1 00:00:04,103 --> 00:00:07,603 _ 2 00:00:13,304 --> 00:00:15,648 _ 3 00:00:17,604 --> 00:00:21,604 Dear Diary, in a city far from home Rachel Earl was running. 4 00:00:22,244 --> 00:00:24,044 Yes, that's right, running. 5 00:00:24,044 --> 00:00:27,204 And a running Rae Earl is not something you see very often, 6 00:00:27,204 --> 00:00:29,084 but this was an emergency. 7 00:00:29,084 --> 00:00:31,684 Even if Johnny Depp was beckoning me from the top of the hill with his penis, 8 00:00:31,685 --> 00:00:33,964 - _ - it would have to wait. 9 00:00:33,964 --> 00:00:34,955 Sorry, Johnny. 10 00:00:35,024 --> 00:00:36,944 I was late. 11 00:01:03,104 --> 00:01:05,544 Hiya. 12 00:01:05,544 --> 00:01:08,224 You'll have read Hamlet, is that correct? 13 00:01:08,224 --> 00:01:10,824 Oh, actually, we're doing Macbeth. 14 00:01:10,824 --> 00:01:12,944 So you'll have read Hamlet. 15 00:01:12,944 --> 00:01:15,784 I've seen the film. 16 00:01:15,784 --> 00:01:17,344 The film? 17 00:01:17,344 --> 00:01:20,384 With Mel Gibson. 18 00:01:20,384 --> 00:01:22,864 Where are you studying, Rachel? 19 00:01:22,864 --> 00:01:25,024 It's called Stamford City College. 20 00:01:25,024 --> 00:01:26,824 Your other A levels being... ? 21 00:01:26,824 --> 00:01:30,544 Sociology and Performing Arts. 22 00:01:30,544 --> 00:01:33,304 Just those? 23 00:01:33,304 --> 00:01:35,744 Just those. 24 00:01:35,744 --> 00:01:39,744 Well, then, that should afford you plenty of time for extra reading. 25 00:01:41,104 --> 00:01:45,104 Or watching films. 26 00:01:48,664 --> 00:01:50,144 It's all right for you, isn't it? 27 00:01:50,144 --> 00:01:51,264 Excuse me? 28 00:01:51,264 --> 00:01:53,464 I'm just saying, it's all right for you. 29 00:01:53,464 --> 00:01:56,584 I'm sure you've got plenty of time for extra reading, 30 00:01:56,584 --> 00:01:59,344 but I live in the real world... 31 00:01:59,344 --> 00:02:01,384 ... and sometimes in the real world, 32 00:02:01,384 --> 00:02:05,384 real life gets in the way of extra reading. 33 00:02:05,424 --> 00:02:08,584 Look, I'm sorry that I haven't read Hamlet. 34 00:02:08,584 --> 00:02:11,144 I love Shakespeare, I do, 35 00:02:11,144 --> 00:02:13,584 but Shakespeare doesn't change my baby sister's nappies 36 00:02:13,584 --> 00:02:15,224 in the middle of the night, 37 00:02:15,224 --> 00:02:18,584 Shakespeare doesn't turn the light on when I'm having a nightmare 38 00:02:18,584 --> 00:02:22,424 and Shakespeare, sure as shit, never gets his round in... 39 00:02:22,424 --> 00:02:25,584 at least not in my local. 40 00:02:25,584 --> 00:02:29,584 From what I can tell from the film, Hamlet is a tragedy of indecision. 41 00:02:30,544 --> 00:02:34,544 It's one of the few mental health problems I don't suffer with. 42 00:02:34,984 --> 00:02:38,984 It's a shame you're not as cool as the city that you work in. 43 00:02:39,304 --> 00:02:43,304 And that, ladies and gentlemen... 44 00:02:47,864 --> 00:02:50,304 And that, ladies and gentlemen, 45 00:02:50,304 --> 00:02:53,824 is how you fuck up a university interview. 46 00:02:53,824 --> 00:02:57,584 But this... pretty much everything I'm about to tell you... 47 00:02:57,584 --> 00:03:01,584 was why it didn't matter in the slightest. 48 00:03:29,865 --> 00:03:32,840 - synced and corrected by chamallow - - www.addic7ed.com - 49 00:03:33,041 --> 00:03:37,009 _ 50 00:03:39,864 --> 00:03:41,864 This was the year of A levels. 51 00:03:41,864 --> 00:03:44,304 The biggest summer since records began. 52 00:03:44,304 --> 00:03:46,944 But we were ready. More than ready. 53 00:03:46,944 --> 00:03:49,984 We knew who we were, we knew where we were going 54 00:03:49,984 --> 00:03:53,184 and, like Stamford's answer to Destiny's Child, 55 00:03:53,184 --> 00:03:57,184 we were ready to take over the world. 56 00:03:58,424 --> 00:04:00,864 I had already found my dream job. 57 00:04:00,864 --> 00:04:04,544 Town Records was off-the-scale amazing. 58 00:04:04,544 --> 00:04:08,544 Like living in your actual hobby. 59 00:04:10,824 --> 00:04:14,824 My baby sister was growing cuter by the minute. 60 00:04:15,544 --> 00:04:18,824 Finn's arse was peachier than ever. 61 00:04:18,824 --> 00:04:21,464 I had the gang by my side. I was happy, 62 00:04:21,464 --> 00:04:25,464 I was healthy, and I hadn't hurt myself in over a year. 63 00:04:31,744 --> 00:04:33,744 Here we go. 64 00:04:33,744 --> 00:04:35,584 14 Toxic Bombs. 65 00:04:35,584 --> 00:04:38,624 I found the recipe on something called "The Net". 66 00:04:38,624 --> 00:04:40,104 There we go, one for you. 67 00:04:40,104 --> 00:04:43,544 Chop can have mine... I'm not drinking until the Leavers' Ball. 68 00:04:43,544 --> 00:04:45,704 Rae? 69 00:04:45,704 --> 00:04:47,704 Well, why can't I have mine? 70 00:04:47,704 --> 00:04:50,384 You're supposed to be my revision partner. 71 00:04:50,384 --> 00:04:51,496 - Cheers. - Stop. 72 00:04:51,497 --> 00:04:54,440 Wait, wait. Oi! 73 00:04:54,504 --> 00:04:56,464 There's some announcements to be made first. 74 00:04:56,464 --> 00:05:00,024 To mark the fact this is our last summer in Stamford, 75 00:05:00,024 --> 00:05:01,664 I'm going to be getting a tattoo. 76 00:05:01,664 --> 00:05:03,744 You've got to be tattoo mad, how many do you need? 77 00:05:03,744 --> 00:05:04,904 No, I've got one of Izzy 78 00:05:04,904 --> 00:05:07,664 and I'm getting one up here, too... the gang. 79 00:05:07,664 --> 00:05:11,624 So that every time I look at it, I think of you lot. 80 00:05:11,624 --> 00:05:13,624 So sweet. 81 00:05:13,624 --> 00:05:15,064 No, wait, wait, wait. 82 00:05:15,064 --> 00:05:17,024 You said announcements. Plural. 83 00:05:17,024 --> 00:05:19,424 Oh, yeah. Finn's got news and all. Go on. 84 00:05:19,424 --> 00:05:20,904 - Don't, don't. - Go on. 85 00:05:20,904 --> 00:05:23,704 I've not even told Rae yet, knobhead. 