1 00:01:06,817 --> 00:01:07,978 MAHMOUD: It's beautiful, yes? 2 00:01:08,652 --> 00:01:10,518 Just like I promised. 3 00:01:11,196 --> 00:01:12,528 Go ahead. Test it. 4 00:01:14,700 --> 00:01:19,070 MAHMOUD: There are 499 others just like it, ready for delivery. 5 00:01:22,291 --> 00:01:23,498 (DEVICE BEEPING) 6 00:01:23,750 --> 00:01:24,740 (MAN SPEAKING ARABIC) 7 00:01:28,046 --> 00:01:29,503 MAHMOUD: All over the planet, crops are sick. 8 00:01:29,715 --> 00:01:31,047 No one can grow food. 9 00:01:31,258 --> 00:01:33,295 The people starve to death. 10 00:01:33,385 --> 00:01:36,469 And the one ancient African palm seed 11 00:01:37,222 --> 00:01:39,965 has the secret to feed the whole world 12 00:01:40,559 --> 00:01:42,346 locked inside its DNA. 13 00:01:43,103 --> 00:01:44,093 It's funny, no? 14 00:01:44,521 --> 00:01:46,308 I didn't know you were such a scientist, Mahmoud. 15 00:01:46,440 --> 00:01:47,476 Ah... 16 00:01:47,566 --> 00:01:49,728 I am a thief, but I know business. 17 00:01:50,485 --> 00:01:52,021 And I know the seed's value. 18 00:01:53,363 --> 00:01:55,730 Everyone wants what Omar stole from the seed bank. 19 00:01:56,074 --> 00:01:57,565 And you work for Omar. 20 00:01:59,202 --> 00:02:00,613 Why'd you steal from him? 21 00:02:01,622 --> 00:02:04,740 I don't trust Omar. It's a tribal thing. 22 00:02:05,584 --> 00:02:08,327 Besides, Mr. Fletcher here has made me a better offer. 23 00:02:08,420 --> 00:02:09,410 (DEVICE BEEPS) 24 00:02:10,964 --> 00:02:13,001 Okay, Mahmoud, we have a deal. 25 00:02:18,055 --> 00:02:20,092 Vulture team, it's a go. Get ready to move. 26 00:02:21,767 --> 00:02:23,633 Green, check. 27 00:02:27,397 --> 00:02:28,513 Taylor, check. 28 00:02:28,607 --> 00:02:29,939 Miller, check. 29 00:02:32,569 --> 00:02:34,026 Where are the rest of the seeds? 30 00:02:34,863 --> 00:02:36,445 Someplace dear to my heart. 31 00:02:36,907 --> 00:02:39,650 - But first, we negotiate. - No. No, no, no, no, no. 32 00:02:39,951 --> 00:02:41,317 We already negotiated. 33 00:02:41,578 --> 00:02:43,945 Omar's buyer is ready to grow food today. 34 00:02:44,623 --> 00:02:45,955 Who is Omar's buyer? 35 00:02:46,124 --> 00:02:47,615 - Ah! - Mahmoud. 36 00:02:47,709 --> 00:02:48,825 To hell with Omar. 37 00:02:49,461 --> 00:02:50,668 I'm thinking about Mahmoud. 38 00:02:51,088 --> 00:02:52,499 Hold tight. Looks like they're haggling. 39 00:02:52,881 --> 00:02:54,918 They will do what they did with the Blue Cure, eh? 40 00:02:55,175 --> 00:02:56,416 Feed your own people first. 41 00:02:57,010 --> 00:02:58,376 America, UK. 42 00:03:00,430 --> 00:03:02,171 What do you want, Mahmoud? 43 00:03:04,393 --> 00:03:06,009 (PEOPLE SCREAMING) 44 00:03:08,647 --> 00:03:10,183 Contact, 12 o'clock. 45 00:03:24,538 --> 00:03:25,904 Stay with me, Mahmoud! 46 00:03:31,002 --> 00:03:32,959 Mother, this is Vulture! We are under attack! 47 00:03:33,338 --> 00:03:35,125 Say again, multiple attackers! 48 00:03:35,215 --> 00:03:36,922 Commencing an emergency exfil! 49 00:03:37,008 --> 00:03:38,419 Copy all, Vulture. Master Chief? 50 00:03:39,428 --> 00:03:40,839 SCAT team and lookouts are manned and ready. 51 00:03:40,971 --> 00:03:43,258 - Gator? - Sir, recommend course 2-4-5 52 00:03:43,348 --> 00:03:45,089 to position us for ground cover and RHIB recovery. 53 00:03:45,183 --> 00:03:47,800 Very well. Helm, come to course 2-4-5. All ahead flank. 54 00:03:47,978 --> 00:03:49,344 Helm, aye. Turning to 2-4-5, all ahead flank. 55 00:03:49,438 --> 00:03:51,270 CIC, notify GFS and exfil teams. 56 00:03:51,523 --> 00:03:54,391 Move RHIB to Exfil Bravo. Beware of hostile gunfire. 57 00:03:54,526 --> 00:03:56,017 You see anything above or below the water? 58 00:03:56,111 --> 00:03:58,023 Negative. Zero contacts. 59 00:03:58,488 --> 00:04:00,525 Sunshine, Mother, you're clear. 60 00:04:00,866 --> 00:04:03,574 Stay low and head to Exfil Alpha now. Over. 61 00:04:03,660 --> 00:04:05,697 This is Sunshine. Two minutes from Exfil. 62 00:04:05,912 --> 00:04:06,902 It's go time, Nolan. 63 00:04:06,997 --> 00:04:09,080 - (GUN COCKS) - Copy that. 64 00:04:37,319 --> 00:04:39,060 (BOTH GRUNTING) 65 00:04:42,365 --> 00:04:44,231 - (DOG BARKING) - (SCREAMING) 66 00:04:45,786 --> 00:04:46,993 (BOTH GRUNTING) 67 00:04:51,583 --> 00:04:53,199 - DANNY: Halsey, off. - (HALSEY GROWLING) 68 00:04:54,586 --> 00:04:55,576 Good boy. 69 00:04:55,837 --> 00:04:58,204 SUNSHINE: Vulture team, this is Sunshine. I'm at your exfil. 