1 00:00:00,508 --> 00:00:01,541 Hey, Jake, 2 00:00:01,576 --> 00:00:02,842 guess who just called me? 3 00:00:02,877 --> 00:00:04,588 The Jerky Boys. They're back! 4 00:00:04,594 --> 00:00:05,794 No. What? 5 00:00:05,829 --> 00:00:07,031 - No. - No. 6 00:00:07,055 --> 00:00:09,915 D.C. Parlov. He's in town for LegendCon, 7 00:00:09,921 --> 00:00:11,024 and he has a case for us! 8 00:00:11,050 --> 00:00:13,051 Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God! 9 00:00:13,066 --> 00:00:14,880 Parlov? Didn't he write those "Skyfire" books? 10 00:00:14,886 --> 00:00:16,184 I thought he turned out to be a jerk. 11 00:00:16,190 --> 00:00:18,540 Yeah, but ever since Jake and I saved his life, 12 00:00:18,546 --> 00:00:20,405 he's actually been very nice. 13 00:00:20,440 --> 00:00:21,873 He even sent me a Christmas gift. 14 00:00:21,908 --> 00:00:25,442 A full-scale replica of the sword of Opadoma. 15 00:00:25,459 --> 00:00:27,126 - Unh! - Why are you so excited? 16 00:00:27,161 --> 00:00:28,431 You don't care about those stupid books. 17 00:00:28,437 --> 00:00:30,356 I actually did read all of them in prison. 18 00:00:30,362 --> 00:00:31,581 They are the greatest books I've 19 00:00:31,587 --> 00:00:33,016 ever read, and I've read "Cujo." 20 00:00:33,022 --> 00:00:35,330 Jake and I really bonded over "Skyfire." 21 00:00:35,336 --> 00:00:36,668 - Yeah. - Watch this. 22 00:00:36,704 --> 00:00:38,079 Favorite moment in the series? 23 00:00:38,085 --> 00:00:40,105 BOTH: The summoning of Balacastro. 24 00:00:40,141 --> 00:00:42,630 - Second favorite? - BOTH: The Scarlet Feast! 25 00:00:42,636 --> 00:00:44,777 - Third favorite? - BOTH: When you thought Ka'lar 26 00:00:44,812 --> 00:00:46,311 had been swallowed by the Norolith, 27 00:00:46,347 --> 00:00:47,846 but had just switched armor 28 00:00:47,882 --> 00:00:49,448 with Samling the Betrayer 29 00:00:49,483 --> 00:00:51,150 in the battle of Vorcastle. 30 00:00:51,185 --> 00:00:52,618 (LAUGHTER) Fourth favorite? 31 00:00:52,644 --> 00:00:54,305 Three was plenty. So was zero. 32 00:00:54,320 --> 00:00:56,297 Okay, I can see that you're skeptical, Rosa, 33 00:00:56,303 --> 00:00:58,615 but how about this: come with us on the case! 34 00:00:58,621 --> 00:01:00,688 I know you think it's dumb, but "Skyfire" is actually 35 00:01:00,694 --> 00:01:02,661 very smart and dark and adult. 36 00:01:02,696 --> 00:01:04,029 It's not for nerds at all. 37 00:01:04,065 --> 00:01:05,431 Ooh! On our way there, 38 00:01:05,466 --> 00:01:06,809 should we sing the elvish hunting song? 39 00:01:06,815 --> 00:01:08,133 (LAUGHS) 40 00:01:08,169 --> 00:01:09,268 BOTH: Sharpen your swords 41 00:01:09,303 --> 00:01:10,569 And string your bows 42 00:01:10,604 --> 00:01:12,104 The beasts have gone away 43 00:01:12,146 --> 00:01:15,647 - Synced and corrected by medvidecek007 - - www.addic7ed.com - 44 00:01:16,299 --> 00:01:19,267 (UPBEAT MUSIC) 45 00:01:20,430 --> 00:01:23,435 (♪♪♪) 46 00:01:32,159 --> 00:01:34,359 Whoa, look at this place! 47 00:01:34,395 --> 00:01:36,628 Ooh, they're selling moss wine. 48 00:01:36,664 --> 00:01:39,064 I wonder if it's as gross as the books say it is. 49 00:01:39,100 --> 00:01:40,732 I can never get into any of this crap. 50 00:01:40,768 --> 00:01:42,534 I think the reason is because it's garbage. 51 00:01:42,570 --> 00:01:44,169 Rosa, I think if you just gave it a chance, 52 00:01:44,205 --> 00:01:46,127 you would get hooked. I mean, what is it that 53 00:01:46,133 --> 00:01:47,845 you do in your free time that's so cool? 54 00:01:47,875 --> 00:01:49,641 Fix up old cars and sell them to celebrities. 55 00:01:49,677 --> 00:01:51,343 That's why I'm friends with Tom Hardy. 56 00:01:51,378 --> 00:01:53,144 Right, so we agree that we're all equally cool. 57 00:01:53,150 --> 00:01:54,680 Here we go. This is Parlov's panel. 58 00:01:54,715 --> 00:01:56,582 "Diversity in Fantasy Writing." 59 00:01:56,617 --> 00:01:58,350 Ooh, the line starts here. 60 00:01:58,385 --> 00:01:59,618 (APPLAUSE) 61 00:02:00,056 --> 00:02:01,789 Real diverse diversity panel. 62 00:02:01,795 --> 00:02:03,595 And, like, people always ask me, 63 00:02:03,601 --> 00:02:04,900 "Where do you get your ideas?" 64 00:02:04,936 --> 00:02:06,969 And honestly, Wikipedia. 65 00:02:07,004 --> 00:02:08,561 I always try to pull from life. 66 00:02:08,567 --> 00:02:10,406 Queen Tiffany, of course, was named after 67 00:02:10,441 --> 00:02:11,674 a lovely hostess that I met 68 00:02:11,709 --> 00:02:13,324 in Bonita Springs in Florida. 69 00:02:13,330 --> 00:02:15,611 You know, I've always wanted to write a book myself, 70 00:02:15,646 --> 00:02:17,813 but all I know about is cops, and there are literally 71 00:02:17,849 --> 00:02:19,340 no more cop stories to tell. Zero. 72 00:02:19,346 --> 00:02:21,495 - I've actually been writing a novel. - Wait, what? 73 00:02:21,501 --> 00:02:23,511 You're writing a book? When? For who? 74 00:02:23,517 --> 00:02:24,987 For me... for fun. 75 00:02:25,022 --> 00:02:26,589 Look, I'm not trying to be an author. 76 00:02:26,597 --> 00:02:28,163 I don't even know how to go about doing that. 77 00:02:28,199 --> 00:02:30,165 Parlov! You should show it to Parlov. 78 00:02:30,201 --> 00:02:33,235 - He could probably get it published. - No, that's crazy. 79 00:02:33,271 --> 00:02:35,690 Like, I'm sure it's bad. I don't want to be embarrassed. 80 00:02:35,696 --> 00:02:37,573 Terry, you are a great husband, 81 00:02:37,608 --> 00:02:39,441 father, detective, painter, dancer, 82 00:02:39,477 --> 00:02:41,333 and you're so jacked you have muscles on your back. 83 00:02:41,339 --> 00:02:42,792 Everyone has back muscles, Jake. 84 00:02:42,798 --> 00:02:44,747 Nuh-huh, my back looks like the inside of a spoon. 85 00:02:44,782 --> 00:02:46,415 The point is, you're great at everything. 