1 00:00:13,555 --> 00:00:14,921 (CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKING) 2 00:00:46,463 --> 00:00:48,546 Detail! Ten hut! 3 00:00:50,509 --> 00:00:51,499 Dismissed. 4 00:00:55,138 --> 00:00:56,379 BURK: Never again. 5 00:00:57,057 --> 00:00:58,389 You hear me, Miller? 6 00:00:58,767 --> 00:01:00,884 We don't let something like this happen to us again. 7 00:01:07,317 --> 00:01:08,398 (GROANS) 8 00:01:11,780 --> 00:01:12,816 You okay, Master Chief? 9 00:01:13,282 --> 00:01:14,944 Never mind. We've all seen better days, Doc. 10 00:01:15,284 --> 00:01:16,274 No, I mean... 11 00:01:20,205 --> 00:01:21,696 Yes, Master Chief. Never mind. 12 00:01:26,420 --> 00:01:27,410 KATHLEEN: Ray... 13 00:01:29,256 --> 00:01:30,747 Your hand, it's shaking. 14 00:01:31,466 --> 00:01:32,877 Yeah, I just, um... 15 00:01:34,136 --> 00:01:36,219 I was gripping the helm so tight, my hand... 16 00:01:56,950 --> 00:01:59,818 Flight op's complete. Helo's back in the hangar. 17 00:01:59,911 --> 00:02:02,403 They didn't find anything out there. No sign of Fletcher. 18 00:02:02,581 --> 00:02:04,038 Those seeds are long gone. 19 00:02:05,042 --> 00:02:07,079 We went at the refugees again, hard. 20 00:02:07,169 --> 00:02:08,410 They're sticking to their story. 21 00:02:08,879 --> 00:02:11,166 The so-called "Captain" boarded their trawler late, 22 00:02:11,465 --> 00:02:13,923 replacing the smuggler they all paid to sneak them into Europe. 23 00:02:14,176 --> 00:02:15,963 Fletcher and the boat captain were seen talking 24 00:02:16,053 --> 00:02:17,885 in the helo bay on multiple occasions. 25 00:02:18,180 --> 00:02:19,170 God. 26 00:02:20,390 --> 00:02:22,427 Any thoughts where we should start looking for those seeds? 27 00:02:23,143 --> 00:02:25,351 Giorgio has a yacht, a fast one. 28 00:02:25,979 --> 00:02:28,562 If he was waiting for Fletcher beyond Asteris Island, 29 00:02:28,899 --> 00:02:30,481 they could be headed back to his place. 30 00:02:30,734 --> 00:02:32,396 The house that was communicating with the lab. 31 00:02:32,944 --> 00:02:34,025 (MEYLAN CHUCKLES SOFTLY) 32 00:02:35,155 --> 00:02:37,738 - Am I missing something? - Just the way fate works. 33 00:02:39,451 --> 00:02:43,115 When you first came aboard, you proposed using Giorgio's house 34 00:02:43,205 --> 00:02:44,412 to find Vellek's lab. 35 00:02:44,998 --> 00:02:47,866 I thought it was a crazy plan... 36 00:02:49,044 --> 00:02:52,412 And now, I think it's our only hope. 37 00:02:52,839 --> 00:02:54,296 Giorgio's house, you know where it is? 38 00:02:55,842 --> 00:02:56,958 I have an idea. 39 00:02:58,470 --> 00:03:00,462 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING) 40 00:03:22,327 --> 00:03:23,317 CHRISTOS: Well? 41 00:03:28,125 --> 00:03:31,334 You see? I told you. We did it. 42 00:03:31,420 --> 00:03:34,584 - Tell us, Papa. - The virus weathered two ice ages. 43 00:03:34,673 --> 00:03:37,416 It didn't just jump species, it jumped kingdoms, 44 00:03:37,509 --> 00:03:41,799 and it unleashed the most massive twin pandemic the world has ever known. 45 00:03:42,347 --> 00:03:47,513 Yet this seed, this small palm, Elaeis virilis, 46 00:03:48,019 --> 00:03:49,180 survived all of it. 47 00:03:50,689 --> 00:03:53,477 I'm now going to take a bit of the genius of Mother Nature, 48 00:03:53,567 --> 00:03:56,480 I am going to mix it with my own, 49 00:03:56,778 --> 00:04:02,319 and I'm going to save this planet, in an act of such benevolence, 50 00:04:02,659 --> 00:04:07,905 that people will question why they ever believed in any other God. 51 00:04:10,125 --> 00:04:11,161 Buckle up, Commander. 52 00:04:11,251 --> 00:04:14,119 You're about to bear witness to the recreation of the human being. 53 00:04:14,880 --> 00:04:16,837 I'm here because my nation needs to eat. 54 00:04:17,132 --> 00:04:18,998 And eat they will, thanks to you. 55 00:04:19,843 --> 00:04:21,926 Well, I kind of helped, too. 56 00:04:24,473 --> 00:04:26,180 VELLEK: Go have a drink, Giorgio. 57 00:04:26,933 --> 00:04:28,049 Men are talking here. 58 00:04:39,321 --> 00:04:40,311 Nice. 59 00:04:42,741 --> 00:04:45,233 You'll have to excuse my middle child, Commander. 60 00:04:45,911 --> 00:04:48,449 Thirty-two Aprils ago, his mother crapped him out, 61 00:04:48,538 --> 00:04:50,154 and he's been fouling up things up ever since. 62 00:04:50,248 --> 00:04:52,831 - Dad! - But you, you did good, man. 63 00:04:53,585 --> 00:04:57,169 Commander, your partner was supposed to sneak the seeds off that ship 64 00:04:57,297 --> 00:04:59,584 without giving away your involvement, 65 00:04:59,758 --> 00:05:04,173 which means Tom Chandler is on to you, and he'll be coming after us all. 66 00:05:07,766 --> 00:05:11,225 I suggest we work quickly, avoid direct conflict with him. 67 00:05:11,937 --> 00:05:13,223 You've seen how dangerous he can be. 68 00:05:14,815 --> 00:05:16,056 Leave Chandler to me. 69 00:05:16,149 --> 00:05:18,106 I have total trust in Lucia. But right now, darling, 70 00:05:18,193 --> 00:05:20,025 why don't you make our guest comfortable? 