1 00:00:38,170 --> 00:00:41,016 "Out of the night that covers me,." 2 00:00:41,017 --> 00:00:44,493 Black as the Pit from pole to pole, 3 00:00:44,494 --> 00:00:47,228 I thank whatever gods may be. 4 00:00:47,238 --> 00:00:50,104 For my unconquerable soul. 5 00:00:50,533 --> 00:00:53,399 In the fell clutch of circumstance 6 00:00:53,400 --> 00:00:56,940 I have not winced nor cried aloud. 7 00:00:56,941 --> 00:00:59,719 Under the bludgeoning of chance. 8 00:00:59,720 --> 00:01:03,282 My head is bloody, but unbowed. 9 00:01:04,196 --> 00:01:07,748 Beyond this place of wrath and tears. 10 00:01:08,027 --> 00:01:11,087 Looms but the Horror of the shade, 11 00:01:11,097 --> 00:01:12,456 And yet... 12 00:01:12,457 --> 00:01:14,263 the menace of the years. 13 00:01:14,264 --> 00:01:17,824 Finds, and shall find me, unafraid. 14 00:01:18,188 --> 00:01:21,043 It matters not how strait the gate, 15 00:01:21,044 --> 00:01:24,710 How charged with punishments the scroll 16 00:01:24,711 --> 00:01:27,517 I am the master of my fate: 17 00:01:28,509 --> 00:01:29,523 I am the captain... 18 00:01:30,537 --> 00:01:31,552 "of my soul." 19 00:01:54,340 --> 00:01:56,400 REUEL 7 20 00:02:06,937 --> 00:02:10,077 KLAXON - STRUTTURA ESTRATTIVA DI DILITIO 21 00:02:49,974 --> 00:02:52,704 What pity my ^ 22 00:02:52,705 --> 00:02:55,834 do not allow me to hunt you myself! 23 00:02:55,835 --> 00:02:58,658 I claim the right of last kill. 24 00:02:58,778 --> 00:03:02,178 Son, that right must be earned, 25 00:03:02,288 --> 00:03:04,948 which clearly you have not. 26 00:03:14,907 --> 00:03:17,587 Do not be shamed to your defeat. 27 00:03:17,716 --> 00:03:19,657 We are stronger 28 00:03:19,723 --> 00:03:23,854 because we adepted to impossible conditions. 29 00:03:37,346 --> 00:03:41,004 Your sacrifice honors you. 30 00:04:38,942 --> 00:04:43,399 San Francisco 2388. 31 00:04:44,802 --> 00:04:48,638 Quartier generale della Flotta Stellare. 32 00:04:56,710 --> 00:04:58,410 Reuel 7, 33 00:04:58,413 --> 00:05:02,103 the Federation's second largest supplier of dilithium crystals... 34 00:05:03,264 --> 00:05:04,953 until last week, that is, 35 00:05:05,463 --> 00:05:09,019 when it appears the very fabric of space and time simply 36 00:05:09,449 --> 00:05:11,598 fold in around it. 37 00:05:14,218 --> 00:05:16,467 Two months ago, another major supplier 38 00:05:16,468 --> 00:05:18,327 on Gamma Tauri system experienced 39 00:05:18,328 --> 00:05:19,878 a similar demise. 40 00:05:20,228 --> 00:05:22,098 These are not natural phenomenon 41 00:05:22,788 --> 00:05:25,188 and of course all that and... 42 00:05:25,858 --> 00:05:29,028 someone or something is causing 'em. 43 00:05:29,502 --> 00:05:31,602 That's all, Lieutenant Masaru. 44 00:05:31,992 --> 00:05:34,372 Thank you, Admiral. I'll be in my room. 45 00:05:35,259 --> 00:05:42,499 Computer! Access file 62285. mode Shadow. 46 00:05:44,739 --> 00:05:47,599 Until three years ago, the planet Syphon 47 00:05:48,089 --> 00:05:50,329 not was none of our paintings. 48 00:05:50,857 --> 00:05:53,567 One hell of a coincidence, do not you think? 49 00:05:54,621 --> 00:05:57,271 This and its leader, Blurred 50 00:05:57,973 --> 00:06:00,832 I am convinced that he and Syphon 51 00:06:00,833 --> 00:06:05,293 are responsible for what happened to Reuel and Gamma Tauri. 52 00:06:08,249 --> 00:06:10,119 The Council refuses to act. 53 00:06:10,487 --> 00:06:13,037 It is destroying planets and yet they do nothing. 54 00:06:13,157 --> 00:06:15,107 Do you have proof? 55 00:06:15,881 --> 00:06:18,811 Admiral Satterle contacted me... 56 00:06:19,241 --> 00:06:20,910 finally have proof, Pavel 57 00:06:20,911 --> 00:06:23,161 the Council knows. 58 00:06:23,327 --> 00:06:26,887 Blurred who is responsible but they are keeping it a secret. 59 00:06:27,177 --> 00:06:28,436 And there is more. 60 00:06:28,437 --> 00:06:31,157 Someone is helping the. 61 00:06:31,211 --> 00:06:33,531 We can not trust nobody. 62 00:06:39,488 --> 00:06:43,088 Preliminary Reports indicate a plasma conduct defective 63 00:06:43,837 --> 00:06:46,687 I do not believe it for a moment 64 00:06:46,787 --> 00:06:49,846 I fear the Federation this the brink of collapse 65 00:06:49,847 --> 00:06:52,276 = = and I can not let that happen. 66 00:06:52,277 --> 00:06:55,277 The Coucil orders over Prime Directive notwithstanding. 67 00:06:55,431 --> 00:06:57,721 So we have to find other means. 68 00:06:58,608 --> 00:06:59,468 Yes. 69 00:06:59,588 --> 00:07:01,578 You'll assemble a new team. 70 00:07:02,497 --> 00:07:03,497 Quietly. 71 00:07:04,441 --> 00:07:06,880 We can not go through the usual channels 72 00:07:06,881 --> 00:07:13,061 = = Our salvation may rest with rogues and outlaws 73 00:07:16,963 --> 00:07:19,093 I know of one such crew. 74 00:07:30,944 --> 00:07:32,634 Captain Alvarez. 75 00:07:32,714 --> 00:07:35,174 Beam load on immediately 76 00:07:35,264 --> 00:07:36,713 or I'll be forced to destroy 77 00:07:36,714 --> 00:07:38,604 your little ship regrettable 78 00:07:38,740 --> 00:07:41,040 I'd rather see who I'm dealing with first. 79 00:07:41,110 --> 00:07:43,980 You do not see my pulchritudinous face? 80 00:07:44,698 --> 00:07:47,887 You will not reveal your ship? Good? I do not have all day. 81 00:07:47,888 --> 00:07:50,888 Share this glorious project with the Federation? 82 00:07:54,038 --> 00:07:55,738 Klingon ship unveiling 83 00:07:56,892 --> 00:07:58,432 and over time. 84 00:07:58,929 --> 00:08:00,509 The coordinates are different. 