2 00:00:02,294 --> 00:00:03,386 Right now, people like me 3 00:00:03,587 --> 00:00:04,804 are out there getting killed 4 00:00:05,005 --> 00:00:06,928 by people like you, conveniently timed 5 00:00:07,132 --> 00:00:09,100 with the arrival of your old acquaintance. 6 00:00:09,301 --> 00:00:12,100 So you came all this way to deliver a warning. 7 00:00:12,304 --> 00:00:14,227 The life of every vampire is linked back 8 00:00:14,431 --> 00:00:16,183 to the original who begat the line. 9 00:00:16,391 --> 00:00:18,485 Kill an original, wipe out an entire line. 10 00:00:18,685 --> 00:00:20,028 If you want to know what I'd do 11 00:00:20,229 --> 00:00:21,526 about the dangers you now face, 12 00:00:21,688 --> 00:00:23,782 there is something that you must see. 13 00:00:23,982 --> 00:00:25,859 Your ancient heart beats strong, indeed, 14 00:00:26,068 --> 00:00:27,490 for someone in such danger. 15 00:00:27,694 --> 00:00:29,287 If you have a warning to deliver, luv, 16 00:00:29,488 --> 00:00:30,580 best get on with it. 17 00:00:30,781 --> 00:00:32,749 His prophecy is fulfilled. 18 00:00:32,950 --> 00:00:35,169 You will all fall-- One by friend, 19 00:00:35,369 --> 00:00:38,248 one by foe, and one by family. 20 00:00:38,455 --> 00:00:40,457 You've acquired countless enemies, 21 00:00:40,666 --> 00:00:42,213 and with the sire lines at war, 22 00:00:42,417 --> 00:00:43,464 you now have mine, as well. 23 00:00:43,669 --> 00:00:45,046 Anyone who would kill me 24 00:00:45,254 --> 00:00:46,471 could now come after you. 25 00:00:46,672 --> 00:00:48,015 From now on, I am the only one 26 00:00:48,215 --> 00:00:50,889 you can trust. 27 00:01:00,686 --> 00:01:02,154 My memory of Lucien goes back 28 00:01:02,354 --> 00:01:04,732 to a time when our family was happy. 29 00:01:04,940 --> 00:01:07,193 Things were good, or as good as they can be 30 00:01:07,401 --> 00:01:09,870 for vampires hiding in plain sight. 31 00:01:10,070 --> 00:01:12,118 Everyone in marseilles was held in the thrall 32 00:01:12,322 --> 00:01:15,622 of the count's arrogant son Tristan 33 00:01:15,826 --> 00:01:18,545 and his sister-- The lady Aurora. 34 00:01:18,745 --> 00:01:20,338 In hindsight, I could've done more 35 00:01:20,539 --> 00:01:24,544 to prevent what was to follow, but then, even an endless life 36 00:01:24,751 --> 00:01:26,344 cannot be played in reverse. 37 00:01:26,545 --> 00:01:27,842 It's impressive work, milord. 38 00:01:28,046 --> 00:01:30,014 It's a trifle meant to pass a dull day, 39 00:01:30,215 --> 00:01:33,059 but I'll take it along with the word of a friend. 40 00:01:33,260 --> 00:01:35,683 It is as a friend that I come to you now. 41 00:01:35,887 --> 00:01:38,106 There is something I must ask of you. 42 00:01:42,019 --> 00:01:44,272 For the lady Aurora. 43 00:01:44,479 --> 00:01:45,901 If you would deliver this to her in secret, 44 00:01:46,106 --> 00:01:47,904 I would be eternally grateful. 45 00:01:48,108 --> 00:01:50,486 Are these declarations of love? 46 00:01:50,694 --> 00:01:52,913 That's a bold move. 47 00:01:53,113 --> 00:01:55,536 Well, we shared affection 48 00:01:55,741 --> 00:01:57,288 for one another when we were children, 49 00:01:57,492 --> 00:01:59,290 but since then, my station in life 50 00:01:59,494 --> 00:02:02,543 has prohibited me from declaring my intentions. 51 00:02:02,748 --> 00:02:04,546 If she would leave this place with me-- 52 00:02:04,750 --> 00:02:07,173 Not an idea I would advise. 53 00:02:07,377 --> 00:02:09,755 Besides, my family needs you. 54 00:02:09,963 --> 00:02:13,012 But your family staying here 55 00:02:13,216 --> 00:02:15,184 cannot last much longer, anyhow, 56 00:02:15,385 --> 00:02:18,013 not given your brother Kol's decadence. 57 00:02:18,221 --> 00:02:19,473 The local religious believe 58 00:02:19,681 --> 00:02:21,103 they are beset by demons. 59 00:02:21,308 --> 00:02:23,777 Soon, you'll need to run. 60 00:02:23,977 --> 00:02:26,230 Aurora and I can run with you, 61 00:02:26,438 --> 00:02:28,361 aid you in your endeavors. 62 00:02:28,565 --> 00:02:31,193 Niklaus, please. 63 00:02:31,401 --> 00:02:32,903 I would give her the note myself, 64 00:02:33,111 --> 00:02:34,829 but Tristan's jealousy is tyrannical. 65 00:02:35,030 --> 00:02:37,078 I cannot go near her, 66 00:02:37,282 --> 00:02:41,412 but you--you need not fear him or anyone. 67 00:02:50,837 --> 00:02:52,180 Hoping to dissuade Lucien, 68 00:02:52,381 --> 00:02:54,679 I told him Aurora would not accept his note. 69 00:02:54,883 --> 00:02:57,602 I thought the matter settled. 70 00:02:57,803 --> 00:02:59,430 How could I tell him that Aurora 71 00:02:59,638 --> 00:03:01,140 was already in love with another? 72 00:03:06,228 --> 00:03:10,108 But Lucien was a hopeless romantic. 73 00:03:10,315 --> 00:03:12,864 In his desperation, he sought her out. 74 00:03:13,068 --> 00:03:14,661 No. 75 00:03:14,861 --> 00:03:16,829 You were not meant to see this. 76 00:03:17,030 --> 00:03:18,532 I trusted you. 77 00:03:18,740 --> 00:03:21,493 Quiet. I'm meant to be in prayer. 78 00:03:21,702 --> 00:03:23,124 If anyone finds you here-- 79 00:03:23,328 --> 00:03:25,706 It's too late. The guards are coming. 80 00:03:25,914 --> 00:03:28,133 My handmaids must have seen him enter. 81 00:03:28,333 --> 00:03:29,505 Well, if the guards know, then 82 00:03:29,710 --> 00:03:30,757 Tristan himself will be alerted. 83 00:03:30,961 --> 00:03:32,258 I will deal with them. 84 00:03:32,462 --> 00:03:34,681 No, Niklaus. He's my brother. 85 00:03:34,881 --> 00:03:36,178 Do you think he cares? 86 00:03:36,383 --> 00:03:37,475 Do you not know what manner 87 00:03:37,676 --> 00:03:38,677 of man you are with? 88 00:03:38,885 --> 00:03:39,761 He is a beast. 89 00:03:39,970 --> 00:03:40,846 Lucien, my friend-- 90 00:03:41,054 --> 00:03:42,647 We are not friends. 91 00:03:42,848 --> 00:03:45,226 Go now, please, 92 00:03:45,434 --> 00:03:47,607 please, by the window, same as you came. 93 00:03:47,811 --> 00:03:50,610 Niklaus, go, please. 94 00:03:50,814 --> 00:03:52,532 Lucien. 95 00:03:52,733 --> 00:03:54,576 Lucien, go. There is no time. 96 00:03:54,776 --> 00:03:55,993 Hurry. 