1 00:00:01,461 --> 00:00:03,204 Morning, Scully. How was your weekend? 2 00:00:03,205 --> 00:00:07,308 Oh, fun. Kelly and I hit the park, went for a long walk. 3 00:00:07,309 --> 00:00:08,776 Fell asleep watching TV. 4 00:00:08,810 --> 00:00:12,713 Oh. Sounds like a fun weekend with Kelly. 5 00:00:12,714 --> 00:00:15,783 So, Kelly. Is that Scully's wife or his dog? 6 00:00:15,817 --> 00:00:17,751 Uh... Wait. 7 00:00:17,786 --> 00:00:18,953 No one knows Scully's wife's name? 8 00:00:18,987 --> 00:00:20,421 I think Kelly is his dog. 9 00:00:20,422 --> 00:00:22,189 Went for a long walk. That's what you do with a dog. 10 00:00:22,224 --> 00:00:24,391 You can go on a long walk with a person. 11 00:00:24,392 --> 00:00:25,626 At sunset. 12 00:00:25,627 --> 00:00:27,728 Talking about nothing. And everything. 13 00:00:27,729 --> 00:00:30,564 Sounds awful. Hit the park. That's a dog. 14 00:00:30,599 --> 00:00:33,300 My wife takes the babies to the park all the time. 15 00:00:33,301 --> 00:00:35,135 All right, we're doing this. 16 00:00:35,136 --> 00:00:36,403 Let's play "wife or dog." 17 00:00:36,404 --> 00:00:38,539 Hey, so Scully, 18 00:00:38,573 --> 00:00:40,674 what do you do at the park with Kelly? 19 00:00:40,675 --> 00:00:42,209 Oh, we just walk around. 20 00:00:42,210 --> 00:00:44,411 She gets antsy if she doesn't get outside enough. 21 00:00:44,412 --> 00:00:47,448 And then it's just yap, yap, yap, all day long. 22 00:00:47,482 --> 00:00:50,317 Hey, what's Kelly's favorite food? 23 00:00:50,352 --> 00:00:53,354 Peanut butter. She'll eat it right out of the jar. 24 00:00:53,355 --> 00:00:54,555 How old is Kelly again? 25 00:00:54,589 --> 00:00:55,823 Well, she's getting up there, 26 00:00:55,824 --> 00:00:57,658 but she's pretty spry for her age. 27 00:00:57,659 --> 00:00:59,760 Especially considering she got hit by that car a year ago. 28 00:00:59,761 --> 00:01:01,428 Oh, that's so awful. 29 00:01:01,429 --> 00:01:03,264 Was she chasing something into the street, or... 30 00:01:03,298 --> 00:01:05,766 No. Just getting me the newspaper. 31 00:01:05,767 --> 00:01:07,468 All right, this is useless. 32 00:01:07,469 --> 00:01:09,003 Scully, is Kelly your wife or your dog? 33 00:01:09,037 --> 00:01:12,606 How can you ask me that? 34 00:01:12,607 --> 00:01:14,508 I still don't know which it is. 35 00:01:14,509 --> 00:01:16,577 - Could be either. - I could not tell you. 36 00:01:16,611 --> 00:01:20,374 Sync & corrections by Rafael UPD www.addic7ed.com/ 37 00:01:36,631 --> 00:01:38,132 Okay, what do you got? 38 00:01:38,166 --> 00:01:40,134 Yup. 39 00:01:40,168 --> 00:01:41,935 Oh, sir, are you looking for your glasses? 40 00:01:41,970 --> 00:01:44,138 I borrowed them to do an impression of you. 41 00:01:44,139 --> 00:01:45,139 It killed. 42 00:01:45,140 --> 00:01:47,808 Peralta, give me my glasses. 43 00:01:47,842 --> 00:01:50,044 Peralta, give me back my glasses. 44 00:01:50,078 --> 00:01:51,145 Okay. 45 00:01:51,179 --> 00:01:52,680 All right, lay out the steroids case. 46 00:01:52,714 --> 00:01:54,281 It's a major operation. 47 00:01:54,282 --> 00:01:55,516 And one of the biggest black market distributors 48 00:01:55,517 --> 00:01:56,817 in all of Brooklyn. 49 00:01:56,851 --> 00:02:00,487 And it's centered at a gym called Brooklyn total body. 50 00:02:00,488 --> 00:02:02,539 The center of our investigation is a guy named Brandon jacoby. 51 00:02:02,557 --> 00:02:05,392 He did seven years at Rikers for assault. 52 00:02:07,796 --> 00:02:10,564 We spent two weeks undercover infiltrating the gym. 53 00:02:10,565 --> 00:02:12,933 "Gym-filtrating" it. I coined that. 54 00:02:12,934 --> 00:02:15,669 I think it'll really catch on if more people infiltrated gyms. 55 00:02:15,704 --> 00:02:18,872 We believe that jacoby can link us to the distributors, 56 00:02:18,873 --> 00:02:21,375 but he only talks to trainers and other muscle heads. 57 00:02:21,409 --> 00:02:23,310 So we want to bring in the sarge. 58 00:02:23,345 --> 00:02:25,045 His name will be Trent Carter. 59 00:02:25,080 --> 00:02:26,380 A personal trainer, bouncer, 60 00:02:26,381 --> 00:02:29,049 and assistant manager at petsmart. 61 00:02:29,050 --> 00:02:30,784 It's the economy. What can you do? 62 00:02:30,819 --> 00:02:32,486 Gentlemen, have a seat. 63 00:02:32,520 --> 00:02:34,788 Sergeant Jeffords is just getting back in the field. 64 00:02:34,789 --> 00:02:35,789 What if he panics again? 65 00:02:35,824 --> 00:02:37,658 Why is everyone so worried about the sarge? 66 00:02:37,659 --> 00:02:39,660 I mean, he saved your life at the rail yard. 67 00:02:39,694 --> 00:02:42,529 Okay. It's your case. 68 00:02:42,530 --> 00:02:44,298 But if anything goes wrong, it's on you. 69 00:02:44,332 --> 00:02:46,900 Trust me, the sergeant will be fine. 70 00:02:46,901 --> 00:02:48,902 If you want to worry about anyone panicking in the field 71 00:02:48,903 --> 00:02:50,003 it should be Boyle. 72 00:02:50,004 --> 00:02:52,039 Damn straight. 