85 00:08:09,477 --> 00:08:11,407 They are early. 86 00:08:13,231 --> 00:08:14,631 Doc! You understand? 87 00:08:15,091 --> 00:08:17,461 Not! I need more time. 88 00:08:24,031 --> 00:08:25,951 Greetings, Captain Alvarez 89 00:08:26,298 --> 00:08:28,288 I trust that have not kept you waiting. 90 00:08:28,488 --> 00:08:31,058 Waiting? We were jus... 91 00:08:34,498 --> 00:08:36,568 Garlok Captain, we have a problem. 92 00:08:36,658 --> 00:08:39,468 Go to red alert. Shields up! 93 00:08:44,372 --> 00:08:46,352 Incompetent Slug! 94 00:08:47,999 --> 00:08:49,389 Pulchritudinous? 95 00:08:49,492 --> 00:08:50,912 He was working! 96 00:08:59,619 --> 00:09:03,389 Mr. Lou. I want you to block photons that ship Cloacked 97 00:09:03,659 --> 00:09:05,679 firing a warning shot at my command. 98 00:09:05,729 --> 00:09:06,729 Yes sir 99 00:09:11,327 --> 00:09:13,297 photons blocked in our coordinates. 100 00:09:14,846 --> 00:09:17,235 Give them all. 101 00:09:17,236 --> 00:09:18,236 Fire! 102 00:09:34,871 --> 00:09:35,891 The Icarus. 103 00:09:39,248 --> 00:09:41,858 Let's give them hell! Return fire! 104 00:09:46,606 --> 00:09:48,515 Why the delay? You think you have 105 00:09:48,516 --> 00:09:50,625 the brains to beam through their shields 106 00:09:50,626 --> 00:09:51,625 in the middle of a battle? 107 00:09:51,626 --> 00:09:52,925 You're nothing more than a failure 108 00:09:52,926 --> 00:09:55,176 why else would the Federation banish you? 109 00:09:56,836 --> 00:09:58,076 Two more? Where? 110 00:10:08,199 --> 00:10:10,148 Direct hit on the deflection shield 111 00:10:10,149 --> 00:10:12,359 cloacking device is fried man! 112 00:10:12,370 --> 00:10:14,519 Deliver up your promise dr Lucien 113 00:10:14,520 --> 00:10:15,670 or I'll finish you. 114 00:10:17,236 --> 00:10:21,436 Ronara! One zero nine mark two one. 115 00:10:22,003 --> 00:10:23,733 But that will... Exactly! 116 00:10:39,282 --> 00:10:41,181 Shields holding at ninety percent sir. 117 00:10:41,182 --> 00:10:42,352 Fire at will! 118 00:11:21,084 --> 00:11:22,084 Got it. 119 00:11:32,261 --> 00:11:33,750 Why aren't we pursuing? 120 00:11:33,751 --> 00:11:35,100 We can't sir, the warp engines 121 00:11:35,101 --> 00:11:36,141 just went off-line. 122 00:11:38,496 --> 00:11:39,686 Bucket of boltz! 123 00:11:41,036 --> 00:11:42,975 They won't be following us anytime soon 124 00:11:42,976 --> 00:11:44,995 beamed this off their warp drive 125 00:11:44,996 --> 00:11:46,726 pinged off that signal. 126 00:11:48,780 --> 00:11:50,089 What the Hell where you thinking 127 00:11:50,090 --> 00:11:51,229 firing on them? 128 00:11:51,230 --> 00:11:53,130 You well like a sludge rat Ragnar 129 00:11:54,000 --> 00:11:56,229 our opponents were weak, so our mission 130 00:11:56,230 --> 00:11:57,299 was a success. 131 00:11:57,300 --> 00:11:58,119 Success? 132 00:11:58,120 --> 00:12:00,219 Now the Federation and the Klingons 133 00:12:00,220 --> 00:12:01,160 will be haunting us 134 00:12:01,244 --> 00:12:02,763 you just made us nearly impossible 135 00:12:02,764 --> 00:12:04,354 to operate in this quadrant. 136 00:12:05,453 --> 00:12:07,809 Lexxa would never do anything stupid like that. 137 00:12:07,810 --> 00:12:09,479 Lexxa? 138 00:12:09,480 --> 00:12:10,869 Probably lives in a hovel 139 00:12:10,870 --> 00:12:12,129 with ten mewling brats 140 00:12:12,130 --> 00:12:13,721 crawling around her feet. 141 00:12:13,722 --> 00:12:16,212 Mwahahahah! 142 00:12:19,550 --> 00:12:20,550 Come on! 143 00:12:20,821 --> 00:12:21,821 Get him! 144 00:12:22,683 --> 00:12:24,433 Fifty on the cardassian. 145 00:12:24,613 --> 00:12:25,613 You fool 146 00:12:27,353 --> 00:12:28,863 one hundred on the female. 147 00:12:41,698 --> 00:12:44,047 Your lineage gives you the strenght 148 00:12:44,048 --> 00:12:46,068 but it will always be your undoing. 149 00:12:46,181 --> 00:12:47,761 Leave him out of this! 150 00:12:48,472 --> 00:12:49,941 Your anger and your aggression 151 00:12:49,942 --> 00:12:51,602 are your weakness 152 00:12:51,612 --> 00:12:53,091 but one would one expect 153 00:12:53,092 --> 00:12:54,131 from the bastard daughter 154 00:12:54,132 --> 00:12:55,412 of a megalomaniac? 155 00:12:55,455 --> 00:12:56,764 I am nothing like him! 156 00:12:56,765 --> 00:12:57,765 Enough talk! 157 00:12:58,057 --> 00:12:59,057 My turn! 158 00:13:01,245 --> 00:13:03,345 No, no, you're nothing like him 159 00:13:04,203 --> 00:13:06,112 unlike you, Khan Noonien Singh 160 00:13:06,113 --> 00:13:07,062 was a grat warrior 161 00:13:07,063 --> 00:13:09,492 you are nothing but a failed 162 00:13:09,493 --> 00:13:10,683 genetic experiment 163 00:13:11,622 --> 00:13:12,622 a murderous... 164 00:13:20,427 --> 00:13:21,677 Damn you Tuvok! 165 00:13:22,487 --> 00:13:24,036 I could have eaten two meals tomorrow 166 00:13:24,037 --> 00:13:25,417 with my winnings. 167 00:13:25,711 --> 00:13:27,441 We have urgent matters to discuss. 168 00:13:28,586 --> 00:13:30,975 We have nothing to discuss 169 00:13:30,976 --> 00:13:33,246 your Section 31 hanged me up to dry. 170 00:13:33,892 --> 00:13:36,082 Their methods left much to be desired 171 00:13:36,574 --> 00:13:38,624 I've always believed you to be innocent. 172 00:13:39,340 --> 00:13:41,210 That saved me from many beatings 173 00:13:41,307 --> 00:13:43,327 or helped me avoid the rape gangs? 174 00:13:43,682 --> 00:13:45,332 Something big’s coming down 175 00:13:45,482 --> 00:13:46,762 you’re desperate 176 00:13:47,031 --> 00:13:48,791 why else would you be here? 177 00:13:49,414 --> 00:13:51,324 I need you back on the Icarus. 