1 00:00:38,170 --> 00:00:41,016 Out of the night that covers me, 2 00:00:41,017 --> 00:00:44,493 Black as the Pit from pole to pole, 3 00:00:44,494 --> 00:00:47,228 I thank whatever gods may be. 4 00:00:47,238 --> 00:00:50,104 For my unconquerable soul. 5 00:00:50,533 --> 00:00:53,399 In the fell clutch of circumstance 6 00:00:53,400 --> 00:00:56,940 I have not winced nor cried aloud. 7 00:00:56,941 --> 00:00:59,719 Under the bludgeonings of chance. 8 00:00:59,720 --> 00:01:03,282 My head is bloody, but unbowed. 9 00:01:04,196 --> 00:01:07,748 Beyond this place of wrath and tears. 10 00:01:08,027 --> 00:01:11,087 Looms but the horror of the shade, 11 00:01:11,097 --> 00:01:12,456 And yet... 12 00:01:12,457 --> 00:01:14,263 the menace of the years. 13 00:01:14,264 --> 00:01:17,824 Finds, and shall find me, unafraid. 14 00:01:18,188 --> 00:01:21,043 It matters not how straight the gate, 15 00:01:21,044 --> 00:01:24,710 How charged with punishments the scroll 16 00:01:24,711 --> 00:01:27,517 I am the master of my fate: 17 00:01:28,509 --> 00:01:29,523 I am the captain... 18 00:01:30,537 --> 00:01:31,552 of my soul. 19 00:02:49,974 --> 00:02:55,834 What pity my preparations do not allow me to hunt you myself! 20 00:02:55,835 --> 00:02:58,658 I claim the right of last kill. 21 00:02:58,778 --> 00:03:02,178 Son, that right must be earned, 22 00:03:02,288 --> 00:03:04,948 which clearly you have not. 23 00:03:14,907 --> 00:03:17,587 Do not be shamed in your defeat. 24 00:03:17,716 --> 00:03:23,854 We are stronger because we adapted to impossible conditions. 25 00:03:37,346 --> 00:03:41,004 Your sacrifice honors you. 26 00:04:56,710 --> 00:05:02,103 Reuel 7, the Federation's second largest supplier of dilithium crystals... 27 00:05:03,264 --> 00:05:04,953 ...until last week, that is... 28 00:05:05,463 --> 00:05:11,598 ...when it appears the very fabric of space and time simply folded around it. 29 00:05:14,218 --> 00:05:19,878 Two months ago, another major supplier in the Gamma Tauri system experienced a similar disappearance. 30 00:05:20,228 --> 00:05:22,098 These are not natural phenomenona. 31 00:05:22,788 --> 00:05:25,188 It's clear that whatever this is... 32 00:05:25,858 --> 00:05:29,028 someone or something is causing it. 33 00:05:29,502 --> 00:05:31,602 That will be all, Lieutenant Masaru. 34 00:05:31,992 --> 00:05:34,372 Thank you, Admiral. I'll be in my quarters. 35 00:05:35,259 --> 00:05:42,499 Computer! Access file 62285, shadow mode. 36 00:05:44,739 --> 00:05:50,329 Until three years ago, the planet Syphon was not on any of our charts. 37 00:05:50,857 --> 00:05:53,567 One hell of a coincidence, wouldn't you say? 38 00:05:54,621 --> 00:05:57,271 This is their leader, Borrada 39 00:05:57,973 --> 00:06:00,832 I am convinced that he and Syphon 40 00:06:00,833 --> 00:06:05,293 are responsible for what happened to Reuel and Gamma Tauri. 41 00:06:08,249 --> 00:06:10,119 The Council refuses to act. 42 00:06:10,487 --> 00:06:13,037 It is destroying planets and yet they do nothing. 43 00:06:13,157 --> 00:06:15,107 Do you have proof? 44 00:06:15,881 --> 00:06:18,811 Admiral Satterle contacted me... 45 00:06:19,241 --> 00:06:20,910 I finally have the proof, Pavel... 46 00:06:20,911 --> 00:06:26,887 The Council knows that Borrada is responsible but they're keeping it quiet. 47 00:06:27,177 --> 00:06:28,436 And there's more... 48 00:06:28,437 --> 00:06:31,157 Someone is helping him. 49 00:06:31,211 --> 00:06:33,531 We can't trust anyone. 50 00:06:39,488 --> 00:06:43,088 Preliminary Reports indicate a faulty plasma conduit. 51 00:06:43,837 --> 00:06:46,687 I don't believe it for a moment 52 00:06:46,787 --> 00:06:49,846 I fear the Federation is on the verge of collapse... 53 00:06:49,847 --> 00:06:52,276 ...and I can't let that happen... 54 00:06:52,277 --> 00:06:55,277 ...Council orders and Prime Directive notwithstanding. 55 00:06:55,431 --> 00:06:57,721 Then we have to find other means. 56 00:06:58,608 --> 00:06:59,468 Yes. 57 00:06:59,588 --> 00:07:03,497 You will assemble a new crew...quietly. 58 00:07:04,441 --> 00:07:06,880 We can not go through the usual channels. 59 00:07:06,881 --> 00:07:13,061 Our salvation may rest with rogues and outcasts 60 00:07:16,963 --> 00:07:19,093 I know of such a crew. 61 00:07:30,944 --> 00:07:32,634 Captain Alvarez... 62 00:07:32,714 --> 00:07:38,604 ...beam the cargo over immediately or I will be forced to destroy your pitiful little ship. 63 00:07:38,740 --> 00:07:41,040 I prefer to see who I'm dealing with first. 64 00:07:41,110 --> 00:07:43,980 Are you not seeing my pulchritudinous face? 65 00:07:44,698 --> 00:07:47,887 Why don't you uncloak your ship, alright? I don't have all day. 66 00:07:47,888 --> 00:07:50,888 Share this glorious new design with the Federation? 67 00:07:54,038 --> 00:07:55,738 Klingon ship uncloaking 68 00:07:56,892 --> 00:07:58,432 It's about time. 69 00:07:58,929 --> 00:08:00,509 The coordinates are different. 70 00:08:09,477 --> 00:08:11,407 They're early. 71 00:08:13,231 --> 00:08:14,631 Doc, did you get it? 72 00:08:15,091 --> 00:08:17,461 No, need more time. 73 00:08:24,031 --> 00:08:28,288 Greetings, Captain Alvarez... I trust we haven't kept you waiting. 74 00:08:28,488 --> 00:08:31,058 Waiting? We were jus... 75 00:08:34,498 --> 00:08:36,568 Captain Gedlock, we may have an issue. 76 00:08:36,658 --> 00:08:39,468 Go to red alert. Shields up! 77 00:08:44,372 --> 00:08:46,352 Incompetent Slug! 78 00:08:47,999 --> 00:08:49,389 Pulchritudinous? 79 00:08:49,492 --> 00:08:50,912 It was working! 80 00:08:59,619 --> 00:09:05,679 Mr. Lu, I want you to lock photons on that cloaked ship... fire a warning shot on my command. 81 00:09:05,729 --> 00:09:06,729 Yes, Sir. 82 00:09:11,327 --> 00:09:13,297 Photons locked on our coordinates. 83 00:09:14,846 --> 00:09:17,235 Give them everything. 84 00:09:17,236 --> 00:09:18,236 Fire! 85 00:09:34,871 --> 00:09:35,891 The Icarus. 86 00:09:39,248 --> 00:09:41,858 Let's give 'em hell! Return fire! 87 00:09:46,606 --> 00:09:48,015 Why do we delay? 88 00:09:48,033 --> 00:09:51,625 You think you have the brains to beam through their shields in the middle of a battle? 89 00:09:51,626 --> 00:09:55,176 You're nothing more than a failure. Why else would Federation banish you? 90 00:09:56,836 --> 00:09:58,076 Two more? Where? 