1 00:00:07,208 --> 00:00:08,833 (brakes squeak) 2 00:00:13,125 --> 00:00:14,333 (engine stops) 3 00:00:14,333 --> 00:00:15,916 Pretty creepy, huh? 4 00:00:15,916 --> 00:00:17,166 (laughs) 5 00:00:17,166 --> 00:00:18,583 Oh, yeah. 6 00:00:18,583 --> 00:00:20,750 I am shaking in my boots. 7 00:00:20,750 --> 00:00:22,208 (chuckles) 8 00:00:31,541 --> 00:00:33,333 Mm... okay. 9 00:00:33,333 --> 00:00:34,958 It's a first date. 10 00:00:34,958 --> 00:00:37,833 You know, so let's maybe 11 00:00:34,958 --> 00:00:37,833 slow our roll a little. 12 00:00:37,833 --> 00:00:40,750 What's the fun in that? 13 00:00:40,750 --> 00:00:43,625 It's the "minding 14 00:00:40,750 --> 00:00:43,625 my boundaries 15 00:00:43,625 --> 00:00:45,625 and personal comfort" 16 00:00:43,625 --> 00:00:45,625 sort of fun. 17 00:00:45,625 --> 00:00:47,291 Come on. 18 00:00:47,291 --> 00:00:49,666 What'd you think we 19 00:00:47,291 --> 00:00:49,666 came out here to do? 20 00:00:51,416 --> 00:00:53,500 Wait, I'm not, 21 00:00:51,416 --> 00:00:53,500 I'm not kidding. 22 00:00:53,500 --> 00:00:56,291 Stop! What the hell 23 00:00:53,500 --> 00:00:56,291 are you doing?! 24 00:00:56,291 --> 00:00:57,750 Whatever the hell I want. 25 00:00:57,750 --> 00:00:58,833 (grunting) 26 00:00:58,833 --> 00:01:00,708 Stop! 27 00:01:03,291 --> 00:01:04,625 (grunting) 28 00:01:09,208 --> 00:01:10,541 (man grunting, blows landing) 29 00:01:11,583 --> 00:01:13,208 (growls) 30 00:01:22,458 --> 00:01:24,333 You saved my life. 31 00:01:26,958 --> 00:01:28,291 Who are you? 32 00:01:30,000 --> 00:01:32,250 I have to know. Please. 33 00:01:32,250 --> 00:01:33,833 (hisses) 34 00:01:35,250 --> 00:01:37,083 (growling) 35 00:01:37,083 --> 00:01:40,041 God, what the hell are you? 36 00:01:40,041 --> 00:01:41,583 (growling) 37 00:01:41,583 --> 00:01:43,125 No, no! 38 00:01:43,125 --> 00:01:44,791 No, please, no! 39 00:01:44,791 --> 00:01:46,791 (screams) 40 00:01:54,666 --> 00:01:56,708 ♪ ♪ 41 00:02:10,416 --> 00:02:12,208 No luck 42 00:02:10,416 --> 00:02:12,208 in the land of Nod? 43 00:02:12,208 --> 00:02:13,541 Not tonight. 44 00:02:13,541 --> 00:02:15,000 Or last night. 45 00:02:15,000 --> 00:02:18,458 I had hoped 46 00:02:15,000 --> 00:02:18,458 your hiatus from the FBI 47 00:02:18,458 --> 00:02:21,958 would help facilitate your rest, 48 00:02:18,458 --> 00:02:21,958 not hinder it. 49 00:02:21,958 --> 00:02:23,416 Don't worry. 50 00:02:23,416 --> 00:02:26,333 I just getting acclimated 51 00:02:23,416 --> 00:02:26,333 to normal life. 52 00:02:26,333 --> 00:02:28,333 I didn't eat or 53 00:02:26,333 --> 00:02:28,333 sleep for a year. 54 00:02:28,333 --> 00:02:30,375 Time was a 55 00:02:28,333 --> 00:02:30,375 flat circle. 56 00:02:30,375 --> 00:02:34,208 I'm pretty sure this is just par 57 00:02:30,375 --> 00:02:34,208 for the post-Catacombs course. 58 00:02:34,208 --> 00:02:36,625 We have not yet 59 00:02:36,625 --> 00:02:40,875 had an opportunity to discuss 60 00:02:36,625 --> 00:02:40,875 your hardships there. 61 00:02:40,875 --> 00:02:44,166 (snoring) 62 00:02:40,875 --> 00:02:44,166 And the... 63 00:02:44,166 --> 00:02:45,708 Please, Lieutenant. 64 00:02:45,708 --> 00:02:47,291 (laughs) 65 00:02:47,291 --> 00:02:49,541 This is it. 66 00:02:49,541 --> 00:02:51,416 You're looking at it. 67 00:02:51,416 --> 00:02:53,166 Painstaking boredom. 68 00:02:54,916 --> 00:02:57,000 You're my Wilson. 69 00:02:59,666 --> 00:03:04,041 Which is why it's a 70 00:02:59,666 --> 00:03:04,041 little bit upsetting 71 00:03:04,041 --> 00:03:05,625 that you killed 72 00:03:04,041 --> 00:03:05,625 all my houseplants. 73 00:03:05,625 --> 00:03:06,625 Yes. 74 00:03:06,625 --> 00:03:08,208 Now, let it be known 75 00:03:08,208 --> 00:03:09,833 that in my time 76 00:03:08,208 --> 00:03:09,833 I have cultivated 77 00:03:09,833 --> 00:03:11,416 medicinal herb gardens, 78 00:03:11,416 --> 00:03:13,416 myriad vegetable patches 79 00:03:11,416 --> 00:03:13,416 and, in fact, 80 00:03:13,416 --> 00:03:15,708 once even an entire 81 00:03:13,416 --> 00:03:15,708 orchard of monkey puzzle, 82 00:03:15,708 --> 00:03:17,958 and not one of them 83 00:03:15,708 --> 00:03:17,958 has been 84 00:03:17,958 --> 00:03:21,625 as recondite 85 00:03:17,958 --> 00:03:21,625 as your spiderwort variation. 