1 00:00:00,430 --> 00:00:03,100 {\an8}"February 14 Wednesday" 2 00:00:04,020 --> 00:00:07,900 Shido! Happy Valentine's! 3 00:00:07,900 --> 00:00:10,780 Yeah. Thanks, Tohka. 4 00:00:10,780 --> 00:00:13,030 Mm-hmm! I'm proud of these! 5 00:00:13,030 --> 00:00:14,410 Can I open it? 6 00:00:14,410 --> 00:00:16,200 Of course you can! 7 00:00:17,870 --> 00:00:19,740 Is it kinako-flavored? 8 00:00:19,740 --> 00:00:24,580 Yup, you know it! I made 'em with all my heart! 9 00:00:26,880 --> 00:00:30,630 My golden wings shall spread and fly! 10 00:00:30,630 --> 00:00:35,260 Present. We've been waiting to give these to you. 11 00:00:36,180 --> 00:00:41,060 Thanks. And you even came all the way to my classroom. 12 00:00:43,480 --> 00:00:45,310 Ooh! 13 00:00:45,310 --> 00:00:46,980 Origami... 14 00:00:46,980 --> 00:00:48,020 Yes? 15 00:00:48,020 --> 00:00:50,400 Uh, how to put it...? 16 00:00:50,400 --> 00:00:53,150 It's incredible. Thank you. 17 00:00:54,950 --> 00:00:57,280 I'm glad. 18 00:00:57,280 --> 00:00:59,620 That's really impressive. 19 00:00:59,620 --> 00:01:06,540 --Damn you! Damn you! Damn you! --Die! Die! Die! --Curse you! Curse you! Curse you! 20 00:01:10,460 --> 00:01:15,510 Fellow men, let us commence the ritual! 21 00:01:11,300 --> 00:01:15,050 {\an8}"Itsuka" 22 00:01:20,760 --> 00:01:24,770 You deserve every ounce of our hatred! 23 00:01:32,070 --> 00:01:36,780 Yes, eat! Feast upon it! 24 00:01:36,780 --> 00:01:39,780 Jeez, they're unbelievable... 25 00:01:39,780 --> 00:01:41,740 Guys, over here! 26 00:01:41,740 --> 00:01:43,700 That's so lame. 27 00:01:43,700 --> 00:01:45,750 --Come get it! --Come get it! 28 00:01:53,800 --> 00:01:57,090 Thank you! Thank you! 29 00:01:57,090 --> 00:02:02,350 Who knew chocolate from a girl tasted so much sweeter?! 30 00:02:03,260 --> 00:02:09,020 {\an8}"Giri Choco" 31 00:02:04,180 --> 00:02:08,810 Praise our saviors! Our goddesses! 32 00:02:10,560 --> 00:02:16,070 My, my. You're all so lively this morning. 33 00:02:18,360 --> 00:02:21,620 Good morning, Shido. 34 00:02:22,950 --> 00:02:24,700 Kurumi... 35 00:02:29,830 --> 00:02:36,670 There's no need to be so tense. Let's save the fun for later, shall we? 36 00:02:36,670 --> 00:02:44,140 Yeah, I can't wait. I've already set up a room for you in the Spirit dorm. 37 00:02:44,140 --> 00:02:46,180 Oh, my. 38 00:04:19,690 --> 00:04:20,730 Kurumi. 39 00:04:20,730 --> 00:04:23,070 Oh? 40 00:04:23,070 --> 00:04:26,030 What's new with you, Shido? 41 00:04:26,030 --> 00:04:30,700 Not much. Just came to ask you out on a date. 42 00:04:30,700 --> 00:04:35,580 Oh, my! If you're up for it, I'd love to! 43 00:04:37,250 --> 00:04:39,670 --Shall we? --Yeah. 44 00:04:43,470 --> 00:04:46,220 Shido... Good luck! 45 00:04:48,390 --> 00:04:53,390 {\an8}"1. Home" "2. Karaoke" "3. Net Café" 46 00:04:48,640 --> 00:04:53,730 Shido, some choices came up. Let's decide where to go. 47 00:04:54,850 --> 00:04:56,400 Hold up, Kotori. 48 00:04:56,400 --> 00:04:57,860 Huh? 49 00:04:57,860 --> 00:05:02,780 I've already decided where I'll take her. 50 00:05:02,780 --> 00:05:07,660 In other words, you don't trust my capabilities? 51 00:05:07,660 --> 00:05:10,490 No, it's not like that, MARIA... 