91 00:10:08,199 --> 00:10:12,359 Direct hit on the deflector shield... ...cloaking device is fried, man! 92 00:10:12,370 --> 00:10:15,670 Deliver on your promise, Doctor Lucien... ...or I finish you. 93 00:10:17,236 --> 00:10:21,436 Ronara! One zero nine mark two one. 94 00:10:22,003 --> 00:10:23,733 But that will... Exactly! 95 00:10:39,282 --> 00:10:41,181 Shields holding at 90%, Sir. 96 00:10:41,182 --> 00:10:42,352 Fire at will! 97 00:11:21,084 --> 00:11:22,084 Got it. 98 00:11:32,261 --> 00:11:33,750 Why aren't we pursuing? 99 00:11:33,751 --> 00:11:36,141 We can't, Sir. The warp engines just went off-line. 100 00:11:38,496 --> 00:11:39,686 Bucket of bolts! 101 00:11:41,036 --> 00:11:42,975 They won't be following us anytime soon. 102 00:11:42,976 --> 00:11:46,726 Beamed these off their warp drive... ...pinged off Doc's signal. 103 00:11:48,780 --> 00:11:51,229 What the Hell where you thinking firing on them? 104 00:11:51,230 --> 00:11:57,299 You wail like a sludge rat, Ragnar. Our opponents were weak, so our mission was a success. 105 00:11:57,300 --> 00:11:58,119 Success? 106 00:11:58,120 --> 00:12:01,160 Now the Federation and the Klingons will be hunting us. 107 00:12:01,244 --> 00:12:04,354 You just made it nearly impossible to operate in this quadrant. 108 00:12:05,453 --> 00:12:07,809 Lexxa would never do anything stupid like that. 109 00:12:07,810 --> 00:12:09,479 Lexxa? 110 00:12:09,480 --> 00:12:13,721 Probably lives in a hovel with ten mewling brats crawling around her feet. 111 00:12:13,722 --> 00:12:16,212 Mwahahahah! 112 00:12:19,550 --> 00:12:20,550 Come on! 113 00:12:20,821 --> 00:12:21,821 Get him! 114 00:12:22,683 --> 00:12:24,433 Fifty on the Cardassian. 115 00:12:24,613 --> 00:12:25,613 You fool 116 00:12:27,353 --> 00:12:28,863 One hundred on the female. 117 00:12:41,698 --> 00:12:46,068 Lineage gives you the strength... but it will always be your undoing. 118 00:12:46,181 --> 00:12:47,761 Leave him out of this! 119 00:12:48,472 --> 00:12:51,602 Your anger and your aggression are your weakness... 120 00:12:51,612 --> 00:12:55,412 ...but one would one expect from the bastard daughter of a megalomaniac? 121 00:12:55,455 --> 00:12:56,764 I am nothing like him! 122 00:12:56,765 --> 00:12:57,765 Enough talk! 123 00:12:58,057 --> 00:12:59,057 My turn! 124 00:13:01,245 --> 00:13:03,345 No, no, you're nothing like him... 125 00:13:04,203 --> 00:13:07,062 ...unlike you, Khan Noonien Singh was a great warrior. 126 00:13:07,063 --> 00:13:10,683 You are nothing but a failed genetic experiment... 127 00:13:11,622 --> 00:13:12,622 ...a motherless... 128 00:13:20,427 --> 00:13:21,677 Damn you, Tuvok! 129 00:13:22,487 --> 00:13:25,417 I could have eaten two meals tomorrow with my winnings. 130 00:13:25,711 --> 00:13:27,441 We have urgent matters to discuss. 131 00:13:28,586 --> 00:13:33,246 We have nothing to discuss...your Section 31 hung me out to dry. 132 00:13:33,892 --> 00:13:38,624 Their methods left much to be desired I have always believed you to be innocent. 133 00:13:39,340 --> 00:13:43,327 That save me from any beatings or helped me avoid the rape gangs? 134 00:13:43,682 --> 00:13:45,332 Something big's coming down... 135 00:13:45,482 --> 00:13:46,762 ...you're desperate... 136 00:13:47,031 --> 00:13:48,791 ...why else would you be here? 137 00:13:49,414 --> 00:13:51,324 I need you back on the Icarus. 138 00:13:51,636 --> 00:13:55,556 I'd rather end up the bitch of every filthy, disgusting inmate in this place... 139 00:13:56,104 --> 00:13:57,894 ...than walk out of here with you. 140 00:13:59,050 --> 00:14:01,570 There may be evidence...that she's still alive. 141 00:14:05,045 --> 00:14:06,105 Tell me! 142 00:14:06,936 --> 00:14:08,976 Do this mission and I will. 143 00:14:09,457 --> 00:14:13,077 Tell me or your next breath will be your last. 144 00:14:13,823 --> 00:14:15,503 Then you will never find her. 145 00:14:17,930 --> 00:14:18,760 Stay here. 146 00:14:18,871 --> 00:14:20,011 Don't leave me! 147 00:14:20,224 --> 00:14:21,964 I have to, or they'll get you too. 148 00:14:27,669 --> 00:14:28,669 Fine! 149 00:14:29,604 --> 00:14:30,874 But you cross me... 150 00:14:31,071 --> 00:14:33,121 The thought never entered my mind. 151 00:14:36,517 --> 00:14:37,707 He comes with me. 152 00:14:39,481 --> 00:14:40,971 He just tried to kill you. 153 00:14:42,681 --> 00:14:47,358 We rig the fights; then split the winnings... He's always got my back. 154 00:14:51,673 --> 00:14:52,673 Agreed. 155 00:15:02,290 --> 00:15:03,900 We can't trust anyone! 156 00:15:13,361 --> 00:15:14,361 Come. 157 00:15:18,738 --> 00:15:20,988 There's my Solnychamoya. 158 00:15:23,125 --> 00:15:24,385 Let me look at you... 159 00:15:25,274 --> 00:15:26,884 ...first day at the Academy... 160 00:15:27,329 --> 00:15:29,649 ...and the youngest cadet ever admitted! 161 00:15:29,693 --> 00:15:31,243 I'm so nervous! 162 00:15:32,807 --> 00:15:35,256 Oh! This is my roommate, Cadet Madison. 163 00:15:35,257 --> 00:15:36,757 It's an honour, Admiral 164 00:15:36,807 --> 00:15:38,756 I still can't believe he's your grandfather. 165 00:15:38,757 --> 00:15:40,297 Great-great-grandfather! 166 00:15:40,704 --> 00:15:42,684 I've heard so many things about you Sir! 167 00:15:42,962 --> 00:15:44,762 Don't believe a word about it! 168 00:15:45,935 --> 00:15:49,194 I'm worried about you, Poppy. You should have retired years ago. 169 00:15:49,195 --> 00:15:51,125 I'm only a hundred and forty three. 170 00:15:51,673 --> 00:15:53,653 But I want you to be around for my graduation. 171 00:15:54,383 --> 00:15:58,647 With all the new medical advances, I'll be around when you become Captain. 172 00:16:01,376 --> 00:16:02,376 Come in. 173 00:16:04,473 --> 00:16:05,372 Owen... 174 00:16:05,373 --> 00:16:07,113 ...I wasn't expecting you. 175 00:16:08,097 --> 00:16:10,946 Now go, you can't be late for your first class. 176 00:16:17,408 --> 00:16:21,058 Interesting information you presented to the Council this morning, Pavel. 177 00:16:21,733 --> 00:16:24,283 Disturbing might be a better term. 178 00:16:25,369 --> 00:16:28,399 You know the Council's position on the Syphon is very clear. 179 00:16:29,018 --> 00:16:30,878 Who am I to argue with them? 180 00:16:32,725 --> 00:16:38,675 My friend, you've been in security too long! You see a conspiracy behind every door. 181 00:16:40,063 --> 00:16:42,723 That's because there usually is one. 182 00:16:43,808 --> 00:16:45,867 Be careful, Pavel... 183 00:16:45,868 --> 00:16:48,478 ...this could get out of hand very easily. 