86 00:05:23,704 --> 00:05:26,384 Well, told me what? 87 00:05:26,384 --> 00:05:30,384 I've been doing a few extra jobs, and I've put down a deposit 88 00:05:32,744 --> 00:05:35,304 on flat to rent above the bookies. 89 00:05:35,304 --> 00:05:39,304 - Good boy, Finn! - I move in Friday, don't I? 90 00:05:39,864 --> 00:05:42,584 - Hang on. This Friday? - Yeah. 91 00:05:42,584 --> 00:05:46,584 Oh, no. You know what's happening this Friday, don't you? 92 00:05:46,704 --> 00:05:50,704 The biggest flat-warming party in the 20th century. 93 00:05:50,944 --> 00:05:52,504 That's what's happening! 94 00:05:53,664 --> 00:05:56,384 I've got exams, I'm not going. 95 00:05:56,384 --> 00:06:00,384 I'm not. 96 00:06:01,184 --> 00:06:05,184 I move in Friday, but I've got the keys already. 97 00:06:05,424 --> 00:06:08,864 Come round if you don't believe me. 98 00:06:08,864 --> 00:06:11,944 And that, Dear Diary, is the point I'm making. 99 00:06:11,944 --> 00:06:15,104 Why didn't fucking up your university interview matter? 100 00:06:15,104 --> 00:06:18,144 Because, there was only one place on the entire planet 101 00:06:18,144 --> 00:06:22,144 I ever wanted to be. 102 00:06:25,384 --> 00:06:27,824 Right, come on, Mr University. 103 00:06:27,824 --> 00:06:30,864 How you feeling about Durham? 104 00:06:30,864 --> 00:06:33,824 Honestly, Rae, I'm bricking it. 105 00:06:33,824 --> 00:06:36,304 Why? 106 00:06:36,304 --> 00:06:38,184 It's not leaving here or anything, 107 00:06:38,184 --> 00:06:42,184 it's just, I don't want to be the only gay guy on campus who hasn't 108 00:06:44,664 --> 00:06:46,344 actually... 109 00:06:46,344 --> 00:06:47,984 actually... 110 00:06:47,984 --> 00:06:49,705 - Right. Yeah? - Yeah, 111 00:06:49,706 --> 00:06:53,660 then I pledge to spending my time helping you find 112 00:06:53,664 --> 00:06:56,040 the hottest man in Stamford. 113 00:06:56,041 --> 00:06:59,241 I don't like it, Archie, but I'll do it. 114 00:06:59,324 --> 00:07:01,584 - Well that's awfully big of you, Rae. - I know. 115 00:07:01,584 --> 00:07:03,664 Thank you, though. Give us a kiss. 116 00:07:03,964 --> 00:07:09,264 Hey and who knows? Sex could be around the very next corner. 117 00:07:10,024 --> 00:07:14,024 I'm OK with that. 118 00:07:16,224 --> 00:07:20,224 And in answer to the question I know you've been asking... 119 00:07:20,264 --> 00:07:24,264 Yes, we had been, on a massively regular basis. 120 00:07:26,704 --> 00:07:30,704 Do you know what the best thing about having my own flat is? 121 00:07:37,624 --> 00:07:40,104 There was something about being with him. 122 00:07:40,104 --> 00:07:44,104 Our bodies just went together like sexually explicit Lego. 123 00:07:46,104 --> 00:07:47,984 I love you. 124 00:07:47,984 --> 00:07:49,104 What? 125 00:07:49,104 --> 00:07:51,464 I love you. 126 00:07:51,464 --> 00:07:55,224 What did you just say? 127 00:07:55,224 --> 00:07:57,304 I said, 128 00:07:57,304 --> 00:07:59,344 I... 129 00:07:59,344 --> 00:08:01,104 ... love 130 00:08:01,104 --> 00:08:02,404 you. 131 00:08:03,205 --> 00:08:05,519 _ 132 00:08:05,604 --> 00:08:08,904 Oh, my God, he had actually said it! 133 00:08:09,144 --> 00:08:13,144 The words were like music, they spread and tingled through my veins. 134 00:08:14,824 --> 00:08:18,224 Life was so perfect, I could burst! 135 00:08:28,144 --> 00:08:29,784 What time do you call this? 136 00:08:29,784 --> 00:08:33,024 You are supposed to be studying, young lady. 137 00:08:33,024 --> 00:08:37,024 Oh, you got a letter, it's behind the pig. 138 00:08:43,904 --> 00:08:45,664 It's Blockbusters, isn't it? 139 00:08:45,664 --> 00:08:47,264 Wanting Benny and Joon back. 140 00:08:47,264 --> 00:08:49,384 They're going to take you to court in the end, Rae... 141 00:08:49,384 --> 00:08:51,224 it's been over a year. 142 00:08:51,224 --> 00:08:55,224 Fine, I'll sort it. 143 00:09:17,664 --> 00:09:19,571 Oh, tits. 144 00:09:30,385 --> 00:09:32,133 _ 145 00:09:38,184 --> 00:09:40,624 I'm not going. 146 00:09:40,624 --> 00:09:42,584 I'm not. 147 00:09:42,584 --> 00:09:45,264 Threw the letter away. 148 00:09:45,264 --> 00:09:49,264 I love Stamford. And I love my mates. 149 00:09:51,464 --> 00:09:54,064 And my boyfriend loves me. 150 00:09:54,064 --> 00:09:56,784 He said so. 151 00:09:56,784 --> 00:10:02,484 Rae, we've worked so hard. And now there's this incredible opportunity. 152 00:10:02,624 --> 00:10:05,784 And you have to take it. 153 00:10:05,784 --> 00:10:09,664 I can't see how you can't see that. 154 00:10:09,664 --> 00:10:11,384 Whenever I come to you with a problem, 155 00:10:11,384 --> 00:10:14,464 you always do the same classic Kester thing... 156 00:10:14,464 --> 00:10:17,584 you throw it straight back. "I don't know, Rae. You tell me. 157 00:10:17,584 --> 00:10:19,784 What do you think you should do?" 158 00:10:19,784 --> 00:10:23,624 And I know why. I get it. 159 00:10:23,624 --> 00:10:27,624 You're trying to help me work things out for myself. 160 00:10:27,784 --> 00:10:31,784 So why is it this time you're trying to tell me what to do? 161 00:10:32,584 --> 00:10:35,504 Because... 162 00:10:35,504 --> 00:10:38,264 ... you don't know what's out there. Not yet. 163 00:10:38,264 --> 00:10:40,064 You barely know what's over the next hill. 164 00:10:40,064 --> 00:10:44,064 I don't need to travel to get to amazing places. 165 00:10:45,024 --> 00:10:46,864 Well, at least think about it. 166 00:10:46,864 --> 00:10:48,824 I have. And I'm not going. 167 00:10:48,824 --> 00:10:52,824 End of. 168 00:10:55,864 --> 00:10:59,864 What's going on with your room? 169 00:11:00,664 --> 00:11:04,664 - They're refurbishing. - Why? 170 00:11:04,704 --> 00:11:06,624 - Your guess is as good as mine. - Oh, there he is. 171 00:11:06,624 --> 00:11:10,624 The old Kester... "I don't know, Rae. You tell me." 172 00:11:11,904 --> 00:11:15,304 It didn't matter what Kester said. That letter was in the bin. 173 00:11:15,304 --> 00:11:17,544 I wasn't going to freak ut about my future. 