86 00:02:46,450 --> 00:02:47,850 You're probably great at writing, too. 87 00:02:47,885 --> 00:02:49,585 I am not showing Parlov my book, okay? 88 00:02:49,620 --> 00:02:51,083 All right. 89 00:02:51,645 --> 00:02:53,682 Here he comes. Now just drop it. 90 00:02:54,409 --> 00:02:56,872 Sorry, I hope that wasn't too tedious for you. 91 00:02:56,878 --> 00:02:59,050 It was fascinating, especially to Terry. 92 00:02:59,056 --> 00:03:00,805 - He's a writer, and he wrote a book. - Would you read it? 93 00:03:00,811 --> 00:03:03,201 - BOTH: Dude! - Sure. Love to, absolutely. 94 00:03:03,207 --> 00:03:04,868 But listen, there's something I want you to see. 95 00:03:04,874 --> 00:03:06,407 Come with me, guys, all right? 96 00:03:06,442 --> 00:03:07,808 - Jake! - What? 97 00:03:07,889 --> 00:03:09,689 Terry, you need to believe in yourself, 98 00:03:09,724 --> 00:03:11,958 like when Morzak answered the sorceress' riddle! 99 00:03:11,993 --> 00:03:13,393 She turned him into a tree, Jake. 100 00:03:13,428 --> 00:03:16,016 Yeah, a tree that became the handle of Prominius' axe. 101 00:03:16,022 --> 00:03:17,616 Parlov is so far away already. 102 00:03:17,622 --> 00:03:19,221 Yeah, good call. Let's go after him. 103 00:03:19,227 --> 00:03:20,626 (KNOCKS AT DOOR) Hey. 104 00:03:20,632 --> 00:03:21,832 The desk sergeant said we're hosting... 105 00:03:21,838 --> 00:03:23,380 a forensic sciences course. 106 00:03:23,386 --> 00:03:25,853 Yes, taught by Dr. Ronald Yee. 107 00:03:26,007 --> 00:03:28,842 He revolutionized the field of forensic entomology. 108 00:03:28,877 --> 00:03:30,178 He is a rock star. 109 00:03:30,184 --> 00:03:32,051 Oh, please. Rock stars wish they were he. 110 00:03:32,057 --> 00:03:34,109 The man can tell how long a corpse had been decomposing 111 00:03:34,115 --> 00:03:36,082 just by studying the maggots inside. 112 00:03:36,117 --> 00:03:37,584 I'd like to see Barbra Streisand do that. 113 00:03:37,619 --> 00:03:39,825 I'm not sure Barbra Streisand counts as a rock star, sir. 114 00:03:39,831 --> 00:03:41,675 She sings in English. That's rock music. 115 00:03:41,681 --> 00:03:44,382 Well, it sounds interesting. Can I sign up? 116 00:03:44,860 --> 00:03:47,360 (SIGHS) Yes, you can, 117 00:03:47,395 --> 00:03:49,729 but here's the thing: if we do well at this course, 118 00:03:49,764 --> 00:03:51,464 we receive board certification, 119 00:03:51,500 --> 00:03:53,633 which makes us eligible to receive a grant 120 00:03:53,668 --> 00:03:55,735 to open a field lab in the precinct, 121 00:03:55,770 --> 00:03:57,604 but... 122 00:03:57,639 --> 00:04:00,940 Eh... but whenever we have a speaker come in, 123 00:04:00,976 --> 00:04:02,976 you kind of tend to always 124 00:04:03,011 --> 00:04:05,378 derail these things with personal stories. 125 00:04:05,413 --> 00:04:06,779 That's how I learn. I relate course material 126 00:04:06,815 --> 00:04:08,047 to my experiences. 127 00:04:08,083 --> 00:04:09,749 Subjective learning. 128 00:04:09,784 --> 00:04:11,069 Millennials. 129 00:04:11,075 --> 00:04:12,519 I know it's important, so I promise, 130 00:04:12,554 --> 00:04:13,920 I won't tell any stories, 131 00:04:13,955 --> 00:04:15,655 though sometimes they do come in handy. 132 00:04:15,690 --> 00:04:17,423 One time, all the Boyles were in 133 00:04:17,459 --> 00:04:19,292 this fungus cavern, and this massive mushroom comes... 134 00:04:19,327 --> 00:04:20,760 - Charles. - I am so sorry. 135 00:04:20,795 --> 00:04:22,674 I slipped right into it. I'll be good. 136 00:04:23,365 --> 00:04:24,998 This is my room, right over here. 137 00:04:25,033 --> 00:04:26,633 Listen, I need just a moment to clean up. 138 00:04:26,668 --> 00:04:28,735 I had a female visitor in earlier today 139 00:04:28,770 --> 00:04:30,003 dressed as Concubina. 140 00:04:30,038 --> 00:04:33,159 She got smears of green body paint all over everything. 141 00:04:33,475 --> 00:04:35,475 Everything. 142 00:04:37,445 --> 00:04:38,745 He was talking about his penis. 143 00:04:38,780 --> 00:04:40,313 - I know, Jake. - He pulls, Rosa. 144 00:04:40,348 --> 00:04:41,875 - He pulls. That's all I'm saying. - I can't believe you 145 00:04:41,881 --> 00:04:44,851 - told him about my book. - I'm sorry, Terry, but now 146 00:04:44,886 --> 00:04:47,654 D.C. Parlov is going to read what you wrote! How cool is that? 147 00:04:47,689 --> 00:04:49,088 - He's pretty cool. - Right? 148 00:04:49,124 --> 00:04:50,857 You haven't even told me what it's about yet. 149 00:04:50,892 --> 00:04:52,333 Well, it's the story of a Gorgon warrior... 150 00:04:52,339 --> 00:04:54,124 - Awesome. - Who betrays his bloodline... 151 00:04:54,130 --> 00:04:55,617 - How could he? - To marry a Cloud Princess... 152 00:04:55,623 --> 00:04:57,046 - He did it for love. - Even though 153 00:04:57,052 --> 00:04:58,383 - their families are at war. - No! All right, 154 00:04:58,389 --> 00:05:00,278 no more spoilers. Send it over to me, 155 00:05:00,284 --> 00:05:01,578 and I'm gonna stay up all night reading it. 156 00:05:01,584 --> 00:05:03,407 - It's only 150 pages. - I'm gonna stay up 157 00:05:03,413 --> 00:05:04,779 all the next three nights reading it. 158 00:05:05,006 --> 00:05:06,639 Dr. Yee will be here any minute, 159 00:05:06,675 --> 00:05:08,363 and we need to make a good impression. 160 00:05:08,369 --> 00:05:09,976 If you need to cough... 161 00:05:10,011 --> 00:05:11,444 Cough now. 162 00:05:11,479 --> 00:05:13,046 (COUGHING OBNOXIOUSLY) 163 00:05:13,081 --> 00:05:15,048 My God, what if I hadn't said anything? 164 00:05:15,083 --> 00:05:16,516 Don't worry, I got this. 165 00:05:16,551 --> 00:05:17,984 Nobody sucks up like a Boyle. 166 00:05:18,019 --> 00:05:19,652 Our scoliosis allows us 167 00:05:19,688 --> 00:05:21,352 to bow more deeply than normal people. 168 00:05:21,358 --> 00:05:23,886 Huh, here's an idea: Santiago and I will impress him 169 00:05:23,892 --> 00:05:25,700 with the depth of our forensic knowledge, 170 00:05:25,706 --> 00:05:27,660 and you can wow him 171 00:05:27,696 --> 00:05:30,330 with your stoic, silent demeanor. 