70 00:04:58,298 --> 00:05:00,255 On the ground in 30 seconds. Let's go. 71 00:05:01,802 --> 00:05:03,384 Let's move. Let's move! 72 00:05:09,559 --> 00:05:10,845 (MAN YELLS) 73 00:05:28,411 --> 00:05:30,118 Mahmoud, look at me. Was that Omar? 74 00:05:30,413 --> 00:05:31,529 Were those his men? 75 00:05:31,623 --> 00:05:32,739 (BREATHING SHAKILY) Mmm. 76 00:05:32,833 --> 00:05:35,075 SASHA: Mahmoud, listen, where are the seeds? 77 00:05:36,253 --> 00:05:37,585 (SPEAKING ARABIC) 78 00:05:40,549 --> 00:05:42,040 (MAHMOUD BREATHING SHAKILY) 79 00:05:44,928 --> 00:05:46,920 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING) 80 00:06:13,206 --> 00:06:14,538 (METALLIC CREAKING) 81 00:06:33,560 --> 00:06:35,176 I think we made the gods angry today. 82 00:06:35,562 --> 00:06:36,973 Took too many of their fish. 83 00:06:37,105 --> 00:06:38,892 - They'll get over it. - (LAUGHS) 84 00:06:51,995 --> 00:06:53,111 (MAN SPEAKING GREEK) 85 00:07:06,509 --> 00:07:08,341 (ENGINE REVVING) 86 00:07:20,565 --> 00:07:21,976 JETER: Latest images from the States. 87 00:07:22,442 --> 00:07:25,776 Reports say the Red Rust now covers 90% of the corn population. 88 00:07:25,862 --> 00:07:27,979 Rice and wheat are at almost 100%. 89 00:07:28,573 --> 00:07:30,360 I remember seeing people with the virus, 90 00:07:30,700 --> 00:07:32,362 blood coming out of their eyes and nose. 91 00:07:32,869 --> 00:07:33,905 This looks the same. 92 00:07:33,995 --> 00:07:35,736 I experienced that myself, if you remember. 93 00:07:36,748 --> 00:07:38,660 The red flu was originally a plant virus, Master Chief. 94 00:07:39,209 --> 00:07:40,370 She only jumped back to plants 95 00:07:40,460 --> 00:07:42,201 when we humans developed immunity. 96 00:07:42,921 --> 00:07:43,957 Very clever. 97 00:07:44,214 --> 00:07:45,500 Yeah. Clever. 98 00:07:46,883 --> 00:07:49,375 SASHA: The virus is spreading faster than our models predicted. 99 00:07:49,636 --> 00:07:52,219 Plant-eating insects have proven to be a hyper-efficient vector 100 00:07:52,305 --> 00:07:53,295 for the Red Rust. 101 00:07:53,556 --> 00:07:54,763 Now it's affecting sugar cane 102 00:07:54,849 --> 00:07:56,260 in the majority of the Earth's grasslands. 103 00:07:56,643 --> 00:07:57,724 SASHA: At this rate, 104 00:07:58,687 --> 00:08:01,680 we're looking at a complete breakdown of the Earth's biosphere. 105 00:08:02,107 --> 00:08:05,145 Within a year, there could be no way to sustain human life. 106 00:08:05,276 --> 00:08:06,266 We don't have to wait a year. 107 00:08:06,611 --> 00:08:08,318 In the States, we're at 200,000 dead. 108 00:08:08,405 --> 00:08:09,987 In South America, it's in the millions. 109 00:08:10,615 --> 00:08:12,902 Mr. Fletcher, you tested this dinosaur palm seed. 110 00:08:12,993 --> 00:08:15,235 - Is it the real deal? - Elaeis virilis. 111 00:08:15,453 --> 00:08:18,366 That ancient African palm seed is the only plant alive today 112 00:08:18,456 --> 00:08:20,072 with proven immunity to the Red Rust. 113 00:08:20,417 --> 00:08:22,579 And Mahmoud's people stole all the living samples. 114 00:08:22,836 --> 00:08:25,328 We were so close. They were within my grasp. 115 00:08:26,339 --> 00:08:27,705 And this mystery buyer, 116 00:08:27,799 --> 00:08:30,337 the one who hired Mahmoud's people to rip off the seed bank, 117 00:08:30,927 --> 00:08:32,543 he knows how to engineer the seed's immunity 118 00:08:32,637 --> 00:08:33,627 into our current crop? 119 00:08:33,722 --> 00:08:35,839 That's what Mahmoud claimed, but I highly doubt it. 120 00:08:36,558 --> 00:08:38,515 So, he's just holding the seeds for ransom, 121 00:08:38,685 --> 00:08:41,098 making the rest of the world pay through the nose. 122 00:08:41,604 --> 00:08:43,436 Meanwhile, all humanity starves. 123 00:08:43,523 --> 00:08:45,389 And the only one who knows where the seeds are stashed 124 00:08:45,483 --> 00:08:47,475 is lying in a coma in our medical bay. 125 00:08:48,028 --> 00:08:49,940 Okay, so we resupply at Rota. 126 00:08:50,405 --> 00:08:52,317 And if our prisoner decides to rejoin the living, 127 00:08:52,407 --> 00:08:54,899 well, we'll just convince him to tell us where the seeds are stashed. 128 00:08:55,285 --> 00:08:56,321 That is all. 129 00:09:01,833 --> 00:09:02,994 (DOOR OPENS) 130 00:09:04,961 --> 00:09:06,042 (DOOR CLOSES) 131 00:09:14,012 --> 00:09:15,253 (PLAYING MERRY TUNE) 132 00:09:18,600 --> 00:09:21,263 SAM: He walked almost to the top, and it was totally scary, 133 00:09:21,352 --> 00:09:22,513 and it was nothing but rock and water, 134 00:09:22,604 --> 00:09:24,516 and I was like, "No way am I going up there." 135 00:09:24,647 --> 00:09:27,230 And then Yaya went up by herself to show me it wasn't scary, 136 00:09:27,400 --> 00:09:28,516 - and then she... - Oh! 137 00:09:28,610 --> 00:09:31,102 (LAUGHS) Never falling. Your Yaya never fails. 