97 00:03:58,405 --> 00:04:00,282 You. 98 00:04:02,367 --> 00:04:04,745 Take him. 99 00:04:04,953 --> 00:04:06,671 And, given the circumstance, 100 00:04:06,872 --> 00:04:08,920 Lucien qualifies as both friend and foe, 101 00:04:09,124 --> 00:04:10,717 and according to Freya's prophecy-- 102 00:04:10,917 --> 00:04:12,544 You have to beware of both friend and foe, 103 00:04:12,753 --> 00:04:15,222 but let us not forget family, Niklaus. 104 00:04:15,422 --> 00:04:17,015 Lucien's two out of 3. 105 00:04:17,215 --> 00:04:18,262 I say we put him down, 106 00:04:18,467 --> 00:04:19,559 just like old times. 107 00:04:19,760 --> 00:04:21,137 Just like old times? 108 00:04:21,344 --> 00:04:22,596 Brother, I wonder who among our family, 109 00:04:22,804 --> 00:04:23,726 do you suppose, has the greatest 110 00:04:23,930 --> 00:04:25,307 predilection for betrayal. 111 00:04:25,515 --> 00:04:26,482 Brother, please. 112 00:04:26,683 --> 00:04:28,276 Now, before we murder Lucien, 113 00:04:28,477 --> 00:04:30,821 there are certain questions that need to be answered, 114 00:04:31,021 --> 00:04:35,367 chiefly, what is he doing here? 115 00:04:35,567 --> 00:04:37,569 And the wolf venom. 116 00:04:37,778 --> 00:04:40,907 Why would he lie to you, his sire? 117 00:04:41,114 --> 00:04:42,832 I'm afraid we might have to resort 118 00:04:43,033 --> 00:04:45,331 to something deliciously medieval here, brother. 119 00:04:45,535 --> 00:04:47,913 "We-" 120 00:04:48,121 --> 00:04:50,089 I take it you will lower yourself 121 00:04:50,290 --> 00:04:53,464 to associate with your bastard brother, then. 122 00:04:55,921 --> 00:04:58,720 Have you finally forgiven me? 123 00:04:58,924 --> 00:05:00,471 I will consider it... 124 00:05:01,885 --> 00:05:03,182 When Hayley forgives you, 125 00:05:03,386 --> 00:05:05,104 gia rises from the dead, and hell freezes over. 126 00:05:05,305 --> 00:05:06,773 For now, however, let's just hope 127 00:05:06,973 --> 00:05:08,270 your little friendship with Lucien 128 00:05:08,475 --> 00:05:10,068 doesn't disrupt our mission. 00:05:24,032 --> 00:05:25,784 Mr. Castle, Detective Kinney, 131 00:05:25,992 --> 00:05:27,744 NOLA PD. 132 00:05:27,953 --> 00:05:30,376 Was hoping to ask you a few questions. 133 00:05:30,580 --> 00:05:33,675 By all means. Your place or mine? 134 00:05:33,875 --> 00:05:36,298 Every one of the victims has the same profile-- 135 00:05:36,503 --> 00:05:38,756 Grew up rich, family comes from old money, 136 00:05:38,964 --> 00:05:40,682 successful, educated, white males 137 00:05:40,882 --> 00:05:42,429 living a playboy lifestyle. 138 00:05:42,634 --> 00:05:44,807 So it is one guy, not a copycat. 139 00:05:45,011 --> 00:05:46,103 Not just any guy. 140 00:05:46,304 --> 00:05:47,726 It's Lucien--I'd bet my degree on it-- 141 00:05:47,931 --> 00:05:49,399 Which doesn't excuse your detective friend 142 00:05:49,599 --> 00:05:51,522 from stealing my laptop. 00:05:52,936 --> 00:05:56,065 Oh, that's convenient. It's Kinney. 145 00:05:56,273 --> 00:05:58,947 They got Lucien at the station. 146 00:05:59,150 --> 00:06:00,402 I should head down there. 147 00:06:00,610 --> 00:06:01,611 They might need the type of help 148 00:06:01,820 --> 00:06:02,821 a gun can't provide. 149 00:06:03,029 --> 00:06:04,451 I'll come with you. 150 00:06:04,656 --> 00:06:07,000 I want to hear what he has to say. 00:06:14,708 --> 00:06:16,506 Hey! It's not jazz fest. 153 00:06:16,710 --> 00:06:18,804 Some of us have toddlers who need to sleep. 00:06:24,593 --> 00:06:26,061 Ugh... 00:06:31,600 --> 00:06:33,273 You all right? 158 00:06:33,476 --> 00:06:35,023 Oh, she was having a really nice nap 159 00:06:35,228 --> 00:06:36,901 until that stupid music woke her up. 160 00:06:37,063 --> 00:06:38,565 How--how are we supposed to live 161 00:06:38,732 --> 00:06:39,904 with all this noise? 162 00:06:40,108 --> 00:06:42,281 You're just sensitive to it, ok? 163 00:06:42,485 --> 00:06:44,328 We spent 6 months as wolves in the bayou. 164 00:06:44,529 --> 00:06:45,781 We've been back a day. 165 00:06:45,989 --> 00:06:47,866 I think it's ok to take a minute to adjust. 166 00:06:48,074 --> 00:06:50,452 Easy for you to say. You're not half vampire. 167 00:06:50,660 --> 00:06:52,333 Everything for me is heightened. 168 00:06:52,537 --> 00:06:53,709 It's not just the noise. 169 00:06:53,914 --> 00:06:56,258 I'm claustrophobic. My skin is crawling. 170 00:06:56,458 --> 00:06:57,926 I'm irritable. I'm hungry. 172 00:07:00,712 --> 00:07:02,635 I wanted to be with her so badly, 173 00:07:02,839 --> 00:07:05,888 and now I am, and I just feel off. 174 00:07:06,092 --> 00:07:08,186 Well, you got to let it out. 175 00:07:08,386 --> 00:07:09,888 Well, if talking won't cut it, 176 00:07:10,096 --> 00:07:11,473 I have an idea that will. 177 00:07:11,681 --> 00:07:12,557 What are you doing? 178 00:07:12,766 --> 00:07:14,643 Calling Freya to baby-sit. 179 00:07:14,851 --> 00:07:16,569 See, this unpacking can wait, all right? 180 00:07:16,770 --> 00:07:19,068 I'm taking mommy out for the day. 181 00:07:19,272 --> 00:07:20,774 Long as this serial killer's in the news, 182 00:07:20,982 --> 00:07:23,155 cops are gonna be all over this city like a rash, 183 00:07:23,360 --> 00:07:25,613 so for now, no feeding on tourists, 184 00:07:25,820 --> 00:07:27,868 and don't even think about going near the locals. 185 00:07:28,073 --> 00:07:30,997 So what, then, puppies and bunnies? 186 00:07:31,201 --> 00:07:32,669 Josh, you can talk to our contacts 187 00:07:32,869 --> 00:07:34,337 at the blood banks and hospitals. 188 00:07:34,537 --> 00:07:36,710 Let them know you'll be coming by. 189 00:07:36,915 --> 00:07:39,668 For the rest of you, keep everyone else in line. 190 00:07:39,876 --> 00:07:41,594 All we got to do is ride it out. 191 00:07:41,795 --> 00:07:43,468 Klaus and Elijah will get it sorted out, 192 00:07:43,672 --> 00:07:45,640 and we'll be back to business in no time. 193 00:07:45,840 --> 00:07:47,638 Somehow I doubt that. 194 00:07:47,842 --> 00:07:49,719 Your current dilemma will get worse 195 00:07:49,928 --> 00:07:52,181 before it gets better. 