184 00:16:52,609 --> 00:16:55,958 Grant was a good friend and he will be missed by all of us. 185 00:16:55,959 --> 00:16:58,949 It was just a tragic accident...nothing more. 186 00:17:00,448 --> 00:17:01,448 Maybe. 187 00:17:02,124 --> 00:17:04,124 I know you too well Pavel... 188 00:17:05,074 --> 00:17:06,543 ...I think you're up to something. 189 00:17:06,544 --> 00:17:11,495 And I think you and the Council are too flippant about this...and the Syphon situation. 190 00:17:11,496 --> 00:17:12,996 You're playing with fire here! 191 00:17:13,648 --> 00:17:17,218 No one else has a more sacred obligation than those who make the law. 192 00:17:17,356 --> 00:17:21,016 If you're even considering violating orders... 193 00:18:02,122 --> 00:18:03,982 Ship following right behind us. 194 00:18:14,513 --> 00:18:15,813 Power weapons. 195 00:18:19,261 --> 00:18:21,381 No, no, no, no! It's taking over control! 196 00:18:22,145 --> 00:18:23,525 Shields are dropping. 197 00:18:49,439 --> 00:18:50,719 Moordenaarr. 198 00:18:51,338 --> 00:18:52,338 Lexxa. 199 00:18:52,452 --> 00:18:57,232 The ship is mine now. Your trespass gives me right to vaporize you. 200 00:19:13,254 --> 00:19:15,994 Anyone else having an objection to me running my ship again? 201 00:19:16,512 --> 00:19:17,992 Good to have you back! 202 00:19:18,418 --> 00:19:19,237 Though... 203 00:19:19,238 --> 00:19:20,898 If you're gonna say I shouldn't have done that... 204 00:19:20,982 --> 00:19:24,942 I disagreed with his methods but he was very useful when things went sour. 205 00:19:27,664 --> 00:19:29,643 Why is this blasphemer here? 206 00:19:29,644 --> 00:19:30,774 Put that away, Jaro. 207 00:19:38,020 --> 00:19:39,150 Prak's still here... 208 00:19:40,134 --> 00:19:42,374 I figured he'd have betrayed you all once I was gone. 209 00:19:43,995 --> 00:19:45,634 I practice the rule religiously... 210 00:19:45,635 --> 00:19:47,365 "never turn your back on a Bree." 211 00:20:03,327 --> 00:20:05,284 Look, if you specify an exact temperature... 212 00:20:07,709 --> 00:20:08,940 ...colder, colder. 213 00:20:20,715 --> 00:20:25,469 Mind if I sit... or are you going to tell me to go, as always? 214 00:20:26,168 --> 00:20:29,445 Suit yourself. Stay out of my head. 215 00:20:31,130 --> 00:20:32,130 What? 216 00:20:32,684 --> 00:20:35,215 I don't need a Betazoid listening to my my thoughts. 217 00:20:35,778 --> 00:20:41,390 You still don't know...genetic defect, not telepathic. 218 00:20:42,705 --> 00:20:43,705 Good. 219 00:20:45,106 --> 00:20:47,266 I can do other things. 220 00:20:53,917 --> 00:20:55,794 Stay out of my head. 221 00:20:57,511 --> 00:20:59,584 Why you are so angry all the time? 222 00:21:00,057 --> 00:21:03,418 Wouldn't this make you angry? 223 00:21:05,735 --> 00:21:07,057 But you were a Borg. 224 00:21:07,489 --> 00:21:09,964 I was... the Voyager found me and they took it all away. 225 00:21:12,235 --> 00:21:15,146 They taught me individuality and I got back to Earth. 226 00:21:16,894 --> 00:21:24,394 Section 31 found me and they convinced me to join a program to help those that had survived assimilation. 227 00:21:24,484 --> 00:21:29,594 What they actually wanted was this... 228 00:21:30,439 --> 00:21:37,308 I have become a weapon... and they have made sure I stay that way. 229 00:21:39,923 --> 00:21:41,085 I have offered to help. 230 00:21:41,165 --> 00:21:49,656 You assume I want your help. I like the power, I don't need you. 231 00:21:59,732 --> 00:22:03,647 Enough. I don't know what started this. 232 00:22:04,175 --> 00:22:06,155 They butchered five billion of my race. 233 00:22:06,253 --> 00:22:11,253 This mission depends on each of us...so end this now...or I will. 234 00:22:14,003 --> 00:22:18,403 Stay! We're meeting...this'll be quick. 235 00:22:19,504 --> 00:22:25,011 Everyone has access to the datafeed. Borrada is responsible for what happened to the planets. 236 00:22:26,637 --> 00:22:27,894 And what does that have to do with us? 237 00:22:29,156 --> 00:22:31,364 Our mission: we take care of him. 238 00:22:31,802 --> 00:22:32,802 What does that mean? 239 00:22:33,501 --> 00:22:35,272 We all know what that means. 240 00:22:36,293 --> 00:22:38,031 We go in...take care of the problem. 241 00:22:38,370 --> 00:22:44,292 A recognized leader of a whole world and we just stroll in and assassinate him. 242 00:22:44,502 --> 00:22:48,676 Starfleet's prime directive won't let them interfere, so they have to find someone else... 243 00:22:48,750 --> 00:22:50,276 ...that's how they operate. 244 00:22:51,475 --> 00:22:54,206 C'mon!...They think of us as criminals and now they want our help? 245 00:22:54,560 --> 00:22:55,560 This is a bad idea. 246 00:22:56,060 --> 00:22:57,259 Spoken like a true coward. 247 00:22:57,288 --> 00:23:03,622 I said enough...The planets Borrada attacked... they were the major source of dilithium. 248 00:23:04,620 --> 00:23:05,820 Are all of you crazy? 249 00:23:06,291 --> 00:23:08,019 Neural damage from Cardassian torture. 250 00:23:09,050 --> 00:23:13,518 You're talking about Dilithium... Borrada is destroying entire planets. 251 00:23:15,144 --> 00:23:22,340 What happens when he targets a planet like Bajor? Cardassia? Earth? 252 00:23:23,412 --> 00:23:26,542 Does it matter who wants him dead? 253 00:23:26,690 --> 00:23:31,742 Lexxa's right...he needs to be stopped. 254 00:23:38,567 --> 00:23:39,567 Can't argue with that. 255 00:23:41,236 --> 00:23:42,236 Just get me to him. 256 00:23:43,911 --> 00:23:45,046 You have to ask. 257 00:24:26,055 --> 00:24:27,524 Not very talkative today. 258 00:24:31,003 --> 00:24:32,815 we didn't exercise in class today. 259 00:24:33,948 --> 00:24:37,534 Hypothetical: would we sacrifice ourselves to save others? 260 00:24:39,949 --> 00:24:41,128 and what did you say? 261 00:24:44,159 --> 00:24:45,319 I don't know if I could do it. 262 00:24:48,686 --> 00:24:52,825 Always be true to yourself and the rest will follow. 263 00:25:13,949 --> 00:25:16,149 I wondered when you would call. 264 00:25:26,397 --> 00:25:29,997 Wow, that was amazing! 265 00:25:30,116 --> 00:25:31,597 Isn't it always? 266 00:25:31,651 --> 00:25:35,797 No...well, yes..but what I do..projection.. 267 00:25:36,218 --> 00:25:40,297 ...a fully tactile holographic transmission across a hundred light-years... 268 00:25:40,528 --> 00:25:43,097 If I didn't know better, I'd swear I was actually here. 269 00:25:44,551 --> 00:25:50,251 When are you going to join me here, so we can do this without photons and forcefields and holo-matter? 