1 00:00:00,170 --> 00:00:02,210 All right everyone, as you know, 2 00:00:02,305 --> 00:00:05,835 the NYPD intends to shutter one precinct in Brooklyn. 3 00:00:05,922 --> 00:00:07,399 I'll be evaluating the Nine-Nine 4 00:00:07,462 --> 00:00:09,766 and sending my findings to the Deputy Commissioner. 5 00:00:09,858 --> 00:00:11,329 Are there any questions? 6 00:00:11,478 --> 00:00:14,180 Yeah, Veronica, are you sure you're the best person 7 00:00:14,243 --> 00:00:17,290 for that job, given our, um, you know... 8 00:00:17,337 --> 00:00:19,415 - Sexual past. - Thank you, Detective Boyle. 9 00:00:19,516 --> 00:00:21,266 Sergeant Jeffords, don't be silly. 10 00:00:21,329 --> 00:00:23,657 I won't let the fact that you and I have a history together 11 00:00:23,720 --> 00:00:25,298 affect the decision I have to make 12 00:00:25,376 --> 00:00:27,032 in any way whatsoever. 13 00:00:27,103 --> 00:00:28,260 Well that's certainly good to hear. 14 00:00:28,284 --> 00:00:31,794 I mean, sure, it took me years of intense therapy to get over 15 00:00:31,923 --> 00:00:33,774 and it's given me a fear of intimacy 16 00:00:33,824 --> 00:00:37,243 that has affected every subsequent relationship, 17 00:00:37,329 --> 00:00:40,790 but there's no reason I can't remain unbiased. 18 00:00:40,854 --> 00:00:42,438 The way you just said that makes it seem 19 00:00:42,483 --> 00:00:43,953 like you actually are biased. 20 00:00:44,032 --> 00:00:47,886 I have no idea what you mean. 21 00:00:48,173 --> 00:00:49,884 That is all. 22 00:00:50,793 --> 00:00:52,193 Okay, the plan is clear. 23 00:00:52,337 --> 00:00:54,602 Sarge, you divorce Sharon, abandon your children, 24 00:00:54,664 --> 00:00:55,930 get back together with that monster. 25 00:00:55,954 --> 00:00:57,786 -The precinct is saved. -I'm not leaving my family. 26 00:00:57,810 --> 00:00:59,250 Come on! You didn't even consider it! 27 00:00:59,301 --> 00:01:02,271 ♪♪ ♪BROOKLYN NINE-NINE♪ Season 04 Episode 14 "Serve & Protect" 28 00:01:02,304 --> 00:01:06,048 ♪♪ 29 00:01:06,118 --> 00:01:09,837 ♪♪ 30 00:01:19,231 --> 00:01:22,741 Why... won't... you print? 31 00:01:22,848 --> 00:01:24,259 Ah, screw this. 32 00:01:24,403 --> 00:01:26,278 No, no, no, no! Not again! 33 00:01:26,356 --> 00:01:27,583 What is going on here? 34 00:01:27,655 --> 00:01:29,495 Stupid printer won't print out my stupid resume 35 00:01:29,540 --> 00:01:32,302 which means I can't send it to any decent stupid precincts 36 00:01:32,407 --> 00:01:33,833 when this stupid place shuts down. 37 00:01:33,858 --> 00:01:34,863 That's not gonna happen. 38 00:01:34,895 --> 00:01:36,355 Why are you being such a Gloomy Gus? 39 00:01:36,388 --> 00:01:38,192 - I'm a Realistic Randy. - Didn't go with Rosa, huh? 40 00:01:38,216 --> 00:01:39,952 Ugh, I'm gonna have to meet a whole new group of people. 41 00:01:39,976 --> 00:01:41,481 I hate people. 42 00:01:41,543 --> 00:01:43,192 Life sucks. Nothing good ever happens. 43 00:01:43,260 --> 00:01:44,661 That's not true. Come on! 44 00:01:44,723 --> 00:01:46,317 What does Captain Holt always tell us? 45 00:01:46,434 --> 00:01:48,739 Be a good cop, do your job, things'll work out. 46 00:01:48,778 --> 00:01:50,716 Yep, just this morning, I found this old bag 47 00:01:50,743 --> 00:01:53,200 on the street and it has a cupcake inside. 48 00:01:53,325 --> 00:01:55,309 See? Scully found a garbage cake. 49 00:01:55,415 --> 00:01:57,815 And I found us... a dream case. 50 00:01:57,899 --> 00:01:59,999 Involving one Ms. Cassie Sinclair. 51 00:02:00,129 --> 00:02:01,356 - From "Serve & Protect"? - Yeah. 52 00:02:01,380 --> 00:02:02,900 - That is my favorite cop show. - Yeah. 53 00:02:02,948 --> 00:02:05,223 Apparently her laptop was stolen and it had... 54 00:02:05,371 --> 00:02:06,700 "Sensitive materials" on it. 55 00:02:06,732 --> 00:02:08,075 You know what that's code for... 56 00:02:08,114 --> 00:02:09,271 - Bank account numbers. - Nudies! 57 00:02:09,295 --> 00:02:10,613 One or the other... I'm not a pervert. 58 00:02:10,637 --> 00:02:11,989 The point is, Gloomy Gus, 59 00:02:12,059 --> 00:02:13,854 - not everything is terrible. - Maybe you're right. 60 00:02:13,878 --> 00:02:15,215 Maybe life isn't a miserable, unending, 61 00:02:15,239 --> 00:02:17,174 maggot-filled pile of crap. Yeah, there you go. 62 00:02:17,213 --> 00:02:19,294 Let's go find some nudies or bank account numbers... 63 00:02:19,325 --> 00:02:20,333 Both would be helpful. 64 00:02:20,364 --> 00:02:22,739 Guys, we gotta do something about Veronica. 65 00:02:22,777 --> 00:02:23,947 She's really out to get us. 66 00:02:23,972 --> 00:02:26,372 We just need to find out what horrible thing Terry did 67 00:02:26,419 --> 00:02:28,825 to this woman so he can apologize and make it right. 68 00:02:28,932 --> 00:02:31,232 I've been wracking my brain. I can't think of anything. 69 00:02:31,338 --> 00:02:33,497 - Did you cheat on her? - No! I would never do that. 70 00:02:33,550 --> 00:02:34,709 Did you date one of her friends 71 00:02:34,733 --> 00:02:36,145 - right after you broke up? - Uhuh. 72 00:02:36,211 --> 00:02:38,763 I cut off ties with all our mutual friends. 73 00:02:38,900 --> 00:02:41,520 Even Tommy. Terry loved Tommy! 74 00:02:41,676 --> 00:02:42,976 Tommy turned Terry on to tennis. 