178 00:13:51,636 --> 00:13:53,065 I’d rather end up the bitch of every 179 00:13:53,066 --> 00:13:55,556 filthy, disgusting inmate in this place 180 00:13:56,104 --> 00:13:57,894 than walk out of here with you. 181 00:13:59,050 --> 00:14:00,309 There may be evidence 182 00:14:00,310 --> 00:14:01,570 that she’s still alive. 183 00:14:05,045 --> 00:14:06,105 Tell me! 184 00:14:06,936 --> 00:14:08,976 Do this mission and I will. 185 00:14:09,457 --> 00:14:11,926 Tell me or your next breath 186 00:14:11,927 --> 00:14:13,077 will be your last. 187 00:14:13,823 --> 00:14:15,503 Then you will never find her. 188 00:14:17,930 --> 00:14:18,760 Stay here. 189 00:14:18,871 --> 00:14:20,011 Don't leave me! 190 00:14:20,224 --> 00:14:21,964 I have to, or they'll get you too. 191 00:14:27,669 --> 00:14:28,669 Fine! 192 00:14:29,604 --> 00:14:30,874 But you crossed me. 193 00:14:31,071 --> 00:14:33,121 The thought never entered my mind. 194 00:14:36,517 --> 00:14:37,707 He comes with me. 195 00:14:39,481 --> 00:14:40,971 He just tried to kill you. 196 00:14:42,681 --> 00:14:45,471 We rig the fights then split the winnings 197 00:14:45,958 --> 00:14:47,358 he's always got my back. 198 00:14:51,673 --> 00:14:52,673 Agreed. 199 00:15:02,290 --> 00:15:03,900 We can't trust anyone! 200 00:15:13,361 --> 00:15:14,361 Come. 201 00:15:18,738 --> 00:15:20,988 There is my Sol-nyshka moyo. 202 00:15:23,125 --> 00:15:24,385 Let me look at you 203 00:15:25,274 --> 00:15:26,884 first day at the Academy! 204 00:15:27,329 --> 00:15:29,649 And the youngest cadet ever admitted! 205 00:15:29,693 --> 00:15:31,243 I'm so nervous! 206 00:15:32,807 --> 00:15:35,256 Oh! This is my roommate, Carol Madison. 207 00:15:35,257 --> 00:15:36,757 It's an honour, Admiral 208 00:15:36,807 --> 00:15:37,746 I still can't believe 209 00:15:37,747 --> 00:15:38,756 he's your grandfather. 210 00:15:38,757 --> 00:15:40,297 Great-great-grandfather 211 00:15:40,704 --> 00:15:42,684 I've heard so many things about you sir! 212 00:15:42,962 --> 00:15:44,762 Don't believe a word of it! 213 00:15:45,935 --> 00:15:47,674 I'm worried about you poppy 214 00:15:47,675 --> 00:15:49,194 you should have retired years ago 215 00:15:49,195 --> 00:15:51,125 I'm only a hundred and fortythree. 216 00:15:51,673 --> 00:15:52,652 But I want you to be around 217 00:15:52,653 --> 00:15:53,653 for my graduation. 218 00:15:54,383 --> 00:15:56,023 With all the new medical advances 219 00:15:56,027 --> 00:15:58,647 I'll be around when you'll become Captain. 220 00:16:01,376 --> 00:16:02,376 Come in 221 00:16:04,473 --> 00:16:05,372 Owen 222 00:16:05,373 --> 00:16:07,113 I wasn't expecting you. 223 00:16:08,097 --> 00:16:08,757 Now go! 224 00:16:09,066 --> 00:16:10,946 You can't be late for your first class. 225 00:16:17,408 --> 00:16:19,247 Interesting information you presented 226 00:16:19,248 --> 00:16:21,058 to the Council this morning, Pavel. 227 00:16:21,733 --> 00:16:24,283 Disturbing might be a better term. 228 00:16:25,369 --> 00:16:26,758 You know the Council's position 229 00:16:26,759 --> 00:16:28,399 on the Syphon. It's very clear. 230 00:16:29,018 --> 00:16:30,878 Who am I to argue with them? 231 00:16:32,725 --> 00:16:35,334 My friend, you’ve been on security 232 00:16:35,335 --> 00:16:37,364 too long! You see a conspiracy 233 00:16:37,365 --> 00:16:38,675 behind every door. 234 00:16:40,063 --> 00:16:42,723 That's because there usually is one. 235 00:16:43,808 --> 00:16:45,867 Be careful Pavel 236 00:16:45,868 --> 00:16:48,478 this could get out of hand very easily. 237 00:16:52,609 --> 00:16:54,518 Grant was a good friend 238 00:16:54,519 --> 00:16:55,958 and he will be missed by all of us 239 00:16:55,959 --> 00:16:57,818 it was a tragic accident 240 00:16:57,819 --> 00:16:58,949 nothing more. 241 00:17:00,448 --> 00:17:01,448 Maybe 242 00:17:02,124 --> 00:17:04,124 I know you too well Pavel 243 00:17:05,074 --> 00:17:06,543 I think you're up to something. 244 00:17:06,544 --> 00:17:07,603 And I think you and the Council 245 00:17:07,604 --> 00:17:09,274 are too flippant about this 246 00:17:10,146 --> 00:17:11,495 and the Syphon situation. 247 00:17:11,496 --> 00:17:12,996 You’re playing with fire here! 248 00:17:13,648 --> 00:17:15,337 No one else has more sacred obbligations 249 00:17:15,338 --> 00:17:17,218 than those who make the law. 250 00:17:17,356 --> 00:17:21,016 If you’re even considering violating orders. 251 00:18:02,122 --> 00:18:03,982 Ship following right behind us. 252 00:18:14,513 --> 00:18:15,813 Power weapons. 253 00:18:19,261 --> 00:18:21,381 No no no no! It’s taking over control! 254 00:18:22,145 --> 00:18:23,525 Shields are dropping. 255 00:18:49,439 --> 00:18:50,719 Moordenaarr. 256 00:18:51,338 --> 00:18:52,338 Lexxa. 257 00:18:52,452 --> 00:18:53,762 The ship is mine now 258 00:18:54,272 --> 00:18:55,951 your trespass gives me right 259 00:18:55,952 --> 00:18:57,232 to vaporize you. 260 00:19:13,254 --> 00:19:14,583 Anyone else having objections 261 00:19:14,584 --> 00:19:15,994 to me running my ship again? 262 00:19:16,512 --> 00:19:17,992 Good to have you back! 263 00:19:18,418 --> 00:19:19,237 Though... 