73 00:02:52,040 --> 00:02:53,240 Wait, why'd high five that? 74 00:02:53,241 --> 00:02:54,842 'Cause you're a sucker for a high five. 75 00:02:54,843 --> 00:02:58,011 Damn straight I am. 76 00:02:58,046 --> 00:03:00,381 Captain, I need a favor. 77 00:03:00,382 --> 00:03:02,483 My apartment got broken into last night. 78 00:03:02,517 --> 00:03:04,251 Gina, that's terrible. Are you okay? 79 00:03:04,285 --> 00:03:06,587 I'm fine, but I suffered the loss 80 00:03:06,588 --> 00:03:08,389 of many treasured items. 81 00:03:08,390 --> 00:03:11,091 Such as my grandma's jewelry, some cash, 82 00:03:11,126 --> 00:03:15,963 and this very fancy gown with, like, a magic eye print. 83 00:03:15,997 --> 00:03:18,265 Do you have any connections in the FBI or CIA? 84 00:03:18,266 --> 00:03:20,901 There's no one else I can turn to to solve this crime. 85 00:03:20,902 --> 00:03:22,403 Gina, you work in a police precinct. 86 00:03:22,404 --> 00:03:23,404 You can turn to anyone here. 87 00:03:23,438 --> 00:03:25,205 You think these buffoons can help? 88 00:03:25,206 --> 00:03:26,240 They're buffoons. 89 00:03:26,274 --> 00:03:27,741 They are not buffoons. 90 00:03:27,776 --> 00:03:30,277 Try the heel. 91 00:03:31,646 --> 00:03:33,414 Still don't feel anything. 92 00:03:33,448 --> 00:03:36,183 Awesome. I wish I had nerve damage. 93 00:03:36,217 --> 00:03:38,419 Some of them are buffoons. 94 00:03:38,420 --> 00:03:40,587 But I'll find the non-buffoons to investigate. 95 00:03:40,622 --> 00:03:43,590 Could you ask Scully to return my thumbtacks? 96 00:03:43,625 --> 00:03:45,292 I already put 'em in a biohazard bag 97 00:03:45,293 --> 00:03:46,760 and tossed 'em in the furnace. 98 00:03:46,761 --> 00:03:47,795 Good call. 99 00:03:47,829 --> 00:03:49,496 You ready, sarge? 100 00:03:49,497 --> 00:03:50,664 I was born ready. 101 00:03:50,698 --> 00:03:52,866 And then I was not born ready for a while, 102 00:03:52,867 --> 00:03:54,435 but now I'm back to being born ready. 103 00:03:54,436 --> 00:03:57,004 Yes! The ebony falcon soars again. 104 00:03:57,038 --> 00:03:58,338 The ebony falcon. 105 00:03:58,373 --> 00:04:00,307 His feathers are muscles. 106 00:04:00,341 --> 00:04:02,543 Let's talk strategy later tonight at my house. 107 00:04:02,544 --> 00:04:04,611 My wife's working late, I'm on daddy duty. 108 00:04:04,646 --> 00:04:05,946 But you're ready for this, right? 109 00:04:05,947 --> 00:04:07,381 Absolutely. 110 00:04:07,382 --> 00:04:10,784 I just need to put my precious babies to bed with a story. 111 00:04:10,785 --> 00:04:14,588 The ebony falcon needs to read go, dog, go. 112 00:04:14,622 --> 00:04:15,823 Yeah, he does. 113 00:04:15,824 --> 00:04:17,674 Terry Jeffords is back! Chest bump me. 114 00:04:17,692 --> 00:04:18,692 You don't want to do this, man. 115 00:04:18,693 --> 00:04:19,693 No, I really do. 116 00:04:19,694 --> 00:04:20,794 It hurts you every time. 117 00:04:20,829 --> 00:04:21,929 No, I know, but I'm fired up. 118 00:04:21,930 --> 00:04:23,230 The adrenaline is gonna carry me through. 119 00:04:23,231 --> 00:04:24,298 Here we go. 120 00:04:30,305 --> 00:04:32,406 No signs of forced entry at the door. 121 00:04:32,407 --> 00:04:33,807 But the window was jimmied. 122 00:04:33,808 --> 00:04:35,142 You don't have locks on your windows. 123 00:04:35,176 --> 00:04:36,577 Way to blame the victim. 124 00:04:36,578 --> 00:04:38,979 Sorry I'm not rich like you, miss 1%. 125 00:04:39,013 --> 00:04:41,882 They cost $8. You have a fur bedspread. 126 00:04:41,883 --> 00:04:44,184 Why do you have so many lycra bodysuits? 127 00:04:44,185 --> 00:04:46,820 And why do you need eight full drawers of underwear? 128 00:04:46,855 --> 00:04:48,822 Because I'm civilized. 129 00:04:48,823 --> 00:04:50,958 Less talky-talk, more solvey-solve. 130 00:04:50,992 --> 00:04:53,026 We need an itemized list of everything that was stolen. 131 00:04:53,061 --> 00:04:54,628 I already gave it to Captain Holt. 132 00:04:54,662 --> 00:04:58,499 $160 in cash, one TV, 133 00:04:58,533 --> 00:05:01,201 one large painting of a naked lady on a lion, 134 00:05:01,236 --> 00:05:03,837 one set of Joseph Gordon-levitt nesting dolls... 135 00:05:03,838 --> 00:05:04,838 Wow. 136 00:05:04,839 --> 00:05:06,840 Homemade and irreplaceable. 137 00:05:06,875 --> 00:05:08,575 One music box that plays 138 00:05:08,576 --> 00:05:11,345 she works hard for the money when opened. 139 00:05:11,379 --> 00:05:12,579 One knockoff designer clutch... 140 00:05:12,614 --> 00:05:14,181 Can't you just buy another knockoff? 141 00:05:14,215 --> 00:05:16,250 No, I can't, silly sue. 142 00:05:16,251 --> 00:05:18,719 'Cause the label no longer makes the original, 143 00:05:18,720 --> 00:05:21,021 so the sweatshop no longer makes the knockoff. 144 00:05:21,055 --> 00:05:23,857 Can you estimate the value of everything that was taken? 145 00:05:23,892 --> 00:05:28,829 Emotionally, $700 million. 