1 00:00:01,416 --> 00:00:02,583 ♪ Last night ♪ 2 00:00:02,583 --> 00:00:05,875 ♪ The devil learned my name ♪ 3 00:00:05,875 --> 00:00:08,458 ♪ She said, 4 00:00:05,875 --> 00:00:08,458 "Come love me, baby..." ♪ 5 00:00:08,458 --> 00:00:11,250 (radio stations changing) 6 00:00:11,250 --> 00:00:13,791 (static crackles, stops) 7 00:00:15,166 --> 00:00:17,708 GPS: In one mile, 8 00:00:15,166 --> 00:00:17,708 stay to the right... 9 00:00:17,708 --> 00:00:19,500 (man groans) 10 00:00:19,500 --> 00:00:21,708 Just charged this thing. 11 00:00:30,541 --> 00:00:32,375 (tires screeching) 12 00:00:32,375 --> 00:00:34,500 (crashing) 13 00:00:34,500 --> 00:00:35,750 (groaning) 14 00:00:35,750 --> 00:00:38,708 Are you okay? Hey, you...? 15 00:00:51,750 --> 00:00:53,250 This is not personal. 16 00:00:53,250 --> 00:00:55,083 (choking) 17 00:01:00,000 --> 00:01:02,083 (gasping) 18 00:01:02,083 --> 00:01:04,000 Run. 19 00:01:05,250 --> 00:01:07,666 (grunting) 20 00:01:07,666 --> 00:01:09,291 (coughing) 21 00:01:33,708 --> 00:01:36,916 Eternal rest 22 00:01:33,708 --> 00:01:36,916 is for unimportant men. 23 00:01:39,083 --> 00:01:42,250 (crackling) 24 00:01:54,833 --> 00:01:58,208 The king requires your service. 25 00:01:58,208 --> 00:02:00,625 Will you answer his call... 26 00:02:00,625 --> 00:02:02,458 General Howe? 27 00:02:10,333 --> 00:02:12,375 Where? 28 00:02:12,375 --> 00:02:15,250 You've arrived in 29 00:02:12,375 --> 00:02:15,250 Sleepy Hollow, my lord. 30 00:02:15,250 --> 00:02:17,750 Raise your men, 31 00:02:17,750 --> 00:02:21,416 make the Patriot scum 32 00:02:17,750 --> 00:02:21,416 afraid again. 33 00:02:21,416 --> 00:02:24,125 Afraid of Britain, 34 00:02:24,125 --> 00:02:26,541 afraid of her dead. 35 00:02:26,541 --> 00:02:29,500 I offer you vengeance 36 00:02:26,541 --> 00:02:29,500 on a hated enemy 37 00:02:29,500 --> 00:02:31,958 who once tried to end 38 00:02:29,500 --> 00:02:31,958 your life. 39 00:02:31,958 --> 00:02:33,708 Crane. 40 00:02:38,125 --> 00:02:40,583 (pop rock music playing) 41 00:02:42,541 --> 00:02:44,583 There you are, 42 00:02:42,541 --> 00:02:44,583 all up in your faces. 43 00:02:44,583 --> 00:02:46,208 You missed the spare. 44 00:02:47,500 --> 00:02:49,958 I'm more used to bowling 45 00:02:47,500 --> 00:02:49,958 on turf. 46 00:02:51,375 --> 00:02:52,875 That would spare me 47 00:02:51,375 --> 00:02:52,875 these shoes. 48 00:02:52,875 --> 00:02:54,291 I look like an Italian 49 00:02:52,875 --> 00:02:54,291 circus performer. 50 00:02:54,291 --> 00:02:56,083 At least the shoes 51 00:02:54,291 --> 00:02:56,083 make it seem like 52 00:02:56,083 --> 00:02:58,083 you bothered to wear 53 00:02:56,083 --> 00:02:58,083 a costume at all. 54 00:02:58,083 --> 00:02:59,458 JENNY: Seriously. 55 00:02:58,083 --> 00:02:59,458 ABBIE: Yeah. 56 00:02:59,458 --> 00:03:00,708 I mean, I know you have 57 00:02:59,458 --> 00:03:00,708 a look and everything, 58 00:03:00,708 --> 00:03:01,875 but come on, 59 00:03:00,708 --> 00:03:01,875 today's the one day you get 60 00:03:01,875 --> 00:03:03,291 to change it up a bit. 61 00:03:03,291 --> 00:03:05,416 Is it not obvious? 62 00:03:06,333 --> 00:03:08,833 I'm John Adams. 63 00:03:09,708 --> 00:03:11,166 The weskit. 64 00:03:11,166 --> 00:03:12,708 Brushed brocade 65 00:03:11,166 --> 00:03:12,708 and French buttons. 66 00:03:12,708 --> 00:03:14,041 It was his sartorial signature. 67 00:03:15,708 --> 00:03:17,708 I spent all night on this 68 00:03:15,708 --> 00:03:17,708 embroidery. 69 00:03:17,708 --> 00:03:18,958 I totally see it. 70 00:03:18,958 --> 00:03:20,375 It's unmistakable. 71 00:03:22,666 --> 00:03:24,708 Speaking of embroidery, 72 00:03:24,708 --> 00:03:26,291 isn't Hoop Dreams 73 00:03:24,708 --> 00:03:26,291 over there the one 74 00:03:26,291 --> 00:03:28,416 helping you with your 75 00:03:26,291 --> 00:03:28,416 citizenship application? 76 00:03:28,416 --> 00:03:31,375 (Zoe laughing) 77 00:03:28,416 --> 00:03:31,375 CRANE: Oh, Miss Corinth. 78 00:03:32,625 --> 00:03:33,875 Yes. 79 00:03:38,625 --> 00:03:40,416 ABBIE: 80 00:03:38,625 --> 00:03:40,416 Oh, come on, Crane. 81 00:03:40,416 --> 00:03:41,833 Go. 82 00:03:46,166 --> 00:03:47,750 Ichabod. Well, hello. 83 00:03:47,750 --> 00:03:50,000 Miss Corinth, 84 00:03:47,750 --> 00:03:50,000 what a pleasant surprise. 85 00:03:50,000 --> 00:03:51,875 I love the 86 00:03:50,000 --> 00:03:51,875 brocade waistcoat. 87 00:03:51,875 --> 00:03:53,666 Very John Adams. 88 00:03:53,666 --> 00:03:55,208 Thank you. 89 00:03:55,208 --> 00:03:56,583 You like? 90 00:03:56,583 --> 00:03:59,083 Yes, you look effervescent. 91 00:03:59,083 --> 00:04:00,375 (laughs) 92 00:04:00,375 --> 00:04:03,208 Uh... you are... 93 00:04:03,208 --> 00:04:05,000 Needle and thread champ. 94 00:04:06,208 --> 00:04:07,416 I'm Betsy Ross. 95 00:04:07,416 --> 00:04:08,791 Of course you are. 96 00:04:08,791 --> 00:04:10,500 Unmistakable. 97 00:04:10,500 --> 00:04:12,875 Well, with a little 98 00:04:10,500 --> 00:04:12,875 spice thrown in. 99 00:04:12,875 --> 00:04:15,083 Not that she was boring, but 100 00:04:12,875 --> 00:04:15,083 I mean, you know, seamstress. 101 00:04:15,083 --> 00:04:18,125 I'm sure she would've 102 00:04:15,083 --> 00:04:18,125 approved wholeheartedly. 103 00:04:18,125 --> 00:04:19,541 (laughs) 104 00:04:19,541 --> 00:04:21,375 Bowl a frame with me later? 105 00:04:21,375 --> 00:04:23,041 You can rely on it. 106 00:04:24,833 --> 00:04:27,250 (laughs) 107 00:04:33,416 --> 00:04:34,833 Ooh, swagger. 108 00:04:36,125 --> 00:04:37,583 You still think Halloween 109 00:04:36,125 --> 00:04:37,583 isn't fun? 110 00:04:37,583 --> 00:04:40,666 The Celts believed 111 00:04:37,583 --> 00:04:40,666 All Hallows' Eve 112 00:04:40,666 --> 00:04:42,125 to be a sacred time 113 00:04:42,125 --> 00:04:44,291 when the souls 114 00:04:42,125 --> 00:04:44,291 of lost loved ones 115 00:04:44,291 --> 00:04:46,583 walked the earth 116 00:04:44,291 --> 00:04:46,583 and were honored with prayer, 117 00:04:46,583 --> 00:04:49,625 not face paint 118 00:04:46,583 --> 00:04:49,625 and molasses-based 119 00:04:49,625 --> 00:04:50,750 faux blood. 120 00:04:50,750 --> 00:04:52,666 But miniskirts and blue eyes 121 00:04:50,750 --> 00:04:52,666 get a pass. 122 00:04:54,916 --> 00:04:56,250 When in Rome. 123 00:04:56,250 --> 00:04:57,791 (laughing) 124 00:04:57,791 --> 00:04:59,041 (phone chimes) 125 00:05:00,875 --> 00:05:02,708 Ah... Lieutenant. 126 00:05:02,708 --> 00:05:05,125 On our trip to Washington, 127 00:05:02,708 --> 00:05:05,125 Dr. Brennan 128 00:05:05,125 --> 00:05:06,875 arranged to transport 129 00:05:05,125 --> 00:05:06,875 General Howe's remains 130 00:05:06,875 --> 00:05:09,625 to the Historical Society. 131 00:05:06,875 --> 00:05:09,625 Yeah. 132 00:05:09,625 --> 00:05:11,041 Almost made it 133 00:05:09,625 --> 00:05:11,041 for the drive 134 00:05:11,041 --> 00:05:12,458 and Agent Booth's 135 00:05:11,041 --> 00:05:12,458 charming personality. 136 00:05:12,458 --> 00:05:14,208 The thing is... 137 00:05:14,208 --> 00:05:17,958 the courier company claims 138 00:05:14,208 --> 00:05:17,958 the body never arrived. 139 00:05:22,833 --> 00:05:25,208 (girl laughing) 140 00:05:26,458 --> 00:05:28,041 (urinating) 141 00:05:29,625 --> 00:05:31,875 GIRL: 142 00:05:29,625 --> 00:05:31,875 Cody, we need more eggs. 143 00:05:31,875 --> 00:05:32,916 CODY: 144 00:05:31,875 --> 00:05:32,916 Get them yourself. 145 00:05:34,250 --> 00:05:36,541 GIRL: 146 00:05:34,250 --> 00:05:36,541 Guys, look. 147 00:05:36,541 --> 00:05:38,375 Come on. 148 00:05:41,083 --> 00:05:43,625 Don't make me go all by myself. 149 00:05:43,625 --> 00:05:45,875 CODY (laughs): 150 00:05:43,625 --> 00:05:45,875 This is awesome. 