41 00:05:37,811 --> 00:05:40,050 We're not ready yet! 42 00:05:40,051 --> 00:05:41,811 We're not ready yet! 43 00:05:46,331 --> 00:05:47,931 This is useless. 44 00:06:00,291 --> 00:06:02,970 Duke... 45 00:06:02,971 --> 00:06:05,691 I'm sorry, Duke, we're stuck. 46 00:06:18,091 --> 00:06:21,129 Why has the parade started? The May Queen isn't here yet. 47 00:06:21,130 --> 00:06:23,331 You can't start without the May Queen. 48 00:06:27,291 --> 00:06:29,251 There, there, there. Look! 49 00:06:32,331 --> 00:06:33,931 Where's Hattie?! 50 00:06:36,811 --> 00:06:38,171 Where is she? 51 00:07:10,531 --> 00:07:12,930 Oh! Ugh! 52 00:07:12,931 --> 00:07:14,931 Come on, Duke. Oh! 53 00:07:16,611 --> 00:07:19,970 Go on. 54 00:07:19,971 --> 00:07:21,851 Oh! 55 00:07:25,291 --> 00:07:27,970 In your basket. 56 00:07:27,971 --> 00:07:29,411 Malcolm! 57 00:07:34,611 --> 00:07:35,851 Malcolm! 58 00:07:43,211 --> 00:07:44,611 Malcolm! 59 00:08:08,691 --> 00:08:10,291 'Malcolm!' 60 00:08:17,251 --> 00:08:18,930 It's not thyroid. 61 00:08:18,931 --> 00:08:22,690 It's lack of exercise. The dog is NOT getting walked. 62 00:08:22,691 --> 00:08:26,930 So, what exactly do you do in the woods? 63 00:08:26,931 --> 00:08:30,090 I'm walking the bloody dog! 64 00:08:30,091 --> 00:08:33,411 No. No. Just look at him. The vet said you can't be. 65 00:08:33,412 --> 00:08:35,770 The problem isn't exercise, Gail. 66 00:08:35,771 --> 00:08:38,049 I could walk the dog to kingdom come. 67 00:08:38,050 --> 00:08:41,971 It would still be fat because of all the crap you feed it. 68 00:08:41,972 --> 00:08:43,610 I beg your pardon? 69 00:08:43,611 --> 00:08:47,811 Same with those poor sodding sparrows you gave the Battenberg to. 70 00:08:47,812 --> 00:08:52,130 Pink shit all over the car and six dead birds in the drive. 71 00:08:52,131 --> 00:08:54,410 I do not mistreat the dog. 72 00:08:54,411 --> 00:08:56,850 No, you don't. You give him pate. 73 00:08:56,851 --> 00:08:58,850 Tesco's Finest pate. 74 00:08:58,851 --> 00:09:01,971 And then you wonder why his gut is dragging on the carpet. 75 00:09:04,771 --> 00:09:08,611 By the way, he shat in the car, and i'm not bloody cleaning it up! 76 00:09:36,771 --> 00:09:38,371 Why aren't you at work, Dad? 77 00:09:41,371 --> 00:09:43,610 Too busy to be at work. 78 00:09:43,611 --> 00:09:46,610 Do you need help? Me? No. 79 00:09:46,611 --> 00:09:49,130 It looks heavy. I got it. 80 00:09:49,131 --> 00:09:50,931 You'll do your back, old man. 81 00:09:55,291 --> 00:09:56,810 Jesus. 82 00:09:56,811 --> 00:09:58,570 What have you got in it? 83 00:09:58,571 --> 00:10:00,131 It's just work stuff. 84 00:10:02,131 --> 00:10:04,091 What kind of work stuff? 85 00:10:09,331 --> 00:10:13,170 What you don't know won't hurt you. 86 00:10:13,171 --> 00:10:15,570 Yeah, but what do you do? 87 00:10:15,571 --> 00:10:18,571 You're either here all day playing Xbox or you disappear for days. 88 00:10:18,572 --> 00:10:22,010 I pay the bills, yeah? 89 00:10:22,011 --> 00:10:23,931 And how i do that is my business. 90 00:10:23,932 --> 00:10:25,891 That's all you need to know. 91 00:10:27,731 --> 00:10:29,971 I want to know what's in that bag. 92 00:10:29,972 --> 00:10:32,411 Oh? OK. 93 00:10:37,131 --> 00:10:39,011 You know what it is? 94 00:10:41,251 --> 00:10:43,290 It's, erm... 95 00:10:43,291 --> 00:10:45,171 It's none of your damn business. 96 00:10:51,291 --> 00:10:53,690 I'm going for a record score. 97 00:10:53,691 --> 00:10:56,529 I've got glucose tablets and a bottle to piss in. 98 00:10:56,530 --> 00:10:58,411 You can watch me play if you like. 99 00:11:01,931 --> 00:11:03,771 Get some! Get! 100 00:11:13,691 --> 00:11:15,569 And how are you doing today? 101 00:11:15,570 --> 00:11:17,329 'Did you get your birthday present? 102 00:11:17,330 --> 00:11:19,531 'It was a real hassle getting it to you.' 103 00:11:19,532 --> 00:11:21,770 Yeah, thanks. 104 00:11:21,771 --> 00:11:24,171 'Let me know if you need anything else.' 105 00:11:24,172 --> 00:11:27,010 Hang on a minute, mate. 106 00:11:27,011 --> 00:11:29,370 '..Contact us directly. 107 00:11:29,371 --> 00:11:30,930 'You have to help me! 108 00:11:30,931 --> 00:11:32,810 'Please!' 