1 00:00:02,781 --> 00:00:04,406 Charles, this is exciting. 2 00:00:05,047 --> 00:00:06,637 Medal of Valor. I know! 3 00:00:06,846 --> 00:00:08,006 For getting shot in the butt. 4 00:00:10,345 --> 00:00:12,742 Oh, my butt. 5 00:00:13,410 --> 00:00:16,499 For exceptional acts of heroism or voluntary risk of personal safety. 6 00:00:16,675 --> 00:00:17,935 But you know, six of one. 7 00:00:18,442 --> 00:00:20,532 This is one of the NYPD's highest honors. 8 00:00:20,874 --> 00:00:22,567 Today is your day, Detective Boyle. 9 00:00:24,173 --> 00:00:26,603 Heroism can't be measured by a piece of metal, 10 00:00:26,938 --> 00:00:27,938 but what else can we do 11 00:00:28,137 --> 00:00:29,762 to recognize the brave officers 12 00:00:29,970 --> 00:00:31,868 that have put their lives on the line. 13 00:00:32,369 --> 00:00:33,369 It is my great honor 14 00:00:33,535 --> 00:00:34,898 to present the Medal of Valor 15 00:00:35,401 --> 00:00:36,832 to Detective Charles Boyle. 16 00:00:39,499 --> 00:00:40,896 And Sergeant Peanut Butter! 17 00:00:49,628 --> 00:00:50,651 Oh, my God! 18 00:00:50,728 --> 00:00:52,750 Charles is getting the same medal as a horse. 19 00:00:53,126 --> 00:00:54,751 At least, Boyle was announced first. 20 00:00:54,960 --> 00:00:56,584 Because the horse outranks him! 21 00:00:56,892 --> 00:00:59,289 This is amazing! That's enough, Peralta. 22 00:00:59,457 --> 00:01:02,082 This is a huge honor, and nothing can take that away from him. 23 00:01:02,256 --> 00:01:03,687 The horse is pooping on the stage. 24 00:01:04,289 --> 00:01:06,129 Sergeant Peanut Butter is pooping on the stage! 25 00:01:30,312 --> 00:01:32,072 Peralta. Santiago. 26 00:01:32,476 --> 00:01:34,066 The bet ends today. Are you ready? 27 00:01:34,243 --> 00:01:35,640 I was born ready. To lose? 28 00:01:35,709 --> 00:01:37,299 The whole question was, "Are you ready to lose?" 29 00:01:37,374 --> 00:01:38,567 And you said you were born that way. 30 00:01:38,741 --> 00:01:40,172 Twist my words all you want... Okay. 31 00:01:40,407 --> 00:01:41,566 I'm winning this bet. No. 32 00:01:41,806 --> 00:01:43,446 What bet? What are you guys talking about? 33 00:01:43,506 --> 00:01:44,506 Seriously? 34 00:01:44,572 --> 00:01:46,560 The bet? They've been keeping score all year. 35 00:01:46,637 --> 00:01:48,727 It comes up all the time. What are you doing all day? 36 00:01:49,237 --> 00:01:50,997 Nothing. Why, you wanna hang out? 37 00:01:51,169 --> 00:01:53,157 A year ago today, Peralta and I made a bet 38 00:01:53,235 --> 00:01:54,555 to prove who's a better detective. 39 00:01:54,901 --> 00:01:56,866 Whoever makes more felony arrests wins. 40 00:01:57,567 --> 00:01:59,429 What are the stakes? And don't say money, 41 00:01:59,499 --> 00:02:00,964 because I know you're in debt. 42 00:02:01,065 --> 00:02:03,155 If you really knew anything about me, 43 00:02:03,231 --> 00:02:04,560 you would've said "crushing debt." 44 00:02:04,664 --> 00:02:06,864 And I'll bet whatever, 'cause there's no way I'm losing. 45 00:02:06,995 --> 00:02:08,927 What about your car? Oh! 46 00:02:09,528 --> 00:02:10,857 That thing is a date-magnet. 47 00:02:10,961 --> 00:02:13,242 I mean, how many girls have you made out with in that car? 48 00:02:13,359 --> 00:02:15,824 Six? Well, I'm gonna win, so, sure. 49 00:02:15,959 --> 00:02:16,959 Let's bet the car. 50 00:02:17,025 --> 00:02:18,718 No, no, no Jake. Yes. 51 00:02:18,825 --> 00:02:21,153 No, Jakey. No! That car is your superpower. 52 00:02:21,657 --> 00:02:23,178 Thor would never wager his hammer. 53 00:02:23,355 --> 00:02:24,378 Neil Patrick Harris 54 00:02:24,455 --> 00:02:26,010 would never wager his showmanship! 55 00:02:26,087 --> 00:02:27,882 Losing that car will be the worst thing in the world for you. 56 00:02:27,954 --> 00:02:30,475 Well, what's the worst thing in the world for you, Santiago? 57 00:02:30,753 --> 00:02:32,479 Being one of those girls in Jake's car. 58 00:02:32,552 --> 00:02:35,073 Okay. Okay. Okay. Then it is settled. 59 00:02:35,484 --> 00:02:38,040 If Peralta loses, Santiago gets his car. 60 00:02:38,483 --> 00:02:39,573 If Santiago loses, 61 00:02:39,649 --> 00:02:41,671 she goes for a date in said car. 62 00:02:41,915 --> 00:02:43,210 Game on. Game on. 63 00:02:44,446 --> 00:02:46,036 Wow, your handshake is quite firm. 64 00:02:46,180 --> 00:02:47,872 I took a seminar. Where? 65 00:02:48,179 --> 00:02:49,735 And now the score is all tied up. 66 00:02:50,677 --> 00:02:51,677 But not for long. 67 00:02:51,910 --> 00:02:53,671 For, in eight hours, I will win the bet 68 00:02:53,943 --> 00:02:55,340 and take Santiago on the worst date 69 00:02:55,409 --> 00:02:56,635 in the history of the world. 