146 00:05:30,365 --> 00:05:32,232 Somebody at the door. Yeah. 147 00:05:32,233 --> 00:05:33,232 Hey, sarge. 148 00:05:33,234 --> 00:05:35,102 Sorry about the mess. 149 00:05:35,103 --> 00:05:36,236 Hi, Cagney. Hi, Lacey. 150 00:05:36,271 --> 00:05:38,906 Hey, your kids like the same kind of cereal as me. 151 00:05:38,940 --> 00:05:40,207 Well, we just finished story time. 152 00:05:40,241 --> 00:05:42,075 I'm gonna kiss the girls night-night, 153 00:05:42,076 --> 00:05:43,744 then we can get down to business. 154 00:05:43,745 --> 00:05:46,079 All right, time for night-night, girls. 155 00:05:46,114 --> 00:05:48,882 He is so strong but so gentle. 156 00:05:48,883 --> 00:05:51,652 He's like an enormous, muscular Ellen Degeneres. 157 00:05:51,686 --> 00:05:54,254 You know, I just want to let you guys know 158 00:05:54,255 --> 00:05:56,924 that I love you girls so, so muc 159 00:05:56,958 --> 00:05:58,725 okay? So sleep tight. 160 00:05:58,760 --> 00:06:01,828 You know, daddy will never leave you, right, girls? 161 00:06:01,863 --> 00:06:03,564 Night-night, daddy. 162 00:06:03,565 --> 00:06:06,767 Gosh. Really makes you understand what he went through. 163 00:06:06,768 --> 00:06:08,435 I'm worried about Terry. 164 00:06:08,469 --> 00:06:11,638 We can't let anything bad happen to him. 165 00:06:13,894 --> 00:06:14,927 Jake, where are you? 166 00:06:14,961 --> 00:06:18,330 In here. 167 00:06:18,331 --> 00:06:19,732 Oh... 168 00:06:19,733 --> 00:06:21,634 This is a classy tepee. 169 00:06:21,635 --> 00:06:23,502 Should we get these instead of desks at work? 170 00:06:23,537 --> 00:06:25,004 We have to get Terry off this case. 171 00:06:25,038 --> 00:06:26,105 What? Why? 172 00:06:26,139 --> 00:06:27,473 Look, I thought he was a weirdo 173 00:06:27,474 --> 00:06:29,642 for having his year-long freak-out, but I get it now. 174 00:06:29,643 --> 00:06:32,111 He has children. What happens to them if he gets hurt? 175 00:06:32,112 --> 00:06:33,379 I'll have to take care of them. 176 00:06:33,413 --> 00:06:36,182 Or his wife or other family or his more mature friends, 177 00:06:36,183 --> 00:06:37,516 but interesting point. 178 00:06:37,517 --> 00:06:39,018 Why is this just hitting you now? 179 00:06:39,052 --> 00:06:41,020 I don't know, I guess I just hadn't seen his kids in so long 180 00:06:41,021 --> 00:06:43,322 he never takes them around the precinct for some reason. 181 00:06:43,323 --> 00:06:45,191 Because of all the guns and danger. 182 00:06:45,192 --> 00:06:47,460 If you have concerns, maybe you should talk to Terry about it. 183 00:06:47,461 --> 00:06:49,161 No. And you can't either. 184 00:06:49,162 --> 00:06:50,663 If he finds out we're worried about him, 185 00:06:50,664 --> 00:06:52,064 it'll get in his head and freak him out. 186 00:06:52,065 --> 00:06:53,432 He'll lose his edge and panic. 187 00:06:53,433 --> 00:06:55,234 Yeah, that's why I've never tried to develop an edge. 188 00:06:55,235 --> 00:06:56,502 You can't lose what you don't have. 189 00:06:56,503 --> 00:06:57,503 No surprises. 190 00:06:57,504 --> 00:06:58,604 What are you guys talking about? 191 00:06:58,605 --> 00:07:00,139 Work. International taxes and tariffs. 192 00:07:00,140 --> 00:07:01,740 Work. 193 00:07:01,741 --> 00:07:02,741 Heh. 194 00:07:02,742 --> 00:07:03,976 So... 195 00:07:04,010 --> 00:07:05,344 What's the plan at the gym? 196 00:07:05,345 --> 00:07:06,545 Well, I say we slow-play it. 197 00:07:06,546 --> 00:07:07,546 You know? 198 00:07:07,547 --> 00:07:08,647 Do a little more setup, 199 00:07:08,648 --> 00:07:09,982 a little surveillance, 200 00:07:09,983 --> 00:07:12,651 wait a couple months and see if they turn themselves in. 201 00:07:12,686 --> 00:07:14,587 Listen, man, I know everybody's worried about me 202 00:07:14,588 --> 00:07:16,388 being psychologically ready for this. 203 00:07:16,389 --> 00:07:18,157 But I promise you I am. 204 00:07:18,158 --> 00:07:19,525 No matter what happens, 205 00:07:19,526 --> 00:07:21,193 no matter how many bullets are flying, 206 00:07:21,194 --> 00:07:23,996 I'm gonna be right there in the middle of everything. 207 00:07:23,997 --> 00:07:25,898 I got your back. 208 00:07:25,899 --> 00:07:29,602 No, it's not even that, you know, it's just... 209 00:07:29,603 --> 00:07:31,437 Well, frankly, I'm not so sure that everyone at the gym 210 00:07:31,438 --> 00:07:32,838 is gonna buy you as a trainer. 211 00:07:32,873 --> 00:07:34,753 You've been sitting behind that desk for so long 212 00:07:34,774 --> 00:07:36,075 you've gotten a little tubby. 213 00:07:36,076 --> 00:07:38,143 Right? It's like, love handle alert! 214 00:07:38,144 --> 00:07:39,645 Do you have a bone there somehow? 215 00:07:39,679 --> 00:07:43,816 Jake, I promise. I'm good. 216 00:07:43,817 --> 00:07:45,251 Oops. 217 00:07:45,285 --> 00:07:48,654 I gotta put this stuffed giraffe between my two girls. 218 00:07:48,655 --> 00:07:52,124 They both like to snuggle against his head. 219 00:07:52,158 --> 00:07:53,359 Here comes Mr. snuggles. 