86 00:03:21,625 --> 00:03:23,958 Two words, Crane: Miracle-Gro. 87 00:03:25,833 --> 00:03:28,791 In all candor, Lieutenant, 88 00:03:28,791 --> 00:03:31,500 whilst you were away, 89 00:03:28,791 --> 00:03:31,500 I spent every waking hour 90 00:03:31,500 --> 00:03:33,666 endeavoring to bring you home. 91 00:03:33,666 --> 00:03:36,291 All other responsibilities 92 00:03:33,666 --> 00:03:36,291 fell by the wayside, 93 00:03:36,291 --> 00:03:39,208 horticulture not excluded. 94 00:03:39,208 --> 00:03:40,875 That's pretty depressing. 95 00:03:40,875 --> 00:03:42,333 Yes. 96 00:03:40,875 --> 00:03:42,333 (laughs) 97 00:03:42,333 --> 00:03:44,583 Yes, it is. 98 00:03:44,583 --> 00:03:46,166 Oh, I have an idea. 99 00:03:46,166 --> 00:03:48,958 Perhaps in a couple of hours, 100 00:03:46,166 --> 00:03:48,958 we could go to the nursery 101 00:03:48,958 --> 00:03:51,541 and pick up some 102 00:03:48,958 --> 00:03:51,541 replacement greenery. 103 00:03:51,541 --> 00:03:54,041 Ah, and if we're brisk, 104 00:03:51,541 --> 00:03:54,041 we could make it 105 00:03:54,041 --> 00:03:58,041 to Colonial Times 106 00:03:54,041 --> 00:03:58,041 for their Early Burr special. 107 00:03:58,041 --> 00:04:00,916 I think that 108 00:03:58,041 --> 00:04:00,916 I want to take a run. 109 00:04:00,916 --> 00:04:02,458 There's a trail I found 110 00:04:02,458 --> 00:04:04,583 that, uh, Jenny and I 111 00:04:02,458 --> 00:04:04,583 used to walk as kids. 112 00:04:04,583 --> 00:04:07,333 Uh, Lieutenant... 113 00:04:07,333 --> 00:04:11,083 I know your transition home 114 00:04:07,333 --> 00:04:11,083 is a trying one. 115 00:04:11,083 --> 00:04:13,500 But believe me, 116 00:04:13,500 --> 00:04:15,833 it will grow easier. 117 00:04:15,833 --> 00:04:18,083 I'll see you in a couple hours. 118 00:04:18,083 --> 00:04:19,875 Yes. 119 00:04:21,666 --> 00:04:23,666 (door closes) 120 00:04:25,958 --> 00:04:27,958 (birds chirping, 121 00:04:25,958 --> 00:04:27,958 indistinct chatter) 122 00:04:32,125 --> 00:04:33,541 Oh. 123 00:04:33,541 --> 00:04:36,125 Ms. Corinth, 124 00:04:33,541 --> 00:04:36,125 what a pleasant surprise. 125 00:04:36,125 --> 00:04:39,416 Gosh, it's been, uh... 126 00:04:36,125 --> 00:04:39,416 heavens, 127 00:04:39,416 --> 00:04:41,041 a whole fortnight 128 00:04:39,416 --> 00:04:41,041 since last we spoke. 129 00:04:41,041 --> 00:04:43,291 Two and a half 130 00:04:41,041 --> 00:04:43,291 fortnights, actually. 131 00:04:43,291 --> 00:04:44,833 But who's counting? 132 00:04:45,958 --> 00:04:48,083 And what brings 133 00:04:45,958 --> 00:04:48,083 you here? 134 00:04:48,083 --> 00:04:50,291 Uh, we're planting merrybells 135 00:04:50,291 --> 00:04:52,583 for an inner-city 136 00:04:50,291 --> 00:04:52,583 historical restoration. 137 00:04:52,583 --> 00:04:53,791 Oh. 138 00:04:52,583 --> 00:04:53,791 You? 139 00:04:53,791 --> 00:04:55,666 Oh, just decorating 140 00:04:53,791 --> 00:04:55,666 the home. 141 00:04:55,666 --> 00:04:58,375 I'm afraid I rather neglected 142 00:04:55,666 --> 00:04:58,375 my housemate's flora, 143 00:04:58,375 --> 00:05:00,041 and they perished. 144 00:05:00,041 --> 00:05:04,041 That is what happens 145 00:05:00,041 --> 00:05:04,041 when you ignore things. 146 00:05:06,041 --> 00:05:07,583 Miss Corinth... 147 00:05:07,583 --> 00:05:08,958 Zoe. 148 00:05:08,958 --> 00:05:12,500 Just... call me Zoe, 149 00:05:08,958 --> 00:05:12,500 like a normal human being. 150 00:05:12,500 --> 00:05:13,791 Miss Zoe, I... 151 00:05:13,791 --> 00:05:14,791 Zoe. 152 00:05:14,791 --> 00:05:16,916 Zoe... 153 00:05:16,916 --> 00:05:20,791 I owe you the most 154 00:05:16,916 --> 00:05:20,791 profound apologies. 