70 00:02:57,375 --> 00:02:58,397 Attention. 71 00:02:58,541 --> 00:03:00,901 After today's shift, I'd like everyone to join me at the bar 72 00:03:00,940 --> 00:03:02,905 for drinks in honor of Detective Boyle 73 00:03:03,305 --> 00:03:04,430 and his Medal of Valor. 74 00:03:04,638 --> 00:03:06,501 Oh, my God, is Peanut Butter gonna be there? 75 00:03:06,670 --> 00:03:08,693 That horse is a damn hero. 76 00:03:08,803 --> 00:03:10,325 Peanut Butter will not be joining us. 77 00:03:10,469 --> 00:03:12,196 He's being feted by the United Nations. 78 00:03:13,234 --> 00:03:14,234 As you were. 79 00:03:16,100 --> 00:03:17,463 Pen! You! Ow! 80 00:03:18,099 --> 00:03:20,587 Rolly chair! Gina's desk! Oh, Jake! 81 00:03:20,665 --> 00:03:21,665 No! 82 00:03:25,029 --> 00:03:26,029 Captain, hey. 83 00:03:26,428 --> 00:03:28,417 You're looking stoic today. Like a... 84 00:03:28,895 --> 00:03:30,258 Wise old oak. 85 00:03:30,660 --> 00:03:34,023 I'm not gonna give you more cases so you can win your bet with Santiago. 86 00:03:34,259 --> 00:03:36,349 What? Oh, right, the bet. 87 00:03:36,725 --> 00:03:37,845 I totally forgot about that. 88 00:03:37,957 --> 00:03:40,117 Well, granted, this friendly competition has led to you 89 00:03:40,157 --> 00:03:41,713 and Santiago putting in more hours 90 00:03:41,955 --> 00:03:43,148 and arresting more perps. 91 00:03:43,355 --> 00:03:44,446 Especially this last week. 92 00:03:45,387 --> 00:03:46,683 Up by one, Peralta! 93 00:03:47,454 --> 00:03:51,350 Anything you wanna say to your car before you never see it again? Hmm? 94 00:03:52,085 --> 00:03:53,107 Hey, Santiago. 95 00:03:53,184 --> 00:03:56,144 Do you have any dietary restrictions that Medieval Times should know about? 96 00:03:56,682 --> 00:03:59,772 Yes, 311? What's the safest way to set a car on fire? 97 00:04:00,414 --> 00:04:02,379 Oh? Hmm. 98 00:04:02,781 --> 00:04:04,769 Both of you have done exemplary work, 99 00:04:04,880 --> 00:04:05,902 which I appreciate. 100 00:04:06,079 --> 00:04:08,976 And I can see that by the absolutely no indicators on your face. 101 00:04:09,277 --> 00:04:10,708 However, you are colleagues. 102 00:04:10,910 --> 00:04:12,807 And the fallout from this bet has the potential to put 103 00:04:12,876 --> 00:04:14,932 a strain on your professional relationship. 104 00:04:15,208 --> 00:04:16,208 Only if I lose. 105 00:04:16,641 --> 00:04:17,641 I'm a terrible sport. 106 00:04:17,874 --> 00:04:19,554 Cases will be assigned as they usually are. 107 00:04:20,006 --> 00:04:21,006 Dismissed. 108 00:04:26,903 --> 00:04:28,233 Captain! You look... 109 00:04:28,302 --> 00:04:29,302 No! 110 00:04:33,034 --> 00:04:35,726 Rosa, hey, would you like to share a cup of coffee with me? 111 00:04:35,999 --> 00:04:37,726 I got some gorgeous new coffee beans. 112 00:04:38,098 --> 00:04:39,223 Sure. That sounds great. 113 00:04:39,498 --> 00:04:41,338 Isn't that like your fifth cup of coffee today? 114 00:04:41,697 --> 00:04:44,560 I'm trying to counteract the drowsiness from my pain meds. 115 00:04:44,863 --> 00:04:47,589 I took a double dose after the incident at the ceremony. 116 00:04:48,294 --> 00:04:49,623 Bring Peanut Butter forward. 117 00:04:50,160 --> 00:04:51,160 Forward. 118 00:04:51,793 --> 00:04:54,088 Uh, can the little guy take a big step back, please? 119 00:04:54,291 --> 00:04:55,382 My name is Charles Boyle. 120 00:04:55,525 --> 00:04:57,285 I won the same medal as this horse! 121 00:04:59,623 --> 00:05:01,850 The footage from my fall led the local news, so... 122 00:05:02,288 --> 00:05:03,608 Who's the hero now, Peanut Butter? 123 00:05:03,721 --> 00:05:04,721 Peanut Butter. 124 00:05:04,987 --> 00:05:06,316 Gina... 125 00:05:06,754 --> 00:05:10,276 You're just trying to hurt me to distract yourself from your own internal pain. 126 00:05:10,918 --> 00:05:13,145 Also, you should use less conditioner, 127 00:05:13,218 --> 00:05:15,046 because this is a flat mess. 128 00:05:17,482 --> 00:05:18,562 What's going on with Boyle? 129 00:05:18,582 --> 00:05:20,070 His pain meds are making him weird. 130 00:05:20,280 --> 00:05:23,143 Oh! Okay. Yes. 131 00:05:23,313 --> 00:05:26,437 This happened to my dad when he got his vasectomy unreversed. 132 00:05:26,911 --> 00:05:29,001 You get all relaxed and you have no filter, 133 00:05:29,111 --> 00:05:31,508 and you just start dropping truth bombs on everyone. 134 00:05:31,909 --> 00:05:33,169 Oh. That explains the elevator. 135 00:05:35,441 --> 00:05:37,081 I'm worried you don't find me interesting. 