75 00:02:43,075 --> 00:02:44,349 Well, you did something to her. 76 00:02:44,395 --> 00:02:46,845 We'll just have to get Veronica to tell us what it was. 77 00:02:46,945 --> 00:02:48,272 It's time for a little girl talk. 78 00:02:48,298 --> 00:02:49,949 You really think you can handle girl talk? 79 00:02:49,973 --> 00:02:51,856 Relax. I got this. 80 00:02:51,975 --> 00:02:55,875 Hey Veronica. It's time for some girl talk. 81 00:02:57,654 --> 00:02:59,138 Let me see that bra! 82 00:02:59,263 --> 00:03:00,364 Excuse me? 83 00:03:00,414 --> 00:03:02,848 Didn't work. What else we got? 84 00:03:04,106 --> 00:03:06,061 Hey! Huh? 85 00:03:06,169 --> 00:03:08,966 - Whoa, this is dope. - Dope it right. 86 00:03:09,044 --> 00:03:10,869 Welcome to the dream factory. Hey, man. 87 00:03:11,013 --> 00:03:12,458 We gotta be cool, all right? 88 00:03:12,532 --> 00:03:14,388 I know you have some fantasy about being a movie star. 89 00:03:14,412 --> 00:03:16,372 I don't fantasize about being a movie star. 90 00:03:16,450 --> 00:03:17,888 I fantasize about meeting one. 91 00:03:18,013 --> 00:03:20,294 And being invited to a party at George Clooney's villa, 92 00:03:20,356 --> 00:03:23,661 where he pranks me and then we prank Matt Damon together 93 00:03:23,734 --> 00:03:25,734 and then Damon's like "Peralta, you got the goods. 94 00:03:25,833 --> 00:03:27,457 You're gonna be the star of my next movie." 95 00:03:27,481 --> 00:03:28,795 Wait, maybe I do want to be a movie star. 96 00:03:28,819 --> 00:03:30,113 - Heads up. Here she comes. - Okay. 97 00:03:30,137 --> 00:03:31,419 - Hey. - Ms. Sinclair. 98 00:03:31,514 --> 00:03:33,145 I'm Detective Diaz. This is Detective Peralta. 99 00:03:33,169 --> 00:03:35,239 Oh, I like the way you wear your badge. 100 00:03:35,336 --> 00:03:36,868 Can I steal that? Absolutely. 101 00:03:36,893 --> 00:03:39,403 Oh, hey, here's another little nugget for you, if you'd like. 102 00:03:40,059 --> 00:03:41,799 Thanks for coming down to the precinct. 103 00:03:41,981 --> 00:03:45,072 Oh, and one more thing... I'm a cop. 104 00:03:46,566 --> 00:03:48,066 Wouldn't the person already know that 105 00:03:48,091 --> 00:03:50,559 - if they were at the precinct? - No, it works. 106 00:03:50,671 --> 00:03:53,114 So you had your laptop stolen? Yeah, last night. 107 00:03:53,192 --> 00:03:55,645 Someone broke into my trailer, jimmied the lock. 108 00:03:55,703 --> 00:03:57,185 I found out this morning from the second A.D. 109 00:03:57,209 --> 00:03:58,879 Ah, A.D., Announcing Department. 110 00:03:58,950 --> 00:04:00,586 - Assistant Director. - Oh, that's even better. 111 00:04:00,610 --> 00:04:02,723 Hey, hi, Cassie, who's this? 112 00:04:02,770 --> 00:04:05,013 Well, this is Peralta and Diaz, from the NYPD. 113 00:04:05,059 --> 00:04:06,818 - They're here about the laptop. - Oh. 114 00:04:06,857 --> 00:04:09,087 I didn't think you were gonna involve the cops in this, 115 00:04:09,125 --> 00:04:11,195 but well, that's okay, here they are. 116 00:04:11,227 --> 00:04:13,770 I'm Gary Lurmax. I'm the Executive Producer. 117 00:04:13,930 --> 00:04:15,864 Oh! Your name comes up at the end of every episode 118 00:04:15,888 --> 00:04:18,172 with that parrot that says: "Talk to my lawyer!" 119 00:04:18,201 --> 00:04:21,041 Well, that's actually Walter, my pet African grey. 120 00:04:21,122 --> 00:04:23,130 Ah, so cool. Anyways, we're real cops. 121 00:04:23,231 --> 00:04:24,606 Should we look at the crime scene? 122 00:04:25,130 --> 00:04:26,888 Captain, can we talk? 123 00:04:27,325 --> 00:04:29,950 Boyle, you know my feelings about bathroom conversations. 124 00:04:30,059 --> 00:04:31,708 Steadfastly against. 125 00:04:31,753 --> 00:04:33,823 I know; I just don't want Veronica to overhear. 126 00:04:33,958 --> 00:04:35,183 I know what she's going through. 127 00:04:35,207 --> 00:04:36,856 I've been broken up with six times. 128 00:04:36,882 --> 00:04:37,982 Really? Only six? 129 00:04:38,088 --> 00:04:39,739 Yep. Oh wait. 130 00:04:39,809 --> 00:04:41,450 Does it count if they end the relationship 131 00:04:41,497 --> 00:04:42,657 but still want to be friends? 132 00:04:42,749 --> 00:04:44,679 - Yes. - Oh, then 210. 133 00:04:44,707 --> 00:04:45,769 My point is, I'm worried 134 00:04:45,794 --> 00:04:47,747 that Veronica will never forgive Terry. 135 00:04:47,880 --> 00:04:50,145 Is there anyone above her that you can appeal to? 136 00:04:50,231 --> 00:04:52,106 She reports to Deputy Commissioner Grayson. 137 00:04:52,161 --> 00:04:53,706 I've already tried to set up a meeting with him. 138 00:04:53,730 --> 00:04:55,830 He's on vacation with his family in the Poconos. 139 00:04:55,906 --> 00:04:58,450 Okay, so maybe we find out where he's staying 140 00:04:58,505 --> 00:05:01,052 and just happen to run into him and accidental strike up 141 00:05:01,114 --> 00:05:02,481 a little convo about the Nine-Nine. 142 00:05:02,572 --> 00:05:03,764 That seems rather underhanded. 143 00:05:03,788 --> 00:05:05,395 Desperate times call for Desperate Housewives. 144 00:05:05,419 --> 00:05:06,942 - What? - Measures. I said measures. 145 00:05:07,017 --> 00:05:08,848 Frankly, sir, I know it's not protocol, 146 00:05:08,904 --> 00:05:10,614 but we don't have any other option. 147 00:05:10,725 --> 00:05:13,122 Yes. Good point. It's not protocol. 148 00:05:13,590 --> 00:05:14,724 But it just might work. 149 00:05:14,801 --> 00:05:17,400 You know, Boyle, you're a bad influence on me. 150 00:05:17,822 --> 00:05:19,802 I've never been a bad influence on anyone! 