1 00:00:56,265 --> 00:00:58,382 Lieutenant Granderson, an ETA on Sunshine. 2 00:00:58,517 --> 00:00:59,507 Aye, Sir. 3 00:00:59,685 --> 00:01:02,723 Sunshine, Navy Spear, request updated ETA to Wendy. 4 00:01:04,856 --> 00:01:06,188 Navy Spear, 2-0 mikes. 5 00:01:06,525 --> 00:01:07,732 It's gonna be a tight fit. 6 00:01:07,818 --> 00:01:10,231 Heading to an open deck outside the city. 7 00:01:10,529 --> 00:01:13,897 Copy. Sunshine's 20 minutes outside of Oran, Algeria, Sir. 8 00:01:14,074 --> 00:01:15,360 No sign of hostiles. 9 00:01:18,996 --> 00:01:21,454 Only two main roads west into town. 10 00:01:21,540 --> 00:01:23,202 Southern one gives you more places to hide. 11 00:01:23,542 --> 00:01:25,204 Copy that! 12 00:01:27,963 --> 00:01:29,170 Sir, operational checks complete. 13 00:01:29,256 --> 00:01:30,622 All weapon systems are back online. 14 00:01:32,009 --> 00:01:33,420 Master Chief, status of battle damage? 15 00:01:33,719 --> 00:01:36,211 Sir, engineering reports damage at Gibraltar 16 00:01:36,305 --> 00:01:38,888 was more severe than initial DC estimates suggested. 17 00:01:38,974 --> 00:01:41,216 Hull Tech's on the scene still welding patch in place. 18 00:01:41,810 --> 00:01:43,722 Burning fuel we don't have carrying that drag. 19 00:01:43,812 --> 00:01:46,725 Yes, Sir. Should be humming along at 100% within the hour. 20 00:01:57,326 --> 00:01:59,158 (PEOPLE CHATTERING) 21 00:01:59,828 --> 00:02:02,036 SASHA: Oran hasn't seen a Westerner in over a year. 22 00:02:02,372 --> 00:02:04,705 White girl slinging an M4 is hard to miss. 23 00:02:05,459 --> 00:02:08,042 I do not think it will be very hard to blend in. 24 00:02:08,920 --> 00:02:10,661 Welcome to the apocalypse. 25 00:02:17,554 --> 00:02:19,045 DANNY: Mahmoud Zeddam. 26 00:02:20,849 --> 00:02:22,090 Mahmoud Zeddam. 27 00:02:24,478 --> 00:02:25,468 Zeddam. 28 00:02:43,914 --> 00:02:44,904 (SPEAKING IN ARABIC) 29 00:04:10,000 --> 00:04:11,411 (IN ENGLISH) Vulture, rally on me. 30 00:04:11,835 --> 00:04:13,952 Got a lock on Mahmoud's neighborhood. 31 00:04:14,421 --> 00:04:16,253 (INTENSE MUSIC PLAYING) 32 00:04:20,469 --> 00:04:21,459 (KNOCKING ON DOOR) 33 00:04:36,401 --> 00:04:37,391 (SPEAKING IN ARABIC) 34 00:04:41,156 --> 00:04:43,148 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING) 35 00:05:02,093 --> 00:05:04,210 (SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC PLAYING) 36 00:06:18,003 --> 00:06:19,084 Hey. 37 00:06:22,090 --> 00:06:23,251 You're up early. 38 00:06:24,175 --> 00:06:25,416 Can't sleep. 39 00:06:26,344 --> 00:06:27,630 No, not today. 40 00:06:28,305 --> 00:06:29,546 Oh, yeah? 41 00:06:30,015 --> 00:06:31,222 Too much to do. 42 00:06:31,933 --> 00:06:33,765 Too much responsibility. 43 00:06:35,478 --> 00:06:36,969 I am the bread of life. 44 00:06:37,439 --> 00:06:40,022 He that cometh to me shall never hunger. 45 00:06:41,276 --> 00:06:43,017 Those are pretty big shoes to fill. 46 00:06:43,612 --> 00:06:46,730 Big shoes, big plans, big day for both of us. 47 00:06:47,657 --> 00:06:49,239 We're gonna make a little history, 48 00:06:49,326 --> 00:06:51,238 and I want you next to me when we do. 49 00:06:52,871 --> 00:06:55,955 Well, I'm not sure I'm the "make history" kinda guy, Giorgio. 50 00:06:56,791 --> 00:06:58,248 You're a killer. 51 00:06:58,543 --> 00:07:01,035 That's all I need for what I got planned. 52 00:07:01,922 --> 00:07:03,163 What do you got planned? 53 00:07:04,633 --> 00:07:05,714 WOMAN: Giorgio. 54 00:07:09,971 --> 00:07:11,587 So much for your plans. 55 00:07:12,557 --> 00:07:16,346 There are some things you must make time for. 56 00:07:17,687 --> 00:07:19,019 See you later, killer. 57 00:07:21,232 --> 00:07:23,064 (SPEAKING IN GREEK) 58 00:07:26,446 --> 00:07:27,436 (DOOR CLOSES) 59 00:07:30,200 --> 00:07:32,692 (SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC PLAYING) 60 00:08:53,825 --> 00:08:55,737 CHANDLER: Who is the master, Giorgio? 