270 00:25:51,215 --> 00:25:54,451 My place is on the Jupiter Station... as is yours. 271 00:25:54,588 --> 00:25:55,751 Was 272 00:25:56,425 --> 00:25:58,551 I've always fought for you.. 273 00:25:58,637 --> 00:26:04,451 ...but you stealing Starfleet's only mobile holographic transmitter didn't exactly help your cause. 274 00:26:04,651 --> 00:26:10,751 What cause? My work killed someone and got me banned from Starfleet... 275 00:26:10,951 --> 00:26:14,151 ...and ostracized by the scientific community. 276 00:26:14,351 --> 00:26:17,451 Nothing I do will ever change the past 277 00:26:17,651 --> 00:26:23,651 You can start by returning the emitter... at least then we can exchange more than photons. 278 00:26:23,851 --> 00:26:27,751 That emitter will always stay in my possession. 279 00:26:27,951 --> 00:26:34,751 You are the great Lewis Zimmerman... creator of the emergency hologram... 280 00:26:34,951 --> 00:26:40,551 If I joined you, it would ruin your career... you know that. 281 00:26:40,751 --> 00:26:44,251 I do...but I don't like it. 282 00:26:44,451 --> 00:26:52,651 So...are we going to do a full test of the tactile response of my projection? 283 00:26:52,851 --> 00:27:01,751 Soon...I need your help with the other matrix.. it's degrading much faster than I can repair it. 284 00:27:01,951 --> 00:27:05,651 You still keeping up that facade? Do they suspect? 285 00:27:05,851 --> 00:27:09,251 I don't think so... but I have been getting some strange looks lately. 286 00:27:09,451 --> 00:27:13,551 Come back to Jupiter Station...I'll chance it, we'll fix it together. 287 00:27:13,751 --> 00:27:14,651 No, I can't do that. 288 00:27:14,851 --> 00:27:17,151 Then what do you want me to do? 289 00:27:17,351 --> 00:27:20,651 I can't help you of you insist on staying with these people. 290 00:27:20,851 --> 00:27:27,351 Pleeease, Lewis...just help me... I can't lose it...not again. 291 00:27:27,551 --> 00:27:35,951 Very well, send me the data and be careful.. one tragedy's enough. 292 00:27:57,373 --> 00:27:59,973 Make sure I have the data at 09:00 tomorrow morning. 293 00:28:00,173 --> 00:28:01,873 I'll see to it crisply, Sir. 294 00:28:02,073 --> 00:28:04,473 Anne...speak to no one about this! 295 00:28:04,673 --> 00:28:05,673 Yes. Sir. 296 00:28:05,873 --> 00:28:11,273 Admiral...no! 297 00:28:16,871 --> 00:28:18,171 What does it mean...this? 298 00:28:18,371 --> 00:28:21,871 It's a trigger...set to cause the turbo lift to fail... 299 00:28:22,071 --> 00:28:23,971 You would have fallen to your death. 300 00:28:25,711 --> 00:28:30,671 Use an assassin to find an assassin... 301 00:28:32,443 --> 00:28:34,343 She's quite useful. 302 00:28:34,543 --> 00:28:36,943 It's good that you hired T'Leah when you did. 303 00:28:37,143 --> 00:28:40,043 Leave it to a Vulcan to state the obvious. 304 00:28:42,464 --> 00:28:43,543 Admiral...no! 305 00:28:43,743 --> 00:28:45,043 Who was he? 306 00:28:45,243 --> 00:28:47,743 That's for them to try to determine. 307 00:28:57,364 --> 00:29:01,564 Curious, there is no security level above yours. 308 00:29:01,764 --> 00:29:03,264 There wasn't... 309 00:29:05,224 --> 00:29:09,924 I may know someone who can help us. 310 00:29:26,559 --> 00:29:29,459 You've been a naughty girl. 311 00:29:33,039 --> 00:29:34,639 At it again, Shree? 312 00:29:34,839 --> 00:29:36,139 Damn you! 313 00:29:43,535 --> 00:29:45,035 You've been busy. 314 00:29:45,535 --> 00:29:48,035 Don't know how any of that's your business. 315 00:29:48,769 --> 00:29:51,335 T'Lea...this is Shree. 316 00:29:52,405 --> 00:29:54,435 Why all the urgency? 317 00:29:54,811 --> 00:29:58,635 I had a problem that could use your hacking skills... 318 00:29:59,725 --> 00:30:05,135 I need to know what is happening... and I need to know why. 319 00:30:09,042 --> 00:30:11,242 Those are some pretty powerful people. 320 00:30:12,672 --> 00:30:15,272 I may need to double my usual fee. 321 00:30:21,082 --> 00:30:30,382 Our intel is limited...this is his stronghold.. it's ultra fortified...defenses...there's weapons everywhere. 322 00:30:30,582 --> 00:30:32,482 Doesn't look very welcoming. 323 00:30:32,549 --> 00:30:33,682 We don't need a welcome. 324 00:30:35,673 --> 00:30:40,373 We aren't sure if these are engineering tunnels... maybe air vents? sewer ducts? 325 00:30:40,573 --> 00:30:43,173 Sewer....with our luck. 326 00:30:43,373 --> 00:30:46,573 How do we know that any of these will lead to our objective? 327 00:30:46,773 --> 00:30:49,073 Daug will send the Dragonflies in to confirm. 328 00:30:55,433 --> 00:30:55,273 Now we take out Borrada and we're in and out fast... so they don't know what hit them. 329 00:30:55,573 --> 00:30:56,773 They will know what hit them. 330 00:31:07,863 --> 00:31:13,063 They made their move at last... but not enough to take it away. 331 00:31:13,263 --> 00:31:16,663 This should prove entertaining. 332 00:31:16,863 --> 00:31:18,863 Begin preparations. 333 00:31:19,063 --> 00:31:20,563 Yes, my Lord. 334 00:31:20,663 --> 00:31:22,563 I claim the right to first kill! 335 00:31:22,683 --> 00:31:27,163 You denied me the last kill... allow me this honor at least. 336 00:31:27,363 --> 00:31:28,863 You don't yet possess the skill... 337 00:31:29,063 --> 00:31:35,063 You treat me as if I was a child... yet I am as capable as anyone! 338 00:31:35,263 --> 00:31:38,763 You question my judgement? 339 00:31:38,963 --> 00:31:41,363 Yes! 340 00:31:46,592 --> 00:31:56,392 You have spirit... but spirit wihout discipline can have deadly consequences. 341 00:31:59,353 --> 00:32:05,553 You will see who possesses the skills. 342 00:32:13,702 --> 00:32:15,402 What have you found? 343 00:32:15,602 --> 00:32:20,202 This is complex... they're using a Bosong-Lapton Weight Duality encryption... 344 00:32:20,402 --> 00:32:30,802 changes every few seconds...it's next to impossible... but not completely impossible. 345 00:32:35,039 --> 00:32:37,739 This always hurts like hell. 346 00:32:51,216 --> 00:32:53,716 I'm detecting a ship on an intercept course. 347 00:32:55,372 --> 00:32:59,272 It's the Archer..they're hailing us. 348 00:33:01,427 --> 00:33:03,427 Let's hear what they have to say. 349 00:33:05,988 --> 00:33:12,888 This is Captain Alvarez of the Federation Starship Archer... You are hereby ordered to stand down... 350 00:33:13,088 --> 00:33:17,988 ...and answer to the charges of hijacking a Federation shipment if Dilithium crystals... 