151 00:05:19,930 --> 00:05:21,630 Should I bring my leather jacket? 152 00:05:21,743 --> 00:05:23,708 It's ankle-length and fitted. 153 00:05:24,034 --> 00:05:26,294 I won't bring it; it's too nice. 154 00:05:26,591 --> 00:05:28,491 Well, I always keep my laptop in this bag, 155 00:05:28,542 --> 00:05:29,934 but this morning, it was gone. 156 00:05:29,977 --> 00:05:32,473 Nine times out of ten, in a case like this, it's a stalker. 157 00:05:32,527 --> 00:05:34,286 Whoever jimmied the lock didn't know what they were doing. 158 00:05:34,310 --> 00:05:35,310 I concur. 159 00:05:35,427 --> 00:05:40,005 This was a real hack job. Hi, Mark Devereaux. 160 00:05:40,056 --> 00:05:41,841 He plays Detective Cole Tracker on the show. 161 00:05:41,903 --> 00:05:44,020 Yeah, he does. And if I know Cole Tracker, 162 00:05:44,111 --> 00:05:45,778 the next thing you're going to say is... 163 00:05:45,832 --> 00:05:47,403 So what's it gonna be: 164 00:05:47,494 --> 00:05:49,494 rock, paper, scissors... 165 00:05:49,692 --> 00:05:50,802 or gun? 166 00:05:50,839 --> 00:05:53,270 You watch the show. I like that. 167 00:05:53,466 --> 00:05:55,645 So get me up to speed. 168 00:05:55,841 --> 00:05:57,269 Who's been in here since the incident? 169 00:05:57,293 --> 00:05:58,630 - What's he doing? - Ohh. 170 00:05:58,740 --> 00:06:00,246 I think he must be one of those actors who has to 171 00:06:00,270 --> 00:06:01,465 stay in character all the time. 172 00:06:01,489 --> 00:06:03,649 I heard Dustin Hoffman did this on the set of "Tootsie" 173 00:06:03,707 --> 00:06:04,903 and everyone hated it. On, no. 174 00:06:04,948 --> 00:06:06,223 He just thinks he's a detective 175 00:06:06,267 --> 00:06:08,567 because he's been playing one for 15 years. 176 00:06:08,627 --> 00:06:10,755 - I can hear you. - Ah, look at that time. 177 00:06:10,818 --> 00:06:13,958 They need you on set, Cassie. I'll walk you over. 178 00:06:14,184 --> 00:06:17,559 Ooh, has anyone noticed this crumb? 179 00:06:17,783 --> 00:06:19,883 Might wanna bag that. Send it to the boys at the lab. 180 00:06:19,958 --> 00:06:21,059 Well, what have we here? 181 00:06:21,114 --> 00:06:22,809 Whoa, whoa, whoa. Don't touch that. 182 00:06:22,864 --> 00:06:24,016 Isn't this the case the laptop was in? 183 00:06:24,040 --> 00:06:26,708 Yes, but in real life, when we handle evidence, 184 00:06:26,816 --> 00:06:27,661 we gotta wear gloves. 185 00:06:27,727 --> 00:06:29,197 I never wear gloves on the show. 186 00:06:29,369 --> 00:06:31,839 Fans love to see my fingers. 187 00:06:32,005 --> 00:06:34,458 Almost as much as they love seeing my feet. 188 00:06:34,552 --> 00:06:35,557 Google it. 189 00:06:35,626 --> 00:06:36,756 - Nah. - Nah. 190 00:06:36,864 --> 00:06:39,223 Check it out. Devereaux gave me his card 191 00:06:39,286 --> 00:06:41,466 and said, "Call me if you can think of anything else." 192 00:06:41,513 --> 00:06:42,731 Just like on the show! 193 00:06:42,808 --> 00:06:44,184 Does he know we're the real cops? 194 00:06:44,228 --> 00:06:46,169 - I don't think so. - Hey, guys. 195 00:06:46,351 --> 00:06:49,489 You know, you two have a really compelling dynamic. 196 00:06:49,577 --> 00:06:51,903 Would you ever consider being Consulting Producers 197 00:06:51,981 --> 00:06:53,333 - for the show? - Absolutely! 198 00:06:53,380 --> 00:06:55,319 What does that mean? Well, we pay you to come in 199 00:06:55,374 --> 00:06:56,966 in your off hours, talk to the writers, 200 00:06:56,991 --> 00:06:57,788 tell them your stories, 201 00:06:57,824 --> 00:06:59,540 lend the show a little authenticity. 202 00:06:59,595 --> 00:07:01,344 Wow, I can't believe I've been talking to people for free 203 00:07:01,368 --> 00:07:02,369 all these years like an idiot! 204 00:07:02,393 --> 00:07:03,993 Great. I'll run it by the studio. 205 00:07:04,167 --> 00:07:05,837 He's gonna run it by the studio, Rosa. 206 00:07:05,930 --> 00:07:07,810 I told you, if we're good cops, you do your job, 207 00:07:07,852 --> 00:07:08,959 things will work out and they do. 208 00:07:08,983 --> 00:07:10,430 I don't know, man. Something's weird. 209 00:07:10,492 --> 00:07:12,774 I think the job offer is bogus. He's trying to buy us off. 210 00:07:12,925 --> 00:07:14,979 Look, I don't know about you, but I can't be bought off. 211 00:07:15,003 --> 00:07:17,323 And it's gonna take a hell of a lot more than some job offer 212 00:07:17,347 --> 00:07:19,368 to make me compromise the integrity of the badge. 213 00:07:19,407 --> 00:07:21,548 Hey, Jake, catering send over some chicken fingers. 214 00:07:21,633 --> 00:07:22,673 Oh! 215 00:07:24,556 --> 00:07:25,868 What is wrong with you? 216 00:07:25,977 --> 00:07:27,883 We're working a case we'll definitely gonna solve, 217 00:07:27,907 --> 00:07:29,227 we're hanging out with cool people, 218 00:07:29,251 --> 00:07:30,883 Don't ruin this with all your Rosa-ness. 219 00:07:30,918 --> 00:07:31,918 Think about it. 220 00:07:31,944 --> 00:07:33,669 That producer guy didn't want us here at all. 221 00:07:33,693 --> 00:07:35,680 And then after watching us work for, like, two seconds, 222 00:07:35,704 --> 00:07:37,790 he offers us a job? It doesn't make sense. 223 00:07:37,842 --> 00:07:40,142 That's just how show biz works, you rube! 224 00:07:40,295 --> 00:07:41,055 Listen to yourself. 225 00:07:41,080 --> 00:07:42,227 You're letting all of this cloud your judgment. 