61 00:09:10,175 --> 00:09:11,165 (SPEAKING IN ARABIC) 62 00:09:47,378 --> 00:09:48,835 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 63 00:09:50,006 --> 00:09:50,996 (WHISTLING) 64 00:10:04,646 --> 00:10:05,682 Omar's already here. 65 00:10:08,108 --> 00:10:09,690 And there's his ride. 66 00:10:10,819 --> 00:10:12,651 Green, Wolf, take over top position. 67 00:10:13,613 --> 00:10:16,230 - Azima, Burk, contain rear target. - Copy. 68 00:10:19,828 --> 00:10:20,818 (SPEAKING IN ARABIC) 69 00:10:50,942 --> 00:10:54,401 (SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC PLAYING) 70 00:11:19,554 --> 00:11:21,591 (INTENSE MUSIC PLAYING) 71 00:11:26,144 --> 00:11:28,511 Bravo on station. I hold Omar visually, over. 72 00:11:28,771 --> 00:11:30,728 SASHA: Do not shoot until we're in position to breach. 73 00:11:31,191 --> 00:11:32,978 I'll freeze down any other targets. 74 00:11:33,234 --> 00:11:34,475 Charlie, status. Over. 75 00:11:34,611 --> 00:11:36,694 Charlie's set. North side clear, over. 76 00:11:37,071 --> 00:11:39,484 Charlie, prepare to make entry on Bravo's shot. Over. 77 00:11:39,699 --> 00:11:40,689 Good copy. 78 00:11:42,535 --> 00:11:44,322 Bravo has a clear shot. Over. 79 00:11:46,539 --> 00:11:47,529 (SPEAKING IN ARABIC) 80 00:11:51,753 --> 00:11:53,119 Bravo, you have green light. Over. 81 00:11:55,673 --> 00:11:56,709 Shot compromised. 82 00:11:56,966 --> 00:11:58,548 Bravo does not have a shot. 83 00:12:11,272 --> 00:12:13,810 (INTENSE MUSIC PLAYING) 84 00:12:34,796 --> 00:12:36,537 SASHA: Green, do you have a shot? Over. 85 00:12:47,267 --> 00:12:48,257 DANNY: What the hell? 86 00:12:59,279 --> 00:13:00,269 (SPEAKING IN ARABIC) 87 00:13:00,655 --> 00:13:01,862 Things are going south. 88 00:13:02,282 --> 00:13:03,398 Take the shot. 89 00:13:11,040 --> 00:13:12,030 (WHISTLING) 90 00:13:12,125 --> 00:13:14,458 DANNY: Omar's walking and he's got the seeds. 91 00:13:16,629 --> 00:13:17,961 Three targets on the move. 92 00:13:24,554 --> 00:13:26,511 No vantage. Alpha, Charlie, I'm losin' him. 93 00:13:27,056 --> 00:13:29,673 Charlie on the move. Heading northeast to intercept. 94 00:13:30,643 --> 00:13:31,804 (INTENSE MUSIC PLAYING) 95 00:13:32,020 --> 00:13:33,932 Charlie, be advised. Two more males joining him. 96 00:13:35,648 --> 00:13:36,638 Shit. 97 00:13:44,198 --> 00:13:45,780 SASHA: Prepare to engage them all. 98 00:13:46,159 --> 00:13:47,821 The seeds do not leave here. 99 00:13:48,077 --> 00:13:50,034 BURK: I have visual contact on the package. 100 00:13:50,747 --> 00:13:52,033 - I have him. - BOY: Omar! 101 00:13:52,123 --> 00:13:53,955 Hold fire. Charlie, stand down. 102 00:13:54,167 --> 00:13:56,329 Omar! Omar! 103 00:14:02,633 --> 00:14:03,623 Omar! 104 00:14:05,053 --> 00:14:06,965 - Omar! - We're losing him. 105 00:14:12,185 --> 00:14:13,301 Cooper! 106 00:14:13,770 --> 00:14:15,932 Bravo, Charlie, hold position. Provide cover. 107 00:14:35,249 --> 00:14:36,831 I can't see anything from back here. 108 00:14:36,918 --> 00:14:38,284 Fletch, get her the hell out of there. 109 00:14:38,378 --> 00:14:39,539 What exactly would you like me to do? 110 00:14:43,257 --> 00:14:44,247 (SPEAKING IN ARABIC) 111 00:14:48,930 --> 00:14:49,966 (IN ENGLISH) Hold position. 112 00:14:56,604 --> 00:14:59,392 (COUGHING) 113 00:15:04,529 --> 00:15:05,519 (SPEAKING IN ARABIC) 114 00:15:12,954 --> 00:15:14,195 (HELICOPTER WHIRRING) 115 00:15:38,354 --> 00:15:40,061 (SOFT MUSIC PLAYING) 116 00:15:55,204 --> 00:15:56,661 Where are you going? 117 00:15:59,208 --> 00:16:01,996 Giorgio said he had some big plans for me today. 118 00:16:02,545 --> 00:16:04,081 Any idea what they might be? 119 00:16:04,964 --> 00:16:06,921 The labors of Hercules. 120 00:16:29,697 --> 00:16:31,939 Sir, the signal faded. Track one-two-seven-seven-one. 121 00:16:32,533 --> 00:16:34,616 On this bearing, there aren't too many options. 