71 00:05:24,491 --> 00:05:26,699 Not too comfortable, sweetheart. 72 00:05:37,379 --> 00:05:39,871 Lucia's right, Dad. We're not out of the woods yet. 73 00:05:40,549 --> 00:05:43,087 Fletcher's escape wasn't exactly according to plan. 74 00:05:43,218 --> 00:05:46,052 - You think it was by design? - I think you should keep an eye on him. 75 00:05:47,180 --> 00:05:49,513 "It's always good to worry," as your mother used to say. 76 00:05:50,475 --> 00:05:53,218 But right now, we need to roll up our sleeves and get to work, my boy. 77 00:05:53,353 --> 00:05:54,810 - What do you say? - Yes, sir. 78 00:05:58,984 --> 00:06:00,646 Let's do this together, son. 79 00:06:07,492 --> 00:06:08,482 KARA: This is from the hard drive. 80 00:06:08,994 --> 00:06:11,702 We haven't had a satellite fly over in months, so no recent images. 81 00:06:11,788 --> 00:06:14,371 What I'm looking for has been around 2,000 years. 82 00:06:15,292 --> 00:06:17,124 That small island near Ithaca... 83 00:06:18,712 --> 00:06:20,419 That structure off Atokos, 84 00:06:20,672 --> 00:06:23,335 that's the watchtower I saw outside Giorgio's mansion. 85 00:06:24,759 --> 00:06:27,502 Bridge, this is the Captain. Set a course, heading zero-six-five, 86 00:06:27,596 --> 00:06:28,632 all ahead flank. 87 00:06:45,113 --> 00:06:46,399 Everyone, listen up! 88 00:06:47,198 --> 00:06:51,112 I want you to reach far, I want you to reach wide, 89 00:06:51,494 --> 00:06:56,740 and I want you to line up every fine piece of ass in the Peloponnese, 90 00:06:56,833 --> 00:06:59,792 'cause today, we're gonna tear it up, boys. 91 00:07:00,003 --> 00:07:01,744 (MEN LAUGHING) 92 00:07:02,005 --> 00:07:02,995 Tear it up. 93 00:07:04,466 --> 00:07:08,426 Don't say I didn't do my part. I did my part. I helped. 94 00:07:13,183 --> 00:07:15,266 DANNY: Mission is a straightforward smash and grab. 95 00:07:15,352 --> 00:07:18,686 Target, secure map room located in the northeast wing of Giorgio's mansion. 96 00:07:18,772 --> 00:07:20,354 It's outside the main staircase. 97 00:07:20,565 --> 00:07:23,023 Nathan James will cruise in a basket 30 miles off-shore, 98 00:07:23,109 --> 00:07:25,066 while Vulture Team helos up the coast, 99 00:07:25,153 --> 00:07:27,645 fast-exits four klicks from Giorgio's place. 100 00:07:27,864 --> 00:07:30,026 - Hostiles? - Intel from Captain Chandler suggests 101 00:07:30,116 --> 00:07:32,779 that we'll engage security elements. It's nothing we haven't seen before. 102 00:07:33,078 --> 00:07:36,196 Once we're inside, Vulture Team demo-breaches the map room door, 103 00:07:36,289 --> 00:07:37,450 which is steel-reinforced. 104 00:07:37,540 --> 00:07:40,203 WOLF: We'll be sure to knock. BURK: What exactly are we looking for? 105 00:07:40,460 --> 00:07:42,827 Anything and everything, paper or electronic. 106 00:07:43,088 --> 00:07:45,455 Bring back every last asset you can get your hands on. 107 00:07:45,840 --> 00:07:47,331 If we're lucky, something inside that room 108 00:07:47,425 --> 00:07:48,961 will tell us where to find Vellek's lab. 109 00:07:49,135 --> 00:07:50,125 Check. 110 00:07:53,807 --> 00:07:55,014 DANNY: Captain on deck. 111 00:07:59,312 --> 00:08:01,679 - CHANDLER: Sasha... - I don't need a speech. 112 00:08:01,815 --> 00:08:03,181 I'm not making one. Look... 113 00:08:04,567 --> 00:08:06,684 You don't know what happened with Fletcher, 114 00:08:08,530 --> 00:08:10,442 but you know who you are. I just wanna make sure 115 00:08:10,532 --> 00:08:12,114 you don't doubt yourself out there. 116 00:08:12,200 --> 00:08:15,864 Never do. Only thing Fletcher taught me is that I have terrible taste in men. 117 00:08:17,956 --> 00:08:21,449 Alert 60, get the bird on deck. Pre-flight in 20. 118 00:08:26,047 --> 00:08:28,164 WOMAN: Do we know how he intends to deliver the cure? 119 00:08:28,258 --> 00:08:31,717 Should our people expect treated seeds, remedied plants, or aerosol? 120 00:08:31,845 --> 00:08:34,258 There, I'm afraid, the doctor's been rather vague. 121 00:08:34,639 --> 00:08:37,006 We're in contact with his daughter. We'll push for answers. 122 00:08:37,434 --> 00:08:40,427 When the time is right, we'll send for the cure and for you. 123 00:08:40,562 --> 00:08:41,552 Understood. 124 00:08:42,022 --> 00:08:44,264 Fletch, we won't forget your courage. 125 00:08:44,983 --> 00:08:46,815 School children will be singing your name. 126 00:08:47,569 --> 00:08:51,654 Kind of you to say, Control, but I suspect that won't be the case. 127 00:08:52,323 --> 00:08:53,780 It's not that you don't deserve it. 128 00:08:54,826 --> 00:08:56,783 This will be our last direct communication. 129 00:08:57,620 --> 00:08:58,656 Stay safe. 130 00:09:01,041 --> 00:09:02,122 (BEEPS) 131 00:09:13,053 --> 00:09:15,887 Is this... Are we about to eat? 132 00:09:16,097 --> 00:09:19,135 Food borne of the seeds? I'm afraid not, Demetrius. Not yet. 133 00:09:19,768 --> 00:09:21,259 I've only just begun my work. 134 00:09:21,686 --> 00:09:23,723 My son and I are testing the compound now. 135 00:09:24,230 --> 00:09:27,098 - Your son, Giorgio? - Yes, Father, where is Giorgio? 