138 00:09:31,237 --> 00:09:34,025 - It was close. - No, I was preparing to fly. 139 00:09:34,324 --> 00:09:36,361 It's true. She can fly. I've seen it. 140 00:09:36,451 --> 00:09:39,785 Like Pallas Athena, I take the shape of a sea eagle. 141 00:09:39,913 --> 00:09:41,120 (IMITATES WHOOSHING) 142 00:09:42,373 --> 00:09:43,955 (LAUGHTER) 143 00:09:44,042 --> 00:09:45,283 I've always wanted to fly. 144 00:09:45,376 --> 00:09:46,867 Okay, fly away. 145 00:09:47,253 --> 00:09:48,289 (LAUGHTER) 146 00:09:50,006 --> 00:09:51,872 (CALI SPEAKING GREEK) 147 00:09:52,842 --> 00:09:53,832 (SPEAKING GREEK) 148 00:10:00,475 --> 00:10:03,559 (IN ENGLISH) He lives in a Greek home, he works with a Greek man, 149 00:10:03,645 --> 00:10:05,307 he loves a Greek girl, 150 00:10:05,396 --> 00:10:07,479 and yet, he has no appreciation of our music. 151 00:10:08,900 --> 00:10:10,607 Cali, you must teach him. 152 00:10:10,735 --> 00:10:11,725 I try. 153 00:10:11,986 --> 00:10:13,648 I'm more of a rhythm and blues guy. 154 00:10:14,489 --> 00:10:17,573 Sure you like the blues because it tells a good story. 155 00:10:18,284 --> 00:10:20,571 We Greeks have been telling stories with music 156 00:10:20,662 --> 00:10:22,198 since ancient times. 157 00:10:22,997 --> 00:10:25,239 From the bards. 158 00:10:26,501 --> 00:10:28,868 Think of Homer, The Odyssey. 159 00:10:33,842 --> 00:10:34,832 (SPEAKING GREEK) 160 00:10:39,848 --> 00:10:40,964 (IN ENGLISH) It's a nice fish, Dad. 161 00:10:42,100 --> 00:10:43,762 A small catch today, Ash. 162 00:10:44,602 --> 00:10:45,683 I'll do better tomorrow. 163 00:10:46,521 --> 00:10:47,682 (MUSIC STOPS) 164 00:10:48,314 --> 00:10:50,397 Come, children, let's walk. 165 00:10:53,069 --> 00:10:54,185 (SINGING IN GREEK) 166 00:10:55,488 --> 00:10:57,195 Let's go this way. 167 00:11:01,035 --> 00:11:02,242 (SIGHS) 168 00:11:04,914 --> 00:11:06,280 You like this one? 169 00:11:10,336 --> 00:11:12,248 (CONTINUES SINGING) 170 00:11:14,632 --> 00:11:15,873 What's he singing about? 171 00:11:15,967 --> 00:11:16,957 Mmm... 172 00:11:18,261 --> 00:11:22,551 Another ancient story about a polutropos, 173 00:11:23,391 --> 00:11:26,304 a man of many wanderings, a great captain. 174 00:11:28,646 --> 00:11:30,763 He saved the world from a deadly enemy. 175 00:11:31,733 --> 00:11:33,816 And then, he vanished. 176 00:11:41,826 --> 00:11:43,567 How long you known about me? 177 00:11:47,749 --> 00:11:49,615 I wasn't sure until now. 178 00:11:50,752 --> 00:11:52,243 But I had my doubts. 179 00:11:53,463 --> 00:11:54,749 Does Cali know? 180 00:11:57,675 --> 00:11:59,132 It's not my business. 181 00:11:59,969 --> 00:12:02,086 You wanted to disappear, and you did. 182 00:12:03,056 --> 00:12:04,843 But the world is in trouble again. 183 00:12:06,184 --> 00:12:07,550 You see it. 184 00:12:08,519 --> 00:12:10,431 I'm done playing the hero, Alex. 185 00:12:10,605 --> 00:12:13,848 Bullshit. You cannot run from your destiny, Tom. 186 00:12:14,609 --> 00:12:17,397 Because you are who you are. 187 00:12:19,239 --> 00:12:21,196 (MAN SPEAKS GREEK) 188 00:12:25,245 --> 00:12:26,736 (IN ENGLISH) Busy night. 189 00:12:27,497 --> 00:12:28,487 Alex... 190 00:12:28,581 --> 00:12:29,571 (SPEAKING GREEK) 191 00:12:31,125 --> 00:12:32,536 (IN ENGLISH) Could be better. 192 00:12:32,961 --> 00:12:36,045 I hear you're not happy with the new terms. 193 00:12:36,464 --> 00:12:39,673 When you take my whole catch, why should I even fish, mmm? 194 00:12:40,176 --> 00:12:43,760 Because if you don't, then you won't eat at all. 195 00:12:45,139 --> 00:12:46,129 Giorgio, 196 00:12:47,308 --> 00:12:49,675 you control the whole sea. 197 00:12:50,311 --> 00:12:52,974 What is so important about me? 198 00:12:54,148 --> 00:12:55,355 Alex. 199 00:12:55,692 --> 00:12:58,856 Everyone must pay their tax, or else no one will. 200 00:13:01,030 --> 00:13:02,020 (CALI SPEAKING GREEK) 201 00:13:03,324 --> 00:13:04,440 (MAN SPEAKING GREEK) 202 00:13:05,994 --> 00:13:07,485 (BOTH CONTINUE SPEAKING GREEK) 203 00:13:14,294 --> 00:13:15,330 (GIORGIO WHISTLES) 204 00:13:19,215 --> 00:13:20,376 ALEX: (IN ENGLISH) He's nobody. 205 00:13:24,387 --> 00:13:25,969 MAN: We got it all, boss. 206 00:13:31,185 --> 00:13:32,346 Happy fishing, Alex. 207 00:13:34,105 --> 00:13:35,562 (GIORGIO SPEAKING GREEK) 208 00:13:37,900 --> 00:13:39,016 Opa! 209 00:14:00,506 --> 00:14:01,496 MAN: Captain. 210 00:14:01,716 --> 00:14:04,800 Blazes Boylan, six weeks away, you look six years younger. 