1 00:00:01,041 --> 00:00:03,583 ♪ ♪ 2 00:00:20,916 --> 00:00:22,375 (cutlery clanging) 3 00:00:22,375 --> 00:00:23,375 (slurping) 4 00:00:29,291 --> 00:00:30,958 (applause) 5 00:00:29,291 --> 00:00:30,958 ZOE: 6 00:00:29,291 --> 00:00:30,958 Wow. 7 00:00:30,958 --> 00:00:33,625 He is fast with that blade. 8 00:00:30,958 --> 00:00:33,625 Mmm. 9 00:00:33,625 --> 00:00:36,333 The technique makes for 10 00:00:33,625 --> 00:00:36,333 excellent theater, but in 11 00:00:36,333 --> 00:00:37,875 actual combat, 12 00:00:36,333 --> 00:00:37,875 he would be bested 13 00:00:37,875 --> 00:00:41,625 by the most rudimentary 14 00:00:37,875 --> 00:00:41,625 rapier skills. Oh, uh, 15 00:00:41,625 --> 00:00:45,333 speaking of skills, 16 00:00:41,625 --> 00:00:45,333 what secret skills 17 00:00:45,333 --> 00:00:46,166 do you possess? 18 00:00:47,750 --> 00:00:48,750 (diners gasping in awe, 19 00:00:47,750 --> 00:00:48,750 laughing) 20 00:00:48,750 --> 00:00:50,250 Sorry. What? 21 00:00:50,250 --> 00:00:51,750 Uh... 22 00:00:51,750 --> 00:00:54,250 what was your 23 00:00:51,750 --> 00:00:54,250 favorite childhood toy? 24 00:00:55,541 --> 00:00:57,625 If your house was on fire, 25 00:00:57,625 --> 00:00:59,875 what's the first thing 26 00:00:57,625 --> 00:00:59,875 you'd grab? 27 00:00:59,875 --> 00:01:02,625 "20 Questions 28 00:01:02,625 --> 00:01:04,666 to Ask on a First Date"? 29 00:01:07,625 --> 00:01:11,583 I see we both walk the 30 00:01:07,625 --> 00:01:11,583 same Internet paths. 31 00:01:11,583 --> 00:01:12,541 My apologies. 32 00:01:12,541 --> 00:01:14,250 None needed. 33 00:01:14,250 --> 00:01:16,791 We were both nervous 34 00:01:14,250 --> 00:01:16,791 about tonight. 35 00:01:16,791 --> 00:01:18,208 In a good way. 36 00:01:18,208 --> 00:01:20,208 The truth is 37 00:01:20,208 --> 00:01:22,958 it has been some time since... 38 00:01:22,958 --> 00:01:26,125 Things are so very 39 00:01:22,958 --> 00:01:26,125 different now. 40 00:01:32,333 --> 00:01:34,375 You two lovebirds 41 00:01:32,333 --> 00:01:34,375 on a date? 42 00:01:34,375 --> 00:01:37,208 No. Well, well... yes. 43 00:01:34,375 --> 00:01:37,208 Oh... 44 00:01:43,208 --> 00:01:44,750 I've been accosted 45 00:01:43,208 --> 00:01:44,750 by a highwayman. 46 00:01:44,750 --> 00:01:47,041 You belong at 47 00:01:44,750 --> 00:01:47,041 Tyburn, you rogue! 48 00:01:47,041 --> 00:01:48,833 (sizzling) 49 00:01:54,750 --> 00:01:55,791 (knocking) 50 00:01:55,791 --> 00:01:57,583 Got a sec? 51 00:01:57,583 --> 00:01:59,625 Absolutely. Nice tie. 52 00:01:59,625 --> 00:02:00,625 Thanks. 53 00:02:00,625 --> 00:02:02,583 I got a thing tonight. 54 00:02:03,958 --> 00:02:04,958 Don't eyebrow me. 55 00:02:04,958 --> 00:02:06,541 It's a work thing. 56 00:02:06,541 --> 00:02:09,041 I like it anyway. 57 00:02:09,041 --> 00:02:10,916 You're wondering 58 00:02:09,041 --> 00:02:10,916 if I spoke to my sister 59 00:02:10,916 --> 00:02:12,708 about the Nevins investigation. 60 00:02:12,708 --> 00:02:14,000 I said I would take care of it. 61 00:02:12,708 --> 00:02:14,000 I don't doubt 62 00:02:14,000 --> 00:02:16,333 that you will. But you mentioned 63 00:02:14,000 --> 00:02:16,333 a family matter, 64 00:02:16,333 --> 00:02:18,041 and sometimes 65 00:02:16,333 --> 00:02:18,041 the personal may 66 00:02:18,041 --> 00:02:19,333 jam up the professional. 67 00:02:19,333 --> 00:02:20,458 Danny, I get it. 68 00:02:20,458 --> 00:02:21,833 Nevins is a criminal, 69 00:02:21,833 --> 00:02:23,708 and you're gonna 70 00:02:21,833 --> 00:02:23,708 use him to bag even 71 00:02:23,708 --> 00:02:26,541 bigger bad guys. 72 00:02:23,708 --> 00:02:26,541 Nothing gets in the way of that. 73 00:02:26,541 --> 00:02:29,041 Good. 'Cause the ducks I had 74 00:02:26,541 --> 00:02:29,041 to line up on this one-- 75 00:02:29,041 --> 00:02:31,291 Homeland Security, NSA-- 76 00:02:31,291 --> 00:02:33,708 I had to pull 31 flavors 77 00:02:31,291 --> 00:02:33,708 of favors on this. 78 00:02:33,708 --> 00:02:34,791 Asset's in motion. 79 00:02:33,708 --> 00:02:34,791 This is the one 80 00:02:34,791 --> 00:02:36,333 that puts you on the map. 81 00:02:36,333 --> 00:02:38,541 Hell, I land this, 82 00:02:36,333 --> 00:02:38,541 I own the map. 83 00:02:38,541 --> 00:02:39,833 I sit down with Jenny and Joe 84 00:02:38,541 --> 00:02:39,833 tonight. 85 00:02:39,833 --> 00:02:41,666 So do not worry. 86 00:02:41,666 --> 00:02:43,666 Good luck 87 00:02:43,666 --> 00:02:44,666 with your thing. 88 00:03:07,125 --> 00:03:10,666 It's all so close. 89 00:03:10,666 --> 00:03:13,750 I can feel it. 90 00:03:13,750 --> 00:03:16,875 The last flower. 91 00:03:16,875 --> 00:03:18,875 A flavor of fear, 92 00:03:18,875 --> 00:03:22,791 both sweet and bitter. 93 00:03:22,791 --> 00:03:24,583 For this, 94 00:03:24,583 --> 00:03:28,500 I require 95 00:03:24,583 --> 00:03:28,500 a most skilled emissary. 96 00:03:28,500 --> 00:03:30,750 (speaking in foreign language) 97 00:03:37,583 --> 00:03:42,875 There is a red lady from Caribee 98 00:03:42,875 --> 00:03:45,291 whose sting 99 00:03:45,291 --> 00:03:48,666 brings the nightmare, insanity. 100 00:03:51,583 --> 00:03:53,833 (buzzing) 101 00:03:55,583 --> 00:03:58,708 One kiss and you'll flee 102 00:03:58,708 --> 00:04:00,666 most all you can see. 103 00:04:00,666 --> 00:04:05,750 This comely red lady 104 00:04:05,750 --> 00:04:07,958 from Caribee. 105 00:04:09,666 --> 00:04:12,750 Welcome, my lady. 106 00:04:12,750 --> 00:04:16,875 Bring me the final bloom I need. 107 00:04:16,875 --> 00:04:20,375 The fear 108 00:04:20,375 --> 00:04:24,291 of fear itself. 109 00:04:33,666 --> 00:04:36,708 (quietly sniffs, sighs) 110 00:04:40,625 --> 00:04:43,500 (buzzing) 111 00:04:53,750 --> 00:04:57,750 Easy there, little fella. 112 00:04:57,750 --> 00:04:59,166 (buzzing) 113 00:04:59,166 --> 00:05:00,625 (rattling) 114 00:05:00,625 --> 00:05:02,500 (buzzing) 115 00:05:02,500 --> 00:05:05,000 Ow! Son of a... mm! 116 00:05:05,000 --> 00:05:06,416 Go away! Get out of here! 117 00:05:06,416 --> 00:05:08,208 (groans) 118 00:05:08,208 --> 00:05:11,750 (distant buzzing) 119 00:05:16,541 --> 00:05:18,541 (buzzing) 120 00:05:23,041 --> 00:05:24,541 Go. 121 00:05:24,541 --> 00:05:26,333 No, no, no! 122 00:05:26,333 --> 00:05:27,708 (shouting) 123 00:05:30,958 --> 00:05:32,958 ABBIE: 124 00:05:30,958 --> 00:05:32,958 You drew a lucky straw 125 00:05:30,958 --> 00:05:32,958 on this one, Crane. 126 00:05:32,958 --> 00:05:35,958 How so? 127 00:05:32,958 --> 00:05:35,958 Judge Chrysdale 128 00:05:32,958 --> 00:05:35,958 is a history buff. 129 00:05:35,958 --> 00:05:38,500 Loves anything to do 130 00:05:35,958 --> 00:05:38,500 with the Revolution, 131 00:05:38,500 --> 00:05:41,500 Civil War, so on. 132 00:05:38,500 --> 00:05:41,500 You quote a little Jefferson, 133 00:05:41,500 --> 00:05:43,166 uh, offer your apologies, 134 00:05:43,166 --> 00:05:45,375 the whole immigration 135 00:05:43,166 --> 00:05:45,375 snafu goes away. 136 00:05:45,375 --> 00:05:47,583 Fine. But the charges 137 00:05:45,375 --> 00:05:47,583 made against me 138 00:05:47,583 --> 00:05:49,458 remain a farce, Lieutenant. 139 00:05:49,458 --> 00:05:52,458 Flagged as a risk 140 00:05:49,458 --> 00:05:52,458 to national security. 141 00:05:52,458 --> 00:05:55,583 For transporting 142 00:05:52,458 --> 00:05:55,583 my own property. 143 00:05:52,458 --> 00:05:55,583 You smuggled ancient artifacts 144 00:05:55,583 --> 00:05:56,875 into the country and got caught. 145 00:05:56,875 --> 00:05:59,500 This guy is-is-is 146 00:05:56,875 --> 00:05:59,500 very straightforward. 