1 00:00:01,416 --> 00:00:03,000 CRANE: 2 00:00:01,416 --> 00:00:03,000 Two at the entrance. 3 00:00:03,000 --> 00:00:05,041 Four on rotation. 4 00:00:05,041 --> 00:00:07,416 Standard two-by-two formation. 5 00:00:07,416 --> 00:00:09,333 Good morrow. 6 00:00:07,416 --> 00:00:09,333 Good morrow. 7 00:00:09,333 --> 00:00:11,333 Do you expect resistance? 8 00:00:11,333 --> 00:00:13,208 William Erskine is 9 00:00:11,333 --> 00:00:13,208 quartermaster general 10 00:00:13,208 --> 00:00:15,041 to Cornwallis. 11 00:00:15,041 --> 00:00:17,375 The supply charts he has in that 12 00:00:15,041 --> 00:00:17,375 house will tell us everything 13 00:00:17,375 --> 00:00:20,000 about every British 14 00:00:17,375 --> 00:00:20,000 garrison in New York. 15 00:00:20,000 --> 00:00:21,416 So ostentatious. 16 00:00:23,000 --> 00:00:25,083 Typical British. 17 00:00:27,375 --> 00:00:28,916 Idiot. 18 00:00:34,875 --> 00:00:36,458 If the lobsterbacks see you, 19 00:00:34,875 --> 00:00:36,458 this mission is over 20 00:00:36,458 --> 00:00:38,708 before it's begun. 21 00:00:36,458 --> 00:00:38,708 I made certain 22 00:00:36,458 --> 00:00:38,708 I was out of view. 23 00:00:38,708 --> 00:00:39,875 They have eyes everywhere. 24 00:00:39,875 --> 00:00:41,875 Why Washington thought 25 00:00:41,875 --> 00:00:44,125 it necessary to include you 26 00:00:41,875 --> 00:00:44,125 in this mission is beyond me. 27 00:00:44,125 --> 00:00:46,208 Does the Hale family have 28 00:00:44,125 --> 00:00:46,208 something on the general? 29 00:00:46,208 --> 00:00:49,208 Betsy... 30 00:00:49,208 --> 00:00:50,833 Nathan, 31 00:00:49,208 --> 00:00:50,833 contrary to accounts 32 00:00:50,833 --> 00:00:54,333 in colonial pamphlets, 33 00:00:50,833 --> 00:00:54,333 British officers are not stupid. 34 00:00:54,333 --> 00:00:57,625 In addition to soldiers, 35 00:00:54,333 --> 00:00:57,625 they employ Loyalist civilians. 36 00:00:57,625 --> 00:00:59,375 They patrol this area. 37 00:00:59,375 --> 00:01:01,208 And they are trained... 38 00:01:01,208 --> 00:01:03,375 to spot the glint of a lens. 39 00:01:03,375 --> 00:01:06,000 Two important things to learn: 40 00:01:06,000 --> 00:01:08,000 Patience and caution. 41 00:01:09,250 --> 00:01:11,166 Unlike the proverbial cat, 42 00:01:11,166 --> 00:01:12,666 you have but one life. 43 00:01:12,666 --> 00:01:15,291 Do not indulge in recklessness. 44 00:01:16,791 --> 00:01:18,750 (engine roaring, 45 00:01:16,791 --> 00:01:18,750 tires screeching) 46 00:01:18,750 --> 00:01:20,416 (engine revving) 47 00:01:37,791 --> 00:01:39,416 (gunfire continues) 48 00:01:41,541 --> 00:01:43,916 (tires screeching) 49 00:01:56,708 --> 00:01:59,083 Damn! He's gone. 50 00:01:59,083 --> 00:02:01,333 (men talking indistinctly) 51 00:02:03,291 --> 00:02:05,291 (trucks departing) 52 00:02:12,416 --> 00:02:15,333 What is this thing 53 00:02:12,416 --> 00:02:15,333 that's so important 54 00:02:15,333 --> 00:02:17,750 you had to piss off a bunch 55 00:02:15,333 --> 00:02:17,750 of apocalyptic cultists? 56 00:02:17,750 --> 00:02:19,500 The Lydian Jug. 57 00:02:19,500 --> 00:02:21,000 According to legend, 58 00:02:21,000 --> 00:02:23,125 Orpheus used that very jug 59 00:02:23,125 --> 00:02:25,708 to locate Eurydice when she 60 00:02:23,125 --> 00:02:25,708 was whisked off to Hades. 61 00:02:25,708 --> 00:02:27,458 And... Yes! This... 62 00:02:27,458 --> 00:02:29,583 this third-century 63 00:02:27,458 --> 00:02:29,583 Persian account 64 00:02:29,583 --> 00:02:32,291 states that I 65 00:02:29,583 --> 00:02:32,291 can use the jug 66 00:02:32,291 --> 00:02:35,541 to activate 67 00:02:32,291 --> 00:02:35,541 the, uh, locator spell 68 00:02:35,541 --> 00:02:38,875 to reach the Lieutenant, even 69 00:02:35,541 --> 00:02:38,875 if she was in another dimension. 70 00:02:38,875 --> 00:02:41,916 Granted, the spell 71 00:02:38,875 --> 00:02:41,916 is most effective 72 00:02:41,916 --> 00:02:43,583 if used immediately 73 00:02:41,916 --> 00:02:43,583 after the disappearance. 74 00:02:43,583 --> 00:02:45,458 Come on, it's 75 00:02:43,583 --> 00:02:45,458 been over a month. 76 00:02:45,458 --> 00:02:47,375 It's not really been tested. 77 00:02:45,458 --> 00:02:47,375 You're grasping 78 00:02:47,375 --> 00:02:48,791 at straws. 79 00:02:48,791 --> 00:02:50,541 The Lieutenant's spirit 80 00:02:48,791 --> 00:02:50,541 is strong. 81 00:02:50,541 --> 00:02:53,583 She may be hurt, she may be 82 00:02:50,541 --> 00:02:53,583 suffering, but she is alive. 83 00:02:53,583 --> 00:02:54,750 It is 84 00:02:53,583 --> 00:02:54,750 up 85 00:02:54,750 --> 00:02:56,333 to me to find her. 86 00:02:56,333 --> 00:02:58,625 It's up to us, Crane. 87 00:02:58,625 --> 00:03:00,208 (grunts) 88 00:03:00,208 --> 00:03:02,541 Abbie sacrificed herself 89 00:03:00,208 --> 00:03:02,541 to save me, 90 00:03:02,541 --> 00:03:06,166 so, trust me, 91 00:03:02,541 --> 00:03:06,166 we all want to find her. 92 00:03:09,041 --> 00:03:11,041 Yes, of course. I... 93 00:03:11,041 --> 00:03:13,375 I would never imply... 94 00:03:13,375 --> 00:03:16,583 It's okay, Crane. 95 00:03:21,708 --> 00:03:23,375 (sighs, murmurs) 96 00:03:32,375 --> 00:03:34,291 We have a lead... 97 00:03:34,291 --> 00:03:35,375 on an artifact. 98 00:03:35,375 --> 00:03:36,958 Something that could 99 00:03:36,958 --> 00:03:39,416 help us track Pandora 100 00:03:36,958 --> 00:03:39,416 and the Hidden One. 101 00:03:39,416 --> 00:03:42,125 The idea is find the bad guys, 102 00:03:39,416 --> 00:03:42,125 find Abbie. 103 00:03:42,125 --> 00:03:43,916 We'll need assistance 104 00:03:42,125 --> 00:03:43,916 to find this artifact. 105 00:03:43,916 --> 00:03:48,333 No, no, no. Let us take 106 00:03:43,916 --> 00:03:48,333 the ball for a while. 107 00:03:48,333 --> 00:03:51,250 If you burn out, 108 00:03:48,333 --> 00:03:51,250 you're of no good to us. 109 00:03:51,250 --> 00:03:52,250 Or Abbie. 110 00:03:55,458 --> 00:03:58,208 Right. Uh... 111 00:03:58,208 --> 00:04:00,791 I-I could use a little respite. 112 00:04:00,791 --> 00:04:02,666 We will find her, Crane. 113 00:04:02,666 --> 00:04:04,083 Mm-hmm. 114 00:04:17,541 --> 00:04:21,625 PANDORA: I know you are 115 00:04:17,541 --> 00:04:21,625 displeased, my love. 116 00:04:21,625 --> 00:04:24,375 But all will be 117 00:04:21,625 --> 00:04:24,375 set right 118 00:04:24,375 --> 00:04:26,125 with the 119 00:04:24,375 --> 00:04:26,125 fullness of time. 120 00:04:26,125 --> 00:04:28,958 You dare speak to me of time. 121 00:04:28,958 --> 00:04:32,375 I, who have slumbered 122 00:04:28,958 --> 00:04:32,375 for millennia. 123 00:04:36,541 --> 00:04:40,500 Humanity has spread unchecked 124 00:04:36,541 --> 00:04:40,500 across this world, 125 00:04:40,500 --> 00:04:42,958 ravaging it like locusts. 126 00:04:42,958 --> 00:04:47,375 Yet instead of purging 127 00:04:42,958 --> 00:04:47,375 this horde, 128 00:04:47,375 --> 00:04:51,250 I only have the strength 129 00:04:47,375 --> 00:04:51,250 for parlor tricks. 