264 00:19:19,238 --> 00:19:19,708 If you’re gonna say 265 00:19:19,709 --> 00:19:20,898 I shouldn’t have done that… 266 00:19:20,982 --> 00:19:22,401 I disagreed with his methods 267 00:19:22,402 --> 00:19:23,711 but he was very useful 268 00:19:23,712 --> 00:19:24,942 when things went sour. 269 00:19:27,664 --> 00:19:29,643 Why is this blasted here? 270 00:19:29,644 --> 00:19:30,774 Put that away Jaro. 271 00:19:38,020 --> 00:19:39,150 Prak’s still here 272 00:19:40,134 --> 00:19:41,333 I figured he’d have betrayed you all 273 00:19:41,334 --> 00:19:42,374 once I was gone 274 00:19:43,995 --> 00:19:45,634 I practice the rule religiously 275 00:19:45,635 --> 00:19:47,365 "never turn your back on a Bree." 276 00:20:03,327 --> 00:20:05,284 Look, if you specify the exact temperature... 277 00:20:07,709 --> 00:20:08,940 Colder, colder. 278 00:20:20,715 --> 00:20:25,469 You mind if I sit down or you're going to say to go as usual? 279 00:20:26,168 --> 00:20:29,445 Serve yourself. Stay out of my head. 280 00:20:31,130 --> 00:20:32,130 What? 281 00:20:32,684 --> 00:20:35,215 I do not need a betazoid hear my thoughts. 282 00:20:35,778 --> 00:20:41,390 You still do not know, genetic defect not telepathic. 283 00:20:42,705 --> 00:20:43,705 Good. 284 00:20:45,106 --> 00:20:47,266 I can do other things. 285 00:20:53,917 --> 00:20:55,794 Stay out of my head. 286 00:20:57,511 --> 00:20:59,584 Why you are so angry all the time? 287 00:21:00,057 --> 00:21:03,418 Not I would make you angry? 288 00:21:05,735 --> 00:21:07,057 But you were a Borg 289 00:21:07,489 --> 00:21:09,964 I was, the traveler found me and took them all away. 290 00:21:12,235 --> 00:21:15,146 They taught me the individuality and I got back to Earth, 291 00:21:16,894 --> 00:21:24,894 Section 31 found me and convince me to participate in a program to help those who managed to survive the simulation, but what they really wanted which this 292 00:21:32,785 --> 00:21:36,608 become a gun and they make sure I stay that way 293 00:21:39,923 --> 00:21:41,485 I have offer of help. 294 00:21:41,997 --> 00:21:49,656 You assume I want to help. I like the power, I do not need you. 295 00:21:59,732 --> 00:22:03,647 Enough. I I not know what started this. 296 00:22:04,675 --> 00:22:06,155 They putrified five milion of my race 297 00:22:06,653 --> 00:22:14,653 this mission depends on each of us as well end it now or I will. Stay, we are fulfilling. this will be fast. 298 00:22:20,104 --> 00:22:25,011 Everyone has access to datafeed. Blurred, and responsible for what happened to the planet. 299 00:22:26,637 --> 00:22:27,894 And what has to do with us? 300 00:22:29,156 --> 00:22:31,364 Our mission, we take care of it 301 00:22:31,802 --> 00:22:32,802 : What does this mean? 302 00:22:33,501 --> 00:22:35,272 We all know what that means. 303 00:22:36,593 --> 00:22:38,031 Enter and take care of the problem. 304 00:22:38,770 --> 00:22:44,292 A recognized leader of an entire world and just walk around and killing it. 305 00:22:44,702 --> 00:22:51,176 Starfleet prime directive would not let them interfere in order to have to find someone else. That and how they work 306 00:22:51,475 --> 00:22:54,206 let go, they think of us as criminals and now they want our help. 307 00:22:54,560 --> 00:22:55,560 This is a bad idea. 308 00:22:56,060 --> 00:22:57,259 Spoken like a true coward. 309 00:22:57,888 --> 00:23:03,622 I said enough. The planet Blurred attack was a major source of dilithium. 310 00:23:04,820 --> 00:23:05,820 You all crazy? 311 00:23:06,291 --> 00:23:08,019 Not, Neural damege the Cardassian torture. 312 00:23:09,050 --> 00:23:13,518 You talk about Dilithium, Blurred destroy an entire planet. 313 00:23:15,144 --> 00:23:22,340 What happened when they target planet as Bajor? Cardassia? Land? 314 00:23:24,112 --> 00:23:31,342 No matter who want to see him dead, sure Lexxa, it needs to be stopped. 315 00:23:38,567 --> 00:23:39,567 Can argue with that? 316 00:23:41,236 --> 00:23:42,236 Just take me to him. 317 00:23:43,911 --> 00:23:45,046 You have to ask. 318 00:24:26,055 --> 00:24:27,524 Not very talkative today 319 00:24:31,003 --> 00:24:32,815 we do not engage in class today. 320 00:24:33,948 --> 00:24:37,534 Hypotetichal that you sacrifice to save others? 321 00:24:39,949 --> 00:24:41,128 What you said? 322 00:24:44,159 --> 00:24:45,319 I do not know if I can do it. 323 00:24:48,686 --> 00:24:52,825 Always be true to themselves and the rest had followed. 324 00:34:40,500 --> 00:34:42,030 Approaching Syphon system 325 00:34:42,084 --> 00:34:42,734 time? 326 00:34:42,734 --> 00:34:43,734 Less than a minute 327 00:34:44,115 --> 00:34:45,125 photon fire. 328 00:34:45,447 --> 00:34:47,566 Let's burn the universe in our wake. 329 00:34:47,567 --> 00:34:49,417 Just enough to delay them. 330 00:34:55,256 --> 00:34:56,566 Shield is holding. 331 00:34:59,395 --> 00:35:00,395 Fire! 332 00:35:08,891 --> 00:35:10,540 We are approaching the restricted space. 333 00:35:10,541 --> 00:35:11,961 In almost got them! 334 00:35:15,804 --> 00:35:17,653 The diplomatic relations were cut 335 00:35:17,654 --> 00:35:19,174 we are forbidden to enter this sector. 336 00:35:19,996 --> 00:35:22,156 No one fires on my ship and gets away. 337 00:35:31,737 --> 00:35:32,737 Ten second lord. 338 00:35:37,503 --> 00:35:38,503 Captain! 339 00:35:50,735 --> 00:35:51,735 Let them go. 340 00:35:53,625 --> 00:35:54,625 Yikes! 341 00:36:00,731 --> 00:36:02,221 The invisible mode started. 342 00:37:45,436 --> 00:37:46,495 The tunnels lead straight 343 00:37:46,496 --> 00:37:47,896 to the center of the fortress. 344 00:37:48,440 --> 00:37:49,040 Ragnar. 