220 00:07:53,360 --> 00:07:55,895 Here comes Mr. snuggles. 221 00:07:58,899 --> 00:07:59,999 Okay, thanks. 222 00:08:00,033 --> 00:08:02,701 Crime tech report from your apartment came back. 223 00:08:02,702 --> 00:08:04,270 Apparently they found a strand of hair 224 00:08:04,271 --> 00:08:05,771 belonging to Mario Lopez. 225 00:08:05,772 --> 00:08:07,873 I bought a lock of his hair at an auction. 226 00:08:07,874 --> 00:08:10,042 That's cool it's real. 227 00:08:10,043 --> 00:08:11,410 What'd they say about the prints? 228 00:08:11,411 --> 00:08:13,112 None of the partials returned any matches. 229 00:08:13,113 --> 00:08:15,581 Nobody in your building saw anything. We've hit a wall. 230 00:08:15,582 --> 00:08:16,949 So what do we do next? 231 00:08:16,950 --> 00:08:19,018 Do I just look for another apartment? 232 00:08:19,019 --> 00:08:20,853 Should I buy a handgun? 233 00:08:20,854 --> 00:08:22,454 Should I buy a shotgun? 234 00:08:22,455 --> 00:08:23,656 Should I buy an uzi? 235 00:08:23,690 --> 00:08:26,292 Look, Gina, we've done all we can. 236 00:08:26,293 --> 00:08:27,893 This is how it goes with most B and es. 237 00:08:27,928 --> 00:08:29,962 Mm. All right. 238 00:08:29,996 --> 00:08:32,298 C'est la vie. Let me grab your badge numbers. 239 00:08:32,332 --> 00:08:33,599 'Cause I will be filing 240 00:08:33,600 --> 00:08:35,701 an official civilian complaint with the Captain. 241 00:08:39,839 --> 00:08:40,839 Why did I just receive 242 00:08:40,840 --> 00:08:42,201 a civilian complaint about you two? 243 00:08:42,208 --> 00:08:43,709 I can answer this. 244 00:08:43,710 --> 00:08:45,844 Because your assistant is a goblin. 245 00:08:45,879 --> 00:08:47,313 Captain, we swept the scene, ran the prints, 246 00:08:47,347 --> 00:08:51,517 canvassed the building. We followed procedure. 247 00:08:51,518 --> 00:08:56,121 "Procedure" is just a fancy word for proper order to do things. 248 00:08:56,122 --> 00:08:58,090 Yes, that is it's definition. 249 00:08:58,091 --> 00:09:00,159 This is a miscarriage of justice. 250 00:09:00,193 --> 00:09:01,994 I'm gonna haunt your dreams. 251 00:09:10,236 --> 00:09:11,537 You sure you can lift this much weight? 252 00:09:11,571 --> 00:09:13,439 Are you kidding me? 253 00:09:13,440 --> 00:09:15,975 I was the strongest kid in my camp seven summers in a row. 254 00:09:15,976 --> 00:09:17,309 It would've been eight 255 00:09:17,310 --> 00:09:19,078 if that freak Rebecca Lobelman hadn't showed up. 256 00:09:19,112 --> 00:09:21,313 Let's put in work. 257 00:09:21,314 --> 00:09:22,314 And here we go. 258 00:09:22,315 --> 00:09:23,349 One. 259 00:09:23,350 --> 00:09:25,017 And I'm done. That's it. 260 00:09:25,018 --> 00:09:27,019 Oh, good rep. Don't wanna get too bulky. 261 00:09:27,020 --> 00:09:29,388 Two things. 262 00:09:29,389 --> 00:09:31,423 First, this gym's wipe-down policy is criminally lax. 263 00:09:31,424 --> 00:09:32,591 So I rewrote it. 264 00:09:32,592 --> 00:09:34,059 Second, I lowered the temperature 265 00:09:34,060 --> 00:09:35,594 of the water fountain by two degrees. 266 00:09:35,629 --> 00:09:37,129 Still waiting on feedback, 267 00:09:37,163 --> 00:09:39,765 but I see a lot of refreshed faces. 268 00:09:39,766 --> 00:09:41,327 Also Brandon jacoby should be here soon. 269 00:09:41,334 --> 00:09:43,335 How was that not one of your two things? 270 00:09:43,336 --> 00:09:45,037 I gave his regular trainer the day off, 271 00:09:45,038 --> 00:09:47,272 I told him Trent would be filling in. 272 00:09:47,273 --> 00:09:50,142 It was an interesting interaction. 273 00:09:50,143 --> 00:09:52,911 Well, according to my new cloud-based scheduling system, 274 00:09:52,946 --> 00:09:55,681 your trainer is out, and Trent will be filling in. 275 00:09:59,285 --> 00:10:02,755 I spent 40 minutes making that water bottle pyramid display. 276 00:10:02,756 --> 00:10:04,223 This guy is a psycho. 277 00:10:04,257 --> 00:10:06,025 You know the best way to deal with psychos. 278 00:10:06,026 --> 00:10:08,961 The silent treatment. We should draw him out by not engaging. 279 00:10:08,995 --> 00:10:10,396 Nope. 280 00:10:10,397 --> 00:10:12,531 The longer we wait the more likely our cover gets blown. 281 00:10:12,532 --> 00:10:13,999 I'll make contact. 282 00:10:14,000 --> 00:10:15,367 Okay, but just remember. 283 00:10:15,368 --> 00:10:17,970 You're not Terry. You're Trent. 284 00:10:17,971 --> 00:10:22,207 Trainer and known hemophiliac, so be careful. 285 00:10:22,208 --> 00:10:25,177 Trent is also a quaker who avoids violence at all costs. 286 00:10:27,047 --> 00:10:31,083 You Trent? 287 00:10:31,084 --> 00:10:35,154 Yup. A black Trent. One of many. 288 00:10:35,155 --> 00:10:36,922 Uh, what do you want to start with today? 289 00:10:36,923 --> 00:10:38,824 Weights. 290 00:10:38,825 --> 00:10:40,626 Excuse me, sir. Can I borrow this machine? 291 00:10:40,627 --> 00:10:42,695 I need to be here to keep an eye on a friend. 