122 00:16:34,702 --> 00:16:36,159 Omar could be heading to Corsica. 123 00:16:36,245 --> 00:16:38,828 No. There's nothing there, and they still need to refuel. 124 00:16:39,832 --> 00:16:40,868 How's your line? 125 00:16:41,209 --> 00:16:42,950 Still holding on Sasha's beacon. 126 00:16:44,420 --> 00:16:45,786 We've got eyes on Omar's helo. 127 00:16:46,422 --> 00:16:48,163 The seeds would've been lost for good if not for you. 128 00:16:49,634 --> 00:16:51,876 Track one-two-seven-seven-one descending. 129 00:16:52,136 --> 00:16:55,300 - Bearing and range. - Three-five-seven at 200 miles. 130 00:16:55,765 --> 00:16:58,633 Correlates to the island of Sardinia. 131 00:16:59,519 --> 00:17:01,761 Mr. Fletcher, does Omar have friends in the neighborhood? 132 00:17:01,979 --> 00:17:03,686 His strongest ties are North African. 133 00:17:04,023 --> 00:17:05,855 But with these city-states popping up all over the Med, 134 00:17:05,942 --> 00:17:06,932 it's hard to say. 135 00:17:07,193 --> 00:17:09,685 If the buyer's Italian, he's not on our radar. 136 00:17:10,029 --> 00:17:11,315 Sardinia's an open island. 137 00:17:11,572 --> 00:17:13,188 If Omar's looking to close the deal, 138 00:17:13,282 --> 00:17:14,443 it could just be neutral ground. 139 00:17:16,160 --> 00:17:17,401 Well... 140 00:17:17,495 --> 00:17:19,202 Not gonna be neutral for long. 141 00:17:20,706 --> 00:17:22,242 Lieutenant, tell Sunshine to prep the Huey. 142 00:17:22,458 --> 00:17:23,448 Aye, Sir. 143 00:17:27,755 --> 00:17:28,791 GIORGIO: I don't know. 144 00:17:29,215 --> 00:17:30,422 I don't know. 145 00:17:31,425 --> 00:17:34,008 I don't know! I've never met the man! 146 00:17:35,096 --> 00:17:36,803 Why? Because we made a deal. 147 00:17:36,973 --> 00:17:39,966 Because he has ten million reasons to honor that... 148 00:17:42,728 --> 00:17:44,936 Look, we're on schedule. 149 00:17:45,147 --> 00:17:46,854 I will know more in a couple of hours. 150 00:17:47,149 --> 00:17:49,892 Would you please just trust me? 151 00:17:50,027 --> 00:17:51,939 I know what I'm doing. 152 00:17:55,700 --> 00:17:56,907 Yes. 153 00:17:57,618 --> 00:17:58,608 Fine. 154 00:18:01,205 --> 00:18:03,037 Well, that went better than expected. 155 00:18:05,001 --> 00:18:06,412 Next time, you're talking to him. 156 00:18:08,504 --> 00:18:10,541 You don't need to take it so personally, Giorgio. 157 00:18:11,007 --> 00:18:13,374 - We're just... - Questioning my every move. 158 00:18:13,467 --> 00:18:16,335 Anxious to move forward. 159 00:18:19,807 --> 00:18:23,391 You people, you're just no fun at all. 160 00:18:23,477 --> 00:18:25,264 (INTENSE MUSIC PLAYING) 161 00:18:32,153 --> 00:18:33,519 GIORGIO: Welcome to the main event. 162 00:18:33,779 --> 00:18:35,645 Stavros is shitting himself for missing this. 163 00:18:35,865 --> 00:18:38,323 He's working, Giorgio. We have a job, remember? 164 00:18:38,659 --> 00:18:40,070 Doesn't mean we can't have fun. 165 00:18:40,661 --> 00:18:42,197 We've come a long way. 166 00:18:43,039 --> 00:18:45,873 CHANDLER: I didn't realize Giorgio's power stretched this far. 167 00:18:46,083 --> 00:18:47,290 LUCIA: You'd be surprised. 168 00:18:52,256 --> 00:18:53,622 (CROWD CHEERING) 169 00:18:59,096 --> 00:19:00,086 (SPEAKING IN ITALIAN) 170 00:19:01,432 --> 00:19:02,422 (CROWD CHEERING) 171 00:19:29,210 --> 00:19:30,326 GIORGIO: There he is. 172 00:19:31,045 --> 00:19:34,004 Omar, you look like you've been through hell. 173 00:19:36,759 --> 00:19:38,466 And you've brought it back with you. 174 00:19:38,928 --> 00:19:40,544 The journey was long. 175 00:19:41,013 --> 00:19:42,470 Yes. Of course. 176 00:19:43,140 --> 00:19:44,301 Let's get down to business. 177 00:19:46,686 --> 00:19:47,972 You. Stay. 178 00:19:48,562 --> 00:19:50,224 I want you to see this. 179 00:19:55,194 --> 00:19:56,401 Well? 180 00:19:57,613 --> 00:19:59,696 Show me yours and I'll show you mine. 181 00:20:02,702 --> 00:20:04,910 No? Nothing? 