109 00:11:32,811 --> 00:11:35,169 You know how important this is. Please think! 110 00:11:35,170 --> 00:11:37,891 'You must have known. She was the May Queen!' 111 00:11:56,571 --> 00:12:00,050 I told you to call the police! 112 00:12:00,051 --> 00:12:02,491 Jesus Christ! You wouldn't let me, would you? 113 00:12:02,492 --> 00:12:05,651 'You wouldn't let me call them! Oh, my God!' 114 00:12:07,931 --> 00:12:09,931 SWhere's my baby?! 115 00:12:14,091 --> 00:12:16,091 Police. Police. 116 00:12:18,611 --> 00:12:21,650 'Yeah, er, my daughter. 117 00:12:21,651 --> 00:12:27,410 'She's been missing for six hours now, yeah. 118 00:12:27,411 --> 00:12:30,930 'My name is Richard Sutton. 119 00:12:30,931 --> 00:12:33,011 'Hattie, Hattie Sutton. Hattie.' 120 00:12:35,491 --> 00:12:37,171 Why wasn't Dad at the parade? 121 00:12:39,051 --> 00:12:40,771 He must've got stuck at work. 122 00:12:40,772 --> 00:12:42,410 Did he catch a bad guy? 123 00:12:42,411 --> 00:12:44,691 Yeah. Course. 124 00:12:51,291 --> 00:12:53,450 'Charlotte! 125 00:12:53,451 --> 00:12:56,051 'Come and wash your hands or there's no snacks!' 126 00:12:58,971 --> 00:13:00,810 Charlotte! 127 00:13:00,811 --> 00:13:02,931 'What?' Hands! 128 00:13:10,611 --> 00:13:12,570 'There's no soap.' 129 00:13:12,571 --> 00:13:15,570 Yes, there is. I put one in yesterday. 130 00:13:15,571 --> 00:13:17,171 'Well, i can't see it.' 131 00:13:23,331 --> 00:13:26,450 See? Told you. 132 00:13:26,451 --> 00:13:28,891 No-one likes a smarty-pants. 133 00:13:44,411 --> 00:13:47,890 Come on. Alan, where have you been? 134 00:13:47,891 --> 00:13:49,091 Get out! 135 00:13:50,451 --> 00:13:52,131 You're scaring me, sweetheart. 136 00:13:52,132 --> 00:13:54,531 I said, get out! 137 00:14:14,331 --> 00:14:17,090 Seth! Seth! 138 00:14:17,091 --> 00:14:20,730 I've got to get back to the woods. 139 00:14:20,731 --> 00:14:24,770 Listen! Come inside, yeah? 140 00:14:24,771 --> 00:14:27,809 Have some food. Wash that shit off your face. 141 00:14:27,810 --> 00:14:29,929 And take those flowers off your head! 142 00:14:29,930 --> 00:14:32,569 The woods don't care about the way i look! 143 00:14:32,570 --> 00:14:35,969 You've got to sleep in your flat or they'll take it away from you! 144 00:14:35,970 --> 00:14:38,811 I worked hard to get you that flat. I made promises. 145 00:14:38,812 --> 00:14:42,130 It's not safe there. 146 00:14:42,131 --> 00:14:44,891 How can i look after you if you won't listen to me? 147 00:14:44,892 --> 00:14:47,450 Seth! 148 00:14:47,451 --> 00:14:49,090 That's a shame. 149 00:14:49,091 --> 00:14:50,651 Your own brother. 150 00:14:57,451 --> 00:14:59,731 Yeah, well, it's none of your business. 151 00:15:10,251 --> 00:15:13,131 There's someone at the door! 152 00:15:16,611 --> 00:15:18,451 Alan! 153 00:15:20,531 --> 00:15:22,651 Ooh, who's at the door, Monty, hmm? 154 00:15:24,771 --> 00:15:27,171 'Don't play with it, eat it, please.' 155 00:15:36,651 --> 00:15:39,530 My boys! Hello, trouble. 156 00:15:39,531 --> 00:15:42,009 Ooh, look at that. Oh, he's lovely. Kettle on? 157 00:15:42,010 --> 00:15:44,891 I thought you'd forgotten about me. Never! 158 00:15:44,892 --> 00:15:47,331 'Ooh, something's cooking.' 159 00:15:49,731 --> 00:15:52,371 To think she used to throw pissheads in the back of the van. 160 00:15:52,372 --> 00:15:54,370 Language! What? 161 00:15:54,371 --> 00:15:57,090 Yeah, kids. How things change. 162 00:15:57,091 --> 00:15:59,170 Bit soggier than i remember. 163 00:15:59,171 --> 00:16:02,011 Hey, that is muscle. It's his paperwork muscle. 164 00:16:02,012 --> 00:16:04,410 Fat muscle! 165 00:16:04,411 --> 00:16:06,289 So when are you coming back then? 166 00:16:06,290 --> 00:16:08,369 Well, i'm a bit busy at the moment. 167 00:16:08,370 --> 00:16:11,411 Seriously, you can't be wiping arses for the rest of your life. 168 00:16:11,412 --> 00:16:15,810 Excuse me, look at my beautiful family. Aww! 169 00:16:15,811 --> 00:16:18,651 Why would i want to leave them? You'll always be one of us. 170 00:16:18,652 --> 00:16:21,730 Nope. I am just a mum. 171 00:16:21,731 --> 00:16:24,491 So, hand on heart, you're a civvy now? 172 00:16:26,091 --> 00:16:27,889 Shouldn't you be somewhere? 