1 00:00:00,430 --> 00:00:03,600 {\an8}"The Crowning Ceremony" 2 00:00:06,650 --> 00:00:10,690 Madam, everyone is waiting in the auxiliary hall. 3 00:00:13,530 --> 00:00:14,860 Yes, all right. 4 00:00:17,450 --> 00:00:19,370 Madam... 5 00:00:19,370 --> 00:00:21,750 Begging your pardon. 6 00:00:21,750 --> 00:00:24,210 If only I had been more capable-- 7 00:00:24,210 --> 00:00:28,040 your secret would be safe, with all this chaos avoided. 8 00:00:30,550 --> 00:00:35,430 If you have time to weep, Zhao Gao, use it to plot our next move. 9 00:00:35,430 --> 00:00:36,890 Y-Yes, madam. 10 00:00:48,110 --> 00:00:51,400 Just because you were found out doesn't mean 11 00:00:51,400 --> 00:00:53,820 we should wait for Qin's attack. 12 00:00:53,820 --> 00:00:58,320 Our only hope is to raise an army of our own against the huge Qin army 13 00:00:58,320 --> 00:01:03,080 and launch a surprise attack against them. 14 00:01:03,080 --> 00:01:06,250 We need not trouble the Queen Dowager. 15 00:01:06,250 --> 00:01:09,500 Hand down your decision, Lao Ai, 16 00:01:09,500 --> 00:01:13,260 and I, Hu Li, shall put it into action. 17 00:01:16,260 --> 00:01:19,390 Silence will be taken as assent. 18 00:01:22,810 --> 00:01:24,180 Very well. 19 00:01:24,180 --> 00:01:26,190 No! 20 00:01:26,190 --> 00:01:30,190 You... you can't just... run with this! 21 00:01:30,190 --> 00:01:33,070 We'll... we'll... 22 00:01:33,070 --> 00:01:36,570 We'll discuss this together-- with the Queen Dowager. Got it? 23 00:01:39,660 --> 00:01:42,580 As you wish, sir. 24 00:01:49,880 --> 00:01:52,000 How is it in there? 25 00:01:52,000 --> 00:01:53,250 Sir. 26 00:01:53,250 --> 00:01:57,170 It's day ten; any opposing voices have quieted. 27 00:01:57,170 --> 00:01:59,800 One small push now may topple them. 28 00:02:04,180 --> 00:02:06,810 I'd thought we could call up an army 29 00:02:06,810 --> 00:02:10,440 if we left the clever Queen Dowager out of this. 30 00:02:10,440 --> 00:02:13,570 Lao Ai's an unexpected roadblock. 31 00:02:15,440 --> 00:02:17,320 But that's quite all right. 32 00:02:18,570 --> 00:02:22,410 Either way, Ai's rampage is unstoppable. 33 00:03:54,290 --> 00:03:57,290 Why is there still no answer after ten days? 34 00:03:57,290 --> 00:04:01,920 Xianyang's used that time to ready their troops in secret! 35 00:04:01,920 --> 00:04:05,800 W-Well, first we need a line of communication through our envoys... 36 00:04:05,800 --> 00:04:07,760 There are secret children! 37 00:04:07,760 --> 00:04:11,520 There's no talking Xianyang out of their fury on this one! 38 00:04:11,520 --> 00:04:14,230 The relationship between the Queen Dowager and Lao Ai 39 00:04:14,230 --> 00:04:17,520 was a crime that broke the Inner Palace taboo-- 40 00:04:17,520 --> 00:04:22,900 and suddenly Ai is home to children with a right to the throne! 41 00:04:22,900 --> 00:04:27,830 Of course they'll come to crush us-- the source of all their misfortune! 42 00:04:27,830 --> 00:04:29,660 We must raise an army! 43 00:04:29,660 --> 00:04:32,040 To think you actually had children! 44 00:04:32,040 --> 00:04:35,210 Take responsibility by raising that army, 45 00:04:35,210 --> 00:04:36,380 Queen Dowager! 46 00:04:37,540 --> 00:04:39,800 But if we take on Xianyang-- 47 00:04:39,800 --> 00:04:43,510 if we fight the Qin army, can we even win? 48 00:04:43,510 --> 00:04:46,090 Don't underestimate us, you damn eunuch! 49 00:04:46,090 --> 00:04:48,680 We are Ai, rulers of the entire Taiyuan region! 