174 00:11:17,544 --> 00:11:19,744 Chloe was doing enough of that for everyone. 175 00:11:19,744 --> 00:11:22,864 She was obsessed with getting into Lincolnshire School of Business, 176 00:11:22,864 --> 00:11:24,504 hence the power dressing. 177 00:11:24,504 --> 00:11:26,304 Don't take this the wrong way, Chloe, 178 00:11:26,304 --> 00:11:29,984 but you do know it's 1998, don't you, and not 1985? 179 00:11:33,864 --> 00:11:36,104 I think she meant the Filofax. 180 00:11:36,104 --> 00:11:39,824 Er, Filofaxes, Rae, are a revision tool. 181 00:11:39,824 --> 00:11:43,144 You would know if you took revision more seriously. 182 00:11:43,144 --> 00:11:45,744 All right listen up, everyone. I have to say, 183 00:11:45,744 --> 00:11:48,664 when I looked at the date this morning, my heart jumped slightly. 184 00:11:48,664 --> 00:11:50,184 I'm sure I wasn't the only one. 185 00:11:50,184 --> 00:11:53,024 That's right, less than one week to go before A levels. 186 00:11:53,024 --> 00:11:55,904 But there will be a careers fair tomorrow afternoon. 187 00:11:55,904 --> 00:11:59,904 Erm, Miss, is there going to be people there from the business community? 188 00:12:00,544 --> 00:12:03,784 Or is it just going to be like people from, like, you know, round here? 189 00:12:03,784 --> 00:12:05,704 My dad's coming. 190 00:12:05,704 --> 00:12:09,704 - Your dad owns the cattery. - Yeah. It's a business. 191 00:12:09,784 --> 00:12:13,784 Lois is right. There will be several local businesses represented. 192 00:12:13,864 --> 00:12:16,224 If you don't get the grades you're hoping for, 193 00:12:16,224 --> 00:12:18,344 or if you didn't get the offer you're expecting, 194 00:12:18,344 --> 00:12:21,304 there'll be people waiting to talk to you in the hall... 195 00:12:21,304 --> 00:12:25,224 Have Bristol rejected you now, then, Rae? 196 00:12:25,224 --> 00:12:26,464 Yeah. 197 00:12:26,464 --> 00:12:28,784 What? Officially? 198 00:12:28,784 --> 00:12:29,430 Yeah. 199 00:12:29,431 --> 00:12:32,731 _ 200 00:12:36,624 --> 00:12:39,464 MUSIC: Sunday Shining by Finley Quaye 201 00:12:39,464 --> 00:12:41,228 - You OK to turn that down a sec? - Yeah. 202 00:12:43,304 --> 00:12:47,304 Hello? 203 00:12:48,264 --> 00:12:52,104 Tell... tell me you're joking. 204 00:12:52,104 --> 00:12:55,624 You're not joking. 205 00:12:55,624 --> 00:12:59,624 Well, then, I'm really sorry. 206 00:12:59,864 --> 00:13:03,864 I'm genuinely sorry. 207 00:13:07,184 --> 00:13:11,184 You, erm, you OK, Rob? 208 00:13:12,544 --> 00:13:14,984 That was my date. 209 00:13:14,984 --> 00:13:18,064 What I thought was my date. 210 00:13:18,064 --> 00:13:20,464 Long story, man. 211 00:13:20,464 --> 00:13:23,784 She let you down? 212 00:13:23,784 --> 00:13:27,784 He. 213 00:13:31,504 --> 00:13:35,504 And not for the first time. 214 00:13:45,064 --> 00:13:49,064 Archie, I've got one. 215 00:13:51,664 --> 00:13:54,184 Oh, sorry about my language. 216 00:13:54,184 --> 00:13:57,384 - What language? - What the fuck are you doing in my room? 217 00:13:57,384 --> 00:14:00,104 Can you keep your voice down when you're swearing at me, please? 218 00:14:00,104 --> 00:14:03,224 - The baby's sleeping. - Why are you in my room? 219 00:14:03,224 --> 00:14:06,784 Right, I came in here on behalf of Blockbusters Video, 220 00:14:06,784 --> 00:14:10,584 looking to put an end to that Benny & Joon saga once and for all. 221 00:14:10,584 --> 00:14:13,704 But I ended up finding something a little bit better than 222 00:14:13,704 --> 00:14:16,864 Johnny Depp, didn't I? 223 00:14:16,864 --> 00:14:20,864 You told me it went badly. Rae! 224 00:14:21,304 --> 00:14:25,304 Do you know how many member of our family have been to university? 225 00:14:25,984 --> 00:14:27,304 None! 226 00:14:27,304 --> 00:14:31,304 I am so proud of you, young lady. 227 00:14:32,424 --> 00:14:36,424 I am so proud of my little chicken. 228 00:14:36,704 --> 00:14:40,704 She's finally hatched, and she's turned into a beautiful swan. 229 00:14:44,024 --> 00:14:46,544 With English Paper One in just ten days' time, 230 00:14:46,544 --> 00:14:49,464 I could spot a mixed metaphor a mile away. 231 00:14:49,464 --> 00:14:53,464 Come and sit down next to your old mum. 232 00:15:01,104 --> 00:15:04,064 Come in, love. 233 00:15:04,064 --> 00:15:05,704 I tell you important story. 234 00:15:05,704 --> 00:15:10,404 When my father was a young man, he moved from the desert to the city 235 00:15:10,944 --> 00:15:12,744 to make better life. 236 00:15:12,744 --> 00:15:16,544 But before he leave, his father came to him. 237 00:15:16,544 --> 00:15:19,984 And he give my father a chain... 238 00:15:19,984 --> 00:15:23,984 ... to guard him his journey. And... 239 00:15:24,464 --> 00:15:28,464 ... to say he was very proud. 240 00:15:31,704 --> 00:15:33,824 Er... 241 00:15:33,824 --> 00:15:36,704 It would be, for me, 242 00:15:36,704 --> 00:15:40,264 an honour to give this to you 243 00:15:40,264 --> 00:15:44,264 to guard you your journey, Bristol, and... 244 00:15:45,144 --> 00:15:49,144 ... because I'm very proud of you. 245 00:15:51,664 --> 00:15:55,664 That's so beautiful. 246 00:15:58,784 --> 00:16:02,784 We're on our way! 247 00:16:04,624 --> 00:16:07,944 How do you break it to the people who believe in you the most 248 00:16:07,944 --> 00:16:11,944 that you don't want to follow the path they think is best for you? 249 00:16:12,704 --> 00:16:15,504 I needed to tell Finn. 250 00:16:15,504 --> 00:16:17,384 I wasn't going. 251 00:16:17,384 --> 00:16:21,384 Just because Bristol was a good opportunity didn't mean I had to go. 252 00:16:22,904 --> 00:16:25,624 - Hey, don't you be looking! - I'm not! 253 00:16:26,824 --> 00:16:28,304 Boom! What do you think? 254 00:16:28,304 --> 00:16:31,784 Well, it's a little bit like it was yesterday. 