1 00:00:02,160 --> 00:00:05,321 나는 내 승무원 5명과 전쟁포로로 잡혀있다. 2 00:00:06,233 --> 00:00:07,767 - 러셀 지터. - 보고있어? 3 00:00:07,869 --> 00:00:08,503 네 4 00:00:08,528 --> 00:00:11,463 미국 해군 주임원사 군번 153511508. 5 00:00:11,488 --> 00:00:13,095 우린 저 배와 대화할수 없습니다. 6 00:00:13,173 --> 00:00:14,573 해적 Hi-Def에서 방송중입니다. 7 00:00:14,675 --> 00:00:16,641 이 방송을 역으로 추적 할 수 있나? 8 00:00:16,743 --> 00:00:17,776 확인해보겠습니다. 9 00:00:17,878 --> 00:00:19,210 저들은 아마 공중파 신호로 방송중입니다. 10 00:00:19,312 --> 00:00:20,812 그건 HAM라디오 신호처럼 작동합니다. 11 00:00:20,914 --> 00:00:22,280 그녀 말이 맞아요. 12 00:00:22,382 --> 00:00:23,548 안테나를 가지고있다면 누구나 신호를 딸수있죠. 13 00:00:23,650 --> 00:00:24,916 우리는 다른지역에 방송되기전에 14 00:00:25,018 --> 00:00:26,584 성명서를 발표해야합니다. 15 00:00:26,686 --> 00:00:28,218 이것보다 먼저 나올 수 있어요. 16 00:00:28,320 --> 00:00:29,954 22... 17 00:00:30,056 --> 00:00:31,755 잠시만요, 저기 없는사람이 있어요. 18 00:00:31,857 --> 00:00:32,823 누구? 19 00:00:32,925 --> 00:00:34,024 매이슨. 20 00:00:34,126 --> 00:00:35,893 아마 어떻게든 나왔겠죠. 21 00:00:35,995 --> 00:00:38,963 불가능해. 그린과 내 동생이 클럽을 탈출하기전에 22 00:00:39,065 --> 00:00:40,263 해적이 먼저 그를 데려갔어. 23 00:00:40,365 --> 00:00:41,932 이런. 24 00:00:42,034 --> 00:00:43,967 난 미국이 이걸 보고있길 바란다. 25 00:00:44,069 --> 00:00:45,835 다카하야 26 00:00:45,937 --> 00:00:49,739 당신들은 우리땅과 먼 바다에 너무 오래살고있다. 27 00:00:49,841 --> 00:00:53,843 전염병은 끝났지만 당신들이 더 죽이고있어. 28 00:00:53,945 --> 00:00:55,629 우리는 미국이 나가길 바란다. 29 00:00:55,936 --> 00:01:00,238 그리고, 제프리 미치너, 당신은 내 요구를 받아들여야 할꺼야. 30 00:01:00,340 --> 00:01:03,274 두대의 미 해군 구축함이 31 00:01:03,376 --> 00:01:04,709 오키나와 항구에 있는데 32 00:01:04,810 --> 00:01:07,445 배를 아시아해역 밖으로 돌려서 33 00:01:07,547 --> 00:01:09,513 이동할것을 명령해라 34 00:01:09,616 --> 00:01:12,683 난 이미 당신의 선원 하나를 죽였다 35 00:01:12,785 --> 00:01:14,619 날 시험하지마라 36 00:01:14,721 --> 00:01:18,888 만약 36시간안에 요구를 들어주지않으면, 37 00:01:18,990 --> 00:01:21,732 처형은 계속될것이다. 38 00:01:24,763 --> 00:01:27,330 39 00:01:35,322 --> 00:01:42,028 Synced & corrected by -robtor- www.addic7ed.com 40 00:01:55,858 --> 00:01:58,927 베트남 공격이후 시간을 기준으로, 41 00:01:59,029 --> 00:02:00,962 그들이 수송되었다는 가정하에 42 00:02:01,064 --> 00:02:03,264 우리는 세 보트중 하나를 추적했습니다 43 00:02:03,366 --> 00:02:06,667 이게 우리가 탐색한 영역입니다. 44 00:02:06,769 --> 00:02:08,368 인질들을 중국 본토에 데려가서 45 00:02:08,470 --> 00:02:09,669 촬영했을수도 있습니다 46 00:02:09,771 --> 00:02:11,504 단서는 없지만 검색 범위를 줄이고있는데 47 00:02:11,606 --> 00:02:13,040 우리는 경도 20도 48 00:02:13,142 --> 00:02:15,575 위도 15도의 지역에서 찾고있는데 49 00:02:15,677 --> 00:02:17,677 그건 백만 평방마일이 넘습니다 사령관님. 50 00:02:17,779 --> 00:02:19,222 기다려봐 51 00:02:21,116 --> 00:02:23,116 확실한 배만 잡아봐 52 00:02:23,218 --> 00:02:26,052 미국 해군 함장, 마이클 슬래터리 53 00:02:26,154 --> 00:02:30,456 군번 171811120. 54 00:02:30,558 --> 00:02:31,824 11120... 55 00:02:31,926 --> 00:02:33,125 나는 내 승무원 5명... 56 00:02:33,227 --> 00:02:34,393 일치하지않아. ...전쟁 포로입니다. 57 00:02:34,495 --> 00:02:37,129 - 그의 군번이 아니야. - 러셀 지터. 58 00:02:37,231 --> 00:02:39,999 미국 해군 주임원사. 59 00:02:40,101 --> 00:02:43,435 군번 153511508. 60 00:02:43,536 --> 00:02:45,337 나는 전쟁포로입니다 61 00:02:45,439 --> 00:02:46,972 저런 군번은 없어. 62 00:02:47,807 --> 00:02:49,207 그것들은 좌표야. 63 00:02:49,309 --> 00:02:52,577 그들은 별을 보고 알아낸거에요 64 00:02:52,679 --> 00:02:56,014 마이크, 존나 똑똑한새끼. 65 00:02:56,116 --> 00:02:57,515 66 00:03:09,862 --> 00:03:12,662 지금 이걸로 다시한번 67 00:03:12,764 --> 00:03:15,265 68 00:03:17,568 --> 00:03:20,269 한마리 개를 키웠었지. 69 00:03:20,372 --> 00:03:22,705 항상 도망가려고해서 70 00:03:22,807 --> 00:03:26,675 기다리는걸 가르쳤지 71 00:03:26,777 --> 00:03:31,280 그때처럼 너에게도 기다림을 가르쳐주지 72 00:03:32,884 --> 00:03:36,518 난 매 맞는걸 정말 즐기고있어 73 00:03:36,620 --> 00:03:38,020 74 00:03:38,122 --> 00:03:40,055 그런가.. 75 00:03:42,759 --> 00:03:45,960 76 00:03:48,820 --> 00:03:50,820 충분해 77 00:03:51,293 --> 00:03:53,293 더이상 피를 낭비하지말자 78 00:04:00,976 --> 00:04:03,710 불행하게도, 전 지금 그것에대해 언급할수없습니다. 79 00:04:03,812 --> 00:04:06,414 단지 내가 말할수 있는것은 우린 인질을 구출하기 위해서 80 00:04:06,516 --> 00:04:08,148 - 최선을 다하고 있다는 겁니다 - 젠장. 81 00:04:08,250 --> 00:04:10,216 이 나라의 모든 2비트 대역에서 82 00:04:10,318 --> 00:04:11,551 우리의 영상과 함께 83 00:04:11,653 --> 00:04:14,087 이 장면이 계속 방송되고있어 84 00:04:14,189 --> 00:04:15,721 ...전세계에 이러한 영상들이 반복재생 되고있는데요, 85 00:04:15,823 --> 00:04:17,424 몇가지 의문점이 있습니다 86 00:04:17,526 --> 00:04:19,526 대통령은 납치를 알게된지 얼마나 됐을까요? 87 00:04:19,627 --> 00:04:21,794 왜 인질들의 가족에겐 알리지 않았을까요? 88 00:04:21,896 --> 00:04:23,763 그리고 테러리스트들의 요구를 받아들였을까요? 89 00:04:23,875 --> 00:04:25,007 국민들에게 대통령이 정직하지않다고 90 00:04:25,032 --> 00:04:26,165 논란이 될까요? 91 00:04:26,267 --> 00:04:27,433 그건 이 문제를 해결하기전까진 92 00:04:27,535 --> 00:04:29,134 알수없어 93 00:04:29,236 --> 00:04:30,735 이 속도로 우리 두대의 구축함이 네이단제임스호에 94 00:04:30,760 --> 00:04:33,138 도달하는데 얼마나 걸리지? 95 00:04:33,240 --> 00:04:35,006 15~18시간 정도 걸립니다. 96 00:04:35,109 --> 00:04:36,408 그건 인질들을 다 죽이기에 97 00:04:36,510 --> 00:04:38,077 충분한 시간이잖아 98 00:04:38,179 --> 00:04:39,411 그리고 해적들의 기한전에 99 00:04:39,513 --> 00:04:41,179 인질들을 찾아서 100 00:04:41,281 --> 00:04:42,513 되돌아가기에도 부족한 시간이죠. 101 00:04:42,615 --> 00:04:44,415 당신은 대통령이 배를 돌려서 102 00:04:44,517 --> 00:04:46,484 싸우기를 결심할꺼라고 생각합니까? 