151 00:05:50,708 --> 00:05:53,500 (laughing): 152 00:05:50,708 --> 00:05:53,500 This is so cool. 153 00:05:53,500 --> 00:05:55,541 (laughter echoing) 154 00:05:55,541 --> 00:05:59,375 Damn, when I die, 155 00:05:55,541 --> 00:05:59,375 book me a suite in here. 156 00:05:59,375 --> 00:06:02,458 (scoffs) 157 00:05:59,375 --> 00:06:02,458 You can't afford it, bro. 158 00:06:12,833 --> 00:06:15,000 Okay. I'm over this. 159 00:06:15,000 --> 00:06:16,916 Let's go. 160 00:06:16,916 --> 00:06:18,416 (footsteps approaching) 161 00:06:18,416 --> 00:06:20,333 Oh, God. 162 00:06:21,583 --> 00:06:24,083 CODY: 163 00:06:21,583 --> 00:06:24,083 Who the hell are you? 164 00:06:24,083 --> 00:06:26,416 Screw this. 165 00:06:41,500 --> 00:06:44,458 (grunting) 166 00:06:45,708 --> 00:06:47,750 (Cody screams) 167 00:06:51,000 --> 00:06:53,291 (screams) 168 00:06:53,291 --> 00:06:55,958 (screaming) 169 00:06:55,958 --> 00:06:58,375 (screaming continues) 170 00:06:58,375 --> 00:07:00,666 ABBIE: 171 00:06:58,375 --> 00:07:00,666 No sign of the driver. 172 00:07:00,666 --> 00:07:03,000 CRANE: 173 00:07:00,666 --> 00:07:03,000 Or Howe. 174 00:07:03,000 --> 00:07:06,166 Why steal a 200-year-old 175 00:07:03,000 --> 00:07:06,166 skeleton? 176 00:07:06,166 --> 00:07:07,916 ABBIE: 177 00:07:06,166 --> 00:07:07,916 A lot of skid marks, 178 00:07:07,916 --> 00:07:10,083 like the driver was trying 179 00:07:07,916 --> 00:07:10,083 to avoid something. 180 00:07:12,875 --> 00:07:14,708 Or someone. 181 00:07:14,708 --> 00:07:17,083 Pandora. 182 00:07:18,833 --> 00:07:22,041 What would she want 183 00:07:18,833 --> 00:07:22,041 with Howe's remains? 184 00:07:22,041 --> 00:07:24,125 Tracks are headed that way. 185 00:07:32,125 --> 00:07:34,041 Feel like hunting? 186 00:07:41,708 --> 00:07:43,791 (thunder rumbling) 187 00:07:45,666 --> 00:07:47,791 I know this place. 188 00:07:47,791 --> 00:07:51,291 The British employed it 189 00:07:47,791 --> 00:07:51,291 as a staging ground 190 00:07:51,291 --> 00:07:53,458 during the invasion 191 00:07:51,291 --> 00:07:53,458 of Manhattan. 192 00:07:53,458 --> 00:07:55,375 Afterwards, 193 00:07:53,458 --> 00:07:55,375 we built that mausoleum 194 00:07:55,375 --> 00:07:57,708 to house their dead soldiers. 195 00:07:57,708 --> 00:08:00,416 Looks like someone came 196 00:07:57,708 --> 00:08:00,416 to pay their respects. 197 00:08:02,625 --> 00:08:04,583 ABBIE: As fun as it is 198 00:08:02,625 --> 00:08:04,583 bumping into Zoe, 199 00:08:04,583 --> 00:08:06,375 they have these things now 200 00:08:04,583 --> 00:08:06,375 called dates 201 00:08:06,375 --> 00:08:07,666 you can actually plan 202 00:08:06,375 --> 00:08:07,666 in advance. 203 00:08:07,666 --> 00:08:10,583 Yes, I'm perfectly 204 00:08:07,666 --> 00:08:10,583 aware of that. 205 00:08:10,583 --> 00:08:13,416 Miss Corinth and I are 206 00:08:10,583 --> 00:08:13,416 not romantically entangled. 207 00:08:13,416 --> 00:08:15,583 Mm. Maybe you're not 208 00:08:13,416 --> 00:08:15,583 allowing yourself 209 00:08:15,583 --> 00:08:18,000 to get entangled. 210 00:08:19,083 --> 00:08:21,500 You refer to Katrina? 211 00:08:21,500 --> 00:08:23,750 Yes. No matter what you became 212 00:08:21,500 --> 00:08:23,750 in the end, 213 00:08:23,750 --> 00:08:25,458 you cared about her. 214 00:08:25,458 --> 00:08:27,416 I mean, you two... 215 00:08:27,416 --> 00:08:29,333 Six years. 216 00:08:30,791 --> 00:08:34,125 We were husband 217 00:08:30,791 --> 00:08:34,125 and wife for six years. 218 00:08:36,041 --> 00:08:38,125 She taught me strength, 219 00:08:38,125 --> 00:08:40,958 resilience, 220 00:08:40,958 --> 00:08:43,875 how to properly iron 221 00:08:40,958 --> 00:08:43,875 my vests. 222 00:08:45,500 --> 00:08:47,750 Ghosts of the past 223 00:08:45,500 --> 00:08:47,750 have power over us. 224 00:08:47,750 --> 00:08:49,583 Even if we truly 225 00:08:47,750 --> 00:08:49,583 want to move on, 226 00:08:49,583 --> 00:08:51,583 it's not that easy. 227 00:08:52,916 --> 00:08:54,833 Yes, well... 228 00:08:54,833 --> 00:08:57,375 that chapter of my life 229 00:08:54,833 --> 00:08:57,375 is now closed. 230 00:09:01,666 --> 00:09:03,541 CRANE: 231 00:09:01,666 --> 00:09:03,541 What on earth? 232 00:09:31,208 --> 00:09:32,583 My God. 233 00:09:34,125 --> 00:09:36,125 HOWE: 234 00:09:34,125 --> 00:09:36,125 Ichabod Crane! 235 00:09:36,125 --> 00:09:37,291 General Howe. 236 00:09:37,291 --> 00:09:39,166 Give us the names! 237 00:09:40,625 --> 00:09:42,125 (footsteps approaching) 238 00:09:42,125 --> 00:09:43,000 Take them! 239 00:09:56,750 --> 00:09:58,583 Isn't that great. 240 00:09:59,291 --> 00:10:01,291 HOWE: 241 00:09:59,291 --> 00:10:01,291 Get them! 242 00:10:06,750 --> 00:10:08,375 After them, you dogs! 243 00:11:13,333 --> 00:11:15,750 Thank you. 244 00:11:35,791 --> 00:11:38,125 Mills. What's up? 245 00:11:38,125 --> 00:11:39,625 I was hoping you would tell me. 246 00:11:39,625 --> 00:11:42,458 I'm not sure what you mean. 247 00:11:42,458 --> 00:11:44,375 Since you moved 248 00:11:42,458 --> 00:11:44,375 into this office, 249 00:11:44,375 --> 00:11:45,958 you haven't closed the door. 250 00:11:45,958 --> 00:11:47,458 Not until this morning anyway. 251 00:11:47,458 --> 00:11:48,958 And then there are the two 252 00:11:48,958 --> 00:11:50,750 assistant U.S. attorneys 253 00:11:48,958 --> 00:11:50,750 in the lobby. 254 00:11:50,750 --> 00:11:52,541 And you know, 255 00:11:50,750 --> 00:11:52,541 you drop your voice a half step 256 00:11:52,541 --> 00:11:55,291 when you lie. 257 00:11:52,541 --> 00:11:55,291 I was just waiting 258 00:11:52,541 --> 00:11:55,291 on the right moment. 259 00:11:55,291 --> 00:11:57,625 Looks like this is it. 260 00:11:57,625 --> 00:12:00,791 It's an ongoing investigation 261 00:11:57,625 --> 00:12:00,791 I've been working. 262 00:12:00,791 --> 00:12:02,458 Kind of takedown 263 00:12:00,791 --> 00:12:02,458 that makes a career. 264 00:12:02,458 --> 00:12:05,916 Shell companies buying property 265 00:12:02,458 --> 00:12:05,916 across Westchester, 266 00:12:05,916 --> 00:12:09,416 all owned by one umbrella LLC-- 267 00:12:05,916 --> 00:12:09,416 Court Imports. 268 00:12:09,416 --> 00:12:13,416 Though on paper, a high-end 269 00:12:09,416 --> 00:12:13,416 importer of rare antiquities. 270 00:12:13,416 --> 00:12:15,125 But the lion's share 271 00:12:13,416 --> 00:12:15,125 was actually looted 272 00:12:15,125 --> 00:12:18,166 from sites in Syria, 273 00:12:15,125 --> 00:12:18,166 Afghanistan, Iran. 274 00:12:18,166 --> 00:12:20,291 They're buying items 275 00:12:18,166 --> 00:12:20,291 stolen by terrorists. 276 00:12:20,291 --> 00:12:22,583 I'm still getting the warrants 277 00:12:20,291 --> 00:12:22,583 airtight. 278 00:12:22,583 --> 00:12:24,083 Hence, the lawyers. 279 00:12:24,083 --> 00:12:25,958 Oh. 280 00:12:25,958 --> 00:12:28,541 But when the time comes, how 281 00:12:25,958 --> 00:12:28,541 does "Task Force Coordinator" 282 00:12:28,541 --> 00:12:30,583 sound? 283 00:12:28,541 --> 00:12:30,583 Sounds good. 284 00:12:34,208 --> 00:12:38,333 I've got to say, 285 00:12:34,208 --> 00:12:38,333 an operation this size-- 286 00:12:38,333 --> 00:12:41,583 you'd have to pull me away 287 00:12:38,333 --> 00:12:41,583 from some of my other duties. 288 00:12:41,583 --> 00:12:45,333 I'm sorry if it cuts 289 00:12:41,583 --> 00:12:45,333 into time with your roommate. 290 00:12:45,333 --> 00:12:48,750 I think you know where 291 00:12:45,333 --> 00:12:48,750 my priorities lie, sir. 292 00:12:48,750 --> 00:12:51,375 Let's talk later? 293 00:12:51,375 --> 00:12:53,625 Mm. 294 00:13:08,333 --> 00:13:10,916 Give us the names! 295 00:13:14,750 --> 00:13:16,541 Just talked to SHPD. 296 00:13:16,541 --> 00:13:18,916 They're calling 297 00:13:16,541 --> 00:13:18,916 the cemetery death accidental. 298 00:13:18,916 --> 00:13:20,291 Some kind of prank 299 00:13:18,916 --> 00:13:20,291 gone wrong. 300 00:13:20,291 --> 00:13:22,416 Nothing in Washington's Bible, 301 00:13:22,416 --> 00:13:23,958 Franklin's notebook. 302 00:13:23,958 --> 00:13:26,416 Even Grace Dixon's journal 303 00:13:23,958 --> 00:13:26,416 yields nothing 304 00:13:26,416 --> 00:13:29,375 that could explain 305 00:13:26,416 --> 00:13:29,375 the desecration we witnessed. 306 00:13:29,375 --> 00:13:30,833 We'll find something. 307 00:13:29,375 --> 00:13:30,833 We always do. 308 00:13:34,000 --> 00:13:35,958 You are having a moment. 309 00:13:35,958 --> 00:13:38,041 Although we ended 310 00:13:35,958 --> 00:13:38,041 as enemies, 311 00:13:38,041 --> 00:13:41,583 William Howe was once a man 312 00:13:38,041 --> 00:13:41,583 who commanded my respect. 