172 00:05:30,365 --> 00:05:32,276 No stories. Understood? 173 00:05:32,282 --> 00:05:33,454 Stoic. Ah. 174 00:05:33,460 --> 00:05:34,954 Good morning, everyone. 175 00:05:34,960 --> 00:05:36,803 Thank you for having me at the Nine-Nine. 176 00:05:36,838 --> 00:05:38,471 Sorry I'm late. Just had to deal... 177 00:05:38,506 --> 00:05:39,906 with some family issues. 178 00:05:39,941 --> 00:05:42,075 Cousins, right? 179 00:05:42,110 --> 00:05:43,776 Okay, before we get technical, 180 00:05:43,812 --> 00:05:45,378 let's talk a bit about the history of blood. 181 00:05:45,413 --> 00:05:47,413 Does anyone here know any hemophiliacs? 182 00:05:47,449 --> 00:05:48,648 (WHISPERING) So many... 183 00:05:48,683 --> 00:05:50,316 Now, they played a vital role 184 00:05:50,352 --> 00:05:51,551 in the development of modern forensics. 185 00:05:51,586 --> 00:05:53,453 Them and leeches. 186 00:05:53,488 --> 00:05:54,887 My cousin Torvald is a hemophiliac, 187 00:05:54,923 --> 00:05:56,689 and his wife is a leech farmer. 188 00:05:56,725 --> 00:05:58,591 I say "wife," but it's a common-law marriage. 189 00:05:58,627 --> 00:06:00,059 For the longest time, Boyle wedding ceremonies 190 00:06:00,095 --> 00:06:01,461 were not recognized in the state. 191 00:06:01,496 --> 00:06:03,529 Well, here's the situation: 192 00:06:03,565 --> 00:06:04,931 somebody stole my laptop, 193 00:06:04,966 --> 00:06:06,833 which contained the unpublished manuscript 194 00:06:06,868 --> 00:06:08,968 of book 13 of "The Skyfire Cycle." 195 00:06:09,757 --> 00:06:11,804 The person left this note. 196 00:06:11,840 --> 00:06:13,506 "We have your book. 197 00:06:13,541 --> 00:06:15,708 "Pay us $500,000 in the next 24 hours 198 00:06:15,744 --> 00:06:17,410 "or we leak it online. 199 00:06:17,445 --> 00:06:19,045 "The first five chapters are now up." 200 00:06:19,080 --> 00:06:20,980 They've been downloaded 85,000 times. 201 00:06:21,016 --> 00:06:23,101 Well, we should probably go online and read those 202 00:06:23,107 --> 00:06:25,023 chapters in case there's some clues in there, 203 00:06:25,053 --> 00:06:27,687 and also maybe we'll find out Qwandor's true parentage? 204 00:06:27,722 --> 00:06:30,246 - Oh that's already been revealed. - No, it hasn't. (GASPS) 205 00:06:30,252 --> 00:06:31,724 BOTH: Unless the prophecy of Dorgon 206 00:06:31,760 --> 00:06:33,059 is indeed true! 207 00:06:33,094 --> 00:06:35,795 - But that would mean... - You seem pretty calm for somebody 208 00:06:35,830 --> 00:06:38,036 - whose book was just stolen. - Because I know who took it. 209 00:06:38,042 --> 00:06:40,657 - Landon Lawson. - He was on that panel. He writes 210 00:06:40,663 --> 00:06:42,530 "The Shadowbringer Saga." It's garbage. 211 00:06:42,536 --> 00:06:44,820 So why would Lawson want to steal your manuscript? 212 00:06:44,826 --> 00:06:46,372 We both have books coming out this fall, 213 00:06:46,408 --> 00:06:47,534 and we have a rather public bet 214 00:06:47,540 --> 00:06:48,915 about whose is going to sell better. 215 00:06:48,921 --> 00:06:50,973 I believe he's leaking my manuscript online 216 00:06:50,979 --> 00:06:52,812 just to hurt my sales. 217 00:06:52,847 --> 00:06:54,547 - You should arrest him. - Well, we're not going to 218 00:06:54,582 --> 00:06:56,015 do anything until we've seen all the evidence. 219 00:06:56,051 --> 00:06:57,383 If this book fails, 220 00:06:57,419 --> 00:06:58,851 that's the end of "Skyfire." 221 00:06:58,887 --> 00:07:01,454 Let's go take this son of a bitch down! 222 00:07:02,263 --> 00:07:03,882 Mr. Lawson? NYPD. 223 00:07:03,888 --> 00:07:06,535 Let me guess: you're here about the stolen manuscript? 224 00:07:06,541 --> 00:07:09,332 So you admit you did it? Well, that was easy. 225 00:07:09,371 --> 00:07:11,953 What? No. Someone stole my manuscript, 226 00:07:11,959 --> 00:07:13,545 and I know who it was: 227 00:07:13,768 --> 00:07:15,768 D.C. Parlov. 228 00:07:15,835 --> 00:07:17,835 BOTH: By Zorton's Sword! 229 00:07:18,117 --> 00:07:20,544 It's the exact same note Parlov got. 230 00:07:20,550 --> 00:07:22,738 I don't see why anybody would want to steal your book. 231 00:07:22,744 --> 00:07:25,259 "The Skyfire Cycle" makes "The Shadowbringer Saga" 232 00:07:25,265 --> 00:07:26,797 look like "The BeastWorm Chronicles." 233 00:07:26,833 --> 00:07:28,267 You see, Rosa, "The BeastWorm Chronicles" 234 00:07:28,273 --> 00:07:29,585 are one of the more simplistic... 235 00:07:29,591 --> 00:07:30,619 - Don't care. - Yeah. 236 00:07:30,625 --> 00:07:32,950 You know what? My books say something, okay? 237 00:07:32,966 --> 00:07:35,522 I was the only one brave enough to tackle elf molestation. 238 00:07:35,528 --> 00:07:37,995 Guys, calm down. You're both victims. 239 00:07:38,030 --> 00:07:39,935 Now, do you have any enemies in common? 240 00:07:39,941 --> 00:07:42,229 Let me think about that. Parlov is my enemy, 241 00:07:42,235 --> 00:07:43,835 but he's also his own enemy, 242 00:07:43,870 --> 00:07:45,737 because he's such a boring and repetitive writer. 243 00:07:45,772 --> 00:07:47,505 He just keeps killing off characters, 244 00:07:47,540 --> 00:07:49,240 resurrecting them, and killing 'em off again. 245 00:07:49,246 --> 00:07:50,541 Because of the Chrysalis Orb! 246 00:07:50,577 --> 00:07:51,676 Uh, sorry. 247 00:07:51,711 --> 00:07:53,164 Police officer, on a case. 248 00:07:53,170 --> 00:07:54,734 But we will need you to both generate actual 249 00:07:54,740 --> 00:07:56,303 lists of people that might want to hurt you. 250 00:07:56,309 --> 00:07:57,675 We have 24 hours to figure this out, but if 251 00:07:57,681 --> 00:07:59,326 we don't, are you willing to pay the ransom? 252 00:07:59,332 --> 00:08:00,931 I'd do anything to get my book back. 253 00:08:00,937 --> 00:08:02,770 I mean, you understand. You're a writer. 