351 00:33:18,112 --> 00:33:19,288 Am I clear? 352 00:33:24,896 --> 00:33:26,696 Open the channel. 353 00:33:31,415 --> 00:33:34,115 Lexxa Singh... 354 00:33:34,315 --> 00:33:35,715 Captain Alvarez... 355 00:33:36,339 --> 00:33:42,439 This is definitely a surprise...you're supposed to be serving out a life sentence in an Orion Prison right now. 356 00:33:42,739 --> 00:33:45,639 Oh...I'm afraid you've been misinformed, Captain... 357 00:33:45,839 --> 00:33:52,139 You happen to be a convicted criminal. If I bring you in...guaranteed to get a medal. 358 00:33:52,339 --> 00:33:57,939 We're in neutral space... and you're out of your jurisdiction. 359 00:33:58,139 --> 00:34:00,539 We'll see about that. 360 00:34:02,073 --> 00:34:04,573 Battle stations! 361 00:34:05,468 --> 00:34:07,873 Battle stations! 362 00:34:08,273 --> 00:34:10,073 See how you handle this... 363 00:34:13,319 --> 00:34:14,719 Return fire! 364 00:34:16,958 --> 00:34:19,658 Program another spread...now! 365 00:34:33,008 --> 00:34:34,708 I'm not lettin' them get away. 366 00:34:37,034 --> 00:34:38,234 Take 'em down! 367 00:34:40,500 --> 00:34:42,030 Approaching Syphon system 368 00:34:42,084 --> 00:34:42,634 Time? 369 00:34:42,734 --> 00:34:43,734 Less than a minute... 370 00:34:44,115 --> 00:34:45,125 rear photons... 371 00:34:45,447 --> 00:34:47,566 We will burn the universe in our wake. 372 00:34:47,567 --> 00:34:49,417 ...only enough to slow them down... 373 00:34:55,256 --> 00:34:56,566 Shield is holding. 374 00:34:59,395 --> 00:35:00,395 Fire! 375 00:35:08,891 --> 00:35:10,540 We're in restricted space. 376 00:35:10,541 --> 00:35:11,961 We almost got 'em! 377 00:35:15,804 --> 00:35:17,653 Diplomatic relations have been severed... 378 00:35:17,654 --> 00:35:19,174 we are forbidden to enter this sector. 379 00:35:19,996 --> 00:35:22,156 No one fires on my ship and gets away. 380 00:35:31,737 --> 00:35:32,737 Ten seconds, Sir. 381 00:35:37,503 --> 00:35:38,503 Captain! 382 00:35:48,693 --> 00:35:51,735 Belay that...let 'em go. 383 00:35:53,625 --> 00:35:54,625 Dammit! 384 00:36:00,731 --> 00:36:02,221 Stealth Mode initiated. 385 00:37:45,436 --> 00:37:46,495 The tunnels lead straight 386 00:37:46,496 --> 00:37:47,896 to the center of the stronghold. 387 00:37:48,440 --> 00:37:49,040 Ragnar. 388 00:37:49,120 --> 00:37:50,120 Doc, Fixer 389 00:37:50,130 --> 00:37:51,790 you'll monitor from the bridge 390 00:37:52,147 --> 00:37:53,637 the rest of you are with me. 391 00:37:53,837 --> 00:37:58,037 Some of those tunnels have extensive deposits of (Foriniteum?)... 392 00:37:58,090 --> 00:38:03,190 mmm...hyperonic radiation... I mean it could really play hell with your phasers... 393 00:38:05,260 --> 00:38:06,620 That won't bother me. 394 00:38:07,165 --> 00:38:10,320 The (Pareks?) will make us their instruments of death. 395 00:38:22,940 --> 00:38:25,599 They did a decent job of covering their tracks. 396 00:38:26,218 --> 00:38:27,398 I'm still working on the data 397 00:38:27,450 --> 00:38:30,570 I keep seeing the connections here and there... but nothing I can confirm. 398 00:38:32,194 --> 00:38:33,194 Come! 399 00:38:37,037 --> 00:38:38,656 You remember my roommate Poppy? 400 00:38:38,657 --> 00:38:40,667 Nice to see you again, Admiral! 401 00:38:46,630 --> 00:38:47,520 Don't move! 402 00:38:47,521 --> 00:38:50,859 There's a traceron device in her left hand with a molecular decay detonator... 403 00:38:50,957 --> 00:38:52,999 ...proximity triggers set off the alarms. 404 00:38:53,031 --> 00:38:54,220 She's a bomb? 405 00:38:54,247 --> 00:38:55,507 How did that happen? 406 00:38:55,524 --> 00:38:59,463 Some kind of stealth nanotechnology... could have been a handshake...something in your drink. 407 00:38:59,464 --> 00:39:00,493 If it's a proximity trigger... 408 00:39:00,494 --> 00:39:01,703 ...let's get her away from here. 409 00:39:01,704 --> 00:39:04,514 It's activated...move it away from the target...it still goes off. 410 00:39:04,872 --> 00:39:05,872 Poppy... 411 00:39:09,394 --> 00:39:10,584 What we do? 412 00:39:11,514 --> 00:39:12,674 There's only one thing. 413 00:39:14,850 --> 00:39:15,850 What are you doing? 414 00:39:16,707 --> 00:39:17,827 It's the only way. 415 00:39:22,863 --> 00:39:23,863 Do it. 416 00:39:43,106 --> 00:39:45,806 I'm sorry, I got you now! 417 00:39:49,898 --> 00:39:54,508 Emergency beamout, Starfleet medical...Now! 418 00:45:12,420 --> 00:45:16,190 I...I can't feel anything... 419 00:45:18,567 --> 00:45:19,567 Ronara 420 00:45:21,621 --> 00:45:23,011 I'm damaged? 421 00:45:26,501 --> 00:45:27,541 What happened? 422 00:45:28,292 --> 00:45:32,499 They were waiting for us...just like the Archer. 423 00:45:36,379 --> 00:45:38,499 someone is working against us. 424 00:45:39,046 --> 00:45:41,686 I...think that is a given. 425 00:45:42,539 --> 00:45:44,929 Let someone just kill me and get it over with. 426 00:45:50,158 --> 00:45:56,388 Although you can no longer benefit me... you may still be of use to my people. 427 00:45:57,082 --> 00:46:04,344 and it is, perhaps, more fitting... every moment that I see you suffer... 428 00:46:05,464 --> 00:46:08,274 ...I shall remember my son! 429 00:46:11,225 --> 00:46:15,685 The Federation made a grave mistake in interfering. 430 00:46:16,329 --> 00:46:17,718 We are not Federation! 431 00:46:17,719 --> 00:46:22,773 No!...but they sent you, just as they sent this. 432 00:46:24,793 --> 00:46:32,620 It came to us over three hundred years ago... it took us decades to discover it's purpose. 433 00:46:32,965 --> 00:46:38,124 This portal dilates and folds space... 434 00:46:38,125 --> 00:46:44,445 ...allowing you to travel across the Galaxy Galaxy in mere seconds... instead of months and years. 435 00:46:45,215 --> 00:46:52,693 but there was one thing we did not know... a second portal is required to establish a gateway. 436 00:46:53,579 --> 00:47:00,042 We activated this lone portal and space folded around our system. 437 00:47:00,730 --> 00:47:12,972 It was catastrophic...ecosystems were destroyed... millions died...and... 438 00:47:12,977 --> 00:47:18,683 ...those who survived...were left having to resort to savagery. 439 00:47:26,469 --> 00:47:30,229 Three hundred years and this is all we have... 440 00:47:30,589 --> 00:47:31,589 Three hundred? 441 00:47:31,734 --> 00:47:33,573 The Federation didn't even exist! 442 00:47:33,574 --> 00:47:37,574 You question my word, Lexxa Singh? 