313 00:13:41,583 --> 00:13:43,833 Before the war, I served 314 00:13:41,583 --> 00:13:43,833 beneath him as lieutenant 315 00:13:43,833 --> 00:13:45,750 in His Majesty's forces. 316 00:13:45,750 --> 00:13:48,375 Howe was a keen war strategist. 317 00:13:48,375 --> 00:13:50,750 Staunchly loyal to his men 318 00:13:50,750 --> 00:13:52,458 and his country. 319 00:13:52,458 --> 00:13:54,458 He was honorable, 320 00:13:54,458 --> 00:13:56,458 a good man. 321 00:13:56,458 --> 00:13:59,083 Who sent a whispering wraith 322 00:13:56,458 --> 00:13:59,083 against you and your spy ring, 323 00:13:59,083 --> 00:14:00,916 pushed you to betray Washington. 324 00:14:00,916 --> 00:14:03,791 Maybe he was once a great man, 325 00:14:00,916 --> 00:14:03,791 but he changed. 326 00:14:03,791 --> 00:14:05,833 Which is why 327 00:14:03,791 --> 00:14:05,833 Washington sent me to kill him. 328 00:14:07,458 --> 00:14:10,041 It was one of the darker periods 329 00:14:07,458 --> 00:14:10,041 of the war. 330 00:14:10,041 --> 00:14:12,041 The invasion of Manhattan, 331 00:14:12,041 --> 00:14:14,500 when the British forces 332 00:14:12,041 --> 00:14:14,500 under Howe's command 333 00:14:14,500 --> 00:14:18,333 took control of the city, 334 00:14:14,500 --> 00:14:18,333 forcing the Patriots to retreat. 335 00:14:20,583 --> 00:14:23,916 Leave. I'll do this myself. 336 00:14:23,916 --> 00:14:25,916 CRANE: 337 00:14:23,916 --> 00:14:25,916 In the early hours, 338 00:14:25,916 --> 00:14:28,458 Howe and his men commandeered 339 00:14:25,916 --> 00:14:28,458 a townhouse belonging 340 00:14:28,458 --> 00:14:31,458 to a Patriot. 341 00:14:35,875 --> 00:14:38,375 (gun clicks) 342 00:14:38,375 --> 00:14:41,333 Stealth was always 343 00:14:38,375 --> 00:14:41,333 your strong suit, Crane. 344 00:14:41,333 --> 00:14:43,208 Washington chose his man well. 345 00:14:43,208 --> 00:14:46,583 I do not wish to kill you, 346 00:14:43,208 --> 00:14:46,583 but this invasion ends now. 347 00:14:46,583 --> 00:14:49,500 Order your men off the 348 00:14:46,583 --> 00:14:49,500 island, and you shall live. 349 00:14:49,500 --> 00:14:51,541 And trust the word 350 00:14:49,500 --> 00:14:51,541 of a turncoat? 351 00:14:51,541 --> 00:14:54,250 Does dear old George know 352 00:14:51,541 --> 00:14:54,250 you were within a hair's breath 353 00:14:54,250 --> 00:14:55,833 of turning against him? 354 00:14:55,833 --> 00:14:58,875 Perhaps in sending you 355 00:14:55,833 --> 00:14:58,875 to terminate my command, 356 00:14:58,875 --> 00:15:00,458 he was testing your loyalties. 357 00:15:00,458 --> 00:15:02,458 The question is, 358 00:15:00,458 --> 00:15:02,458 can you do it? 359 00:15:02,458 --> 00:15:04,500 Kill a man in cold blood? 360 00:15:04,500 --> 00:15:06,750 I've made my choice. 361 00:15:06,750 --> 00:15:09,541 My allegiance is 362 00:15:06,750 --> 00:15:09,541 to this nation. 363 00:15:11,166 --> 00:15:14,541 All your kin fought 364 00:15:11,166 --> 00:15:14,541 for the king. 365 00:15:14,541 --> 00:15:18,041 You spit on their graves. 366 00:15:20,041 --> 00:15:22,125 I shall ask only once. 367 00:15:22,125 --> 00:15:24,541 Will you retreat? 368 00:15:26,541 --> 00:15:29,000 Answer me. 369 00:15:29,000 --> 00:15:30,708 I will never retreat 370 00:15:30,708 --> 00:15:34,875 until every last Colonial dog 371 00:15:30,708 --> 00:15:34,875 lies in a grave. 372 00:15:34,875 --> 00:15:38,000 Do what you came 373 00:15:34,875 --> 00:15:38,000 to do, or leave 374 00:15:38,000 --> 00:15:41,291 before I have you 375 00:15:38,000 --> 00:15:41,291 clapped in irons! 376 00:15:42,541 --> 00:15:45,250 May God have mercy on us both. 377 00:15:47,125 --> 00:15:50,833 (doors thudding open, 378 00:15:47,125 --> 00:15:50,833 indistinct shouting) 379 00:15:50,833 --> 00:15:52,125 Shoot him. 380 00:15:52,125 --> 00:15:54,208 (gunshots) 381 00:15:54,208 --> 00:15:56,291 A moment later, 382 00:15:54,208 --> 00:15:56,291 I would have pulled the trigger, 383 00:15:56,291 --> 00:15:57,708 and we might have held the city. 384 00:15:57,708 --> 00:15:59,125 Without Howe's command, 385 00:15:59,125 --> 00:16:00,583 the war could 386 00:15:59,125 --> 00:16:00,583 have ended sooner, 387 00:16:00,583 --> 00:16:03,000 sparing catastrophic bloodshed. 388 00:16:04,791 --> 00:16:08,541 Instead, I failed in my mission. 389 00:16:08,541 --> 00:16:11,375 What if there was 390 00:16:08,541 --> 00:16:11,375 another reason 391 00:16:11,375 --> 00:16:13,625 why Washington sent you 392 00:16:11,375 --> 00:16:13,625 to kill Howe? 393 00:16:13,625 --> 00:16:16,750 All right, you said he 394 00:16:13,625 --> 00:16:16,750 was unpacking something 395 00:16:13,625 --> 00:16:16,750 when you found him. 396 00:16:16,750 --> 00:16:18,333 Yes. Uh... 397 00:16:18,333 --> 00:16:21,625 A stone with a Nordic emblem. 398 00:16:21,625 --> 00:16:24,916 A man with two swords 399 00:16:21,625 --> 00:16:24,916 thrust through him. 400 00:16:24,916 --> 00:16:26,958 In other words, 401 00:16:24,916 --> 00:16:26,958 a dead man walking. 402 00:16:28,500 --> 00:16:30,375 There is a volume 403 00:16:30,375 --> 00:16:34,791 that belonged to Washington 404 00:16:30,375 --> 00:16:34,791 himself and, yes... 405 00:16:34,791 --> 00:16:38,583 And if I'm not mistaken... 406 00:16:38,583 --> 00:16:40,208 Here. 407 00:16:40,208 --> 00:16:43,166 Draugur, a rare breed of 408 00:16:43,166 --> 00:16:45,708 undead warrior who swear 409 00:16:43,166 --> 00:16:45,708 an oath of duty in life 410 00:16:45,708 --> 00:16:48,208 that lasts beyond death. 411 00:16:45,708 --> 00:16:48,208 Sounds like a bum deal. 412 00:16:48,208 --> 00:16:49,625 The Draugur are nocturnal, 413 00:16:49,625 --> 00:16:51,875 spending their days 414 00:16:49,625 --> 00:16:51,875 subterranean. 415 00:16:51,875 --> 00:16:54,416 Said to be unstoppable. 416 00:16:56,041 --> 00:16:58,583 ABBIE: 417 00:16:56,041 --> 00:16:58,583 What's this in the margins? 418 00:17:00,000 --> 00:17:02,958 It's Washington's handwriting. 419 00:17:05,166 --> 00:17:07,541 "All our methods built inside 420 00:17:07,541 --> 00:17:10,916 house primal tomb, 421 00:17:07,541 --> 00:17:10,916 his secrets lie." 422 00:17:10,916 --> 00:17:13,041 "Methods" meaning how 423 00:17:10,916 --> 00:17:13,041 to defeat the Draugur. 424 00:17:13,041 --> 00:17:15,750 The answer must be 425 00:17:13,041 --> 00:17:15,750 in Howe's tomb. 426 00:17:15,750 --> 00:17:17,458 The team from the 427 00:17:15,750 --> 00:17:17,458 Jeffersonian discovered it 428 00:17:17,458 --> 00:17:19,333 in Philadelphia, dated 1812. 429 00:17:19,333 --> 00:17:21,291 But this riddle mentions 430 00:17:19,333 --> 00:17:21,291 a primal tomb, 431 00:17:21,291 --> 00:17:23,416 meaning Howe was interred 432 00:17:21,291 --> 00:17:23,416 somewhere else first. 433 00:17:23,416 --> 00:17:26,416 Question is, 434 00:17:23,416 --> 00:17:26,416 how do we find it? 435 00:17:26,416 --> 00:17:28,791 How about these? 436 00:17:28,791 --> 00:17:31,916 Howe's bones from the mausoleum. 437 00:17:31,916 --> 00:17:33,333 FBI forensics 438 00:17:31,916 --> 00:17:33,333 can carbon-date them, 439 00:17:33,333 --> 00:17:34,875 provide a soil analysis, 440 00:17:34,875 --> 00:17:37,458 narrow down to location. 441 00:17:37,458 --> 00:17:39,458 So Howe is the quarry, 442 00:17:39,458 --> 00:17:42,583 but we both know the architect 443 00:17:39,458 --> 00:17:42,583 of this scheme is Pandora. 444 00:17:44,791 --> 00:17:48,291 She wants to raise fear, and she 445 00:17:44,791 --> 00:17:48,291 has chosen the perfect night. 446 00:17:48,291 --> 00:17:50,166 Halloween. 447 00:17:50,166 --> 00:17:52,416 The whole town will be 448 00:17:50,166 --> 00:17:52,416 on the street. 449 00:17:52,416 --> 00:17:54,166 If we don't stop 450 00:17:52,416 --> 00:17:54,166 these Draugur by then, 451 00:17:54,166 --> 00:17:55,583 hundreds of people will die. 452 00:17:56,958 --> 00:17:59,375 Hey, hey! 453 00:17:56,958 --> 00:17:59,375 Hey! 454 00:18:00,583 --> 00:18:02,958 (sighs) 455 00:18:04,875 --> 00:18:07,291 Rye whiskey, 456 00:18:07,291 --> 00:18:11,208 large kosher pickles, 457 00:18:07,291 --> 00:18:11,208 extra brine, and... 458 00:18:11,208 --> 00:18:13,625 cocktail onions. 