155 00:05:20,791 --> 00:05:23,833 During our courtship, 156 00:05:20,791 --> 00:05:23,833 my partner went missing. 157 00:05:23,833 --> 00:05:25,500 Or, rather, she took 158 00:05:23,833 --> 00:05:25,500 a leave of absence... 159 00:05:25,500 --> 00:05:28,166 Look, all you needed to do 160 00:05:25,500 --> 00:05:28,166 was give me a call. 161 00:05:28,166 --> 00:05:29,458 Send me a text. 162 00:05:29,458 --> 00:05:32,625 I'm a big girl. 163 00:05:29,458 --> 00:05:32,625 I can take it. 164 00:05:32,625 --> 00:05:35,500 I really didn't think 165 00:05:32,625 --> 00:05:35,500 you were the ghosting type. 166 00:05:35,500 --> 00:05:38,666 Well, no, I try not to be. 167 00:05:38,666 --> 00:05:41,791 But they always seem to find 168 00:05:38,666 --> 00:05:41,791 their way into my path. 169 00:05:41,791 --> 00:05:44,458 I have no idea what that means. 170 00:05:44,458 --> 00:05:46,500 I'm gonna go, okay? 171 00:05:46,500 --> 00:05:48,500 And if you're 172 00:05:46,500 --> 00:05:48,500 taking suggestions, 173 00:05:48,500 --> 00:05:50,916 I'd exchange those ferns 174 00:05:48,500 --> 00:05:50,916 for some cacti. 175 00:05:50,916 --> 00:05:53,041 Very low-maintenance. 176 00:05:55,541 --> 00:05:57,458 (sighs) 177 00:05:58,500 --> 00:06:00,916 (panting) 178 00:06:14,125 --> 00:06:16,000 What?! I know exactly 179 00:06:14,125 --> 00:06:16,000 what you would say! 180 00:06:16,000 --> 00:06:18,416 "Come now, Lieutenant." 181 00:06:16,000 --> 00:06:18,416 PANDORA: Just one long, 182 00:06:18,416 --> 00:06:22,833 endless day, hammering away 183 00:06:18,416 --> 00:06:22,833 at you until you go mad. 184 00:06:22,833 --> 00:06:24,375 (panting) 185 00:06:26,375 --> 00:06:28,375 (phone ringing) 186 00:06:31,416 --> 00:06:33,333 Yeah. I know. 187 00:06:33,333 --> 00:06:35,000 I owe you a call. 188 00:06:35,000 --> 00:06:37,916 REYNOLDS: 189 00:06:35,000 --> 00:06:37,916 Want to make it up to me? 190 00:06:37,916 --> 00:06:39,666 Thanks for doing this. 191 00:06:39,666 --> 00:06:42,250 You know I wouldn't ask you here 192 00:06:39,666 --> 00:06:42,250 if it wasn't important. 193 00:06:42,250 --> 00:06:45,458 But three double homicides 194 00:06:42,250 --> 00:06:45,458 in one week, all torn to shreds. 195 00:06:45,458 --> 00:06:46,583 Yeah, I'm happy to look. 196 00:06:46,583 --> 00:06:48,083 It's the least I can do after 197 00:06:48,083 --> 00:06:50,083 quitting so abruptly 198 00:06:48,083 --> 00:06:50,083 and leaving town. 199 00:06:50,083 --> 00:06:52,333 A heads-up would've been nice. 200 00:06:50,083 --> 00:06:52,333 I was worried about you. 201 00:06:52,333 --> 00:06:55,666 Next time, I will reach out. 202 00:06:52,333 --> 00:06:55,666 You got a pen? 203 00:06:55,666 --> 00:06:58,500 Doug Frank and Krissy Kowalick, 204 00:06:58,500 --> 00:07:01,375 both killed and dismembered 205 00:06:58,500 --> 00:07:01,375 by the car. 206 00:07:01,375 --> 00:07:03,375 As you can see, 207 00:07:01,375 --> 00:07:03,375 the slashing is precise 208 00:07:03,375 --> 00:07:06,416 but also swift, haphazard, 209 00:07:03,375 --> 00:07:06,416 full of rage. 210 00:07:06,416 --> 00:07:08,708 It's like a crime of passion, 211 00:07:06,416 --> 00:07:08,708 but that doesn't add up. 212 00:07:08,708 --> 00:07:10,166 Yeah, that's the weird part. 213 00:07:10,166 --> 00:07:13,333 The act seems personal, but 214 00:07:10,166 --> 00:07:13,333 the pattern's pathological. 215 00:07:13,333 --> 00:07:15,583 Even with a cloudy M.O., 216 00:07:13,333 --> 00:07:15,583 the methodology's consistent: 217 00:07:15,583 --> 00:07:17,541 couples, at night, 218 00:07:17,541 --> 00:07:19,916 always these gruesome, 219 00:07:17,541 --> 00:07:19,916 rage-like gashes. 220 00:07:19,916 --> 00:07:21,791 And puncture wounds. 221 00:07:21,791 --> 00:07:23,041 There's two different 222 00:07:21,791 --> 00:07:23,041 weapons here. 223 00:07:23,041 --> 00:07:24,583 Yeah, but only one set 224 00:07:23,041 --> 00:07:24,583 of boot prints 225 00:07:24,583 --> 00:07:26,750 that don't match the victims. 