182 00:20:05,538 --> 00:20:07,370 Well, I guess I'll go first. 183 00:20:11,293 --> 00:20:12,579 $10 million. 184 00:20:13,087 --> 00:20:14,919 You can count it, but it stays 185 00:20:15,005 --> 00:20:17,213 until I receive delivery of the seeds. 186 00:20:21,887 --> 00:20:24,800 It's money, Omar. You use it to get things. 187 00:20:25,266 --> 00:20:26,882 It is not enough. 188 00:20:27,476 --> 00:20:29,388 (SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC PLAYING) 189 00:20:31,188 --> 00:20:32,599 We had a deal. 190 00:20:33,441 --> 00:20:36,184 You did not tell me there was another interested party. 191 00:20:36,777 --> 00:20:37,893 Who? 192 00:20:38,154 --> 00:20:40,191 The Egyptians? The Turks? 193 00:20:40,531 --> 00:20:42,773 I told you, no one else has the technology... 194 00:20:42,867 --> 00:20:43,948 The American Navy. 195 00:20:44,034 --> 00:20:45,570 GIORGIO: The hell are you talking about? 196 00:20:45,703 --> 00:20:47,695 OMAR: Along with the British Secret Service. 197 00:20:48,080 --> 00:20:49,662 They are chasing me across Africa. 198 00:20:50,207 --> 00:20:51,288 Hold on. 199 00:20:52,460 --> 00:20:53,871 I see what this is. 200 00:20:55,087 --> 00:20:56,498 This is a shakedown. 201 00:20:57,131 --> 00:20:58,463 I'm being shook down. 202 00:20:59,091 --> 00:21:01,424 Can you believe this crap? I'm being squeezed here. 203 00:21:01,719 --> 00:21:03,927 If you prefer, I can take the seeds elsewhere. 204 00:21:04,388 --> 00:21:06,926 - I am sure that there will be... - Cut the shit, Omar. 205 00:21:07,308 --> 00:21:08,890 If you want more money, 206 00:21:09,101 --> 00:21:12,094 be a man and ask for more money. 207 00:21:14,815 --> 00:21:17,558 - The number is $200 million. - (LAUGHS) 208 00:21:17,818 --> 00:21:19,901 Or I will auction the seeds in Tripoli 209 00:21:20,237 --> 00:21:22,445 and let the world decide their worth. 210 00:21:22,573 --> 00:21:23,734 You are out of your mind. 211 00:21:24,074 --> 00:21:28,114 No one will pay you that. No one has any use for them. 212 00:21:28,204 --> 00:21:29,320 I'll take my chances. 213 00:21:29,789 --> 00:21:31,200 Screw your chances. 214 00:21:31,290 --> 00:21:33,953 How about this? I take my money 215 00:21:34,210 --> 00:21:36,873 and then I put two in the back of your under-evolved skull. 216 00:21:36,962 --> 00:21:39,500 Then I use my armada to wipe your tribe 217 00:21:39,590 --> 00:21:41,456 off the face of this planet. 218 00:21:48,766 --> 00:21:53,557 My people have survived for centuries in the desert, 219 00:21:54,188 --> 00:21:56,805 facing much worse than you. 220 00:21:57,358 --> 00:21:58,940 You want a war, 221 00:21:59,652 --> 00:22:01,268 you will get a war. 222 00:22:02,571 --> 00:22:04,938 But you will not get the seeds. 223 00:22:08,869 --> 00:22:11,077 - Do I look like I give a... - LUCIA: Giorgio. 224 00:22:11,705 --> 00:22:13,617 Giorgio, a minute, please? 225 00:22:13,874 --> 00:22:16,161 Abu Dalik, excuse my brother. 226 00:22:19,004 --> 00:22:21,792 We understand that you have risked a lot 227 00:22:21,882 --> 00:22:23,248 to bring us the seeds. 228 00:22:24,260 --> 00:22:26,001 That deserves a reward. 229 00:22:26,262 --> 00:22:29,676 But there must be a reasonable number 230 00:22:30,349 --> 00:22:32,682 - on which we could agree. - Quiet, whore. 231 00:22:35,479 --> 00:22:37,141 This does not concern you. 232 00:22:39,775 --> 00:22:41,767 You say the Americans are after you. 233 00:22:42,444 --> 00:22:43,776 And the British. 234 00:22:44,822 --> 00:22:47,815 Wait until the Turks and the Egyptians hear 235 00:22:47,908 --> 00:22:49,024 what you're hoarding. 236 00:22:49,827 --> 00:22:51,159 They won't negotiate. 237 00:22:52,204 --> 00:22:55,823 And if you do manage to get a much higher price, 238 00:22:56,876 --> 00:22:57,866 then what? 239 00:22:58,586 --> 00:23:01,954 Only we can turn those seeds into life. 240 00:23:02,923 --> 00:23:06,007 So, your choice is simple. 