459 00:18:13,625 --> 00:18:16,791 You know, you are the only man 460 00:18:13,625 --> 00:18:16,791 who has ever learned my recipe 461 00:18:16,791 --> 00:18:18,708 for the perfect 462 00:18:16,791 --> 00:18:18,708 Pickleback chaser. 463 00:18:16,791 --> 00:18:18,708 They are 464 00:18:18,708 --> 00:18:20,416 a crime against good whiskey. 465 00:18:18,708 --> 00:18:20,416 For a guy who hates 'em, 466 00:18:20,416 --> 00:18:23,000 you sure 467 00:18:20,416 --> 00:18:23,000 knock 'em back okay. 468 00:18:23,000 --> 00:18:25,750 Well, maybe I enjoy 469 00:18:23,000 --> 00:18:25,750 the company. (whistles) 470 00:18:23,000 --> 00:18:25,750 Ooh! 471 00:18:25,750 --> 00:18:27,583 You keep bringing me chocolate, 472 00:18:25,750 --> 00:18:27,583 you can keep coming around. 473 00:18:27,583 --> 00:18:29,041 (both laughing) 474 00:18:29,041 --> 00:18:31,416 So, did you dig up 475 00:18:29,041 --> 00:18:31,416 anything on the Shard? 476 00:18:31,416 --> 00:18:33,916 Well, we've got 477 00:18:31,416 --> 00:18:33,916 some bills of lading, 478 00:18:33,916 --> 00:18:39,625 IP addresses off the Deep Web, 479 00:18:33,916 --> 00:18:39,625 and... a face. 480 00:18:39,625 --> 00:18:42,458 Meet the man who's after 481 00:18:39,625 --> 00:18:42,458 the Shard of Anubis-- 482 00:18:42,458 --> 00:18:44,625 Mr. Atticus Nevins. 483 00:18:44,625 --> 00:18:46,666 I know this guy, Jenny. 484 00:18:46,666 --> 00:18:48,125 He was a friend 485 00:18:46,666 --> 00:18:48,125 of my dad's. 486 00:18:48,125 --> 00:18:49,541 What? 487 00:18:49,541 --> 00:18:51,291 Atticus Nevins? 488 00:18:49,541 --> 00:18:51,291 Are you sure? 489 00:18:51,291 --> 00:18:53,375 I... I mean, I didn't 490 00:18:51,291 --> 00:18:53,375 know his name. 491 00:18:53,375 --> 00:18:54,958 Dad just called him "Bull" 492 00:18:54,958 --> 00:18:57,916 'cause he carried a 493 00:18:54,958 --> 00:18:57,916 .30-cal in their platoon. 494 00:18:57,916 --> 00:19:00,166 That-that, uh, box I brought 495 00:18:57,916 --> 00:19:00,166 over from the cabin-- 496 00:19:00,166 --> 00:19:01,625 there's an album in it. 497 00:19:00,166 --> 00:19:01,625 Okay. 498 00:19:06,000 --> 00:19:08,041 Here. 499 00:19:10,208 --> 00:19:12,625 Here. Look. 500 00:19:12,625 --> 00:19:15,458 Uh, your dad sent me on 501 00:19:15,458 --> 00:19:18,375 how many missions buying 502 00:19:15,458 --> 00:19:18,375 and selling strange artifacts? 503 00:19:18,375 --> 00:19:21,125 Yeah, and his old war buddy 504 00:19:18,375 --> 00:19:21,125 happens to be the kingpin 505 00:19:21,125 --> 00:19:23,250 of that entire black market? 506 00:19:23,250 --> 00:19:26,541 What does that say about my dad? 507 00:19:26,541 --> 00:19:29,208 If your dad was using me 508 00:19:26,541 --> 00:19:29,208 as a shill to make money, 509 00:19:29,208 --> 00:19:32,250 I would know it. 510 00:19:29,208 --> 00:19:32,250 Are you sure? 511 00:19:32,250 --> 00:19:34,708 I mean, how many secrets 512 00:19:32,250 --> 00:19:34,708 did he keep from me? 513 00:19:34,708 --> 00:19:36,125 Well, we have a name now. 514 00:19:36,125 --> 00:19:38,791 We can use it 515 00:19:36,125 --> 00:19:38,791 to get answers. 516 00:19:36,125 --> 00:19:38,791 (sighs) 517 00:19:38,791 --> 00:19:41,208 Joe... 518 00:19:42,416 --> 00:19:45,625 Your dad was... 519 00:19:45,625 --> 00:19:49,416 one of the best guys 520 00:19:45,625 --> 00:19:49,416 I've ever known. 521 00:19:49,416 --> 00:19:52,083 And until we have proof 522 00:19:49,416 --> 00:19:52,083 otherwise, 523 00:19:52,083 --> 00:19:53,875 I'm holding onto that. 524 00:19:56,291 --> 00:19:59,291 Yeah. 525 00:20:07,083 --> 00:20:10,208 Sorry that took so long. 526 00:20:07,083 --> 00:20:10,208 I had to go do some digging. 527 00:20:07,083 --> 00:20:10,208 Mm. 528 00:20:10,208 --> 00:20:14,416 I see you're doing 529 00:20:10,208 --> 00:20:14,416 some digging of your own. 530 00:20:14,416 --> 00:20:15,875 Or should I say lurking? 531 00:20:15,875 --> 00:20:17,583 Hmm? Oh, hardly. 532 00:20:17,583 --> 00:20:20,833 Miss Corinth suggested I 533 00:20:17,583 --> 00:20:20,833 peruse her "instant gram." 534 00:20:20,833 --> 00:20:22,916 Apparently, I've been "tagged." 535 00:20:22,916 --> 00:20:24,583 Like I said, pure lurk. 536 00:20:24,583 --> 00:20:26,500 The lab here cannot trace 537 00:20:24,583 --> 00:20:26,500 the location 538 00:20:26,500 --> 00:20:29,041 of Howe's "primal tomb." 539 00:20:26,500 --> 00:20:29,041 We don't have the equipment. 540 00:20:29,041 --> 00:20:31,166 I could send it to DC, 541 00:20:31,166 --> 00:20:33,458 but that'd be a two-week 542 00:20:31,166 --> 00:20:33,458 turnaround. 543 00:20:33,458 --> 00:20:35,083 Perhaps our new friends 544 00:20:35,083 --> 00:20:37,208 at the Jeffersonian Institute 545 00:20:35,083 --> 00:20:37,208 could be of assistance. 546 00:20:37,208 --> 00:20:40,041 Dr. Brennan claimed to be 547 00:20:37,208 --> 00:20:40,041 the premiere forensic analyst 548 00:20:40,041 --> 00:20:41,625 in the country. 549 00:20:41,625 --> 00:20:43,875 Now might be an opportunity 550 00:20:41,625 --> 00:20:43,875 for her and Agent Booth 551 00:20:43,875 --> 00:20:45,750 to "throw down." 552 00:20:45,750 --> 00:20:47,125 And with their help, 553 00:20:45,750 --> 00:20:47,125 we might be able 554 00:20:47,125 --> 00:20:49,541 to find the tomb by nightfall. 555 00:20:49,541 --> 00:20:51,458 You navigate. I'll drive. 556 00:20:58,708 --> 00:21:00,750 Greetings on this 557 00:20:58,708 --> 00:21:00,750 All Hallows' Eve. 558 00:21:00,750 --> 00:21:03,208 ABBIE: 559 00:21:00,750 --> 00:21:03,208 Apologies for showing up 560 00:21:00,750 --> 00:21:03,208 unannounced like this. 561 00:21:03,208 --> 00:21:05,166 Yeah. 562 00:21:03,208 --> 00:21:05,166 I trust this will be 563 00:21:03,208 --> 00:21:05,166 a short visit. 564 00:21:05,166 --> 00:21:07,166 We have a five-year-old at home 565 00:21:07,166 --> 00:21:09,750 who still has alterations needed 566 00:21:07,166 --> 00:21:09,750 for her Jane Goodall costume. 567 00:21:09,750 --> 00:21:11,958 Yes, I seem to recall 568 00:21:09,750 --> 00:21:11,958 you have two children. 569 00:21:11,958 --> 00:21:13,500 Her brother's 570 00:21:11,958 --> 00:21:13,500 going as a chimp. 571 00:21:13,500 --> 00:21:15,875 But that is if 572 00:21:13,500 --> 00:21:15,875 we get back in time. 573 00:21:15,875 --> 00:21:19,666 Hey, you said we could give you 574 00:21:15,875 --> 00:21:19,666 a call if we needed your help? 575 00:21:19,666 --> 00:21:22,583 Didn't think it would be 576 00:21:19,666 --> 00:21:22,583 that soon. What's that? 577 00:21:22,583 --> 00:21:25,375 (Brennan and Booth 578 00:21:22,583 --> 00:21:25,375 muttering quietly) 579 00:21:34,916 --> 00:21:37,750 BRENNAN: 580 00:21:34,916 --> 00:21:37,750 Your lab only analyzed 581 00:21:34,916 --> 00:21:37,750 the cortical surface, 582 00:21:37,750 --> 00:21:41,166 but, over centuries, 583 00:21:37,750 --> 00:21:41,166 components of the coffin 584 00:21:41,166 --> 00:21:43,916 can be absorbed 585 00:21:41,166 --> 00:21:43,916 into the cancellous bone. 586 00:21:43,916 --> 00:21:47,166 Which we could use to identify 587 00:21:43,916 --> 00:21:47,166 Howe's initial burial site. 588 00:21:47,166 --> 00:21:51,875 I applaud 589 00:21:47,166 --> 00:21:51,875 your scientific instincts, 590 00:21:51,875 --> 00:21:53,625 but your theory 591 00:21:53,625 --> 00:21:56,541 that the Founding Fathers 592 00:21:53,625 --> 00:21:56,541 buried Howe twice is... 593 00:21:56,541 --> 00:21:58,875 (sighs) 594 00:21:56,541 --> 00:21:58,875 questionable, at best. 595 00:21:58,875 --> 00:22:02,708 The Founders held all 596 00:21:58,875 --> 00:22:02,708 manner of superstition. 597 00:22:02,708 --> 00:22:04,375 In fact, your 598 00:22:02,708 --> 00:22:04,375 institution's namesake, 599 00:22:04,375 --> 00:22:06,458 Thomas Jefferson, 600 00:22:04,375 --> 00:22:06,458 once reported contact 601 00:22:06,458 --> 00:22:07,875 with an alien species. 602 00:22:07,875 --> 00:22:10,541 Well, Jefferson was brilliant. 603 00:22:10,541 --> 00:22:12,541 He also had 604 00:22:10,541 --> 00:22:12,541 the scientific knowledge 605 00:22:12,541 --> 00:22:14,958 of a contemporary fourth grader. 