1 00:00:01,000 --> 00:00:02,166 (gunshot) 2 00:00:02,166 --> 00:00:04,666 MAN: 3 00:00:02,166 --> 00:00:04,666 Forward! 4 00:00:04,666 --> 00:00:06,625 Know thyself. 5 00:00:06,625 --> 00:00:08,166 (distant sounds of gunfire, 6 00:00:06,625 --> 00:00:08,166 men shouting) 7 00:00:08,166 --> 00:00:10,375 Know thy enemy. 8 00:00:11,958 --> 00:00:13,291 Know these things 9 00:00:13,291 --> 00:00:17,833 and one need not fear 10 00:00:13,291 --> 00:00:17,833 1,000 battles. 11 00:00:17,833 --> 00:00:20,416 For there will come 12 00:00:20,416 --> 00:00:23,958 1,000 victories. 13 00:00:29,333 --> 00:00:30,500 The Art of War. 14 00:00:30,500 --> 00:00:32,250 You've read Sun Tzu. 15 00:00:32,250 --> 00:00:34,083 Gave us copies at the academy. 16 00:00:34,083 --> 00:00:35,500 Then you will recognize this. 17 00:00:35,500 --> 00:00:38,000 "A clever fighter 18 00:00:35,500 --> 00:00:38,000 is not one who wins, 19 00:00:38,000 --> 00:00:39,833 but one who..." 20 00:00:41,875 --> 00:00:43,833 Checkmate. 21 00:00:43,833 --> 00:00:45,875 "...one who wins with ease." 22 00:00:45,875 --> 00:00:48,916 You know a counter 23 00:00:45,875 --> 00:00:48,916 to Philidor's open? 24 00:00:48,916 --> 00:00:50,250 Corbin taught me the game. 25 00:00:50,250 --> 00:00:51,791 He said it's, uh, best 26 00:00:51,791 --> 00:00:53,666 if I just feel my way. 27 00:00:53,666 --> 00:00:55,250 "Feel your way"? 28 00:00:53,666 --> 00:00:55,250 Mm-hmm. 29 00:00:55,250 --> 00:00:58,333 And that nothing beats 30 00:00:55,250 --> 00:00:58,333 a good blindside. 31 00:00:58,333 --> 00:00:59,875 Crane? 32 00:00:59,875 --> 00:01:02,333 You seem a little 33 00:00:59,875 --> 00:01:02,333 off your game lately. 34 00:01:04,125 --> 00:01:06,333 I don't mean just the chess. 35 00:01:06,333 --> 00:01:09,166 Well, yes, it has been 36 00:01:09,166 --> 00:01:11,083 a particularly trying few days. 37 00:01:11,083 --> 00:01:12,875 United States Immigration 38 00:01:12,875 --> 00:01:14,791 may well be Dante's 39 00:01:12,875 --> 00:01:14,791 tenth circle of Hell. 40 00:01:14,791 --> 00:01:16,708 The archives 41 00:01:16,708 --> 00:01:18,625 remains at risk 42 00:01:16,708 --> 00:01:18,625 from developers. 43 00:01:18,625 --> 00:01:20,291 All hurdles you'll overcome. 44 00:01:20,291 --> 00:01:22,291 And then there 45 00:01:20,291 --> 00:01:22,291 is Pandora. 46 00:01:22,291 --> 00:01:24,000 My research has 47 00:01:22,291 --> 00:01:24,000 yielded precious little 48 00:01:24,000 --> 00:01:25,458 to explain where 49 00:01:24,000 --> 00:01:25,458 the portal in her tree 50 00:01:25,458 --> 00:01:26,791 may have taken her. 51 00:01:26,791 --> 00:01:30,333 And I fear, contrary to 52 00:01:26,791 --> 00:01:30,333 the popular saying, 53 00:01:30,333 --> 00:01:34,125 what we do not know 54 00:01:30,333 --> 00:01:34,125 may very well hurt us. 55 00:01:34,125 --> 00:01:36,208 (knocking) 56 00:01:38,166 --> 00:01:40,541 (door opens) 57 00:01:38,166 --> 00:01:40,541 REYNOLDS: Hey, Mills. 58 00:01:40,541 --> 00:01:41,958 Danny. 59 00:01:41,958 --> 00:01:43,541 Agent Reynolds. 60 00:01:43,541 --> 00:01:46,041 (door closes) 61 00:01:43,541 --> 00:01:46,041 Ah, sorry to interrupt 62 00:01:43,541 --> 00:01:46,041 your morning. 63 00:01:46,041 --> 00:01:47,500 Not at all. 64 00:01:48,833 --> 00:01:50,333 Philidor, huh? 65 00:01:50,333 --> 00:01:51,916 Easy to beat 66 00:01:50,333 --> 00:01:51,916 if you're not careful. 67 00:01:53,833 --> 00:01:55,208 Yes, I know. 68 00:01:55,208 --> 00:01:56,458 It's, uh... 69 00:01:56,458 --> 00:01:58,166 It's... it's easy. 70 00:01:58,166 --> 00:01:59,541 Everyone knows how to... 71 00:01:59,541 --> 00:02:01,000 Oh, I think 72 00:01:59,541 --> 00:02:01,000 my kettle's boiled. 73 00:02:01,000 --> 00:02:02,541 Tea? No? Tea? No? 74 00:02:02,541 --> 00:02:05,500 No? Tea? 75 00:02:05,500 --> 00:02:07,500 I got to say 76 00:02:05,500 --> 00:02:07,500 I still don't get that dude. 77 00:02:07,500 --> 00:02:08,500 He grows on you. 78 00:02:08,500 --> 00:02:09,500 That's right. 79 00:02:09,500 --> 00:02:11,125 You always did like a challenge. 80 00:02:11,125 --> 00:02:12,583 Kept you on your toes 81 00:02:11,125 --> 00:02:12,583 at Quantico. 82 00:02:12,583 --> 00:02:14,083 What's up? 83 00:02:14,083 --> 00:02:15,833 I got to head to DC 84 00:02:14,083 --> 00:02:15,833 for a couple of days, 85 00:02:15,833 --> 00:02:18,416 check in with 86 00:02:15,833 --> 00:02:18,416 the Deputy Director's Office. 87 00:02:18,416 --> 00:02:19,750 ABBIE: 88 00:02:18,416 --> 00:02:19,750 Anything serious? 89 00:02:19,750 --> 00:02:20,791 REYNOLDS: 90 00:02:19,750 --> 00:02:20,791 Shouldn't be. 91 00:02:20,791 --> 00:02:21,833 Just up against 92 00:02:20,791 --> 00:02:21,833 a deadline 93 00:02:21,833 --> 00:02:23,125 on the Nevins case. 94 00:02:23,125 --> 00:02:25,000 Got to ask for an extension, 95 00:02:23,125 --> 00:02:25,000 so... 96 00:02:26,875 --> 00:02:28,375 Duty phone. 97 00:02:28,375 --> 00:02:29,750 How about you 98 00:02:28,375 --> 00:02:29,750 hold down the fort 99 00:02:29,750 --> 00:02:31,500 while I'm gone? 100 00:02:31,500 --> 00:02:33,958 Really? 101 00:02:35,833 --> 00:02:38,083 You sure you don't want 102 00:02:35,833 --> 00:02:38,083 to give that to somebody else? 103 00:02:38,083 --> 00:02:39,833 You've earned it. 104 00:02:43,083 --> 00:02:45,750 ABBIE: 105 00:02:43,083 --> 00:02:45,750 Hmm. 106 00:02:45,750 --> 00:02:47,166 I'll do what I can 107 00:02:45,750 --> 00:02:47,166 to deserve this. 108 00:02:47,166 --> 00:02:48,791 Thank you, sir. 109 00:02:48,791 --> 00:02:51,083 Mm-hmm. 110 00:03:11,333 --> 00:03:13,541 You know I spent 96 hours 111 00:03:13,541 --> 00:03:16,125 casing a warehouse 112 00:03:13,541 --> 00:03:16,125 in Dubai to get this? 113 00:03:16,125 --> 00:03:19,125 This is about 114 00:03:16,125 --> 00:03:19,125 the Shard of Anubis, isn't it? 115 00:03:19,125 --> 00:03:20,708 We know Mills 116 00:03:19,125 --> 00:03:20,708 and Corbin have it. 117 00:03:20,708 --> 00:03:22,291 Just let me go get it. 118 00:03:22,291 --> 00:03:23,833 Oh, you had your chance. 119 00:03:23,833 --> 00:03:25,125 Really? 120 00:03:25,125 --> 00:03:26,458 You're gonna play it that way? 121 00:03:26,458 --> 00:03:27,708 So they were 122 00:03:26,458 --> 00:03:27,708 a little tougher 123 00:03:27,708 --> 00:03:28,833 than we thought. 124 00:03:28,833 --> 00:03:30,833 I won't be 125 00:03:28,833 --> 00:03:30,833 so gentle this time. 126 00:03:30,833 --> 00:03:32,583 Okay? 127 00:03:30,833 --> 00:03:32,583 I can play rough. 128 00:03:32,583 --> 00:03:35,375 Honey, you don't know 129 00:03:32,583 --> 00:03:35,375 what rough is. 130 00:03:35,375 --> 00:03:37,250 The person who contracted me 131 00:03:35,375 --> 00:03:37,250 for this job 132 00:03:37,250 --> 00:03:38,500 is a demanding sort 133 00:03:38,500 --> 00:03:39,583 and if I don't have the Shard 134 00:03:39,583 --> 00:03:40,583 in the next 12 hours... 135 00:03:40,583 --> 00:03:41,583 Let me guess. 136 00:03:41,583 --> 00:03:43,375 There will be hell to pay. 137 00:03:43,375 --> 00:03:46,458 Oh, hell will be 138 00:03:43,375 --> 00:03:46,458 getting off easy. 139 00:03:50,958 --> 00:03:53,000 So, you're 140 00:03:50,958 --> 00:03:53,000 gonna recite 141 00:03:53,000 --> 00:03:55,625 Norse poetry to them? 142 00:03:55,625 --> 00:03:57,791 Granted, 143 00:03:57,791 --> 00:03:58,875 it'd be torture. 