136 00:05:38,140 --> 00:05:40,537 I'm gonna pretend someone texted me. Bloop! 137 00:05:44,204 --> 00:05:46,033 Gina, please, keep an eye on Boyle today. 138 00:05:46,470 --> 00:05:48,662 He's gonna say something to the wrong person and get himself punched. 139 00:05:48,802 --> 00:05:50,528 Sure. I'd love to see Charles get punched. 140 00:05:50,868 --> 00:05:51,868 Try again. 141 00:05:51,934 --> 00:05:54,297 I will stop Charles from getting punched. 142 00:05:54,567 --> 00:05:55,567 Correct. 143 00:05:55,766 --> 00:05:56,766 Great. 144 00:05:57,898 --> 00:05:59,591 Ladies and gentlemen, 145 00:05:59,664 --> 00:06:03,096 I present Carl Laudson, who stole $3,000! 146 00:06:03,629 --> 00:06:05,753 Santiago takes the lead with one minute left! 147 00:06:06,261 --> 00:06:07,261 Suck it, Peralta! 148 00:06:07,527 --> 00:06:08,686 Oh, no. That's right. 149 00:06:08,860 --> 00:06:09,860 "Oh, no!" 150 00:06:10,127 --> 00:06:12,115 Oh, no. You don't seem worried. Why aren't you worried? 151 00:06:12,193 --> 00:06:13,351 Bring in the johns! 152 00:06:14,258 --> 00:06:16,120 I ran a prostitution sting through Vice, 153 00:06:16,191 --> 00:06:17,985 and arrested 30 guys for soliciting. 154 00:06:18,156 --> 00:06:19,156 That's not a felony. 155 00:06:19,223 --> 00:06:20,415 It is when it's your second offense. 156 00:06:20,589 --> 00:06:23,110 Which is the case for 10 of these gentlemen. 157 00:06:23,288 --> 00:06:24,288 Fun fact, 158 00:06:24,420 --> 00:06:26,283 four of them are actually named John. 159 00:06:26,553 --> 00:06:27,553 Ironic. 160 00:06:27,653 --> 00:06:29,845 Anyhoo, 10 more for Peralta. Accept your fate! 161 00:06:30,318 --> 00:06:31,476 Never! Five, 162 00:06:31,784 --> 00:06:34,011 four, three, 163 00:06:34,183 --> 00:06:35,240 two... Oh! 164 00:06:35,316 --> 00:06:36,316 One! 165 00:06:36,382 --> 00:06:37,439 Jake wins! 166 00:06:37,515 --> 00:06:38,673 Amy loses! 167 00:06:39,448 --> 00:06:43,572 Celebrate good times Come on! 168 00:06:46,045 --> 00:06:47,045 Look! 169 00:06:47,378 --> 00:06:51,172 Celebrate good times Come on! Whoo! 170 00:06:52,109 --> 00:06:53,199 Amy Santiago, 171 00:06:54,008 --> 00:06:56,030 you have made me the happiest man on Earth. 172 00:06:56,707 --> 00:06:58,899 I spent one whole dollar on this ring. 173 00:06:58,972 --> 00:07:00,835 Will you go on the worst date ever with me? 174 00:07:00,905 --> 00:07:02,064 You have to say yes! 175 00:07:02,871 --> 00:07:03,893 Yes. 176 00:07:03,970 --> 00:07:06,958 She said yes! She said yes! 177 00:07:07,036 --> 00:07:08,036 This is for you. 178 00:07:08,102 --> 00:07:10,624 ...your party with you Come on now! 179 00:07:16,465 --> 00:07:17,624 Amy Santiago! 180 00:07:18,231 --> 00:07:19,231 Date time! 181 00:07:19,330 --> 00:07:20,330 Time to date! 182 00:07:20,530 --> 00:07:22,688 Peralta, this outfit is ridiculous. 183 00:07:23,029 --> 00:07:26,269 Chop, chop. There's plenty of embarrassing to do and only a few hours to do it in. 184 00:07:29,726 --> 00:07:31,248 Happy? Oh, yeah. 185 00:07:31,792 --> 00:07:34,814 You look like every girl at every Bat Mitzvah I ever had a crush on. 186 00:07:35,490 --> 00:07:36,887 Let's see the bow. 187 00:07:37,257 --> 00:07:38,745 Just like Jenny Gildenhorn. 188 00:07:39,322 --> 00:07:40,548 Why do I wish you had braces? 189 00:07:40,889 --> 00:07:42,689 Should we get you braces? No, that's too much. 190 00:07:43,021 --> 00:07:44,021 Here I come. 191 00:07:46,186 --> 00:07:47,412 Nice shorts. Thank you. 192 00:07:47,485 --> 00:07:49,365 Believe it or not, they were not very expensive. 193 00:07:49,785 --> 00:07:50,943 Do I really have to wear this all night? 194 00:07:51,151 --> 00:07:53,615 You know the rules. The date starts now and ends at midnight. 195 00:07:53,683 --> 00:07:55,875 I decide what you wear, what you eat, and where we go. 196 00:07:56,249 --> 00:07:57,249 Oh! 197 00:07:57,314 --> 00:07:58,394 And there is one more rule. 198 00:07:59,946 --> 00:08:01,071 No matter what happens, 199 00:08:02,312 --> 00:08:03,992 you're not allowed to fall in love with me. 200 00:08:04,779 --> 00:08:05,835 Won't be a problem. 201 00:08:10,942 --> 00:08:13,532 Detective Boyle, I just wanted to say congratulations. 202 00:08:13,741 --> 00:08:14,933 Your medal was well deserved. 203 00:08:15,307 --> 00:08:16,307 Thank you, sir. 204 00:08:16,473 --> 00:08:17,473 Your breath is terrible. 205 00:08:17,673 --> 00:08:19,036 Charles, can I speak with you? 206 00:08:19,838 --> 00:08:21,599 Hey, where's Rosa? 207 00:08:21,871 --> 00:08:23,131 I haven't seen her all night. 