196 00:07:52,389 --> 00:07:55,859 The good news is, I can help. 197 00:07:56,977 --> 00:07:59,355 I don't know who you are, 198 00:07:59,562 --> 00:08:01,906 but you definitely walked into the wrong place. 199 00:08:02,107 --> 00:08:03,984 I'm Aya. 200 00:08:04,192 --> 00:08:06,570 Nice to meet you, Marcel Gerard. 201 00:08:06,778 --> 00:08:08,155 Now, are you going to be rude, 202 00:08:08,363 --> 00:08:09,990 or are you going to offer me a drink? 203 00:08:10,198 --> 00:08:13,202 Hmm. I don't have time for this. Get her out of here. 204 00:08:13,410 --> 00:08:14,377 A shame. 205 00:08:14,577 --> 00:08:16,579 I'd heard you were more hospitable. 206 00:08:16,788 --> 00:08:18,256 What a disappointment. 211 00:08:24,879 --> 00:08:26,756 Thing is, iwas instructed 212 00:08:26,965 --> 00:08:29,514 not to leave without making you an offer. 213 00:08:31,011 --> 00:08:33,810 Will you hear my offer, or not? 215 00:08:37,142 --> 00:08:39,315 Lucien? 216 00:08:39,519 --> 00:08:41,613 Come out, come out, wherever you are. 217 00:08:41,813 --> 00:08:43,736 I'm afraid you missed him. 218 00:08:47,485 --> 00:08:49,112 Where is he? 219 00:08:49,320 --> 00:08:50,913 At the police station. 220 00:08:51,114 --> 00:08:53,708 A detective Kinney had some questions for him. 221 00:08:53,867 --> 00:08:56,416 And he allowed himself to be arrested? 222 00:08:56,619 --> 00:09:00,544 He has nothing to hide. 223 00:09:00,749 --> 00:09:02,922 Lucien's occupied. 224 00:09:03,126 --> 00:09:07,632 Perhaps we should entertain ourselves right here. 225 00:09:07,839 --> 00:09:11,264 Oh. Well... 226 00:09:11,468 --> 00:09:14,597 I've never been one to turn down a snack. 227 00:09:22,520 --> 00:09:24,443 Mr. Castle, 228 00:09:24,647 --> 00:09:26,775 thought you might want to see this. 229 00:09:32,072 --> 00:09:35,827 I read about this. Oh, those poor men. 230 00:09:38,119 --> 00:09:40,213 Oh, they were, in life, anything but poor-- 231 00:09:40,413 --> 00:09:42,711 Solid gold cufflinks, bulgari watches. 232 00:09:42,916 --> 00:09:44,634 Such ostentatious displays of wealth 233 00:09:44,834 --> 00:09:46,006 no doubt attracted the attention 234 00:09:46,211 --> 00:09:47,758 of some vile, criminal element. 235 00:09:47,962 --> 00:09:49,179 You seem to know a lot about the case. 236 00:09:49,380 --> 00:09:51,098 Big fan of true crime? 00:09:52,926 --> 00:09:56,021 Look at my watch, mr. Kinney, my cufflinks. 239 00:09:56,221 --> 00:09:57,438 But for a twist of fate, 240 00:09:57,639 --> 00:09:58,811 one of those faces might be mine. 241 00:09:59,015 --> 00:09:59,857 Well, you sound real frightened 242 00:10:00,058 --> 00:10:01,605 by the prospect. 243 00:10:01,810 --> 00:10:03,778 You know, in my experience, 244 00:10:03,937 --> 00:10:05,484 people like you don't believe in fate. 245 00:10:05,688 --> 00:10:07,281 They make their own luck, 246 00:10:07,482 --> 00:10:10,782 whether it's good or bad. 247 00:10:10,985 --> 00:10:13,989 Well, then I shouldn't be here long. 248 00:10:14,197 --> 00:10:16,370 People like me tend to have exceptional lawyers 249 00:10:16,574 --> 00:10:19,043 to get us out of trouble like this, 250 00:10:20,203 --> 00:10:22,205 but while I'm here, you should know 251 00:10:22,413 --> 00:10:25,792 that I do hate to be bored, 252 00:10:26,960 --> 00:10:28,382 and you bore me. 253 00:10:28,586 --> 00:10:29,883 I know that behind that mirror 254 00:10:30,088 --> 00:10:33,968 is Cami O'Connell, and I would very much like 255 00:10:34,175 --> 00:10:36,928 to talk to her alone. 00:10:59,868 --> 00:11:03,839 Pretty sure that Marcel opened this place for vampires. 261 00:11:03,997 --> 00:11:06,091 Well, you said yourself, you're part vampire. 262 00:11:06,291 --> 00:11:07,383 Figured it'd be a good place 263 00:11:07,584 --> 00:11:08,961 for you to blow off some steam. 264 00:11:09,169 --> 00:11:10,466 You might feel better if you hit something, 265 00:11:10,670 --> 00:11:11,967 even if it's me. 266 00:11:12,172 --> 00:11:13,344 I can't cut loose with you, Jack. 267 00:11:13,548 --> 00:11:15,221 You'll get hurt. 268 00:11:15,425 --> 00:11:16,642 I have an advantage, being, you know, 269 00:11:16,843 --> 00:11:18,436 I'm dead. 270 00:11:18,636 --> 00:11:20,434 Here. 271 00:11:20,638 --> 00:11:22,356 You got muscle and a bad temper, 272 00:11:22,557 --> 00:11:25,857 but I'm pretty good with one of these things, 273 00:11:26,060 --> 00:11:27,903 might make us even, 274 00:11:28,104 --> 00:11:30,448 at least enough to get a workout in. 275 00:11:31,733 --> 00:11:33,701 I get what you're doing, Jack. 276 00:11:33,902 --> 00:11:35,575 I'm just--I'm really not in the mood 277 00:11:35,778 --> 00:11:38,156 for some half-assed sparing match, so-- 00:11:40,950 --> 00:11:42,372 Are you gonna stand there whining all day, 280 00:11:42,577 --> 00:11:44,204 or you gonna show me what you got? 284 00:12:00,345 --> 00:12:02,848 That's my girl. 285 00:12:09,145 --> 00:12:10,567 No. You're not going in there. 286 00:12:10,730 --> 00:12:12,653 Vincent, he's not going to kill me 287 00:12:12,857 --> 00:12:15,781 in the middle of a police precinct. 00:12:21,074 --> 00:12:22,792 You asked to speak to me. 290 00:12:22,992 --> 00:12:24,665 Here I am, willing to listen, 291 00:12:24,869 --> 00:12:26,121 which, if I'm gonna be honest, 292 00:12:26,329 --> 00:12:27,581 is more than you deserve. 293 00:12:27,789 --> 00:12:29,382 I thought New Orleans had the same burden of proof 294 00:12:29,582 --> 00:12:31,255 as the rest of the colonies. 295 00:12:31,459 --> 00:12:34,713 What is it? Ah, yes-- Innocent until proven guilty. 296 00:12:34,921 --> 00:12:38,050 The murders started the same day you got into town. 297 00:12:38,258 --> 00:12:40,226 All the victims match a pattern, 298 00:12:40,426 --> 00:12:43,646 wealth that, uh, you yourself seem to exude, 299 00:12:43,846 --> 00:12:46,440 not to mention we know what you are. 300 00:12:46,641 --> 00:12:48,314 Hmm. 301 00:12:48,518 --> 00:12:51,271 What I am is a ruthless, 302 00:12:51,479 --> 00:12:53,732 vicious, unstoppable killer. 