606 00:22:14,958 --> 00:22:17,541 You do not believe 607 00:22:17,541 --> 00:22:19,958 in the grander mysteries 608 00:22:17,541 --> 00:22:19,958 of the universe. 609 00:22:19,958 --> 00:22:23,166 But what of faith, art, 610 00:22:23,166 --> 00:22:24,666 love? 611 00:22:24,666 --> 00:22:26,000 Are these merely numbers? 612 00:22:26,000 --> 00:22:28,833 Faith results 613 00:22:26,000 --> 00:22:28,833 from our fear of death. 614 00:22:28,833 --> 00:22:31,833 Art from our ability 615 00:22:28,833 --> 00:22:31,833 to discern an attractive mate. 616 00:22:31,833 --> 00:22:33,083 And love from our need 617 00:22:33,083 --> 00:22:34,333 to procreate. 618 00:22:34,333 --> 00:22:36,041 Dr. Brennan, 619 00:22:36,041 --> 00:22:38,291 the way you look at Agent Booth 620 00:22:38,291 --> 00:22:41,416 is far more 621 00:22:38,291 --> 00:22:41,416 than just procreation. 622 00:22:41,416 --> 00:22:44,833 Actually, procreation plays 623 00:22:41,416 --> 00:22:44,833 a significant part 624 00:22:44,833 --> 00:22:46,208 in our relationship. 625 00:22:46,208 --> 00:22:48,500 (computer chimes) 626 00:22:48,500 --> 00:22:50,916 (typing) 627 00:22:50,916 --> 00:22:53,333 Oh, that's interesting. 628 00:22:53,333 --> 00:22:55,458 This bone contains particulates 629 00:22:55,458 --> 00:22:58,375 of quartz and feldspar. 630 00:22:58,375 --> 00:23:00,125 Components of 631 00:22:58,375 --> 00:23:00,125 sandstone. 632 00:23:00,125 --> 00:23:04,375 The composition matches 633 00:23:00,125 --> 00:23:04,375 samples from two quarries, 634 00:23:04,375 --> 00:23:07,375 one in Seneca, Maryland, 635 00:23:04,375 --> 00:23:07,375 and one in Montgomery. 636 00:23:07,375 --> 00:23:10,625 Only one structure shares stone 637 00:23:07,375 --> 00:23:10,625 from both those quarries. 638 00:23:10,625 --> 00:23:12,500 The Capitol building. 639 00:23:12,500 --> 00:23:15,083 Washington wished 640 00:23:12,500 --> 00:23:15,083 his tomb to be built 641 00:23:15,083 --> 00:23:17,750 within the very foundations 642 00:23:15,083 --> 00:23:17,750 of the building itself. 643 00:23:17,750 --> 00:23:20,958 A tomb that was never used. 644 00:23:17,750 --> 00:23:20,958 So your work suggests 645 00:23:20,958 --> 00:23:22,625 the Founders used 646 00:23:20,958 --> 00:23:22,625 Washington's empty tomb 647 00:23:22,625 --> 00:23:25,208 to conceal Howe's 648 00:23:22,625 --> 00:23:25,208 actual grave site. 649 00:23:25,208 --> 00:23:28,333 Dr. Brennan, Agent Mills and I 650 00:23:25,208 --> 00:23:28,333 deeply appreciate 651 00:23:28,333 --> 00:23:31,791 your assistance. 652 00:23:28,333 --> 00:23:31,791 You just posited 653 00:23:28,333 --> 00:23:31,791 the existence of what may be 654 00:23:31,791 --> 00:23:33,958 an astounding 655 00:23:31,791 --> 00:23:33,958 archaeological find. 656 00:23:33,958 --> 00:23:37,875 I demand to participate 657 00:23:33,958 --> 00:23:37,875 in your research. 658 00:23:40,750 --> 00:23:45,958 I was just about to propose 659 00:23:40,750 --> 00:23:45,958 the very same. 660 00:23:48,208 --> 00:23:50,208 Right. Okay. 661 00:23:50,208 --> 00:23:52,958 You got to help me out here. 662 00:23:50,208 --> 00:23:52,958 You called in a favor 663 00:23:52,958 --> 00:23:54,625 to solve some, 664 00:23:52,958 --> 00:23:54,625 what is it, 665 00:23:54,625 --> 00:23:57,791 two-bit 666 00:23:54,625 --> 00:23:57,791 historical mystery? 667 00:23:54,625 --> 00:23:57,791 History's important. 668 00:23:57,791 --> 00:23:59,708 Somebody's got to keep 669 00:23:57,791 --> 00:23:59,708 the record straight. 670 00:23:57,791 --> 00:23:59,708 Okay. 671 00:23:59,708 --> 00:24:01,708 So what do you say 672 00:23:59,708 --> 00:24:01,708 we keep it straight? 673 00:24:01,708 --> 00:24:03,375 What is this 674 00:24:01,708 --> 00:24:03,375 really all about? 675 00:24:03,375 --> 00:24:05,833 You trying to solve 676 00:24:03,375 --> 00:24:05,833 some off-book, uh, 677 00:24:05,833 --> 00:24:09,625 investigation 678 00:24:05,833 --> 00:24:09,625 or something? 679 00:24:05,833 --> 00:24:09,625 What if it were? 680 00:24:09,625 --> 00:24:11,625 You're one of Corbin's protégés. 681 00:24:11,625 --> 00:24:14,041 I'd still have your back. 682 00:24:16,916 --> 00:24:19,333 First day on the beat, 683 00:24:16,916 --> 00:24:19,333 Corbin told me 684 00:24:19,333 --> 00:24:22,916 that most of the real work 685 00:24:19,333 --> 00:24:22,916 you do is outside the job. 686 00:24:22,916 --> 00:24:26,208 That worked for local 687 00:24:22,916 --> 00:24:26,208 PD, but the Bureau... 688 00:24:26,208 --> 00:24:28,000 That's-that's a whole new level. 689 00:24:28,000 --> 00:24:29,625 I've dreamt about this 690 00:24:28,000 --> 00:24:29,625 for years. I don't want 691 00:24:29,625 --> 00:24:31,208 to mess up my shot. 692 00:24:29,625 --> 00:24:31,208 So why don't you trust 693 00:24:31,208 --> 00:24:33,541 August Corbin? 694 00:24:31,208 --> 00:24:33,541 He knew what you had. 695 00:24:33,541 --> 00:24:35,541 You have to believe that. 696 00:24:37,791 --> 00:24:39,416 We have 697 00:24:37,791 --> 00:24:39,416 a lead on Howe's tomb. 698 00:24:39,416 --> 00:24:42,000 Are we all 699 00:24:39,416 --> 00:24:42,000 ready to go? 700 00:24:39,416 --> 00:24:42,000 All of us? 701 00:24:42,000 --> 00:24:45,333 Negotiation's not really 702 00:24:42,000 --> 00:24:45,333 in Dr. Brennan's nature. 703 00:24:45,333 --> 00:24:48,041 She doesn't like to negotiate. 704 00:24:45,333 --> 00:24:48,041 This could be a 705 00:24:45,333 --> 00:24:48,041 history-making discovery. 706 00:24:48,041 --> 00:24:50,041 Or it could prove Mr. Crane 707 00:24:48,041 --> 00:24:50,041 dead wrong. 708 00:24:50,041 --> 00:24:52,000 I am comfortable 709 00:24:50,041 --> 00:24:52,000 with either outcome. 710 00:24:52,000 --> 00:24:54,333 You're always comfortable. Okay, 711 00:24:52,000 --> 00:24:54,333 what do you say we do this. 712 00:24:54,333 --> 00:24:56,291 Crane, nice coat. Come on. 713 00:24:54,333 --> 00:24:56,291 Which way we going? 714 00:24:56,291 --> 00:24:57,125 Come on. Let's go. 715 00:25:00,958 --> 00:25:03,916 (birds chirping) 716 00:25:04,916 --> 00:25:06,916 I don't know. 717 00:25:06,916 --> 00:25:10,208 I may have been wrong 718 00:25:06,916 --> 00:25:10,208 about this address. 719 00:25:10,208 --> 00:25:12,041 It was listed on half 720 00:25:10,208 --> 00:25:12,041 the documents on Nevins, 721 00:25:12,041 --> 00:25:14,708 so I just thought... 722 00:25:12,041 --> 00:25:14,708 No, this is the place. 723 00:25:14,708 --> 00:25:17,708 I've been here before. 724 00:25:17,708 --> 00:25:20,458 I was just a kid. 725 00:25:20,458 --> 00:25:21,958 I told you my dad 726 00:25:21,958 --> 00:25:26,000 and Nevins would go up 727 00:25:21,958 --> 00:25:26,000 to the cabin sometimes. 728 00:25:26,000 --> 00:25:30,125 We'd stop here 729 00:25:26,000 --> 00:25:30,125 to get supplies. 730 00:25:30,125 --> 00:25:31,875 Dad would buy me a sandwich, 731 00:25:30,125 --> 00:25:31,875 sit me out front 732 00:25:31,875 --> 00:25:32,875 while he went inside. 733 00:25:34,333 --> 00:25:36,333 Hey. That doesn't 734 00:25:34,333 --> 00:25:36,333 necessarily mean... 735 00:25:36,333 --> 00:25:38,291 That he was working 736 00:25:36,333 --> 00:25:38,291 with Nevins? 737 00:25:38,291 --> 00:25:41,791 You said it yourself-- 738 00:25:38,291 --> 00:25:41,791 the man had a lot of secrets. 739 00:25:43,041 --> 00:25:45,208 (sighs) 740 00:25:45,208 --> 00:25:46,166 There she is. 741 00:25:46,166 --> 00:25:48,166 Follow my lead. 742 00:25:58,333 --> 00:25:59,791 Whoa. 743 00:25:59,791 --> 00:26:02,083 The balls on you two. 744 00:25:59,791 --> 00:26:02,083 Hey, easy. 745 00:26:02,083 --> 00:26:04,166 All we want is to sit 746 00:26:02,083 --> 00:26:04,166 down with your boss. 747 00:26:04,166 --> 00:26:07,250 Yeah? That's not gonna happen. 748 00:26:07,250 --> 00:26:09,791 It's a personal thing. 749 00:26:07,250 --> 00:26:09,791 A family thing. 750 00:26:09,791 --> 00:26:11,375 Am I supposed to care? 751 00:26:09,791 --> 00:26:11,375 All right, 752 00:26:11,375 --> 00:26:12,541 we'll give you the Shard. 753 00:26:13,916 --> 00:26:15,958 That's what he 754 00:26:13,916 --> 00:26:15,958 wants, right? 