173 00:16:27,890 --> 00:16:30,971 Yeah, we should be going. See a woman about a stop out. 174 00:16:30,972 --> 00:16:32,330 Who's missing? 175 00:16:32,331 --> 00:16:33,891 Hattie Sutton, number 22. 176 00:16:35,331 --> 00:16:37,090 She's still gone? 177 00:16:37,091 --> 00:16:39,609 She was supposed to be May Queen, but she didn't turn up. 178 00:16:39,610 --> 00:16:42,731 She's probably just with her boyfriend. Yeah, same old, same old. 179 00:16:42,732 --> 00:16:44,970 No. She's not that type. 180 00:16:44,971 --> 00:16:47,810 She's... She's a little girl. 181 00:16:47,811 --> 00:16:49,650 You know her well, do you? 182 00:16:49,651 --> 00:16:52,091 Yeah. She baby-sits sometimes. The kids love her. 183 00:16:52,092 --> 00:16:54,850 What, you reckon she's been snatched? 184 00:16:54,851 --> 00:16:58,210 If i was her mum, I'd be very, very worried. 185 00:16:58,211 --> 00:17:01,650 Right, we shan't muck about, then. Come on. 186 00:17:01,651 --> 00:17:04,731 Bet you'd love to come with us. Just... find her. 187 00:18:09,611 --> 00:18:12,050 Steve, this is not a good time. 188 00:18:12,051 --> 00:18:14,330 I've heard. Not now, Steve. 189 00:18:14,331 --> 00:18:16,530 The past is the past. 190 00:18:16,531 --> 00:18:20,091 That's not why i'm here. I want to help find Hattie. 191 00:18:20,092 --> 00:18:21,891 Let him in. 192 00:18:28,731 --> 00:18:31,931 'There were a lot of strong feelings. Who was that?' 193 00:18:35,531 --> 00:18:38,211 Bet you're happy to have an excuse to come back. 194 00:18:51,571 --> 00:18:54,209 They seem to think that Hattie is in the house somewhere. 195 00:18:54,210 --> 00:18:58,131 They keep looking up in the loft, like she'll suddenly pop up from behind the water tank. 196 00:18:58,132 --> 00:19:01,130 How long has she been missing? 197 00:19:01,131 --> 00:19:05,091 She left here at ten to go to the parade, but she never got there. 198 00:19:05,092 --> 00:19:08,291 Jesus. That's nine hours. 199 00:19:09,891 --> 00:19:12,530 I know, i know. 200 00:19:12,531 --> 00:19:14,929 The police just want to know who she talked to online. 201 00:19:14,930 --> 00:19:18,489 They can't get past MSN when they should be out there, bloody knocking on doors! 202 00:19:18,490 --> 00:19:21,969 So let's go, then. I can't. The police won't let me. 203 00:19:21,970 --> 00:19:24,689 They're treating me like i'm a bloody suspect, 204 00:19:24,690 --> 00:19:27,289 when they know i was with Jo all morning and there's 30 people 205 00:19:27,290 --> 00:19:29,489 in the Wolf's Head can vouch for me. 206 00:19:29,490 --> 00:19:32,089 Give me the nod and i'll round up an army for you. 207 00:19:32,090 --> 00:19:35,811 We'll knock on every door and rattle every perv until we find her. 208 00:19:35,812 --> 00:19:38,691 No stone unturned, Rich. I promise. 209 00:19:50,091 --> 00:19:51,771 What the hell's going on? 210 00:19:53,931 --> 00:19:55,970 Nothing. 211 00:19:55,971 --> 00:19:58,531 Has something happened on your shift? 212 00:20:01,211 --> 00:20:02,930 I'm going to the pub. 213 00:20:02,931 --> 00:20:05,211 But dinner will be ready in an hour. 214 00:20:05,212 --> 00:20:07,211 Alan! 215 00:20:31,251 --> 00:20:34,171 Where do you think you're going? Taking him for a proper walk. 216 00:20:34,172 --> 00:20:35,890 In the woods? 217 00:20:35,891 --> 00:20:38,211 You'd better get a dustpan and brush. 218 00:20:40,171 --> 00:20:41,491 Good boy. 219 00:21:28,411 --> 00:21:31,850 Mum, my toy's broken. 220 00:21:31,851 --> 00:21:34,970 Oh. Aww! 221 00:21:34,971 --> 00:21:37,850 There, Mummy will fix it for you. 222 00:21:37,851 --> 00:21:40,251 How's that? Better? 223 00:21:59,771 --> 00:22:03,371 Oh! Stop pulling, Duke! 224 00:22:08,811 --> 00:22:09,971 Come here! 225 00:22:11,931 --> 00:22:14,690 No, Duke, come here! 226 00:22:14,691 --> 00:22:16,730 Duke! 227 00:22:16,731 --> 00:22:18,851 Duke, come back here! 228 00:22:19,971 --> 00:22:21,531 Duke! 229 00:22:22,971 --> 00:22:25,291 Duke, you naughty boy! 230 00:22:27,931 --> 00:22:31,011 Duke, come here! Oh! 231 00:22:32,691 --> 00:22:35,891 Duke, where... where are you going? 