147 00:05:59,500 --> 00:06:01,250 You just play the hits and be 148 00:05:59,500 --> 00:06:01,250 charming, we'll get out of here 149 00:06:01,250 --> 00:06:03,625 by lunch, at which time you 150 00:06:01,250 --> 00:06:03,625 can tell me all about your... 151 00:06:03,625 --> 00:06:05,375 date with Zoe last night. 152 00:06:05,375 --> 00:06:06,666 There's nothing to tell 153 00:06:06,666 --> 00:06:09,083 except it was 154 00:06:06,666 --> 00:06:09,083 an unmitigated disaster. 155 00:06:09,083 --> 00:06:10,083 Mmm. 156 00:06:10,083 --> 00:06:12,416 What of your Agent Reynolds? 157 00:06:12,416 --> 00:06:14,125 We're fine. And he's not mine. 158 00:06:14,125 --> 00:06:16,625 He must be aware 159 00:06:14,125 --> 00:06:16,625 that you had no way of knowing 160 00:06:16,625 --> 00:06:20,375 that Miss Jenny and Master Joe's 161 00:06:16,625 --> 00:06:20,375 query into Sheriff Corbin's past 162 00:06:20,375 --> 00:06:22,625 would intersect with 163 00:06:20,375 --> 00:06:22,625 a federal investigation. 164 00:06:22,625 --> 00:06:24,958 Yeah, that's on me. 165 00:06:22,625 --> 00:06:24,958 Danny and I are friends, 166 00:06:24,958 --> 00:06:27,458 but professional courtesy 167 00:06:24,958 --> 00:06:27,458 has limits. I respect that. 168 00:06:27,458 --> 00:06:30,750 And what if you were 169 00:06:27,458 --> 00:06:30,750 more than friends? 170 00:06:27,458 --> 00:06:30,750 Well, that would be complicated. 171 00:06:30,750 --> 00:06:33,250 But that's all that we are, 172 00:06:30,750 --> 00:06:33,250 so it's not. 173 00:06:33,250 --> 00:06:36,625 He's crazy. 174 00:06:33,250 --> 00:06:36,625 He's-he's lost his mind. 175 00:06:36,625 --> 00:06:38,625 Isn't that your lawyer, Crane? 176 00:06:38,625 --> 00:06:40,916 Yes. 177 00:06:40,916 --> 00:06:43,958 (murmuring, 178 00:06:40,916 --> 00:06:43,958 indistinct conversations) 179 00:06:45,958 --> 00:06:48,833 CHRYSDALE: 180 00:06:45,958 --> 00:06:48,833 When I say "order," 181 00:06:45,958 --> 00:06:48,833 I mean order! 182 00:06:48,833 --> 00:06:52,750 This is my courtroom. 183 00:06:48,833 --> 00:06:52,750 No one leaves! 184 00:06:54,166 --> 00:06:55,833 Brenda, next case. 185 00:06:55,833 --> 00:06:57,833 Your Honor, 186 00:06:55,833 --> 00:06:57,833 perhaps a short 187 00:06:57,833 --> 00:06:59,916 recess before you hear 188 00:06:57,833 --> 00:06:59,916 opening arguments? 189 00:06:59,916 --> 00:07:02,166 Don't tell me 190 00:06:59,916 --> 00:07:02,166 how to run my courtroom! 191 00:07:02,166 --> 00:07:04,125 Proceed. 192 00:07:04,125 --> 00:07:05,250 There's 193 00:07:04,125 --> 00:07:05,250 a criminal element here, 194 00:07:05,250 --> 00:07:06,708 and it needs 195 00:07:05,250 --> 00:07:06,708 to be torn out 196 00:07:06,708 --> 00:07:07,541 by the root. 197 00:07:07,541 --> 00:07:10,708 Sir, are you feeling okay? 198 00:07:10,708 --> 00:07:12,708 Are you challenging 199 00:07:10,708 --> 00:07:12,708 my authority? 200 00:07:12,708 --> 00:07:13,708 I am on the side 201 00:07:12,708 --> 00:07:13,708 of right! 202 00:07:13,708 --> 00:07:15,208 This man is clearly mad. 203 00:07:15,208 --> 00:07:17,458 There's something very wrong 204 00:07:15,208 --> 00:07:17,458 with him. 205 00:07:17,458 --> 00:07:19,083 We need to get 206 00:07:17,458 --> 00:07:19,083 everyone out of here. 207 00:07:19,083 --> 00:07:20,291 WOMAN: 208 00:07:19,083 --> 00:07:20,291 Judge, you need a doctor. 209 00:07:20,291 --> 00:07:21,625 CHRYSDALE: 210 00:07:20,291 --> 00:07:21,625 Bailiff, 211 00:07:21,625 --> 00:07:23,875 this woman is threatening... 212 00:07:21,625 --> 00:07:23,875 Leave now. 213 00:07:23,875 --> 00:07:26,041 the sanctity of this bench. 214 00:07:23,875 --> 00:07:26,041 CRANE: Very quickly. 215 00:07:26,041 --> 00:07:27,541 Draw your weapon 216 00:07:26,041 --> 00:07:27,541 and eliminate her. 217 00:07:27,541 --> 00:07:28,583 What? 218 00:07:28,583 --> 00:07:29,916 Sir? 219 00:07:28,583 --> 00:07:29,916 I said shoot her! 220 00:07:29,916 --> 00:07:32,250 My name is Ichabod Crane 221 00:07:32,250 --> 00:07:33,625 for the defense. 222 00:07:33,625 --> 00:07:34,916 Whilst I hold 223 00:07:33,625 --> 00:07:34,916 your office 224 00:07:34,916 --> 00:07:37,708 in the highest esteem, I fear, 225 00:07:37,708 --> 00:07:39,625 in your current condition, 226 00:07:37,708 --> 00:07:39,625 you may not be able 227 00:07:39,625 --> 00:07:41,208 to uphold the law. 228 00:07:41,208 --> 00:07:43,458 This isn't the law. 229 00:07:43,458 --> 00:07:44,458 The whole system 230 00:07:44,458 --> 00:07:46,000 is filled with liars, 231 00:07:46,000 --> 00:07:47,625 people trying to... 232 00:07:47,625 --> 00:07:51,458 (buzzing) 233 00:07:47,625 --> 00:07:51,458 manipulate the law, 234 00:07:47,625 --> 00:07:51,458 to manipulate me, 235 00:07:51,458 --> 00:07:53,541 undermining my authority, 236 00:07:53,541 --> 00:07:54,875 trying to make me 237 00:07:54,875 --> 00:07:56,875 weak. You can't 238 00:07:56,875 --> 00:07:58,416 trust anyone. 239 00:07:59,500 --> 00:08:02,708 (moans, gasps) 240 00:08:06,666 --> 00:08:08,666 Judge Chrysdale?! 241 00:08:14,416 --> 00:08:16,166 CRANE: 242 00:08:14,416 --> 00:08:16,166 What happened to this man? 243 00:08:20,000 --> 00:08:21,666 Whatever it is, it killed him. 244 00:08:21,666 --> 00:08:25,083 After driving him mad. 245 00:08:25,083 --> 00:08:27,958 The woman. 246 00:08:27,958 --> 00:08:30,541 Which woman? 247 00:08:32,708 --> 00:08:35,541 Whatever she was, 248 00:08:35,541 --> 00:08:38,666 I fear the foul creature 249 00:08:35,541 --> 00:08:38,666 is far from done. 250 00:09:17,583 --> 00:09:18,750 Damn, I thought I cleared 251 00:09:17,583 --> 00:09:18,750 that location for cameras. 252 00:09:18,750 --> 00:09:21,083 You're good. So is Reynolds. 253 00:09:21,083 --> 00:09:22,750 So he's coming down hard 254 00:09:21,083 --> 00:09:22,750 on Nevins? 255 00:09:22,750 --> 00:09:25,250 I can't tell you the details. 256 00:09:25,250 --> 00:09:26,750 But yes and soon. 257 00:09:26,750 --> 00:09:28,750 So... 258 00:09:28,750 --> 00:09:31,583 it's over. Okay? 259 00:09:31,583 --> 00:09:33,583 Doesn't sound 260 00:09:31,583 --> 00:09:33,583 like you're giving me a choice. 261 00:09:33,583 --> 00:09:36,708 Look, I want to know what the 262 00:09:33,583 --> 00:09:36,708 connection was between Corbin 263 00:09:36,708 --> 00:09:39,333 and Nevins as bad 264 00:09:36,708 --> 00:09:39,333 as you do. 265 00:09:39,333 --> 00:09:41,625 Nevins is dangerous. 266 00:09:39,333 --> 00:09:41,625 Corbin was our mentor. 267 00:09:41,625 --> 00:09:43,291 And Joe's father. 268 00:09:44,583 --> 00:09:46,625 He is not gonna be happy 269 00:09:44,583 --> 00:09:46,625 about this. 270 00:09:46,625 --> 00:09:48,791 I'll talk to him. 271 00:09:48,791 --> 00:09:50,708 No, I'll do it. 272 00:09:50,708 --> 00:09:53,125 We started this whole thing 273 00:09:50,708 --> 00:09:53,125 together, I think it's... 274 00:09:53,125 --> 00:09:55,625 best if we finish 275 00:09:53,125 --> 00:09:55,625 it the same way. 276 00:09:55,625 --> 00:09:58,916 It's good 277 00:09:55,625 --> 00:09:58,916 that you tried to help. 278 00:09:58,916 --> 00:10:02,208 Tell me how it goes. 279 00:10:02,208 --> 00:10:04,583 ♪ I see a lot of love 280 00:10:02,208 --> 00:10:04,583 in your heart... ♪ 281 00:10:08,125 --> 00:10:10,541 CRANE: 282 00:10:08,125 --> 00:10:10,541 I found this insect 283 00:10:10,541 --> 00:10:13,083 near the judge's bench. 284 00:10:10,541 --> 00:10:13,083 At first I thought the swarm 285 00:10:13,083 --> 00:10:15,500 we witnessed was made of bees, 286 00:10:13,083 --> 00:10:15,500 but the distinct coloration 287 00:10:15,500 --> 00:10:19,208 and long antenna mark this 288 00:10:15,500 --> 00:10:19,208 as a Jack Spaniard, 289 00:10:19,208 --> 00:10:22,583 a genus of wasp 290 00:10:19,208 --> 00:10:22,583 exclusive to the Caribbean. 