50 00:04:48,680 --> 00:04:52,020 One word and we can muster tens of thousands of troops! 51 00:04:52,020 --> 00:04:56,520 We already have plenty of skilled generals, like Fan Wuji. 52 00:04:56,520 --> 00:04:59,270 If we strike first, we'll win. 53 00:04:59,270 --> 00:05:01,360 Which is why we're telling you to hurry! 54 00:05:04,320 --> 00:05:09,740 What a mess. Even the aides are caught up in it now. 55 00:05:11,830 --> 00:05:17,080 Minister Hu Li's the one adding fuel to this fire. 56 00:05:17,080 --> 00:05:21,000 I'll bet most of those taking his side were bought and paid for-- 57 00:05:21,000 --> 00:05:25,970 but that's not an amount one minister can afford to pay. 58 00:05:25,970 --> 00:05:31,180 He's got his homeland of Chu behind him. 59 00:05:31,180 --> 00:05:36,640 Hu Li's been embedded here as Chu's agent from the very beginning. 60 00:05:35,930 --> 00:05:39,770 {\an8}"Qin" "Wei" "Han" "Chu" 61 00:05:36,640 --> 00:05:42,230 Chu would be thrilled to see Ai running wild and Qin in chaos. 62 00:05:39,770 --> 00:05:43,440 {\an8}"Qin" "Wei" "Han" 63 00:05:41,610 --> 00:05:45,570 {\an8}"Ai" "Zhao" 64 00:05:42,230 --> 00:05:46,030 I'd thought we were sufficiently cautious, and yet... 65 00:05:43,440 --> 00:05:45,570 {\an8}"Qin" "Wei" 66 00:05:46,030 --> 00:05:48,490 A decision, Queen Dowager, and quickly! 67 00:05:50,490 --> 00:05:54,040 According to Zhao Gao, the discovery of our secret children 68 00:05:54,040 --> 00:05:57,330 is what got everyone swept up in Hu Li's agitation. 69 00:05:59,000 --> 00:06:06,050 I thought we'd kept them perfectly hidden-- right up until we entered Taiyuan. 70 00:06:06,050 --> 00:06:09,970 The Queen Dowager must be wondering how it came to this, 71 00:06:10,930 --> 00:06:14,850 at what point the truth came out about her children. 72 00:06:16,270 --> 00:06:20,400 As it happens, when she bore her first in Yong, 73 00:06:20,400 --> 00:06:24,070 only one person found out about it. 74 00:06:24,070 --> 00:06:27,320 That's all it takes. 75 00:06:27,320 --> 00:06:31,530 Let us finish off this pitiful couple once and for all. 76 00:06:34,490 --> 00:06:38,620 Your anger is certainly understandable, 77 00:06:38,620 --> 00:06:41,380 but we are nearly out of time. 78 00:06:41,380 --> 00:06:46,590 Reaching no conclusion is no different than waiting for the Qin army to arrive. 79 00:06:47,760 --> 00:06:51,390 If Ai falls, our heads and those of our families 80 00:06:51,390 --> 00:06:54,180 will be put on pikes for the crime of treason. 81 00:06:56,020 --> 00:06:59,350 At this point, we can go 82 00:06:59,350 --> 00:07:01,190 one of two ways. 83 00:07:03,230 --> 00:07:05,190 In the first, 84 00:07:05,190 --> 00:07:09,990 we do what everyone has already been calling for: 85 00:07:09,990 --> 00:07:12,990 raise an army for a sneak attack on Xianyang. 86 00:07:12,990 --> 00:07:17,080 Still, can we win with a sneak attack? 87 00:07:17,080 --> 00:07:20,370 Even the coalition army couldn't get close to Xianyang. 88 00:07:20,370 --> 00:07:22,170 We can. 89 00:07:21,210 --> 00:07:30,970 {\an8}"Ai" "Xianyang" "Wei" 90 00:07:22,170 --> 00:07:27,340 Most troops have left the center of the country, including Xianyang. 91 00:07:27,340 --> 00:07:31,300 A battle with Wei has just started in the east; 92 00:07:31,300 --> 00:07:36,010 many units, big and small, have been deployed there from the center. 