211 00:14:04,927 --> 00:14:05,917 It's the starvation diet. 212 00:14:06,179 --> 00:14:09,013 - You look like crap, not for nothing. - Love you, too. 213 00:14:09,390 --> 00:14:10,551 Welcome back to Rota. 214 00:14:10,641 --> 00:14:13,805 We'll get you replenished, refueled, and where you need to go. 215 00:14:13,936 --> 00:14:15,598 If only I knew where that was. 216 00:14:16,731 --> 00:14:18,563 (ALL CLAMORING IN SPANISH) 217 00:14:32,455 --> 00:14:33,946 There he is. 218 00:14:35,625 --> 00:14:36,991 Is that Daddy? 219 00:14:37,752 --> 00:14:39,163 Look who it is. 220 00:14:39,253 --> 00:14:41,290 - H i! - Oh! (CHUCKLES) 221 00:14:41,381 --> 00:14:45,751 Yes! Hey. Hello. 222 00:14:45,843 --> 00:14:47,459 He wanted to see Daddy. 223 00:14:51,015 --> 00:14:53,473 Looks like things have gotten worse here. 224 00:14:54,143 --> 00:14:55,509 You okay? 225 00:14:56,020 --> 00:14:57,511 Rota's out of supplies. 226 00:14:57,855 --> 00:14:59,972 As soon as we replenish the James, we're pulling up stakes. 227 00:15:01,192 --> 00:15:02,308 Back to Norfolk? 228 00:15:03,111 --> 00:15:05,228 With the food crisis, we just can't sustain all our bases. 229 00:15:06,197 --> 00:15:08,234 The fuel depot has enough to keep the James operational 230 00:15:08,324 --> 00:15:10,816 - for a while longer, though. - But the base is closing? 231 00:15:11,994 --> 00:15:12,984 Yeah. 232 00:15:13,579 --> 00:15:15,286 Doesn't give us much time together. 233 00:15:15,832 --> 00:15:17,198 (PEOPLE CONTINUE CLAMORING) 234 00:15:18,626 --> 00:15:20,618 WOLF: Well, I am impressed, Kandie. 235 00:15:20,753 --> 00:15:23,086 Only two years in the Kenyan Navy. 236 00:15:23,714 --> 00:15:25,205 How'd you learn to fight like that? 237 00:15:25,758 --> 00:15:27,624 The plague is a good teacher. 238 00:15:29,011 --> 00:15:30,718 Well, you're pretty damn good. 239 00:15:31,556 --> 00:15:32,842 We move well together, you and I. 240 00:15:34,016 --> 00:15:36,429 Kind of like we could sense each other's body. 241 00:15:38,229 --> 00:15:39,720 Like a good weapon. 242 00:15:40,773 --> 00:15:42,981 All of the parts working together. 243 00:15:43,651 --> 00:15:44,732 Well-oiled. 244 00:15:45,236 --> 00:15:48,400 Yeah. Well-oiled. Exactly. 245 00:15:53,578 --> 00:15:54,910 (OBJECTS CLATTERING) 246 00:16:02,044 --> 00:16:03,376 (CHUCKLES) 247 00:16:07,842 --> 00:16:09,708 - Thanks, Chief. - Sir. 248 00:16:11,179 --> 00:16:13,546 ALISHA: They're having a fire sale. Everything must go. 249 00:16:14,390 --> 00:16:15,926 BURK: Well, that's good for us. 250 00:16:16,017 --> 00:16:17,178 ALISHA: I guess. 251 00:16:17,810 --> 00:16:20,177 New comms, fresh batteries, headsets. 252 00:16:20,271 --> 00:16:21,637 Pass 'em out to your people. 253 00:16:21,939 --> 00:16:23,350 BURK: You got it, LT. 254 00:16:25,193 --> 00:16:27,856 So, if I call you, will you answer? 255 00:16:29,906 --> 00:16:33,115 That's the general idea. Yeah. 256 00:16:34,035 --> 00:16:35,276 Good. 257 00:16:35,411 --> 00:16:36,947 Keep yourself turned on. 258 00:16:45,379 --> 00:16:47,086 See you later, Burk. 259 00:16:48,925 --> 00:16:50,882 This is gonna be fun. 260 00:16:54,722 --> 00:16:56,554 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 261 00:17:03,606 --> 00:17:06,019 So, this could be one of the world's last apples? 262 00:17:06,359 --> 00:17:08,351 Nah, virus hasn't hit apples yet. 263 00:17:08,611 --> 00:17:09,852 Yet? 264 00:17:10,112 --> 00:17:12,695 Six months ago, we said the same thing about corn. 265 00:17:15,284 --> 00:17:16,445 (SIGHS) 266 00:17:20,164 --> 00:17:22,747 FLETCHER: New intel on Mahmoud's boss, Omar Bin Dalik. 267 00:17:22,875 --> 00:17:24,457 He's got major wasta and connections 268 00:17:24,544 --> 00:17:26,331 stretching from Tangier to Benghazi. 269 00:17:26,420 --> 00:17:28,787 And you're sure this is the guy who broke into the seed bank? 270 00:17:28,881 --> 00:17:30,247 I was skeptical. 271 00:17:30,383 --> 00:17:32,716 Omar and Mahmoud come from very different tribes. 272 00:17:32,802 --> 00:17:34,509 But with the plague and the famine, 273 00:17:34,595 --> 00:17:36,757 Omar's pulling in soldiers from all across Maghreb. 274 00:17:36,973 --> 00:17:38,509 Omar doesn't work for free. 275 00:17:38,599 --> 00:17:39,806 Someone's paying him, 276 00:17:39,892 --> 00:17:41,428 someone who knew the seed's existence, 277 00:17:41,561 --> 00:17:42,551 knew where to find them, 278 00:17:42,895 --> 00:17:45,353 and knows that it's our last chance to save the human race. 279 00:17:45,523 --> 00:17:47,230 We have no idea who that person is. 280 00:17:47,441 --> 00:17:50,730 And unless we're very lucky, that mystery may also die with Mahmoud. 