443 00:47:38,213 --> 00:47:44,693 Aaaah, yes. I know who and what you are! 444 00:47:46,376 --> 00:47:50,601 But...all of this has made us stronger.. 445 00:47:51,669 --> 00:47:55,752 ...and now we use it to spread our strength across the quadrant. 446 00:47:57,295 --> 00:48:02,676 We will not be stopped by you. We will not be stopped by anyone! 447 00:48:03,184 --> 00:48:09,409 I will bring the Federation to their knees for what their portal did to us. 448 00:48:10,296 --> 00:48:14,796 I will make them suffer the same fate we did. 449 00:48:23,706 --> 00:48:25,405 We have to get a message to Chekhov. 450 00:48:25,406 --> 00:48:27,986 We can't, there's too much interference in the atmosphere. 451 00:48:28,479 --> 00:48:30,389 Fixer, power up the engines! 452 00:48:32,795 --> 00:48:33,795 Fixer! 453 00:48:45,331 --> 00:48:48,320 It is already in motion... a fleet of ships just left orbit. 454 00:48:48,321 --> 00:48:51,421 He must be takin' the portal back to Earth... we need to move. 455 00:49:08,763 --> 00:49:10,643 Something is still jamming the comm. 456 00:49:29,951 --> 00:49:33,491 I usually love a man who's persistent but this is ridiculous! 457 00:49:33,515 --> 00:49:38,515 Hail him, maybe he'll listen to reason... He seems like a reasonable fellow. 458 00:49:39,076 --> 00:49:41,266 Captain Alvarez! Borrada and... 459 00:49:43,642 --> 00:49:44,642 Damn! 460 00:49:44,708 --> 00:49:48,588 The photons damaged the com array... we're not contacting anyone. 461 00:49:49,300 --> 00:49:50,790 Maximum warp to Earth. 462 00:49:51,303 --> 00:49:53,523 We can't leave our crew! 463 00:49:54,330 --> 00:49:56,770 They all knew this was a one-way trip. 464 00:50:46,326 --> 00:50:48,036 Enough recording, Lexxa, now back to it. 465 00:50:50,327 --> 00:50:51,465 Out of the night that... 466 00:50:53,357 --> 00:50:56,275 Out of the night that covers me... 467 00:50:57,838 --> 00:50:58,566 You know it. 468 00:51:00,546 --> 00:51:03,309 ...black as the pit from pole to pole... 469 00:51:04,630 --> 00:51:06,538 ...I thank whatever gods may be... 470 00:51:07,477 --> 00:51:09,319 ...for my unconquerable soul. 471 00:51:13,280 --> 00:51:17,299 In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced or cried aloud. 472 00:51:19,679 --> 00:51:25,329 Beyond this place of wrath and tears... looms but the horror of the shade. 473 00:51:37,411 --> 00:51:39,699 I don't like this planet. Can't we go home? 474 00:51:44,505 --> 00:51:45,780 Why do we have to keep running? 475 00:51:47,001 --> 00:51:48,481 Why can't they just leave us alone. 476 00:51:49,587 --> 00:51:52,839 They want you because you are stronger and smarter than they are. 477 00:52:07,860 --> 00:52:08,860 I'm thinking. 478 00:52:10,518 --> 00:52:11,973 Think faster. 479 00:52:29,617 --> 00:52:33,419 Alvarez is right behind us, they just dropped out of warp. 480 00:52:42,419 --> 00:52:43,419 Oh, no. 481 00:52:45,314 --> 00:52:46,755 What is it? 482 00:53:13,003 --> 00:53:14,305 What the hell! 483 00:53:31,899 --> 00:53:33,217 Mom, what's happening? 484 00:53:33,669 --> 00:53:34,669 I don't know, sweetheart. 485 00:54:07,520 --> 00:54:12,825 He did it. Like the other planets. 486 00:54:12,526 --> 00:54:16,326 Not quite, this fold is only around the Earth. 487 00:54:16,375 --> 00:54:22,626 We're cut off from the sun. In a few days, the average surface temperature will be zero. 488 00:54:25,564 --> 00:54:29,357 Most plants will die within a week, the animals will follow shortly thereafter. 489 00:54:31,027 --> 00:54:35,084 The scavengers may hang on for a little while... at least until the cold gets them. 490 00:54:36,211 --> 00:54:38,891 We should be able to survive for a while on our manmade power... 491 00:54:40,025 --> 00:54:44,935 ...but in a few months time... the temperature will be over a hundred degrees below zero. 492 00:54:46,575 --> 00:54:48,037 Bottom line... 493 00:54:48,966 --> 00:54:50,744 The end of the world. 494 00:54:55,808 --> 00:54:56,808 How did they they do it? 495 00:54:57,439 --> 00:55:02,568 They didn't have time to activate another portal...unless .. 496 00:55:05,771 --> 00:55:07,142 Unless he had one there already. 497 00:55:09,003 --> 00:55:10,652 We need to find that portal. 498 00:55:34,077 --> 00:55:37,077 Admiral, you better come see this. 499 00:55:57,784 --> 00:56:03,324 Borrada say that our species cannot mate. But I have studied your anatomy... 500 00:56:05,594 --> 00:56:10,891 ...our organs are quite compatible. 501 00:56:12,284 --> 00:56:13,284 Leave her alone. 502 00:56:13,959 --> 00:56:16,145 Maybe I should start with you first... 503 00:56:19,336 --> 00:56:20,458 Cut me down. Make this fair. 504 00:56:22,046 --> 00:56:26,186 Fair? Was it fair what happened to us? 505 00:56:31,295 --> 00:56:43,264 grrrhh...We...are...stronger...rrr...rrr 506 00:57:17,476 --> 00:57:18,476 Let's move. 507 00:57:23,381 --> 00:57:24,381 This way 508 00:57:25,742 --> 00:57:29,943 Ragnar, come in...nothing! 509 00:57:32,382 --> 00:57:35,386 Doc? This way. 510 00:57:40,918 --> 00:57:46,483 Starfleet's in lockdown...we can't just fly in there and I can't beam through their force fields. 511 00:57:48,455 --> 00:57:50,316 We'll have to do it the hard way. 512 00:57:59,745 --> 00:58:01,482 We have their position. 513 00:58:01,822 --> 00:58:03,722 Ready torpedoes 514 00:58:04,764 --> 00:58:07,112 Captain, we should contact Starfleet. 515 00:58:08,313 --> 00:58:14,093 No, my guess is that ship is responsible for this and I'm going to stop it. 516 00:58:14,503 --> 00:58:15,503 Fire! 517 00:58:17,553 --> 00:58:19,053 Direct hit! 518 00:58:19,322 --> 00:58:20,046 Scan them! 519 00:58:20,246 --> 00:58:25,646 They're dead in the water, Sir... engines are down...life support...minimal 520 00:58:25,584 --> 00:58:28,771 They're up to something...I don't trust it. 521 00:58:30,028 --> 00:58:33,400 Beam a security team over there tell them to watch their backs. 522 00:58:33,916 --> 00:58:36,236 I want everyone on that ship in our brig in ten minutes. 523 00:58:36,413 --> 00:58:37,413 Yes, Sir. 524 00:58:48,882 --> 00:58:49,882 Admiral 525 00:58:50,069 --> 00:58:51,098 he needs medical attention. 526 00:58:51,199 --> 00:58:54,156 They kidnapped us... tried to get information from us. 527 00:58:54,157 --> 00:58:55,477 I'll take you both to Sick Bay. 528 00:58:55,816 --> 00:58:57,195 No, my office. 