303 00:12:53,940 --> 00:12:55,533 That's not to say I had anything 304 00:12:55,733 --> 00:12:58,282 to do with this, far from it. 305 00:12:58,486 --> 00:13:01,330 Why bother denying it if you are what you say you are? 306 00:13:01,531 --> 00:13:03,659 Cami, you don't know me, 307 00:13:03,866 --> 00:13:05,163 but if you did, you would see 308 00:13:05,368 --> 00:13:07,666 that we were the same, 309 00:13:07,870 --> 00:13:09,918 all 3 ol= us, actually-- 310 00:13:10,123 --> 00:13:11,545 3 souls caught in the orbit 311 00:13:11,749 --> 00:13:14,593 of family Mikaelson yet somehow survived 312 00:13:14,794 --> 00:13:17,263 to tell the tale, though each of us 313 00:13:17,463 --> 00:13:20,057 has our share of scars. 317 00:13:29,642 --> 00:13:31,269 Have you two come to watch 318 00:13:31,477 --> 00:13:33,855 as Lucien receives his punishment? 319 00:13:34,063 --> 00:13:35,906 I fear I'm being atouch lenient, 320 00:13:36,107 --> 00:13:38,075 given his intentions for my sister. 321 00:13:38,276 --> 00:13:40,495 Why torture a loyal servant? 322 00:13:40,695 --> 00:13:42,697 I'm sure this is all a misunderstanding. 323 00:13:42,905 --> 00:13:45,283 One that remains outside your concern. 324 00:13:45,491 --> 00:13:47,869 As son of the count, I may discipline staff 325 00:13:48,077 --> 00:13:49,249 as I see fit. 326 00:13:49,454 --> 00:13:51,206 Should you take issue, then I'll need 327 00:13:51,414 --> 00:13:54,133 to remind you that you are a guest. 328 00:13:55,626 --> 00:13:56,752 Aah! 329 00:13:56,961 --> 00:13:59,589 Step away from him now. 331 00:14:03,718 --> 00:14:05,391 I know what you are. 332 00:14:05,595 --> 00:14:07,222 Our house servants speak of demons 333 00:14:07,430 --> 00:14:08,647 hunting in the night. 334 00:14:08,848 --> 00:14:11,146 I myself interviewed one such maiden, 335 00:14:11,351 --> 00:14:13,069 quite pretty, thus far, 336 00:14:13,269 --> 00:14:15,067 the only survivor of these attacks. 337 00:14:15,271 --> 00:14:17,069 I asked what manner of creature 338 00:14:17,273 --> 00:14:18,741 had hunted her. 339 00:14:18,941 --> 00:14:20,739 She said she was certain 340 00:14:20,943 --> 00:14:22,911 it was the lord Kol 341 00:14:23,112 --> 00:14:25,285 but with the face of a beast. 342 00:14:25,490 --> 00:14:27,834 Your entire family sought refuge here 343 00:14:28,034 --> 00:14:29,707 claiming to be noblemen when, 344 00:14:29,911 --> 00:14:31,413 in fact, you are fiends. 345 00:14:31,621 --> 00:14:33,840 I can only surmise that you are hiding, 346 00:14:34,040 --> 00:14:36,634 which means you're afraid. 347 00:14:36,834 --> 00:14:38,632 Somewhere out there, something 348 00:14:38,836 --> 00:14:41,305 is even more savage than you. 350 00:14:48,846 --> 00:14:52,191 This is not going to be pleasant. 00:14:54,977 --> 00:14:57,605 Do so at your peril, 353 00:14:57,814 --> 00:15:01,364 but should any misfortune befall me, 354 00:15:01,567 --> 00:15:02,989 know that I have instructed 355 00:15:03,194 --> 00:15:04,537 my fastest riders to spread word 356 00:15:04,737 --> 00:15:06,364 of your presence here. 357 00:15:06,572 --> 00:15:08,415 Whomever seeks you 358 00:15:08,616 --> 00:15:10,038 would most certainly hear the news. 359 00:15:10,243 --> 00:15:12,621 Niklaus, release him. 360 00:15:14,205 --> 00:15:15,707 Please. 361 00:15:22,088 --> 00:15:24,136 See? We're not so different, after all. 362 00:15:24,340 --> 00:15:26,843 You wish to protect your family. 363 00:15:27,051 --> 00:15:30,726 I wish to protect mine. 00:15:47,697 --> 00:15:49,040 Even after all these years, 368 00:15:49,240 --> 00:15:51,242 you continue to re-enact your trauma. 369 00:15:51,451 --> 00:15:53,795 You're choosing victims who are the contemporary equivalent 370 00:15:53,995 --> 00:15:57,215 of the privileged son who hurt you. 372 00:16:00,960 --> 00:16:03,713 I share a deeply personal tale of woe, 373 00:16:03,921 --> 00:16:05,423 one meant to garnish sympathy 374 00:16:05,631 --> 00:16:08,350 and inspire kinship, yet all you take away 375 00:16:08,551 --> 00:16:11,020 is an admission of guilt. 376 00:16:11,220 --> 00:16:13,063 Messed-up new guy comes to town, 377 00:16:13,264 --> 00:16:16,359 messed-up new guy is responsible for murders. 378 00:16:16,559 --> 00:16:18,232 Uh, ok. Heh. 379 00:16:18,436 --> 00:16:20,438 Given that you seem incapable of comprehending 380 00:16:20,646 --> 00:16:22,398 a sophisticated solution, allow me to posit 381 00:16:22,607 --> 00:16:24,280 an equally simple one. 382 00:16:24,484 --> 00:16:27,488 These murders are an attempt to disparage my good name, 383 00:16:27,653 --> 00:16:29,747 thus poisoning me against the one person 384 00:16:29,947 --> 00:16:33,497 I came here to protect-- Niklaus himself. 385 00:16:33,701 --> 00:16:35,499 Now, if someone wants to weaken 386 00:16:35,703 --> 00:16:38,081 my ability to protect Niklaus, 387 00:16:38,289 --> 00:16:41,133 perhaps it's because they themselves 388 00:16:41,334 --> 00:16:43,382 would like to see him dead. 389 00:16:47,632 --> 00:16:50,727 I have to say, I'm impressed. 390 00:16:50,927 --> 00:16:52,224 Given that I'm 3 times your age, 391 00:16:52,428 --> 00:16:54,101 you held your own quite well. 392 00:16:54,305 --> 00:16:57,104 That's me. Never know when to quit. 393 00:16:57,308 --> 00:16:59,060 Uh! 394 00:17:00,728 --> 00:17:01,570 Ah... 395 00:17:01,771 --> 00:17:03,068 I suspect we could go at this 396 00:17:03,272 --> 00:17:06,276 for quite some time, but, as I said, 397 00:17:06,484 --> 00:17:08,782 I've been instructed to make you an offer, 398 00:17:08,986 --> 00:17:10,329 and since you seem so intent 399 00:17:10,530 --> 00:17:11,702 on defending your humble abode 400 00:17:11,906 --> 00:17:13,032 and maintaining your reputation in front 401 00:17:13,241 --> 00:17:15,039 of this motley retinue, we'll 402 00:17:15,243 --> 00:17:19,089 adjourn to somewhere more appropriate. 403 00:17:20,206 --> 00:17:22,425 Ah! Uh! 404 00:17:22,625 --> 00:17:23,968 Uhh... 00:17:27,171 --> 00:17:28,639 Huh. 00:17:35,930 --> 00:17:37,978 Ohh... 409 00:17:42,687 --> 00:17:45,566 How much longer is this going to take? 410 00:17:45,773 --> 00:17:47,992 Elijah and I can begin now, 411 00:17:48,192 --> 00:17:49,284 but just us. 412 00:17:49,485 --> 00:17:50,907 Sadly, I've already shown you what visions 413 00:17:51,070 --> 00:17:52,822 of yours I've managed to divine. 