241 00:23:06,802 --> 00:23:09,886 Die in a war, or hide in the sand 242 00:23:10,055 --> 00:23:12,217 and wait for the hunger to take you. 243 00:23:14,685 --> 00:23:17,473 We'll give you an extra $10 million drachmas 244 00:23:17,563 --> 00:23:18,724 for your trouble. 245 00:23:18,981 --> 00:23:20,517 And when the plants are ready, 246 00:23:20,816 --> 00:23:22,853 you'll receive the first shipment. 247 00:23:23,444 --> 00:23:25,481 That's worth more than money. 248 00:23:32,369 --> 00:23:34,326 You know, it's not really my place to say, 249 00:23:35,289 --> 00:23:38,453 but maybe you should verify he has what he says he has 250 00:23:38,542 --> 00:23:40,158 before you make that decision. 251 00:23:42,504 --> 00:23:44,086 (SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC PLAYING) 252 00:23:48,093 --> 00:23:49,550 (INDISTINCT CHATTERING) 253 00:23:49,803 --> 00:23:51,965 Giorgio, we don't have the time. 254 00:23:53,515 --> 00:23:54,505 Fine. 255 00:23:56,602 --> 00:24:00,516 But my team will need to check the viability of each seed 256 00:24:00,940 --> 00:24:03,899 before I hand out any cash. Do you understand? 257 00:24:06,987 --> 00:24:09,104 We can set up a secure room down the hall. 258 00:24:09,198 --> 00:24:10,564 LUCIA: Let's make it quick. 259 00:24:11,617 --> 00:24:14,030 I will have my men retrieve the cylinder. 260 00:24:15,204 --> 00:24:16,570 Thank God. For a second there, 261 00:24:16,664 --> 00:24:18,747 I thought the whole day was gonna be ruined. 262 00:24:18,832 --> 00:24:19,948 Tell me, Omar, 263 00:24:20,501 --> 00:24:23,414 do you enjoy watching two men beat each other to death 264 00:24:23,504 --> 00:24:24,836 with their bare fists? 265 00:24:26,548 --> 00:24:27,629 I do. 266 00:24:28,092 --> 00:24:29,503 You see that? 267 00:24:29,593 --> 00:24:31,334 We are not so different after all. 268 00:24:31,804 --> 00:24:34,046 My friend Andolini, he throws the best fights 269 00:24:34,139 --> 00:24:35,300 in all of the Mediterranean. 270 00:24:35,391 --> 00:24:38,555 Come. You will be my guest. 271 00:24:48,237 --> 00:24:49,694 Why did you get involved? 272 00:24:52,741 --> 00:24:56,234 I was just trying to diffuse a tense situation. 273 00:24:57,329 --> 00:24:58,740 Considering nothing's growing, 274 00:24:58,831 --> 00:25:00,868 that's a lot of money for some seeds. 275 00:25:02,376 --> 00:25:03,912 Says who? 276 00:25:05,045 --> 00:25:06,627 (INTENSE MUSIC PLAYING) 277 00:25:19,560 --> 00:25:22,644 SLATTERY: Vulture and Cobra, our feet dry in Sardinia. Over. 278 00:25:22,813 --> 00:25:23,803 Copy. 279 00:25:31,030 --> 00:25:33,522 (BIRDS CHIRPING) 280 00:25:44,918 --> 00:25:45,954 Hey. 281 00:25:47,880 --> 00:25:50,338 - How's it lookin'? - We found Omar's helo, Sir, 282 00:25:50,424 --> 00:25:52,336 but no sign of the big man or the seeds. 283 00:25:52,426 --> 00:25:55,385 Clocked a few of his soldiers headed to a venue, mile inland. 284 00:25:56,263 --> 00:25:57,595 All stations, sitrep. 285 00:25:57,681 --> 00:25:59,968 Bravo on station, standing by. Over. 286 00:26:01,018 --> 00:26:02,805 All set up here. Waiting for your call. 287 00:26:03,520 --> 00:26:04,510 Let's move. 288 00:26:08,067 --> 00:26:09,478 (CROWD CHEERING) 289 00:26:15,657 --> 00:26:16,647 (SPEAKING IN ITALIAN) 290 00:26:26,543 --> 00:26:28,876 - Got eyes on Omar's man. - You sure? 291 00:26:29,046 --> 00:26:31,959 Been spitting up blood all morning. Yeah, I'm sure. 292 00:26:32,716 --> 00:26:34,252 Burk, take Cobra team around back. 293 00:26:34,343 --> 00:26:36,380 - Vulture, you're with me. - Copy. 294 00:26:40,015 --> 00:26:41,005 (SPEAKING IN ITALIAN) 295 00:27:07,126 --> 00:27:08,116 (IN ENGLISH) Yeah! 296 00:27:11,130 --> 00:27:14,089 (SPEAKING IN ITALIAN) 297 00:27:15,259 --> 00:27:16,249 (IN ENGLISH) I'm good. 298 00:27:16,802 --> 00:27:17,963 You speak English, huh? 299 00:27:18,512 --> 00:27:20,003 Give me your hands. I'm gonna wrap 'em. 300 00:27:25,602 --> 00:27:28,265 You seem pretty calm for a guy facing death. 