226 00:07:26,750 --> 00:07:28,750 Whew. Big guy. 227 00:07:28,750 --> 00:07:32,750 Six-three, six-four, 228 00:07:28,750 --> 00:07:32,750 240, 250 pounds. 229 00:07:32,750 --> 00:07:36,333 Using an axe 230 00:07:32,750 --> 00:07:36,333 and a spear. 231 00:07:38,875 --> 00:07:39,916 (growling) 232 00:07:42,166 --> 00:07:44,500 You onto something? 233 00:07:44,500 --> 00:07:47,166 I'm sorry, Danny. 234 00:07:47,166 --> 00:07:48,625 I'm not ready for this. 235 00:07:48,625 --> 00:07:50,708 Can you put Agent 236 00:07:48,625 --> 00:07:50,708 Foster on it? 237 00:07:50,708 --> 00:07:53,208 She's really good. 238 00:07:50,708 --> 00:07:53,208 She is, 239 00:07:50,708 --> 00:07:53,208 but she's not you. 240 00:07:53,208 --> 00:07:56,166 Well, she's the one 241 00:07:53,208 --> 00:07:56,166 currently under your employ, 242 00:07:56,166 --> 00:07:58,541 so she'll have 243 00:07:56,166 --> 00:07:58,541 to suffice. 244 00:07:58,541 --> 00:08:00,000 I never handed in 245 00:07:58,541 --> 00:08:00,000 your resignation. 246 00:08:02,041 --> 00:08:03,458 What? 247 00:08:03,458 --> 00:08:06,541 What you did was 248 00:08:03,458 --> 00:08:06,541 rash and illegal. 249 00:08:06,541 --> 00:08:08,708 I wanted to give you time 250 00:08:06,541 --> 00:08:08,708 to clear things up, 251 00:08:08,708 --> 00:08:11,041 quietly, internally. 252 00:08:11,041 --> 00:08:12,791 Abs, I've made mistakes 253 00:08:11,041 --> 00:08:12,791 in the past. 254 00:08:12,791 --> 00:08:14,208 I've regretted all of them. 255 00:08:14,208 --> 00:08:15,916 You know what I'm regretting? 256 00:08:15,916 --> 00:08:19,208 Coming here in the first place. 257 00:08:19,208 --> 00:08:22,000 Look, you know how bad this is. 258 00:08:19,208 --> 00:08:22,000 I know you do. 259 00:08:22,000 --> 00:08:23,250 I need you here. 260 00:08:23,250 --> 00:08:25,333 I need time, Danny. 261 00:08:25,333 --> 00:08:27,333 After which, I could begin 262 00:08:25,333 --> 00:08:27,333 to entertain the idea 263 00:08:27,333 --> 00:08:29,333 of even coming back to work. 264 00:08:29,333 --> 00:08:30,833 Possibly. 265 00:08:30,833 --> 00:08:32,250 I'm sorry. 266 00:08:35,833 --> 00:08:37,791 Hey. 267 00:08:37,791 --> 00:08:41,541 This isn't one of those 268 00:08:37,791 --> 00:08:41,541 typical serial killers, is it? 269 00:08:41,541 --> 00:08:45,166 Meet me in the Archives 270 00:08:41,541 --> 00:08:45,166 in an hour. 271 00:08:48,000 --> 00:08:49,208 (sighs) 272 00:08:53,833 --> 00:08:55,916 Hey. You sitting down? 273 00:08:55,916 --> 00:08:57,333 Oh, no. 274 00:08:57,333 --> 00:09:00,541 I am standing the length 275 00:08:57,333 --> 00:09:00,541 of two men, Lieutenant. 276 00:09:00,541 --> 00:09:03,291 For I am bringing 277 00:09:00,541 --> 00:09:03,291 the desert climate 278 00:09:03,291 --> 00:09:06,041 to our Mid-Atlantic abode. 279 00:09:06,041 --> 00:09:09,291 It is nonsensical, 280 00:09:06,041 --> 00:09:09,291 it is quite unnatural, 281 00:09:09,291 --> 00:09:13,250 and yet, because I want it, 282 00:09:09,291 --> 00:09:13,250 it is so. 283 00:09:13,250 --> 00:09:15,875 The beauty of America. 284 00:09:15,875 --> 00:09:17,291 And... 285 00:09:17,291 --> 00:09:18,958 how was your jaunt? 286 00:09:18,958 --> 00:09:21,250 Interrupted. Reynolds called me 287 00:09:18,958 --> 00:09:21,250 down to a crime scene. 288 00:09:21,250 --> 00:09:23,833 Is this the sitting down part? 289 00:09:23,833 --> 00:09:25,250 Yeah. There have been 290 00:09:25,250 --> 00:09:27,416 three double homicides 291 00:09:25,250 --> 00:09:27,416 in the past week. 292 00:09:27,416 --> 00:09:30,916 All couples, all with 293 00:09:27,416 --> 00:09:30,916 very specific wound patterns: 294 00:09:30,916 --> 00:09:33,291 clean amputations, 295 00:09:33,291 --> 00:09:35,125 puncture stabs. 296 00:09:35,125 --> 00:09:37,625 You're describing lacerations 297 00:09:35,125 --> 00:09:37,625 made by the halberd blade. 298 00:09:37,625 --> 00:09:39,458 And only one set of boot prints 299 00:09:39,458 --> 00:09:42,291 belonging to a big, hulking guy. 300 00:09:42,291 --> 00:09:44,041 Do you know what that means? 