1 00:00:01,750 --> 00:00:04,500 ♪ From Boston Harbor ♪ 2 00:00:04,500 --> 00:00:08,333 ♪ We set sail ♪ 3 00:00:08,333 --> 00:00:10,833 ♪ And the wind was blowing ♪ 4 00:00:10,833 --> 00:00:14,875 ♪ A devil of a gale ♪ 5 00:00:14,875 --> 00:00:16,875 ♪ With a ring-tail set ♪ 6 00:00:16,875 --> 00:00:19,541 ♪ All abaft the mizzen peak ♪ 7 00:00:19,541 --> 00:00:22,291 ♪ And a Rule Britannia ♪ 8 00:00:22,291 --> 00:00:23,541 ♪ Plowing up the deep ♪ 9 00:00:23,541 --> 00:00:25,291 ♪ With a big bow wow ♪ 10 00:00:25,291 --> 00:00:27,958 ♪ Tow row row ♪ 11 00:00:27,958 --> 00:00:31,750 ♪ Fal dee ral dee di do day... ♪ 12 00:00:33,000 --> 00:00:34,916 Have to lay off 13 00:00:33,000 --> 00:00:34,916 the flapjacks 14 00:00:34,916 --> 00:00:36,791 if you're gonna fit 15 00:00:34,916 --> 00:00:36,791 into that one. 16 00:00:34,916 --> 00:00:36,791 Lieutenant. 17 00:00:36,791 --> 00:00:39,583 Uh, this is not 18 00:00:36,791 --> 00:00:39,583 as it seems. 19 00:00:39,583 --> 00:00:42,333 I thought your... 20 00:00:39,583 --> 00:00:42,333 unmentionables 21 00:00:42,333 --> 00:00:43,916 were in the 22 00:00:42,333 --> 00:00:43,916 hand washing basket. 23 00:00:43,916 --> 00:00:46,500 Your hand washing basket, 24 00:00:43,916 --> 00:00:46,500 not my hands. 25 00:00:46,500 --> 00:00:48,083 Why are you doing 26 00:00:46,500 --> 00:00:48,083 any of my laundry 27 00:00:48,083 --> 00:00:49,541 in the first place, Crane? 28 00:00:49,541 --> 00:00:50,791 As you were 29 00:00:49,541 --> 00:00:50,791 kind enough 30 00:00:50,791 --> 00:00:52,208 to offer me a room 31 00:00:52,208 --> 00:00:54,250 until I found my own residence, 32 00:00:54,250 --> 00:00:56,375 I thought I should do something 33 00:00:54,250 --> 00:00:56,375 to repay you. 34 00:00:56,375 --> 00:00:58,500 So I tidied, 35 00:00:56,375 --> 00:00:58,500 top to bottom, 36 00:00:58,500 --> 00:01:00,708 prepared a meal-- you're in 37 00:00:58,500 --> 00:01:00,708 for a treat, there. 38 00:01:00,708 --> 00:01:04,458 Half the colonial army were 39 00:01:00,708 --> 00:01:04,458 after my Bedfordshire Clanger. 40 00:01:04,458 --> 00:01:06,333 (smoke alarm beeping) 41 00:01:08,000 --> 00:01:09,458 (Crane exclaims) 42 00:01:09,458 --> 00:01:11,208 (alarm stops) 43 00:01:11,208 --> 00:01:13,083 Oh, hell's teeth! 44 00:01:16,708 --> 00:01:19,125 Our first week 45 00:01:16,708 --> 00:01:19,125 as roommates 46 00:01:19,125 --> 00:01:20,875 and I've befouled 47 00:01:19,125 --> 00:01:20,875 the kitchen. 48 00:01:20,875 --> 00:01:22,583 If we found a way to put 49 00:01:20,875 --> 00:01:22,583 the brakes on the Apocalypse, 50 00:01:22,583 --> 00:01:24,125 we can make this work. 51 00:01:24,125 --> 00:01:26,041 I had roommates 52 00:01:24,125 --> 00:01:26,041 in college. 53 00:01:26,041 --> 00:01:29,125 It's all about respecting 54 00:01:26,041 --> 00:01:29,125 boundaries, Crane. 55 00:01:29,125 --> 00:01:31,708 As Ben Franklin was wont to say, 56 00:01:31,708 --> 00:01:34,375 "Love thy neighbor, 57 00:01:31,708 --> 00:01:34,375 yet don't pull down your hedge." 58 00:01:34,375 --> 00:01:36,666 Yeah. Good fences 59 00:01:34,375 --> 00:01:36,666 make good neighbors. 60 00:01:36,666 --> 00:01:38,750 And in this case, 61 00:01:38,750 --> 00:01:40,166 if you can't stand the heat, 62 00:01:40,166 --> 00:01:42,916 use somebody else's kitchen. 63 00:01:44,833 --> 00:01:46,625 Takeout. 64 00:01:46,625 --> 00:01:49,041 Capital idea. 65 00:01:52,541 --> 00:01:55,041 Reach for the sun, my little one 66 00:01:55,041 --> 00:01:59,958 Reach for the sun and smile 67 00:01:59,958 --> 00:02:02,333 Soon you'll have the fear 68 00:01:59,958 --> 00:02:02,333 you need to grow. 69 00:02:10,166 --> 00:02:13,833 From the depths 70 00:02:10,166 --> 00:02:13,833 of the darkness inside you 71 00:02:13,833 --> 00:02:17,208 Will you bring forth 72 00:02:13,833 --> 00:02:17,208 the evil I desire? 73 00:02:18,583 --> 00:02:20,583 (indistinct whispering) 74 00:02:27,833 --> 00:02:31,750 A little sun, a little rain 75 00:02:31,750 --> 00:02:34,375 And then, my sweet, 76 00:02:34,375 --> 00:02:36,500 A flower. 77 00:03:07,750 --> 00:03:09,750 ♪ ♪ 78 00:03:12,458 --> 00:03:13,916 We have to do something. 79 00:03:13,916 --> 00:03:15,250 Tell someone what we know. 80 00:03:15,250 --> 00:03:17,250 Look, it's the right thing. 81 00:03:17,250 --> 00:03:19,041 Of course I'm scared. 82 00:03:19,041 --> 00:03:20,416 We all are. 83 00:03:20,416 --> 00:03:22,375 Excuse me. 84 00:03:22,375 --> 00:03:24,500 You've got to tell 85 00:03:22,375 --> 00:03:24,500 me your secret. 86 00:03:26,250 --> 00:03:28,375 I can't ever seem to get 87 00:03:26,250 --> 00:03:28,375 any signal in here. 88 00:03:28,375 --> 00:03:31,583 MAN (over P.A.): 89 00:03:28,375 --> 00:03:31,583 Now arriving on Track 9, 90 00:03:28,375 --> 00:03:31,583 train number 290. 91 00:03:31,583 --> 00:03:35,250 He's jumping at shadows. 92 00:03:35,250 --> 00:03:37,875 I have just the thing for you. 93 00:03:37,875 --> 00:03:39,625 MAN: 94 00:03:37,875 --> 00:03:39,625 FBI, how do I direct your call? 95 00:03:39,625 --> 00:03:40,875 My name is Paul Everett. 96 00:03:40,875 --> 00:03:42,083 Can I speak to an agent? 97 00:03:43,583 --> 00:03:45,125 He has a secret 98 00:03:45,125 --> 00:03:47,291 and he's terrified 99 00:03:45,125 --> 00:03:47,291 it will be discovered. 100 00:03:47,291 --> 00:03:49,541 Just be a dear 101 00:03:47,291 --> 00:03:49,541 and take your time 102 00:03:49,541 --> 00:03:51,458 pulling his secret 103 00:03:49,541 --> 00:03:51,458 from him, will you? 104 00:03:51,458 --> 00:03:54,250 I'm really quite enjoying 105 00:03:51,458 --> 00:03:54,250 watching these mortals squirm. 106 00:03:59,541 --> 00:04:00,833 I have important information. 107 00:04:00,833 --> 00:04:01,833 Can you hold, please? 108 00:04:01,833 --> 00:04:03,083 Yeah, I'll hold. 109 00:04:03,083 --> 00:04:05,041 (indistinct whispering) 110 00:04:11,291 --> 00:04:13,291 It's dangerous, Paul. We don't 111 00:04:11,291 --> 00:04:13,291 know what he's capable of. 112 00:04:13,291 --> 00:04:14,666 Williams is right. 113 00:04:14,666 --> 00:04:15,958 If we give any sign 114 00:04:14,666 --> 00:04:15,958 that we know... 115 00:04:15,958 --> 00:04:17,125 Secrets... 116 00:04:15,958 --> 00:04:17,125 EVERETT: We have to go public. 117 00:04:17,125 --> 00:04:18,500 We can't let him 118 00:04:17,125 --> 00:04:18,500 get away with it. 119 00:04:19,833 --> 00:04:24,625 Secrets kill. 120 00:04:27,125 --> 00:04:30,875 Granger's replacement arrives 121 00:04:27,125 --> 00:04:30,875 sometime this week. 122 00:04:30,875 --> 00:04:33,833 Whole lot of scuttlebutt 123 00:04:30,875 --> 00:04:33,833 as to who that might be. 124 00:04:33,833 --> 00:04:35,083 Just think of the uproar, 125 00:04:35,083 --> 00:04:36,708 were people to discover 126 00:04:35,083 --> 00:04:36,708 the true nature 127 00:04:36,708 --> 00:04:38,833 of your former commanding 128 00:04:36,708 --> 00:04:38,833 officer's demise. 129 00:04:38,833 --> 00:04:41,666 Only in Sleepy Hollow does 130 00:04:38,833 --> 00:04:41,666 your boss get eaten by a demon. 131 00:04:41,666 --> 00:04:43,250 Mmm. 132 00:04:43,250 --> 00:04:46,791 You were always able 133 00:04:43,250 --> 00:04:46,791 to balance your police work 134 00:04:46,791 --> 00:04:48,875 with your duty as a Witness. 135 00:04:46,791 --> 00:04:48,875 Maybe. 136 00:04:48,875 --> 00:04:51,583 But it's not a balancing act 137 00:04:48,875 --> 00:04:51,583 I want to keep up forever. 138 00:04:53,166 --> 00:04:55,291 I'm building something here, 139 00:04:53,166 --> 00:04:55,291 Crane. 140 00:04:55,291 --> 00:04:58,166 The kind of life I've always 141 00:04:55,291 --> 00:04:58,166 seen for myself. 142 00:04:58,166 --> 00:04:59,416 (phone ringing) 143 00:05:01,875 --> 00:05:02,875 Agent Mills. 144 00:05:02,875 --> 00:05:04,000 MAN: 145 00:05:02,875 --> 00:05:04,000 Dispatch here. 146 00:05:04,000 --> 00:05:05,750 We have a code 001B-36 147 00:05:05,750 --> 00:05:08,083 at the Tarrytown train station. 148 00:05:11,291 --> 00:05:12,541 His name was Paul Everett. 149 00:05:12,541 --> 00:05:13,958 He worked for the county, 150 00:05:13,958 --> 00:05:15,583 an accountant at 151 00:05:13,958 --> 00:05:15,583 the comptroller's office. 152 00:05:15,583 --> 00:05:18,208 The SHPD medical examiner 153 00:05:15,583 --> 00:05:18,208 says he died of a heart attack. 154 00:05:18,208 --> 00:05:20,375 Well, the last call 155 00:05:18,208 --> 00:05:20,375 he made was to the FBI, 156 00:05:20,375 --> 00:05:21,833 which makes it 157 00:05:20,375 --> 00:05:21,833 our business. 158 00:05:21,833 --> 00:05:24,250 Operator said he didn't 159 00:05:21,833 --> 00:05:24,250 get any details; 160 00:05:24,250 --> 00:05:25,750 just asked for an agent. 161 00:05:25,750 --> 00:05:27,875 All calls into the switchboard 162 00:05:25,750 --> 00:05:27,875 are recorded. 163 00:05:27,875 --> 00:05:29,208 Send me a copy, please? 164 00:05:29,208 --> 00:05:31,625 Thank you. 165 00:05:29,208 --> 00:05:31,625 It seems uncommon 166 00:05:31,625 --> 00:05:33,958 for someone so young 167 00:05:31,625 --> 00:05:33,958 to suffer a cardiac arrest. 