144 00:03:58,875 --> 00:04:00,250 Desperate times, 145 00:03:58,875 --> 00:04:00,250 Sophie. 146 00:04:02,000 --> 00:04:04,000 Desperate times. 147 00:04:06,125 --> 00:04:08,166 (door closes) 148 00:04:33,208 --> 00:04:34,750 (deep rumbling) 149 00:04:34,750 --> 00:04:36,750 (gasping anxiously) 150 00:04:41,375 --> 00:04:42,208 (grunts quietly) 151 00:04:52,333 --> 00:04:56,291 "And by Pandora 152 00:04:52,333 --> 00:04:56,291 with passion'd heart 153 00:04:56,291 --> 00:05:01,666 Art thou summoned 154 00:04:56,291 --> 00:05:01,666 and fashioned part." 155 00:05:01,666 --> 00:05:03,708 (water bubbling) 156 00:05:08,416 --> 00:05:11,375 Oh, I'll be damned. 157 00:05:11,375 --> 00:05:13,500 "Of fire 158 00:05:13,500 --> 00:05:15,541 "and steel 159 00:05:15,541 --> 00:05:18,166 "and ire and rage 160 00:05:18,166 --> 00:05:21,333 "Berserkers flesh 161 00:05:18,166 --> 00:05:21,333 from off this page. 162 00:05:21,333 --> 00:05:24,125 "To carry forth 163 00:05:21,333 --> 00:05:24,125 thy Master's will 164 00:05:24,125 --> 00:05:26,291 "And follow through 165 00:05:26,291 --> 00:05:28,416 until the kill." 166 00:05:38,166 --> 00:05:41,791 (laughing) 167 00:06:05,041 --> 00:06:07,458 (growling) 168 00:06:13,666 --> 00:06:15,791 (snarling, growling) 169 00:06:15,791 --> 00:06:17,083 (gasps) 170 00:06:23,750 --> 00:06:26,458 (snarling) 171 00:06:31,791 --> 00:06:34,250 That's it. 172 00:06:36,583 --> 00:06:38,208 (roars) 173 00:06:40,666 --> 00:06:43,291 Now, go. Go fetch. 174 00:06:43,291 --> 00:06:44,958 (roaring, screeching) 175 00:06:57,125 --> 00:07:00,000 All I'm saying is if 176 00:06:57,125 --> 00:07:00,000 I was the one who knew 177 00:07:00,000 --> 00:07:03,125 about a Swiss bank account 178 00:07:00,000 --> 00:07:03,125 in my dad's name, 179 00:07:03,125 --> 00:07:05,416 I would consider 180 00:07:03,125 --> 00:07:05,416 cashing it out. 181 00:07:05,416 --> 00:07:07,416 It's blood money, Jenny. 182 00:07:05,416 --> 00:07:07,416 Nevins said as much. 183 00:07:09,208 --> 00:07:10,333 So give it to charity. 184 00:07:10,333 --> 00:07:11,458 Who knows what's 185 00:07:11,458 --> 00:07:12,916 actually in that account? 186 00:07:12,916 --> 00:07:15,666 Maybe your dad 187 00:07:12,916 --> 00:07:15,666 left a message. 188 00:07:15,666 --> 00:07:17,958 That's what all this 189 00:07:15,666 --> 00:07:17,958 has been about, right? 190 00:07:17,958 --> 00:07:19,791 Figuring out 191 00:07:19,791 --> 00:07:22,500 the riddle wrapped 192 00:07:19,791 --> 00:07:22,500 in an enigma 193 00:07:22,500 --> 00:07:25,041 who was August Corbin. 194 00:07:26,083 --> 00:07:27,375 That's how it started. 195 00:07:27,375 --> 00:07:29,791 I thought maybe 196 00:07:27,375 --> 00:07:29,791 if you showed me the world 197 00:07:29,791 --> 00:07:31,625 you shared with my dad, 198 00:07:29,791 --> 00:07:31,625 I might feel closer to him. 199 00:07:32,250 --> 00:07:33,625 (grunts) 200 00:07:33,625 --> 00:07:35,666 (both laughing) 201 00:07:35,666 --> 00:07:36,916 And? 202 00:07:39,708 --> 00:07:43,166 Well, he's not the one 203 00:07:39,708 --> 00:07:43,166 I feel closer to. 204 00:07:43,166 --> 00:07:46,250 (grunts) 205 00:07:51,750 --> 00:07:53,166 (groaning) 206 00:07:53,166 --> 00:07:54,166 (gasping) 207 00:07:57,125 --> 00:07:58,791 Aah! 208 00:07:58,791 --> 00:08:01,375 Oh, geez, Mills. 209 00:08:01,375 --> 00:08:03,416 I get the hint. 210 00:08:03,416 --> 00:08:06,333 Jenny? 211 00:08:06,333 --> 00:08:08,333 (heart beating) 212 00:08:10,625 --> 00:08:12,666 Hey, Jenny? 213 00:08:14,291 --> 00:08:16,291 Jenny! 214 00:08:22,041 --> 00:08:23,541 Hey! 215 00:08:23,541 --> 00:08:25,291 Jenny! 216 00:08:25,291 --> 00:08:27,708 Jenny... 217 00:08:35,458 --> 00:08:37,208 ABBIE: 218 00:08:35,458 --> 00:08:37,208 And this never happened before? 219 00:08:37,208 --> 00:08:39,000 No, I had some weird dreams 220 00:08:37,208 --> 00:08:39,000 the other night. 221 00:08:39,000 --> 00:08:40,208 Could be related. 222 00:08:40,208 --> 00:08:42,125 No physical changes? 223 00:08:42,125 --> 00:08:44,125 I think I would remember 224 00:08:42,125 --> 00:08:44,125 developing mutant powers. 225 00:08:44,125 --> 00:08:46,458 Look, it's-it's got 226 00:08:44,125 --> 00:08:46,458 to be the Shard. 227 00:08:46,458 --> 00:08:48,625 Her veins were glowing 228 00:08:46,458 --> 00:08:48,625 the same color as the Shard. 229 00:08:48,625 --> 00:08:50,250 I thought 230 00:08:50,250 --> 00:08:51,625 the Shard of Anubis 231 00:08:50,250 --> 00:08:51,625 was a metallic lump. 232 00:08:51,625 --> 00:08:53,000 Oh, it turns out 233 00:08:53,000 --> 00:08:54,958 that was just an outer 234 00:08:53,000 --> 00:08:54,958 casing of some kind. 235 00:08:54,958 --> 00:08:56,041 When Nevins opened it... 236 00:08:56,041 --> 00:08:57,458 ABBIE: 237 00:08:56,041 --> 00:08:57,458 Nevins? Wait a minute! 238 00:08:57,458 --> 00:08:58,750 You guys went and saw Nevins 239 00:08:58,750 --> 00:09:00,041 after I told you to steer clear? 240 00:09:00,041 --> 00:09:01,166 That was my call. 241 00:09:01,166 --> 00:09:02,375 Which I backed. 242 00:09:02,375 --> 00:09:03,791 I told you Nevins is the target 243 00:09:03,791 --> 00:09:05,875 of an active 244 00:09:03,791 --> 00:09:05,875 FBI investigation... 245 00:09:05,875 --> 00:09:07,416 Which is why we got 246 00:09:05,875 --> 00:09:07,416 in and got out. 247 00:09:07,416 --> 00:09:08,583 No harm, no foul. 248 00:09:08,583 --> 00:09:09,916 "No harm." 249 00:09:09,916 --> 00:09:11,166 You could've compromised 250 00:09:09,916 --> 00:09:11,166 everything that we've-- 251 00:09:11,166 --> 00:09:12,666 If I may. 252 00:09:11,166 --> 00:09:12,666 Mm. 253 00:09:12,666 --> 00:09:15,333 What was inside the case 254 00:09:15,333 --> 00:09:16,875 after Nevins opened it? 255 00:09:16,875 --> 00:09:20,250 It was a glowing crystal. 256 00:09:20,250 --> 00:09:22,541 And when I took it from him, 257 00:09:20,250 --> 00:09:22,541 it disintegrated. 258 00:09:26,333 --> 00:09:27,958 Did you touch the crystal? 259 00:09:27,958 --> 00:09:29,333 No, just the outer casing. 260 00:09:29,333 --> 00:09:30,833 And Nevins, did he handle it? 261 00:09:30,833 --> 00:09:33,666 Yeah, he-he picked it up. 262 00:09:33,666 --> 00:09:35,791 But he put on a glove. 263 00:09:42,000 --> 00:09:43,625 What you got? 264 00:09:43,625 --> 00:09:45,291 Binding stones. 265 00:09:45,291 --> 00:09:47,083 Very rare, 266 00:09:45,291 --> 00:09:47,083 very powerful artifact 267 00:09:47,083 --> 00:09:49,125 with a singular quality-- 268 00:09:49,125 --> 00:09:52,166 they are absorbed 269 00:09:49,125 --> 00:09:52,166 into the body upon contact. 270 00:09:52,166 --> 00:09:55,750 It is a way to directly 271 00:09:52,166 --> 00:09:55,750 transfer mystical energy. 272 00:09:55,750 --> 00:09:58,291 You're saying 273 00:09:55,750 --> 00:09:58,291 I absorbed the Shard? 274 00:09:58,291 --> 00:10:00,291 That it's inside of me? 275 00:10:00,291 --> 00:10:02,083 So it would seem. 276 00:10:02,083 --> 00:10:04,250 Miss Jenny, 277 00:10:04,250 --> 00:10:07,833 mortal beings are not meant to 278 00:10:04,250 --> 00:10:07,833 house this much mystical energy. 279 00:10:07,833 --> 00:10:09,208 It is akin to... 280 00:10:09,208 --> 00:10:10,666 JOE: ...plugging a 281 00:10:09,208 --> 00:10:10,666 high-voltage wire 282 00:10:10,666 --> 00:10:12,083 into child's toy. 283 00:10:12,083 --> 00:10:13,250 It'll fry the circuits. 