291 00:10:22,583 --> 00:10:24,625 Has a hell of a sting. 292 00:10:24,625 --> 00:10:27,500 Preliminary coroner's report 293 00:10:24,625 --> 00:10:27,500 says that Judge Chrysdale 294 00:10:27,500 --> 00:10:29,458 died of an extreme 295 00:10:27,500 --> 00:10:29,458 brain aneurysm. 296 00:10:29,458 --> 00:10:31,708 The swarm is deadly... 297 00:10:29,458 --> 00:10:31,708 Mm-hmm. 298 00:10:31,708 --> 00:10:34,208 and I believe, 299 00:10:31,708 --> 00:10:34,208 harbinger of a great evil. 300 00:10:34,208 --> 00:10:36,083 The thing that you saw 301 00:10:34,208 --> 00:10:36,083 in the courtroom-- 302 00:10:36,083 --> 00:10:38,541 you said that it took on 303 00:10:36,083 --> 00:10:38,541 a... almost human shape. 304 00:10:38,541 --> 00:10:43,083 Yes. My research marks 305 00:10:38,541 --> 00:10:43,083 it as a demonic creature 306 00:10:43,083 --> 00:10:48,416 of Trinidadian origin, 307 00:10:43,083 --> 00:10:48,416 known as a Soucouyant. 308 00:10:48,416 --> 00:10:52,041 One sting from a Jack Spaniard 309 00:10:48,416 --> 00:10:52,041 in her swarm sparks a fever, 310 00:10:52,041 --> 00:10:54,791 bringing with it paranoia 311 00:10:52,041 --> 00:10:54,791 that grows in ferocity until 312 00:10:54,791 --> 00:10:58,166 death overcomes. 313 00:10:54,791 --> 00:10:58,166 The judge was ranting 314 00:10:54,791 --> 00:10:58,166 about a loss of order. 315 00:10:58,166 --> 00:11:00,708 A man you said was fair 316 00:10:58,166 --> 00:11:00,708 and even-keeled. 317 00:11:00,708 --> 00:11:04,291 There is a passage 318 00:11:00,708 --> 00:11:04,291 in Grace Dixon's journal 319 00:11:04,291 --> 00:11:09,083 referencing a fit of paranoia 320 00:11:04,291 --> 00:11:09,083 suffered by your pal Washington. 321 00:11:09,083 --> 00:11:11,041 General Washington? 322 00:11:09,083 --> 00:11:11,041 Paranoid. No. 323 00:11:09,083 --> 00:11:11,041 Mm. 324 00:11:11,041 --> 00:11:12,750 Yes. December 1776, 325 00:11:12,750 --> 00:11:14,916 the Colonial troops 326 00:11:12,750 --> 00:11:14,916 were camped out 327 00:11:14,916 --> 00:11:17,250 in Pennsylvania 328 00:11:14,916 --> 00:11:17,250 after a harsh winter. 329 00:11:17,250 --> 00:11:19,125 Ah. "I was summoned by a woman 330 00:11:19,125 --> 00:11:21,666 "of exceeding bravery 331 00:11:19,125 --> 00:11:21,666 and fortitude. 332 00:11:21,666 --> 00:11:23,708 "A former seamstress 333 00:11:21,666 --> 00:11:23,708 who became 334 00:11:23,708 --> 00:11:25,916 Washington's most trusted 335 00:11:23,708 --> 00:11:25,916 wartime operative." 336 00:11:25,916 --> 00:11:28,500 Betsy Ross. 337 00:11:28,500 --> 00:11:30,875 Your ancestor and my trusted 338 00:11:28,500 --> 00:11:30,875 companion knew one another? 339 00:11:30,875 --> 00:11:32,916 No name's given, 340 00:11:30,875 --> 00:11:32,916 but it does sound like her. 341 00:11:32,916 --> 00:11:35,083 Well, read on, Lieutenant. 342 00:11:35,083 --> 00:11:36,833 (grunting) 343 00:11:36,833 --> 00:11:38,666 ABBIE: "I entered the camp 344 00:11:36,833 --> 00:11:38,666 to find it gripped 345 00:11:38,666 --> 00:11:40,458 by a pall of fear 346 00:11:38,666 --> 00:11:40,458 and paranoia." 347 00:11:42,750 --> 00:11:45,250 Miss Dixon? 348 00:11:45,250 --> 00:11:46,708 Your reputation precedes you. 349 00:11:46,708 --> 00:11:47,958 As does yours. 350 00:11:47,958 --> 00:11:49,375 I hope I'm not too late. 351 00:11:49,375 --> 00:11:51,041 You placed these 352 00:11:49,375 --> 00:11:51,041 to ward off the evil 353 00:11:51,041 --> 00:11:52,500 that threatens this camp? 354 00:11:52,500 --> 00:11:54,833 A folk remedy 355 00:11:52,500 --> 00:11:54,833 to keep insects at bay. 356 00:11:54,833 --> 00:11:56,875 Tea tree oil, 357 00:11:54,833 --> 00:11:56,875 cucumber peel, cinnamon... 358 00:11:56,875 --> 00:11:58,458 ...vanilla and citronella. 359 00:11:58,458 --> 00:12:00,291 Yes, I, uh, know it well. 360 00:12:00,291 --> 00:12:02,333 Sadly, it was too little, 361 00:12:00,291 --> 00:12:02,333 too late. 362 00:12:03,291 --> 00:12:04,625 Come. 363 00:12:12,625 --> 00:12:14,500 Please tell me you can help him. 364 00:12:16,916 --> 00:12:20,250 Oh, the sting 365 00:12:16,916 --> 00:12:20,250 of a Soucouyant is fatal 366 00:12:20,250 --> 00:12:22,416 within ten hours of being stung. 367 00:12:22,416 --> 00:12:23,958 But I've learned of a bit 368 00:12:23,958 --> 00:12:25,583 of Trinidadian Obeah. 369 00:12:25,583 --> 00:12:27,250 Herbs that will slow the effect 370 00:12:27,250 --> 00:12:30,375 of the sting. 371 00:12:27,250 --> 00:12:30,375 I brewed up a tonic. (sighs) 372 00:12:34,958 --> 00:12:36,750 (gasps) 373 00:12:34,958 --> 00:12:36,750 Don't touch me. 374 00:12:36,750 --> 00:12:39,541 General Washington, 375 00:12:36,750 --> 00:12:39,541 Miss Dixon is here 376 00:12:39,541 --> 00:12:40,625 to tend to your discomfort. 377 00:12:40,625 --> 00:12:43,125 I'd sooner let her slit 378 00:12:40,625 --> 00:12:43,125 my throat. 379 00:12:43,125 --> 00:12:45,250 If you have any sanity left, 380 00:12:43,125 --> 00:12:45,250 General, 381 00:12:45,250 --> 00:12:48,750 I entreat you to 382 00:12:45,250 --> 00:12:48,750 take this medicine. 383 00:12:51,583 --> 00:12:54,083 General Howe must have 384 00:12:51,583 --> 00:12:54,083 brought this evil upon us. 385 00:12:54,083 --> 00:12:56,750 The tonic will slow the fever. 386 00:12:56,750 --> 00:12:59,333 (gasps) 387 00:12:56,750 --> 00:12:59,333 The only cure 388 00:12:59,333 --> 00:13:01,541 is the death of the 389 00:12:59,333 --> 00:13:01,541 creature that infected him. 390 00:13:08,041 --> 00:13:09,541 BETSY: 391 00:13:08,041 --> 00:13:09,541 You've done your part. 392 00:13:09,541 --> 00:13:11,208 It's time I did mine. 393 00:13:13,708 --> 00:13:16,125 CRANE: 394 00:13:13,708 --> 00:13:16,125 Betsy must have found a way 395 00:13:13,708 --> 00:13:16,125 to dispose of the Soucouyant. 396 00:13:16,125 --> 00:13:20,208 But how? And what of this tonic 397 00:13:20,208 --> 00:13:22,208 Miss Dixon used to buy 398 00:13:20,208 --> 00:13:22,208 the general more time? 399 00:13:22,208 --> 00:13:24,625 There's nothing else 400 00:13:22,208 --> 00:13:24,625 in the passage except this. 401 00:13:27,208 --> 00:13:30,500 "When comes the beauty 402 00:13:27,208 --> 00:13:30,500 from Caribee, 403 00:13:30,500 --> 00:13:32,583 "she spends her time 404 00:13:30,500 --> 00:13:32,583 in Port of Spain, 405 00:13:32,583 --> 00:13:35,166 "watching foul flies 406 00:13:32,583 --> 00:13:35,166 roost in the spice tree 407 00:13:35,166 --> 00:13:39,166 under which Sir Chadwick prays 408 00:13:35,166 --> 00:13:39,166 on bended knee." 409 00:13:39,166 --> 00:13:43,583 What the hell does that mean? 410 00:13:39,166 --> 00:13:43,583 Uh... a Caribbean nursery 411 00:13:39,166 --> 00:13:43,583 rhyme? Or a riddle. 412 00:13:43,583 --> 00:13:45,083 (phone ringing) 413 00:13:43,583 --> 00:13:45,083 Or... 414 00:13:45,083 --> 00:13:46,583 perhaps a cipher hidden within. 415 00:13:46,583 --> 00:13:48,541 Agent Mills here. 416 00:13:48,541 --> 00:13:50,125 REYNOLDS: 417 00:13:48,541 --> 00:13:50,125 Abs, we got a second 418 00:13:48,541 --> 00:13:50,125 suspicious death. 419 00:13:50,125 --> 00:13:51,583 Head of the PTA killed 420 00:13:50,125 --> 00:13:51,583 inside her kitchen. 421 00:13:51,583 --> 00:13:54,250 I need you over here 422 00:13:51,583 --> 00:13:54,250 right away. 423 00:13:51,583 --> 00:13:54,250 On my way. 424 00:13:54,250 --> 00:13:56,208 It seems the creature 425 00:13:54,250 --> 00:13:56,208 struck again. 426 00:13:56,208 --> 00:14:00,583 Figure out what this means. 