208 00:08:23,370 --> 00:08:24,810 Did you know my wife pays me alimony? 209 00:08:24,836 --> 00:08:26,495 Okay, let's take a seat. 210 00:08:26,802 --> 00:08:28,842 I'm gonna keep an eye on you all night, little buddy. 211 00:08:28,868 --> 00:08:29,868 Okay. Thanks! 212 00:08:29,968 --> 00:08:30,968 Hey, baby. 213 00:08:31,034 --> 00:08:33,295 Hey, baby, happy you made it! 214 00:08:33,932 --> 00:08:36,124 Captain, I'd like you to meet my wife, Sharon. 215 00:08:36,332 --> 00:08:37,490 Oh, it's so wonderful to meet you. 216 00:08:37,564 --> 00:08:38,790 I've heard such great things about you. 217 00:08:38,864 --> 00:08:40,886 And you. Your husband is a real hero. 218 00:08:41,763 --> 00:08:43,955 If you ask me, he should've been up there with Detective Boyle today. 219 00:08:44,228 --> 00:08:45,228 What for? 220 00:08:45,428 --> 00:08:46,825 For saving my life. 221 00:08:47,627 --> 00:08:49,921 He means metaphorically, you know. 222 00:08:50,126 --> 00:08:51,751 Saving him from all that paperwork. 223 00:08:51,825 --> 00:08:53,551 Paper cuts are a slow death, baby. 224 00:08:53,791 --> 00:08:55,313 No, I was referring to how he threw his body 225 00:08:55,391 --> 00:08:57,871 at an emotionally disturbed criminal who was trying to kill me. 226 00:08:58,223 --> 00:08:59,245 No! 227 00:09:02,254 --> 00:09:03,254 He did what? 228 00:09:05,086 --> 00:09:06,551 Are you back in the field? 229 00:09:08,685 --> 00:09:10,274 Oh. I have caused a problem. 230 00:09:11,283 --> 00:09:13,271 I think I am... 231 00:09:14,249 --> 00:09:15,373 Getting a text message. 232 00:09:16,348 --> 00:09:18,336 Bloop! Ah, there it is. 233 00:09:20,713 --> 00:09:22,302 Why is this the first I'm hearing about this? 234 00:09:22,379 --> 00:09:23,708 I thought I told you. 235 00:09:24,145 --> 00:09:26,235 Uh, remember when you were half asleep, 236 00:09:26,378 --> 00:09:28,938 watching the news and the babies were crying and I said real low, 237 00:09:29,309 --> 00:09:31,070 "Hey, baby, I'm back in the field. You want something to eat?" 238 00:09:31,142 --> 00:09:32,368 And you were like, "What?" And I was like, 239 00:09:32,541 --> 00:09:34,665 "You want something to eat?" And you said, "Sure." 240 00:09:34,807 --> 00:09:36,635 And I got you an oatmeal cookie. 241 00:09:37,473 --> 00:09:38,495 Remember? 242 00:09:38,605 --> 00:09:41,002 You are a piece of work, Terrance. 243 00:09:42,371 --> 00:09:43,461 Oh, damn. 244 00:09:43,937 --> 00:09:44,993 She called me Terrance. 245 00:09:45,069 --> 00:09:46,069 I'm doomed. 246 00:09:50,034 --> 00:09:51,862 Hot date, comin' through. 247 00:09:52,100 --> 00:09:53,793 Hey, attention, everyone! 248 00:09:54,565 --> 00:09:58,360 Now, I know that tonight is Boyle's big night. 249 00:09:59,930 --> 00:10:02,360 But let's forget about that completely for a moment, 250 00:10:02,729 --> 00:10:03,729 and admire, 251 00:10:03,828 --> 00:10:06,725 and comment on every terrible aspect of this. 252 00:10:09,959 --> 00:10:11,239 Permission to go to the bathroom? 253 00:10:11,359 --> 00:10:13,483 Granted. First of three. Use them wisely. 254 00:10:15,523 --> 00:10:16,523 Hey! 255 00:10:17,155 --> 00:10:19,382 Congrats again, buddy, I really am proud of you. 256 00:10:20,154 --> 00:10:21,314 Still wearing the medal, huh? 257 00:10:21,420 --> 00:10:23,010 Yes, I want women to be impressed by me. 258 00:10:23,653 --> 00:10:25,141 All right. 259 00:10:25,619 --> 00:10:27,448 Well, I'm sorry that I can't stay, but I have 260 00:10:27,518 --> 00:10:29,142 a terrible night planned for Amy. 261 00:10:29,517 --> 00:10:31,641 First up, is the mall photo studio 262 00:10:31,717 --> 00:10:33,477 where we'll take our official date portrait. 263 00:10:33,616 --> 00:10:35,047 The picture will be the two of us 264 00:10:35,215 --> 00:10:36,475 playing one saxophone. 265 00:10:36,814 --> 00:10:37,871 Then... 266 00:10:37,947 --> 00:10:40,105 Some peel-and-eat shrimp for dinner at a dangerously 267 00:10:40,180 --> 00:10:41,338 cheap seafood restaurant. 268 00:10:41,645 --> 00:10:44,610 And then I've contracted a youth choir to serenade us. 269 00:10:45,477 --> 00:10:47,567 Santiago! 270 00:10:47,643 --> 00:10:49,403 Santiago! 271 00:10:49,475 --> 00:10:50,475 Santiago! 272 00:10:50,542 --> 00:10:51,542 Santiago! 273 00:10:51,608 --> 00:10:54,073 You suck so bad 274 00:10:54,240 --> 00:10:55,240 Yes! 275 00:10:55,607 --> 00:10:58,197 They'll sing to her at midnight in the middle of Times Square. 276 00:10:58,538 --> 00:11:00,367 She and 500 German tourists 277 00:11:00,637 --> 00:11:02,330 will savor that memory for all times. 