130 00:04:51,250 --> 00:04:53,541 I share your frustration. 131 00:04:53,541 --> 00:04:56,375 Had the Witnesses 132 00:04:53,541 --> 00:04:56,375 not intervened... 133 00:04:56,375 --> 00:04:58,625 The fault does not lie 134 00:04:56,375 --> 00:04:58,625 with the Witnesses. 135 00:04:58,625 --> 00:05:00,291 It is with you. 136 00:05:00,291 --> 00:05:04,750 Because of your inadequacies, 137 00:05:00,291 --> 00:05:04,750 we now hide like slaves. 138 00:05:04,750 --> 00:05:08,916 I have found another way... 139 00:05:08,916 --> 00:05:10,125 to return you 140 00:05:10,125 --> 00:05:11,916 to your full power. 141 00:05:11,916 --> 00:05:14,333 A remnant of the pithos 142 00:05:11,916 --> 00:05:14,333 I once gave you. 143 00:05:15,500 --> 00:05:17,333 I thought it had been destroyed. 144 00:05:17,333 --> 00:05:19,125 Rescued from the debris. 145 00:05:20,208 --> 00:05:21,416 Even a fragment of the box 146 00:05:21,416 --> 00:05:23,125 holds enough power to give you 147 00:05:23,125 --> 00:05:25,291 what you need. 148 00:05:27,250 --> 00:05:30,375 That which hides in the depths, 149 00:05:30,375 --> 00:05:32,708 I summon thee. 150 00:05:50,291 --> 00:05:53,041 ♪ ♪ 151 00:06:15,333 --> 00:06:17,291 (sighs) 152 00:06:19,291 --> 00:06:20,291 (sighs) 153 00:06:23,500 --> 00:06:25,291 Souls that wander. 154 00:06:25,291 --> 00:06:27,291 Souls that roam. 155 00:06:27,291 --> 00:06:29,333 Find this beacon. 156 00:06:29,333 --> 00:06:32,750 A light unto home. 157 00:06:34,875 --> 00:06:36,916 (rattling, rumbling) 158 00:06:41,500 --> 00:06:42,833 (rattling, rumbling stop) 159 00:06:56,875 --> 00:06:59,250 (thuds, clanks) 160 00:07:03,583 --> 00:07:05,583 Where are you? 161 00:07:18,958 --> 00:07:20,833 Why are you following me? 162 00:07:24,208 --> 00:07:26,291 Who says I'm following you? 163 00:07:26,291 --> 00:07:29,125 Maybe I just like hanging out 164 00:07:26,291 --> 00:07:29,125 in creepy ruins. 165 00:07:29,125 --> 00:07:30,541 You seem to. 166 00:07:30,541 --> 00:07:33,125 Is that a crime, 167 00:07:30,541 --> 00:07:33,125 Agent Foster? 168 00:07:33,125 --> 00:07:35,375 No. 169 00:07:35,375 --> 00:07:38,125 But kidnapping is. As is murder. 170 00:07:38,125 --> 00:07:41,666 As is making an FBI agent 171 00:07:38,125 --> 00:07:41,666 mysteriously disappear, 172 00:07:41,666 --> 00:07:45,458 creating lots of extra work for 173 00:07:41,666 --> 00:07:45,458 everyone in that agent's office. 174 00:07:45,458 --> 00:07:48,125 Okay, I made that last part up. 175 00:07:48,125 --> 00:07:50,750 What were you doing in here? 176 00:07:50,750 --> 00:07:52,666 What did you see? 177 00:07:52,666 --> 00:07:53,666 Not much. 178 00:07:53,666 --> 00:07:55,166 Just heard you muttering. 179 00:07:55,166 --> 00:07:57,166 Thessalian, right? 180 00:07:57,166 --> 00:07:59,875 You know ancient 181 00:07:57,166 --> 00:07:59,875 Greek dialects? 182 00:07:59,875 --> 00:08:01,416 A few. 183 00:08:01,416 --> 00:08:03,458 You know, 184 00:08:01,416 --> 00:08:03,458 it's kind of a big deal 185 00:08:03,458 --> 00:08:06,000 when an FBI agent goes missing. 186 00:08:06,000 --> 00:08:08,333 Given that you were 187 00:08:06,000 --> 00:08:08,333 the last person to see her, 188 00:08:08,333 --> 00:08:11,000 you've become what we call 189 00:08:08,333 --> 00:08:11,000 a person of interest, 190 00:08:11,000 --> 00:08:12,625 so I'm gonna ask you again, 191 00:08:12,625 --> 00:08:14,541 what were you doing in here? 192 00:08:14,541 --> 00:08:17,958 If the FBI wishes to 193 00:08:14,541 --> 00:08:17,958 formally charge me with a crime, 194 00:08:17,958 --> 00:08:21,291 please, be my guest. 195 00:08:21,291 --> 00:08:23,458 But until then, 196 00:08:23,458 --> 00:08:25,583 leave me alone. 197 00:08:34,666 --> 00:08:35,875 (sighs) 198 00:08:46,333 --> 00:08:48,750 (rattling, rumbling) 199 00:08:54,666 --> 00:08:58,166 (crackling) 200 00:09:02,708 --> 00:09:05,708 ♪ ♪ 201 00:09:37,875 --> 00:09:39,250 (door bell jingling) 202 00:09:39,250 --> 00:09:40,375 (video game sound effects 203 00:09:39,250 --> 00:09:40,375 blipping) 204 00:09:46,041 --> 00:09:47,583 The Blavatsky Map. 205 00:09:47,583 --> 00:09:49,083 Know it? 206 00:09:49,083 --> 00:09:50,083 Jenny Mills. 207 00:09:50,083 --> 00:09:51,625 Last time you came to see me, 208 00:09:51,625 --> 00:09:54,000 I had to ice my face for a week. 209 00:09:54,000 --> 00:09:55,333 That should buy 210 00:09:54,000 --> 00:09:55,333 a lot of ice. 211 00:09:56,125 --> 00:09:57,333 The map? 212 00:09:57,333 --> 00:09:59,625 Yes, the map 213 00:09:57,333 --> 00:09:59,625 of Helena Blavatsky, 214 00:09:59,625 --> 00:10:01,208 19th-century 215 00:09:59,625 --> 00:10:01,208 Russian occultist. 216 00:10:01,208 --> 00:10:04,666 Claimed it allowed her 217 00:10:01,208 --> 00:10:04,666 to track demonic presences. 218 00:10:05,958 --> 00:10:07,666 I don't have it. 219 00:10:07,666 --> 00:10:09,666 But you know where 220 00:10:07,666 --> 00:10:09,666 it is, right? 221 00:10:15,208 --> 00:10:16,208 (video game blipping) 222 00:10:18,708 --> 00:10:21,041 Maybe this will 223 00:10:18,708 --> 00:10:21,041 change your mind. 224 00:10:26,125 --> 00:10:27,750 I need to make sure it's real. 225 00:10:30,625 --> 00:10:32,333 You really think 226 00:10:30,625 --> 00:10:32,333 this map will work? 227 00:10:32,333 --> 00:10:33,666 (sighs) I don't know. 228 00:10:33,666 --> 00:10:35,416 All I know is 229 00:10:33,666 --> 00:10:35,416 we had to do something 230 00:10:35,416 --> 00:10:37,041 to get Crane to stand down. 231 00:10:37,041 --> 00:10:39,041 I mean, we're all taking 232 00:10:37,041 --> 00:10:39,041 this thing with a heavy heart, 233 00:10:39,041 --> 00:10:41,083 but he is really flailing. 234 00:10:41,083 --> 00:10:44,541 That's why I had to get him 235 00:10:41,083 --> 00:10:44,541 to see: we will find Abbie. 236 00:10:44,541 --> 00:10:47,541 How can you be so sure? 237 00:10:44,541 --> 00:10:47,541 Because there's no alternative. 238 00:10:48,916 --> 00:10:50,541 Lovely piece. 239 00:10:48,916 --> 00:10:50,541 So where's the map? 240 00:10:50,541 --> 00:10:53,416 Atticus Nevins bought it 241 00:10:50,541 --> 00:10:53,416 earlier this year, 242 00:10:53,416 --> 00:10:56,000 but after he pulled 243 00:10:53,416 --> 00:10:56,000 his Jimmy Hoffa act, 244 00:10:56,000 --> 00:10:58,166 every relic hunter, dealer 245 00:10:56,000 --> 00:10:58,166 and wannabe came to town, 246 00:10:58,166 --> 00:10:59,666 raided his entire collection. 247 00:10:59,666 --> 00:11:03,625 The Blavatsky Map ended up 248 00:10:59,666 --> 00:11:03,625 with your old pal Randall. 249 00:11:03,625 --> 00:11:05,833 Great. 250 00:11:03,625 --> 00:11:05,833 Randall... 251 00:11:05,833 --> 00:11:09,125 as in Randall who wanted to 252 00:11:05,833 --> 00:11:09,125 drive a stick through my temple? 253 00:11:18,833 --> 00:11:20,250 Still locked in 254 00:11:18,833 --> 00:11:20,250 on our international 255 00:11:20,250 --> 00:11:21,833 man of mystery? 