301 00:27:28,647 --> 00:27:30,104 I've faced worse. 302 00:27:32,526 --> 00:27:33,767 A warrior? 303 00:27:33,861 --> 00:27:37,025 Yeah. Well, I've had my fill of warriors. 304 00:27:37,531 --> 00:27:39,147 You picked a funny profession. 305 00:27:40,117 --> 00:27:42,404 What, this? This is just a side gig, man. 306 00:27:42,619 --> 00:27:44,656 Here, they call me Il Dottore. 307 00:27:44,955 --> 00:27:46,947 - You're a doctor? - Philosophy. 308 00:27:47,040 --> 00:27:48,747 Everybody needs a philosopher, right? 309 00:27:49,042 --> 00:27:51,750 Especially now, this End of Days shit. 310 00:27:52,087 --> 00:27:53,828 And you just hand out wisdom? 311 00:27:53,964 --> 00:27:55,205 Indeed, I do. 312 00:27:56,341 --> 00:27:58,128 And here's your dose for today, man. 313 00:27:58,719 --> 00:28:01,883 Every single civilization since man walked out of a cave... 314 00:28:01,972 --> 00:28:05,340 Greece, Rome, Vikings, Asia, Aztecs, Africa... 315 00:28:05,434 --> 00:28:08,723 It's been ravaged and then decimated and devoured 316 00:28:08,812 --> 00:28:10,769 by the same set of fangs, 317 00:28:10,856 --> 00:28:13,098 and it ain't famine or plague 318 00:28:13,567 --> 00:28:16,435 or even war, in all of its lame excuse. 319 00:28:16,945 --> 00:28:18,811 It's the urge, man. 320 00:28:19,615 --> 00:28:20,947 The urge. 321 00:28:21,200 --> 00:28:23,783 Always dormant in our primordial brains, 322 00:28:23,869 --> 00:28:26,782 waiting like an arched leopard to pounce and butcher 323 00:28:26,872 --> 00:28:30,491 whatever the hell it smells for its own gratification. 324 00:28:31,418 --> 00:28:32,750 Did you know the leopard and the house cat 325 00:28:32,836 --> 00:28:35,874 are the only two animals besides man who kill for sport? 326 00:28:36,715 --> 00:28:38,251 For sport, man. 327 00:28:39,134 --> 00:28:42,047 Just for the buzz of bloodletting. 328 00:28:42,846 --> 00:28:44,678 Violence is an urge, brother. 329 00:28:44,765 --> 00:28:46,301 It's our urge. 330 00:28:46,600 --> 00:28:50,093 And if it were up to me, I'd cry havoc, 331 00:28:51,313 --> 00:28:54,306 slip the dogs of war back on the leash. 332 00:28:55,025 --> 00:28:56,766 Get 'em back protecting the sheep. 333 00:28:56,860 --> 00:28:58,226 Know what I'm saying? 334 00:28:59,071 --> 00:29:00,903 Then who's the shepherd? 335 00:29:04,409 --> 00:29:06,275 So you're a philosopher, too. 336 00:29:10,582 --> 00:29:12,073 Little herbal concoction. 337 00:29:12,584 --> 00:29:14,701 Get a little of this in the other guy's eyes... 338 00:29:15,671 --> 00:29:17,458 Poof, fight's over. 339 00:29:17,798 --> 00:29:19,710 If you gotta go to war, make it quick. 340 00:29:20,550 --> 00:29:23,213 Bocca al lupo. You know what that means? 341 00:29:23,553 --> 00:29:25,044 Into the wolf's mouth. 342 00:29:25,347 --> 00:29:28,340 Right on. Good luck. 343 00:29:35,524 --> 00:29:36,514 (SPEAKING IN ITALIAN) 344 00:29:49,746 --> 00:29:51,362 (CROWD CHEERING) 345 00:30:08,682 --> 00:30:11,925 I count 11 hostiles, plus Omar up top. 346 00:30:12,269 --> 00:30:13,805 What about the people with him? 347 00:30:15,856 --> 00:30:17,017 Could be the buyers. 348 00:30:18,358 --> 00:30:19,565 All right. 349 00:30:19,818 --> 00:30:21,980 Nobody makes a move till we have eyes on the package. 350 00:30:23,322 --> 00:30:24,312 (SPEAKING IN ITALIAN) 351 00:30:45,177 --> 00:30:46,293 (CROWD CHEERING) 352 00:30:48,764 --> 00:30:50,756 CROWD: Hercules! Hercules! 353 00:30:50,974 --> 00:30:53,682 Of all the gin joints in all the towns... 354 00:30:54,353 --> 00:30:56,515 Why am I not surprised? 355 00:30:56,897 --> 00:31:02,109 Hercules! Hercules! Hercules! 356 00:31:02,527 --> 00:31:04,359 Hercules! Hercules! 357 00:31:10,202 --> 00:31:11,192 (SPEAKING IN ITALIAN) 358 00:31:41,400 --> 00:31:42,561 Try to make contact? 