278 00:11:02,769 --> 00:11:05,893 Jake, do you know why little boys pull little girls' pigtails on playgrounds? 279 00:11:06,135 --> 00:11:07,191 'Cause they're so easy to grab, 280 00:11:07,268 --> 00:11:08,588 they're just begging to be pulled. 281 00:11:08,601 --> 00:11:09,896 Because they like the girls 282 00:11:09,967 --> 00:11:12,367 and that's the only way they know how to get their attention. 283 00:11:12,566 --> 00:11:13,566 What are you saying? 284 00:11:13,632 --> 00:11:15,494 All of this teasing, this elaborate date... 285 00:11:15,798 --> 00:11:17,457 Somewhere down deep, you like Amy. 286 00:11:17,563 --> 00:11:18,722 Like, "like her," like her. 287 00:11:19,063 --> 00:11:20,688 Okay, that's straight-up insanity. 288 00:11:21,095 --> 00:11:22,415 How much did you spend on tonight? 289 00:11:22,528 --> 00:11:24,618 $1,400, but all of it's on credit card. 290 00:11:24,794 --> 00:11:26,918 So it's like $5 a month for the next 2,000 years. 291 00:11:26,993 --> 00:11:27,993 I do not like Amy! 292 00:11:28,359 --> 00:11:29,790 You're putting a lot of effort into a joke. 293 00:11:29,858 --> 00:11:31,880 Why don't you just sit down and have a real conversation with her? 294 00:11:32,091 --> 00:11:33,091 Okay, Boyle, 295 00:11:33,490 --> 00:11:35,530 you live in your ex-wife's new boyfriend's basement. 296 00:11:36,389 --> 00:11:37,629 I'm not taking advice from you. 297 00:11:40,054 --> 00:11:42,020 I'm ashamed of my living situation! 298 00:11:43,019 --> 00:11:44,019 Rosa? 299 00:11:44,186 --> 00:11:46,480 Why are you sequestered over by this old cell phone? 300 00:11:46,851 --> 00:11:48,407 I'm avoiding Boyle and his truth bombs. 301 00:11:49,183 --> 00:11:51,115 I sometimes worry I'm gonna become you. 302 00:11:53,582 --> 00:11:54,808 He keeps saying he wants to talk to me. 303 00:11:54,881 --> 00:11:56,601 I'm afraid he's going to tell me he loves me 304 00:11:56,814 --> 00:11:58,094 or propose marriage or something. 305 00:11:58,213 --> 00:12:00,871 Oh, my God, that makes me kinda wanna cry. 306 00:12:01,012 --> 00:12:02,292 He dove in front of those bullets 307 00:12:02,711 --> 00:12:03,711 for me. 308 00:12:03,778 --> 00:12:04,778 I can't be mean to him. 309 00:12:05,743 --> 00:12:08,299 I watched him make coffee for 28 minutes this morning. 310 00:12:08,776 --> 00:12:10,071 But I also can't lead him on. 311 00:12:10,242 --> 00:12:13,002 Captain Holt told me not to let him get hurt tonight, 312 00:12:13,073 --> 00:12:14,353 so, I'll keep him away from you. 313 00:12:17,438 --> 00:12:18,461 Have you seen Rosa? 314 00:12:18,538 --> 00:12:20,127 Rosa died eight years ago. 315 00:12:20,571 --> 00:12:21,627 Come on. 316 00:12:21,703 --> 00:12:22,703 Let's get you a drink. 317 00:12:23,503 --> 00:12:24,729 Uh, excuse me, everyone! 318 00:12:25,035 --> 00:12:29,126 Santiago and I will be performing the steerage jig from the film Titanic, 319 00:12:29,667 --> 00:12:32,291 which we have prepared for in no way, shape, or form. 320 00:12:32,831 --> 00:12:33,831 Romantic. 321 00:12:33,898 --> 00:12:35,056 No. Embarrassing. 322 00:12:35,131 --> 00:12:36,154 Milady. 323 00:12:42,794 --> 00:12:44,419 Do the spinning! I hate your guts. 324 00:12:44,594 --> 00:12:46,684 Channel that passion into the dance. 325 00:12:46,825 --> 00:12:48,552 Peralta! Scully. Tag in. 326 00:12:48,759 --> 00:12:50,019 Okay! Keep spinning. 327 00:12:50,824 --> 00:12:51,824 Yes? 328 00:12:51,924 --> 00:12:52,912 One of our informants just called. 329 00:12:53,156 --> 00:12:55,213 We've been tracking a crew that lifts cargo out of LaGuardia. 330 00:12:55,489 --> 00:12:56,977 The CI knows where the trucks unload, 331 00:12:57,055 --> 00:12:58,655 so I need you to stake out the drop site. 332 00:12:58,854 --> 00:12:59,854 Oh... 333 00:13:00,054 --> 00:13:02,883 Sir, I'm right in the middle of this date and I cannot reschedule. 334 00:13:03,085 --> 00:13:05,482 I have far, far too many nonrefundable deposits. 335 00:13:05,884 --> 00:13:07,747 I'm renting a tiger cub by the hour. 336 00:13:08,083 --> 00:13:09,412 For what? Don't even know. 337 00:13:09,683 --> 00:13:10,739 Waiting for inspiration. 338 00:13:10,815 --> 00:13:12,576 Well, this is not a negotiation. So... 339 00:13:12,881 --> 00:13:13,881 Go! 340 00:13:14,247 --> 00:13:16,167 All right, fine. But I'm taking Santiago with me. 341 00:13:16,380 --> 00:13:18,100 As soon as we're done it's back to the date. 342 00:13:19,046 --> 00:13:20,046 Darling. 343 00:13:20,245 --> 00:13:22,301 Brief pause. Duty calls. Oh, thank God. 344 00:13:25,176 --> 00:13:26,176 Gina, tag in? 345 00:13:26,242 --> 00:13:28,366 No. Not even if it would cure cancer. 