103 00:04:46,586 --> 00:04:48,752 만약 챈들러사령관이 시간을 벌어준다면요 104 00:04:48,854 --> 00:04:50,381 미스 샤. 105 00:04:51,191 --> 00:04:54,892 당신이 군 고문으로서 말해보세요, 이 구축함 없이는, 106 00:04:54,994 --> 00:04:56,327 아무것도 조사할수없어요 107 00:04:56,429 --> 00:04:58,962 일본에서 발생한 두번째 전염병 가능성, 108 00:04:59,064 --> 00:05:00,464 해적을 소탕하는 일, 109 00:05:00,566 --> 00:05:03,200 펭 주석의 더러운 뒷모습까지. 110 00:05:03,302 --> 00:05:03,997 어느것도 말이죠 111 00:05:08,907 --> 00:05:11,274 슬래터리 함장의 코드 메세지를 기반으로보면, 112 00:05:11,376 --> 00:05:13,710 인질은 대략 여기쯤 있습니다. 113 00:05:13,812 --> 00:05:15,144 114 00:05:15,246 --> 00:05:16,378 파라셀 제도입니다 115 00:05:16,481 --> 00:05:18,080 해적이 숨어있을만한 섬이 116 00:05:18,182 --> 00:05:20,116 24군데 이상일 가능성이 없더라도 117 00:05:20,218 --> 00:05:21,817 여전히 많아요 118 00:05:21,919 --> 00:05:24,987 그리고 각각 수백마일 떨어져있지 119 00:05:25,089 --> 00:05:26,722 만약 최대 출력으로 간다면 120 00:05:26,824 --> 00:05:29,958 우리는 8시간안에 첫번째 섬을 공격할수있습니다. 121 00:05:30,060 --> 00:05:31,660 먼저 연료를 보급받지않으면 122 00:05:31,762 --> 00:05:33,728 그 영역을 다 찾기는 불가능합니다 123 00:05:33,830 --> 00:05:35,062 포콩섬 저장소? 124 00:05:35,165 --> 00:05:35,997 그렇습니다. 125 00:05:36,099 --> 00:05:37,198 우리가 가는길에 연료를 공급받을수있고, 126 00:05:37,300 --> 00:05:38,899 멀리 돌아가지 않아도 됩니다 127 00:05:39,002 --> 00:05:40,401 - 항로를 설정해 - 알겠습니다. 128 00:05:42,239 --> 00:05:45,940 129 00:05:46,042 --> 00:05:49,543 조금만 참아 130 00:05:49,645 --> 00:05:51,278 우리는 제임스호에 작은 목표를 줬어 131 00:05:51,380 --> 00:05:53,480 하지만 좌표 범위가 너무 커 132 00:05:53,582 --> 00:05:55,616 그걸 모두 커버하기엔 너무 큰 바다야 133 00:05:55,717 --> 00:05:57,217 디아즈 134 00:05:57,319 --> 00:05:59,219 자네가 본 그 라디오타워가 얼마나 컸지? 135 00:05:59,321 --> 00:06:00,621 아마 100피트 정도요. 136 00:06:00,722 --> 00:06:02,489 그걸 해킹할생각이에요? 137 00:06:02,591 --> 00:06:03,490 그렇습니다 138 00:06:03,592 --> 00:06:04,658 만약 제가 약간의 노이즈를 만든다면, 139 00:06:04,760 --> 00:06:06,725 제임스호에 방위를 알려줄수있을겁니다. 140 00:06:06,827 --> 00:06:08,461 만약 그들이 방송범위내에 있다면 141 00:06:08,563 --> 00:06:10,229 우릴 바로 찾을 수 있을겁니다. 142 00:06:10,331 --> 00:06:11,864 143 00:06:11,966 --> 00:06:13,932 노이즈를 만들기위해 어떻게 해야하지? 신호를 약간 바꾸면되나? 144 00:06:14,035 --> 00:06:16,669 모든 종류의 금속이 신호를 처리할수있으니까... 145 00:06:16,771 --> 00:06:18,737 146 00:06:20,208 --> 00:06:21,507 또 시작이군 147 00:06:21,609 --> 00:06:25,410 O형 친구, 스스로 일어나 148 00:06:29,082 --> 00:06:30,282 149 00:06:30,384 --> 00:06:32,617 아, 어서 150 00:06:32,719 --> 00:06:35,753 내 하녀는 내일까지 안오는건가? 151 00:06:38,225 --> 00:06:41,725 재밌는놈이네? 152 00:06:43,196 --> 00:06:46,230 정말... 재밌어. 153 00:06:46,332 --> 00:06:48,232 154 00:07:00,144 --> 00:07:02,645 젠장 155 00:07:02,747 --> 00:07:04,380 156 00:07:04,482 --> 00:07:05,915 음파탐지기를 확인하고있다가, 157 00:07:06,017 --> 00:07:07,417 뭐라도 확인되면 얘기해 158 00:07:07,519 --> 00:07:09,085 - 어떤 엔진소음이라도. - 알겠습니다 159 00:07:09,187 --> 00:07:11,321 연락장교(LNO), 임무보고 160 00:07:11,423 --> 00:07:12,455 목발은 어딨어? 161 00:07:12,557 --> 00:07:14,156 난 괜찮아. 정말이야 162 00:07:14,258 --> 00:07:15,524 나한테 시킬거 없어? 163 00:07:15,626 --> 00:07:17,792 전술장교 옆에서 164 00:07:17,894 --> 00:07:19,127 상륙팀을 지휘해줘 165 00:07:19,230 --> 00:07:20,462 알겠습니다 166 00:07:20,564 --> 00:07:21,730 연료보급소는 지평선 위에있어 167 00:07:21,832 --> 00:07:23,365 전 무인정찰기를 준비해서 확인해봤으면 좋겠습니다 168 00:07:23,467 --> 00:07:26,301 - 알겠습니다 - 전 상륙준비를 하겠습니다. 169 00:07:34,410 --> 00:07:37,177 사령관님 무인정찰기가 포콩섬에 접근중입니다. 170 00:07:37,280 --> 00:07:38,879 좋아 171 00:07:43,052 --> 00:07:45,219 172 00:07:45,321 --> 00:07:46,454 이게 뭐라고 생각해? 173 00:07:46,556 --> 00:07:49,055 확실히 우리 구축함은 아닌데 174 00:07:49,157 --> 00:07:50,189 중국이군. 175 00:07:50,292 --> 00:07:51,924 176 00:07:52,026 --> 00:07:53,660 정보실, 함교다, 멈춰. 177 00:07:53,762 --> 00:07:55,595 무인정찰기를 복귀시켜 178 00:07:55,697 --> 00:07:58,567 속도를 1만피트로 높이고 90도로 돌립니다 179 00:07:58,669 --> 00:07:59,196 180 00:07:59,242 --> 00:08:00,958 남해함대 4대를 181 00:08:01,036 --> 00:08:02,820 당신이 올걸 대비해서 182 00:08:03,538 --> 00:08:05,537 남겨놨어 183 00:08:05,640 --> 00:08:07,839 우리의 위치는 노출되지 않았습니다 184 00:08:07,941 --> 00:08:09,375 우리가 올줄 어떻게 알았을까요? 185 00:08:09,477 --> 00:08:10,876 영리한 작전이군 186 00:08:10,978 --> 00:08:13,879 천마일 이내에 급유를 해야해 187 00:08:16,984 --> 00:08:20,018 젠장 188 00:08:25,437 --> 00:08:26,923 연료가 21% 남았습니다. 189 00:08:27,111 --> 00:08:28,557 오키나와로 돌아가기에 충분하지 않습니다. 190 00:08:28,637 --> 00:08:30,537 만약 일본으로 돌아가더라도, 우리가 할수있는건없어 191 00:08:30,639 --> 00:08:32,273 그리고 펭은 원하는걸 얻게되겠지 192 00:08:32,375 --> 00:08:33,941 우리의 모든배는 지역밖에있어 193 00:08:34,043 --> 00:08:36,810 나는 납치의 배후에 펭이 있다고 생각하지 않아요 194 00:08:36,913 --> 00:08:38,145 그의 네대의 군함이 우리의 희망을 195 00:08:38,247 --> 00:08:39,613 막고있는데도요 196 00:08:39,715 --> 00:08:42,082 내말은 그게 아니에요 그는 우리가 죽길 바라지않아요, 197 00:08:42,184 --> 00:08:44,385 펭과 해적은 묘한 협력을 하고있어요 198 00:08:44,486 --> 00:08:46,119 어쩌면 그들은 다른 목적을 가지고있을지도 모르죠 199 00:08:46,221 --> 00:08:47,620 Didn't Peng call the President 200 00:08:47,722 --> 00:08:49,923 to pledge his full support in rescuing our crew? 201 00:08:50,025 --> 00:08:53,192 Why don't we ask POTUS to demand he clear the blockage? 202 00:08:53,295 --> 00:08:54,994 Force his hand and then see where he stands. 203 00:08:55,096 --> 00:08:57,297 And then Peng says yes and then during the refueling, 204 00:08:57,399 --> 00:08:59,432 the James accidentally goes up in flames 205 00:08:59,534 --> 00:09:01,000 and he pins it on the pirates again. 