359 00:31:43,652 --> 00:31:45,143 He looks a little busy. 360 00:31:45,237 --> 00:31:47,695 Yeah, well, it doesn't look like he's got any takers. 361 00:31:50,992 --> 00:31:52,278 I got an idea. 362 00:31:55,372 --> 00:31:56,362 (SPEAKING IN ITALIAN) 363 00:32:17,686 --> 00:32:18,847 Giorgio... 364 00:32:28,655 --> 00:32:30,021 SLATTERY: I'll fight him! 365 00:32:30,115 --> 00:32:32,448 (INTENSE MUSIC PLAYING) 366 00:32:47,549 --> 00:32:48,539 (SPEAKING IN ITALIAN) 367 00:32:56,766 --> 00:32:58,473 (CROWD CHANTING) 368 00:33:00,979 --> 00:33:05,064 Hercules! Hercules! Hercules! Hercules! 369 00:33:16,161 --> 00:33:17,242 Hercules? 370 00:33:17,746 --> 00:33:18,862 New call sign? 371 00:33:19,706 --> 00:33:21,163 You like it? 372 00:33:22,834 --> 00:33:24,370 Come on then. Make it look good. 373 00:33:34,429 --> 00:33:35,419 (CROWD CHEERING) 374 00:33:36,014 --> 00:33:37,425 I probably deserved that. 375 00:33:49,903 --> 00:33:50,893 (SPEAKING IN ITALIAN) 376 00:33:53,782 --> 00:33:55,819 Let me guess... You're here for seeds. 377 00:33:55,909 --> 00:33:58,322 - How'd you know that? - They're in the basement. 378 00:33:58,411 --> 00:34:01,245 - You're on the inside in this? - Buyer's in the VIP box. 379 00:34:04,417 --> 00:34:06,500 Good thing I brought the whole gang. 380 00:34:09,506 --> 00:34:10,496 That was for her. 381 00:34:13,843 --> 00:34:16,085 - I can't watch this. - Then don't. 382 00:34:16,221 --> 00:34:17,883 I'm gonna check our progress. 383 00:34:18,098 --> 00:34:19,805 Make sure you take notes, would you? 384 00:34:19,891 --> 00:34:21,007 Yes, yes. 385 00:34:21,434 --> 00:34:23,050 (CROWD CHEERING) 386 00:34:32,195 --> 00:34:35,029 All right, let's give the crowd a good fight. 387 00:34:39,536 --> 00:34:42,119 Hercules! Hercules! Hercules! 388 00:34:47,085 --> 00:34:50,169 Meet me downstairs. People need their champion. 389 00:34:50,255 --> 00:34:51,746 You sure your ego can handle it? 390 00:34:51,840 --> 00:34:54,674 - Sure your body can deliver it? - Remember you said that. 391 00:34:57,053 --> 00:34:58,760 What the hell do you have on your hands? 392 00:34:58,847 --> 00:34:59,928 Get to the edge. 393 00:35:05,228 --> 00:35:06,218 (BELL RINGING) 394 00:35:17,616 --> 00:35:18,902 Giorgio wants you. 395 00:35:24,914 --> 00:35:26,701 Everything all right? 396 00:35:28,043 --> 00:35:29,124 I won. 397 00:35:29,461 --> 00:35:31,874 Yes. Good. Good. 398 00:35:37,427 --> 00:35:38,463 We're clearing out. 399 00:35:38,553 --> 00:35:41,261 - We just got here. - And now we're leaving. 400 00:35:41,473 --> 00:35:43,931 Why the hell are you asking so many questions? 401 00:35:46,102 --> 00:35:47,218 (EXPLOSION) 402 00:35:47,604 --> 00:35:49,891 GIORGIO: What the hell, Omar? We had a deal! 403 00:35:50,106 --> 00:35:51,347 It's not me! 404 00:35:54,611 --> 00:35:55,601 (GUNS FIRING) 405 00:36:02,577 --> 00:36:03,988 (FIRING CONTINUES) 406 00:36:04,371 --> 00:36:06,784 - Give me the seeds. - Just get us out of here. 407 00:36:08,625 --> 00:36:10,992 (INTENSE MUSIC PLAYING) 408 00:36:17,509 --> 00:36:20,092 Get everyone back to the boat. Where's Giorgio? 409 00:36:20,178 --> 00:36:21,589 - He made it out. - What? 410 00:36:21,680 --> 00:36:23,967 - We have to get out of here. - I'm not leaving without him. 411 00:36:24,057 --> 00:36:25,389 Listen to me! I saw him leave. 412 00:36:25,475 --> 00:36:27,216 He covered his own ass. Now we need... 413 00:36:40,198 --> 00:36:41,279 Clear! 414 00:36:41,533 --> 00:36:42,614 All clear! 415 00:36:45,120 --> 00:36:46,201 Seeds. 416 00:36:46,663 --> 00:36:47,699 No. 417 00:36:49,499 --> 00:36:50,489 Who are you? 418 00:36:50,583 --> 00:36:51,994 Tom Chandler. Nice to meet you. 419 00:36:52,293 --> 00:36:53,283 Bastard. 420 00:36:55,463 --> 00:36:56,670 How long were we shooting at you? 421 00:36:56,756 --> 00:36:58,338 Long enough to make us even. 422 00:37:00,427 --> 00:37:02,760 - Where are the others? - Pinned down inside the south entrance. 