427 00:13:56,208 --> 00:14:00,583 I'm gonna go check this out. 428 00:14:00,583 --> 00:14:02,458 REYNOLDS: 429 00:14:00,583 --> 00:14:02,458 Whatever happened 430 00:14:00,583 --> 00:14:02,458 to this woman 431 00:14:02,458 --> 00:14:03,916 is too damn similar 432 00:14:02,458 --> 00:14:03,916 to that judge. 433 00:14:03,916 --> 00:14:06,708 You think it's some kind of 434 00:14:06,708 --> 00:14:08,625 toxin or virus? 435 00:14:06,708 --> 00:14:08,625 That's for the lab coats. 436 00:14:08,625 --> 00:14:10,708 I have a call into CDC. 437 00:14:08,625 --> 00:14:10,708 Until then, 438 00:14:10,708 --> 00:14:12,625 we monitor 439 00:14:10,708 --> 00:14:12,625 the situation. 440 00:14:12,625 --> 00:14:15,125 And the fire? 441 00:14:12,625 --> 00:14:15,125 A book burning. 442 00:14:15,125 --> 00:14:16,625 She showed up 443 00:14:15,125 --> 00:14:16,625 to the library 444 00:14:16,625 --> 00:14:19,791 a few hours ago 445 00:14:16,625 --> 00:14:19,791 and checked out a stack. 446 00:14:19,791 --> 00:14:21,708 Orwell, Salinger, Vonnegut. 447 00:14:21,708 --> 00:14:24,750 Neighbors heard her ranting 448 00:14:21,708 --> 00:14:24,750 about the board of education's 449 00:14:24,750 --> 00:14:26,791 conspiracy 450 00:14:24,750 --> 00:14:26,791 to corrupt young minds. 451 00:14:26,791 --> 00:14:28,750 Full-scale paranoid episode. 452 00:14:28,750 --> 00:14:31,083 Stay with me on this, Mills. 453 00:14:28,750 --> 00:14:31,083 Another one pops up, 454 00:14:31,083 --> 00:14:33,625 it's gonna turn into a circus 455 00:14:31,083 --> 00:14:33,625 around here real quick. 456 00:14:33,625 --> 00:14:35,875 No way I'm losing 457 00:14:33,625 --> 00:14:35,875 control of this. 458 00:14:39,750 --> 00:14:42,125 (phone ringing) 459 00:14:42,125 --> 00:14:44,750 I assume 460 00:14:42,125 --> 00:14:44,750 this call does not bode well. 461 00:14:44,750 --> 00:14:47,166 Another victim-- 462 00:14:44,750 --> 00:14:47,166 housewife, mid-30s, 463 00:14:47,166 --> 00:14:48,541 chairwoman of the PTA. 464 00:14:48,541 --> 00:14:50,541 Don't acronym, Lieutenant. 465 00:14:50,541 --> 00:14:52,333 "Parent Teacher Association." 466 00:14:52,333 --> 00:14:54,083 Hold on. 467 00:14:54,083 --> 00:14:55,750 There's a pattern here. 468 00:14:55,750 --> 00:14:57,625 She's an authority figure. 469 00:14:57,625 --> 00:14:59,375 Person in a position of power. 470 00:14:59,375 --> 00:15:01,208 As were the other victims. 471 00:15:01,208 --> 00:15:03,583 A judge, General Washington... 472 00:15:03,583 --> 00:15:05,333 So it stands to reason, 473 00:15:05,333 --> 00:15:07,750 if the Soucouyant is the queen 474 00:15:05,333 --> 00:15:07,750 of her swarm, 475 00:15:07,750 --> 00:15:09,208 that she would attack 476 00:15:07,750 --> 00:15:09,208 other leaders. 477 00:15:09,208 --> 00:15:11,500 People in the driver's seat. 478 00:15:11,500 --> 00:15:15,291 And look at me, 479 00:15:11,500 --> 00:15:15,291 profiling a bug. I got to go. 480 00:15:15,291 --> 00:15:18,666 On me, Agent Mills. 481 00:15:15,291 --> 00:15:18,666 Who were you on the phone with? 482 00:15:18,666 --> 00:15:21,875 My roommate. 483 00:15:18,666 --> 00:15:21,875 I need you focused 484 00:15:18,666 --> 00:15:21,875 on this case, Agent. 485 00:15:21,875 --> 00:15:23,083 Instead of letting 486 00:15:21,875 --> 00:15:23,083 your personal life 487 00:15:23,083 --> 00:15:24,541 hamper another investigation. 488 00:15:35,541 --> 00:15:36,958 Okay... 489 00:15:36,958 --> 00:15:38,416 (engine starts) 490 00:15:47,000 --> 00:15:48,625 (engine revving, 491 00:15:47,000 --> 00:15:48,625 tires screeching, horn honking) 492 00:15:52,666 --> 00:15:54,625 (tires squealing) 493 00:15:54,625 --> 00:15:57,166 (horn honking) 494 00:15:57,166 --> 00:15:58,791 (tires squealing) 495 00:15:58,791 --> 00:16:02,166 Is everything 496 00:15:58,791 --> 00:16:02,166 all right? 497 00:15:58,791 --> 00:16:02,166 You tell me. 498 00:16:04,625 --> 00:16:08,041 (tires squealing) 499 00:16:08,041 --> 00:16:09,833 (horn honking) 500 00:16:09,833 --> 00:16:12,125 Whoa! Where are we going? 501 00:16:12,125 --> 00:16:14,625 I want some answers. 502 00:16:12,125 --> 00:16:14,625 I'm not sure I understand. 503 00:16:14,625 --> 00:16:16,750 We have a dead judge, 504 00:16:16,750 --> 00:16:18,083 dead housewife, 505 00:16:16,750 --> 00:16:18,083 and a cause of death 506 00:16:18,083 --> 00:16:19,583 that doesn't make any sense. 507 00:16:19,583 --> 00:16:21,125 Cut the crap for once. 508 00:16:21,125 --> 00:16:22,875 Why don't you tell me 509 00:16:22,875 --> 00:16:24,375 what's really going on? 510 00:16:24,375 --> 00:16:25,666 What's your game 511 00:16:24,375 --> 00:16:25,666 with my Nevins case? 512 00:16:25,666 --> 00:16:27,083 I spoke to Jenny already. 513 00:16:27,083 --> 00:16:28,458 You sent her in 514 00:16:27,083 --> 00:16:28,458 there, didn't you? 515 00:16:28,458 --> 00:16:30,583 No. I told you, 516 00:16:30,583 --> 00:16:33,166 her thing didn't start anywhere 517 00:16:30,583 --> 00:16:33,166 near your investigation. 518 00:16:33,166 --> 00:16:35,625 You said a lot, 519 00:16:33,166 --> 00:16:35,625 but none of it adds up. 520 00:16:35,625 --> 00:16:37,875 How did Granger 521 00:16:35,625 --> 00:16:37,875 really die? 522 00:16:37,875 --> 00:16:40,291 Why are you using your sister 523 00:16:37,875 --> 00:16:40,291 to blow a hole 524 00:16:40,291 --> 00:16:41,958 in the biggest case 525 00:16:40,291 --> 00:16:41,958 of my career? 526 00:16:41,958 --> 00:16:43,666 And who is that damn Crane guy? 527 00:16:43,666 --> 00:16:45,916 He's no historical 528 00:16:43,666 --> 00:16:45,916 consultant. 529 00:16:45,916 --> 00:16:48,125 Look, I know 530 00:16:45,916 --> 00:16:48,125 you like to win, Abbie, 531 00:16:48,125 --> 00:16:50,875 but going behind my back, 532 00:16:48,125 --> 00:16:50,875 undermining my authority? 533 00:16:50,875 --> 00:16:52,750 (laughs) 534 00:16:52,750 --> 00:16:54,541 You want to take it all away, 535 00:16:52,750 --> 00:16:54,541 is that it? 536 00:16:54,541 --> 00:16:55,958 You want it all for yourself? 537 00:16:56,958 --> 00:16:58,666 Hmm? 538 00:16:58,666 --> 00:17:00,666 Danny... 539 00:17:02,416 --> 00:17:03,750 Danny, please 540 00:17:02,416 --> 00:17:03,750 listen to me. 541 00:17:02,416 --> 00:17:03,750 To what? 542 00:17:03,750 --> 00:17:05,708 More lies, more double-talk? 543 00:17:05,708 --> 00:17:07,333 You've been stung by something. 544 00:17:07,333 --> 00:17:08,666 I've seen it 545 00:17:07,333 --> 00:17:08,666 in the other victims. 546 00:17:08,666 --> 00:17:11,250 It's impairing your judgment. 547 00:17:16,750 --> 00:17:18,000 (gasps) 548 00:17:21,583 --> 00:17:23,625 (panting) 549 00:17:25,625 --> 00:17:27,208 Okay, fine. 550 00:17:27,208 --> 00:17:29,250 Who are you calling? 551 00:17:27,208 --> 00:17:29,250 You trying to play me? 552 00:17:29,250 --> 00:17:32,250 Reynolds. 553 00:17:29,250 --> 00:17:32,250 You think I'll go 554 00:17:29,250 --> 00:17:32,250 down without a fight? 555 00:17:36,583 --> 00:17:39,041 Damn it, Mills, get off of me! 556 00:17:39,041 --> 00:17:42,625 I am sorry, Danny. 557 00:17:42,625 --> 00:17:43,708 Gonna get you some help. 558 00:17:43,708 --> 00:17:46,000 (grunts) 559 00:17:43,708 --> 00:17:46,000 I promise. 560 00:17:46,000 --> 00:17:48,000 (groans) 561 00:17:49,583 --> 00:17:50,958 Well, I gave 562 00:17:49,583 --> 00:17:50,958 him a sedative. 563 00:17:50,958 --> 00:17:52,666 Should knock him 564 00:17:50,958 --> 00:17:52,666 out for a bit. 565 00:17:52,666 --> 00:17:55,375 What happened 566 00:17:52,666 --> 00:17:55,375 to him anyway? 