206 00:09:01,102 --> 00:09:02,522 Agreed. 207 00:09:06,740 --> 00:09:09,252 The President shouldn't ask Peng for the fuel. 208 00:09:10,010 --> 00:09:10,842 We should. 209 00:09:11,208 --> 00:09:12,345 We call him ourselves? 210 00:09:12,446 --> 00:09:15,314 No, that'll just give his warships our location. 211 00:09:15,416 --> 00:09:16,961 Jesse'll fly us into Hong Kong. 212 00:09:17,063 --> 00:09:19,516 We can be inside his mansion in just under two hours. 213 00:09:19,618 --> 00:09:23,214 Well, we will certainly have a lot to discuss. 214 00:09:23,316 --> 00:09:27,624 Sorry, sir. Are we talking about what we're talking about? 215 00:09:27,726 --> 00:09:29,827 We're gonna break into the headquarters 216 00:09:29,929 --> 00:09:31,329 of the Chinese President. 217 00:09:37,902 --> 00:09:39,702 What are we looking at in terms of security? 218 00:09:39,804 --> 00:09:43,214 Uh [Sighs] dozens of armed guards posted inside and out. 219 00:09:43,575 --> 00:09:46,509 Each room and hallway requires key card access, also CCTV security. 220 00:09:46,611 --> 00:09:48,645 Val hacked into Peng's security system 221 00:09:48,747 --> 00:09:50,080 when we were at the mansion. 222 00:09:50,182 --> 00:09:51,915 We can own the cameras and doors. 223 00:09:52,017 --> 00:09:53,149 That'll get us inside. 224 00:09:53,250 --> 00:09:54,950 CIC can keep eyes on you from the sky. 225 00:09:55,053 --> 00:09:56,585 That still leaves the guards. 226 00:09:56,688 --> 00:09:59,055 Not sure how many we can drop before alerting the rest of 'em. 227 00:09:59,157 --> 00:10:00,589 We do this right, nobody gets killed. 228 00:10:00,692 --> 00:10:04,960 I'm not giving Peng an excuse to start an all-out war. 229 00:10:05,810 --> 00:10:07,329 Prep the helo. 230 00:10:11,868 --> 00:10:13,935 [Door opens] 231 00:10:16,372 --> 00:10:18,773 It's one thing to go hunting for pirates, 232 00:10:18,875 --> 00:10:23,038 but pulling Peng out of his bed in the middle of the night... 233 00:10:23,847 --> 00:10:26,114 How are you going to get the President to sign off on this? 234 00:10:27,649 --> 00:10:30,517 A rogue Navy captain with a hero complex 235 00:10:30,619 --> 00:10:32,853 driven mad by the loss of his shipmates 236 00:10:32,955 --> 00:10:34,988 takes matters into his own hands. 237 00:10:35,652 --> 00:10:36,724 That's the story you'll have to tell 238 00:10:36,826 --> 00:10:39,126 if this operation does not go as I've planned. 239 00:10:39,228 --> 00:10:40,820 You can't be serious. 240 00:10:41,840 --> 00:10:44,997 I wanted to tell you personally and privately, sir, 241 00:10:45,100 --> 00:10:46,766 so I can prepare you for the worst. 242 00:10:47,046 --> 00:10:48,901 The worst being we lose the hostages 243 00:10:49,003 --> 00:10:50,203 and start a war with China? 244 00:10:50,304 --> 00:10:52,968 It's important you maintain deniability. 245 00:10:53,754 --> 00:10:55,167 I'm willing to take the heat, sir. 246 00:10:55,645 --> 00:10:57,476 - Jesus, Tom. - There are no other options, sir, 247 00:10:57,578 --> 00:10:59,779 not if we want to rescue the hostages 248 00:10:59,881 --> 00:11:01,046 by Takehaya's deadline. 249 00:11:01,148 --> 00:11:03,314 This way, we get the fuel we need 250 00:11:03,416 --> 00:11:06,218 and we get answers from Peng about what's going on. 251 00:11:07,481 --> 00:11:08,186 I need to hear from you 252 00:11:08,288 --> 00:11:11,189 before the 36-hour deadline, either way. 253 00:11:11,291 --> 00:11:14,425 You will, sir. Thank you, sir. 254 00:11:18,030 --> 00:11:21,098 The President's a good man, and he knows how important it is 255 00:11:21,200 --> 00:11:22,328 to keep the people informed. 256 00:11:22,835 --> 00:11:25,269 The first thing he did before we even landed in St. Louis 257 00:11:25,371 --> 00:11:27,304 was start broadcasting to the American people. 258 00:11:27,406 --> 00:11:28,672 I heard the broadcasts from Jackson, 259 00:11:28,775 --> 00:11:29,640 and I know the legend. 260 00:11:30,088 --> 00:11:31,521 It's not a legend. It's the truth. 261 00:11:32,461 --> 00:11:33,221 I appreciate that. 262 00:11:33,361 --> 00:11:35,879 Then why do you go after him like he's some sort of criminal 263 00:11:35,981 --> 00:11:39,115 while my friends are being held captive 10,000 miles away? 264 00:11:39,217 --> 00:11:41,284 I get that you're enamored with the guy, 265 00:11:41,386 --> 00:11:42,618 but you've been in your own 266 00:11:42,720 --> 00:11:44,478 little bubble with him for awhile now. 267 00:11:44,580 --> 00:11:46,193 Out here in post-plague America, 268 00:11:46,240 --> 00:11:48,541 there are real concerns about the new President. 269 00:11:48,643 --> 00:11:50,648 And I'm not just talking about this hostage situation. 270 00:11:50,751 --> 00:11:52,230 Well, then, people have a pretty short memory. 271 00:11:52,331 --> 00:11:54,271 They remember the fall of the last government 272 00:11:54,373 --> 00:11:55,588 and how it felt to be abandoned. 273 00:11:56,249 --> 00:11:57,248 Let's face it. 274 00:11:57,351 --> 00:11:59,513 It is one thing to come home with a cure. 275 00:11:59,615 --> 00:12:01,319 It's another to rebuild a country 276 00:12:01,421 --> 00:12:03,221 and take on the rest of the world. 