254 00:08:02,776 --> 00:08:04,943 Do you hear that, Terry? He called you a writer. 255 00:08:05,558 --> 00:08:07,465 Terry, did you hear? Terry? 256 00:08:07,471 --> 00:08:08,688 Well, Terry's broken. 257 00:08:08,694 --> 00:08:10,195 Write up those lists. We're on the case. 258 00:08:10,201 --> 00:08:12,562 Welcome back. 259 00:08:12,599 --> 00:08:13,831 So today, I want to focus on 260 00:08:13,867 --> 00:08:15,767 facial reconstruction. 261 00:08:15,802 --> 00:08:17,602 For over a century, we used plaster casts 262 00:08:17,637 --> 00:08:20,238 to help identify decomposed John and Jane Does. 263 00:08:20,273 --> 00:08:22,707 We buried my Nana Boyle at the family farm, 264 00:08:22,742 --> 00:08:24,742 but because of the soil's high salt content, 265 00:08:24,778 --> 00:08:26,465 she turned into jerky. Never mind. 266 00:08:26,471 --> 00:08:28,835 - Please continue. - Now, I need one person per group 267 00:08:28,841 --> 00:08:30,748 to have a plaster cast made of their head. 268 00:08:30,784 --> 00:08:32,757 Uh, will he... or she... 269 00:08:32,763 --> 00:08:34,157 Be able to speak? 270 00:08:34,163 --> 00:08:35,553 Not while the plaster's on, no. 271 00:08:35,588 --> 00:08:36,721 - I vote Charles. - Charles. 272 00:08:36,748 --> 00:08:38,077 I was gonna vote me, too. 273 00:08:38,091 --> 00:08:40,258 I mean, I know the plaster can dry out your skin, 274 00:08:40,293 --> 00:08:41,859 but as a Boyle, I'm aggressively moist. 275 00:08:41,895 --> 00:08:44,462 Oop, you gotta close that mouth, Boyle. 276 00:08:44,497 --> 00:08:46,057 Shh-shh-shh-shh. 277 00:08:46,063 --> 00:08:48,564 Keep still and quiet. 278 00:08:50,236 --> 00:08:51,736 Have you been here all night? 279 00:08:51,771 --> 00:08:53,638 We traded off, and each slept a few hours 280 00:08:53,673 --> 00:08:56,207 right here in the break room, but we got a lead. 281 00:08:56,242 --> 00:08:57,642 You know Miles Moorgil? 282 00:08:57,677 --> 00:08:59,711 He wrote "The Nocturine Quartet" novels. 283 00:08:59,746 --> 00:09:01,713 Well, Moorgil is the only person 284 00:09:01,748 --> 00:09:05,089 on both Parlov and Lawson's lists of potential enemies. 285 00:09:05,418 --> 00:09:07,618 Apparently, they each slept with his wife. 286 00:09:07,654 --> 00:09:09,677 How do these guys do so well with women? 287 00:09:09,683 --> 00:09:11,483 Oh, I'm sorry they don't live up to 288 00:09:11,489 --> 00:09:13,291 your superficial standards of male beauty, Rosa. 289 00:09:13,326 --> 00:09:14,726 I'm kidding. It's because they're rich. 290 00:09:14,761 --> 00:09:16,594 Moorgil's here for the conference. 291 00:09:16,629 --> 00:09:19,079 We're gonna go confront him and get the laptops back. 292 00:09:19,085 --> 00:09:20,798 Then, maybe, we can see if 293 00:09:20,834 --> 00:09:22,600 Parlov read my book yet. 294 00:09:22,635 --> 00:09:24,635 Oh, well, I mean, it's been less than a day. 295 00:09:24,671 --> 00:09:26,404 - Maybe don't get your hopes up. - Don't worry. 296 00:09:26,439 --> 00:09:27,839 I don't have any expectations. 297 00:09:27,874 --> 00:09:29,607 - Good. - I'm gonna be at my phone, 298 00:09:29,642 --> 00:09:32,243 just in case a publisher calls. I mean, someone. 299 00:09:32,278 --> 00:09:33,811 Yeah. Whatever. 300 00:09:33,847 --> 00:09:35,480 It's fine. My hopes are up. 301 00:09:35,515 --> 00:09:37,482 All right, buddy. 302 00:09:37,517 --> 00:09:39,183 I couldn't sleep last night, so I started 303 00:09:39,219 --> 00:09:41,152 reading Terry's book, and it's terrible. 304 00:09:41,187 --> 00:09:43,321 I made him show it to Parlov. He's gonna be humiliated. 305 00:09:43,356 --> 00:09:44,889 Relax. How bad could it be? 306 00:09:44,924 --> 00:09:46,791 So bad, and I'm entertained by everything. 307 00:09:46,826 --> 00:09:48,240 I once went to a play. 308 00:09:48,246 --> 00:09:49,527 So what are you gonna do about Parlov? 309 00:09:49,562 --> 00:09:51,162 - I don't know. - Don't know what? 310 00:09:51,197 --> 00:09:52,330 Uh, how to do... 311 00:09:52,365 --> 00:09:53,878 Sex... good. 312 00:09:53,884 --> 00:09:55,900 How much should I be flapping my arms around? 313 00:09:55,935 --> 00:09:56,973 - Not much. - Right. 314 00:09:56,979 --> 00:09:58,569 Well, that settles that. 315 00:09:58,605 --> 00:10:00,538 I knew that Amy was wrong. (CHUCKLES) 316 00:10:00,573 --> 00:10:02,206 Anyways, let's get back on the case, right? 317 00:10:02,242 --> 00:10:03,839 Skyfire Cycle. 318 00:10:04,104 --> 00:10:06,477 Okay, now that the plaster's dry, 319 00:10:06,513 --> 00:10:08,081 you'll see why we lubricated the 320 00:10:08,087 --> 00:10:09,899 subject's face with Vaseline first. 321 00:10:10,048 --> 00:10:12,315 Oh, no, we forgot the lube. 322 00:10:12,952 --> 00:10:14,867 Charles, can you hear us? 323 00:10:15,210 --> 00:10:17,373 What do we do? 324 00:10:17,690 --> 00:10:19,557 Doctor? Uh, what if someone... 325 00:10:19,592 --> 00:10:21,392 No one in this room, mind you... 326 00:10:21,428 --> 00:10:23,537 Forgot to lubricate before applying the plaster? 327 00:10:23,543 --> 00:10:25,797 Oh, one of my lab techs made that mistake once. 328 00:10:25,832 --> 00:10:27,665 It becomes impossible to remove the mask 329 00:10:27,700 --> 00:10:29,500 without literally skinning the subject alive. 330 00:10:29,536 --> 00:10:31,067 It takes five days for the plaster 331 00:10:31,073 --> 00:10:32,294 to slough off on its own. 332 00:10:32,300 --> 00:10:33,720 And what became of the lab tech? 333 00:10:33,726 --> 00:10:35,014 Oh, I fired him. It was an... 334 00:10:35,020 --> 00:10:36,547 unacceptable level of incompetence. 335 00:10:36,553 --> 00:10:38,943 Huh, what a satisfying conclusion to that story. 