226 00:07:42,251 --> 00:07:44,016 I love clouds; they keep the sun away on hot days. 227 00:07:44,040 --> 00:07:45,711 He doesn't want us to solve this crime, 228 00:07:45,758 --> 00:07:47,579 so he's buying us off. It's shady. 229 00:07:47,604 --> 00:07:49,644 I love the shade; it keeps the sun away on hot days. 230 00:07:49,672 --> 00:07:50,766 Besides, he's a rich guy... 231 00:07:50,813 --> 00:07:52,141 What's his motive for stealing a laptop? 232 00:07:52,165 --> 00:07:55,329 Leverage. He and Cassie have been fighting over her contract. 233 00:07:55,446 --> 00:07:56,607 - It's been all over the news. - The trades. 234 00:07:56,631 --> 00:07:58,625 They call them "the trades" here. 235 00:07:58,696 --> 00:08:01,547 We read those in our trailers after we wrap 236 00:08:01,641 --> 00:08:03,461 and before we go home. 237 00:08:03,532 --> 00:08:05,961 Fun fact: stars use the word "home" too. 238 00:08:06,016 --> 00:08:08,165 They're just like us. That job offer wasn't real. 239 00:08:08,265 --> 00:08:11,226 - None of this is real. - Yes, it is! 240 00:08:11,288 --> 00:08:12,351 All right? 241 00:08:12,469 --> 00:08:15,453 I know Hollywood and I know what's real! 242 00:08:16,102 --> 00:08:18,704 For example, this door is fake. Not a real door. 243 00:08:18,836 --> 00:08:20,922 It's a "doorn't." As in "doorn't open this." 244 00:08:20,961 --> 00:08:22,485 And doorn't ruin my dreams! 245 00:08:22,510 --> 00:08:23,283 Okay, Sarge, we just want 246 00:08:23,324 --> 00:08:26,422 to walk through your breakup step by step. 247 00:08:26,485 --> 00:08:28,156 That doesn't mean we think you did anything wrong. 248 00:08:28,180 --> 00:08:30,665 Start talking, butthead! 249 00:08:30,704 --> 00:08:34,485 I didn't do anything! I respect women. I'm a feminist. 250 00:08:34,555 --> 00:08:36,313 I believe women should be on all the money. 251 00:08:36,391 --> 00:08:39,250 I wanna pay for a sandwich with a $10 Ellen DeGeneres. 252 00:08:39,446 --> 00:08:41,633 Maybe you hurt Veronica's feelings without meaning to? 253 00:08:41,719 --> 00:08:44,110 Nope. I planned the perfect breakup. 254 00:08:44,211 --> 00:08:46,508 We got dinner at a mid-range restaurant... 255 00:08:46,648 --> 00:08:48,265 Nice enough to show I care, 256 00:08:48,359 --> 00:08:50,602 but not so nice she thought a proposal was coming. 257 00:08:50,704 --> 00:08:52,315 I even got her a classy breakup present, 258 00:08:52,354 --> 00:08:55,375 plus a gift receipt, in case she wanted to exchange it. 259 00:08:55,446 --> 00:08:57,774 And I said just the right words. 260 00:08:58,211 --> 00:08:59,571 You deserve the world. 261 00:08:59,719 --> 00:09:01,680 You deserve someone that can make you happy 262 00:09:01,852 --> 00:09:04,547 and it is the greatest displeasure of my life 263 00:09:04,649 --> 00:09:06,920 that I cannot be that man. 264 00:09:07,383 --> 00:09:08,610 Thank you, Terrence. 265 00:09:10,977 --> 00:09:13,789 I'm not saying you're lying, Mr. Jeffers, 266 00:09:13,852 --> 00:09:15,625 but if that's how things went down, 267 00:09:15,680 --> 00:09:18,204 why is Veronica so angry, you stupid liar? 268 00:09:18,247 --> 00:09:19,677 - I don't know! - You don't know. 269 00:09:19,721 --> 00:09:21,959 Well, we could stay here all night 270 00:09:22,014 --> 00:09:23,483 until your story starts making sense. 271 00:09:23,537 --> 00:09:24,764 I want to figure this out, too, 272 00:09:24,788 --> 00:09:26,092 but I have to go home eventually. 273 00:09:26,155 --> 00:09:28,928 You think anyone cares about your damned plans? 274 00:09:29,053 --> 00:09:31,014 I know I don't. Do you care, Amy? 275 00:09:31,108 --> 00:09:32,530 No, I don't. 276 00:09:33,381 --> 00:09:36,178 Okay, so remember, this is Deputy Commissioner Grayson 277 00:09:36,231 --> 00:09:37,725 and his smoking hot wife. 278 00:09:37,774 --> 00:09:39,242 You'll recognize her because she looks 279 00:09:39,266 --> 00:09:40,350 like an older Patti LuPone. 280 00:09:40,389 --> 00:09:42,631 And you're sure this is the floor they're staying on? 281 00:09:42,693 --> 00:09:45,771 Yes, I called his secretary and pretended to be his mother. 282 00:09:45,889 --> 00:09:49,389 Or, should I say, "The Lady Grayson." 283 00:09:49,451 --> 00:09:50,842 - Very sly. - It's a little trick 284 00:09:50,889 --> 00:09:52,545 I picked up from the original bad boy... 285 00:09:52,958 --> 00:09:54,615 a Mr. Bugs Bunny. 286 00:09:54,654 --> 00:09:56,764 Commissioner Grayson, is that you? 287 00:09:56,826 --> 00:09:58,404 I'm sorry, do I know you? 288 00:09:58,466 --> 00:10:00,045 Raymond Holt. Captain of the Nine-Nine. 289 00:10:00,084 --> 00:10:02,271 What are you doing here? Oh, I'm on vacation. You? 290 00:10:02,352 --> 00:10:03,740 - Vacation. - Vacation. 291 00:10:03,803 --> 00:10:05,131 - Vacation. - Vacation. 292 00:10:05,217 --> 00:10:08,740 While we're on the subject of things... 293 00:10:08,967 --> 00:10:10,232 are you by any chance in charge 294 00:10:10,303 --> 00:10:11,544 of the Brooklyn precinct contraction? 295 00:10:11,568 --> 00:10:12,959 I don't want to talk about that. 296 00:10:13,044 --> 00:10:15,177 If you have an issue, bring it up with your auditor. 297 00:10:15,264 --> 00:10:17,975 - Well our auditor is actually... - Listen, fellas. 298 00:10:18,100 --> 00:10:21,529 If you think you're helping your precinct's cause, you're not. 299 00:10:22,021 --> 00:10:24,209 Hey, sexy. You ready to go? 300 00:10:24,303 --> 00:10:27,686 Oh, that's my goddaughter. 