567 00:17:52,666 --> 00:17:55,375 He was stung by 568 00:17:55,375 --> 00:17:57,375 a Trinidadian paranoia monster. 569 00:17:57,375 --> 00:18:00,333 Welcome to Sleepy Hollow. 570 00:17:57,375 --> 00:18:00,333 Mm. 571 00:18:00,333 --> 00:18:03,416 CRANE: 572 00:18:00,333 --> 00:18:03,416 Lieutenant, the entry in 573 00:18:00,333 --> 00:18:03,416 Grace Dixon's journal-- 574 00:18:03,416 --> 00:18:05,166 'tis not a riddle 575 00:18:03,416 --> 00:18:05,166 nor a nursery rhyme. 576 00:18:05,166 --> 00:18:07,541 'Tis a ditty devised 577 00:18:05,166 --> 00:18:07,541 to have a double meaning. 578 00:18:07,541 --> 00:18:08,750 It's the Trini way. 579 00:18:08,750 --> 00:18:10,333 I was down there 580 00:18:08,750 --> 00:18:10,333 once for Carnival. 581 00:18:10,333 --> 00:18:12,125 It's all about the 582 00:18:10,333 --> 00:18:12,125 double entendre. 583 00:18:12,125 --> 00:18:14,625 Listen: "When comes 584 00:18:12,125 --> 00:18:14,625 the beauty from Caribee, 585 00:18:14,625 --> 00:18:17,625 she spends her time 586 00:18:14,625 --> 00:18:17,625 in Port of Spain." 587 00:18:17,625 --> 00:18:19,125 Not time as measured by a clock. 588 00:18:19,125 --> 00:18:22,416 The herb Spanish thyme. Next. 589 00:18:22,416 --> 00:18:25,666 "Watching foul flies roost 590 00:18:22,416 --> 00:18:25,666 in the spice tree." 591 00:18:25,666 --> 00:18:27,500 Not a foul scent, but a spice. 592 00:18:27,500 --> 00:18:29,833 Bird pepper. 593 00:18:27,500 --> 00:18:29,833 A list of ingredients. 594 00:18:29,833 --> 00:18:34,000 For the tonic Miss Dixon used to 595 00:18:29,833 --> 00:18:34,000 treat Washington. And finally: 596 00:18:34,000 --> 00:18:37,000 "Under which Sir Chadwick prays 597 00:18:34,000 --> 00:18:37,000 on bended knee." 598 00:18:37,000 --> 00:18:38,916 Chadon Beni-- a 599 00:18:37,000 --> 00:18:38,916 medicinal herb that only 600 00:18:38,916 --> 00:18:41,791 grows in Trinidad, but I know 601 00:18:38,916 --> 00:18:41,791 someone who may have a supply. 602 00:18:41,791 --> 00:18:43,666 You stay here with Reynolds. 603 00:18:43,666 --> 00:18:45,708 Joe and I will be back 604 00:18:43,666 --> 00:18:45,708 as soon as we can. 605 00:18:47,666 --> 00:18:49,791 Nice. 606 00:18:47,666 --> 00:18:49,791 Thank you. 607 00:18:49,791 --> 00:18:52,291 (reggae music playing low) 608 00:19:00,583 --> 00:19:02,708 (rings bell) 609 00:19:04,458 --> 00:19:06,708 ♪ Wandering drummer messenger ♪ 610 00:19:06,708 --> 00:19:08,041 ♪ Om-pom, pom-pom-pom... ♪ 611 00:19:08,041 --> 00:19:10,166 So I guess we put 612 00:19:08,041 --> 00:19:10,166 Abbie in a tight spot 613 00:19:10,166 --> 00:19:11,166 with the Nevins thing. 614 00:19:11,166 --> 00:19:13,166 She'll be all right. 615 00:19:13,166 --> 00:19:15,666 I know. 616 00:19:15,666 --> 00:19:18,333 Just, we were so close 617 00:19:15,666 --> 00:19:18,333 to finally getting some answers. 618 00:19:18,333 --> 00:19:20,625 I'm sorry, Joe. 619 00:19:20,625 --> 00:19:22,791 I wish there was 620 00:19:20,625 --> 00:19:22,791 another way. 621 00:19:20,625 --> 00:19:22,791 Hey, no. I mean, 622 00:19:22,791 --> 00:19:25,791 you went down that road 623 00:19:22,791 --> 00:19:25,791 as far as you could. 624 00:19:25,791 --> 00:19:27,666 Hope you know how much 625 00:19:25,791 --> 00:19:27,666 I appreciate it. 626 00:19:31,666 --> 00:19:33,291 So, what is this guy, some kind 627 00:19:33,291 --> 00:19:35,083 of Caribbean 628 00:19:33,291 --> 00:19:35,083 witch doctor, or...? 629 00:19:35,083 --> 00:19:36,541 MAN: 630 00:19:35,083 --> 00:19:36,541 Call me that again, 631 00:19:35,083 --> 00:19:36,541 and it's me and you. 632 00:19:36,541 --> 00:19:41,458 Jenny Mills. Long time. 633 00:19:41,458 --> 00:19:43,250 Long enough for you 634 00:19:41,458 --> 00:19:43,250 to get a man. 635 00:19:43,250 --> 00:19:45,291 Oh, no, he's not my... 636 00:19:43,250 --> 00:19:45,291 No, no, no, we're not... 637 00:19:45,291 --> 00:19:46,333 ...boyfriend. 638 00:19:45,291 --> 00:19:46,333 ...together. 639 00:19:46,333 --> 00:19:47,833 Irish moss. 640 00:19:47,833 --> 00:19:49,833 This'll give 641 00:19:47,833 --> 00:19:49,833 you stamina 642 00:19:49,833 --> 00:19:53,250 for those long, 643 00:19:49,833 --> 00:19:53,250 long nights, huh? 644 00:19:53,250 --> 00:19:54,500 (chuckling) 645 00:19:53,250 --> 00:19:54,500 Uh, we need something 646 00:19:54,500 --> 00:19:57,291 off the red list, Azzaca. 647 00:19:57,291 --> 00:19:59,750 Chadon Beni. 648 00:19:59,750 --> 00:20:02,083 That is a tough one 649 00:19:59,750 --> 00:20:02,083 on short notice. 650 00:20:02,083 --> 00:20:05,041 I have to call a fella 651 00:20:02,083 --> 00:20:05,041 who could call a fella 652 00:20:02,083 --> 00:20:05,041 who has a boat, but... 653 00:20:05,041 --> 00:20:07,416 No time to haggle. 654 00:20:05,041 --> 00:20:07,416 Quarter pound. 655 00:20:07,416 --> 00:20:08,708 Friends-and-family rate. 656 00:20:08,708 --> 00:20:10,958 We're on the clock. 657 00:20:10,958 --> 00:20:14,541 An Obeah man is only capable 658 00:20:10,958 --> 00:20:14,541 of so much, Jennifer Mills. 659 00:20:14,541 --> 00:20:16,166 I cannot bend time and space. 660 00:20:16,166 --> 00:20:17,333 And if we pay cash? 661 00:20:18,875 --> 00:20:22,541 Oh, you mean to say 662 00:20:18,875 --> 00:20:22,541 that Chadon Beni? 663 00:20:23,583 --> 00:20:25,583 I have a pinch 664 00:20:23,583 --> 00:20:25,583 for emergencies. 665 00:20:25,583 --> 00:20:26,875 Oh. Yeah. 666 00:20:26,875 --> 00:20:28,916 I like this one. 667 00:20:28,916 --> 00:20:30,416 Keep him. 668 00:20:32,833 --> 00:20:34,750 (both chuckle) 669 00:20:49,541 --> 00:20:52,000 (song continues, 670 00:20:49,541 --> 00:20:52,000 low and indistinct) 671 00:20:54,958 --> 00:20:56,541 (groans) 672 00:20:58,166 --> 00:21:00,875 (deep, demonic voice): 673 00:20:58,166 --> 00:21:00,875 A shadow older than time falls 674 00:21:00,875 --> 00:21:02,333 over your soul. 675 00:21:02,333 --> 00:21:04,708 You shall be claimed. 676 00:21:04,708 --> 00:21:06,958 Hey, let her go. Come on. 677 00:21:04,708 --> 00:21:06,958 Come on, get off her, man! 678 00:21:06,958 --> 00:21:08,500 (grunts) 679 00:21:08,500 --> 00:21:10,541 Azzaca, what the hell? 680 00:21:11,666 --> 00:21:13,875 Watch yourself, sis. 681 00:21:13,875 --> 00:21:16,000 Your fate has changed. 682 00:21:17,208 --> 00:21:18,208 Protect her. 683 00:21:33,375 --> 00:21:34,666 Mills, where am I? 684 00:21:34,666 --> 00:21:36,291 Somewhere safe. 685 00:21:38,291 --> 00:21:40,458 (handcuffs rattling, clacking) 686 00:21:40,458 --> 00:21:41,791 You can't do this to me. 687 00:21:41,791 --> 00:21:43,958 You need to stay still. 688 00:21:43,958 --> 00:21:45,750 There's something 689 00:21:43,958 --> 00:21:45,750 in your system, 690 00:21:45,750 --> 00:21:48,625 and the more that you struggle, 691 00:21:45,750 --> 00:21:48,625 the faster it'll kill you. 692 00:21:48,625 --> 00:21:50,083 (panting softly) 693 00:21:50,083 --> 00:21:52,166 You'd like that, wouldn't you? 694 00:21:52,166 --> 00:21:53,583 No. 695 00:21:53,583 --> 00:21:55,791 We have people 696 00:21:53,583 --> 00:21:55,791 working on medicine. 697 00:21:55,791 --> 00:21:57,291 You just need to 698 00:21:55,791 --> 00:21:57,291 hang in there. 699 00:21:57,291 --> 00:21:58,666 The roommate? 700 00:21:58,666 --> 00:22:01,208 You trusted me before. 701 00:22:01,208 --> 00:22:04,041 Remember? Right? 702 00:22:01,208 --> 00:22:04,041 Hold on to that, Danny. 703 00:22:04,041 --> 00:22:05,583 (wry chuckle) 704 00:22:05,583 --> 00:22:08,375 You just can't see 705 00:22:05,583 --> 00:22:08,375 what you do to people. 706 00:22:10,166 --> 00:22:14,333 All I can do 707 00:22:10,166 --> 00:22:14,333 is try to do my best, 708 00:22:14,333 --> 00:22:17,083 be a friend, and do 709 00:22:14,333 --> 00:22:17,083 right by you, Danny. 