277 00:12:03,323 --> 00:12:06,060 Moses delivered his people from slavery 278 00:12:06,393 --> 00:12:09,026 and brought back the word of God from the mountaintop, 279 00:12:09,128 --> 00:12:11,795 and even he wasn't allowed into the promised land. 280 00:12:15,968 --> 00:12:18,317 You know, you're smart. 281 00:12:19,208 --> 00:12:21,375 And you keep everybody on their toes, 282 00:12:21,477 --> 00:12:22,662 and that's a good thing. 283 00:12:23,646 --> 00:12:24,847 But you're also glib 284 00:12:25,348 --> 00:12:28,214 and a bit too in love with your role in all of this. 285 00:12:30,152 --> 00:12:31,317 There's no Watergate. 286 00:12:31,419 --> 00:12:34,086 You're not Woodward and Bernstein. 287 00:12:34,189 --> 00:12:36,082 The President has a carefully thought-out idea 288 00:12:36,184 --> 00:12:37,790 about how to repair this country. 289 00:12:37,892 --> 00:12:39,692 The last thing anyone needs 290 00:12:39,794 --> 00:12:42,195 is you trying to tear him and this government down. 291 00:12:42,952 --> 00:12:44,530 Unless you want to go back to the way things were 292 00:12:44,632 --> 00:12:46,898 before the James came up the Mississippi. 293 00:12:50,671 --> 00:12:52,971 [Indistinct chatter] 294 00:13:13,298 --> 00:13:15,375 See something interesting, Captain? 295 00:13:16,729 --> 00:13:19,229 Looks like your boys scored some good loot. 296 00:13:21,300 --> 00:13:23,300 Slattery: What's with all the blood, anyway? 297 00:13:23,402 --> 00:13:25,335 Cure not good enough for you? 298 00:13:25,437 --> 00:13:29,539 The American cure is no cure. 299 00:13:29,641 --> 00:13:32,108 We were wiped out. 300 00:13:34,778 --> 00:13:36,612 Then you didn't have the real cure. 301 00:13:38,683 --> 00:13:43,919 My dose. Made in USA. 302 00:13:45,856 --> 00:13:47,323 Doesn't make any sense. 303 00:13:48,659 --> 00:13:50,557 The virus would've killed me. 304 00:13:52,842 --> 00:13:54,875 But I got lucky. 305 00:13:55,365 --> 00:13:57,398 I got shot. 306 00:13:58,880 --> 00:14:00,880 _ 307 00:14:05,108 --> 00:14:09,058 A transfusion from a cured person. 308 00:14:10,846 --> 00:14:15,414 The next morning, the symptoms were gone. 309 00:14:17,386 --> 00:14:23,089 But... it didn't last. 310 00:14:23,191 --> 00:14:25,625 That's why you started hunting fresh blood. 311 00:14:25,727 --> 00:14:27,493 Our blood. 312 00:14:30,398 --> 00:14:34,140 You went to a lot of trouble to get me and my people. 313 00:14:34,802 --> 00:14:35,996 Why us? 314 00:14:36,937 --> 00:14:42,574 You needed to pay for what you did to my country. 315 00:14:42,676 --> 00:14:44,402 Look. 316 00:14:44,503 --> 00:14:50,815 We had... we had reports of possible mutation. 317 00:14:50,917 --> 00:14:52,817 What if those reports are right? 318 00:14:52,919 --> 00:14:55,086 What you're doing is making things worse. 319 00:14:55,188 --> 00:14:57,722 You can't send the ships back to America, 320 00:14:57,824 --> 00:14:59,090 you got to send them into Japan. 321 00:14:59,192 --> 00:15:01,947 Let them investigate. Our doctors will help. 322 00:15:03,796 --> 00:15:04,828 They'll help. 323 00:15:04,930 --> 00:15:06,394 I give you my word. 324 00:15:07,366 --> 00:15:09,400 [Sighs] 325 00:15:10,503 --> 00:15:12,859 Your word means nothing. 326 00:15:23,348 --> 00:15:25,515 [Door opens] 327 00:15:25,617 --> 00:15:27,817 [Breathing heavily] 328 00:15:34,895 --> 00:15:37,208 Cobra team, Nathan James, radar contact. 329 00:15:37,482 --> 00:15:39,515 3 minutes to first drop-off point. 330 00:15:39,617 --> 00:15:41,818 [Helicopter blades whirring] 331 00:15:43,755 --> 00:15:45,321 Woman: Nomad copies all. 332 00:15:45,423 --> 00:15:47,556 We have eyes on the target, over. 333 00:15:47,659 --> 00:15:49,792 Man: Dive team is set. 334 00:15:52,029 --> 00:15:53,929 Stand by! 335 00:15:54,031 --> 00:15:55,563 Go! 336 00:16:10,346 --> 00:16:12,513 [Indistinct chatter] 337 00:16:26,594 --> 00:16:28,361 Captain, watch your asses out there. 338 00:16:28,463 --> 00:16:29,830 Noted. 339 00:16:29,932 --> 00:16:32,365 First sign of trouble, meet us at Raleigh Bravo. 340 00:16:32,467 --> 00:16:34,434 Aye, sir. 341 00:16:40,274 --> 00:16:43,475 Burk: Sasha's Intel is confirmed. Two-man guard patrols. 342 00:16:43,577 --> 00:16:46,778 Pair on the roof, another in the back, and two pairs in front. 343 00:16:46,881 --> 00:16:49,048 Eyes on you, Vulture, you're clear. 344 00:16:49,150 --> 00:16:50,883 Roger that. We're on the move. 345 00:17:02,395 --> 00:17:04,162 [Door opens] 346 00:17:04,264 --> 00:17:07,431 [Indistinct chatter] 347 00:17:07,533 --> 00:17:10,101 [Tablet beeping] 348 00:17:12,205 --> 00:17:14,471 We're in. 349 00:17:30,856 --> 00:17:33,189 Chandler: And there he is. 350 00:17:46,371 --> 00:17:48,669 Force majeure set. 351 00:18:01,385 --> 00:18:03,785 [Indistinct chatter] 352 00:18:14,263 --> 00:18:16,163 Looks like they're taking the bait. 353 00:18:16,265 --> 00:18:19,266 Time for some technical difficulties. 