93 00:07:34,720 --> 00:07:40,230 {\an8}"Xianyang" "Chu" "Wei" 94 00:07:36,010 --> 00:07:38,770 Qin has also mustered its mightiest troops 95 00:07:38,770 --> 00:07:42,770 to stave off the Chu army's invasion in the south. 96 00:07:44,020 --> 00:07:51,030 Qin was able to stop the coalition army because they fought with all they had. 97 00:07:51,030 --> 00:07:54,990 But now, the central military presence is scarcity itself. 98 00:07:54,990 --> 00:07:57,950 There can be no better opportunity. 99 00:07:59,240 --> 00:08:01,290 Then we can do it! We can do it! 100 00:08:01,290 --> 00:08:04,880 An attack on Xianyang, Queen Dowager! 101 00:08:04,880 --> 00:08:06,630 Fools. 102 00:08:06,630 --> 00:08:10,300 A-And the second, Hu Li, sir? 103 00:08:10,300 --> 00:08:12,090 In the second, 104 00:08:12,090 --> 00:08:14,840 if we do not raise an army... 105 00:08:17,810 --> 00:08:22,310 ...we behead the Queen Dowager and Lao Ai right here and now, 106 00:08:22,310 --> 00:08:25,600 likewise their two secret children, 107 00:08:25,600 --> 00:08:29,070 then send all four heads to Xianyang 108 00:08:29,070 --> 00:08:31,240 and beg for their forgiveness. 109 00:08:35,410 --> 00:08:36,870 What are you doing?! 110 00:08:36,870 --> 00:08:40,290 Swords?! Auxiliary or no, this hall is still-- 111 00:08:40,290 --> 00:08:44,420 That's just how urgent this situation is. Please understand. 112 00:08:44,420 --> 00:08:48,460 You... you insolent curs! Raising swords against the Queen Dowager... 113 00:08:48,460 --> 00:08:50,090 Lower them at once! 114 00:08:50,090 --> 00:08:52,720 And our children, Hu Li? 115 00:08:52,720 --> 00:08:57,090 As you may have guessed, they are already at my villa. 116 00:09:00,890 --> 00:09:02,390 Out of my way! Move! 117 00:09:02,390 --> 00:09:05,520 You won't get away with this, Hu Li! 118 00:09:05,520 --> 00:09:07,600 --I won't let you, you bastard! 119 00:09:07,600 --> 00:09:09,320 --Halt, or I'll stab you! --I won't let you, you bastard! 120 00:09:09,320 --> 00:09:10,770 Stop that, Lao Ai! 121 00:09:17,740 --> 00:09:21,240 There's no putting it off any longer. 122 00:09:21,240 --> 00:09:23,250 Your decision, 123 00:09:23,250 --> 00:09:24,460 Queen Dowager. 124 00:09:36,800 --> 00:09:38,300 Madam! 125 00:09:38,300 --> 00:09:41,310 Decide at once, Queen Dowager! 126 00:09:41,310 --> 00:09:45,850 Die now or raise an army: what's to hesitate about? 127 00:09:48,770 --> 00:09:51,150 An army? To what end? 128 00:09:51,150 --> 00:09:55,740 Even if we're lucky enough to take Xianyang, then what? 129 00:09:55,740 --> 00:10:02,080 Hu Li mediates us into an alliance with Chu, and we take Qin? 130 00:10:02,080 --> 00:10:03,910 In a pig's eye. 131 00:10:03,910 --> 00:10:08,710 That's exactly what I've found so exhausting. 132 00:10:08,710 --> 00:10:13,300 Still, if we do nothing, it all ends here. 133 00:10:13,300 --> 00:10:18,760 If I'd known my end would be so trifling, I would have met it much earlier. 134 00:10:20,470 --> 00:10:23,970 After all, my life is already in ruins. 135 00:10:23,970 --> 00:10:29,230 Perhaps I was asking too much, coming here to find repose. 136 00:10:31,520 --> 00:10:32,980 Hurry up and-- 137 00:10:37,240 --> 00:10:38,700 Very well. 138 00:10:38,700 --> 00:10:42,200 If the heavens want to see me dance, 139 00:10:42,200 --> 00:10:44,990 I'll oblige them till the bitter end. 140 00:10:50,920 --> 00:10:55,050 Then let me ask you something! 141 00:10:55,050 --> 00:10:58,630 Are you all well and truly prepared? 