414 00:17:53,030 --> 00:17:54,247 The warning was for both of us-- 415 00:17:54,407 --> 00:17:55,408 Friend, foe, and family. 416 00:17:55,616 --> 00:17:57,744 I'd like to see his, please. 417 00:17:59,996 --> 00:18:02,590 Since family is one of your concerns 418 00:18:02,748 --> 00:18:04,295 and you two are brothers, 419 00:18:04,500 --> 00:18:07,128 are you so sure you want to see 420 00:18:07,336 --> 00:18:10,465 what I have to show you? 421 00:18:12,550 --> 00:18:15,929 Oh, I never could resist a good spoiler. 422 00:18:38,659 --> 00:18:41,538 Well, at least your visions were specific. 423 00:18:41,746 --> 00:18:44,750 It seems Lucien has intentions for Camille. 424 00:18:44,957 --> 00:18:48,382 And what of Marcel, family and friend? 425 00:18:48,586 --> 00:18:50,338 Where do his loyalties lie? 426 00:18:50,546 --> 00:18:51,638 Find him and question him. 427 00:18:51,839 --> 00:18:52,806 And where are you going? 428 00:18:53,007 --> 00:18:54,509 I'm going to eliminate an old friend 429 00:18:54,717 --> 00:18:57,891 before he gets his teeth into my therapist. 436 00:19:14,320 --> 00:19:15,367 Come on. Focus. 438 00:19:16,864 --> 00:19:18,787 Every full moon, every time I would 439 00:19:18,991 --> 00:19:20,743 turn human, I would look at our pack, 440 00:19:20,951 --> 00:19:23,204 at you, and all I could think about was-- 441 00:19:23,412 --> 00:19:24,834 - Blood. I get it. - No, Jack. 442 00:19:25,039 --> 00:19:26,916 You don't get it. It wasn't just blood. 443 00:19:27,124 --> 00:19:28,421 It was-- 444 00:19:30,544 --> 00:19:34,139 It was Klaus-- What he did to us, 445 00:19:34,340 --> 00:19:36,638 his gloating, Davina using us. 446 00:19:36,842 --> 00:19:38,844 If she blows out that candle, 447 00:19:39,053 --> 00:19:40,851 we're back to being wolves, 448 00:19:41,055 --> 00:19:42,102 and what if I'm holding hope? 449 00:19:42,306 --> 00:19:43,523 You ain't gonna hurt her. 450 00:19:43,724 --> 00:19:46,068 Every day, every day, all I can think about 451 00:19:46,268 --> 00:19:48,316 is ripping everything apart. 452 00:19:48,521 --> 00:19:49,522 Ok. Well, come on, then. 453 00:19:49,730 --> 00:19:51,073 Get it out of your system, all right? 454 00:19:51,273 --> 00:19:52,650 Are you gonna stand there feeling sorry for yourself? 00:19:54,944 --> 00:19:56,867 Uh! Uh! 457 00:19:57,071 --> 00:20:00,746 Jack, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. 458 00:20:07,331 --> 00:20:10,050 Uh... 459 00:20:10,251 --> 00:20:12,253 You should go. 460 00:20:13,838 --> 00:20:15,681 I'm not going anywhere. 461 00:20:17,550 --> 00:20:20,645 I'm not afraid, Hayley. 479 00:21:07,057 --> 00:21:10,061 Oh, god. 480 00:21:10,269 --> 00:21:12,772 Joshua... 481 00:21:12,938 --> 00:21:14,440 Would you kindly enlighten me 482 00:21:14,607 --> 00:21:17,531 as to what happened here? 483 00:21:17,735 --> 00:21:20,784 Ohh...god, this woman. 484 00:21:20,988 --> 00:21:22,661 What woman? 485 00:21:22,865 --> 00:21:24,833 I don't know. 486 00:21:25,034 --> 00:21:27,878 She walked in like she owned the place, 487 00:21:28,078 --> 00:21:30,501 said she had to talk to Marcel in private. 488 00:21:30,706 --> 00:21:32,708 We tried to get rid of her, and, boom, 489 00:21:32,917 --> 00:21:35,136 smackdown city, which, obviously, 490 00:21:35,336 --> 00:21:37,259 went quite well. 491 00:21:42,384 --> 00:21:45,479 Did this woman happen to have a name? 492 00:21:45,679 --> 00:21:49,149 I don't know. Um, Aya? 493 00:21:50,434 --> 00:21:52,152 Aya. Let me guess-- 494 00:21:52,353 --> 00:21:55,277 5'7", built like a goddess, vicious as a viper. 495 00:21:55,481 --> 00:21:57,654 So you know her. 496 00:21:57,858 --> 00:22:00,828 I sired her. 00:22:09,036 --> 00:22:12,506 You're an intelligent man, so I won't insult you. 499 00:22:12,706 --> 00:22:15,710 We both know that nothing you say proves anything, 500 00:22:15,918 --> 00:22:18,922 so what I want to know is why you asked to speak to me. 501 00:22:19,129 --> 00:22:21,097 Why tell me your story? 502 00:22:21,298 --> 00:22:22,971 Is it because I know Klaus and part of you 503 00:22:23,175 --> 00:22:24,927 must still blame him? 504 00:22:25,135 --> 00:22:26,261 Maybe you want to make him look bad 505 00:22:26,470 --> 00:22:28,268 in the eyes of a friend. 506 00:22:28,472 --> 00:22:30,566 Ha ha! I'm so-- 507 00:22:30,766 --> 00:22:34,771 Oh, now I know why Klaus is so taken with you, 508 00:22:34,979 --> 00:22:37,528 that delicious, mortal mind framing 509 00:22:37,731 --> 00:22:40,860 every moment of your meager life span. 510 00:22:41,068 --> 00:22:42,365 Huh? 511 00:22:44,113 --> 00:22:47,458 The truth is, I know you have Klaus' ear, 512 00:22:47,658 --> 00:22:50,161 and I need him to trust me. 513 00:22:50,369 --> 00:22:51,916 As for your claim that I blame him 514 00:22:52,121 --> 00:22:55,967 for my ancient wounds, well, time heals all wounds, 515 00:22:56,166 --> 00:23:00,342 and my wounds healed a thousand years ago. 516 00:23:03,507 --> 00:23:05,180 Uh... 517 00:23:06,302 --> 00:23:09,476 I brought you water. Drink. 518 00:23:09,680 --> 00:23:11,102 Mm. 00:23:12,600 --> 00:23:14,648 Ugh-- 521 00:23:14,852 --> 00:23:15,944 Oh... 522 00:23:16,145 --> 00:23:17,647 What did you do to me? 523 00:23:20,774 --> 00:23:22,276 Oh... 524 00:23:26,030 --> 00:23:29,375 I am sorry, my friend. 00:23:34,288 --> 00:23:36,962 Are you mad? 528 00:23:37,166 --> 00:23:39,134 You know what I am. 529 00:23:39,335 --> 00:23:40,837 Uh! 530 00:23:41,045 --> 00:23:42,638 This rage is pointless. 532 00:23:44,465 --> 00:23:46,968 You cannot hurt me! 00:24:09,198 --> 00:24:12,042 My blood... 538 00:24:12,242 --> 00:24:14,165 Healed you. 539 00:24:19,959 --> 00:24:21,961 I am like you? 540 00:24:23,754 --> 00:24:26,507 Of course, I wasn't, not yet, 541 00:24:26,715 --> 00:24:28,763 not that it would have mattered, anyway. 542 00:24:28,968 --> 00:24:30,436 All I wanted was revenge. 544 00:24:32,012 --> 00:24:33,514 Tristan. 545 00:24:33,722 --> 00:24:37,443 How, by all that is damned, are you free? 00:24:48,445 --> 00:24:50,072 No. 550 00:24:52,533 --> 00:24:56,288 And so I died for a little while. 