346 00:13:28,675 --> 00:13:29,765 Okay. 347 00:13:36,205 --> 00:13:38,137 Look, baby, I'm sorry. 348 00:13:38,571 --> 00:13:40,593 But Captain's life was in danger. 349 00:13:41,236 --> 00:13:42,758 I just did what I had to do. 350 00:13:43,235 --> 00:13:45,098 It was an impulse decision. 351 00:13:45,901 --> 00:13:47,301 Well, I guess I can understand that. 352 00:13:48,567 --> 00:13:49,567 Sharon? 353 00:13:50,232 --> 00:13:51,255 I have to apologize. 354 00:13:51,332 --> 00:13:52,456 I want to assure you that 355 00:13:52,632 --> 00:13:54,460 the call to put Sergeant Jeffords back in the field 356 00:13:54,531 --> 00:13:56,019 wasn't a spur of the moment, 357 00:13:56,264 --> 00:13:57,286 impulse decision. 358 00:13:57,796 --> 00:14:00,226 It's been in the works for a few months now. 359 00:14:01,461 --> 00:14:03,483 Terry said it just happened. 360 00:14:04,360 --> 00:14:06,984 I think you two need to get your stories straight. 361 00:14:09,957 --> 00:14:12,888 Perhaps I should stop talking to your wife. 362 00:14:13,090 --> 00:14:15,554 That's a good call, Captain. 363 00:14:16,221 --> 00:14:17,221 Sharon! 364 00:14:19,320 --> 00:14:21,285 I'm so happy to be out of that dress. 365 00:14:21,520 --> 00:14:22,746 It was weirdly hot. 366 00:14:22,819 --> 00:14:25,841 Oh, yeah, that's probably because it was a cotton and plastic blend. 367 00:14:26,217 --> 00:14:27,274 But, not to worry, 368 00:14:27,351 --> 00:14:28,838 we're gonna catch these guys and get back to 369 00:14:28,916 --> 00:14:30,109 the worst date of your life. 370 00:14:30,315 --> 00:14:31,315 Mmm, no. 371 00:14:31,415 --> 00:14:34,176 Nothing will ever be worse than the date I had with my aunt's dentist. 372 00:14:34,780 --> 00:14:35,900 You should try some of this. 373 00:14:36,579 --> 00:14:37,579 Okay. 374 00:14:38,379 --> 00:14:39,605 Oh, okay. Hold on. 375 00:14:39,745 --> 00:14:40,745 Wait... Huh? 376 00:14:40,944 --> 00:14:42,603 Yeah, dessert is out of the question. 377 00:14:44,810 --> 00:14:46,010 What was your worst date ever? 378 00:14:46,243 --> 00:14:47,832 I think it's like a fifty-way tie. 379 00:14:48,841 --> 00:14:52,499 The last lady I went out with burst into tears when I told her I was a Gemini. 380 00:14:53,772 --> 00:14:54,828 Wow. 381 00:14:55,038 --> 00:14:56,518 Hey, those people left that door open. 382 00:14:57,037 --> 00:14:59,037 I bet there's a better vantage point from the roof. 383 00:14:59,136 --> 00:15:01,658 Hmm. And I bet it doesn't smell like old cheese. 384 00:15:02,302 --> 00:15:03,358 Okay, that's hurtful. 385 00:15:03,935 --> 00:15:05,195 Shall we? Yeah. 386 00:15:05,400 --> 00:15:06,865 So, what else don't I know? 387 00:15:07,200 --> 00:15:08,756 You cooking meth? Are you Breaking Bad? 388 00:15:09,132 --> 00:15:10,563 How many phones do you have? 389 00:15:10,732 --> 00:15:13,697 I'm sorry. I need to clarify something I said earlier. 390 00:15:13,930 --> 00:15:16,088 Sergeant Jeffords was correct when he said 391 00:15:16,163 --> 00:15:19,356 that his choice to go back in the field that night was an impulse decision. 392 00:15:19,761 --> 00:15:22,555 He didn't even take the time to stop and gear up. So... What? 393 00:15:22,926 --> 00:15:24,119 You didn't have your vest on? 394 00:15:24,726 --> 00:15:25,726 Oh, no! 395 00:15:26,426 --> 00:15:28,084 Oh, goodness. I shouldn't have said that. 396 00:15:28,358 --> 00:15:30,255 I feel I may have made things worse. Wait! 397 00:15:30,990 --> 00:15:32,013 I can fix this, Ray. 398 00:15:32,089 --> 00:15:33,748 Now's not the time, Boyle. Hush! 399 00:15:34,022 --> 00:15:35,022 I wanna hear this. 400 00:15:35,121 --> 00:15:36,441 Boyle, let's not make big... Hush! 401 00:15:36,754 --> 00:15:37,754 Truth time. 402 00:15:38,653 --> 00:15:39,653 We love your husband. 403 00:15:39,886 --> 00:15:40,886 He's a great cop. 404 00:15:41,119 --> 00:15:42,479 We will do anything to protect him. 405 00:15:43,152 --> 00:15:45,117 And you have incredibly attractive hands. 406 00:15:45,384 --> 00:15:46,384 And you! 407 00:15:46,450 --> 00:15:48,330 What the hell are you doing, lying to your wife? 408 00:15:48,683 --> 00:15:50,375 Unless you wanna end up moving into my ex-wife's 409 00:15:50,448 --> 00:15:51,811 new boyfriend's basement with me, 410 00:15:52,081 --> 00:15:53,171 you better man up! 411 00:15:53,280 --> 00:15:54,870 Don't you ever keep anything 412 00:15:54,947 --> 00:15:56,378 from this beautiful woman again! 413 00:15:57,112 --> 00:15:58,372 Seriously, you are beautiful. 