142 00:10:58,630 --> 00:11:02,260 No making excuses that you were put up to this! 143 00:11:02,260 --> 00:11:06,270 If we do this, we do this together--all the way! 144 00:11:06,270 --> 00:11:10,850 We shall crush Xianyang, plunder the throne for my children, 145 00:11:10,850 --> 00:11:14,480 and establish a new dynasty! 146 00:11:14,480 --> 00:11:19,650 Succeed and you shall all be leading figures in the new dynasty, 147 00:11:19,650 --> 00:11:21,860 exceedingly prosperous to a man! 148 00:11:27,540 --> 00:11:30,250 --Let's.... Let's do it! --We'll do it! 149 00:11:31,080 --> 00:11:34,250 We'll do battle and be victorious! 150 00:11:34,250 --> 00:11:36,000 Then it's decided! 151 00:11:37,050 --> 00:11:39,050 When do we strike? 152 00:11:39,050 --> 00:11:40,920 When else? 153 00:11:40,920 --> 00:11:46,260 The ceremony taking place in the old capital Yong in a month's time. 154 00:11:46,260 --> 00:11:52,940 The VIPs--the guest of honor, Lü Buwei, the ministers--will all be in Yong. 155 00:11:52,940 --> 00:11:56,320 With Xianyang empty, it's our perfect chance: 156 00:11:56,320 --> 00:12:00,150 King Ying Zheng of Qin's crowning ceremony! 157 00:12:05,950 --> 00:12:08,450 {\an8}"Fei" 158 00:12:08,830 --> 00:12:11,460 Xin of the Fei Xin Force! Stop him! 159 00:12:17,090 --> 00:12:18,920 Re-Retreat! 160 00:12:18,380 --> 00:12:20,800 {\an8}"Wei" 161 00:12:18,920 --> 00:12:21,220 All troops, retreat! 162 00:12:21,220 --> 00:12:23,880 Xin! The enemy's started to withdraw! 163 00:12:23,880 --> 00:12:26,550 Good! What we're really after is Yuan! 164 00:12:26,550 --> 00:12:29,350 Let's get back to Diao's main army! 165 00:12:34,650 --> 00:12:38,230 He Liao Diao! The interior looks mostly under control. 166 00:12:38,230 --> 00:12:39,780 Got it! 167 00:12:39,780 --> 00:12:42,440 Tian Yǒu's group can keep handling the interior. 168 00:12:42,440 --> 00:12:45,280 Send Qiang Lei and the Fei Biao outside. 169 00:12:45,280 --> 00:12:48,580 Get the cavalry out past Huangshan today. 170 00:12:48,580 --> 00:12:50,620 T-today?! 171 00:12:50,620 --> 00:12:54,920 We're taking Yuan and Puyang in parallel with Long Guo's army-- 172 00:12:54,920 --> 00:12:56,790 we have to hurry. 173 00:12:56,790 --> 00:13:00,960 We can take two targets with our combined might alone! 174 00:13:00,960 --> 00:13:03,590 Do not hold us back. Got that? 175 00:13:04,970 --> 00:13:06,890 Un-Understood! 176 00:13:07,890 --> 00:13:09,430 Message from the southern forest! 177 00:13:09,430 --> 00:13:11,100 Huh? From Xin? 178 00:13:11,930 --> 00:13:13,680 Xin! 179 00:13:13,680 --> 00:13:14,850 Wait, what? 180 00:13:14,850 --> 00:13:20,650 "Enemy reinforcements: crushed. We're headin' on back!" 181 00:13:20,650 --> 00:13:23,570 You flushed out all those troops? Already? 182 00:13:23,570 --> 00:13:27,740 And you already toppled Shangui. 183 00:13:27,740 --> 00:13:29,990 Man, that Qiang Lei... 184 00:13:29,990 --> 00:13:34,620 Nah, there's not much to it-- it didn't take long. 185 00:13:34,620 --> 00:13:38,210 Honestly, I thought it'd take you till tomorrow at the earliest. 186 00:13:40,210 --> 00:13:45,420 Were you just in the groove, being free from naggy Long Guo and all? 187 00:13:45,420 --> 00:13:46,550 Yeah, that! 188 00:13:48,890 --> 00:13:52,310 But listen, we're movin' the main army on ahead, too. 189 00:13:52,310 --> 00:13:55,180 The enemy's tightenin' up their defenses. 