255 00:16:31,784 --> 00:16:33,304 As in, identical. 256 00:16:33,304 --> 00:16:36,624 No. There's a beanbag and there's two new posters. 257 00:16:36,624 --> 00:16:40,624 And the fridge works. 258 00:16:41,064 --> 00:16:43,384 I'm happy for you. 259 00:16:43,384 --> 00:16:47,384 - Are you really? - Yeah. 260 00:16:48,624 --> 00:16:51,784 Because there's something that I wanted to ask you, 261 00:16:51,784 --> 00:16:55,784 and I... I didn't want to suggest it in case, you know, I was... 262 00:16:57,704 --> 00:17:00,264 ... holding you back. 263 00:17:00,264 --> 00:17:04,264 But, seeing as you didn't get into Bristol... 264 00:17:05,424 --> 00:17:07,344 ... if you... 265 00:17:07,344 --> 00:17:11,344 if you wanted to move in here... 266 00:17:20,784 --> 00:17:22,184 What?! 267 00:17:22,184 --> 00:17:24,504 Move in here with me. 268 00:17:26,864 --> 00:17:30,864 I mean, we could have a joint flat-warming party on Friday, 269 00:17:31,264 --> 00:17:32,304 if you want. 270 00:17:32,304 --> 00:17:36,304 Only if you want. It won't be a big deal. 271 00:17:41,024 --> 00:17:43,184 I love you. 272 00:17:43,184 --> 00:17:45,504 But how could I tell him now? 273 00:17:45,504 --> 00:17:49,504 How could I let anything get in the way of this? 274 00:17:52,304 --> 00:17:56,304 Cheers! Cheers! 275 00:17:56,744 --> 00:17:58,384 - The sexiest man since sliced ham - _ 276 00:17:58,384 --> 00:18:02,384 wanted me to move in with him for decent music, proper cuddles 277 00:18:02,904 --> 00:18:05,904 and Olympic-standard gymnastic knobbing. 278 00:18:05,904 --> 00:18:07,824 I just had to pack the first bag, 279 00:18:07,824 --> 00:18:11,224 sneak past Mum so she didn't blow her top about Bristol, 280 00:18:11,224 --> 00:18:15,224 then get my arse round to Finn and Rae's new shag-shack. 281 00:18:17,504 --> 00:18:19,904 Oh, what's in your bag? 282 00:18:19,904 --> 00:18:23,144 Books. I'm going to revise. 283 00:18:23,144 --> 00:18:25,584 Revise my knowledge of Finn Nelson's genitalia. 284 00:18:25,584 --> 00:18:28,424 Good girl. 285 00:18:32,104 --> 00:18:35,024 Not flowers, Archie. Not the first time you meet him. 286 00:18:35,024 --> 00:18:39,024 They're for you. Chloe told me you didn't get into Bristol. 287 00:18:39,384 --> 00:18:43,384 Here comes the lecture from Mr University. 288 00:18:44,064 --> 00:18:45,424 There's always Clearing, Rae, 289 00:18:45,424 --> 00:18:47,264 and Peterborough Uni's always got places. 290 00:18:47,264 --> 00:18:50,624 Do you know what, it doesn't matter about not getting in. 291 00:18:50,624 --> 00:18:52,544 Finn's asked me to move in with him, 292 00:18:52,544 --> 00:18:56,544 so I'm going to be doing a degree in the art of fellatio. 293 00:18:58,344 --> 00:19:00,744 Come on! 294 00:19:00,744 --> 00:19:03,424 Looking a bit nervous there, Arch! 295 00:19:03,424 --> 00:19:07,424 Well, what if I'm not his type? 296 00:19:09,144 --> 00:19:10,824 Oh, my God. 297 00:19:10,824 --> 00:19:14,464 It's like being gay in 3D. 298 00:19:14,464 --> 00:19:15,664 Well... 299 00:19:15,664 --> 00:19:19,664 You know what they say, don't you? "Nerves are a good thing." 300 00:19:20,424 --> 00:19:22,024 Why do they say that? 301 00:19:22,024 --> 00:19:23,184 Don't know! 302 00:19:23,184 --> 00:19:26,624 It's just something that you say to nervous people, isn't it? 303 00:19:28,984 --> 00:19:32,984 I'm going in. 304 00:19:38,144 --> 00:19:39,744 Hiya. 305 00:19:39,744 --> 00:19:41,344 MUSIC: Babies by Pulp 306 00:19:41,344 --> 00:19:43,384 Who was that guy? 307 00:19:43,384 --> 00:19:45,144 Which guy? 308 00:19:45,144 --> 00:19:47,784 The geeky-looking guy I saw you with in that car just now. 309 00:19:47,784 --> 00:19:51,784 I don't know. 310 00:20:12,424 --> 00:20:14,184 You OK, mate? 311 00:20:14,184 --> 00:20:18,184 Yeah, mate, just, erm, just looking, just looking. 312 00:20:37,944 --> 00:20:39,224 Was he checking me out? 313 00:20:42,744 --> 00:20:45,864 Yeah. 314 00:20:45,864 --> 00:20:47,824 He's cute. 315 00:20:47,824 --> 00:20:50,504 Looks better without the bins. 316 00:20:50,504 --> 00:20:54,504 Get him to give me a call. 317 00:20:55,784 --> 00:20:57,184 And there it was. 318 00:20:57,184 --> 00:20:59,784 Against all odds, in a town that wasn't even supposed 319 00:20:59,784 --> 00:21:03,784 to have a dartboard, Archie had hit a massive gay bull's-eye. 320 00:21:04,904 --> 00:21:06,104 Hello! Hello. 321 00:21:08,224 --> 00:21:12,224 You can't just do that, you can't just pick what you want. 322 00:21:12,304 --> 00:21:16,304 Listen to this. 323 00:21:24,984 --> 00:21:28,264 _ 324 00:21:28,284 --> 00:21:30,524 Moving in with someone's a big step, Rae. 325 00:21:30,524 --> 00:21:32,564 It's exciting. 326 00:21:32,564 --> 00:21:35,444 And Finn, he thinks that you turning down the offer from Bristol, 327 00:21:35,444 --> 00:21:37,484 he thinks that's a good idea, does he? 328 00:21:37,484 --> 00:21:41,164 - It's what we both want. - Because... 329 00:21:41,164 --> 00:21:43,244 ... well, because, from what I understand, 330 00:21:43,244 --> 00:21:46,164 from what you've told me about him, your boyfriend wouldn't want 331 00:21:46,164 --> 00:21:48,124 anything but the best for you, 332 00:21:48,124 --> 00:21:52,124 and he's selfless, you know, in that respect. 333 00:21:52,204 --> 00:21:55,524 - That's right, isn't it? - Yeah, he is. 334 00:21:55,524 --> 00:21:58,804 - What, so, he just thinks that Bristol's too far away? - No. 335 00:21:58,804 --> 00:22:01,124 - What, it's not a good enough university? - No. 336 00:22:01,124 --> 00:22:03,684 Please, help me out here, because I'm struggling here. 337 00:22:03,684 --> 00:22:06,444 There must be some reason why he's, erm... 338 00:22:06,444 --> 00:22:10,444 well, as I see it, clipping your wings. 339 00:22:10,844 --> 00:22:13,524 - He loves me. - Exactly. 