1 00:00:00,083 --> 00:00:02,561 Wait for it... Wait for it... 2 00:00:02,562 --> 00:00:03,996 9:01! 3 00:00:03,997 --> 00:00:06,999 Amy Santiago is officially late for the first time ever. 4 00:00:07,000 --> 00:00:09,034 All right, let's do this. Who's got theories? 5 00:00:09,035 --> 00:00:11,069 Uh... Alarm didn't go off. 6 00:00:11,070 --> 00:00:12,704 All three alarms? All with battery back-up? 7 00:00:12,705 --> 00:00:14,971 Come on, who wants to take this seriously? 8 00:00:14,972 --> 00:00:16,708 Ooh! She was taken in her sleep! 9 00:00:16,709 --> 00:00:18,143 That's what I'm talking about! 10 00:00:18,144 --> 00:00:19,811 Super dark, Boyle, but way more plausible 11 00:00:19,812 --> 00:00:22,395 than the sarge's idiotic alarm clock theory. 12 00:00:22,396 --> 00:00:24,082 I bet she tucked herself into bed too tight 13 00:00:24,083 --> 00:00:25,250 and got stuck. 14 00:00:25,251 --> 00:00:26,985 Mm, maybe she Fell into another dimension 15 00:00:26,986 --> 00:00:28,693 where she's interesting. 16 00:00:28,694 --> 00:00:31,390 It's 9:00 A.M. why is no one working? 17 00:00:31,391 --> 00:00:33,025 Amy Santiago is a few minutes late, 18 00:00:33,026 --> 00:00:34,660 and we're all trying to guess why. 19 00:00:34,661 --> 00:00:36,728 I'd like to play. 20 00:00:36,729 --> 00:00:41,400 I'd say she's in line at the bank. 21 00:00:41,401 --> 00:00:43,101 - This is fun. - It is fun, 22 00:00:43,102 --> 00:00:45,127 but you're all wrong. 23 00:00:45,128 --> 00:00:47,272 She clearly slipped through a subway grate 24 00:00:47,273 --> 00:00:50,006 and is having terrible sex with a mole man. 25 00:00:51,255 --> 00:00:52,945 There she is. Amy. 26 00:00:52,946 --> 00:00:54,379 Where have you been? 27 00:00:54,380 --> 00:00:56,648 We've been worried sick. Do you care to explain yourself? 28 00:00:56,649 --> 00:00:58,383 I'm just 70 seconds late. It's not a big deal. 29 00:00:58,384 --> 00:01:00,182 Don't worry about it. 30 00:01:00,188 --> 00:01:03,722 Santiago, you will tell us, and you will tell us now. 31 00:01:03,723 --> 00:01:05,397 There was a problem at the bank. 32 00:01:05,398 --> 00:01:06,992 Hot damn! 33 00:01:06,993 --> 00:01:10,780 Sync & corrections by Rafael UPD www.addic7ed.com/ 34 00:01:27,680 --> 00:01:30,816 So you nervous about the trial tomorrow? 35 00:01:30,817 --> 00:01:32,150 The jewelry store break-in? 36 00:01:32,151 --> 00:01:33,518 Diamond heist. 37 00:01:33,519 --> 00:01:34,519 It's like you're going out of your way 38 00:01:34,520 --> 00:01:36,052 to make it sound less cool. 39 00:01:36,053 --> 00:01:38,190 I think the conviction's a slam dunk. 40 00:01:38,191 --> 00:01:39,791 Good. Not to over state it, 41 00:01:39,792 --> 00:01:41,393 but I'm definitely gonna die alone, 42 00:01:41,394 --> 00:01:42,594 and work is all I have. 43 00:01:42,595 --> 00:01:44,396 I take it dating's not going well. 44 00:01:44,397 --> 00:01:46,732 What? 45 00:01:46,733 --> 00:01:49,001 No! It's awesome. 46 00:01:49,002 --> 00:01:50,869 What happened with Rosa's friend, Katie? 47 00:01:50,870 --> 00:01:54,039 Yeah, she turned out to be even more closed off than Rosa. 48 00:01:54,040 --> 00:01:55,841 So how long have you known Rosa? 49 00:01:55,842 --> 00:01:56,975 None of your business. 50 00:01:56,976 --> 00:01:57,976 All right. 51 00:01:57,977 --> 00:01:59,177 But it's not just her. 52 00:01:59,178 --> 00:02:01,246 All the dates I've been on lately have been lame. 53 00:02:01,247 --> 00:02:02,447 Maybe it's you. 54 00:02:02,448 --> 00:02:03,715 What are your moves? 55 00:02:03,716 --> 00:02:04,998 What do you talk about? 56 00:02:04,999 --> 00:02:07,586 Uh, my moves are fine, mom. 57 00:02:07,587 --> 00:02:09,588 I dazzle them with a bad-ass cop story. 58 00:02:09,589 --> 00:02:10,923 Have you ever thought about going 59 00:02:10,924 --> 00:02:12,991 with your non-work interests? 60 00:02:12,992 --> 00:02:14,426 On my first date with my wife, 61 00:02:14,427 --> 00:02:17,629 all we did was talk about our mutual love of meat loaf. 62 00:02:17,630 --> 00:02:18,964 The singer not the food. 63 00:02:18,965 --> 00:02:22,367 Oh, so the weirder of the two choices. 64 00:02:22,368 --> 00:02:24,002 All right, fine. I get what you're saying. 65 00:02:24,003 --> 00:02:25,537 Your wife's awesome and I should do everything 66 00:02:25,538 --> 00:02:28,186 in my power to be with her physically. 67 00:02:28,192 --> 00:02:30,842 I mean, no, not that. 68 00:02:30,843 --> 00:02:32,110 Don't talk about being a cop. 69 00:02:32,111 --> 00:02:35,153 Just talk about my own interests. 70 00:02:35,154 --> 00:02:37,449 Exactly! 71 00:02:37,450 --> 00:02:40,586 Hey, she's cute. 72 00:02:40,587 --> 00:02:42,033 And alone. 73 00:02:42,039 --> 00:02:44,756 I'll try and find our meatloaf. 74 00:02:44,757 --> 00:02:47,092 Go get her, little man. 75 00:02:47,093 --> 00:02:48,193 Hello there. 76 00:02:48,194 --> 00:02:49,228 Hi! 77 00:02:49,229 --> 00:02:50,662 Captain... 78 00:02:50,663 --> 00:02:52,231 We need to talk about the union rep elections. 79 00:02:52,232 --> 00:02:54,566 Scully is running again, unopposed. 80 00:02:54,567 --> 00:02:56,668 He is incompetent. 81 00:02:56,669 --> 00:02:57,936 If there's one thing to take away 82 00:02:57,937 --> 00:03:00,038 from the new contract, it's that holiday pay 83 00:03:00,039 --> 00:03:01,551 is "now capped." 