190 00:13:55,180 --> 00:13:56,810 I know. 191 00:13:56,810 --> 00:13:58,900 We'll head to Huangshan. 192 00:13:58,900 --> 00:14:01,570 You and Qiang Lei will take a thousand-troop detached unit 193 00:14:01,570 --> 00:14:04,070 and go on further, to Jishui. 194 00:14:04,070 --> 00:14:07,450 A detached force of a thousand, eh? 195 00:14:07,450 --> 00:14:09,280 We got big, all right. 196 00:14:09,280 --> 00:14:10,490 Right? 197 00:14:10,490 --> 00:14:11,740 Still, 198 00:14:11,740 --> 00:14:16,370 common sense calls for 10,000 to storm a place like Yuan. 199 00:14:16,370 --> 00:14:18,040 Fine by me! 200 00:14:18,040 --> 00:14:19,540 He Liao Diao! 201 00:14:20,710 --> 00:14:22,920 Is He Liao Diao here? 202 00:14:22,920 --> 00:14:24,670 Sun Zhu! 203 00:14:24,670 --> 00:14:28,090 Message from Xianyang-- from the high commander. 204 00:14:29,510 --> 00:14:30,890 From my master? 205 00:14:30,890 --> 00:14:32,850 He told me to hurry-- 206 00:14:32,850 --> 00:14:35,770 I've been riding day and night, changing horses on the way. 207 00:14:35,770 --> 00:14:37,770 Wow, have you? 208 00:14:37,770 --> 00:14:39,230 Thanks. 209 00:14:39,230 --> 00:14:42,650 Huh? Hey! The seal's broken! 210 00:14:42,650 --> 00:14:43,820 What's the big idea? 211 00:14:45,190 --> 00:14:47,240 I--I'm sorry! 212 00:14:47,240 --> 00:14:51,370 I did fall off one horse along the way, when it broke its leg. 213 00:14:51,370 --> 00:14:53,330 It must have happened then. 214 00:14:53,330 --> 00:14:56,950 Please don't tell the high commander about this. 215 00:14:56,950 --> 00:14:59,250 If he finds out, I'll lose my messenger job. 216 00:14:59,250 --> 00:15:02,250 C'mon, Sun Zhu, do better! 217 00:15:02,250 --> 00:15:05,420 And? What's Lord Changping have to say? 218 00:15:05,420 --> 00:15:06,840 Hmm? Right... 219 00:15:13,470 --> 00:15:15,470 Huh! 220 00:15:15,470 --> 00:15:18,730 He says to take the Hei road to attack Yuan. 221 00:15:18,730 --> 00:15:20,100 The Hei road? 222 00:15:20,100 --> 00:15:24,820 Yeah. I wasn't sure whether we should take the Hei road or the Yuan road. 223 00:15:24,820 --> 00:15:27,190 Okay, so Hei it is. 224 00:15:28,820 --> 00:15:33,660 The high commander seriously knows these roads from so far away? 225 00:15:33,660 --> 00:15:37,200 You bet he does! Don't underestimate him! 226 00:15:37,200 --> 00:15:40,460 He also says to mind the weather. 227 00:15:40,460 --> 00:15:42,880 The weather? I wonder why? 228 00:15:42,880 --> 00:15:45,380 Does it get that bad out here? 229 00:15:45,380 --> 00:15:49,970 No way does he know the weather here from all the way back in Xianyang! 230 00:15:49,970 --> 00:15:53,010 He does too! Do not underestimate him! 231 00:15:53,010 --> 00:15:54,600 You liar! 232 00:15:55,720 --> 00:15:57,770 Anyway... we take the Hei road. 233 00:16:00,890 --> 00:16:05,610 Speakin' of Xianyang... it's only a few days away now. 234 00:16:05,610 --> 00:16:07,570 Zheng's crownin' ceremony. 235 00:16:09,490 --> 00:16:11,860 Uh-huh. Ten days to go. 236 00:16:11,860 --> 00:16:13,820 It won't be long now. 237 00:16:13,820 --> 00:16:16,740 The big day's comin' at last, Zheng. 238 00:16:17,160 --> 00:16:19,950 {\an8} "Wei River" 239 00:16:17,160 --> 00:16:20,700 {\an8}"Northern Road" "Southern Road" 240 00:16:17,160 --> 00:16:23,330 {\an8}"Xianyang" "Zui" 241 00:16:18,200 --> 00:16:23,670 The old Qin capital of Yong was another 150 km northwest of Xianyang, 242 00:16:19,950 --> 00:16:25,080 {\an8}"Yong" "Wei River" 243 00:16:23,330 --> 00:16:25,080 {\an8} "Zui" 244 00:16:23,670 --> 00:16:26,790 between the Qian Mountains to the north and the Wei River to the south. 