136 00:09:27,609 --> 00:09:30,477 Giorgio? Giorgio? Hell, no, not Giorgio. 137 00:09:30,570 --> 00:09:33,153 Giorgio knows as much about computational biology 138 00:09:33,239 --> 00:09:34,821 as a pigeon knows poker. 139 00:09:35,492 --> 00:09:38,451 I refer to my younger son, Christos. 140 00:09:38,536 --> 00:09:40,243 - He should be here now. - Dad? 141 00:09:45,085 --> 00:09:47,327 Lucia has a problem with my younger son's behavior. 142 00:09:47,420 --> 00:09:50,003 No, I have a problem with your behavior when you're around him. 143 00:09:59,182 --> 00:10:00,639 DEMETRIUS: The compound, Dr. Vellek. 144 00:10:01,184 --> 00:10:02,550 Are you sure it's going to work? 145 00:10:02,685 --> 00:10:05,018 Yes, it's going to work. Of course it's gonna work, just as I promised. 146 00:10:05,522 --> 00:10:07,764 We've made great progress, thanks to our friend Mr. Fletcher here. 147 00:10:07,982 --> 00:10:09,143 You mean, thanks to me. 148 00:10:10,151 --> 00:10:11,267 Is there a problem, Admiral? 149 00:10:13,822 --> 00:10:16,610 Your father made arrangements with the British, 150 00:10:17,200 --> 00:10:18,941 without first consulting the Greeks, 151 00:10:19,702 --> 00:10:22,786 who backed him from the start. So, yes, there is a problem. 152 00:10:27,377 --> 00:10:29,039 What about the product, Dr. Vellek? 153 00:10:29,504 --> 00:10:32,588 How many more nations are you intending to share it with? 154 00:10:33,383 --> 00:10:34,919 Is Greece no longer special? 155 00:10:35,718 --> 00:10:37,175 Whatever your arrangement, sir, 156 00:10:38,012 --> 00:10:40,755 I can assure you, Britain has no dispute with you or your people. 157 00:10:41,432 --> 00:10:42,673 Our agreement is with Dr. Vellek... 158 00:10:43,351 --> 00:10:45,138 I am the head of the Hellenic City-State, 159 00:10:45,436 --> 00:10:48,770 and I didn't become this because of some apocalyptic stroke of luck. 160 00:10:49,232 --> 00:10:50,393 I put men in graves. 161 00:10:50,775 --> 00:10:53,188 I'm everything bad that ever happened to you, in the flesh, 162 00:10:53,278 --> 00:10:55,895 and Dr. Vellek works for me. 163 00:11:02,453 --> 00:11:04,740 As long as Greece supports your research, 164 00:11:04,831 --> 00:11:07,118 and guarantees your security, 165 00:11:08,084 --> 00:11:12,294 everything you do here belongs to Athens, and Athens only. 166 00:11:13,923 --> 00:11:15,755 You should be happy, Demetrius. 167 00:11:16,176 --> 00:11:19,715 You no longer have any rival in Europe. And Britain is an ally. 168 00:11:19,804 --> 00:11:23,388 I don't want allies! I want the cure! 169 00:11:25,059 --> 00:11:26,891 LUCIA: Nothing's changed. 170 00:11:32,567 --> 00:11:34,604 A promise is a promise. 171 00:11:35,653 --> 00:11:38,316 Yes, we've formed some new alliances, 172 00:11:39,407 --> 00:11:44,573 but our relationship with Greece, and with you, dear Demetrius, 173 00:11:46,164 --> 00:11:47,530 is our first priority. 174 00:11:47,749 --> 00:11:51,242 And we still have big plans, you and I, Demetrius. Let's not forget that. 175 00:11:51,836 --> 00:11:54,874 So, come on, let's celebrate. We've cooked up your favorite, 176 00:11:55,048 --> 00:11:56,789 Dolmathes Avgolemono. 177 00:11:57,008 --> 00:11:59,250 Dolmathes Avgolemono, Demetrius. 178 00:11:59,344 --> 00:12:00,380 Sit, sit. 179 00:12:03,640 --> 00:12:04,881 Thank you. 180 00:12:04,974 --> 00:12:06,055 (DEMETRIUS CHUCKLES) 181 00:12:07,727 --> 00:12:09,969 Your kitchen does you proud, Dr. Vellek. 182 00:12:10,104 --> 00:12:11,561 It's my mother's recipe. 183 00:12:12,315 --> 00:12:14,147 You might wanna soak it up with some bread. 184 00:12:18,446 --> 00:12:19,982 VELLEK: Eviva! 185 00:12:22,367 --> 00:12:23,448 LUCIA: Eviva! 186 00:12:54,857 --> 00:12:55,847 (BONE CRACKING) 187 00:12:55,984 --> 00:12:57,145 (ELECTRONIC MUSIC PLAYING) 188 00:13:02,532 --> 00:13:05,240 - You guys hearing that? - Yeah. Is that... 189 00:13:06,244 --> 00:13:07,405 It's techno, sir. 190 00:13:12,709 --> 00:13:14,166 - (INDISTINCT CHATTER) - (MUSIC VOLUME INCREASES) 191 00:13:35,273 --> 00:13:37,890 DANNY: Bikinis, booze. Yup, it's a party. 192 00:13:38,359 --> 00:13:40,772 You got to be kidding me? We weren't invited? 193 00:13:41,404 --> 00:13:42,611 Giorgio. 194 00:13:43,823 --> 00:13:45,155 DANNY: Nathan James, be advised. 195 00:13:45,241 --> 00:13:46,652 We have ourselves a wrinkle. 196 00:13:46,909 --> 00:13:48,650 Giorgio's having a house party. Over. 197 00:13:48,745 --> 00:13:50,077 Did he just say "house party"? 198 00:13:50,955 --> 00:13:52,116 That changes things just a bit. 199 00:13:52,582 --> 00:13:54,699 Yeah, well, that music alone could kill us. 200 00:13:54,876 --> 00:13:57,414 We got civvies up there now. If Giorgio's men start blasting, 201 00:13:57,754 --> 00:14:00,167 - we're gonna have some casualties. - All right, we do this quiet. 