284 00:10:13,250 --> 00:10:15,791 JENNY: 285 00:10:13,250 --> 00:10:15,791 The Shard... 286 00:10:15,791 --> 00:10:17,166 it's gonna kill me. 287 00:10:19,000 --> 00:10:22,000 ♪ ♪ 288 00:10:54,458 --> 00:10:56,458 (growling) 289 00:10:59,625 --> 00:11:02,125 (roars) 290 00:11:03,875 --> 00:11:06,291 So, we find a way to get it 291 00:11:03,875 --> 00:11:06,291 out of her, right? 292 00:11:06,291 --> 00:11:09,125 There's got to be 293 00:11:06,291 --> 00:11:09,125 some kind of spell or... 294 00:11:09,125 --> 00:11:11,958 Shard-ectomy we can perform. 295 00:11:11,958 --> 00:11:13,708 CRANE: Very little is known 296 00:11:11,958 --> 00:11:13,708 about binding stones. 297 00:11:13,708 --> 00:11:14,916 It's been centuries since anyone 298 00:11:14,916 --> 00:11:16,041 even recorded seeing one. 299 00:11:16,041 --> 00:11:17,375 For what it's worth, 300 00:11:17,375 --> 00:11:18,625 I feel fine. 301 00:11:18,625 --> 00:11:20,500 I feel awesome, 302 00:11:18,625 --> 00:11:20,500 actually. 303 00:11:20,500 --> 00:11:22,000 Yeah, well, that can 304 00:11:20,500 --> 00:11:22,000 just be temporary. 305 00:11:22,000 --> 00:11:23,625 You know, the way some 306 00:11:22,000 --> 00:11:23,625 terminal patients 307 00:11:23,625 --> 00:11:25,791 feel euphoric just before 308 00:11:23,625 --> 00:11:25,791 they decompensate? 309 00:11:25,791 --> 00:11:28,125 Look, if anybody knows how 310 00:11:25,791 --> 00:11:28,125 to deal with this thing, 311 00:11:28,125 --> 00:11:30,083 it's Nevins. 312 00:11:28,125 --> 00:11:30,083 Nevins is off-limits. 313 00:11:30,083 --> 00:11:32,291 Whoa, okay, I know that this 314 00:11:30,083 --> 00:11:32,291 might cause some problems 315 00:11:32,291 --> 00:11:34,208 with your job, but this is 316 00:11:32,291 --> 00:11:34,208 Jenny we're talking about. 317 00:11:34,208 --> 00:11:36,041 You don't think 318 00:11:34,208 --> 00:11:36,041 that I know that? 319 00:11:36,041 --> 00:11:38,041 What good are you gonna be 320 00:11:36,041 --> 00:11:38,041 to her if you're locked up? 321 00:11:38,041 --> 00:11:39,583 Shh, quiet. 322 00:11:38,041 --> 00:11:39,583 Well, isn't that what you're 323 00:11:39,583 --> 00:11:41,000 supposed to be helping us with, 324 00:11:39,583 --> 00:11:41,000 Agent Mills? 325 00:11:41,000 --> 00:11:42,416 Quiet! 326 00:11:43,666 --> 00:11:45,541 You hear that? 327 00:11:51,958 --> 00:11:53,458 We got company. 328 00:11:53,458 --> 00:11:55,000 (growling) 329 00:11:57,458 --> 00:11:59,958 Lieutenant! 330 00:12:09,250 --> 00:12:11,208 (growling and screeching) 331 00:12:34,166 --> 00:12:35,750 JOE: 332 00:12:34,166 --> 00:12:35,750 Jenny, we got to go! 333 00:12:35,750 --> 00:12:38,500 (screeching roar) 334 00:12:41,375 --> 00:12:43,083 (roaring) 335 00:12:46,041 --> 00:12:48,083 (screeching, snarling) 336 00:12:48,875 --> 00:12:49,916 This way! 337 00:13:11,916 --> 00:13:13,666 (panting) 338 00:13:18,958 --> 00:13:21,791 Those things... 339 00:13:18,958 --> 00:13:21,791 they were unstoppable. 340 00:13:21,791 --> 00:13:24,416 Hitting them seemed 341 00:13:21,791 --> 00:13:24,416 to make them stronger. 342 00:13:24,416 --> 00:13:27,083 Like they fed off the 343 00:13:24,416 --> 00:13:27,083 energy of our attacks. 344 00:13:27,083 --> 00:13:28,125 It's a miracle 345 00:13:27,083 --> 00:13:28,125 we're alive. 346 00:13:28,125 --> 00:13:30,250 No miracle-- Jenny. 347 00:13:32,583 --> 00:13:35,208 I guess being fatally infected 348 00:13:35,208 --> 00:13:38,458 with the power of an ancient 349 00:13:35,208 --> 00:13:38,458 artifact has its pluses. 350 00:13:38,458 --> 00:13:39,708 They just converged on you. 351 00:13:39,708 --> 00:13:40,791 They didn't care about us 352 00:13:39,708 --> 00:13:40,791 at all. 353 00:13:40,791 --> 00:13:44,125 Perhaps drawn 354 00:13:40,791 --> 00:13:44,125 to her energy. 355 00:13:44,125 --> 00:13:45,750 Like moths to a flame. 356 00:13:45,750 --> 00:13:47,208 Or they were 357 00:13:45,750 --> 00:13:47,208 sent for her. 358 00:13:47,208 --> 00:13:49,208 You said it, Crane. 359 00:13:49,208 --> 00:13:50,708 She is the Shard. 360 00:13:50,708 --> 00:13:52,416 Which Nevins is 361 00:13:50,708 --> 00:13:52,416 obsessed with. 362 00:13:52,416 --> 00:13:54,500 You think he might be 363 00:13:52,416 --> 00:13:54,500 controlling these creatures? 364 00:13:54,500 --> 00:13:56,333 JENNY: 365 00:13:54,500 --> 00:13:56,333 Nevins is bad news, 366 00:13:56,333 --> 00:13:59,333 but summoning demonic rage 367 00:13:56,333 --> 00:13:59,333 creatures is way over his head. 368 00:14:00,375 --> 00:14:01,791 Not over Pandora's. 369 00:14:05,166 --> 00:14:07,000 These are precisely 370 00:14:05,166 --> 00:14:07,000 the kind of hellspawn 371 00:14:07,000 --> 00:14:08,333 she's been known 372 00:14:07,000 --> 00:14:08,333 to unleash. 373 00:14:08,333 --> 00:14:10,333 We should've seen this before. 374 00:14:08,333 --> 00:14:10,333 Seen what? 375 00:14:10,333 --> 00:14:12,791 Nevins is working 376 00:14:10,333 --> 00:14:12,791 with Pandora. 377 00:14:16,458 --> 00:14:17,625 Oh, hey, Jenny. 378 00:14:17,625 --> 00:14:18,791 (Jenny sighs) 379 00:14:19,916 --> 00:14:22,333 Sorry. 380 00:14:22,333 --> 00:14:23,541 Just a little woozy. 381 00:14:24,458 --> 00:14:25,875 Let's head to the archives. 382 00:14:29,750 --> 00:14:32,625 ♪ ♪ 383 00:14:37,416 --> 00:14:39,250 I've got some Web crawlers 384 00:14:37,416 --> 00:14:39,250 that can scour Darknet sites. 385 00:14:39,250 --> 00:14:41,000 If someone out there's 386 00:14:39,250 --> 00:14:41,000 talking about binding stones, 387 00:14:41,000 --> 00:14:42,416 that's where we'll find it. 388 00:14:42,416 --> 00:14:44,208 You're supposed to be resting. 389 00:14:44,208 --> 00:14:45,666 I'm fine. 390 00:14:45,666 --> 00:14:47,291 Besides, it's not the flu. 391 00:14:47,291 --> 00:14:49,875 I don't think rest and 392 00:14:47,291 --> 00:14:49,875 fluids are gonna cut it. 393 00:14:49,875 --> 00:14:51,458 (sighs) 394 00:14:51,458 --> 00:14:53,416 Our lives keep getting 395 00:14:51,458 --> 00:14:53,416 jumbled up in this. 396 00:14:53,416 --> 00:14:55,875 You know, 397 00:14:53,416 --> 00:14:55,875 I worked to separate 398 00:14:55,875 --> 00:14:57,583 my professional life 399 00:14:55,875 --> 00:14:57,583 from the supernatural, 400 00:14:57,583 --> 00:14:59,000 and look what happened. 401 00:14:59,000 --> 00:15:02,208 It literally infected my family. 402 00:15:02,208 --> 00:15:06,791 You always tried so hard to 403 00:15:02,208 --> 00:15:06,791 compartmentalize your life, 404 00:15:06,791 --> 00:15:09,583 let's face it, because 405 00:15:06,791 --> 00:15:09,583 you're a control freak, 406 00:15:09,583 --> 00:15:13,416 but this stuff we're 407 00:15:09,583 --> 00:15:13,416 involved with is messy. 408 00:15:13,416 --> 00:15:16,250 The supernatural is the only 409 00:15:13,416 --> 00:15:16,250 world I've ever known 410 00:15:16,250 --> 00:15:18,083 and if it ends up killing me, 411 00:15:18,083 --> 00:15:20,500 well, I can think 412 00:15:18,083 --> 00:15:20,500 of worse ways to go. 413 00:15:20,500 --> 00:15:23,166 You're not going 414 00:15:20,500 --> 00:15:23,166 anywhere. 415 00:15:23,166 --> 00:15:25,625 Says the control freak. 