52 00:05:10,490 --> 00:05:14,580 Just kidding. We serve as a support role. 53 00:05:14,580 --> 00:05:21,710 If you have a strong conviction, you should follow it. Right, Commander? 54 00:05:21,710 --> 00:05:28,050 Sure. After all, he's the world's best specialist at dealing with Spirits. 55 00:05:28,050 --> 00:05:29,850 Go for it. 56 00:05:29,850 --> 00:05:33,350 Thanks, Kotori, MARIA... 57 00:05:35,430 --> 00:05:38,020 Sorry to make you wait. 58 00:05:38,020 --> 00:05:45,150 It's okay. By the way, Shido, there's somewhere I'd like to go. 59 00:05:45,150 --> 00:05:50,820 I had somewhere in mind, too. Probably the same place as you. 60 00:05:50,820 --> 00:05:55,370 My, my. Then let's see if you're right. 61 00:05:55,370 --> 00:06:00,920 Lead the way to where you think I want to go. 62 00:06:07,260 --> 00:06:12,810 Hmm? So this is where you wanted to bring me? 63 00:06:12,810 --> 00:06:14,260 That's right. 64 00:06:14,260 --> 00:06:19,020 You want to see me in my underwear that badly? 65 00:06:19,020 --> 00:06:21,520 N-No, that's not it! 66 00:06:21,520 --> 00:06:25,360 Well, I do, but that's beside the point! 67 00:06:25,360 --> 00:06:28,030 --You guessed right. --Eh? 68 00:06:28,030 --> 00:06:31,410 I wanted to come here, too. 69 00:06:31,410 --> 00:06:37,870 Do you remember bringing one of my clones to this place? 70 00:06:37,870 --> 00:06:47,260 Ever since, I've always wondered how the "me" who was with you felt. 71 00:06:47,260 --> 00:06:53,430 What was she thinking--the "me" whose heart you managed to steal? 72 00:06:53,430 --> 00:06:58,390 Although she was naïve, she was still "me." 73 00:06:59,940 --> 00:07:03,230 Are you sure you want the same date? 74 00:07:03,230 --> 00:07:04,320 Huh? 75 00:07:04,320 --> 00:07:09,570 Clone or not, I made Kurumi Tokisaki fall for me. 76 00:07:09,570 --> 00:07:13,200 I'll take you on the same date as back then. 77 00:07:13,200 --> 00:07:19,370 At the end of today, you won't be able to think of anything but me. 78 00:07:19,370 --> 00:07:24,460 You really think you can make me fall for you? 79 00:07:24,460 --> 00:07:26,050 Of course. 80 00:07:44,100 --> 00:07:48,360 Do you remember this place, Shido? 81 00:07:48,360 --> 00:07:54,030 I sure do. This is where you made me watch you fight Mana. 82 00:07:55,070 --> 00:07:59,450 Oh, I almost forgot... 83 00:07:59,450 --> 00:08:02,000 Happy Valentine's. 84 00:08:02,000 --> 00:08:05,710 Thanks! Did you really forget? 85 00:08:05,710 --> 00:08:10,050 Yeah. It goes to show how much fun I had. 86 00:08:10,050 --> 00:08:16,930 I dare say, it's one of the best days I can remember. 87 00:08:16,930 --> 00:08:19,180 I've got something, too. 88 00:08:22,060 --> 00:08:24,310 Happy Valentine's, Kurumi. 89 00:08:24,310 --> 00:08:26,440 Oh, my! 90 00:08:26,440 --> 00:08:30,610 There's no rule against a guy giving out chocolate. 91 00:08:32,150 --> 00:08:33,280 Open it up. 92 00:08:33,280 --> 00:08:36,410 All right. You, too. 93 00:08:36,410 --> 00:08:37,740 Okay. 94 00:08:44,710 --> 00:08:49,960 Are these candied orange peels in the chocolate? Delicious! 95 00:08:49,960 --> 00:08:55,880 Yours are good, too! Is this hazelnut I taste? 