1 00:00:09,650 --> 00:00:14,030 You're as popular as ever, Shido. 2 00:00:16,570 --> 00:00:19,410 There's no need to worry. 3 00:00:19,410 --> 00:00:24,080 I don't intend to stir up trouble in a place like this. 4 00:00:25,120 --> 00:00:28,290 Why should we believe you? 5 00:00:28,290 --> 00:00:34,550 Because if I felt like it and wanted to resort to violence, 6 00:00:34,550 --> 00:00:38,640 I'd manifest my Angel this very moment. 7 00:00:38,640 --> 00:00:43,600 Taking students hostage would be as simple as that. 8 00:00:44,560 --> 00:00:50,770 The fact that I haven't done so is proof I'm not lying. 9 00:02:26,000 --> 00:02:28,000 {\an8}"February 9th" 10 00:02:28,620 --> 00:02:33,540 You're not here to enjoy school life, are you? 11 00:02:33,540 --> 00:02:35,880 But believe me, I'd like that. 12 00:02:36,840 --> 00:02:40,590 If so, we'll throw you a welcome party. 13 00:02:40,590 --> 00:02:43,970 After your power is sealed, though. 14 00:02:43,970 --> 00:02:47,430 Sure, that's fine by me. 15 00:02:47,430 --> 00:02:48,430 Eh? 16 00:02:48,430 --> 00:02:55,020 I'm okay with entrusting my Spirit power to you, however... 17 00:02:57,400 --> 00:03:00,610 There's just one condition. 18 00:03:01,740 --> 00:03:04,530 And that would be...? 19 00:03:06,790 --> 00:03:12,370 Let's talk about it after school. There're too many people around. 20 00:03:17,130 --> 00:03:19,920 You know why I summoned you: 21 00:03:19,920 --> 00:03:24,550 Zodiac has fallen into Ratatoskr's hands. 22 00:03:26,600 --> 00:03:32,520 Now, Ratatoskr has ten spirits under its control. 23 00:03:32,520 --> 00:03:35,310 I'm ashamed of myself. 24 00:03:35,310 --> 00:03:38,480 I'm not blaming anybody. 25 00:03:39,610 --> 00:03:45,320 In fact, this situation is everything I could've hoped for. 26 00:03:49,290 --> 00:03:52,920 Though Sister limits my information, 27 00:03:52,920 --> 00:03:58,170 I can still use Beelzebub to hit Ratatoskr where it hurts. 28 00:03:58,170 --> 00:04:01,720 It's about time we made it happen: 29 00:04:01,720 --> 00:04:07,970 To use Shido Itsuka as the key to make the Spirits invert. 30 00:04:07,970 --> 00:04:09,680 Leave it to me. 31 00:04:09,680 --> 00:04:12,770 This time, I'll produce results. 32 00:04:12,770 --> 00:04:14,980 I hope so. 33 00:04:14,980 --> 00:04:19,980 Still, I've prepared a helper to lend a hand. 34 00:04:19,980 --> 00:04:21,570 Helper? 35 00:04:21,570 --> 00:04:23,900 You mean, a Wizard? 36 00:04:33,790 --> 00:04:39,170 Let me introduce you Nibeelcole, the daughters of my Demon King! 37 00:04:41,760 --> 00:04:44,380 Start the operation at once. 38 00:04:45,260 --> 00:04:49,930 I expect Shido Itsuka's head by the end of the day. 39 00:04:52,100 --> 00:04:54,480 Well, I'll get going. 40 00:04:54,480 --> 00:05:00,230 Are you sure, Shido? Wouldn't it be safer if we came? 41 00:05:00,230 --> 00:05:03,110 Tohka's right. It's dangerous. 42 00:05:03,110 --> 00:05:09,490 If you plan to face a Spirit who's cloaked in shadow, you need us! 43 00:05:09,490 --> 00:05:13,330 Agreement. We'll come along. 