345 00:37:49,120 --> 00:37:50,120 Doc, Fixer 346 00:37:50,130 --> 00:37:51,790 you monitor from the bridge 347 00:37:52,147 --> 00:37:53,637 the rest of you with me. 348 00:38:05,260 --> 00:38:06,620 It will not bother me. 349 00:38:22,940 --> 00:38:23,999 They did a decent job 350 00:38:24,000 --> 00:38:25,240 to cover his tracks 351 00:38:26,218 --> 00:38:27,398 I'm still working on the data 352 00:38:27,450 --> 00:38:29,149 I still see the connections here and there 353 00:38:29,150 --> 00:38:30,570 but nothing I can confirm. 354 00:38:32,194 --> 00:38:33,194 Coming. 355 00:38:37,037 --> 00:38:38,656 Do you remember my companion poppy room? 356 00:38:38,657 --> 00:38:40,667 And good to see you again admiral! 357 00:38:46,630 --> 00:38:47,520 Do not move! 358 00:38:47,521 --> 00:38:48,559 There is a device traceron 359 00:38:48,560 --> 00:38:50,279 on the left hand with a molecular deterioration 360 00:38:50,280 --> 00:38:52,169 detonator; proximity triggers set off 361 00:38:52,170 --> 00:38:53,030 alarms. 362 00:38:53,031 --> 00:38:54,220 She and a bomb? 363 00:38:54,247 --> 00:38:55,507 How did this happen? 364 00:38:55,524 --> 00:38:57,273 Some kind of nanotechnology discretion 365 00:38:57,274 --> 00:38:58,373 could have been a hand grip, 366 00:38:58,374 --> 00:38:59,463 something in your drink... 367 00:38:59,464 --> 00:39:00,493 If and a proximity trigger. 368 00:39:00,494 --> 00:39:01,703 Let's take her away from here 369 00:39:01,704 --> 00:39:02,344 = He and activated = 370 00:39:02,344 --> 00:39:03,314 move it away from the target 371 00:39:03,315 --> 00:39:04,514 he still goes out 372 00:39:04,872 --> 00:39:05,872 Poppy... 373 00:39:09,394 --> 00:39:10,584 What we do? 374 00:39:11,514 --> 00:39:12,674 There's only one thing. 375 00:39:14,850 --> 00:39:15,850 What are you doing? 376 00:39:16,707 --> 00:39:17,827 And the only way. 377 00:39:22,863 --> 00:39:23,863 Knife 378 00:39:44,498 --> 00:39:45,918 I have you now! 379 00:39:49,898 --> 00:39:53,228 Emergency beam out, Starfleet medical. 380 00:39:53,508 --> 00:39:54,508 Now! 381 00:45:12,420 --> 00:45:13,420 US... 382 00:45:14,590 --> 00:45:16,190 I can not feel anything... 383 00:45:18,567 --> 00:45:19,567 Ronara 384 00:45:21,621 --> 00:45:23,011 I'm damaged? 385 00:45:26,501 --> 00:45:27,541 What happened? 386 00:45:28,292 --> 00:45:29,762 They were waiting for us 387 00:45:31,059 --> 00:45:32,499 as Archer... 388 00:45:36,379 --> 00:45:38,499 someone is working against us. 389 00:45:39,046 --> 00:45:40,046 US... 390 00:45:40,206 --> 00:45:41,686 think it's a given. 391 00:45:42,539 --> 00:45:43,828 Let someone just kill me 392 00:45:43,829 --> 00:45:44,929 and get it over with. 393 00:45:50,158 --> 00:45:53,067 While you can no longer benefit me 394 00:45:53,068 --> 00:45:56,388 you can still be useful to my people 395 00:45:57,082 --> 00:46:00,302 and may be more appropriate... 396 00:46:01,364 --> 00:46:04,344 every time I see you suffer 397 00:46:05,464 --> 00:46:08,274 I remember my son! 398 00:46:11,225 --> 00:46:14,524 The Federation made a big mistake 399 00:46:14,525 --> 00:46:15,685 to interfere. 400 00:46:16,329 --> 00:46:17,718 In the Federation we are not. 401 00:46:17,719 --> 00:46:18,249 Not! 402 00:46:18,489 --> 00:46:20,669 But they sent you 403 00:46:20,759 --> 00:46:22,773 alike who posted this. 404 00:46:25,193 --> 00:46:28,553 He came up in the more than three hundred years ago 405 00:46:29,200 --> 00:46:32,620 that took us decades to discover your purpose. 406 00:46:32,965 --> 00:46:38,124 This dilates and space portal attackers 407 00:46:38,125 --> 00:46:39,005 allowing you to travel 408 00:46:39,006 --> 00:46:42,074 across the Galaxy Galaxy in mere seconds. 409 00:46:42,075 --> 00:46:44,445 Instead of months and years 410 00:46:45,215 --> 00:46:47,545 but there was one thing we do not know 411 00:46:48,463 --> 00:46:50,512 one second portal and necessary 412 00:46:50,513 --> 00:46:52,693 to establish a gateway. 413 00:46:53,579 --> 00:46:56,379 In this lonely enabled portal 414 00:46:57,142 --> 00:47:00,042 and space folded around our system. 415 00:47:00,730 --> 00:47:03,690 Was catastrophic. 416 00:47:04,487 --> 00:47:06,877 Ikhos system was destroyed 417 00:47:07,457 --> 00:47:08,827 million people died 418 00:47:11,892 --> 00:47:12,972 and... 419 00:47:12,977 --> 00:47:14,247 those who survived 420 00:47:14,613 --> 00:47:18,683 were left having to resort to savagery. 421 00:47:26,469 --> 00:47:28,048 Three hundred years 422 00:47:28,049 --> 00:47:30,229 and that and all we have... 423 00:47:30,589 --> 00:47:31,589 Three hundred? 424 00:47:31,734 --> 00:47:33,573 The Federation did not even exist! 425 00:47:33,574 --> 00:47:37,574 I ask my word, Lexxa Singh? 426 00:47:38,213 --> 00:47:41,232 Aaaah, yes 427 00:47:41,233 --> 00:47:44,693 I know who and what you are! 428 00:47:46,376 --> 00:47:47,376 But... 429 00:47:47,531 --> 00:47:50,601 all made us stronger 430 00:47:51,669 --> 00:47:53,009 and now we use it 431 00:47:53,912 --> 00:47:55,752 to spread our strength throughout the quadrant. 432 00:47:57,295 --> 00:47:58,495 We will not be stopped by you. 433 00:48:00,286 --> 00:48:02,676 It will not be stopped by anyone! 434 00:48:03,184 --> 00:48:06,474 I will bring the Federation to its knees 435 00:48:07,169 --> 00:48:09,409 so its portal made to us 436 00:48:10,296 --> 00:48:13,126 I will make them suffer the same fate 437 00:48:13,636 --> 00:48:14,796 did us. 438 00:48:23,706 --> 00:48:25,405 We have to send a message to Chekhov. 439 00:48:25,406 --> 00:48:26,925 In We can not, there is much interference 440 00:48:26,926 --> 00:48:27,986 the atmosphere. 