301 00:09:46,416 --> 00:09:50,291 The Kindred has returned 302 00:09:46,416 --> 00:09:50,291 to Sleepy Hollow. 303 00:09:52,583 --> 00:09:55,583 ♪ ♪ 304 00:10:28,375 --> 00:10:30,583 The Kindred has finally 305 00:10:28,375 --> 00:10:30,583 heeded the call 306 00:10:30,583 --> 00:10:32,208 of your bounty's beacon. 307 00:10:32,208 --> 00:10:34,375 He is the last remnant 308 00:10:34,375 --> 00:10:37,375 of the dark pale rider of Death. 309 00:10:37,375 --> 00:10:40,708 He will be a great lieutenant 310 00:10:37,375 --> 00:10:40,708 to fight by my side. 311 00:10:40,708 --> 00:10:42,625 PANDORA: Yes, we 312 00:10:40,708 --> 00:10:42,625 were fortunate 313 00:10:42,625 --> 00:10:44,833 to find the Kindred. 314 00:10:46,666 --> 00:10:49,500 Ignored by his tormentors 315 00:10:49,500 --> 00:10:52,500 and left to wander 316 00:10:49,500 --> 00:10:52,500 the Earth alone. 317 00:10:52,500 --> 00:10:55,000 I'm sure he's eager to serve. 318 00:10:55,000 --> 00:10:57,250 HIDDEN ONE: 319 00:10:55,000 --> 00:10:57,250 You seem sad, my beauty. 320 00:10:57,250 --> 00:10:59,500 Careworn. 321 00:10:59,500 --> 00:11:01,458 Tell me what ails you. 322 00:11:01,458 --> 00:11:03,333 I am not yet at full power. 323 00:11:03,333 --> 00:11:06,500 My bounty, it's destroyed. 324 00:11:06,500 --> 00:11:09,666 I, too, am disappointed 325 00:11:06,500 --> 00:11:09,666 at its diminished power. 326 00:11:09,666 --> 00:11:12,583 Its weakened signal has 327 00:11:09,666 --> 00:11:12,583 caused the Kindred's delay. 328 00:11:12,583 --> 00:11:14,416 But be patient. 329 00:11:14,416 --> 00:11:15,416 He will come. 330 00:11:15,416 --> 00:11:17,416 No, this is different. 331 00:11:19,208 --> 00:11:22,750 That box has been 332 00:11:19,208 --> 00:11:22,750 my sole companion 333 00:11:22,750 --> 00:11:24,791 for over 4,000 years. 334 00:11:24,791 --> 00:11:28,208 I don't know why I care 335 00:11:24,791 --> 00:11:28,208 so to part with it, 336 00:11:28,208 --> 00:11:30,458 but I do. 337 00:11:30,458 --> 00:11:34,291 I remember the very first time 338 00:11:30,458 --> 00:11:34,291 I laid eyes upon you. 339 00:11:34,291 --> 00:11:38,666 Enslaved by humanity, 340 00:11:34,291 --> 00:11:38,666 a mute in chains. 341 00:11:38,666 --> 00:11:41,250 I loved you then, 342 00:11:41,250 --> 00:11:42,916 as I love you now. 343 00:11:42,916 --> 00:11:45,625 You may share 344 00:11:42,916 --> 00:11:45,625 the essence of humanity 345 00:11:45,625 --> 00:11:48,333 the mortals 346 00:11:45,625 --> 00:11:48,333 that surround us do... 347 00:11:50,708 --> 00:11:54,083 ...but you are no mere mortal. 348 00:11:56,500 --> 00:11:58,666 Your bounty is 349 00:11:56,500 --> 00:11:58,666 of no consequence. 350 00:12:01,125 --> 00:12:03,125 SOPHIE: So you raised 351 00:12:01,125 --> 00:12:03,125 a monster with the help 352 00:12:03,125 --> 00:12:05,000 of a witch coven 353 00:12:03,125 --> 00:12:05,000 and Benjamin Franklin 354 00:12:05,000 --> 00:12:07,208 to defeat the Headless Horseman? 355 00:12:05,000 --> 00:12:07,208 ABBIE: Correct. 356 00:12:07,208 --> 00:12:09,166 Because the Kindred has 357 00:12:07,208 --> 00:12:09,166 the Horseman of Death's head 358 00:12:09,166 --> 00:12:10,541 and is therefore 359 00:12:09,166 --> 00:12:10,541 just as powerful? 360 00:12:10,541 --> 00:12:12,791 Precisely. 361 00:12:12,791 --> 00:12:15,625 And you thought this was 362 00:12:12,791 --> 00:12:15,625 a good idea because... 363 00:12:15,625 --> 00:12:17,583 At the time, this 364 00:12:15,625 --> 00:12:17,583 Franklinstein had our backs. 365 00:12:17,583 --> 00:12:19,166 He was an unlucky ally 366 00:12:19,166 --> 00:12:20,708 in the war against evil. 367 00:12:20,708 --> 00:12:23,000 However, he has returned 368 00:12:20,708 --> 00:12:23,000 with a wholly new purpose, 369 00:12:23,000 --> 00:12:24,958 the designs for which 370 00:12:23,000 --> 00:12:24,958 can only be explained 371 00:12:24,958 --> 00:12:25,958 by one cause. 