551 00:24:56,495 --> 00:24:59,499 Talk about trauma, not the wounds themselves 552 00:24:59,707 --> 00:25:03,803 or even the execution, but the humiliation 553 00:25:04,003 --> 00:25:07,132 of being judged by one's supposed betters. 554 00:25:07,339 --> 00:25:10,218 I will never again stand for such judgment... 555 00:25:14,138 --> 00:25:16,061 Though for you, Camille, 556 00:25:16,265 --> 00:25:19,565 I will gladly declare my innocence. 557 00:25:19,768 --> 00:25:21,441 In fact, I can prove it. 558 00:25:21,645 --> 00:25:23,022 Prove it how? 559 00:25:23,188 --> 00:25:25,657 Well, if by nothing else, then, perhaps, logic. 560 00:25:25,858 --> 00:25:27,826 Why should I undermine my own safety 561 00:25:28,027 --> 00:25:30,280 by leaving behind a trail of dead bodies? 562 00:25:30,487 --> 00:25:33,161 I mean, why commit myself to these preposterous murders? 563 00:25:33,365 --> 00:25:36,494 Unlike my enemies, I have nothing to gain. 564 00:25:36,702 --> 00:25:38,454 Your enemies? 565 00:25:38,662 --> 00:25:40,380 You really think someone is trying to frame you for this? 566 00:25:40,581 --> 00:25:41,833 Who? 567 00:25:42,041 --> 00:25:44,043 Now, isn't that the question we should be asking, 568 00:25:44,251 --> 00:25:47,630 and how fortunate it's one I can answer? 569 00:25:47,838 --> 00:25:49,511 I'd have thought your time with me would inspire 570 00:25:49,715 --> 00:25:51,467 a more careful selection of company you keep. 571 00:25:51,675 --> 00:25:52,847 We're leaving. 572 00:25:53,052 --> 00:25:54,770 Klaus, he says he knows who the killer is. 573 00:25:54,970 --> 00:25:56,222 Whatever Lucien's said to you today 574 00:25:56,430 --> 00:25:57,852 has more certainly been a lie. 575 00:25:58,057 --> 00:25:59,730 Oh, come on, Nik. Why should I lie? 576 00:25:59,892 --> 00:26:02,111 For the same reason you lied about avoiding a werewolf bite 577 00:26:02,311 --> 00:26:04,405 when Elijah saw it with his own eyes. 578 00:26:04,605 --> 00:26:06,073 This ends now. 579 00:26:06,273 --> 00:26:08,776 Then you're giving Tristan the victory he seeks. 580 00:26:08,984 --> 00:26:11,282 He is the guilty one. 581 00:26:13,989 --> 00:26:16,993 I'm going to need a word with Lucien 582 00:26:17,201 --> 00:26:18,373 in private. 583 00:26:19,870 --> 00:26:22,544 Come on, Camille. 584 00:26:26,085 --> 00:26:27,712 Ah... 585 00:26:31,590 --> 00:26:34,434 Uh...uhh... 586 00:26:34,635 --> 00:26:37,184 What the hell did you do to me? 587 00:26:37,387 --> 00:26:40,266 Scratched you with a toxin of my own devising. 588 00:26:40,474 --> 00:26:42,943 Kicks like a mule, doesn't it? 589 00:26:43,143 --> 00:26:45,862 Here. This should help. 590 00:26:46,063 --> 00:26:48,065 Plenty more where that came from. 591 00:26:48,273 --> 00:26:49,525 My friends and I could help 592 00:26:49,733 --> 00:26:52,907 with your daylight ring situation, as well. 593 00:26:55,197 --> 00:26:58,121 Ok. Now you have my attention. 594 00:26:58,283 --> 00:27:00,456 Marcel Gerard, 595 00:27:00,661 --> 00:27:02,584 you were turned by an original, 596 00:27:02,788 --> 00:27:04,586 yet you made yourself in your own image. 597 00:27:04,790 --> 00:27:07,009 You built a vampire community from ash, 598 00:27:07,209 --> 00:27:10,053 and this city thrived under your rule. 599 00:27:10,254 --> 00:27:12,723 Let us help you return New Orleans 600 00:27:12,923 --> 00:27:16,769 to what it should be with you as its king. 601 00:27:18,929 --> 00:27:20,977 A great sales pitch, really. 602 00:27:21,181 --> 00:27:25,607 Just one thing-- Who's us? 603 00:27:25,811 --> 00:27:27,484 The oldest society of vampires 604 00:27:27,688 --> 00:27:29,406 this world has ever known. 605 00:27:29,606 --> 00:27:31,700 We are called the Strix. 606 00:27:31,900 --> 00:27:34,153 Quite the prestigious organization 607 00:27:34,361 --> 00:27:36,159 responsible for countless wars, 608 00:27:36,363 --> 00:27:38,161 numerous plagues, assassinations. 609 00:27:38,323 --> 00:27:40,246 You have to break rules 610 00:27:40,450 --> 00:27:43,169 if you want to build a new world. 611 00:27:44,872 --> 00:27:48,718 Hello, Elijah. It's been a while. 612 00:27:48,917 --> 00:27:50,590 You two know each other. 613 00:27:50,794 --> 00:27:52,137 Intimately. 614 00:27:53,797 --> 00:27:54,969 Ugh... 615 00:27:55,174 --> 00:27:57,176 What ever you are doing here, 616 00:27:57,384 --> 00:27:59,227 I know you're not alone. 617 00:27:59,428 --> 00:28:01,351 Let her go, Elijah. 618 00:28:01,555 --> 00:28:04,104 No need for this to become vulgar. 00:28:05,559 --> 00:28:07,732 And...there he ls-- 621 00:28:09,563 --> 00:28:11,190 Tristan. 00:28:21,283 --> 00:28:22,409 You go left? I go right? 624 00:28:22,618 --> 00:28:25,667 Why don't you stay where I can see you? 625 00:28:25,871 --> 00:28:27,748 It's been ages since I've enjoyed 626 00:28:27,956 --> 00:28:31,210 a good scrap, but, uh, it's not why I'm here. 627 00:28:36,215 --> 00:28:37,808 Mr. Mikaelson and I require the room. 628 00:28:38,008 --> 00:28:38,930 Please leave us. 629 00:28:47,935 --> 00:28:51,485 Elijah, your sire line, 630 00:28:51,688 --> 00:28:53,440 your life is at stake. 631 00:28:53,649 --> 00:28:57,153 You want to hear what I have to say? 632 00:28:57,361 --> 00:28:59,989 Marcellus, please... 633 00:29:01,907 --> 00:29:03,875 And you would do well to be selective 634 00:29:04,076 --> 00:29:05,703 about the company you keep in future. 635 00:29:07,955 --> 00:29:10,128 Maybe you should remember who your friends are. 636 00:29:10,332 --> 00:29:12,835 It looks like you're gonna need them. 637 00:29:14,544 --> 00:29:17,172 What ever Tristan's role in this charade may be, 638 00:29:17,381 --> 00:29:20,055 have no fear, I will discover it. 639 00:29:20,259 --> 00:29:23,012 First, I'm going to drain you of vervain. 640 00:29:23,220 --> 00:29:24,938 Then I'm going to ask you a few questions, 641 00:29:25,097 --> 00:29:27,976 and once you've answered if I'm feeling sentimental, 642 00:29:28,183 --> 00:29:30,277 perhaps I'll grant you a painless death. 643 00:29:30,477 --> 00:29:33,151 Please. Enough posturing. 