441 00:48:28,479 --> 00:48:30,389 Fixer! Feed the engines! 442 00:48:32,795 --> 00:48:33,795 Fixer? 443 00:48:45,331 --> 00:48:46,680 It is already moving 444 00:48:46,681 --> 00:48:48,320 a fleet of ships left so orbits. 445 00:48:48,321 --> 00:48:50,270 He should take the portal back to Earth 446 00:48:50,271 --> 00:48:51,421 we have to move forward. 447 00:49:08,763 --> 00:49:10,643 Something is still touching the comm 448 00:49:29,951 --> 00:49:32,060 I usually love a man and persistent 449 00:49:32,061 --> 00:49:33,491 but this and ridiculous! 450 00:49:33,515 --> 00:49:34,185 Save it 451 00:49:34,186 --> 00:49:35,715 maybe he will listen to reason. 452 00:49:39,076 --> 00:49:41,266 Captain Alvarez! Blurred and... 453 00:49:43,642 --> 00:49:44,642 Damn! 454 00:49:44,708 --> 00:49:46,727 The photon damaged rail comm 455 00:49:46,728 --> 00:49:48,588 we are not contacting anyone. 456 00:49:49,300 --> 00:49:50,790 Warp Maximun Earth. 457 00:49:51,303 --> 00:49:53,523 We can not leave our team! 458 00:49:54,330 --> 00:49:56,770 Everyone knew that this was a one-way trip only. 459 00:50:46,326 --> 00:50:48,036 Lexxa recording enough, now back to it. 460 00:50:50,327 --> 00:50:51,465 Outside the night... 461 00:50:53,357 --> 00:50:56,275 Out of the night that covers me 462 00:50:57,838 --> 00:50:58,566 you know it. 463 00:50:58,846 --> 00:51:03,309 Black as well from pole to pole, 464 00:51:04,630 --> 00:51:06,538 I thank the gods can be. 465 00:51:07,477 --> 00:51:09,319 To my unconquerable soul. 466 00:51:13,580 --> 00:51:15,399 In the fall clutch of circumstance 467 00:51:15,859 --> 00:51:17,299 I do not winced nor cried. 468 00:51:20,179 --> 00:51:25,329 Beyond this Topkapi of wrath and tears, looms, but the mask of horror, 469 00:51:37,411 --> 00:51:39,699 I do not like this planet we can go home? 470 00:51:44,505 --> 00:51:45,780 Why do we have to keep running? 471 00:51:47,001 --> 00:51:48,481 Why can not they just leave us alone. 472 00:51:49,587 --> 00:51:52,839 They want you because you are stronger and smarter than they are. 473 00:52:07,860 --> 00:52:08,860 ** I'm thinking 474 00:52:10,518 --> 00:52:11,973 think faster 475 00:52:29,617 --> 00:52:30,657 Alvarez is well behind us. 476 00:52:31,368 --> 00:52:33,419 They are left warp. 477 00:52:42,419 --> 00:52:43,419 Oh no. 478 00:52:45,314 --> 00:52:46,755 What is it? 479 00:53:13,003 --> 00:53:14,305 What the hell? 480 00:53:31,899 --> 00:53:33,217 Mae, what's going on? 481 00:53:33,669 --> 00:53:34,669 I do not know dear. 482 00:54:07,520 --> 00:54:12,825 He did it. Like the other planets. 483 00:54:12,826 --> 00:54:20,826 It's not well and so .This times around the Earth, we are cut off from the sun in a few days, the average surface temperature will be zero. 484 00:54:25,564 --> 00:54:29,357 Most plants will die within a week, the animals will follow shortly thereafter. 485 00:54:31,027 --> 00:54:35,084 The collectors can hang for a while, at least until the cold gets them. 486 00:54:36,211 --> 00:54:38,891 We should be able to survive for a while in our power to main mode, 487 00:54:40,025 --> 00:54:44,935 but in time a few months the temperature will be over a hundred degrees below zero. 488 00:54:46,575 --> 00:54:48,037 For this line .. 489 00:54:48,966 --> 00:54:50,744 The end of the world. 490 00:54:55,808 --> 00:54:56,808 How come they do it? 491 00:54:57,439 --> 00:55:00,056 They have no time to activate another portal 492 00:55:01,478 --> 00:55:02,568 unless .. 493 00:55:05,771 --> 00:55:07,142 Unless they had a garden 494 00:55:09,003 --> 00:55:10,652 need to find this portal. 495 00:55:34,077 --> 00:55:37,077 Admiral, you better come see this. 496 00:55:57,884 --> 00:55:59,823 Blurred say that our species can not done. 497 00:56:02,324 --> 00:56:03,324 But I studied you Anatomy 498 00:56:05,594 --> 00:56:10,891 our organs are quite comparable. 499 00:56:12,284 --> 00:56:13,284 Leave her alone. 500 00:56:13,959 --> 00:56:16,145 Maybe I should start with you first 501 00:56:19,336 --> 00:56:20,458 cut me down, make this fair 502 00:56:22,046 --> 00:56:26,186 fair, everything that happened with us 503 00:56:34,895 --> 00:56:39,564 're stronger 504 00:57:17,476 --> 00:57:18,476 we move. 505 00:57:23,381 --> 00:57:24,381 This way 506 00:57:25,742 --> 00:57:29,943 ragnar between. anything. 507 00:57:32,382 --> 00:57:35,386 Doc? this way 508 00:57:40,918 --> 00:57:46,483 starfleet in lock down, we can just fly and I can not beam trought its force field. 509 00:57:48,455 --> 00:57:50,316 We will have to do it the hard way. 510 00:58:00,445 --> 00:58:02,582 Have in his position. 511 00:58:03,022 --> 00:58:04,022 Ready torpedoes 512 00:58:04,764 --> 00:58:07,112 captain, we should contact Starfleet. 513 00:58:08,313 --> 00:58:14,093 No, my guess and that ship is responsible for it and I will keep them 514 00:58:14,503 --> 00:58:15,503 fire 515 00:58:18,053 --> 00:58:19,053 direct hit 516 00:58:19,622 --> 00:58:20,746 scans them. 517 00:58:26,184 --> 00:58:28,471 Until they are somenthing I not trust him. 518 00:58:30,828 --> 00:58:33,400 Beam of a team of her safety, time to Wacht your back?? 519 00:58:33,916 --> 00:58:36,236 I want everyone on that ship in our brigade in ten minutes 520 00:58:36,413 --> 00:58:37,413 yes, sir 521 00:58:48,882 --> 00:58:49,882 admiral 522 00:58:50,069 --> 00:58:52,098 he needs medical attention. 