372 00:12:25,958 --> 00:12:27,250 Pandora and 373 00:12:25,958 --> 00:12:27,250 the Hidden One. 374 00:12:27,250 --> 00:12:28,750 They've summoned him 375 00:12:27,250 --> 00:12:28,750 for their own devices. 376 00:12:28,750 --> 00:12:30,166 Okay, what can I do? 377 00:12:30,166 --> 00:12:31,583 Because I'm feeling useless. 378 00:12:31,583 --> 00:12:33,333 And if what you're 379 00:12:31,583 --> 00:12:33,333 saying is true, 380 00:12:33,333 --> 00:12:34,708 this thing won't stop killing. 381 00:12:34,708 --> 00:12:36,208 You can help. 382 00:12:36,208 --> 00:12:38,000 You can engage your resources 383 00:12:36,208 --> 00:12:38,000 at the Bureau. 384 00:12:38,000 --> 00:12:40,416 Crane's right; we have 385 00:12:38,000 --> 00:12:40,416 to attack this at every angle. 386 00:12:40,416 --> 00:12:41,833 You're working 387 00:12:40,416 --> 00:12:41,833 surveillance tonight? 388 00:12:41,833 --> 00:12:44,625 Can you look for locations 389 00:12:41,833 --> 00:12:44,625 that fit the bill? 390 00:12:44,625 --> 00:12:48,041 Romantic date spots, outdoors, 391 00:12:44,625 --> 00:12:48,041 little-to-no witnesses. 392 00:12:48,041 --> 00:12:50,250 Yeah. All right, I'll start 393 00:12:48,041 --> 00:12:50,250 narrowing it down. 394 00:12:50,250 --> 00:12:51,708 Thank you. 395 00:12:50,250 --> 00:12:51,708 Yep. 396 00:13:05,250 --> 00:13:07,333 Handwoven leather thread? 397 00:13:07,333 --> 00:13:10,041 Used to sew together 398 00:13:07,333 --> 00:13:10,041 disparate parts of the Kindred. 399 00:13:10,041 --> 00:13:12,708 I bet I can guess 400 00:13:10,041 --> 00:13:12,708 who made this. 401 00:13:15,916 --> 00:13:17,916 (door opens) 402 00:13:17,916 --> 00:13:20,541 Franklin, I will eat my bodkin 403 00:13:17,916 --> 00:13:20,541 if I have to braid 404 00:13:20,541 --> 00:13:22,750 one more of these blasted 405 00:13:20,541 --> 00:13:22,750 Kindred threads. 406 00:13:22,750 --> 00:13:24,750 Haven't I been punished enough? 407 00:13:24,750 --> 00:13:25,833 Forgive me. 408 00:13:28,041 --> 00:13:29,500 Pardon me, I thought you were... 409 00:13:29,500 --> 00:13:31,458 Benjamin Franklin? 410 00:13:29,500 --> 00:13:31,458 No, I'm afraid not. 411 00:13:31,458 --> 00:13:33,541 Though I was to have 412 00:13:31,458 --> 00:13:33,541 an assembly with him 413 00:13:33,541 --> 00:13:35,291 here at a quarter 414 00:13:33,541 --> 00:13:35,291 past 12:00. 415 00:13:35,291 --> 00:13:37,708 Good luck. I've been waiting 416 00:13:35,291 --> 00:13:37,708 to see him since noon. 417 00:13:37,708 --> 00:13:40,458 Ah. 418 00:13:40,458 --> 00:13:42,708 Mr. Franklin will 419 00:13:40,458 --> 00:13:42,708 not be coming. 420 00:13:42,708 --> 00:13:45,125 What makes you so certain? 421 00:13:45,125 --> 00:13:47,166 Given how little he 422 00:13:45,125 --> 00:13:47,166 leaves to chance, 423 00:13:47,166 --> 00:13:49,583 I'd wager this is 424 00:13:47,166 --> 00:13:49,583 his idiosyncratic way 425 00:13:49,583 --> 00:13:53,000 of introducing us 426 00:13:49,583 --> 00:13:53,000 as new mission partners. 427 00:13:53,000 --> 00:13:55,333 That's assuming 428 00:13:53,000 --> 00:13:55,333 you do more 429 00:13:55,333 --> 00:13:58,708 than mere plain- 430 00:13:55,333 --> 00:13:58,708 work, Miss Ross. 431 00:14:00,458 --> 00:14:02,500 My name is Ichabod Crane. 432 00:14:02,500 --> 00:14:04,125 The Oxford boy. 433 00:14:04,125 --> 00:14:06,416 For mercy's sake, Mr. Crane, 434 00:14:04,125 --> 00:14:06,416 if I may be blunt, 435 00:14:06,416 --> 00:14:08,416 I have no need 436 00:14:06,416 --> 00:14:08,416 for a counterpart. 437 00:14:08,416 --> 00:14:10,833 And the last thing I want 438 00:14:08,416 --> 00:14:10,833 is to be responsible 439 00:14:10,833 --> 00:14:12,458 for some trigger-happy 440 00:14:10,833 --> 00:14:12,458 revolutionary 441 00:14:12,458 --> 00:14:15,500 or, in your case, 442 00:14:12,458 --> 00:14:15,500 a rebellious bookworm. 