336 00:10:38,978 --> 00:10:40,178 - Boyle! - (MUFFLED) Mm. 337 00:10:40,213 --> 00:10:41,370 A mistake was made and we 338 00:10:41,376 --> 00:10:42,712 can't remove your mask yet. 339 00:10:42,718 --> 00:10:44,348 We're gonna leave you in here... 340 00:10:44,384 --> 00:10:45,817 Until after the class is over, 341 00:10:45,852 --> 00:10:47,585 because if Dr. Yee sees you like this, 342 00:10:47,620 --> 00:10:49,754 we can kiss our certification good-bye. 343 00:10:49,789 --> 00:10:50,888 (MUFFLED PROTEST) 344 00:10:50,924 --> 00:10:52,256 I'm sorry, Boyle, 345 00:10:52,292 --> 00:10:53,458 but Hitchcock and Scully 346 00:10:53,493 --> 00:10:54,692 will be here with you. 347 00:10:54,727 --> 00:10:57,309 (MUFFLED SHOUTING) 348 00:10:57,315 --> 00:10:58,863 I don't know, Captain. He seems pretty upset. 349 00:10:58,898 --> 00:11:00,731 - Hold on. - (MUFFLED) Mm! 350 00:11:03,803 --> 00:11:05,503 Look how happy he is now. 351 00:11:05,538 --> 00:11:07,271 (MUFFLED GROANING) 352 00:11:07,307 --> 00:11:08,739 Yes, you're welcome, Boyle. 353 00:11:08,775 --> 00:11:10,374 I don't understand. 354 00:11:10,410 --> 00:11:12,410 Why do you think I would steal those laptops? 355 00:11:12,445 --> 00:11:14,378 Parlov and Lawson are your rivals. 356 00:11:14,414 --> 00:11:15,880 You're jealous of their success. 357 00:11:15,915 --> 00:11:17,648 And of course, you have a personal motive. 358 00:11:17,684 --> 00:11:19,892 You hate them for sleeping with your wife. 359 00:11:19,898 --> 00:11:22,588 - What? They slept with my wife? - And you didn't know. 360 00:11:22,594 --> 00:11:23,619 (LAUGHS) 361 00:11:23,625 --> 00:11:25,356 Well, this is awkward. We should probably just go. 362 00:11:25,391 --> 00:11:26,657 - Jessica! - She's here. 363 00:11:26,693 --> 00:11:28,459 - That's wonderful. - Yes, sweets? 364 00:11:28,495 --> 00:11:29,931 Did you sleep with D.C. 365 00:11:29,937 --> 00:11:31,623 Parlov and Landon Lawson? 366 00:11:32,398 --> 00:11:34,332 - Uh... - Why would you do that? 367 00:11:34,367 --> 00:11:36,208 You've ruined our marriage. You've ruined it! 368 00:11:36,214 --> 00:11:37,337 You know, this seems like a 369 00:11:37,343 --> 00:11:38,674 conversation for just you two, 370 00:11:38,705 --> 00:11:40,238 so... oop, here comes a child. 371 00:11:40,273 --> 00:11:41,519 Mommy? Daddy? 372 00:11:41,525 --> 00:11:43,341 Are you getting divorced? 373 00:11:43,563 --> 00:11:44,996 Are they getting divorced? 374 00:11:45,232 --> 00:11:47,512 BOTH: Uh... 375 00:11:47,547 --> 00:11:48,913 Oof. 376 00:11:48,948 --> 00:11:50,281 Okay, that was a rough 70 minutes. 377 00:11:50,316 --> 00:11:52,717 - Yeah, but... - That kid looked exactly like Parlov? 378 00:11:52,752 --> 00:11:53,784 100%. 379 00:11:53,820 --> 00:11:55,386 BOTH: Oh... 380 00:11:55,421 --> 00:11:57,321 Anyways, that was our last lead, 381 00:11:57,357 --> 00:11:59,757 so looks like we're back at the Nil Caverns. 382 00:12:00,252 --> 00:12:02,810 - Did you just say the Nil Caverns? - Hm? 383 00:12:02,816 --> 00:12:04,923 - Like, from my book? - Uh, yep. 384 00:12:04,929 --> 00:12:06,140 Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, I did, 385 00:12:06,146 --> 00:12:07,436 because you told me about them 386 00:12:07,467 --> 00:12:08,863 when you were explaining the plot. 387 00:12:08,869 --> 00:12:10,501 I didn't, but that's because I wanted 388 00:12:10,507 --> 00:12:12,050 the Nil Caverns to be a surprise. 389 00:12:12,705 --> 00:12:14,639 Why didn't you tell me you read my book, Jake? 390 00:12:14,674 --> 00:12:16,173 - Uh... - Oh, no. 391 00:12:16,209 --> 00:12:17,341 - You hated it. - What? 392 00:12:17,377 --> 00:12:19,877 Terry, no, I didn't hate it. 393 00:12:19,913 --> 00:12:22,306 - I liked tons of parts. - Name one. 394 00:12:22,312 --> 00:12:24,749 Name one part you liked, Jake. 395 00:12:25,277 --> 00:12:27,218 - The map? - I didn't draw that! 396 00:12:27,253 --> 00:12:28,653 It was a map of the Chesapeake Bay 397 00:12:28,688 --> 00:12:30,288 with the names slightly changed! 398 00:12:30,323 --> 00:12:32,790 (GASPS) Oh, my God. 399 00:12:32,825 --> 00:12:34,692 You made me show Parlov. 400 00:12:34,727 --> 00:12:37,543 You humiliated me in front of my hero! 401 00:12:38,298 --> 00:12:40,264 Sarge, I'm sorry. 402 00:12:40,300 --> 00:12:41,499 Look, I didn't just like the map. 403 00:12:41,534 --> 00:12:42,800 I also liked... 404 00:12:42,835 --> 00:12:44,454 the spaces between the words! 405 00:12:44,460 --> 00:12:45,759 That's not helpful. 406 00:12:47,209 --> 00:12:48,636 You guys got a million dollars 407 00:12:48,642 --> 00:12:50,115 together on 24 hours' notice? 408 00:12:50,146 --> 00:12:52,035 Yeah, I had to liquidate my Bitcoins. 409 00:12:52,041 --> 00:12:53,380 Oh, really? 410 00:12:53,416 --> 00:12:55,053 I would've thought you'd be flushed with cash 411 00:12:55,059 --> 00:12:56,904 from the "Skyfire" TV series. 412 00:12:56,910 --> 00:12:58,075 Oh, wait, that's right. 413 00:12:58,111 --> 00:12:59,544 The CW passed. 414 00:12:59,579 --> 00:13:01,479 How's the "Shadowbringer" film coming along? 415 00:13:01,514 --> 00:13:03,381 Howie Long still playing both twins? 416 00:13:03,416 --> 00:13:04,800 All right. Let's go over the plan. 417 00:13:04,806 --> 00:13:07,318 Okay, there's a potted tree on the east side of the lobby. 418 00:13:07,353 --> 00:13:09,120 They said to leave the briefcase behind that. 419 00:13:09,155 --> 00:13:11,055 If someone grabs it, Rosa, Peralta, and I 420 00:13:11,090 --> 00:13:12,490 will converge. We'll be positioned... 421 00:13:12,525 --> 00:13:14,103 around the room in disguise. 422 00:13:14,109 --> 00:13:16,059 It's not gonna work. I don't own a nerd costume. 423 00:13:16,065 --> 00:13:19,205 Oh, but Rosa, you are already wearing one. 424 00:13:19,233 --> 00:13:21,812 You naturally dress like the female bounty hunter 425 00:13:21,818 --> 00:13:23,531 in every steampunk novel. 426 00:13:24,370 --> 00:13:27,172 Look. All you need are welding goggles. 