44 00:05:13,330 --> 00:05:17,460 Thanks, but I'll be fine. 45 00:05:17,460 --> 00:05:23,960 It's true that Kurumi is dangerous, but she won't go back on her word. 46 00:05:23,960 --> 00:05:29,890 Besides, if I can't even talk to Kurumi one-on-one, 47 00:05:29,890 --> 00:05:34,930 I've got little to no hope of ever sealing her Spirit power. 48 00:05:39,150 --> 00:05:41,940 All right, Kurumi. I came as promised. 49 00:05:44,150 --> 00:05:46,360 Greetings, Shido. 50 00:05:47,700 --> 00:05:50,820 --Don't push! --Won't Shido see us? 51 00:05:50,820 --> 00:05:57,210 This morning, I noticed something: You've changed a bit, Shido. 52 00:05:57,210 --> 00:05:58,330 Eh? 53 00:05:58,330 --> 00:06:01,630 You look like you've matured. 54 00:06:01,630 --> 00:06:07,680 Though, I suppose it's expected with all the carnage you've lived through. 55 00:06:07,680 --> 00:06:10,050 D-Don't make fun. 56 00:06:11,390 --> 00:06:17,850 Anyway, what's this condition of yours for sealing your Spirit power? 57 00:06:17,850 --> 00:06:21,560 Okay, okay. I'll tell you. 58 00:06:21,560 --> 00:06:23,270 I... 59 00:06:32,990 --> 00:06:34,830 Are you ready? 60 00:06:34,830 --> 00:06:37,200 Of course. Good to go. 61 00:06:43,210 --> 00:06:47,670 I'm impressed you stopped my attack! That's Ellen for you! 62 00:06:47,670 --> 00:06:49,760 Mana! Why are you here?! 63 00:06:51,430 --> 00:06:55,470 What is this? Was our plan leaked?! 64 00:06:55,470 --> 00:06:58,600 My, what a scary face! 65 00:06:58,600 --> 00:07:02,060 Keep scowling like that and you'll get wrinkles! 66 00:07:03,020 --> 00:07:05,730 Artemisia, let's regroup! 67 00:07:07,570 --> 00:07:09,030 Artemisia? 68 00:07:10,400 --> 00:07:14,530 I don't know how you did it, but well done. 69 00:07:14,530 --> 00:07:18,580 You managed to thwart our plan. 70 00:07:18,580 --> 00:07:22,210 Yeah. It's annoying, actually. 71 00:07:22,210 --> 00:07:23,460 Oh? 72 00:07:23,460 --> 00:07:29,300 So, what now? Looks like you missed your big chance. 73 00:07:39,680 --> 00:07:43,690 For real? Our turn already? 74 00:07:43,690 --> 00:07:47,320 Whatever, as long as it helps Father. 75 00:07:47,320 --> 00:07:50,610 So, you want us to kill her? 76 00:07:51,860 --> 00:07:54,780 Nibeelcole, it's all you. 77 00:07:54,780 --> 00:07:56,280 Yeah, yeah. 78 00:07:56,280 --> 00:07:59,410 --See you later! --Bye bye! 79 00:07:59,410 --> 00:08:00,700 Not so fast! 80 00:08:02,460 --> 00:08:07,090 --My, my! --My, my! 81 00:08:10,130 --> 00:08:11,470 Nightmare! 82 00:08:11,470 --> 00:08:13,510 Eww, what's that? 83 00:08:13,510 --> 00:08:17,140 They all have the same face! Creepy! 84 00:08:18,310 --> 00:08:21,350 Like we're one to talk! 85 00:08:21,350 --> 00:08:25,520 I can help if you're struggling, Mana. 86 00:08:25,520 --> 00:08:29,480 I hate seeing the weak get picked on. 87 00:08:29,480 --> 00:08:35,320 Watch your mouth! I'll lop it off along with your head! 88 00:08:35,320 --> 00:08:40,490 My, my! Should you really be acting tough right now? 89 00:08:42,910 --> 00:08:47,040 After I'm done killing you, you're next! 90 00:08:47,580 --> 00:08:50,380 Shido...? Shido? 