710 00:22:17,083 --> 00:22:19,708 The Outer Banks. 711 00:22:19,708 --> 00:22:22,083 That little shack on the beach. 712 00:22:23,583 --> 00:22:25,916 It wasn't much-- 713 00:22:23,583 --> 00:22:25,916 the fan barely moved the air-- 714 00:22:25,916 --> 00:22:28,166 but that time... 715 00:22:28,166 --> 00:22:30,875 that you're so hell-bent 716 00:22:28,166 --> 00:22:30,875 on putting in the rearview... 717 00:22:30,875 --> 00:22:33,708 that's when I found you. 718 00:22:34,958 --> 00:22:37,166 That's when I knew. 719 00:22:40,000 --> 00:22:43,333 And you left that place, 720 00:22:40,000 --> 00:22:43,333 but I'm still there. 721 00:22:44,916 --> 00:22:46,708 (knocking on door) 722 00:22:54,500 --> 00:22:58,875 Oh, one who remains hidden... 723 00:22:58,875 --> 00:23:03,833 whose destiny is 724 00:22:58,875 --> 00:23:03,833 to reign over all... 725 00:23:03,833 --> 00:23:07,708 light a pathway to your glory. 726 00:23:10,041 --> 00:23:12,583 The hour of reckoning 727 00:23:10,041 --> 00:23:12,583 draws near. 728 00:23:12,583 --> 00:23:16,250 ♪ ♪ 729 00:23:20,250 --> 00:23:23,250 An occasion worth celebrating. 730 00:23:26,625 --> 00:23:28,625 ♪ ♪ 731 00:23:32,916 --> 00:23:33,916 Sister... 732 00:23:33,916 --> 00:23:35,833 (buzzing) 733 00:23:35,833 --> 00:23:37,041 ...how do you fare? 734 00:23:37,041 --> 00:23:38,708 (buzzing) 735 00:23:44,625 --> 00:23:46,541 Do you like my dress? 736 00:23:46,541 --> 00:23:49,000 (buzzing) 737 00:23:49,000 --> 00:23:51,166 When a new day dawns 738 00:23:49,000 --> 00:23:51,166 over all that is, 739 00:23:51,166 --> 00:23:53,166 a girl has to look her best. 740 00:23:59,875 --> 00:24:02,791 MAN: It's over on 741 00:23:59,875 --> 00:24:02,791 the other side. 742 00:24:02,791 --> 00:24:05,625 (rock song playing, 743 00:24:02,791 --> 00:24:05,625 low and indistinct) 744 00:24:09,000 --> 00:24:10,875 (sighs) 745 00:24:15,416 --> 00:24:17,833 ♪ ...everything she desires... ♪ 746 00:24:19,666 --> 00:24:21,666 It's me. 747 00:24:23,333 --> 00:24:26,041 We need to finish this. 748 00:24:29,125 --> 00:24:31,208 The tonic we dosed him with 749 00:24:29,125 --> 00:24:31,208 may keep Danny alive 750 00:24:31,208 --> 00:24:33,833 a little longer, but we need 751 00:24:31,208 --> 00:24:33,833 to get ahead of this thing. 752 00:24:33,833 --> 00:24:36,625 Who knows how many others 753 00:24:33,833 --> 00:24:36,625 have been stung by now? 754 00:24:36,625 --> 00:24:38,666 Grace Dixon's journal 755 00:24:36,625 --> 00:24:38,666 said that Betsy Ross 756 00:24:38,666 --> 00:24:40,625 armed up to go after it. 757 00:24:40,625 --> 00:24:43,750 Yes. The tonic is merely 758 00:24:40,625 --> 00:24:43,750 a stopgap measure. 759 00:24:43,750 --> 00:24:45,500 As long as the 760 00:24:43,750 --> 00:24:45,500 Soucouyant lives, 761 00:24:45,500 --> 00:24:47,708 it shall have a grip 762 00:24:45,500 --> 00:24:47,708 on his soul and... 763 00:24:47,708 --> 00:24:49,625 the fever will overcome him. 764 00:24:49,625 --> 00:24:52,125 Fine. How do we kill a swarm? 765 00:24:52,125 --> 00:24:54,791 According to the lore 766 00:24:52,125 --> 00:24:54,791 of the creature, 767 00:24:54,791 --> 00:24:58,083 the Soucouyant can be 768 00:24:54,791 --> 00:24:58,083 destroyed if you... 769 00:24:58,083 --> 00:25:00,125 follow her home 770 00:24:58,083 --> 00:25:00,125 and burn down 771 00:25:00,125 --> 00:25:02,083 her house. 772 00:25:00,125 --> 00:25:02,083 Folklore... 773 00:25:02,083 --> 00:25:03,666 usually has a basis in reality. 774 00:25:03,666 --> 00:25:05,708 What if the answer here isn't 775 00:25:05,708 --> 00:25:07,541 magical in nature 776 00:25:05,708 --> 00:25:07,541 but in the... 777 00:25:07,541 --> 00:25:09,208 behavior 778 00:25:07,541 --> 00:25:09,208 of the insects themselves? 779 00:25:09,208 --> 00:25:10,875 You want to kill bees? 780 00:25:10,875 --> 00:25:13,583 Wasps? Destroy the hive. 781 00:25:13,583 --> 00:25:16,000 They never stray far 782 00:25:13,583 --> 00:25:16,000 from the hive. 783 00:25:17,708 --> 00:25:18,708 Three victims. 784 00:25:18,708 --> 00:25:20,416 Judge... 785 00:25:20,416 --> 00:25:22,208 dedicated to his job-- 786 00:25:20,416 --> 00:25:22,208 let's say he was stung 787 00:25:22,208 --> 00:25:23,833 in his chambers. Here. 788 00:25:23,833 --> 00:25:25,708 PTA woman in her house. 789 00:25:25,708 --> 00:25:27,333 Reynolds in his. 790 00:25:27,333 --> 00:25:29,958 We triangulate. 791 00:25:29,958 --> 00:25:32,041 Ah, hold the phone. 792 00:25:32,041 --> 00:25:34,125 Ah. (chuckles) 793 00:25:35,333 --> 00:25:37,583 Wait, wait. 794 00:25:41,625 --> 00:25:42,750 The symbol 795 00:25:42,750 --> 00:25:44,541 on the back of the tablet. 796 00:25:47,166 --> 00:25:48,958 I always thought 797 00:25:47,166 --> 00:25:48,958 it was decorative. 798 00:25:49,791 --> 00:25:50,791 Look... 799 00:25:50,791 --> 00:25:54,333 A tree with six blossoms. 800 00:25:54,333 --> 00:25:57,500 This is the sixth creature 801 00:25:54,333 --> 00:25:57,500 that Pandora has sent. 802 00:25:57,500 --> 00:25:58,791 Whatever it is she's planning, 803 00:25:58,791 --> 00:26:01,000 I fear she may be close 804 00:25:58,791 --> 00:26:01,000 to achieving her goal. 805 00:26:01,000 --> 00:26:02,375 What if the Soucouyant's hive 806 00:26:02,375 --> 00:26:04,125 and Pandora 807 00:26:02,375 --> 00:26:04,125 are in the same place? 808 00:26:05,583 --> 00:26:07,583 CRANE: Then we've found 809 00:26:05,583 --> 00:26:07,583 our enemy's lair. 810 00:26:09,166 --> 00:26:12,125 You sure you're 811 00:26:09,166 --> 00:26:12,125 not hungry? 812 00:26:12,125 --> 00:26:14,666 The chef here makes 813 00:26:12,125 --> 00:26:14,666 a mean Cajun catfish. 814 00:26:14,666 --> 00:26:16,750 Yeah. I've tried it. 815 00:26:16,750 --> 00:26:20,291 My dad used to bring me here 816 00:26:16,750 --> 00:26:20,291 when I was a kid, remember? 817 00:26:20,291 --> 00:26:22,875 Where is your friend? 818 00:26:22,875 --> 00:26:24,041 Mills isn't a part of this. 819 00:26:24,041 --> 00:26:25,666 Hmm. 820 00:26:33,083 --> 00:26:34,875 (chuckles) 821 00:26:33,083 --> 00:26:34,875 Look at us. 822 00:26:38,583 --> 00:26:39,750 So what are these? 823 00:26:41,500 --> 00:26:43,708 Bank accounts? Transit numbers? 824 00:26:44,750 --> 00:26:46,625 That's Liechtenstein 825 00:26:44,750 --> 00:26:46,625 and that's Geneva. 826 00:26:46,625 --> 00:26:48,625 It was your father's idea. 827 00:26:46,625 --> 00:26:48,625 I wanted to hide the cash 828 00:26:48,625 --> 00:26:50,291 in Bolivia, like a... 829 00:26:50,291 --> 00:26:52,041 Butch and Sundance thing. 830 00:26:52,041 --> 00:26:54,208 Back then your father 831 00:26:52,041 --> 00:26:54,208 was much smarter 832 00:26:54,208 --> 00:26:56,000 than me with money. 833 00:26:56,000 --> 00:26:57,583 Congrats on your inheritance. 834 00:26:57,583 --> 00:27:01,250 I mean, even though... 835 00:26:57,583 --> 00:27:01,250 you had to get it by selling out 836 00:27:01,250 --> 00:27:02,291 your friends. 837 00:27:03,250 --> 00:27:04,875 (gun cocks) 838 00:27:14,291 --> 00:27:16,750 Boy, you look like your father, 839 00:27:16,750 --> 00:27:19,666 when we were shavetails 840 00:27:16,750 --> 00:27:19,666 down at Parris Island. 841 00:27:21,333 --> 00:27:24,750 This is where you give me 842 00:27:21,333 --> 00:27:24,750 what I want, son. 843 00:27:25,750 --> 00:27:27,250 That was the arrangement. 