427 00:13:27,178 --> 00:13:28,474 Damn it. 428 00:13:28,480 --> 00:13:30,074 I have welding goggles in the car. 429 00:13:30,109 --> 00:13:32,109 Shall we to battle? 430 00:13:32,145 --> 00:13:35,070 Mask on, mask on 431 00:13:35,076 --> 00:13:36,438 Mask, mask on 432 00:13:36,444 --> 00:13:38,482 Got your mask on, mask on 433 00:13:38,518 --> 00:13:41,219 Represent, yeah, gotta represent 434 00:13:41,254 --> 00:13:42,940 To solve that problem, we would 435 00:13:42,946 --> 00:13:44,522 use fluid dynamic analysis. 436 00:13:44,528 --> 00:13:47,262 That is exactly right. Well done. 437 00:13:47,501 --> 00:13:48,900 Where's your friend? 438 00:13:48,906 --> 00:13:50,384 Shouldn't he be here for the plaster removal? 439 00:13:50,390 --> 00:13:52,422 Something came up, so he had to remove the mask, 440 00:13:52,428 --> 00:13:54,895 which came off quite easily, and run out. 441 00:13:54,901 --> 00:13:56,334 It was urgent police business. 442 00:13:56,369 --> 00:13:57,902 Bunch of kids are being held hostage, 443 00:13:57,937 --> 00:13:59,136 so he had to go deal with that. 444 00:13:59,172 --> 00:14:01,223 Oh, well, if you need to leave to provide him with backup... 445 00:14:01,229 --> 00:14:02,659 - No, it's a teachable moment. - The children 446 00:14:02,665 --> 00:14:04,225 - can handle themselves. - Captain Holt? 447 00:14:04,249 --> 00:14:05,590 Your husband's on the phone. 448 00:14:05,596 --> 00:14:07,128 He wants to know how long 449 00:14:07,164 --> 00:14:09,008 you're going to kiss for tonight? 450 00:14:09,666 --> 00:14:12,148 Would you excuse us for one moment? 451 00:14:12,480 --> 00:14:14,461 Your husband didn't really call. 452 00:14:14,467 --> 00:14:15,900 I wasn't sure what gay guys talk about 453 00:14:15,906 --> 00:14:17,320 on the phone. How'd I do? 454 00:14:17,326 --> 00:14:18,895 Scully, what do you want? 455 00:14:18,901 --> 00:14:20,472 We were watching Charles, like you said, 456 00:14:20,478 --> 00:14:22,859 but both of us had to go to the bathroom really bad. 457 00:14:22,865 --> 00:14:24,431 Ugh. Where's Charles? 458 00:14:24,466 --> 00:14:26,363 - We have no idea. - BOTH: What? 459 00:14:26,492 --> 00:14:28,339 - Terry, do you copy? - I copy. 460 00:14:28,345 --> 00:14:31,090 - Seriously? You're still mad at me? - All I said was "I copy." 461 00:14:31,096 --> 00:14:33,315 Yeah, but you had a tone. Just admit it. 462 00:14:33,321 --> 00:14:35,138 - Let it go, Jake. - No, he's right. 463 00:14:35,144 --> 00:14:36,258 Terry had a tone. 464 00:14:36,264 --> 00:14:38,512 - Terry had a big-time tone. - Don't worry. 465 00:14:38,547 --> 00:14:40,013 I bet he hasn't even read your book yet. 466 00:14:40,049 --> 00:14:42,104 It's been two hours. I'm almost at the front of this line. 467 00:14:42,110 --> 00:14:44,308 I don't even know who I'm waiting to take a picture with. 468 00:14:44,356 --> 00:14:46,222 "Bran Stark?" Pass. 469 00:14:46,228 --> 00:14:49,129 Okay, he's just the three-eyed raven. 470 00:14:49,135 --> 00:14:50,935 Here we go, here we go. We got action. 471 00:14:50,941 --> 00:14:52,841 He dresses just like you, Jake. Is that someone popular? 472 00:14:52,847 --> 00:14:54,653 Yes, Rosa, it's Ka'lar. 473 00:14:54,688 --> 00:14:57,055 17th of his name, sworn knight of the Queen's Crown, 474 00:14:57,091 --> 00:14:58,536 the Daybreaker, the rightful heir to... 475 00:14:58,542 --> 00:15:00,269 All right. You can just say "Ka'lar." 476 00:15:00,275 --> 00:15:02,290 Uh, then how will you know which Ka'lar I'm talking about? 477 00:15:02,296 --> 00:15:03,628 It's a very common name in "Skyfire." 478 00:15:03,664 --> 00:15:05,097 It's like their John. 479 00:15:05,132 --> 00:15:07,099 He's going for the briefcase. 480 00:15:07,134 --> 00:15:08,715 Okay, let's go. 481 00:15:08,721 --> 00:15:10,168 Don't make your move until you're close to him. 482 00:15:10,204 --> 00:15:11,970 There's too many civilians. 483 00:15:12,005 --> 00:15:14,272 (TENSE MUSIC) 484 00:15:14,308 --> 00:15:16,908 Wait, why are there so many Ka'lars? 485 00:15:16,944 --> 00:15:18,503 Costume contest just ended. 486 00:15:18,509 --> 00:15:20,712 That's why he waited until now to pick up the money. 487 00:15:20,747 --> 00:15:22,314 I lost him. Which one is it? 488 00:15:22,349 --> 00:15:23,748 It's the one headed toward the service elevator. 489 00:15:23,784 --> 00:15:25,050 Hey! Freeze! 490 00:15:25,085 --> 00:15:26,490 NYPD. Let me see your hands. 491 00:15:26,496 --> 00:15:28,086 What's going on? 492 00:15:28,122 --> 00:15:30,594 Doesn't have the briefcase. I got the wrong Ka'lar. 493 00:15:30,600 --> 00:15:32,224 - I have eyes on him. - Take him down! 494 00:15:32,259 --> 00:15:34,059 (GRUNTS) 495 00:15:34,094 --> 00:15:36,785 Wrong Ka'lar... 496 00:15:37,264 --> 00:15:39,631 Boyle's not in the interrogation room. 497 00:15:39,666 --> 00:15:41,266 He couldn't have gotten far. He can't see. 498 00:15:41,301 --> 00:15:43,201 You can go a long way on muscle memory alone. 499 00:15:43,237 --> 00:15:44,803 One time, I sleepwalked 500 00:15:44,838 --> 00:15:47,213 - to the M&M's store in Times Square. - (LOUD BANGING) Oh, oh! 501 00:15:47,219 --> 00:15:49,016 Stairwell. 502 00:15:49,526 --> 00:15:51,593 - Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God. - I'm okay. 503 00:15:51,745 --> 00:15:54,045 It's okay. (SCREAMS) Sorry, stranger. 504 00:15:54,081 --> 00:15:55,680 I just can't see anything at all, 505 00:15:55,716 --> 00:15:57,616 and it's really scary being touched. 506 00:15:57,651 --> 00:15:59,117 - Are you okay? - Yes. 507 00:15:59,153 --> 00:16:00,752 Just return me to the 99th precinct. 508 00:16:00,787 --> 00:16:02,287 Boyle, it's us. 509 00:16:02,322 --> 00:16:04,156 Where were you going? Why would you leave 510 00:16:04,191 --> 00:16:05,924 that windowless supply closet we locked you in? 511 00:16:05,959 --> 00:16:08,193 Ah, yes, hearing it, I understand why. 512 00:16:08,228 --> 00:16:09,828 I was trying to get to the locker room 513 00:16:09,863 --> 00:16:11,229 to steam the mask off in the shower... 