755 00:26:15,958 --> 00:26:18,125 Hey, hey, Joe, hold on. 756 00:26:15,958 --> 00:26:18,125 Nevins sits 757 00:26:15,958 --> 00:26:18,125 down with us, 758 00:26:18,125 --> 00:26:20,833 answers my questions, 759 00:26:18,125 --> 00:26:20,833 and we'll give it to him. 760 00:26:20,833 --> 00:26:22,875 You have my word. 761 00:26:24,708 --> 00:26:26,166 All right. 762 00:26:26,166 --> 00:26:28,416 He's down in the city 763 00:26:26,166 --> 00:26:28,416 on business, but, uh, 764 00:26:28,416 --> 00:26:31,250 I'll see what I can arrange. 765 00:26:31,250 --> 00:26:34,250 Oh. Funny thing, 766 00:26:34,250 --> 00:26:36,333 after you stole the Shard 767 00:26:34,250 --> 00:26:36,333 from me that first time, 768 00:26:36,333 --> 00:26:38,291 I told Nevins I'd find you, 769 00:26:36,333 --> 00:26:38,291 get it back. 770 00:26:38,291 --> 00:26:40,458 He told me to sit tight, 771 00:26:40,458 --> 00:26:42,291 that you'd show up on your own 772 00:26:40,458 --> 00:26:42,291 soon enough. 773 00:26:42,291 --> 00:26:43,666 (chuckles) 774 00:26:49,125 --> 00:26:51,500 (engine revving) 775 00:26:53,541 --> 00:26:56,250 Are you crazy? 776 00:26:56,250 --> 00:26:58,000 We still don't know 777 00:26:56,250 --> 00:26:58,000 what the hell that thing is. 778 00:26:58,000 --> 00:27:00,041 I know. And I'm 779 00:26:58,000 --> 00:27:00,041 sorry. It's just... 780 00:27:00,041 --> 00:27:02,958 Look, we may not get a 781 00:27:00,041 --> 00:27:02,958 chance like this again. 782 00:27:02,958 --> 00:27:05,291 Look, I promise, 783 00:27:02,958 --> 00:27:05,291 I won't let anything bad happen. 784 00:27:05,291 --> 00:27:09,375 Joe, in this world, that is not 785 00:27:05,291 --> 00:27:09,375 a promise you can make. 786 00:27:11,958 --> 00:27:15,083 (sighs) 787 00:27:23,000 --> 00:27:25,000 ABBIE: 788 00:27:23,000 --> 00:27:25,000 Sorry we couldn't take 789 00:27:23,000 --> 00:27:25,000 the tour. 790 00:27:25,000 --> 00:27:27,291 CRANE: 791 00:27:25,000 --> 00:27:27,291 It was everything 792 00:27:25,000 --> 00:27:27,291 the Founding Fathers dreamt of. 793 00:27:27,291 --> 00:27:30,166 BOOTH: 794 00:27:27,291 --> 00:27:30,166 Great. A musty 795 00:27:27,291 --> 00:27:30,166 old basement, huh? 796 00:27:30,166 --> 00:27:34,250 A basement is never just 797 00:27:30,166 --> 00:27:34,250 a basement with the Masons. 798 00:27:34,250 --> 00:27:35,875 Oh... 799 00:27:37,500 --> 00:27:39,583 Hold on. Okay... 800 00:27:39,583 --> 00:27:41,500 that symbol there 801 00:27:39,583 --> 00:27:41,500 has no notch, 802 00:27:41,500 --> 00:27:43,083 but this symbol 803 00:27:41,500 --> 00:27:43,083 has a notch. 804 00:27:43,083 --> 00:27:45,916 Its placement calls to mind 805 00:27:43,083 --> 00:27:45,916 a keyhole. 806 00:27:45,916 --> 00:27:50,125 It's not just rounded. 807 00:27:45,916 --> 00:27:50,125 It's a few centimeters deep. 808 00:27:50,125 --> 00:27:52,125 Crane, your ring. 809 00:27:54,333 --> 00:27:55,333 Doctor... 810 00:27:54,333 --> 00:27:55,333 Oh. 811 00:27:55,333 --> 00:27:56,500 Thank you. 812 00:27:56,500 --> 00:27:58,333 Lieutenant. 813 00:27:56,500 --> 00:27:58,333 Yeah. 814 00:27:58,333 --> 00:27:59,333 Thank you. 815 00:27:59,333 --> 00:28:01,666 (clicking) 816 00:28:05,083 --> 00:28:06,708 BRENNAN: 817 00:28:05,083 --> 00:28:06,708 Oh! Oh. 818 00:28:06,708 --> 00:28:08,208 (laughs) 819 00:28:11,541 --> 00:28:13,958 This is astonishing. 820 00:28:11,541 --> 00:28:13,958 Mm. 821 00:28:13,958 --> 00:28:17,375 And yet, only this morning, 822 00:28:13,958 --> 00:28:17,375 it was questionable. 823 00:28:19,500 --> 00:28:21,250 Somewhere in here should 824 00:28:19,500 --> 00:28:21,250 be the secret to defeating 825 00:28:21,250 --> 00:28:23,458 Howe's Draugur Army. 826 00:28:21,250 --> 00:28:23,458 Well, it'll be hard to find 827 00:28:23,458 --> 00:28:26,166 with those two looking 828 00:28:23,458 --> 00:28:26,166 over our shoulders. 829 00:28:26,166 --> 00:28:28,166 BRENNAN: 830 00:28:26,166 --> 00:28:28,166 Oh... 831 00:28:28,166 --> 00:28:30,291 Whoa. Did you see 832 00:28:28,166 --> 00:28:30,291 this, Mr. Crane? 833 00:28:30,291 --> 00:28:32,458 These runes 834 00:28:30,291 --> 00:28:32,458 match the markings 835 00:28:32,458 --> 00:28:35,625 on the 836 00:28:32,458 --> 00:28:35,625 original coffin. 837 00:28:32,458 --> 00:28:35,625 All right, look, Abbie, 838 00:28:35,625 --> 00:28:37,958 this isn't off the book-- 839 00:28:35,625 --> 00:28:37,958 this is off the reservation. 840 00:28:41,416 --> 00:28:42,583 BOOTH: Whoa, whoa... 841 00:28:41,416 --> 00:28:42,583 Crane! 842 00:28:42,583 --> 00:28:44,625 Booth! 843 00:28:53,708 --> 00:28:55,250 ABBIE: Crane! 844 00:28:53,708 --> 00:28:55,250 Bones! (grunts) 845 00:28:55,250 --> 00:28:56,916 Crane! 846 00:28:55,250 --> 00:28:56,916 (grunts) 847 00:28:56,916 --> 00:28:58,833 Crane, can you hear me? Crane. 848 00:28:58,833 --> 00:29:00,458 There must be 849 00:29:00,458 --> 00:29:02,625 a gear counterweight 850 00:29:00,458 --> 00:29:02,625 operating the wall. 851 00:29:04,708 --> 00:29:06,000 Whoa. 852 00:29:07,708 --> 00:29:11,500 Oh, my. I have a bad feeling 853 00:29:07,708 --> 00:29:11,500 about this. 854 00:29:15,750 --> 00:29:17,791 Whoa, whoa, whoa. 855 00:29:15,750 --> 00:29:17,791 Wait a second. 856 00:29:17,791 --> 00:29:20,333 A fuse just sparked. 857 00:29:17,791 --> 00:29:20,333 We got to get 'em out of there. 858 00:29:21,375 --> 00:29:22,416 Doctor, stay down. 859 00:29:25,333 --> 00:29:26,375 (gasps) 860 00:29:28,000 --> 00:29:28,916 Crane! 861 00:29:33,166 --> 00:29:35,000 This is no ordinary blaze. 862 00:29:35,000 --> 00:29:36,958 I believe this 863 00:29:35,000 --> 00:29:36,958 is Greek fire, 864 00:29:36,958 --> 00:29:39,333 a legendary flame 865 00:29:36,958 --> 00:29:39,333 that cannot be extinguished. 866 00:29:40,500 --> 00:29:42,083 BRENNAN: 867 00:29:40,500 --> 00:29:42,083 The odor indicates 868 00:29:42,083 --> 00:29:43,583 a combination of naphthenic 869 00:29:43,583 --> 00:29:45,375 and palmitic acids. 870 00:29:45,375 --> 00:29:47,500 This is napalm. 871 00:29:47,500 --> 00:29:49,916 ABBIE: 872 00:29:47,500 --> 00:29:49,916 Crane! 873 00:29:49,916 --> 00:29:52,166 Crane! We got to get 874 00:29:49,916 --> 00:29:52,166 them out of there. 875 00:29:52,166 --> 00:29:53,708 Hold on. What is this? 876 00:29:53,708 --> 00:29:55,458 ABBIE: Uh, yeah, okay. 877 00:29:53,708 --> 00:29:55,458 I've seen a lock 878 00:29:55,458 --> 00:29:58,458 like this before. Each button 879 00:29:55,458 --> 00:29:58,458 represents an alchemical symbol. 880 00:29:58,458 --> 00:30:01,166 It's like a puzzle. All we have 881 00:29:58,458 --> 00:30:01,166 to do is figure out... 882 00:30:02,958 --> 00:30:05,500 Your way works, too. 883 00:30:02,958 --> 00:30:05,500 Right. 884 00:30:09,416 --> 00:30:10,666 Bones. 885 00:30:10,666 --> 00:30:12,875 You insisted on coming. 886 00:30:12,875 --> 00:30:15,041 Right. Okay. 887 00:30:15,041 --> 00:30:17,458 All right. You okay? 888 00:30:15,041 --> 00:30:17,458 This is 889 00:30:15,041 --> 00:30:17,458 extraordinary. 890 00:30:17,458 --> 00:30:20,916 A hidden tomb armed 891 00:30:17,458 --> 00:30:20,916 with a precursor to napalm. 892 00:30:20,916 --> 00:30:22,666 Do you understand 893 00:30:20,916 --> 00:30:22,666 what this means? 894 00:30:20,916 --> 00:30:22,666 I don't know. 895 00:30:22,666 --> 00:30:25,958 George Washington 896 00:30:22,666 --> 00:30:25,958 is a complete badass? 897 00:30:22,666 --> 00:30:25,958 No, no. It means 898 00:30:25,958 --> 00:30:28,583 we need to excavate 899 00:30:25,958 --> 00:30:28,583 this entire subterranean 900 00:30:25,958 --> 00:30:28,583 Oh. 901 00:30:28,583 --> 00:30:31,041 installation. 902 00:30:28,583 --> 00:30:31,041 It should be mapped, exhumed. 903 00:30:31,041 --> 00:30:33,625 We shouldn't 904 00:30:31,041 --> 00:30:33,625 even be here. 905 00:30:31,041 --> 00:30:33,625 All right, slow down. Okay, 906 00:30:33,625 --> 00:30:35,416 we got to go. We'll 907 00:30:33,625 --> 00:30:35,416 get everything back 908 00:30:33,625 --> 00:30:35,416 We are contaminating the site. 909 00:30:35,416 --> 00:30:37,625 to the Jeffersonian, okay? Let's 910 00:30:35,416 --> 00:30:37,625 go, Crane. Get out of there. 911 00:30:41,083 --> 00:30:42,750 You're not worried 912 00:30:41,083 --> 00:30:42,750 about them? 913 00:30:42,750 --> 00:30:46,250 Hardly. Her skepticism's 914 00:30:42,750 --> 00:30:46,250 interminable. 