256 00:11:21,833 --> 00:11:24,166 What do you got? 257 00:11:21,833 --> 00:11:24,166 Same old. 258 00:11:24,166 --> 00:11:26,041 He looks through his books, 259 00:11:24,166 --> 00:11:26,041 walks in the woods, 260 00:11:26,041 --> 00:11:27,416 shouts at the sky. 261 00:11:27,416 --> 00:11:29,166 Anything we can act on? 262 00:11:29,166 --> 00:11:30,583 Not unless you 263 00:11:29,166 --> 00:11:30,583 want to arrest him 264 00:11:30,583 --> 00:11:33,000 for crimes against fashion. 265 00:11:33,000 --> 00:11:36,083 We're missing something. 266 00:11:33,000 --> 00:11:36,083 This guy is wrong. I know it. 267 00:11:36,083 --> 00:11:38,666 He's the only one that can 268 00:11:36,083 --> 00:11:38,666 tell us what happened to Abbie 269 00:11:38,666 --> 00:11:40,125 the night she disappeared. 270 00:11:40,125 --> 00:11:41,541 I'm gonna get a warrant 271 00:11:40,125 --> 00:11:41,541 to tap his phone. 272 00:11:47,041 --> 00:11:49,500 You know, I took 273 00:11:47,041 --> 00:11:49,500 this biology class in college. 274 00:11:49,500 --> 00:11:51,250 We learned about 275 00:11:49,500 --> 00:11:51,250 an experiment 276 00:11:51,250 --> 00:11:54,000 where they train a bunch of dogs 277 00:11:51,250 --> 00:11:54,000 to bring back a toy duck. 278 00:11:54,000 --> 00:11:56,625 Only, when they set 279 00:11:54,000 --> 00:11:56,625 them loose in a field, 280 00:11:56,625 --> 00:11:58,916 no duck. Scientists never 281 00:11:56,625 --> 00:11:58,916 put one out there. 282 00:11:58,916 --> 00:12:02,958 It wasn't long before 283 00:11:58,916 --> 00:12:02,958 the dogs got depressed, 284 00:12:02,958 --> 00:12:06,916 stopped eating, 285 00:12:02,958 --> 00:12:06,916 fought with each other... 286 00:12:06,916 --> 00:12:08,541 You see what I'm getting at? 287 00:12:09,583 --> 00:12:11,416 That scientists are jerks? 288 00:12:11,416 --> 00:12:16,708 Yes, definitely that, and also, 289 00:12:16,708 --> 00:12:19,000 stress will mess you up. 290 00:12:19,000 --> 00:12:22,500 That cabin you like 291 00:12:19,000 --> 00:12:22,500 by West Point-- 292 00:12:22,500 --> 00:12:24,250 why don't you take 293 00:12:22,500 --> 00:12:24,250 a long weekend? 294 00:12:24,250 --> 00:12:26,708 Some fresh air, sunshine, 295 00:12:26,708 --> 00:12:29,250 chop some wood... 296 00:12:29,250 --> 00:12:31,750 I don't know what 297 00:12:29,250 --> 00:12:31,750 people do out in cabins. 298 00:12:31,750 --> 00:12:37,083 Just... just go 299 00:12:31,750 --> 00:12:37,083 and clear your head. 300 00:12:37,083 --> 00:12:39,666 I'll put in for the 301 00:12:37,083 --> 00:12:39,666 phone tap warrant. 302 00:12:40,875 --> 00:12:44,750 Biology, huh? 303 00:12:40,875 --> 00:12:44,750 Mm. 304 00:12:44,750 --> 00:12:47,000 I thought you majored 305 00:12:44,750 --> 00:12:47,000 in archaeology. 306 00:12:47,000 --> 00:12:49,041 I did. 307 00:12:49,041 --> 00:12:52,125 I'm a very complex person. 308 00:13:01,708 --> 00:13:05,208 (sighs) 309 00:13:18,791 --> 00:13:21,458 Hmm. 310 00:13:35,583 --> 00:13:37,916 (distant thud) 311 00:13:55,083 --> 00:13:57,250 Hello? 312 00:13:57,250 --> 00:13:58,500 (distant thud) 313 00:14:25,666 --> 00:14:27,291 Lieutenant? 314 00:14:28,875 --> 00:14:31,291 (wind whistling, 315 00:14:28,875 --> 00:14:31,291 window frames clunking) 316 00:14:47,083 --> 00:14:49,333 (squeaking on mirror) 317 00:15:04,250 --> 00:15:05,250 (Crane grunts) 318 00:15:08,416 --> 00:15:09,916 (groans) 319 00:15:09,916 --> 00:15:11,708 (panting) 320 00:15:29,666 --> 00:15:33,666 (phone ringing) 321 00:15:40,000 --> 00:15:41,416 Ichabod Crane. 322 00:15:41,416 --> 00:15:44,166 SOPHIE: How'd you get 323 00:15:41,416 --> 00:15:44,166 into my apartment? 324 00:15:44,166 --> 00:15:45,875 Agent Foster? 325 00:15:44,166 --> 00:15:45,875 SOPHIE: Yeah. 326 00:15:45,875 --> 00:15:47,875 Agent Foster, the person 327 00:15:45,875 --> 00:15:47,875 you just tried to punk. 328 00:15:47,875 --> 00:15:50,625 I have no earthly idea 329 00:15:47,875 --> 00:15:50,625 what you are saying, 330 00:15:50,625 --> 00:15:52,958 in more ways than one. 331 00:15:50,625 --> 00:15:52,958 You didn't leave this message? 332 00:15:52,958 --> 00:15:54,708 What message? 333 00:15:52,958 --> 00:15:54,708 SOPHIE: I told Reynolds 334 00:15:54,708 --> 00:15:57,708 you were a harmless kook, 335 00:15:54,708 --> 00:15:57,708 and now you go and... 336 00:15:57,708 --> 00:15:58,833 Agent Foster! 337 00:15:58,833 --> 00:16:00,166 What message? 338 00:16:04,541 --> 00:16:06,000 You're paying 339 00:16:04,541 --> 00:16:06,000 the security deposit. 340 00:16:06,000 --> 00:16:09,541 Did you see or hear anything? 341 00:16:09,541 --> 00:16:10,916 A weird wind. 342 00:16:10,916 --> 00:16:12,708 Figured you were messing 343 00:16:10,916 --> 00:16:12,708 with me. 344 00:16:14,541 --> 00:16:16,000 So this wasn't you? 345 00:16:18,000 --> 00:16:20,166 Then who did this? 346 00:16:20,166 --> 00:16:22,041 Someone who is trying 347 00:16:20,166 --> 00:16:22,041 to send us a message. 348 00:16:23,333 --> 00:16:25,333 Though why she would choose 349 00:16:25,333 --> 00:16:28,750 to communicate 350 00:16:25,333 --> 00:16:28,750 through you is, um... 351 00:16:31,583 --> 00:16:32,833 May I? 352 00:16:32,833 --> 00:16:34,833 What are you doing? 353 00:16:34,833 --> 00:16:38,125 I need to check something 354 00:16:34,833 --> 00:16:38,125 on your arm, if I may? 355 00:16:38,125 --> 00:16:40,541 Thank you. 356 00:16:46,791 --> 00:16:49,500 What the hell...? 357 00:16:49,500 --> 00:16:53,500 It is part of a message 358 00:16:49,500 --> 00:16:53,500 that I received, as well. 359 00:16:56,291 --> 00:16:58,250 This is crazy. 360 00:16:58,250 --> 00:17:01,375 We have both been contacted 361 00:16:58,250 --> 00:17:01,375 by an outside force, 362 00:17:01,375 --> 00:17:04,625 and given identical mysteries. 363 00:17:04,625 --> 00:17:07,041 Not identical. 364 00:17:07,041 --> 00:17:09,500 They're mirror images. 365 00:17:11,375 --> 00:17:13,625 (electricity buzzing 366 00:17:11,375 --> 00:17:13,625 and crackling) 367 00:17:25,750 --> 00:17:27,583 Lieutenant... 368 00:17:27,583 --> 00:17:29,750 (whooshing, Crane groans) 369 00:17:32,333 --> 00:17:33,416 Help me, Crane. 370 00:17:33,416 --> 00:17:36,000 (grunting, gasping) 371 00:17:37,000 --> 00:17:38,500 Are you okay? 372 00:17:38,500 --> 00:17:41,166 What the hell was that? 373 00:17:41,166 --> 00:17:43,666 (panting): 374 00:17:41,166 --> 00:17:43,666 It was Abbie. 375 00:17:45,833 --> 00:17:48,083 She's dying. 376 00:17:57,541 --> 00:18:01,166 (music playing, 377 00:17:57,541 --> 00:18:01,166 lively crowd chatter) 378 00:18:01,166 --> 00:18:02,708 Hold it. 379 00:18:02,708 --> 00:18:04,625 The Dynamic Duo. 380 00:18:06,416 --> 00:18:08,791 Come on and pull up a chair, 381 00:18:06,416 --> 00:18:08,791 have some champagne. 382 00:18:08,791 --> 00:18:10,708 No, thanks. 383 00:18:10,708 --> 00:18:12,458 Just came by 384 00:18:10,708 --> 00:18:12,458 to talk some business. 