232 00:22:42,011 --> 00:22:43,571 Oh! 233 00:22:47,411 --> 00:22:49,051 What's this? 234 00:24:08,331 --> 00:24:10,530 Linus. How are you? 235 00:24:10,531 --> 00:24:13,090 Yeah, i'm good. 236 00:24:13,091 --> 00:24:15,489 You know, Linus, you are my best customer, 237 00:24:15,490 --> 00:24:19,369 and your tips are generous, so i am speaking from my heart 238 00:24:19,370 --> 00:24:22,371 when i tell you this, huh? You eat here too much. 239 00:24:22,372 --> 00:24:25,410 Your food's great. What can i do? 240 00:24:25,411 --> 00:24:27,570 I know my food is good! 241 00:24:27,571 --> 00:24:31,249 It's not healthy to eat here every night. Let me tell you something. 242 00:24:31,250 --> 00:24:35,971 I spend two hours here every Sunday cleaning that bloody grease trap. 243 00:24:35,972 --> 00:24:40,731 Please, huh? Think about what's happening to your inside. 244 00:24:43,611 --> 00:24:46,130 You don't have to worry about me. 245 00:24:46,131 --> 00:24:48,331 But somebody has to. 246 00:24:50,851 --> 00:24:52,411 This way. Come on, lads. 247 00:24:54,331 --> 00:24:55,891 Just straight up. 248 00:25:25,331 --> 00:25:28,090 You've been drinking. 249 00:25:28,091 --> 00:25:30,211 Oh, yes. 250 00:25:35,211 --> 00:25:37,051 Enjoy your walk? 251 00:25:41,051 --> 00:25:43,610 Well, i know where you go. 252 00:25:43,611 --> 00:25:46,450 And i saw what you built. 253 00:25:46,451 --> 00:25:49,411 You'll have to demolish it first thing tomorrow. 254 00:25:49,412 --> 00:25:50,850 Why? 255 00:25:50,851 --> 00:25:53,051 You know why. 256 00:25:55,451 --> 00:25:58,450 I'm sorry, Gail, i don't. 257 00:25:58,451 --> 00:25:59,771 Why? 258 00:26:01,851 --> 00:26:05,971 I ask you to walk the dog, and what do you do instead? 259 00:26:08,211 --> 00:26:10,050 Bird-watching. 260 00:26:10,051 --> 00:26:15,491 You selfish, selfish bastard! 261 00:26:17,971 --> 00:26:21,370 You were the one who took my shed 262 00:26:21,371 --> 00:26:24,371 so that you could have a pottery workshop! 263 00:26:27,411 --> 00:26:32,290 My one piece of privacy, and you stole it so you that could build 264 00:26:32,291 --> 00:26:35,769 ten stone mugs which no-one can even lift, let alone drink tea out of! 265 00:26:35,770 --> 00:26:37,531 What do you need privacy for? 266 00:26:37,532 --> 00:26:39,130 To think! 267 00:26:39,131 --> 00:26:40,971 What about? 268 00:26:42,731 --> 00:26:43,811 Everything. 269 00:26:45,131 --> 00:26:47,570 You lied to me. 270 00:26:47,571 --> 00:26:49,849 You let me believe you were walking the dog. 271 00:26:49,850 --> 00:26:52,971 If Duke has a heart attack, it will be your fault. 272 00:26:52,972 --> 00:26:54,650 You are insane, Gail. 273 00:26:54,651 --> 00:26:58,691 I don't know if it's the HRT, but you've lost your mind. 274 00:27:15,931 --> 00:27:18,731 Please don't piss in the bottle when you're done. 275 00:27:18,732 --> 00:27:20,571 I will if i have to. 276 00:27:33,691 --> 00:27:35,770 Hattie Sutton's gone missing. 277 00:27:35,771 --> 00:27:38,331 Yeah, i know. 278 00:27:40,371 --> 00:27:41,450 And? 279 00:27:41,451 --> 00:27:45,130 Why aren't you out helping to look for her? 280 00:27:45,131 --> 00:27:47,690 All the other dads have volunteered. 281 00:27:47,691 --> 00:27:50,330 She's 14. It's spring. 282 00:27:50,331 --> 00:27:53,249 It doesn't take a genius to put the hormones together 283 00:27:53,250 --> 00:27:55,169 and work out what she's up to. 284 00:27:55,170 --> 00:27:57,931 So why should i waste my evening with a bunch of slap-headed 285 00:27:57,932 --> 00:28:01,690 local heroes just to stop a girl from getting nailed? 286 00:28:01,691 --> 00:28:03,170 She's not like that. 287 00:28:03,171 --> 00:28:04,810 Oh, really? 288 00:28:04,811 --> 00:28:08,210 She didn't want to be May Queen. 289 00:28:08,211 --> 00:28:11,329 She was fed up of being the local saint with her little halo on, 290 00:28:11,330 --> 00:28:15,929 so if today's the day that she decided to escape from of all of that, then good for her. 291 00:28:15,930 --> 00:28:18,331 I'm not going to be the one to drag her back. 292 00:28:23,011 --> 00:28:25,371 When did you ever talk to her? 293 00:28:33,611 --> 00:28:37,130 I look at people and i know how they're feeling. 