96 00:08:55,880 --> 00:08:59,470 Not bad, not bad... 97 00:08:59,180 --> 00:09:05,940 {\an8}"Happiness Meter" "Mood" "Mental State" 98 00:08:59,470 --> 00:09:06,100 Kurumi isn't lying--she's genuinely enjoying today's date. 99 00:09:06,100 --> 00:09:12,690 She hasn't closed her heart off, either. If anything, she's fond of him. 100 00:09:12,690 --> 00:09:17,610 However, there's something holding her back: 101 00:09:17,610 --> 00:09:21,450 A resolve, some will, or the like. 102 00:09:21,450 --> 00:09:28,920 Until we root out whatever it is, we won't be able to seal her power. 103 00:09:28,920 --> 00:09:31,590 A resolve... Some will... 104 00:09:33,010 --> 00:09:34,550 Hey, Kurumi. 105 00:09:34,550 --> 00:09:37,430 Yes, Shido? 106 00:09:37,430 --> 00:09:44,480 Mind telling me why you want to kill the Spirit of Origin? 107 00:09:44,480 --> 00:09:50,860 You heard it from Nia? What a blabbermouth. 108 00:09:50,860 --> 00:09:55,740 Shido, are you prepared to know the truth? 109 00:09:57,660 --> 00:10:00,870 About my... everything. 110 00:10:01,990 --> 00:10:03,450 Yeah. 111 00:10:17,380 --> 00:10:22,890 We've lost cameras and intercom. We're completely cut off from Shido. 112 00:10:22,890 --> 00:10:25,430 Send some replacements! 113 00:10:25,430 --> 00:10:26,980 Shido... 114 00:10:28,390 --> 00:10:31,440 And how about now? 115 00:10:32,690 --> 00:10:34,780 Even now. 116 00:10:43,160 --> 00:10:44,540 This is...? 117 00:10:44,540 --> 00:10:50,080 A nearby abandoned building. It's one of my bases. 118 00:10:50,080 --> 00:10:56,460 Shido, you said you're prepared to know everything there is about me. 119 00:10:56,460 --> 00:11:01,470 In that case, please take it all in. 120 00:11:02,470 --> 00:11:04,930 Zaphkiel, Yod. 121 00:11:09,100 --> 00:11:13,190 Kurumi... Kurumi! 122 00:11:22,070 --> 00:11:24,950 Come, I'm right here! 123 00:11:36,840 --> 00:11:38,130 Kurumi! 124 00:11:38,130 --> 00:11:40,220 Are you okay? 125 00:11:40,220 --> 00:11:42,340 Yeah. 126 00:11:42,340 --> 00:11:45,800 It's okay, you're safe now. 127 00:11:48,720 --> 00:11:51,310 Thanks so much! 128 00:11:51,310 --> 00:11:55,020 No more climbing up trees! 129 00:12:00,440 --> 00:12:03,740 That was cool of you, Kurumi. 130 00:12:06,330 --> 00:12:09,160 Thank you, Sawa. 131 00:12:12,080 --> 00:12:15,330 You're like a hero of justice. 132 00:12:15,330 --> 00:12:21,220 You're always helping the elderly and kids who've lost their way. 133 00:12:21,220 --> 00:12:22,550 That's not-- 134 00:12:22,550 --> 00:12:29,430 Their town destroyed by civil war, 20,000 refugees have fled to camps. 135 00:12:27,720 --> 00:12:33,980 {\an8}"Breaking News" "Border Conflict Worsens: "It's like hell...'" "Civil War Displaces 20,000 Refugees" 136 00:12:29,430 --> 00:12:34,310 But in these unsanitary camps, disease runs rampant. 137 00:12:35,440 --> 00:12:39,400 Kurumi, would you like to come to my place? 138 00:12:39,400 --> 00:12:40,530 Huh? 139 00:12:40,530 --> 00:12:44,990 I bet Marron would love to see you again. 