340 00:22:13,524 --> 00:22:17,524 And I love him, and we live here, and that's the end of it. 341 00:22:19,764 --> 00:22:22,684 Just checking. 342 00:22:22,684 --> 00:22:25,324 You know something, Rae? We've been talking like this, 343 00:22:25,324 --> 00:22:28,964 me and you, for two years now. 344 00:22:28,964 --> 00:22:31,804 Now, a lot as changed in that time. 345 00:22:31,804 --> 00:22:34,404 In this room and out there. 346 00:22:34,404 --> 00:22:38,004 You have become someone extra special. 347 00:22:38,004 --> 00:22:41,084 Are you splitting up with me? 348 00:22:41,084 --> 00:22:43,444 We've reached the stage now, Rae, where we need to 349 00:22:43,444 --> 00:22:47,284 be looking to wind things down. 350 00:22:47,284 --> 00:22:51,284 To complete the process. 351 00:22:51,444 --> 00:22:54,724 That's it. That's why you want me to go to university. 352 00:22:54,724 --> 00:22:56,254 - No. - Because you want to end therapy, 353 00:22:56,255 --> 00:22:57,255 so that's your excuse. 354 00:22:57,324 --> 00:22:59,644 No, it's the opposite. I want you to go to university 355 00:22:59,644 --> 00:23:03,644 because you are ready to end therapy. 356 00:23:04,604 --> 00:23:07,124 You know your own mind, Rae. 357 00:23:07,124 --> 00:23:10,364 You've said as much yourself. 358 00:23:10,364 --> 00:23:14,364 How you're in love, how you're secure. 359 00:23:14,804 --> 00:23:18,764 It's a shock to any patient, the idea of ending sessions. 360 00:23:18,764 --> 00:23:21,204 Of course it is. 361 00:23:21,204 --> 00:23:24,044 But I say this with confidence... 362 00:23:24,044 --> 00:23:28,044 You have no idea how proud I am of you. 363 00:23:28,084 --> 00:23:31,164 Of how far you've come. 364 00:23:31,164 --> 00:23:33,004 Why are you doing it so suddenly? 365 00:23:33,004 --> 00:23:35,004 I'm not. 366 00:23:35,004 --> 00:23:37,444 There's no rush. 367 00:23:37,444 --> 00:23:41,444 It's not like flicking a switch. We can take it gently. 368 00:23:42,444 --> 00:23:46,444 I'm not going anywhere. 369 00:23:49,044 --> 00:23:53,044 Nearly finished. 370 00:23:53,764 --> 00:23:57,764 Look, actually, we're right in the middle of something here. Thank you. 371 00:24:00,804 --> 00:24:04,244 So, erm, what about the last week in June? 372 00:24:04,244 --> 00:24:08,244 That gives us three more sessions. 373 00:24:10,084 --> 00:24:13,924 Ever since I first left hospital, Kester had kept me together. 374 00:24:13,924 --> 00:24:16,684 But now it felt like the foundations of life in Stamford 375 00:24:16,684 --> 00:24:19,484 were starting to crack. 376 00:24:19,484 --> 00:24:21,924 At least I still had the gang to talk to. 377 00:24:21,924 --> 00:24:25,924 They could catch me if I fell. 378 00:24:26,724 --> 00:24:29,804 Rae! What the fuck?! 379 00:24:29,804 --> 00:24:32,444 We were supposed to be highlighting our Emmas like an hour ago. 380 00:24:32,444 --> 00:24:35,004 It's as if A levels mean nothing to you. 381 00:24:35,004 --> 00:24:39,004 Come on. It's started. 382 00:24:48,044 --> 00:24:49,484 Careers Day. 383 00:24:49,484 --> 00:24:53,484 Like the lights had just come on in the world's shittest disco. 384 00:24:56,764 --> 00:24:59,004 - Do you think I should join the army? - No. 385 00:24:59,005 --> 00:24:59,705 Are you sure? 386 00:24:59,714 --> 00:25:03,604 - Yeah. - Rae! 387 00:25:03,804 --> 00:25:07,804 Is that... Katie Springer?! 388 00:25:08,204 --> 00:25:10,524 Hang on, who's Katie Springer? 389 00:25:10,524 --> 00:25:13,444 She looks amazing. - Yeah, If you like that kind of thing. 390 00:25:13,444 --> 00:25:15,764 - Which everyone does. - Anyway, how do you know her? 391 00:25:15,764 --> 00:25:17,924 We met for like a second in Bristol. 392 00:25:17,924 --> 00:25:21,564 Rae, how's it going? I was so hoping to see you. 393 00:25:21,564 --> 00:25:23,964 - It's so weird being back at college. - What you doing here? 394 00:25:23,964 --> 00:25:26,804 Well, the principal's asked me back to talk about going to uni, 395 00:25:26,804 --> 00:25:29,924 and Dan Smith to talk about not going. 396 00:25:29,924 --> 00:25:33,924 - Ku Klux Dan? - Mmm-hmm, he works in the garden centre now. 397 00:25:37,164 --> 00:25:38,570 - Hiya, Izzy! - Hi, Katie. 398 00:25:38,571 --> 00:25:39,571 You all right? 399 00:25:41,084 --> 00:25:43,524 And you remember Chloe? 400 00:25:43,524 --> 00:25:47,524 Erm, it's nice to meet you. Hey, I like your costume. 401 00:25:48,684 --> 00:25:51,244 Can I have your attention everyone, please? 402 00:25:51,244 --> 00:25:53,884 Two of last year's leavers have kindly agreed to come back 403 00:25:53,884 --> 00:25:57,044 and tell you all a little bit about what life's like out there, 404 00:25:57,044 --> 00:26:00,444 so please welcome Katie Springer and Daniel Smith. 405 00:26:05,404 --> 00:26:07,484 How could she not remember me? 406 00:26:07,484 --> 00:26:11,484 I used to blank her, like, the whole time. 407 00:26:11,644 --> 00:26:14,804 Hiya. Erm, I'm Katie. 408 00:26:14,804 --> 00:26:18,804 Er, when I was here, at Stamford, 409 00:26:19,564 --> 00:26:22,404 I pretty much had zero confidence. 410 00:26:22,404 --> 00:26:25,404 I kept myself to myself the whole time. 411 00:26:25,404 --> 00:26:29,404 Erm, most of you probably never even knew who I was. 412 00:26:31,004 --> 00:26:35,004 So even though I had this amazing, amazing offer 413 00:26:35,844 --> 00:26:39,844 to study at Bristol, I kept making out that uni wasn't for me. 414 00:26:40,244 --> 00:26:42,164 Stamford was big enough. 415 00:26:42,164 --> 00:26:46,164 So what I want to say to those of you who have an offer, 416 00:26:46,404 --> 00:26:49,924 or are just daunted by what's out there, 417 00:26:49,924 --> 00:26:53,124 beyond those gates... 418 00:26:53,124 --> 00:26:56,524 ... is be strong... 419 00:26:56,524 --> 00:26:58,844 ... and go for it. 420 00:26:58,844 --> 00:27:01,804 I would like to leave you with a quote by someone first 421 00:27:01,804 --> 00:27:04,644 introduced to me by Principal Dixon... 