281 00:17:56,284 --> 00:17:57,525 (MONITOR BEEPING) 282 00:17:57,952 --> 00:17:59,409 (CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKING) 283 00:18:15,261 --> 00:18:16,251 (EXHALES) 284 00:18:16,804 --> 00:18:18,090 What... 285 00:18:18,180 --> 00:18:20,968 FLETCHER: Mahmoud, you're on a U.S. Navy base. 286 00:18:21,434 --> 00:18:22,550 - What? - I'm James Fletcher. 287 00:18:22,643 --> 00:18:23,884 I'm with British Intelligence. 288 00:18:23,978 --> 00:18:26,140 This is Sasha Cooper and Captain Slattery. 289 00:18:27,815 --> 00:18:28,805 Navy. 290 00:18:29,692 --> 00:18:31,103 You lied to me. 291 00:18:31,360 --> 00:18:34,023 And I'm sorry. But you're safe now. 292 00:18:35,823 --> 00:18:37,155 No. 293 00:18:38,117 --> 00:18:39,358 I am dead. 294 00:18:40,161 --> 00:18:41,652 We're all dead. 295 00:18:42,121 --> 00:18:44,158 SASHA: Mahmoud, listen, we know about Omar. 296 00:18:44,915 --> 00:18:46,372 We can protect you. 297 00:18:47,126 --> 00:18:49,209 But first, you need to tell us where the seeds are. 298 00:18:50,796 --> 00:18:52,287 We are not safe. 299 00:18:52,548 --> 00:18:53,789 This is bullshit. 300 00:18:53,924 --> 00:18:55,165 Captain Linsky, can't you pump him up 301 00:18:55,259 --> 00:18:57,216 - with adrenaline or something? - Not if you want him to live. 302 00:19:00,931 --> 00:19:02,217 Hey, Mahmoud. Hey. 303 00:19:02,433 --> 00:19:03,719 Wake up, Mahmoud. 304 00:19:04,352 --> 00:19:06,014 Still wanna sell those seeds? We're still buyin'. 305 00:19:06,312 --> 00:19:08,725 - Where'd you stash 'em? - SASHA: Mahmoud. 306 00:19:09,732 --> 00:19:11,223 Where are the seeds? 307 00:19:11,609 --> 00:19:12,975 My family. 308 00:19:13,986 --> 00:19:15,978 He won't spare my family. 309 00:19:19,575 --> 00:19:20,565 Okay. 310 00:19:23,371 --> 00:19:25,408 Mahmoud, we will look after your family. 311 00:19:26,082 --> 00:19:27,414 We will. 312 00:19:28,834 --> 00:19:31,167 But first, we need to protect the seeds. 313 00:19:31,504 --> 00:19:33,496 You need to tell us where they are. 314 00:19:34,632 --> 00:19:35,873 Who has the seeds? 315 00:19:37,802 --> 00:19:40,215 Who has the seeds? 316 00:19:43,933 --> 00:19:44,923 (LABORED BREATHING) 317 00:19:46,394 --> 00:19:47,384 (SPEAKS INDISTINCTLY) 318 00:19:48,104 --> 00:19:49,470 What'd he say? 319 00:19:50,815 --> 00:19:51,805 Lion? 320 00:19:59,532 --> 00:20:00,864 (GRUNTING) 321 00:20:00,950 --> 00:20:02,566 (PEOPLE CHEERING) 322 00:20:15,464 --> 00:20:17,421 ALEX: Giorgio just started throwing these fights 323 00:20:17,508 --> 00:20:19,670 in every town on the islands. 324 00:20:21,095 --> 00:20:23,838 Bread and Circus, that's what he calls them. 325 00:20:24,557 --> 00:20:27,049 He entertains the people and earns their love 326 00:20:27,143 --> 00:20:29,055 by handing out scraps of food. 327 00:20:29,812 --> 00:20:31,849 Meanwhile, he takes our livelihood. 328 00:20:32,273 --> 00:20:33,639 (BOTH GRUNTING) 329 00:20:33,941 --> 00:20:35,648 And no one stands up to him. 330 00:20:35,943 --> 00:20:38,902 They're too high on the tea from that infected weed. 331 00:20:40,573 --> 00:20:41,939 Can you blame 'em? 332 00:20:42,658 --> 00:20:44,240 We've all lost everything. 333 00:20:45,703 --> 00:20:47,285 We all have pain. 334 00:20:47,788 --> 00:20:50,906 Is that a reason to... To give up? 335 00:20:53,043 --> 00:20:54,250 No. 336 00:20:54,920 --> 00:20:56,331 If you cannot fight, 337 00:20:58,132 --> 00:21:00,089 you might as well join the dead. 338 00:21:02,511 --> 00:21:03,843 - Yeah! - (ALL CHEERING) 339 00:21:07,099 --> 00:21:08,180 MAN: Yeah! 340 00:21:09,143 --> 00:21:10,759 We're not dead yet. 341 00:21:11,979 --> 00:21:13,845 BOYLAN: You haven't heard one word from Chandler? 342 00:21:14,190 --> 00:21:16,056 Not even a postcard, 16 months. 343 00:21:17,151 --> 00:21:18,687 Where do you think he went? 344 00:21:18,819 --> 00:21:20,731 No clue. I hope he found peace. 345 00:21:21,405 --> 00:21:23,397 Lord knows the rest of us haven't. 346 00:21:23,991 --> 00:21:26,574 So, the prisoner wasn't helpful. Where does that leave you? 347 00:21:26,911 --> 00:21:28,447 Same mission, no plan. 348 00:21:29,622 --> 00:21:30,829 What can I do? 349 00:21:31,415 --> 00:21:33,828 Just keep him alive till I can figure something out. 350 00:21:34,376 --> 00:21:35,787 We'll do our best. 351 00:21:37,338 --> 00:21:38,419 Michelle... 352 00:21:38,714 --> 00:21:39,704 Thanks. 353 00:21:40,132 --> 00:21:41,919 I know you delayed your return home for us. 354 00:21:42,134 --> 00:21:43,295 Anything for you, Mike. 355 00:21:43,886 --> 00:21:46,424 Besides, home isn't much these days. 356 00:21:57,024 --> 00:21:59,186 Every day, we keep handing out food and water, 357 00:21:59,693 --> 00:22:01,275 and every day, more folks show up hungry. 