292 00:10:44,230 --> 00:10:46,365 Hold on. I'm on my last set. 293 00:10:46,366 --> 00:10:47,366 Okay. 294 00:10:47,367 --> 00:10:51,303 Two... 295 00:10:51,304 --> 00:10:52,738 Three... 296 00:10:52,739 --> 00:10:54,273 Can you go any faster? 297 00:10:54,274 --> 00:10:55,474 I mean, what do you need leg muscles for anyway? 298 00:10:55,475 --> 00:10:56,809 You're, like, 100 years old. 299 00:10:56,810 --> 00:10:58,944 Socially acceptable for you to roll around on a scooter. 300 00:10:58,945 --> 00:11:02,247 I lost the count. 301 00:11:02,248 --> 00:11:03,248 One. 302 00:11:03,249 --> 00:11:04,248 One? 303 00:11:05,785 --> 00:11:06,785 You're not even moving. Let's go. 304 00:11:06,786 --> 00:11:08,454 Get your hands off me! 305 00:11:08,455 --> 00:11:10,155 I've heard about this in the news! 306 00:11:10,156 --> 00:11:12,024 You're cyber-bullying me! Shh! 307 00:11:12,025 --> 00:11:13,559 I'm getting the manager! Get the hell away from me! 308 00:11:13,560 --> 00:11:15,961 No, you're very misinformed. Please don't... 309 00:11:15,962 --> 00:11:17,262 Damn it. 310 00:11:26,720 --> 00:11:30,222 Hey. Have you seen Terry? I lost him. 311 00:11:30,223 --> 00:11:32,157 His children could be orphans already. 312 00:11:32,158 --> 00:11:34,360 Fatherless, mother-having orphans. 313 00:11:34,361 --> 00:11:36,195 I'm sure he's fine. 314 00:11:36,196 --> 00:11:38,097 I think the bigger issue is the complaint I received 315 00:11:38,098 --> 00:11:39,465 from an older gentleman 316 00:11:39,466 --> 00:11:41,200 saying you tried to hurry him off his machine, 317 00:11:41,201 --> 00:11:42,868 in open defiance of gym protocol. 318 00:11:42,869 --> 00:11:44,069 Don't do this. 319 00:11:44,070 --> 00:11:46,572 I know we're friends, but if you do that again, 320 00:11:46,573 --> 00:11:47,873 I'm gonna have to suspend your membership. 321 00:11:47,907 --> 00:11:49,141 What have you become? 322 00:11:49,175 --> 00:11:50,609 Me. I've become me. 323 00:11:50,610 --> 00:11:51,610 What? 324 00:11:51,611 --> 00:11:53,212 Oh, sarge, thank God. 325 00:11:53,213 --> 00:11:54,680 Where were you? What happened? 326 00:11:54,681 --> 00:11:57,850 Nothing happened. Jacoby wanted to do wind sprints outside. 327 00:11:57,851 --> 00:12:00,652 You know, he's a mean dude, but I think I'm making progress. 328 00:12:00,653 --> 00:12:03,022 He asked to borrow my squat belt, I told him no, 329 00:12:03,023 --> 00:12:04,323 he respected that. 330 00:12:04,357 --> 00:12:06,992 Okay, but let's build up that relationship slowly, okay? 331 00:12:06,993 --> 00:12:09,528 We don't want to jump the gun and spook him. 332 00:12:09,562 --> 00:12:11,430 Whew! 333 00:12:11,431 --> 00:12:13,799 'Sup? Good workout. 334 00:12:13,800 --> 00:12:17,002 You know, it's weird I never worked out with you before. 335 00:12:17,003 --> 00:12:18,437 What'd you say your regular gym was? 336 00:12:18,471 --> 00:12:22,007 I didn't. Brooklyn bulk fitness. 337 00:12:22,008 --> 00:12:23,409 Huh? 338 00:12:23,410 --> 00:12:24,443 I work out there too. 339 00:12:24,477 --> 00:12:27,112 Never heard of any Trent. 340 00:12:27,147 --> 00:12:29,448 I don't know why. I work out there all the time. 341 00:12:29,482 --> 00:12:31,917 Really? Starting when? 342 00:12:31,918 --> 00:12:34,219 NYPD, hands on your head! My God, you're gigantic. 343 00:12:34,254 --> 00:12:36,822 What are you doing, Peralta? You just blew my cover! 344 00:12:36,856 --> 00:12:38,424 Or did I save your life? 345 00:12:38,458 --> 00:12:40,626 Or did you compromise an investigation 346 00:12:40,627 --> 00:12:42,428 and piss off a superior officer? 347 00:12:42,462 --> 00:12:44,596 I'm sensing from your tone it's that one. 348 00:12:44,597 --> 00:12:47,266 I need some afternoon coffee. 349 00:12:48,301 --> 00:12:49,501 What's the matter with you? 350 00:12:49,502 --> 00:12:52,571 Gina came by my house last night to go over the case. 351 00:12:52,572 --> 00:12:55,641 Between us doing that and her using my bread maker all night, 352 00:12:55,642 --> 00:12:57,876 I didn't get much sleep. 353 00:12:57,877 --> 00:13:00,145 I will say she makes a wonderful rye. 354 00:13:00,146 --> 00:13:02,381 So dense, yet so moist. 355 00:13:02,382 --> 00:13:04,383 Hello, ladies. 356 00:13:04,384 --> 00:13:06,118 Since you have allowed crime to win, 357 00:13:06,152 --> 00:13:10,389 I've hired a private investigator to solve my case. 358 00:13:10,390 --> 00:13:12,291 Say hello to Leo Sporm. 359 00:13:12,292 --> 00:13:15,327 A P.I.? These guys are hacks. 360 00:13:15,328 --> 00:13:17,963 How do you know if your husband's a murderer? 361 00:13:17,997 --> 00:13:20,065 You don't. 362 00:13:20,066 --> 00:13:21,800 Call Leo now. 363 00:13:21,801 --> 00:13:23,635 Leo Sporm. 364 00:13:23,670 --> 00:13:24,970 How's business? 365 00:13:25,004 --> 00:13:26,004 You know this guy? 366 00:13:26,005 --> 00:13:27,139 Everyone knows him. 367 00:13:27,140 --> 00:13:29,308 The Picasso of hucksters. 