91 00:08:53,010 --> 00:08:55,590 Are you all right, Shido? 92 00:08:57,430 --> 00:09:01,470 S-Sorry. I spaced out there. 93 00:09:02,850 --> 00:09:06,520 Now then, allow me to explain. 94 00:09:07,690 --> 00:09:12,570 My goal is the same as it was before: 95 00:09:12,570 --> 00:09:17,070 You have Spirit power contained within your body... 96 00:09:17,070 --> 00:09:20,280 ...and I wish to devour it. 97 00:09:20,280 --> 00:09:26,040 After all, there are ten Spirits worth of power stored inside you. 98 00:09:26,040 --> 00:09:30,750 In other words, you want to kill me, right? 99 00:09:33,800 --> 00:09:39,550 Your goal is to seal my Spirit power, 100 00:09:39,550 --> 00:09:41,220 is it not? 101 00:09:41,220 --> 00:09:44,680 Yeah, but that's not all. 102 00:09:45,680 --> 00:09:51,980 I want you to atone for all you've done and live a happy live. 103 00:09:52,900 --> 00:09:56,860 That's my-- That's our ultimate goal. 104 00:09:59,280 --> 00:10:02,580 You're too kind, Shido. 105 00:10:03,740 --> 00:10:10,630 But, that's a problem. It's impossible for our desires to intersect. 106 00:10:10,630 --> 00:10:12,710 Say, Shido... 107 00:10:13,630 --> 00:10:18,380 Rather than both our dreams staying incomplete, 108 00:10:18,380 --> 00:10:23,600 isn't it better if one of them came true? 109 00:10:23,600 --> 00:10:29,520 That is, even if one of us loses everything for it. 110 00:10:30,270 --> 00:10:33,190 Don't be afraid. 111 00:10:33,190 --> 00:10:38,030 I don't intend to steal your Spirit power by force. 112 00:10:38,030 --> 00:10:42,120 I'm willing to do things your way. 113 00:10:42,120 --> 00:10:43,410 Huh? 114 00:10:46,290 --> 00:10:53,000 How about whoever makes the other fall for them is our winner? 115 00:10:53,000 --> 00:10:54,210 Eh? 116 00:10:54,210 --> 00:11:01,050 If I fall in love with you, I'll willingly give up my Spirit power. 117 00:11:02,760 --> 00:11:04,810 However... 118 00:11:04,810 --> 00:11:10,230 ...if I make you fall in love with me first, I win. 119 00:11:10,230 --> 00:11:13,400 Then, I get to devour you. 120 00:11:15,230 --> 00:11:20,820 You really think I'm gonna admit I'm in love knowing I'll die? 121 00:11:20,820 --> 00:11:22,570 I wonder. 122 00:11:22,570 --> 00:11:29,120 I'm confident I can make you say it, even at the cost of your life. 123 00:11:30,410 --> 00:11:36,130 Are you not confident you can make me head over heels for you? 124 00:11:38,630 --> 00:11:40,800 All right. You're on. 125 00:11:42,840 --> 00:11:49,560 I'll make you choose me over everything else. 126 00:11:49,560 --> 00:11:51,980 That's the Shido I know. 127 00:11:53,650 --> 00:11:57,690 Now then, shall we begin our date? 128 00:12:10,250 --> 00:12:15,170 Who said you got to decide?! If you lose, you die! 129 00:12:15,170 --> 00:12:21,840 Sorry... But I wasn't able to reach Fraxinus. 130 00:12:23,970 --> 00:12:31,230 I mean, I know you had no choice but to accept her challenge in that situation. 131 00:12:31,230 --> 00:12:36,150 But knowing it and accepting it are two different things! 