294 00:28:37,131 --> 00:28:40,090 Like you, right now. 295 00:28:40,091 --> 00:28:42,729 You're thinking, if you go out searching, 296 00:28:42,730 --> 00:28:44,411 throw down some action man moves, 297 00:28:44,412 --> 00:28:48,851 then maybe the sulky twin will drop her grateful pants for you. 298 00:29:38,411 --> 00:29:41,291 You'll have to get the door! 299 00:29:43,411 --> 00:29:46,651 I'm in no fit state to see visitors. 300 00:30:06,371 --> 00:30:07,531 Malcolm. 301 00:30:08,651 --> 00:30:11,890 My niece, Hattie Sutton, is missing, 302 00:30:11,891 --> 00:30:14,890 and i'm organising a search. 303 00:30:14,891 --> 00:30:16,571 If you don't want to be part of it 304 00:30:16,572 --> 00:30:21,090 because of Carroll's Field, then i totally understand, 305 00:30:21,091 --> 00:30:23,091 but no-one knows the woods like you. 306 00:30:24,651 --> 00:30:26,449 You want to search the woods? 307 00:30:26,450 --> 00:30:29,411 We're going to be knocking on doors, checking on outbuildings 308 00:30:29,412 --> 00:30:31,410 and barns first. 309 00:30:31,411 --> 00:30:34,649 But if we don't have any luck, we have to try the woods, and with 310 00:30:34,650 --> 00:30:38,731 it being dark soon, i need someone who really knows the terrain. 311 00:30:41,691 --> 00:30:45,650 No. I think it's best I don't get involved. 312 00:30:45,651 --> 00:30:47,331 You're not going to help us? 313 00:30:47,332 --> 00:30:49,250 You said you'd understand. 314 00:30:49,251 --> 00:30:50,611 I didn't think you'd refuse. 315 00:30:50,612 --> 00:30:55,691 Tell the family - I'm sorry. I'm sure she'll be fine. 316 00:31:04,691 --> 00:31:06,451 Selfish git! 317 00:31:08,971 --> 00:31:11,771 'Come on, lads. I don't think he gives a monkey's.' 318 00:31:11,772 --> 00:31:14,210 You should have volunteered. 319 00:31:14,211 --> 00:31:16,649 I'm half-way through my second bottle of wine, i'm tired 320 00:31:16,650 --> 00:31:19,049 and i don't want to go. You have to go. 321 00:31:19,050 --> 00:31:21,409 Why don't YOU go? You're so fond of sniffing things out. 322 00:31:21,410 --> 00:31:23,851 If you don't go, word will get around, 323 00:31:23,852 --> 00:31:27,490 and we'll look like we don't care. I don't care. 324 00:31:27,491 --> 00:31:29,689 I know, but you don't have to broadcast it to 325 00:31:29,690 --> 00:31:31,729 everyone in the Chamber of Commerce. 326 00:31:31,730 --> 00:31:33,849 And God knows you need allies in the council, 327 00:31:33,850 --> 00:31:36,889 so put on your boots and find her. Fine. Fine. I'll go, all right? 328 00:31:36,890 --> 00:31:38,331 I'll find the little bitch. 329 00:31:39,691 --> 00:31:41,491 She's a child, Malcolm. 330 00:31:44,091 --> 00:31:45,251 You have no idea. 331 00:32:49,771 --> 00:32:52,010 'Hey Geoff! Leave those!' 332 00:32:52,011 --> 00:32:54,210 I've done those already! 333 00:32:54,211 --> 00:32:56,330 Bed! I want to see. 334 00:32:56,331 --> 00:32:58,570 There's nothing to see. 335 00:32:58,571 --> 00:33:03,370 But where is she? I don't know. Come on. 336 00:33:03,371 --> 00:33:07,370 Story time. I really want to see. 337 00:33:07,371 --> 00:33:11,091 Let's have a story, naughty, naughty. 338 00:33:14,211 --> 00:33:15,771 What if they don't find her? 339 00:33:15,772 --> 00:33:17,770 They'll find her. 340 00:33:17,771 --> 00:33:20,411 Yeah, but what if they don't? They will. 341 00:33:24,691 --> 00:33:26,411 Come on! 342 00:33:38,931 --> 00:33:42,691 Hattie! Hattie! 343 00:33:46,251 --> 00:33:49,851 Hattie! Hattie! Hattie! 344 00:33:51,691 --> 00:33:53,370 Hattie! 345 00:33:53,371 --> 00:33:56,209 He lives here! Where's Hattie Sutton, you perv? 346 00:33:56,210 --> 00:33:57,289 We know you've got her! 347 00:33:57,290 --> 00:33:59,369 We know you like looking at girls in the park! 348 00:33:59,370 --> 00:34:02,289 Where is she? This is not the way to do it... Where is she?! Steve! 349 00:34:02,290 --> 00:34:06,131 Shut up! Where is she? You tell me where she is! Where is she? Steve! 350 00:34:08,731 --> 00:34:10,091 I've done nothing. 351 00:34:12,291 --> 00:34:17,091 How do you live like this? It's a disgrace. 352 00:34:20,851 --> 00:34:22,410 Come on, boys! 353 00:34:22,411 --> 00:34:24,609 We're supposed to be a search party, not a lynch mob. 354 00:34:24,610 --> 00:34:27,129 If you want people to help, you have to get them on your side. 355 00:34:27,130 --> 00:34:29,129 I get a bit emotional because they're family. 