202 00:14:00,757 --> 00:14:03,090 If Giorgio's in there, he's now primary target. 203 00:14:03,760 --> 00:14:07,299 The key to that room's around his neck. Burk, Miller, Wolf, set security. 204 00:14:07,638 --> 00:14:10,301 Sasha, Azima, you're with me. Green... 205 00:14:10,475 --> 00:14:12,137 We need to isolate Giorgio. 206 00:14:14,103 --> 00:14:15,469 GIORGIO: Ladies, thank you for coming. 207 00:14:16,731 --> 00:14:19,189 He's here, all right. He's the life of the party. 208 00:14:19,650 --> 00:14:21,607 It won't be easy to get him away from the pool, sir. 209 00:14:22,779 --> 00:14:23,895 I may have a way. 210 00:14:35,625 --> 00:14:36,786 Ah, well... 211 00:14:37,085 --> 00:14:40,044 This is not quite how I imagined this in my dreams. 212 00:14:40,755 --> 00:14:41,962 (LOUD ELECTRONIC MUSIC PLAYING) 213 00:14:44,926 --> 00:14:46,633 I lick salt off you yet? 214 00:15:11,202 --> 00:15:14,320 I'm not gonna lie. I thought I was the finest thing here. 215 00:15:16,749 --> 00:15:17,739 (SPEAKING OTHER LANGUAGE) 216 00:15:24,549 --> 00:15:25,835 I know. 217 00:15:29,178 --> 00:15:32,046 Come. Let me show you my house. 218 00:15:33,933 --> 00:15:35,925 I got a great house. 219 00:15:47,947 --> 00:15:48,983 KANDIE: Oh. 220 00:15:49,115 --> 00:15:53,576 I've not seen such nice things since before the virus. 221 00:15:53,995 --> 00:15:56,362 This is nothing compared to what I'm gonna have. 222 00:15:56,873 --> 00:16:00,537 My family are visionaries, doing remarkable things. 223 00:16:00,793 --> 00:16:02,830 World-changing things. 224 00:16:03,796 --> 00:16:06,459 You ever do it on 2,000-count Egyptian cotton? 225 00:16:06,591 --> 00:16:07,957 SASHA: That your best line, lover boy? 226 00:16:14,807 --> 00:16:16,719 This couldn't have waited till I was done? 227 00:16:17,101 --> 00:16:18,637 We didn't have 30 seconds. 228 00:16:19,437 --> 00:16:20,427 (GIORGIO GRUNTS) 229 00:16:21,022 --> 00:16:24,606 Nathan James, this is Vulture Team. We have Giorgio Vellek in custody. Over. 230 00:16:25,735 --> 00:16:28,148 Copy that, Vulture Team. Can't wait to see him. 231 00:16:35,411 --> 00:16:38,154 - MILLER: All clear. - Honestly, fellas, the violence. 232 00:16:39,832 --> 00:16:41,448 Thought I was supposed to be the bad guy. 233 00:16:41,751 --> 00:16:42,787 Move it. 234 00:16:52,553 --> 00:16:53,714 - (BEEPS) - (DOOR OPENS) 235 00:16:55,097 --> 00:16:56,087 We're in. 236 00:17:01,771 --> 00:17:02,761 Ah! 237 00:17:02,855 --> 00:17:04,596 Wow, you like it rough, huh? 238 00:17:06,067 --> 00:17:07,524 (GIORGIO LAUGHS) 239 00:17:12,406 --> 00:17:15,069 Your father, where is he? 240 00:17:15,868 --> 00:17:17,734 And I'm just supposed to tell you? 241 00:17:18,120 --> 00:17:20,282 Your playboy days are over, Giorgio. 242 00:17:21,207 --> 00:17:24,541 You get to decide just how uncomfortable you want it to get going forward. 243 00:17:25,002 --> 00:17:27,415 I don't know what you people are looking for, 244 00:17:27,505 --> 00:17:29,963 but I'd be prepared to fail. 245 00:17:30,132 --> 00:17:32,374 Seems like you're always prepared to fail, Giorgio. 246 00:17:32,552 --> 00:17:33,542 SASHA: I've got something. 247 00:17:39,642 --> 00:17:40,632 Wait. 248 00:17:40,726 --> 00:17:41,716 (BEEPS) 249 00:17:47,441 --> 00:17:48,648 You were saying? 250 00:17:49,318 --> 00:17:52,152 SASHA: Nathan James, prepare to receive data transfer via Link 16. 251 00:17:52,280 --> 00:17:54,613 Copy, Vulture Team. Monitoring for data. 252 00:17:56,284 --> 00:17:57,741 Chief Rain, stand by to receive. 253 00:17:57,910 --> 00:17:58,900 Aye, aye, ma'am. 254 00:18:03,624 --> 00:18:06,241 That's my father's work you're messing with! 255 00:18:09,880 --> 00:18:13,248 I promise you, you will not get away with this. 256 00:18:13,593 --> 00:18:15,209 CHANDLER: Who's gonna stop me? Hmm? 257 00:18:16,095 --> 00:18:18,337 You gonna kill me, like you killed Moose? 258 00:18:19,140 --> 00:18:20,472 Like you killed Alex? 259 00:18:21,142 --> 00:18:23,008 Oh, right, like I'm the barbarian. 260 00:18:24,437 --> 00:18:27,054 Did you tell your friends how you nearly beat a man to death 261 00:18:27,148 --> 00:18:30,186 with your bare hands, like an animal? 262 00:18:33,154 --> 00:18:35,862 That's right. The poor guy was down, 263 00:18:36,198 --> 00:18:40,238 beaten, and your hero here showed him no mercy. 264 00:18:41,579 --> 00:18:42,911 He didn't tell you? 265 00:18:43,789 --> 00:18:45,280 Oh. 266 00:18:46,167 --> 00:18:47,874 Got demons much? 267 00:18:48,836 --> 00:18:53,752 I wonder what else lurks in that black heart, Hercules. 268 00:18:54,467 --> 00:18:55,457 SASHA: Sending. 269 00:18:58,512 --> 00:18:59,502 KANDIE: Captain. 270 00:19:09,273 --> 00:19:11,890 You were using us, the fighters. 271 00:19:13,027 --> 00:19:15,440 Why? What were you after? 272 00:19:17,114 --> 00:19:18,195 Science. 273 00:19:20,868 --> 00:19:21,984 Science. 