416 00:15:30,166 --> 00:15:31,833 Uh, apologies. 417 00:15:31,833 --> 00:15:34,583 It's all right, 418 00:15:31,833 --> 00:15:34,583 I get it. 419 00:15:34,583 --> 00:15:36,416 I'm... I'm just amazed 420 00:15:36,416 --> 00:15:38,125 how you guys focus in 421 00:15:36,416 --> 00:15:38,125 on this stuff 422 00:15:38,125 --> 00:15:39,875 when monsters are out there 423 00:15:39,875 --> 00:15:41,833 and people you care about 424 00:15:39,875 --> 00:15:41,833 are hurting. 425 00:15:45,708 --> 00:15:47,708 Indeed. 426 00:15:47,708 --> 00:15:49,583 There is nothing 427 00:15:47,708 --> 00:15:49,583 more frustrating 428 00:15:49,583 --> 00:15:52,583 than the feeling of helplessness 429 00:15:49,583 --> 00:15:52,583 in the face of an unknown foe. 430 00:15:52,583 --> 00:15:56,583 Which is why we 431 00:15:52,583 --> 00:15:56,583 must seize control 432 00:15:56,583 --> 00:15:58,416 whilst we can. 433 00:15:58,416 --> 00:16:00,041 Hmm? 434 00:16:00,041 --> 00:16:02,000 Talk to her. 435 00:16:05,875 --> 00:16:09,000 Right. 436 00:16:09,000 --> 00:16:11,000 What about you? 437 00:16:11,000 --> 00:16:13,250 Get the feeling 438 00:16:11,000 --> 00:16:13,250 it's not just rage monsters 439 00:16:13,250 --> 00:16:15,666 that have you feeling 440 00:16:13,250 --> 00:16:15,666 helpless. 441 00:16:15,666 --> 00:16:17,583 Uh... 442 00:16:17,583 --> 00:16:20,541 I have become well acquainted 443 00:16:17,583 --> 00:16:20,541 with the vicissitudes of life. 444 00:16:20,541 --> 00:16:22,708 (scoffs, quietly): 445 00:16:20,541 --> 00:16:22,708 Oh, come on. 446 00:16:22,708 --> 00:16:25,125 But, yes. 447 00:16:25,125 --> 00:16:27,708 I have become keenly 448 00:16:25,125 --> 00:16:27,708 aware of late that... 449 00:16:27,708 --> 00:16:32,125 I may be fighting a losing 450 00:16:27,708 --> 00:16:32,125 battle... on many fronts. 451 00:16:32,125 --> 00:16:34,125 Against bureaucrats. 452 00:16:34,125 --> 00:16:35,125 Against developers. 453 00:16:35,125 --> 00:16:37,541 Against... 454 00:16:37,541 --> 00:16:39,208 On many fronts. 455 00:16:39,208 --> 00:16:41,416 Well, maybe you should take 456 00:16:39,208 --> 00:16:41,416 your own advice. 457 00:16:43,750 --> 00:16:45,750 Talk to her. 458 00:16:47,708 --> 00:16:50,916 (sighs) Sometimes I just miss 459 00:16:47,708 --> 00:16:50,916 being in the Corps, you know? 460 00:16:50,916 --> 00:16:52,333 You had your mission, 461 00:16:50,916 --> 00:16:52,333 had your orders, 462 00:16:52,333 --> 00:16:53,750 that was all you needed to know. 463 00:16:53,750 --> 00:16:54,875 Oh, yes. 464 00:16:54,875 --> 00:16:57,291 There is a purity 465 00:16:57,291 --> 00:16:59,708 to the mission 466 00:16:57,291 --> 00:16:59,708 of a workaday soldier. 467 00:16:59,708 --> 00:17:04,500 One which, I confess, 468 00:16:59,708 --> 00:17:04,500 I miss as well. 469 00:17:04,500 --> 00:17:07,041 If only we could be 470 00:17:04,500 --> 00:17:07,041 so single-minded all the time. 471 00:17:07,041 --> 00:17:08,041 Hmm. 472 00:17:08,041 --> 00:17:10,041 Single-minded mission. 473 00:17:15,791 --> 00:17:17,166 ABBIE: 474 00:17:15,791 --> 00:17:17,166 You got something, Crane? 475 00:17:18,375 --> 00:17:20,208 Uh... 476 00:17:21,625 --> 00:17:23,625 Here. 477 00:17:23,625 --> 00:17:26,458 "Once summoned and scented 478 00:17:23,625 --> 00:17:26,458 with a quarry, 479 00:17:26,458 --> 00:17:29,291 "they will continue 480 00:17:26,458 --> 00:17:29,291 their pursuit indefinitely 481 00:17:29,291 --> 00:17:31,958 "until the quarry 482 00:17:29,291 --> 00:17:31,958 has been captured. 483 00:17:31,958 --> 00:17:34,958 "It is this single-minded focus 484 00:17:31,958 --> 00:17:34,958 on their mission 485 00:17:34,958 --> 00:17:37,583 "that defines the fearsome 486 00:17:34,958 --> 00:17:37,583 creatures known as... 487 00:17:37,583 --> 00:17:40,250 the Norse berserkers." 488 00:17:40,250 --> 00:17:41,666 Berserkers. 489 00:17:41,666 --> 00:17:43,375 That would explain their 490 00:17:41,666 --> 00:17:43,375 anger-management issues. 491 00:17:43,375 --> 00:17:45,583 Do they have 492 00:17:43,375 --> 00:17:45,583 any weaknesses? 493 00:17:45,583 --> 00:17:47,416 Uh, it says 494 00:17:45,583 --> 00:17:47,416 their strength burgeons 495 00:17:47,416 --> 00:17:49,041 the more you fight them, 496 00:17:49,041 --> 00:17:50,750 as they feed off the energy 497 00:17:49,041 --> 00:17:50,750 of the battle. 498 00:17:50,750 --> 00:17:52,750 They are vulnerable 499 00:17:50,750 --> 00:17:52,750 to one substance-- 500 00:17:52,750 --> 00:17:54,875 mistletoe. 501 00:17:54,875 --> 00:17:56,875 Wait, seriously? 502 00:17:56,875 --> 00:17:59,291 Like, as in, "Gosh, 503 00:17:56,875 --> 00:17:59,291 who put that there? 504 00:17:59,291 --> 00:18:01,208 Oh, well, I guess 505 00:17:59,291 --> 00:18:01,208 we should kiss" mistletoe? 506 00:18:03,208 --> 00:18:05,083 Mis... 507 00:18:05,083 --> 00:18:07,458 Mistletoe is known to 508 00:18:05,083 --> 00:18:07,458 have druidic powers. 509 00:18:07,458 --> 00:18:09,125 In fact, Celtic priests would 510 00:18:07,458 --> 00:18:09,125 coat their arrows 511 00:18:09,125 --> 00:18:11,333 in mistletoe sap 512 00:18:09,125 --> 00:18:11,333 before going to battle. 513 00:18:11,333 --> 00:18:12,250 Wait a minute. 514 00:18:12,250 --> 00:18:13,708 Jenny actually showed me 515 00:18:12,250 --> 00:18:13,708 some crossbow bolts 516 00:18:13,708 --> 00:18:15,333 that looked like that. 517 00:18:13,708 --> 00:18:15,333 Hey, Mills, where'd...? 518 00:18:24,000 --> 00:18:26,250 (deep voice): 519 00:18:24,000 --> 00:18:26,250 Behold my glory 520 00:18:26,250 --> 00:18:28,875 for I am coming. 521 00:18:41,750 --> 00:18:43,500 (partiers laughing, talking) 522 00:18:43,500 --> 00:18:46,333 Sorry to keep you waiting. 523 00:18:46,333 --> 00:18:50,333 The bakery accidentally put 524 00:18:46,333 --> 00:18:50,333 peanuts in the cake, 525 00:18:50,333 --> 00:18:52,708 and two fights have broken 526 00:18:50,333 --> 00:18:52,708 out over who's better-- 527 00:18:52,708 --> 00:18:54,333 Katy Perry or Taylor Swift. 528 00:18:55,208 --> 00:18:56,708 So... 529 00:18:56,708 --> 00:18:59,250 the Nevins case. 530 00:18:59,250 --> 00:19:00,708 Shouldn't this be 531 00:18:59,250 --> 00:19:00,708 wrapped up by now? 532 00:19:00,708 --> 00:19:02,125 Very close, sir. 533 00:19:02,125 --> 00:19:04,166 Surveillance has yielded 534 00:19:02,125 --> 00:19:04,166 a ton of leads. 535 00:19:04,166 --> 00:19:06,666 But you still don't have 536 00:19:04,166 --> 00:19:06,666 your smoking gun. 537 00:19:04,166 --> 00:19:06,666 No, sir. 538 00:19:06,666 --> 00:19:09,458 Nevins has been 539 00:19:06,666 --> 00:19:09,458 cagier than expected. 540 00:19:09,458 --> 00:19:10,916 I just need 541 00:19:09,458 --> 00:19:10,916 a little more time. 542 00:19:10,916 --> 00:19:12,125 With a few more resources... 543 00:19:12,125 --> 00:19:13,541 I can't divert 544 00:19:12,125 --> 00:19:13,541 any more assets 545 00:19:13,541 --> 00:19:14,791 without attracting 546 00:19:13,541 --> 00:19:14,791 more attention. 547 00:19:17,333 --> 00:19:19,041 How much more 548 00:19:17,333 --> 00:19:19,041 time do you need? 549 00:19:19,041 --> 00:19:21,500 One... two weeks 550 00:19:19,041 --> 00:19:21,500 at the most. 551 00:19:21,500 --> 00:19:24,333 Just make sure this goes 552 00:19:21,500 --> 00:19:24,333 down clean and by the book. 553 00:19:24,333 --> 00:19:25,708 You got eyes 554 00:19:24,333 --> 00:19:25,708 on this one. 555 00:19:25,708 --> 00:19:26,875 Yes, sir. 556 00:19:29,000 --> 00:19:31,000 And by the way, uh, 557 00:19:29,000 --> 00:19:31,000 how's our agent doing? 