301 00:10:27,928 --> 00:10:29,084 What? 302 00:10:29,178 --> 00:10:30,803 So Grayson's a philanderer. 303 00:10:30,896 --> 00:10:32,427 What's that gotta do with the price of onions? 304 00:10:32,451 --> 00:10:34,584 I don't know, sir. This could be an opportunity. 305 00:10:34,701 --> 00:10:36,626 I mean, WWBD, right? 306 00:10:37,326 --> 00:10:38,440 What Would Bugs Do? 307 00:10:38,514 --> 00:10:40,146 Good question. What would Bugs do? 308 00:10:40,186 --> 00:10:41,889 Bugs would blackmail Grayson. 309 00:10:41,951 --> 00:10:44,795 Then I, sir, am no Bugs. 310 00:10:44,959 --> 00:10:46,006 I won't break the law. 311 00:10:46,061 --> 00:10:48,092 I'm not saying blackmail him blackmail him. 312 00:10:48,186 --> 00:10:50,139 We just insinuate that we know what's going on 313 00:10:50,209 --> 00:10:52,045 and let him fill in the blanks. 314 00:10:52,115 --> 00:10:55,928 Oh, so it's like... he blackmails himself? 315 00:10:55,983 --> 00:10:57,713 Uh-huh, you just go up to him and say, 316 00:10:57,974 --> 00:11:00,661 "Commissioner Grayson, how's your... wife?" 317 00:11:00,732 --> 00:11:02,240 Commissioner Grayson, how's your wife? 318 00:11:02,294 --> 00:11:04,310 No, that just sounds like you really wanna know how she is. 319 00:11:04,334 --> 00:11:07,475 Insinuate... maybe add a pause before "wife." 320 00:11:07,755 --> 00:11:09,832 Commissioner Grayson, how's your... 321 00:11:12,900 --> 00:11:13,860 wife? 322 00:11:13,901 --> 00:11:15,001 - Too long. - Fouled hit. 323 00:11:15,035 --> 00:11:17,420 - Ugh, this is not my strong suit. - No, no, sir, sir, sir. 324 00:11:17,451 --> 00:11:19,240 You're doing great. Just forget the pause. 325 00:11:19,295 --> 00:11:21,240 Use your eyebrows... Like this. 326 00:11:21,537 --> 00:11:24,076 How's your... "pump, pump, pump" wife. 327 00:11:24,116 --> 00:11:26,046 How's your... pump, pump, pump wife. 328 00:11:26,132 --> 00:11:28,217 Eh, it was a little bit better in my head. 329 00:11:28,404 --> 00:11:32,232 Try this. How's your... "pump" wife "pump, pump." 330 00:11:32,303 --> 00:11:33,537 End on a double pump? 331 00:11:33,592 --> 00:11:35,013 That's risky. He'll see right through me. 332 00:11:35,037 --> 00:11:36,076 How about... 333 00:11:36,123 --> 00:11:39,293 "Pump, pump" how's your..."pump"? 334 00:11:39,482 --> 00:11:41,226 - You forgot to say wife. - Ah, good note. 335 00:11:41,334 --> 00:11:42,340 How 'bout this? 336 00:11:42,365 --> 00:11:47,248 How's your..."pump" wife "pump" Grayson "pump"? 337 00:11:47,295 --> 00:11:48,443 That's the one. 338 00:11:48,545 --> 00:11:50,838 I really don't think anyone in the crew would've done it. 339 00:11:50,871 --> 00:11:51,982 We're like a family. 340 00:11:52,043 --> 00:11:54,529 Yes, and as someone who's about to marry into that family, 341 00:11:54,584 --> 00:11:56,451 so to speak, I tend to agree with you, Sarah. 342 00:11:56,568 --> 00:11:58,185 It seems highly unlikely anyone from the crew 343 00:11:58,209 --> 00:11:59,803 or producers would be involved. 344 00:11:59,840 --> 00:12:01,777 Hey, Sarah, what's the status 345 00:12:01,847 --> 00:12:03,817 on the toilet seat heater for my trailer? 346 00:12:03,864 --> 00:12:05,638 It's day four of cold butt cheeks going on over here. 347 00:12:05,662 --> 00:12:07,404 I'm sorry, but this is official police business. 348 00:12:07,428 --> 00:12:10,324 Putting the screws to her? I got this. 349 00:12:12,059 --> 00:12:14,842 Sarah. You're a P.A. What do you make a year? 350 00:12:14,914 --> 00:12:16,163 Two, three hundred thousand dollars? 351 00:12:16,187 --> 00:12:16,928 30. 352 00:12:16,967 --> 00:12:18,379 30 hundred thousand dollars a year? 353 00:12:18,481 --> 00:12:20,498 - 30 thousand. - Oh. Ooh. 354 00:12:20,795 --> 00:12:23,375 And yet Cassie Sinclair pulls down millions 355 00:12:23,403 --> 00:12:24,475 sitting on her butt 356 00:12:24,561 --> 00:12:26,149 while you bust your hump running her errands. 357 00:12:26,173 --> 00:12:27,623 I bet that makes you angry, 358 00:12:27,747 --> 00:12:30,154 angry enough to steal her laptop? 359 00:12:30,264 --> 00:12:31,210 My gut says yes. 360 00:12:31,245 --> 00:12:33,945 - Okay, that's enough. - You're right. 361 00:12:33,981 --> 00:12:34,982 She's not gonna talk. 362 00:12:35,045 --> 00:12:37,352 Sometimes I wonder why I do this job. 363 00:12:37,764 --> 00:12:39,107 You don't. 364 00:12:39,807 --> 00:12:42,577 Okay, what about the Executive Producer, Gary Lurmax? 365 00:12:42,657 --> 00:12:44,232 Do you know where he was on the night of the robbery? 366 00:12:44,256 --> 00:12:46,361 He's normally in his office after wrap. 367 00:12:46,521 --> 00:12:48,779 Although, last night he did ask me to tell him 368 00:12:48,873 --> 00:12:50,013 when Cassie left her trailer. 369 00:12:50,037 --> 00:12:52,137 Hm, interesting. 370 00:12:52,264 --> 00:12:54,779 Or completely useless. No way to know for sure. 371 00:12:54,841 --> 00:12:57,709 Sarah, one more question. Those donuts, are they... 372 00:12:57,793 --> 00:12:59,061 - They're all free. - Okay, great. 