844 00:27:45,708 --> 00:27:47,458 What, you think 845 00:27:45,708 --> 00:27:47,458 I'm the villain here? 846 00:27:47,458 --> 00:27:48,541 No, no, no, 847 00:27:48,541 --> 00:27:50,458 it doesn't work 848 00:27:48,541 --> 00:27:50,458 like that. 849 00:27:50,458 --> 00:27:53,666 In this game, son, 850 00:27:50,458 --> 00:27:53,666 the debts collect you. 851 00:27:55,458 --> 00:27:57,666 Your father learned that 852 00:27:55,458 --> 00:27:57,666 the hard way. 853 00:27:57,666 --> 00:27:59,458 Well, I'm not my father. 854 00:27:59,458 --> 00:28:01,583 Yeah. 855 00:28:01,583 --> 00:28:03,708 Ever asked yourself 856 00:28:03,708 --> 00:28:06,583 why you need to know? 857 00:28:06,583 --> 00:28:07,750 Why we're playing 858 00:28:06,583 --> 00:28:07,750 ring-around-the-rosy 859 00:28:07,750 --> 00:28:09,541 over this little hunk of stone? 860 00:28:10,583 --> 00:28:13,291 You're exactly like him. 861 00:28:14,750 --> 00:28:17,583 You're drawn to the darkness, 862 00:28:14,750 --> 00:28:17,583 and you can't look away. 863 00:28:18,583 --> 00:28:19,875 That... 864 00:28:19,875 --> 00:28:23,583 that badge of your father's, 865 00:28:19,875 --> 00:28:23,583 that, uh... 866 00:28:23,583 --> 00:28:26,833 Mayberry sheriff vibe... 867 00:28:26,833 --> 00:28:29,416 that was not 868 00:28:26,833 --> 00:28:29,416 August Corbin. 869 00:28:29,416 --> 00:28:31,666 No, he knew the truth. 870 00:28:31,666 --> 00:28:33,625 There is no good... 871 00:28:33,625 --> 00:28:35,833 no evil... 872 00:28:35,833 --> 00:28:38,041 just... 873 00:28:40,166 --> 00:28:41,166 (click) 874 00:28:45,333 --> 00:28:47,125 (eerie whooshing) 875 00:28:49,583 --> 00:28:51,583 ...power. 876 00:28:59,958 --> 00:29:01,083 All right, 877 00:28:59,958 --> 00:29:01,083 let's go for a ride. 878 00:29:01,958 --> 00:29:03,458 Hey. Hey! 879 00:29:03,458 --> 00:29:04,583 Hey! 880 00:29:10,791 --> 00:29:12,208 Call off your dogs. 881 00:29:16,041 --> 00:29:16,875 Guns. 882 00:29:22,958 --> 00:29:24,250 The Shard. 883 00:29:24,250 --> 00:29:26,416 You're making a big mistake. 884 00:29:26,416 --> 00:29:28,375 That's my specialty. 885 00:29:28,375 --> 00:29:29,416 Jacket pocket. 886 00:29:39,583 --> 00:29:40,583 Move. 887 00:29:50,625 --> 00:29:52,958 He said the numbers were 888 00:29:50,625 --> 00:29:52,958 for Swiss bank accounts. 889 00:29:52,958 --> 00:29:55,416 If there's money... 890 00:29:52,958 --> 00:29:55,416 my dad's money. 891 00:29:55,416 --> 00:29:56,416 You believe him? 892 00:29:56,416 --> 00:29:57,583 I don't know. 893 00:29:57,583 --> 00:29:59,416 Well, we got more than 894 00:29:57,583 --> 00:29:59,416 we could've hoped for. 895 00:30:00,458 --> 00:30:01,833 (whoosh) 896 00:30:05,958 --> 00:30:06,958 Go! 897 00:30:06,958 --> 00:30:08,833 Go! 898 00:30:06,958 --> 00:30:08,833 (engine revs) 899 00:30:20,250 --> 00:30:23,583 These ruins are ancient. 900 00:30:23,583 --> 00:30:25,958 The architecture... 901 00:30:25,958 --> 00:30:27,958 unlike anything 902 00:30:25,958 --> 00:30:27,958 I've ever seen. 903 00:30:33,083 --> 00:30:37,541 (buzzing) 904 00:30:43,125 --> 00:30:45,500 I hate it when you're right. 905 00:30:51,583 --> 00:30:53,625 Whoa. Find the hive. 906 00:30:51,583 --> 00:30:53,625 I'll buy us some time. 907 00:30:53,625 --> 00:30:54,833 All right. 908 00:30:54,833 --> 00:30:57,333 Okay... hey... 909 00:30:57,333 --> 00:30:59,791 Secrets. 910 00:31:02,666 --> 00:31:04,958 Chaos. 911 00:31:07,916 --> 00:31:10,375 Loneliness. 912 00:31:13,708 --> 00:31:15,666 Innocence lost. 913 00:31:15,666 --> 00:31:17,166 Death. 914 00:31:22,583 --> 00:31:24,708 And the last little one... 915 00:31:24,708 --> 00:31:26,583 CRANE: 916 00:31:24,708 --> 00:31:26,583 Fear itself. 917 00:31:32,166 --> 00:31:36,083 The tree, the flowers, 918 00:31:36,083 --> 00:31:38,625 the creatures you summoned, 919 00:31:36,083 --> 00:31:38,625 they all serve a single purpose, 920 00:31:38,625 --> 00:31:39,750 do they not? 921 00:31:39,750 --> 00:31:41,750 You're cultivating 922 00:31:41,750 --> 00:31:43,041 forms of terror. 923 00:31:43,041 --> 00:31:45,208 Very specific ones. 924 00:31:45,208 --> 00:31:47,208 And I should 925 00:31:45,208 --> 00:31:47,208 thank you 926 00:31:47,208 --> 00:31:48,750 and your lady friend 927 00:31:48,750 --> 00:31:51,083 for cleaning up 928 00:31:48,750 --> 00:31:51,083 behind me. 929 00:31:51,083 --> 00:31:54,500 Calling beasts out of the box 930 00:31:51,083 --> 00:31:54,500 was quite easy. 931 00:31:54,500 --> 00:31:57,166 You did all the hard work. 932 00:31:57,166 --> 00:31:58,583 It ends now. 933 00:31:58,583 --> 00:32:00,750 As all good things must. 934 00:32:00,750 --> 00:32:03,000 (buzzing) 935 00:32:20,291 --> 00:32:22,583 I know what it feels like, 936 00:32:22,583 --> 00:32:25,083 to be in the presence 937 00:32:22,583 --> 00:32:25,083 of someone 938 00:32:25,083 --> 00:32:27,041 much greater than myself. 939 00:32:27,041 --> 00:32:28,666 I've seen this tree before. 940 00:32:29,833 --> 00:32:32,166 I have an ancient tablet. 941 00:32:32,166 --> 00:32:34,000 I'd like to give you 942 00:32:32,166 --> 00:32:34,000 a history lesson. 943 00:32:34,000 --> 00:32:35,833 Not another step. 944 00:32:34,000 --> 00:32:35,833 If I didn't already have 945 00:32:35,833 --> 00:32:37,583 all the fear I need, 946 00:32:37,583 --> 00:32:38,583 I'd make this 947 00:32:38,583 --> 00:32:39,541 last a little longer... 948 00:32:44,625 --> 00:32:46,666 (buzzing) 949 00:32:59,541 --> 00:33:02,083 No time to play. 950 00:33:03,500 --> 00:33:06,708 ABBIE: 951 00:33:03,500 --> 00:33:06,708 Crane? 952 00:33:08,125 --> 00:33:09,333 (Crane grunts) 953 00:33:10,750 --> 00:33:12,916 Gone for now. 954 00:33:10,750 --> 00:33:12,916 Could be back any moment. 955 00:33:12,916 --> 00:33:14,125 Bigger problems. 956 00:33:14,125 --> 00:33:15,750 Whatever Pandora has planned, 957 00:33:15,750 --> 00:33:17,833 I fear it is coming to fruition 958 00:33:15,750 --> 00:33:17,833 as we speak. 959 00:33:17,833 --> 00:33:19,458 (deep rumbling) 960 00:33:19,458 --> 00:33:20,708 The hive. 961 00:33:20,708 --> 00:33:22,625 Middle of the lair, 962 00:33:20,708 --> 00:33:22,625 above the pool. 963 00:33:22,625 --> 00:33:25,541 We start with that, then the 964 00:33:22,625 --> 00:33:25,541 bitch with the box. You got 'em? 965 00:33:25,541 --> 00:33:26,458 Yes. 966 00:33:26,458 --> 00:33:27,708 Greek fire, eh? 967 00:33:27,708 --> 00:33:29,666 No. We used all that 968 00:33:27,708 --> 00:33:29,666 burning General Howe. 969 00:33:29,666 --> 00:33:31,291 That's prussic acid. 970 00:33:31,291 --> 00:33:32,541 Very unstable. 971 00:33:32,541 --> 00:33:33,750 Right now, so am I. 972 00:33:37,666 --> 00:33:39,541 Be wary. 973 00:33:41,541 --> 00:33:43,125 (buzzing) 974 00:33:55,791 --> 00:33:57,375 (buzzing) 975 00:34:07,958 --> 00:34:10,583 (grunting) 976 00:34:16,375 --> 00:34:17,583 (shouts) 977 00:34:17,583 --> 00:34:18,750 (buzzing) 978 00:34:21,583 --> 00:34:22,583 (groans loudly) 979 00:34:31,250 --> 00:34:33,416 (screeching) 980 00:34:37,625 --> 00:34:38,750 Aah! 981 00:34:44,375 --> 00:34:46,625 (panting) 982 00:34:52,458 --> 00:34:54,708 ♪ ♪ 983 00:35:02,541 --> 00:35:04,166 Bear witness. 984 00:35:04,166 --> 00:35:06,166 (crackling) 985 00:35:08,583 --> 00:35:09,583 Stop! 986 00:35:31,083 --> 00:35:32,583 (monitor beeping, 987 00:35:31,083 --> 00:35:32,583 Reynolds groans quietly) 988 00:35:32,583 --> 00:35:33,875 WOMAN (over P.A.): 989 00:35:32,583 --> 00:35:33,875 Dr. Harris to O.R., please. 990 00:35:33,875 --> 00:35:35,625 Dr. Harris to O.R., 991 00:35:33,875 --> 00:35:35,625 please. 992 00:35:38,791 --> 00:35:41,333 Abs? 993 00:35:41,333 --> 00:35:43,750 How are you feeling? 994 00:35:43,750 --> 00:35:45,583 Last thing I remember 995 00:35:45,583 --> 00:35:47,875 was the crime scene. 