558 00:19:31,000 --> 00:19:33,041 The, uh, diamond 559 00:19:31,000 --> 00:19:33,041 in the rough? 560 00:19:33,041 --> 00:19:35,833 I have no doubt she'll be one 561 00:19:33,041 --> 00:19:35,833 of the very best in the Bureau. 562 00:19:35,833 --> 00:19:38,583 Good to hear, 'cause there 563 00:19:35,833 --> 00:19:38,583 are eyes on her as well. 564 00:19:47,791 --> 00:19:50,583 (Jenny groans) 565 00:19:53,500 --> 00:19:55,333 How long was I out? 566 00:19:55,333 --> 00:19:57,833 Not long. 567 00:19:57,833 --> 00:19:59,666 You started glowing 568 00:19:57,833 --> 00:19:59,666 like a road flare, 569 00:19:59,666 --> 00:20:01,333 and then you zonked out. 570 00:20:03,208 --> 00:20:05,208 How you feeling? 571 00:20:05,208 --> 00:20:06,541 (groans) 572 00:20:06,541 --> 00:20:08,208 Like I went a couple 573 00:20:06,541 --> 00:20:08,208 rounds with Godzilla. 574 00:20:08,208 --> 00:20:09,208 Mm. 575 00:20:09,208 --> 00:20:12,625 Or Godzilla's meaner brother. 576 00:20:12,625 --> 00:20:14,625 You remember anything? 577 00:20:16,750 --> 00:20:18,041 Not really. 578 00:20:18,041 --> 00:20:20,958 Just a feeling, 579 00:20:18,041 --> 00:20:20,958 like... 580 00:20:20,958 --> 00:20:24,250 like I was someone powerful. 581 00:20:27,041 --> 00:20:29,583 (sighs) 582 00:20:29,583 --> 00:20:31,791 Masonic cell. 583 00:20:31,791 --> 00:20:34,208 Its mystical protections 584 00:20:31,791 --> 00:20:34,208 will keep you 585 00:20:34,208 --> 00:20:35,875 off the berserkers' radar. 586 00:20:35,875 --> 00:20:36,875 Mm. 587 00:20:36,875 --> 00:20:38,500 Where are the guys? 588 00:20:38,500 --> 00:20:40,916 Crane has a theory 589 00:20:38,500 --> 00:20:40,916 on how to track the berserkers, 590 00:20:40,916 --> 00:20:43,666 and he and Joe 591 00:20:40,916 --> 00:20:43,666 are checking it out. 592 00:20:43,666 --> 00:20:45,791 They're gonna need our help. 593 00:20:43,666 --> 00:20:45,791 Mm, okay. 594 00:20:45,791 --> 00:20:47,916 (sighs) 595 00:20:47,916 --> 00:20:49,416 We're just gonna 596 00:20:47,916 --> 00:20:49,416 chill, okay? 597 00:20:51,333 --> 00:20:53,166 ABBY: They'll let us 598 00:20:51,333 --> 00:20:53,166 know if they need us. 599 00:20:55,791 --> 00:20:59,000 And they're armed up with the 600 00:20:55,791 --> 00:20:59,000 mistletoe bolts anyway, so... 601 00:20:59,000 --> 00:21:01,958 You pulled 602 00:20:59,000 --> 00:21:01,958 babysitter duty? 603 00:21:01,958 --> 00:21:03,375 Just like old times. 604 00:21:03,375 --> 00:21:05,291 (both chuckle) 605 00:21:05,291 --> 00:21:06,708 Yep. 606 00:21:06,708 --> 00:21:07,708 (gently): All right. 607 00:21:09,166 --> 00:21:10,583 (sighs) 608 00:21:21,458 --> 00:21:23,875 Just like old times. 609 00:21:33,791 --> 00:21:35,791 You really think 610 00:21:33,791 --> 00:21:35,791 they're here? 611 00:21:35,791 --> 00:21:38,208 If Norse legends 612 00:21:35,791 --> 00:21:38,208 are anything to go by, 613 00:21:38,208 --> 00:21:42,041 the berserkers will 614 00:21:38,208 --> 00:21:42,041 seek out a metal cave, 615 00:21:42,041 --> 00:21:44,458 similar to the mines 616 00:21:42,041 --> 00:21:44,458 of Nidavellir. 617 00:21:44,458 --> 00:21:47,458 To rejuvenate and recalibrate 618 00:21:44,458 --> 00:21:47,458 their tracking senses. 619 00:21:47,458 --> 00:21:51,291 Well... this is the closest 620 00:21:47,458 --> 00:21:51,291 thing Sleepy Hollow's got 621 00:21:51,291 --> 00:21:52,708 to a dark metal cave. 622 00:21:52,708 --> 00:21:54,000 Let's go. 623 00:22:15,250 --> 00:22:18,125 ♪ ♪ 624 00:22:24,875 --> 00:22:27,333 (motor buzzing) 625 00:22:29,208 --> 00:22:31,500 (buzzing stops) 626 00:22:44,833 --> 00:22:47,250 They're here. 627 00:22:54,916 --> 00:22:57,708 (low snarling) 628 00:23:00,250 --> 00:23:01,875 Crane, behind you! 629 00:23:01,875 --> 00:23:03,250 (berserker snarls) 630 00:23:06,875 --> 00:23:08,291 (growling) 631 00:23:30,500 --> 00:23:32,541 (roars) 632 00:23:32,541 --> 00:23:34,708 What do we do now? 633 00:23:38,250 --> 00:23:40,583 Run. 634 00:23:42,458 --> 00:23:45,458 (snarling, roaring) 635 00:23:56,458 --> 00:23:57,750 Won't hold 'em for long! 636 00:23:59,291 --> 00:24:01,333 Get to the truck! Now! 637 00:24:03,208 --> 00:24:05,125 (snarling) 638 00:24:10,208 --> 00:24:12,958 (engine revving) 639 00:24:18,833 --> 00:24:20,791 ABBIE: Could the texts 640 00:24:18,833 --> 00:24:20,791 have been wrong? 641 00:24:20,791 --> 00:24:22,791 Perhaps. The anecdotal 642 00:24:20,791 --> 00:24:22,791 evidence is overwhelming. 643 00:24:22,791 --> 00:24:24,208 Why didn't the 644 00:24:22,791 --> 00:24:24,208 mistletoe work? 645 00:24:24,208 --> 00:24:26,208 There may have been 646 00:24:24,208 --> 00:24:26,208 a modification 647 00:24:26,208 --> 00:24:28,250 to the ritual used 648 00:24:26,208 --> 00:24:28,250 to summon them. 649 00:24:28,250 --> 00:24:29,666 The only way to know for certain 650 00:24:29,666 --> 00:24:31,708 is to examine Nevins' 651 00:24:29,666 --> 00:24:31,708 source material. 652 00:24:31,708 --> 00:24:33,125 We need to know 653 00:24:31,708 --> 00:24:33,125 what spell he used. 654 00:24:33,125 --> 00:24:34,541 No. 655 00:24:34,541 --> 00:24:36,000 It would take me no more 656 00:24:34,541 --> 00:24:36,000 than a few minutes 657 00:24:36,000 --> 00:24:37,000 to search Nevins' office. 658 00:24:37,000 --> 00:24:38,416 Crane. 659 00:24:38,416 --> 00:24:40,416 Nevins' place is being 660 00:24:38,416 --> 00:24:40,416 surveilled 24-7. 661 00:24:40,416 --> 00:24:42,416 And as it is, Joe and Jenny 662 00:24:42,416 --> 00:24:45,708 may end up before a grand 663 00:24:42,416 --> 00:24:45,708 jury once Nevins is indicted. 664 00:24:45,708 --> 00:24:47,125 Not to mention, 665 00:24:47,125 --> 00:24:49,125 if we keep sticking our nose in, 666 00:24:49,125 --> 00:24:50,875 we'll blow this whole case 667 00:24:49,125 --> 00:24:50,875 for Danny. 668 00:24:50,875 --> 00:24:55,708 Lieutenant, you know 669 00:24:50,875 --> 00:24:55,708 I understand your bind, 670 00:24:55,708 --> 00:24:58,125 and I, more than anyone, 671 00:24:55,708 --> 00:24:58,125 know what it means 672 00:24:58,125 --> 00:25:01,541 to be pulled between two worlds, 673 00:25:01,541 --> 00:25:03,750 but if we do not stop 674 00:25:01,541 --> 00:25:03,750 these monsters... 675 00:25:03,750 --> 00:25:05,791 we cannot risk moving 676 00:25:03,750 --> 00:25:05,791 Miss Jenny anywhere, 677 00:25:05,791 --> 00:25:07,583 even to a hospital. 678 00:25:07,583 --> 00:25:11,250 These creatures will not stop 679 00:25:07,583 --> 00:25:11,250 until we stop them. 680 00:25:11,250 --> 00:25:15,208 But, please, if you know 681 00:25:11,250 --> 00:25:15,208 of any other course of action... 682 00:25:26,125 --> 00:25:28,125 Remember how to use this? 683 00:25:33,666 --> 00:25:37,083 Make sure the door 684 00:25:33,666 --> 00:25:37,083 is not wired for any alarms. 685 00:25:37,083 --> 00:25:39,875 Have Joe show you 686 00:25:37,083 --> 00:25:39,875 the layout of the place. 