373 00:12:59,085 --> 00:13:01,381 Yeah, I wanted to make sure Cassie was out of her trailer 374 00:13:01,428 --> 00:13:02,669 because we were running behind, 375 00:13:02,725 --> 00:13:04,117 and we needed to make our day. 376 00:13:04,144 --> 00:13:05,847 Is that normally an Executive Producer's job? 377 00:13:05,871 --> 00:13:07,226 Well, I'm trying to be more hands on... 378 00:13:07,250 --> 00:13:09,740 Network pressure, overages. Overages, sure. 379 00:13:09,850 --> 00:13:11,117 I get those on my cell phone. 380 00:13:11,151 --> 00:13:13,170 You know, it's been great watching you work. 381 00:13:13,264 --> 00:13:14,704 Could I introduce you to the writers? 382 00:13:14,740 --> 00:13:16,514 It'd just take a couple of minutes, tops. 383 00:13:16,615 --> 00:13:18,201 They're very awkward. 384 00:13:18,244 --> 00:13:19,841 They can't talk much longer than that. 385 00:13:19,907 --> 00:13:21,107 Lead the way, Hombre. 386 00:13:21,146 --> 00:13:22,629 Hey, if you name a character after me, 387 00:13:22,646 --> 00:13:24,999 - that could be his catch phrase. - I love that. 388 00:13:25,032 --> 00:13:26,881 - Thank you, Gare Bear. - I'll go grab 'em. 389 00:13:26,952 --> 00:13:29,852 - Great. - Hey, man. 390 00:13:29,998 --> 00:13:31,975 Focus up. We have a case to work. 391 00:13:32,059 --> 00:13:33,312 That's why we gotta meet the writers. 392 00:13:33,336 --> 00:13:34,466 I mean, one of them probably did it. 393 00:13:34,490 --> 00:13:35,530 You heard Gary... They're awkward. 394 00:13:35,554 --> 00:13:36,574 They're probably all perverts. 395 00:13:36,598 --> 00:13:37,428 Jake, wake up. 396 00:13:37,453 --> 00:13:39,795 You're being manipulated by our prime suspect. 397 00:13:39,822 --> 00:13:42,143 He's not our prime suspect, all right? 398 00:13:42,182 --> 00:13:44,775 He's subprime at best. 399 00:13:45,252 --> 00:13:47,247 Subprime mortgage crisis reference. 400 00:13:47,443 --> 00:13:48,643 The point is, 401 00:13:48,682 --> 00:13:50,197 you just have to think the worst of everyone 402 00:13:50,221 --> 00:13:51,664 because that's how you see life. It's sad. 403 00:13:51,688 --> 00:13:53,643 You're sad and you're being a bad cop. 404 00:13:53,752 --> 00:13:55,238 All right, I know you're just trying to hurt my feelings, 405 00:13:55,262 --> 00:13:57,162 but I'm in such a good mood about all of this 406 00:13:57,197 --> 00:13:58,658 that there's literally nothing you can say 407 00:13:58,682 --> 00:13:59,495 that'll bring me down. 408 00:13:59,533 --> 00:14:02,197 "Lead the way, Hombre" is a terrible catchphrase. 409 00:14:04,597 --> 00:14:06,971 Nice try trying to hurt my feelings 'cause you didn't. 410 00:14:10,909 --> 00:14:14,088 Looks like they left housekeeping one hell of a tip. 411 00:14:14,413 --> 00:14:16,237 A finger tip. 412 00:14:16,955 --> 00:14:19,151 And that's how I would lift up a bloody finger with my pen. 413 00:14:19,175 --> 00:14:20,338 That is great. 414 00:14:20,443 --> 00:14:23,018 Oh, in this episode, the perp is a cannibal. 415 00:14:23,173 --> 00:14:24,604 Should I aim away from his stomach 416 00:14:24,652 --> 00:14:25,829 so I don't taint the evidence? 417 00:14:25,853 --> 00:14:26,963 Yeah, that's definitely 418 00:14:27,065 --> 00:14:29,018 how I take down a cannibal when I do it. 419 00:14:29,071 --> 00:14:30,281 Right. 420 00:14:30,829 --> 00:14:31,737 What are you doing? 421 00:14:31,791 --> 00:14:33,095 Talking to Cassie and the writers, 422 00:14:33,119 --> 00:14:34,679 who, b-t-dubs, all have alibis. 423 00:14:34,900 --> 00:14:37,432 Also, Gary said that the studio approved us as producers. 424 00:14:37,512 --> 00:14:39,557 I'm having my agent look over the paperwork. 425 00:14:39,896 --> 00:14:41,197 Okay, fine, I don't have an agent. 426 00:14:41,221 --> 00:14:42,741 I'm using my parents' divorce attorney. 427 00:14:42,831 --> 00:14:44,301 He's my uncle. He was disbarred. 428 00:14:44,372 --> 00:14:46,487 Well, while you were off in fantasy land, 429 00:14:46,643 --> 00:14:48,065 I solved the case. 430 00:14:48,776 --> 00:14:50,752 Wait a minute, Rosa! 431 00:14:51,366 --> 00:14:53,027 Security camera across from Cassie's trailer 432 00:14:53,051 --> 00:14:55,846 caught this yesterday. Gare Bear took the laptop? 433 00:14:55,901 --> 00:14:58,971 Come on. No one could've seen this coming. 434 00:14:59,213 --> 00:15:01,947 Except for you. You saw it coming, obviously. 435 00:15:03,770 --> 00:15:05,197 Hey there, bud. 436 00:15:05,621 --> 00:15:07,791 We've been going for a while... You feeling hungry? 437 00:15:07,904 --> 00:15:10,768 Starving, thanks. Oh, come on! 438 00:15:10,969 --> 00:15:13,213 You get a yogurt when I get the truth. 439 00:15:13,518 --> 00:15:14,939 Oh God, it's in the grout. 440 00:15:14,973 --> 00:15:16,307 It's gonna smell in here forever. 441 00:15:16,357 --> 00:15:18,322 I told you, I did everything right. 442 00:15:18,436 --> 00:15:21,104 I even gave Veronica plenty of time after her mom's death. 443 00:15:21,180 --> 00:15:22,590 Wait, what does that mean? 444 00:15:22,685 --> 00:15:25,255 I was gonna break up with her, but then her mom passed, 445 00:15:25,484 --> 00:15:28,143 so, like a gentleman, I waited. 446 00:15:28,220 --> 00:15:29,452 That way she wouldn't have to deal with 447 00:15:29,476 --> 00:15:30,635 too much pain all at once. 448 00:15:30,700 --> 00:15:32,430 How long did you wait, Jeffords? 449 00:15:32,602 --> 00:15:34,262 I don't know, a year, year and a half. 450 00:15:34,357 --> 00:15:35,385 - Sarge! - Seriously? 451 00:15:35,475 --> 00:15:37,627 What? I was being considerate. 452 00:15:37,762 --> 00:15:40,672 Believe me, she had her fun for those 18 months. 