514 00:16:11,265 --> 00:16:13,298 so you guys could still get certified. 515 00:16:13,333 --> 00:16:14,475 Wait. 516 00:16:14,481 --> 00:16:16,415 You were trying to help us? 517 00:16:16,421 --> 00:16:18,303 Even though you'll be stuck in this mask for five days? 518 00:16:18,338 --> 00:16:19,792 Five days? 519 00:16:19,847 --> 00:16:21,935 Well, I know how important the course was to you. 520 00:16:22,276 --> 00:16:23,975 It's not. 521 00:16:24,011 --> 00:16:26,077 - Not anymore. - (SCREAMS) 522 00:16:26,113 --> 00:16:27,779 I'm so sorry. 523 00:16:27,814 --> 00:16:30,215 I just cannot see at all. 524 00:16:30,250 --> 00:16:31,616 I can't believe it! 525 00:16:31,652 --> 00:16:33,718 Now I'm out $1/2 million! 526 00:16:33,754 --> 00:16:35,187 What am I supposed to do now? 527 00:16:35,222 --> 00:16:37,022 Write another "Compendium of Beasts"? 528 00:16:37,057 --> 00:16:38,890 Do you have any idea how hard it is 529 00:16:38,926 --> 00:16:42,594 to find enough interns to slap that crap together? 530 00:16:42,629 --> 00:16:43,806 God! 531 00:16:43,812 --> 00:16:45,096 Don't worry about him. 532 00:16:45,132 --> 00:16:46,998 At least we got to stop that thief 533 00:16:47,034 --> 00:16:48,833 from releasing any more chapters. 534 00:16:48,869 --> 00:16:50,369 All we're out is some money, plus I've got... 535 00:16:50,375 --> 00:16:51,908 insurance, so I'm going to get it all back. 536 00:16:51,939 --> 00:16:53,198 By the way, Detective Jeffords, 537 00:16:53,204 --> 00:16:54,353 while we were waiting, 538 00:16:54,359 --> 00:16:56,007 I had an opportunity to read your manuscript. 539 00:16:56,043 --> 00:16:58,043 Oh, don't worry about that. 540 00:16:58,078 --> 00:16:59,878 It's a work in progress. 541 00:16:59,913 --> 00:17:01,279 Has a lot of changes I... 542 00:17:01,315 --> 00:17:03,048 No, no, no, it was great. Truly. 543 00:17:03,083 --> 00:17:05,150 Fantastic. I mean, it was so fresh, you know? 544 00:17:05,185 --> 00:17:07,052 It had a really unique point of view. 545 00:17:07,087 --> 00:17:08,753 I sent it on to my publishers. 546 00:17:09,162 --> 00:17:10,528 Thank you for allowing me to read it. 547 00:17:10,534 --> 00:17:11,756 And I want to thank you all 548 00:17:11,792 --> 00:17:13,725 for your hard, hard work on this case. 549 00:17:13,760 --> 00:17:15,126 Appreciate it. 550 00:17:15,162 --> 00:17:16,695 (BREATHING EXCITEDLY) 551 00:17:16,730 --> 00:17:18,230 Ooh, did you hear that? 552 00:17:18,265 --> 00:17:19,631 He loved it. 553 00:17:19,666 --> 00:17:22,033 D.C. Parlov loved my writing! 554 00:17:22,069 --> 00:17:23,635 You were wrong! 555 00:17:23,670 --> 00:17:25,637 And being wrong never felt so right. 556 00:17:25,672 --> 00:17:27,801 Oh, that sounded cool. Did I just make up a hit song? 557 00:17:27,807 --> 00:17:29,908 Being wrong never felt so right 558 00:17:29,943 --> 00:17:32,077 With the Addams Family staying up all night 559 00:17:32,112 --> 00:17:33,645 Yep, I was right. It's a hit. 560 00:17:33,680 --> 00:17:34,976 I gotta go call Sharon! 561 00:17:34,982 --> 00:17:37,011 All righty. Well, congratulations, Sarge! 562 00:17:37,017 --> 00:17:38,283 And don't forget about us 563 00:17:38,318 --> 00:17:39,884 when you become a famous author. 564 00:17:39,920 --> 00:17:41,853 Terry's writing sucks. Parlov is lying to him. 565 00:17:41,888 --> 00:17:44,556 - What? Why? - I don't know. 566 00:17:44,591 --> 00:17:46,291 He's buttering him up... 567 00:17:46,326 --> 00:17:48,193 because Lawson and Parlov 568 00:17:48,228 --> 00:17:50,562 stole their own books! 569 00:17:50,597 --> 00:17:51,830 Well, they stole their own books 570 00:17:51,865 --> 00:17:52,998 It's plain to see 571 00:17:53,033 --> 00:17:54,199 But who's on the case 572 00:17:54,234 --> 00:17:56,151 The Addams Family 573 00:17:57,244 --> 00:17:59,478 Terry is Gomez, I'm Cousin It 574 00:17:59,676 --> 00:18:01,209 You are Wednesday, let's do this 575 00:18:01,244 --> 00:18:02,878 Okay, we should go. 576 00:18:03,538 --> 00:18:05,382 Why do you think these guys are in it together? 577 00:18:05,388 --> 00:18:07,121 They hate each other. They spent an hour 578 00:18:07,156 --> 00:18:08,851 arguing over the name of the dragon in "The Hobbit." 579 00:18:08,857 --> 00:18:10,323 - "Smog." - "Smowg." 580 00:18:10,358 --> 00:18:12,091 - Smog! - Smowg! 581 00:18:12,126 --> 00:18:13,793 - (YELLING) Smog! - (YELLING) Smowg! 582 00:18:14,103 --> 00:18:15,870 It's "Smowg," by the way... 583 00:18:15,876 --> 00:18:18,577 Point Lawson... but yes, they're mortal enemies, 584 00:18:18,612 --> 00:18:20,011 which is why they think we'll never suspect them 585 00:18:20,047 --> 00:18:21,346 of being in cahoots. 586 00:18:21,381 --> 00:18:22,948 Oh, but they cahooted, Rosa. 587 00:18:22,983 --> 00:18:25,450 They cahooted all over us. 588 00:18:25,486 --> 00:18:26,952 Gross. Why'd they leak their chapters? 589 00:18:26,987 --> 00:18:28,651 To get people excited, like when Carly 590 00:18:28,657 --> 00:18:29,932 Rae Jepsen puts out an amazing single, 591 00:18:29,938 --> 00:18:32,047 and you have to wait six weeks for the album to come out. 592 00:18:32,053 --> 00:18:33,377 She's great. I'm not apologizing. 593 00:18:33,383 --> 00:18:35,356 So Parlov contacted Terry because he knows 594 00:18:35,380 --> 00:18:37,247 Sarge is a super-fan and can be manipulated. 595 00:18:37,282 --> 00:18:39,640 Yes, he's been giving Terry presents since last year. 596 00:18:39,646 --> 00:18:40,836 And Terry's novel gave Parlov... 597 00:18:40,842 --> 00:18:42,272 another chance to manipulate him. 598 00:18:42,278 --> 00:18:43,386 Unless... 599 00:18:43,422 --> 00:18:45,655 is it possible Parlov actually likes Sarge's writing? 600 00:18:45,691 --> 00:18:47,657 Read the first sentence. 