422 00:27:04,644 --> 00:27:07,204 George Eliot. 423 00:27:07,204 --> 00:27:11,204 "It's never too late to be what you might have been." 424 00:27:13,204 --> 00:27:17,204 Cheers! 425 00:27:19,404 --> 00:27:23,204 What year's George Eliot in? 426 00:27:23,204 --> 00:27:25,524 Maybe I'd been stupid to rule out Bristol. 427 00:27:25,524 --> 00:27:28,524 But, no... it was fine. Completely fine. 428 00:27:28,524 --> 00:27:31,964 Just because Katie Springer was like a walking advert for university 429 00:27:31,964 --> 00:27:35,524 didn't mean there weren't people who could do the same for Stamford. 430 00:27:35,524 --> 00:27:38,564 A lot of people think there's only one kind of Koi carp you can 431 00:27:38,564 --> 00:27:42,564 buy at the garden centre on Barnack Road. 432 00:27:42,564 --> 00:27:46,004 There aren't. There are six. 433 00:27:46,004 --> 00:27:49,564 Oh, bollocks. 434 00:27:49,564 --> 00:27:52,084 - Thank you. - Oh, this was getting ridiculous, 435 00:27:52,084 --> 00:27:55,604 I had to talk to someone who would understand about the offer. 436 00:27:55,604 --> 00:27:58,324 I wasn't thinking about it, because I didn't think I had anything 437 00:27:58,324 --> 00:28:00,384 - to think about, but I haven't even told him. - Told who? 438 00:28:01,952 --> 00:28:02,752 Finn. 439 00:28:03,524 --> 00:28:06,644 - Finn Nelson? - Yeah, I know. 440 00:28:06,644 --> 00:28:09,924 But If I stay here, then he's going to think that I gave up my dream 441 00:28:09,924 --> 00:28:12,110 - for him, but it's not like that! - What dream, Rae? 442 00:28:12,111 --> 00:28:12,811 Bristol. 443 00:28:13,564 --> 00:28:15,604 - So Bristol is your dream? - No, I didn't say that. 444 00:28:15,604 --> 00:28:17,644 Well, you literally just said that to me, Rae. 445 00:28:17,644 --> 00:28:19,324 No, well, I didn't think it was, 446 00:28:19,324 --> 00:28:21,924 - but now I've lied to everyone and it's all a big mess. - OK. 447 00:28:21,924 --> 00:28:23,724 I just don't know what to do. 448 00:28:23,724 --> 00:28:26,284 Look, I get your dilemma, I do. 449 00:28:26,284 --> 00:28:28,564 - Don't tell anyone about this! - No, I won't. 450 00:28:28,564 --> 00:28:30,404 Look, I don't go back for another week, 451 00:28:30,404 --> 00:28:34,084 so if you want to talk to me about this, then you can, OK? 452 00:28:34,084 --> 00:28:36,724 - All right. Thanks. - OK. 453 00:28:36,724 --> 00:28:40,524 An offer to read English at Bristol is fantastic, Rae. 454 00:28:40,524 --> 00:28:42,884 The Head of Department phoned to say how impressed 455 00:28:42,884 --> 00:28:44,324 he was by your passion. 456 00:28:44,324 --> 00:28:46,484 Said he didn't get the chance to tell you in person. 457 00:28:46,484 --> 00:28:47,964 Who else have you told? 458 00:28:47,964 --> 00:28:51,964 Well, everyone. It's such an inspiring story, Rae. 459 00:28:52,884 --> 00:28:56,284 - See you. - Rae! 460 00:29:02,404 --> 00:29:04,284 I knew I should've told Finn, 461 00:29:04,284 --> 00:29:07,484 but I hadn't thought there was a decision to make. 462 00:29:07,484 --> 00:29:11,484 I couldn't let him find out from anyone else. 463 00:29:21,724 --> 00:29:25,484 How the fuck was I going to explain this? 464 00:29:25,484 --> 00:29:28,404 Nice one, Raemundo! 465 00:29:28,404 --> 00:29:30,844 Oh, that's it, is it? Yeah, Rae's got her offer, 466 00:29:30,844 --> 00:29:32,444 - Chloe can sort herself out. - No. 467 00:29:32,444 --> 00:29:34,684 "Well, there is no point revising with her, 468 00:29:34,684 --> 00:29:36,964 she's not getting tip-top grades, is she?" 469 00:29:36,964 --> 00:29:38,324 Is that why you lied to me? 470 00:29:38,324 --> 00:29:41,284 - Izzy, have you seen Finn? - I'm trying to talk to you. 471 00:29:41,284 --> 00:29:42,441 He's looking for you. 472 00:29:42,442 --> 00:29:44,042 - Do you know where he went? - Rae, don't ignore me. 473 00:29:44,164 --> 00:29:46,084 I'm just trying to find out where Finn is. 474 00:29:46,084 --> 00:29:49,204 Well, I don't get why you lied to me. We're supposed to tell each other 475 00:29:49,204 --> 00:29:51,564 everything. Rae, I would have just revised on my own! 476 00:29:51,564 --> 00:29:53,064 You're not even revising, Chloe. 477 00:29:53,164 --> 00:29:55,964 - All you're doing is just highlighting stuff. - Do you mind? 478 00:29:55,964 --> 00:29:58,564 Sometimes whole pages, which is exactly the same 479 00:29:58,564 --> 00:30:01,864 as highlighting none of it! 480 00:30:05,124 --> 00:30:06,764 Danny, have you seen Finn? 481 00:30:06,764 --> 00:30:09,484 No. Listen, those two, they've had four shots each 482 00:30:09,484 --> 00:30:12,204 and they haven't said two words. 483 00:30:12,204 --> 00:30:16,204 Right. 484 00:30:24,004 --> 00:30:28,004 - What's going on? - We're raising a glass of non-alcoholic champagne. 485 00:30:28,004 --> 00:30:30,324 To you! 486 00:30:30,324 --> 00:30:32,284 Hey, Finn! Do you like Rae's chain? 487 00:30:32,284 --> 00:30:36,284 Karim got her that to keep her safe on her journey to Bristol. 488 00:30:37,124 --> 00:30:41,124 Yeah. Nice one. 489 00:30:45,604 --> 00:30:47,804 Don't. 490 00:30:47,804 --> 00:30:51,804 Here's to you. Genuinely, Rae. 491 00:30:58,164 --> 00:31:00,284 You know what? 492 00:31:00,284 --> 00:31:03,484 Before I asked you to move in with me... 493 00:31:03,484 --> 00:31:07,484 ... I checked there was no chance you were going to uni. 494 00:31:08,444 --> 00:31:11,444 I double checked, Rae. 495 00:31:11,444 --> 00:31:13,964 For me. 496 00:31:13,964 --> 00:31:16,524 Because the last thing I wanted to do in my life 497 00:31:16,524 --> 00:31:19,364 - is to hold you back, do you know that? - You're not holding me back. 498 00:31:19,364 --> 00:31:22,644 I went to the pub earlier, and you were all anyone was talking about. 