140 00:12:44,990 --> 00:12:50,450 Remember? The American Shorthair you played with last time. 141 00:12:50,450 --> 00:12:53,830 Really?! You sure you don't mind?! 142 00:12:53,830 --> 00:12:57,210 Of course not! Marron will love it! 143 00:13:06,510 --> 00:13:09,300 It was so cute! 144 00:13:23,860 --> 00:13:25,240 No! 145 00:13:29,200 --> 00:13:30,450 Huh? 146 00:13:36,500 --> 00:13:38,290 Are you okay? 147 00:13:40,420 --> 00:13:44,670 Th-Thank you. 148 00:13:44,670 --> 00:13:48,590 You saved me. What was that? 149 00:13:48,590 --> 00:13:53,310 A Spirit--monsters which destroy the world. 150 00:13:53,310 --> 00:13:55,270 Spirit? 151 00:13:55,270 --> 00:13:58,900 Who are you? Why are you here? 152 00:13:58,900 --> 00:14:04,320 Um, my name's Kurumi Tokisaki. I was just heading home... 153 00:14:04,320 --> 00:14:12,370 And wandered here on your own? Hmm. Perhaps you have the affinity. 154 00:14:12,370 --> 00:14:17,710 Affinity? Who are you exactly? 155 00:14:17,710 --> 00:14:23,250 I'm Mio Takamiya. You could say I'm a hero of justice. 156 00:14:28,550 --> 00:14:31,300 Spirits are my enemy. 157 00:14:31,300 --> 00:14:37,180 They're of the same ilk to what attacked you--monsters which harm the world. 158 00:14:38,100 --> 00:14:41,480 Kurumi, do you wish for power? 159 00:14:41,480 --> 00:14:42,730 Power? 160 00:14:42,730 --> 00:14:50,990 Surely you're compatible with Sephirah. Join me, and let's save the world. 161 00:14:50,990 --> 00:14:54,120 Save... the world. 162 00:14:56,790 --> 00:14:58,080 Huh?! 163 00:15:07,720 --> 00:15:11,050 I knew I was right about you. 164 00:15:15,140 --> 00:15:17,890 Now, don your Spirit armor. 165 00:15:17,890 --> 00:15:19,020 Huh? 166 00:15:19,020 --> 00:15:26,230 With this, you should instinctively know your powers and how to use them. 167 00:15:26,230 --> 00:15:30,200 D-Deploy Spirit armor... 168 00:15:35,080 --> 00:15:36,450 Huh?! 169 00:15:42,000 --> 00:15:46,000 This is... me?! 170 00:15:46,000 --> 00:15:52,470 I've long searched for an ally who could help and fight at my side. 171 00:15:52,470 --> 00:15:56,510 Kurumi Tokisaki, I believe you can. 172 00:15:56,510 --> 00:16:01,640 Help me defeat Spirits and save the world. 173 00:16:37,600 --> 00:16:39,810 Zaphkiel, Het. 174 00:16:57,070 --> 00:17:00,620 Does it make me stand out too much? 175 00:17:01,830 --> 00:17:04,500 Kurumi? Is something wrong? 176 00:17:04,500 --> 00:17:08,590 Sawa! N-No, it's nothing! 177 00:17:08,590 --> 00:17:11,760 Your eye still isn't better? 178 00:17:11,760 --> 00:17:16,140 Y-Yeah, I guess it's one stubborn sty. 179 00:17:16,140 --> 00:17:19,640 That's no good. I hope you get well. 180 00:17:19,640 --> 00:17:22,730 Thank you. 181 00:17:22,730 --> 00:17:25,890 Want to come to my place after school? 182 00:17:25,890 --> 00:17:29,480 My aunt's bringing Marron's siblings to play. 183 00:17:29,480 --> 00:17:32,150 Really?! Uh... 184 00:17:32,150 --> 00:17:38,490 I-I'm terribly sorry, but I have plans I can't miss today. 185 00:17:38,490 --> 00:17:44,040 Yeah? That's too bad. You sure are busy lately. 186 00:17:44,040 --> 00:17:48,540 I'm sorry. But please, ask me some other time! 187 00:17:48,540 --> 00:17:50,670 Yeah, of course. 188 00:17:52,460 --> 00:17:54,970 For real! I mean it! 189 00:17:54,970 --> 00:17:57,430 A-All right. 190 00:17:58,930 --> 00:18:02,350 Kurumi, I'm counting on you again. 