687 00:25:39,875 --> 00:25:42,750 And get out of there 688 00:25:39,875 --> 00:25:42,750 as fast as you can. 689 00:25:42,750 --> 00:25:44,041 Go. 690 00:25:48,916 --> 00:25:50,916 ♪ ♪ 691 00:26:08,666 --> 00:26:11,500 (cell phone rings) 692 00:26:11,500 --> 00:26:13,333 (phone beeps) 693 00:26:14,833 --> 00:26:16,833 I've arrived. 694 00:26:16,833 --> 00:26:19,625 No sign of Nevins' automobile. 695 00:26:19,625 --> 00:26:21,291 Got it. Sit tight. 696 00:26:21,291 --> 00:26:22,875 Understood. 697 00:26:25,916 --> 00:26:29,291 (keypad beeping) 698 00:26:29,291 --> 00:26:31,125 (phone line rings) 699 00:26:32,458 --> 00:26:34,833 (beeps) 700 00:26:32,458 --> 00:26:34,833 Ramirez. 701 00:26:34,833 --> 00:26:35,833 This is Mills. 702 00:26:35,833 --> 00:26:37,500 I need you to check out a 10-37 703 00:26:37,500 --> 00:26:39,041 at the Harbor Island shipyards. 704 00:26:39,041 --> 00:26:40,458 Seriously? 705 00:26:40,458 --> 00:26:42,208 Why does port authority 706 00:26:40,458 --> 00:26:42,208 seem to think 707 00:26:42,208 --> 00:26:43,625 every vehicle is suspicious? 708 00:26:43,625 --> 00:26:45,625 I know, it's probably nothing, 709 00:26:45,625 --> 00:26:47,750 but Homeland sent down a memo 710 00:26:47,750 --> 00:26:49,333 about activity on the port. 711 00:26:49,333 --> 00:26:50,708 Does Reynolds 712 00:26:49,333 --> 00:26:50,708 know about this? 713 00:26:50,708 --> 00:26:52,166 We're not supposed 714 00:26:50,708 --> 00:26:52,166 to leave our post. 715 00:26:52,166 --> 00:26:53,583 He's in DC. 716 00:26:53,583 --> 00:26:55,000 I'm on the desk. 717 00:26:55,000 --> 00:26:56,125 Copy that. 718 00:26:57,791 --> 00:26:59,666 Come on, let's go. 719 00:26:59,666 --> 00:27:01,666 (engine starting) 720 00:27:01,666 --> 00:27:03,666 (backup warning beeping) 721 00:27:28,833 --> 00:27:30,875 ♪ ♪ 722 00:27:36,833 --> 00:27:38,666 (hinges creak) 723 00:28:06,041 --> 00:28:08,750 ♪ ♪ 724 00:28:13,166 --> 00:28:15,166 ♪ ♪ 725 00:28:38,375 --> 00:28:39,833 (grunts) 726 00:28:38,375 --> 00:28:39,833 Hold still! 727 00:28:39,833 --> 00:28:41,083 No sudden moves. 728 00:28:41,083 --> 00:28:42,583 Unhand me, you scoundrel. 729 00:28:42,583 --> 00:28:45,041 Funny words, 730 00:28:42,583 --> 00:28:45,041 coming from a potential thief. 731 00:28:48,750 --> 00:28:50,833 (grunts) 732 00:28:50,833 --> 00:28:52,500 Do I look like 733 00:28:50,833 --> 00:28:52,500 a common thief, 734 00:28:52,500 --> 00:28:55,041 stealing worms? 735 00:28:55,041 --> 00:28:56,291 No. 736 00:28:58,083 --> 00:29:00,833 You look like the bass player 737 00:28:58,083 --> 00:29:00,833 for some British rock band. 738 00:29:02,208 --> 00:29:04,166 What are you doing here? 739 00:29:02,208 --> 00:29:04,166 At a bait shop? 740 00:29:04,166 --> 00:29:05,416 I'm looking for bait. 741 00:29:05,416 --> 00:29:06,666 You're a fisherman? 742 00:29:05,416 --> 00:29:06,666 Yes. 743 00:29:06,666 --> 00:29:08,125 Monofilament line or fused? 744 00:29:08,125 --> 00:29:09,416 Braided horsehair. 745 00:29:09,416 --> 00:29:12,041 Baited with worm, minnow 746 00:29:09,416 --> 00:29:12,041 or little frog, 747 00:29:12,041 --> 00:29:15,125 just as Izaak Walton 748 00:29:12,041 --> 00:29:15,125 prescribed. 749 00:29:15,125 --> 00:29:16,541 Hmm. 750 00:29:16,541 --> 00:29:19,708 Bait is in this building. 751 00:29:19,708 --> 00:29:22,375 Ah, thank you. 752 00:29:22,375 --> 00:29:24,208 I might ask what 753 00:29:22,375 --> 00:29:24,208 you're doing here, 754 00:29:24,208 --> 00:29:27,083 slamming patrons 755 00:29:24,208 --> 00:29:27,083 up against a wall. 756 00:29:27,083 --> 00:29:28,833 My friend owns this place. 757 00:29:28,833 --> 00:29:30,416 He doesn't like strange people 758 00:29:30,416 --> 00:29:31,875 lurking around the alleyways. 759 00:29:31,875 --> 00:29:33,708 Did you call me "strange"? 760 00:29:31,875 --> 00:29:33,708 Oh, good grief, 761 00:29:33,708 --> 00:29:35,666 how will I ever endure? 762 00:29:33,708 --> 00:29:35,666 Save it. 763 00:29:35,666 --> 00:29:39,125 You don't strike me 764 00:29:35,666 --> 00:29:39,125 as the thin-skinned type. 765 00:29:39,125 --> 00:29:42,500 Word to the wise, 766 00:29:39,125 --> 00:29:42,500 Dr. Strange. 767 00:29:42,500 --> 00:29:44,416 Steer clear. 768 00:29:44,416 --> 00:29:45,833 If we run into each other again, 769 00:29:45,833 --> 00:29:47,458 next time it won't be 770 00:29:45,833 --> 00:29:47,458 so pleasant. 771 00:29:47,458 --> 00:29:50,166 Your pleasantries 772 00:29:47,458 --> 00:29:50,166 need a little work, madam. 773 00:29:58,625 --> 00:30:01,416 (sighs) 774 00:30:01,416 --> 00:30:03,041 How'd it go? 775 00:30:03,041 --> 00:30:05,416 Nothing that could not 776 00:30:03,041 --> 00:30:05,416 be managed. 777 00:30:03,041 --> 00:30:05,416 Complications? 778 00:30:05,416 --> 00:30:08,750 A brief run-in with one 779 00:30:05,416 --> 00:30:08,750 of Nevins' associates. 780 00:30:08,750 --> 00:30:11,333 She was... pugnacious. 781 00:30:11,333 --> 00:30:12,666 Nothing to worry about. 782 00:30:12,666 --> 00:30:13,958 Ah. 783 00:30:13,958 --> 00:30:16,291 Nevins' important belongings 784 00:30:16,291 --> 00:30:18,000 were locked away, 785 00:30:18,000 --> 00:30:20,166 but I managed to 786 00:30:18,000 --> 00:30:20,166 retrieve this. 787 00:30:21,500 --> 00:30:23,125 The spell Nevins cast 788 00:30:23,125 --> 00:30:24,708 was from the Ynglinga saga, 789 00:30:24,708 --> 00:30:25,958 but he changed something. 790 00:30:25,958 --> 00:30:27,708 Whereas the Norse mystics 791 00:30:27,708 --> 00:30:29,666 called upon 792 00:30:27,708 --> 00:30:29,666 the power of Odin, 793 00:30:29,666 --> 00:30:32,291 Nevins invoked 794 00:30:29,666 --> 00:30:32,291 the power of Pandora. 795 00:30:32,291 --> 00:30:33,625 Presumably, 796 00:30:32,291 --> 00:30:33,625 the mystical source 797 00:30:33,625 --> 00:30:35,250 he was tapping 798 00:30:33,625 --> 00:30:35,250 was Pandora's box. 799 00:30:35,250 --> 00:30:36,500 It is slight 800 00:30:36,500 --> 00:30:38,708 but a significant alteration. 801 00:30:38,708 --> 00:30:40,708 And that's why 802 00:30:38,708 --> 00:30:40,708 the mistletoe didn't work. 803 00:30:40,708 --> 00:30:43,333 We have no way of figuring 804 00:30:40,708 --> 00:30:43,333 out their weakness. 805 00:30:43,333 --> 00:30:45,583 We're fighting 806 00:30:43,333 --> 00:30:45,583 an unbeatable enemy. 807 00:30:45,583 --> 00:30:48,583 "When faced with 808 00:30:45,583 --> 00:30:48,583 an unbeatable enemy, 809 00:30:48,583 --> 00:30:51,541 you must make the 810 00:30:48,583 --> 00:30:51,541 enemy beat themselves." 811 00:30:51,541 --> 00:30:52,666 More Sun Tzu? 812 00:30:52,666 --> 00:30:54,166 No. 813 00:30:54,166 --> 00:30:56,708 A thinker of a more Western ilk. 814 00:30:56,708 --> 00:30:58,458 Daniel Boone. 815 00:30:58,458 --> 00:31:00,875 Summer, 1779. 816 00:31:00,875 --> 00:31:03,208 Boonesborough, Kentucky, 817 00:31:00,875 --> 00:31:03,208 was facing an imminent attack 818 00:31:03,208 --> 00:31:04,958 from British 819 00:31:03,208 --> 00:31:04,958 and Hessian forces. 820 00:31:04,958 --> 00:31:08,250 Each army was overwhelming 821 00:31:04,958 --> 00:31:08,250 in its own right, 822 00:31:08,250 --> 00:31:10,375 but combined, 823 00:31:08,250 --> 00:31:10,375 they were unbeatable. 824 00:31:10,375 --> 00:31:12,875 Boone knew his ragtag militia 825 00:31:10,375 --> 00:31:12,875 had no chance 826 00:31:12,875 --> 00:31:14,708 against the joint forces. 