499 00:31:22,644 --> 00:31:24,244 "Rae Earl's off to uni! 500 00:31:24,244 --> 00:31:27,644 Aw, you must be so proud, mate." Do you know what that's like? 501 00:31:27,644 --> 00:31:30,684 - Why would you lie to me? - I didn't. 502 00:31:30,684 --> 00:31:34,444 I didn't mean to. 503 00:31:34,444 --> 00:31:38,444 - Were you lying about the interview going badly? - No. 504 00:31:38,524 --> 00:31:40,220 No, were you lying when you said 505 00:31:40,221 --> 00:31:41,721 - you wanted to move in with me, no? - No. 506 00:31:45,924 --> 00:31:49,924 So, were you lying when you told me that you loved me? 507 00:31:52,004 --> 00:31:55,684 No! 508 00:31:55,684 --> 00:31:59,524 Oh, please, Finn... 509 00:31:59,524 --> 00:32:01,804 Being with you 510 00:32:01,804 --> 00:32:05,804 is more than I ever dreamed of. 511 00:32:06,204 --> 00:32:10,204 It's a joke and we both know it. 512 00:32:10,444 --> 00:32:14,444 People must think I've won a competition. 513 00:32:15,524 --> 00:32:17,084 Rae... 514 00:32:17,084 --> 00:32:20,964 Your mum showed me the letter. 515 00:32:20,964 --> 00:32:24,444 Look, if you can't decide what you really want... 516 00:32:24,444 --> 00:32:28,244 if you can't decide between us and uni... 517 00:32:28,244 --> 00:32:32,244 then I think... we should go on a break until you do. 518 00:32:33,724 --> 00:32:37,524 Because... 519 00:32:37,524 --> 00:32:40,164 ... cos I'm sorry, Rae, 520 00:32:40,164 --> 00:32:44,164 but this isn't... it's not fair, is it? 521 00:32:50,484 --> 00:32:51,584 - Finn! - What? 522 00:32:51,585 --> 00:32:53,385 Well, what about the party? 523 00:32:56,564 --> 00:32:58,724 Party? 524 00:32:58,724 --> 00:33:02,424 I'm not really in the mood. 525 00:34:08,004 --> 00:34:10,954 - Will you see to her, Rae? - Yeah. 526 00:34:16,839 --> 00:34:19,439 So, there's always the long-distance relationship, 527 00:34:19,439 --> 00:34:22,559 but you have to put the hours in, you know, motorway-wise. 528 00:34:22,559 --> 00:34:25,079 Danny, I dunno. 529 00:34:25,079 --> 00:34:29,079 Well, the other option is the open relationship. 530 00:34:29,559 --> 00:34:32,519 You know? He can do his thing, you can do yours. 531 00:34:32,519 --> 00:34:34,319 Yeah, right. 532 00:34:37,039 --> 00:34:41,039 Danny... do you like living in Stamford? 533 00:34:41,839 --> 00:34:44,439 Is it enough for you? 534 00:34:44,439 --> 00:34:47,559 I love it, Rae. It's like I've scored a goal. 535 00:34:47,559 --> 00:34:51,559 It was perfect for Danny, but was Stamford enough for me? 536 00:34:51,839 --> 00:34:53,919 Oh, here you go. 537 00:34:53,919 --> 00:34:56,279 It wouldn't be the same without the gang, 538 00:34:56,279 --> 00:35:00,279 and if the others moved on, what would I do? 539 00:35:00,919 --> 00:35:03,359 But while my own future was uncertain, 540 00:35:03,359 --> 00:35:06,039 Archie was on to a sure thing. 541 00:35:06,039 --> 00:35:10,039 Rob had invited him over, and dinner was not on the menu. 542 00:35:10,759 --> 00:35:13,839 I've... I've... I've, erm, I've shaved, Rae. 543 00:35:13,839 --> 00:35:16,399 - Do you think that was wise? - Yeah, you look nice. 544 00:35:16,399 --> 00:35:18,839 No. I've, erm... 545 00:35:18,839 --> 00:35:22,839 I've shaved. 546 00:35:24,439 --> 00:35:27,359 Oh, er, yeah, yeah! I'm sure he'll appreciate it. 547 00:35:27,359 --> 00:35:29,159 - Yeah? - Yeah. 548 00:35:29,159 --> 00:35:30,399 Good luck, Arch! 549 00:35:30,399 --> 00:35:33,799 Oh, cheers, Danny. Thanks for making me do this... 550 00:35:33,799 --> 00:35:37,799 Hey, listen, Archie... You don't have to do anything. 551 00:35:38,079 --> 00:35:39,679 Yeah, yeah, I do. 552 00:35:39,679 --> 00:35:41,599 No, because what if you get in there 553 00:35:41,599 --> 00:35:44,839 and then you decide that it's not for you? 554 00:35:44,839 --> 00:35:48,839 Well, it still would have been worth going in. 555 00:35:49,239 --> 00:35:53,239 All right. 556 00:35:58,159 --> 00:35:59,959 There he goes. 557 00:35:59,959 --> 00:36:03,799 Archibald and his bald balls! 558 00:36:03,799 --> 00:36:07,239 I couldn't believe how brave Archie was. 559 00:36:07,239 --> 00:36:11,239 He wasn't afraid to step into the unknown. 560 00:36:13,039 --> 00:36:15,559 I'm still not sure about that shirt. 561 00:36:15,559 --> 00:36:18,159 I wouldn't worry about the shirt, Rae. 562 00:36:18,159 --> 00:36:22,159 That'll be torn off his body the moment he steps inside. 563 00:36:24,279 --> 00:36:27,119 We'd been waiting outside Rob's for ages 564 00:36:27,119 --> 00:36:30,159 and I was starting to get worried. 565 00:36:30,159 --> 00:36:33,079 They'll be in an advanced state of foreplay by now. 566 00:36:33,079 --> 00:36:35,519 Hands, tongues, fingers, you name it... 567 00:36:35,519 --> 00:36:37,119 It'll be every man for himself. 568 00:36:37,119 --> 00:36:40,519 Penetration, Rae... 569 00:36:40,519 --> 00:36:42,399 will be imminent. 570 00:36:42,399 --> 00:36:45,999 Danny! 571 00:36:45,999 --> 00:36:49,679 What if Archie was wrong and it wasn't worth going in? 572 00:36:49,679 --> 00:36:52,039 What if something terrible happens to you 573 00:36:52,039 --> 00:36:55,239 when you step into the unknown? 574 00:36:55,239 --> 00:36:57,839 What if Rob was actually a serial killer? 575 00:36:57,839 --> 00:37:00,879 What if he buried his victims under the patio, 576 00:37:00,879 --> 00:37:03,039 like in Brookside? 577 00:37:03,039 --> 00:37:07,039 They've been in there a really long time, Danny. 578 00:37:08,479 --> 00:37:10,199 I'm going in. 579 00:37:10,199 --> 00:37:12,439 - Are you sure? - Yeah. 580 00:37:39,039 --> 00:37:42,919 Suddenly, I could see everything. 581 00:37:42,919 --> 00:37:46,919 Archie knew what he wanted and he was going for it. 582 00:37:47,319 --> 00:37:51,319 Archie had taken control, and I had to do the same. 583 00:38:01,559 --> 00:38:05,159 Ever since that letter arrived, everything had fallen apart. 584 00:38:05,159 --> 00:38:07,999 I had to fix it. 585 00:38:07,999 --> 00:38:11,999 I needed to put things back to the way they were before the offer. 