245 00:16:26,710 --> 00:16:34,550 {\an8}"Yong, Former Capital of Qin" 246 00:16:26,790 --> 00:16:29,050 It had been the royal capital for 300 years, 247 00:16:29,050 --> 00:16:31,260 from the reign of Qin's 6th king, Duke De, 248 00:16:31,260 --> 00:16:35,180 to that of its 19th, Duke Huai. 249 00:16:35,180 --> 00:16:38,510 Inside, everything had been decorated in blue 250 00:16:38,510 --> 00:16:42,180 in preparation for the crowning ceremony-- 251 00:16:42,180 --> 00:16:46,060 blue being the national color of Qin, which deified water. 252 00:16:51,900 --> 00:16:54,360 His Highness has arrived! 253 00:16:58,160 --> 00:17:00,240 It's been nine years... 254 00:17:00,240 --> 00:17:04,500 I haven't seen Yong since I took the throne. 255 00:17:04,500 --> 00:17:07,630 The time's come at last, sire. 256 00:17:07,630 --> 00:17:08,540 Yes. 257 00:17:08,540 --> 00:17:10,550 Wait, I say! Wait! 258 00:17:16,390 --> 00:17:18,300 Th-The Queen Dowager! 259 00:17:25,270 --> 00:17:28,400 Don't look so surprised that I was invited, Lord Changwen. 260 00:17:28,400 --> 00:17:32,530 It's only natural that his mother would be here. 261 00:17:32,530 --> 00:17:34,150 Madam. 262 00:17:34,150 --> 00:17:37,950 We have not yet reached a conclusion on the matter of Taiyuan-- 263 00:17:37,950 --> 00:17:39,740 on the Ai declaration. 264 00:17:39,740 --> 00:17:44,540 I know. And look: I came all this way. 265 00:17:44,540 --> 00:17:49,250 We can have a nice long talk after the joyous affair of the day is concluded. 266 00:17:49,250 --> 00:17:51,880 Yes, madam. Understood. 267 00:17:51,880 --> 00:17:53,630 My goodness... 268 00:17:53,630 --> 00:17:55,760 It's nearly upon us, Zheng. 269 00:18:01,220 --> 00:18:06,060 When did this boy get to be so big? 270 00:18:06,060 --> 00:18:09,100 Yes. At long last, 271 00:18:09,100 --> 00:18:10,150 Mother. 272 00:18:12,570 --> 00:18:16,150 The actors are all in place. 273 00:18:16,150 --> 00:18:19,410 The time has finally come to reap the fruits 274 00:18:19,410 --> 00:18:22,030 of that unique chance I took 23 years ago. 275 00:18:24,370 --> 00:18:31,250 Do you know why the crowning ceremony takes place here, in Yong? 276 00:18:31,250 --> 00:18:37,840 It's convention, yes, but there is meaning behind it. 277 00:18:37,840 --> 00:18:39,930 Yong is home 278 00:18:39,930 --> 00:18:44,140 to the ancestral mausoleum of Qin's kings throughout the ages. 279 00:18:46,560 --> 00:18:48,440 I know this, of course. 280 00:18:48,440 --> 00:18:50,350 The crowning ceremony 281 00:18:50,350 --> 00:18:55,530 is considered a political rite, showing those both within our nation and without 282 00:18:55,530 --> 00:18:59,450 the debut of a king, newly of age. 283 00:18:59,450 --> 00:19:02,370 But that's not what it really is. 284 00:19:02,370 --> 00:19:06,410 This ceremony is meant to present the of-age king 285 00:19:06,410 --> 00:19:10,620 to the former Qin kings, all now ascended to heaven, 286 00:19:10,620 --> 00:19:13,460 and secure their recognition and approval. 287 00:19:14,290 --> 00:19:16,340 Is that so. 288 00:19:16,340 --> 00:19:17,590 Yes. 289 00:19:17,590 --> 00:19:25,260 For generations, my people have been tasked with guarding the mausoleum. 290 00:19:25,260 --> 00:19:28,640 Hence it is easy for us to tell: 291 00:19:28,640 --> 00:19:33,610 They have all been overjoyed since morning. 