2 00:00:02,503 --> 00:00:04,631 If this prophecy is fulfilled, 3 00:00:04,838 --> 00:00:05,839 you will all fall, 4 00:00:06,048 --> 00:00:07,015 one by friend, 5 00:00:07,216 --> 00:00:08,843 one by foe and one... 6 00:00:09,051 --> 00:00:09,847 By family. 7 00:00:10,010 --> 00:00:11,136 They've transformed me 8 00:00:11,345 --> 00:00:12,767 into something new. 9 00:00:12,971 --> 00:00:13,938 My bite is lethal. 10 00:00:14,932 --> 00:00:15,774 Don't be afraid. 11 00:00:15,974 --> 00:00:18,022 You will find pea ce. 12 00:00:18,227 --> 00:00:18,853 The ancestors want you to kill me. 13 00:00:19,061 --> 00:00:19,687 Eventually, 14 00:00:19,895 --> 00:00:21,021 I'll give in. 15 00:00:21,230 --> 00:00:22,402 Witch spirits can be brought 16 00:00:22,606 --> 00:00:23,823 back from the dead, so that is 17 00:00:24,024 --> 00:00:25,651 exactly what we are going to do. 18 00:00:25,859 --> 00:00:27,111 To make Lucien killable, I will have 19 00:00:27,319 --> 00:00:28,536 to break the circle that protects Davina. 20 00:00:28,737 --> 00:00:30,205 Freya, that will destroy her. 21 00:00:30,405 --> 00:00:31,122 What happened? 22 00:00:31,323 --> 00:00:32,040 The ancestors got to her first. 23 00:00:32,241 --> 00:00:33,208 Where the bloody hell is she?! 25 00:00:34,743 --> 00:00:36,086 That's it, man. She's gone. 26 00:00:36,286 --> 00:00:37,082 What happened to Davina, 27 00:00:37,287 --> 00:00:38,163 cannot go unanswered. 28 00:00:38,372 --> 00:00:39,544 Same stuff that made Lucien. 29 00:00:39,748 --> 00:00:41,216 I extracted it from Aurora's heart. 30 00:00:41,416 --> 00:00:43,669 New Orleans is our home, Marcel, 31 00:00:43,877 --> 00:00:45,879 and it's time we took it back. 33 00:00:57,808 --> 00:00:59,651 Say not in grief, 34 00:00:59,851 --> 00:01:02,900 that she is no more, 35 00:01:03,105 --> 00:01:05,107 but be thankful that she ever was... 36 00:01:07,109 --> 00:01:09,862 ...and though she was taken far too soon, 37 00:01:10,070 --> 00:01:11,322 may her enduring light 38 00:01:11,530 --> 00:01:14,079 show us a way through this darkness. 40 00:01:19,079 --> 00:01:21,707 Let us mourn... 41 00:01:21,915 --> 00:01:24,338 Because we cannot move on until we do... 42 00:01:34,136 --> 00:01:35,683 ...and though the pain mayat times 43 00:01:35,887 --> 00:01:37,480 seem like more than we can bear... 44 00:01:42,352 --> 00:01:44,480 Make no mistake-- 45 00:01:44,688 --> 00:01:46,736 we will move on. 47 00:02:07,419 --> 00:02:09,638 Yeah, even now the words of ecclesiasticus 48 00:02:09,838 --> 00:02:10,805 are ringing in my ears. 49 00:02:11,006 --> 00:02:13,555 They're saying, "vengeance, 50 00:02:13,759 --> 00:02:15,636 "as a lion, 51 00:02:15,844 --> 00:02:17,517 shall lie in wait for them." 52 00:02:28,899 --> 00:02:31,652 Awhile ago... 54 00:02:33,487 --> 00:02:35,160 ...forever ago, 55 00:02:35,364 --> 00:02:39,244 I told Davina a story about my first boyfriend... 56 00:02:39,451 --> 00:02:42,830 But what I didn't tell her was that... 57 00:02:43,038 --> 00:02:45,086 I had never shared that story with anyone else. 58 00:02:47,501 --> 00:02:51,597 She was like a sister and a best friend... 59 00:02:53,840 --> 00:02:55,057 ...and I loved her. 60 00:02:57,886 --> 00:02:59,308 I wish th... 63 00:03:11,108 --> 00:03:13,657 I'm sorry. 64 00:03:13,860 --> 00:03:15,453 I can't. 66 00:03:29,084 --> 00:03:31,052 Words aren't any good. 67 00:03:31,253 --> 00:03:35,053 The Mikaelsons need to answer for this. 68 00:03:35,215 --> 00:03:36,683 I'm gonna make them answer. 69 00:03:40,762 --> 00:03:42,389 I promise. 72 00:04:03,660 --> 00:04:04,832 Okay, we can't run out of 73 00:04:05,036 --> 00:04:06,162 whiskey at an irish wake. 74 00:04:06,371 --> 00:04:08,624 It's, like, the one rule, okay? 75 00:04:10,792 --> 00:04:12,635 Whiskey is important. 76 00:04:12,836 --> 00:04:14,713 Whiskey's important. 77 00:04:18,091 --> 00:04:19,513 I'm certain Camille would have appreciated 78 00:04:19,718 --> 00:04:21,720 all of this. 79 00:04:21,928 --> 00:04:24,056 I hope so. 80 00:04:27,642 --> 00:04:29,519 How is he? 81 00:04:46,453 --> 00:04:48,126 Excuse me, don't I know you? 82 00:04:51,500 --> 00:04:53,594 Sorry. 83 00:04:53,794 --> 00:04:55,171 Uh, you just look so familiar. 84 00:04:56,546 --> 00:04:58,799 I have one of those faces. 85 00:05:00,550 --> 00:05:01,301 Did you know her well? 86 00:05:01,510 --> 00:05:03,387 I did. 87 00:05:03,595 --> 00:05:05,393 She was a... 88 00:05:05,597 --> 00:05:07,395 Very special girl. 89 00:05:07,599 --> 00:05:11,479 There's no polite summation that will do her justice... 90 00:05:17,442 --> 00:05:22,323 ...but you're brave to try, and she would've admired that. 91 00:05:23,824 --> 00:05:25,451 I haven't read anywhere how she died. 92 00:05:25,659 --> 00:05:27,502 Do you know? 93 00:05:28,662 --> 00:05:30,380 An accident. 94 00:05:33,959 --> 00:05:37,589 Are you here in an official capacity, officer? 95 00:05:37,796 --> 00:05:40,094 No. 96 00:05:40,298 --> 00:05:42,642 Just came to pay my respects. 97 00:06:03,613 --> 00:06:04,956 Give him time. 98 00:06:05,156 --> 00:06:07,579 Time will not bring Davina back. 99 00:06:07,784 --> 00:06:11,334 The one chance to save her was ruined by us. 100 00:06:11,538 --> 00:06:13,211 For our ends. 101 00:06:13,415 --> 00:06:15,884 Marcel's anger is justified. 102 00:06:17,669 --> 00:06:19,262 It's best I reach out to him 103 00:06:19,462 --> 00:06:22,215 before that anger hardens into something worse. 104 00:06:35,145 --> 00:06:37,364 I didn't think anyone was here. 105 00:06:37,564 --> 00:06:40,158 Did you think I'd be at caml's wake? 106 00:06:40,358 --> 00:06:41,575 You know what? It turns out, 107 00:06:41,776 --> 00:06:43,699 I hit my funeral quota 108 00:06:43,904 --> 00:06:44,996 for the day. 109 00:06:45,196 --> 00:06:46,243 Davina's was this morning. 110 00:06:46,448 --> 00:06:47,745 You remember her. 111 00:06:47,949 --> 00:06:50,748 Love of my life, condemned to an unknowable hell. 112 00:06:50,952 --> 00:06:53,421 And what's your excuse, sister? 113 00:06:53,622 --> 00:06:57,126 Were you so overcome with guilt at what you did, 114 00:06:57,334 --> 00:06:58,586 that you couldn't bring yourself 115 00:06:58,752 --> 00:07:00,846 to indulge in whiskey and finger food? 116 00:07:03,798 --> 00:07:05,050 Or were you just too busy 117 00:07:05,258 --> 00:07:07,386 desecrating more dead? 118 00:07:09,137 --> 00:07:11,105 Is this to be your hobby now? 119 00:07:13,016 --> 00:07:14,563 When Lucien died, 120 00:07:14,768 --> 00:07:16,441 he was convinced the prophecy 121 00:07:16,645 --> 00:07:18,192 would still unfold. 122 00:07:18,396 --> 00:07:19,943 I need to know if he was right. 123 00:07:20,148 --> 00:07:23,869 These are the remains of his oracle Alexis. 124 00:07:24,069 --> 00:07:26,697 Hers was a power I barely understood, 125 00:07:26,905 --> 00:07:28,031 but now that my own strength 126 00:07:28,239 --> 00:07:29,991 has been augmented by the ancestors, 127 00:07:30,200 --> 00:07:31,452 I can try to channel her. 128 00:07:31,660 --> 00:07:33,583 Forecast as she did, and find out 129 00:07:33,787 --> 00:07:35,084 if Lucien was right, or if we can finally 130 00:07:35,288 --> 00:07:36,631 put this nightmare behind us. 131 00:07:36,831 --> 00:07:39,755 I personally hope the bloody prophecy is true. 132 00:07:39,960 --> 00:07:43,681 You can all rot in hell, for all I care. 133 00:07:43,880 --> 00:07:46,383 I'm just sorry I won't be around to see it. 134 00:07:46,591 --> 00:07:47,638 Where are you going? 135 00:07:47,842 --> 00:07:49,219 None of your business. 136 00:07:49,427 --> 00:07:50,849 All right? There is nothing for me here. 137 00:07:51,054 --> 00:07:53,022 Kol... 138 00:07:53,223 --> 00:07:55,726 You know that's not true. 139 00:07:55,934 --> 00:07:57,527 Your family... 140 00:07:57,727 --> 00:07:59,400 Do not lecture me about family, 141 00:07:59,604 --> 00:08:00,856 sister, or not. 142 00:08:01,064 --> 00:08:03,692 Now, you may have spent your entire life 143 00:08:03,900 --> 00:08:05,072 searching for us, 144 00:08:05,276 --> 00:08:09,326 but I never, for a second, wanted you. 145 00:08:16,371 --> 00:08:20,001 There's something strange going on in this city. 146 00:08:20,208 --> 00:08:21,334 I can't put my finger on it, 147 00:08:21,543 --> 00:08:22,840 but I need to know what it is. 149 00:08:24,587 --> 00:08:25,679 "And ye shall know the truth, 150 00:08:25,880 --> 00:08:27,302 and the truth shall set you free." 151 00:08:27,507 --> 00:08:29,009 Unless it don't. 152 00:08:29,217 --> 00:08:32,346 It might just be that the truth is a curse, man. 153 00:08:32,554 --> 00:08:34,977 Maybe you should be more careful what you wish for. 154 00:08:35,181 --> 00:08:36,808 Yeah. 155 00:08:39,352 --> 00:08:40,569 What happened to Cami? 156 00:08:42,188 --> 00:08:43,565 She died, 157 00:08:43,773 --> 00:08:45,195 and there was nothing that could be done 158 00:08:45,400 --> 00:08:46,777 to stop it, and that's it. 159 00:08:46,985 --> 00:08:48,077 People don't just die. 160 00:08:48,278 --> 00:08:49,370 They get sick, 161 00:08:49,571 --> 00:08:51,573 or they get into an accident, 162 00:08:51,781 --> 00:08:53,954 or somebody kills them. 163 00:08:54,159 --> 00:08:56,503 And all those things leave a trail. 164 00:08:56,703 --> 00:08:59,206 And hospital records, 165 00:08:59,414 --> 00:09:01,462 ambulance dispatches, somebody calls 911. 166 00:09:01,666 --> 00:09:03,259 But not this time. 167 00:09:04,586 --> 00:09:05,758 Cami o' connell is dead. 168 00:09:05,962 --> 00:09:07,259 There isn't even a death certificate, 169 00:09:07,464 --> 00:09:08,761 or a coroner's report, or anything. 170 00:09:08,965 --> 00:09:10,683 Anywhere. 171 00:09:10,884 --> 00:09:12,602 Look, man, you think you want to know. 172 00:09:12,802 --> 00:09:14,019 You do not want to know. 173 00:09:14,220 --> 00:09:15,563 Vince, you've known me a long time. 174 00:09:15,764 --> 00:09:18,984 I can handle the answers to my own questions. 175 00:09:19,184 --> 00:09:20,185 If I get a feeling something's not right, 176 00:09:20,393 --> 00:09:21,315 I gotta do something. 177 00:09:21,519 --> 00:09:23,647 I got that feeling now. 178 00:09:25,607 --> 00:09:27,154 I'm not letting this go. 179 00:09:32,781 --> 00:09:33,657 Okay. 180 00:09:36,493 --> 00:09:38,370 Come on. 181 00:09:41,748 --> 00:09:43,295 It's funny, you know, I missed out 182 00:09:43,500 --> 00:09:45,969 on the whole binge drinking thing in college, but, ah, 183 00:09:46,169 --> 00:09:47,921 guess I'm making up for it with the drowning my sorrows thing, 184 00:09:48,129 --> 00:09:49,551 so, cheers. 185 00:09:51,174 --> 00:09:52,426 Hey, you should slow down. 186 00:09:52,634 --> 00:09:54,762 Maybe you should sl_ow down. 187 00:09:54,969 --> 00:09:56,596 Hey, how about that little declaration of war 188 00:09:56,805 --> 00:09:58,557 you made this morning? 189 00:09:58,765 --> 00:10:00,267 Yeah, you might want to pump the brakes on that plan 190 00:10:00,475 --> 00:10:02,068 because, the Mikaelsons? 191 00:10:02,268 --> 00:10:03,520 They aren't exactly known for letting bygones be bygones. 192 00:10:03,728 --> 00:10:05,605 Maybe I don't care. 193 00:10:05,814 --> 00:10:09,819 Maybe it's the Mikaelsons who need to worry about me. 194 00:10:10,026 --> 00:10:11,778 Is that...? 195 00:10:11,986 --> 00:10:13,829 Lucien's serum. 196 00:10:14,030 --> 00:10:16,533 Oh, cool. 197 00:10:16,741 --> 00:10:18,414 So you're gonna die soon too. 198 00:10:18,618 --> 00:10:19,915 Well, that's good to know. 199 00:10:20,120 --> 00:10:21,963 I'll make sure I get this suit cleaned stat. 200 00:10:22,163 --> 00:10:23,881 This'll make sure I can't die. 201 00:10:24,082 --> 00:10:25,584 Marcel, 202 00:10:25,792 --> 00:10:28,716 if you take that, you will be the last thing on earth 203 00:10:28,920 --> 00:10:30,092 that can kill a Mikaelson. 204 00:10:30,296 --> 00:10:32,298 That's like open declaration of war. 205 00:10:32,507 --> 00:10:35,226 I mean, how'd that work out for that Lucien guy, huh? 206 00:10:35,426 --> 00:10:36,427 And you know what? Best case scenario, 207 00:10:36,636 --> 00:10:37,808 what are you going to do? 208 00:10:38,012 --> 00:10:39,434 Hmm? You gonna kill all of them? 209 00:10:39,639 --> 00:10:41,767 Klaus, Elijah, Freya, Kol? 210 00:10:41,975 --> 00:10:44,194 Yeah, he's mad at them now, but when push comes to shove, 211 00:10:44,394 --> 00:10:46,817 even Hayley chooses them over you. 212 00:10:48,481 --> 00:10:50,199 So are you really going to take down everyone? 213 00:10:52,360 --> 00:10:54,909 And do you think that's what Davina would have wanted? 214 00:11:08,543 --> 00:11:09,635 Anything? 215 00:11:09,836 --> 00:11:11,088 There's too many pieces. 216 00:11:11,296 --> 00:11:13,139 Every time I get close to seeing something, 217 00:11:13,339 --> 00:11:15,307 it all just fades away. 218 00:11:35,403 --> 00:11:37,576 Finish it. 219 00:11:48,374 --> 00:11:49,421 You will all fall. 220 00:11:49,626 --> 00:11:52,004 One by friend, one by foe, 221 00:11:52,212 --> 00:11:53,714 and one... By family. 222 00:12:08,478 --> 00:12:09,775 What the hell did I just see? 223 00:12:09,979 --> 00:12:11,105 Vincent told me he found a way 224 00:12:11,314 --> 00:12:12,531 to extract the serum from Aurora. 225 00:12:12,732 --> 00:12:14,075 I was busy at the time, 226 00:12:14,275 --> 00:12:16,869 but if Vincent did steal the serum... If he... 227 00:12:17,070 --> 00:12:19,448 If he gave it to Marcel... 228 00:12:19,656 --> 00:12:21,533 We're in trouble. 229 00:12:22,575 --> 00:12:23,576 Yeah. 230 00:12:31,292 --> 00:12:33,920 Missed you at Davina's memorial. 231 00:12:38,132 --> 00:12:40,885 I thought my presence there would be inappropriate. 232 00:12:41,094 --> 00:12:44,769 Because you and your family threw her to the wolves? 233 00:12:44,973 --> 00:12:46,145 Yeah. 234 00:12:46,349 --> 00:12:48,852 You probably made the right call. 235 00:12:49,060 --> 00:12:51,529 I know how much you cared for her. 236 00:12:51,729 --> 00:12:54,152 This must be difficult for you. 238 00:12:56,109 --> 00:12:58,032 That's funny. 239 00:12:58,236 --> 00:13:01,160 'cause that doesn't sound like an apology. 240 00:13:01,364 --> 00:13:02,866 Marcel... 241 00:13:03,074 --> 00:13:04,621 I had a chance to save her. 242 00:13:04,826 --> 00:13:06,419 To bring her back. 243 00:13:06,619 --> 00:13:07,871 But no. 244 00:13:08,079 --> 00:13:09,956 The Mikaelsons decided that couldn't happen. 245 00:13:10,164 --> 00:13:11,962 Not if it was inconvenient for them. 246 00:13:12,166 --> 00:13:15,466 It seems you're always willing to watch the world burn, 247 00:13:15,670 --> 00:13:16,796 long as you survive. 248 00:13:17,005 --> 00:13:18,757 Lucien had to die. 249 00:13:18,965 --> 00:13:20,308 He would have destroyed us all. 250 00:13:20,508 --> 00:13:22,852 Yeah. Thanks to his vendetta against you. 251 00:13:23,052 --> 00:13:24,770 His motive is not the issue. 252 00:13:24,971 --> 00:13:26,894 He was a threat. We responded in kind. 253 00:13:27,098 --> 00:13:28,395 Had Freya the power to kill Lucien, 254 00:13:28,599 --> 00:13:29,771 and save Davina, she would have. 255 00:13:29,976 --> 00:13:32,695 Am I supposed to just nod and accept that? 256 00:13:32,895 --> 00:13:34,863 We share a bourbon, and I just... 257 00:13:36,190 --> 00:13:38,284 ...shrug it off. 258 00:13:38,484 --> 00:13:39,781 Davina had to die. 259 00:13:39,986 --> 00:13:41,909 What a shame, but there was 260 00:13:42,113 --> 00:13:43,160 no other choice. 261 00:13:43,364 --> 00:13:44,456 There wasn't. 263 00:13:49,287 --> 00:13:52,211 What am ito you, Klaus? 264 00:13:52,415 --> 00:13:53,712 Am I your friend? 265 00:13:53,916 --> 00:13:55,668 Your sidekick? 266 00:13:55,835 --> 00:13:57,303 I mean, at first, I was a charity case. 267 00:13:57,503 --> 00:13:58,550 We all know that. 268 00:13:58,755 --> 00:13:59,677 How about now? 269 00:13:59,881 --> 00:14:02,100 Am I your ally? 270 00:14:02,300 --> 00:14:04,723 'cause you sure as hell don't treat me like one. 271 00:14:04,927 --> 00:14:08,022 You and I are bonded by blood. 272 00:14:08,222 --> 00:14:10,771 And yes, we quarrel, 273 00:14:10,975 --> 00:14:12,443 but that is what family does. 274 00:14:12,643 --> 00:14:14,611 Oh, okay. 275 00:14:14,812 --> 00:14:16,405 So I'm family. 276 00:14:17,940 --> 00:14:21,035 No. I don't see it. 277 00:14:21,235 --> 00:14:25,456 Once upon a time, you were my mentor, 278 00:14:25,656 --> 00:14:26,782 my savior. 279 00:14:26,991 --> 00:14:28,459 My sire. 280 00:14:28,659 --> 00:14:31,162 But you've never been my brother. 281 00:14:31,371 --> 00:14:32,918 And now... 282 00:14:33,122 --> 00:14:34,294 Now you're nothing to me. 283 00:14:34,499 --> 00:14:35,716 Marcellus, 284 00:14:35,875 --> 00:14:40,631 just give me one last chance to prove you wrong. 285 00:14:41,798 --> 00:14:43,675 Come with me. 287 00:15:15,748 --> 00:15:17,421 The serum... 288 00:15:17,583 --> 00:15:19,335 There's no trace of it in her. 289 00:15:20,795 --> 00:15:22,047 We need to warn Klaus. 290 00:15:23,464 --> 00:15:24,181 He's not answering. 291 00:15:24,382 --> 00:15:25,053 Elijah, 292 00:15:25,258 --> 00:15:27,101 the power I stole from the ancestors, 293 00:15:27,301 --> 00:15:29,269 it was enough to deal with Lucien, 294 00:15:29,470 --> 00:15:31,097 but that power's faded. 295 00:15:31,305 --> 00:15:33,683 If Marcel takes that serum and becomes the beast 296 00:15:33,891 --> 00:15:35,564 foretold in the prophecy, 297 00:15:35,768 --> 00:15:37,395 I won't be able to stop him. 298 00:15:39,105 --> 00:15:41,403 Locate Niklaus. I'll find Marcel. 300 00:16:08,092 --> 00:16:09,969 Freya? 301 00:16:11,179 --> 00:16:13,102 Who's there? 302 00:16:16,392 --> 00:16:18,440 What the hell is this? 304 00:16:20,771 --> 00:16:22,398 Who's doing this? 308 00:16:37,955 --> 00:16:38,956 Davina! L... 309 00:16:39,165 --> 00:16:40,291 I didn't mean to hurt you. 310 00:16:40,500 --> 00:16:41,342 I loved you. 313 00:16:53,471 --> 00:16:55,599 Wow. Nice little fixer-upper. 314 00:16:57,058 --> 00:16:59,607 I can't sell it, and I can't rent it, 315 00:16:59,810 --> 00:17:01,312 'cause everybody thinks it's haunted. 316 00:17:01,521 --> 00:17:03,819 That's what happens when your crazy ex-wife 317 00:17:04,023 --> 00:17:05,570 used to perform ritual sacrifice 318 00:17:05,775 --> 00:17:07,777 in your parlor room. 320 00:17:11,155 --> 00:17:14,284 You said you wanted to know. 321 00:17:14,492 --> 00:17:17,291 Geez, Vincent, I thought I was crazy. 322 00:17:17,495 --> 00:17:20,920 You're telling me that voodoo, black magic, angry spirits... 323 00:17:21,123 --> 00:17:22,170 All that stuff is real? 324 00:17:22,375 --> 00:17:24,628 Those of us who practice witchcraft, 325 00:17:24,835 --> 00:17:26,963 we're supposed to be keepers of the balance. 326 00:17:27,171 --> 00:17:28,969 Sometimes power corrupts. 327 00:17:29,173 --> 00:17:30,641 Now, the covens won't even come near this place, 328 00:17:30,841 --> 00:17:32,889 and even regular people, they... 329 00:17:33,094 --> 00:17:34,846 They walk past it, and they're like, 330 00:17:35,054 --> 00:17:38,103 oh, this place is seven different kinds of wrong. 331 00:17:38,307 --> 00:17:39,980 And they're right to be afraid. 332 00:17:53,322 --> 00:17:54,915 Once upon a time... 333 00:17:57,702 --> 00:17:59,625 ...my crazy ex-wife eva, 334 00:17:59,829 --> 00:18:02,878 she tried to siphon the power of our ancestors, 335 00:18:03,082 --> 00:18:04,459 and she created this. 336 00:18:04,667 --> 00:18:07,796 It's called un depot d'argente. 337 00:18:08,004 --> 00:18:09,597 It's a mystical battery cell. 338 00:18:09,797 --> 00:18:12,095 It's capable of storing 339 00:18:12,300 --> 00:18:14,928 all kinds of just negative mojo. 340 00:18:15,136 --> 00:18:18,106 Uh, and how does that thing help us? 342 00:18:20,266 --> 00:18:23,691 Witches are supposed to be the protectors of New Orleans. 343 00:18:23,894 --> 00:18:24,941 And we were, 344 00:18:25,146 --> 00:18:26,898 until our ancestors, they came along, 345 00:18:27,106 --> 00:18:28,107 and they made a deal with the devil, 346 00:18:28,316 --> 00:18:29,568 in the form of Lucien Castle. 347 00:18:29,775 --> 00:18:31,994 See, that's what got Cami killed. 348 00:18:32,194 --> 00:18:34,162 Now, Lucien's gone, but those same ancestors, 349 00:18:34,363 --> 00:18:36,411 they want to start a war with a family, 350 00:18:36,616 --> 00:18:39,836 a very old and powerful family called the Mikaelsons. 351 00:18:40,036 --> 00:18:41,709 Look, man, it's a long story, and the only thing 352 00:18:41,912 --> 00:18:43,209 you need to know is that some innocent people are gonna 353 00:18:43,414 --> 00:18:44,836 get hurt, because the ancestors, they don't 354 00:18:45,041 --> 00:18:46,793 give a damn if this whole city becomes a war zone. 355 00:18:47,001 --> 00:18:48,844 And the only way we're going to stop the bloodshed 356 00:18:49,045 --> 00:18:49,671 is if we do something about it. 357 00:18:49,879 --> 00:18:50,550 We? 358 00:18:50,755 --> 00:18:52,473 We're going to put this in the right place. 359 00:18:52,673 --> 00:18:54,220 We're going to set it off, 360 00:18:54,425 --> 00:18:56,348 and we're going to sever the ancestors' connection 361 00:18:56,552 --> 00:18:57,553 to the world of the living. 362 00:18:58,554 --> 00:18:59,476 Wipe the slate clean. 363 00:19:02,308 --> 00:19:04,686 It's a long way to go to make a point. 364 00:19:04,894 --> 00:19:07,363 Surely you remember this place. 365 00:19:07,563 --> 00:19:10,066 Yeah. Sure. 366 00:19:12,818 --> 00:19:14,946 Two, three bridges ago, 367 00:19:15,154 --> 00:19:17,532 this is where you had me scatter my father's ashes. 368 00:19:17,740 --> 00:19:20,289 You were still newly turned, 369 00:19:20,493 --> 00:19:23,167 and I feared the brilliant, kind-hearted boy I raised 370 00:19:23,371 --> 00:19:24,839 would be lost in a cloud of rage, 371 00:19:25,039 --> 00:19:26,165 so I brought you here, 372 00:19:26,374 --> 00:19:28,297 to the bridge our family crossed 373 00:19:28,501 --> 00:19:30,174 when we first brought you home. 374 00:19:30,378 --> 00:19:32,130 The threshold 375 00:19:32,338 --> 00:19:34,306 between your past and your future. 376 00:19:34,507 --> 00:19:38,762 Long before you realized how much we loved New Orleans. 377 00:19:38,969 --> 00:19:41,722 A love that was born alongside our love for you, 378 00:19:41,931 --> 00:19:43,808 our family's newest member. 379 00:19:44,016 --> 00:19:46,394 You can say that as many times as you like, 380 00:19:46,602 --> 00:19:47,728 doesn't make it so. 381 00:19:47,937 --> 00:19:49,530 You may hate me, 382 00:19:49,730 --> 00:19:52,108 but your hatred only marks you as my kin. 383 00:19:52,316 --> 00:19:54,569 From the moment I met you, 384 00:19:54,777 --> 00:19:56,199 I saw myself in you. 385 00:19:56,404 --> 00:19:57,576 And when I brought you here, 386 00:19:57,780 --> 00:19:59,202 to scatter your father's remains, 387 00:19:59,407 --> 00:20:01,159 you did something I never could: 388 00:20:01,367 --> 00:20:04,462 you released your hate to the wind. 389 00:20:06,330 --> 00:20:09,379 And it was that day I saw your full potential. 390 00:20:11,377 --> 00:20:14,722 And I knew you to be my son. 392 00:20:21,429 --> 00:20:23,227 Did you remind me of all that, 393 00:20:23,431 --> 00:20:26,059 hoping I'd feel like I owe you something? 394 00:20:26,225 --> 00:20:27,351 Huh? 395 00:20:28,853 --> 00:20:30,605 Let me tell you, being a part of your life 396 00:20:30,813 --> 00:20:32,315 hasn't exactly been a gift. 397 00:20:32,523 --> 00:20:35,197 And whatever debts I owe, I paid them back, all right? 398 00:20:35,401 --> 00:20:37,745 A long, long time ago. 399 00:20:37,903 --> 00:20:40,577 If one of us is standing in the red, 400 00:20:40,781 --> 00:20:43,284 I'm going to say it's you. 401 00:20:51,500 --> 00:20:53,173 Nice view. 402 00:20:56,797 --> 00:20:58,344 Pretty sunset. 403 00:20:58,549 --> 00:21:00,722 Why ruin it with more talk? 404 00:21:00,926 --> 00:21:02,052 At this point, 405 00:21:02,261 --> 00:21:04,480 it's just noise. 406 00:21:04,680 --> 00:21:05,852 You are so like me. 407 00:21:06,056 --> 00:21:07,729 Stubborn, full of anger. 408 00:21:07,933 --> 00:21:09,059 I'm nothing like you. 409 00:21:09,268 --> 00:21:10,315 You're wrong. 410 00:21:11,687 --> 00:21:14,611 You see, I raised you in my image, 411 00:21:14,815 --> 00:21:16,032 and yet, when you thrived, 412 00:21:16,233 --> 00:21:18,327 I allowed my worst fears to take root. 413 00:21:18,527 --> 00:21:20,825 Instead of feeling pride of the man you'd become, 414 00:21:21,030 --> 00:21:23,533 I began to feel a sense of unease, of distrust. 415 00:21:23,741 --> 00:21:26,711 And I feared 416 00:21:26,911 --> 00:21:29,835 you would become my better. 417 00:21:30,039 --> 00:21:33,088 I never wanted to be better than you. 418 00:21:33,292 --> 00:21:36,717 Not until you started trying to hold me down. 419 00:21:40,758 --> 00:21:42,260 I haven't done enough... 420 00:21:45,304 --> 00:21:46,556 ...well enough, 421 00:21:46,764 --> 00:21:47,856 when it comes to you. 422 00:21:48,057 --> 00:21:50,480 But you and I are bonded by fate, 423 00:21:50,684 --> 00:21:51,901 by history, 424 00:21:52,102 --> 00:21:53,228 and by blood. 425 00:21:53,437 --> 00:21:57,317 And you, Marcel, 426 00:21:57,525 --> 00:21:59,448 will always be my family. 427 00:22:02,738 --> 00:22:03,864 Gentlemen. 428 00:22:07,326 --> 00:22:09,749 Am I interrupting something? 431 00:22:24,260 --> 00:22:26,228 Nopd! Freeze! 432 00:22:26,428 --> 00:22:28,806 All right! 433 00:22:29,014 --> 00:22:30,766 Psycho slumber party's over. 434 00:22:30,975 --> 00:22:32,852 We got reports of health code violations, 435 00:22:33,018 --> 00:22:34,110 animal cruelty, 436 00:22:34,311 --> 00:22:35,733 and felony creepiness. 437 00:22:35,938 --> 00:22:37,986 Good luck pleading out of that. Get them out of here. 439 00:22:48,158 --> 00:22:50,286 Okay. 440 00:22:55,833 --> 00:22:57,130 You all right, man? 441 00:22:57,334 --> 00:22:58,927 Yeah, man, just tell me you got what you need. 442 00:22:59,128 --> 00:22:59,970 I got what I need 443 00:23:00,170 --> 00:23:01,262 to do what needs doing. 444 00:23:01,463 --> 00:23:03,386 Great. 445 00:23:03,591 --> 00:23:04,717 Want to tell me what that is? 446 00:23:06,886 --> 00:23:08,388 Okay, cemeteries in New Orleans 447 00:23:08,596 --> 00:23:10,849 were designed to house the spirits of our ancestors. 448 00:23:11,056 --> 00:23:13,275 And there are places, sacred places, 449 00:23:13,475 --> 00:23:15,603 that help them focus their energy 450 00:23:15,811 --> 00:23:17,028 so that they can access this world. 451 00:23:17,229 --> 00:23:18,651 Like a cell phone tower? 452 00:23:18,856 --> 00:23:19,903 More powerful, but yeah. 453 00:23:20,107 --> 00:23:21,700 Think about it as a way where our world 454 00:23:21,901 --> 00:23:23,869 and the spirit world actually meet. 455 00:23:24,069 --> 00:23:25,821 And one of those places is a tomb. 456 00:23:26,030 --> 00:23:28,499 It's the cornerstone of the link between the living and the dead. 457 00:23:28,699 --> 00:23:30,201 It's the seat of their power 458 00:23:30,409 --> 00:23:33,379 and the means through which they influence this world. 459 00:23:35,789 --> 00:23:38,087 I'm gonna go into their world with this, 460 00:23:38,292 --> 00:23:39,919 and I'm gonna use every drop of power 461 00:23:40,127 --> 00:23:41,128 and crack the foundation. 462 00:23:41,337 --> 00:23:42,133 Cut off the signal. 463 00:23:42,338 --> 00:23:43,590 Yes. 464 00:23:43,797 --> 00:23:46,175 Wait, you said you were gonna go into their world? 465 00:23:46,383 --> 00:23:48,056 Never mind that now. 466 00:23:48,260 --> 00:23:50,558 What I need you to do is handle things on this end, all right? 467 00:23:50,763 --> 00:23:52,765 A magical surge that big is gonna send out shockwaves 468 00:23:52,973 --> 00:23:54,020 throughout all our cemeteries. 469 00:23:54,224 --> 00:23:55,567 Yeah, well, NOLA PD can clear it out. 470 00:23:55,768 --> 00:23:56,644 I can say there's a bomb threat. 471 00:23:56,852 --> 00:23:58,320 Do whatever you have to do, 472 00:23:58,520 --> 00:23:59,737 but make sure there is no one around 473 00:23:59,939 --> 00:24:00,314 when this thing goes down. 474 00:24:00,522 --> 00:24:00,897 Yeah. 475 00:24:01,106 --> 00:24:03,200 Hey, Vince, 476 00:24:03,400 --> 00:24:06,825 how are you gonna get that thing into this spirit world? 477 00:24:07,029 --> 00:24:09,953 Simple. 478 00:24:10,157 --> 00:24:12,205 He's got to die. 479 00:24:12,409 --> 00:24:14,377 Who the hell is that guy? 480 00:24:16,455 --> 00:24:17,832 Step aside, Niklaus. 481 00:24:18,040 --> 00:24:19,917 Elijah, this is a private conversation. 482 00:24:20,125 --> 00:24:21,251 Your concerns can wait. 483 00:24:21,460 --> 00:24:22,507 No, they cannot. 484 00:24:22,711 --> 00:24:24,463 Same Mikaelson drama. 485 00:24:24,672 --> 00:24:26,219 One of you is trying to make peace, 486 00:24:26,423 --> 00:24:27,720 the other one is eyeing me 487 00:24:27,925 --> 00:24:29,017 like I'm a rabid dog. 488 00:24:29,218 --> 00:24:30,561 Well, then tell me my concerns 489 00:24:30,761 --> 00:24:32,058 are unfounded, Marcellus. 490 00:24:32,262 --> 00:24:33,684 Oh, what, I got to prove myself? 491 00:24:33,889 --> 00:24:35,311 To you? 492 00:24:35,516 --> 00:24:37,063 Davina was like a daughter to me and you condemned her 493 00:24:37,267 --> 00:24:38,814 to a fate worse than death. 494 00:24:39,019 --> 00:24:42,614 So how is it my job to prove myself to you? 495 00:24:42,815 --> 00:24:44,567 All right, that's enough. Both of you. 496 00:24:44,775 --> 00:24:46,869 You tell me where it is. 497 00:24:51,407 --> 00:24:52,829 What? 498 00:24:55,202 --> 00:24:56,328 This? 499 00:25:00,708 --> 00:25:02,176 You're not going to blow up 500 00:25:02,376 --> 00:25:03,878 the ancestral well by yourself. 501 00:25:04,086 --> 00:25:05,838 Kol, 502 00:25:06,046 --> 00:25:08,299 Whatever help you're trying to offer me, I'm not interested. 503 00:25:08,507 --> 00:25:10,930 I'm coming with you, I'm not asking for permission. 504 00:25:11,135 --> 00:25:13,263 Besides... 505 00:25:13,470 --> 00:25:15,063 Davina's the one who brought me here. 506 00:25:15,264 --> 00:25:16,231 Davina's gone, Kol. 507 00:25:16,432 --> 00:25:17,809 Parts of Davina remain. 508 00:25:18,017 --> 00:25:20,987 Fragments of her soul bound to those she loved. 509 00:25:21,186 --> 00:25:22,608 I saw her, Vincent. 510 00:25:22,813 --> 00:25:24,190 And she is reaching out to me, 511 00:25:24,398 --> 00:25:25,820 and I have to reach back. 512 00:25:26,025 --> 00:25:28,073 I need to see her. 515 00:25:41,290 --> 00:25:42,667 Come on, Kol. 516 00:25:46,086 --> 00:25:47,759 What the hell is that? 517 00:25:47,963 --> 00:25:49,465 That, my dear brother, 518 00:25:49,673 --> 00:25:52,643 is a wicked little gift from our friend Vincent. 519 00:25:52,843 --> 00:25:54,060 I guess he figured 520 00:25:54,261 --> 00:25:55,638 better me than Aurora. 521 00:25:55,846 --> 00:25:58,269 And now that I got it, I can't help but think 522 00:25:58,474 --> 00:25:59,691 why not take it? 523 00:25:59,892 --> 00:26:01,769 I mean, loyalty never got me anywhere. 524 00:26:01,977 --> 00:26:04,196 And the only thing you respond to is a show of force. 525 00:26:04,396 --> 00:26:06,694 Marcellus, end this foolishness right now. 526 00:26:06,899 --> 00:26:07,866 Or else what? 527 00:26:08,067 --> 00:26:11,662 I mean, I'm family, right? 528 00:26:11,862 --> 00:26:14,866 Why would this little serum have to change anything, 529 00:26:15,074 --> 00:26:18,624 other than the simple fact that I would be your equal? 530 00:26:18,827 --> 00:26:20,420 Oh, yeah. 531 00:26:20,621 --> 00:26:22,669 I figured you could never live with that. 532 00:26:22,873 --> 00:26:25,422 You hand it over right now 533 00:26:25,626 --> 00:26:27,299 and I will forgive this act of defiance 534 00:26:27,503 --> 00:26:28,880 as a moment of weakness 535 00:26:29,088 --> 00:26:29,964 brought on by your grief. 536 00:26:30,172 --> 00:26:31,048 Oh, that's funny. 537 00:26:31,256 --> 00:26:33,179 I thought you came asking for my forgiveness, 538 00:26:33,383 --> 00:26:35,056 but you like it better this way, don't you? 539 00:26:35,260 --> 00:26:37,058 Me owing you. 540 00:26:37,262 --> 00:26:38,354 And all that pretty fairy tale 541 00:26:38,555 --> 00:26:39,727 about me being part of the family? 542 00:26:39,932 --> 00:26:41,650 That only works if you're in control. 543 00:26:41,850 --> 00:26:43,443 Klaus Mikaelson, 544 00:26:43,644 --> 00:26:45,567 smiling down like a benevolent king. 545 00:26:45,771 --> 00:26:47,569 Showing mercy to all his subjects. 546 00:26:47,773 --> 00:26:51,073 But you still have to be the king! 547 00:26:51,276 --> 00:26:52,152 Don't you? 548 00:26:53,737 --> 00:26:55,489 The thing about kings, though... 549 00:26:57,199 --> 00:26:59,827 ...eventually, they all fall. 550 00:27:00,035 --> 00:27:01,332 Even you, Klaus. 552 00:27:25,644 --> 00:27:28,022 Well, there ain't no party like a cemetery party. 553 00:27:28,230 --> 00:27:30,073 Did you bring it? Yeah. 554 00:27:30,274 --> 00:27:32,026 Davina's favorite record. 555 00:27:35,779 --> 00:27:37,952 So, how exactly does an original vampire 556 00:27:38,157 --> 00:27:39,249 get to go to witch purgatory? 557 00:27:39,449 --> 00:27:41,497 I died a witch. 558 00:27:41,660 --> 00:27:43,412 I spent months there, trapped and tormented 559 00:27:43,620 --> 00:27:44,872 by the ancestors. 560 00:27:45,080 --> 00:27:47,299 Once we cross over, 561 00:27:47,499 --> 00:27:50,173 we're gonna be in enemy territory. 562 00:27:50,377 --> 00:27:52,129 We're gonna have to move quick to conjure Davina 563 00:27:52,337 --> 00:27:53,338 and get the bomb set. 564 00:27:53,547 --> 00:27:54,764 Otherwise, 565 00:27:54,965 --> 00:27:56,433 the ancestors are gonna shut us both down. 566 00:27:56,633 --> 00:27:58,601 Hmm. Okay. Well, maybe just make sure 567 00:27:58,802 --> 00:27:59,894 that doesn't happen? 568 00:28:02,181 --> 00:28:04,229 Really? 569 00:28:04,433 --> 00:28:05,480 Hemlock? 570 00:28:05,684 --> 00:28:07,607 Old school. 571 00:28:07,811 --> 00:28:08,903 Respect. 572 00:28:11,815 --> 00:28:13,738 Prezeve lyen lavi nou... 573 00:28:13,942 --> 00:28:15,865 Prezeve lyen lavi nou. 574 00:28:16,069 --> 00:28:17,912 Prezeve lyen lavi nou... 576 00:28:44,640 --> 00:28:46,062 Give it to me now. 577 00:28:46,266 --> 00:28:48,360 I won't ask you again, Marcellus. 578 00:28:48,560 --> 00:28:49,561 My name... 579 00:28:49,770 --> 00:28:51,488 Is Marcel. 580 00:28:51,688 --> 00:28:53,690 And I'm not giving you a damn thing. 581 00:28:53,899 --> 00:28:56,652 I can't allow you the means to destroy my family. 582 00:28:56,860 --> 00:28:58,533 Your family. Right. 583 00:28:58,737 --> 00:28:59,784 Thank you. 584 00:28:59,988 --> 00:29:01,285 Klaus, Marcel will betray us. 585 00:29:01,490 --> 00:29:03,288 I saw it with my own eyes. 586 00:29:03,492 --> 00:29:04,368 Iwill betray you? 587 00:29:04,576 --> 00:29:06,123 I asked, 588 00:29:06,328 --> 00:29:07,921 begged for your help, 589 00:29:08,121 --> 00:29:09,919 and you left Davina to rot. 590 00:29:10,082 --> 00:29:12,881 You put down Lucien because he was coming for you, 591 00:29:13,085 --> 00:29:15,179 for your family, but the thing is, 592 00:29:15,379 --> 00:29:17,302 you made Lucien. 593 00:29:17,506 --> 00:29:20,976 You turned him, taught him, and then abandoned him. 594 00:29:21,176 --> 00:29:22,598 And then you blamed Lucien 595 00:29:22,803 --> 00:29:24,271 because it's always somebody else's fault. 596 00:29:24,471 --> 00:29:28,226 But maybe you were the villains in his story. 597 00:29:28,433 --> 00:29:31,937 After all, that is the Mikaelson way, right? 598 00:29:32,145 --> 00:29:36,696 Kill, maim, torture, all in the name of family. 599 00:29:36,900 --> 00:29:40,450 Always and forever. 600 00:29:40,654 --> 00:29:42,782 I used to admire that vow. 601 00:29:44,908 --> 00:29:48,958 It gave me back the thing that had been beaten out of me. 602 00:29:50,747 --> 00:29:53,296 Faith in those you love. 603 00:29:55,669 --> 00:29:56,795 I was a fool. 604 00:30:02,050 --> 00:30:05,224 Always and forever is just an excuse 605 00:30:05,429 --> 00:30:06,897 to do whatever the hell you want. 606 00:30:09,975 --> 00:30:12,603 Maybe... 607 00:30:12,811 --> 00:30:14,779 It's time someone put an end to that. 608 00:30:14,980 --> 00:30:17,153 You are treading very close to a dangerous decision. 609 00:30:22,696 --> 00:30:25,495 I'm asking you to choose wisely. 610 00:30:31,830 --> 00:30:32,956 Fair enough. 611 00:30:40,964 --> 00:30:43,092 You can't stop me, Klaus. 612 00:30:43,300 --> 00:30:44,802 I only meant to keep you from crossing a line 613 00:30:45,010 --> 00:30:46,387 you would most certainly regret. 614 00:30:46,595 --> 00:30:49,144 No, you meant to keep your precious upper hand. 615 00:30:49,348 --> 00:30:50,474 Don't you get it? 616 00:30:50,682 --> 00:30:52,275 Whatever I have to do, Klaus, 617 00:30:52,476 --> 00:30:54,069 I will find a way to hurt you. 618 00:30:56,063 --> 00:30:58,942 You will never be safe, not as long as I am alive. 619 00:31:00,650 --> 00:31:01,867 You can call me family all you want, 620 00:31:02,069 --> 00:31:03,742 I am done being your friend. 621 00:31:03,945 --> 00:31:05,071 From this day forward, 622 00:31:05,280 --> 00:31:07,078 I am nothing less than your worst... 624 00:31:17,167 --> 00:31:18,384 No! 626 00:31:39,481 --> 00:31:41,483 Okay. 627 00:31:43,860 --> 00:31:48,787 Localiser nan motus qui souffre de patitur. 629 00:31:54,996 --> 00:31:56,213 Kol? 630 00:31:57,249 --> 00:31:58,091 Davina! 631 00:31:58,291 --> 00:32:00,544 It hurts! 632 00:32:00,752 --> 00:32:02,299 I knew you'd hear me. 633 00:32:02,504 --> 00:32:03,380 I'm here, luv. 634 00:32:03,588 --> 00:32:04,430 I'm listening. 636 00:32:13,598 --> 00:32:15,020 The current took him. 637 00:32:17,519 --> 00:32:18,987 Niklaus, I saw Freya's vision. 638 00:32:19,187 --> 00:32:20,234 What did you do? 639 00:32:22,524 --> 00:32:24,197 I could've talked him down. 640 00:32:24,401 --> 00:32:25,277 I could... 641 00:32:25,485 --> 00:32:26,452 You could've what? 642 00:32:28,155 --> 00:32:29,577 You could've watched our family's extinction 643 00:32:29,781 --> 00:32:30,953 at the hands of Marcel Gerard. 644 00:32:31,158 --> 00:32:32,956 He was one of us! 645 00:32:33,160 --> 00:32:36,585 He despised us. 646 00:32:36,788 --> 00:32:40,213 Yes, he was our friend, yes, he was our family. 647 00:32:40,417 --> 00:32:43,341 The moment Davina Claire was lost, he became our foe, 648 00:32:43,545 --> 00:32:45,593 and a formidable one at that. 649 00:32:45,797 --> 00:32:47,595 He was the leader of the Strix, 650 00:32:47,799 --> 00:32:49,142 entrusted with all of our secrets, 651 00:32:49,342 --> 00:32:50,889 and then, Klaus, 652 00:32:51,094 --> 00:32:52,186 we betrayed him. 653 00:32:54,931 --> 00:32:57,480 I had no choice. 654 00:33:04,691 --> 00:33:07,535 Do you really believe that? 655 00:33:17,537 --> 00:33:19,130 Here we go. 656 00:33:20,415 --> 00:33:22,213 You've done enough, Vincent. 657 00:33:22,417 --> 00:33:24,260 You should go. 658 00:33:24,461 --> 00:33:26,884 Davina, I can't just walk out. 659 00:33:27,088 --> 00:33:29,432 When this is over, the ancestors will be cut off. 660 00:33:29,633 --> 00:33:32,887 It'll be a new beginning for the witches. 661 00:33:33,094 --> 00:33:34,016 They'll need someone to lead them. 662 00:33:34,221 --> 00:33:35,017 Davina, I'm not gonna let... 663 00:33:35,222 --> 00:33:36,064 Vincent... 664 00:33:38,350 --> 00:33:40,853 I'm not asking. 666 00:33:57,827 --> 00:33:59,204 Elijah... 671 00:34:12,425 --> 00:34:14,928 Forgive me. 672 00:34:15,136 --> 00:34:16,479 What happened? 673 00:34:18,390 --> 00:34:20,313 Tell me, please. 675 00:34:21,768 --> 00:34:24,271 It's Marcel. 677 00:34:29,859 --> 00:34:33,113 I took his life. 681 00:34:49,963 --> 00:34:50,805 Davina... 682 00:34:51,006 --> 00:34:51,882 Can you do me a favor? 683 00:34:53,425 --> 00:34:55,473 Can you tell josh not to be sad? 684 00:34:55,677 --> 00:34:58,772 Tell him that one really good friend is more than enough. 685 00:34:58,972 --> 00:35:01,270 And that most people don't get that. 686 00:35:01,474 --> 00:35:06,355 And... Tell Marcel thanks for being my family. 687 00:35:06,563 --> 00:35:07,405 I'll tell them both. 689 00:35:09,065 --> 00:35:10,112 All of it. 690 00:35:10,317 --> 00:35:11,694 Okay. 692 00:35:15,905 --> 00:35:17,157 I don't know how to say goodbye to you. 694 00:35:20,035 --> 00:35:22,504 Do you know the first time that I saw you? 695 00:35:22,704 --> 00:35:24,377 In the record store. 696 00:35:24,581 --> 00:35:25,833 No, it was before that. 697 00:35:27,959 --> 00:35:31,179 I was dead for ages, Davina. 698 00:35:31,379 --> 00:35:33,302 And when I woke up, 699 00:35:33,506 --> 00:35:36,055 it was a mess of manipulation and family drama 700 00:35:36,259 --> 00:35:37,727 in a body I didn't know. 701 00:35:37,927 --> 00:35:40,931 All this anger I couldn't shake. 702 00:35:41,139 --> 00:35:45,485 And that very night, I saw you leaving the church 703 00:35:45,685 --> 00:35:47,562 with this look on your face, 704 00:35:47,771 --> 00:35:50,365 like the whole world was on your shoulders. 705 00:35:50,565 --> 00:35:53,990 You brushed up against some dead flowers 706 00:35:54,194 --> 00:35:55,912 and you stopped. 707 00:35:56,112 --> 00:35:57,455 You looked around, 708 00:35:57,656 --> 00:35:59,408 and you brought those flowers back to life 709 00:35:59,616 --> 00:36:01,584 with your magic. 710 00:36:01,785 --> 00:36:03,833 And you smiled, 711 00:36:04,037 --> 00:36:07,337 and something inside of me cracked wide open. 712 00:36:07,540 --> 00:36:10,339 I was dead for ages, Davina Claire, 713 00:36:10,502 --> 00:36:14,598 and only then did I feel alive again. 715 00:36:24,599 --> 00:36:26,317 I love you. 718 00:36:36,319 --> 00:36:37,445 I love you too. 728 00:37:01,970 --> 00:37:03,187 Uh, guys? 729 00:37:03,388 --> 00:37:04,435 Pretty sure that's our cue. 743 00:37:45,472 --> 00:37:47,019 I assume Elijah told you. 744 00:37:47,223 --> 00:37:50,318 So you understand why I'd prefer to be alone. 745 00:37:50,518 --> 00:37:52,566 He's hurting too, Klaus. 746 00:37:52,771 --> 00:37:53,943 More than you know. 747 00:37:54,147 --> 00:37:55,945 And had it been our daughter's heart, 748 00:37:56,149 --> 00:37:56,991 would you still defend him? 749 00:37:57,192 --> 00:37:58,034 Don't use hope. 750 00:37:58,234 --> 00:38:00,953 Marcel was a son to me. 751 00:38:04,282 --> 00:38:07,411 Freya showed me what Elijah saw. 752 00:38:07,619 --> 00:38:09,872 The prophecies haven't been wrong once. 753 00:38:10,079 --> 00:38:12,502 Klaus, after everything that you have done, 754 00:38:12,707 --> 00:38:15,176 all the people that you've threatened, tortured, killed, 755 00:38:15,376 --> 00:38:17,003 all the pain that you have put him through, 756 00:38:17,212 --> 00:38:18,429 he has always forgiven you. 757 00:38:18,630 --> 00:38:21,975 You have to forgive him. 758 00:38:30,850 --> 00:38:32,352 You sound like Camille. 766 00:38:59,963 --> 00:39:02,011 I take it your plan worked. 767 00:39:03,758 --> 00:39:06,386 Yeah. 768 00:39:06,594 --> 00:39:08,813 Ancestors are cut off. 769 00:39:09,013 --> 00:39:10,435 We're free. 770 00:39:10,640 --> 00:39:12,734 Now I just got to get things moving in the right direction 771 00:39:12,934 --> 00:39:13,856 on this end. 772 00:39:14,018 --> 00:39:15,611 Hey, look, man, 773 00:39:15,812 --> 00:39:17,314 I couldn't have done it without you, man. 774 00:39:17,522 --> 00:39:18,489 Thank you. 775 00:39:18,690 --> 00:39:21,534 Yeah. 776 00:39:21,734 --> 00:39:25,580 You know, I spent months feeling like I was losing my mind. 777 00:39:25,780 --> 00:39:30,126 Like there was something out there in the darkness. 778 00:39:30,326 --> 00:39:34,047 Waiting for me. 779 00:39:34,247 --> 00:39:35,920 I thought it was all in my head. 780 00:39:39,794 --> 00:39:41,888 Thank you, Vincent. 781 00:39:42,088 --> 00:39:44,307 - No, man. - No, for trusting me with the truth. 782 00:39:46,259 --> 00:39:49,763 All right now. 787 00:40:00,690 --> 00:40:03,694 It was the only way to be sure, Elijah. 788 00:40:03,902 --> 00:40:06,906 And Niklaus, 789 00:40:07,113 --> 00:40:09,832 I think part of him sees that already. 790 00:40:10,033 --> 00:40:13,708 But more than anything, you have to forgive yourself. 801 00:40:50,698 --> 00:40:52,792 "When sorrows come, they come not single spies. 802 00:40:54,869 --> 00:40:57,668 But in battalions." 803 00:40:59,624 --> 00:41:01,467 Hamlet. 804 00:41:01,668 --> 00:41:04,217 We taught Marcel to read with this very copy. 805 00:41:04,420 --> 00:41:06,218 Cool. 806 00:41:06,422 --> 00:41:07,765 Well, he's not here, so... 807 00:41:07,966 --> 00:41:09,343 He's dead. 808 00:41:19,185 --> 00:41:21,483 The serum. 809 00:41:21,688 --> 00:41:24,407 No, Marcel didn't take it. 810 00:41:24,607 --> 00:41:26,359 Because of me. 811 00:41:26,567 --> 00:41:28,319 No, if I hadn't convinced him to wait... 812 00:41:28,528 --> 00:41:30,872 No, is that what you really think? 813 00:41:31,072 --> 00:41:33,825 You think that because Marcel wanted them to think that. 814 00:41:37,745 --> 00:41:39,588 Now, the truth is, Marcel took that serum 815 00:41:39,789 --> 00:41:41,041 the momenti offered it to him. 816 00:41:41,249 --> 00:41:42,796 He didn't even hesitate. 817 00:41:46,004 --> 00:41:48,132 So, if the Mikaelsons think he's dead... 818 00:41:50,008 --> 00:41:51,931 ...they're in for a hell ofa surprise.