827 00:31:14,708 --> 00:31:16,625 He also knew 828 00:31:14,708 --> 00:31:16,625 the British-Hessian alliance 829 00:31:16,625 --> 00:31:18,708 was an uneasy one at best. 830 00:31:28,041 --> 00:31:30,083 (muffled grunting) 831 00:31:30,083 --> 00:31:31,333 (gagging) 832 00:31:36,291 --> 00:31:37,833 (horse whinnies) 833 00:31:37,833 --> 00:31:39,500 (distant gunshots, 834 00:31:37,833 --> 00:31:39,500 men shouting) 835 00:31:39,500 --> 00:31:40,750 He feigned a British attack 836 00:31:40,750 --> 00:31:43,166 on the Hessian encampment, 837 00:31:43,166 --> 00:31:44,916 then did the same 838 00:31:43,166 --> 00:31:44,916 in the British camp. 839 00:31:44,916 --> 00:31:46,625 Of course, before long, 840 00:31:44,916 --> 00:31:46,625 the British and the Hessians 841 00:31:46,625 --> 00:31:49,958 turned on one another 842 00:31:46,625 --> 00:31:49,958 and wiped themselves out. 843 00:31:49,958 --> 00:31:51,708 Boonesborough was saved. 844 00:31:51,708 --> 00:31:53,708 Make the enemy 845 00:31:51,708 --> 00:31:53,708 defeat themselves. 846 00:31:53,708 --> 00:31:54,833 Exactly. 847 00:31:54,833 --> 00:31:56,375 It just might work. 848 00:31:56,375 --> 00:31:58,875 We need Joe's help on this one. 849 00:31:58,875 --> 00:32:01,000 He's back in the Masonic cell 850 00:31:58,875 --> 00:32:01,000 with Jenny. 851 00:32:01,000 --> 00:32:02,791 I'll find the supplies we need. 852 00:32:02,791 --> 00:32:05,500 Lieutenant, do realize 853 00:32:02,791 --> 00:32:05,500 if we do not succeed, 854 00:32:05,500 --> 00:32:08,083 then to all intents and 855 00:32:05,500 --> 00:32:08,083 purposes, this shall be... 856 00:32:08,083 --> 00:32:10,041 Checkmate. 857 00:32:12,333 --> 00:32:15,333 So tell me again how 858 00:32:12,333 --> 00:32:15,333 this plan is supposed to work. 859 00:32:15,333 --> 00:32:19,708 Well, it is 860 00:32:15,333 --> 00:32:19,708 an Abbie-Crane special. 861 00:32:19,708 --> 00:32:21,625 One part history, 862 00:32:21,625 --> 00:32:24,250 one part magic, 863 00:32:24,250 --> 00:32:25,666 whole lotta crazy. 864 00:32:25,666 --> 00:32:26,916 (laughs softly) 865 00:32:28,958 --> 00:32:31,416 Mm. 866 00:32:28,958 --> 00:32:31,416 Sorry, is this 867 00:32:28,958 --> 00:32:31,416 hurting you? 868 00:32:31,416 --> 00:32:32,666 Mm, no. 869 00:32:32,666 --> 00:32:34,541 No, I'm just 870 00:32:32,666 --> 00:32:34,541 a little dizzy. 871 00:32:34,541 --> 00:32:36,500 (sighs) 872 00:32:36,500 --> 00:32:40,666 You know, I spent my whole life 873 00:32:36,500 --> 00:32:40,666 hunting magical artifacts. 874 00:32:40,666 --> 00:32:43,166 Now one of those artifacts 875 00:32:40,666 --> 00:32:43,166 is fighting back. 876 00:32:43,166 --> 00:32:44,666 (chuckles) 877 00:32:44,666 --> 00:32:47,291 Is that karmic 878 00:32:44,666 --> 00:32:47,291 or ironic? 879 00:32:47,291 --> 00:32:48,750 It's neither. 880 00:32:48,750 --> 00:32:52,208 It's gonna be a little footnote 881 00:32:52,208 --> 00:32:53,458 when you tell people the story 882 00:32:53,458 --> 00:32:55,166 about what happened here 883 00:32:53,458 --> 00:32:55,166 years from now. 884 00:32:55,166 --> 00:32:59,125 Oh, yeah? 885 00:32:55,166 --> 00:32:59,125 Who am I gonna tell? 886 00:32:59,125 --> 00:33:00,583 (sighing): Well, 887 00:32:59,125 --> 00:33:00,583 let's see, I don't know. 888 00:33:00,583 --> 00:33:01,875 I mean... 889 00:33:01,875 --> 00:33:03,666 Abbie'll be 890 00:33:01,875 --> 00:33:03,666 running the FBI, 891 00:33:03,666 --> 00:33:05,291 so she's gonna be 892 00:33:03,666 --> 00:33:05,291 kind of tough to reach. 893 00:33:05,291 --> 00:33:07,875 And Crane will be 894 00:33:07,875 --> 00:33:09,333 a college professor, 895 00:33:07,875 --> 00:33:09,333 but he's only gonna 896 00:33:09,333 --> 00:33:10,875 keep office hours, 897 00:33:09,333 --> 00:33:10,875 like, once a week, 898 00:33:10,875 --> 00:33:12,541 so... 899 00:33:12,541 --> 00:33:14,958 What does he teach? 900 00:33:16,541 --> 00:33:17,791 Modern cinema. 901 00:33:17,791 --> 00:33:20,333 (laughing) 902 00:33:21,916 --> 00:33:23,166 Hmm. 903 00:33:23,166 --> 00:33:25,583 So I guess 904 00:33:23,166 --> 00:33:25,583 that leaves me. 905 00:33:25,583 --> 00:33:27,458 (laughs softly) 906 00:33:27,458 --> 00:33:29,458 I guess it does. 907 00:33:33,750 --> 00:33:36,166 You know, Crane told me 908 00:33:33,750 --> 00:33:36,166 I should talk to you. 909 00:33:37,458 --> 00:33:39,291 About what? 910 00:33:39,291 --> 00:33:41,416 About this. 911 00:34:10,833 --> 00:34:12,083 Hey. 912 00:34:13,541 --> 00:34:14,791 Make sure the carabiner's locked 913 00:34:14,791 --> 00:34:16,208 and the tether's tight. 914 00:34:16,208 --> 00:34:17,458 You talk as if I've never 915 00:34:17,458 --> 00:34:18,750 climbed a mountain before. 916 00:34:20,750 --> 00:34:22,166 Right. 917 00:34:22,166 --> 00:34:23,916 I've never climbed 918 00:34:22,166 --> 00:34:23,916 a mountain before. 919 00:34:25,458 --> 00:34:27,416 Here, like this. 920 00:34:40,583 --> 00:34:41,583 (air hisses) 921 00:35:04,041 --> 00:35:05,291 Ready? 922 00:35:13,708 --> 00:35:15,875 Well, it shouldn't be long now. 923 00:35:15,875 --> 00:35:18,625 (snarling) 924 00:35:23,500 --> 00:35:25,500 (snarling) 925 00:35:33,875 --> 00:35:35,916 (snuffling) 926 00:35:40,708 --> 00:35:43,000 (screeching growl) 927 00:35:46,166 --> 00:35:48,166 (snarling) 928 00:36:06,500 --> 00:36:08,291 (berserkers snarling, 929 00:36:06,500 --> 00:36:08,291 screeching, growling) 930 00:36:12,166 --> 00:36:13,958 (snarling) 931 00:36:26,291 --> 00:36:27,833 Good God. 932 00:36:27,833 --> 00:36:29,166 (growling) 933 00:36:29,166 --> 00:36:31,250 Like hyenas. 934 00:36:32,291 --> 00:36:34,083 Hyenas from hell. 935 00:36:52,791 --> 00:36:54,833 (low growling) 936 00:36:54,833 --> 00:36:56,833 Give our regards to Pandora. 937 00:37:11,333 --> 00:37:14,000 So much for 938 00:37:11,333 --> 00:37:14,000 unbeatable enemy. 939 00:37:19,666 --> 00:37:21,708 I gotta give it 940 00:37:19,666 --> 00:37:21,708 to your pal Daniel Boone. 941 00:37:21,708 --> 00:37:23,791 Turning the enemies 942 00:37:21,708 --> 00:37:23,791 against themselves... 943 00:37:23,791 --> 00:37:25,708 so sharp. 944 00:37:25,708 --> 00:37:27,458 Well, despite 945 00:37:25,708 --> 00:37:27,458 his rough-hewn persona, 946 00:37:27,458 --> 00:37:29,583 Boone was as cunning a tactician 947 00:37:27,458 --> 00:37:29,583 as any general. 948 00:37:29,583 --> 00:37:30,875 Mm-hmm! 949 00:37:30,875 --> 00:37:32,875 And I gotta give props 950 00:37:30,875 --> 00:37:32,875 to you, too, Crane, 951 00:37:32,875 --> 00:37:34,125 'cause you put it 952 00:37:32,875 --> 00:37:34,125 all together. 953 00:37:34,125 --> 00:37:35,375 No, no, no. 954 00:37:35,375 --> 00:37:37,041 Props to you, Lieutenant. 955 00:37:37,041 --> 00:37:39,166 (laughs) 956 00:37:37,041 --> 00:37:39,166 It was your idea 957 00:37:37,041 --> 00:37:39,166 more than mine. 958 00:37:39,166 --> 00:37:41,000 "Nothing beats 959 00:37:39,166 --> 00:37:41,000 a good blindside." 