292 00:19:35,570 --> 00:19:40,740 May the powerful grace of your ancestors' spirits 293 00:19:40,740 --> 00:19:44,070 guard you and guide you, Your Highness. 294 00:19:44,070 --> 00:19:45,410 I thank you. 295 00:19:45,410 --> 00:19:47,200 Now, let us be on our way-- 296 00:19:46,740 --> 00:19:51,330 {\an8}"Qinian Palace" 297 00:19:47,200 --> 00:19:50,830 to the crowning ceremony at Qinian Palace. 298 00:19:57,090 --> 00:19:59,050 You made it... 299 00:19:59,050 --> 00:20:03,430 You made it all this way, Your Highness. 300 00:20:03,430 --> 00:20:05,050 Still... 301 00:20:05,050 --> 00:20:07,310 ...that's quite the crowd. 302 00:20:07,310 --> 00:20:11,100 There are delegates from six nations in attendance. 303 00:20:11,100 --> 00:20:12,100 My lord! 304 00:20:12,100 --> 00:20:13,100 Look: 305 00:20:14,520 --> 00:20:18,190 The royal Yingyue and his party, from Chu. 306 00:20:18,190 --> 00:20:21,450 The high-ranking Chancellor Pi, from Zhao. 307 00:20:21,450 --> 00:20:26,450 There's Yan and Qi royalty, too-- and Chancellor Zhang, from Han. 308 00:20:26,450 --> 00:20:28,490 Important figures from enemy nations, 309 00:20:28,490 --> 00:20:32,160 coming all this way for a Qin celebration... 310 00:20:32,160 --> 00:20:36,340 They're not only here to celebrate, of course. 311 00:20:36,340 --> 00:20:41,760 They're the eyes of their nations, come to speculate. 312 00:20:41,760 --> 00:20:46,430 This High King of Qin, who'll be taking center stage-- 313 00:20:46,430 --> 00:20:49,930 just what kind of person is he? 314 00:20:49,930 --> 00:20:52,770 Which is why this is so meaningful-- 315 00:20:52,770 --> 00:20:55,810 today, in the eyes of the Middle Kingdom's seven nations, 316 00:20:55,810 --> 00:21:01,940 His Highness will be recognized beyond a doubt as Qin's monarch! 317 00:21:04,490 --> 00:21:06,490 Isn't that... 318 00:21:06,490 --> 00:21:07,490 Hey... 319 00:21:09,700 --> 00:21:11,660 That must be her-- 320 00:21:11,660 --> 00:21:14,960 the Queen Dowager behind the fuss in Ai. 321 00:21:17,840 --> 00:21:21,300 Ah, it's nice and cool in here. 322 00:21:27,970 --> 00:21:29,720 Chancellor Lü. 323 00:21:30,930 --> 00:21:35,640 The man really is larger even than I'd heard he was. 324 00:21:38,730 --> 00:21:39,980 Now, then... 325 00:21:49,740 --> 00:21:50,910 It's time, my lord. 326 00:21:50,910 --> 00:21:52,370 Ah... yes. 327 00:22:31,030 --> 00:22:32,870 So that's him-- 328 00:22:32,870 --> 00:22:37,540 the 31st king of Qin: Ying Zheng. 329 00:22:37,540 --> 00:22:40,460 Not intimidating, like Chu's king. 330 00:22:40,460 --> 00:22:43,300 But what's this? 331 00:22:43,300 --> 00:22:46,840 This... all-embracing something... 332 00:22:46,840 --> 00:22:50,090 The hero king, savior of Zui. 333 00:22:50,090 --> 00:22:53,260 I've seen a great many kings in my day, but... 334 00:22:53,260 --> 00:22:57,770 I get it now. This one is different from the rest. 335 00:22:57,770 --> 00:22:58,980 Hey. 336 00:22:58,980 --> 00:23:03,070 Yeah. Maybe it's the lighting in here, but... 337 00:23:03,070 --> 00:23:06,820 ...the Qin king looks like he's cloaked in light. 338 00:24:45,500 --> 00:24:55,010 {\an8}"Three Sides, Unyielding" 339 00:24:47,210 --> 00:24:51,470 Next on Kingdom: "Three Sides, Unyielding." 340 00:24:51,470 --> 00:24:53,470 341 00:24:53,470 --> 00:24:55,470 {\an8} 342 00:24:55,470 --> 00:24:57,470 {\an8} 343 00:24:57,470 --> 00:24:59,470 {\an8}