523 00:58:52,099 --> 00:58:54,156 Them in kidnapping for trying to get information from us. 524 00:58:54,157 --> 00:58:55,477 I take you both to the infirmary. 525 00:58:55,816 --> 00:58:57,195 No, my office. 526 00:58:57,936 --> 00:59:01,646 Starfleet Command is in Alpha Prime block Mr. 527 00:59:01,750 --> 00:59:05,915 The crew beam down hours ago, it already may be too late. 528 00:59:06,258 --> 00:59:10,299 I take them to his office, you two back to the ship and try to contact the crew. 529 00:59:10,699 --> 00:59:11,699 Greeting capt Alvare???? 530 00:59:35,845 --> 00:59:40,136 I do not excpect to see any of you again, I guess the mission failed. 531 00:59:40,713 --> 00:59:43,332 Know us as blurred we did it and I think I know how to undo it. 532 00:59:44,894 --> 00:59:47,383 Excellent, but there is one thing I do first 533 00:59:51,331 --> 00:59:53,371 still no sign of Ragnar or ship. 534 00:59:55,271 --> 00:59:57,431 Actually, I'm not detect them anywhere near the planet 535 00:59:58,530 --> 00:59:59,772 no sign of a struggle? 536 00:59:59,773 --> 01:00:01,016 What the hell was Lucien... Fixer? 537 01:00:01,017 --> 01:00:02,097 No, they did not just here. 538 01:00:03,727 --> 01:00:07,148 What the hell was Lucien... Fixer? 539 01:00:13,740 --> 01:00:17,635 Code override security lock accepted. 540 01:04:55,733 --> 01:04:57,023 Can you stop it? 541 01:04:57,518 --> 01:04:59,597 I'll have to put together some pictures 542 01:04:59,598 --> 01:05:01,928 from Shree device. It may take a couple of hours. 543 01:05:02,166 --> 01:05:03,305 Not much time 544 01:05:03,306 --> 01:05:04,325 there is a disconnection of safety 545 01:05:04,326 --> 01:05:05,326 on your way here. 546 01:05:05,486 --> 01:05:07,066 So we will not do it. 547 01:05:10,022 --> 01:05:11,022 Controller. 548 01:05:11,220 --> 01:05:12,300 Commander comes in 549 01:05:13,200 --> 01:05:14,400 = = Captain, listening? 550 01:05:15,079 --> 01:05:17,069 If you can hear it so hold 551 01:05:17,389 --> 01:05:18,849 we are coming for you. 552 01:05:28,211 --> 01:05:29,421 What you have done? 553 01:05:29,469 --> 01:05:31,719 Ronara back drop, we have this. 554 01:05:32,723 --> 01:05:34,243 Okay, I'm allright 555 01:05:55,724 --> 01:05:57,904 I enjoy 556 01:05:58,730 --> 01:06:00,310 your slow 557 01:06:01,076 --> 01:06:02,856 and painful 558 01:06:03,743 --> 01:06:04,743 death! 559 01:06:15,516 --> 01:06:16,655 There may be evidence 560 01:06:16,656 --> 01:06:18,036 she still alive. 561 01:06:33,494 --> 01:06:34,484 Oh, God! 562 01:06:34,484 --> 01:06:35,484 They're here 563 01:06:43,003 --> 01:06:45,228 I will take them away, you stay here. 564 01:06:45,229 --> 01:06:46,368 Do not leave me! 565 01:06:46,369 --> 01:06:48,129 I have to, or they're gonna get you too. 566 01:06:51,693 --> 01:06:54,553 Do not let them find you, promise me! 567 01:06:56,502 --> 01:06:58,042 Remember the words my baby 568 01:06:58,252 --> 01:06:59,812 they're going to help you this rule. 569 01:07:40,443 --> 01:07:41,982 And yet the menace of the years 570 01:07:41,983 --> 01:07:45,313 find and it should find me unafraid. 571 01:08:02,202 --> 01:08:04,782 And a shame that your child not to share his promise 572 01:08:08,623 --> 01:08:11,203 I would have liked a more balanced match 573 01:08:12,449 --> 01:08:14,053 would have been more fun 574 01:08:14,123 --> 01:08:16,233 if he could have put a little fight. 575 01:08:26,168 --> 01:08:28,348 You and pathetic. 576 01:08:28,591 --> 01:08:29,821 If you think 577 01:08:30,311 --> 01:08:31,511 will hurt me. 578 01:08:51,231 --> 01:08:52,961 Your sacrifice 579 01:08:54,180 --> 01:08:55,490 honor me! 580 01:09:11,487 --> 01:09:12,487 Fixer! 581 01:09:13,432 --> 01:09:14,432 Fixer! 582 01:09:15,265 --> 01:09:16,265 Hey! 583 01:09:16,805 --> 01:09:17,894 They're well ahead sir 584 01:09:17,895 --> 01:09:19,135 through this door. 585 01:09:20,895 --> 01:09:21,895 This locked! 586 01:09:25,366 --> 01:09:26,976 We already may be too late. 587 01:09:27,033 --> 01:09:29,232 This configuration entered in space collapse 588 01:09:29,233 --> 01:09:31,393 take the earth and everything else with it! 589 01:09:33,981 --> 01:09:34,981 What is it? 590 01:09:35,611 --> 01:09:38,381 What and five minutes before he died. 591 01:09:43,087 --> 01:09:44,717 We have to figure it out! 592 01:09:55,014 --> 01:09:57,985 We hold them off, but there will be more next. 593 01:09:59,718 --> 01:10:07,718 Outside the Fixer way! Prak, Icheb, take it out! We will find a way, everything has a weakness. 594 01:10:15,974 --> 01:10:17,327 You turn left, I'll get right. 595 01:10:20,204 --> 01:10:23,434 This portal and locked, but the one in Syphon is still working properly. 596 01:10:23,905 --> 01:10:28,227 If I had a way to send a message through the wave particles dilation... of course! 597 01:10:33,056 --> 01:10:34,087 Doc! 598 01:10:34,579 --> 01:10:37,547 Fixer! Fixer! 599 01:10:40,007 --> 01:10:41,007 Doctor Lucien? 600 01:10:42,080 --> 01:10:44,760 You were able to free Lexxa and others and get to the portal? 601 01:10:45,041 --> 01:10:46,041 Yes. 602 01:10:46,443 --> 01:10:47,443 You need to activate it. 603 01:10:47,894 --> 01:10:49,774 I will send the control codes for your scanner. 604 01:11:07,490 --> 01:11:09,790 We need to hurry, this portal and set to go into space collapse around the Earth in about a minute, I need you to carry it! 605 01:11:09,791 --> 01:11:13,902 Transports it? Transports it to where? 