356 00:34:29,130 --> 00:34:30,809 This isn't about strength of feeling. 357 00:34:30,810 --> 00:34:32,169 It's about assaulting people. 358 00:34:32,170 --> 00:34:34,529 You can't hit people, Steve, it won't get you anywhere. 359 00:34:34,530 --> 00:34:36,571 I'm not here to ponce about, mate. 360 00:34:44,731 --> 00:34:46,449 It's a good thing that ordinary people 361 00:34:46,450 --> 00:34:47,969 are prepared to go the extra mile, 362 00:34:47,970 --> 00:34:50,851 do the right thing, cos the police obviously can't be bothered. 363 00:34:55,251 --> 00:34:56,689 Are you talking to me? 364 00:34:56,690 --> 00:34:58,211 Didn't see you there, mate. 365 00:35:01,491 --> 00:35:04,890 My family knows Hattie. We care about her, too. 366 00:35:04,891 --> 00:35:08,649 What makes us different is that we've done a day's work and 367 00:35:08,650 --> 00:35:12,169 instead of going home and saying, that's me done, i'm knackered, we've 368 00:35:12,170 --> 00:35:16,971 put our shoes straight back on and committed ourselves to finding her. 369 00:35:16,972 --> 00:35:21,130 No clocking off for us. The shift ends when the job's done. 370 00:35:21,131 --> 00:35:22,331 Thanks, mate. 371 00:35:26,251 --> 00:35:28,011 Steven Docker, right? 372 00:35:30,131 --> 00:35:32,531 Yeah? 373 00:35:36,811 --> 00:35:38,531 Excuse me. 374 00:35:42,051 --> 00:35:45,649 After we close the shop, we will help you find your niece, huh? 375 00:35:45,650 --> 00:35:47,649 You're all right mate, nice one, cheers. 376 00:35:47,650 --> 00:35:49,731 Large chicken pitta, extra chilli. 377 00:35:50,811 --> 00:35:53,971 We're searching the woods next, it's gonna take hours. 378 00:35:56,731 --> 00:35:58,371 No, no, no. No money. 379 00:36:00,731 --> 00:36:03,851 I'll have a large Coke then, too, please, mate. Result! 380 00:36:08,411 --> 00:36:10,331 Hattie! 381 00:36:13,691 --> 00:36:16,449 There's a place where all the teenagers go called 382 00:36:16,450 --> 00:36:18,689 the Magic Circle. Do you know it? 383 00:36:18,690 --> 00:36:19,731 Never heard of it. 384 00:36:20,851 --> 00:36:23,089 Really? You come here all the time. 385 00:36:23,090 --> 00:36:25,769 I know where the badger setts are, and where to find the lesser 386 00:36:25,770 --> 00:36:29,089 spotted woodpecker, but i don't spend my time looking for teenagers. 387 00:36:29,090 --> 00:36:31,889 Jesus, i haven't been in these woods since i was a Cub Scout. 388 00:36:31,890 --> 00:36:34,851 I was going for my map reading badge and something was following me. 389 00:36:34,852 --> 00:36:38,090 Yeah - the Scoutmaster. No. Something ancient. 390 00:36:38,091 --> 00:36:41,730 It wasn't something i could see, I just felt it. 391 00:36:41,731 --> 00:36:43,530 Balls. 392 00:36:43,531 --> 00:36:45,929 I'm not the only one to have sensed it, you know. 393 00:36:45,930 --> 00:36:47,369 Go and ask in the Wolf's Head. 394 00:36:47,370 --> 00:36:50,131 Everyone in the Wolf's Head feels strange after six pints. 395 00:36:52,011 --> 00:36:53,291 This path's blocked. 396 00:36:57,171 --> 00:36:59,089 You're meant to know your way around here. 397 00:36:59,090 --> 00:37:01,289 I normally come this way. I don't understand it. 398 00:37:01,290 --> 00:37:02,929 We're not welcome. That's what it is. 399 00:37:02,930 --> 00:37:05,969 No, we just must have taken a wrong turn. We're lost! 400 00:37:05,970 --> 00:37:08,129 Everything looks different in the dark. 401 00:37:08,130 --> 00:37:10,931 Let's come back in the morning. Or look back in town? 402 00:37:10,932 --> 00:37:11,971 No. 403 00:37:13,891 --> 00:37:16,331 We're going to find the Magic Circle. 404 00:37:16,332 --> 00:37:19,771 This way, lads. We've got to re-trace our steps. 405 00:38:38,891 --> 00:38:40,251 'Mum!' 406 00:38:41,651 --> 00:38:43,491 'Mum!' 407 00:38:46,051 --> 00:38:49,770 What is it? Someone stole Mr Johnson! 408 00:38:49,771 --> 00:38:53,690 Oh... he's just... probably in your bed or something. 409 00:38:53,691 --> 00:38:54,810 He's not here! 410 00:38:54,811 --> 00:38:57,289 I don't know. He's just slipped behind the bed. 411 00:38:57,290 --> 00:38:59,171 Let's have a look for him in the morning. OK? 412 00:39:02,571 --> 00:39:05,611 I'll pop you back into your bed when you're sleeping. 