354 00:18:20,602 --> 00:18:24,304 [Computers click, whir] 355 00:18:26,641 --> 00:18:29,175 [Bowl thuds] 356 00:18:30,378 --> 00:18:32,190 [Door closes] _ 357 00:18:32,252 --> 00:18:35,540 _ 358 00:18:36,014 --> 00:18:38,532 _ 359 00:18:38,609 --> 00:18:41,563 _ 360 00:18:42,183 --> 00:18:44,183 _ 361 00:18:44,713 --> 00:18:46,713 _ 362 00:18:47,328 --> 00:18:49,328 _ 363 00:18:50,409 --> 00:18:52,409 _ 364 00:18:55,968 --> 00:18:57,486 _ 365 00:18:57,636 --> 00:18:59,870 [Keyboard clacking] 366 00:19:01,916 --> 00:19:03,384 _ 367 00:19:03,409 --> 00:19:04,902 They've rebooted the system. 368 00:19:05,845 --> 00:19:08,312 All right, here we go. 369 00:19:14,686 --> 00:19:16,919 [Computers whirring] 370 00:19:29,868 --> 00:19:32,167 [Door opens, closes] 371 00:19:47,859 --> 00:19:50,812 _ 372 00:19:53,689 --> 00:19:55,923 [Indistinct chatter] 373 00:20:09,271 --> 00:20:12,506 Relax. He can't see us. 374 00:20:17,513 --> 00:20:19,979 ♪♪ 375 00:20:24,685 --> 00:20:26,752 [Water dripping] 376 00:20:26,854 --> 00:20:30,189 [Breathes deeply] 377 00:20:40,934 --> 00:20:43,168 Move in. Move. 378 00:20:48,308 --> 00:20:50,575 [Tablet beeping] 379 00:20:50,677 --> 00:20:52,710 [Lock beeps] 380 00:20:55,314 --> 00:20:57,147 [Door closes] Clear. 381 00:21:08,260 --> 00:21:10,527 [Man speaking indistinctly in foreign language] 382 00:21:14,232 --> 00:21:16,566 [Lock beeps] 383 00:21:19,337 --> 00:21:21,604 [Whispers indistinctly] 384 00:21:53,202 --> 00:21:54,635 Bravo Team, Bravo Team, 385 00:21:54,737 --> 00:21:57,171 Alpha will have eyes on the prize in less than 1 minute. 386 00:21:57,273 --> 00:21:58,905 You ready to catch any scooters? 387 00:21:59,008 --> 00:22:00,508 That's an affirmative. 388 00:22:19,994 --> 00:22:22,427 ♪♪ 389 00:22:22,530 --> 00:22:24,129 Chandler: Get dressed. 390 00:22:24,231 --> 00:22:27,332 We have some business to discuss. 391 00:22:39,368 --> 00:22:43,537 I am beginning to understand the roots of your success. 392 00:22:46,342 --> 00:22:48,675 You just refuse to die. 393 00:22:48,777 --> 00:22:52,346 Dying's never been a part of my operational plan. 394 00:22:57,017 --> 00:22:58,784 I must've misplaced my key. 395 00:22:58,886 --> 00:23:00,686 [Radio clicks] 396 00:23:00,788 --> 00:23:02,321 Door. 397 00:23:02,423 --> 00:23:04,490 [Lock beeps] 398 00:23:12,544 --> 00:23:14,265 Hello, Mr. President. 399 00:23:16,002 --> 00:23:19,337 [Speaking Mandarin] 400 00:23:19,439 --> 00:23:22,591 After all I've done for you, 401 00:23:23,677 --> 00:23:26,614 granting you access to my home, 402 00:23:27,007 --> 00:23:30,796 my resources, my protection. 403 00:23:31,631 --> 00:23:33,631 I even looked the other way 404 00:23:34,080 --> 00:23:38,271 while you helped rogue pilots steal my cure. 405 00:23:39,089 --> 00:23:43,241 I could've killed you like I did your friend. 406 00:23:45,245 --> 00:23:47,945 And this is the gratitude I receive? 407 00:23:48,892 --> 00:23:50,892 _ 408 00:23:55,955 --> 00:23:58,255 [Air hissing] 409 00:24:08,700 --> 00:24:10,500 [Door closes] 410 00:24:10,602 --> 00:24:13,303 Wolf coming in. 411 00:24:13,405 --> 00:24:16,038 [Tablet beeps] 412 00:24:16,141 --> 00:24:18,374 [Lock beeps] 413 00:24:26,450 --> 00:24:28,850 All good. No one knows we're here. 414 00:24:28,952 --> 00:24:30,885 Just in time. 415 00:24:30,988 --> 00:24:34,323 Systems back on... now. 416 00:24:46,702 --> 00:24:50,104 Let us skip the formalities, shall we? 417 00:24:50,206 --> 00:24:53,040 I need fuel for my ship. 418 00:24:53,143 --> 00:24:56,143 Pho Kong harbor is blockaded by a fleet of your destroyers. 419 00:24:56,245 --> 00:24:59,912 You will remove them and allow me to refuel. 420 00:25:00,015 --> 00:25:01,548 Is this a joke? 421 00:25:01,650 --> 00:25:03,650 You come into my home, 422 00:25:03,752 --> 00:25:08,488 hold me at gunpoint to ask for ship fuel? 423 00:25:09,712 --> 00:25:10,991 That's right. 424 00:25:11,714 --> 00:25:13,792 And if I say no? 425 00:25:13,894 --> 00:25:15,227 Then you kill me? 426 00:25:15,829 --> 00:25:17,796 This will surely start a war. 427 00:25:18,135 --> 00:25:20,671 Is your country ready for that? 428 00:25:21,636 --> 00:25:23,502 You're not that great a swimmer. 429 00:25:23,604 --> 00:25:25,204 You don't get me what I came for, 430 00:25:25,306 --> 00:25:27,601 your men will find you floating face-down in your pool. 431 00:25:27,976 --> 00:25:32,009 And we will slip away just as silently as we arrived. 432 00:25:32,581 --> 00:25:34,179 No war. 433 00:25:36,857 --> 00:25:39,150 No, Captain Chandler. 434 00:25:39,252 --> 00:25:40,552 You won't. 435 00:25:40,654 --> 00:25:42,250 You are too noble. 436 00:25:43,114 --> 00:25:46,591 You're right. I won't. 437 00:25:48,960 --> 00:25:50,360 I will. 438 00:25:51,530 --> 00:25:53,630 No one ever accused me of being noble. 439 00:25:56,502 --> 00:25:58,181 This one is out for blood. 440 00:25:58,758 --> 00:26:00,509 Let's just say it's personal. 441 00:26:01,509 --> 00:26:04,039 Ah. Your girlfriend? 442 00:26:04,769 --> 00:26:06,275 I take it she was on the plane? 