84 00:03:01,552 --> 00:03:02,975 Or "not capped." 85 00:03:02,976 --> 00:03:06,643 In conclusion, the word "capped" was said. 86 00:03:06,644 --> 00:03:10,480 Whoo! Nailed it. 87 00:03:10,481 --> 00:03:12,314 The only reason Scully does the job 88 00:03:12,320 --> 00:03:14,820 is because the annual union meeting has a party sub. 89 00:03:14,821 --> 00:03:16,822 He's been a rep for 12 years, and he still pronounces 90 00:03:16,823 --> 00:03:18,905 "union" as "onion." 91 00:03:18,906 --> 00:03:22,534 As management, I'm not allowed to talk about union matters. 92 00:03:22,535 --> 00:03:24,663 Scully doesn't know anything about our pensions 93 00:03:24,664 --> 00:03:25,864 and he has no idea about the new 94 00:03:25,865 --> 00:03:27,866 disciplinary guidelines. 95 00:03:27,867 --> 00:03:29,332 What do you think, captain? 96 00:03:29,333 --> 00:03:30,802 What I think is, I will continue 97 00:03:30,803 --> 00:03:33,586 to not talk about this issue. 98 00:03:33,587 --> 00:03:34,940 Hey, you should run. 99 00:03:34,941 --> 00:03:36,608 Going to meetings, writing stuff down. 100 00:03:36,609 --> 00:03:38,049 You love that nerd stuff. 101 00:03:38,050 --> 00:03:39,645 "Writing things down" is nerdy? 102 00:03:39,646 --> 00:03:40,646 What do you do? 103 00:03:40,647 --> 00:03:42,181 I just forget stuff like a cool person. 104 00:03:42,182 --> 00:03:44,716 Come on, admit it, you care about this crap. 105 00:03:44,717 --> 00:03:45,784 Maybe. 106 00:03:45,785 --> 00:03:47,052 But I want to be captain one day, 107 00:03:47,053 --> 00:03:48,921 and union reps are always fighting with the brass. 108 00:03:48,922 --> 00:03:50,979 It's career suicide, right, sir? 109 00:03:50,980 --> 00:03:53,559 Stop trying to get me involved, Santiago. 110 00:03:53,560 --> 00:03:56,295 No! I'm already fighting with the brass. 111 00:03:56,296 --> 00:03:57,484 Look at what you've done! 112 00:03:59,200 --> 00:04:01,667 Oh man, these look spicy! 113 00:04:01,668 --> 00:04:02,668 We may die tonight. 114 00:04:02,669 --> 00:04:03,902 You know, I actually heard about a guy 115 00:04:03,903 --> 00:04:05,971 who died while eating hot wings. Really? 116 00:04:05,972 --> 00:04:07,506 Yeah, he was terminally ill beforehand though. 117 00:04:07,507 --> 00:04:08,621 Unrelated. 118 00:04:08,622 --> 00:04:10,876 I always thought I'd die at the hands of my own clone. 119 00:04:10,877 --> 00:04:12,244 Well, that's why you have to brand the number two 120 00:04:12,245 --> 00:04:13,846 into your clone's cheek. 121 00:04:13,847 --> 00:04:15,446 You shouldn't have a clone if you don't know that. 122 00:04:15,447 --> 00:04:16,281 Yes. 123 00:04:16,282 --> 00:04:17,282 All right, you ready? 124 00:04:17,283 --> 00:04:18,256 I'm ready. 125 00:04:18,257 --> 00:04:21,051 Here we go. 126 00:04:21,052 --> 00:04:23,288 That's nothing. Amateur night. 127 00:04:23,289 --> 00:04:25,124 I can't believe this had three peppers next to it on the menu... 128 00:04:25,125 --> 00:04:26,725 Oh, my God! Ah! 129 00:04:26,726 --> 00:04:28,594 - Hot! - Oh, so spicy! 130 00:04:28,595 --> 00:04:30,028 Drink the ranch! Drink the ranch! 131 00:04:30,029 --> 00:04:32,811 Ah! Ah! 132 00:04:34,067 --> 00:04:35,434 Here's the stuff you left at my place. 133 00:04:35,435 --> 00:04:38,276 Your sounds of Ibiza sleep cd, 134 00:04:38,277 --> 00:04:40,405 seven phone chargers, and an empty jar 135 00:04:40,406 --> 00:04:41,940 labeled "fire spirit." 136 00:04:41,941 --> 00:04:44,074 No, it's not empty. 137 00:04:44,075 --> 00:04:46,044 Well, here's your stuff. 138 00:04:46,045 --> 00:04:48,787 So I guess it's officially over. 139 00:04:48,788 --> 00:04:51,049 It was slightly less gross than I expected. 140 00:04:51,050 --> 00:04:52,050 Mm. 141 00:04:52,051 --> 00:04:54,553 Way to be. 142 00:04:54,554 --> 00:04:56,155 Uh, there is one last thing. 143 00:04:56,156 --> 00:04:58,957 The luxury sex romp we had planned this weekend. 144 00:04:58,958 --> 00:05:01,360 The hotel says the "bubbles and bathrobes" package 145 00:05:01,361 --> 00:05:02,675 is non-refundable. 146 00:05:02,676 --> 00:05:04,897 See, that's why I didn't want to pre-pay, Charles. 147 00:05:04,898 --> 00:05:06,765 Yeah, but that's why we got such a good deal. 148 00:05:06,766 --> 00:05:09,015 One hour of free Wi-Fi! 149 00:05:09,016 --> 00:05:10,702 Don't worry, you can have your half 150 00:05:10,703 --> 00:05:12,337 of the money back, and I'll take the room. 151 00:05:12,338 --> 00:05:13,645 Pause. 152 00:05:13,646 --> 00:05:15,741 Okay, if one of us is getting pampered all night, 153 00:05:15,742 --> 00:05:17,190 it's gonna be me. 154 00:05:17,191 --> 00:05:18,911 I want that room, Gina. 155 00:05:18,912 --> 00:05:20,479 You can't push me around. 156 00:05:20,480 --> 00:05:22,181 We're not poke pals anymore! 157 00:05:22,182 --> 00:05:24,738 Ew! 158 00:05:26,085 --> 00:05:27,152 Amy Santiago, 159 00:05:27,153 --> 00:05:28,487 surprised to see you walking around. 160 00:05:28,488 --> 00:05:30,489 Shouldn't you be on your belly, you snake? 161 00:05:30,490 --> 00:05:33,826 Yeah, you snake! 162 00:05:33,827 --> 00:05:35,394 What is happening? 