413 00:39:30,251 --> 00:39:32,449 Well, now, that depends on how much you want. 414 00:39:32,450 --> 00:39:35,209 But i'm not giving it away, you know, it's quality... 415 00:39:35,210 --> 00:39:37,971 Come on! How much have you had out of me? 416 00:39:39,851 --> 00:39:42,091 'What? Where are you going?' 417 00:40:38,291 --> 00:40:40,130 Hey. 418 00:40:40,131 --> 00:40:41,571 Hey, yourself. 419 00:40:44,371 --> 00:40:45,611 What are you doing? 420 00:40:47,371 --> 00:40:48,411 Nothing. 421 00:40:50,251 --> 00:40:52,011 OK. 422 00:40:55,371 --> 00:40:56,851 You cold? 423 00:41:01,971 --> 00:41:05,531 The police are acting like they think my dad's done something. 424 00:41:07,091 --> 00:41:08,251 But i know he hasn't. 425 00:41:10,811 --> 00:41:13,529 If someone you love goes and kills someone, 426 00:41:13,530 --> 00:41:15,809 you'd know straight away, wouldn't you? 427 00:41:15,810 --> 00:41:17,531 You can't hide something like that. 428 00:41:19,491 --> 00:41:23,651 Yeah. You'd know if your dad was a killer. 429 00:41:26,891 --> 00:41:27,931 He loves us. 430 00:41:30,091 --> 00:41:31,969 Hattie more than me. So if he was 431 00:41:31,970 --> 00:41:34,331 going to kill one of us, he wouldn't have picked her. 432 00:41:36,731 --> 00:41:39,250 What makes you think she's dead? 433 00:41:39,251 --> 00:41:40,611 I'm a twin. 434 00:41:45,371 --> 00:41:46,771 I felt her leave me. 435 00:42:00,251 --> 00:42:04,491 If someone really loves you, they never completely leave. 436 00:42:07,891 --> 00:42:10,490 I still see my mum sometimes. 437 00:42:10,491 --> 00:42:14,530 Usually, just as i'm about to do something wrong, 438 00:42:14,531 --> 00:42:17,211 I'll catch a glimpse out of the corner of my eye. 439 00:42:19,571 --> 00:42:21,691 I guess she's still worried about me. 440 00:42:26,211 --> 00:42:28,771 But the thing is, I like seeing her, you know. 441 00:42:32,211 --> 00:42:33,651 So, i have to be bad. 442 00:44:05,651 --> 00:44:07,531 Hattie! 443 00:44:13,131 --> 00:44:16,770 I was wrong about you. Really? In what way? 444 00:44:16,771 --> 00:44:18,169 Well, seeing you here, 445 00:44:18,170 --> 00:44:21,771 looking for Hattie after she stopped you developing Carroll's Field... 446 00:44:21,772 --> 00:44:24,410 You're not such a bastard after all. 447 00:44:24,411 --> 00:44:26,890 Actually, i am a complete bastard. 448 00:44:26,891 --> 00:44:29,731 An hour in these woods isn't going to change that. 449 00:45:02,451 --> 00:45:05,691 This is it. It's the Magic Circle. 450 00:45:15,611 --> 00:45:18,491 Look, there's a fire... It's still going. 451 00:45:21,211 --> 00:45:22,931 Whoever was here is long gone. 452 00:45:24,091 --> 00:45:26,489 Who'd be out here at this time of night? 453 00:45:26,490 --> 00:45:28,211 Lots of people come up here. 454 00:45:35,651 --> 00:45:38,611 Yes? I want the password to your computer. 455 00:45:39,811 --> 00:45:42,089 Whatever for? Because i want to see if there's 456 00:45:42,090 --> 00:45:43,729 anything about Carroll's Field 457 00:45:43,730 --> 00:45:47,011 or Hattie Sutton that might reflect badly on us. 458 00:45:47,012 --> 00:45:50,130 Gail, take a pill and go to bed. 459 00:45:50,131 --> 00:45:53,610 I'm not letting this go, it's important. 460 00:45:53,611 --> 00:45:55,971 'Oh, i know you won't let go till you get what you want.' 461 00:45:55,972 --> 00:45:57,651 That's right. 462 00:46:01,371 --> 00:46:03,211 Goodbye, Gail. 463 00:46:21,251 --> 00:46:22,491 Look. 464 00:46:24,291 --> 00:46:27,129 No, don't touch it. We should take it to the police. 465 00:46:27,130 --> 00:46:28,531 Give it here. Let me see. 466 00:46:30,051 --> 00:46:31,851 Is it Hattie's? 467 00:46:34,251 --> 00:46:37,171 I don't know. It could be. 468 00:46:38,211 --> 00:46:39,971 It looks like it's from May Day. 469 00:46:39,972 --> 00:46:43,091 It's a crown. It's a May Queen crown. 470 00:46:44,691 --> 00:46:48,331 Lots of people were wearing flowers. Span out and keep looking. 471 00:46:49,691 --> 00:46:51,891 I'll take this to Richard, he'll know. 472 00:47:06,891 --> 00:47:08,051 Hattie! 