168 00:05:33,958 --> 00:05:36,291 Look at his 169 00:05:33,958 --> 00:05:36,291 expression. 170 00:05:36,291 --> 00:05:37,625 He looks absolutely 171 00:05:36,291 --> 00:05:37,625 terrified. 172 00:05:37,625 --> 00:05:39,250 MAN: 173 00:05:37,625 --> 00:05:39,250 Probably was. 174 00:05:39,250 --> 00:05:40,583 Muscle rigidity 175 00:05:39,250 --> 00:05:40,583 is often the side effect 176 00:05:40,583 --> 00:05:42,291 of a sudden heart attack. 177 00:05:43,333 --> 00:05:45,375 (chuckles) 178 00:05:43,333 --> 00:05:45,375 Agent Reynolds. 179 00:05:45,375 --> 00:05:48,208 Aren't you posted in Chicago? 180 00:05:45,375 --> 00:05:48,208 Was. 181 00:05:48,208 --> 00:05:50,250 Until 24 hours ago. 182 00:05:50,250 --> 00:05:52,250 Oh, the Bureau thinks 183 00:05:50,250 --> 00:05:52,250 we need extra bodies 184 00:05:52,250 --> 00:05:54,625 to fill the gaps as they vet 185 00:05:52,250 --> 00:05:54,625 Granger's replacement? 186 00:05:54,625 --> 00:05:56,291 No, actually. 187 00:05:56,291 --> 00:05:57,541 I am the replacement. 188 00:05:59,208 --> 00:06:00,708 You're the new regional chief? 189 00:06:03,916 --> 00:06:06,541 (quietly): 190 00:06:03,916 --> 00:06:06,541 Wow. 191 00:06:06,541 --> 00:06:07,833 (Crane clears throat) 192 00:06:07,833 --> 00:06:09,875 My name is Ichabod Crane. 193 00:06:09,875 --> 00:06:12,875 I consulted for the sheriff's 194 00:06:09,875 --> 00:06:12,875 department last year 195 00:06:12,875 --> 00:06:15,291 on matters of 196 00:06:12,875 --> 00:06:15,291 historical relevancy. 197 00:06:15,291 --> 00:06:16,500 Agent Daniel Reynolds. 198 00:06:16,500 --> 00:06:17,750 Agent Mills and I 199 00:06:17,750 --> 00:06:20,125 were at the academy together. 200 00:06:20,125 --> 00:06:22,666 Not sure there's much 201 00:06:20,125 --> 00:06:22,666 historical relevance 202 00:06:22,666 --> 00:06:24,666 to a 32-year-old man 203 00:06:22,666 --> 00:06:24,666 dying of a heart attack. 204 00:06:24,666 --> 00:06:26,500 Lieutenant-- 205 00:06:24,666 --> 00:06:26,500 Agent Mills and I 206 00:06:26,500 --> 00:06:28,833 were just at home 207 00:06:26,500 --> 00:06:28,833 having dinner. 208 00:06:28,833 --> 00:06:31,208 She was called here, so... 209 00:06:32,666 --> 00:06:34,000 Oh. I see. 210 00:06:34,000 --> 00:06:35,333 You two... 211 00:06:35,333 --> 00:06:37,375 Are roommates. 212 00:06:37,375 --> 00:06:40,458 And he was just... heading home. 213 00:06:40,458 --> 00:06:42,041 I was? 214 00:06:40,458 --> 00:06:42,041 Mm-hmm. 215 00:06:42,041 --> 00:06:44,416 I am just on 216 00:06:42,041 --> 00:06:44,416 my way home. 217 00:06:44,416 --> 00:06:46,791 Agent Reynolds, 218 00:06:44,416 --> 00:06:46,791 the pleasure 219 00:06:46,791 --> 00:06:49,208 is ineffably mine. 220 00:06:59,208 --> 00:07:01,958 Sorry. I should've called 221 00:06:59,208 --> 00:07:01,958 to give you a heads up. 222 00:07:01,958 --> 00:07:03,208 It happened so quickly, 223 00:07:03,208 --> 00:07:04,708 I literally just 224 00:07:03,208 --> 00:07:04,708 got off the plane. 225 00:07:04,708 --> 00:07:06,541 Give me an hour 226 00:07:04,708 --> 00:07:06,541 to swing by the office 227 00:07:06,541 --> 00:07:08,250 and get settled, and you can 228 00:07:06,541 --> 00:07:08,250 fill me in on all this? 229 00:07:08,250 --> 00:07:09,750 Absolutely. 230 00:07:09,750 --> 00:07:11,708 Sir. 231 00:07:11,708 --> 00:07:14,083 (laughs) 232 00:07:11,708 --> 00:07:14,083 Life, right? 233 00:07:14,083 --> 00:07:15,666 Of all the gin joints, 234 00:07:15,666 --> 00:07:17,791 I get assigned to Abbie Mills' 235 00:07:15,666 --> 00:07:17,791 old stomping grounds. 236 00:07:17,791 --> 00:07:19,291 After all the stories 237 00:07:17,791 --> 00:07:19,291 you told me, 238 00:07:19,291 --> 00:07:20,916 I almost feel like 239 00:07:19,291 --> 00:07:20,916 I've lived here before. 240 00:07:20,916 --> 00:07:22,250 Yeah, let's just hope 241 00:07:20,916 --> 00:07:22,250 you don't want to leave 242 00:07:22,250 --> 00:07:23,500 as bad as I did. 243 00:07:23,500 --> 00:07:24,791 You made peace with that. 244 00:07:24,791 --> 00:07:26,041 Like anywhere, 245 00:07:26,041 --> 00:07:27,791 there's good, there's bad. 246 00:07:27,791 --> 00:07:30,000 But duty comes first. 247 00:07:30,000 --> 00:07:31,250 Right? 248 00:07:31,250 --> 00:07:33,250 True. 249 00:07:33,250 --> 00:07:34,500 True, and I'd better 250 00:07:34,500 --> 00:07:36,375 get busy with mine. 251 00:07:36,375 --> 00:07:37,791 Good to see you, Abs. 252 00:07:37,791 --> 00:07:39,250 Yep, you too, Danny. 253 00:07:57,166 --> 00:07:59,625 It's quite a facade, isn't it? 254 00:07:59,625 --> 00:08:00,958 Yes. 255 00:08:00,958 --> 00:08:02,625 Most impressive. 256 00:08:06,458 --> 00:08:08,250 Reynolds wants me 257 00:08:08,250 --> 00:08:09,750 to kick the tires 258 00:08:08,250 --> 00:08:09,750 on this one. 259 00:08:09,750 --> 00:08:11,750 Everett called the FBI 260 00:08:09,750 --> 00:08:11,750 minutes before he died. 261 00:08:11,750 --> 00:08:13,791 We need to find out 262 00:08:11,750 --> 00:08:13,791 if he had a reason. 263 00:08:13,791 --> 00:08:16,541 I fear this man 264 00:08:13,791 --> 00:08:16,541 Everett's death 265 00:08:16,541 --> 00:08:19,958 may have been caused by 266 00:08:16,541 --> 00:08:19,958 a supernatural entity. 267 00:08:19,958 --> 00:08:21,208 You saw something? 268 00:08:21,208 --> 00:08:22,625 Just a glimpse. 269 00:08:22,625 --> 00:08:26,375 There may be a new threat 270 00:08:22,625 --> 00:08:26,375 hiding in the shadows. 271 00:08:26,375 --> 00:08:31,375 Or... is one, itself. 272 00:08:31,375 --> 00:08:35,000 I found references to creatures 273 00:08:31,375 --> 00:08:35,000 of shadows and darkness-- 274 00:08:35,000 --> 00:08:37,875 blights, wraiths, ghouls, oni, 275 00:08:37,875 --> 00:08:40,250 bogeymen. 276 00:08:37,875 --> 00:08:40,250 I don't know 277 00:08:37,875 --> 00:08:40,250 what's worse: 278 00:08:40,250 --> 00:08:42,458 the supernatural 279 00:08:40,250 --> 00:08:42,458 back in full force 280 00:08:42,458 --> 00:08:45,083 or Daniel Reynolds as my boss. 281 00:08:45,083 --> 00:08:46,333 Your former classmate. 282 00:08:46,333 --> 00:08:47,583 Daniel's 283 00:08:46,333 --> 00:08:47,583 a climber. 284 00:08:47,583 --> 00:08:49,125 He's half the reason 285 00:08:49,125 --> 00:08:50,833 I got through the academy 286 00:08:49,125 --> 00:08:50,833 as fast as I did. 287 00:08:50,833 --> 00:08:52,583 We pushed each other. 288 00:08:52,583 --> 00:08:54,875 Competition can be 289 00:08:52,583 --> 00:08:54,875 a strong motivator. 290 00:08:56,791 --> 00:08:58,375 Lieutenant... 291 00:08:58,375 --> 00:08:59,625 I sensed something 292 00:08:59,625 --> 00:09:01,416 between the two of you 293 00:08:59,625 --> 00:09:01,416 that seemed... 294 00:09:01,416 --> 00:09:04,250 more than professional. 295 00:09:04,250 --> 00:09:06,166 Yeah? 296 00:09:09,291 --> 00:09:10,916 Mind your business. 297 00:09:12,458 --> 00:09:14,458 A good fences moment, 298 00:09:12,458 --> 00:09:14,458 perhaps? 299 00:09:14,458 --> 00:09:16,291 That's right, neighbor. 300 00:09:16,291 --> 00:09:18,166 Now what is 301 00:09:16,291 --> 00:09:18,166 all this? 302 00:09:18,166 --> 00:09:19,666 Ah. 303 00:09:19,666 --> 00:09:21,458 A plan to keep the archive 304 00:09:19,666 --> 00:09:21,458 in our possession. 305 00:09:21,458 --> 00:09:23,250 I've applied 306 00:09:21,458 --> 00:09:23,250 to have it declared 307 00:09:23,250 --> 00:09:24,708 an historic landmark. 308 00:09:24,708 --> 00:09:26,291 Did you know 309 00:09:24,708 --> 00:09:26,291 there was a proposition 310 00:09:26,291 --> 00:09:28,375 to tear it down 311 00:09:26,291 --> 00:09:28,375 and erect an apothecary? 312 00:09:28,375 --> 00:09:30,125 An apothecary! Another one! 313 00:09:30,125 --> 00:09:33,750 Amidst the onslaught 314 00:09:30,125 --> 00:09:33,750 of these faceless monstrosities, 315 00:09:33,750 --> 00:09:35,458 we must make a stand 316 00:09:35,458 --> 00:09:36,958 to preserve our history. 317 00:09:36,958 --> 00:09:38,208 Now, are we 318 00:09:36,958 --> 00:09:38,208 talking about 319 00:09:38,208 --> 00:09:40,125 this place or you? 320 00:09:40,125 --> 00:09:44,458 I shall find my place 321 00:09:40,125 --> 00:09:44,458 in this modern world, 322 00:09:44,458 --> 00:09:47,875 but never at the expense 323 00:09:44,458 --> 00:09:47,875 of my colonial soul. 324 00:09:47,875 --> 00:09:49,458 I'm not going 325 00:09:47,875 --> 00:09:49,458 to argue. 326 00:09:49,458 --> 00:09:52,083 The archive is crucial 327 00:09:49,458 --> 00:09:52,083 as a base of operations-- 328 00:09:52,083 --> 00:09:53,916 now more than ever, 329 00:09:53,916 --> 00:09:57,125 if this new threat 330 00:09:53,916 --> 00:09:57,125 isn't an isolated event. 331 00:09:57,125 --> 00:10:00,750 Sadly, we have more questions 332 00:09:57,125 --> 00:10:00,750 than answers at the moment. 333 00:10:00,750 --> 00:10:03,000 Especially if that thing means 334 00:10:00,750 --> 00:10:03,000 what you think it does. 335 00:10:03,000 --> 00:10:05,916 And for all the good 336 00:10:03,000 --> 00:10:05,916 that we try to do, 337 00:10:05,916 --> 00:10:07,750 what if our destiny 338 00:10:05,916 --> 00:10:07,750 is to become 339 00:10:07,750 --> 00:10:09,583 agents of destruction? 