385 00:18:12,458 --> 00:18:16,125 Oh. Hold on. Hold on. 386 00:18:12,458 --> 00:18:16,125 Let me guess. 387 00:18:16,125 --> 00:18:18,916 I'm seeing... a map. 388 00:18:18,916 --> 00:18:20,666 Maybe Russian? 389 00:18:20,666 --> 00:18:23,041 Damn, these artifacts 390 00:18:20,666 --> 00:18:23,041 must be rubbing off. 391 00:18:23,041 --> 00:18:25,458 A brother got powers now. 392 00:18:23,041 --> 00:18:25,458 (laughs) 393 00:18:26,666 --> 00:18:28,500 McKenna called. 394 00:18:28,500 --> 00:18:30,875 Said something about 395 00:18:28,500 --> 00:18:30,875 not owing you any favors. 396 00:18:30,875 --> 00:18:31,916 How much for the map? 397 00:18:31,916 --> 00:18:33,708 Well, let's see... 398 00:18:33,708 --> 00:18:36,833 Last time I saw you, you left 399 00:18:33,708 --> 00:18:36,833 my ass handcuffed to a bathtub. 400 00:18:36,833 --> 00:18:39,000 How much you think I 401 00:18:36,833 --> 00:18:39,000 should collect for that? 402 00:18:39,000 --> 00:18:40,583 That was just business. 403 00:18:40,583 --> 00:18:42,208 Sometimes it's not 404 00:18:40,583 --> 00:18:42,208 just business. 405 00:18:42,208 --> 00:18:43,500 Come on. 406 00:18:45,791 --> 00:18:50,041 Like you haven't been handcuffed 407 00:18:45,791 --> 00:18:50,041 by a girl in a motel before. 408 00:18:50,041 --> 00:18:51,458 Come on, Jenny. 409 00:18:51,458 --> 00:18:53,125 You don't have to do this. 410 00:18:53,125 --> 00:18:54,666 Let's go. 411 00:18:54,666 --> 00:18:56,833 Damn, Mills. 412 00:18:56,833 --> 00:18:58,333 No shame. 413 00:18:58,333 --> 00:19:00,166 Always liked that about you. 414 00:19:00,166 --> 00:19:02,416 (laughs quietly) 415 00:19:00,166 --> 00:19:02,416 I'll tell you what. 416 00:19:02,416 --> 00:19:03,958 I was gonna have Howie 417 00:19:03,958 --> 00:19:07,125 and Russell here beat 418 00:19:03,958 --> 00:19:07,125 the crap out of you, 419 00:19:07,125 --> 00:19:09,875 but for old times' sake, 420 00:19:07,125 --> 00:19:09,875 I'll let you leave in one piece. 421 00:19:11,125 --> 00:19:13,000 You know what's funny? 422 00:19:13,000 --> 00:19:15,208 I didn't even know 423 00:19:13,000 --> 00:19:15,208 I had that map. 424 00:19:15,208 --> 00:19:17,375 But once I heard 425 00:19:15,208 --> 00:19:17,375 you were looking for it, 426 00:19:17,375 --> 00:19:20,041 I made sure to find it 427 00:19:17,375 --> 00:19:20,041 and put it somewhere safe. 428 00:19:20,041 --> 00:19:22,500 So... 429 00:19:22,500 --> 00:19:24,041 thanks for the heads-up. 430 00:19:24,041 --> 00:19:25,500 (laughing) 431 00:19:29,750 --> 00:19:32,208 Tell me you got it. 432 00:19:32,208 --> 00:19:34,000 He's not too bright, is he? 433 00:19:34,000 --> 00:19:35,416 Dumb as a bag of hammers. 434 00:19:35,416 --> 00:19:36,375 (chuckles quietly) 435 00:19:40,291 --> 00:19:42,458 Here. 436 00:19:42,458 --> 00:19:45,291 This is the Shinto 437 00:19:42,458 --> 00:19:45,291 symbol for "gateway." 438 00:19:45,291 --> 00:19:48,625 Now, there are assorted rituals 439 00:19:45,291 --> 00:19:48,625 for activating such gateways, 440 00:19:48,625 --> 00:19:51,791 but we may need 441 00:19:48,625 --> 00:19:51,791 to build one first. 442 00:19:51,791 --> 00:19:54,000 Out of what? 443 00:20:00,750 --> 00:20:03,000 There's a tribe in New Guinea 444 00:20:03,000 --> 00:20:05,916 that believes mirrors 445 00:20:03,000 --> 00:20:05,916 are so powerful 446 00:20:05,916 --> 00:20:08,166 they don't have a word 447 00:20:05,916 --> 00:20:08,166 for it, so instead 448 00:20:08,166 --> 00:20:11,250 they indicate mirrors 449 00:20:08,166 --> 00:20:11,250 by showing what they do. 450 00:20:11,250 --> 00:20:13,041 Mirror images. 451 00:20:13,041 --> 00:20:15,208 She wants us to build a 452 00:20:13,041 --> 00:20:15,208 gateway out of a mirror. 453 00:20:15,208 --> 00:20:18,583 Yeah. 454 00:20:15,208 --> 00:20:18,583 I believe we have one 455 00:20:18,583 --> 00:20:22,083 stored behind here. Yes. 456 00:20:22,083 --> 00:20:25,291 So, all this, 457 00:20:25,291 --> 00:20:29,625 this is, um, 458 00:20:25,291 --> 00:20:29,625 your personal library? 459 00:20:29,625 --> 00:20:31,041 Uh, not all mine. 460 00:20:31,041 --> 00:20:32,708 It's been cultivated 461 00:20:31,041 --> 00:20:32,708 over the centuries. 462 00:20:32,708 --> 00:20:35,958 First by the Founding Fathers, 463 00:20:32,708 --> 00:20:35,958 and most recently 464 00:20:35,958 --> 00:20:40,041 by the late Sheriff 465 00:20:35,958 --> 00:20:40,041 August Corbin. 466 00:20:40,041 --> 00:20:42,458 (grunts) 467 00:20:40,041 --> 00:20:42,458 All... vital tools 468 00:20:42,458 --> 00:20:45,708 for the war against evil. 469 00:20:47,541 --> 00:20:50,583 Believe it or not, 470 00:20:47,541 --> 00:20:50,583 I know how you feel. 471 00:20:50,583 --> 00:20:52,958 'Twas not long ago 472 00:20:52,958 --> 00:20:54,916 that I, too, was in the dark. 473 00:20:56,666 --> 00:21:00,666 And truth be told, life would be 474 00:20:56,666 --> 00:21:00,666 far simpler if I still were. 475 00:21:00,666 --> 00:21:03,583 But, as with every war, 476 00:21:03,583 --> 00:21:07,458 what we do not know can 477 00:21:03,583 --> 00:21:07,458 most certainly harm us. 478 00:21:29,083 --> 00:21:31,083 The sentries have 479 00:21:29,083 --> 00:21:31,083 changed their pattern. 480 00:21:36,541 --> 00:21:38,125 (whispering): 481 00:21:36,541 --> 00:21:38,125 We must retreat. 482 00:21:41,916 --> 00:21:43,916 CRANE: 483 00:21:41,916 --> 00:21:43,916 Oh, no-- Hale. 484 00:21:44,833 --> 00:21:46,333 What is he doing? 485 00:21:48,000 --> 00:21:49,833 I told him to stay 486 00:21:48,000 --> 00:21:49,833 at the base. 487 00:21:49,833 --> 00:21:52,041 CRANE: The fool's brave, 488 00:21:49,833 --> 00:21:52,041 I'll give him that. 489 00:21:52,041 --> 00:21:54,083 We must assist. 490 00:21:54,083 --> 00:21:56,791 You there-- stop! 491 00:21:56,791 --> 00:21:58,458 Stop him! 492 00:21:58,458 --> 00:22:00,500 (overlapping shouting, 493 00:21:58,458 --> 00:22:00,500 grunting) 494 00:22:00,500 --> 00:22:02,500 There's nothing we can do. 495 00:22:02,500 --> 00:22:05,125 CRANE: 496 00:22:02,500 --> 00:22:05,125 He will hang. 497 00:22:05,125 --> 00:22:06,916 Spies do not get a trial. 498 00:22:06,916 --> 00:22:09,958 If we don't leave now, we 499 00:22:06,916 --> 00:22:09,958 will share the same fate. 500 00:22:09,958 --> 00:22:12,750 Look there! 501 00:22:09,958 --> 00:22:12,750 At the tree line! 502 00:22:12,750 --> 00:22:14,000 Look there! 503 00:22:12,750 --> 00:22:14,000 Through the gate! 504 00:22:14,000 --> 00:22:15,041 (bell clanging) 505 00:22:25,791 --> 00:22:29,583 So why are we doing this 506 00:22:25,791 --> 00:22:29,583 in your, uh, dungeon? 507 00:22:31,041 --> 00:22:34,208 The Masonic cell 508 00:22:31,041 --> 00:22:34,208 concentrates mystical energies. 509 00:22:34,208 --> 00:22:37,791 Gives us the best chance 510 00:22:34,208 --> 00:22:37,791 to bridge dimensions. 