443 00:14:15,500 --> 00:14:18,125 I'm quite capable, thank you. 444 00:14:19,750 --> 00:14:22,416 And your roster 445 00:14:19,750 --> 00:14:22,416 of former partners suggests 446 00:14:22,416 --> 00:14:24,166 I'm to be a moderating 447 00:14:22,416 --> 00:14:24,166 influence to you, 448 00:14:24,166 --> 00:14:26,000 not the other 449 00:14:24,166 --> 00:14:26,000 way around. 450 00:14:26,000 --> 00:14:28,833 The mission for tomorrow night 451 00:14:26,000 --> 00:14:28,833 requires a Masonic Code. 452 00:14:28,833 --> 00:14:31,208 I'm quite confident 453 00:14:28,833 --> 00:14:31,208 that is why you were called. 454 00:14:33,125 --> 00:14:35,416 Meet me outside the Ridotto 455 00:14:33,125 --> 00:14:35,416 Theatre tomorrow evening. 456 00:14:35,416 --> 00:14:37,125 8:00. 457 00:14:37,125 --> 00:14:38,125 Very good. 458 00:14:42,250 --> 00:14:45,500 ABBIE: "Academiae Philadel, 459 00:14:42,250 --> 00:14:45,500 in Pensilvania." 460 00:14:45,500 --> 00:14:48,166 Now, why would Betsy Ross 461 00:14:45,500 --> 00:14:48,166 have a UPenn notebook? 462 00:14:48,166 --> 00:14:50,166 Oh, actually, 463 00:14:48,166 --> 00:14:50,166 that was Franklin's. 464 00:14:50,166 --> 00:14:51,666 He founded the medical school, 465 00:14:51,666 --> 00:14:54,208 the first and only 466 00:14:51,666 --> 00:14:54,208 in the Colonies. 467 00:14:54,208 --> 00:14:56,875 Here. 468 00:14:56,875 --> 00:15:01,000 Franklin's notes, coded in 469 00:14:56,875 --> 00:15:01,000 his own alphabet, of course. 470 00:15:01,000 --> 00:15:04,666 During and after 471 00:15:01,000 --> 00:15:04,666 the Kindred failure, 472 00:15:04,666 --> 00:15:07,750 Franklin experimented 473 00:15:04,666 --> 00:15:07,750 with Kindred proxies-- 474 00:15:07,750 --> 00:15:10,708 undead creations 475 00:15:07,750 --> 00:15:10,708 of bricolage soldiers 476 00:15:10,708 --> 00:15:12,208 that he brought to life 477 00:15:12,208 --> 00:15:14,541 without the Kindred's 478 00:15:12,208 --> 00:15:14,541 immortality. 479 00:15:14,541 --> 00:15:18,458 He wanted to study 480 00:15:14,541 --> 00:15:18,458 these beasts, so if he 481 00:15:18,458 --> 00:15:21,041 ever found a piece of Death 482 00:15:18,458 --> 00:15:21,041 that would allow him to raise 483 00:15:21,041 --> 00:15:23,500 the formidable Kindred, 484 00:15:21,041 --> 00:15:23,500 he'd know how to control it. 485 00:15:23,500 --> 00:15:25,833 Alas, this yielded no results. 486 00:15:25,833 --> 00:15:28,208 Mm. 487 00:15:28,208 --> 00:15:31,083 Or maybe he just 488 00:15:31,083 --> 00:15:33,208 hid it very carefully. 489 00:15:33,208 --> 00:15:36,083 Those are his results. 490 00:15:36,083 --> 00:15:39,041 Yeah. 491 00:15:36,083 --> 00:15:39,041 Oh, Lieutenant. 492 00:15:39,041 --> 00:15:43,458 "Moderating Influences 493 00:15:39,041 --> 00:15:43,458 for Kindred Proxies. 494 00:15:43,458 --> 00:15:47,000 "First, the Kindred 495 00:15:43,458 --> 00:15:47,000 is a creature of habit. 496 00:15:47,000 --> 00:15:48,583 "When left alone, 497 00:15:47,000 --> 00:15:48,583 Kindred proxies 498 00:15:48,583 --> 00:15:50,500 return to familiar places-- 499 00:15:50,500 --> 00:15:53,208 "burial sites, 500 00:15:50,500 --> 00:15:53,208 resurrection localities. 501 00:15:53,208 --> 00:15:54,708 Sec..." 502 00:15:53,208 --> 00:15:54,708 "Second, 503 00:15:54,708 --> 00:15:57,208 "the Kindred can be 504 00:15:54,708 --> 00:15:57,208 soothed, even guided by 505 00:15:57,208 --> 00:15:59,000 "calming vibrations, 506 00:15:59,000 --> 00:16:02,666 most effectively transmitted 507 00:15:59,000 --> 00:16:02,666 through a glass harmonica." 508 00:16:02,666 --> 00:16:04,958 Right. When did you learn 509 00:16:02,666 --> 00:16:04,958 to read Franklin? 510 00:16:04,958 --> 00:16:05,958 You were abroad 511 00:16:05,958 --> 00:16:07,500 for a year, and I got bored. 512 00:16:07,500 --> 00:16:09,000 What's this 513 00:16:07,500 --> 00:16:09,000 glass harmonica thing? 514 00:16:09,000 --> 00:16:15,000 An instrument Franklin invented 515 00:16:09,000 --> 00:16:15,000 for parties, festivities... 516 00:16:15,000 --> 00:16:18,625 and, evidently, 517 00:16:15,000 --> 00:16:18,625 Kindred lullabies. 