340 00:10:09,583 --> 00:10:11,750 (computer beeps) 341 00:10:09,583 --> 00:10:11,750 Crane, 342 00:10:11,750 --> 00:10:14,291 there's a message that 343 00:10:11,750 --> 00:10:14,291 Paul Everett left for the FBI. 344 00:10:14,291 --> 00:10:16,458 I may be able to find a clue 345 00:10:14,291 --> 00:10:16,458 as to what happened to him 346 00:10:16,458 --> 00:10:19,541 in the background noise 347 00:10:16,458 --> 00:10:19,541 of the phone call. 348 00:10:19,541 --> 00:10:20,916 My name is Paul Everett. 349 00:10:20,916 --> 00:10:22,875 Can I speak to an agent? 350 00:10:22,875 --> 00:10:24,708 I have important information. 351 00:10:24,708 --> 00:10:25,958 MAN: Can you hold, please? 352 00:10:24,708 --> 00:10:25,958 Yeah, I'll hold. 353 00:10:25,958 --> 00:10:27,583 ABBIE: 354 00:10:25,958 --> 00:10:27,583 You see? 355 00:10:27,583 --> 00:10:29,875 It keeps recording 356 00:10:27,583 --> 00:10:29,875 for another 15 seconds. 357 00:10:29,875 --> 00:10:31,708 No sounds of attack, 358 00:10:31,708 --> 00:10:33,166 no sounds of distress 359 00:10:31,708 --> 00:10:33,166 from Everett. 360 00:10:33,166 --> 00:10:35,500 No, wait, 361 00:10:33,166 --> 00:10:35,500 there is something else. 362 00:10:35,500 --> 00:10:37,500 (indistinct whispering) 363 00:10:35,500 --> 00:10:37,500 CRANE: 364 00:10:35,500 --> 00:10:37,500 Voices. 365 00:10:37,500 --> 00:10:39,125 Whispering. 366 00:10:40,625 --> 00:10:42,041 Other commuters? 367 00:10:42,041 --> 00:10:45,041 I can filter out 368 00:10:42,041 --> 00:10:45,041 some of the interference. 369 00:10:46,750 --> 00:10:48,458 WOMAN: 370 00:10:46,750 --> 00:10:48,458 Williams is right. 371 00:10:48,458 --> 00:10:50,333 EVERETT: 372 00:10:48,458 --> 00:10:50,333 We have to go public with this. 373 00:10:50,333 --> 00:10:52,291 We can't let him 374 00:10:50,333 --> 00:10:52,291 get away with it. 375 00:10:52,291 --> 00:10:53,541 So that's Everett talking. 376 00:10:53,541 --> 00:10:56,125 But who was he talking to? 377 00:10:56,125 --> 00:10:57,625 VOICE: 378 00:10:56,125 --> 00:10:57,625 Kill for secrets. 379 00:10:57,625 --> 00:10:59,000 ABBIE: 380 00:10:57,625 --> 00:10:59,000 There's another voice, 381 00:10:59,000 --> 00:11:01,250 but it's not 382 00:10:59,000 --> 00:11:01,250 on the same wavelength. 383 00:11:01,250 --> 00:11:03,208 I can scrub and boost it. 384 00:11:03,208 --> 00:11:05,625 VOICE: 385 00:11:03,208 --> 00:11:05,625 Secrets. Secrets. 386 00:11:05,625 --> 00:11:07,208 What is that? 387 00:11:07,208 --> 00:11:09,500 Kill for secrets. 388 00:11:09,500 --> 00:11:11,916 Secrets. 389 00:11:11,916 --> 00:11:14,333 I will kill. 390 00:11:54,333 --> 00:11:56,541 CRANE: A shadow that moves 391 00:11:54,333 --> 00:11:56,541 as if alive, 392 00:11:56,541 --> 00:11:58,541 in conjunction 393 00:11:56,541 --> 00:11:58,541 with whispering voices, 394 00:11:58,541 --> 00:12:00,416 jogged a memory... 395 00:12:00,416 --> 00:12:03,375 something I'd read in your 396 00:12:00,416 --> 00:12:03,375 ancestor Grace Dixon's journal. 397 00:12:03,375 --> 00:12:05,166 Sometimes all it takes 398 00:12:05,166 --> 00:12:08,000 is to put pen to paper 399 00:12:05,166 --> 00:12:08,000 to make a difference, hmm? 400 00:12:09,250 --> 00:12:10,791 CRANE: 401 00:12:09,250 --> 00:12:10,791 Here. 402 00:12:10,791 --> 00:12:14,583 25th of September, 1776. 403 00:12:14,583 --> 00:12:17,166 Ms. Dixon overheard a rumor 404 00:12:17,166 --> 00:12:18,583 that General Howe-- 405 00:12:18,583 --> 00:12:20,666 who was the commanding 406 00:12:18,583 --> 00:12:20,666 British officer 407 00:12:20,666 --> 00:12:22,458 stationed in occupied 408 00:12:20,666 --> 00:12:22,458 New York City-- 409 00:12:22,458 --> 00:12:25,000 had raised 410 00:12:22,458 --> 00:12:25,000 a whispering wraith 411 00:12:25,000 --> 00:12:27,291 in order to root out 412 00:12:25,000 --> 00:12:27,291 colonial spies. 413 00:12:29,250 --> 00:12:32,958 A dark ceremony, in which 414 00:12:29,250 --> 00:12:32,958 a human host is bonded 415 00:12:32,958 --> 00:12:35,333 with demonic 416 00:12:32,958 --> 00:12:35,333 shadows. 417 00:12:35,333 --> 00:12:36,583 Here... 418 00:12:36,583 --> 00:12:38,458 these initials, M.C. 419 00:12:38,458 --> 00:12:41,000 The host in question 420 00:12:38,458 --> 00:12:41,000 was an unfortunate wretch 421 00:12:41,000 --> 00:12:42,916 named Marcus Collins. 422 00:12:42,916 --> 00:12:44,750 A friend of yours? 423 00:12:42,916 --> 00:12:44,750 Turncoat. 424 00:12:44,750 --> 00:12:47,333 A rank, base villain 425 00:12:44,750 --> 00:12:47,333 who reneged on his vow 426 00:12:47,333 --> 00:12:49,625 to fight for liberty. 427 00:12:47,333 --> 00:12:49,625 Not a friend. 428 00:12:49,625 --> 00:12:51,333 It appears he was not only 429 00:12:49,625 --> 00:12:51,333 turned by Howe, 430 00:12:51,333 --> 00:12:53,083 but literally transformed, 431 00:12:53,083 --> 00:12:54,333 sent out to kill his fellows. 432 00:12:54,333 --> 00:12:55,708 Brave souls, 433 00:12:55,708 --> 00:12:57,875 with a secret worth 434 00:12:55,708 --> 00:12:57,875 dying for. 435 00:12:57,875 --> 00:12:59,958 General Howe's 436 00:12:57,875 --> 00:12:59,958 battle plans. 437 00:13:02,250 --> 00:13:05,833 Had these men lived 438 00:13:02,250 --> 00:13:05,833 to deliver that information... 439 00:13:05,833 --> 00:13:10,125 thousands of lives 440 00:13:05,833 --> 00:13:10,125 would have been spared. 441 00:13:10,125 --> 00:13:14,708 Washington lost confidence 442 00:13:10,125 --> 00:13:14,708 in Marcus Collins' loyalty-- 443 00:13:14,708 --> 00:13:16,125 feared General Howe might learn 444 00:13:16,125 --> 00:13:17,541 the identities 445 00:13:16,125 --> 00:13:17,541 of the other agents. 446 00:13:17,541 --> 00:13:20,333 I was tasked 447 00:13:17,541 --> 00:13:20,333 with their extraction. 448 00:13:20,333 --> 00:13:21,916 I attended an event 449 00:13:21,916 --> 00:13:23,708 at the billeted quarters 450 00:13:21,916 --> 00:13:23,708 of General Howe, 451 00:13:23,708 --> 00:13:27,125 where I was to make contact 452 00:13:23,708 --> 00:13:27,125 with the spymaster, 453 00:13:27,125 --> 00:13:29,625 none other than my constant 454 00:13:27,125 --> 00:13:29,625 companion in adventure, 455 00:13:29,625 --> 00:13:32,750 Betsy Ross. 456 00:13:32,750 --> 00:13:34,625 ♪ ♪ 457 00:13:38,916 --> 00:13:41,166 Would the lady 458 00:13:38,916 --> 00:13:41,166 grant me the honor? 459 00:13:42,416 --> 00:13:44,916 The gentleman 460 00:13:42,416 --> 00:13:44,916 is too kind. 461 00:13:44,916 --> 00:13:46,625 The honor is all mine. 462 00:13:46,625 --> 00:13:48,833 What the hell 463 00:13:46,625 --> 00:13:48,833 are you doing, Crane? 464 00:13:48,833 --> 00:13:51,750 If anyone recognizes you, 465 00:13:48,833 --> 00:13:51,750 you'll be shot as a deserter. 466 00:13:51,750 --> 00:13:53,125 I shan't be here 467 00:13:51,750 --> 00:13:53,125 long enough. 468 00:13:53,125 --> 00:13:55,083 And neither will you. 469 00:13:55,083 --> 00:13:56,541 Your cover's 470 00:13:55,083 --> 00:13:56,541 been blown. 471 00:13:56,541 --> 00:13:58,875 Marcus Collins is a turncoat. 472 00:13:58,875 --> 00:13:59,875 (gasps) 473 00:13:59,875 --> 00:14:02,750 We must warn 474 00:13:59,875 --> 00:14:02,750 the others. 475 00:14:02,750 --> 00:14:04,458 The secrets we share are 476 00:14:02,750 --> 00:14:04,458 invaluable to the war effort. 477 00:14:04,458 --> 00:14:06,791 How many are embedded with you? 478 00:14:06,791 --> 00:14:08,750 Two men. 479 00:14:08,750 --> 00:14:10,958 One poses as Howe's valet, 480 00:14:10,958 --> 00:14:14,166 the other, that violin player. 481 00:14:15,958 --> 00:14:17,916 BETSY: 482 00:14:15,958 --> 00:14:17,916 Howe is looking this way. 483 00:14:17,916 --> 00:14:20,208 Does he know you, Crane? 484 00:14:20,208 --> 00:14:22,125 We met many 485 00:14:20,208 --> 00:14:22,125 years ago, 486 00:14:22,125 --> 00:14:24,500 when I first arrived 487 00:14:22,125 --> 00:14:24,500 on these shores. 488 00:14:24,500 --> 00:14:25,875 I'll handle him. 489 00:14:25,875 --> 00:14:27,666 And warn the others. Go. 490 00:14:27,666 --> 00:14:29,541 We'll meet at 491 00:14:27,666 --> 00:14:29,541 the stables in an hour. 492 00:14:34,583 --> 00:14:35,958 General... 493 00:14:35,958 --> 00:14:37,541 I haven't had 494 00:14:35,958 --> 00:14:37,541 the chance to thank you 495 00:14:37,541 --> 00:14:38,791 for this delightful party. 496 00:14:38,791 --> 00:14:40,958 In a moment. 497 00:14:40,958 --> 00:14:44,583 There is someone 498 00:14:40,958 --> 00:14:44,583 I must have words with first. 499 00:14:44,583 --> 00:14:47,833 When a moment passes, 500 00:14:44,583 --> 00:14:47,833 it is gone forever. 501 00:14:47,833 --> 00:14:50,250 Or one can stop 502 00:14:47,833 --> 00:14:50,250 and take... 503 00:14:50,250 --> 00:14:52,708 full advantage of it. 504 00:15:00,875 --> 00:15:02,500 I was beginning to worry. 505 00:15:04,125 --> 00:15:06,083 Your clothing, 506 00:15:04,125 --> 00:15:06,083 Betsy... 507 00:15:06,083 --> 00:15:08,833 I told you I'd handle Howe. 508 00:15:08,833 --> 00:15:11,000 Not like that, 509 00:15:11,000 --> 00:15:12,250 my dear. 510 00:15:12,250 --> 00:15:14,458 Ready the horses 511 00:15:14,458 --> 00:15:16,750 while I look 512 00:15:14,458 --> 00:15:16,750 for the others. 513 00:15:22,458 --> 00:15:24,125 They're dead, Crane. 514 00:15:24,125 --> 00:15:26,416 Both of them. 515 00:15:34,875 --> 00:15:36,791 Is that you, 516 00:15:36,791 --> 00:15:38,708 you traitorous wretch? 517 00:15:38,708 --> 00:15:40,666 Come out of the shadows, 518 00:15:38,708 --> 00:15:40,666 Marcus Collins. 519 00:15:41,916 --> 00:15:44,291 Come out and face me! 520 00:15:44,291 --> 00:15:46,333 I'll have your head, 521 00:15:44,291 --> 00:15:46,333 Marcus Collins! 522 00:15:46,333 --> 00:15:48,000 MAN: 523 00:15:46,333 --> 00:15:48,000 This way! 524 00:15:50,833 --> 00:15:51,958 Fire on sight! 525 00:15:52,833 --> 00:15:54,375 Hyah! Yah! 526 00:15:55,666 --> 00:15:57,416 Betsy, come on! 527 00:16:05,958 --> 00:16:07,250 Are you all right? 528 00:16:07,250 --> 00:16:09,333 How could I not be? 529 00:16:09,333 --> 00:16:11,333 Hyah! Hyah! 530 00:16:13,000 --> 00:16:17,375 Crane... Crane. 531 00:16:17,375 --> 00:16:20,875 And now it seems the same dire 532 00:16:17,375 --> 00:16:20,875 wraith who killed my fellows 533 00:16:20,875 --> 00:16:23,208 stalks the streets 534 00:16:20,875 --> 00:16:23,208 of Sleepy Hollow. 535 00:16:23,208 --> 00:16:25,916 So this creature was sent 536 00:16:23,208 --> 00:16:25,916 to root out spies 537 00:16:25,916 --> 00:16:27,750 who shared a secret then. 538 00:16:27,750 --> 00:16:30,000 He may have 539 00:16:27,750 --> 00:16:30,000 the same M.O. 540 00:16:30,000 --> 00:16:31,583 An excellent supposition, 541 00:16:30,000 --> 00:16:31,583 Lieutenant. 542 00:16:31,583 --> 00:16:34,125 The voices on Everett's 543 00:16:31,583 --> 00:16:34,125 call to the FBI. 544 00:16:34,125 --> 00:16:36,458 An unnamed woman and 545 00:16:34,125 --> 00:16:36,458 a man named Williams. 546 00:16:36,458 --> 00:16:38,000 And Everett worked 547 00:16:36,458 --> 00:16:38,000 as an accountant 548 00:16:38,000 --> 00:16:39,250 at the county 549 00:16:38,000 --> 00:16:39,250 comptroller's office. 550 00:16:39,250 --> 00:16:40,750 If they were coworkers, 551 00:16:40,750 --> 00:16:42,083 they may be 552 00:16:40,750 --> 00:16:42,083 the wraith's next victims. 553 00:16:42,083 --> 00:16:44,000 Here he is. 554 00:16:44,000 --> 00:16:46,000 Richard Williams. 555 00:16:58,875 --> 00:17:00,500 (phone rings) 556 00:17:00,500 --> 00:17:03,750 Hey, Joe. 557 00:17:03,750 --> 00:17:05,291 What? 558 00:17:05,291 --> 00:17:07,416 No, no, no. 559 00:17:05,291 --> 00:17:07,416 Don't call the police. 560 00:17:07,416 --> 00:17:08,666 I'll-I'll be right there. 561 00:17:11,583 --> 00:17:13,916 JOE: 562 00:17:11,583 --> 00:17:13,916 When I first got to your place, 563 00:17:11,583 --> 00:17:13,916 I thought you had a wild party 564 00:17:13,916 --> 00:17:16,708 and I was like, 565 00:17:13,916 --> 00:17:16,708 "Why didn't she invite me?" 566 00:17:16,708 --> 00:17:18,291 And then I noticed 567 00:17:16,708 --> 00:17:18,291 the busted lock. 568 00:17:18,291 --> 00:17:19,541 What were 569 00:17:18,291 --> 00:17:19,541 you doing 570 00:17:19,541 --> 00:17:20,875 way out here in the first place? 571 00:17:20,875 --> 00:17:22,083 No, I was bringing 572 00:17:20,875 --> 00:17:22,083 over some stuff 573 00:17:22,083 --> 00:17:24,291 you left up 574 00:17:22,083 --> 00:17:24,291 in my dad's cabin. 575 00:17:24,291 --> 00:17:25,958 Just poked my head in, 576 00:17:24,291 --> 00:17:25,958 saw the mess. 577 00:17:32,916 --> 00:17:35,333 Thanks for this. 578 00:17:35,333 --> 00:17:37,208 Hey, he... 579 00:17:37,208 --> 00:17:39,833 he was as much a father to you 580 00:17:37,208 --> 00:17:39,833 as he was to me. 581 00:17:39,833 --> 00:17:43,083 You know, whoever did this, 582 00:17:39,833 --> 00:17:43,083 it doesn't look like a B and E. 583 00:17:43,083 --> 00:17:46,375 It's more like they were 584 00:17:43,083 --> 00:17:46,375 searching for something? 585 00:17:46,375 --> 00:17:47,666 That's very astute, 586 00:17:46,375 --> 00:17:47,666 Encyclopedia Brown. 587 00:17:47,666 --> 00:17:49,125 Yeah, well, 588 00:17:49,125 --> 00:17:50,791 you and Abbie 589 00:17:49,125 --> 00:17:50,791 may have been his protégés, 590 00:17:50,791 --> 00:17:52,208 but I inherited 591 00:17:50,791 --> 00:17:52,208 some of my dad's 592 00:17:52,208 --> 00:17:55,083 cop instincts. 593 00:17:52,208 --> 00:17:55,083 Hmm. 594 00:17:55,083 --> 00:17:57,166 Like, I can tell 595 00:17:55,083 --> 00:17:57,166 when you're holding back. 596 00:17:58,833 --> 00:18:00,625 Come on, what are you 597 00:17:58,833 --> 00:18:00,625 mixed up in? 598 00:18:00,625 --> 00:18:02,666 Nothing. 599 00:18:02,666 --> 00:18:04,791 Really. 600 00:18:02,666 --> 00:18:04,791 (chuckles) 601 00:18:04,791 --> 00:18:06,625 I've been keeping it 602 00:18:04,791 --> 00:18:06,625 super low-key lately. 603 00:18:06,625 --> 00:18:08,041 (sighs) 604 00:18:08,041 --> 00:18:10,458 What is it with you 605 00:18:08,041 --> 00:18:10,458 and your sister anyway? 606 00:18:10,458 --> 00:18:12,291 Look, you know, 607 00:18:10,458 --> 00:18:12,291 just 'cause my dad 608 00:18:12,291 --> 00:18:14,583 kept me on the outside 609 00:18:12,291 --> 00:18:14,583 of his investigation 610 00:18:14,583 --> 00:18:17,541 into the strange and stranger, 611 00:18:14,583 --> 00:18:17,541 doesn't mean you have to. 612 00:18:17,541 --> 00:18:18,875 Corbin led Abbie and I 613 00:18:17,541 --> 00:18:18,875 down a path 614 00:18:18,875 --> 00:18:20,083 'cause we were already on it. 615 00:18:20,083 --> 00:18:21,458 And not by choice. 616 00:18:20,083 --> 00:18:21,458 Okay, you know, 617 00:18:21,458 --> 00:18:23,083 you can slice it 618 00:18:21,458 --> 00:18:23,083 any way you want, Mills. 619 00:18:23,083 --> 00:18:24,625 Look, you knew 620 00:18:23,083 --> 00:18:24,625 a side of him 621 00:18:24,625 --> 00:18:26,291 that I never got to know. 622 00:18:26,291 --> 00:18:28,041 But I've been back in town 623 00:18:26,291 --> 00:18:28,041 almost six months. 624 00:18:28,041 --> 00:18:29,875 I figured at some point, 625 00:18:28,041 --> 00:18:29,875 you might let me in. 626 00:18:29,875 --> 00:18:31,166 It's not fun and games, Joe. 627 00:18:31,166 --> 00:18:32,541 People die. 628 00:18:32,541 --> 00:18:34,041 Yeah, and my father 629 00:18:32,541 --> 00:18:34,041 was one of them. 630 00:18:38,291 --> 00:18:40,458 Look, he wasn't just stumbling 631 00:18:38,291 --> 00:18:40,458 around in the dark. 632 00:18:40,458 --> 00:18:42,125 He was on a mission. 633 00:18:42,125 --> 00:18:43,416 Sending you off 634 00:18:42,125 --> 00:18:43,416 all over the world 635 00:18:43,416 --> 00:18:44,958 to track things 636 00:18:43,416 --> 00:18:44,958 down for him. 637 00:18:44,958 --> 00:18:47,041 And before he had a chance 638 00:18:44,958 --> 00:18:47,041 to tell me word one 639 00:18:47,041 --> 00:18:49,750 about why he did what he did, 640 00:18:47,041 --> 00:18:49,750 he was gone. 641 00:18:49,750 --> 00:18:51,958 Look... 642 00:18:51,958 --> 00:18:53,208 you and Abbie 643 00:18:51,958 --> 00:18:53,208 are the closest thing 644 00:18:53,208 --> 00:18:54,750 that I have left to family. 645 00:18:54,750 --> 00:18:56,333 I want you to look me 646 00:18:54,750 --> 00:18:56,333 in the eye, 647 00:18:56,333 --> 00:18:58,208 tell me you have no idea 648 00:18:56,333 --> 00:18:58,208 why this happened. 649 00:19:00,125 --> 00:19:02,916 I will call around, okay? 650 00:19:02,916 --> 00:19:04,416 See what I can find out. 651 00:19:04,416 --> 00:19:06,416 (sighs) 652 00:19:07,875 --> 00:19:10,583 The one thing 653 00:19:07,875 --> 00:19:10,583 I know about your dad? 654 00:19:10,583 --> 00:19:12,166 He didn't want you 655 00:19:12,166 --> 00:19:13,708 to follow in 656 00:19:12,166 --> 00:19:13,708 his footsteps. 657 00:19:13,708 --> 00:19:16,041 Just wanted you to find 658 00:19:13,708 --> 00:19:16,041 something worth doing. 659 00:19:16,041 --> 00:19:17,541 The fact that you 660 00:19:16,041 --> 00:19:17,541 were able to parlay 661 00:19:17,541 --> 00:19:19,583 Marine medical training 662 00:19:17,541 --> 00:19:19,583 into a job as an EMT? 663 00:19:19,583 --> 00:19:21,375 (chuckles) 664 00:19:21,375 --> 00:19:24,166 That would've made him so proud. 665 00:19:26,125 --> 00:19:27,833 Look, will you just promise 666 00:19:26,125 --> 00:19:27,833 you'll tell me 667 00:19:27,833 --> 00:19:29,708 if there is something going on? 668 00:19:29,708 --> 00:19:32,291 Absolutely. 669 00:19:32,291 --> 00:19:34,500 (laughs softly) 670 00:19:34,500 --> 00:19:36,125 All right, yeah. 671 00:19:36,125 --> 00:19:38,875 Later, Mills. 672 00:19:38,875 --> 00:19:40,166 Yeah, later. 673 00:19:45,875 --> 00:19:47,708 CRANE: 674 00:19:45,875 --> 00:19:47,708 Let's hope we find Mr. Williams 675 00:19:47,708 --> 00:19:49,416 before the whispering wraith 676 00:19:49,416 --> 00:19:51,000 catches scent 677 00:19:49,416 --> 00:19:51,000 of his secrets. 678 00:19:51,000 --> 00:19:53,375 (doorbell rings) 679 00:19:55,750 --> 00:19:57,791 Is anyone home? 680 00:19:57,791 --> 00:19:59,291 Mr. Williams? 681 00:19:59,291 --> 00:20:01,000 It's Agent Mills 682 00:19:59,291 --> 00:20:01,000 with the FBI. 683 00:20:01,000 --> 00:20:02,333 I have some questions 684 00:20:02,333 --> 00:20:03,666 regarding your association 685 00:20:02,333 --> 00:20:03,666 with Paul Everett. 686 00:20:03,666 --> 00:20:05,416 (indistinct whispering) 687 00:20:05,416 --> 00:20:07,416 Mr. Williams? 688 00:20:07,416 --> 00:20:09,500 ABBIE: 689 00:20:07,416 --> 00:20:09,500 Is anyone home? 690 00:20:09,500 --> 00:20:11,541 Mr. Williams? 691 00:20:14,125 --> 00:20:15,375 Lieutenant? 692 00:20:16,750 --> 00:20:18,000 We have company. 693 00:20:18,000 --> 00:20:20,333 (indistinct whispering) 694 00:20:20,333 --> 00:20:22,500 Cease! 695 00:20:22,500 --> 00:20:23,833 No further. 696 00:20:31,708 --> 00:20:33,041 Secrets. 697 00:20:37,000 --> 00:20:38,708 Give us the names! 698 00:20:40,791 --> 00:20:42,541 Secrets. 699 00:20:42,541 --> 00:20:44,541 (indistinct whispering) 700 00:20:48,083 --> 00:20:49,291 (Abbie grunts) 701 00:20:49,291 --> 00:20:51,333 (tires screech) 702 00:20:52,750 --> 00:20:54,500 The wraith's gone after 703 00:20:52,750 --> 00:20:54,500 Williams. 704 00:20:52,750 --> 00:20:54,500 Mm-hmm. 705 00:20:54,500 --> 00:20:56,375 (Abbie groans) 706 00:20:56,375 --> 00:20:57,291 Come on. 707 00:21:00,250 --> 00:21:02,250 (indistinct whispering) 708 00:21:02,250 --> 00:21:05,041 (Williams screaming) 709 00:21:08,833 --> 00:21:10,666 WRAITH: 710 00:21:08,833 --> 00:21:10,666 Secrets kill. 711 00:21:17,083 --> 00:21:19,333 Neither one of the victims 712 00:21:17,083 --> 00:21:19,333 had any priors. 713 00:21:19,333 --> 00:21:21,291 There's no reason why Williams 714 00:21:19,333 --> 00:21:21,291 should have bolted like he did. 715 00:21:21,291 --> 00:21:23,125 I'm gonna head inside 716 00:21:21,291 --> 00:21:23,125 and see what I can find. 717 00:21:23,125 --> 00:21:24,958 I'll return to 718 00:21:23,125 --> 00:21:24,958 the archives, 719 00:21:24,958 --> 00:21:28,000 see if I can discern a way to 720 00:21:24,958 --> 00:21:28,000 combat this whispering wraith. 721 00:21:28,000 --> 00:21:30,083 (door opens, closes) 722 00:21:39,083 --> 00:21:41,041 (floorboard creaks) 723 00:21:53,583 --> 00:21:55,541 (clattering) 724 00:21:57,958 --> 00:21:59,500 Easy, slick. 725 00:21:59,500 --> 00:22:01,291 I'm a friendly. 726 00:22:01,291 --> 00:22:02,708 Sorry. 727 00:22:02,708 --> 00:22:04,708 I'm a little jumpy. 728 00:22:04,708 --> 00:22:06,500 The guy who lives here 729 00:22:04,708 --> 00:22:06,500 took off running 730 00:22:06,500 --> 00:22:08,250 when he got a visit 731 00:22:06,500 --> 00:22:08,250 from the FBI. 732 00:22:08,250 --> 00:22:09,541 So I don't know what to expect. 733 00:22:09,541 --> 00:22:11,250 But you have a theory. 734 00:22:11,250 --> 00:22:13,083 I know that look-- 735 00:22:11,250 --> 00:22:13,083 you've caught a scent. 736 00:22:13,083 --> 00:22:14,166 Maybe. 737 00:22:14,166 --> 00:22:15,708 Don't know 738 00:22:14,166 --> 00:22:15,708 where it leads. 739 00:22:15,708 --> 00:22:17,125 Everett and Williams 740 00:22:15,708 --> 00:22:17,125 knew each other. 741 00:22:17,125 --> 00:22:19,166 Both worked at the comptroller's 742 00:22:17,125 --> 00:22:19,166 office. 743 00:22:19,166 --> 00:22:20,916 One had a heart attack, 744 00:22:19,166 --> 00:22:20,916 the other drove into a tree. 745 00:22:20,916 --> 00:22:23,166 Not exactly a pattern, I know. 746 00:22:23,166 --> 00:22:24,583 Not yet, but there's 747 00:22:23,166 --> 00:22:24,583 something else, 748 00:22:24,583 --> 00:22:25,958 or you wouldn't be on it. 749 00:22:29,791 --> 00:22:33,625 Look, what we had, you and I, 750 00:22:29,791 --> 00:22:33,625 at the academy... 751 00:22:33,625 --> 00:22:35,916 That was then. 752 00:22:35,916 --> 00:22:37,916 I just don't want it 753 00:22:35,916 --> 00:22:37,916 to be weird between us. 754 00:22:37,916 --> 00:22:40,208 We work well together, 755 00:22:37,916 --> 00:22:40,208 always have. 756 00:22:40,208 --> 00:22:44,166 Even when our... 757 00:22:40,208 --> 00:22:44,166 "dynamic" changed. 758 00:22:44,166 --> 00:22:45,583 Points for the euphemism. 759 00:22:45,583 --> 00:22:48,583 I haven't heard that one before. 760 00:22:48,583 --> 00:22:50,583 We'll figure it out, Danny. 761 00:22:50,583 --> 00:22:52,708 We always did. 762 00:22:52,708 --> 00:22:55,750 Look, if you think there's 763 00:22:52,708 --> 00:22:55,750 something to sniff out here, 764 00:22:55,750 --> 00:22:57,750 go for it. 765 00:22:57,750 --> 00:22:59,375 I trust your instincts. 766 00:23:01,041 --> 00:23:02,458 Thank you. 767 00:23:02,458 --> 00:23:03,875 Sir. 768 00:23:13,416 --> 00:23:16,416 ("Not Fade Away" 769 00:23:13,416 --> 00:23:16,416 by Buddy Holly plays) 770 00:23:18,083 --> 00:23:20,333 ♪ Bah, bah, bah-bah ♪ 771 00:23:20,333 --> 00:23:22,750 ♪ Bah, bah, 772 00:23:20,333 --> 00:23:22,750 bah-bah ♪ 773 00:23:22,750 --> 00:23:25,583 ♪ I'm-a gonna tell you 774 00:23:22,750 --> 00:23:25,583 how it's gonna be ♪ 775 00:23:25,583 --> 00:23:28,083 ♪ Bah, bah, bah-bah ♪ 776 00:23:28,083 --> 00:23:30,500 ♪ You're gonna give 777 00:23:28,083 --> 00:23:30,500 your love to me ♪ 778 00:23:30,500 --> 00:23:33,166 ♪ Bah, bah, bah-bah ♪ 779 00:23:33,166 --> 00:23:36,125 ♪ I want to love you 780 00:23:33,166 --> 00:23:36,125 night and day... ♪ 781 00:23:36,125 --> 00:23:38,250 Hey, you got a problem? 782 00:23:38,250 --> 00:23:39,666 No problems, man. 783 00:23:39,666 --> 00:23:41,833 I just need you 784 00:23:39,666 --> 00:23:41,833 to take a ride with me. 785 00:23:41,833 --> 00:23:43,875 I'm sorry, what? 786 00:23:45,708 --> 00:23:48,041 ♪ Bah, bah, bah-bah ♪ 787 00:23:48,041 --> 00:23:50,583 ♪ Bah, bah, 788 00:23:48,041 --> 00:23:50,583 bah-bah ♪ 789 00:23:50,583 --> 00:23:52,916 ♪ Bah, bah, bah-bah ♪ 790 00:23:52,916 --> 00:23:54,916 ♪ Bah, bah, 791 00:23:52,916 --> 00:23:54,916 bah-bah. ♪ 792 00:23:54,916 --> 00:23:57,750 Williams and Everett discovered 793 00:23:54,916 --> 00:23:57,750 an embezzlement scheme 794 00:23:57,750 --> 00:23:59,625 planned by the Westchester 795 00:23:57,750 --> 00:23:59,625 County comptroller, 796 00:23:59,625 --> 00:24:01,416 Arthur Weissman. 797 00:24:01,416 --> 00:24:05,791 Now, he is out to siphon 798 00:24:01,416 --> 00:24:05,791 county employees' pension plans 799 00:24:05,791 --> 00:24:07,791 and steal millions. 800 00:24:07,791 --> 00:24:09,625 And they sought to stop him, 801 00:24:09,625 --> 00:24:11,708 to remove a blight 802 00:24:09,625 --> 00:24:11,708 on their community, 803 00:24:11,708 --> 00:24:15,125 just like the heroic spies who 804 00:24:11,708 --> 00:24:15,125 sought to topple General Howe 805 00:24:15,125 --> 00:24:18,333 as he bled dry 806 00:24:15,125 --> 00:24:18,333 the city of New York. 807 00:24:18,333 --> 00:24:22,750 And now the very same traitorous 808 00:24:18,333 --> 00:24:22,750 wretch who silenced my fellows 809 00:24:22,750 --> 00:24:25,833 seeks once again 810 00:24:22,750 --> 00:24:25,833 to remove a secret 811 00:24:25,833 --> 00:24:27,125 before it can be brought 812 00:24:25,833 --> 00:24:27,125 to light. 813 00:24:27,125 --> 00:24:29,083 Don't hold back. 814 00:24:32,125 --> 00:24:33,958 The truth is, 815 00:24:33,958 --> 00:24:35,958 the creature's shadows 816 00:24:33,958 --> 00:24:35,958 brought forth a secret 817 00:24:35,958 --> 00:24:38,375 of which I have not spoken 818 00:24:35,958 --> 00:24:38,375 to another soul. 819 00:24:41,000 --> 00:24:43,833 I was captured, 820 00:24:43,833 --> 00:24:45,875 brought forth to General Howe. 821 00:24:45,875 --> 00:24:48,708 He offered me 822 00:24:45,875 --> 00:24:48,708 a full pardon 823 00:24:48,708 --> 00:24:52,708 if I give him a list of names 824 00:24:48,708 --> 00:24:52,708 of Washington's spies. 825 00:24:52,708 --> 00:24:55,958 So I took 826 00:24:52,708 --> 00:24:55,958 quill in hand... 827 00:24:55,958 --> 00:24:59,041 and, uh... 828 00:24:59,041 --> 00:25:01,625 You didn't do it. 829 00:25:01,625 --> 00:25:04,041 No, I escaped, put 830 00:25:01,625 --> 00:25:04,041 the whole thing behind me. 831 00:25:04,041 --> 00:25:07,708 But the thought had 832 00:25:04,041 --> 00:25:07,708 been there, the intention. 833 00:25:07,708 --> 00:25:10,791 It was a moment of doubt 834 00:25:07,708 --> 00:25:10,791 that has plagued me since. 835 00:25:10,791 --> 00:25:12,833 But in the end 836 00:25:10,791 --> 00:25:12,833 you did the right thing. 837 00:25:12,833 --> 00:25:14,833 And what about you? 838 00:25:14,833 --> 00:25:18,750 Did you feel... anything? 839 00:25:20,791 --> 00:25:23,666 There are more urgent secrets 840 00:25:20,791 --> 00:25:23,666 that we need to deal with. 841 00:25:23,666 --> 00:25:27,583 A secretary named Susan James 842 00:25:27,583 --> 00:25:29,666 helped Williams 843 00:25:27,583 --> 00:25:29,666 and Everett 844 00:25:29,666 --> 00:25:31,208 get the information 845 00:25:29,666 --> 00:25:31,208 that they needed. 846 00:25:31,208 --> 00:25:33,208 She helped them 847 00:25:31,208 --> 00:25:33,208 build their case. 848 00:25:33,208 --> 00:25:35,458 We need to help her do 849 00:25:33,208 --> 00:25:35,458 the right thing. 850 00:25:35,458 --> 00:25:38,291 Is it possible this crooked 851 00:25:35,458 --> 00:25:38,291 politician conjured the wraith 852 00:25:38,291 --> 00:25:40,000 to conceal his scheme? 853 00:25:40,000 --> 00:25:41,750 Right now, 854 00:25:40,000 --> 00:25:41,750 who did doesn't matter. 855 00:25:41,750 --> 00:25:43,750 If the wraith is targeting 856 00:25:41,750 --> 00:25:43,750 anyone who knows this secret, 857 00:25:43,750 --> 00:25:45,083 she is next. 858 00:25:45,083 --> 00:25:47,833 Next but not last. 859 00:25:47,833 --> 00:25:49,958 You cracked the case, 860 00:25:47,833 --> 00:25:49,958 Lieutenant. 861 00:25:49,958 --> 00:25:53,000 And in doing so, you let us 862 00:25:49,958 --> 00:25:53,000 in on their secret. 863 00:25:53,000 --> 00:25:56,416 The whispering wraith may 864 00:25:53,000 --> 00:25:56,416 threaten Susan James, 865 00:25:56,416 --> 00:25:58,416 but now we know the secret. 866 00:25:58,416 --> 00:26:01,041 It will most certainly 867 00:25:58,416 --> 00:26:01,041 come for us. 868 00:26:14,125 --> 00:26:16,625 I have a little shadow 869 00:26:16,625 --> 00:26:18,958 That goes in and out with me 870 00:26:18,958 --> 00:26:23,375 And what can be the use of him 871 00:26:18,958 --> 00:26:23,375 is more than I can see. 872 00:26:29,875 --> 00:26:31,625 (electrical buzzing) 873 00:26:35,125 --> 00:26:37,125 SUSAN: 874 00:26:35,125 --> 00:26:37,125 What is this place? 875 00:26:37,125 --> 00:26:39,541 You said we were going 876 00:26:37,125 --> 00:26:39,541 to a safe house. 877 00:26:39,541 --> 00:26:42,750 I said I was gonna 878 00:26:39,541 --> 00:26:42,750 take you somewhere safe. 879 00:26:42,750 --> 00:26:45,750 Your coworkers died because of 880 00:26:42,750 --> 00:26:45,750 the secret that you shared. 881 00:26:45,750 --> 00:26:49,791 We're gonna make sure 882 00:26:45,750 --> 00:26:49,791 that nothing happens to you. 883 00:26:49,791 --> 00:26:51,625 Miss James, welcome. 884 00:26:51,625 --> 00:26:54,166 My name is Ichabod Crane. 885 00:26:54,166 --> 00:26:57,250 Please stay 886 00:26:54,166 --> 00:26:57,250 within the light. 887 00:26:57,250 --> 00:27:00,083 Danger may lurk in the shadows. 888 00:27:03,541 --> 00:27:05,958 You know, whatever 889 00:27:03,541 --> 00:27:05,958 it is you want, man, 890 00:27:05,958 --> 00:27:08,666 she won't give 891 00:27:05,958 --> 00:27:08,666 it to you. 892 00:27:08,666 --> 00:27:12,500 You don't know Jenny Mills 893 00:27:08,666 --> 00:27:12,500 like I know Jenny Mills. 894 00:27:12,500 --> 00:27:14,083 JENNY: 895 00:27:12,500 --> 00:27:14,083 Hey, Randall. 896 00:27:15,500 --> 00:27:17,666 Sit tight, okay? 897 00:27:17,666 --> 00:27:18,791 You know this creep?! 898 00:27:18,791 --> 00:27:21,625 Me and Mills 899 00:27:18,791 --> 00:27:21,625 go way back. 900 00:27:21,625 --> 00:27:23,375 Don't we? 901 00:27:23,375 --> 00:27:25,375 I heard you quit the 902 00:27:23,375 --> 00:27:25,375 game and gone soft. 903 00:27:25,375 --> 00:27:27,833 I didn't want 904 00:27:25,375 --> 00:27:27,833 to believe it. 905 00:27:27,833 --> 00:27:30,125 You were damn good. 906 00:27:30,125 --> 00:27:32,291 Well, I heard they locked you up 907 00:27:30,125 --> 00:27:32,291 and threw away the key. 908 00:27:32,291 --> 00:27:33,958 RANDALL: 909 00:27:32,291 --> 00:27:33,958 Down in Louisiana. 910 00:27:33,958 --> 00:27:36,166 But some interested parties 911 00:27:33,958 --> 00:27:36,166 pulled some strings, 912 00:27:36,166 --> 00:27:38,333 parties interested 913 00:27:36,166 --> 00:27:38,333 in what you've got-- 914 00:27:38,333 --> 00:27:40,041 the Shard of Anubis. 915 00:27:40,041 --> 00:27:42,791 I've had it for years, 916 00:27:40,041 --> 00:27:42,791 and no one gave a damn. 917 00:27:42,791 --> 00:27:44,125 What's so important 918 00:27:42,791 --> 00:27:44,125 about it? 919 00:27:44,125 --> 00:27:45,708 You'd know 920 00:27:44,125 --> 00:27:45,708 better than me. 921 00:27:45,708 --> 00:27:48,083 August Corbin sent 922 00:27:45,708 --> 00:27:48,083 you after it, right? 923 00:27:48,083 --> 00:27:50,250 And this here is his son. 924 00:27:50,250 --> 00:27:52,375 Isn't that a kicker? 925 00:27:52,375 --> 00:27:53,833 I'll tell you what. 926 00:27:53,833 --> 00:27:55,916 You hand over the shard, 927 00:27:55,916 --> 00:27:58,166 you two can walk. 928 00:27:58,166 --> 00:28:00,875 See, I can walk already. 929 00:28:00,875 --> 00:28:02,583 You're the one with the limp. 930 00:28:04,166 --> 00:28:06,541 (grunting) 931 00:28:11,916 --> 00:28:13,333 Hey, hold it. 932 00:28:16,875 --> 00:28:19,750 Did you mean what you said, 933 00:28:16,875 --> 00:28:19,750 about the shard? 934 00:28:19,750 --> 00:28:22,125 Sure I did, before you 935 00:28:19,750 --> 00:28:22,125 kicked me in the leg. 936 00:28:22,125 --> 00:28:24,125 Come on, man. 937 00:28:24,125 --> 00:28:25,916 You insulted me. 938 00:28:25,916 --> 00:28:28,875 You said I 939 00:28:25,916 --> 00:28:28,875 went soft. 940 00:28:28,875 --> 00:28:31,750 What do we got 941 00:28:28,875 --> 00:28:31,750 without our reputation? 942 00:28:34,416 --> 00:28:36,250 (chuckles) 943 00:28:36,250 --> 00:28:37,250 (laughs) 944 00:28:44,750 --> 00:28:48,166 Now, if this is a fake, 945 00:28:44,750 --> 00:28:48,166 I'm gonna come back to visit. 946 00:28:54,500 --> 00:28:57,500 (car door opens, closes) 947 00:28:57,500 --> 00:28:59,500 (car engine starts) 948 00:29:05,166 --> 00:29:06,416 You all right? 949 00:29:06,416 --> 00:29:07,791 Yeah, I'm fine. 950 00:29:07,791 --> 00:29:09,250 He said he knew my dad? 951 00:29:09,250 --> 00:29:10,958 Yeah, they used to run 952 00:29:09,250 --> 00:29:10,958 in the same circle. 953 00:29:10,958 --> 00:29:12,791 What was that thing 954 00:29:10,958 --> 00:29:12,791 you gave him? 955 00:29:10,958 --> 00:29:12,791 It doesn't matter. 956 00:29:12,791 --> 00:29:14,125 The hell it doesn't. 957 00:29:14,125 --> 00:29:15,458 The guy just 958 00:29:14,125 --> 00:29:15,458 kidnapped me for it. 959 00:29:15,458 --> 00:29:17,500 It doesn't matter, Joe. 960 00:29:17,500 --> 00:29:19,291 You could have 961 00:29:17,500 --> 00:29:19,291 been killed. 962 00:29:19,291 --> 00:29:21,708 Let me just get you out of here, 963 00:29:21,708 --> 00:29:23,416 and we can go back to our lives. 964 00:29:27,541 --> 00:29:30,291 Tell me you're close to finding 965 00:29:27,541 --> 00:29:30,291 a way to stop this thing. 966 00:29:30,291 --> 00:29:34,541 There are many methods cited 967 00:29:30,291 --> 00:29:34,541 to dispelling shadow beings, 968 00:29:34,541 --> 00:29:36,541 but unless you have 969 00:29:34,541 --> 00:29:36,541 an arrow blessed 970 00:29:36,541 --> 00:29:38,375 by one of the high 971 00:29:36,541 --> 00:29:38,375 priests of Angkor... 972 00:29:38,375 --> 00:29:40,958 Yeah, well, 973 00:29:38,375 --> 00:29:40,958 not on short notice. 974 00:29:40,958 --> 00:29:42,958 You certain that, as long 975 00:29:40,958 --> 00:29:42,958 as these lights stay on, 976 00:29:42,958 --> 00:29:44,333 he can't get in? 977 00:29:44,333 --> 00:29:45,916 Theoretically, yes. 978 00:29:45,916 --> 00:29:47,916 These lights should 979 00:29:45,916 --> 00:29:47,916 keep him at bay. 980 00:29:47,916 --> 00:29:50,041 The wraith draws power 981 00:29:47,916 --> 00:29:50,041 from the shadows. 982 00:29:50,041 --> 00:29:52,500 Without them, he should 983 00:29:50,041 --> 00:29:52,500 be at a disadvantage. 984 00:29:52,500 --> 00:29:54,500 Let's hope it 985 00:29:52,500 --> 00:29:54,500 buys us enough time 986 00:29:54,500 --> 00:29:56,500 to figure out how 987 00:29:54,500 --> 00:29:56,500 to get rid of him permanently. 988 00:29:56,500 --> 00:29:57,916 How long am I supposed 989 00:29:56,500 --> 00:29:57,916 to stay here? 990 00:29:57,916 --> 00:29:58,958 When can I give my statement? 991 00:29:58,958 --> 00:30:00,833 Trust me 992 00:29:58,958 --> 00:30:00,833 when I tell you 993 00:30:00,833 --> 00:30:02,708 that this is all 994 00:30:00,833 --> 00:30:02,708 for your safety. 995 00:30:02,708 --> 00:30:05,166 I just want to be done 996 00:30:02,708 --> 00:30:05,166 with it, all of it. 997 00:30:05,166 --> 00:30:07,333 The weight of carrying 998 00:30:05,166 --> 00:30:07,333 a secret like this, 999 00:30:07,333 --> 00:30:08,666 it's debilitating. 1000 00:30:08,666 --> 00:30:10,791 Believe me, I know. 1001 00:30:10,791 --> 00:30:12,541 (electrical buzzing) 1002 00:30:10,791 --> 00:30:12,541 Whoa. 1003 00:30:12,541 --> 00:30:13,541 What was that? 1004 00:30:15,208 --> 00:30:17,208 Is that a short 1005 00:30:15,208 --> 00:30:17,208 in the line? 1006 00:30:17,208 --> 00:30:19,041 I shall go and see. 1007 00:30:19,041 --> 00:30:20,291 Be careful. 1008 00:30:20,291 --> 00:30:21,833 It wants us as much 1009 00:30:20,291 --> 00:30:21,833 as it wants her. 1010 00:30:32,208 --> 00:30:35,041 (electrical buzzing) 1011 00:30:36,208 --> 00:30:38,875 (electrical crackling) 1012 00:30:56,000 --> 00:30:58,000 (gasps) 1013 00:30:59,500 --> 00:31:01,250 Give us the names. 1014 00:31:01,250 --> 00:31:03,583 The names, Crane. 1015 00:31:03,583 --> 00:31:06,583 Damn you, foul creature. 1016 00:31:06,583 --> 00:31:08,875 My secrets are my own. 1017 00:31:15,708 --> 00:31:17,166 Go back. 1018 00:31:17,166 --> 00:31:20,791 Back to whatever shadow 1019 00:31:17,166 --> 00:31:20,791 you crawled from. 1020 00:31:20,791 --> 00:31:22,500 (grunting) 1021 00:31:28,333 --> 00:31:30,166 (gasping) 1022 00:31:33,500 --> 00:31:34,500 ABBIE: 1023 00:31:33,500 --> 00:31:34,500 Get off him! 1024 00:31:36,333 --> 00:31:38,250 (booming) 1025 00:31:39,666 --> 00:31:41,125 Crane. 1026 00:31:41,125 --> 00:31:42,958 Stay with me, 1027 00:31:41,125 --> 00:31:42,958 stay with me. 1028 00:31:42,958 --> 00:31:46,125 WRAITH (whispering): 1029 00:31:42,958 --> 00:31:46,125 Secrets kill. 1030 00:31:46,125 --> 00:31:47,916 (loud boom) 1031 00:31:50,291 --> 00:31:52,583 There's nowhere for us 1032 00:31:50,291 --> 00:31:52,583 to run, Lieutenant. 1033 00:31:52,583 --> 00:31:54,208 This creature will 1034 00:31:52,583 --> 00:31:54,208 surely find us. 1035 00:31:54,208 --> 00:31:55,833 We must find a way 1036 00:31:54,208 --> 00:31:55,833 to defeat it. 1037 00:31:55,833 --> 00:31:57,833 A weakness we can exploit 1038 00:31:57,833 --> 00:31:59,250 so we can escape unscathed. 1039 00:31:59,250 --> 00:32:01,083 That's it-- it 1040 00:31:59,250 --> 00:32:01,083 wants secrets. 1041 00:32:01,083 --> 00:32:03,083 Yours, mine, Betsy Ross'. 1042 00:32:03,083 --> 00:32:05,708 If Betsy knew the same secrets 1043 00:32:03,083 --> 00:32:05,708 as the spies that were killed, 1044 00:32:05,708 --> 00:32:07,125 why was she spared? 1045 00:32:07,125 --> 00:32:10,041 I did not see 1046 00:32:07,125 --> 00:32:10,041 the creature that day. 1047 00:32:10,041 --> 00:32:11,708 I had no idea 1048 00:32:10,041 --> 00:32:11,708 it was responsible. 1049 00:32:11,708 --> 00:32:13,958 Look away. 1050 00:32:13,958 --> 00:32:15,708 (loud boom) 1051 00:32:17,416 --> 00:32:19,666 The answer is in your 1052 00:32:17,416 --> 00:32:19,666 memory of that day. 1053 00:32:19,666 --> 00:32:21,333 Something Betsy did 1054 00:32:19,666 --> 00:32:21,333 got it off her scent 1055 00:32:21,333 --> 00:32:22,875 and can get it off of ours. 1056 00:32:22,875 --> 00:32:24,416 Right, uh... 1057 00:32:24,416 --> 00:32:25,541 Betsy was angry. 1058 00:32:25,541 --> 00:32:26,833 I-I heard her shout. 1059 00:32:26,833 --> 00:32:27,916 I'll have your head, 1060 00:32:27,916 --> 00:32:30,000 Marcus Collins! 1061 00:32:30,000 --> 00:32:32,500 Come out and face me! 1062 00:32:32,500 --> 00:32:34,666 CRANE: 1063 00:32:32,500 --> 00:32:34,666 Remembering it now, 1064 00:32:34,666 --> 00:32:37,000 the shadows retreated 1065 00:32:37,000 --> 00:32:39,208 when she said... 1066 00:32:39,208 --> 00:32:41,000 his name. 1067 00:32:41,000 --> 00:32:42,500 Of course. 1068 00:32:42,500 --> 00:32:44,833 Many demonic entities 1069 00:32:42,500 --> 00:32:44,833 share one weakness-- 1070 00:32:44,833 --> 00:32:47,083 if you know 1071 00:32:44,833 --> 00:32:47,083 their true name, 1072 00:32:47,083 --> 00:32:50,500 their power 1073 00:32:47,083 --> 00:32:50,500 cannot harm you. 1074 00:32:50,500 --> 00:32:52,000 Crane?! 1075 00:32:53,416 --> 00:32:54,791 Come down. 1076 00:32:54,791 --> 00:32:57,291 Come on, 1077 00:32:54,791 --> 00:32:57,291 come out of the shadows, 1078 00:32:57,291 --> 00:32:58,958 Marcus Collins. 1079 00:33:00,958 --> 00:33:03,791 Oh. 1080 00:33:03,791 --> 00:33:06,458 I called your name. 1081 00:33:06,458 --> 00:33:08,291 Marcus Collins, 1082 00:33:08,291 --> 00:33:12,041 the traitorous wretch 1083 00:33:08,291 --> 00:33:12,041 who betrays his fellows. 1084 00:33:12,041 --> 00:33:14,416 Marcus Collins. 1085 00:33:16,083 --> 00:33:19,541 No longer can you skulk 1086 00:33:16,083 --> 00:33:19,541 in the shadows, Marcus Collins. 1087 00:33:19,541 --> 00:33:21,000 Come and face me! 1088 00:33:21,000 --> 00:33:22,208 Come on! 1089 00:33:25,625 --> 00:33:27,625 You willingly made 1090 00:33:25,625 --> 00:33:27,625 a pact with evil. 1091 00:33:27,625 --> 00:33:29,791 I had the same choice. 1092 00:33:29,791 --> 00:33:32,333 Give us the names! 1093 00:33:39,166 --> 00:33:42,958 I will never recant my decision 1094 00:33:39,166 --> 00:33:42,958 to be an American. 1095 00:33:44,291 --> 00:33:46,458 I will never, never 1096 00:33:46,458 --> 00:33:48,208 go back on my oath 1097 00:33:46,458 --> 00:33:48,208 to fight for freedom 1098 00:33:48,208 --> 00:33:50,333 against tyranny! 1099 00:33:50,333 --> 00:33:51,750 I was offered clemency 1100 00:33:50,333 --> 00:33:51,750 by the enemy, 1101 00:33:51,750 --> 00:33:53,291 but I did not accept it, 1102 00:33:53,291 --> 00:33:56,750 because I hold firm 1103 00:33:53,291 --> 00:33:56,750 and you do not! 1104 00:33:56,750 --> 00:33:58,750 (growls) 1105 00:33:56,750 --> 00:33:58,750 (Crane grunting) 1106 00:34:07,666 --> 00:34:08,875 (roaring) 1107 00:34:20,833 --> 00:34:23,208 Thank you, Lieutenant. 1108 00:34:23,208 --> 00:34:26,000 It appears the 1109 00:34:23,208 --> 00:34:26,000 threat has passed. 1110 00:34:26,000 --> 00:34:29,500 All that's left is to bring 1111 00:34:26,000 --> 00:34:29,500 one more secret into the light. 1112 00:34:42,166 --> 00:34:44,291 (door opens) 1113 00:34:50,666 --> 00:34:54,375 This whole Marcus Collins thing 1114 00:34:50,666 --> 00:34:54,375 is still bothering you? 1115 00:34:54,375 --> 00:34:56,791 Well... 1116 00:34:58,458 --> 00:35:00,458 Yes, I defied General Howe. 1117 00:35:00,458 --> 00:35:02,708 Yes, 1118 00:35:02,708 --> 00:35:05,833 I refused to bewray 1119 00:35:02,708 --> 00:35:05,833 my fellow spies. 1120 00:35:05,833 --> 00:35:08,500 But I did consider the option. 1121 00:35:08,500 --> 00:35:11,250 Now, what does 1122 00:35:08,500 --> 00:35:11,250 that say about me? 1123 00:35:11,250 --> 00:35:13,250 That you are 1124 00:35:11,250 --> 00:35:13,250 a human being, 1125 00:35:13,250 --> 00:35:15,833 like the rest of us. 1126 00:35:15,833 --> 00:35:18,250 And when the 1127 00:35:15,833 --> 00:35:18,250 chips came down, 1128 00:35:18,250 --> 00:35:20,041 you did the right thing. 1129 00:35:20,041 --> 00:35:21,416 Hmm. 1130 00:35:21,416 --> 00:35:24,416 To which we always strive. 1131 00:35:24,416 --> 00:35:26,541 Nevertheless, 1132 00:35:26,541 --> 00:35:30,458 the shame of that moment stuck 1133 00:35:30,458 --> 00:35:32,458 for centuries. 1134 00:35:30,458 --> 00:35:32,458 Hmm. 1135 00:35:32,458 --> 00:35:34,083 It's all the more reason 1136 00:35:34,083 --> 00:35:36,750 why settling in this time 1137 00:35:34,083 --> 00:35:36,750 is so important. 1138 00:35:36,750 --> 00:35:39,125 And of course, 1139 00:35:36,750 --> 00:35:39,125 having you by my side 1140 00:35:39,125 --> 00:35:41,250 is the greatest boon. 1141 00:35:48,833 --> 00:35:51,208 Mmm. 1142 00:35:56,708 --> 00:36:00,041 The weight of a secret lifted. 1143 00:36:03,791 --> 00:36:07,083 It's very freeing. 1144 00:36:07,083 --> 00:36:09,666 Okay. 1145 00:36:13,125 --> 00:36:14,833 This is something 1146 00:36:13,125 --> 00:36:14,833 I haven't been able 1147 00:36:14,833 --> 00:36:17,625 to talk about 1148 00:36:14,833 --> 00:36:17,625 with anyone. 1149 00:36:17,625 --> 00:36:19,458 In the months 1150 00:36:17,625 --> 00:36:19,458 that you were gone, 1151 00:36:19,458 --> 00:36:21,083 without anything 1152 00:36:19,458 --> 00:36:21,083 supernatural 1153 00:36:21,083 --> 00:36:23,250 crawling out 1154 00:36:21,083 --> 00:36:23,250 of the woodwork, 1155 00:36:23,250 --> 00:36:26,375 a lot of personal 1156 00:36:23,250 --> 00:36:26,375 stuff came up. 1157 00:36:26,375 --> 00:36:29,750 And after learning 1158 00:36:26,375 --> 00:36:29,750 everything about my mother, 1159 00:36:29,750 --> 00:36:33,333 I searched the FBI database... 1160 00:36:33,333 --> 00:36:37,041 and I found my father. 1161 00:36:39,583 --> 00:36:42,125 He's alive. 1162 00:36:42,125 --> 00:36:44,916 He lives up in Saratoga. 1163 00:36:44,916 --> 00:36:48,416 Now, you've not 1164 00:36:44,916 --> 00:36:48,416 seen him since...? 1165 00:36:48,416 --> 00:36:50,250 Not since I was six. 1166 00:36:50,250 --> 00:36:51,416 Oh. 1167 00:36:51,416 --> 00:36:53,458 So, it got 1168 00:36:51,416 --> 00:36:53,458 me wondering 1169 00:36:53,458 --> 00:36:55,625 what was his life like? 1170 00:36:55,625 --> 00:36:57,125 Why did he leave? 1171 00:36:57,125 --> 00:36:59,458 Why he never came back? 1172 00:36:59,458 --> 00:37:01,000 I've been watching him. 1173 00:37:01,000 --> 00:37:03,166 I take pictures. 1174 00:37:03,166 --> 00:37:04,791 I don't know why. 1175 00:37:03,166 --> 00:37:04,791 (laughs) 1176 00:37:04,791 --> 00:37:06,583 Uh... 1177 00:37:06,583 --> 00:37:07,750 Maybe it's control. 1178 00:37:07,750 --> 00:37:09,291 Maybe it's... to try to have 1179 00:37:09,291 --> 00:37:12,500 some kind of connection 1180 00:37:09,291 --> 00:37:12,500 from afar. 1181 00:37:12,500 --> 00:37:14,583 Every time I tell myself, 1182 00:37:14,583 --> 00:37:16,250 today I'm gonna 1183 00:37:14,583 --> 00:37:16,250 get out of the car, 1184 00:37:16,250 --> 00:37:17,625 I'm gonna walk over, 1185 00:37:17,625 --> 00:37:20,041 I'm gonna say something. 1186 00:37:22,041 --> 00:37:24,458 I haven't. 1187 00:37:24,458 --> 00:37:27,250 I don't know if I can. 1188 00:37:27,250 --> 00:37:28,708 And I haven't told Jenny, 1189 00:37:28,708 --> 00:37:31,375 because she'd want 1190 00:37:28,708 --> 00:37:31,375 to do something now. 1191 00:37:31,375 --> 00:37:33,375 (both chuckle) 1192 00:37:35,000 --> 00:37:37,000 But I'm not sure I'm ready yet. 1193 00:37:37,000 --> 00:37:39,333 You've made 1194 00:37:37,000 --> 00:37:39,333 the first step. 1195 00:37:39,333 --> 00:37:41,125 Just sharing with me. 1196 00:37:41,125 --> 00:37:43,833 No, Lieutenant, 1197 00:37:43,833 --> 00:37:45,291 take that victory. 1198 00:37:47,166 --> 00:37:48,833 It is hard won. 1199 00:37:58,875 --> 00:38:02,000 ABBIE: 1200 00:37:58,875 --> 00:38:02,000 Susan James' secret is out, 1201 00:38:02,000 --> 00:38:03,375 Weissman is behind bars, 1202 00:38:03,375 --> 00:38:05,541 and the pension plan is safe. 1203 00:38:05,541 --> 00:38:08,333 Talk about a solid first 1204 00:38:05,541 --> 00:38:08,333 couple of days on the new job. 1205 00:38:08,333 --> 00:38:10,333 You spun gold 1206 00:38:08,333 --> 00:38:10,333 out of straw on this one. 1207 00:38:10,333 --> 00:38:12,333 You gave me the room 1208 00:38:10,333 --> 00:38:12,333 to do what I do, 1209 00:38:12,333 --> 00:38:13,958 and I appreciate that. 1210 00:38:13,958 --> 00:38:15,916 I am a little surprised 1211 00:38:15,916 --> 00:38:17,958 you took this job 1212 00:38:15,916 --> 00:38:17,958 in the first place. 1213 00:38:17,958 --> 00:38:20,125 Regional chief at a small, 1214 00:38:17,958 --> 00:38:20,125 resident agency like this? 1215 00:38:20,125 --> 00:38:23,208 Build my résumé, 1216 00:38:20,125 --> 00:38:23,208 polish the skill set. 1217 00:38:23,208 --> 00:38:24,583 Then go large. 1218 00:38:24,583 --> 00:38:26,583 That's the Daniel Reynolds 1219 00:38:24,583 --> 00:38:26,583 I know. 1220 00:38:26,583 --> 00:38:28,166 Like you don't have 1221 00:38:26,583 --> 00:38:28,166 an exit strategy. 1222 00:38:28,166 --> 00:38:30,458 I remember a lot of "big fish 1223 00:38:28,166 --> 00:38:30,458 growing out of their pond" 1224 00:38:30,458 --> 00:38:32,250 talk back at the academy. 1225 00:38:32,250 --> 00:38:35,250 Or was that just something to 1226 00:38:32,250 --> 00:38:35,250 fill the pauses over breakfast? 1227 00:38:35,250 --> 00:38:36,750 I know what I said. 1228 00:38:36,750 --> 00:38:38,541 But... 1229 00:38:38,541 --> 00:38:40,250 I have responsibilities. 1230 00:38:40,250 --> 00:38:41,458 To who-- your sister? 1231 00:38:41,458 --> 00:38:42,916 Your roommate? 1232 00:38:42,916 --> 00:38:45,208 And-and-and what is it 1233 00:38:45,208 --> 00:38:46,625 about guys with accents? 1234 00:38:46,625 --> 00:38:48,666 Don't push it, Reynolds. 1235 00:38:48,666 --> 00:38:50,666 Hey, I know you don't 1236 00:38:48,666 --> 00:38:50,666 see yourself here forever. 1237 00:38:50,666 --> 00:38:53,166 And if we play 1238 00:38:50,666 --> 00:38:53,166 our cards right, 1239 00:38:53,166 --> 00:38:55,625 we can help each other 1240 00:38:53,166 --> 00:38:55,625 get what we both want. 1241 00:38:55,625 --> 00:38:58,583 You sure I 1242 00:38:55,625 --> 00:38:58,583 still want it? 1243 00:38:58,583 --> 00:39:01,416 After what you showed me today, 1244 00:39:01,416 --> 00:39:03,708 try and convince me otherwise. 1245 00:39:06,000 --> 00:39:07,208 Like you said, 1246 00:39:07,208 --> 00:39:08,791 solid first few 1247 00:39:07,208 --> 00:39:08,791 days on the job. 1248 00:39:08,791 --> 00:39:10,875 See where it takes us. 1249 00:39:16,791 --> 00:39:18,208 You know, I think 1250 00:39:18,208 --> 00:39:20,666 after being handcuffed 1251 00:39:18,208 --> 00:39:20,666 to a tree, I, uh, 1252 00:39:20,666 --> 00:39:23,750 I deserve some kind 1253 00:39:20,666 --> 00:39:23,750 of an explanation. 1254 00:39:25,375 --> 00:39:26,833 (quiet laugh) 1255 00:39:26,833 --> 00:39:29,125 Once you open the door, Joe, 1256 00:39:29,125 --> 00:39:32,000 this whole world 1257 00:39:29,125 --> 00:39:32,000 that Abbie and I are a part of, 1258 00:39:32,000 --> 00:39:35,958 you can't close it so easily. 1259 00:39:35,958 --> 00:39:39,291 You know, 1260 00:39:35,958 --> 00:39:39,291 whatever my father was after, 1261 00:39:39,291 --> 00:39:40,916 he wasn't afraid to find it. 1262 00:39:43,791 --> 00:39:46,916 It was his life's work, Jenny, 1263 00:39:43,791 --> 00:39:46,916 and he never got to finish it. 1264 00:39:46,916 --> 00:39:50,000 Never found 1265 00:39:46,916 --> 00:39:50,000 what he was looking for. 1266 00:39:50,000 --> 00:39:51,583 What kind of a son am I 1267 00:39:50,000 --> 00:39:51,583 if I don't at least try 1268 00:39:51,583 --> 00:39:53,625 to pick up where he left off? 1269 00:39:53,625 --> 00:39:56,208 So, if the shard 1270 00:39:53,625 --> 00:39:56,208 meant something to him, 1271 00:39:56,208 --> 00:39:58,333 it should mean something to us. 1272 00:39:58,333 --> 00:40:01,333 Wait, you want to go after it? 1273 00:40:01,333 --> 00:40:03,250 Like, together? 1274 00:40:03,250 --> 00:40:04,791 Damn straight. 1275 00:40:04,791 --> 00:40:06,833 I want you to show me 1276 00:40:06,833 --> 00:40:09,083 what that side of his life 1277 00:40:06,833 --> 00:40:09,083 was all about. 1278 00:40:09,083 --> 00:40:11,208 Like it or not, 1279 00:40:11,208 --> 00:40:13,041 it's the only legacy he left me. 1280 00:40:13,041 --> 00:40:14,708 It's just a part of my life 1281 00:40:14,708 --> 00:40:16,958 I've never shared 1282 00:40:14,708 --> 00:40:16,958 with anyone before. 1283 00:40:16,958 --> 00:40:19,791 I know. 1284 00:40:19,791 --> 00:40:22,041 I'm saying I think 1285 00:40:19,791 --> 00:40:22,041 it's time you did. 1286 00:40:23,291 --> 00:40:25,166 CRANE: 1287 00:40:23,291 --> 00:40:25,166 Ms. Corinth, 1288 00:40:25,166 --> 00:40:26,833 thank you once again 1289 00:40:26,833 --> 00:40:28,833 for your reconnoiter 1290 00:40:26,833 --> 00:40:28,833 of the property. 1291 00:40:28,833 --> 00:40:30,750 Your archive 1292 00:40:28,833 --> 00:40:30,750 is an amazing building, 1293 00:40:30,750 --> 00:40:33,375 totally deserving 1294 00:40:30,750 --> 00:40:33,375 of historic status. 1295 00:40:33,375 --> 00:40:35,916 There is only one 1296 00:40:33,375 --> 00:40:35,916 stumbling block. 1297 00:40:35,916 --> 00:40:37,916 You're 1298 00:40:35,916 --> 00:40:37,916 a British citizen. 1299 00:40:37,916 --> 00:40:41,791 Uh... I consider myself 1300 00:40:37,916 --> 00:40:41,791 an American. 1301 00:40:41,791 --> 00:40:44,458 Sure, but the State 1302 00:40:41,791 --> 00:40:44,458 won't release funds 1303 00:40:44,458 --> 00:40:46,458 unless you're 1304 00:40:44,458 --> 00:40:46,458 an American citizen 1305 00:40:46,458 --> 00:40:49,083 or have landed immigrant status. 1306 00:40:49,083 --> 00:40:51,583 You can try and take it up 1307 00:40:49,083 --> 00:40:51,583 with the permit office. 1308 00:40:51,583 --> 00:40:54,291 Mr. Crane? 1309 00:40:54,291 --> 00:40:56,750 Oh, uh, yes. 1310 00:40:56,750 --> 00:40:59,125 Thank you. 1311 00:40:56,750 --> 00:40:59,125 That's very generous of you. 1312 00:40:59,125 --> 00:41:01,125 You shall hear from me soon. 1313 00:41:15,500 --> 00:41:17,291 ABBIE: 1314 00:41:15,500 --> 00:41:17,291 The coffee shop. 1315 00:41:17,291 --> 00:41:18,916 I don't understand. 1316 00:41:17,291 --> 00:41:18,916 It's right there. 1317 00:41:18,916 --> 00:41:20,208 No longer. 1318 00:41:20,208 --> 00:41:21,833 And it apparently never was. 1319 00:41:21,833 --> 00:41:23,833 But I spoke to a 1320 00:41:21,833 --> 00:41:23,833 woman that day-- 1321 00:41:23,833 --> 00:41:25,416 the coffee shop hostess. 1322 00:41:25,416 --> 00:41:26,666 This woman? 1323 00:41:26,666 --> 00:41:28,666 That is her. 1324 00:41:28,666 --> 00:41:30,291 There's Paul Everett. 1325 00:41:30,291 --> 00:41:32,291 She's talking to him. 1326 00:41:32,291 --> 00:41:33,708 Could she be connected 1327 00:41:32,291 --> 00:41:33,708 to the arrival 1328 00:41:33,708 --> 00:41:34,958 of the whispering wraith? 1329 00:41:37,583 --> 00:41:39,875 I met that woman. 1330 00:41:39,875 --> 00:41:41,291 At Mabie's last week. 1331 00:41:41,291 --> 00:41:42,791 She told me her name. 1332 00:41:42,791 --> 00:41:44,041 You from out of town? 1333 00:41:44,041 --> 00:41:45,750 Yes, I just arrived. 1334 00:41:45,750 --> 00:41:47,375 Pandora. 1335 00:41:47,375 --> 00:41:48,791 Pandora! 1336 00:41:48,791 --> 00:41:50,416 Pandor... 1337 00:41:50,416 --> 00:41:53,166 As in the mythical 1338 00:41:50,416 --> 00:41:53,166 woman with the box? 1339 00:41:53,166 --> 00:41:55,666 ABBIE: 1340 00:41:53,166 --> 00:41:55,666 This isn't a myth. 1341 00:41:55,666 --> 00:41:57,583 Whoever... whatever she is, 1342 00:41:57,583 --> 00:42:00,166 she's here now 1343 00:41:57,583 --> 00:42:00,166 in Sleepy Hollow 1344 00:42:00,166 --> 00:42:02,541 throwing monsters at us. 1345 00:42:17,125 --> 00:42:18,333 Pandora's box 1346 00:42:17,125 --> 00:42:18,333 was said to contain 1347 00:42:18,333 --> 00:42:20,041 all the evils in the world, 1348 00:42:20,041 --> 00:42:22,000 which begs 1349 00:42:20,041 --> 00:42:22,000 the question-- 1350 00:42:22,000 --> 00:42:24,583 which one does she have 1351 00:42:22,000 --> 00:42:24,583 in store for us next? 1352 00:43:15,916 --> 00:43:17,916 Captioned by 1353 00:43:15,916 --> 00:43:17,916 Media Access Group at WGBH