368 00:13:29,309 --> 00:13:30,809 I like that. 369 00:13:30,844 --> 00:13:33,645 "Look up who Picasso is." 370 00:13:33,680 --> 00:13:35,114 Sporm. Out. 371 00:13:35,115 --> 00:13:37,816 Now. 372 00:13:37,817 --> 00:13:39,017 You blew our cover, man! 373 00:13:39,018 --> 00:13:41,353 Now I gotta go into an interrogation with no evidence 374 00:13:41,354 --> 00:13:43,622 and try to get jacoby to rat out his distributors! 375 00:13:43,623 --> 00:13:45,157 I'm sorry, I got jumpy. 376 00:13:45,158 --> 00:13:47,092 I wasn't thinking straight. It was all the exercise. 377 00:13:47,093 --> 00:13:48,994 The blood from my head rushed into my delts. 378 00:13:49,028 --> 00:13:51,897 Point to your delts, Jake. 379 00:13:51,898 --> 00:13:53,799 There is... 380 00:13:53,800 --> 00:13:55,334 You didn't have to hop in there, man. 381 00:13:55,335 --> 00:13:58,303 I can handle this. 382 00:13:58,304 --> 00:13:59,304 What's my name? 383 00:13:59,305 --> 00:14:00,305 Terry Jeffords. 384 00:14:00,306 --> 00:14:01,840 What is my name? 385 00:14:01,875 --> 00:14:02,874 The ebony falcon. 386 00:14:02,876 --> 00:14:04,776 And what does the ebony falcon do? 387 00:14:04,777 --> 00:14:07,679 Takes every precaution to ensure his own safety? 388 00:14:07,680 --> 00:14:10,149 Takes bad guys to jail and bad girls to bed. 389 00:14:10,150 --> 00:14:11,583 Hell yeah, he does. 390 00:14:11,584 --> 00:14:13,285 Except now the ebony falcon is monogamous 391 00:14:13,286 --> 00:14:15,287 and too tired for sex, so his only indulgence 392 00:14:15,288 --> 00:14:20,292 is fresh fruit yogurt parfaits. 393 00:14:20,293 --> 00:14:22,161 Terry loves yogurt. 394 00:14:22,162 --> 00:14:24,196 How's it going? 395 00:14:24,230 --> 00:14:26,365 Well, so far jacoby hasn't given anything up, 396 00:14:26,366 --> 00:14:27,833 but I think Terry's starting to get to him. 397 00:14:27,834 --> 00:14:29,001 I'm not talking. 398 00:14:29,002 --> 00:14:30,836 You're talking right now! 399 00:14:30,837 --> 00:14:31,970 Boom! 400 00:14:31,971 --> 00:14:35,841 I'm already in your head. 401 00:14:35,842 --> 00:14:37,342 Sarge is safe in there, 402 00:14:37,343 --> 00:14:39,044 so the longer this interrogation goes the better. 403 00:14:39,078 --> 00:14:41,046 We gotta solve the case before he does. 404 00:14:41,047 --> 00:14:42,948 Hey, tell me about that new system you set up at the gym 405 00:14:42,949 --> 00:14:44,316 for scheduling appointments. 406 00:14:44,317 --> 00:14:46,451 I've been waiting so long to hear you say those words. 407 00:14:46,452 --> 00:14:47,719 Come with me. 408 00:14:47,720 --> 00:14:51,657 Experience the future of cloud-based scheduling. 409 00:14:51,658 --> 00:14:52,824 Okay. 410 00:14:52,825 --> 00:14:55,060 I put all the trainers' schedules 411 00:14:55,061 --> 00:14:56,828 into a shared online calendar. 412 00:14:56,829 --> 00:14:58,997 Aside from the cucumber water at the front desk, 413 00:14:58,998 --> 00:15:01,233 it's probably my greatest accomplishment ever. 414 00:15:01,234 --> 00:15:03,202 Hang on a sec. Who's this guy? 415 00:15:03,203 --> 00:15:04,903 Says he's a personal trainer at the gym, 416 00:15:04,938 --> 00:15:06,572 but he has no regular hours. 417 00:15:06,573 --> 00:15:08,106 He always makes last-minute appointments, 418 00:15:08,107 --> 00:15:10,475 always in the boxing area, and always late at night. 419 00:15:10,476 --> 00:15:12,377 And look who he trains. 420 00:15:12,378 --> 00:15:13,545 Brandon jacoby. 421 00:15:13,546 --> 00:15:14,947 That's probably our supplier. 422 00:15:14,948 --> 00:15:17,249 We should set up a buy from this Vladimir Rincic. 423 00:15:17,250 --> 00:15:20,085 All right. We should set up a tactical team and hit the gym. 424 00:15:20,086 --> 00:15:21,520 And sergeant Jeffries should stay here 425 00:15:21,521 --> 00:15:23,622 and keep interrogating jacoby for as many hours 426 00:15:23,623 --> 00:15:25,390 or years as necessary. 427 00:15:25,391 --> 00:15:27,025 Are you sure I shouldn't go get him? 428 00:15:27,026 --> 00:15:29,361 I feel a little uncomfortable leaving him out of this. 429 00:15:29,362 --> 00:15:30,696 Don't think of it as leaving him out 430 00:15:30,697 --> 00:15:32,764 so much as including his babies in having a father. 431 00:15:32,799 --> 00:15:33,865 Let's go. 432 00:15:33,866 --> 00:15:34,866 Detectives. 433 00:15:34,867 --> 00:15:35,968 Where are you going? 434 00:15:35,969 --> 00:15:37,869 Just headed out to close the steroid case. 435 00:15:37,870 --> 00:15:40,072 Isn't sergeant Jeffries interrogating the suspect now? 436 00:15:40,073 --> 00:15:41,473 Yup, he's got that locked up. 437 00:15:41,474 --> 00:15:43,141 We're following up on this lead. 438 00:15:43,142 --> 00:15:45,410 The whole team is running smoothly and perfectly 439 00:15:45,411 --> 00:15:49,581 like a well-lubed, oiled time clock... bye. 440 00:15:49,582 --> 00:15:52,384 Why do you think Gina hired that P.I.? 441 00:15:52,385 --> 00:15:53,619 To mock us. 442 00:15:53,653 --> 00:15:55,787 She's scared. 