586 00:38:12,439 --> 00:38:16,439 And that meant getting the gang together. 587 00:38:23,599 --> 00:38:26,039 Hiya. 588 00:38:26,039 --> 00:38:30,039 She's supposed to be revising, Rae. 589 00:38:30,479 --> 00:38:33,319 - Go on. - Thanks. 590 00:38:33,319 --> 00:38:34,839 MUSIC: Orinoco Flow by Enya 591 00:38:34,839 --> 00:38:38,839 KNOCK ON DOOR Hello. 592 00:38:44,279 --> 00:38:48,039 He shouldn't have let you in. 593 00:38:48,039 --> 00:38:52,039 Do you know, it wasn't what you said, it was the way that you said it. 594 00:38:54,039 --> 00:38:55,519 Sorry. 595 00:38:55,519 --> 00:38:59,159 Oh... 596 00:38:59,159 --> 00:39:00,980 - Just read it. - What is it? 597 00:39:00,981 --> 00:39:01,981 Just read it. 598 00:39:06,082 --> 00:39:07,809 _ 599 00:39:08,799 --> 00:39:11,519 That's fucking amazing! 600 00:39:11,519 --> 00:39:14,199 Well, I still need a B and two Cs. I've got no chance. 601 00:39:14,199 --> 00:39:15,999 - Yeah, you do. - No, I don't. 602 00:39:15,999 --> 00:39:18,439 You and Archie could do it. I'm out of my depth. 603 00:39:18,439 --> 00:39:21,919 And this stupid song! It's supposed to be "study friendly". 604 00:39:21,919 --> 00:39:24,199 It's Enya, for fuck's sake. 605 00:39:24,199 --> 00:39:25,599 Enya! 606 00:39:25,599 --> 00:39:29,599 OK, Chloe, I haven't... 607 00:39:30,639 --> 00:39:34,279 - I haven't been a very good revision partner, have I? - No. 608 00:39:34,279 --> 00:39:38,279 No. But the thing is... I've made my decision. 609 00:39:39,519 --> 00:39:42,279 Er, what decision? 610 00:39:42,279 --> 00:39:45,599 I'm staying in Stamford! 611 00:39:45,599 --> 00:39:46,719 Oh! 612 00:39:46,719 --> 00:39:47,759 So... 613 00:39:47,759 --> 00:39:51,759 We are going to have a flat-warming party. It is back on. 614 00:39:52,159 --> 00:39:54,239 Whoa! Hang on a minute. Where? 615 00:39:54,239 --> 00:39:55,839 Tonight. 616 00:39:55,839 --> 00:39:57,559 - Tonight?! - Yeah. 617 00:39:57,559 --> 00:40:00,879 Rae, that's all too quick. We've got Sociology on Monday morning. 618 00:40:00,879 --> 00:40:03,199 That is why you're going to drive. 619 00:40:03,199 --> 00:40:04,799 You're going to drive us back 620 00:40:04,799 --> 00:40:08,759 and then at some point we'll do some more revision. 621 00:40:08,759 --> 00:40:10,439 Are you OK? 622 00:40:10,439 --> 00:40:13,439 - Me? Yeah, I'm fine. - I don't think you're thinking straight. 623 00:40:13,439 --> 00:40:17,439 I am, Chlo, I just... need you to come with me. 624 00:40:18,919 --> 00:40:20,479 Please. 625 00:40:20,479 --> 00:40:21,839 Please? 626 00:40:21,839 --> 00:40:23,279 Fine! 627 00:40:23,279 --> 00:40:25,199 - Yeah? - Yep. 628 00:40:25,199 --> 00:40:28,239 Yes! Let's go. 629 00:40:31,239 --> 00:40:33,399 Finn said he was cancelling it. 630 00:40:33,399 --> 00:40:36,039 Yeah, but, erm, he changed his mind. 631 00:40:36,039 --> 00:40:37,999 Guys, should we stop at the offie? 632 00:40:37,999 --> 00:40:41,719 I think I've got enough here. Let's see. 633 00:40:41,719 --> 00:40:43,639 - Two, three... Five... - Raemundo. 634 00:40:43,639 --> 00:40:45,799 - 57... Shit, I lost count. Hang on. - Raemundo. 635 00:40:45,799 --> 00:40:47,199 What? 636 00:40:47,199 --> 00:40:49,719 Chill out. 637 00:40:49,719 --> 00:40:53,399 - Here we go. Drambuie Detonators. - Oh, yes, here he is! 638 00:40:53,399 --> 00:40:55,399 Whoa, wait, wait, wait... 639 00:40:55,399 --> 00:40:58,359 An hour in the making, 640 00:40:58,359 --> 00:41:00,679 three days of healing. 641 00:41:00,679 --> 00:41:02,039 Never say... 642 00:41:02,039 --> 00:41:04,799 I'm not a man of me word. 643 00:41:11,159 --> 00:41:13,799 - _ - Chop... 644 00:41:13,799 --> 00:41:16,079 - Who's Stan Ford? - Yeah. 645 00:41:16,079 --> 00:41:18,759 You idiot It's us. "Stanford Forever." 646 00:41:18,759 --> 00:41:22,479 It's Stamford. Stam-ford with an M. You numpty. 647 00:41:22,479 --> 00:41:24,359 You've lived here your whole life! 648 00:41:27,239 --> 00:41:30,399 Like it. 649 00:41:30,399 --> 00:41:33,279 Right, drink up. 650 00:41:33,279 --> 00:41:34,879 Another? 651 00:41:39,559 --> 00:41:43,559 Stanford... 652 00:41:43,799 --> 00:41:47,199 Right, shall we get a wriggle on? 653 00:41:47,199 --> 00:41:50,039 Can we please? You've still got some more shots to do. 654 00:41:50,039 --> 00:41:51,639 Yeah, yeah, yeah, drink up. 655 00:42:13,239 --> 00:42:16,679 You love birds, get out of the way! 656 00:42:18,039 --> 00:42:21,319 - Disgusting. Get off me! - Archie, don't you dare spill that on me! 657 00:42:30,479 --> 00:42:33,799 My name is Rae Earl. And I love this town! 658 00:42:33,799 --> 00:42:35,919 No-one gets out alive. 659 00:42:35,919 --> 00:42:38,399 In fact... it's a lock-in! 660 00:42:39,999 --> 00:42:41,239 Stan Ford forever! 661 00:42:41,239 --> 00:42:42,719 Stan Ford forever! 662 00:43:00,879 --> 00:43:02,559 What time's the party start?! 663 00:43:02,559 --> 00:43:06,159 Izzy, I've already told you... 664 00:43:06,159 --> 00:43:08,919 The party starts when we get there. 665 00:43:09,999 --> 00:43:12,839 So cheesy! 666 00:43:18,239 --> 00:43:22,239 Rae! 667 00:43:23,559 --> 00:43:25,279 Chloe! 668 00:43:38,399 --> 00:43:41,039 - Rae, let me see your hands. - What the fuck, Chloe?! 669 00:43:41,039 --> 00:43:42,879 Let me see your hands! I'm fine! 670 00:43:42,879 --> 00:43:44,879 - Why haven't you told me?! - I'm fine! 671 00:43:44,879 --> 00:43:48,279 Don't shout at me, Rae. I'm here for you! 672 00:44:46,519 --> 00:44:48,239 Kester! 673 00:44:48,239 --> 00:44:51,159 Kester! Please! 674 00:44:51,159 --> 00:44:54,799 Kester! 675 00:44:54,799 --> 00:44:58,239 No! Kester! 676 00:44:58,239 --> 00:45:01,919 Kester! 677 00:45:34,279 --> 00:45:38,279 Chloe, can you hear me? 678 00:45:45,800 --> 00:46:50,800 - synced and corrected by chamallow - - www.addic7ed.com -