473 00:47:27,651 --> 00:47:28,971 Where have you been? 474 00:47:31,491 --> 00:47:33,011 I'm sorry about before. 475 00:47:37,091 --> 00:47:38,811 I need to talk to you. 476 00:47:54,211 --> 00:47:55,571 My shift went bad. 477 00:47:59,131 --> 00:48:00,731 What happened? 478 00:48:08,171 --> 00:48:12,210 She was a drunk girl... 479 00:48:12,211 --> 00:48:13,611 behind a pub... 480 00:48:16,451 --> 00:48:18,651 having it off with her boyfriend. 481 00:48:20,371 --> 00:48:21,891 They had a row... 482 00:48:24,611 --> 00:48:27,011 and i found her half-way down the seafront... 483 00:48:28,811 --> 00:48:32,011 with no knickers, barely able to stand. 484 00:48:35,371 --> 00:48:36,731 I went to try and help her... 485 00:48:39,171 --> 00:48:40,491 and she spat blood at me. 486 00:48:42,731 --> 00:48:44,850 Her blood. 487 00:48:44,851 --> 00:48:47,090 All over my face. 488 00:48:47,091 --> 00:48:49,810 My skin. My eyes. 489 00:48:49,811 --> 00:48:51,490 I found your shirt. 490 00:48:51,491 --> 00:48:53,211 I saw the blood. 491 00:48:57,171 --> 00:48:58,491 I dunno... 492 00:49:00,251 --> 00:49:01,451 What have you done? 493 00:49:04,571 --> 00:49:07,170 Nothing. What? 494 00:49:07,171 --> 00:49:10,531 You were really angry when you went out last night. We'd been rowing... 495 00:49:10,532 --> 00:49:14,090 I never take personal stuff to work, you know that. 496 00:49:14,091 --> 00:49:15,491 Of course. 497 00:49:20,371 --> 00:49:22,131 I need you on my side, Fi. 498 00:49:23,731 --> 00:49:25,651 I'm always on your side. 499 00:49:31,771 --> 00:49:36,291 It's just... a shift that went bad. That's all. Doesn't mean anything. 500 00:49:38,371 --> 00:49:40,651 You go in tomorrow and you'll make a difference. 501 00:49:46,611 --> 00:49:48,971 You know what i love about you? 502 00:49:51,731 --> 00:49:54,251 You manage to see the good in everything. 503 00:49:58,931 --> 00:50:00,211 Even me. 504 00:51:30,011 --> 00:51:32,891 All these police remind me of your mum's accident. 505 00:51:37,371 --> 00:51:42,131 I looked out the window and saw my dad trying to calm your dad down... 506 00:51:45,091 --> 00:51:48,331 and he was making this awful noise i'd never heard before. 507 00:51:51,251 --> 00:51:52,771 He sounded like an animal. 508 00:51:55,891 --> 00:51:57,011 He howled. 509 00:52:01,451 --> 00:52:02,851 I don't remember much. 510 00:52:04,891 --> 00:52:09,171 I was asleep and, erm... I woke up because he was shouting. 511 00:52:11,971 --> 00:52:14,571 I felt scared, so i called out for my mum. 512 00:52:17,291 --> 00:52:18,411 Then nothing. 513 00:52:23,211 --> 00:52:26,689 I don't remember anything except being wrapped in a blanket 514 00:52:26,690 --> 00:52:28,091 and taken to your house. 515 00:52:34,971 --> 00:52:36,331 I've got to go in now. 516 00:53:57,731 --> 00:53:59,011 I've missed this. 517 00:54:06,211 --> 00:54:09,131 Seth? Seth? 518 00:54:12,851 --> 00:54:14,690 What have you done? 519 00:54:14,691 --> 00:54:16,291 Seth! 520 00:54:22,811 --> 00:54:25,291 You know what i've done. 521 00:55:25,491 --> 00:55:28,011 I told you not to look in that bag! 522 00:55:47,211 --> 00:55:48,291 Hattie! 523 00:55:49,491 --> 00:55:51,011 Hattie! 524 00:56:00,251 --> 00:56:01,731 Malcolm? 525 00:57:11,093 --> 00:57:15,674 Subtitles by MemoryOnSmells http://UKsubtitles.ru. 526 00:57:15,731 --> 00:57:18,529 18 hours missing. She could still be out there. 527 00:57:18,530 --> 00:57:22,569 There's something on your dad's computer he doesn't want me to see. 528 00:57:22,570 --> 00:57:24,129 I want to know how mum died. 529 00:57:24,130 --> 00:57:26,969 I don't talk about it. And you don't ask about it. 530 00:57:26,970 --> 00:57:30,409 Have you ever been buried alive? Are you keeping her in the woods? 531 00:57:30,410 --> 00:57:32,289 You think everyone's guilty of something. 532 00:57:32,290 --> 00:57:35,691 Yeah, it's PC Hill. I need assistance at the moon pond. 533 00:57:35,692 --> 00:57:37,890 Come here! Eh, eh, eh! 534 00:57:37,891 --> 00:57:38,969 Did you find something? 535 00:57:38,970 --> 00:57:41,531 Sometimes you can be wrong about people. 536 00:57:41,532 --> 00:57:44,170 Look into the abyss, 537 00:57:44,171 --> 00:57:47,331 and the abyss looks back at you.