132 00:12:36,150 --> 00:12:40,690 Stupid Big Brother! You never think of yourself! 133 00:12:40,690 --> 00:12:42,820 Good grief. 134 00:12:45,320 --> 00:12:47,830 Now you have a go. 135 00:12:47,830 --> 00:12:54,160 Letting comms go out at a time like that means I failed to support you. 136 00:12:55,710 --> 00:13:01,340 If you say so. You sure about this? 137 00:13:01,340 --> 00:13:03,420 Yeah. Do it. 138 00:13:06,180 --> 00:13:07,260 Take this! 139 00:13:08,680 --> 00:13:09,890 You like that?! 140 00:13:12,430 --> 00:13:14,640 Take this! 141 00:13:14,640 --> 00:13:15,810 And that! 142 00:13:19,400 --> 00:13:21,650 I'll let you off with that. 143 00:13:24,070 --> 00:13:27,070 N-No fair, Shido! 144 00:13:27,070 --> 00:13:30,870 --Shido! We're coming in! --Sorry we're late! 145 00:13:30,870 --> 00:13:35,910 Addition. We had to change. About the strategy meeting... 146 00:13:35,910 --> 00:13:38,580 Holy smokes! 147 00:13:38,580 --> 00:13:41,340 Um, uh... This is... 148 00:13:42,500 --> 00:13:46,380 Shido! He...! He...! 149 00:13:46,380 --> 00:13:49,390 There, there. It's okay, Kotori. 150 00:13:49,390 --> 00:13:52,100 Shido! What did you do?! 151 00:13:52,100 --> 00:13:56,020 Dear me! Did we interrupt something? 152 00:13:56,020 --> 00:13:58,730 Hold up! It's not like that! 153 00:13:58,730 --> 00:14:02,650 Doubt. It's not like what? 154 00:14:02,650 --> 00:14:05,030 Are you okay, Kotori? 155 00:14:05,030 --> 00:14:08,780 Aww! Kotori had all the fun! 156 00:14:08,780 --> 00:14:11,410 So, you like little sisters? 157 00:14:11,410 --> 00:14:16,710 I'm glad I prepared these adoption forms, Big Bro. 158 00:14:16,710 --> 00:14:19,830 This is getting out of hand. 159 00:14:19,830 --> 00:14:24,630 Now that it's calmed down, let's move on. 160 00:14:24,630 --> 00:14:30,590 Shido and Kurumi will be competing to make the other fall for them. 161 00:14:30,590 --> 00:14:33,470 Though she's after Shido's Spirit power, 162 00:14:33,470 --> 00:14:38,100 she may still appear before you guys. 163 00:14:38,100 --> 00:14:40,850 Be on your guard. 164 00:14:40,850 --> 00:14:42,400 R-Right. 165 00:14:42,400 --> 00:14:45,780 Okay. I won't take a step outside. 166 00:14:45,780 --> 00:14:49,070 You don't have to go that far. 167 00:14:49,070 --> 00:14:52,910 Hmm. It's puzzling. 168 00:14:52,910 --> 00:14:59,040 What is this Kurumi after by stealing his Spirit power? 169 00:14:59,040 --> 00:15:02,630 She's not after power itself, is she? 170 00:15:02,630 --> 00:15:05,750 Uh, well... 171 00:15:05,750 --> 00:15:10,300 I think I have a good idea about what Kurumin's goal is. 172 00:15:10,300 --> 00:15:11,260 Eh? 173 00:15:11,260 --> 00:15:15,140 I wasn't trying to hide it, but... 174 00:15:15,140 --> 00:15:20,640 Actually, Kurumin has come to my place before. 175 00:15:20,640 --> 00:15:24,980 She wanted me to look things up with Raziel: 176 00:15:24,980 --> 00:15:29,190 About the Spirit of Origin and how to beat it. 177 00:15:30,610 --> 00:15:33,530 The Spirit of Origin... 178 00:15:33,530 --> 00:15:39,080 Yeah. The Spirit that first appeared 30 years ago. 179 00:15:39,080 --> 00:15:46,090 She wanted to know where and when it showed up, and about its power. 