358 00:22:01,695 --> 00:22:03,607 After we pull out, then what? 359 00:22:03,781 --> 00:22:05,067 Don't matter. 360 00:22:05,157 --> 00:22:07,615 Unless we figure that shit out soon, we'll all be in the same boat. 361 00:22:11,288 --> 00:22:12,870 Hey, when you gonna get rid of that? 362 00:22:13,916 --> 00:22:15,452 - My beard? - Beard? 363 00:22:15,835 --> 00:22:17,451 The only thing on this planet that keeps growing 364 00:22:17,545 --> 00:22:19,207 - is that bush on your face. - I'll tell you what, 365 00:22:19,547 --> 00:22:21,630 I'll shave it off as soon as you can grow one on your head. 366 00:22:21,799 --> 00:22:23,335 - (CHUCKLES) - Mr. Clean. 367 00:22:23,551 --> 00:22:25,918 - Here, water that thing. - Come on, man. 368 00:22:26,470 --> 00:22:27,631 (CROWD CLAMORING) 369 00:22:47,157 --> 00:22:48,864 (PEOPLE CLAMORING IN DISTANCE) 370 00:22:57,543 --> 00:22:58,533 (SPEAKS GREEK) 371 00:23:03,299 --> 00:23:04,835 (CROWD CHEERING) 372 00:23:04,925 --> 00:23:06,382 (BLOWS LANDING) 373 00:23:12,182 --> 00:23:13,389 (CROWD GROANS) 374 00:23:50,554 --> 00:23:51,544 (ENGINE STARTING) 375 00:23:51,847 --> 00:23:53,054 Okay, come. Let's go. 376 00:24:12,117 --> 00:24:13,699 ALEX: We are going to eat well tonight. 377 00:24:14,078 --> 00:24:15,194 (LAUGHS) 378 00:24:21,460 --> 00:24:24,453 MAN: Opa! WOMAN: Opa! Opa! 379 00:24:24,546 --> 00:24:26,128 (MERRY MUSIC PLAYING) 380 00:24:26,215 --> 00:24:27,456 Opa! 381 00:24:27,591 --> 00:24:28,798 (ALL LAUGHING) 382 00:24:29,718 --> 00:24:30,879 (WHOOPING) 383 00:24:31,512 --> 00:24:33,970 MAN: Opa! Opa! 384 00:24:36,433 --> 00:24:38,299 - Opa. - WOMAN: Opa! 385 00:24:40,646 --> 00:24:41,762 (ALEX SPEAKING GREEK) 386 00:25:04,128 --> 00:25:05,414 (BOTH EXCLAIM) 387 00:25:07,673 --> 00:25:08,663 (WOMAN SPEAKING GREEK ON RADIO) 388 00:25:15,097 --> 00:25:16,588 MAN: (IN ENGLISH) Consider that a warning. 389 00:25:16,890 --> 00:25:19,553 If you enter into Turkey's territorial... 390 00:25:21,311 --> 00:25:23,143 - (MUSIC CONTINUES PLAYING) - (PEOPLE CHEERING) 391 00:25:27,651 --> 00:25:29,233 CALI: Did you hear the siren call? 392 00:25:31,488 --> 00:25:33,400 I was just curious. 393 00:25:35,117 --> 00:25:37,825 And what do you learn from the voices you hear? 394 00:25:38,662 --> 00:25:40,949 That it's gonna get worse before it gets better. 395 00:25:47,796 --> 00:25:49,037 (CALI SIGHS) 396 00:26:14,323 --> 00:26:15,939 Fletch... 397 00:26:42,601 --> 00:26:44,058 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 398 00:26:55,030 --> 00:26:58,023 Lieutenant Burk, you're relieved, sir. 399 00:26:58,909 --> 00:27:00,775 - Thank you much. - You're very welcome. 400 00:27:01,328 --> 00:27:02,409 Later, bro. 401 00:27:02,496 --> 00:27:05,034 - Hey! - MAN: Hola! 402 00:27:05,749 --> 00:27:08,036 You guys speak English? You gotta keep the kids back. 403 00:27:08,127 --> 00:27:09,538 Sí. Sí, okay. 404 00:27:10,879 --> 00:27:13,292 Come on. This is what I'm talkin' about, fellas. 405 00:27:14,091 --> 00:27:15,081 Estábien. 406 00:27:25,602 --> 00:27:26,592 Commander... 407 00:27:42,452 --> 00:27:44,364 - Cam! Cam! - (MEN GROANING) 408 00:27:44,830 --> 00:27:47,447 Cam! Cam! What happened? 409 00:27:47,541 --> 00:27:49,407 I'm sorry! I tried to warn him! 410 00:27:50,294 --> 00:27:51,284 What happened? 411 00:27:51,378 --> 00:27:52,744 (MEN SHOUTING IN SPANISH) 412 00:27:56,091 --> 00:27:57,423 Cover me! 413 00:27:58,177 --> 00:27:59,543 (GUNFIRE CONTINUES) 414 00:28:00,304 --> 00:28:02,011 Cover again, cover again. 415 00:28:05,601 --> 00:28:07,342 Hang in there! Come on! 416 00:28:08,312 --> 00:28:09,598 (ALARM BLARING) 417 00:28:10,939 --> 00:28:13,306 - What's going on? - There's been an attack on the base. 418 00:28:13,442 --> 00:28:14,603 Omar. 419 00:28:24,703 --> 00:28:25,693 (MEN GROANING) 420 00:28:47,267 --> 00:28:48,678 (ALARM BLARING) 421 00:28:49,186 --> 00:28:50,472 Nolan, get on the 240! 422 00:28:50,729 --> 00:28:52,391 Sentries, on the rail! 423 00:28:52,981 --> 00:28:54,222 They're boxing us in. 424 00:28:54,608 --> 00:28:56,440 - Cut the fuel line. Protect the ship. - Yes, sir! 425 00:28:58,320 --> 00:28:59,811 (MEN SHOUTING INDISTINCTLY) 426 00:29:09,331 --> 00:29:11,197 BOYLAN: Security, we have multiple breaches. 427 00:29:11,291 --> 00:29:13,453 Seal all entries. Lock down the medical wing. 428 00:29:13,543 --> 00:29:14,954 You guys, with me. 429 00:29:15,087 --> 00:29:16,203 What... What's going on? 430 00:29:16,296 --> 00:29:18,162 SOLDIER: We have a situation, Doc. Shelter in place. 