511 00:22:38,791 --> 00:22:40,375 I need you to anchor me. 512 00:22:40,375 --> 00:22:43,291 Whoa, buy a girl a drink first, 513 00:22:40,375 --> 00:22:43,291 why don't you? 514 00:22:46,958 --> 00:22:48,333 Sorry. 515 00:22:48,333 --> 00:22:50,458 I'm just a little... 516 00:22:48,333 --> 00:22:50,458 little nervous. 517 00:22:50,458 --> 00:22:53,416 This is my first 518 00:22:50,458 --> 00:22:53,416 "rescue a lost spirit 519 00:22:53,416 --> 00:22:55,125 from another dimension" 520 00:22:53,416 --> 00:22:55,125 mission. 521 00:22:57,125 --> 00:22:58,458 (sighs anxiously) 522 00:22:58,458 --> 00:23:00,500 If the Lieutenant were here, 523 00:23:00,500 --> 00:23:02,166 she would say something... 524 00:23:02,166 --> 00:23:04,375 tough yet encouraging, 525 00:23:04,375 --> 00:23:07,583 of which I would 526 00:23:04,375 --> 00:23:07,583 wholeheartedly concur. 527 00:23:07,583 --> 00:23:10,375 She is very good at that. 528 00:23:11,875 --> 00:23:14,458 I get why you 529 00:23:11,875 --> 00:23:14,458 want to find her so badly. 530 00:23:25,958 --> 00:23:28,208 Vision unto reflection, 531 00:23:28,208 --> 00:23:29,958 Light unto dark, 532 00:23:29,958 --> 00:23:32,875 see us with your unblinking 533 00:23:29,958 --> 00:23:32,875 eye... 534 00:23:32,875 --> 00:23:37,708 and open the bridge to 535 00:23:32,875 --> 00:23:37,708 worlds on end... 536 00:23:43,583 --> 00:23:46,458 (rumbling, whooshing) 537 00:23:54,208 --> 00:23:56,208 (rumbling fades) 538 00:24:07,291 --> 00:24:08,875 Ah! Oh... 539 00:24:08,875 --> 00:24:11,125 (grunting) 540 00:24:12,083 --> 00:24:13,458 (shouting) 541 00:24:13,458 --> 00:24:14,541 (grunting) 542 00:24:23,250 --> 00:24:25,208 (grunts) 543 00:24:31,125 --> 00:24:32,333 (growling) 544 00:24:41,291 --> 00:24:42,250 Oh, my God... 545 00:24:47,291 --> 00:24:48,500 (startled gasp) 546 00:24:49,208 --> 00:24:50,083 (growling) 547 00:24:53,000 --> 00:24:54,375 (grunts, snarls) 548 00:24:56,166 --> 00:24:57,791 (whimpers, gasps) 549 00:25:01,000 --> 00:25:01,958 (eerie screech) 550 00:25:03,500 --> 00:25:04,541 (gasps) 551 00:25:06,958 --> 00:25:08,916 That thing wasn't human. 552 00:25:08,916 --> 00:25:10,208 And it wanted to kill us. 553 00:25:10,208 --> 00:25:11,791 Presumably. 554 00:25:13,791 --> 00:25:15,833 We were supposed 555 00:25:13,791 --> 00:25:15,833 to be rescuing Mills, 556 00:25:15,833 --> 00:25:18,666 not facing down 557 00:25:15,833 --> 00:25:18,666 living nightmares. 558 00:25:18,666 --> 00:25:21,250 Evil engages us when 559 00:25:18,666 --> 00:25:21,250 we least expect it. 560 00:25:21,250 --> 00:25:25,125 So you had no way of 561 00:25:21,250 --> 00:25:25,125 knowing that that... 562 00:25:25,125 --> 00:25:27,750 that thing 563 00:25:25,125 --> 00:25:27,750 would come through? 564 00:25:27,750 --> 00:25:29,916 Well, the ancient texts 565 00:25:29,916 --> 00:25:31,666 say the gateway spell 566 00:25:31,666 --> 00:25:35,083 is often used for 567 00:25:31,666 --> 00:25:35,083 darker purposes. 568 00:25:35,083 --> 00:25:37,583 You knew you might 569 00:25:35,083 --> 00:25:37,583 summon a monster? 570 00:25:37,583 --> 00:25:40,541 I thought the Lieutenant 571 00:25:37,583 --> 00:25:40,541 had calculated a way 572 00:25:40,541 --> 00:25:42,041 to appropriate 573 00:25:40,541 --> 00:25:42,041 the spell. 574 00:25:42,041 --> 00:25:43,791 You wanted to find Abbie 575 00:25:42,041 --> 00:25:43,791 so badly 576 00:25:43,791 --> 00:25:46,250 you allowed a demon 577 00:25:43,791 --> 00:25:46,250 to play you. 578 00:25:46,250 --> 00:25:47,833 You're the reason 579 00:25:46,250 --> 00:25:47,833 it's in our world. 580 00:25:47,833 --> 00:25:49,250 I took a chance. 581 00:25:49,250 --> 00:25:51,291 Working with the 582 00:25:49,250 --> 00:25:51,291 supernatural is not 583 00:25:51,291 --> 00:25:53,500 an unequivocal science, 584 00:25:51,291 --> 00:25:53,500 and if the Lieutenant were here 585 00:25:53,500 --> 00:25:54,750 she would tell you... 586 00:25:54,750 --> 00:25:55,958 She's not here. 587 00:25:55,958 --> 00:25:57,083 I am. 588 00:25:57,083 --> 00:25:58,708 And I don't need to 589 00:25:58,708 --> 00:25:59,875 be Abbie Mills to see 590 00:25:59,875 --> 00:26:01,708 that you are pushing too hard. 591 00:26:01,708 --> 00:26:04,583 You insisted on participating 592 00:26:01,708 --> 00:26:04,583 in this mission. 593 00:26:04,583 --> 00:26:05,958 Why was that? 594 00:26:07,833 --> 00:26:09,708 I may not know about 595 00:26:07,833 --> 00:26:09,708 the supernatural, 596 00:26:09,708 --> 00:26:11,708 but I know 597 00:26:09,708 --> 00:26:11,708 when someone screws up. 598 00:26:23,041 --> 00:26:25,125 You don't think 599 00:26:23,041 --> 00:26:25,125 I'm to blame, do you? 600 00:26:25,125 --> 00:26:28,541 What I think's not important, 601 00:26:25,125 --> 00:26:28,541 Crane. What do you think? 602 00:26:30,791 --> 00:26:33,291 Who asked you, anyway? 603 00:26:33,291 --> 00:26:35,291 (knocking on door) 604 00:26:45,250 --> 00:26:47,166 Local cops found a body 605 00:26:47,166 --> 00:26:49,333 and the death is unusual. 606 00:26:49,333 --> 00:26:51,708 This might be the work 607 00:26:49,333 --> 00:26:51,708 of our mirror monster. 608 00:26:51,708 --> 00:26:54,125 I-I don't know 609 00:26:51,708 --> 00:26:54,125 enough about 610 00:26:54,125 --> 00:26:56,958 this stuff to know 611 00:26:54,125 --> 00:26:56,958 what to look for, so... 612 00:26:58,458 --> 00:27:00,708 Thanks. 613 00:27:00,708 --> 00:27:03,083 Pleasure. 614 00:27:00,708 --> 00:27:03,083 Victim was a car thief. 615 00:27:03,083 --> 00:27:05,458 He stopped to ditch a hot ride 616 00:27:03,083 --> 00:27:05,458 in the parking lot of a diner, 617 00:27:05,458 --> 00:27:06,666 but didn't get very far. 618 00:27:06,666 --> 00:27:07,708 A witness said 619 00:27:06,666 --> 00:27:07,708 she saw a woman 620 00:27:07,708 --> 00:27:09,666 in white running from the scene. 621 00:27:09,666 --> 00:27:11,333 Also, uh... 622 00:27:13,791 --> 00:27:15,208 I have experienced 623 00:27:13,791 --> 00:27:15,208 firsthand 624 00:27:15,208 --> 00:27:18,125 the creature 625 00:27:15,208 --> 00:27:18,125 that created these marks. 626 00:27:19,041 --> 00:27:20,541 Where's the diner? 627 00:27:20,541 --> 00:27:21,541 Off Route 10. 628 00:27:22,625 --> 00:27:24,166 Away from town. 629 00:27:25,291 --> 00:27:27,208 I must examine the area. 630 00:27:30,458 --> 00:27:33,625 ♪ ♪ 631 00:27:33,625 --> 00:27:35,250 According to my research, 632 00:27:35,250 --> 00:27:36,666 this is an onryo, 633 00:27:36,666 --> 00:27:38,458 a Japanese 634 00:27:36,666 --> 00:27:38,458 vengeance demon. 635 00:27:38,458 --> 00:27:40,958 Typically associated with 636 00:27:38,458 --> 00:27:40,958 the spirits of wronged women, 637 00:27:40,958 --> 00:27:43,583 but this particular one 638 00:27:40,958 --> 00:27:43,583 feeds off desperation. 639 00:27:43,583 --> 00:27:46,250 The locator spell I cast must 640 00:27:43,583 --> 00:27:46,250 have brought it to the area. 641 00:27:46,250 --> 00:27:48,375 And it focused on me 642 00:27:46,250 --> 00:27:48,375 because of my... 643 00:27:48,375 --> 00:27:50,875 emotional state. 