443 00:15:55,822 --> 00:15:57,155 She's not scared. 444 00:15:57,156 --> 00:16:00,292 With all due respect, sir, Gina has no feelings. 445 00:16:00,293 --> 00:16:02,361 She once said the best comedy of all time 446 00:16:02,362 --> 00:16:04,296 was the girl with the dragon tattoo. 447 00:16:04,297 --> 00:16:06,131 Well, think about how she's been acting. 448 00:16:06,132 --> 00:16:08,133 Gina came by my house last night. 449 00:16:08,134 --> 00:16:09,468 Do I buy an uzi? 450 00:16:09,469 --> 00:16:12,437 I asked for a police officer to escort me to work, 451 00:16:12,438 --> 00:16:14,539 and it took a while for dispatch to find me 452 00:16:14,540 --> 00:16:16,808 a young Kevin costner type. 453 00:16:16,809 --> 00:16:19,745 Her home doesn't feel safe anymore. 454 00:16:19,746 --> 00:16:21,246 If someone broke into your apartment 455 00:16:21,247 --> 00:16:23,915 and you weren't cops, wouldn't you be scared? 456 00:16:23,916 --> 00:16:26,018 Yes. 457 00:16:26,019 --> 00:16:28,487 Depends. How many guns do I still have hidden? 458 00:16:28,488 --> 00:16:29,488 None. 459 00:16:29,489 --> 00:16:32,024 Do I still have my knife? Nunchucks? 460 00:16:32,025 --> 00:16:33,325 Axe? 461 00:16:33,359 --> 00:16:35,761 It was a hypothetical question. 462 00:16:35,762 --> 00:16:37,562 I know, but I want to play it out. 463 00:16:37,563 --> 00:16:39,431 Do I still have my throwing stars? 464 00:16:39,432 --> 00:16:41,967 This has taken a strange turn. 465 00:16:41,968 --> 00:16:44,136 Fine. I'd be scared. 466 00:16:44,137 --> 00:16:46,471 We're on it. 467 00:16:46,472 --> 00:16:48,774 What kind of woman doesn't have an axe? 468 00:16:50,443 --> 00:16:52,678 All right, we're all set for the sting. 469 00:16:52,679 --> 00:16:54,646 We got hidden cameras, wireless mics, 470 00:16:54,647 --> 00:16:56,348 and tactical teams by all the exits. 471 00:16:56,382 --> 00:16:58,517 I told Vladimir to meet Vance Vandervaven, 472 00:16:58,518 --> 00:17:00,185 a.K.A. me, here at 10:00. 473 00:17:00,186 --> 00:17:01,853 Said that I was filling in for jacoby. 474 00:17:01,854 --> 00:17:03,689 You and I will be sparring when he arrives. 475 00:17:03,690 --> 00:17:05,924 Cool. I boxed at the academy. 476 00:17:05,925 --> 00:17:07,693 They invented a new weight class for me. 477 00:17:07,694 --> 00:17:10,529 You're looking at the undisputed bubbleweight champion. 478 00:17:10,563 --> 00:17:11,863 Hey! Peralta! 479 00:17:11,864 --> 00:17:13,665 Boyle! Sarge, hey. 480 00:17:13,666 --> 00:17:15,434 I'm so psyched you made it here to the sting 481 00:17:15,435 --> 00:17:18,370 that I definitely told Charles to tell you about. 482 00:17:18,371 --> 00:17:19,371 You lied to me! 483 00:17:19,372 --> 00:17:20,872 I can see that you're upset, 484 00:17:20,873 --> 00:17:22,474 but let's just sit down and talk about it. 485 00:17:22,475 --> 00:17:24,876 Done talking! 486 00:17:24,877 --> 00:17:27,079 Time to dance. 487 00:17:27,080 --> 00:17:29,147 Fine. But I should warn you. 488 00:17:29,148 --> 00:17:30,849 I took three years of tap. 489 00:17:36,512 --> 00:17:38,079 Again, sarge, it's so good to see you. 490 00:17:38,113 --> 00:17:40,481 Just out of curiosity, how did you find out about this? 491 00:17:40,516 --> 00:17:43,785 I'm a Detective sergeant in the NYPD. 492 00:17:43,786 --> 00:17:46,621 Holt told me. Why are you cutting me out of the operation? 493 00:17:46,655 --> 00:17:48,289 What? That's crazy! 494 00:17:48,323 --> 00:17:49,590 Boyle, come in here and stand in front of my body 495 00:17:49,625 --> 00:17:51,292 and tell him that's crazy. 496 00:17:51,326 --> 00:17:53,327 Ow! My lucky face! 497 00:17:53,362 --> 00:17:55,063 You gonna talk to me now? 498 00:17:55,097 --> 00:17:57,265 Sure. If you could be any vacation... 499 00:17:57,299 --> 00:17:58,299 Oh! 500 00:17:58,300 --> 00:18:00,701 You didn't let me finish. 501 00:18:00,702 --> 00:18:02,837 If you could be any vacation, what would you be? 502 00:18:02,838 --> 00:18:03,971 I'd be skiing. 503 00:18:04,006 --> 00:18:05,306 Oh, now I'm gonna hit you for real. 504 00:18:05,340 --> 00:18:07,141 That wasn't for real? Oh, my God. 505 00:18:07,142 --> 00:18:08,109 No, wait, wait, wait! I was worried! 506 00:18:08,143 --> 00:18:10,144 Worried about what? 507 00:18:10,179 --> 00:18:12,346 About you getting hurt. 508 00:18:12,347 --> 00:18:13,815 I don't want your daughters growing up without a dad. 509 00:18:13,816 --> 00:18:15,450 I know what that's like, and it sucks. 510 00:18:15,451 --> 00:18:16,751 And I don't want it to happen to them. 511 00:18:16,785 --> 00:18:18,486 Why didn't you just say something to me? 512 00:18:18,520 --> 00:18:20,288 Because I didn't want to get in your head 513 00:18:20,289 --> 00:18:22,723 and have you freak out again. 