274 00:19:22,453 --> 00:19:26,697 GIORGIO: What, you didn't think I pulled you off that pathetic little island 275 00:19:26,874 --> 00:19:29,241 just so we could become friends, did you? 276 00:19:30,711 --> 00:19:34,671 You were a guinea pig, a nobody. 277 00:19:35,007 --> 00:19:39,752 And now, my father is gonna tear you limb from limb 278 00:19:40,054 --> 00:19:41,670 for what you did to me. 279 00:19:43,391 --> 00:19:45,223 And what you did to my sister. 280 00:19:50,272 --> 00:19:51,808 - (ELECTRONIC MUSIC PLAYING) - (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 281 00:20:10,000 --> 00:20:12,538 (MAN SPEAKING OTHER LANGUAGE) 282 00:20:15,548 --> 00:20:16,584 - (GUNSHOTS) - (PEOPLE SCREAMING) 283 00:20:22,638 --> 00:20:23,719 Captain? 284 00:20:23,806 --> 00:20:25,092 We've got a problem. 285 00:20:31,564 --> 00:20:32,680 (MEN SHOUTING) 286 00:20:54,295 --> 00:20:55,285 Oh, shit. 287 00:20:55,671 --> 00:20:59,039 That's Omar. He's alive. How the hell is he alive? 288 00:21:00,301 --> 00:21:02,133 Just isn't your day, is it, Giorgio? 289 00:21:05,765 --> 00:21:09,179 - Oh, God! Oh, God! - Nathan James, this is Vulture Team. 290 00:21:09,268 --> 00:21:12,227 Target is burned. Omar and his men have breached the premises. 291 00:21:12,313 --> 00:21:13,303 Omar. 292 00:21:13,564 --> 00:21:14,896 CHANDLER: Bogies don't know we're in the house. 293 00:21:14,982 --> 00:21:16,473 Won't be long till they find out. 294 00:21:16,567 --> 00:21:19,105 Requesting immediate hot extract at primary LZ, over. 295 00:21:19,487 --> 00:21:20,819 Roger, Vulture Team. 296 00:21:26,202 --> 00:21:27,909 What kind of party is this? 297 00:21:29,914 --> 00:21:31,246 With no host? 298 00:21:36,754 --> 00:21:40,088 I know you can hear me, Giorgio! 299 00:21:41,175 --> 00:21:43,963 And I know you can see. 300 00:21:44,804 --> 00:21:50,641 So, I'm going to show your friends what kind of coward you are. 301 00:21:51,101 --> 00:21:54,014 How you are willing to sacrifice their lives 302 00:21:54,104 --> 00:21:58,565 to protect your own, because you are the sort of man 303 00:21:59,151 --> 00:22:04,613 who will shoot an ally in the back and leave him to die. 304 00:22:07,493 --> 00:22:09,029 Show yourself! 305 00:22:18,337 --> 00:22:19,327 Just as I thought. 306 00:22:23,884 --> 00:22:25,045 (SPEAKING OTHER LANGUAGE) 307 00:22:43,863 --> 00:22:44,899 (CHOKING) 308 00:22:48,784 --> 00:22:49,865 (WOMAN SOBBING) 309 00:22:54,456 --> 00:22:58,291 If the rest of you want to live, you will point to where Giorgio is. 310 00:22:59,420 --> 00:23:00,786 (SPEAKING OTHER LANGUAGE) 311 00:23:09,179 --> 00:23:12,718 Omar's men are coming. We need to hurry with that upload. 312 00:23:12,808 --> 00:23:15,471 - I'm hurrying as fast as I can. - No, no, no. 313 00:23:15,728 --> 00:23:17,845 Green, how long can you hold off Omar's men? 314 00:23:18,272 --> 00:23:19,638 DANNY: Four, maybe five mikes. 315 00:23:19,940 --> 00:23:23,149 He's making his way in here, and then he's gonna cut off all of our heads! 316 00:23:23,611 --> 00:23:26,479 You should've paid Omar the $20 million while you had the chance, Giorgio. 317 00:23:39,335 --> 00:23:41,452 SLATTERY: Mean anything to ya? KARA: Ciphertext, sir. 318 00:23:41,629 --> 00:23:44,246 Assuming we get the full upload, asymmetric encryption like this 319 00:23:44,340 --> 00:23:45,706 could take days to decipher. 320 00:23:46,216 --> 00:23:49,755 Sir, I need as many LAN and ADP support PCs in Comms as possible. 321 00:23:49,929 --> 00:23:51,921 Anything not tied to ship integrity. 322 00:23:53,057 --> 00:23:54,923 - Get her done. - Yes, sir. 323 00:24:02,191 --> 00:24:03,682 (MEN SHOUTING) 324 00:24:12,326 --> 00:24:13,817 - Upload? - Seventy percent. 325 00:24:16,830 --> 00:24:18,071 Engage the door. 326 00:24:20,709 --> 00:24:21,745 - (GUNSHOTS) - (GRUNTING) 327 00:24:28,342 --> 00:24:29,332 (SPEAKING OTHER LANGUAGE) 328 00:24:34,264 --> 00:24:35,254 Send it. 329 00:24:35,849 --> 00:24:36,885 (GUNSHOTS) 330 00:24:38,060 --> 00:24:39,176 (PEOPLE SCREAMING) 331 00:24:45,526 --> 00:24:48,269 CHANDLER: You're right, Giorgio. You could've killed me. 332 00:24:48,696 --> 00:24:49,812 But now I'm your only hope. 333 00:24:50,197 --> 00:24:51,813 Give us the location of your father's lab. 334 00:24:52,491 --> 00:24:54,983 Don't, and I'll feed you to Omar. 335 00:24:55,494 --> 00:24:58,783 Just FYI, Omar will skin you alive. I've seen him do it. 336 00:24:59,999 --> 00:25:03,834 Hey. Hey! I am an asset. You have to protect me. 337 00:25:04,128 --> 00:25:08,042 And by law, you can't barter with the terrorists. So "Ha!" 338 00:25:08,549 --> 00:25:10,586 - Hoist on your own petard! - Can we shut him up? 339 00:25:10,676 --> 00:25:11,666 Shh! 340 00:25:13,679 --> 00:25:16,342 You think I'm an idiot? You try to play me like you played my sister? 341 00:25:16,432 --> 00:25:19,800 Well, guess what? You got played. She never even liked you. 342 00:25:20,227 --> 00:25:24,141 And your boy, Fletcher? He was happy to bring me those seeds. 