414 00:15:58,445 --> 00:15:59,910 Oh! If he ever lies to you again, 415 00:16:00,078 --> 00:16:01,078 you can call me. 416 00:16:03,210 --> 00:16:04,301 I'm sorry, honey. 417 00:16:04,809 --> 00:16:05,933 I just didn't want you to worry. 418 00:16:06,008 --> 00:16:08,235 Baby, I am always gonna worry about you. 419 00:16:08,774 --> 00:16:10,094 But if you feel like you're ready, 420 00:16:10,140 --> 00:16:11,935 then get your ass back in the field. But... 421 00:16:13,005 --> 00:16:14,595 If you ever keep anything from me again, 422 00:16:14,672 --> 00:16:15,830 I will leave you 423 00:16:16,004 --> 00:16:18,804 for this short earnest man and his ex-wife's new boyfriend's apartment. 424 00:16:19,269 --> 00:16:22,132 I know you're kidding, but Hercules is actually a very good landlord. 425 00:16:22,435 --> 00:16:24,195 Sometimes when they go on nice vacations, 426 00:16:24,434 --> 00:16:25,674 I'm allowed to use the hot tub. 427 00:16:29,132 --> 00:16:31,926 Man, I don't know how Batman does it. It is super scary up here. 428 00:16:32,231 --> 00:16:34,526 Hey, will you grab the binoculars? They're in my stakeout bag. 429 00:16:34,597 --> 00:16:37,289 Your stakeout bag is 98% nuts. 430 00:16:37,829 --> 00:16:38,919 I get snacky. 431 00:16:39,094 --> 00:16:41,525 Besides, nuts are super healthy. They're like 0% fat. 432 00:16:42,327 --> 00:16:43,724 Jake, that's not true at all. 433 00:16:43,793 --> 00:16:45,280 It's actually the opposite. 434 00:16:45,358 --> 00:16:47,755 What? That nut vendor lied to me. 435 00:16:50,956 --> 00:16:52,819 I think a pigeon just flew out of your car. 436 00:16:52,923 --> 00:16:55,183 Yeah, the windows don't exactly roll up. 437 00:16:55,754 --> 00:16:57,050 The car's a piece of crap. 438 00:16:57,353 --> 00:16:58,648 Why do you love it so much? 439 00:16:59,586 --> 00:17:01,108 You really want to know? 440 00:17:02,951 --> 00:17:05,280 I was two days out of the academy, super nervous. 441 00:17:05,350 --> 00:17:07,710 I saw this guy run out of a bodega clutching a bunch of cash. 442 00:17:07,749 --> 00:17:09,544 So, I pursued him, on foot. 443 00:17:09,782 --> 00:17:10,782 Eleven blocks. 444 00:17:11,614 --> 00:17:13,170 Finally catch him, cuff him, 445 00:17:13,647 --> 00:17:16,010 throw him up against that car. 446 00:17:16,813 --> 00:17:18,778 Turned out there was a "for sale" sign in the window. 447 00:17:18,845 --> 00:17:21,071 And, it being the best day of my life, I bought it. 448 00:17:22,343 --> 00:17:23,706 Thus, began the debt. 449 00:17:24,176 --> 00:17:25,233 "Crushing debt." 450 00:17:26,308 --> 00:17:27,308 Yeah. You do know me. 451 00:17:27,908 --> 00:17:28,908 Nut? 452 00:17:29,240 --> 00:17:30,330 Only if you throw it. 453 00:17:30,406 --> 00:17:32,530 Ready? Ready? Mmm-hmm. 454 00:17:33,905 --> 00:17:34,928 Nice. 455 00:17:35,571 --> 00:17:36,571 Ready? Uh-huh. 456 00:17:41,902 --> 00:17:42,958 What are you doing? 457 00:17:43,634 --> 00:17:44,964 Trying to catch it in your nose? 458 00:17:45,033 --> 00:17:47,157 I got it. I got it. I got it. 459 00:17:47,366 --> 00:17:49,194 All right. It's Holt. Keep practicing. 460 00:17:49,265 --> 00:17:50,265 Okay. 461 00:17:50,864 --> 00:17:52,454 Peralta. Oh, good news, Peralta. 462 00:17:52,797 --> 00:17:55,517 I found someone from the night shift to relieve you on your stakeout. 463 00:17:55,529 --> 00:17:57,222 Oh, I can still make Times Square. 464 00:17:58,494 --> 00:17:59,494 Um... 465 00:18:01,460 --> 00:18:04,100 You know, Captain, hold off on the relief team. We're already here. 466 00:18:04,725 --> 00:18:06,384 Plus, I'm curious to see what happens. 467 00:18:06,458 --> 00:18:07,980 Okay. It's your call. All right. 468 00:18:11,456 --> 00:18:12,614 What did Holt want? 469 00:18:12,688 --> 00:18:14,744 Just checking in. How you doing? Any progress? 470 00:18:14,921 --> 00:18:16,284 Yep, watch. 471 00:18:19,153 --> 00:18:21,050 The key is volume. I see that. 472 00:18:24,817 --> 00:18:26,282 So be honest, if you'd won the bet, 473 00:18:26,350 --> 00:18:27,790 were you really gonna destroy my car? 474 00:18:28,715 --> 00:18:30,442 No. I was gonna drive it. 475 00:18:31,081 --> 00:18:32,137 So I could learn stick. 476 00:18:33,780 --> 00:18:35,075 You wouldn't. I would. 477 00:18:35,413 --> 00:18:37,275 Would have been like... 478 00:18:37,345 --> 00:18:39,004 No, no! 479 00:18:39,744 --> 00:18:40,744 Hey, hey. 480 00:18:42,476 --> 00:18:43,476 There's our guys. 481 00:18:43,542 --> 00:18:44,599 What's the play here? 482 00:18:45,041 --> 00:18:46,041 Just follow my lead. 483 00:18:46,341 --> 00:18:47,341 Give me the ring. 484 00:18:48,874 --> 00:18:50,032 Now give me some nuts. 485 00:18:51,006 --> 00:18:52,006 I'm snacky. 