453 00:15:40,731 --> 00:15:41,980 - Terry puts out. - All right. 454 00:15:42,019 --> 00:15:44,855 Also, there's no way she even knows I waited. 455 00:15:44,897 --> 00:15:46,418 The gift you bought her, did you buy it 456 00:15:46,506 --> 00:15:48,051 when you first wanted to break up with her 457 00:15:48,075 --> 00:15:49,339 or when you finally did it? 458 00:15:49,400 --> 00:15:52,910 The first time! But why would that matter... 459 00:15:54,613 --> 00:15:55,843 The gift receipt. 460 00:15:55,951 --> 00:15:57,551 They all break eventually. 461 00:15:57,883 --> 00:15:59,706 Get him out of my sight. 462 00:16:00,348 --> 00:16:04,019 Ah, Commissioner Grayson. 463 00:16:04,256 --> 00:16:07,596 Captain Holt, I told you, I'm not going to get involved. 464 00:16:07,643 --> 00:16:08,847 I know. 465 00:16:08,937 --> 00:16:11,464 I just wanted to say... to you... 466 00:16:11,628 --> 00:16:14,112 - What's wrong with your face? - Do I need to call a doctor? 467 00:16:14,157 --> 00:16:16,057 No, I'm clearly trying to communicate... 468 00:16:16,186 --> 00:16:18,097 Captain! There you are. 469 00:16:18,429 --> 00:16:21,129 We have an... emergency. I'm taking care of it. 470 00:16:21,305 --> 00:16:22,775 Okay, I don't know what this is. 471 00:16:22,861 --> 00:16:24,980 But I'm going to leave. 472 00:16:25,893 --> 00:16:27,260 Why did you stop me? 473 00:16:27,293 --> 00:16:28,870 - I was making progress. - I know, sir. 474 00:16:28,895 --> 00:16:30,525 But I have to say something. 475 00:16:30,776 --> 00:16:33,964 I love the Nine-Nine. And the main reason why is you. 476 00:16:33,989 --> 00:16:34,816 Not Jake. 477 00:16:34,865 --> 00:16:36,120 Yes, clearly, it's mostly Jake. 478 00:16:36,152 --> 00:16:39,105 But it's also you and the standard that you've set 479 00:16:39,159 --> 00:16:41,268 for us with your unwavering morals. 480 00:16:41,460 --> 00:16:42,808 I'd rather we split up 481 00:16:42,859 --> 00:16:45,503 than stay together and compromise who we are. 482 00:16:46,249 --> 00:16:48,628 Well, thank you, Boyle. You're right. 483 00:16:48,762 --> 00:16:51,066 No matter what happens, we'll feel better knowing 484 00:16:51,109 --> 00:16:53,039 we didn't resort to blackmail. 485 00:16:53,259 --> 00:16:55,229 I agree. From now on, 486 00:16:55,315 --> 00:16:59,185 the only black male I want anything to do with is you. 487 00:17:00,377 --> 00:17:02,003 That was incredibly inappropriate. 488 00:17:02,039 --> 00:17:03,195 I know, but I had thought of it 489 00:17:03,219 --> 00:17:05,191 and I was so proud, I just had to say it out loud. 490 00:17:05,252 --> 00:17:06,456 - Let's just go. - Great. 491 00:17:08,292 --> 00:17:09,791 What's going on? You can't just come in here. 492 00:17:09,815 --> 00:17:11,355 - We have a warrant. - Boom! 493 00:17:11,380 --> 00:17:13,191 And that's a real one, not a prop. 494 00:17:13,315 --> 00:17:14,755 Or have you forgotten the difference? 495 00:17:14,844 --> 00:17:16,414 - Even when it comes to people? - What? 496 00:17:16,587 --> 00:17:19,206 "People" is me. You used me like a prop. 497 00:17:19,254 --> 00:17:20,918 I thought it was pretty clear. Rosa got it. 498 00:17:20,942 --> 00:17:23,019 - Nope. - Detectives, you don't know 499 00:17:23,044 --> 00:17:24,284 what you're talking about. 500 00:17:24,383 --> 00:17:25,823 - Found it. - Oh, look at that. 501 00:17:25,891 --> 00:17:28,722 Security cam caught you breaking into Cassie's trailer 502 00:17:28,909 --> 00:17:30,229 and walking off with this backpack. 503 00:17:30,253 --> 00:17:32,206 You know what, you Hollywood types make me sick. 504 00:17:32,255 --> 00:17:33,263 - Detective... - For the record, 505 00:17:33,287 --> 00:17:34,487 your show stinks. 506 00:17:34,574 --> 00:17:37,206 I've watched over 200 episode of it and I've never liked one. 507 00:17:37,254 --> 00:17:39,424 - Open the bag, Detective. - Happy to. 508 00:17:39,610 --> 00:17:40,962 I can't wait to see the look on your face 509 00:17:40,986 --> 00:17:44,808 when I pull out Cassie's compu... Just a bunch of pills. 510 00:17:44,957 --> 00:17:46,839 Cassie has a painkiller problem. 511 00:17:46,919 --> 00:17:48,698 The show tries to protect her from herself. 512 00:17:48,776 --> 00:17:50,584 That's why I was surprised she called the cops, 513 00:17:50,608 --> 00:17:52,238 but thanks for busting in here 514 00:17:52,363 --> 00:17:54,870 and telling me how much you hate my show. 515 00:17:55,908 --> 00:17:57,464 And scene. 516 00:17:57,682 --> 00:17:59,847 That was a great example of a cop making a mistake. 517 00:17:59,935 --> 00:18:01,275 That's the kind of thing we can go over more 518 00:18:01,299 --> 00:18:02,926 when I come in on Monday for my first day of work. 519 00:18:02,950 --> 00:18:04,378 No, you can forget about the job. 520 00:18:04,536 --> 00:18:06,836 But you're still gonna name a character after me? 521 00:18:08,097 --> 00:18:10,683 Well, I think we figured out her size: 522 00:18:11,355 --> 00:18:15,183 34 Double Dead. 523 00:18:15,589 --> 00:18:16,927 - You all right, man? - No. 524 00:18:16,985 --> 00:18:19,409 Could have been Detective Peralta saying that perfect pun. 525 00:18:19,468 --> 00:18:21,228 I'm sorry the consulting job didn't work out. 526 00:18:21,281 --> 00:18:22,837 Do you wanna head back and do some more interviews? 527 00:18:22,861 --> 00:18:24,166 What's the point? You were right. 