960 00:37:41,000 --> 00:37:43,041 Yeah. 961 00:37:43,041 --> 00:37:44,875 Also, you noted 962 00:37:44,875 --> 00:37:48,583 that I've been off 963 00:37:44,875 --> 00:37:48,583 my game of late. 964 00:37:48,583 --> 00:37:52,250 When I pledged my allegiance 965 00:37:48,583 --> 00:37:52,250 to this country in 1776, 966 00:37:52,250 --> 00:37:55,291 I had a very clear vision 967 00:37:52,250 --> 00:37:55,291 of what my future would hold. 968 00:37:55,291 --> 00:37:57,000 Nowhere in that vision 969 00:37:57,000 --> 00:37:59,208 did I imagine waking 970 00:37:57,000 --> 00:37:59,208 in the 21st century, 971 00:37:59,208 --> 00:38:01,291 and yet... 972 00:38:01,291 --> 00:38:03,500 More and more, 973 00:38:03,500 --> 00:38:06,291 I feel this desire 974 00:38:03,500 --> 00:38:06,291 to acculturate. 975 00:38:06,291 --> 00:38:10,291 But the idea of 976 00:38:06,291 --> 00:38:10,291 losing the archives, 977 00:38:10,291 --> 00:38:12,333 of losing my fight 978 00:38:10,291 --> 00:38:12,333 for citizenship 979 00:38:12,333 --> 00:38:14,625 for a country that 980 00:38:12,333 --> 00:38:14,625 I, in part, founded, 981 00:38:14,625 --> 00:38:16,000 the idea of losing you... 982 00:38:17,833 --> 00:38:21,625 ...to some wretched 983 00:38:17,833 --> 00:38:21,625 federal promotion to... 984 00:38:21,625 --> 00:38:24,166 I don't know, Dallas 985 00:38:21,625 --> 00:38:24,166 or to Los Angeles or... 986 00:38:25,958 --> 00:38:30,041 Sometimes, it seems as though 987 00:38:25,958 --> 00:38:30,041 the unbeatable enemy 988 00:38:30,041 --> 00:38:32,458 is the 21st century. 989 00:38:34,375 --> 00:38:38,291 Yeah, but the thing is, 990 00:38:34,375 --> 00:38:38,291 Crane... 991 00:38:38,291 --> 00:38:40,208 Joe, me, Jenny... 992 00:38:40,208 --> 00:38:42,291 we are the 21st century. 993 00:38:42,291 --> 00:38:43,875 And every day, we take you 994 00:38:43,875 --> 00:38:45,875 a step further 995 00:38:43,875 --> 00:38:45,875 in that direction. 996 00:38:45,875 --> 00:38:49,250 That is the unbeatable enemy 997 00:38:45,875 --> 00:38:49,250 beating itself. 998 00:38:51,333 --> 00:38:53,333 And we ain't goin' nowhere. 999 00:38:55,208 --> 00:38:56,416 (cocks gun) 1000 00:38:55,208 --> 00:38:56,416 Aw, that was beautiful. 1001 00:38:58,416 --> 00:39:00,500 I can see you guys are going 1002 00:38:58,416 --> 00:39:00,500 through something personal 1003 00:39:00,500 --> 00:39:02,250 and I hate to step on 1004 00:39:00,500 --> 00:39:02,250 such a lovely moment, 1005 00:39:02,250 --> 00:39:04,458 but I got some pressing 1006 00:39:02,250 --> 00:39:04,458 issues of my own. 1007 00:39:04,458 --> 00:39:06,041 Like where is Jenny Mills? 1008 00:39:20,916 --> 00:39:22,500 I told you it wouldn't 1009 00:39:22,500 --> 00:39:24,291 work out so well for you 1010 00:39:22,500 --> 00:39:24,291 if we met again. 1011 00:39:24,291 --> 00:39:26,666 Hmm. 1012 00:39:24,291 --> 00:39:26,666 Tell me where Jenny Mills is, 1013 00:39:24,291 --> 00:39:26,666 or I start shooting. 1014 00:39:26,666 --> 00:39:27,875 What do you want 1015 00:39:26,666 --> 00:39:27,875 from her? 1016 00:39:27,875 --> 00:39:29,916 I don't want anything from her, 1017 00:39:27,875 --> 00:39:29,916 I want her. 1018 00:39:29,916 --> 00:39:31,666 See, the energy 1019 00:39:29,916 --> 00:39:31,666 from the Shard 1020 00:39:31,666 --> 00:39:33,500 is very important 1021 00:39:31,666 --> 00:39:33,500 to someone I work for, 1022 00:39:33,500 --> 00:39:35,875 and it's vital I get it back. 1023 00:39:35,875 --> 00:39:37,958 Pandora. 1024 00:39:35,875 --> 00:39:37,958 No. 1025 00:39:37,958 --> 00:39:40,750 Someone who makes Pandora 1026 00:39:37,958 --> 00:39:40,750 look like a homeroom teacher. 1027 00:39:40,750 --> 00:39:43,125 And he will 1028 00:39:40,750 --> 00:39:43,125 be here soon, 1029 00:39:43,125 --> 00:39:45,375 so give me Jenny Mills! 1030 00:39:45,375 --> 00:39:47,083 You've got five seconds. 1031 00:39:47,083 --> 00:39:49,333 I'm sorry, kid, this 1032 00:39:47,083 --> 00:39:49,333 is nothing personal. 1033 00:39:49,333 --> 00:39:51,416 Ah, screw you. 1034 00:39:49,333 --> 00:39:51,416 (chuckles) 1035 00:39:51,416 --> 00:39:52,666 NEVINS: 1036 00:39:51,416 --> 00:39:52,666 You are definitely 1037 00:39:52,666 --> 00:39:53,916 August Corbin's son. 1038 00:39:53,916 --> 00:39:55,500 Five! 1039 00:39:53,916 --> 00:39:55,500 Wait, now. Hold on. 1040 00:39:55,500 --> 00:39:56,708 Four. 1041 00:39:55,500 --> 00:39:56,708 Don't tell 'em anything, Abbie. 1042 00:39:56,708 --> 00:39:59,083 ABBIE: No, no, no... 1043 00:39:56,708 --> 00:39:59,083 Three. Two. 1044 00:39:59,083 --> 00:40:00,916 Drop the gun, Atticus! 1045 00:40:00,916 --> 00:40:03,583 Sophie Foster, FBI! 1046 00:40:03,583 --> 00:40:04,833 Now drop the gun. 1047 00:40:06,125 --> 00:40:07,875 You traitorous bitch... 1048 00:40:06,125 --> 00:40:07,875 (gunshot) 1049 00:40:07,875 --> 00:40:08,708 (shouts) 1050 00:40:13,541 --> 00:40:16,416 Six months 1051 00:40:13,541 --> 00:40:16,416 on this mission, 1052 00:40:16,416 --> 00:40:17,875 and I blow my cover now. 1053 00:40:17,875 --> 00:40:19,458 Reynolds is gonna lose it. 1054 00:40:19,458 --> 00:40:21,041 Reynolds knows about you? 1055 00:40:21,041 --> 00:40:23,000 Knows? This is his op. 1056 00:40:23,000 --> 00:40:24,708 My role in this 1057 00:40:23,000 --> 00:40:24,708 investigation 1058 00:40:24,708 --> 00:40:26,541 was strictly need-to-know. 1059 00:40:24,708 --> 00:40:26,541 Only inner circle. 1060 00:40:28,000 --> 00:40:30,125 He didn't tell you. 1061 00:40:30,125 --> 00:40:32,666 SOPHIE: 1062 00:40:30,125 --> 00:40:32,666 All right, I'm taking him in. 1063 00:40:30,125 --> 00:40:32,666 See what we can salvage. 1064 00:40:32,666 --> 00:40:34,375 Listen, you better 1065 00:40:32,666 --> 00:40:34,375 find your sister. 1066 00:40:34,375 --> 00:40:36,708 Nevins sent the who's who 1067 00:40:34,375 --> 00:40:36,708 of bad guys after her, 1068 00:40:36,708 --> 00:40:38,583 and there's no telling who's 1069 00:40:36,708 --> 00:40:38,583 still out there. All right? 1070 00:40:38,583 --> 00:40:39,875 Let's go. 1071 00:40:45,958 --> 00:40:47,208 Come on. 1072 00:40:52,291 --> 00:40:53,541 Jenny? 1073 00:40:54,916 --> 00:40:56,375 She's not here. 1074 00:40:56,375 --> 00:40:57,958 It's crazy. 1075 00:40:57,958 --> 00:40:59,416 I locked her in 1076 00:40:57,958 --> 00:40:59,416 before I left. 1077 00:40:59,416 --> 00:41:01,416 CRANE: 1078 00:40:59,416 --> 00:41:01,416 This lock 1079 00:41:01,416 --> 00:41:02,666 has been broken from the inside. 1080 00:41:02,666 --> 00:41:03,916 ABBIE: 1081 00:41:02,666 --> 00:41:03,916 Crane. 1082 00:41:09,375 --> 00:41:12,000 CRANE: These drawings... 1083 00:41:09,375 --> 00:41:12,000 they match Miss Jenny's 1084 00:41:12,000 --> 00:41:13,375 description of her vision. 1085 00:41:13,375 --> 00:41:15,000 ABBIE: 1086 00:41:13,375 --> 00:41:15,000 What do they mean? 1087 00:41:15,000 --> 00:41:16,541 CRANE: 1088 00:41:15,000 --> 00:41:16,541 I cannot say. 1089 00:41:16,541 --> 00:41:19,416 But clearly, 1090 00:41:16,541 --> 00:41:19,416 her condition is worsening. 1091 00:41:20,666 --> 00:41:21,833 Guys, where is she? 1092 00:41:24,083 --> 00:41:26,083 ♪ ♪ 1093 00:41:39,958 --> 00:41:41,583 (whooshing, rumbling) 1094 00:41:45,750 --> 00:41:48,125 (rumbling continues) 1095 00:41:49,541 --> 00:41:51,125 (whooshing) 1096 00:41:54,416 --> 00:41:56,791 (rumbling stops) 1097 00:41:59,583 --> 00:42:01,583 ♪ ♪ 1098 00:42:15,333 --> 00:42:17,250 Kneel. 1099 00:42:27,000 --> 00:42:29,208 Behold my glory. 1100 00:42:29,208 --> 00:42:32,458 I have arrived. 1101 00:43:12,541 --> 00:43:14,500 Captioned by 1102 00:43:12,541 --> 00:43:14,500 Media Access Group at WGBH