514 00:18:22,724 --> 00:18:24,559 Yeah, I get it. 515 00:18:24,560 --> 00:18:26,127 It's been a rough year. 516 00:18:26,128 --> 00:18:29,697 But I've learned to embrace my fears. It makes me a better cop. 517 00:18:29,731 --> 00:18:30,731 Tacs one and two are set. 518 00:18:30,732 --> 00:18:31,766 30 minutes until the bogeys arrive. 519 00:18:31,800 --> 00:18:33,101 Thanks, Boyle. 520 00:18:33,102 --> 00:18:35,670 I love it when you say "bogeys." 521 00:18:35,704 --> 00:18:36,871 So we good? 522 00:18:36,905 --> 00:18:39,474 We good. 523 00:18:39,475 --> 00:18:41,242 And for the record... 524 00:18:41,243 --> 00:18:43,544 If I could be any kind of vacation... 525 00:18:43,545 --> 00:18:44,812 I'd be lake trip. 526 00:18:44,847 --> 00:18:46,147 Classic. 527 00:18:47,749 --> 00:18:48,749 You're here late. 528 00:18:48,750 --> 00:18:50,885 Ah, you know me. I love working. 529 00:18:50,919 --> 00:18:52,653 Can't tear me away from my work. 530 00:18:52,654 --> 00:18:56,624 I just love requisitions and corporate record reports. 531 00:18:56,625 --> 00:19:00,027 Just, you know, messages from people for Holt. 532 00:19:00,062 --> 00:19:02,730 I can imagine how frightening this must be. 533 00:19:02,731 --> 00:19:04,132 I'm sorry we didn't catch the guy. 534 00:19:04,166 --> 00:19:05,800 Yeah. It's weird. 535 00:19:05,801 --> 00:19:07,235 It's like, why do the worst things 536 00:19:07,236 --> 00:19:09,470 always happen to the best people? 537 00:19:09,471 --> 00:19:11,572 And what's to keep it from happening again? 538 00:19:11,607 --> 00:19:14,075 We are. Come on. We're taking you home. 539 00:19:14,109 --> 00:19:15,510 Really? 540 00:19:19,081 --> 00:19:21,415 We installed a second lock on your front door, 541 00:19:21,450 --> 00:19:23,484 put locks on the windows by the fire escape, 542 00:19:23,485 --> 00:19:24,752 and set all your lights on timers. 543 00:19:24,786 --> 00:19:27,121 That makes me feel so much better. 544 00:19:27,122 --> 00:19:28,189 Thank you, guys. 545 00:19:28,223 --> 00:19:30,358 And as a token of my appreciation, 546 00:19:30,392 --> 00:19:33,561 I would like to give you... 547 00:19:33,562 --> 00:19:34,561 These. 548 00:19:34,563 --> 00:19:36,531 Great. 549 00:19:36,565 --> 00:19:38,366 The cool thing is you can eat whatever you want. 550 00:19:38,367 --> 00:19:40,868 These are right there with you. 551 00:19:46,775 --> 00:19:47,942 Hey! 552 00:19:47,976 --> 00:19:49,777 You Vance Vandervaven? 553 00:19:49,811 --> 00:19:53,581 Yeah. That's me. I'll be right there. 554 00:19:53,615 --> 00:19:54,615 You gonna let me do this, man? 555 00:19:54,650 --> 00:19:55,917 What choice do I have? 556 00:19:55,918 --> 00:19:57,952 You hit me in the arms so hard they no longer work. 557 00:19:57,986 --> 00:20:01,689 All right. It's time to catch some bad guys. 558 00:20:01,690 --> 00:20:03,124 It good to be back. 559 00:20:03,158 --> 00:20:05,092 Have a fun steroid deal, sergeant. 560 00:20:05,127 --> 00:20:06,460 You're a weird guy, Jake. 561 00:20:06,495 --> 00:20:07,662 Yeah. 562 00:20:11,967 --> 00:20:14,101 The ebony falcon. No. 563 00:20:14,136 --> 00:20:16,237 The ebony falcon had no fear. 564 00:20:16,271 --> 00:20:18,506 He's the ebony antelope now. 565 00:20:18,507 --> 00:20:20,408 Brave enough to drink at the lake, 566 00:20:20,409 --> 00:20:23,511 but wise enough to run from the lions. 567 00:20:23,512 --> 00:20:25,746 Hey, my arms don't work. Can you scratch my nose? 568 00:20:25,747 --> 00:20:28,115 You bet. Mm-hmm. 569 00:20:28,116 --> 00:20:29,450 Yeah. Thank you. 570 00:20:30,986 --> 00:20:32,253 Morning, Captain. 571 00:20:32,287 --> 00:20:35,156 So? How did sergeant Jeffries do? 572 00:20:35,190 --> 00:20:37,191 Why is everyone so worried about the sarge? 573 00:20:37,192 --> 00:20:38,259 He was amazing. 574 00:20:38,260 --> 00:20:39,894 He made the buy, took out the suppliers, 575 00:20:39,895 --> 00:20:41,935 but wisely didn't take on more than he could handle. 576 00:20:41,964 --> 00:20:44,899 I left one for you. 577 00:20:44,933 --> 00:20:46,467 And you'll be happy to know 578 00:20:46,468 --> 00:20:48,336 that he punched me in the face several times. 579 00:20:48,370 --> 00:20:49,470 That does make me happy. 580 00:20:49,504 --> 00:20:52,306 Guess we're being candid today. 581 00:20:54,743 --> 00:20:55,977 Hey, sarge, 582 00:20:56,011 --> 00:20:57,478 just for the record, 583 00:20:57,479 --> 00:20:59,580 I hope you're on every case with me for the rest of my career. 584 00:20:59,615 --> 00:21:01,983 I'm not scared for you at all. 585 00:21:01,984 --> 00:21:03,251 Of you a lot. 586 00:21:03,285 --> 00:21:05,786 Thanks, Jake. 587 00:21:05,821 --> 00:21:08,756 Oh, Peralta, I almost forgot. 588 00:21:08,757 --> 00:21:10,057 My girls made you a card. 589 00:21:10,092 --> 00:21:11,592 To thank you for keeping me safe. 590 00:21:11,593 --> 00:21:13,394 Oh... 591 00:21:13,428 --> 00:21:15,463 They're so full of potential. 592 00:21:18,500 --> 00:21:19,967 Why would you show me this? 593 00:21:19,968 --> 00:21:24,055 Sync & corrections by Rafael UPD www.addic7ed.com/