606 01:11:16,205 --> 01:11:19,026 Here. Carries it here. In the end this now. 607 01:11:20,935 --> 01:11:24,082 There is a problem: someone will have to stay behind to operate for it. 608 01:11:24,994 --> 01:11:28,394 I am responsible for this mission, I'll see him go to the end. 609 01:11:29,223 --> 01:11:30,223 What? 610 01:11:30,423 --> 01:11:32,183 I will not let you or anyone to sacrifice... 611 01:11:34,612 --> 01:11:35,612 I'm staying! 612 01:11:42,335 --> 01:11:45,575 First, the Lexxa transport and others here, then transport the portal back to you. 613 01:11:46,300 --> 01:11:47,803 OK understood 614 01:12:03,959 --> 01:12:08,337 start code zero eight seven two (?) 615 01:12:11,587 --> 01:12:12,587 Doc? 616 01:12:13,140 --> 01:12:14,140 Yes? 617 01:12:16,655 --> 01:12:20,476 I did it! Thanks for everything Doc! 618 01:12:21,966 --> 01:12:24,016 (Hey) Fixer 619 01:12:37,467 --> 01:12:39,206 carrying now. 620 01:13:01,411 --> 01:13:04,076 Lexxa? 621 01:14:04,296 --> 01:14:07,996 Someone was controlling Masaru, but who? It's because? 622 01:14:09,691 --> 01:14:12,129 I'm sure you'll have to track down fun. 623 01:14:12,647 --> 01:14:15,007 Tuvok has me some informations, then we will be on our way. 624 01:14:16,117 --> 01:14:17,277 I would think twice about it. 625 01:14:18,526 --> 01:14:20,499 You still and sought for the theft of Dilithium. 626 01:14:21,109 --> 01:14:22,109 What? 627 01:14:22,278 --> 01:14:24,158 And for the attack on Cpt Alvarez and his crew. 628 01:14:24,623 --> 01:14:32,614 We saved the entire planet and took greater threat in the Galaxy centuries, and you can not get us out of the land to take some dilithium crystals? 629 01:14:33,276 --> 01:14:41,276 Federation should not know about you, not yet, we do not yet know who is involved and who was committed 630 01:14:42,516 --> 01:14:46,596 I just can delay Alavarez and Starfleet captain for a few more hours after that, there is no assurance 631 01:14:47,940 --> 01:14:49,731 good, you want a war? 632 01:14:50,961 --> 01:14:51,993 We can have a war! 633 01:14:53,264 --> 01:14:54,423 You have been configured 634 01:14:59,960 --> 01:15:01,640 the data that we're covering and worrying. 635 01:15:03,461 --> 01:15:08,315 Icheb, you have been the target from the moment they found about him. 636 01:15:10,349 --> 01:15:16,740 Doctor, your accident. Ronara, even you, Lexxa. 637 01:15:18,607 --> 01:15:19,607 I want names 638 01:15:19,939 --> 01:15:22,274 there is no names, not yet 639 01:15:23,147 --> 01:15:25,438 but we have a plan 640 01:15:26,306 --> 01:15:28,096 good that should be interesting 641 01:15:28,730 --> 01:15:32,355 we will help you determine the things that happened to you, 642 01:15:32,356 --> 01:15:37,018 and we'll help you keep one step ahead of the Federation and Starfleet 643 01:15:37,532 --> 01:15:38,532 and in return? 644 01:15:39,187 --> 01:15:41,063 You will help us with a mission or two. 645 01:15:42,158 --> 01:15:43,417 What kind of missions? 646 01:15:43,790 --> 01:15:46,822 The type that you are the best at, the kind that no one else can do. 647 01:15:48,490 --> 01:15:52,062 T'leah and Shree vices will be valuable to his team 648 01:15:53,618 --> 01:15:55,055 I do not see a disadvantage 649 01:15:55,685 --> 01:15:56,854 anyway I can make them pay 650 01:15:59,556 --> 01:16:02,284 no mistake, you will be haunted 651 01:16:03,994 --> 01:16:05,221 this and way we like 652 01:16:24,014 --> 01:16:25,014 to leave here 653 01:16:25,899 --> 01:16:30,158 finally! On behalf of holographic research! 654 01:16:31,066 --> 01:16:32,919 I would have been so proud of him! 655 01:16:33,824 --> 01:16:36,421 He saved all of us, with my help 656 01:16:38,141 --> 01:16:39,419 I always knew he would 657 01:16:40,420 --> 01:16:41,760 there is something more 658 01:16:42,602 --> 01:16:43,602 I can not wait 659 01:16:55,220 --> 01:16:56,580 and a little hard to even control. 660 01:16:57,514 --> 01:17:00,200 The hand that I have I will have to do some tame (tanning??). 661 01:17:08,823 --> 01:17:15,451 Small price to pay... the mother of expected you home for dinner, so do not be late! 662 01:17:21,373 --> 01:17:23,874 She seems to be doing well 663 01:17:24,501 --> 01:17:26,293 her and a certain mocha 664 01:17:27,376 --> 01:17:28,906 she and Chekhov after all. 665 01:17:32,938 --> 01:17:36,761 Tuvok much pain, many deaths. 666 01:17:38,636 --> 01:17:40,262 You acted out of necessity 667 01:17:41,053 --> 01:17:47,106 yes, but now we have come in from so far away, where do we draw the line? 668 01:17:50,123 --> 01:17:52,978 How far and too far? 669 01:18:12,534 --> 01:18:13,793 Doc asks! 670 01:18:14,905 --> 01:18:18,501 In the chamber of Fixer and you were able to communicate. As? 671 01:18:22,760 --> 01:18:24,522 Do you remember that experiment gone wrong? 672 01:18:25,362 --> 01:18:26,442 The only one who ruined me? 673 01:18:26,586 --> 01:18:27,586 I have to you? 674 01:18:28,314 --> 01:18:31,123 Fixer was my assistant, he died in this experiment. 675 01:18:33,345 --> 01:18:39,865 I could not stand it, so I built a hologram and programmed with your brain waves die, 676 01:18:41,143 --> 01:18:43,543 and built a subroutine so I could keep tabs on him. 677 01:18:44,866 --> 01:18:47,064 He never knew. My best work! 678 01:18:48,142 --> 01:18:49,142 It certainly was! 679 01:18:56,370 --> 01:19:02,593 What? What? I have something on my shirt or something? 680 01:19:03,062 --> 01:19:04,062 Okay, weird... 681 01:19:30,442 --> 01:19:38,442 I'm the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul!