1 00:00:02,041 --> 00:00:05,833 (horse neighing) 2 00:00:11,166 --> 00:00:13,125 (horse neighs, 3 00:00:11,166 --> 00:00:13,125 thunder crashes) 4 00:00:20,083 --> 00:00:21,375 (neighing) 5 00:00:22,375 --> 00:00:24,541 Pretty horse. 6 00:00:24,541 --> 00:00:27,750 Oh, you don't have 7 00:00:24,541 --> 00:00:27,750 to be afraid. 8 00:00:27,750 --> 00:00:31,041 I can sing you a song. 9 00:00:27,750 --> 00:00:31,041 Would you like that? 10 00:00:35,041 --> 00:00:37,875 ♪ Who killed Cock Robin? ♪ 11 00:00:37,875 --> 00:00:40,958 ♪ I, said the sparrow ♪ 12 00:00:40,958 --> 00:00:44,208 ♪ I saw him ♪ 13 00:00:44,208 --> 00:00:45,083 ♪ Die... ♪ 14 00:01:04,458 --> 00:01:08,041 (speaking Greek): 15 00:01:04,458 --> 00:01:08,041 I have given you the 16 00:01:04,458 --> 00:01:08,041 Horseman's Power... 17 00:01:08,041 --> 00:01:09,416 ...the Power of DEATH 18 00:01:13,416 --> 00:01:16,333 now bring me...FEAR. 19 00:01:19,875 --> 00:01:21,916 (monster roars) 20 00:01:21,916 --> 00:01:25,250 Shh. Shh. 21 00:01:21,916 --> 00:01:25,250 (snarling) 22 00:01:25,250 --> 00:01:27,333 We have work to do. 23 00:01:27,333 --> 00:01:29,708 (monster roaring) 24 00:01:40,583 --> 00:01:42,083 (grunts) 25 00:01:40,583 --> 00:01:42,083 ABBIE: 26 00:01:40,583 --> 00:01:42,083 Hey, Johnny. 27 00:01:42,083 --> 00:01:43,750 (groans) 28 00:01:43,750 --> 00:01:45,208 Did you miss me? 29 00:01:49,125 --> 00:01:51,083 Sorry for the delay, sir. 30 00:01:51,083 --> 00:01:52,166 Johnny here forgot his manners. 31 00:01:53,291 --> 00:01:54,791 Johnny, buddy, 32 00:01:54,791 --> 00:01:56,291 thought we had a deal-- 33 00:01:56,291 --> 00:01:57,708 we help you, you help us, right? 34 00:01:57,708 --> 00:02:00,250 Did Lorenzo 35 00:01:57,708 --> 00:02:00,250 change the meet? 36 00:01:57,708 --> 00:02:00,250 Don't know. 37 00:02:00,250 --> 00:02:03,166 Yo! I don't know. 38 00:02:03,166 --> 00:02:05,250 We know your boss 39 00:02:03,166 --> 00:02:05,250 is unpredictable, but we promise 40 00:02:05,250 --> 00:02:08,333 to protect you after 41 00:02:05,250 --> 00:02:08,333 we take him down. 42 00:02:05,250 --> 00:02:08,333 I'm being straight with you. 43 00:02:08,333 --> 00:02:10,041 'Zo didn't say nothing 44 00:02:08,333 --> 00:02:10,041 about a new meet. 45 00:02:10,041 --> 00:02:12,458 Dude. 46 00:02:10,041 --> 00:02:12,458 But I can check. 47 00:02:12,458 --> 00:02:13,500 Okay? 48 00:02:15,958 --> 00:02:17,791 Come on. Come on. 49 00:02:17,791 --> 00:02:20,166 Make sure 50 00:02:17,791 --> 00:02:20,166 I can find you, okay? 51 00:02:24,958 --> 00:02:27,000 You best keep an eye on 52 00:02:24,958 --> 00:02:27,000 your CI, Agent Mills. 53 00:02:27,000 --> 00:02:28,250 If Lorenzo gives 54 00:02:27,000 --> 00:02:28,250 us the slip, 55 00:02:28,250 --> 00:02:29,708 he won't come up 56 00:02:28,250 --> 00:02:29,708 for air for months. 57 00:02:29,708 --> 00:02:31,375 Yes, sir, but Johnny 58 00:02:29,708 --> 00:02:31,375 will come through. When I was 59 00:02:31,375 --> 00:02:33,125 at the sheriff's department, 60 00:02:31,375 --> 00:02:33,125 there was a case just like it. 61 00:02:33,125 --> 00:02:35,083 You're not with the 62 00:02:33,125 --> 00:02:35,083 sheriff's department, are you? 63 00:02:35,083 --> 00:02:36,958 So stop thinking like 64 00:02:35,083 --> 00:02:36,958 local law enforcement. 65 00:02:36,958 --> 00:02:39,875 Or isn't Quantico 66 00:02:36,958 --> 00:02:39,875 teaching that anymore? 67 00:02:39,875 --> 00:02:41,458 Look, you're moving 68 00:02:39,875 --> 00:02:41,458 up fast, okay? 69 00:02:41,458 --> 00:02:43,791 Which means somebody 70 00:02:41,458 --> 00:02:43,791 thinks you're good. 71 00:02:43,791 --> 00:02:45,291 So prove 'em right to me. 72 00:02:45,291 --> 00:02:46,291 (phone ringing) 73 00:02:46,291 --> 00:02:48,625 Excuse me, sir. 74 00:02:49,958 --> 00:02:51,666 Mills. 75 00:02:52,916 --> 00:02:54,583 Yeah, I know him. 76 00:02:54,583 --> 00:02:57,666 What? He's where? 77 00:02:57,666 --> 00:03:00,083 (door slams shut) 78 00:03:02,916 --> 00:03:06,208 OFFICER (over P.A.): 79 00:03:02,916 --> 00:03:06,208 Opening 515! 80 00:03:06,208 --> 00:03:08,666 (lock buzzes) 81 00:03:20,208 --> 00:03:23,875 Lieutenant... 82 00:03:20,208 --> 00:03:23,875 thank you for coming. 83 00:03:23,875 --> 00:03:26,750 Damn, Crane, 84 00:03:23,875 --> 00:03:26,750 what the hell happened? 85 00:03:26,750 --> 00:03:29,500 They told me they caught you 86 00:03:26,750 --> 00:03:29,500 trying to enter the country 87 00:03:29,500 --> 00:03:31,083 with restricted materials. 88 00:03:31,083 --> 00:03:32,625 A matter which I shall 89 00:03:31,083 --> 00:03:32,625 address presently. 90 00:03:32,625 --> 00:03:34,708 But first, 91 00:03:32,625 --> 00:03:34,708 a more pressing issue. 92 00:03:34,708 --> 00:03:36,791 Mm-mm. How long you been here? 93 00:03:36,791 --> 00:03:39,333 Uh, this is the morn 94 00:03:36,791 --> 00:03:39,333 of my fifth day. 95 00:03:36,791 --> 00:03:39,333 Fifth day. 96 00:03:39,333 --> 00:03:42,083 And you're just now calling me? 97 00:03:39,333 --> 00:03:42,083 Yes, well, 98 00:03:42,083 --> 00:03:44,333 it has been some time 99 00:03:42,083 --> 00:03:44,333 since last we spoke. 100 00:03:44,333 --> 00:03:45,958 You've been gone nine months. 101 00:03:45,958 --> 00:03:47,375 You said you needed 102 00:03:45,958 --> 00:03:47,375 to take a little walkabout, 103 00:03:47,375 --> 00:03:49,291 clear your head-- I understood. 104 00:03:49,291 --> 00:03:51,458 No, you've been through a lot, 105 00:03:49,291 --> 00:03:51,458 but I don't hear from you, 106 00:03:51,458 --> 00:03:53,708 for nine months, and then 107 00:03:51,458 --> 00:03:53,708 this is the call that I get-- 108 00:03:53,708 --> 00:03:56,000 to bail you out 109 00:03:53,708 --> 00:03:56,000 of the I.C.E. detention center. 110 00:03:56,000 --> 00:03:58,333 Indeed, there is 111 00:03:58,333 --> 00:04:00,500 much upon which 112 00:03:58,333 --> 00:04:00,500 we need to catch up. 113 00:04:00,500 --> 00:04:02,000 You think? 114 00:04:02,000 --> 00:04:04,958 You're right. 115 00:04:04,958 --> 00:04:07,583 I have been delinquent 116 00:04:04,958 --> 00:04:07,583 in my communication. 117 00:04:07,583 --> 00:04:09,125 Mm. 118 00:04:09,125 --> 00:04:11,250 Initially, it was because 119 00:04:09,125 --> 00:04:11,250 I required solitude. 120 00:04:11,250 --> 00:04:13,208 Then... 121 00:04:13,208 --> 00:04:16,083 it became a habit. 122 00:04:17,541 --> 00:04:19,291 A deeply regrettable one. 123 00:04:30,166 --> 00:04:32,541 Is that what I think it is? 124 00:04:32,541 --> 00:04:34,416 Katrina's necklace. 125 00:04:34,416 --> 00:04:37,125 I'll admit 126 00:04:34,416 --> 00:04:37,125 I kept it out of sentiment. 127 00:04:37,125 --> 00:04:40,208 But this charm 128 00:04:37,125 --> 00:04:40,208 is spiritually linked 129 00:04:40,208 --> 00:04:41,875 to the soul 130 00:04:40,208 --> 00:04:41,875 of Abraham Van Brunt. 131 00:04:49,541 --> 00:04:52,166 Last night, 132 00:04:49,541 --> 00:04:52,166 something happened to it. 133 00:04:52,166 --> 00:04:57,291 I was in the midst of what has 134 00:04:52,166 --> 00:04:57,291 become something of a ritual. 135 00:04:57,291 --> 00:04:59,833 A nighttime communion of sorts. 136 00:04:59,833 --> 00:05:02,208 And I return to the question 137 00:05:02,208 --> 00:05:06,208 that echoes through my soul. 138 00:05:06,208 --> 00:05:09,833 Is my destiny to be not 139 00:05:06,208 --> 00:05:09,833 but a ceaseless traveler, 140 00:05:09,833 --> 00:05:12,541 inexorably slouching my way 141 00:05:12,541 --> 00:05:15,000 through this mortal coil? 142 00:05:17,083 --> 00:05:19,458 Can you hear me, Jesus? 143 00:05:21,625 --> 00:05:25,250 I hear you, C-Dawg. 144 00:05:21,625 --> 00:05:25,250 Don't got no answers. 145 00:05:25,250 --> 00:05:28,250 But as a wise man once said: 146 00:05:25,250 --> 00:05:28,250 "It's a hard knock life. 147 00:05:28,250 --> 00:05:29,833 For us." 148 00:05:29,833 --> 00:05:31,375 Mm-hmm. 149 00:05:31,375 --> 00:05:33,541 So true. That is so true. 150 00:05:34,458 --> 00:05:37,125 (grunting in pain) 151 00:05:37,125 --> 00:05:38,208 (gasps) 152 00:05:43,375 --> 00:05:46,125 The energy has been drained 153 00:05:43,375 --> 00:05:46,125 from it... completely. 154 00:05:46,125 --> 00:05:50,000 I believe something has happened 155 00:05:46,125 --> 00:05:50,000 to Abraham-- something dire. 156 00:05:50,000 --> 00:05:52,625 Now, if something has happened 157 00:05:50,000 --> 00:05:52,625 to the Horseman of Death, 158 00:05:52,625 --> 00:05:55,125 it means there are 159 00:05:52,625 --> 00:05:55,125 dark forces in motion. 160 00:05:55,125 --> 00:05:56,500 First things first. 161 00:05:56,500 --> 00:05:58,375 I need to get you out of here. 162 00:05:58,375 --> 00:06:00,541 So tell me what you tried 163 00:05:58,375 --> 00:06:00,541 to smuggle past Customs. 164 00:06:00,541 --> 00:06:02,958 An artifact. 165 00:06:02,958 --> 00:06:05,416 One of immeasurable 166 00:06:02,958 --> 00:06:05,416 significance. 167 00:06:05,416 --> 00:06:07,625 I believe it holds the key 168 00:06:07,625 --> 00:06:08,916 to our future as Witnesses, 169 00:06:08,916 --> 00:06:10,666 Lieutenant. 170 00:06:08,916 --> 00:06:10,666 Agent. 171 00:06:10,666 --> 00:06:12,166 I'm not a Lieutenant anymore. 172 00:06:12,166 --> 00:06:14,583 I'm a special agent 173 00:06:12,166 --> 00:06:14,583 for the FBI. 174 00:06:14,583 --> 00:06:16,958 You joined the federal police. 175 00:06:16,958 --> 00:06:19,500 Like you said... 176 00:06:16,958 --> 00:06:19,500 lots of catching up. 177 00:06:19,500 --> 00:06:21,375 Want to get that? 178 00:06:36,125 --> 00:06:37,250 Where's my package? 179 00:06:37,250 --> 00:06:38,625 You can file a claim for 180 00:06:38,625 --> 00:06:40,250 seized items online. 181 00:06:38,625 --> 00:06:40,250 Now look here-- 182 00:06:40,250 --> 00:06:41,750 the right to personal property 183 00:06:40,250 --> 00:06:41,750 is a fundamental... 184 00:06:41,750 --> 00:06:43,250 Crane, I will 185 00:06:41,750 --> 00:06:43,250 make sure 186 00:06:43,250 --> 00:06:44,958 that you get your 187 00:06:43,250 --> 00:06:44,958 stuff back later. 188 00:06:44,958 --> 00:06:46,916 Right now, we just need to 189 00:06:44,958 --> 00:06:46,916 get out of here. Thank you, sir. 190 00:06:46,916 --> 00:06:49,666 Very well. I leave my possession 191 00:06:46,916 --> 00:06:49,666 here with these noble souls, 192 00:06:49,666 --> 00:06:51,416 my comrades. 193 00:06:51,416 --> 00:06:54,166 Thomas Paine described America 194 00:06:51,416 --> 00:06:54,166 as a place 195 00:06:54,166 --> 00:06:56,666 "where all parts are brought 196 00:06:54,166 --> 00:06:56,666 into perfect unison." 197 00:06:56,666 --> 00:06:58,833 Indeed. Though my stay 198 00:06:58,833 --> 00:07:00,875 here has been brief, 199 00:07:00,875 --> 00:07:03,666 I have come to value the concord 200 00:07:00,875 --> 00:07:03,666 I found with my fellow 201 00:07:03,666 --> 00:07:06,375 detainees. 202 00:07:11,791 --> 00:07:13,500 You want to stay 203 00:07:11,791 --> 00:07:13,500 with your new pals? 204 00:07:13,500 --> 00:07:15,416 Good God, no. 205 00:07:18,041 --> 00:07:19,625 MAN: (laughs) Told you! 206 00:07:19,625 --> 00:07:20,916 I can't miss. 207 00:07:20,916 --> 00:07:22,416 Oh, dude, that was me. 208 00:07:20,916 --> 00:07:22,416 Oh, the hell it was. 209 00:07:22,416 --> 00:07:23,833 God, why do you got 210 00:07:22,416 --> 00:07:23,833 to be like that? 211 00:07:23,833 --> 00:07:25,291 Why does it always 212 00:07:23,833 --> 00:07:25,291 got to be you? 213 00:07:25,291 --> 00:07:26,666 Well, because you 214 00:07:25,291 --> 00:07:26,666 couldn't hit an elephant 215 00:07:26,666 --> 00:07:28,083 if it was hugging you. 216 00:07:28,083 --> 00:07:29,708 Hey, that reminds me. 217 00:07:28,083 --> 00:07:29,708 How's Sally doing? 218 00:07:29,708 --> 00:07:30,958 (laughs) 219 00:07:31,833 --> 00:07:33,875 Yeah! 220 00:07:33,875 --> 00:07:35,250 (grunting) 221 00:07:35,250 --> 00:07:36,750 (laughing) 222 00:07:35,250 --> 00:07:36,750 What's the matter 223 00:07:35,250 --> 00:07:36,750 with you? 224 00:07:36,750 --> 00:07:38,833 Come on. (laughs) 225 00:07:36,750 --> 00:07:38,833 (eerie growling) 226 00:07:38,833 --> 00:07:40,333 Hey, are you mad? 227 00:07:40,333 --> 00:07:41,708 Oh, screw you! 228 00:07:41,708 --> 00:07:43,166 (laughs) 229 00:07:43,166 --> 00:07:45,458 Oh, man. Don't 230 00:07:43,166 --> 00:07:45,458 be a tool. 231 00:07:45,458 --> 00:07:47,208 (monster growling, 232 00:07:45,458 --> 00:07:47,208 man screaming) 233 00:07:54,041 --> 00:07:57,416 Brent? 234 00:08:04,125 --> 00:08:06,291 (grunts) 235 00:08:06,291 --> 00:08:10,208 (gasps, whimpers) 236 00:08:10,208 --> 00:08:12,500 Aah! Brent! Brent! 237 00:08:12,500 --> 00:08:14,583 (footsteps thudding) 238 00:08:14,583 --> 00:08:17,000 (roaring) 239 00:08:20,916 --> 00:08:23,083 (growling) 240 00:08:23,083 --> 00:08:25,375 (hissing, growling) 241 00:08:27,666 --> 00:08:30,083 It was only then 242 00:08:27,666 --> 00:08:30,083 that I gleaned what they meant 243 00:08:30,083 --> 00:08:32,541 by "return to your upright 244 00:08:30,083 --> 00:08:32,541 and locked position." 245 00:08:32,541 --> 00:08:34,250 Crane on a plane! 246 00:08:34,250 --> 00:08:36,583 I miss everything. 247 00:08:38,458 --> 00:08:39,583 Lieutenant... 248 00:08:39,583 --> 00:08:40,958 Agent. 249 00:08:39,583 --> 00:08:40,958 Agent. 250 00:08:40,958 --> 00:08:42,375 No. Yeah... 251 00:08:42,375 --> 00:08:45,208 On second thought, 252 00:08:42,375 --> 00:08:45,208 doesn't sound right. 253 00:08:45,208 --> 00:08:47,833 Just stick with "lieutenant." 254 00:08:45,208 --> 00:08:47,833 Certain? 255 00:08:47,833 --> 00:08:50,291 I can only handle 256 00:08:47,833 --> 00:08:50,291 so much change. 257 00:08:50,291 --> 00:08:52,791 What's all this? 258 00:08:50,291 --> 00:08:52,791 Yes. Agreed. 259 00:08:52,791 --> 00:08:54,791 (laughs) 260 00:08:54,791 --> 00:08:56,666 Crane, you really should 261 00:08:54,791 --> 00:08:56,666 have called me sooner. 262 00:08:56,666 --> 00:08:58,958 We are a team. 263 00:08:56,666 --> 00:08:58,958 But are we? 264 00:08:58,958 --> 00:09:03,416 We're friends, of course, 265 00:08:58,958 --> 00:09:03,416 and colleagues, 266 00:09:03,416 --> 00:09:07,333 but "team" implies 267 00:09:03,416 --> 00:09:07,333 a mission; purpose. 268 00:09:07,333 --> 00:09:09,416 Henry and Katrina's deaths 269 00:09:09,416 --> 00:09:11,416 closed a chapter for us. 270 00:09:11,416 --> 00:09:13,291 And it reminded me, 271 00:09:13,291 --> 00:09:15,875 perhaps I am truly adrift 272 00:09:13,291 --> 00:09:15,875 in this time. 273 00:09:17,791 --> 00:09:20,208 Then it dawned on me. 274 00:09:20,208 --> 00:09:23,666 Perhaps there are other 275 00:09:20,208 --> 00:09:23,666 descendants in the Crane line. 276 00:09:23,666 --> 00:09:25,083 Then I would not be alone. 277 00:09:25,083 --> 00:09:26,833 So, I traveled 278 00:09:26,833 --> 00:09:28,541 to my family ancestral home 279 00:09:26,833 --> 00:09:28,541 in Scotland... 280 00:09:31,000 --> 00:09:34,000 ...where I made 281 00:09:31,000 --> 00:09:34,000 an astonishing discovery. 282 00:10:02,625 --> 00:10:04,833 ♪ ♪ 283 00:10:07,958 --> 00:10:10,083 ABBIE: 284 00:10:07,958 --> 00:10:10,083 A tablet? 285 00:10:10,083 --> 00:10:12,125 That's what Customs 286 00:10:10,083 --> 00:10:12,125 nailed you for? 287 00:10:12,125 --> 00:10:14,833 "Improper import of cultural 288 00:10:12,125 --> 00:10:14,833 heritage antiquities." 289 00:10:14,833 --> 00:10:17,458 A bureaucrat's flight of fancy, 290 00:10:14,833 --> 00:10:17,458 if ever I heard one. 291 00:10:17,458 --> 00:10:20,125 Fortunately, before 292 00:10:17,458 --> 00:10:20,125 they confiscated my property, 293 00:10:20,125 --> 00:10:22,458 I was able to decipher 294 00:10:20,125 --> 00:10:22,458 some of its engraving. 295 00:10:22,458 --> 00:10:24,083 It was Sumerian. 296 00:10:24,083 --> 00:10:26,083 4,000 years old. 297 00:10:26,083 --> 00:10:27,958 Roughly translated, it said: 298 00:10:27,958 --> 00:10:32,166 "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow." 299 00:10:32,166 --> 00:10:34,000 (laughs) 300 00:10:35,000 --> 00:10:36,708 Are you serious, Crane? 301 00:10:36,708 --> 00:10:39,500 Yes, I assure you, I am. 302 00:10:39,500 --> 00:10:41,750 Do you not see-- 303 00:10:39,500 --> 00:10:41,750 this tablet... 304 00:10:41,750 --> 00:10:44,666 Let me guess. You think this is 305 00:10:41,750 --> 00:10:44,666 an ancient prophecy about 306 00:10:44,666 --> 00:10:46,500 our place in the war 307 00:10:44,666 --> 00:10:46,500 between good and evil? 308 00:10:46,500 --> 00:10:48,083 Shamans thousands of 309 00:10:46,500 --> 00:10:48,083 years ago predicted 310 00:10:48,083 --> 00:10:49,666 what was gonna 311 00:10:48,083 --> 00:10:49,666 happen to us, 312 00:10:49,666 --> 00:10:53,041 and that 313 00:10:49,666 --> 00:10:53,041 this Babylonian artifact will 314 00:10:53,041 --> 00:10:56,125 hold the key to what we're 315 00:10:53,041 --> 00:10:56,125 supposed to do with our lives. 316 00:10:56,125 --> 00:10:57,958 Am I right? 317 00:10:57,958 --> 00:11:00,708 Well, no, actually, you're not. 318 00:11:01,958 --> 00:11:03,625 It was Sumerian, not Babylonian. 319 00:11:03,625 --> 00:11:05,250 Ah. 320 00:11:03,625 --> 00:11:05,250 Oh, d... all right, fine-- 321 00:11:05,250 --> 00:11:06,750 that is what I believe, but... 322 00:11:06,750 --> 00:11:08,708 Lieutenant, do you not see? 323 00:11:08,708 --> 00:11:11,875 This tablet could hold the key 324 00:11:08,708 --> 00:11:11,875 to our mission as Witnesses. 325 00:11:11,875 --> 00:11:13,875 Our mission? 326 00:11:11,875 --> 00:11:13,875 For all you know, 327 00:11:13,875 --> 00:11:15,083 this is Sumerian sudoku. 328 00:11:15,083 --> 00:11:18,250 Our mission is over. 329 00:11:18,250 --> 00:11:20,541 We stopped Moloch 330 00:11:18,250 --> 00:11:20,541 and the apocalypse. 331 00:11:20,541 --> 00:11:22,625 (phone rings) 332 00:11:20,541 --> 00:11:22,625 Mills. 333 00:11:22,625 --> 00:11:24,208 DISPATCHER: 334 00:11:22,625 --> 00:11:24,208 Agent Mills, we have a report 335 00:11:24,208 --> 00:11:25,916 of two dead bodies 336 00:11:24,208 --> 00:11:25,916 in Westchester National Park. 337 00:11:25,916 --> 00:11:28,625 Local authorities are requesting 338 00:11:25,916 --> 00:11:28,625 federal assistance 339 00:11:28,625 --> 00:11:30,625 due to jurisdictional issues. 340 00:11:30,625 --> 00:11:32,208 Copy that. 341 00:11:30,625 --> 00:11:32,208 I'm on my way. 342 00:11:32,208 --> 00:11:33,916 (hangs up) 343 00:11:33,916 --> 00:11:35,875 I have a new mission now. 344 00:11:37,500 --> 00:11:39,500 I'm an agent of the FBI. 345 00:11:48,458 --> 00:11:50,750 Working theory 346 00:11:48,458 --> 00:11:50,750 is animal attack. 347 00:11:50,750 --> 00:11:53,833 But the thing is, 348 00:11:50,750 --> 00:11:53,833 I know this area. 349 00:11:53,833 --> 00:11:57,416 And there aren't 350 00:11:53,833 --> 00:11:57,416 any predators around here. 351 00:11:57,416 --> 00:11:59,333 (indistinct police 352 00:11:57,416 --> 00:11:59,333 radio communication) 353 00:12:18,583 --> 00:12:20,500 Blood? 354 00:12:20,500 --> 00:12:22,166 I don't think so. 355 00:12:22,166 --> 00:12:24,500 It looks like 356 00:12:22,166 --> 00:12:24,500 some kind of residue. 357 00:12:24,500 --> 00:12:26,375 As if something 358 00:12:24,500 --> 00:12:26,375 brushed up against it. 359 00:12:26,375 --> 00:12:28,916 Can you take a 360 00:12:26,375 --> 00:12:28,916 sample of this? 361 00:13:01,000 --> 00:13:03,583 What is it? 362 00:13:01,000 --> 00:13:03,583 Certainly not human. 363 00:13:03,583 --> 00:13:07,333 Nor any animal I know of. 364 00:13:09,583 --> 00:13:11,625 Dragon's Breath. 365 00:13:11,625 --> 00:13:13,708 Something I obtained 366 00:13:11,625 --> 00:13:13,708 on my travels. 367 00:13:13,708 --> 00:13:15,500 Or something you picked up 368 00:13:13,708 --> 00:13:15,500 in duty-free. 369 00:13:15,500 --> 00:13:17,375 Very funny. 370 00:13:17,375 --> 00:13:18,875 It was used 371 00:13:17,375 --> 00:13:18,875 by the Dominican Order 372 00:13:18,875 --> 00:13:20,375 during the Spanish Inquisition 373 00:13:20,375 --> 00:13:22,125 to test for demonic activity. 374 00:13:22,125 --> 00:13:26,208 If demons are present, 375 00:13:22,125 --> 00:13:26,208 it should... heat up a little. 376 00:13:32,083 --> 00:13:34,833 Well, perhaps... we should 377 00:13:32,083 --> 00:13:34,833 try something different. 378 00:13:35,875 --> 00:13:36,875 Ooh! 379 00:13:35,875 --> 00:13:36,875 Ooh! 380 00:13:41,083 --> 00:13:43,916 Evil has returned 381 00:13:43,916 --> 00:13:45,916 to Sleepy Hollow. 382 00:14:26,291 --> 00:14:28,250 Very impressive. 383 00:14:28,250 --> 00:14:31,625 Certainly a step up 384 00:14:28,250 --> 00:14:31,625 from the sheriff's department. 385 00:14:31,625 --> 00:14:34,291 Step I've been meaning 386 00:14:31,625 --> 00:14:34,291 to take for a while. 387 00:14:37,833 --> 00:14:39,416 Lieutenant... 388 00:14:42,791 --> 00:14:44,291 Look, Crane... 389 00:14:44,291 --> 00:14:46,500 I never faulted 390 00:14:44,291 --> 00:14:46,500 you for leaving. 391 00:14:46,500 --> 00:14:50,291 It was something you had to do. 392 00:14:46,500 --> 00:14:50,291 After you left, I realized 393 00:14:50,291 --> 00:14:52,250 that I couldn't 394 00:14:50,291 --> 00:14:52,250 put my life on hold. 395 00:14:52,250 --> 00:14:54,333 You know, before the Horseman 396 00:14:52,250 --> 00:14:54,333 and all the other craziness, 397 00:14:54,333 --> 00:14:55,958 I had a plan. 398 00:14:54,333 --> 00:14:55,958 I was 399 00:14:55,958 --> 00:14:57,291 on my way to Quantico 400 00:14:57,291 --> 00:14:59,291 and I'm finally 401 00:14:57,291 --> 00:14:59,291 back on that path. 402 00:14:59,291 --> 00:15:03,083 And this-- this feels good. 403 00:15:08,166 --> 00:15:10,291 Anaconda. 404 00:15:08,166 --> 00:15:10,291 Mm. 405 00:15:10,291 --> 00:15:12,916 A multi-state 406 00:15:10,291 --> 00:15:12,916 drug trafficking ring. 407 00:15:12,916 --> 00:15:14,291 The boss, Lorenzo Chang, 408 00:15:14,291 --> 00:15:16,333 has evaded capture for years. 409 00:15:16,333 --> 00:15:18,916 But we just got word of a meet 410 00:15:16,333 --> 00:15:18,916 he'll be at tomorrow. 411 00:15:18,916 --> 00:15:20,291 So you've moved on 412 00:15:18,916 --> 00:15:20,291 to taking down monsters 413 00:15:20,291 --> 00:15:21,333 of a different variety. 414 00:15:21,333 --> 00:15:22,875 You could say that. 415 00:15:22,875 --> 00:15:24,958 Mills. 416 00:15:22,875 --> 00:15:24,958 My office in ten. 417 00:15:24,958 --> 00:15:26,375 And grab the rest 418 00:15:24,958 --> 00:15:26,375 of the Anaconda task force. 419 00:15:26,375 --> 00:15:28,666 Yes, sir. Sorry, sir. 420 00:15:28,666 --> 00:15:30,166 This is Ichabod Crane. 421 00:15:30,166 --> 00:15:32,583 Crane, this is Special Agent 422 00:15:30,166 --> 00:15:32,583 in Charge Mitch Granger. 423 00:15:32,583 --> 00:15:34,166 At your service. 424 00:15:34,166 --> 00:15:36,166 Uh-huh. 425 00:15:37,291 --> 00:15:38,666 Ten minutes. 426 00:15:38,666 --> 00:15:40,166 Yes, sir. 427 00:15:41,791 --> 00:15:43,041 Charming. 428 00:15:41,791 --> 00:15:43,041 I like him. 429 00:15:43,041 --> 00:15:44,666 He busts my chops, 430 00:15:44,666 --> 00:15:46,791 but he's a good agent. 431 00:15:46,791 --> 00:15:49,750 Lieutenant, far be it from me 432 00:15:46,791 --> 00:15:49,750 to stand in the way 433 00:15:49,750 --> 00:15:52,166 of your professional 434 00:15:49,750 --> 00:15:52,166 endeavors, but... 435 00:15:52,166 --> 00:15:54,166 there is a far greater 436 00:15:52,166 --> 00:15:54,166 role for us. 437 00:15:54,166 --> 00:15:56,000 A fact proven by 438 00:15:54,166 --> 00:15:56,000 my recent discovery. 439 00:15:56,000 --> 00:15:57,458 Has it ever 440 00:15:56,000 --> 00:15:57,458 occurred to you that 441 00:15:57,458 --> 00:15:59,333 you went looking 442 00:15:57,458 --> 00:15:59,333 for your purpose 443 00:15:59,333 --> 00:16:00,416 and conveniently found one? 444 00:16:00,416 --> 00:16:01,500 I did not invent the tablet. 445 00:16:01,500 --> 00:16:03,791 No, but you know 446 00:16:01,500 --> 00:16:03,791 as well as I do 447 00:16:03,791 --> 00:16:06,000 that translating ancient 448 00:16:03,791 --> 00:16:06,000 languages is hit-or-miss. 449 00:16:06,000 --> 00:16:07,500 You wanted it 450 00:16:06,000 --> 00:16:07,500 to be important, 451 00:16:07,500 --> 00:16:08,875 and have a meaning, so it did. 452 00:16:08,875 --> 00:16:10,250 Lieutenant, the Bible foretells 453 00:16:10,250 --> 00:16:11,916 that the two Witnesses 454 00:16:10,250 --> 00:16:11,916 must endure 455 00:16:11,916 --> 00:16:13,416 seven tribulations. 456 00:16:13,416 --> 00:16:16,041 The first ended with 457 00:16:13,416 --> 00:16:16,041 the death of Moloch. 458 00:16:16,041 --> 00:16:18,166 This new... evil may mark 459 00:16:18,166 --> 00:16:20,416 the beginning of the second. 460 00:16:18,166 --> 00:16:20,416 I agree 461 00:16:20,416 --> 00:16:22,458 something weird was involved 462 00:16:20,416 --> 00:16:22,458 with the hunters. 463 00:16:22,458 --> 00:16:24,416 Maybe a... stray monster. 464 00:16:24,416 --> 00:16:26,083 Didn't get 465 00:16:24,416 --> 00:16:26,083 the "war's over" memo. 466 00:16:26,083 --> 00:16:28,750 Or maybe those guys are mixed up 467 00:16:26,083 --> 00:16:28,750 in some dark occult thing. 468 00:16:28,750 --> 00:16:31,083 I don't know. I'm gonna help you 469 00:16:28,750 --> 00:16:31,083 get to the bottom of it, 470 00:16:31,083 --> 00:16:32,875 but the idea that this 471 00:16:31,083 --> 00:16:32,875 is the apocalypse 2.0... 472 00:16:32,875 --> 00:16:34,333 (door opens) 473 00:16:32,875 --> 00:16:34,333 WOMAN: Agent Mills? 474 00:16:34,333 --> 00:16:36,041 Here are the forensics 475 00:16:34,333 --> 00:16:36,041 on the dead hunters. 476 00:16:36,041 --> 00:16:38,041 Thank you, Dani. 477 00:16:41,208 --> 00:16:44,208 "Elevated levels of ACTH." 478 00:16:44,208 --> 00:16:46,416 What is that? 479 00:16:49,375 --> 00:16:50,458 Dani. 480 00:16:50,458 --> 00:16:51,958 Huh? Oh, sorry. 481 00:16:51,958 --> 00:16:54,000 Um, ACTH is a 482 00:16:51,958 --> 00:16:54,000 hormone secreted 483 00:16:54,000 --> 00:16:55,583 by the pituitary during 484 00:16:54,000 --> 00:16:55,583 moments of terror. 485 00:16:55,583 --> 00:16:57,750 Yeah, see? Both of the victims' 486 00:16:55,583 --> 00:16:57,750 fists were clenched 487 00:16:57,750 --> 00:17:00,916 and locked-- 488 00:16:57,750 --> 00:17:00,916 literally frozen in fear. 489 00:17:00,916 --> 00:17:02,166 There you go. 490 00:17:02,166 --> 00:17:03,458 And the red substance? 491 00:17:03,458 --> 00:17:05,458 Oh, we're still 492 00:17:03,458 --> 00:17:05,458 working on the analysis. 493 00:17:05,458 --> 00:17:07,291 Thanks, Dani. 494 00:17:14,041 --> 00:17:15,541 Despite what I'm certain 495 00:17:15,541 --> 00:17:17,625 is excellent work 496 00:17:15,541 --> 00:17:17,625 on Miss Dani's part, 497 00:17:17,625 --> 00:17:20,416 science will only 498 00:17:17,625 --> 00:17:20,416 take us so far. 499 00:17:20,416 --> 00:17:23,333 We need to tap 500 00:17:20,416 --> 00:17:23,333 into information 501 00:17:23,333 --> 00:17:26,166 of a less terrestrial nature. 502 00:17:26,166 --> 00:17:28,916 (door creaking open) 503 00:17:28,916 --> 00:17:30,916 Welcome back 504 00:17:28,916 --> 00:17:30,916 to the archives. 505 00:17:49,583 --> 00:17:51,583 What happened? 506 00:17:49,583 --> 00:17:51,583 The city 507 00:17:51,583 --> 00:17:53,375 sold the building to developers. 508 00:17:53,375 --> 00:17:56,416 It's scheduled 509 00:17:53,375 --> 00:17:56,416 for demolition next month. 510 00:17:56,416 --> 00:17:58,666 I've been in here 511 00:17:56,416 --> 00:17:58,666 packing up stuff for weeks. 512 00:17:56,416 --> 00:17:58,666 Demolition? 513 00:17:58,666 --> 00:17:59,958 Mm. 514 00:17:59,958 --> 00:18:02,500 This chamber has stood 515 00:17:59,958 --> 00:18:02,500 since the 1750s! 516 00:18:02,500 --> 00:18:04,500 The... Battle of Lexington 517 00:18:04,500 --> 00:18:06,458 was plotted right here. 518 00:18:07,708 --> 00:18:09,375 Now it'll be a mini mall. 519 00:18:09,375 --> 00:18:11,375 A mini mall... 520 00:18:12,750 --> 00:18:15,250 Is there no regard for the past? 521 00:18:17,125 --> 00:18:18,708 And... 522 00:18:18,708 --> 00:18:20,000 What are these? 523 00:18:20,000 --> 00:18:22,333 JENNY: Reminders. 524 00:18:20,000 --> 00:18:22,333 Of an old friend. 525 00:18:22,333 --> 00:18:24,333 Don't tell me you've 526 00:18:22,333 --> 00:18:24,333 forgotten your old friends. 527 00:18:24,333 --> 00:18:25,541 Miss Jenny. 528 00:18:25,541 --> 00:18:26,791 Hey, stranger. 529 00:18:26,791 --> 00:18:28,041 Oh! 530 00:18:28,041 --> 00:18:29,916 (chuckles gently) 531 00:18:29,916 --> 00:18:32,041 Abby told me 532 00:18:29,916 --> 00:18:32,041 you were in town. 533 00:18:32,041 --> 00:18:33,208 Had to come see 534 00:18:32,041 --> 00:18:33,208 for myself. 535 00:18:33,208 --> 00:18:34,500 And Captain Irving? 536 00:18:34,500 --> 00:18:35,875 Up and left in 537 00:18:34,500 --> 00:18:35,875 the middle of the night. 538 00:18:35,875 --> 00:18:37,166 He said it was 539 00:18:35,875 --> 00:18:37,166 the best way 540 00:18:37,166 --> 00:18:40,041 to protect his family. 541 00:18:37,166 --> 00:18:40,041 No word, no warning. 542 00:18:40,041 --> 00:18:41,291 Like witness protection. 543 00:18:41,291 --> 00:18:43,666 You have no idea 544 00:18:41,291 --> 00:18:43,666 where he's gone? 545 00:18:45,083 --> 00:18:46,500 No. 546 00:18:46,500 --> 00:18:50,041 But someone probably 547 00:18:46,500 --> 00:18:50,041 helped him leave. 548 00:18:50,041 --> 00:18:52,166 Someone who knows 549 00:18:52,166 --> 00:18:54,166 how to get in and out 550 00:18:52,166 --> 00:18:54,166 of countries quietly. 551 00:18:54,166 --> 00:18:56,083 Someone who's been 552 00:18:54,166 --> 00:18:56,083 getting around the law 553 00:18:56,083 --> 00:18:57,833 ever since she was young. 554 00:18:57,833 --> 00:19:01,083 Someone who's said good-bye 555 00:18:57,833 --> 00:19:01,083 to too many friends. 556 00:19:01,083 --> 00:19:02,958 ABBIE: 557 00:19:01,083 --> 00:19:02,958 So... 558 00:19:02,958 --> 00:19:04,791 what exactly are we looking for? 559 00:19:04,791 --> 00:19:05,833 Ah. 560 00:19:05,833 --> 00:19:08,375 The bestiary texts. 561 00:19:08,375 --> 00:19:11,375 Preferably Voynich 562 00:19:08,375 --> 00:19:11,375 or Codex Serafini. 563 00:19:11,375 --> 00:19:14,458 Any that catalog 564 00:19:11,375 --> 00:19:14,458 mythological creatures. 565 00:19:14,458 --> 00:19:16,291 You're looking for a demon? 566 00:19:14,458 --> 00:19:16,291 Indeed we are. 567 00:19:17,541 --> 00:19:18,791 Specifically one 568 00:19:18,791 --> 00:19:20,625 that can manipulate fear. 569 00:19:23,125 --> 00:19:25,375 WOMAN: 570 00:19:23,125 --> 00:19:25,375 One for sorrow, 571 00:19:25,375 --> 00:19:27,166 two for mirth. 572 00:19:27,166 --> 00:19:28,750 Three for a wedding, 573 00:19:28,750 --> 00:19:30,958 and four for a birth. 574 00:19:33,125 --> 00:19:36,208 Five for silver, six for gold. 575 00:19:36,208 --> 00:19:38,500 Seven for a secret... 576 00:19:38,500 --> 00:19:41,166 not to be told. 577 00:19:42,208 --> 00:19:45,083 So afraid. 578 00:19:42,208 --> 00:19:45,083 (no voice) 579 00:19:45,083 --> 00:19:47,708 And yet, they have no idea... 580 00:19:47,708 --> 00:19:50,375 just how powerful 581 00:19:47,708 --> 00:19:50,375 their fear can be. 582 00:19:50,375 --> 00:19:51,958 But I know. 583 00:19:54,875 --> 00:19:56,458 And I want more. 584 00:20:19,416 --> 00:20:21,416 (computer beeps) 585 00:20:25,166 --> 00:20:27,708 Ah. It's the lab report. 586 00:20:27,708 --> 00:20:29,791 So that red substance 587 00:20:27,708 --> 00:20:29,791 is mercury sulfide. 588 00:20:29,791 --> 00:20:32,041 Commonly known as cinnabar. 589 00:20:32,041 --> 00:20:33,750 Cinnabar. 590 00:20:33,750 --> 00:20:35,666 JENNY: 591 00:20:33,750 --> 00:20:35,666 Cinnabar used to be 592 00:20:33,750 --> 00:20:35,666 used as a pigment 593 00:20:35,666 --> 00:20:37,083 in supernatural artifacts. 594 00:20:37,083 --> 00:20:39,375 CRANE: The hides 595 00:20:37,083 --> 00:20:39,375 of certain demons 596 00:20:39,375 --> 00:20:42,000 are believed to contain 597 00:20:39,375 --> 00:20:42,000 high levels of it. 598 00:20:42,000 --> 00:20:43,500 Ah. 599 00:20:43,500 --> 00:20:46,291 Demons including Yao-guai. 600 00:20:46,291 --> 00:20:49,416 A creature dating back 601 00:20:46,291 --> 00:20:49,416 to the Tang dynasty. 602 00:20:49,416 --> 00:20:52,291 Here: "Known as 603 00:20:49,416 --> 00:20:52,291 battlefield demons. 604 00:20:52,291 --> 00:20:54,166 "Drawn to the frenzy and energy 605 00:20:54,166 --> 00:20:55,625 "of armed conflict. 606 00:20:55,625 --> 00:20:57,125 "Most notably, 607 00:20:55,625 --> 00:20:57,125 they have the power 608 00:20:57,125 --> 00:20:59,708 to paralyze their victims 609 00:20:57,125 --> 00:20:59,708 with fear." 610 00:20:59,708 --> 00:21:01,000 Battlefield demon? 611 00:21:01,000 --> 00:21:02,208 What's it doing 612 00:21:01,000 --> 00:21:02,208 in Sleepy Hollow? 613 00:21:02,208 --> 00:21:03,458 Could it have killed Abraham? 614 00:21:03,458 --> 00:21:04,625 These demons are known 615 00:21:04,625 --> 00:21:06,666 to be servants, not masters. 616 00:21:06,666 --> 00:21:09,291 JENNY: Meaning that someone 617 00:21:06,666 --> 00:21:09,291 summoned it here. 618 00:21:09,291 --> 00:21:10,791 Someone evil. 619 00:21:10,791 --> 00:21:13,250 Someone powerful. 620 00:21:13,250 --> 00:21:15,625 There is a new player in town. 621 00:21:24,916 --> 00:21:27,500 Ah. 622 00:21:27,500 --> 00:21:29,416 Benjamin Franklin's sketchbook. 623 00:21:29,416 --> 00:21:32,458 Franklin wrote of the survivors 624 00:21:29,416 --> 00:21:32,458 of a particular battle 625 00:21:32,458 --> 00:21:36,083 and their report 626 00:21:32,458 --> 00:21:36,083 of a horrific encounter 627 00:21:36,083 --> 00:21:37,583 with a red devil. 628 00:21:37,583 --> 00:21:39,875 I always assumed the term 629 00:21:37,583 --> 00:21:39,875 was a pejorative 630 00:21:39,875 --> 00:21:41,291 for the British Red Coats. 631 00:21:41,291 --> 00:21:42,625 Apparently, 632 00:21:41,291 --> 00:21:42,625 it was meant literally. 633 00:21:42,625 --> 00:21:43,750 Which battle? 634 00:21:43,750 --> 00:21:46,083 The battle of Bunker Hill. 635 00:21:47,958 --> 00:21:50,625 CRANE: In the early going, 636 00:21:47,958 --> 00:21:50,625 Colonial losses at Bunker Hill 637 00:21:50,625 --> 00:21:53,958 were extremely heavy. 638 00:21:53,958 --> 00:21:56,375 According to Franklin, 639 00:21:53,958 --> 00:21:56,375 it was not 640 00:21:56,375 --> 00:21:57,916 merely due 641 00:21:56,375 --> 00:21:57,916 to British firepower. 642 00:21:57,916 --> 00:21:59,291 (growling, snarling) 643 00:22:01,333 --> 00:22:02,708 (snarling) 644 00:22:12,958 --> 00:22:15,750 You think a Yao-guai was 645 00:22:12,958 --> 00:22:15,750 present at Bunker Hill? 646 00:22:15,750 --> 00:22:18,375 It would explain the accounts. 647 00:22:15,750 --> 00:22:18,375 ABBIE: The colonial soldiers 648 00:22:18,375 --> 00:22:20,291 found a way to turn 649 00:22:18,375 --> 00:22:20,291 the early tide of the battle. 650 00:22:20,291 --> 00:22:22,291 But their fortunes only 651 00:22:20,291 --> 00:22:22,291 turned after General Washington 652 00:22:22,291 --> 00:22:24,416 was able to get a message 653 00:22:22,291 --> 00:22:24,416 to Colonel Prescott, 654 00:22:24,416 --> 00:22:26,541 who was leading 655 00:22:24,416 --> 00:22:26,541 the American troops. 656 00:22:26,541 --> 00:22:30,291 This message must contain the 657 00:22:26,541 --> 00:22:30,291 key to defeating the Yao-guai. 658 00:22:30,291 --> 00:22:32,958 Do Franklin's notes say 659 00:22:30,291 --> 00:22:32,958 what was in the message? 660 00:22:30,291 --> 00:22:32,958 No. 661 00:22:32,958 --> 00:22:34,833 They were top secret. 662 00:22:34,833 --> 00:22:36,541 Which is why 663 00:22:34,833 --> 00:22:36,541 Washington had it delivered 664 00:22:36,541 --> 00:22:38,416 by his most trusted operative... 665 00:22:39,333 --> 00:22:40,416 (man whistles loudly) 666 00:22:42,250 --> 00:22:45,083 ...an agent highly skilled 667 00:22:42,250 --> 00:22:45,083 in combat and evasion... 668 00:22:45,083 --> 00:22:46,833 (shouting, grunting) 669 00:22:48,791 --> 00:22:51,375 ...one who singlehandedly 670 00:22:51,375 --> 00:22:52,958 penetrated 671 00:22:51,375 --> 00:22:52,958 the British front line. 672 00:22:54,833 --> 00:22:56,791 (horses neighing, men shouting, 673 00:22:54,833 --> 00:22:56,791 cannon booming in distance) 674 00:22:57,833 --> 00:23:00,166 Her name 675 00:23:00,166 --> 00:23:01,750 was Betsy Ross. 676 00:23:01,750 --> 00:23:02,916 Betsy Ross? 677 00:23:02,916 --> 00:23:04,458 The flag woman? 678 00:23:04,458 --> 00:23:08,166 Betsy was a little more 679 00:23:04,458 --> 00:23:08,166 than just "the flag woman." 680 00:23:08,166 --> 00:23:11,791 Her role as a seamstress 681 00:23:08,166 --> 00:23:11,791 was a cover. 682 00:23:11,791 --> 00:23:14,500 Betsy was a woman 683 00:23:11,791 --> 00:23:14,500 of many talents. 684 00:23:14,500 --> 00:23:17,458 So we've heard. 685 00:23:14,500 --> 00:23:17,458 Betsy and Crane 686 00:23:17,458 --> 00:23:19,166 kind of were a thing. 687 00:23:17,458 --> 00:23:19,166 We were not 688 00:23:19,166 --> 00:23:20,208 a "thing." 689 00:23:20,208 --> 00:23:21,208 She was my colleague, 690 00:23:21,208 --> 00:23:22,375 my compatriot, 691 00:23:22,375 --> 00:23:24,416 my partner. 692 00:23:24,416 --> 00:23:26,750 Often in crime. 693 00:23:26,750 --> 00:23:30,125 Mm-hmm. Sounds 694 00:23:26,750 --> 00:23:30,125 like a thing. Yeah. 695 00:23:30,125 --> 00:23:32,291 There may have been moments. 696 00:23:32,291 --> 00:23:33,708 Whoa, whoa, whoa. 697 00:23:38,125 --> 00:23:40,416 Any further, we risk detection. 698 00:23:42,250 --> 00:23:44,250 This will do. 699 00:23:44,250 --> 00:23:47,333 (distant gun and cannon fire) 700 00:23:47,333 --> 00:23:48,666 The battle grows. 701 00:23:48,666 --> 00:23:50,041 Perhaps you should wait. 702 00:23:50,041 --> 00:23:51,875 The longer I wait, 703 00:23:50,041 --> 00:23:51,875 the more men die. 704 00:23:51,875 --> 00:23:53,500 And more shall fall 705 00:23:51,875 --> 00:23:53,500 if you die. 706 00:23:53,500 --> 00:23:55,250 Why, Ichabod... 707 00:23:56,541 --> 00:23:58,041 ...are you worried about me? 708 00:23:56,541 --> 00:23:58,041 Of course. 709 00:23:58,041 --> 00:23:59,416 General Washington said 710 00:23:59,416 --> 00:24:00,875 this mission is 711 00:23:59,416 --> 00:24:00,875 of the utmost importance. 712 00:24:00,875 --> 00:24:02,291 Such sweet talk. 713 00:24:02,291 --> 00:24:04,291 You do know how 714 00:24:02,291 --> 00:24:04,291 to melt a lady's heart. 715 00:24:04,291 --> 00:24:08,250 Uh, uh, well, 716 00:24:04,291 --> 00:24:08,250 I meant that... 717 00:24:04,291 --> 00:24:08,250 I know what you meant. 718 00:24:08,250 --> 00:24:10,541 The ever-proper 719 00:24:08,250 --> 00:24:10,541 Mr. Ichabod Crane. 720 00:24:10,541 --> 00:24:13,458 Someday, some woman will make 721 00:24:10,541 --> 00:24:13,458 you forget all those manners, 722 00:24:13,458 --> 00:24:15,166 cause you to do 723 00:24:13,458 --> 00:24:15,166 something impulsive. 724 00:24:15,166 --> 00:24:16,833 I just hope I'm there to see it. 725 00:24:18,041 --> 00:24:19,833 (clears throat) 726 00:24:19,833 --> 00:24:21,458 Time to go. 727 00:24:21,458 --> 00:24:22,958 Men's lives are depending 728 00:24:22,958 --> 00:24:24,041 on the contents within. 729 00:24:42,250 --> 00:24:44,250 For luck. 730 00:24:48,291 --> 00:24:49,458 Smooth... 731 00:24:49,458 --> 00:24:50,791 Hardly. 732 00:24:50,791 --> 00:24:52,500 The point is, 733 00:24:50,791 --> 00:24:52,500 we must find out what 734 00:24:52,500 --> 00:24:54,083 was in the message 735 00:24:52,500 --> 00:24:54,083 Betsy carried. 736 00:24:54,083 --> 00:24:57,333 Unfortunately, very few 737 00:24:54,083 --> 00:24:57,333 artifacts survived Bunker Hill. 738 00:24:57,333 --> 00:24:59,916 Okay. So we can start 739 00:24:57,333 --> 00:24:59,916 in the National Archives. 740 00:24:59,916 --> 00:25:02,416 With my FBI clearance, 741 00:24:59,916 --> 00:25:02,416 we should... 742 00:24:59,916 --> 00:25:02,416 Got it. 743 00:25:02,416 --> 00:25:03,750 Pardon? 744 00:25:03,750 --> 00:25:05,125 I found the message. 745 00:25:05,125 --> 00:25:08,166 I spent years recovering 746 00:25:05,125 --> 00:25:08,166 obscure artifacts 747 00:25:08,166 --> 00:25:10,750 from all over the world. 748 00:25:08,166 --> 00:25:10,750 This is what I do. 749 00:25:10,750 --> 00:25:13,458 Okay, so as far as I 750 00:25:10,750 --> 00:25:13,458 can tell, the message 751 00:25:13,458 --> 00:25:15,208 and that satchel ended up 752 00:25:13,458 --> 00:25:15,208 as part 753 00:25:15,208 --> 00:25:17,416 of Colonel Prescott's estate. 754 00:25:15,208 --> 00:25:17,416 They were passed down 755 00:25:17,416 --> 00:25:19,458 from owner to owner, 756 00:25:17,416 --> 00:25:19,458 until eventually being sold 757 00:25:19,458 --> 00:25:22,291 to an entertainment 758 00:25:19,458 --> 00:25:22,291 franchise company. 759 00:25:22,291 --> 00:25:23,583 Huh. 760 00:25:23,583 --> 00:25:25,375 It's in Colonial Times. 761 00:25:25,375 --> 00:25:27,500 (groans) 762 00:25:25,375 --> 00:25:27,500 We need it in the here and now. 763 00:25:27,500 --> 00:25:30,625 No, no. I mean it's actually 764 00:25:27,500 --> 00:25:30,625 in Colonial Times. 765 00:25:34,916 --> 00:25:37,333 ♪ ♪ 766 00:25:43,458 --> 00:25:47,291 The deeds of so many brave men 767 00:25:43,458 --> 00:25:47,291 and women, 768 00:25:47,291 --> 00:25:50,291 signposts of history, 769 00:25:50,291 --> 00:25:55,500 reminders of our hardship 770 00:25:50,291 --> 00:25:55,500 and the ultimate sacrifice... 771 00:25:55,500 --> 00:25:57,166 They've taken it 772 00:25:57,166 --> 00:26:00,750 and used it to 773 00:25:57,166 --> 00:26:00,750 decorate an eatery. 774 00:26:00,750 --> 00:26:03,250 They also have mini golf 775 00:26:00,750 --> 00:26:03,250 out back. 776 00:26:03,250 --> 00:26:07,208 Welcome to Ye Olde 777 00:26:03,250 --> 00:26:07,208 Colonial Times! 778 00:26:07,208 --> 00:26:09,041 Hath thou dinest with us before? 779 00:26:09,041 --> 00:26:10,500 Why are you talking like that? 780 00:26:10,500 --> 00:26:12,000 It be how we spoketh 781 00:26:10,500 --> 00:26:12,000 in days of yore. 782 00:26:12,000 --> 00:26:13,833 If you're wounded 783 00:26:12,000 --> 00:26:13,833 in the head, perhaps. 784 00:26:13,833 --> 00:26:15,458 We're just gonna 785 00:26:13,833 --> 00:26:15,458 take a little look 786 00:26:15,458 --> 00:26:16,458 around. 787 00:26:19,000 --> 00:26:22,000 The corner goes at the front. 788 00:26:22,000 --> 00:26:24,000 You're not a pirate. 789 00:26:27,875 --> 00:26:31,208 (groans) 790 00:26:31,208 --> 00:26:34,625 Huh. "Spaghetti 791 00:26:31,208 --> 00:26:34,625 and Musketballs. 792 00:26:34,625 --> 00:26:36,708 "Cannot Tell a Lie 793 00:26:36,708 --> 00:26:38,166 "Cherry Pie. 794 00:26:38,166 --> 00:26:40,208 Eggs Benedict Arnold." 795 00:26:40,208 --> 00:26:43,250 For shame, for shame. 796 00:26:43,250 --> 00:26:45,166 This is exactly 797 00:26:43,250 --> 00:26:45,166 how you remember it, right? 798 00:26:45,166 --> 00:26:46,333 Exactly how I... 799 00:26:48,125 --> 00:26:51,291 Very funny. 800 00:26:48,125 --> 00:26:51,291 Come on, Crane. 801 00:26:51,291 --> 00:26:53,208 At least they're keeping 802 00:26:51,291 --> 00:26:53,208 the Founding Fathers alive 803 00:26:53,208 --> 00:26:54,625 in people's memories. 804 00:26:54,625 --> 00:26:56,208 Yes, and using it 805 00:26:54,625 --> 00:26:56,208 to line their pockets. 806 00:26:56,208 --> 00:26:58,583 Crane, look. 807 00:27:09,041 --> 00:27:10,458 (quietly): 808 00:27:09,041 --> 00:27:10,458 Is that it? 809 00:27:09,041 --> 00:27:10,458 (whispers): That's it. 810 00:27:10,458 --> 00:27:12,833 Stand guard. 811 00:27:22,666 --> 00:27:25,250 Mmm. At least 812 00:27:22,666 --> 00:27:25,250 they got something right. 813 00:27:25,250 --> 00:27:27,291 Let's go. 814 00:27:27,291 --> 00:27:29,333 You realize this is stealing. 815 00:27:29,333 --> 00:27:31,666 We'll return it. 816 00:27:29,333 --> 00:27:31,666 If it makes you feel so bad, 817 00:27:31,666 --> 00:27:34,000 buy something. 818 00:27:34,000 --> 00:27:36,125 Unbelievable. 819 00:27:44,333 --> 00:27:46,708 Very clever, Betsy. 820 00:27:46,708 --> 00:27:50,333 A John Jay cipher, 821 00:27:46,708 --> 00:27:50,333 if I'm not mistaken. 822 00:27:50,333 --> 00:27:51,333 I'll be able to decode it. 823 00:27:51,333 --> 00:27:53,291 Just need a moment. 824 00:27:53,291 --> 00:27:55,291 You want to work on it at the 825 00:27:53,291 --> 00:27:55,291 archives? I can drop you off. 826 00:27:55,291 --> 00:27:57,083 Anaconda. 827 00:27:57,083 --> 00:27:58,458 We take down 828 00:27:57,083 --> 00:27:58,458 the drug operation today. 829 00:27:58,458 --> 00:28:00,416 Ah. Yes. 830 00:28:00,416 --> 00:28:01,875 There's a lot of evil 831 00:28:00,416 --> 00:28:01,875 in the world, Crane. 832 00:28:01,875 --> 00:28:03,958 (starts engine) 833 00:28:01,875 --> 00:28:03,958 Not all of it is supernatural. 834 00:28:26,083 --> 00:28:27,333 Ma'am? 835 00:28:27,333 --> 00:28:29,166 Is everything all right? 836 00:28:29,166 --> 00:28:30,916 Yes. 837 00:28:30,916 --> 00:28:31,916 Where you going? 838 00:28:31,916 --> 00:28:33,666 That settlement, over the rise. 839 00:28:33,666 --> 00:28:36,666 How far is it? 840 00:28:33,666 --> 00:28:36,666 Settlement? 841 00:28:36,666 --> 00:28:38,708 Do you mean... 842 00:28:43,500 --> 00:28:45,333 Um... 843 00:28:45,333 --> 00:28:47,666 What were you asking? 844 00:28:47,666 --> 00:28:49,708 You know what? That's all right. 845 00:28:47,666 --> 00:28:49,708 I feel like walking. 846 00:28:49,708 --> 00:28:52,250 It's a good five miles to town. 847 00:28:49,708 --> 00:28:52,250 It may take a while. 848 00:28:52,250 --> 00:28:56,041 It has taken me a very long time 849 00:28:52,250 --> 00:28:56,041 to get here already. 850 00:29:00,833 --> 00:29:03,708 A lifetime, really. 851 00:29:21,583 --> 00:29:23,958 ♪ ♪ 852 00:29:41,541 --> 00:29:43,291 Miss Jenny. 853 00:29:43,291 --> 00:29:46,625 Good. I've decoded much 854 00:29:43,291 --> 00:29:46,625 of Betsy's message, 855 00:29:46,625 --> 00:29:49,833 but I may require 856 00:29:46,625 --> 00:29:49,833 some assistance interpreting it. 857 00:29:49,833 --> 00:29:52,333 Oh! Unless I'm interrupting. 858 00:29:52,333 --> 00:29:56,833 Oh, no, no, no, just... 859 00:29:52,333 --> 00:29:56,833 memory lane-ing it. 860 00:29:56,833 --> 00:29:58,583 I'm realizing something. 861 00:29:58,583 --> 00:30:01,250 I stole a lot of stuff. 862 00:30:01,250 --> 00:30:03,208 It's too bad "supernatural 863 00:30:01,250 --> 00:30:03,208 relic hunter" isn't something 864 00:30:03,208 --> 00:30:06,166 that looks good on a résumé. 865 00:30:06,166 --> 00:30:08,958 You've sought 866 00:30:06,166 --> 00:30:08,958 gainful employment. 867 00:30:06,166 --> 00:30:08,958 Employment, yes. Gainful, 868 00:30:08,958 --> 00:30:11,541 not so much. Unless you count 869 00:30:08,958 --> 00:30:11,541 those office supplies 870 00:30:11,541 --> 00:30:14,791 I swiped during my week 871 00:30:11,541 --> 00:30:14,791 as a paralegal. 872 00:30:11,541 --> 00:30:14,791 Finding a role 873 00:30:14,791 --> 00:30:17,291 and purpose in this world 874 00:30:14,791 --> 00:30:17,291 has rather occupied 875 00:30:17,291 --> 00:30:19,083 my thoughts, as well. 876 00:30:19,083 --> 00:30:21,000 It's good 877 00:30:19,083 --> 00:30:21,000 to have you back, Crane. 878 00:30:21,000 --> 00:30:22,791 Now you and I can not fit in 879 00:30:21,000 --> 00:30:22,791 together. 880 00:30:24,916 --> 00:30:26,291 Anyway, let's see what you got. 881 00:30:26,291 --> 00:30:27,791 Ah, yes. 882 00:30:27,791 --> 00:30:31,083 The message concerns the 883 00:30:27,791 --> 00:30:31,083 nature of the Yao-guai. 884 00:30:31,083 --> 00:30:33,375 Apparently, 885 00:30:31,083 --> 00:30:33,375 it is attracted 886 00:30:33,375 --> 00:30:37,125 by two things: The first 887 00:30:33,375 --> 00:30:37,125 trigger is aggression. 888 00:30:37,125 --> 00:30:39,458 It senses aggression the 889 00:30:37,125 --> 00:30:39,458 way a dog senses fear. 890 00:30:39,458 --> 00:30:42,333 The second trigger 891 00:30:39,458 --> 00:30:42,333 seems to be gunpowder. 892 00:30:42,333 --> 00:30:44,333 Perhaps drawn 893 00:30:42,333 --> 00:30:44,333 by the scent? 894 00:30:44,333 --> 00:30:46,916 You said this thing was created 895 00:30:44,333 --> 00:30:46,916 during the Tang dynasty, right? 896 00:30:46,916 --> 00:30:49,958 Yes. 897 00:30:46,916 --> 00:30:49,958 That's when gunpowder 898 00:30:46,916 --> 00:30:49,958 was invented. 899 00:30:49,958 --> 00:30:51,583 Chinese alchemists 900 00:30:49,958 --> 00:30:51,583 were searching 901 00:30:51,583 --> 00:30:53,416 for the elixir of life, 902 00:30:51,583 --> 00:30:53,416 instead, 903 00:30:53,416 --> 00:30:55,041 they accidentally 904 00:30:53,416 --> 00:30:55,041 created gunpowder. 905 00:30:55,041 --> 00:30:56,416 So, if this beast was summoned 906 00:30:55,041 --> 00:30:56,416 during this process, 907 00:30:56,416 --> 00:30:57,666 it would naturally be drawn 908 00:30:56,416 --> 00:30:57,666 to it. 909 00:30:57,666 --> 00:30:59,083 Damn straight. 910 00:30:59,083 --> 00:31:00,708 Let's see a paralegal do that. 911 00:31:00,708 --> 00:31:02,375 Exactly. 912 00:31:02,375 --> 00:31:04,333 I have no idea 913 00:31:02,375 --> 00:31:04,333 what a paralegal is. 914 00:31:04,333 --> 00:31:06,333 Me, neither. 915 00:31:06,333 --> 00:31:08,250 Where's Abbie? 916 00:31:08,250 --> 00:31:09,916 She and her FBI colleagues 917 00:31:09,916 --> 00:31:12,916 have set out to ensnare 918 00:31:09,916 --> 00:31:12,916 an underworld Mandarin. 919 00:31:12,916 --> 00:31:15,958 You're saying a bunch 920 00:31:12,916 --> 00:31:15,958 of angry people 921 00:31:15,958 --> 00:31:18,166 with guns are gonna be 922 00:31:15,958 --> 00:31:18,166 bumping heads 923 00:31:18,166 --> 00:31:20,833 with a lot of other angry people 924 00:31:18,166 --> 00:31:20,833 with guns? 925 00:31:20,833 --> 00:31:23,041 In other words, 926 00:31:20,833 --> 00:31:23,041 perfect conditions 927 00:31:23,041 --> 00:31:24,666 for a Yao-guai attack. 928 00:31:26,541 --> 00:31:29,333 All units sound off 929 00:31:26,541 --> 00:31:29,333 once you've cleared your floors. 930 00:31:29,333 --> 00:31:31,333 AGENT: 931 00:31:29,333 --> 00:31:31,333 FBI, don't move! 932 00:31:32,291 --> 00:31:33,125 Sir. 933 00:31:39,291 --> 00:31:40,458 (Yao-guai snarling) 934 00:31:40,458 --> 00:31:41,875 Stay here. Cover the door. 935 00:31:44,875 --> 00:31:46,875 (snarling) 936 00:31:46,875 --> 00:31:49,750 (automatic gunfire) 937 00:31:49,750 --> 00:31:52,166 (distant gunfire) 938 00:31:52,166 --> 00:31:54,708 (growling) 939 00:31:57,416 --> 00:32:00,166 No. Granger. 940 00:32:02,875 --> 00:32:03,708 Freeze! 941 00:32:04,875 --> 00:32:06,875 Turn around, slowly! 942 00:32:06,875 --> 00:32:09,583 Slowly. 943 00:32:10,458 --> 00:32:12,208 (snarling) 944 00:32:14,541 --> 00:32:15,708 (Yao-guai hisses) 945 00:32:26,416 --> 00:32:28,833 (gasps) 946 00:32:28,833 --> 00:32:30,666 (choking) 947 00:32:34,041 --> 00:32:36,583 (roars) 948 00:32:36,583 --> 00:32:38,250 (snarling) 949 00:32:38,250 --> 00:32:39,500 Sir... 950 00:32:42,708 --> 00:32:43,666 Sir! 951 00:32:42,708 --> 00:32:43,666 (choking) 952 00:32:44,666 --> 00:32:46,333 Agent down! Repeat! 953 00:32:46,333 --> 00:32:47,916 We have an agent down! 954 00:32:47,916 --> 00:32:49,916 Stay with me. Stay with me, sir. 955 00:32:49,916 --> 00:32:52,041 Sir, sir. Stay with me. 956 00:32:52,041 --> 00:32:53,791 Sir. 957 00:33:00,416 --> 00:33:03,125 The FBI's launched 958 00:33:00,416 --> 00:33:03,125 a massive manhunt for Chang. 959 00:33:03,125 --> 00:33:05,125 They've pinned 960 00:33:03,125 --> 00:33:05,125 Granger's death on him. 961 00:33:05,125 --> 00:33:07,625 How were you able 962 00:33:05,125 --> 00:33:07,625 to drive it away? 963 00:33:07,625 --> 00:33:09,750 It attacked, 964 00:33:07,625 --> 00:33:09,750 I shot and wounded it. 965 00:33:09,750 --> 00:33:11,416 You wounded it? 966 00:33:09,750 --> 00:33:11,416 Yeah. 967 00:33:11,416 --> 00:33:13,083 The Yao-guai's hide is 968 00:33:11,416 --> 00:33:13,083 supposed to be impenetrable. 969 00:33:13,083 --> 00:33:15,625 Unless you somehow found 970 00:33:13,083 --> 00:33:15,625 its vulnerability. 971 00:33:15,625 --> 00:33:17,083 (sighs) 972 00:33:17,083 --> 00:33:19,375 (roaring, moaning) 973 00:33:19,375 --> 00:33:23,250 Its eyes turned white when 974 00:33:19,375 --> 00:33:23,250 it attacked, like a shark's. 975 00:33:23,250 --> 00:33:25,791 White eyes... 976 00:33:27,041 --> 00:33:29,083 Of course. 977 00:33:29,083 --> 00:33:32,416 That explains the order 978 00:33:29,083 --> 00:33:32,416 Washington told Prescott 979 00:33:32,416 --> 00:33:34,125 to deliver to his men. 980 00:33:34,125 --> 00:33:36,333 (distant yelling) 981 00:33:36,333 --> 00:33:39,291 Don't fire until you 982 00:33:36,333 --> 00:33:39,291 the whites of their eyes. 983 00:33:39,291 --> 00:33:41,125 (Yao-guai growling) 984 00:33:41,125 --> 00:33:42,958 That's what that means? 985 00:33:41,125 --> 00:33:42,958 Prescott was letting 986 00:33:41,125 --> 00:33:42,958 his men know 987 00:33:42,958 --> 00:33:46,333 when the monster was vulnerable. 988 00:33:42,958 --> 00:33:46,333 It's a narrow window. 989 00:33:46,333 --> 00:33:47,875 Couldn't have been more 990 00:33:46,333 --> 00:33:47,875 than a few seconds. 991 00:33:47,875 --> 00:33:50,125 It requires 992 00:33:47,875 --> 00:33:50,125 a coordinated attack. 993 00:33:50,125 --> 00:33:51,583 When the Yao-guai 994 00:33:50,125 --> 00:33:51,583 goes after one person, 995 00:33:51,583 --> 00:33:53,291 another watches its eyes 996 00:33:51,583 --> 00:33:53,291 and prepares to fire. 997 00:33:53,291 --> 00:33:55,208 It requires teamwork. 998 00:33:56,458 --> 00:33:57,833 (phone ringing) 999 00:33:57,833 --> 00:33:59,125 (Abbie sighs, groans) 1000 00:33:59,125 --> 00:34:01,250 Mills. 1001 00:34:01,250 --> 00:34:02,958 What? 1002 00:34:02,958 --> 00:34:04,416 Yeah. No. I got it. 1003 00:34:04,416 --> 00:34:06,625 I'll be right there. 1004 00:34:06,625 --> 00:34:08,166 They found Chang. 1005 00:34:08,166 --> 00:34:10,500 He's holed up at a warehouse 1006 00:34:08,166 --> 00:34:10,500 at Port Chester. 1007 00:34:10,500 --> 00:34:13,458 He's got hostages, 1008 00:34:10,500 --> 00:34:13,458 and they're asking for me. 1009 00:34:13,458 --> 00:34:15,125 A standoff? 1010 00:34:13,458 --> 00:34:15,125 Uh-huh. 1011 00:34:15,125 --> 00:34:16,625 If that escalates, it'll be 1012 00:34:15,125 --> 00:34:16,625 catnip for the Yao-guai. 1013 00:34:16,625 --> 00:34:19,541 Go. We'll follow close behind 1014 00:34:16,625 --> 00:34:19,541 with a plan of attack. 1015 00:34:19,541 --> 00:34:22,083 You keep me posted? 1016 00:34:22,083 --> 00:34:23,750 Miss Jenny? 1017 00:34:23,750 --> 00:34:25,291 Guns, knives, 1018 00:34:23,750 --> 00:34:25,291 things that go boom. 1019 00:34:25,291 --> 00:34:27,375 We're back 1020 00:34:25,291 --> 00:34:27,375 in the demon-fighting business, 1021 00:34:27,375 --> 00:34:28,416 we're gonna need 'em. 1022 00:34:31,375 --> 00:34:33,750 We got the place surrounded, 1023 00:34:31,375 --> 00:34:33,750 but he has four hostages. 1024 00:34:33,750 --> 00:34:35,500 And he wants 1025 00:34:33,750 --> 00:34:35,500 to talk to you. 1026 00:34:35,500 --> 00:34:37,208 Says he'll only 1027 00:34:35,500 --> 00:34:37,208 deal with the agent 1028 00:34:37,208 --> 00:34:38,958 that was there when 1029 00:34:37,208 --> 00:34:38,958 Granger went down. 1030 00:34:38,958 --> 00:34:40,875 This guy's got some kind 1031 00:34:38,958 --> 00:34:40,875 of personal vendetta. 1032 00:34:40,875 --> 00:34:42,666 You're walking 1033 00:34:40,875 --> 00:34:42,666 into a death trap. 1034 00:34:42,666 --> 00:34:44,666 I don't really 1035 00:34:42,666 --> 00:34:44,666 have a choice, do I? 1036 00:34:46,500 --> 00:34:48,916 (distant shouting) 1037 00:34:51,208 --> 00:34:53,291 CRANE: Aggression levels 1038 00:34:51,208 --> 00:34:53,291 are running high. 1039 00:34:53,291 --> 00:34:54,750 There's been no gunfire. 1040 00:34:54,750 --> 00:34:57,666 That's why I brought bait. 1041 00:34:57,666 --> 00:34:58,875 JENNY: 1042 00:34:57,666 --> 00:34:58,875 Gunpowder. 1043 00:34:58,875 --> 00:35:00,666 Can't catch a shark 1044 00:35:00,666 --> 00:35:02,083 without chumming the water. 1045 00:35:03,291 --> 00:35:04,291 Lorenzo. 1046 00:35:07,166 --> 00:35:08,625 It's Agent Abbie Mills. 1047 00:35:08,625 --> 00:35:11,208 I'm coming in. 1048 00:35:08,625 --> 00:35:11,208 You. 1049 00:35:11,208 --> 00:35:13,583 You were the one 1050 00:35:11,208 --> 00:35:13,583 there with me, 1051 00:35:13,583 --> 00:35:15,125 with that thing? 1052 00:35:15,125 --> 00:35:16,750 Yes, I was. 1053 00:35:15,125 --> 00:35:16,750 Then you know 1054 00:35:16,750 --> 00:35:18,375 I didn't kill that guy! 1055 00:35:18,375 --> 00:35:20,250 And I'll tell everyone about it 1056 00:35:20,250 --> 00:35:21,750 once you let these people go. 1057 00:35:21,750 --> 00:35:25,708 You don't give a damn 1058 00:35:21,750 --> 00:35:25,708 about the truth! 1059 00:35:25,708 --> 00:35:27,500 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! 1060 00:35:27,500 --> 00:35:29,583 All right, 1061 00:35:27,500 --> 00:35:29,583 all right, Lorenzo... 1062 00:35:29,583 --> 00:35:31,166 yes... 1063 00:35:31,166 --> 00:35:33,041 I saw the monster. 1064 00:35:33,041 --> 00:35:34,916 And it's a nasty one. 1065 00:35:34,916 --> 00:35:36,750 I know that because 1066 00:35:36,750 --> 00:35:40,500 I have seen demons, 1067 00:35:36,750 --> 00:35:40,500 witches, ghosts, 1068 00:35:40,500 --> 00:35:43,041 even the Horsemen of the 1069 00:35:40,500 --> 00:35:43,041 Apocalypse-- I've seen 'em all. 1070 00:35:43,041 --> 00:35:44,750 And I know 1071 00:35:43,041 --> 00:35:44,750 how you feel. 1072 00:35:44,750 --> 00:35:47,791 I'd rather 1073 00:35:44,750 --> 00:35:47,791 they weren't real, either. 1074 00:35:47,791 --> 00:35:50,083 It would've made my life 1075 00:35:47,791 --> 00:35:50,083 a whole lot easier. 1076 00:35:51,666 --> 00:35:54,208 Lorenzo, the monsters are real. 1077 00:35:54,208 --> 00:35:57,916 But it's okay, because... 1078 00:35:54,208 --> 00:35:57,916 it's my job to stop them. 1079 00:35:59,958 --> 00:36:02,333 I'm a Witness... 1080 00:36:02,333 --> 00:36:04,208 and that is my mission. 1081 00:36:06,041 --> 00:36:08,500 (Chang sobbing) 1082 00:36:11,291 --> 00:36:13,583 You bitch! 1083 00:36:19,333 --> 00:36:21,291 There. 1084 00:36:22,958 --> 00:36:24,041 (growling) 1085 00:36:36,833 --> 00:36:38,041 CRANE: 1086 00:36:36,833 --> 00:36:38,041 It's not working. 1087 00:36:38,041 --> 00:36:39,833 We need to draw it 1088 00:36:38,041 --> 00:36:39,833 away from there. 1089 00:36:40,708 --> 00:36:42,083 (growls) 1090 00:36:43,291 --> 00:36:46,125 (roaring, growling) 1091 00:36:46,125 --> 00:36:47,208 Well, that worked. 1092 00:36:48,375 --> 00:36:50,375 Go! 1093 00:37:02,750 --> 00:37:05,041 Right... I'll draw 1094 00:37:02,750 --> 00:37:05,041 the monster near. 1095 00:37:05,041 --> 00:37:06,708 You take the shot. 1096 00:37:06,708 --> 00:37:08,500 Remember-- do not fire 1097 00:37:06,708 --> 00:37:08,500 until you see... 1098 00:37:08,500 --> 00:37:11,125 The whites of its eyes. 1099 00:37:08,500 --> 00:37:11,125 Got it. 1100 00:37:23,583 --> 00:37:25,625 (Chang groaning) 1101 00:37:28,958 --> 00:37:31,583 Hold your fire! 1102 00:37:31,583 --> 00:37:32,625 (groaning) 1103 00:37:35,166 --> 00:37:37,458 Nice work. 1104 00:37:39,416 --> 00:37:41,166 (growling) 1105 00:38:06,500 --> 00:38:08,416 (growling) 1106 00:38:13,500 --> 00:38:15,625 (growls) 1107 00:38:13,500 --> 00:38:15,625 CRANE: 1108 00:38:13,500 --> 00:38:15,625 Miss Jenny! 1109 00:38:27,666 --> 00:38:29,750 (Yao-guai roaring) 1110 00:38:29,750 --> 00:38:30,875 (growling) 1111 00:38:30,875 --> 00:38:32,041 (gunshots) 1112 00:38:32,041 --> 00:38:34,041 (Crane gasping) 1113 00:38:55,166 --> 00:38:56,666 Are you okay? 1114 00:38:56,666 --> 00:38:58,000 Yes. Yes. 1115 00:38:58,000 --> 00:39:02,000 Thank you for... that. 1116 00:39:03,208 --> 00:39:05,208 (chuckles) 1117 00:39:06,083 --> 00:39:07,583 Welcome back, Crane. 1118 00:39:09,666 --> 00:39:11,750 Welcome back, Lieutenant. 1119 00:39:22,250 --> 00:39:25,333 How did you persuade 1120 00:39:22,250 --> 00:39:25,333 the self-involved magistrates 1121 00:39:25,333 --> 00:39:27,333 of Immigration 1122 00:39:25,333 --> 00:39:27,333 and Customs Enforcement 1123 00:39:27,333 --> 00:39:28,833 to return my property? 1124 00:39:28,833 --> 00:39:30,500 It's one of the perks 1125 00:39:28,833 --> 00:39:30,500 of the job. 1126 00:39:30,500 --> 00:39:32,916 I can also sic the IRS 1127 00:39:30,500 --> 00:39:32,916 on someone, if you want. 1128 00:39:32,916 --> 00:39:36,041 This is precisely the abuse 1129 00:39:32,916 --> 00:39:36,041 of centralized federal power 1130 00:39:36,041 --> 00:39:37,625 that Thomas Jefferson 1131 00:39:36,041 --> 00:39:37,625 warned against. 1132 00:39:37,625 --> 00:39:40,291 Do you want your 1133 00:39:37,625 --> 00:39:40,291 stuff or not? 1134 00:39:37,625 --> 00:39:40,291 Yes... please. 1135 00:39:42,041 --> 00:39:45,291 Ah. 1136 00:39:45,291 --> 00:39:46,958 Thank you. 1137 00:39:49,958 --> 00:39:51,625 ABBIE: 1138 00:39:49,958 --> 00:39:51,625 Mm. 1139 00:39:51,625 --> 00:39:53,541 Magnificent, isn't it? 1140 00:39:54,791 --> 00:39:56,958 What's this? 1141 00:39:56,958 --> 00:39:59,083 Here along the edge... 1142 00:39:59,083 --> 00:40:01,291 Looks like a... 1143 00:40:01,291 --> 00:40:03,166 another piece. 1144 00:40:08,500 --> 00:40:09,916 Those guys look 1145 00:40:08,500 --> 00:40:09,916 kind of like you two. 1146 00:40:09,916 --> 00:40:11,458 (officer chuckles) 1147 00:40:14,083 --> 00:40:16,083 What is this? 1148 00:40:16,083 --> 00:40:18,500 This is actually 1149 00:40:16,083 --> 00:40:18,500 a single word. 1150 00:40:18,500 --> 00:40:20,333 Perplexing to translate. 1151 00:40:20,333 --> 00:40:23,916 It's actually closer to 1152 00:40:20,333 --> 00:40:23,916 Akkadian than Sumerian, and 1153 00:40:23,916 --> 00:40:26,041 allowing for discrepancies 1154 00:40:23,916 --> 00:40:26,041 in regional dialects... 1155 00:40:26,041 --> 00:40:28,333 Crane... 1156 00:40:28,333 --> 00:40:29,875 It means "destroyers." 1157 00:40:29,875 --> 00:40:31,375 Meaning what? 1158 00:40:29,875 --> 00:40:31,375 Destroyers of what? 1159 00:40:31,375 --> 00:40:33,166 An excellent question. 1160 00:40:33,166 --> 00:40:34,541 You don't still think 1161 00:40:34,541 --> 00:40:36,500 this is some kind 1162 00:40:34,541 --> 00:40:36,500 of prophecy, do you? 1163 00:40:36,500 --> 00:40:38,666 I mean, look, 1164 00:40:36,500 --> 00:40:38,666 this can't be us, right? 1165 00:40:38,666 --> 00:40:40,583 I have no answers, Lieutenant. 1166 00:40:40,583 --> 00:40:43,208 Merely an inkling-- 1167 00:40:40,583 --> 00:40:43,208 one that tells me 1168 00:40:43,208 --> 00:40:45,333 this tablet means something. 1169 00:40:45,333 --> 00:40:46,875 Something important. 1170 00:40:46,875 --> 00:40:50,958 And... and our work 1171 00:40:46,875 --> 00:40:50,958 is not complete. 1172 00:40:50,958 --> 00:40:52,750 Well, I suppose 1173 00:40:50,958 --> 00:40:52,750 you're right about that. 1174 00:40:52,750 --> 00:40:54,500 For one thing, we don't know 1175 00:40:54,500 --> 00:40:56,625 who killed the Horseman, 1176 00:40:54,500 --> 00:40:56,625 or who summoned the Yao-guai. 1177 00:40:56,625 --> 00:40:58,875 Am I to take it you agree 1178 00:40:58,875 --> 00:41:01,083 the second Tribulation 1179 00:40:58,875 --> 00:41:01,083 has begun? 1180 00:41:01,083 --> 00:41:03,708 Maybe. Maybe not. 1181 00:41:03,708 --> 00:41:05,375 Someone's got to keep you 1182 00:41:03,708 --> 00:41:05,375 out of trouble. 1183 00:41:05,375 --> 00:41:07,500 JENNY: 1184 00:41:05,375 --> 00:41:07,500 Here we go. 1185 00:41:07,500 --> 00:41:09,375 On the house. 1186 00:41:07,500 --> 00:41:09,375 Thank you. 1187 00:41:09,375 --> 00:41:12,000 You keep giving us free drinks, 1188 00:41:09,375 --> 00:41:12,000 you're gonna be out of a job. 1189 00:41:12,000 --> 00:41:13,291 Ah, Mike doesn't care. 1190 00:41:13,291 --> 00:41:15,041 Or he wouldn't, if he knew. 1191 00:41:16,291 --> 00:41:18,541 Wow. Crane does not seem 1192 00:41:16,291 --> 00:41:18,541 to mind. 1193 00:41:18,541 --> 00:41:20,500 (exhales with satisfaction) 1194 00:41:20,500 --> 00:41:22,875 I would never 1195 00:41:20,500 --> 00:41:22,875 have believed 1196 00:41:22,875 --> 00:41:25,083 that blueberry 1197 00:41:22,875 --> 00:41:25,083 stout would work. 1198 00:41:25,083 --> 00:41:26,416 Well, looks like 1199 00:41:25,083 --> 00:41:26,416 I'm getting refills. 1200 00:41:27,958 --> 00:41:30,541 You know, Crane, 1201 00:41:27,958 --> 00:41:30,541 you don't need 1202 00:41:30,541 --> 00:41:33,041 some stone tablet to justify 1203 00:41:30,541 --> 00:41:33,041 your place in the world. 1204 00:41:33,041 --> 00:41:35,625 You belong here 1205 00:41:33,041 --> 00:41:35,625 just as much as anyone else. 1206 00:41:35,625 --> 00:41:40,041 Even if "here" is a country 1207 00:41:35,625 --> 00:41:40,041 that turns its history into 1208 00:41:40,041 --> 00:41:41,416 themed restaurants. 1209 00:41:40,041 --> 00:41:41,416 (snickers) 1210 00:41:41,416 --> 00:41:42,916 Hmm. 1211 00:41:41,416 --> 00:41:42,916 (laughs) 1212 00:41:42,916 --> 00:41:45,458 I suppose you're 1213 00:41:42,916 --> 00:41:45,458 right, Lieutenant. 1214 00:41:45,458 --> 00:41:48,708 It's not the country 1215 00:41:45,458 --> 00:41:48,708 I thought it would be. 1216 00:41:48,708 --> 00:41:51,250 But it is the one I have. 1217 00:41:51,250 --> 00:41:54,375 And I must accept it for 1218 00:41:51,250 --> 00:41:54,375 what it is, just as I ask it 1219 00:41:54,375 --> 00:41:56,791 to accept... me. 1220 00:41:56,791 --> 00:41:59,291 And... you were wrong. 1221 00:41:59,291 --> 00:42:01,625 When you said that Henry 1222 00:41:59,291 --> 00:42:01,625 and Katrina's death 1223 00:42:01,625 --> 00:42:02,958 meant that you were alone. 1224 00:42:02,958 --> 00:42:05,500 You may not 1225 00:42:02,958 --> 00:42:05,500 have family, but... 1226 00:42:05,500 --> 00:42:07,958 you are not alone. 1227 00:42:07,958 --> 00:42:10,208 I shall drink to that. 1228 00:42:07,958 --> 00:42:10,208 Mm. 1229 00:42:10,208 --> 00:42:14,208 Oh, it appears we may need to 1230 00:42:10,208 --> 00:42:14,208 provide for ourselves this time. 1231 00:42:14,208 --> 00:42:16,166 Oh, take mine. 1232 00:42:14,208 --> 00:42:16,166 I got it. 1233 00:42:16,166 --> 00:42:19,125 For Jenny's sake, 1234 00:42:16,166 --> 00:42:19,125 I'm gonna settle our tab. 1235 00:42:24,291 --> 00:42:26,291 Oh! Ah, 1236 00:42:24,291 --> 00:42:26,291 I'm sorry. 1237 00:42:26,291 --> 00:42:28,291 Let me get you another. 1238 00:42:26,291 --> 00:42:28,291 You know what? 1239 00:42:28,291 --> 00:42:30,333 It's okay. I'm gonna take that 1240 00:42:28,291 --> 00:42:30,333 as a sign that it's time 1241 00:42:30,333 --> 00:42:32,250 to call it a night and 1242 00:42:30,333 --> 00:42:32,250 go back home. (laughs) 1243 00:42:32,250 --> 00:42:33,625 Or to the hotel, rather. 1244 00:42:32,250 --> 00:42:33,625 Mm-hmm. 1245 00:42:33,625 --> 00:42:35,250 You from out of town? 1246 00:42:35,250 --> 00:42:36,750 Yes, I just arrived. 1247 00:42:36,750 --> 00:42:38,083 Pandora. 1248 00:42:38,083 --> 00:42:39,458 Abbie. 1249 00:42:39,458 --> 00:42:40,750 Pandora-- that's an 1250 00:42:39,458 --> 00:42:40,750 interesting name. 1251 00:42:40,750 --> 00:42:42,958 It's like the lady 1252 00:42:40,750 --> 00:42:42,958 with the... the box. 1253 00:42:42,958 --> 00:42:44,791 The lady with the box. 1254 00:42:44,791 --> 00:42:46,625 Yeah. 1255 00:42:46,625 --> 00:42:49,375 Which is actually 1256 00:42:46,625 --> 00:42:49,375 more of a dowry. 1257 00:42:51,625 --> 00:42:53,041 (laughs) You know, 1258 00:42:51,625 --> 00:42:53,041 I studied the classics, 1259 00:42:53,041 --> 00:42:54,916 so I tend to get 1260 00:42:53,041 --> 00:42:54,916 a little carried away 1261 00:42:54,916 --> 00:42:56,458 with the old stories sometimes. 1262 00:42:56,458 --> 00:42:57,958 I have a friend 1263 00:42:56,458 --> 00:42:57,958 just like that. 1264 00:42:57,958 --> 00:42:59,625 ♪ It's a hard-knock life 1265 00:42:57,958 --> 00:42:59,625 for us... ♪ 1266 00:42:59,625 --> 00:43:02,250 Oh, I'd like to meet 1267 00:42:59,625 --> 00:43:02,250 your friend... sometime. 1268 00:43:02,250 --> 00:43:04,791 ♪ It's a hard knock life 1269 00:43:02,250 --> 00:43:04,791 for us ♪ 1270 00:43:02,250 --> 00:43:04,791 Yeah. Welcome to Sleepy Hollow. 1271 00:43:04,791 --> 00:43:06,708 ♪ 'Stead of treated, 1272 00:43:04,791 --> 00:43:06,708 we get tricked ♪ 1273 00:43:06,708 --> 00:43:09,125 ♪ 'Stead of kisses, 1274 00:43:06,708 --> 00:43:09,125 we get kicked ♪ 1275 00:43:09,125 --> 00:43:10,958 (fading out): 1276 00:43:09,125 --> 00:43:10,958 ♪ It's a hard-knock life! ♪ 1277 00:43:10,958 --> 00:43:12,958 It already feels like home.