529 00:58:57,936 --> 00:59:01,646 Starfleet Command is in an Alpha Prime lockdown, Sir. 530 00:59:01,750 --> 00:59:05,915 The crew beamed down an hour ago, it already may be too late. 531 00:59:06,258 --> 00:59:10,299 I'll take him to his office, you two... get back to the ship and try to contact the crew. 532 00:59:10,699 --> 00:59:11,699 Hailing Captain Alvarez! 533 00:59:35,845 --> 00:59:40,136 I don't expect to see any of you again. I assume the mission failed. 534 00:59:40,713 --> 00:59:43,332 We know how Borrada did it and I think I know how to undo it. 535 00:59:44,894 --> 00:59:47,383 Excellent, but there is one thing I must do first. 536 00:59:51,331 --> 00:59:57,431 Still no sign of Ragnar aboard the ship. In fact, I'm not detecting them anywhere near the planet. 537 00:59:58,530 --> 00:59:59,772 No sign of a battle? 538 01:00:00,017 --> 01:00:02,597 No, they're just not here. 539 01:00:03,027 --> 01:00:07,648 Well then, how is Lucien...Fixer? 540 01:00:07,848 --> 01:00:10,848 Ha...took you long enough to bust out of there. 541 01:00:11,448 --> 01:00:15,048 Alright...well, use this sparingly... 542 01:00:15,148 --> 01:00:18,748 you never know how long it'll take 'em to work the (Foriniteum?) sources out 543 01:00:19,248 --> 01:00:21,448 Right now, the portal is our priority... 544 01:00:21,648 --> 01:00:27,048 Well, you know what, I took a peek at things around this place... there's a power source around 30 meters that way... 545 01:00:27,248 --> 01:00:28,048 That's it! 546 01:00:39,429 --> 01:00:44,629 This is it...this area is defensible. 547 01:00:45,791 --> 01:00:48,929 Cover us... Fixer, you're with me. 548 01:00:49,129 --> 01:00:55,229 @#$%!...We will annihilate! 549 01:01:16,019 --> 01:01:23,319 Impressive...beaming through the security grid... I knew it was someone inside... 550 01:01:23,387 --> 01:01:26,487 ...but I never thought it would be you! 551 01:01:26,687 --> 01:01:30,387 OOH...Pavel! 552 01:01:36,587 --> 01:01:41,687 You humans! You still think that earth is the center of the universe... 553 01:01:41,887 --> 01:01:45,687 ...which makes you so easy to manipulate, like the Syphon... 554 01:01:45,744 --> 01:01:53,944 ...you are a minor annoyance but once you are out of the way... we'll soon have what we lost millennia ago! 555 01:01:57,426 --> 01:02:00,726 No! We need information 556 01:02:00,926 --> 01:02:02,226 Old habits. 557 01:02:03,926 --> 01:02:10,326 Emergency beamup...Starfleet Medical!...Owen! 558 01:02:10,426 --> 01:02:16,226 Emergency transport unavailable. A medical emergency team will be deployed to your location in 5 minutes. 559 01:02:16,526 --> 01:02:27,226 Pavel...I was wrong...save her...save the Federation. 560 01:02:27,626 --> 01:02:30,626 You gotta hope there's still some brainwave activity. 561 01:02:39,246 --> 01:02:40,746 What the hell? 562 01:02:56,016 --> 01:02:58,016 What the hell is right? 563 01:02:59,116 --> 01:03:03,016 Ye...yeah, I may have enough...Doctor? 564 01:03:05,079 --> 01:03:06,879 This is fading fast. 565 01:03:13,868 --> 01:03:18,068 Something's happening in the Federation...secret meetings... 566 01:03:18,225 --> 01:03:19,325 ...can't trust him... 567 01:03:21,979 --> 01:03:29,779 We were right...he has a dilation portal here on Earth... it's in his office! 568 01:03:33,409 --> 01:03:36,609 You go. You go alert the Federation Council. 569 01:03:40,223 --> 01:03:41,623 That's it... 570 01:04:01,983 --> 01:04:10,383 You are indeed a worthy opponent. Perhaps your death may benefit me yet! 571 01:04:45,292 --> 01:04:47,792 Security lock override code accepted. 572 01:04:55,733 --> 01:04:57,023 Can you stop it? 573 01:04:57,518 --> 01:05:01,928 I'm gonna have to put together some images from Shree's device. It may take a couple of hours. 574 01:05:02,166 --> 01:05:05,326 We don't have that long, there's a security detail on the way here. 575 01:05:05,486 --> 01:05:07,066 We're not going to make it. 576 01:05:10,022 --> 01:05:11,022 Petrona! 577 01:05:11,220 --> 01:05:12,300 Commander, come in! 578 01:05:13,200 --> 01:05:18,849 Commander, do you copy? If you can hear this, just hold on. We're coming to get you. 579 01:05:28,211 --> 01:05:29,421 What you have done? 580 01:05:29,469 --> 01:05:31,719 Fall back, Ronara, we got this. 581 01:05:32,723 --> 01:05:34,243 Okay, I'm good. 582 01:05:55,724 --> 01:06:04,743 I...will...savor...your...slow...and...painful...death! 583 01:06:15,516 --> 01:06:18,036 There may be evidence that she is still alive. 584 01:06:33,494 --> 01:06:34,484 Oh, God! 585 01:06:34,484 --> 01:06:35,484 They're here 586 01:06:43,003 --> 01:06:45,228 I'll lead them away, you stay here. 587 01:06:45,229 --> 01:06:46,368 Don't leave me! 588 01:06:46,369 --> 01:06:48,129 I have to, or they're gonna get you too. 589 01:06:51,693 --> 01:06:54,553 Don't let them find you, promise me! 590 01:06:56,502 --> 01:06:59,812 Just remember the words, my baby... they'll help you when you're afraid. 591 01:07:40,443 --> 01:07:45,313 And yet the menace of the years finds... and shall find me...unafraid. 592 01:08:02,202 --> 01:08:11,203 It's a shame your son didn't share your promise... I would have enjoyed a more even match. 593 01:08:12,449 --> 01:08:16,233 Would have been more fun if he'd have put a just a little fight. 594 01:08:26,168 --> 01:08:31,511 You are pathetic, if you think that will hurt me. 595 01:08:51,231 --> 01:08:55,490 Your sacrifice honors me! 596 01:09:11,487 --> 01:09:12,487 Fixer! 597 01:09:13,432 --> 01:09:14,432 Fixer! 598 01:09:15,265 --> 01:09:16,265 Hey! 599 01:09:16,805 --> 01:09:19,135 They're right ahead, Sir...through this door. 600 01:09:20,895 --> 01:09:21,895 It's locked! 601 01:09:22,095 --> 01:09:23,195 Cut it! 602 01:09:25,366 --> 01:09:26,976 We may already be too late. 603 01:09:27,033 --> 01:09:31,393 This configuration will collapse space... taking earth and everything else with it! 604 01:09:33,981 --> 01:09:34,981 What's that? 605 01:09:35,611 --> 01:09:38,381 That is 5 minutes before we die. 606 01:09:43,087 --> 01:09:44,717 We have to figure it out! 607 01:09:46,263 --> 01:09:49,017 As if we need any more distractions 608 01:09:55,014 --> 01:09:57,985 We've held them off... but there will be more coming. 609 01:09:59,018 --> 01:10:04,518 Out of the way, Fixer! Prak, Icheb, take it out! 610 01:10:09,125 --> 01:10:12,825 We'll find a way, everything has a weakness. 611 01:10:15,974 --> 01:10:17,327 You take left, I'll take right. 612 01:10:20,204 --> 01:10:23,434 This portal is locked down but the one on Syphon is still functioning properly. 