996 00:35:47,875 --> 00:35:49,708 Yeah? 997 00:35:51,250 --> 00:35:53,250 Well, that was hours ago. 998 00:35:53,250 --> 00:35:57,375 Some kind of messed-up 999 00:35:53,250 --> 00:35:57,375 bug bite took you down. 1000 00:35:57,375 --> 00:35:59,875 You had a major 1001 00:35:57,375 --> 00:35:59,875 allergic reaction. 1002 00:35:59,875 --> 00:36:02,041 Somehow we got you to 1003 00:35:59,875 --> 00:36:02,041 the hospital in time, 1004 00:36:02,041 --> 00:36:03,625 pumped you full 1005 00:36:02,041 --> 00:36:03,625 of antihistamines, 1006 00:36:03,625 --> 00:36:05,250 and you've been out cold since. 1007 00:36:05,250 --> 00:36:07,791 I was pretty out of it, huh? 1008 00:36:07,791 --> 00:36:09,625 Mm-hmm. 1009 00:36:09,625 --> 00:36:11,125 Talking nonsense? 1010 00:36:11,125 --> 00:36:12,625 No more than usual. 1011 00:36:12,625 --> 00:36:14,625 (both laugh) 1012 00:36:14,625 --> 00:36:16,291 That bad, huh? 1013 00:36:16,291 --> 00:36:18,416 Yeah. 1014 00:36:18,416 --> 00:36:20,708 You'd tell me, right? 1015 00:36:20,708 --> 00:36:23,708 Nothing I didn't already know. 1016 00:36:23,708 --> 00:36:26,416 Hey. 1017 00:36:26,416 --> 00:36:28,375 Rest up. 1018 00:36:28,375 --> 00:36:29,916 We need you back 1019 00:36:28,375 --> 00:36:29,916 running the show. 1020 00:36:33,750 --> 00:36:35,791 Abbie... 1021 00:36:35,791 --> 00:36:38,583 I get the impression 1022 00:36:35,791 --> 00:36:38,583 I'm still kickin' 'cause of you. 1023 00:36:38,583 --> 00:36:40,208 I try. 1024 00:36:41,583 --> 00:36:44,625 Always will. 1025 00:36:47,708 --> 00:36:50,166 ♪ ♪ 1026 00:36:54,416 --> 00:36:57,416 Miss Corinth. 1027 00:36:57,416 --> 00:37:00,125 Oh! 1028 00:37:00,125 --> 00:37:01,625 Oh! 1029 00:37:01,625 --> 00:37:03,125 (chuckles) 1030 00:37:01,625 --> 00:37:03,125 Uh... 1031 00:37:01,625 --> 00:37:03,125 (chuckles) 1032 00:37:03,125 --> 00:37:05,333 Thank you. 1033 00:37:03,125 --> 00:37:05,333 Well... thank you. 1034 00:37:05,333 --> 00:37:07,333 They're beautiful. 1035 00:37:05,333 --> 00:37:07,333 Delightful. 1036 00:37:07,333 --> 00:37:10,750 Uh, so... what's the plan? 1037 00:37:10,750 --> 00:37:12,333 Oh, there isn't one. 1038 00:37:12,333 --> 00:37:14,333 No plan, no agenda. 1039 00:37:14,333 --> 00:37:16,791 No Internet in days. 1040 00:37:16,791 --> 00:37:18,041 I like it. 1041 00:37:18,041 --> 00:37:20,041 Despite my fears 1042 00:37:20,041 --> 00:37:22,041 that you may find 1043 00:37:20,041 --> 00:37:22,041 my predilections 1044 00:37:22,041 --> 00:37:24,416 somewhat old-fashioned, 1045 00:37:24,416 --> 00:37:27,666 the truth is I rather 1046 00:37:24,416 --> 00:37:27,666 enjoy a constitutional. 1047 00:37:27,666 --> 00:37:29,666 No destination in mind. 1048 00:37:29,666 --> 00:37:32,666 Simply... a wander. 1049 00:37:32,666 --> 00:37:35,208 So no rezzy at Le Cirque? 1050 00:37:35,208 --> 00:37:37,583 No hot stone massage 1051 00:37:35,208 --> 00:37:37,583 for two? 3-D IMAX? 1052 00:37:37,583 --> 00:37:41,041 Hot air balloon 1053 00:37:37,583 --> 00:37:41,041 to a wine tasting? 1054 00:37:37,583 --> 00:37:41,041 No. 1055 00:37:41,041 --> 00:37:42,625 A walk. 1056 00:37:42,625 --> 00:37:45,458 Mr. Ichabod Crane... 1057 00:37:45,458 --> 00:37:47,250 are you inviting me 1058 00:37:45,458 --> 00:37:47,250 to join you 1059 00:37:47,250 --> 00:37:49,375 on a turn 1060 00:37:47,250 --> 00:37:49,375 of this lovely meadow? 1061 00:37:49,375 --> 00:37:52,583 Usually I make the circuit 1062 00:37:49,375 --> 00:37:52,583 alone with my thoughts, 1063 00:37:52,583 --> 00:37:54,416 but... 1064 00:37:54,416 --> 00:37:56,083 times are changing. 1065 00:37:56,083 --> 00:37:57,916 And so must I. 1066 00:38:01,916 --> 00:38:04,208 This is 1067 00:38:01,916 --> 00:38:04,208 the official first date. 1068 00:38:04,208 --> 00:38:06,708 Mm, technically our second. 1069 00:38:06,708 --> 00:38:07,791 Just go with it. 1070 00:38:16,541 --> 00:38:18,291 ABBIE: 1071 00:38:16,541 --> 00:38:18,291 From the blank look 1072 00:38:16,541 --> 00:38:18,291 on your face, 1073 00:38:18,291 --> 00:38:20,083 I take it your 1074 00:38:18,291 --> 00:38:20,083 date went well. 1075 00:38:20,083 --> 00:38:22,500 (clears throat) 1076 00:38:20,083 --> 00:38:22,500 I cannot recall 1077 00:38:22,500 --> 00:38:26,750 which great, great Colonial 1078 00:38:22,500 --> 00:38:26,750 thinker coined the phrase 1079 00:38:26,750 --> 00:38:30,250 "'Twas a tiny patch 1080 00:38:26,750 --> 00:38:30,250 of paradise." 1081 00:38:30,250 --> 00:38:32,875 Oh, no, wait, it was me. 1082 00:38:32,875 --> 00:38:35,333 A wise woman once said, 1083 00:38:32,875 --> 00:38:35,333 "Don't get ahead of yourself." 1084 00:38:36,416 --> 00:38:37,750 Oh, wait. 1085 00:38:37,750 --> 00:38:39,500 That was every woman. 1086 00:38:39,500 --> 00:38:40,625 Point taken. 1087 00:38:42,375 --> 00:38:44,583 How does Agent Reynolds fare? 1088 00:38:44,583 --> 00:38:46,791 He'll make a full recovery, 1089 00:38:46,791 --> 00:38:48,541 and... thankfully, 1090 00:38:48,541 --> 00:38:50,708 he doesn't remember anything, 1091 00:38:48,541 --> 00:38:50,708 which is a blessing 1092 00:38:50,708 --> 00:38:52,125 on so many levels. 1093 00:38:52,125 --> 00:38:53,125 Uh... 1094 00:38:53,125 --> 00:38:54,916 I'm trying to figure out 1095 00:38:54,916 --> 00:38:57,041 where Pandora 1096 00:38:54,916 --> 00:38:57,041 may have gone. 1097 00:38:57,041 --> 00:38:58,666 That passage 1098 00:38:58,666 --> 00:39:01,666 under the tree, 1099 00:38:58,666 --> 00:39:01,666 the stairwell leading down... 1100 00:39:01,666 --> 00:39:06,166 Trees are often associated with 1101 00:39:01,666 --> 00:39:06,166 the entrance to the underworld. 1102 00:39:06,166 --> 00:39:09,250 Yggdrasil, 1103 00:39:06,166 --> 00:39:09,250 the Norse realm of Hel. 1104 00:39:09,250 --> 00:39:10,833 The levels 1105 00:39:09,250 --> 00:39:10,833 of Dante's Inferno 1106 00:39:10,833 --> 00:39:13,666 can be interpreted 1107 00:39:10,833 --> 00:39:13,666 as a stairwell of sorts. 1108 00:39:10,833 --> 00:39:13,666 Yeah, 1109 00:39:13,666 --> 00:39:14,541 that sounds like good news. 1110 00:39:16,083 --> 00:39:17,666 You're thinking 1111 00:39:16,083 --> 00:39:17,666 that everything up until now 1112 00:39:17,666 --> 00:39:19,083 has been a warm-up act. 1113 00:39:20,375 --> 00:39:23,291 I'd stake my life on it. 1114 00:39:23,291 --> 00:39:24,791 The tree, 1115 00:39:24,791 --> 00:39:26,875 the types of fear she raised-- 1116 00:39:26,875 --> 00:39:29,166 she's preparing something. 1117 00:39:29,166 --> 00:39:32,833 I fear her return 1118 00:39:29,166 --> 00:39:32,833 is inevitable. 1119 00:39:32,833 --> 00:39:35,625 The only question is... 1120 00:39:35,625 --> 00:39:39,250 what insidious plan 1121 00:39:35,625 --> 00:39:39,250 does she have for her return? 1122 00:39:39,250 --> 00:39:41,500 Whatever it is, 1123 00:39:41,500 --> 00:39:44,083 she messed with our town, 1124 00:39:44,083 --> 00:39:46,166 our friends, 1125 00:39:46,166 --> 00:39:49,458 and the people 1126 00:39:46,166 --> 00:39:49,458 that we care about. 1127 00:39:49,458 --> 00:39:51,708 If she wants a rematch, 1128 00:39:49,458 --> 00:39:51,708 I say bring it on. 1129 00:39:51,708 --> 00:39:54,041 Oh, Lieutenant, 1130 00:39:54,041 --> 00:39:56,375 that is a quote we can live by. 1131 00:40:02,166 --> 00:40:05,125 (thunder rumbling) 1132 00:40:05,125 --> 00:40:06,375 (grunting quietly) 1133 00:40:07,583 --> 00:40:09,083 (grunting) 1134 00:40:13,625 --> 00:40:16,166 (overlapping, indistinct voices) 1135 00:40:27,458 --> 00:40:30,250 (gasping, panting) 1136 00:41:15,875 --> 00:41:17,875 Captioned by 1137 00:41:15,875 --> 00:41:17,875 Media Access Group at WGBH