343 00:25:24,231 --> 00:25:25,597 There's nothing you can do... 344 00:25:25,691 --> 00:25:26,681 (GRUNTS) 345 00:25:27,026 --> 00:25:28,392 Say his name again. 346 00:25:30,070 --> 00:25:31,277 Say his name again. 347 00:25:32,072 --> 00:25:33,483 GIORGIO: You gonna let her kill me, Cappy? 348 00:25:34,324 --> 00:25:37,692 You need me to bust this whole thing wide open. 349 00:25:38,162 --> 00:25:40,825 Sasha, we need him alive. 350 00:25:42,041 --> 00:25:43,031 For now. 351 00:25:43,459 --> 00:25:44,620 Yeah, Sasha. 352 00:26:06,565 --> 00:26:07,806 (MEN SHOUTING) 353 00:26:15,032 --> 00:26:17,274 DANNY: Vulture Team, we're pinned down, Captain! 354 00:26:17,367 --> 00:26:18,949 We're gonna need all the help that we can get! 355 00:26:20,496 --> 00:26:21,657 Don't you move! 356 00:26:22,331 --> 00:26:26,792 It's not for me. Huh? It's for you to use against Omar. 357 00:26:29,171 --> 00:26:30,457 Stay put. 358 00:26:38,972 --> 00:26:39,962 Americans! 359 00:26:40,849 --> 00:26:44,138 I only want Giorgio and what is owed to me! 360 00:26:44,686 --> 00:26:46,643 I have no quarrel with you! 361 00:26:46,730 --> 00:26:50,599 We got quarrel with you! We got mad quarrel with you, you son... 362 00:26:55,656 --> 00:26:57,522 Done! Time to move. 363 00:26:57,658 --> 00:27:00,617 Cobra Team, on me. I got a surprise for Omar. 364 00:27:07,417 --> 00:27:10,330 Vulture Team, there's too many of 'em. We're gonna need to turn and burn. 365 00:27:10,671 --> 00:27:13,334 Covering Burk and Green. We cannot take primary to your location. 366 00:27:13,423 --> 00:27:14,504 Using alternate route. 367 00:27:14,925 --> 00:27:16,166 (SPEAKING OTHER LANGUAGE) 368 00:27:40,826 --> 00:27:41,907 WOLF: Let's go! Go! 369 00:27:42,536 --> 00:27:43,822 DANNY: We got cover! Get inside. 370 00:27:48,167 --> 00:27:49,408 Clear, fall back! 371 00:27:55,340 --> 00:27:56,421 - Arm it. - BURK: Got it. 372 00:27:56,550 --> 00:27:58,007 How the hell are we getting out of here? 373 00:27:59,761 --> 00:28:02,003 - Is that Caligula? - It was a gift. 374 00:28:08,187 --> 00:28:09,177 SASHA: Move. 375 00:28:11,481 --> 00:28:13,017 House clear, coming out! 376 00:28:24,494 --> 00:28:25,530 (GUNSHOTS) 377 00:28:30,375 --> 00:28:31,911 Come and get it, Omar! 378 00:28:32,002 --> 00:28:33,994 This here's a gift from the Burk brothers! 379 00:28:38,550 --> 00:28:39,586 (MAN SPEAKING OTHER LANGUAGE) 380 00:28:45,515 --> 00:28:46,551 (GRUNTS) 381 00:28:48,101 --> 00:28:49,387 Giorgio, no! 382 00:28:57,736 --> 00:28:58,817 (SPEAKING OTHER LANGUAGE) 383 00:29:20,300 --> 00:29:21,586 - Hey. - Hey. 384 00:29:23,387 --> 00:29:25,720 - This the data from the house? - Yeah. 385 00:29:26,515 --> 00:29:29,508 I've got 15 servers burning through a million alphanumeric combinations 386 00:29:29,601 --> 00:29:31,684 per second, looking for a key. 387 00:29:32,521 --> 00:29:33,557 Sounds nerdy. 388 00:29:34,314 --> 00:29:35,646 It's not fast enough. 389 00:29:37,567 --> 00:29:39,559 Mission went great, by the way. Not a hitch. 390 00:29:40,654 --> 00:29:41,770 Thanks for asking. 391 00:29:43,949 --> 00:29:46,737 Shoulder's great, by the way. Thanks for asking. 392 00:29:54,042 --> 00:29:56,625 Recce team's combed half the island looking for Giorgio. 393 00:29:56,712 --> 00:29:58,374 Nothing. Probably died in the blast. 394 00:29:58,505 --> 00:30:01,714 Sir, ledgers you saw in the mansion, they're medical charts, basically. 395 00:30:02,050 --> 00:30:05,168 A complete record of the fighters' clinical data. 396 00:30:05,679 --> 00:30:09,423 Diagnostics, progress notes, problems, test results. 397 00:30:09,808 --> 00:30:11,891 Vellek wasn't just recording their vitals. 398 00:30:11,977 --> 00:30:14,219 He was also keeping tabs on his own metrics. 399 00:30:14,479 --> 00:30:15,560 Aggression levels. 400 00:30:16,064 --> 00:30:18,147 The fights weren't just about entertainment. 401 00:30:18,817 --> 00:30:20,774 Vellek was using them to find the most aggressive men 402 00:30:20,902 --> 00:30:21,892 he could get his hands on. 403 00:30:22,112 --> 00:30:23,694 There you are. Hercules. 404 00:30:24,614 --> 00:30:26,901 Aggression level nine. I thought you got off the ship to relax. 405 00:30:27,326 --> 00:30:28,783 That is me relaxed. 406 00:30:29,036 --> 00:30:30,902 Why is Vellek so interested in aggression? 407 00:30:31,121 --> 00:30:33,955 Here. Got something. 408 00:30:34,082 --> 00:30:37,246 In A.D. 65, the Roman philosopher Seneca, a Stoic, 409 00:30:37,336 --> 00:30:39,919 wrote a letter to Lucilius regarding, no doubt, 410 00:30:40,005 --> 00:30:43,294 the notorious Emperor Nero, around the time that guy went nuts. 411 00:30:44,092 --> 00:30:48,006 In this letter, Seneca called anger a short madness, much like, 412 00:30:48,096 --> 00:30:52,887 "A falling rock that breaks itself to pieces upon the very thing it crushes." 413 00:30:53,185 --> 00:30:56,019 I disagree. It is not a short madness. 