191 00:18:02,350 --> 00:18:06,140 Of course. Leave it to me, Mio. 192 00:18:09,810 --> 00:18:12,690 Deploy Spirit armor, Elohim! 193 00:18:17,030 --> 00:18:18,530 Zaphkiel! 194 00:18:22,080 --> 00:18:24,330 This should do it. 195 00:18:31,920 --> 00:18:34,130 So persistent. 196 00:18:39,800 --> 00:18:45,430 Good work. As always, I'll take care of the cleanup. 197 00:18:45,430 --> 00:18:49,730 Yes, thank you. Have a good day. 198 00:18:52,480 --> 00:18:56,740 If I hurry, I might be able to visit Sawa. 199 00:18:58,280 --> 00:19:06,700 Wait... What if I invited Mio? We haven't had many chances to chat... 200 00:19:11,250 --> 00:19:12,920 Mio! 201 00:19:14,130 --> 00:19:15,920 Sawa?! 202 00:19:17,420 --> 00:19:22,890 It's someone you know? I'm sorry to hear that. 203 00:19:25,720 --> 00:19:32,020 What a shame. I hoped to have you as a partner for longer. 204 00:19:34,610 --> 00:19:39,240 Spirits are humans who were given Sephirah. 205 00:19:39,240 --> 00:19:45,240 No, it's more accurate to say I bestowed them my power. 206 00:19:50,790 --> 00:19:54,170 Z-Zaphkiel, Daletto! 207 00:19:58,380 --> 00:20:04,470 I'm shocked. You avoided inversion all on your own. 208 00:20:04,470 --> 00:20:12,230 That's a relief. It'd be bothersome if your refined Sephirah went back to normal. 209 00:20:12,230 --> 00:20:15,230 Inversion? Refined? 210 00:20:15,230 --> 00:20:19,280 Initially, Sephirah aren't compatible with humans. 211 00:20:19,280 --> 00:20:25,530 Unable to control its power, they go berserk when given one. 212 00:20:25,530 --> 00:20:29,950 Like this girl whom you killed. 213 00:20:29,950 --> 00:20:35,790 To make Sephirah compatible with humans, they must be refined. 214 00:20:35,790 --> 00:20:40,760 That is, by giving them to humans, over and over. 215 00:20:40,760 --> 00:20:44,180 The humans will go berserk, of course, 216 00:20:44,180 --> 00:20:48,390 but in time, the Sephirah will turn compatible. 217 00:20:48,390 --> 00:20:55,770 Only then will a human with strong affinity remain themselves as a Spirit. 218 00:20:55,770 --> 00:20:58,150 One like you. 219 00:20:58,150 --> 00:21:04,950 But recovering Sephirah can be difficult. You've been a great help. 220 00:21:04,950 --> 00:21:08,160 How could you do this?! 221 00:21:08,160 --> 00:21:11,450 I have no grudge against you people. 222 00:21:11,450 --> 00:21:17,750 However, I cannot stop until I achieve my goal. 223 00:21:17,750 --> 00:21:21,010 Until then, good night, Kurumi. 224 00:21:31,640 --> 00:21:33,680 Kurumi... 225 00:21:33,680 --> 00:21:37,860 The Spirit took away my memories. 226 00:21:37,860 --> 00:21:43,650 The only reason I remember is thanks to Zaphkiel. 227 00:21:45,070 --> 00:21:52,200 I will kill the Spirit of Origin... No matter what it takes. 228 00:21:49,490 --> 00:21:55,000 {\an8}"Episode 11: 'Past Sins.'" 229 00:23:25,750 --> 00:23:30,590 Kurumi Tokisaki: A Spirit crueler and kinder than anyone. 230 00:23:30,590 --> 00:23:34,560 What is her resolve? What is her will? 231 00:23:34,560 --> 00:23:39,810 Next time: "Cycle of Salvation." The Worst Spirit shows her devotion. 232 00:23:35,850 --> 00:23:39,980 {\an8}"Episode 12: 'Cycle of Salvation.'" 233 00:23:39,810 --> 00:23:41,810 234 00:23:41,810 --> 00:23:43,810