431 00:29:22,386 --> 00:29:23,968 (MEN SHOUTING INDISTINCTLY) 432 00:29:33,188 --> 00:29:34,178 (GROANS) 433 00:29:38,819 --> 00:29:40,310 BURK: Hey, hey, hey. It's gonna be okay. 434 00:29:40,445 --> 00:29:42,482 - (GROANING) - Hey, Doc! Doc! 435 00:29:50,789 --> 00:29:51,825 The barracks. 436 00:30:07,180 --> 00:30:08,591 (BOTH GROAN) 437 00:30:08,849 --> 00:30:09,839 Kara! 438 00:30:11,518 --> 00:30:12,804 Who's left? Who's left? 439 00:30:12,894 --> 00:30:14,010 There's more! 440 00:30:24,614 --> 00:30:25,980 DANNY: All clear. Move! 441 00:30:30,620 --> 00:30:32,577 (MEN SHOUTING INDISTINCTLY) 442 00:30:35,667 --> 00:30:36,657 (GROANS) 443 00:30:37,127 --> 00:30:39,414 Cheng is down! Corpsman! Corpsman! 444 00:30:40,380 --> 00:30:41,791 (SHOUTING CONTINUES) 445 00:30:44,384 --> 00:30:47,047 - You're gonna be okay. Doc! Doc! - (GROANING) 446 00:30:47,471 --> 00:30:50,054 - BURK: Brother, you're gonna be okay. - I got him. I got him. I'm here. 447 00:30:50,474 --> 00:30:52,181 - Hold on. - I'm sorry, man. 448 00:30:52,267 --> 00:30:53,883 No, no, no, man. Hey, hey, hey. 449 00:30:53,977 --> 00:30:56,185 You're fine, big brother. It's nothing. Okay? 450 00:30:56,271 --> 00:30:58,354 It's nothing. He's got... He's got frags 451 00:30:58,440 --> 00:31:00,147 - all over his body. - Okay. Got it. I got him. 452 00:31:00,233 --> 00:31:01,519 - I have... - Fix his leg, Doc! 453 00:31:01,610 --> 00:31:03,977 - I got him. He's gonna be okay. - Come on! Come on. 454 00:31:08,992 --> 00:31:10,528 (GUNFIRE CONTINUES) 455 00:31:24,299 --> 00:31:25,631 (SILENCED GUNFIRE) 456 00:31:26,676 --> 00:31:28,042 (GROANING) 457 00:31:35,185 --> 00:31:36,175 (GROANS) 458 00:31:37,771 --> 00:31:39,137 (BOTH GROANING) 459 00:31:41,983 --> 00:31:42,973 (GROANS) 460 00:31:43,819 --> 00:31:44,855 (GROANS) 461 00:31:56,331 --> 00:31:57,913 (MAHMOUD BREATHING SHAKILY) 462 00:31:57,999 --> 00:31:59,115 MAN: Mahmoud. 463 00:32:21,523 --> 00:32:23,981 BURK: He could lose his leg by the time he gets to Germany. 464 00:32:24,526 --> 00:32:26,017 We don't know that. 465 00:32:31,199 --> 00:32:32,565 Burk, he's alive. 466 00:32:33,994 --> 00:32:35,610 When is it gonna stop, Danny? 467 00:32:37,831 --> 00:32:39,743 We're the good guys, right? 468 00:32:44,504 --> 00:32:46,211 I don't know, man. 469 00:33:03,857 --> 00:33:05,268 SLATTERY: Twelve Americans dead, 470 00:33:05,358 --> 00:33:06,769 another 28 seriously injured. 471 00:33:06,902 --> 00:33:07,892 (CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKING) 472 00:33:14,743 --> 00:33:16,200 Nineteen locals killed, 473 00:33:17,162 --> 00:33:18,528 including 10 children. 474 00:33:19,331 --> 00:33:20,697 (GUNFIRE CONTINUES ON TAPE) 475 00:33:24,252 --> 00:33:26,915 And I've lost yet another dear friend. 476 00:33:29,799 --> 00:33:31,165 All this mayhem... 477 00:33:31,760 --> 00:33:34,377 Just a diversion for that animal to waltz in, 478 00:33:34,596 --> 00:33:36,963 slaughter the only lead we had on those seeds. 479 00:33:37,057 --> 00:33:41,643 Omar had at least one man on the inside. One of our locals. 480 00:33:41,728 --> 00:33:43,344 Probably bought him off when he found out we were here. 481 00:33:43,438 --> 00:33:44,428 SLATTERY: Hmm. 482 00:33:47,275 --> 00:33:49,688 (MAHMOUD BREATHING SHAKILY) 483 00:33:52,822 --> 00:33:53,812 MAN: Mahmoud... 484 00:33:54,199 --> 00:33:55,315 (MAN SPEAKING ARABIC) 485 00:33:55,408 --> 00:33:57,240 Mahmoud, do you know who I am? 486 00:33:59,287 --> 00:34:01,700 We are not tribesmen, but I trusted you as a brother. 487 00:34:02,374 --> 00:34:05,412 Made a mistake, but it's not too late to fix it. 488 00:34:06,461 --> 00:34:07,793 Where are the seeds? 489 00:34:10,382 --> 00:34:12,169 (MAHMOUD SPEAKING ARABIC) 490 00:34:14,970 --> 00:34:16,051 Anything? 491 00:34:16,179 --> 00:34:17,169 He's praying. 492 00:34:19,683 --> 00:34:20,969 MAN: Mahmoud... 493 00:34:22,477 --> 00:34:23,934 (MAN SPEAKING ARABIC) 494 00:34:24,020 --> 00:34:26,888 FLETCHER: Mahmoud, you are a warrior, but you're stupid. 495 00:34:27,816 --> 00:34:30,433 It's not your fault your people are savages. 496 00:34:30,527 --> 00:34:32,359 Do you want to die like them now? 497 00:34:32,571 --> 00:34:35,188 Or do you want a second chance from me? 498 00:34:37,284 --> 00:34:38,616 You will help me? 499 00:34:40,954 --> 00:34:43,446 FLETCHER: Yes. Of course. I swear it. 500 00:34:48,753 --> 00:34:49,914 (SPEAKS ARABIC) 501 00:34:51,047 --> 00:34:53,255 - (SASHA SIGHS) - What'd he say? 502 00:34:53,383 --> 00:34:55,170 "Eat shit." 503 00:34:56,970 --> 00:34:58,552 (MAN SPEAKING ARABIC) 504 00:34:58,805 --> 00:35:00,888 - SLATTERY: What's this? - (SCREAMING) 505 00:35:01,683 --> 00:35:03,049 Something on his wrist. 