414 00:30:56,313 --> 00:30:59,397 Aggression cannot be conquered. Aggression cannot be beaten, 415 00:30:59,483 --> 00:31:01,566 neither by compassion, reason, or love. 416 00:31:01,735 --> 00:31:04,273 Nero did not get better. He did not get nice. 417 00:31:04,363 --> 00:31:07,026 In fact, in his fury, he ordered Seneca to kill himself. 418 00:31:07,115 --> 00:31:10,950 Once you go over the cliff, man, it is a straight shot down. 419 00:31:11,661 --> 00:31:14,745 The rock of anger only breaks once it breaks you. 420 00:31:17,334 --> 00:31:18,575 (MEN SHOUTING ON VIDEO) 421 00:31:22,130 --> 00:31:24,838 VELLEK: This is Ares, God of War. 422 00:31:25,384 --> 00:31:28,377 Aggression levels off the charts, man, as you can see. 423 00:31:38,355 --> 00:31:39,687 And here's Ares today. 424 00:31:44,903 --> 00:31:46,860 On your feet, fighter man. 425 00:31:59,709 --> 00:32:00,699 Okay. 426 00:32:05,507 --> 00:32:06,793 Look at Ares now. 427 00:32:08,927 --> 00:32:11,795 The picture of perfect inner peace. Propensity of violence... 428 00:32:11,888 --> 00:32:13,049 (SNAPS FINGERS) 429 00:32:13,140 --> 00:32:14,676 Snuffed out of him, you might say. 430 00:32:15,142 --> 00:32:16,633 Okay, boys, come on in. 431 00:32:22,065 --> 00:32:26,435 You see, I've injected Ares and his palooka pals with a concentrate 432 00:32:27,320 --> 00:32:29,653 of an ingredient from Dinostos Phosphate. 433 00:32:29,990 --> 00:32:31,231 In its purified form, 434 00:32:31,324 --> 00:32:32,986 this chemical short circuits 435 00:32:33,201 --> 00:32:35,739 the stress/aggression positive feedback loop, 436 00:32:36,037 --> 00:32:39,326 thus cutting off the hypothalamic attack response. 437 00:32:39,541 --> 00:32:41,749 Even the most pissed off individual 438 00:32:41,835 --> 00:32:44,122 is left with a sort of pleasant pacifism. 439 00:32:44,421 --> 00:32:48,085 I remember that pleasant pacifism. It was awful. 440 00:32:48,425 --> 00:32:52,169 Sir, what you drank was diluted Nostos. It's why you were able to recover. 441 00:32:52,596 --> 00:32:54,963 In all other areas, these fighters are functioning men, 442 00:32:55,056 --> 00:32:56,263 but their will to fight, 443 00:32:56,349 --> 00:32:58,762 their need to fight, their compulsion to fight 444 00:32:58,852 --> 00:33:03,062 has been overridden by a kind of docility 445 00:33:03,648 --> 00:33:06,140 the world could use more of right now. 446 00:33:07,194 --> 00:33:09,277 Since Homo sapien walked out of a cave, 447 00:33:09,362 --> 00:33:13,402 the only reason for man's existence is to perceive 448 00:33:13,492 --> 00:33:17,452 a suffering world and to conceive a goodness 449 00:33:17,537 --> 00:33:20,450 that will mend it. Peace. 450 00:33:24,544 --> 00:33:25,910 He's a goddamn hippie. 451 00:33:26,421 --> 00:33:28,959 "The kind of docility the world can use more of right now"? 452 00:33:29,049 --> 00:33:31,587 I mean, it's like Vellek wants to turn people into livestock. 453 00:33:31,927 --> 00:33:34,465 Sheep. That's the word he used. 454 00:33:35,597 --> 00:33:36,929 He's gonna be the shepherd. 455 00:33:37,682 --> 00:33:39,344 What's all this gotta do with seeds? 456 00:33:39,434 --> 00:33:43,394 Control. The seeds give Vellek control over the world's food supply. 457 00:33:44,105 --> 00:33:46,188 The drug is the weapon he'll use to protect himself 458 00:33:46,274 --> 00:33:48,766 against any adversary who tries to take him on... 459 00:33:49,611 --> 00:33:50,601 "Man." 460 00:33:51,738 --> 00:33:55,448 They'll give up without a fight, do whatever he says in order to get fed. 461 00:33:56,743 --> 00:33:57,733 Jesus. 462 00:33:58,245 --> 00:34:01,909 "Hence we will not say that Greeks fight like heroes, 463 00:34:01,998 --> 00:34:04,661 "but that heroes fight like Greeks." 464 00:34:05,544 --> 00:34:07,376 That was Winston Churchill, man. 465 00:34:07,754 --> 00:34:08,835 Wow. 466 00:34:10,674 --> 00:34:14,088 I wonder what that old bulldog would think of you right now, Demetrius. 467 00:34:15,178 --> 00:34:16,794 You see, Churchill hated war. 468 00:34:17,347 --> 00:34:20,306 I think he'd be proud to see the fight in you retreating. 469 00:34:21,268 --> 00:34:23,851 Something's wrong with me. I can feel it. 470 00:34:23,979 --> 00:34:25,015 Can you now? 471 00:34:25,855 --> 00:34:29,223 Well, I've switched off a single primal compulsion in you, Demetrius. 472 00:34:29,317 --> 00:34:32,185 An ugly one. I've freed you, man. 473 00:34:34,531 --> 00:34:37,239 I must go home to my people, Doctor. They need me. 474 00:34:37,325 --> 00:34:40,238 No, no, no, Admiral. You're staying with me now. 475 00:34:40,870 --> 00:34:42,987 You, sir, are proof of concept. 476 00:34:43,081 --> 00:34:46,324 The inaugural man, Homo pacificus. 477 00:34:47,043 --> 00:34:50,127 And judging by the result, I'd say we're onto something. 478 00:34:51,840 --> 00:34:54,002 Stand up. Stand up. 479 00:34:54,884 --> 00:34:56,967 Take off your medals. You're no longer in charge. 480 00:34:57,304 --> 00:34:58,420 Take 'em off. Take 'em off. 481 00:35:01,766 --> 00:35:05,305 Stavros will be taking your rank, your title, and your nation. 