644 00:29:33,355 --> 00:29:34,777 Ask me anything you want. 645 00:29:34,982 --> 00:29:37,861 As I've said, I am only here to protect you. 646 00:29:38,068 --> 00:29:41,072 And yet you lied about your werewolf bite. Why? 647 00:29:41,280 --> 00:29:43,248 I simply didn't want to bother you. 648 00:29:43,448 --> 00:29:44,870 Don't you have greater concerns 649 00:29:45,075 --> 00:29:47,794 than a little wolf bite that I can cure on my own? 650 00:29:49,454 --> 00:29:52,458 Let's discuss these absurd murders. 651 00:29:52,666 --> 00:29:54,794 If it were true that I was scattering bodies about 652 00:29:55,002 --> 00:29:56,925 and scarring up faces, then you'd be right 653 00:29:57,129 --> 00:29:59,632 to assume I'm mentally unstable-- 654 00:29:59,840 --> 00:30:03,219 I'm not, by the way-- But who would benefit most 655 00:30:03,427 --> 00:30:05,304 from you thinking that I am? 656 00:30:05,512 --> 00:30:07,105 - Who else but Tristan? - Ah. 657 00:30:07,306 --> 00:30:08,853 Because if you don't trust me, 658 00:30:09,057 --> 00:30:11,151 if you kill me and are forced to stand alone, 659 00:30:11,351 --> 00:30:13,695 wouldn't that benefit him? 660 00:30:16,231 --> 00:30:18,825 It's a very interesting theory, 661 00:30:19,026 --> 00:30:24,908 only I don't need your protection. 662 00:30:25,115 --> 00:30:27,709 I'm quite capable of protecting myself. 663 00:30:27,909 --> 00:30:30,037 Undoubtedly, 664 00:30:30,245 --> 00:30:32,122 but who looks after your family, hmm, 665 00:30:32,331 --> 00:30:34,925 your friends, Camille, for instance? 666 00:30:35,125 --> 00:30:37,844 Such associations make you vu inerable 667 00:30:38,045 --> 00:30:39,922 and, thus, in need of me. 00:30:44,343 --> 00:30:45,890 What the hell are you doing here? 670 00:30:46,094 --> 00:30:48,768 I'm Mr. Castle's legal consult, 671 00:30:48,972 --> 00:30:51,851 here to ensure justice is served. 672 00:30:52,059 --> 00:30:53,857 Hmm. Well, your client's 673 00:30:54,061 --> 00:30:55,278 not gonna need you today. 674 00:30:55,479 --> 00:30:56,651 We found another body. 675 00:30:56,855 --> 00:30:58,277 This one's fresh. 676 00:30:58,482 --> 00:31:00,075 It couldn't have been you. 677 00:31:00,275 --> 00:31:02,323 You're free to go, mr. Castle. 678 00:31:02,527 --> 00:31:05,030 Don't leave town. 679 00:31:05,197 --> 00:31:08,747 And, like a phoenix, I rise. 680 00:31:10,994 --> 00:31:14,248 Do think about what I said, Nik. 681 00:31:20,337 --> 00:31:24,638 You waltz into my city unannounced 682 00:31:24,841 --> 00:31:27,390 with your flock of sycophants 683 00:31:27,594 --> 00:31:28,971 flaunting news of a threat. 684 00:31:29,179 --> 00:31:31,523 All the while, your little lapdog Aya 685 00:31:31,723 --> 00:31:34,442 is conspiring with none other than Marcel Gerard. 686 00:31:34,643 --> 00:31:36,737 "Conspiring." How grandiose. 687 00:31:36,895 --> 00:31:38,112 I thought I was the one 688 00:31:38,313 --> 00:31:39,155 with a flair for the dramatic. 689 00:31:39,356 --> 00:31:40,949 Watch your tongue. 690 00:31:44,069 --> 00:31:47,323 I am not the patient, 691 00:31:47,531 --> 00:31:49,750 fun-loving social butterfly 692 00:31:49,950 --> 00:31:53,170 you might recall. 693 00:31:53,370 --> 00:31:55,418 Your Marcel is a potential recruit. 694 00:31:55,622 --> 00:31:56,874 He has nothing to do with 695 00:31:57,082 --> 00:31:58,379 the larger issue we face. 696 00:31:58,583 --> 00:32:00,301 The larger issue? 697 00:32:00,502 --> 00:32:02,004 You've no doubt heard about the war 698 00:32:02,212 --> 00:32:04,340 between the sire lines. 699 00:32:04,548 --> 00:32:06,266 Well, as it happens, your line, 700 00:32:06,466 --> 00:32:08,218 thanks to my Strix, has wreaked all manner 701 00:32:08,427 --> 00:32:11,021 of havoc on Lucien and his assorted interests. 702 00:32:11,221 --> 00:32:13,269 As a result, he's desperate to exterminate 703 00:32:13,473 --> 00:32:16,272 the lot of us--me, Aya, everyone you sired. 704 00:32:16,476 --> 00:32:17,898 Of course, the economical way 705 00:32:18,103 --> 00:32:19,400 to complete this task would be for him 706 00:32:19,604 --> 00:32:22,323 to kill you. 707 00:32:22,524 --> 00:32:24,367 You don't believe me. 708 00:32:24,568 --> 00:32:27,071 Perhaps you underestimate Lucien's ambition. 709 00:32:27,279 --> 00:32:28,701 While I doubt he'd have the gall 710 00:32:28,905 --> 00:32:30,578 to attack you directly, I believe he might try 711 00:32:30,782 --> 00:32:33,001 and find someone else to do it, 712 00:32:33,201 --> 00:32:36,956 namely Niklaus. 713 00:32:37,164 --> 00:32:39,007 What makes you so certain that Niklaus 714 00:32:39,207 --> 00:32:41,926 would select Lucien over his own family? 715 00:32:42,127 --> 00:32:43,299 From what I hear, 716 00:32:43,503 --> 00:32:44,720 he tortured his friend Marcel, 717 00:32:44,921 --> 00:32:46,047 cursed the mother of his child, 718 00:32:46,256 --> 00:32:48,054 and burned your paramour in front of you, 719 00:32:48,258 --> 00:32:49,931 all because he thought it the logical way 720 00:32:50,135 --> 00:32:51,808 to defeat his enemy. 721 00:32:51,970 --> 00:32:53,938 With Lucien in his ear, 722 00:32:54,139 --> 00:32:55,891 how long before the logical thing 723 00:32:56,099 --> 00:32:57,851 is to get rid of you? 724 00:32:58,059 --> 00:32:59,732 Well, how very fortunate, indeed, then, 725 00:32:59,936 --> 00:33:01,779 Niklaus is on his way right now 726 00:33:01,980 --> 00:33:04,950 to put Lucien out of our collective misery. 727 00:33:05,150 --> 00:33:06,242 You have to stop him. 728 00:33:06,443 --> 00:33:07,535 And why would I do that? 729 00:33:07,736 --> 00:33:08,953 Lucien's seer believes there's an object 730 00:33:09,154 --> 00:33:10,747 capable of killing you. 731 00:33:10,947 --> 00:33:12,164 I'm well aware. 732 00:33:12,365 --> 00:33:13,412 Well, I don't have it. 733 00:33:13,617 --> 00:33:14,493 I'm quite certain my sister 734 00:33:14,701 --> 00:33:16,248 doesn't have it, either. 735 00:33:16,453 --> 00:33:17,545 Logically, then, one must assume 736 00:33:17,746 --> 00:33:20,124 that Lucien has it or he knows where it is. 737 00:33:20,332 --> 00:33:22,585 If he dies, none of us will find it, 738 00:33:22,792 --> 00:33:24,089 not until some other assassin 739 00:33:24,294 --> 00:33:26,888 attempts to use it against you. 740 00:33:27,088 --> 00:33:29,011 If you've any hope of finding that 741 00:33:29,216 --> 00:33:31,059 which can kill us all, 742 00:33:31,259 --> 00:33:33,432 Niklaus needs to be stopped. 00:33:54,950 --> 00:33:57,294 For the record, Vincent thinks you should kill him, 745 00:33:57,494 --> 00:33:58,916 but you can't execute someone 746 00:33:59,120 --> 00:34:00,497 without, you know, due process. 747 00:34:00,705 --> 00:34:03,254 Are we really going to have a legal debate about this? 748 00:34:03,458 --> 00:34:05,256 He said something 749 00:34:05,460 --> 00:34:07,963 about rising like a phoenix. 750 00:34:08,171 --> 00:34:10,424 What did that mean? 751 00:34:10,632 --> 00:34:13,476 Lucien has a taste for hyperbole, 752 00:34:13,677 --> 00:34:17,102 although in this case, he's rather on point. 753 00:34:28,108 --> 00:34:29,906 Do you really think it was your blood 754 00:34:30,110 --> 00:34:31,202 that healed him? 755 00:34:31,403 --> 00:34:33,201 I saw it with my own eyes. 756 00:34:33,405 --> 00:34:36,625 When I found his body, I tried to feed him more, 757 00:34:36,825 --> 00:34:41,797 and...nothing. 758 00:34:44,332 --> 00:34:46,380 So then we-- 759 00:34:46,585 --> 00:34:49,509 We only heal the living. 760 00:34:49,713 --> 00:34:52,091 That's peculiar. 761 00:34:54,050 --> 00:34:56,394 I know this can't be easy for you, brother. 00:35:17,365 --> 00:35:18,742 What.. 767 00:35:24,205 --> 00:35:27,755 He's the first person you ever turned. 768 00:35:27,959 --> 00:35:29,802 Is that why this is so hard for you, 769 00:35:30,003 --> 00:35:32,973 because he's the first of your sire line? 770 00:35:41,181 --> 00:35:43,309 Klaus, if he's not lying, 771 00:35:43,516 --> 00:35:45,518 if he is telling the truth, if he is here to help you, 772 00:35:45,727 --> 00:35:48,105 you don't have to kill him. 773 00:35:48,313 --> 00:35:50,111 Camille, so eager to keep me 774 00:35:50,315 --> 00:35:52,909 from a mistake I might regret. 775 00:35:53,109 --> 00:35:56,784 It means more than you know. 777 00:36:22,931 --> 00:36:23,978 We should talk. 778 00:36:24,182 --> 00:36:25,354 It's too late for that. 779 00:36:25,517 --> 00:36:27,019 Lucien has to die. You said so yourself. 780 00:36:27,185 --> 00:36:29,529 I have new information. 781 00:36:29,729 --> 00:36:32,357 Brother, if you desire any kind of reconciliation 782 00:36:32,565 --> 00:36:35,694 with me, stay your hand. 00:36:48,248 --> 00:36:50,546 Ahh... 785 00:36:50,750 --> 00:36:52,878 Ah...oh. 786 00:36:54,546 --> 00:36:55,889 Ha ha ha! 787 00:36:56,089 --> 00:36:58,888 Oh, you do not know all that you are missing. 788 00:36:59,092 --> 00:37:02,016 Ahh...hoo! 789 00:37:02,220 --> 00:37:03,972 Ah...ah... 790 00:37:04,180 --> 00:37:06,603 I feel as though I have left the fog of winter 791 00:37:06,808 --> 00:37:09,732 to enter the most glorious springtime. 792 00:37:09,936 --> 00:37:12,530 Please. My family. 793 00:37:12,731 --> 00:37:15,200 Lucien, no. 794 00:37:15,400 --> 00:37:17,448 Th--this will not go unnoticed. 795 00:37:17,652 --> 00:37:18,904 Now we will have to leave. 796 00:37:19,112 --> 00:37:20,534 I know you despise me. 797 00:37:20,739 --> 00:37:22,833 Uh, no. Ha ha ha! Not anymore. 798 00:37:23,032 --> 00:37:26,332 Ah, this change in me. 799 00:37:26,536 --> 00:37:31,383 We are as alike now as brothers, are we not? 800 00:37:31,583 --> 00:37:35,554 It seems so. 801 00:37:35,754 --> 00:37:37,506 Then teach me, Niklaus. 802 00:37:37,714 --> 00:37:40,467 Uh... 803 00:37:40,675 --> 00:37:43,224 Teach me to be what we are. 804 00:37:47,682 --> 00:37:49,855 Gladly. 806 00:37:53,855 --> 00:37:56,324 And now I reap what I sowed. 807 00:37:56,524 --> 00:37:59,528 I should have killed him in that chapel. 808 00:37:59,736 --> 00:38:02,660 Yet you played right alongside him, 809 00:38:02,864 --> 00:38:04,411 succumbing to your savagery. 810 00:38:04,616 --> 00:38:06,618 He brought out the worst in you, Niklaus. 811 00:38:06,826 --> 00:38:08,703 We brought out the worst in each other. 812 00:38:10,538 --> 00:38:12,961 In some ways, we made each other who we are. 813 00:38:13,166 --> 00:38:15,134 Well, the moment we have that weapon, 814 00:38:15,335 --> 00:38:18,885 we will end him, he and Tristan. 815 00:38:20,423 --> 00:38:24,428 It is good to hear that word again-- 816 00:38:24,636 --> 00:38:27,435 "we-" 817 00:38:27,639 --> 00:38:29,858 it's pu re ly circumstantial, 818 00:38:30,058 --> 00:38:31,901 let me assure you, brother. 819 00:38:32,101 --> 00:38:33,944 This is not forgiveness. 820 00:38:43,029 --> 00:38:45,077 I've claimed righteousness 821 00:38:45,281 --> 00:38:49,286 in my actions towards you and Hayley... 822 00:38:50,829 --> 00:38:52,376 But perhaps I did stray 823 00:38:52,580 --> 00:38:54,799 a little too far from the shores of reason. 824 00:38:58,044 --> 00:39:00,547 Freya's prophecy speaks 825 00:39:00,755 --> 00:39:03,804 of family against family, 826 00:39:04,008 --> 00:39:06,477 and I want you to know... 827 00:39:11,891 --> 00:39:15,191 You will never fall by my hand. 829 00:39:47,385 --> 00:39:48,853 Dude, is it just me, or is vampire blood, 830 00:39:49,053 --> 00:39:50,179 like, a thousand times harder 831 00:39:50,388 --> 00:39:51,935 to get out than normal blood? 833 00:39:55,310 --> 00:39:57,187 Hey, you ok? 834 00:39:58,479 --> 00:40:00,902 I'm not sure what's more annoying, 835 00:40:01,107 --> 00:40:03,701 the Strix coming into my home 836 00:40:03,902 --> 00:40:06,200 or Elijah dismissing me like some kid. 839 00:40:18,875 --> 00:40:21,298 So now what, back to square one? 840 00:40:21,502 --> 00:40:23,925 If Lucien isn't the killer... 841 00:40:24,088 --> 00:40:26,682 Then what the hell are we really dealing with? 851 00:41:02,251 --> 00:41:03,924 Tristan, it's me. 852 00:41:04,128 --> 00:41:07,382 I've been feeling a little cooped up, 853 00:41:07,590 --> 00:41:09,558 so I've decided to cut my stay short. 854 00:41:09,759 --> 00:41:11,887 I'll be in New Orleans shortly. 855 00:41:12,095 --> 00:41:15,349 Don't start the party without me.