601 00:18:48,057 --> 00:18:49,890 - Yep, Parlov did it. - Very much so. 602 00:18:49,896 --> 00:18:51,663 Gah! Now I have to tell Sarge 603 00:18:51,669 --> 00:18:53,803 that his fantasy novel stinks. 604 00:18:53,838 --> 00:18:56,605 This is the hardest part of being a cop. 605 00:18:56,641 --> 00:18:58,874 Now, there are issues with RFLP testing, 606 00:18:58,910 --> 00:19:01,010 as there are with every technique, but... 607 00:19:01,045 --> 00:19:02,778 Captain, I thought you said 608 00:19:02,814 --> 00:19:04,680 your friend removed his mask and left. 609 00:19:04,715 --> 00:19:06,749 I forgot to lube up his face. 610 00:19:06,784 --> 00:19:08,751 We failed to listen to the instructions. 611 00:19:08,786 --> 00:19:10,468 That is incredibly careless. 612 00:19:10,474 --> 00:19:12,058 I know, and it means we won't receive 613 00:19:12,064 --> 00:19:13,989 our certification, and I'm okay with that. 614 00:19:14,025 --> 00:19:16,025 - Unless my honesty... - No, it's off the table. 615 00:19:16,060 --> 00:19:19,929 - And I'm okay with that. - Well, anyway, RFLP testing 616 00:19:19,964 --> 00:19:21,897 was designed to localize genetic disorders, and it... 617 00:19:21,933 --> 00:19:24,724 Ooh, my cousin Donna has a genetic disorder 618 00:19:24,730 --> 00:19:26,702 where her lips were made of cartilage, 619 00:19:26,737 --> 00:19:28,771 meaning her mouth is technically a beak. 620 00:19:28,806 --> 00:19:30,439 I don't see how that pertains to anything... 621 00:19:30,475 --> 00:19:31,941 No, let him talk. I want to hear it. 622 00:19:31,976 --> 00:19:33,976 Boyle, tell us about your cousin's beak. 623 00:19:34,011 --> 00:19:36,011 Well, she runs marathons 624 00:19:36,047 --> 00:19:37,718 to raise money for other people 625 00:19:37,724 --> 00:19:39,286 afflicted with "bird-face." 626 00:19:39,317 --> 00:19:40,483 There are only two of them. 627 00:19:40,518 --> 00:19:42,785 - They're her kids. - Oh, Sarge! 628 00:19:42,820 --> 00:19:44,223 Funny seeing you here. 629 00:19:44,229 --> 00:19:45,855 Oh, that reminds me. 630 00:19:45,890 --> 00:19:47,756 I have to tell you something. What was it? 631 00:19:47,792 --> 00:19:49,024 Out with it, Peralta. 632 00:19:49,060 --> 00:19:50,726 Okay, fine. Here it goes. 633 00:19:50,761 --> 00:19:52,795 - I think that... - Parlov hated my book. 634 00:19:52,830 --> 00:19:55,464 He only said he liked it so I wouldn't figure out 635 00:19:55,500 --> 00:19:57,700 he and Lawson stole their own manuscripts. 636 00:19:57,735 --> 00:19:59,584 - You figured it out. - Well, I had a gut feeling, 637 00:19:59,590 --> 00:20:00,707 so I went digging. 638 00:20:00,713 --> 00:20:02,734 I got a warrant for Parlov's browser history. 639 00:20:02,740 --> 00:20:04,773 He searched "how to liquidate Bitcoins" 640 00:20:04,779 --> 00:20:06,679 three days before the laptops were stolen. 641 00:20:06,685 --> 00:20:08,677 Man, I bet that browser history was a nightmare, huh? 642 00:20:08,713 --> 00:20:10,354 - Oh, you have no idea. - Yeah. 643 00:20:10,360 --> 00:20:12,481 Anyway, I questioned them, and they confessed. 644 00:20:12,517 --> 00:20:13,983 I can't go to prison, okay? 645 00:20:14,018 --> 00:20:16,352 I know I seem tough, but I'm not. 646 00:20:16,387 --> 00:20:17,946 - I went to Bennington. - Ew. 647 00:20:17,952 --> 00:20:19,889 I'm sorry Parlov didn't like your book. 648 00:20:19,924 --> 00:20:21,524 And I didn't. And also Rosa. 649 00:20:21,559 --> 00:20:23,425 - Why did I add that? - No, it's okay. 650 00:20:23,461 --> 00:20:25,732 At least I won't waste any more time trying to be a writer. 651 00:20:25,738 --> 00:20:27,371 Wait, let me ask you a question. 652 00:20:27,524 --> 00:20:29,331 Are you a better cop now than when you started? 653 00:20:29,367 --> 00:20:31,567 - Nope. - Wasn't talking to you. 654 00:20:31,602 --> 00:20:33,936 Yeah. I look back at my old cases 655 00:20:33,971 --> 00:20:35,804 and I can't believe how long 656 00:20:35,840 --> 00:20:38,244 - it took me to figure things out. - Yeah, but you worked on it, 657 00:20:38,250 --> 00:20:39,708 and you kept working, and now, 658 00:20:39,744 --> 00:20:41,911 12 to 40 years later... 659 00:20:41,946 --> 00:20:43,546 I don't have a good sense of your age... 660 00:20:43,581 --> 00:20:45,314 You're a great cop who got a "gut feeling" 661 00:20:45,349 --> 00:20:46,815 and solved a huge case. 662 00:20:46,851 --> 00:20:48,584 So you think I should keep writing? 663 00:20:48,619 --> 00:20:50,486 I mean, you might not become a huge famous author, 664 00:20:50,521 --> 00:20:51,987 but you'll get better, 665 00:20:52,023 --> 00:20:54,221 and if it makes you happy, it can't be that bad. 666 00:20:54,227 --> 00:20:56,321 Sheryl Crow, she's great. I won't apologize. 667 00:20:56,327 --> 00:20:57,960 And who knows? Claire Essalgorn 668 00:20:57,995 --> 00:20:59,695 didn't start writing the first "Crimson Portal" novel 669 00:20:59,730 --> 00:21:01,797 until she was 60. 670 00:21:01,832 --> 00:21:03,933 I started reading it because the character looks like me. 671 00:21:03,968 --> 00:21:06,001 I kept reading it because it's so good! 672 00:21:06,037 --> 00:21:08,337 Rosa, you did get hooked, you big nerd! 673 00:21:08,372 --> 00:21:09,605 This heroine is my heroin. 674 00:21:09,640 --> 00:21:11,440 Oh, such a dweebus. I love it! 675 00:21:11,475 --> 00:21:13,809 Speaking of which, Parlov's laptop is in evidence. 676 00:21:13,844 --> 00:21:15,474 Want to go read the new "Skyfire" book? 677 00:21:15,480 --> 00:21:17,012 Oh, I don't know. 678 00:21:17,048 --> 00:21:18,981 I mean, he's such a bad guy. 679 00:21:19,016 --> 00:21:20,716 Do we even like his books anymore? 680 00:21:20,751 --> 00:21:22,685 (CHUCKLES) 681 00:21:22,720 --> 00:21:23,852 BOTH: Sharpen your swords 682 00:21:23,888 --> 00:21:25,382 And string your bows 683 00:21:25,388 --> 00:21:27,158 (♪♪♪) 684 00:21:27,164 --> 00:21:30,172 - Synced and corrected by medvidecek007 - - www.addic7ed.com -