180 00:15:47,050 --> 00:15:49,630 In order to kill it. 181 00:15:50,760 --> 00:15:52,180 Kill? 182 00:15:54,010 --> 00:15:58,770 So, her asking about the exact time and place... 183 00:15:58,770 --> 00:16:04,770 Is to make the Spirit that appeared 30 years ago never happen. 184 00:16:04,770 --> 00:16:11,650 When I got help from Kurumi Tokisaki in the other world, she said as much. 185 00:16:11,650 --> 00:16:16,160 I see. Kurumi can go into the past. 186 00:16:16,160 --> 00:16:20,540 But to do so, she needs the power inside Shido. 187 00:16:20,540 --> 00:16:25,960 She'll kill the Spirit of Origin that appeared 30 years ago... 188 00:16:25,960 --> 00:16:29,510 ...and erase it from history. 189 00:16:29,510 --> 00:16:32,880 That's Kurumi's goal. 190 00:16:32,880 --> 00:16:36,800 Argh, jeez! Now there're even more questions. 191 00:16:36,800 --> 00:16:42,310 Kill the Spirit of Origin? Why would she do that? 192 00:16:42,310 --> 00:16:46,480 It's dangerous to dig deeper knowing so little. 193 00:16:46,480 --> 00:16:51,820 It's worthwhile trying to connect the dots, no matter how small. 194 00:16:51,820 --> 00:16:53,820 True. 195 00:16:53,820 --> 00:16:57,200 But the problem is that Kurumi's shrouded in mystery. 196 00:16:59,490 --> 00:17:03,000 I've got something I wanna say, too. 197 00:17:03,000 --> 00:17:06,460 Mana! What happened to you?! 198 00:17:06,460 --> 00:17:10,050 It's no big deal. Just some scratches. 199 00:17:10,050 --> 00:17:15,090 Didn't I tell you to sit your butt in a medical pod? 200 00:17:15,090 --> 00:17:17,970 I gave her permission. 201 00:17:17,970 --> 00:17:22,020 She said she had something important to say. 202 00:17:22,020 --> 00:17:25,480 Yeah. Take a look at this. 203 00:17:36,740 --> 00:17:38,700 Kurumi's clone army? 204 00:17:39,660 --> 00:17:44,500 I think this fight is what caused the communications disruption. 205 00:17:45,580 --> 00:17:50,290 Anyway, I managed to thwart DEM. 206 00:17:50,290 --> 00:17:53,920 That's what you said in the report. 207 00:17:53,920 --> 00:18:00,010 What I don't get is how you predicted Ellen would attack. 208 00:18:00,010 --> 00:18:01,260 Well... 209 00:18:02,600 --> 00:18:07,350 Nightmare... Kurumi Tokisaki told me. 210 00:18:13,320 --> 00:18:19,200 She said that Ellen would be launching an attack on Big Brother. 211 00:18:19,200 --> 00:18:24,660 She told me exactly where and when... which was yesterday. 212 00:18:25,620 --> 00:18:31,540 So? Why did the lovely Mana keep this secret from me? 213 00:18:32,540 --> 00:18:38,680 It's just, I figured you wouldn't let me go if I said anything, you know? 214 00:18:38,680 --> 00:18:44,260 You know me well. You and I will have a long talk later. 215 00:18:44,260 --> 00:18:46,640 Ugh! Please spare me! 216 00:18:47,560 --> 00:18:49,690 Back to Kurumi. 217 00:18:49,690 --> 00:18:54,610 Yeah. Why did she tell Mana that Ellen would attack? 218 00:18:54,610 --> 00:18:58,530 For starters, how did she know it would happen? 