506 00:35:05,186 --> 00:35:06,472 (MAN SPEAKING ARABIC) 507 00:35:06,938 --> 00:35:09,772 Poor dumb Mahmoud. You're so, um... 508 00:35:10,775 --> 00:35:12,767 Uh... Sentimental. 509 00:35:17,532 --> 00:35:19,239 - (MAHMOUD SCREAMING) - (TAPE TURNS OFF) 510 00:35:20,243 --> 00:35:21,324 Here. 511 00:35:22,829 --> 00:35:25,446 Didn't see it before because of the bandages and IV tubes. 512 00:35:25,582 --> 00:35:27,619 - Two lions? - Yes, of course. 513 00:35:27,709 --> 00:35:29,075 He said "lion" before. 514 00:35:29,169 --> 00:35:31,161 That's what I thought I heard. What he said was "uharan." 515 00:35:31,713 --> 00:35:33,124 It's a Berber word, "two lions." 516 00:35:33,214 --> 00:35:34,830 - In Arabic, it's "wahran." - Oran. 517 00:35:35,800 --> 00:35:37,507 The seeds are headed to Algeria. 518 00:35:37,761 --> 00:35:39,548 And Omar's going to get them back. 519 00:35:40,889 --> 00:35:42,846 Not if we get them first. 520 00:35:43,892 --> 00:35:45,383 (FIRE CRACKLING) 521 00:35:46,561 --> 00:35:47,551 (MAN SPEAKS GREEK) 522 00:35:52,776 --> 00:35:53,766 CHANDLER: Alex. 523 00:36:15,340 --> 00:36:17,753 Alex? Alex! 524 00:36:17,926 --> 00:36:19,167 (EXPLOSIONS) 525 00:36:35,735 --> 00:36:37,442 (INDISTINCT CHATTER AND LAUGHTER) 526 00:36:47,997 --> 00:36:49,329 (CALI CRYING) 527 00:36:55,046 --> 00:36:56,332 CALI: You are leaving. 528 00:36:57,090 --> 00:36:58,501 I can see it in your eyes. 529 00:37:03,555 --> 00:37:06,514 CHANDLER: Alex told me that I couldn't run from destiny. 530 00:37:11,020 --> 00:37:13,808 I left home because I was confused 531 00:37:16,234 --> 00:37:18,351 between justice and revenge. 532 00:37:20,196 --> 00:37:21,186 And now? 533 00:37:22,657 --> 00:37:24,364 I want both. 534 00:37:51,227 --> 00:37:53,435 It's about a half-day journey to the Strait of Gibraltar 535 00:37:53,730 --> 00:37:56,313 and another 242 nautical miles to Oran. 536 00:37:56,399 --> 00:37:58,106 Well, if we can get as far as Nador, Morocco, 537 00:37:58,193 --> 00:37:59,434 we'll be within helo range, 538 00:37:59,527 --> 00:38:01,644 and we can have boots on the ground in Oran by nightfall, 539 00:38:01,821 --> 00:38:03,528 best time to set up an operation. 540 00:38:03,740 --> 00:38:05,356 I concur. That's the plan. 541 00:38:09,954 --> 00:38:10,944 Commander. 542 00:38:13,041 --> 00:38:14,452 I don't see any bags. 543 00:38:14,542 --> 00:38:17,376 Sir, you've lost your Cheng, and we're down a TAO. 544 00:38:18,379 --> 00:38:20,336 No one knows the combat systems like I do. 545 00:38:20,548 --> 00:38:22,460 Our family's joining the remaining base personnel 546 00:38:22,550 --> 00:38:24,007 on the last plane to Norfolk. 547 00:38:25,428 --> 00:38:27,636 Respectfully request to join ship's company. 548 00:38:28,598 --> 00:38:32,057 We understand the risks, sir, and the rules. 549 00:38:32,435 --> 00:38:33,801 KARA: Please, sir. 550 00:38:34,479 --> 00:38:35,845 Let me serve. 551 00:38:42,070 --> 00:38:43,857 Very well. Get to your post. 552 00:38:43,947 --> 00:38:46,655 I want a report on all weapons and guidance systems by 1000. 553 00:38:46,825 --> 00:38:48,487 Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. 554 00:39:00,421 --> 00:39:02,083 Gettin' the band back together. 555 00:39:02,215 --> 00:39:03,672 (CHUCKLES) I'm a big fan. 556 00:39:04,551 --> 00:39:06,008 Listen, Joe. 557 00:39:06,135 --> 00:39:07,296 I know it hasn't been easy for ya. 558 00:39:08,221 --> 00:39:10,383 Cutbacks with the Navy, you didn't get back your command. 559 00:39:10,473 --> 00:39:12,180 I just want you to know I appreciate you being... 560 00:39:12,267 --> 00:39:13,553 I know you do, Captain. 561 00:39:13,768 --> 00:39:15,760 Right now, the mission's more important that my command. 562 00:39:16,396 --> 00:39:19,230 We do this right, save the world, 563 00:39:19,941 --> 00:39:21,307 there'll be plenty of ships. 564 00:39:21,776 --> 00:39:24,189 Until then, I've got your back. 565 00:39:27,073 --> 00:39:28,905 SLATTERY: OOD, time to find those seeds. 566 00:39:29,284 --> 00:39:30,445 Let's get the hell outta here. 567 00:40:38,102 --> 00:40:39,593 (ENGINE STARTS) 568 00:40:56,371 --> 00:40:57,361 (SPEAKING GREEK) 569 00:41:09,300 --> 00:41:11,007 - (CROWD CLAMORING) - Eh? 570 00:41:11,511 --> 00:41:12,797 CHANDLER: Hey. 571 00:41:23,189 --> 00:41:24,179 (CROWD CHATTERING) 572 00:41:24,857 --> 00:41:26,143 (GRUNTING) 573 00:41:27,110 --> 00:41:28,601 (CROWD CHEERING) 574 00:41:43,501 --> 00:41:45,493 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING)