1 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:03,000 (girls giggling) 2 00:00:03,000 --> 00:00:06,500 Are you using the purple? 3 00:00:06,500 --> 00:00:08,375 Here. 4 00:00:08,375 --> 00:00:10,041 Thank you. 5 00:00:10,041 --> 00:00:15,083 (giggling) 6 00:00:15,083 --> 00:00:19,833 Got ya! Come on. Lights out 7 00:00:15,083 --> 00:00:19,833 means lights out, okay? 8 00:00:19,833 --> 00:00:22,291 Off you go. 9 00:00:25,916 --> 00:00:28,458 Hey. 10 00:00:30,125 --> 00:00:33,083 And... teeth brushed? 11 00:00:35,166 --> 00:00:37,291 Now go to bed, okay? 12 00:00:43,583 --> 00:00:45,791 (crickets chirping) 13 00:00:45,791 --> 00:00:48,041 (creaking in hallway) 14 00:00:50,541 --> 00:00:53,083 (growling) 15 00:00:53,083 --> 00:00:57,291 (screaming) 16 00:00:57,291 --> 00:01:00,041 (rapid gunfire on TV) 17 00:01:03,208 --> 00:01:05,208 ABBIE: 18 00:01:03,208 --> 00:01:05,208 Nice coaster. 19 00:01:05,208 --> 00:01:06,916 Have you thought 20 00:01:05,208 --> 00:01:06,916 about opening it? 21 00:01:06,916 --> 00:01:09,750 Your citizenship test is 22 00:01:06,916 --> 00:01:09,750 at the end of the month. 23 00:01:09,750 --> 00:01:11,083 Lieutenant, 24 00:01:11,083 --> 00:01:13,083 if I have not yet 25 00:01:11,083 --> 00:01:13,083 belabored the point, 26 00:01:13,083 --> 00:01:14,583 allow me to endeavor. 27 00:01:14,583 --> 00:01:16,875 I do not need 28 00:01:14,583 --> 00:01:16,875 to study history. 29 00:01:16,875 --> 00:01:18,583 I lived it. 30 00:01:18,583 --> 00:01:20,583 You know they're gonna test you 31 00:01:18,583 --> 00:01:20,583 on events 32 00:01:20,583 --> 00:01:21,958 that happened after 1781. 33 00:01:21,958 --> 00:01:24,041 They offer you four options 34 00:01:21,958 --> 00:01:24,041 for every query. 35 00:01:24,041 --> 00:01:25,625 Multiple choice. 36 00:01:25,625 --> 00:01:27,750 It's practically 37 00:01:25,625 --> 00:01:27,750 a parlor game. 38 00:01:27,750 --> 00:01:29,958 Hmm. 39 00:01:29,958 --> 00:01:33,791 Okay. Pop quiz. 40 00:01:33,791 --> 00:01:35,041 "On what date was 41 00:01:35,041 --> 00:01:37,583 the Declaration 42 00:01:35,041 --> 00:01:37,583 of Independence ratified?" 43 00:01:37,583 --> 00:01:39,250 July the second, 1776. 44 00:01:37,583 --> 00:01:39,250 (imitates horn blowing) 45 00:01:39,250 --> 00:01:41,125 July Fourth. 46 00:01:41,125 --> 00:01:43,250 You know, Independence Day. 47 00:01:43,250 --> 00:01:45,583 Picnics, hot dogs, fireworks. 48 00:01:45,583 --> 00:01:47,291 Land of the drunk and free. 49 00:01:47,291 --> 00:01:49,041 Yes, I'm perfectly 50 00:01:47,291 --> 00:01:49,041 aware of the holiday. 51 00:01:49,041 --> 00:01:50,416 'Tis a symbolic 52 00:01:49,041 --> 00:01:50,416 representation. 53 00:01:50,416 --> 00:01:51,958 It need not be precise. 54 00:01:51,958 --> 00:01:55,333 No, the historically accurate 55 00:01:51,958 --> 00:01:55,333 date is July the second. 56 00:01:55,333 --> 00:01:57,958 I should know. I attended the 57 00:01:55,333 --> 00:01:57,958 second Continental Congress. 58 00:01:57,958 --> 00:01:59,250 I don't doubt it, Crane. 59 00:01:59,250 --> 00:02:01,041 But you're not being tested 60 00:01:59,250 --> 00:02:01,041 on what happened. 61 00:02:01,041 --> 00:02:03,958 You are being tested on what 62 00:02:01,041 --> 00:02:03,958 is in Civics Today. 63 00:02:03,958 --> 00:02:07,666 Oh. So 'tis not disgraceful 64 00:02:03,958 --> 00:02:07,666 enough that I must implore 65 00:02:07,666 --> 00:02:10,583 to become a citizen of the 66 00:02:07,666 --> 00:02:10,583 country I, in part, founded. 67 00:02:10,583 --> 00:02:14,041 I must also learn by rote 68 00:02:10,583 --> 00:02:14,041 a compendium of solecisms 69 00:02:14,041 --> 00:02:16,208 masquerading as 70 00:02:14,041 --> 00:02:16,208 our nation's history? 71 00:02:16,208 --> 00:02:18,541 Welcome to America. 72 00:02:18,541 --> 00:02:22,041 Also, you got a text from Zoe. 73 00:02:22,041 --> 00:02:24,250 Oh. 74 00:02:25,500 --> 00:02:28,375 Ah, Miss Corinth 75 00:02:25,500 --> 00:02:28,375 has proofread 76 00:02:28,375 --> 00:02:32,083 my N400 form and says, 77 00:02:28,375 --> 00:02:32,083 'tis good to go. 78 00:02:32,083 --> 00:02:34,541 I must say, she 79 00:02:32,083 --> 00:02:34,541 has made navigating 80 00:02:34,541 --> 00:02:38,750 the choppy briny of citizenship 81 00:02:34,541 --> 00:02:38,750 a far more bearable undertaking. 82 00:02:38,750 --> 00:02:41,125 At a rate of 20 texts a hour, 83 00:02:38,750 --> 00:02:41,125 I should hope 84 00:02:41,125 --> 00:02:42,750 that she's steering you 85 00:02:41,125 --> 00:02:42,750 in the right direction. 86 00:02:42,750 --> 00:02:44,500 How do you know...? 87 00:02:44,500 --> 00:02:46,416 We share a roof, Crane. 88 00:02:46,416 --> 00:02:49,416 I know a lot of things 89 00:02:46,416 --> 00:02:49,416 I cannot unknow. 90 00:02:49,416 --> 00:02:52,708 Oh, on the subject of 91 00:02:49,416 --> 00:02:52,708 invaluable communication, 92 00:02:52,708 --> 00:02:54,750 when, pray tell, 93 00:02:52,708 --> 00:02:54,750 did you intend to inform 94 00:02:54,750 --> 00:02:57,458 Miss Jenny that you 95 00:02:54,750 --> 00:02:57,458 located your father? 96 00:02:54,750 --> 00:02:57,458 Hey. 97 00:02:57,458 --> 00:03:00,041 Things I cannot unknow. 98 00:03:00,041 --> 00:03:02,500 Well, it's complicated, Crane. 99 00:03:02,500 --> 00:03:06,041 My dad has a whole 100 00:03:02,500 --> 00:03:06,041 other life now, a new family. 101 00:03:06,041 --> 00:03:07,875 Jenny took it really hard 102 00:03:06,041 --> 00:03:07,875 when he left. 103 00:03:07,875 --> 00:03:09,375 And she's in a good place now. 104 00:03:09,375 --> 00:03:11,166 And I don't want 105 00:03:09,375 --> 00:03:11,166 to throw a wrench in that. 106 00:03:11,166 --> 00:03:15,708 You will make the right decision 107 00:03:11,166 --> 00:03:15,708 at the right time, Lieutenant. 108 00:03:18,000 --> 00:03:22,708 (phone ringing) 109 00:03:22,708 --> 00:03:24,291 Hey, Joe. You find 110 00:03:22,708 --> 00:03:24,291 a name for the mystery girl 111 00:03:24,291 --> 00:03:25,791 who's trying to steal our shard? 112 00:03:25,791 --> 00:03:27,708 Uh, well, your sister's 113 00:03:25,791 --> 00:03:27,708 asking around, 114 00:03:27,708 --> 00:03:29,500 but so far, no hits. 115 00:03:29,500 --> 00:03:32,333 Actually, I'm, uh... I'm calling 116 00:03:29,500 --> 00:03:32,333 about something else. 117 00:03:34,583 --> 00:03:37,000 Look, I was just first responder 118 00:03:34,583 --> 00:03:37,000 on a code three. 119 00:03:37,000 --> 00:03:38,958 A little girl fell into a coma. 120 00:03:38,958 --> 00:03:42,791 No one knows why, but... 121 00:03:42,791 --> 00:03:46,083 her sister claims that she saw 122 00:03:42,791 --> 00:03:46,083 a monster attack her. 123 00:03:46,083 --> 00:03:50,041 What kind of monster? 124 00:03:59,958 --> 00:04:02,208 Hi, sweetie. 125 00:04:02,208 --> 00:04:05,041 It's a pretty doll. 126 00:04:05,041 --> 00:04:08,000 It's my sister's. 127 00:04:08,000 --> 00:04:10,291 Yeah. 128 00:04:10,291 --> 00:04:13,000 It's awful what happened to her. 129 00:04:13,000 --> 00:04:16,125 But you don't worry, 130 00:04:13,000 --> 00:04:16,125 sweetheart. 131 00:04:16,125 --> 00:04:19,208 Your sister is going 132 00:04:16,125 --> 00:04:19,208 to be just fine. 133 00:04:41,208 --> 00:04:43,708 Hi, Saffron. 134 00:04:43,708 --> 00:04:46,583 I'm Abbie. 135 00:04:46,583 --> 00:04:48,416 This is my sister, 136 00:04:46,583 --> 00:04:48,416 Jenny. 137 00:04:48,416 --> 00:04:49,958 We wanted to talk 138 00:04:48,416 --> 00:04:49,958 to you about what 139 00:04:49,958 --> 00:04:52,250 you saw in your bedroom, 140 00:04:49,958 --> 00:04:52,250 if that's all right. 141 00:04:56,125 --> 00:04:59,583 And we wanted to tell you 142 00:04:56,125 --> 00:04:59,583 that we think you're very brave 143 00:04:59,583 --> 00:05:01,708 for telling everyone 144 00:04:59,583 --> 00:05:01,708 what you saw. 145 00:05:01,708 --> 00:05:04,208 I know how hard it is 146 00:05:01,708 --> 00:05:04,208 to open up about something 147 00:05:04,208 --> 00:05:05,708 when no one believes you. 148 00:05:05,708 --> 00:05:08,458 Especially something 149 00:05:05,708 --> 00:05:08,458 scary like this. 150 00:05:08,458 --> 00:05:12,458 And if you do want to talk 151 00:05:08,458 --> 00:05:12,458 about the monster you saw, 152 00:05:12,458 --> 00:05:14,458 we're here to listen. 153 00:05:16,375 --> 00:05:21,083 JENNY: 154 00:05:16,375 --> 00:05:21,083 Well, she's still 155 00:05:16,375 --> 00:05:21,083 pretty traumatized, so 156 00:05:21,083 --> 00:05:22,333 there's not much to go on, 157 00:05:22,333 --> 00:05:24,458 but my gut tells me 158 00:05:22,333 --> 00:05:24,458 that she saw something. 159 00:05:24,458 --> 00:05:26,958 Mine, too. But we need 160 00:05:24,458 --> 00:05:26,958 more information. 161 00:05:26,958 --> 00:05:29,083 We must keep this 162 00:05:26,958 --> 00:05:29,083 incident contained. 163 00:05:29,083 --> 00:05:31,708 If Pandora's behind 164 00:05:29,083 --> 00:05:31,708 it, as I fear, 165 00:05:31,708 --> 00:05:34,250 widespread panic 166 00:05:31,708 --> 00:05:34,250 is her desire. 167 00:05:39,250 --> 00:05:41,791 (phone ringing) 168 00:05:41,791 --> 00:05:44,250 Reynolds. 169 00:05:44,250 --> 00:05:46,791 It's Abbie. 170 00:05:44,250 --> 00:05:46,791 I got a weird call last night 171 00:05:46,791 --> 00:05:49,000 involving a peeping Tom 172 00:05:46,791 --> 00:05:49,000 and some kids. 173 00:05:49,000 --> 00:05:51,125 Probably nothing, but I said 174 00:05:49,000 --> 00:05:51,125 I'd check it out. 175 00:05:51,125 --> 00:05:52,916 If you're looking 176 00:05:51,125 --> 00:05:52,916 for more work, Abbs, 177 00:05:52,916 --> 00:05:54,166 I've inherited quite a backlog. 178 00:05:54,166 --> 00:05:55,916 Couple of hours, I promise. 179 00:05:55,916 --> 00:05:57,083 Just check in with me later. 180 00:05:57,083 --> 00:05:59,958 You got it, Danny. Thank you. 181 00:05:59,958 --> 00:06:04,083 You two start in 182 00:05:59,958 --> 00:06:04,083 the girls' bedroom. 183 00:06:04,083 --> 00:06:06,750 I shall try my luck with 184 00:06:04,083 --> 00:06:06,750 the young Miss Saffron. 185 00:06:06,750 --> 00:06:09,041 (birds singing) 186 00:06:12,166 --> 00:06:15,166 This reminds me of our room 187 00:06:12,166 --> 00:06:15,166 when we lived on Lindbrook. 188 00:06:15,166 --> 00:06:16,541 But without the boat window. 189 00:06:16,541 --> 00:06:19,041 Boat window? 190 00:06:19,041 --> 00:06:21,000 Come on, you remember. 191 00:06:19,041 --> 00:06:21,000 The boat window. 192 00:06:21,000 --> 00:06:22,541 I guess I was too young. 193 00:06:22,541 --> 00:06:24,750 The circular window 194 00:06:22,541 --> 00:06:24,750 above my bed? 195 00:06:24,750 --> 00:06:26,583 We used to pretend 196 00:06:24,750 --> 00:06:26,583 it was a porthole. 197 00:06:26,583 --> 00:06:28,333 (laughs) 198 00:06:26,583 --> 00:06:28,333 Imagine 199 00:06:28,333 --> 00:06:30,666 we were on a boat 200 00:06:28,333 --> 00:06:30,666 going somewhere else. 201 00:06:30,666 --> 00:06:32,416 Somewhere far away I bet. 202 00:06:32,416 --> 00:06:34,416 It was actually 203 00:06:32,416 --> 00:06:34,416 Dad's idea. 204 00:06:34,416 --> 00:06:37,416 We used to pretend like we were 205 00:06:34,416 --> 00:06:37,416 going on an adventure together. 206 00:06:37,416 --> 00:06:40,000 I think 207 00:06:37,416 --> 00:06:40,000 that he wanted us to know 208 00:06:40,000 --> 00:06:42,416 that there was a big world 209 00:06:40,000 --> 00:06:42,416 outside of Sleepy Hollow for us 210 00:06:42,416 --> 00:06:45,041 to explore and that 211 00:06:42,416 --> 00:06:45,041 we could leave if we wanted. 212 00:06:45,041 --> 00:06:47,250 Well, he certainly took 213 00:06:45,041 --> 00:06:47,250 his own advice. 214 00:06:47,250 --> 00:06:50,166 You ever think of Dad? 215 00:06:50,166 --> 00:06:53,625 Pretty much never... 216 00:06:50,166 --> 00:06:53,625 which I'm confident is mutual. 217 00:06:55,208 --> 00:06:57,666 People change. 218 00:06:57,666 --> 00:07:00,000 Not people like that. 219 00:07:00,000 --> 00:07:02,458 They just get better 220 00:07:00,000 --> 00:07:02,458 at hiding it. 221 00:07:02,458 --> 00:07:05,000 Or they drink themselves 222 00:07:02,458 --> 00:07:05,000 to death. 223 00:07:09,000 --> 00:07:11,541 (birds singing) 224 00:07:11,541 --> 00:07:14,666 (knocking) 225 00:07:22,208 --> 00:07:24,208 Have you seen 226 00:07:22,208 --> 00:07:24,208 my quarter? 227 00:07:24,208 --> 00:07:26,750 I could have sworn 228 00:07:24,208 --> 00:07:26,750 I had a quarter. 229 00:07:28,541 --> 00:07:32,291 (loudly): 230 00:07:28,541 --> 00:07:32,291 You appear to be a 231 00:07:28,541 --> 00:07:32,291 little hard of hearing. 232 00:07:34,750 --> 00:07:37,625 Oh. 233 00:07:37,625 --> 00:07:39,541 Oh! 234 00:07:40,875 --> 00:07:42,500 Oh! 235 00:07:42,500 --> 00:07:44,250 Little wonder. 236 00:07:44,250 --> 00:07:47,125 You had a silver specie 237 00:07:44,250 --> 00:07:47,125 nestled in your ear! 238 00:07:47,125 --> 00:07:49,541 It was your hand 239 00:07:47,125 --> 00:07:49,541 the whole time. 240 00:07:49,541 --> 00:07:52,041 Right. 241 00:07:56,041 --> 00:07:58,041 There once was 242 00:07:56,041 --> 00:07:58,041 a lady from Cork 243 00:07:58,041 --> 00:08:01,000 whose pa made a 244 00:07:58,041 --> 00:08:01,000 fortune in pork. 245 00:08:01,000 --> 00:08:03,291 He bought for his daughter 246 00:08:01,000 --> 00:08:03,291 a tutor who taught her 247 00:08:03,291 --> 00:08:05,875 to balance green 248 00:08:03,291 --> 00:08:05,875 peas on her... Ouch! 249 00:08:05,875 --> 00:08:10,208 Oh. 250 00:08:05,875 --> 00:08:10,208 (laughing) 251 00:08:10,208 --> 00:08:14,458 You have rather a sadistic 252 00:08:10,208 --> 00:08:14,458 sense of humor, don't you? 253 00:08:18,291 --> 00:08:23,500 My dad thinks I'm 254 00:08:18,291 --> 00:08:23,500 making the monster up. 255 00:08:23,500 --> 00:08:25,541 He's my dad. 256 00:08:25,541 --> 00:08:27,750 He's supposed to believe me. 257 00:08:32,416 --> 00:08:37,541 Perhaps if you drew 258 00:08:32,416 --> 00:08:37,541 for him what you saw, 259 00:08:37,541 --> 00:08:40,958 you might help him believe 260 00:08:37,541 --> 00:08:40,958 what he cannot see. 261 00:08:49,958 --> 00:08:52,625 This is what she saw. 262 00:08:57,166 --> 00:08:59,958 Saffron, who is 263 00:08:57,166 --> 00:08:59,958 this a drawing of? 264 00:08:59,958 --> 00:09:02,625 The Tooth Fairy. 265 00:09:48,708 --> 00:09:49,958 ABBIE: 266 00:09:48,708 --> 00:09:49,958 Tooth Fairy. 267 00:09:49,958 --> 00:09:51,541 Isn't she supposed 268 00:09:49,958 --> 00:09:51,541 to be some kind, 269 00:09:51,541 --> 00:09:53,375 sweet woman with a magic wand? 270 00:09:53,375 --> 00:09:56,000 Many fairy tales are derived 271 00:09:53,375 --> 00:09:56,000 from darker origins. 272 00:09:56,000 --> 00:09:58,041 Subsequently lost 273 00:09:56,000 --> 00:09:58,041 in translation. 274 00:09:58,041 --> 00:10:00,125 I do not recall 275 00:09:58,041 --> 00:10:00,125 Disney's Cinderella 276 00:10:00,125 --> 00:10:02,833 featuring the wicked sisters 277 00:10:00,125 --> 00:10:02,833 cutting off their own feet. 278 00:10:02,833 --> 00:10:04,583 So we know the PG version 279 00:10:02,833 --> 00:10:04,583 of the Tooth Fairy. 280 00:10:04,583 --> 00:10:06,166 Now we got to figure 281 00:10:04,583 --> 00:10:06,166 out the real one. 282 00:10:06,166 --> 00:10:09,125 I may have some insight 283 00:10:06,166 --> 00:10:09,125 on that matter. 284 00:10:09,125 --> 00:10:11,166 The loss of a child's tooth. 285 00:10:11,166 --> 00:10:13,583 I've seen it be harbinger 286 00:10:11,166 --> 00:10:13,583 to an identical tragedy. 287 00:10:13,583 --> 00:10:17,791 One that nearly destroyed 288 00:10:13,583 --> 00:10:17,791 Betsy Ross. 289 00:10:19,916 --> 00:10:22,000 Betsy's niece had succumbed 290 00:10:22,000 --> 00:10:25,166 to an unconscious state that 291 00:10:22,000 --> 00:10:25,166 no physician could diagnose. 292 00:10:27,291 --> 00:10:29,375 A mysterious illness, 293 00:10:29,375 --> 00:10:32,583 affecting only the children 294 00:10:29,375 --> 00:10:32,583 of our township, 295 00:10:32,583 --> 00:10:34,083 from which no child was safe 296 00:10:34,083 --> 00:10:37,625 and for which 297 00:10:34,083 --> 00:10:37,625 there was no cure. 298 00:10:37,625 --> 00:10:40,375 ♪ ♪ 299 00:10:42,291 --> 00:10:45,291 Betsy was trying to stay strong 300 00:10:42,291 --> 00:10:45,291 for her nephew, 301 00:10:45,291 --> 00:10:48,666 her family, but she was 302 00:10:45,291 --> 00:10:48,666 absolutely distraught. 303 00:10:48,666 --> 00:10:50,958 Briefly, I thought 304 00:10:48,666 --> 00:10:50,958 I might be the one 305 00:10:50,958 --> 00:10:53,000 to help her 306 00:10:50,958 --> 00:10:53,000 through this harrowing time, 307 00:10:53,000 --> 00:10:55,875 until I realized 308 00:10:53,000 --> 00:10:55,875 she called upon someone else. 309 00:10:55,875 --> 00:10:57,666 Ichabod. 310 00:10:55,875 --> 00:10:57,666 Mr. Revere. 311 00:10:57,666 --> 00:10:59,250 Paul Revere. 312 00:10:59,250 --> 00:11:03,208 Revere, a dentist 313 00:10:59,250 --> 00:11:03,208 as well as a silversmith, 314 00:11:03,208 --> 00:11:06,500 was making a house visit 315 00:11:03,208 --> 00:11:06,500 to Betsy's niece. 316 00:11:06,500 --> 00:11:09,583 16 children in the area had 317 00:11:06,500 --> 00:11:09,583 died following the same coma. 318 00:11:09,583 --> 00:11:11,958 All, like Betsy's niece... 319 00:11:11,958 --> 00:11:13,708 Trade you. 320 00:11:13,708 --> 00:11:17,166 ...right after the loss 321 00:11:13,708 --> 00:11:17,166 of a deciduous tooth. 322 00:11:27,041 --> 00:11:28,416 Betsy? 323 00:11:28,416 --> 00:11:30,708 You shouldn't be here. 324 00:11:34,916 --> 00:11:36,708 (brief crackle) 325 00:11:38,166 --> 00:11:40,083 I didn't know then that Revere 326 00:11:40,083 --> 00:11:43,125 was a soldier in the 327 00:11:40,083 --> 00:11:43,125 supernatural war against evil. 328 00:11:43,125 --> 00:11:45,458 Shortly after his visit, 329 00:11:45,458 --> 00:11:48,458 Betsy's niece made 330 00:11:45,458 --> 00:11:48,458 a full recovery. 331 00:11:48,458 --> 00:11:51,125 So Revere had a cure, or he 332 00:11:48,458 --> 00:11:51,125 might've killed the thing. 333 00:11:51,125 --> 00:11:53,250 Precisely. 334 00:11:51,125 --> 00:11:53,250 Whichever the solution, 335 00:11:53,250 --> 00:11:55,166 it lay hidden 336 00:11:55,166 --> 00:11:57,166 in his dentistry bag. 337 00:11:57,166 --> 00:11:59,041 It appears as though Revere 338 00:11:57,166 --> 00:11:59,041 used his orthodontics 339 00:11:59,041 --> 00:12:02,166 as a cover for his 340 00:11:59,041 --> 00:12:02,166 supernatural activities. 341 00:12:02,166 --> 00:12:05,666 Mind you, having experienced 342 00:12:02,166 --> 00:12:05,666 his dental work firsthand, 343 00:12:05,666 --> 00:12:08,291 it makes infinitely more sense. 344 00:12:08,291 --> 00:12:11,375 Crane hasn't been to a dentist 345 00:12:08,291 --> 00:12:11,375 since he's been here. 346 00:12:11,375 --> 00:12:12,791 And that is no oversight. 347 00:12:12,791 --> 00:12:14,166 My jaw aches 348 00:12:14,166 --> 00:12:16,166 just thinking 349 00:12:14,166 --> 00:12:16,166 of how Revere manhandled me. 350 00:12:16,166 --> 00:12:18,291 You know, there have been 351 00:12:16,166 --> 00:12:18,291 a lot of improvements 352 00:12:18,291 --> 00:12:20,208 in the dental industry 353 00:12:18,291 --> 00:12:20,208 since the 18th century. 354 00:12:20,208 --> 00:12:22,041 And I have no interest 355 00:12:20,208 --> 00:12:22,041 in any of them. 356 00:12:22,041 --> 00:12:25,625 Okay, then I'm gonna try 357 00:12:22,041 --> 00:12:25,625 and find Paul Revere's 358 00:12:25,625 --> 00:12:27,250 not-dentist bag. 359 00:12:27,250 --> 00:12:29,750 Ah. Here. 360 00:12:27,250 --> 00:12:29,750 "The Tooth Fairy Legend 361 00:12:29,750 --> 00:12:32,000 "and Origin of the Abyzou, 362 00:12:32,000 --> 00:12:34,875 an Assyrian demon 363 00:12:32,000 --> 00:12:34,875 that eats children's souls." 364 00:12:34,875 --> 00:12:37,458 ABBIE: 365 00:12:34,875 --> 00:12:37,458 "A child's open wound serves 366 00:12:34,875 --> 00:12:37,458 as a beacon for the Abyzou, 367 00:12:37,458 --> 00:12:40,458 allowing them to harvest 368 00:12:37,458 --> 00:12:40,458 the child's life force." 369 00:12:40,458 --> 00:12:43,250 "A process which takes 370 00:12:40,458 --> 00:12:43,250 48 hours to complete." 371 00:12:43,250 --> 00:12:45,375 So Tessa has 36 hours left. 372 00:12:45,375 --> 00:12:47,791 "The Abyzou were 373 00:12:45,375 --> 00:12:47,791 nocturnal, territorial 374 00:12:47,791 --> 00:12:51,041 "predators that often steal 375 00:12:47,791 --> 00:12:51,041 their victim's teeth 376 00:12:51,041 --> 00:12:53,041 as trophies." 377 00:12:51,041 --> 00:12:53,041 "While Abyzou are 378 00:12:53,041 --> 00:12:57,166 "nearly impossible to defeat, 379 00:12:53,041 --> 00:12:57,166 their one weakness... 380 00:12:57,166 --> 00:12:59,166 is silver." 381 00:13:00,166 --> 00:13:01,583 Of course. 382 00:13:03,833 --> 00:13:06,208 Revere gave Betsy's nephew 383 00:13:03,833 --> 00:13:06,208 a silver dollar. 384 00:13:06,208 --> 00:13:08,250 (snaps fingers) 385 00:13:06,208 --> 00:13:08,250 In fact, it soon 386 00:13:06,208 --> 00:13:08,250 became commonplace 387 00:13:08,250 --> 00:13:11,000 for parents to give 388 00:13:08,250 --> 00:13:11,000 their children dimes, 389 00:13:08,250 --> 00:13:11,000 silver dollars, 390 00:13:11,000 --> 00:13:13,125 reals when they lost a tooth, 391 00:13:13,125 --> 00:13:15,875 in lieu 392 00:13:13,125 --> 00:13:15,875 of the standard copper penny. 393 00:13:15,875 --> 00:13:17,541 So Revere started using 394 00:13:15,875 --> 00:13:17,541 the silver coins 395 00:13:17,541 --> 00:13:19,875 to ward off the Abyzou. 396 00:13:19,875 --> 00:13:22,041 And why is there 397 00:13:19,875 --> 00:13:22,041 no picture? 398 00:13:22,041 --> 00:13:24,083 It says here the 399 00:13:22,041 --> 00:13:24,083 Abyzou was invisible. 400 00:13:24,083 --> 00:13:25,666 Well, what about 401 00:13:24,083 --> 00:13:25,666 Saffron's drawing? 402 00:13:25,666 --> 00:13:28,166 She saw a monster. 403 00:13:25,666 --> 00:13:28,166 CRANE: 404 00:13:25,666 --> 00:13:28,166 It could be both-- 405 00:13:28,166 --> 00:13:30,666 if the creature 406 00:13:28,166 --> 00:13:30,666 is visible... 407 00:13:30,666 --> 00:13:32,958 but only to children. 408 00:13:37,250 --> 00:13:40,125 Open up. 409 00:13:37,250 --> 00:13:40,125 Let's see how we're doing. 410 00:13:40,125 --> 00:13:41,875 (soft gasp) 411 00:13:41,875 --> 00:13:43,083 Pretty close. 412 00:13:43,083 --> 00:13:44,708 Want me to pull it out? 413 00:13:44,708 --> 00:13:46,083 Mm-mm. 414 00:13:44,708 --> 00:13:46,083 (laughs softly) 415 00:13:46,083 --> 00:13:49,125 Okay. Good night, pumpkin. 416 00:13:55,250 --> 00:13:57,041 (low growling) 417 00:13:57,041 --> 00:13:58,833 Mom! Mom! 418 00:13:58,833 --> 00:14:00,000 What? What is it? 419 00:14:00,000 --> 00:14:01,708 There's a monster 420 00:14:00,000 --> 00:14:01,708 in there! 421 00:14:01,708 --> 00:14:03,083 I saw! 422 00:14:03,083 --> 00:14:04,708 Honey, what are 423 00:14:03,083 --> 00:14:04,708 you talking about? 424 00:14:04,708 --> 00:14:06,166 There's no such thing 425 00:14:04,708 --> 00:14:06,166 as monsters. 426 00:14:06,166 --> 00:14:07,041 Here, I'll show you. 427 00:14:07,041 --> 00:14:08,208 No! Don't! 428 00:14:15,500 --> 00:14:18,083 No more scary movies, okay? 429 00:14:30,750 --> 00:14:33,750 ♪ ♪ 430 00:14:51,625 --> 00:14:53,583 (floor creaks quietly) 431 00:15:11,958 --> 00:15:13,750 (growls) 432 00:15:11,958 --> 00:15:13,750 (screaming) 433 00:15:13,750 --> 00:15:15,791 (snarls) 434 00:15:17,708 --> 00:15:19,708 (low growling) 435 00:15:27,916 --> 00:15:29,833 What if we said 436 00:15:27,916 --> 00:15:29,833 it was an epidemic? 437 00:15:29,833 --> 00:15:31,416 They could quarantine 438 00:15:29,833 --> 00:15:31,416 the kids. 439 00:15:31,416 --> 00:15:33,375 An ordeal of that measure 440 00:15:31,416 --> 00:15:33,375 would involve 441 00:15:33,375 --> 00:15:36,375 incredible local, 442 00:15:33,375 --> 00:15:36,375 if not national, attention. 443 00:15:36,375 --> 00:15:39,416 The exact kind of panic 444 00:15:36,375 --> 00:15:39,416 Pandora wishes to provoke. 445 00:15:39,416 --> 00:15:41,750 Yeah, you're right. 446 00:15:41,750 --> 00:15:44,708 Okay, let's think. What 447 00:15:41,750 --> 00:15:44,708 do we know about the Abyzou? 448 00:15:44,708 --> 00:15:47,458 It is invisible 449 00:15:44,708 --> 00:15:47,458 to adults. 450 00:15:47,458 --> 00:15:50,083 It preys on children 451 00:15:47,458 --> 00:15:50,083 who just lost a tooth. 452 00:15:50,083 --> 00:15:51,625 It's territorial. 453 00:15:51,625 --> 00:15:53,500 All the victims in the past 454 00:15:53,500 --> 00:15:56,833 lived within a small community, 455 00:15:53,500 --> 00:15:56,833 within a five-mile radius. 456 00:15:56,833 --> 00:15:59,083 Okay. It looks 457 00:15:56,833 --> 00:15:59,083 like there's only one 458 00:15:59,083 --> 00:16:02,291 elementary school within 459 00:15:59,083 --> 00:16:02,291 ten miles of the Paynters. 460 00:16:02,291 --> 00:16:05,000 We should go down there, 461 00:16:02,291 --> 00:16:05,000 suss out what children 462 00:16:05,000 --> 00:16:06,833 are close to 463 00:16:05,000 --> 00:16:06,833 losing a tooth. 464 00:16:06,833 --> 00:16:09,833 How do we do that 465 00:16:06,833 --> 00:16:09,833 without raising suspicion? 466 00:16:10,833 --> 00:16:12,833 I have an idea. 467 00:16:14,166 --> 00:16:16,375 Students. 468 00:16:16,375 --> 00:16:20,583 We have a very special 469 00:16:16,375 --> 00:16:20,583 surprise guest speaker today. 470 00:16:20,583 --> 00:16:23,208 Please give a very warm 471 00:16:20,583 --> 00:16:23,208 welcome to Ichabod Crane, 472 00:16:23,208 --> 00:16:27,000 curator of the new Hudson 473 00:16:23,208 --> 00:16:27,000 Valley Historical Society. 474 00:16:27,000 --> 00:16:29,791 CHILDREN: 475 00:16:27,000 --> 00:16:29,791 Hello, Ichabod Crane. 476 00:16:29,791 --> 00:16:31,666 Thank you... for that... 477 00:16:31,666 --> 00:16:33,333 warm welcome. 478 00:16:33,333 --> 00:16:35,958 It is most heartening to see 479 00:16:33,333 --> 00:16:35,958 how the educational system 480 00:16:35,958 --> 00:16:37,541 has evolved over the years, 481 00:16:37,541 --> 00:16:40,083 and all without the threat 482 00:16:37,541 --> 00:16:40,083 of the rod. 483 00:16:41,375 --> 00:16:43,041 (chuckles): 484 00:16:41,375 --> 00:16:43,041 This is too good. 485 00:16:43,041 --> 00:16:45,041 Now, if you'll allow me 486 00:16:43,041 --> 00:16:45,041 to start today by setting 487 00:16:45,041 --> 00:16:47,583 a few historical inaccuracies 488 00:16:45,041 --> 00:16:47,583 right about our first president, 489 00:16:47,583 --> 00:16:50,166 George Washington, 490 00:16:47,583 --> 00:16:50,166 a great man. 491 00:16:50,166 --> 00:16:52,000 But who is not, in fact, 492 00:16:52,000 --> 00:16:53,500 the wealthiest man in America. 493 00:16:53,500 --> 00:16:56,083 He did not farm his own hemp. 494 00:16:56,083 --> 00:16:58,166 Although he did partake 495 00:16:56,083 --> 00:16:58,166 in laudanum tincture 496 00:16:58,166 --> 00:16:59,750 from time to time-- 497 00:16:59,750 --> 00:17:01,166 but who didn't? 498 00:16:59,750 --> 00:17:01,166 (teacher 499 00:16:59,750 --> 00:17:01,166 clears throat) 500 00:17:03,041 --> 00:17:07,333 And he did not have 501 00:17:03,041 --> 00:17:07,333 wooden teeth. 502 00:17:07,333 --> 00:17:09,041 Now... 503 00:17:09,041 --> 00:17:13,583 who can tell me who 504 00:17:09,041 --> 00:17:13,583 George Washington's dentist was? 505 00:17:13,583 --> 00:17:15,166 Anyone. 506 00:17:15,166 --> 00:17:17,083 Anyone. 507 00:17:17,083 --> 00:17:18,541 No? 508 00:17:18,541 --> 00:17:22,041 Has anyone heard of Paul Revere? 509 00:17:23,750 --> 00:17:26,875 You. 510 00:17:23,750 --> 00:17:26,875 Isn't that the guy 511 00:17:23,750 --> 00:17:26,875 who did the Midnight Ride? 512 00:17:26,875 --> 00:17:29,166 Yes! The very same. 513 00:17:26,875 --> 00:17:29,166 Well done. 514 00:17:29,166 --> 00:17:30,958 Now, an important question. 515 00:17:30,958 --> 00:17:34,333 Which of you 516 00:17:30,958 --> 00:17:34,333 has ever lost a tooth? 517 00:17:34,333 --> 00:17:36,041 Ah... 518 00:17:37,958 --> 00:17:42,416 And which of you 519 00:17:37,958 --> 00:17:42,416 has a loose tooth right now? 520 00:17:50,958 --> 00:17:52,375 (bell rings) 521 00:17:52,375 --> 00:17:55,000 TEACHER: 522 00:17:52,375 --> 00:17:55,000 Okay, kids, 523 00:17:55,000 --> 00:17:56,958 that's it for today. 524 00:17:55,000 --> 00:17:56,958 How about a nice round 525 00:17:56,958 --> 00:17:58,750 of applause for 526 00:17:56,958 --> 00:17:58,750 Mr. Ichabod Crane. 527 00:18:07,458 --> 00:18:09,458 Is everything okay 528 00:18:09,458 --> 00:18:12,041 with that boy? 529 00:18:09,458 --> 00:18:12,041 Gregory? 530 00:18:12,041 --> 00:18:14,125 Oh, he's just a little woozy. 531 00:18:14,125 --> 00:18:16,750 Actually, he's very close 532 00:18:14,125 --> 00:18:16,750 to losing a tooth. 533 00:18:16,750 --> 00:18:19,166 Maybe the assembly was 534 00:18:16,750 --> 00:18:19,166 a little much for him. 535 00:18:19,166 --> 00:18:20,291 Oh. 536 00:18:20,291 --> 00:18:22,250 (quietly): 537 00:18:20,291 --> 00:18:22,250 Thank you. 538 00:18:24,041 --> 00:18:26,708 JENNY: 539 00:18:24,041 --> 00:18:26,708 Gregory. 540 00:18:28,791 --> 00:18:30,291 Hey. 541 00:18:30,291 --> 00:18:34,166 I want you to take this. 542 00:18:36,541 --> 00:18:40,208 It'll protect you against the 543 00:18:36,541 --> 00:18:40,208 things that only you can see. 544 00:18:40,208 --> 00:18:41,708 You understand? 545 00:18:42,750 --> 00:18:44,416 (softly): 546 00:18:42,750 --> 00:18:44,416 Good. 547 00:18:47,166 --> 00:18:50,125 That's who we need 548 00:18:47,166 --> 00:18:50,125 to watch tonight. 549 00:18:50,125 --> 00:18:52,708 And Sarah Fogel. 550 00:18:50,125 --> 00:18:52,708 Do we have the location 551 00:18:52,708 --> 00:18:54,333 of Revere's bag? 552 00:18:52,708 --> 00:18:54,333 Yes. 553 00:18:54,333 --> 00:18:56,250 It's at the Colonial 554 00:18:54,333 --> 00:18:56,250 Raleigh Museum. 555 00:18:56,250 --> 00:18:57,958 Abbie's throwing her 556 00:18:56,250 --> 00:18:57,958 FBI weight around 557 00:18:57,958 --> 00:19:00,166 trying to get it shipped 558 00:18:57,958 --> 00:19:00,166 to us overnight. 559 00:19:00,166 --> 00:19:01,875 The silver coins are 560 00:19:00,166 --> 00:19:01,875 a good repellent, 561 00:19:01,875 --> 00:19:04,208 but we have to find a way 562 00:19:01,875 --> 00:19:04,208 to kill this thing. 563 00:19:04,208 --> 00:19:07,208 If silver is 564 00:19:04,208 --> 00:19:07,208 the Abyzou's foible, 565 00:19:07,208 --> 00:19:10,958 perhaps a weapon of that nature 566 00:19:07,208 --> 00:19:10,958 can deal a fatal blow. 567 00:19:12,708 --> 00:19:15,291 No, sir, I am actually 568 00:19:12,708 --> 00:19:15,291 acutely aware of the fact 569 00:19:15,291 --> 00:19:19,125 that this is a delicate 570 00:19:15,291 --> 00:19:19,125 and valuable relic. 571 00:19:19,125 --> 00:19:21,208 I have a feeling 572 00:19:19,125 --> 00:19:21,208 the Colonial Raleigh Museum 573 00:19:21,208 --> 00:19:23,208 is not impressed 574 00:19:21,208 --> 00:19:23,208 with Abbie's FBI status. 575 00:19:23,208 --> 00:19:26,041 ABBIE: I happen to have 576 00:19:23,208 --> 00:19:26,041 greater reverence 577 00:19:26,041 --> 00:19:29,458 for historical artifacts 578 00:19:26,041 --> 00:19:29,458 than you could ever imagine. 579 00:19:29,458 --> 00:19:31,291 How now, my name 580 00:19:29,458 --> 00:19:31,291 is Ichabod Crane, 581 00:19:31,291 --> 00:19:33,041 curator of the soon to be 582 00:19:33,041 --> 00:19:35,083 Hudson Valley 583 00:19:33,041 --> 00:19:35,083 Historical Society and Armory. 584 00:19:35,083 --> 00:19:36,500 How do you fare? 585 00:19:36,500 --> 00:19:39,208 Superlative. 586 00:19:36,500 --> 00:19:39,208 You see, 587 00:19:39,208 --> 00:19:41,166 the reason 588 00:19:39,208 --> 00:19:41,166 for this summon in sooth 589 00:19:41,166 --> 00:19:43,041 is that this weekend 590 00:19:41,166 --> 00:19:43,041 is our grand opening, 591 00:19:43,041 --> 00:19:46,333 and we were so hoping, 592 00:19:43,041 --> 00:19:46,333 perhaps a little beetle-headely, 593 00:19:46,333 --> 00:19:49,666 that Paul Revere's 594 00:19:46,333 --> 00:19:49,666 dentistry bag could be 595 00:19:49,666 --> 00:19:52,333 the featured article 596 00:19:49,666 --> 00:19:52,333 in our premiere exhibition-- 597 00:19:52,333 --> 00:19:56,041 Forging the Forefathers: 598 00:19:52,333 --> 00:19:56,041 The Men Behind the Masters. 599 00:20:01,166 --> 00:20:04,000 Blessed be your heart. 600 00:20:04,000 --> 00:20:07,166 Yes, first thing on the morrow 601 00:20:04,000 --> 00:20:07,166 would be divine. 602 00:20:07,166 --> 00:20:10,666 I can give you the address, 603 00:20:07,166 --> 00:20:10,666 if you have a quill. 604 00:20:13,333 --> 00:20:15,041 CRANE (over walkie-talkie): 605 00:20:13,333 --> 00:20:15,041 Lieutenant, 606 00:20:15,041 --> 00:20:17,750 any activity 607 00:20:15,041 --> 00:20:17,750 outside young Gregory's home? 608 00:20:17,750 --> 00:20:19,083 Nope. All quiet 609 00:20:19,083 --> 00:20:21,208 on the Abyzou front. You? 610 00:20:24,041 --> 00:20:26,083 Much the same. 611 00:20:24,041 --> 00:20:26,083 (slurping loudly) 612 00:20:26,083 --> 00:20:28,000 (slurping) 613 00:20:26,083 --> 00:20:28,000 You know, 614 00:20:26,083 --> 00:20:28,000 you mainline 615 00:20:28,000 --> 00:20:30,041 a lot of sugar 616 00:20:28,000 --> 00:20:30,041 for a guy 617 00:20:30,041 --> 00:20:32,666 who won't get his teeth cleaned. 618 00:20:34,500 --> 00:20:37,166 (phone chimes) 619 00:20:37,166 --> 00:20:41,041 JOE: 620 00:20:37,166 --> 00:20:41,041 You're back in the saddle, huh? 621 00:20:41,041 --> 00:20:43,583 Jenny finally set you up? 622 00:20:43,583 --> 00:20:46,125 Beg your pardon? 623 00:20:46,125 --> 00:20:47,541 Don't worry, 624 00:20:46,125 --> 00:20:47,541 I've been through it, too. 625 00:20:47,541 --> 00:20:50,416 The Mills sisters are great 626 00:20:47,541 --> 00:20:50,416 at killing monsters, 627 00:20:50,416 --> 00:20:53,333 but their true passion 628 00:20:50,416 --> 00:20:53,333 lies in matchmaking. 629 00:20:53,333 --> 00:20:56,750 Word to the wise-- if they try 630 00:20:53,333 --> 00:20:56,750 to hook you up with Diane... 631 00:20:56,750 --> 00:20:58,333 run. 632 00:20:58,333 --> 00:21:01,000 If you are referring 633 00:20:58,333 --> 00:21:01,000 to Miss Corinth, 634 00:21:01,000 --> 00:21:03,416 she is guiding me 635 00:21:01,000 --> 00:21:03,416 through the procurement 636 00:21:03,416 --> 00:21:05,958 of my citizenship. 637 00:21:08,083 --> 00:21:09,541 She is a dragoman, 638 00:21:09,541 --> 00:21:12,666 an advisor, a-a tutor. 639 00:21:12,666 --> 00:21:14,333 Nothing more. 640 00:21:14,333 --> 00:21:17,791 Yes, I had a math tutor 641 00:21:14,333 --> 00:21:17,791 in high school-- Fred. 642 00:21:17,791 --> 00:21:19,750 We didn't text 643 00:21:17,791 --> 00:21:19,750 every two minutes. 644 00:21:19,750 --> 00:21:22,791 And if we did, we wouldn't have 645 00:21:19,750 --> 00:21:22,791 used that little monkey emoji 646 00:21:22,791 --> 00:21:24,083 where he covers his eyes. 647 00:21:28,000 --> 00:21:30,458 Mr. Corbin... 648 00:21:30,458 --> 00:21:34,125 in my experience, obfuscating 649 00:21:30,458 --> 00:21:34,125 a working relationship 650 00:21:34,125 --> 00:21:36,708 by indulging 651 00:21:34,125 --> 00:21:36,708 in auxiliary feelings 652 00:21:36,708 --> 00:21:39,666 can become rather... 653 00:21:36,708 --> 00:21:39,666 complicated. 654 00:21:41,583 --> 00:21:42,916 I don't know. 655 00:21:42,916 --> 00:21:46,000 Sounds like you're 656 00:21:42,916 --> 00:21:46,000 overthinking it. 657 00:21:46,000 --> 00:21:48,958 As is my way. 658 00:21:48,958 --> 00:21:51,583 I know, baby. 659 00:21:48,958 --> 00:21:51,583 I miss you, too. 660 00:21:51,583 --> 00:21:52,833 Here. 661 00:21:52,833 --> 00:21:54,333 Yep. Yeah. 662 00:21:54,333 --> 00:21:55,500 Lisa... 663 00:21:55,500 --> 00:21:57,833 Oh, it's just not that easy. 664 00:21:57,833 --> 00:21:59,458 Please? 665 00:21:57,833 --> 00:21:59,458 What? Hold on. 666 00:21:59,458 --> 00:22:01,458 What is with you tonight? 667 00:22:01,458 --> 00:22:03,666 I just want you 668 00:22:01,458 --> 00:22:03,666 to watch with me. 669 00:22:04,708 --> 00:22:07,041 (sighs) 670 00:22:04,708 --> 00:22:07,041 All right, 671 00:22:07,041 --> 00:22:09,416 I'll make you a deal. 672 00:22:07,041 --> 00:22:09,416 You give me ten minutes 673 00:22:09,416 --> 00:22:11,000 to finish up 674 00:22:09,416 --> 00:22:11,000 my phone call, 675 00:22:11,000 --> 00:22:13,083 I will take you out 676 00:22:11,000 --> 00:22:13,083 for ice cream. 677 00:22:13,083 --> 00:22:14,041 Does that sound fun? 678 00:22:14,041 --> 00:22:15,666 Ten minutes, okay? 679 00:22:17,083 --> 00:22:18,375 BABYSITTER: 680 00:22:17,083 --> 00:22:18,375 Yeah. 681 00:22:18,375 --> 00:22:20,458 No. He's ridiculous. 682 00:22:20,458 --> 00:22:23,916 (insects chittering) 683 00:22:23,916 --> 00:22:25,333 Jen? 684 00:22:27,333 --> 00:22:30,708 I have something 685 00:22:27,333 --> 00:22:30,708 I want to tell you, 686 00:22:30,708 --> 00:22:33,250 and I don't think 687 00:22:30,708 --> 00:22:33,250 you're gonna like it. 688 00:22:38,125 --> 00:22:40,166 I found Dad. 689 00:22:40,166 --> 00:22:43,083 (exhales, laughs) 690 00:22:43,083 --> 00:22:45,583 Yeah, I knew something was up. 691 00:22:45,583 --> 00:22:47,458 I found him five years ago. 692 00:22:47,458 --> 00:22:50,375 He moved around a lot 693 00:22:47,458 --> 00:22:50,375 before he remarried. 694 00:22:50,375 --> 00:22:53,083 Pamela. Stepson Walter. 695 00:22:53,083 --> 00:22:56,375 Really sold them 696 00:22:53,083 --> 00:22:56,375 a bill of goods. 697 00:22:56,375 --> 00:22:58,875 Five years? 698 00:22:58,875 --> 00:23:00,958 I've been feeling guilty 699 00:22:58,875 --> 00:23:00,958 for not telling you 700 00:23:00,958 --> 00:23:02,958 for two months, and you've known 701 00:23:02,958 --> 00:23:04,500 for five years? 702 00:23:02,958 --> 00:23:04,500 Oh, come on, 703 00:23:04,500 --> 00:23:06,375 what was I 704 00:23:04,500 --> 00:23:06,375 supposed to say? 705 00:23:06,375 --> 00:23:08,458 The guy who wants nothing 706 00:23:06,375 --> 00:23:08,458 to do with us 707 00:23:08,458 --> 00:23:10,250 has a new address and family? 708 00:23:10,250 --> 00:23:12,875 I thought it would upset you. 709 00:23:10,250 --> 00:23:12,875 I know how much you hate him. 710 00:23:12,875 --> 00:23:16,166 I don't hate him. 711 00:23:12,875 --> 00:23:16,166 I'm trying to have 712 00:23:12,875 --> 00:23:16,166 an open mind. 713 00:23:16,166 --> 00:23:18,375 You're the one who can't 714 00:23:16,166 --> 00:23:18,375 stop talking about 715 00:23:16,166 --> 00:23:18,375 how horrible he is. 716 00:23:18,375 --> 00:23:20,083 Because that's what you've 717 00:23:18,375 --> 00:23:20,083 told me my whole life. 718 00:23:20,083 --> 00:23:21,750 Come on! 719 00:23:20,083 --> 00:23:21,750 He left 720 00:23:21,750 --> 00:23:24,875 when I was three-- 721 00:23:21,750 --> 00:23:24,875 I barely even remember the guy. 722 00:23:24,875 --> 00:23:26,958 I only hate him 723 00:23:24,875 --> 00:23:26,958 because you hate him. 724 00:23:26,958 --> 00:23:29,083 You said he ruined 725 00:23:26,958 --> 00:23:29,083 our childhood. 726 00:23:29,083 --> 00:23:32,458 (scoffs) You want to 727 00:23:29,083 --> 00:23:32,458 reconnect with that deadbeat? 728 00:23:32,458 --> 00:23:33,791 Go ahead. 729 00:23:33,791 --> 00:23:35,125 Just don't come crying to me 730 00:23:35,125 --> 00:23:36,958 when it turns out 731 00:23:35,125 --> 00:23:36,958 he's still a jerk. 732 00:23:48,208 --> 00:23:50,000 (snarling) 733 00:23:48,208 --> 00:23:50,000 (yelling) 734 00:23:51,041 --> 00:23:52,041 It's go time. 735 00:23:53,041 --> 00:23:54,958 (growling) 736 00:24:00,666 --> 00:24:02,583 (hisses) 737 00:24:08,958 --> 00:24:09,958 Hey. Where's the monster, Greg? 738 00:24:09,958 --> 00:24:11,250 Show us. 739 00:24:09,958 --> 00:24:11,250 There! 740 00:24:11,250 --> 00:24:13,041 JENNY: Where? 741 00:24:11,250 --> 00:24:13,041 GREG: To the left! 742 00:24:13,041 --> 00:24:14,666 Where is it now? 743 00:24:14,666 --> 00:24:17,000 Right! 744 00:24:14,666 --> 00:24:17,000 JENNY: I can't see it. 745 00:24:17,000 --> 00:24:18,250 (growling) 746 00:24:18,250 --> 00:24:20,250 GREG: 747 00:24:18,250 --> 00:24:20,250 In front of you! 748 00:24:20,250 --> 00:24:22,416 (hissing) 749 00:24:22,416 --> 00:24:23,416 There it is! 750 00:24:28,166 --> 00:24:30,833 Wow! Okay. Someone's 751 00:24:28,166 --> 00:24:30,833 excited for ice cream. 752 00:24:30,833 --> 00:24:32,625 Let's go, you little monster. 753 00:24:33,416 --> 00:24:34,708 Did you see that? 754 00:24:34,708 --> 00:24:36,916 I got an idea. 755 00:24:39,666 --> 00:24:42,333 (growling) 756 00:24:39,666 --> 00:24:42,333 There! 757 00:24:46,000 --> 00:24:47,958 Jenny? 758 00:24:47,958 --> 00:24:49,083 (groans) 759 00:25:00,541 --> 00:25:03,083 Abbie! 760 00:25:03,083 --> 00:25:04,625 Abbie. 761 00:25:04,625 --> 00:25:06,250 Abbie. 762 00:25:07,666 --> 00:25:09,333 Abbie! Abbie. 763 00:25:19,916 --> 00:25:22,208 CRANE: 764 00:25:19,916 --> 00:25:22,208 She is strong, 765 00:25:19,916 --> 00:25:22,208 Miss Jenny. 766 00:25:23,666 --> 00:25:25,250 The strongest person 767 00:25:23,666 --> 00:25:25,250 I've ever known 768 00:25:25,250 --> 00:25:27,041 in this or any other time. 769 00:25:31,083 --> 00:25:34,958 Clearly, our limited knowledge 770 00:25:31,083 --> 00:25:34,958 of the Abyzou has led us astray. 771 00:25:34,958 --> 00:25:37,166 Silver may repel 772 00:25:34,958 --> 00:25:37,166 the beast, 773 00:25:37,166 --> 00:25:40,416 but it by no means 774 00:25:37,166 --> 00:25:40,416 inflicts a mortal wound. 775 00:25:40,416 --> 00:25:42,125 I should like to return 776 00:25:40,416 --> 00:25:42,125 to the Archives, 777 00:25:42,125 --> 00:25:43,416 examine the texts further. 778 00:25:43,416 --> 00:25:45,000 There may be a detail we missed. 779 00:25:45,000 --> 00:25:48,500 I'm gonna stick around here 780 00:25:45,000 --> 00:25:48,500 for a bit longer. 781 00:25:48,500 --> 00:25:51,166 Of course. 782 00:25:58,000 --> 00:25:59,791 Lieutenant? 783 00:26:02,375 --> 00:26:05,833 Your duty in this battle 784 00:26:02,375 --> 00:26:05,833 is now to heal. 785 00:26:07,833 --> 00:26:11,041 This is not your time, 786 00:26:07,833 --> 00:26:11,041 dear friend. 787 00:26:19,166 --> 00:26:21,916 ♪ ♪ 788 00:26:42,500 --> 00:26:45,000 What happened 789 00:26:42,500 --> 00:26:45,000 to your sister? 790 00:26:46,416 --> 00:26:48,625 She got hurt. 791 00:26:49,708 --> 00:26:51,250 The doctors told my parents 792 00:26:51,250 --> 00:26:53,666 they don't think my sister's 793 00:26:51,250 --> 00:26:53,666 gonna wake up. 794 00:26:56,208 --> 00:26:58,416 I'm her big sister. 795 00:26:56,208 --> 00:26:58,416 I was supposed to protect her. 796 00:26:58,416 --> 00:27:00,083 This is all my fault. 797 00:27:00,083 --> 00:27:02,791 Hey. 798 00:27:02,791 --> 00:27:05,041 You know, when Abbie and I 799 00:27:02,791 --> 00:27:05,041 were about your age, 800 00:27:05,041 --> 00:27:08,250 we got into this huge fight. 801 00:27:05,041 --> 00:27:08,250 (chuckles) 802 00:27:08,250 --> 00:27:12,041 We didn't talk 803 00:27:08,250 --> 00:27:12,041 for a long, long time. 804 00:27:12,041 --> 00:27:14,500 But now, whenever 805 00:27:12,041 --> 00:27:14,500 I think about Abbie, 806 00:27:14,500 --> 00:27:18,166 I never think about that fight. 807 00:27:18,166 --> 00:27:20,666 I just think of the good times 808 00:27:20,666 --> 00:27:23,750 and all the ways she's been 809 00:27:20,666 --> 00:27:23,750 such a great sister. 810 00:27:23,750 --> 00:27:25,708 That's how I think 811 00:27:23,750 --> 00:27:25,708 about her, 812 00:27:25,708 --> 00:27:28,208 and that's how Tessa 813 00:27:25,708 --> 00:27:28,208 thinks about you. 814 00:27:28,208 --> 00:27:31,000 Because you're 815 00:27:28,208 --> 00:27:31,000 her big sister. 816 00:27:31,000 --> 00:27:33,833 There's no one she loves 817 00:27:31,000 --> 00:27:33,833 more than you. 818 00:27:35,000 --> 00:27:37,166 And nothing 819 00:27:35,000 --> 00:27:37,166 in the world-- 820 00:27:37,166 --> 00:27:40,958 no monster, no evil-- 821 00:27:40,958 --> 00:27:43,250 can ever change that. 822 00:27:44,291 --> 00:27:45,500 You and I, 823 00:27:45,500 --> 00:27:47,000 we're gonna have many more 824 00:27:47,000 --> 00:27:48,958 happy years together 825 00:27:47,000 --> 00:27:48,958 with our sisters. 826 00:27:50,875 --> 00:27:53,125 I promise. 827 00:28:07,583 --> 00:28:09,708 PANDORA: 828 00:28:07,583 --> 00:28:09,708 So many words 829 00:28:09,708 --> 00:28:13,208 and empty promises these 830 00:28:09,708 --> 00:28:13,208 adults of yours make. 831 00:28:13,208 --> 00:28:15,500 Huh? 832 00:28:15,500 --> 00:28:18,500 I don't even know how they 833 00:28:15,500 --> 00:28:18,500 keep it all straight, 834 00:28:18,500 --> 00:28:21,875 seeing as they 835 00:28:18,500 --> 00:28:21,875 don't believe you. 836 00:28:24,083 --> 00:28:26,083 I believe you. 837 00:28:27,333 --> 00:28:29,750 And if you've 838 00:28:27,333 --> 00:28:29,750 a mind to, 839 00:28:29,750 --> 00:28:32,625 I know what you can do to help 840 00:28:29,750 --> 00:28:32,625 make your sister all better. 841 00:28:47,166 --> 00:28:48,583 JENNY: 842 00:28:47,166 --> 00:28:48,583 So, what do you we got? 843 00:28:48,583 --> 00:28:51,500 Would you believe it? 844 00:28:48,583 --> 00:28:51,500 Actual dentistry tools. 845 00:28:51,500 --> 00:28:53,000 They call to mind 846 00:28:51,500 --> 00:28:53,000 many a torturous memory 847 00:28:53,000 --> 00:28:55,791 but bring us no closer 848 00:28:53,000 --> 00:28:55,791 to defeating the Abyzou. 849 00:28:55,791 --> 00:28:58,833 Oh, Revere and his secrets. 850 00:28:58,833 --> 00:29:00,958 He was too clever by half. 851 00:29:00,958 --> 00:29:04,583 Everything is masked 852 00:29:00,958 --> 00:29:04,583 by a cipher or a riddle, 853 00:29:04,583 --> 00:29:07,666 or buried beneath one 854 00:29:04,583 --> 00:29:07,666 of his banal colloquialisms. 855 00:29:07,666 --> 00:29:09,333 "Nothing is as it seems." 856 00:29:09,333 --> 00:29:11,375 "The forest for the trees." 857 00:29:11,375 --> 00:29:14,583 "The whole is greater 858 00:29:11,375 --> 00:29:14,583 than the sum of its parts." 859 00:29:16,166 --> 00:29:18,833 "The sum of its parts." 860 00:29:30,666 --> 00:29:32,208 These tools fit together. 861 00:29:33,500 --> 00:29:36,083 They create 862 00:29:33,500 --> 00:29:36,083 a greater contraption. 863 00:29:55,541 --> 00:29:58,750 CRANE: 864 00:29:55,541 --> 00:29:58,750 Revere used these parts 865 00:29:55,541 --> 00:29:58,750 to build a weapon, 866 00:29:58,750 --> 00:30:01,458 one that could 867 00:29:58,750 --> 00:30:01,458 defeat the Abyzou. 868 00:30:01,458 --> 00:30:03,666 Dentist tools 869 00:30:01,458 --> 00:30:03,666 provided the perfect cover, 870 00:30:03,666 --> 00:30:06,666 but he needed something more: 871 00:30:03,666 --> 00:30:06,666 ammunition. 872 00:30:09,083 --> 00:30:10,791 Silver. 873 00:30:10,791 --> 00:30:13,000 Not for filling teeth 874 00:30:13,000 --> 00:30:15,583 and not for killing the Abyzou. 875 00:30:17,666 --> 00:30:19,791 Something else, then. 876 00:30:19,791 --> 00:30:22,083 If only I knew what happened 877 00:30:19,791 --> 00:30:22,083 behind that door. 878 00:30:25,250 --> 00:30:27,500 There was a flash of light. 879 00:30:27,500 --> 00:30:29,458 JENNY: 880 00:30:27,500 --> 00:30:29,458 Silver nitrate. 881 00:30:29,458 --> 00:30:31,708 An explosive 882 00:30:29,458 --> 00:30:31,708 chemical compound 883 00:30:31,708 --> 00:30:34,750 used in experiments with 884 00:30:31,708 --> 00:30:34,750 early flash photography. 885 00:30:34,750 --> 00:30:38,041 So silver nitrate 886 00:30:34,750 --> 00:30:38,041 creates a flash of light. 887 00:30:38,041 --> 00:30:41,083 And there are trace 888 00:30:38,041 --> 00:30:41,083 amounts of it in water, 889 00:30:41,083 --> 00:30:43,041 which would explain 890 00:30:41,083 --> 00:30:43,041 why Abbie and I 891 00:30:43,041 --> 00:30:45,666 briefly saw the Abyzou's form 892 00:30:43,041 --> 00:30:45,666 back at the Gonda house. 893 00:30:45,666 --> 00:30:50,125 So silver exposes the Abyzou and 894 00:30:45,666 --> 00:30:50,125 leaves it vulnerable to attack. 895 00:30:50,125 --> 00:30:53,208 It must have a weak point, a 896 00:30:50,125 --> 00:30:53,208 kill shot that you have to see. 897 00:30:53,208 --> 00:30:54,625 That's how silver weakens it. 898 00:30:54,625 --> 00:30:57,000 And that's how we kill it. 899 00:30:57,000 --> 00:30:59,000 (humming a tune) 900 00:31:08,958 --> 00:31:10,958 ♪ ♪ 901 00:31:37,041 --> 00:31:39,083 Hello, sleepyhead. 902 00:31:50,625 --> 00:31:53,125 What the hell 903 00:31:50,625 --> 00:31:53,125 are you doing here? 904 00:31:53,125 --> 00:31:54,000 Shh. 905 00:31:54,000 --> 00:31:55,708 There's no need for that. 906 00:31:57,500 --> 00:32:00,208 There's no need for any of it. 907 00:32:00,208 --> 00:32:02,333 But we fight 908 00:32:02,333 --> 00:32:05,375 and we fight 909 00:32:02,333 --> 00:32:05,375 and we fight, don't we? 910 00:32:05,375 --> 00:32:07,333 And then we 911 00:32:05,375 --> 00:32:07,333 get hurt. 912 00:32:07,333 --> 00:32:10,708 Poor thing. 913 00:32:10,708 --> 00:32:14,166 As long as you keep 914 00:32:10,708 --> 00:32:14,166 attacking children... 915 00:32:14,166 --> 00:32:17,041 I will keep fighting. 916 00:32:17,041 --> 00:32:21,875 You're not like the others, 917 00:32:17,041 --> 00:32:21,875 are you? 918 00:32:21,875 --> 00:32:24,375 And you don't 919 00:32:21,875 --> 00:32:24,375 crave mortality. 920 00:32:24,375 --> 00:32:27,083 Not your own or your sister's 921 00:32:27,083 --> 00:32:29,083 or even your fellow Napalutu. 922 00:32:29,083 --> 00:32:30,083 (echoing): 923 00:32:29,083 --> 00:32:30,083 Napalutu... 924 00:32:30,083 --> 00:32:32,041 And yet you fight. 925 00:32:32,041 --> 00:32:37,000 You fight like you have 926 00:32:32,041 --> 00:32:37,000 something to lose. 927 00:32:37,000 --> 00:32:39,500 So what is it, 928 00:32:37,000 --> 00:32:39,500 my brave one? 929 00:32:39,500 --> 00:32:41,833 What is the one pesky thing 930 00:32:41,833 --> 00:32:44,458 that you cannot accept 931 00:32:44,458 --> 00:32:46,291 to lose? 932 00:32:46,291 --> 00:32:48,666 It can't be 933 00:32:46,291 --> 00:32:48,666 your mother. 934 00:32:48,666 --> 00:32:51,000 We know what happened to her. 935 00:32:53,000 --> 00:32:55,000 Then what about your father? 936 00:32:56,375 --> 00:32:57,833 (monitor beeping faster) 937 00:33:00,291 --> 00:33:01,666 Mm. 938 00:33:03,625 --> 00:33:05,666 God spoke to my father. 939 00:33:05,666 --> 00:33:08,000 Told him to beat me. 940 00:33:08,000 --> 00:33:10,000 Until I forgot all language. 941 00:33:12,458 --> 00:33:17,208 When I tired of it... 942 00:33:17,208 --> 00:33:20,083 he sold me to slavery, 943 00:33:20,083 --> 00:33:23,750 boasting of my 944 00:33:20,083 --> 00:33:23,750 prelapsarian innocence. 945 00:33:23,750 --> 00:33:26,500 But then... 946 00:33:26,500 --> 00:33:28,375 when I learned 947 00:33:26,500 --> 00:33:28,375 how to speak again, 948 00:33:28,375 --> 00:33:31,708 I convinced my owner 949 00:33:28,375 --> 00:33:31,708 to feed my father to his lion. 950 00:33:33,125 --> 00:33:36,083 And it was sadder 951 00:33:33,125 --> 00:33:36,083 than I expected. 952 00:33:39,000 --> 00:33:41,375 But I suppose that's 953 00:33:39,000 --> 00:33:41,375 that parent-child bond. 954 00:33:45,166 --> 00:33:47,958 Well... I do hope 955 00:33:47,958 --> 00:33:49,375 that you didn't 956 00:33:47,958 --> 00:33:49,375 grow too attached 957 00:33:49,375 --> 00:33:51,166 to those two little girls. 958 00:33:51,166 --> 00:33:52,916 (girl giggles) 959 00:33:52,916 --> 00:33:55,083 Such a tragedy. 960 00:33:55,083 --> 00:33:56,958 (growling) 961 00:33:56,958 --> 00:33:59,333 (girl screams) 962 00:34:10,791 --> 00:34:12,791 ♪ ♪ 963 00:34:30,208 --> 00:34:31,541 (screams) 964 00:34:36,041 --> 00:34:37,583 (shrieks) 965 00:34:40,083 --> 00:34:41,416 (growls) 966 00:34:48,458 --> 00:34:50,166 Inside, now! 967 00:34:53,208 --> 00:34:55,208 (growls) 968 00:34:56,958 --> 00:34:59,375 Crane! 969 00:34:59,375 --> 00:35:02,208 Crane! 970 00:35:02,208 --> 00:35:04,833 The silver 971 00:35:02,208 --> 00:35:04,833 nitrate wore off. 972 00:35:04,833 --> 00:35:06,875 I lost it. 973 00:35:10,208 --> 00:35:12,208 (rattling) 974 00:35:18,041 --> 00:35:20,916 (low, rumbling growl) 975 00:35:20,916 --> 00:35:23,083 (twig snaps) 976 00:35:27,208 --> 00:35:28,916 (slow growling) 977 00:35:35,458 --> 00:35:36,458 (growling) 978 00:35:38,750 --> 00:35:40,750 (rapid footsteps) 979 00:35:43,500 --> 00:35:44,708 (growling) 980 00:35:44,708 --> 00:35:47,500 (footsteps rustling) 981 00:35:47,500 --> 00:35:49,250 (growling) 982 00:36:01,125 --> 00:36:02,708 (growling) 983 00:36:01,125 --> 00:36:02,708 Now! 984 00:36:06,708 --> 00:36:08,041 (gurgling, growling) 985 00:36:22,000 --> 00:36:24,000 Very good. 986 00:36:27,708 --> 00:36:29,750 (heart monitor beeps steadily) 987 00:36:32,958 --> 00:36:35,041 Oh, my God. Jessica. 988 00:36:36,500 --> 00:36:39,291 Oh, my God. 989 00:36:36,500 --> 00:36:39,291 Oh, my God. 990 00:36:39,291 --> 00:36:42,291 Hi, Mommy. 991 00:36:39,291 --> 00:36:42,291 Hi, Daddy. 992 00:36:42,291 --> 00:36:43,750 Hi, pumpkin. 993 00:36:45,333 --> 00:36:47,333 (sniffling) 994 00:36:51,166 --> 00:36:53,291 It worked, Crane. 995 00:36:53,291 --> 00:36:55,375 You guys got there just in time. 996 00:36:55,375 --> 00:36:57,333 She's fine. 997 00:36:57,333 --> 00:36:59,791 Good. 998 00:36:59,791 --> 00:37:01,833 And I am pleased 999 00:37:01,833 --> 00:37:05,125 you're back to your old form, 1000 00:37:01,833 --> 00:37:05,125 Lieutenant. 1001 00:37:20,958 --> 00:37:23,291 Crane. 1002 00:37:25,208 --> 00:37:26,833 Regarding the other day. 1003 00:37:26,833 --> 00:37:29,041 I'm sorry for shutting you out. 1004 00:37:29,041 --> 00:37:30,416 I was so worried about my niece. 1005 00:37:30,416 --> 00:37:33,625 No, I congratulate 1006 00:37:30,416 --> 00:37:33,625 you on her recovery. 1007 00:37:33,625 --> 00:37:37,208 But it seems it is I 1008 00:37:33,625 --> 00:37:37,208 who should apologize. 1009 00:37:37,208 --> 00:37:41,041 I appear to have mistaken 1010 00:37:37,208 --> 00:37:41,041 a certain intimacy 1011 00:37:41,041 --> 00:37:43,791 between us based on our 1012 00:37:41,041 --> 00:37:43,791 working partnership, 1013 00:37:43,791 --> 00:37:46,916 and the amorous roles 1014 00:37:43,791 --> 00:37:46,916 we oft inhabit. 1015 00:37:46,916 --> 00:37:48,291 I was wrong. 1016 00:37:48,291 --> 00:37:49,958 Mea culpa. 1017 00:37:49,958 --> 00:37:52,958 My expectations 1018 00:37:49,958 --> 00:37:52,958 are adjusted. 1019 00:37:52,958 --> 00:37:55,708 My dear Crane, 1020 00:37:52,958 --> 00:37:55,708 you overthink things. 1021 00:37:55,708 --> 00:37:57,083 You know that. 1022 00:37:57,083 --> 00:37:58,791 For once, 1023 00:37:58,791 --> 00:38:00,791 would you just go with it? 1024 00:38:10,666 --> 00:38:13,083 Yes, I think you 1025 00:38:10,666 --> 00:38:13,083 might be right. 1026 00:38:16,041 --> 00:38:17,625 ABBIE: 1027 00:38:16,041 --> 00:38:17,625 Crane. 1028 00:38:21,250 --> 00:38:22,666 Crane. 1029 00:38:22,666 --> 00:38:24,125 It's over. 1030 00:38:26,958 --> 00:38:28,916 How now? 1031 00:38:26,958 --> 00:38:28,916 Yes. 1032 00:38:28,916 --> 00:38:31,166 The dentist. 1033 00:38:28,916 --> 00:38:31,166 Uh, when he arrives, 1034 00:38:31,166 --> 00:38:33,291 fetch my timber plank 1035 00:38:31,166 --> 00:38:33,291 to put it in my teeth 1036 00:38:33,291 --> 00:38:34,958 to bite for the pain. 1037 00:38:34,958 --> 00:38:36,333 It's over there. 1038 00:38:36,333 --> 00:38:39,083 (singsongy): 1039 00:38:36,333 --> 00:38:39,083 By my codicil! 1040 00:38:39,083 --> 00:38:40,541 The dentist has come and gone. 1041 00:38:40,541 --> 00:38:42,500 The whole procedure is done. 1042 00:38:42,500 --> 00:38:44,583 And you passed 1043 00:38:44,583 --> 00:38:46,291 with flying colors. 1044 00:38:48,541 --> 00:38:51,250 Ah. 1045 00:38:51,250 --> 00:38:54,125 This is extraordinary. 1046 00:38:54,125 --> 00:38:56,000 That's what I've been 1047 00:38:54,125 --> 00:38:56,000 trying to tell you. 1048 00:38:56,000 --> 00:38:58,458 Marvels of modern dentistry. 1049 00:38:58,458 --> 00:39:01,500 Dentist said cut back 1050 00:38:58,458 --> 00:39:01,500 on the gummy bears 1051 00:39:01,500 --> 00:39:03,916 and come back in six 1052 00:39:01,500 --> 00:39:03,916 months for a cleaning. 1053 00:39:03,916 --> 00:39:06,000 A... a gift. 1054 00:39:06,000 --> 00:39:08,083 Oh, thank you. 1055 00:39:08,083 --> 00:39:09,375 You've given me so much. 1056 00:39:09,375 --> 00:39:10,708 (whispers): 1057 00:39:09,375 --> 00:39:10,708 I'm sorry. 1058 00:39:10,708 --> 00:39:13,458 She's given me 1059 00:39:10,708 --> 00:39:13,458 so much joy. 1060 00:39:13,458 --> 00:39:16,625 The joy of dentistry. 1061 00:39:16,625 --> 00:39:18,333 You were having 1062 00:39:16,625 --> 00:39:18,333 a pretty crazy dream, huh? 1063 00:39:20,625 --> 00:39:22,375 No. No... 1064 00:39:22,375 --> 00:39:24,875 No, I recall no visions. 1065 00:39:24,875 --> 00:39:26,875 (phone whooshes) 1066 00:39:26,875 --> 00:39:29,166 It's Zoe. 1067 00:39:29,166 --> 00:39:31,708 And as loopy as you are, 1068 00:39:29,166 --> 00:39:31,708 unless it's an emergency, 1069 00:39:31,708 --> 00:39:34,333 I suggest you 1070 00:39:31,708 --> 00:39:34,333 wait to respond. 1071 00:39:34,333 --> 00:39:38,250 Obliged. You're right, 1072 00:39:34,333 --> 00:39:38,250 as always. 1073 00:39:34,333 --> 00:39:38,250 Mm-hmm. 1074 00:39:38,250 --> 00:39:40,000 It's a selfie 1075 00:39:40,000 --> 00:39:41,458 with a copy 1076 00:39:41,458 --> 00:39:43,541 of Thomas Paine's 1077 00:39:41,458 --> 00:39:43,541 Common Sense. 1078 00:39:43,541 --> 00:39:45,458 Thomas Paine. 1079 00:39:43,541 --> 00:39:45,458 Yeah. None of 1080 00:39:45,458 --> 00:39:47,541 these texts have anything to do 1081 00:39:45,458 --> 00:39:47,541 with your citizenship. 1082 00:39:47,541 --> 00:39:49,458 They're all very flirty. 1083 00:39:51,083 --> 00:39:53,916 You made a bit-moji? 1084 00:40:01,625 --> 00:40:04,166 I'm adorable. 1085 00:40:10,291 --> 00:40:13,750 JENNY: 1086 00:40:10,291 --> 00:40:13,750 Abbie, got a name 1087 00:40:10,291 --> 00:40:13,750 on our shard thief, 1088 00:40:13,750 --> 00:40:16,875 or at least the one 1089 00:40:13,750 --> 00:40:16,875 she's going by-- Sophie Foster. 1090 00:40:16,875 --> 00:40:19,041 Not much out there, 1091 00:40:16,875 --> 00:40:19,041 but a couple 1092 00:40:19,041 --> 00:40:21,666 who heard about the job said 1093 00:40:19,041 --> 00:40:21,666 Atticus Nevins 1094 00:40:21,666 --> 00:40:23,166 was footing the bill. 1095 00:40:23,166 --> 00:40:24,833 I'm gonna dig into him, 1096 00:40:23,166 --> 00:40:24,833 see what I can find. 1097 00:40:24,833 --> 00:40:27,416 Cool. 1098 00:40:24,833 --> 00:40:27,416 Hey, Abby. 1099 00:40:27,416 --> 00:40:29,958 I'm sorry. 1100 00:40:29,958 --> 00:40:32,250 I should have told you 1101 00:40:29,958 --> 00:40:32,250 about Dad. 1102 00:40:32,250 --> 00:40:36,958 And me blaming my issues 1103 00:40:32,250 --> 00:40:36,958 with him on you-- 1104 00:40:36,958 --> 00:40:39,541 that wasn't fair. 1105 00:40:39,541 --> 00:40:42,083 It's okay. 1106 00:40:42,083 --> 00:40:44,083 But I also know 1107 00:40:44,083 --> 00:40:47,833 that no matter what... 1108 00:40:47,833 --> 00:40:50,083 we're gonna be fine. 1109 00:40:52,583 --> 00:40:55,125 No fight is ever gonna 1110 00:40:52,583 --> 00:40:55,125 keep us apart again. 1111 00:40:58,958 --> 00:41:02,625 So, what do you want to do? 1112 00:41:02,625 --> 00:41:04,583 You want to talk to him? 1113 00:41:04,583 --> 00:41:06,125 (sighs) 1114 00:41:06,125 --> 00:41:08,083 I do. 1115 00:41:08,083 --> 00:41:10,750 But then, I think about 1116 00:41:08,083 --> 00:41:10,750 his, you know, new life, 1117 00:41:10,750 --> 00:41:13,208 new family, his kid. 1118 00:41:13,208 --> 00:41:16,000 I don't want to screw 1119 00:41:13,208 --> 00:41:16,000 that up for anyone. 1120 00:41:16,000 --> 00:41:18,166 Not even him. 1121 00:41:18,166 --> 00:41:20,125 Well, you know, 1122 00:41:18,166 --> 00:41:20,125 we don't need to. 1123 00:41:20,125 --> 00:41:22,125 We got each other. 1124 00:41:22,125 --> 00:41:24,708 That's all that matters. 1125 00:41:24,708 --> 00:41:27,541 Mm. 1126 00:41:28,833 --> 00:41:32,125 Find anything? 1127 00:41:28,833 --> 00:41:32,125 Yes. 1128 00:41:32,125 --> 00:41:34,083 Though it is rather 1129 00:41:32,125 --> 00:41:34,083 disconcerting. 1130 00:41:34,083 --> 00:41:36,458 The word Pandora spoke 1131 00:41:34,083 --> 00:41:36,458 to you, "Napalutu" 1132 00:41:36,458 --> 00:41:39,458 is Sumerian for 1133 00:41:36,458 --> 00:41:39,458 "destroyers." 1134 00:41:39,458 --> 00:41:43,083 The very same word engraved 1135 00:41:39,458 --> 00:41:43,083 on our prophesied tablet. 1136 00:41:43,083 --> 00:41:45,833 So this isn't the mythical 1137 00:41:43,083 --> 00:41:45,833 Pandora of ancient Greek fame? 1138 00:41:45,833 --> 00:41:48,083 Pandora is an 1139 00:41:45,833 --> 00:41:48,083 archetypal figure, 1140 00:41:48,083 --> 00:41:50,250 present in a plethora 1141 00:41:48,083 --> 00:41:50,250 of cultures. 1142 00:41:50,250 --> 00:41:53,416 It appears this one 1143 00:41:50,250 --> 00:41:53,416 hails from Sumeria. 1144 00:41:53,416 --> 00:41:55,833 Which means that she's connected 1145 00:41:53,416 --> 00:41:55,833 to the prophecy somehow? 1146 00:41:55,833 --> 00:41:57,666 One that says 1147 00:41:55,833 --> 00:41:57,666 that we destroy the world. 1148 00:41:57,666 --> 00:42:00,250 Though I'm not sure that I buy 1149 00:42:00,250 --> 00:42:02,125 some slip of the tongue 1150 00:42:00,250 --> 00:42:02,125 from Pandora. 1151 00:42:02,125 --> 00:42:05,291 CRANE: 1152 00:42:02,125 --> 00:42:05,291 Well, erroneous message or not, 1153 00:42:05,291 --> 00:42:09,041 what's in it for releasing 1154 00:42:05,291 --> 00:42:09,041 evil upon Sleepy Hollow? 1155 00:42:09,041 --> 00:42:13,250 To test us, 1156 00:42:09,041 --> 00:42:13,250 raise the level of fear? 1157 00:42:13,250 --> 00:42:15,666 But more importantly, 1158 00:42:13,250 --> 00:42:15,666 Lieutenant, 1159 00:42:15,666 --> 00:42:18,625 what if there is 1160 00:42:15,666 --> 00:42:18,625 some truth to it? 1161 00:42:18,625 --> 00:42:25,625 What if we are the destroyers? 1162 00:43:11,791 --> 00:43:13,791 Captioned by 1163 00:43:11,791 --> 00:43:13,791 Media Access Group at WGBH