482 00:35:05,895 --> 00:35:08,262 It all belongs to him now. And to me. 483 00:35:10,358 --> 00:35:14,352 As Dante, an Italian, said about Aristotle, a Greek, 484 00:35:14,863 --> 00:35:19,949 "I am 'Il maestro dicolor che sanno.'" 485 00:35:25,290 --> 00:35:30,081 "The master of all who know." 486 00:35:32,088 --> 00:35:34,125 What do you think about that, Demetrius? 487 00:35:35,258 --> 00:35:36,248 I... 488 00:35:37,844 --> 00:35:40,837 Down, Demetrius. Sit down. 489 00:35:47,312 --> 00:35:48,348 Finish your food. 490 00:36:24,766 --> 00:36:26,257 You've been at this for hours. 491 00:36:27,811 --> 00:36:29,473 You should eat while there's still food to eat. 492 00:36:29,562 --> 00:36:30,894 You can give my portion away. 493 00:36:34,901 --> 00:36:37,109 There's no way Fletcher knew what Vellek was up to, 494 00:36:37,195 --> 00:36:38,527 or he wouldn't have done what he did. 495 00:36:39,948 --> 00:36:41,405 What difference does it make? 496 00:36:42,325 --> 00:36:45,693 He betrayed all of us. We all trusted him. 497 00:36:45,787 --> 00:36:48,245 No. He betrayed me. 498 00:36:50,166 --> 00:36:53,250 And then I lost control and nearly blew Giorgio's head off. 499 00:36:53,420 --> 00:36:54,627 But you didn't. 500 00:36:54,879 --> 00:36:57,417 Yeah? And what if I had? What if I had killed him? Then what? 501 00:36:59,926 --> 00:37:01,292 Should I walk off the ship like you did? 502 00:37:02,220 --> 00:37:05,304 Until some other shitty thing happens that drags me back? 503 00:37:06,725 --> 00:37:09,263 Please, share some of your hard-won wisdom. 504 00:37:15,233 --> 00:37:16,440 I deserved that. 505 00:37:21,990 --> 00:37:24,448 No. You didn't. 506 00:37:27,495 --> 00:37:28,531 (SIGHS) 507 00:37:28,621 --> 00:37:29,611 I just... 508 00:37:31,791 --> 00:37:33,703 I don't know what to believe in anymore. 509 00:37:35,628 --> 00:37:36,618 This? 510 00:37:37,505 --> 00:37:39,417 This is all that I have to hang on to. 511 00:37:40,341 --> 00:37:44,130 But, if we can find Vellek's lab, we can get the rest of his research, and I... 512 00:37:44,471 --> 00:37:48,306 And I'm sure of it, we can still make the crops we need before... 513 00:37:56,483 --> 00:38:00,397 Before I left, you told me, 514 00:38:01,279 --> 00:38:03,236 whatever's broken, we can fix it. 515 00:38:05,033 --> 00:38:06,240 And you were right. 516 00:38:08,828 --> 00:38:11,912 You were right then, and you're right now. 517 00:38:22,759 --> 00:38:24,250 Ma'am? We got a key. 518 00:38:29,891 --> 00:38:31,427 KARA: This is Vellek's entire operation. 519 00:38:32,143 --> 00:38:33,133 Click on Lab. 520 00:38:34,562 --> 00:38:35,598 Open most recent. 521 00:38:37,482 --> 00:38:39,769 - Oh, my God. - Save that. 522 00:38:44,656 --> 00:38:47,273 VELLEK: You let Tom Chandler get his hands on information 523 00:38:47,367 --> 00:38:49,905 that would lead him directly to me! To me! 524 00:38:49,994 --> 00:38:51,701 - Dad, please... - Shut up! 525 00:38:51,788 --> 00:38:52,778 I almost died. 526 00:38:54,958 --> 00:38:57,325 Here I am, in the midst of testing 527 00:38:57,418 --> 00:38:59,956 and perfecting the perfect recipe of recipes, 528 00:39:00,046 --> 00:39:03,335 the cure of cures, only to be brought, once again, 529 00:39:03,424 --> 00:39:06,292 to a screeching halt by Giorgio Vellek, 530 00:39:06,845 --> 00:39:10,134 the single problem that, with all the gifts endowed me, 531 00:39:10,223 --> 00:39:12,215 I cannot seem to solve. 532 00:39:15,311 --> 00:39:16,552 What am I to do? 533 00:39:20,066 --> 00:39:21,307 What am I to do? 534 00:39:21,651 --> 00:39:23,984 Dad, just leave him alone. 535 00:39:25,113 --> 00:39:28,732 We need to focus. The Americans are on their way here right now. 536 00:39:30,285 --> 00:39:32,368 All the data they stole is encrypted. 537 00:39:33,288 --> 00:39:34,950 Chandler will break the code. 538 00:39:36,749 --> 00:39:37,956 I need Christos. 539 00:39:42,505 --> 00:39:45,998 - Dad... - I want my boy! Where is my son? 540 00:39:49,888 --> 00:39:51,129 I'll go get him... 541 00:39:52,098 --> 00:39:53,088 Dad. 542 00:40:34,641 --> 00:40:36,098 I need some air. 543 00:40:52,492 --> 00:40:55,200 We were able to decrypt the data from Giorgio's house. 544 00:40:56,204 --> 00:40:58,571 The numbers from the mansion, they show the location of the lab. 545 00:40:59,290 --> 00:41:02,328 They're lats and longs, sir. But there's something else. 546 00:41:02,794 --> 00:41:04,911 The numbers, they're all different, 547 00:41:05,004 --> 00:41:07,838 so we assumed Vellek's people changed the code each time. 548 00:41:08,091 --> 00:41:09,457 But it wasn't the code that changed. 549 00:41:10,426 --> 00:41:13,043 SLATTERY: If the code didn't change, that means the location of the lab did. 550 00:41:14,806 --> 00:41:18,470 - The coordinates aren't on land. - No. Vellek's lab... 551 00:41:21,854 --> 00:41:23,436 It's a ship. 552 00:41:41,708 --> 00:41:43,700 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING) 553 00:42:10,486 --> 00:42:11,476 English-SDH