915 00:30:46,250 --> 00:30:49,125 She dismissed Moloch as a tall 916 00:30:46,250 --> 00:30:49,125 man with a skin condition. 917 00:30:49,125 --> 00:30:53,083 Though we do have cause 918 00:30:49,125 --> 00:30:53,083 for worry. 919 00:30:53,083 --> 00:30:56,916 I believe I have discovered 920 00:30:53,083 --> 00:30:56,916 the Draugur's weakness. 921 00:30:56,916 --> 00:31:00,208 And that's bad because...? 922 00:31:00,208 --> 00:31:04,416 We'll have to burn Sleepy Hollow 923 00:31:00,208 --> 00:31:04,416 to the ground. 924 00:31:09,291 --> 00:31:11,625 There can be only one reason 925 00:31:09,291 --> 00:31:11,625 why Washington would deploy 926 00:31:11,625 --> 00:31:13,666 such volatile ordnance 927 00:31:11,625 --> 00:31:13,666 right under the Capitol. 928 00:31:14,875 --> 00:31:17,375 It was a trap... 929 00:31:17,375 --> 00:31:20,291 built 930 00:31:17,375 --> 00:31:20,291 for a very specific threat. 931 00:31:17,375 --> 00:31:20,291 The Draugur. 932 00:31:20,291 --> 00:31:22,708 And since Howe was 933 00:31:20,291 --> 00:31:22,708 their commander, 934 00:31:22,708 --> 00:31:24,708 anyone that survived would try 935 00:31:22,708 --> 00:31:24,708 to rescue 936 00:31:24,708 --> 00:31:26,458 their master's body. 937 00:31:24,708 --> 00:31:26,458 And, in doing so, 938 00:31:26,458 --> 00:31:28,708 would be faced 939 00:31:26,458 --> 00:31:28,708 with their only weakness, 940 00:31:28,708 --> 00:31:30,791 Greek fire. 941 00:31:30,791 --> 00:31:32,416 Yeah, Brennan said it was 942 00:31:30,791 --> 00:31:32,416 just some kind of napalm. 943 00:31:32,416 --> 00:31:33,416 We'll get our hands on some. 944 00:31:35,875 --> 00:31:38,583 Why would that pose a threat 945 00:31:35,875 --> 00:31:38,583 to the town? 946 00:31:35,875 --> 00:31:38,583 Because Greek fire 947 00:31:38,583 --> 00:31:41,375 is far more sinister 948 00:31:38,583 --> 00:31:41,375 than your napalm. 949 00:31:41,375 --> 00:31:44,416 It cannot be extinguished 950 00:31:41,375 --> 00:31:44,416 by water or by sand. 951 00:31:44,416 --> 00:31:47,666 Once unleashed, it burns 952 00:31:44,416 --> 00:31:47,666 until nothing remains. 953 00:31:49,541 --> 00:31:53,875 As I believe was remonstrated 954 00:31:49,541 --> 00:31:53,875 on the isle of Manhattan. 955 00:31:53,875 --> 00:31:56,791 Betsy Ross 956 00:31:53,875 --> 00:31:56,791 was leading Patriot refugees 957 00:31:56,791 --> 00:32:00,583 off the island 958 00:31:56,791 --> 00:32:00,583 via a series of hidden tunnels. 959 00:32:00,583 --> 00:32:01,750 Crane. 960 00:32:01,750 --> 00:32:03,208 Betsy. 961 00:32:03,208 --> 00:32:05,750 I come from Howe's encampment. 962 00:32:07,125 --> 00:32:09,875 He lives. And he refuses 963 00:32:07,125 --> 00:32:09,875 to relinquish the city. 964 00:32:09,875 --> 00:32:11,291 Our orders have changed. 965 00:32:11,291 --> 00:32:13,125 I'm to get out of the city 966 00:32:13,125 --> 00:32:14,500 before countermeasures 967 00:32:13,125 --> 00:32:14,500 are deployed. 968 00:32:14,500 --> 00:32:16,708 What countermeasures? 969 00:32:14,500 --> 00:32:16,708 Ichabod, please. 970 00:32:16,708 --> 00:32:18,000 There's no time. 971 00:32:22,541 --> 00:32:24,708 You're saying if 972 00:32:22,541 --> 00:32:24,708 the countermeasure 973 00:32:22,541 --> 00:32:24,708 was Greek fire... 974 00:32:24,708 --> 00:32:26,375 Yes, Lieutenant. 975 00:32:26,375 --> 00:32:29,458 Then we were not facing 976 00:32:26,375 --> 00:32:29,458 conventional forces... 977 00:32:30,708 --> 00:32:33,458 ...but a cadre of Draugur. 978 00:32:35,750 --> 00:32:38,708 Merely hours 979 00:32:35,750 --> 00:32:38,708 after the British invaded, 980 00:32:38,708 --> 00:32:42,416 the city was set ablaze 981 00:32:38,708 --> 00:32:42,416 in the Great Fire of New York, 982 00:32:42,416 --> 00:32:45,916 the cause of which 983 00:32:42,416 --> 00:32:45,916 remained a mystery... 984 00:32:45,916 --> 00:32:47,625 until now. 985 00:32:48,250 --> 00:32:49,250 (screams) 986 00:33:00,166 --> 00:33:01,208 Hyah! 987 00:33:07,500 --> 00:33:10,500 Washington had no choice-- 988 00:33:07,500 --> 00:33:10,500 he was facing a zombie army. 989 00:33:10,500 --> 00:33:12,083 Howe desecrated 990 00:33:12,083 --> 00:33:14,541 the dead to build 991 00:33:12,083 --> 00:33:14,541 an unstoppable army, 992 00:33:14,541 --> 00:33:16,375 one which required 993 00:33:14,541 --> 00:33:16,375 an indomitable weapon 994 00:33:16,375 --> 00:33:18,125 in order to stop it. 995 00:33:18,125 --> 00:33:20,458 And now we are faced 996 00:33:18,125 --> 00:33:20,458 with a similar dilemma. 997 00:33:20,458 --> 00:33:22,250 That's not an option. 998 00:33:22,250 --> 00:33:23,625 Fine. 999 00:33:23,625 --> 00:33:26,041 Then we find another way. 1000 00:33:30,583 --> 00:33:32,291 Trick or treat! 1001 00:33:35,458 --> 00:33:38,000 What do you say? 1002 00:33:38,000 --> 00:33:39,458 Boo! 1003 00:33:40,875 --> 00:33:43,708 WOMAN: 1004 00:33:40,875 --> 00:33:43,708 April, slow down! 1005 00:33:43,708 --> 00:33:45,958 April! 1006 00:33:45,958 --> 00:33:48,000 April?! 1007 00:33:48,000 --> 00:33:50,416 WOMAN (in distance): 1008 00:33:48,000 --> 00:33:50,416 April, where are you, sweetie? 1009 00:33:51,916 --> 00:33:54,583 WOMAN: 1010 00:33:51,916 --> 00:33:54,583 April! 1011 00:33:54,583 --> 00:33:57,791 And where is 1012 00:33:54,583 --> 00:33:57,791 your mother, dear? 1013 00:33:59,208 --> 00:34:01,458 It would break her heart 1014 00:33:59,208 --> 00:34:01,458 if she lost you. 1015 00:34:01,458 --> 00:34:04,458 And you don't want 1016 00:34:01,458 --> 00:34:04,458 to lose your treats. 1017 00:34:06,000 --> 00:34:08,916 We never had sweets 1018 00:34:06,000 --> 00:34:08,916 when I was a girl. 1019 00:34:11,000 --> 00:34:12,583 (screams) 1020 00:34:28,708 --> 00:34:30,333 General... 1021 00:34:33,625 --> 00:34:36,208 Are your men prepared 1022 00:34:33,625 --> 00:34:36,208 to assemble? 1023 00:34:37,958 --> 00:34:40,333 When the last sunbeam sets... 1024 00:34:42,625 --> 00:34:45,666 ...go forth and slaughter. 1025 00:34:55,375 --> 00:34:57,250 ABBIE: 1026 00:34:55,375 --> 00:34:57,250 The sun sets in 15 minutes, 1027 00:34:57,250 --> 00:34:59,750 at which point the whole town 1028 00:34:57,250 --> 00:34:59,750 will be out on the street. 1029 00:34:59,750 --> 00:35:01,583 So, what did you 1030 00:34:59,750 --> 00:35:01,583 call these things? 1031 00:34:59,750 --> 00:35:01,583 CRANE: Cheirosiphones. 1032 00:35:01,583 --> 00:35:03,083 A post-Hellenic 1033 00:35:01,583 --> 00:35:03,083 weapon 1034 00:35:03,083 --> 00:35:05,625 designed specifically 1035 00:35:03,083 --> 00:35:05,625 to deploy Greek fire. 1036 00:35:05,625 --> 00:35:07,458 We've mixed ten gallons 1037 00:35:05,625 --> 00:35:07,458 of the stuff, but 1038 00:35:05,625 --> 00:35:07,458 once it lights, 1039 00:35:07,458 --> 00:35:08,625 how do we put out 1040 00:35:07,458 --> 00:35:08,625 the blaze? 1041 00:35:08,625 --> 00:35:10,000 We draw them 1042 00:35:08,625 --> 00:35:10,000 into the tunnels. 1043 00:35:10,000 --> 00:35:11,416 If we can contain 1044 00:35:10,000 --> 00:35:11,416 the Draugur underground, 1045 00:35:11,416 --> 00:35:13,791 we do not risk 1046 00:35:11,416 --> 00:35:13,791 burning the town. 1047 00:35:11,416 --> 00:35:13,791 Wait, 1048 00:35:13,791 --> 00:35:15,541 I missed how we get them 1049 00:35:13,791 --> 00:35:15,541 down there in the first place. 1050 00:35:15,541 --> 00:35:17,208 I shall be bait. 1051 00:35:17,208 --> 00:35:18,666 The general loathes me 1052 00:35:18,666 --> 00:35:22,000 with a sempiternal fervor, 1053 00:35:18,666 --> 00:35:22,000 and where he goes... 1054 00:35:22,000 --> 00:35:24,541 the Draugur follow. 1055 00:35:26,625 --> 00:35:28,791 (indistinct chatter) 1056 00:35:34,875 --> 00:35:37,708 (men marching in unison) 1057 00:35:37,708 --> 00:35:40,625 (marching grows louder) 1058 00:35:51,000 --> 00:35:53,458 BOY: 1059 00:35:51,000 --> 00:35:53,458 Hey, Mom! Look! Soldiers! 1060 00:35:53,458 --> 00:35:55,833 WOMAN: 1061 00:35:53,458 --> 00:35:55,833 Check it out. 1062 00:35:55,833 --> 00:35:57,791 Cool costumes! 