528 00:18:24,191 --> 00:18:25,066 Everything sucks. 529 00:18:25,097 --> 00:18:26,073 We're never gonna solve the case, 530 00:18:26,098 --> 00:18:27,176 I'll never work in show business, 531 00:18:27,200 --> 00:18:28,401 and I'll never drink another smoothie. 532 00:18:28,425 --> 00:18:30,566 Now you're getting it. Everything is awful. 533 00:18:30,718 --> 00:18:31,836 Our precinct is getting shut down 534 00:18:31,860 --> 00:18:33,007 and we're never gonna work together again. 535 00:18:33,031 --> 00:18:35,527 I'll end up living in a car with a dog I can't feed 536 00:18:35,560 --> 00:18:37,690 playing sad songs on a harmonica I can't afford. 537 00:18:37,800 --> 00:18:38,972 Never gonna see each other again. 538 00:18:38,996 --> 00:18:40,981 The harmonica will get repossessed, I'll be all alone 539 00:18:41,005 --> 00:18:43,089 with my hungry dog and harmonica-less silence. 540 00:18:43,159 --> 00:18:44,914 And we won't be friends anymore. 541 00:18:44,994 --> 00:18:46,144 Wait, what? 542 00:18:46,298 --> 00:18:48,870 You don't actually think that we won't be friends anymore 543 00:18:49,050 --> 00:18:50,784 if the precinct gets shut down? 544 00:18:51,034 --> 00:18:56,021 Rosa, we will never not be friends. 545 00:18:57,923 --> 00:18:59,361 Thanks, man. 546 00:18:59,898 --> 00:19:01,330 - Get your hand off me. - Yep. 547 00:19:01,392 --> 00:19:02,969 Forgot the Rosa rule. 548 00:19:03,102 --> 00:19:04,872 No touchy. 549 00:19:06,071 --> 00:19:07,415 Oh, my God. 550 00:19:07,900 --> 00:19:09,283 I just solved the case. 551 00:19:09,608 --> 00:19:12,938 Season 8, episode 16, in which Detective Cole Tracker 552 00:19:12,978 --> 00:19:14,853 catches the Brooklyn Bra Butcher. 553 00:19:15,033 --> 00:19:16,681 While wearing gloves. 554 00:19:17,040 --> 00:19:19,048 But Detective Peralta, I thought Mark said 555 00:19:19,150 --> 00:19:20,910 his character never wears gloves on the show. 556 00:19:20,958 --> 00:19:23,845 Oh, now that you mention it, that does ring a bell. 557 00:19:24,923 --> 00:19:26,892 - That's my move. - Oh, I'm aware. 558 00:19:26,988 --> 00:19:28,488 You told us you never wore gloves 559 00:19:28,594 --> 00:19:31,236 when you picked up Cassie's laptop bag. 560 00:19:31,603 --> 00:19:32,766 A double Tracker. 561 00:19:32,859 --> 00:19:34,529 You wanted us to see you holding the bag 562 00:19:34,633 --> 00:19:35,798 because your prints were already on it. 563 00:19:35,822 --> 00:19:37,134 From when you stole the laptop. 564 00:19:37,181 --> 00:19:38,773 Cassie's only been on the show two years, 565 00:19:38,797 --> 00:19:40,772 but there's already talk of her getting a spin-off. 566 00:19:40,796 --> 00:19:42,369 You were gonna post her personal photos 567 00:19:42,416 --> 00:19:44,016 - and humiliate her. - Ridiculous. 568 00:19:44,059 --> 00:19:46,494 I've never been more insulted in my life. 569 00:19:46,708 --> 00:19:48,568 Your theory is outrageous. 570 00:19:48,681 --> 00:19:50,603 And what's more, it's just a theory. 571 00:19:50,651 --> 00:19:52,705 I don't know how cops around here do things, 572 00:19:52,765 --> 00:19:54,439 but where I come from, we're burdened 573 00:19:54,535 --> 00:19:56,212 with a little thing we like to call evidence, 574 00:19:56,236 --> 00:19:59,306 of which you don't have a shred. 575 00:20:00,334 --> 00:20:02,447 We found Cassie's laptop in the trunk of your car. 576 00:20:02,526 --> 00:20:04,009 I stand correct. Yeah, you got me. 577 00:20:04,096 --> 00:20:05,666 I did it. Good job. 578 00:20:07,251 --> 00:20:09,556 - Terrence. - Veronica. 579 00:20:10,119 --> 00:20:12,642 I'm sorry for how I handled our breakup back in the day. 580 00:20:12,806 --> 00:20:15,806 I was trying to be a good guy, to be nice. 581 00:20:16,173 --> 00:20:19,038 But sometimes, to be nice to someone, 582 00:20:19,306 --> 00:20:21,556 it means you have to be honest with them, 583 00:20:21,722 --> 00:20:23,632 even if it hurts their feelings. 584 00:20:24,806 --> 00:20:26,182 Thank you for saying that. 585 00:20:26,322 --> 00:20:27,878 Now you don't have to forgive me, 586 00:20:27,920 --> 00:20:30,611 but could you please at least give the precinct a shot? 587 00:20:30,708 --> 00:20:34,538 - I would love to do that. - Thank you so much! 588 00:20:34,689 --> 00:20:37,056 Except I've already turned in my report. 589 00:20:37,322 --> 00:20:39,540 Was it... positive? 590 00:20:39,615 --> 00:20:40,715 No. 591 00:20:40,842 --> 00:20:43,314 It was real bad. 592 00:20:43,809 --> 00:20:46,203 ♪♪ Dramatic music... 593 00:20:46,322 --> 00:20:49,199 ♪♪ "Serve & Protect" Synchronized by srjanapala 594 00:20:49,283 --> 00:20:51,173 I made this saddle out of your sister. 595 00:20:51,302 --> 00:20:52,902 And now I'm going to put it on your back. 596 00:20:53,011 --> 00:20:54,507 And your sister and I are gonna trot you 597 00:20:54,531 --> 00:20:56,009 all around the apartment. 598 00:20:56,180 --> 00:20:57,525 What's wrong with you? 599 00:20:57,591 --> 00:21:01,126 I'm Jake Peralta, the grossest pervert of all time. 600 00:21:01,231 --> 00:21:02,822 Hi-ya! NYPD! 601 00:21:02,921 --> 00:21:05,095 You're under arrest, you unbelievable creep! 602 00:21:05,157 --> 00:21:06,237 You'll never take me alive! 603 00:21:16,088 --> 00:21:18,228 Rot in hell, Jake Peralta. 604 00:21:19,624 --> 00:21:21,721 They used my name! 605 00:21:23,541 --> 00:21:25,271 - Not a doctor. - Shh.