486 00:18:53,238 --> 00:18:55,396 All right, fine, darling. I'll ask him. 487 00:18:55,470 --> 00:18:56,992 Will that make you happy? Excuse me, sir. 488 00:18:57,070 --> 00:18:58,160 Uh, we're kinda busy here. 489 00:18:58,269 --> 00:19:00,234 Yeah. My girlfriend here thinks we're lost. 490 00:19:00,602 --> 00:19:03,431 No. I know we're lost. I think he's an idiot. 491 00:19:03,601 --> 00:19:07,157 Idiot? You know why we're out here in the middle of the night, Susan? 492 00:19:07,233 --> 00:19:08,697 I was gonna propose to you. 493 00:19:09,132 --> 00:19:11,154 On the Brooklyn Bridge, where we met. 494 00:19:11,497 --> 00:19:13,792 Brooklyn Bridge? We met on the Manhattan Bridge! 495 00:19:13,863 --> 00:19:15,522 You know what? This is over. 496 00:19:15,962 --> 00:19:18,042 Say goodbye to the ring and everything it represents! 497 00:19:18,428 --> 00:19:21,018 Oh! You son of a bitch! 498 00:19:21,160 --> 00:19:23,250 Hey! Hey! Stop yelling! 499 00:19:23,326 --> 00:19:25,188 Hey, no one talks to Susan like that. 500 00:19:25,258 --> 00:19:27,938 And you know what... On the ground. NYPD! NYPD! You're under arrest! 501 00:19:28,090 --> 00:19:29,090 Nice work. 502 00:19:29,390 --> 00:19:30,390 You, too. 503 00:19:31,188 --> 00:19:32,518 I'm sad you're all arresting me, 504 00:19:33,155 --> 00:19:34,995 but I gotta say, I'm glad you're back together. 505 00:19:40,119 --> 00:19:41,811 Hey, I need to talk to you. 506 00:19:42,351 --> 00:19:43,646 Uh-oh. It's happening. 507 00:19:45,483 --> 00:19:47,163 Remember when I took those bullets for you? 508 00:19:47,415 --> 00:19:48,812 Okay, let's do this. 509 00:19:49,415 --> 00:19:50,437 I think you're sweet. 510 00:19:50,514 --> 00:19:51,514 I didn't know it was you. 511 00:19:53,079 --> 00:19:56,079 When I jumped in front of those bullets, I didn't know who I was protecting. 512 00:19:56,379 --> 00:19:59,866 I just saw a gun and an NYPD vest, and so I dove on instinct. 513 00:20:00,510 --> 00:20:03,270 You've been extra nice to me because you thought I risked my life for you, 514 00:20:03,342 --> 00:20:05,636 but, I only did what every good cop would do. 515 00:20:07,340 --> 00:20:08,703 When you finally go out with me, 516 00:20:08,773 --> 00:20:09,773 and you will, 517 00:20:09,905 --> 00:20:12,393 it'll be because I do things that only Charles Boyle would do. 518 00:20:19,302 --> 00:20:21,631 Um, actually, I have a coat in here. 519 00:20:21,867 --> 00:20:22,867 It's, uh... 520 00:20:23,034 --> 00:20:25,022 It's like... Actually, I see it. It's like... 521 00:20:25,100 --> 00:20:26,300 It's blue... It's like right... 522 00:20:29,164 --> 00:20:30,764 Excellent job on the stakeout last night. 523 00:20:31,397 --> 00:20:32,555 I'm glad to see you two 524 00:20:32,629 --> 00:20:34,709 still work well together despite that ridiculous bet. 525 00:20:35,261 --> 00:20:36,284 Thanks. Me, too. 526 00:20:36,661 --> 00:20:38,650 And I appreciate you turning down the relief team. 527 00:20:38,860 --> 00:20:40,500 I'm not sure they could've made that bust. 528 00:20:41,259 --> 00:20:42,417 Yeah... Right. 529 00:20:43,258 --> 00:20:44,258 The relief team. 530 00:20:45,857 --> 00:20:46,857 So... 531 00:20:47,690 --> 00:20:49,450 Sorry you lost so much money last night. 532 00:20:50,122 --> 00:20:51,962 Guess you can add it to your list of bad dates. 533 00:20:52,321 --> 00:20:54,343 Nah, it still goes on the good date list. 534 00:20:55,220 --> 00:20:56,780 You know, 'cause we caught the bad guys. 535 00:20:58,585 --> 00:20:59,710 That's very mature of you. 536 00:20:59,851 --> 00:21:01,578 Well, I am a very mature man. 537 00:21:02,384 --> 00:21:03,849 Package for Amy Santiago. 538 00:21:04,550 --> 00:21:06,447 That's me. Special Delivery from... 539 00:21:06,649 --> 00:21:08,273 Jake Peralta to say, 540 00:21:08,781 --> 00:21:09,781 "Thanks for last night." 541 00:21:09,947 --> 00:21:11,503 Oh, no. I forgot to cancel. 542 00:21:12,646 --> 00:21:13,737 Here I am Cancel what? 543 00:21:13,845 --> 00:21:15,674 Sir, you don't have to... Oh! 544 00:21:15,745 --> 00:21:18,266 - Rock you like a hurricane - All right. So... 545 00:21:21,009 --> 00:21:22,009 No! Okay. Ah, okay. 546 00:21:22,076 --> 00:21:23,076 No, no, no, no, no. 547 00:21:23,141 --> 00:21:24,141 Stepping in. Stepping in. 548 00:21:24,208 --> 00:21:25,408 I'll take this bullet for you. 549 00:21:26,606 --> 00:21:27,901 Hitchcock, what are you doing? 550 00:21:28,239 --> 00:21:31,294 I thought... Aren't we all gonna... No?