644 00:27:50,875 --> 00:27:52,750 So it picked up 645 00:27:50,875 --> 00:27:52,750 on your cues 646 00:27:52,750 --> 00:27:54,125 and pretended to be Abbie. 647 00:27:55,375 --> 00:27:56,791 You were catfished. 648 00:27:56,791 --> 00:27:58,583 If that peculiar 649 00:27:56,791 --> 00:27:58,583 ichthyic reference 650 00:27:58,583 --> 00:27:59,916 means I was duped, 651 00:27:59,916 --> 00:28:01,291 then yes, you are correct. 652 00:28:01,291 --> 00:28:03,041 Okay, so then why'd it mark me? 653 00:28:03,041 --> 00:28:05,583 Perhaps because you were present 654 00:28:03,041 --> 00:28:05,583 when I cast the spell. 655 00:28:05,583 --> 00:28:07,916 The demon must have assumed 656 00:28:05,583 --> 00:28:07,916 we were... 657 00:28:07,916 --> 00:28:09,041 Partners. 658 00:28:10,166 --> 00:28:12,125 I have worked 659 00:28:10,166 --> 00:28:12,125 and fought 660 00:28:12,125 --> 00:28:14,458 alongside many people 661 00:28:12,125 --> 00:28:14,458 in my time. 662 00:28:14,458 --> 00:28:17,791 It was only recently 663 00:28:14,458 --> 00:28:17,791 that I truly understood 664 00:28:17,791 --> 00:28:19,791 what a partner is. 665 00:28:19,791 --> 00:28:22,416 What it means to have someone 666 00:28:19,791 --> 00:28:22,416 who makes you more than you are 667 00:28:22,416 --> 00:28:23,958 simply by being by your side. 668 00:28:25,000 --> 00:28:28,416 Truly your better half. 669 00:28:31,041 --> 00:28:33,583 You were right. 670 00:28:33,583 --> 00:28:35,291 I acted recklessly. 671 00:28:35,291 --> 00:28:37,458 I get it. 672 00:28:37,458 --> 00:28:40,083 It's not easy losing 673 00:28:37,458 --> 00:28:40,083 someone like that. 674 00:28:40,083 --> 00:28:44,250 You speak as if from 675 00:28:40,083 --> 00:28:44,250 personal experience. 676 00:28:45,916 --> 00:28:47,625 My parents. 677 00:28:47,625 --> 00:28:50,625 They were archaeologists. 678 00:28:50,625 --> 00:28:54,208 When I was a kid, 679 00:28:50,625 --> 00:28:54,208 they went out on a dig. 680 00:28:54,208 --> 00:28:56,208 Mayan ruins. 681 00:28:56,208 --> 00:28:58,875 Officially, their disappearance 682 00:28:58,875 --> 00:29:01,500 was ruled an unsolved mystery, 683 00:29:01,500 --> 00:29:05,458 but local workers swore 684 00:29:01,500 --> 00:29:05,458 they were taken away 685 00:29:05,458 --> 00:29:07,500 by demonic forces. 686 00:29:07,500 --> 00:29:09,250 I tried 687 00:29:09,250 --> 00:29:10,791 to convince myself 688 00:29:09,250 --> 00:29:10,791 that it was just 689 00:29:10,791 --> 00:29:12,375 superstition talking. 690 00:29:12,375 --> 00:29:15,000 But you knew there was 691 00:29:12,375 --> 00:29:15,000 some truth to it. 692 00:29:15,000 --> 00:29:18,250 So you studied everything 693 00:29:15,000 --> 00:29:18,250 you could on the supernatural. 694 00:29:18,250 --> 00:29:21,625 My whole life 695 00:29:18,250 --> 00:29:21,625 I've been looking for proof 696 00:29:21,625 --> 00:29:23,458 that there is another world 697 00:29:21,625 --> 00:29:23,458 out there. 698 00:29:23,458 --> 00:29:26,000 And you... 699 00:29:26,000 --> 00:29:27,458 you've been living in it. 700 00:29:27,458 --> 00:29:29,416 (phone rings) 701 00:29:33,708 --> 00:29:35,458 It's Foster. 702 00:29:35,458 --> 00:29:37,291 When did this happen? 703 00:29:37,291 --> 00:29:39,375 All right, yeah, got it. 704 00:29:37,291 --> 00:29:39,375 Thanks. 705 00:29:39,375 --> 00:29:41,791 They just found another 706 00:29:39,375 --> 00:29:41,791 body with the same marks. 707 00:29:41,791 --> 00:29:43,750 A hitchhiker. 708 00:29:43,750 --> 00:29:45,083 Farther north on Route 10. 709 00:29:45,083 --> 00:29:47,916 That's further away from town. 710 00:29:47,916 --> 00:29:51,041 If desperation 711 00:29:47,916 --> 00:29:51,041 truly is the onryo's lure, 712 00:29:51,041 --> 00:29:53,500 it would surely 713 00:29:51,041 --> 00:29:53,500 head to more populated areas. 714 00:29:53,500 --> 00:29:56,416 This road 715 00:29:53,500 --> 00:29:56,416 is the opposite direction. 716 00:29:56,416 --> 00:29:58,666 Next closest exit 717 00:29:56,416 --> 00:29:58,666 is West Point. 718 00:30:01,250 --> 00:30:02,791 This... 719 00:30:02,791 --> 00:30:04,500 this thing 720 00:30:02,791 --> 00:30:04,500 feeds on desperation, 721 00:30:04,500 --> 00:30:06,375 right? 722 00:30:04,500 --> 00:30:06,375 Mm. 723 00:30:06,375 --> 00:30:08,166 Could it be tracking not just 724 00:30:06,375 --> 00:30:08,166 people who are desperate, 725 00:30:08,166 --> 00:30:10,416 but people who are desperate 726 00:30:08,166 --> 00:30:10,416 to find Abbie? 727 00:30:10,416 --> 00:30:13,166 Its focus could be 728 00:30:10,416 --> 00:30:13,166 that specific. 729 00:30:14,583 --> 00:30:15,958 Why? 730 00:30:15,958 --> 00:30:17,958 I think I know 731 00:30:15,958 --> 00:30:17,958 where it's headed. 732 00:30:17,958 --> 00:30:20,583 There's only one person 733 00:30:17,958 --> 00:30:20,583 who is as desperate 734 00:30:20,583 --> 00:30:22,875 to find out what happened 735 00:30:20,583 --> 00:30:22,875 to Abbie Mills as you. 736 00:30:25,708 --> 00:30:28,333 It's going after 737 00:30:25,708 --> 00:30:28,333 Daniel Reynolds. 738 00:30:36,541 --> 00:30:38,541 Our call has been heard, 739 00:30:36,541 --> 00:30:38,541 my love. 740 00:30:42,041 --> 00:30:44,875 Soon you will have all you need 741 00:30:42,041 --> 00:30:44,875 to restore your strength. 742 00:30:47,083 --> 00:30:49,750 There is a quicker path. 743 00:30:49,750 --> 00:30:51,583 Find the Witness 744 00:30:51,583 --> 00:30:53,541 that took the Eye. 745 00:30:53,541 --> 00:30:56,666 She no longer exists 746 00:30:53,541 --> 00:30:56,666 in this realm. 747 00:31:00,041 --> 00:31:01,541 But if she still lives, 748 00:31:01,541 --> 00:31:03,541 I will hunt her 749 00:31:01,541 --> 00:31:03,541 to the ends of time. 750 00:31:03,541 --> 00:31:05,125 I swear it. 751 00:31:05,125 --> 00:31:06,208 Good. 752 00:31:07,708 --> 00:31:09,708 Because if you fail 753 00:31:07,708 --> 00:31:09,708 to find her... 754 00:31:11,708 --> 00:31:14,375 I will not suffer alone, 755 00:31:14,375 --> 00:31:16,375 my love. 756 00:31:22,125 --> 00:31:25,208 JENNY: Randall made three calls 757 00:31:22,125 --> 00:31:25,208 to this storage facility. 758 00:31:25,208 --> 00:31:26,875 The manager said 759 00:31:25,208 --> 00:31:26,875 that he paid 760 00:31:26,875 --> 00:31:28,708 for six months, 761 00:31:26,875 --> 00:31:28,708 up front, in cash. 762 00:31:28,708 --> 00:31:30,666 What, he just volunteered 763 00:31:28,708 --> 00:31:30,666 that information? 764 00:31:30,666 --> 00:31:33,125 I've done business 765 00:31:30,666 --> 00:31:33,125 with him before. 766 00:31:33,125 --> 00:31:34,333 You know, someday you're 767 00:31:33,125 --> 00:31:34,333 gonna have to give me 768 00:31:34,333 --> 00:31:35,583 the full rundown 769 00:31:34,333 --> 00:31:35,583 on the adventures 770 00:31:35,583 --> 00:31:36,750 of Jenny Mills. 