1063 00:36:00,250 --> 00:36:02,458 Company... halt! 1064 00:36:04,000 --> 00:36:06,666 MAN: 1065 00:36:04,000 --> 00:36:06,666 Whoa! Take a look at that! 1066 00:36:11,041 --> 00:36:12,750 MAN: Sweet! 1067 00:36:11,041 --> 00:36:12,750 HOWE: Ready, men! 1068 00:36:16,208 --> 00:36:17,291 Aim! 1069 00:36:21,458 --> 00:36:22,291 Fire! 1070 00:36:22,291 --> 00:36:23,583 (tires screech) 1071 00:36:23,583 --> 00:36:27,291 (people screaming) 1072 00:36:30,000 --> 00:36:31,208 Over here! 1073 00:36:31,833 --> 00:36:32,666 (gunshot) 1074 00:36:34,708 --> 00:36:37,458 ABBIE: Everybody, move! 1075 00:36:34,708 --> 00:36:37,458 That way! Come on! Move! 1076 00:36:42,041 --> 00:36:43,625 General Howe. 1077 00:36:43,625 --> 00:36:44,958 I'm the one you want. 1078 00:36:46,083 --> 00:36:47,833 (cocks rifle) 1079 00:36:49,916 --> 00:36:52,250 Let's end this. 1080 00:36:56,166 --> 00:36:58,041 (grunts) 1081 00:36:58,041 --> 00:37:00,416 Is that the best 1082 00:36:58,041 --> 00:37:00,416 you've got, General? 1083 00:37:11,291 --> 00:37:13,166 (loud thud) 1084 00:37:18,125 --> 00:37:19,833 (grunting) 1085 00:37:37,000 --> 00:37:40,750 I hope you know 1086 00:37:37,000 --> 00:37:40,750 what you're doing, Crane. 1087 00:37:40,750 --> 00:37:43,875 (rumbling) 1088 00:37:50,875 --> 00:37:53,250 Now! 1089 00:37:53,250 --> 00:37:55,958 Let 'em burn! 1090 00:37:57,916 --> 00:38:00,041 (yelling) 1091 00:38:08,625 --> 00:38:10,125 (groans) 1092 00:38:12,208 --> 00:38:13,250 (screaming) 1093 00:38:17,416 --> 00:38:20,000 (Crane groans) 1094 00:38:20,000 --> 00:38:23,291 Oh... Timely assist. 1095 00:38:20,000 --> 00:38:23,291 Thank you. 1096 00:38:23,291 --> 00:38:24,500 Compliments later. 1097 00:38:23,291 --> 00:38:24,500 Let's move. 1098 00:38:31,708 --> 00:38:32,958 Crane! 1099 00:38:35,000 --> 00:38:36,458 Your army's defeated, Howe! 1100 00:38:39,000 --> 00:38:40,750 It's over. 1101 00:38:41,916 --> 00:38:44,750 I should have 1102 00:38:41,916 --> 00:38:44,750 ended this long ago. 1103 00:38:47,125 --> 00:38:50,416 I will not give you 1104 00:38:47,125 --> 00:38:50,416 the satisfaction... 1105 00:38:50,416 --> 00:38:52,041 turncoat. 1106 00:38:55,625 --> 00:38:58,041 ♪ ♪ 1107 00:39:04,583 --> 00:39:06,541 (screaming) 1108 00:39:20,375 --> 00:39:21,958 (gunfire muted) 1109 00:39:23,500 --> 00:39:26,875 A valiant battle, General. 1110 00:39:28,875 --> 00:39:31,000 (sighs) 1111 00:39:28,875 --> 00:39:31,000 Now... 1112 00:39:34,750 --> 00:39:37,500 ...one more bud to blossom... 1113 00:39:39,416 --> 00:39:42,291 ...one more here to sting. 1114 00:39:43,791 --> 00:39:45,458 Love... 1115 00:39:45,458 --> 00:39:47,333 is what the victors bring. 1116 00:39:52,833 --> 00:39:54,708 We're glad to hear 1117 00:39:52,833 --> 00:39:54,708 the Jeffersonian's decided 1118 00:39:54,708 --> 00:39:57,458 to take Washington's tomb 1119 00:39:54,708 --> 00:39:57,458 under its jurisdiction. 1120 00:39:57,458 --> 00:40:00,125 Oh, I'd start by getting rid 1121 00:39:57,458 --> 00:40:00,125 of the napalm first. 1122 00:40:00,125 --> 00:40:01,708 The Jeffersonian 1123 00:40:00,125 --> 00:40:01,708 would love your help 1124 00:40:01,708 --> 00:40:03,041 with the excavation, 1125 00:40:01,708 --> 00:40:03,041 Mr. Crane. 1126 00:40:03,041 --> 00:40:04,875 CRANE: 1127 00:40:03,041 --> 00:40:04,875 Ooh. Well, I'm flattered, 1128 00:40:04,875 --> 00:40:07,125 but I am in the process 1129 00:40:04,875 --> 00:40:07,125 of renovating 1130 00:40:07,125 --> 00:40:08,708 a historical property 1131 00:40:07,125 --> 00:40:08,708 of my own. 1132 00:40:08,708 --> 00:40:10,375 BRENNAN: 1133 00:40:08,708 --> 00:40:10,375 Too bad. The site poses 1134 00:40:10,375 --> 00:40:12,750 more than a few questions. 1135 00:40:10,375 --> 00:40:12,750 If colonial Americans 1136 00:40:12,750 --> 00:40:15,000 had Greek fire, 1137 00:40:15,000 --> 00:40:17,916 why didn't they use it during 1138 00:40:15,000 --> 00:40:17,916 the battles of the Revolution? 1139 00:40:17,916 --> 00:40:19,458 And you still haven't 1140 00:40:17,916 --> 00:40:19,458 sufficiently explained 1141 00:40:19,458 --> 00:40:20,833 how you came across 1142 00:40:19,458 --> 00:40:20,833 Washington's letter. 1143 00:40:20,833 --> 00:40:23,166 Let it go, Bones, 1144 00:40:20,833 --> 00:40:23,166 just... let it go. 1145 00:40:23,166 --> 00:40:24,708 Thanks again for your help. 1146 00:40:24,708 --> 00:40:25,875 BOOTH: Yeah. 1147 00:40:24,708 --> 00:40:25,875 You know what, don't mention it. 1148 00:40:25,875 --> 00:40:27,333 But next time 1149 00:40:25,875 --> 00:40:27,333 you find a death trap, 1150 00:40:27,333 --> 00:40:28,666 just give us 1151 00:40:27,333 --> 00:40:28,666 a heads-up first. 1152 00:40:28,666 --> 00:40:31,666 Oh, yes, we shall. 1153 00:40:28,666 --> 00:40:31,666 You have our word. 1154 00:40:31,666 --> 00:40:33,708 (electronic tones sound, 1155 00:40:31,666 --> 00:40:33,708 ending call) 1156 00:40:34,833 --> 00:40:36,833 (sighs) 1157 00:40:39,083 --> 00:40:41,333 You okay, Crane? 1158 00:40:41,333 --> 00:40:43,250 I know seeing Howe 1159 00:40:41,333 --> 00:40:43,250 must have been difficult. 1160 00:40:43,250 --> 00:40:45,541 Oh, I feel relieved. 1161 00:40:46,833 --> 00:40:48,125 He's a part of my past 1162 00:40:48,125 --> 00:40:49,958 I can put behind me. 1163 00:40:48,125 --> 00:40:49,958 Even the ghosts 1164 00:40:49,958 --> 00:40:52,375 of the past 1165 00:40:49,958 --> 00:40:52,375 have to take a break. 1166 00:40:55,208 --> 00:40:57,708 But... sometimes they need 1167 00:40:57,708 --> 00:40:58,875 a little push. 1168 00:40:58,875 --> 00:41:00,416 I don't follow. 1169 00:41:00,416 --> 00:41:02,416 Zoe. Call her. 1170 00:41:03,416 --> 00:41:05,000 She's a good one. 1171 00:41:05,000 --> 00:41:07,500 ♪ ♪ 1172 00:41:25,833 --> 00:41:28,916 Miss Corinth, 1173 00:41:25,833 --> 00:41:28,916 it is Ichabod Crane. 1174 00:41:28,916 --> 00:41:30,583 Ichabod. 1175 00:41:31,583 --> 00:41:32,958 Yes. Of course. 1176 00:41:32,958 --> 00:41:35,083 Uh, caller identification 1177 00:41:32,958 --> 00:41:35,083 is a marvel. 1178 00:41:36,541 --> 00:41:37,958 No. No, no. 1179 00:41:37,958 --> 00:41:41,875 I... I was merely wondering... 1180 00:41:41,875 --> 00:41:46,541 if you have no prior engagement 1181 00:41:41,875 --> 00:41:46,541 this evening... 1182 00:41:46,541 --> 00:41:50,708 I would be honored 1183 00:41:46,541 --> 00:41:50,708 to escort you to supper. 1184 00:41:51,750 --> 00:41:53,916 You wanted 1185 00:41:51,750 --> 00:41:53,916 to see me? 1186 00:41:53,916 --> 00:41:55,500 Yeah. Take a seat. 1187 00:41:55,500 --> 00:41:57,916 Can you shut the door 1188 00:41:55,500 --> 00:41:57,916 for me, please? 1189 00:41:57,916 --> 00:42:00,291 Mm-hmm. 1190 00:42:00,291 --> 00:42:04,041 Uh... I just wanted to say 1191 00:42:00,291 --> 00:42:04,041 how much I appreciate you 1192 00:42:04,041 --> 00:42:05,875 offering me a spot 1193 00:42:04,041 --> 00:42:05,875 on the team. 1194 00:42:05,875 --> 00:42:08,666 I know it's been 1195 00:42:05,875 --> 00:42:08,666 a hectic few weeks, 1196 00:42:05,875 --> 00:42:08,666 but I can handle it. 1197 00:42:08,666 --> 00:42:10,791 Burn the candle at both ends 1198 00:42:08,666 --> 00:42:10,791 if I have to. 1199 00:42:10,791 --> 00:42:11,791 I want in. 1200 00:42:11,791 --> 00:42:13,458 Yeah? Well, it may be 1201 00:42:13,458 --> 00:42:15,291 a little more complicated 1202 00:42:13,458 --> 00:42:15,291 than that, because it 1203 00:42:15,291 --> 00:42:17,000 looks like you already are 1204 00:42:15,291 --> 00:42:17,000 a part of it. 1205 00:42:17,000 --> 00:42:18,875 The man I'm working 1206 00:42:17,000 --> 00:42:18,875 to take down, 1207 00:42:18,875 --> 00:42:20,416 his name is 1208 00:42:18,875 --> 00:42:20,416 Atticus Nevins. 1209 00:42:20,416 --> 00:42:22,250 And the woman 1210 00:42:20,416 --> 00:42:22,250 in the photo, 1211 00:42:22,250 --> 00:42:25,000 the one your sister and her 1212 00:42:22,250 --> 00:42:25,000 EMT friend are meeting with, 1213 00:42:25,000 --> 00:42:27,833 she's his top operative. 1214 00:42:27,833 --> 00:42:30,583 So I ask, what the hell 1215 00:42:27,833 --> 00:42:30,583 is going on here? 1216 00:43:13,041 --> 00:43:14,958 Captioned by 1217 00:43:13,041 --> 00:43:14,958 Media Access Group at WGBH