443 00:26:06,377 --> 00:26:08,844 As far as the rest of the world knows, 444 00:26:08,946 --> 00:26:12,081 you had nothing to do with the attack in Vietnam 445 00:26:12,183 --> 00:26:13,716 or the destruction of my plane. 446 00:26:14,294 --> 00:26:16,320 Your hands are clean and can stay that way 447 00:26:16,421 --> 00:26:18,404 provided you answer my questions 448 00:26:18,956 --> 00:26:22,023 and give my ship the fuel it needs to find our people. 449 00:26:22,518 --> 00:26:23,788 If not... 450 00:26:29,099 --> 00:26:32,334 President Peng, as your advisor on Sino-American affairs, 451 00:26:32,436 --> 00:26:34,869 I'd say this is the best deal you're gonna get. 452 00:26:41,661 --> 00:26:44,278 Chandler: November Juliet, this is Vulture Team leader, 453 00:26:44,380 --> 00:26:46,221 we are in business. 454 00:26:48,773 --> 00:26:50,484 [Speaking Mandarin] 455 00:26:52,688 --> 00:26:55,125 I want your ships well over the horizon. 456 00:26:55,757 --> 00:26:57,624 My people see anything they don't like, 457 00:26:57,726 --> 00:26:59,024 I don't care if it's a seagull too fat to fly... 458 00:26:59,127 --> 00:27:01,598 You don't need to threaten me anymore, Captain. 459 00:27:02,497 --> 00:27:04,661 I know how this is done. 460 00:27:05,467 --> 00:27:06,432 [Speaking Mandarin] 461 00:27:06,534 --> 00:27:08,534 [Radar beeping] 462 00:27:08,637 --> 00:27:09,902 Chinese ships are on the move. 463 00:27:10,004 --> 00:27:11,670 I'm tracking them on sonar, too. 464 00:27:11,772 --> 00:27:12,917 Very well. 465 00:27:13,507 --> 00:27:15,774 Bridge, CIC, take us in. 466 00:27:15,876 --> 00:27:17,108 Once we're docked, 467 00:27:17,210 --> 00:27:18,556 I want land team supervising the hook-up. 468 00:27:18,581 --> 00:27:19,268 Aye, ma'am. 469 00:27:19,346 --> 00:27:20,746 I also suggest we check the fuel, 470 00:27:20,847 --> 00:27:22,748 make sure they don't pump us full of nitromethane. 471 00:27:22,849 --> 00:27:24,983 Good idea. 472 00:27:27,288 --> 00:27:29,520 [Indistinct radio chatter] 473 00:27:34,794 --> 00:27:36,494 Get in. 474 00:27:42,101 --> 00:27:44,568 - [Door closes] - [Groans] 475 00:27:44,671 --> 00:27:45,535 - Master Chief. - You okay, sir? 476 00:27:45,637 --> 00:27:47,704 [Exhales sharply] 477 00:27:47,806 --> 00:27:49,651 Will this work? 478 00:28:00,758 --> 00:28:03,458 [ Grunting ] 479 00:28:03,560 --> 00:28:05,727 [ Blows landing ] 480 00:28:06,696 --> 00:28:09,231 Just gets better and better. 481 00:28:09,333 --> 00:28:12,501 What can they possibly hope to accomplish airing this footage, 482 00:28:12,602 --> 00:28:13,868 other than cause outrage? 483 00:28:13,970 --> 00:28:15,904 Man: This is an AMT special report. 484 00:28:16,006 --> 00:28:17,239 - Mrs. Miller? - Leave me alone. 485 00:28:17,341 --> 00:28:18,606 Mrs. Miller, Jacob Barnes, AMT News. 486 00:28:18,708 --> 00:28:20,341 Have you seen the gruesome video? 487 00:28:20,443 --> 00:28:22,143 - Just leave me alone. -Were you aware that your son 488 00:28:22,245 --> 00:28:23,744 was among the captives before that footage came out? 489 00:28:23,846 --> 00:28:25,079 Please, I don't want to talk about this now. 490 00:28:25,181 --> 00:28:26,547 The President said that he tried 491 00:28:26,649 --> 00:28:28,349 to reach out to all of the families. 492 00:28:28,451 --> 00:28:31,469 How long did it take before the administration found you? 493 00:28:31,571 --> 00:28:33,630 I only found out this morning. 494 00:28:33,731 --> 00:28:36,414 Eric was one of the original crew members on Nathan James. 495 00:28:36,517 --> 00:28:38,886 Do you feel that the President is doing enough to save him? 496 00:28:38,988 --> 00:28:40,093 I don't know what he's doing. 497 00:28:40,195 --> 00:28:42,848 My son, he fought to bring home the cure. 498 00:28:42,950 --> 00:28:44,245 He helped save millions of lives. 499 00:28:44,270 --> 00:28:46,069 He even saved the President's life. 500 00:28:46,171 --> 00:28:48,538 Shame on you, Jeffrey Michener. 501 00:28:48,641 --> 00:28:51,508 Shame on you if you don't bring my boy home. 502 00:28:53,845 --> 00:28:55,344 A heartsick mother 503 00:28:55,446 --> 00:28:57,613 and a bitter indictment of this administration. 504 00:28:58,244 --> 00:29:00,249 And with no end in sight to this hostage crisis, 505 00:29:00,351 --> 00:29:01,684 one question remains... 506 00:29:01,786 --> 00:29:03,689 what is the President's next move? 507 00:29:04,221 --> 00:29:05,588 Jacob Barnes, AMT News, St. Louis. 508 00:29:05,690 --> 00:29:07,256 Damn it, Jacob. 509 00:29:07,952 --> 00:29:10,660 Man: Shore up position for the hose off deck. 510 00:29:16,032 --> 00:29:17,532 Fuel's clean, sir. 511 00:29:22,071 --> 00:29:24,272 Begin refueling. 512 00:29:33,518 --> 00:29:34,517 Find anything? 513 00:29:34,619 --> 00:29:36,180 Nothing that connects him to Takehaya. 514 00:29:36,282 --> 00:29:37,607 Takehaya? 515 00:29:40,103 --> 00:29:42,237 You think I am working with him? 516 00:29:42,339 --> 00:29:43,638 Not much of a stretch. 517 00:29:43,740 --> 00:29:45,340 My plane goes down 518 00:29:45,442 --> 00:29:48,108 same time my friends are kidnapped thousands of miles away. 519 00:29:48,211 --> 00:29:51,247 There's coincidence, and there's conspiracy. 