423 00:37:03,221 --> 00:37:04,428 Omar's got 'em on both sides. 424 00:37:04,848 --> 00:37:07,010 Take the seeds and Lucia back to the ship. 425 00:37:07,559 --> 00:37:10,017 Lieutenant Green and I will back up the others. 426 00:37:10,103 --> 00:37:12,811 We'll use the helo. Lieutenant, call in the exfil. 427 00:37:12,897 --> 00:37:14,889 This is Green. Team leader has package in hand. 428 00:37:14,983 --> 00:37:17,100 All teams, exfil to your rally points. Over. 429 00:37:17,193 --> 00:37:19,310 SASHA: Roger. Still taking fire. Over. 430 00:37:19,571 --> 00:37:23,235 Here. Might need a little extra kick. 431 00:37:26,786 --> 00:37:28,197 Let's move. 432 00:37:33,251 --> 00:37:35,038 Okay, ma'am, you do exactly as I say, 433 00:37:35,128 --> 00:37:36,744 everything's gonna be just fine. 434 00:37:40,216 --> 00:37:41,297 (GROANS) 435 00:37:46,806 --> 00:37:47,796 God! 436 00:37:48,433 --> 00:37:50,299 Son of a bitch! 437 00:38:00,653 --> 00:38:02,110 (GUNFIRE CONTINUES) 438 00:38:10,789 --> 00:38:13,281 Vulture team's pinned down ahead. Let's go get 'em. 439 00:38:17,128 --> 00:38:18,244 Clear. 440 00:38:19,214 --> 00:38:20,375 Contact, turn at 4:00. 441 00:38:21,424 --> 00:38:22,756 Move! 442 00:38:26,596 --> 00:38:28,087 Out. 443 00:38:37,649 --> 00:38:38,639 Clear! 444 00:38:53,456 --> 00:38:54,537 You okay? 445 00:38:54,749 --> 00:38:56,206 Just a ricochet. I'm fine. 446 00:38:59,087 --> 00:39:00,294 What the hell is that? 447 00:39:00,380 --> 00:39:01,871 Giorgio's reinforcements. 448 00:39:01,965 --> 00:39:03,501 And Omar will bring more. 449 00:39:04,717 --> 00:39:07,334 This will take you out. I'll hold them off. 450 00:39:07,929 --> 00:39:09,010 Are you sure? 451 00:39:09,639 --> 00:39:10,971 Giorgio trusts me. 452 00:39:15,979 --> 00:39:18,437 - Go! - Everybody, on me. 453 00:39:26,865 --> 00:39:29,152 Whoa! Hold your fire! Jeez, where the hell have you been? 454 00:39:29,492 --> 00:39:30,858 Omar has the seeds. 455 00:39:32,662 --> 00:39:34,073 This way. 456 00:39:51,764 --> 00:39:52,754 (GRUNTING) 457 00:40:10,325 --> 00:40:12,066 I want a team at every port. 458 00:40:12,160 --> 00:40:15,824 You call Stavros and tell him to track Omar's helicopter. 459 00:40:15,914 --> 00:40:18,122 Nobody leaves this island with my goddamn seeds. 460 00:40:19,751 --> 00:40:22,038 - You tried to rip me off? - You filthy piece... 461 00:40:22,337 --> 00:40:24,249 - Where's my money? - Your money? 462 00:40:24,464 --> 00:40:26,376 LUCIA: Giorgio, Giorgio, come in. Over. 463 00:40:26,925 --> 00:40:27,915 What? 464 00:40:28,009 --> 00:40:29,341 The U.S. Navy is here. 465 00:40:30,470 --> 00:40:31,631 I know. 466 00:40:31,721 --> 00:40:34,509 No, Giorgio. He's one of them. 467 00:40:35,600 --> 00:40:37,136 - Who? - Hercules. 468 00:40:37,852 --> 00:40:39,218 He has the seeds. 469 00:40:42,023 --> 00:40:43,264 No. 470 00:40:43,983 --> 00:40:45,019 (YELLS) 471 00:40:45,276 --> 00:40:47,188 (INTENSE MUSIC PLAYING) 472 00:40:49,739 --> 00:40:52,652 Vulture, Cobra report. What's your status? Over. 473 00:40:52,825 --> 00:40:55,238 Vulture and Cobra are en route to rally point Alpha. 474 00:40:55,328 --> 00:40:56,409 Charlie Oscar should be there. 475 00:40:56,496 --> 00:40:57,828 Sunshine, confirm, over. 476 00:40:58,081 --> 00:41:00,164 Mother, Sunshine, that's a negative. 477 00:41:00,249 --> 00:41:02,536 No sign of Charlie Oscar or anyone else. 478 00:41:03,002 --> 00:41:05,745 Gonna widen my search, see if I can spot him. Over. 479 00:41:06,089 --> 00:41:08,706 At rally point Bravo, no eyes on him. Beach is clear. 480 00:41:08,800 --> 00:41:10,917 - He should've been here by now. - Hey! 481 00:41:12,971 --> 00:41:15,304 Slattery has the seeds, but something happened to him. 482 00:41:15,890 --> 00:41:17,006 Lucia got away. 483 00:41:42,959 --> 00:41:44,951 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING) 484 00:42:09,569 --> 00:42:10,559 English - SDH