771 00:31:36,750 --> 00:31:38,666 It's not that interesting. 772 00:31:41,750 --> 00:31:44,125 Look, I understand, you know. 773 00:31:44,125 --> 00:31:46,291 You want to keep acting 774 00:31:44,125 --> 00:31:46,291 cool, professional. 775 00:31:46,291 --> 00:31:48,375 Stick with what you know. 776 00:31:48,375 --> 00:31:50,750 Because if you can 777 00:31:48,375 --> 00:31:50,750 convince yourself 778 00:31:50,750 --> 00:31:52,375 that it's just 779 00:31:50,750 --> 00:31:52,375 business as usual, 780 00:31:52,375 --> 00:31:54,125 then the truth 781 00:31:52,375 --> 00:31:54,125 of what might have 782 00:31:54,125 --> 00:31:55,666 happened to Abbie can't sink in. 783 00:31:57,500 --> 00:32:00,500 But sooner or later, you are 784 00:31:57,500 --> 00:32:00,500 gonna have to face that truth. 785 00:32:02,333 --> 00:32:03,791 All right? Just... 786 00:32:03,791 --> 00:32:05,458 just remember 787 00:32:03,791 --> 00:32:05,458 that you'll be okay. 788 00:32:09,833 --> 00:32:11,583 Oh, yeah? 789 00:32:11,583 --> 00:32:13,250 How do you know that? 790 00:32:13,250 --> 00:32:15,875 'Cause I'm not going anywhere. 791 00:32:38,125 --> 00:32:39,500 Got it. 792 00:32:41,416 --> 00:32:42,416 RANDALL: 793 00:32:41,416 --> 00:32:42,416 Nice job. 794 00:32:44,166 --> 00:32:46,166 When you gonna learn, Mills? 795 00:32:46,166 --> 00:32:48,583 I'll always be one step ahead. 796 00:32:48,583 --> 00:32:50,125 (grunts) 797 00:32:52,666 --> 00:32:56,416 (punches thudding, 798 00:32:52,666 --> 00:32:56,416 Joe grunting) 799 00:32:56,416 --> 00:32:58,250 Randall, call them off. 800 00:32:58,250 --> 00:32:59,666 (gunshot) 801 00:32:59,666 --> 00:33:02,000 (gasps) 802 00:32:59,666 --> 00:33:02,000 I guess your boy 803 00:33:02,000 --> 00:33:03,250 was misbehaving. 804 00:33:03,250 --> 00:33:04,958 Now, where's my phone? 805 00:33:06,500 --> 00:33:07,583 Drop it. 806 00:33:08,625 --> 00:33:10,458 (chuckling) 807 00:33:12,500 --> 00:33:15,333 Your guys are sleeping 808 00:33:12,500 --> 00:33:15,333 on the job out there. 809 00:33:15,333 --> 00:33:16,916 You should hire better guys. 810 00:33:16,916 --> 00:33:18,666 (grunts) 811 00:33:22,333 --> 00:33:23,958 Thanks, but, uh... 812 00:33:23,958 --> 00:33:25,708 Dumb and Dumber will be 813 00:33:23,958 --> 00:33:25,708 getting up any second now. 814 00:33:25,708 --> 00:33:26,916 Come on. 815 00:33:29,541 --> 00:33:32,625 (fire crackling) 816 00:33:44,625 --> 00:33:46,625 (eerie screeching) 817 00:33:49,708 --> 00:33:52,083 (hissing, snarling) 818 00:33:58,708 --> 00:34:00,500 (snarling) 819 00:34:02,666 --> 00:34:04,083 The mirror from whence you came, 820 00:34:04,083 --> 00:34:06,083 I was able to hurt you 821 00:34:04,083 --> 00:34:06,083 with its glass. 822 00:34:06,083 --> 00:34:07,958 That is your weakness. 823 00:34:12,083 --> 00:34:13,625 CRANE: Agent Foster! 824 00:34:16,250 --> 00:34:18,833 (Sophie gasping) 825 00:34:27,333 --> 00:34:28,541 (screams) 826 00:34:28,541 --> 00:34:30,041 Damn. 827 00:34:30,041 --> 00:34:31,000 (muffled screeching) 828 00:34:33,416 --> 00:34:34,833 (muffled thumping, banging, 829 00:34:33,416 --> 00:34:34,833 screeching) 830 00:34:39,750 --> 00:34:41,291 (Sophie grunts) 831 00:34:44,250 --> 00:34:46,833 Welcome to the other world. 832 00:35:02,041 --> 00:35:04,208 I have to tell you something. 833 00:35:04,208 --> 00:35:05,958 It's-it's okay, 834 00:35:04,208 --> 00:35:05,958 you-you don't have to... 835 00:35:05,958 --> 00:35:08,541 You are so... stupid. 836 00:35:08,541 --> 00:35:11,083 Whoa. Okay. I mean, 837 00:35:08,541 --> 00:35:11,083 that's not where I thought 838 00:35:08,541 --> 00:35:11,083 you were going with that. 839 00:35:11,083 --> 00:35:13,083 What else can I do 840 00:35:11,083 --> 00:35:13,083 to get you to see? 841 00:35:13,083 --> 00:35:17,500 I am not the kind of person 842 00:35:13,083 --> 00:35:17,500 that talks about feelings 843 00:35:17,500 --> 00:35:19,291 and gets to know you. 844 00:35:19,291 --> 00:35:23,666 I don't share stories 845 00:35:19,291 --> 00:35:23,666 and have relationships. 846 00:35:23,666 --> 00:35:26,666 I'm the person who knocks heads 847 00:35:23,666 --> 00:35:26,666 and moves around. 848 00:35:26,666 --> 00:35:29,583 My world is filled 849 00:35:26,666 --> 00:35:29,583 with Randalls and McKennas. 850 00:35:29,583 --> 00:35:31,583 And-and that's 851 00:35:29,583 --> 00:35:31,583 all you want it to be? 852 00:35:31,583 --> 00:35:32,750 Why not? 853 00:35:34,458 --> 00:35:36,500 What good ever came 854 00:35:34,458 --> 00:35:36,500 from the other way? 855 00:35:37,666 --> 00:35:39,958 My dad left 856 00:35:37,666 --> 00:35:39,958 when I was three. 857 00:35:39,958 --> 00:35:42,791 Mom checked out 858 00:35:39,958 --> 00:35:42,791 not long after that. 859 00:35:42,791 --> 00:35:44,666 Even Abbie abandoned me. 860 00:35:44,666 --> 00:35:45,833 And Abbie came back. 861 00:35:45,833 --> 00:35:47,416 Yeah, and now she's gone. 862 00:35:47,416 --> 00:35:49,291 Possibly for good. 863 00:35:49,291 --> 00:35:51,291 Because she was saving me. 864 00:35:51,291 --> 00:35:54,666 She gave up herself for me. 865 00:36:02,250 --> 00:36:03,250 (sighs) 866 00:36:03,250 --> 00:36:05,083 (exhales) 867 00:36:05,083 --> 00:36:08,750 When I thought... 868 00:36:08,750 --> 00:36:11,083 when I thought Randall's guys 869 00:36:08,750 --> 00:36:11,083 had shot you... 870 00:36:13,208 --> 00:36:19,458 I thought, 871 00:36:13,208 --> 00:36:19,458 "I lost Abbie, and... 872 00:36:19,458 --> 00:36:22,000 now I'm gonna lose 873 00:36:19,458 --> 00:36:22,000 another person that I love." 874 00:36:40,125 --> 00:36:42,250 Sorry about cutting 875 00:36:40,125 --> 00:36:42,250 your weekend short. 876 00:36:42,250 --> 00:36:44,916 Someone called in 877 00:36:42,250 --> 00:36:44,916 a Mills sighting. 878 00:36:44,916 --> 00:36:47,250 Turned out to be a false alarm. 879 00:36:44,916 --> 00:36:47,250 No worries. 880 00:36:47,250 --> 00:36:49,333 I needed an excuse 881 00:36:47,250 --> 00:36:49,333 to get out of that cabin. 882 00:36:49,333 --> 00:36:50,916 I was starting to go stir-crazy. 883 00:36:50,916 --> 00:36:52,708 Too much fresh air? 884 00:36:52,708 --> 00:36:54,916 And wood chopping. 885 00:36:54,916 --> 00:36:58,916 How's that wiretap 886 00:36:54,916 --> 00:36:58,916 warrant going? 887 00:36:58,916 --> 00:37:02,458 I haven't put in for it yet. 888 00:37:02,458 --> 00:37:04,000 Crane dresses funny, 889 00:37:04,000 --> 00:37:07,041 yeah, and-and he talks like 890 00:37:04,000 --> 00:37:07,041 a Jane Austen novel. 891 00:37:07,041 --> 00:37:10,500 But is he really capable of 892 00:37:07,041 --> 00:37:10,500 having done something to Mills? 893 00:37:10,500 --> 00:37:13,625 I know what it's like 894 00:37:10,500 --> 00:37:13,625 to need answers. 895 00:37:13,625 --> 00:37:16,750 It can eat at you, 896 00:37:13,625 --> 00:37:16,750 make you desperate. 