520 00:29:51,577 --> 00:29:53,848 You want us to stop rummaging through your things, 521 00:29:54,370 --> 00:29:55,850 maybe it's time for some answers. 522 00:29:55,952 --> 00:29:57,353 Wolf: Sasha. 523 00:30:07,552 --> 00:30:08,685 What do you make of this? 524 00:30:08,787 --> 00:30:10,553 Map of the Paracels. 525 00:30:10,655 --> 00:30:12,425 All these islands checked off 526 00:30:12,925 --> 00:30:14,324 like you were searching for something. 527 00:30:14,426 --> 00:30:16,693 As I have told you, Captain, 528 00:30:16,795 --> 00:30:18,628 before you came to China, 529 00:30:18,731 --> 00:30:21,130 the pirates were my biggest problem, 530 00:30:21,232 --> 00:30:22,464 threatening my ships, 531 00:30:22,566 --> 00:30:25,400 taking what did not belong to them. 532 00:30:25,502 --> 00:30:28,965 Takehaya is the worst of the worst. 533 00:30:29,925 --> 00:30:31,673 So you're hunting him. 534 00:30:35,533 --> 00:30:37,678 And you don't know where he is. 535 00:30:38,078 --> 00:30:42,050 If I did, I would've already kill him myself. 536 00:30:42,662 --> 00:30:43,784 Maybe. 537 00:30:43,887 --> 00:30:45,386 But there's still the small matter... 538 00:30:45,488 --> 00:30:49,490 [Camera shutter clicks] ...of a very big coincidence. 539 00:30:51,061 --> 00:30:53,861 - [Radio clicks] - Danny: Bogey approaching. 540 00:30:57,399 --> 00:30:58,999 [Clears throat] 541 00:30:59,101 --> 00:31:01,168 [Speaking Mandarin] 542 00:31:01,270 --> 00:31:02,669 [Knock on door] 543 00:31:08,543 --> 00:31:11,110 [Lock beeps] 544 00:31:19,526 --> 00:31:23,032 _ 545 00:31:23,376 --> 00:31:25,689 _ 546 00:31:26,318 --> 00:31:28,684 _ 547 00:31:29,495 --> 00:31:32,102 _ 548 00:31:33,050 --> 00:31:35,823 _ 549 00:31:38,040 --> 00:31:40,040 _ 550 00:31:52,218 --> 00:31:56,353 I suggest we wrap things up. He will be back. 551 00:32:06,679 --> 00:32:08,846 Michener: Gentlemen, Mrs. Price. 552 00:32:09,478 --> 00:32:11,241 We were all seated around the table here 553 00:32:11,341 --> 00:32:12,440 just 4 1/2 months ago 554 00:32:12,542 --> 00:32:14,430 forming a new national government. 555 00:32:14,947 --> 00:32:16,077 Representing your regions, 556 00:32:16,179 --> 00:32:17,512 you helped bring people together, 557 00:32:17,614 --> 00:32:18,546 one nation under God. 558 00:32:20,125 --> 00:32:20,714 I'm calling you now 559 00:32:20,816 --> 00:32:22,850 to ask for that support again. 560 00:32:22,951 --> 00:32:24,551 Sir, I don't know how they're reacting 561 00:32:24,653 --> 00:32:27,120 to this hostage situation in St. Louis, 562 00:32:27,222 --> 00:32:28,321 but I can tell you 563 00:32:28,424 --> 00:32:29,656 it's not playing well here in the Southwest. 564 00:32:29,759 --> 00:32:30,924 People are outraged. 565 00:32:31,026 --> 00:32:32,593 I understand, and I'm acting 566 00:32:32,695 --> 00:32:34,695 as swiftly and as smartly as possible. 567 00:32:34,797 --> 00:32:38,698 This situation is fluid, to say the least. 568 00:32:39,608 --> 00:32:42,802 But we're hoping that Captain Chandler 569 00:32:42,904 --> 00:32:44,937 can give us some answers before the deadline. 570 00:32:45,760 --> 00:32:48,939 What I really need from everyone right now is time... 571 00:32:49,041 --> 00:32:52,278 time to assess the dynamic situation across the world, 572 00:32:52,380 --> 00:32:54,946 time for Captain Chandler to do what he does. 573 00:32:55,048 --> 00:32:58,559 He got us this far. We owe him that much. 574 00:32:59,430 --> 00:33:02,254 Mr. President, the next few hours 575 00:33:02,355 --> 00:33:05,624 will determine the future, for better or worse. 576 00:33:06,198 --> 00:33:08,280 But you have my support. 577 00:33:09,095 --> 00:33:10,711 Croft: Mine, too, Mr. President. 578 00:33:12,165 --> 00:33:15,900 Jeffrey, you know I don't agree with your recent policy moves, 579 00:33:16,001 --> 00:33:19,202 the rations, the property laws and such, 580 00:33:19,305 --> 00:33:20,471 and I can safely say 581 00:33:20,573 --> 00:33:23,140 that the good survivors of TexArkana will not abide 582 00:33:23,242 --> 00:33:25,876 a strong, central government coming out of Missouri 583 00:33:25,978 --> 00:33:28,678 if they don't have confidence in a non-elected President. 584 00:33:29,291 --> 00:33:31,361 But on this, we are united. 585 00:33:31,616 --> 00:33:34,517 I will do my best to keep the pitchforks at bay. 586 00:33:34,966 --> 00:33:37,353 Bring home our people. 587 00:33:38,824 --> 00:33:42,124 Thank you. All of you. 588 00:33:46,664 --> 00:33:48,964 [Chickens clucking] 589 00:33:49,066 --> 00:33:52,200 [Indistinct chatter] 590 00:34:00,511 --> 00:34:02,844 Incoming. 591 00:34:02,946 --> 00:34:04,479 [Door opens] 592 00:34:06,983 --> 00:34:10,284 Rise and shine. 593 00:34:10,386 --> 00:34:12,820 - [Men shouting in foreign language] - [Grunts] 594 00:34:28,804 --> 00:34:30,770 CCF, what's your fuel level? 595 00:34:30,873 --> 00:34:32,269 Woman: 85%, ma'am. 596 00:34:39,914 --> 00:34:42,515 [Birds chirping] 597 00:34:44,037 --> 00:34:45,604 Peng: The clock is ticking. 