219 00:18:58,530 --> 00:19:02,570 Perhaps she just wanted to protect you. 220 00:19:02,570 --> 00:19:06,450 Tokisaki Kurumi is after your Spirit power. 221 00:19:06,450 --> 00:19:11,670 She wouldn't be pleased if DEM got you first. 222 00:19:11,670 --> 00:19:17,210 And she has an army of clones to gather information. 223 00:19:17,210 --> 00:19:21,180 Maybe she found out about their plans somehow. 224 00:19:22,340 --> 00:19:24,430 Well, that's true... 225 00:19:25,430 --> 00:19:28,480 Something on your mind, Shido? 226 00:19:28,480 --> 00:19:30,310 Uh, well... 227 00:19:33,770 --> 00:19:38,320 It's nothing. Anyway, let's prepare for tomorrow. 228 00:19:42,610 --> 00:19:43,870 Wha--?! 229 00:19:43,870 --> 00:19:48,370 Good morning, Shido. What a lovely day. 230 00:19:48,370 --> 00:19:51,500 Kurumi?! Why are you here?! 231 00:19:51,500 --> 00:19:58,170 My, my. Is it odd for classmates to walk to school together? 232 00:19:58,170 --> 00:20:00,380 Come, let's go. 233 00:20:01,840 --> 00:20:04,350 Reine, we've got trouble. 234 00:20:04,350 --> 00:20:07,970 Understood. Kurumi, right? 235 00:20:07,970 --> 00:20:12,850 She's gone on the offensive. I'll contact Kotori. 236 00:20:12,850 --> 00:20:15,020 Just play along for now. 237 00:20:16,230 --> 00:20:22,400 Oh, yeah! Kurumi, will you come with me? I wanna show you something. 238 00:20:22,400 --> 00:20:26,910 Oh? I can't wait to see what it is! 239 00:20:28,490 --> 00:20:31,410 Well then, after you! 240 00:20:34,290 --> 00:20:35,630 This is...? 241 00:20:35,630 --> 00:20:41,800 Where all the local cats gather. I thought you might like it, Kurumi. 242 00:20:41,800 --> 00:20:45,510 I-I don't know why you'd think that. 243 00:20:50,270 --> 00:20:53,310 C'mon. You, too. 244 00:20:53,310 --> 00:20:57,650 W-Well, if you insist... 245 00:20:59,860 --> 00:21:03,780 It's okay. Don't be afraid. 246 00:21:09,700 --> 00:21:12,960 Wh-What's so funny, Shido?! 247 00:21:14,000 --> 00:21:17,960 Sorry. That wasn't supposed to happen. 248 00:21:17,960 --> 00:21:23,220 C'mon, there's lots of other cats. Try petting one. 249 00:21:23,220 --> 00:21:28,180 No, thanks. It'll just run away again. 250 00:21:28,180 --> 00:21:30,350 It'll go better this time. 251 00:21:32,180 --> 00:21:34,020 Perhaps you're right. 252 00:21:35,640 --> 00:21:37,310 Hmm? 253 00:21:37,310 --> 00:21:38,940 There, there! 254 00:21:40,270 --> 00:21:44,950 You're right! This little kitten likes it! 255 00:21:44,950 --> 00:21:46,950 Meow! 256 00:21:47,870 --> 00:21:52,660 Shall we say round one ended in a tie? 257 00:21:52,490 --> 00:21:55,000 {\an8}"Episode 09: 'Nightmare's Seduction.'" 258 00:21:52,660 --> 00:21:54,370 Meow... 259 00:23:25,710 --> 00:23:30,180 Valentine's is here! Excited girls! Panicking boys! 260 00:23:30,180 --> 00:23:34,930 When the world's fate is involved, excitement and panic is expected! 261 00:23:34,930 --> 00:23:39,980 Next time: "Girl Time." Watch it or I'll seal you! 262 00:23:35,850 --> 00:23:39,980 {\an8}"Episode 10: 'Girl Time.'" 263 00:23:39,980 --> 00:23:41,980 264 00:23:41,980 --> 00:23:43,980