897 00:37:16,750 --> 00:37:18,375 I've seen it 898 00:37:16,750 --> 00:37:18,375 happen with... 899 00:37:18,375 --> 00:37:21,250 a friend. 900 00:37:21,250 --> 00:37:23,666 (phone rings) 901 00:37:24,875 --> 00:37:27,291 Foster. 902 00:37:27,291 --> 00:37:30,041 Yeah, a-all right. Hold on. 903 00:37:30,041 --> 00:37:31,958 M... Maybe you're right. 904 00:37:31,958 --> 00:37:34,166 Maybe it is time to shift focus. 905 00:37:34,166 --> 00:37:35,250 Yeah. 906 00:37:38,125 --> 00:37:39,125 Yeah. 907 00:37:49,500 --> 00:37:51,333 MAN: 908 00:37:49,500 --> 00:37:51,333 Justice will not be served. 909 00:37:51,333 --> 00:37:52,958 (distant, overlapping voices 910 00:37:51,333 --> 00:37:52,958 fading in) 911 00:37:55,000 --> 00:37:56,833 You draw fire from the flank. 912 00:37:56,833 --> 00:37:58,958 I'll charge them before 913 00:37:56,833 --> 00:37:58,958 they reach the gallows, 914 00:37:58,958 --> 00:38:00,041 lift him on my mount. 915 00:38:00,041 --> 00:38:01,708 We will not need the horses. 916 00:38:01,708 --> 00:38:02,875 (horse whinnies in distance) 917 00:38:02,875 --> 00:38:05,333 Then how do we save him? 918 00:38:05,333 --> 00:38:08,291 OFFICER: 919 00:38:05,333 --> 00:38:08,291 We have before you a traitor! 920 00:38:08,291 --> 00:38:10,875 Nathan Hale, a spy, 921 00:38:10,875 --> 00:38:15,250 caught reporting on His Majesty 922 00:38:10,875 --> 00:38:15,250 King George's fleet. 923 00:38:15,250 --> 00:38:18,541 We are here to let him know he's 924 00:38:15,250 --> 00:38:18,541 not alone in his last moments. 925 00:38:18,541 --> 00:38:21,250 Nathan Hale will die a hero. 926 00:38:21,250 --> 00:38:23,500 OFFICER: He's to be hung by 927 00:38:21,250 --> 00:38:23,500 the neck until dead, 928 00:38:23,500 --> 00:38:24,750 on this day of Our Lord... 929 00:38:24,750 --> 00:38:26,083 I cannot simply stand by. 930 00:38:26,083 --> 00:38:27,791 The British believe Hale 931 00:38:26,083 --> 00:38:27,791 to be just a rogue. 932 00:38:27,791 --> 00:38:29,708 But if we launched 933 00:38:27,791 --> 00:38:29,708 a rescue, 934 00:38:29,708 --> 00:38:31,208 and by some miracle, 935 00:38:29,708 --> 00:38:31,208 were able 936 00:38:31,208 --> 00:38:34,083 to save him, they'd be alerted 937 00:38:31,208 --> 00:38:34,083 to our presence. 938 00:38:34,083 --> 00:38:36,125 The redcoats would scour 939 00:38:34,083 --> 00:38:36,125 the area, not just for us 940 00:38:36,125 --> 00:38:38,416 but for all our men, 941 00:38:36,125 --> 00:38:38,416 men who can't leave their posts. 942 00:38:38,416 --> 00:38:40,583 Scores would die. 943 00:38:40,583 --> 00:38:43,916 OFFICER: ...his crimes, and as 944 00:38:40,583 --> 00:38:43,916 a warning to others of you, 945 00:38:43,916 --> 00:38:46,708 who would follow in 946 00:38:43,916 --> 00:38:46,708 his treacherous path! 947 00:38:50,666 --> 00:38:54,416 I only regret 948 00:38:50,666 --> 00:38:54,416 that I have but one life 949 00:38:54,416 --> 00:38:56,750 to give for my country. 950 00:39:09,041 --> 00:39:12,125 He was our partner... 951 00:39:12,125 --> 00:39:15,041 and we just let him die. 952 00:39:15,041 --> 00:39:18,250 Not all our partners 953 00:39:15,041 --> 00:39:18,250 will survive. 954 00:39:18,250 --> 00:39:20,250 Sometimes you must accept 955 00:39:18,250 --> 00:39:20,250 that there aren't going to be 956 00:39:20,250 --> 00:39:21,916 any miracles. 957 00:39:21,916 --> 00:39:24,750 The best you can do 958 00:39:21,916 --> 00:39:24,750 is continue your mission. 959 00:39:43,416 --> 00:39:44,958 You're suspending the search? 960 00:39:45,958 --> 00:39:48,416 Oh. No. 961 00:39:49,625 --> 00:39:51,291 I will never cease my efforts 962 00:39:51,291 --> 00:39:52,750 to find the Lieutenant. 963 00:39:52,750 --> 00:39:55,083 But in the 964 00:39:52,750 --> 00:39:55,083 past month, 965 00:39:55,083 --> 00:39:58,375 I have allowed nothing 966 00:39:55,083 --> 00:39:58,375 but my single-minded drive 967 00:39:58,375 --> 00:40:00,125 to fill my field of view. 968 00:40:00,125 --> 00:40:02,375 And that led 969 00:40:02,375 --> 00:40:04,375 to terrible consequences. 970 00:40:04,375 --> 00:40:07,875 A friend 971 00:40:04,375 --> 00:40:07,875 once told me, 972 00:40:07,875 --> 00:40:11,375 "You must accept that there are 973 00:40:07,875 --> 00:40:11,375 not going to be any miracles." 974 00:40:12,708 --> 00:40:14,125 "The best you can do 975 00:40:14,125 --> 00:40:16,541 is continue your mission." 976 00:40:16,541 --> 00:40:18,083 I believe 977 00:40:18,083 --> 00:40:20,750 the Lieutenant would agree. 978 00:40:20,750 --> 00:40:22,875 And what is that mission? 979 00:40:20,750 --> 00:40:22,875 For one, 980 00:40:22,875 --> 00:40:25,875 I must continue the hunt 981 00:40:22,875 --> 00:40:25,875 for Pandora and the Hidden One, 982 00:40:25,875 --> 00:40:27,916 put an end to their evil. 983 00:40:27,916 --> 00:40:29,041 Pandora? 984 00:40:29,041 --> 00:40:31,083 There is much to review. 985 00:40:31,083 --> 00:40:33,083 JENNY: Crane, 986 00:40:31,083 --> 00:40:33,083 you got to see this. 987 00:40:35,333 --> 00:40:36,458 How's it going? 988 00:40:36,458 --> 00:40:38,125 What is she doing here? 989 00:40:38,125 --> 00:40:40,000 Agent Foster has 990 00:40:38,125 --> 00:40:40,000 been most valuable 991 00:40:40,000 --> 00:40:42,000 in helping me deal with a... 992 00:40:42,000 --> 00:40:44,458 sticky situation. 993 00:40:44,458 --> 00:40:45,916 Uh-huh. 994 00:40:47,000 --> 00:40:51,041 You can speak freely. 995 00:40:51,041 --> 00:40:52,083 This map... 996 00:40:52,083 --> 00:40:53,083 shows the energy signatures 997 00:40:53,083 --> 00:40:55,208 of demonic creatures. 998 00:40:55,208 --> 00:40:57,500 It's like, um, a radar 999 00:40:55,208 --> 00:40:57,500 that detects monsters. 1000 00:40:57,500 --> 00:41:00,250 We thought we might be able 1001 00:40:57,500 --> 00:41:00,250 to use it to locate Pandora. 1002 00:41:00,250 --> 00:41:01,583 No dice. 1003 00:41:01,583 --> 00:41:05,416 But... we discovered 1004 00:41:01,583 --> 00:41:05,416 something else. 1005 00:41:14,958 --> 00:41:17,125 Each drop represents a demon. 1006 00:41:17,125 --> 00:41:18,708 They're converging on... 1007 00:41:21,500 --> 00:41:23,416 Sleepy Hollow. 1008 00:41:21,500 --> 00:41:23,416 Supernatural creatures 1009 00:41:23,416 --> 00:41:25,791 from all over the world 1010 00:41:23,416 --> 00:41:25,791 are headed here. 1011 00:41:25,791 --> 00:41:27,750 It's as if someone's 1012 00:41:25,791 --> 00:41:27,750 summoning them. 1013 00:41:27,750 --> 00:41:30,416 Pandora. 1014 00:41:27,750 --> 00:41:30,416 (stammers) You're saying 1015 00:41:30,416 --> 00:41:34,083 a... monster convention 1016 00:41:30,416 --> 00:41:34,083 is coming to town? 1017 00:41:36,125 --> 00:41:37,875 So... what do we do? 1018 00:41:37,875 --> 00:41:39,875 I believe if the Lieutenant 1019 00:41:37,875 --> 00:41:39,875 were here, 1020 00:41:39,875 --> 00:41:41,625 she would urge us 1021 00:41:41,625 --> 00:41:44,083 to "kick some demon ass."