598 00:34:45,853 --> 00:34:49,121 You have only eight hours before Takehaya's deadline. 599 00:34:49,223 --> 00:34:51,256 And he will certainly keep his word 600 00:34:51,358 --> 00:34:53,925 and start executing hostages. 601 00:34:54,027 --> 00:34:57,128 We'll leave, but not until I get the truth 602 00:34:57,230 --> 00:34:59,030 about why you tried to kill me. 603 00:34:59,132 --> 00:35:02,567 You came to my home, then you insult me, 604 00:35:02,669 --> 00:35:04,903 accuse me of atrocities 605 00:35:05,005 --> 00:35:07,104 in front of all the other delegates. 606 00:35:07,589 --> 00:35:08,733 No. 607 00:35:10,543 --> 00:35:11,575 That's not it. 608 00:35:13,579 --> 00:35:17,313 Maybe I needed your help to fight the pirates. 609 00:35:17,416 --> 00:35:19,883 Your country would never send support. 610 00:35:19,985 --> 00:35:21,418 I could force their hand 611 00:35:21,520 --> 00:35:24,354 by framing Takehaya for your deaths. 612 00:35:25,246 --> 00:35:29,593 Or maybe I wanted to draw your country into a war, 613 00:35:29,694 --> 00:35:32,161 take out its best leader. 614 00:35:33,257 --> 00:35:36,032 Or maybe it was personal. 615 00:35:45,108 --> 00:35:47,275 You want the truth? 616 00:35:47,377 --> 00:35:52,080 The truth is... I wanted you dead. 617 00:35:52,182 --> 00:35:54,916 At this point in our world history, 618 00:35:55,018 --> 00:35:56,565 isn't that reason enough? 619 00:35:57,988 --> 00:36:00,048 The most important 620 00:36:00,891 --> 00:36:04,909 is that we now have a common enemy in Takehaya, 621 00:36:05,728 --> 00:36:07,667 and you are running out of time. 622 00:36:24,913 --> 00:36:26,045 Burk: Refuel complete, sir. 623 00:36:26,147 --> 00:36:28,180 Roger that. We're on our way home. 624 00:36:28,991 --> 00:36:30,382 Alpha, you got six tangos 625 00:36:30,485 --> 00:36:32,218 coming your way from the north end. 626 00:36:34,522 --> 00:36:35,608 Green? 627 00:36:39,230 --> 00:36:41,093 Danny: Hall is clear. 628 00:36:41,194 --> 00:36:42,393 They got our north exfil covered. 629 00:36:42,496 --> 00:36:43,629 We'll take the south side. 630 00:36:43,731 --> 00:36:44,592 Kill the cameras. 631 00:36:48,301 --> 00:36:49,868 [Computers power down] 632 00:36:49,970 --> 00:36:53,437 Thanks for the hospitality. 633 00:36:55,108 --> 00:36:56,639 I'm taking this. 634 00:36:57,243 --> 00:36:58,535 With my complements. 635 00:37:05,652 --> 00:37:06,735 South. 636 00:37:21,299 --> 00:37:22,866 [Men shouting in Mandarin] 637 00:37:22,968 --> 00:37:25,101 Drop it! Drop it! 638 00:37:25,203 --> 00:37:29,838 [Indistinct shouting] 639 00:37:29,940 --> 00:37:31,874 [Speaking in Mandarin] 640 00:37:53,997 --> 00:37:55,863 You next. 641 00:38:06,341 --> 00:38:10,643 Go. Kill Takehaya. 642 00:38:34,068 --> 00:38:35,466 I'll see you again. 643 00:38:35,568 --> 00:38:38,369 I look forward to it. 644 00:38:49,673 --> 00:38:51,673 _ 645 00:38:54,383 --> 00:38:56,383 _ 646 00:39:03,462 --> 00:39:05,162 Fuel's at full capacity, sir. 647 00:39:05,264 --> 00:39:08,098 We even found a warehouse filled with canned goods, 648 00:39:08,200 --> 00:39:10,499 sodas, snacks, kind of like a regular gas station. 649 00:39:10,601 --> 00:39:12,268 Hope you picked up some lottery tickets. 650 00:39:12,370 --> 00:39:13,569 Could be our lucky day. 651 00:39:13,671 --> 00:39:15,138 Sasha: Here's our original search area. 652 00:39:15,240 --> 00:39:18,340 Lieutenant Burke, can we overlay Peng's map with our own? 653 00:39:19,410 --> 00:39:21,988 Suddenly our search area just got a hell of a lot smaller. 654 00:39:22,713 --> 00:39:24,947 We can rule out all these islands. 655 00:39:26,328 --> 00:39:28,950 Chandler: Leaving just those five to search. 656 00:39:29,052 --> 00:39:29,951 Outstanding. 657 00:39:30,053 --> 00:39:31,719 Sir, I recommend we search east to west. 658 00:39:31,822 --> 00:39:33,779 That'll put the morning sun behind us. 659 00:39:33,882 --> 00:39:35,627 Very well. Set a course, all ahead, full. 660 00:39:35,729 --> 00:39:36,500 Aye, sir. 661 00:39:38,683 --> 00:39:40,016 Six hours to the deadline. 662 00:39:40,118 --> 00:39:41,684 Let's make 'em count. 663 00:39:55,032 --> 00:39:59,033 Michael Slattery, Captain, United States Navy. 664 00:39:59,135 --> 00:40:04,110 Serial number 17181120. 665 00:40:05,975 --> 00:40:08,074 I rewatched the video. 666 00:40:08,176 --> 00:40:09,557 Very clever. 667 00:40:10,146 --> 00:40:12,125 And very stupid. 668 00:40:18,153 --> 00:40:21,137 You have led your friends to their deaths. 669 00:40:23,257 --> 00:40:25,491 [Computers beeping] 670 00:40:48,615 --> 00:40:51,448 Approaching the first island now, sir. 671 00:40:51,550 --> 00:40:54,685 CIC, Bridge. I want full power, sonar. 672 00:40:54,787 --> 00:40:57,221 Peng's subs could be lurking. 673 00:41:00,626 --> 00:41:04,628 [Sonar pinging] 674 00:41:13,705 --> 00:41:15,504 Sensor mine! Sensor mine! 675 00:41:15,607 --> 00:41:17,640 - [Alarm blaring] - Pull engines back, full! 676 00:41:39,967 --> 00:41:46,693 Synced & corrected by -robtor- www.addic7ed.com