613 01:10:23,905 --> 01:10:28,127 If I had a way to send a message through the dilation wave particles... 614 01:10:28,227 --> 01:10:32,227 Of course! Am I a first year cadet? How could I be so stupid! 615 01:10:33,056 --> 01:10:34,087 Doc! 616 01:10:34,579 --> 01:10:37,547 Fixer! Fixer! 617 01:10:40,007 --> 01:10:41,007 Doctor Lucien? 618 01:10:41,680 --> 01:10:44,760 You were able to free Lexxa and others and get to the portal? 619 01:10:45,041 --> 01:10:46,041 Yes. 620 01:10:46,443 --> 01:10:47,443 You need to activate it. 621 01:10:47,894 --> 01:10:49,774 I will send the command codes to your scanner. 622 01:11:06,990 --> 01:11:11,790 We need to hurry, this portal is set to collapse space around the Earth in about a minute, I need you to transport it! 623 01:11:11,791 --> 01:11:13,902 Transport it...Transport it where? 624 01:11:16,205 --> 01:11:19,026 Here...transport it here....we end this now. 625 01:11:20,935 --> 01:11:24,082 There's a catch: someone's going to have to stay behind to operate for it. 626 01:11:24,994 --> 01:11:28,394 I'm responsible for this mission, I'll see it through to the end. 627 01:11:29,223 --> 01:11:30,223 What? 628 01:11:30,423 --> 01:11:32,183 I won't let you or anyone sacrifice themselves... 629 01:11:34,612 --> 01:11:35,612 I'll stay! 630 01:11:42,335 --> 01:11:45,575 First, transport Lexxa and the others here, then transport this portal back to you. 631 01:11:46,300 --> 01:11:47,803 OK, understood 632 01:12:03,959 --> 01:12:08,337 Initiate protocol...0...8...2...7 633 01:12:11,587 --> 01:12:12,587 Doc? 634 01:12:13,140 --> 01:12:14,140 Yeah? 635 01:12:16,655 --> 01:12:20,476 I did it! Thank you for everything Doc! 636 01:12:21,966 --> 01:12:24,016 Okay, Fixer 637 01:12:37,467 --> 01:12:39,206 Transporting...now! 638 01:13:01,411 --> 01:13:04,076 Lexxa? 639 01:14:04,296 --> 01:14:07,996 Someone was controlling Masaru, but who...and why? 640 01:14:09,691 --> 01:14:12,129 I'm sure you'll have fun tracking that down. 641 01:14:12,647 --> 01:14:15,007 Tuvok owes me some information, then we'll be on our way. 642 01:14:16,117 --> 01:14:20,499 I'd think twice about that... You're still wanted for the theft of the Dilithium... 643 01:14:21,109 --> 01:14:22,109 What? 644 01:14:22,278 --> 01:14:24,158 ...and for the attack on Captain Alvarez and his crew. 645 01:14:24,623 --> 01:14:29,314 We saved the entire planet and took out the Galaxy's biggest threat in centuries.... 646 01:14:29,381 --> 01:14:32,814 ...and you can't get us off the hook for taking some dilithium crystals? 647 01:14:33,013 --> 01:14:36,276 Federation must not know about you, not yet... 648 01:14:36,476 --> 01:14:41,876 ...we still don't know who all is involved and who has been compromised. 649 01:14:42,516 --> 01:14:45,296 I can only delay Captain Alavarez and Starfleet a few more hours. 650 01:14:45,496 --> 01:14:47,396 After that, no guarantees. 651 01:14:47,940 --> 01:14:51,993 Fine! You want a war? We can have a war! 652 01:14:53,264 --> 01:14:54,423 You have all been set up. 653 01:14:59,960 --> 01:15:01,640 The data that we recovered is disturbing. 654 01:15:03,461 --> 01:15:08,315 Icheb, you have been the targeted from the moment they found about you. 655 01:15:10,349 --> 01:15:16,740 Doctor...your accident. Ronara...even you, Lexxa. 656 01:15:18,607 --> 01:15:19,607 I want names 657 01:15:19,939 --> 01:15:22,274 There are no names, not yet. 658 01:15:23,147 --> 01:15:25,438 But...we do have a plan. 659 01:15:26,306 --> 01:15:28,096 Well, this should be interesting. 660 01:15:28,730 --> 01:15:32,355 We will help you determine the things that have happened to you... 661 01:15:32,356 --> 01:15:37,018 ...and we'll help keep you one step ahead of the Federation and Starfleet 662 01:15:37,532 --> 01:15:38,532 And in return? 663 01:15:39,187 --> 01:15:41,063 You will help us with a mission or two. 664 01:15:42,158 --> 01:15:43,417 What kind of missions? 665 01:15:43,790 --> 01:15:46,822 The kind you are best at...the kind that no one else can do. 666 01:15:48,490 --> 01:15:52,062 T'Leah and Shree will be valuable additions to your crew. 667 01:15:53,618 --> 01:15:55,055 I don't see a downside. 668 01:15:55,685 --> 01:15:56,854 Anyway, I can make them pay. 669 01:15:59,556 --> 01:16:02,284 Make no mistake, you will be hunted. 670 01:16:03,994 --> 01:16:05,221 That's the way we like it. 671 01:16:24,014 --> 01:16:30,158 Get over here! Finally, in the name of holographic research. 672 01:16:31,066 --> 01:16:36,421 You would have been so proud of him! He saved us all...with my help. 673 01:16:38,141 --> 01:16:39,419 I always knew he would. 674 01:16:40,420 --> 01:16:41,760 There's something else... 675 01:16:42,602 --> 01:16:43,602 I can't wait... 676 01:16:54,420 --> 01:17:00,200 It's a little hard to control still... the hand and I will still have to do some serious tanning. 677 01:17:08,823 --> 01:17:15,451 Small price to pay... Mother's expecting you home for dinner, so don't be late! 678 01:17:21,373 --> 01:17:23,874 She appears to be doing well. 679 01:17:24,501 --> 01:17:26,293 She's one determined young lady. 680 01:17:27,376 --> 01:17:28,906 She is a Chekhov, after all. 681 01:17:32,938 --> 01:17:36,761 Too much pain, Tuvok, too many deaths. 682 01:17:38,636 --> 01:17:40,262 You acted out of necessity. 683 01:17:41,053 --> 01:17:47,106 Yes, but now we've come this far... where do we draw the line? 684 01:17:50,123 --> 01:17:52,978 How far is too far? 685 01:18:12,534 --> 01:18:13,793 Doc...question: 686 01:18:14,905 --> 01:18:18,501 In the chamber, you and Fixer were able to communicate. How? 687 01:18:22,760 --> 01:18:24,522 You remember that experiment that went bad? 688 01:18:25,362 --> 01:18:27,586 The one that ruined me...brought me to you? 689 01:18:28,314 --> 01:18:31,123 Fixer was my assistant, he died in that experiment. 690 01:18:33,345 --> 01:18:39,865 I couldn't bear it, so I constructed a hologram and programmed it with his dying brain waves... 691 01:18:41,143 --> 01:18:43,543 ...and built in subroutines so I could keep tabs on him. 692 01:18:44,866 --> 01:18:47,064 He never knew...my best work! 693 01:18:48,142 --> 01:18:49,142 It certainly was! 694 01:18:56,370 --> 01:19:02,593 What? What? Do I have something on my shirt or something? 695 01:19:03,062 --> 01:19:04,062 Okay, weirdos... 696 01:19:30,442 --> 01:19:38,442 I'm the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul! 697 01:19:38,642 --> 01:19:39,642 Subtitle by Uncle Andy