163 00:05:35,395 --> 00:05:36,695 You're running against me. 164 00:05:36,696 --> 00:05:38,664 What? Rosa must've done this. 165 00:05:38,665 --> 00:05:40,004 I'll get her to stop. 166 00:05:40,005 --> 00:05:42,167 You know what really burns my pants? 167 00:05:42,168 --> 00:05:44,303 I considered you my best friend. 168 00:05:44,304 --> 00:05:46,926 What? What? 169 00:05:48,392 --> 00:05:50,609 Hi. Hey now. 170 00:05:50,610 --> 00:05:52,144 You are looking very happy. 171 00:05:52,145 --> 00:05:53,145 I am. 172 00:05:53,146 --> 00:05:54,213 Guess what happened last night. 173 00:05:54,214 --> 00:05:55,748 Sexy-times. 174 00:05:55,749 --> 00:05:56,815 Okay, now guess. 175 00:05:56,816 --> 00:05:57,816 Sexy-times! 176 00:05:57,817 --> 00:05:59,451 Yes! The whole night was amazing. 177 00:05:59,452 --> 00:06:00,817 We totally hit it off. 178 00:06:00,818 --> 00:06:02,221 I found our meat loaf. Wings. 179 00:06:02,222 --> 00:06:03,222 The band or the show? 180 00:06:03,223 --> 00:06:04,223 The food! 181 00:06:04,224 --> 00:06:05,624 We went back to her place, 182 00:06:05,625 --> 00:06:07,459 watched die hards one through with a vengeance, 183 00:06:07,460 --> 00:06:09,495 did some adult stuff, and spent the rest of the night 184 00:06:09,496 --> 00:06:10,963 debating who's the better ping-pong player. 185 00:06:10,964 --> 00:06:12,798 She was adorably wrong. 186 00:06:12,799 --> 00:06:14,266 How do you know if you didn't play? 187 00:06:14,267 --> 00:06:15,734 Oh, we played, which was difficult 188 00:06:15,735 --> 00:06:17,336 since she didn't have a table or paddles. 189 00:06:17,337 --> 00:06:18,737 We had to use an avocado pit as the ball. 190 00:06:18,738 --> 00:06:20,105 It was very messy. 191 00:06:20,106 --> 00:06:21,106 Hey guys. 192 00:06:21,107 --> 00:06:23,242 Ah, hello, district attorney kurm. 193 00:06:23,243 --> 00:06:24,343 I got lucky last night. 194 00:06:24,344 --> 00:06:25,344 That's great. 195 00:06:25,345 --> 00:06:26,345 Yeah. 196 00:06:26,346 --> 00:06:27,546 So we have a little delay. 197 00:06:27,547 --> 00:06:28,881 Gary, the defense attorney, isn't gonna be here. 198 00:06:28,882 --> 00:06:30,649 Oh, is he sore from high-fiving criminals 199 00:06:30,650 --> 00:06:31,850 he's gotten out of jail? 200 00:06:31,851 --> 00:06:32,918 Did he get a murderer off 201 00:06:32,919 --> 00:06:34,453 who then murdered him to celebrate? 202 00:06:34,454 --> 00:06:35,721 Yup. 203 00:06:35,722 --> 00:06:37,956 Anyway, Gary broke his leg, so he's being replaced. 204 00:06:37,957 --> 00:06:39,958 Replaced? He should be put down. 205 00:06:39,959 --> 00:06:41,593 Like a horse. 206 00:06:41,594 --> 00:06:44,530 So who's the new sub-human piece of human garbage? 207 00:06:44,531 --> 00:06:46,732 Sophia Perez. 208 00:06:49,495 --> 00:06:52,204 Oh, God. 209 00:06:55,840 --> 00:06:57,507 Jake, this is bad! 210 00:06:57,508 --> 00:06:59,743 You slept with a defense attorney. 211 00:06:59,744 --> 00:07:01,878 You literally slept with the enemy. 212 00:07:01,879 --> 00:07:03,213 I know. 213 00:07:03,214 --> 00:07:05,782 Ah, it's like if John McClane slept with Hans Gruber. 214 00:07:05,783 --> 00:07:08,451 Or even worse, Jeremy irons from the third one. 215 00:07:08,452 --> 00:07:09,452 We didn't talk about our jobs. 216 00:07:09,453 --> 00:07:10,635 How was I supposed to know? 217 00:07:12,089 --> 00:07:14,324 Wait, are you sure you want to do this? 218 00:07:14,325 --> 00:07:16,259 Let's go over the events of tonight. 219 00:07:16,260 --> 00:07:17,660 We got drunk together, I invited you 220 00:07:17,661 --> 00:07:19,763 up to my apartment, and I kissed you first. 221 00:07:19,764 --> 00:07:21,064 No further questions. 222 00:07:21,065 --> 00:07:22,899 Okay. 223 00:07:22,900 --> 00:07:25,268 Uh-oh. She's waving at you. 224 00:07:25,269 --> 00:07:28,171 Hey. All right, I'm gonna go talk to her. 225 00:07:28,172 --> 00:07:29,439 Be strong. 226 00:07:29,440 --> 00:07:31,608 Okay. 227 00:07:31,609 --> 00:07:32,676 Hey. 228 00:07:32,677 --> 00:07:34,077 Hey, so this is weird, huh? 229 00:07:34,078 --> 00:07:36,146 Yeah. You never told me you were a cop. 230 00:07:36,147 --> 00:07:37,847 Yeah, and you never told me you were a lawyer. 231 00:07:37,848 --> 00:07:39,849 Well, I didn't wanna intimidate you. 232 00:07:39,850 --> 00:07:41,284 Intimidate? Wow. 233 00:07:41,285 --> 00:07:42,485 Okay, well, not to burst your bubble, 234 00:07:42,486 --> 00:07:44,287 but I'm only intimidated by professions 235 00:07:44,288 --> 00:07:46,523 that have a moral compass, like police officer. 236 00:07:46,524 --> 00:07:48,758 So you're intimidated by your own job? 237 00:07:48,759 --> 00:07:50,960 "Oh, look at me. I'm a lawyer. 238 00:07:50,961 --> 00:07:53,463 I'm so good at word-using-itude." 239 00:07:53,464 --> 00:07:55,699 And yes, I know that that wasn't a word, right. 240 00:07:55,700 --> 00:07:57,000 Okay, you know what? 241 00:07:57,001 --> 00:07:58,668 I can't even believe I have to deal with you all week. 242 00:07:58,669 --> 00:07:59,803 Not a problem. 243 00:07:59,804 --> 00:08:01,338 This is clearly a conflict of interest. 244 00:08:01,339 --> 00:08:02,672 So I'm just gonna talk to the judge 245 00:08:02,673 --> 00:08:04,040 and have you kicked off the case. 246 00:08:04,041 --> 00:08:05,942 Ha ha! No, there's no conflict of interest. 247 00:08:05,943 --> 00:08:07,177 Because I'm not interested in you. 248 00:08:07,178 --> 00:08:08,278 Ah. 249 00:08:08,279 --> 00:08:09,813 God, I can't believe I slept with a cop. 250 00:08:09,814 --> 00:08:11,548 It's like a had sex with Hans Gruber. 251 00:08:11,549 --> 00:08:12,916 What... I'm not the Gruber! 252 00:08:12,917 --> 00:08:14,784 You're the Gruber! 253 00:08:14,785 --> 00:08:16,586 Die Hard. 254 00:08:16,587 --> 00:08:19,789 Captain, Rosa's trying to make me run for union rep. 255 00:08:19,790 --> 00:08:21,091 You have to stop her. 256 00:08:21,092 --> 00:08:22,359 I cannot do that. 257 00:08:22,360 --> 00:08:24,094 As I told you, I'm not allowed to get involved. 258 00:08:24,095 --> 00:08:25,095 It's too late anyway. 259 00:08:25,096 --> 00:08:26,162 You already have a campaign slogan. 260 00:08:26,163 --> 00:08:27,964 "Pick Amy, dummies." I wrote that. 261 00:08:27,965 --> 00:08:29,099 Tell her how good it is, captain. 262 00:08:29,100 --> 00:08:30,433 Again, I cannot. 263 00:08:30,434 --> 00:08:32,769 Look, I love campaigning and making signs. 264 00:08:32,770 --> 00:08:35,221 Lord knows I have enough poster board at home. 265 00:08:35,222 --> 00:08:38,308 But captain, please tell her I shouldn't run for union rep. 266 00:08:38,309 --> 00:08:39,943 I'm just gonna turn around in my chair. 267 00:08:39,944 --> 00:08:43,747 So, Amy, you're saying I should just return this... 268 00:08:43,748 --> 00:08:46,316 Button maker? 269 00:08:46,317 --> 00:08:49,619 You think you can tempt me with a t150 button maker? 270 00:08:49,620 --> 00:08:51,254 Sir, you've gotta see this. 271 00:08:51,255 --> 00:08:53,790 It doesn't even make mirror-backs. 272 00:08:53,791 --> 00:08:54,791 This is a joke. 273 00:08:54,792 --> 00:08:55,792 Still not participating. 274 00:08:55,793 --> 00:08:57,627 I'm enjoying a magazine. 275 00:08:57,628 --> 00:08:59,095 Joke's on you, Amy. You and Scully 276 00:08:59,096 --> 00:09:00,230 are giving campaign speeches 277 00:09:00,231 --> 00:09:01,914 in the briefing room tomorrow. 278 00:09:01,915 --> 00:09:02,766 What? 279 00:09:02,767 --> 00:09:05,001 Sir, permission to arrest Diaz 280 00:09:05,002 --> 00:09:06,136 for being a jerk. 281 00:09:06,137 --> 00:09:08,204 Permission to shoot Santiago for being a coward. 282 00:09:08,205 --> 00:09:10,473 Stop it, both of you. 283 00:09:10,474 --> 00:09:11,675 Now you've done it. 284 00:09:11,676 --> 00:09:13,810 You've made me turn my chair. 285 00:09:13,811 --> 00:09:16,880 I will not get involved, and I will not have this office 286 00:09:16,881 --> 00:09:21,768 transformed into a house of snipes and jabs. 287 00:09:21,769 --> 00:09:23,887 Dismissed. 288 00:09:23,888 --> 00:09:25,455 Full disclosure, your honor. 289 00:09:25,456 --> 00:09:27,324 Last night, miss Perez and I got inebriated, 290 00:09:27,325 --> 00:09:29,826 and we had colitis. 291 00:09:29,827 --> 00:09:30,827 Colitis? 292 00:09:30,828 --> 00:09:32,111 Coitus. 293 00:09:32,112 --> 00:09:33,112 Yeah, that. 294 00:09:33,113 --> 00:09:35,065 A cop and a defense attorney sleeping together. 295 00:09:35,066 --> 00:09:36,466 That's highly unusual. 296 00:09:36,467 --> 00:09:38,568 At the time, I did not know she was a defense attorney. 297 00:09:38,569 --> 00:09:39,970 I should have been able to guess, however, 298 00:09:40,457 --> 00:09:43,506 based on her ability to lie all over me. 299 00:09:43,507 --> 00:09:45,108 Ha ha... a cop's attempt to be clever. 300 00:09:45,109 --> 00:09:47,444 It's like watching a horse try to eat with a fork. 301 00:09:47,445 --> 00:09:48,745 Majestic and hilarious? 302 00:09:48,746 --> 00:09:50,835 Take a cold shower, horn-dog, we're at work. 303 00:09:50,836 --> 00:09:52,716 But in all seriousness, your honor, 304 00:09:52,717 --> 00:09:54,618 I do think she should recuse herself from the trial. 305 00:09:54,619 --> 00:09:56,753 Why? You think I might tell everybody in the courtroom 306 00:09:56,754 --> 00:09:58,288 that you like to be the little spoon? 307 00:09:58,289 --> 00:09:59,656 Everyone likes to be the little spoon. 308 00:09:59,657 --> 00:10:01,358 It makes you feel safe! 309 00:10:01,359 --> 00:10:02,733 Carl, back me up on this. 310 00:10:02,734 --> 00:10:04,661 - Yes, little spoon all the way. - See? 311 00:10:04,662 --> 00:10:06,129 Look, I'm not recusing myself. 312 00:10:06,130 --> 00:10:07,397 I talked to my client, and he is fine 313 00:10:07,398 --> 00:10:08,498 with me staying on. 314 00:10:08,499 --> 00:10:10,100 If the defendant is okay with it, 315 00:10:10,101 --> 00:10:12,110 and you two can be mature in the courtroom, 316 00:10:12,111 --> 00:10:14,404 then I see no reason why we can't proceed. 317 00:10:14,405 --> 00:10:15,739 Great. I can be mature. 318 00:10:15,740 --> 00:10:18,241 Says the guy who uses a sunglasses case as a wallet. 319 00:10:18,242 --> 00:10:19,743 Stuff can be two things. 320 00:10:19,744 --> 00:10:21,344 Open up your refrigerator, boom! 321 00:10:21,345 --> 00:10:22,746 Air conditioner. Life hacked. 322 00:10:22,747 --> 00:10:23,947 Carl, back me up. 323 00:10:23,948 --> 00:10:25,282 I mean, it's not very green. 324 00:10:25,283 --> 00:10:27,542 Oh, Carl. 325 00:10:27,543 --> 00:10:28,585 Guys! 326 00:10:28,586 --> 00:10:29,653 Guys, guys, guys, guys! 327 00:10:29,654 --> 00:10:31,888 My pizza reviews caught the eye 328 00:10:31,889 --> 00:10:35,392 of a Mr. Matt Pittle of Pittle's vittles, 329 00:10:35,393 --> 00:10:36,927 my favorite food blog! 330 00:10:36,928 --> 00:10:38,662 Wow, a local food blog. 331 00:10:38,663 --> 00:10:40,063 It's all happening. 332 00:10:40,064 --> 00:10:42,332 Pittle wants to have a five- hour dinner with me tonight. 333 00:10:42,333 --> 00:10:45,936 Attention, skeezy nobodies! 334 00:10:45,937 --> 00:10:47,737 Tina Knowles, Beyonce's mom-ager, 335 00:10:47,738 --> 00:10:50,974 has contacted me and wants to audition me tonight. 336 00:10:50,975 --> 00:10:53,067 I've transcended you now. 337 00:10:53,068 --> 00:10:56,738 Sounds like both of you have pretty great plans tonight. 338 00:10:56,739 --> 00:10:58,682 No! You wrote the email from Pittle 339 00:10:58,683 --> 00:11:00,483 so I'd drop my claim to the room. 340 00:11:00,484 --> 00:11:01,993 That blog is sacred. 341 00:11:01,994 --> 00:11:04,454 You defiled the most sacred 342 00:11:04,455 --> 00:11:09,292 and most high miss... Tina kno-w-les! 343 00:11:09,293 --> 00:11:10,660 How dare you, Charles? 344 00:11:10,661 --> 00:11:12,495 How'd you get your voice so high? 345 00:11:12,496 --> 00:11:14,097 I can take it higher. 346 00:11:14,098 --> 00:11:15,866 I wish you wouldn't. 347 00:11:15,867 --> 00:11:18,869 The room is mine, you scab. 348 00:11:18,870 --> 00:11:20,887 No, it's mine, Gina. 349 00:11:20,888 --> 00:11:23,073 I'm not backing down this time. 350 00:11:23,074 --> 00:11:24,875 I'm backing up. 351 00:11:24,876 --> 00:11:27,077 Beep, beep, beep. 352 00:11:30,381 --> 00:11:31,381 You nervous? 353 00:11:31,382 --> 00:11:32,616 Nope. 354 00:11:32,617 --> 00:11:34,885 I have an unimpeachable eyewitness who saw everything. 355 00:11:34,886 --> 00:11:36,052 Plus, I've got a little something planned 356 00:11:36,053 --> 00:11:37,053 for our lawyer friend. 357 00:11:37,054 --> 00:11:38,488 Every time she looks over, 358 00:11:38,489 --> 00:11:40,457 I'm gonna hit her with one of these. 359 00:11:40,458 --> 00:11:42,292 It'll remind her that we kissed, 360 00:11:42,293 --> 00:11:44,076 and that's how I get in her head. 361 00:11:44,077 --> 00:11:45,428 I like it. 362 00:11:45,429 --> 00:11:46,897 You want me to flex and make all the buttons 363 00:11:46,898 --> 00:11:47,898 pop off of my shirt? 364 00:11:47,899 --> 00:11:50,233 Yes! You can do that? 365 00:11:50,234 --> 00:11:52,869 The challenge is keeping the buttons on. 366 00:11:52,870 --> 00:11:55,305 Oh, okay, okay, okay, okay. 367 00:11:55,306 --> 00:11:57,174 And you're sure this is the man 368 00:11:57,175 --> 00:11:59,910 you saw leaving the store at the time of the diamond heist? 369 00:11:59,911 --> 00:12:01,878 Nice. "Diamond heist," catching on. 370 00:12:01,879 --> 00:12:03,013 Uh, yeah. That's the guy. 371 00:12:03,014 --> 00:12:04,414 Now, Mr. Wells, it says here 372 00:12:04,415 --> 00:12:08,485 you have a 2006 conviction for perjury, is that correct? 373 00:12:08,486 --> 00:12:10,153 Uh... yeah. 374 00:12:10,154 --> 00:12:11,588 It's okay. I knew about that. 375 00:12:11,589 --> 00:12:13,323 And is Sidney Wells actually your name, 376 00:12:13,324 --> 00:12:15,125 or is it Brian Davidson? 377 00:12:15,126 --> 00:12:16,526 Uh-oh. Did not know about that one. 378 00:12:16,527 --> 00:12:18,962 As in the Brian Davidson who is facing fraud charges 379 00:12:18,963 --> 00:12:20,564 in New Jersey? Yeah. 380 00:12:20,565 --> 00:12:24,323 Or that. Oh, God... okay, time to bust out the big guns. 381 00:12:25,336 --> 00:12:26,736 This is bad. 382 00:12:26,737 --> 00:12:28,271 Only the judge saw me. 383 00:12:28,272 --> 00:12:30,498 No further questions, your honor. 384 00:12:30,499 --> 00:12:32,509 Ugh, winking? Real mature. 385 00:12:33,811 --> 00:12:35,111 Judge gave us a recess, 386 00:12:35,112 --> 00:12:36,179 but if we don't get new evidence by tomorrow, 387 00:12:36,180 --> 00:12:37,547 we have no chance. 388 00:12:37,548 --> 00:12:38,840 Great pep talk, Carl. 389 00:12:38,841 --> 00:12:41,132 Don't worry, we'll get some evidence. 390 00:12:41,138 --> 00:12:43,386 Excuse me one second. 391 00:12:43,387 --> 00:12:45,922 Hey, that wasn't cool. 392 00:12:45,923 --> 00:12:47,924 No. What wasn't cool was you trying to air make-out 393 00:12:47,925 --> 00:12:48,925 with the judge. 394 00:12:48,926 --> 00:12:50,627 Those kisses were meant for you! 395 00:12:50,628 --> 00:12:52,829 Not in a romantic way, they were psych-out kisses. 396 00:12:52,830 --> 00:12:54,297 Look, you know your client did it. 397 00:12:54,298 --> 00:12:56,066 It doesn't matter if my client did it or not. 398 00:12:56,067 --> 00:12:58,602 That's what I've been saying. It doesn't matter. 399 00:12:58,603 --> 00:13:00,137 All right, Scott, beat it. 400 00:13:00,138 --> 00:13:01,638 Scott. 401 00:13:01,639 --> 00:13:04,207 Look, my job is to make you prove he did it. 402 00:13:04,208 --> 00:13:06,076 It's the basis of our entire justice system. 403 00:13:06,077 --> 00:13:07,878 What, you think John Adams was just some idiot? 404 00:13:07,879 --> 00:13:09,846 No, I think John Adams was a mini-series 405 00:13:09,847 --> 00:13:12,121 I didn't watch because it looked like a book. 406 00:13:12,127 --> 00:13:14,684 Look, without a credible witness, your case is a mess. 407 00:13:14,685 --> 00:13:16,669 Kinda like your ping-pong serve. 408 00:13:16,670 --> 00:13:18,855 Oh, my God. She smells so good. 409 00:13:18,856 --> 00:13:22,225 That avocado pit was not regulation. 410 00:13:22,226 --> 00:13:23,759 Wish that had sounded cooler. 411 00:13:23,760 --> 00:13:25,128 Come on, Terry, let's go save the day. 412 00:13:25,129 --> 00:13:26,129 Carl, you wanna come? 413 00:13:26,130 --> 00:13:27,764 No, thank you. All right. 414 00:13:29,681 --> 00:13:31,518 All right, listen up. 415 00:13:31,519 --> 00:13:33,625 We need more evidences on this guy and we need it quick, 416 00:13:33,626 --> 00:13:35,093 so no time for chit-chat. 417 00:13:35,094 --> 00:13:37,295 What's going on? You love chit-chat. 418 00:13:37,296 --> 00:13:39,397 Yeah, also, your posture seems off, 419 00:13:39,398 --> 00:13:40,932 like, it's good. 420 00:13:40,933 --> 00:13:42,367 Because I'm being serious 421 00:13:42,368 --> 00:13:44,503 because I don't want this perp to walk. 422 00:13:44,504 --> 00:13:46,705 This isn't about the perp. 423 00:13:46,706 --> 00:13:48,340 It's about this woman. 424 00:13:48,341 --> 00:13:50,242 Jake slept with her. 425 00:13:50,243 --> 00:13:51,476 Oh, she's so pretty. 426 00:13:51,477 --> 00:13:53,845 She looks like the woman on an olive oil bottle. 427 00:13:53,846 --> 00:13:54,846 Way to go, Jake. 428 00:13:54,847 --> 00:13:55,847 She's a defense attorney. 429 00:13:55,848 --> 00:13:58,150 Oh, my God, are you kidding? Boo! 430 00:13:58,151 --> 00:14:00,452 Hey, guys, let's take it easy on him. 431 00:14:00,453 --> 00:14:01,853 Thank you, Terry. 432 00:14:01,854 --> 00:14:04,222 But seriously, I think you need to get checked for rabies. 433 00:14:04,223 --> 00:14:05,957 Hey, I have a good rabies guy, if you need one. 434 00:14:05,958 --> 00:14:07,425 Uh-huh. All right, listen. 435 00:14:07,426 --> 00:14:08,554 Can we focus up? 436 00:14:08,555 --> 00:14:11,129 Our witness is useless, so we either need to recover 437 00:14:11,130 --> 00:14:13,765 the stolen gems or find the break-in tool. 438 00:14:13,766 --> 00:14:15,100 What year was the perp's house built in? 439 00:14:15,101 --> 00:14:17,302 Some of those old brownstones had dumbwaiters. 440 00:14:17,303 --> 00:14:18,904 A perfect hiding spot. 441 00:14:18,905 --> 00:14:20,005 Good thinking, Amy. 442 00:14:20,006 --> 00:14:21,673 All right, I'm gonna win this case 443 00:14:21,674 --> 00:14:23,642 and then we can put my horrible sexual experience 444 00:14:23,643 --> 00:14:25,610 - behind us forever. - I don't know Jake. 445 00:14:25,611 --> 00:14:27,012 I'm afraid I'm gonna think about it every time 446 00:14:27,013 --> 00:14:28,246 I look at your crotch. 447 00:14:28,247 --> 00:14:31,082 Then stop looking at my crotch! 448 00:14:33,186 --> 00:14:34,553 What are you doing? 449 00:14:34,554 --> 00:14:36,221 Just pointing people to the one Detective 450 00:14:36,222 --> 00:14:38,223 who actually wants to run for union rep. 451 00:14:38,224 --> 00:14:40,292 Welcome to my nightmares, Amy-Scully minotaur. 452 00:14:40,293 --> 00:14:42,661 Pretty clever signing me up for the speech this afternoon. 453 00:14:42,662 --> 00:14:43,695 But guess what? 454 00:14:43,696 --> 00:14:46,801 Mine is epically bad and way too long. 455 00:14:46,802 --> 00:14:49,100 There's a section where I just pick people out 456 00:14:49,101 --> 00:14:50,368 of the crowd and insult them. 457 00:14:50,369 --> 00:14:52,571 It gets really personal. 458 00:14:52,572 --> 00:14:55,273 Did you know that Hitchcock is technically "a bastard"? 459 00:14:55,274 --> 00:14:57,520 Santiago, can I talk to you in my office? 460 00:14:57,521 --> 00:14:58,769 Mm-hmm. 461 00:15:01,904 --> 00:15:03,148 Blinds closed? 462 00:15:03,149 --> 00:15:06,551 Are we having a pow-wow? 463 00:15:06,552 --> 00:15:08,753 As you know, I shouldn't be talking about this election 464 00:15:08,754 --> 00:15:13,525 with any of my detectives, but I will with you. 465 00:15:13,526 --> 00:15:14,659 Of course. 466 00:15:14,660 --> 00:15:15,794 Because you trust me. 467 00:15:15,795 --> 00:15:18,374 Because you're royally screwing up. 468 00:15:18,375 --> 00:15:19,931 Oh, no, this isn't a pow-wow. 469 00:15:19,932 --> 00:15:20,932 It's a haranguing. 470 00:15:20,933 --> 00:15:21,967 You bet it is. 471 00:15:21,968 --> 00:15:23,769 Stop trying to tank this election. 472 00:15:23,770 --> 00:15:26,371 You know damned well you'd make a great union rep. 473 00:15:26,372 --> 00:15:28,473 But, sir, I want to be captain one day, 474 00:15:28,474 --> 00:15:30,909 and clashing with the brass is career suicide. 475 00:15:30,910 --> 00:15:32,677 Not for me. 476 00:15:32,678 --> 00:15:34,813 By my very nature, I was constantly 477 00:15:34,814 --> 00:15:36,715 in conflict with my superiors. 478 00:15:36,716 --> 00:15:38,853 Listen, you're black and gay, 479 00:15:38,854 --> 00:15:41,553 so I think you should just take all the black, gay cases. 480 00:15:41,554 --> 00:15:43,437 You know, the weird stuff. 481 00:15:43,438 --> 00:15:46,402 I strongly disagree. 482 00:15:46,403 --> 00:15:51,630 But I still managed to rise through the ranks. 483 00:15:51,631 --> 00:15:54,566 Run for union rep, Amy. 484 00:15:54,567 --> 00:15:58,437 Okay. I'll do it. 485 00:15:58,438 --> 00:16:02,174 But never tell anyone about this... 486 00:16:02,175 --> 00:16:03,043 Pow-wow. 487 00:16:03,044 --> 00:16:04,843 You called it a pow-wow! 488 00:16:04,844 --> 00:16:07,112 So, Detective Peralta, 489 00:16:07,636 --> 00:16:09,759 you found some "new" evidence last night. 490 00:16:09,760 --> 00:16:13,008 I found some damning new evidence last night. 491 00:16:13,009 --> 00:16:14,519 It was hidden in an old dumbwaiter 492 00:16:14,520 --> 00:16:15,821 in the defendant's house. 493 00:16:15,822 --> 00:16:18,309 All his burglary tools, including a glass cutter 494 00:16:18,310 --> 00:16:19,991 he used to break into the store. 495 00:16:19,992 --> 00:16:22,327 Yes, but isn't it possible my client could've used 496 00:16:22,328 --> 00:16:25,430 the glass cutter for something other than a robbery? 497 00:16:25,431 --> 00:16:29,367 I mean, after all, stuff can do two things, right? 498 00:16:29,368 --> 00:16:30,736 Hey! I say that! 499 00:16:30,737 --> 00:16:31,737 That's my saying! 500 00:16:31,738 --> 00:16:33,105 Your honor, she stole my saying. 501 00:16:33,106 --> 00:16:34,606 People don't own sayings. 502 00:16:34,607 --> 00:16:36,641 Please answer the question, Detective. 503 00:16:36,642 --> 00:16:39,077 Fine. In the same bag as the burglary tools, 504 00:16:39,078 --> 00:16:40,579 we also found shards of glass. 505 00:16:40,580 --> 00:16:42,114 And you expect us to believe 506 00:16:42,115 --> 00:16:43,749 that you found this new evidence yesterday 507 00:16:43,750 --> 00:16:46,295 just as your case was collapsing around you? 508 00:16:46,296 --> 00:16:48,714 I certainly hope so, because it's the truth. 509 00:16:48,715 --> 00:16:50,922 In fact, I believe it was the great John Adams 510 00:16:50,923 --> 00:16:54,960 who once said, "to believe all men honest is folly. 511 00:16:54,961 --> 00:16:58,230 To believe none... Is something worse." 512 00:16:58,231 --> 00:16:59,765 Let the record show miss Perez looks stunned 513 00:16:59,766 --> 00:17:02,067 and defeated. No further questions. 514 00:17:02,068 --> 00:17:04,302 You're not allowed to say that. Yup. 515 00:17:04,303 --> 00:17:06,729 Hey, captain, I have a juicy little Boyle nugget 516 00:17:06,730 --> 00:17:08,073 I'd like to drop on you. 517 00:17:08,074 --> 00:17:10,442 Okay, please drop a nugget. 518 00:17:10,443 --> 00:17:13,979 I think that the squad could really increase its efficiency 519 00:17:13,980 --> 00:17:17,716 if Gina spent the night re-logging all our files 520 00:17:17,717 --> 00:17:18,786 with keywords. 521 00:17:18,787 --> 00:17:21,219 The lady doth have the skills. 522 00:17:21,220 --> 00:17:24,416 Funny, she was just telling me how you should work all night. 523 00:17:24,417 --> 00:17:25,501 Say what? 524 00:17:25,502 --> 00:17:26,625 Gina. 525 00:17:26,626 --> 00:17:28,026 Yes? 526 00:17:28,027 --> 00:17:29,461 You've both made compelling points 527 00:17:29,462 --> 00:17:30,862 about the amount of work that needs to be done 528 00:17:30,863 --> 00:17:33,532 around here, so you'll both be pulling overnight shifts. 529 00:17:33,533 --> 00:17:39,014 Before you complain, I am once again turning in my chair. 530 00:17:39,015 --> 00:17:43,775 Oh, sweet chair turn. That's a real power move. 531 00:17:43,776 --> 00:17:45,010 So good. 532 00:17:45,011 --> 00:17:47,346 We, the jury, find the defendant... 533 00:17:47,347 --> 00:17:50,482 Not guilty. Oh, come on! 534 00:17:50,483 --> 00:17:51,610 Ow! 535 00:17:51,611 --> 00:17:53,652 Oh, I'm in too much pain to care how cool and strong 536 00:17:53,653 --> 00:17:54,720 that made me look. 537 00:17:54,721 --> 00:17:55,954 It was already splintering. 538 00:17:55,955 --> 00:17:57,522 Don't take this away from me. 539 00:18:00,727 --> 00:18:03,595 Wow, well done. Another criminal walks free. 540 00:18:03,596 --> 00:18:05,030 I hope you're proud of yourself. 541 00:18:05,031 --> 00:18:06,598 Maybe stop calling my client a criminal, 542 00:18:06,599 --> 00:18:08,534 since he was found not guilty. 543 00:18:08,535 --> 00:18:12,471 Well, I find myself not guilty of never seeing you again. 544 00:18:12,472 --> 00:18:14,256 So you will see me again? 545 00:18:14,774 --> 00:18:16,175 No! 546 00:18:16,176 --> 00:18:17,176 Why, what did I say? You know what? 547 00:18:17,177 --> 00:18:19,978 You're the worst! 548 00:18:19,979 --> 00:18:21,413 Jake, what are you doing, man? 549 00:18:21,414 --> 00:18:22,848 Walking angrily away towards a door 550 00:18:22,849 --> 00:18:24,983 that I now see says "emergency exit only" on it, 551 00:18:24,984 --> 00:18:27,186 so I'm turning around, but I'm still ticked! 552 00:18:27,187 --> 00:18:29,144 Look, man. Don't screw this up. 553 00:18:29,145 --> 00:18:32,458 I hate defense attorneys as much as any rational adult, 554 00:18:32,459 --> 00:18:34,793 but you obviously have feelings for Sophia. 555 00:18:34,794 --> 00:18:36,061 Yeah, anger. 556 00:18:36,062 --> 00:18:37,496 I don't know. 557 00:18:37,497 --> 00:18:39,398 It just seems to me like you met your match. 558 00:18:39,399 --> 00:18:41,800 You said yourself how boring your dates have been. 559 00:18:41,801 --> 00:18:44,503 But you have to admit, Sophia wouldn't be boring. 560 00:18:44,504 --> 00:18:46,040 I will admit she's not boring. 561 00:18:46,041 --> 00:18:47,541 And we do have fun together. 562 00:18:47,542 --> 00:18:51,310 I guess you could say she's passably attractive. 563 00:18:51,311 --> 00:18:52,945 All right, fine. She's super hot. 564 00:18:52,946 --> 00:18:55,781 God, I can't believe I'm about to ask out a defense attorney. 565 00:18:55,782 --> 00:18:58,083 And we all know that Amy Santiago 566 00:18:58,084 --> 00:18:59,685 wants to be captain one day, 567 00:18:59,686 --> 00:19:02,321 which means she will never stand up to management. 568 00:19:02,322 --> 00:19:05,290 I don't want to be captain. I just want my sub. 569 00:19:05,291 --> 00:19:08,761 Please just give me back my sub. 570 00:19:08,762 --> 00:19:10,147 Vote Scully. 571 00:19:13,166 --> 00:19:14,600 I'm gonna make this quick. 572 00:19:15,073 --> 00:19:17,403 Scully said that I want to be captain, and I do. 573 00:19:17,404 --> 00:19:19,705 But that won't stop me from standing up for you. 574 00:19:19,706 --> 00:19:23,742 He also said if you voted for him, you'd get a golden boat. 575 00:19:23,743 --> 00:19:25,144 That's not real. 576 00:19:25,145 --> 00:19:26,872 If I get elected, I'll go to all 577 00:19:26,873 --> 00:19:28,814 the union meetings, actually pay attention, 578 00:19:28,815 --> 00:19:30,349 and most importantly, I'll bring back 579 00:19:30,350 --> 00:19:33,629 party sub leftovers. 580 00:19:33,630 --> 00:19:35,554 Thank you, Scully. 581 00:19:35,555 --> 00:19:36,822 "Pick Amy, dummies." 582 00:19:40,026 --> 00:19:41,393 Hello. 583 00:19:42,562 --> 00:19:45,330 Hey. How'd you find me? 584 00:19:45,331 --> 00:19:46,809 I'm a Detective, remember? 585 00:19:46,810 --> 00:19:49,535 I also went into a bunch of wrong offices first. 586 00:19:49,536 --> 00:19:51,170 Stole hella peppermints. 587 00:19:51,171 --> 00:19:52,738 So what's up? You here to yell at me again 588 00:19:52,739 --> 00:19:53,739 for doing my job? 589 00:19:53,740 --> 00:19:55,507 No, I'm here to ask you out. 590 00:19:55,508 --> 00:19:56,842 Oh. Yeah. 591 00:19:56,843 --> 00:19:57,843 There's a bar in the west village 592 00:19:57,844 --> 00:19:59,011 that has a bunch of ping-pong tables, 593 00:19:59,012 --> 00:20:00,446 so I thought we could head over there 594 00:20:00,447 --> 00:20:03,284 and have a drink, talk, and then, with any luck, 595 00:20:03,285 --> 00:20:05,384 things will get uncomfortably competitive. 596 00:20:05,385 --> 00:20:06,418 That sounds fun. 597 00:20:06,419 --> 00:20:07,553 Look, if we're going to do this, 598 00:20:07,554 --> 00:20:09,388 we're gonna have to have a couple of rules. 599 00:20:09,389 --> 00:20:11,190 Rule number one, starting right now: 600 00:20:11,191 --> 00:20:12,491 No work talk. 601 00:20:12,492 --> 00:20:14,393 Perfect, we can just skip straight to making out 602 00:20:14,394 --> 00:20:18,340 on your desk. 603 00:20:18,341 --> 00:20:22,000 Yeah, that's not my desk. This is. 604 00:20:22,001 --> 00:20:23,268 Copy that. 605 00:20:23,269 --> 00:20:25,104 Blame it on the janitor and make a break for it? 606 00:20:25,105 --> 00:20:27,681 Absolutely. After you. 607 00:20:29,075 --> 00:20:32,771 Charles, I'm sorry that neither of us have the room. 608 00:20:32,772 --> 00:20:36,815 Yes. I, too, am disappointed by this unfortunate stalemate. 609 00:20:36,816 --> 00:20:39,084 Why are you talking all victorian? 610 00:20:39,085 --> 00:20:41,053 You're lying about something. That's what that means. 611 00:20:41,054 --> 00:20:43,112 Nonsense, m'lady. 612 00:20:43,113 --> 00:20:46,659 Okay, fine... I might not be in that hotel room right now, 613 00:20:46,660 --> 00:20:48,412 but my Gene pool is. 614 00:20:48,413 --> 00:20:49,261 Ew. 615 00:20:49,262 --> 00:20:50,664 What'd you do in there? 616 00:20:50,665 --> 00:20:52,333 I gave the hotel room to my father 617 00:20:52,334 --> 00:20:54,792 and told him to check in under my name. 618 00:20:54,798 --> 00:20:58,337 What? No! I gave my key to my mom! 619 00:20:59,386 --> 00:21:00,706 Hey. 620 00:21:00,707 --> 00:21:02,641 Oh, I'm sorry. I must have the wrong room. 621 00:21:02,642 --> 00:21:04,043 That's okay. 622 00:21:04,044 --> 00:21:06,478 Hey, wait a second, do we know each other? 623 00:21:06,479 --> 00:21:07,846 Is your daughter Gina? 624 00:21:07,847 --> 00:21:11,483 Yes! And you're that little man's father, Boyle. 625 00:21:11,484 --> 00:21:12,484 Yeah. 626 00:21:12,485 --> 00:21:14,186 We met at the family food drive. 627 00:21:14,187 --> 00:21:15,587 I'm Darlene Linetti. 628 00:21:15,588 --> 00:21:19,525 Lynn Boyle, pleased to re-meet you. 629 00:21:19,526 --> 00:21:21,226 So what do you think's going on here? 630 00:21:21,227 --> 00:21:22,294 Mix up or something? 631 00:21:22,295 --> 00:21:23,862 I don't know. 632 00:21:23,863 --> 00:21:25,064 Regina's been encouraging me 633 00:21:25,065 --> 00:21:29,568 to have some... Romantic adventures. 634 00:21:29,569 --> 00:21:30,703 Holy cow. 635 00:21:30,704 --> 00:21:34,707 Sync & corrections by Rafael UPD www.addic7ed.com/