518 00:16:18,625 --> 00:16:20,625 We can get Jenny and Joe on it, 519 00:16:20,625 --> 00:16:22,416 see if they 520 00:16:20,625 --> 00:16:22,416 can track down 521 00:16:22,416 --> 00:16:24,916 Franklin's 522 00:16:22,416 --> 00:16:24,916 glass harmonica, 523 00:16:24,916 --> 00:16:27,083 use it to draw the Kindred 524 00:16:24,916 --> 00:16:27,083 into some... 525 00:16:27,083 --> 00:16:28,500 TBD death trap. 526 00:16:28,500 --> 00:16:30,708 And in the meantime, 527 00:16:28,500 --> 00:16:30,708 you and I shall see 528 00:16:30,708 --> 00:16:32,958 if our creature of habit 529 00:16:30,708 --> 00:16:32,958 has visited his burial site 530 00:16:32,958 --> 00:16:34,916 in the depths 531 00:16:32,958 --> 00:16:34,916 of the tunnels. 532 00:16:34,916 --> 00:16:36,500 Hell yeah. 533 00:16:55,708 --> 00:16:58,250 (chuckles softly) 534 00:17:05,750 --> 00:17:07,750 Uh, do you have light? 535 00:17:15,416 --> 00:17:18,000 Jen. 536 00:17:15,416 --> 00:17:18,000 Huh? 537 00:17:18,000 --> 00:17:19,541 This is your dad's lighter. 538 00:17:19,541 --> 00:17:20,583 So what? 539 00:17:20,583 --> 00:17:22,166 So it's weird enough 540 00:17:22,166 --> 00:17:23,875 that we stole this from 541 00:17:22,166 --> 00:17:23,875 him in the first place, 542 00:17:23,875 --> 00:17:25,541 not to mention 543 00:17:23,875 --> 00:17:25,541 the fact that 544 00:17:25,541 --> 00:17:27,625 you're carrying around 545 00:17:25,541 --> 00:17:27,625 a Zippo from the '90s 546 00:17:27,625 --> 00:17:29,625 when you got a flashlight 547 00:17:27,625 --> 00:17:29,625 on your phone. 548 00:17:32,500 --> 00:17:34,083 We steal stuff 549 00:17:32,500 --> 00:17:34,083 all the time. 550 00:17:34,083 --> 00:17:35,916 We're stealing 551 00:17:34,083 --> 00:17:35,916 stuff right now. 552 00:17:35,916 --> 00:17:38,333 Ezra was just another guy who 553 00:17:35,916 --> 00:17:38,333 had something that we needed, 554 00:17:38,333 --> 00:17:40,291 and you're right, 555 00:17:38,333 --> 00:17:40,291 we don't need it anymore. 556 00:17:40,291 --> 00:17:41,500 So, do you mind? 557 00:17:41,500 --> 00:17:43,625 Okay. Okay. 558 00:17:41,500 --> 00:17:43,625 Awesome. 559 00:17:43,625 --> 00:17:45,833 All right, got it? 560 00:17:59,416 --> 00:18:00,916 (phone chimes) 561 00:18:00,916 --> 00:18:02,583 Walking and texting? 562 00:18:02,583 --> 00:18:04,583 You have officially 563 00:18:02,583 --> 00:18:04,583 assimilated. 564 00:18:04,583 --> 00:18:06,875 Ah. 'Tis Ms. Corinth. 565 00:18:06,875 --> 00:18:08,958 She wishes to meet up 566 00:18:06,875 --> 00:18:08,958 so she can recover a book 567 00:18:08,958 --> 00:18:10,166 that she allowed 568 00:18:08,958 --> 00:18:10,166 me to borrow. 569 00:18:10,166 --> 00:18:12,041 Which is a very good sign, 570 00:18:10,166 --> 00:18:12,041 is it not? 571 00:18:12,041 --> 00:18:13,958 It isn't, actually. 572 00:18:13,958 --> 00:18:15,458 It's a bad sign. 573 00:18:15,458 --> 00:18:17,875 Crane, you have every 574 00:18:15,458 --> 00:18:17,875 book imaginable. 575 00:18:17,875 --> 00:18:21,791 If she lent you something, 576 00:18:17,875 --> 00:18:21,791 it was to bond with you. 577 00:18:21,791 --> 00:18:23,375 And now she wants it back 578 00:18:23,375 --> 00:18:25,750 because I've spoiled 579 00:18:23,375 --> 00:18:25,750 what bond we had. 580 00:18:25,750 --> 00:18:26,750 Mm. 581 00:18:31,125 --> 00:18:33,333 I was very fond of her, 582 00:18:31,125 --> 00:18:33,333 Lieutenant. 583 00:18:33,333 --> 00:18:35,750 I know you were. 584 00:18:33,333 --> 00:18:35,750 Just bad timing. 585 00:18:38,625 --> 00:18:40,500 He's been here, all right. 586 00:18:48,791 --> 00:18:51,958 A lot of killers collect 587 00:18:48,791 --> 00:18:51,958 items from their victims 588 00:18:51,958 --> 00:18:54,125 to try to stay 589 00:18:51,958 --> 00:18:54,125 connected to them. 590 00:18:54,125 --> 00:18:56,041 But this-- oh-- 591 00:18:56,041 --> 00:18:59,083 feels different, like he's 592 00:18:56,041 --> 00:18:59,083 trying to understand something. 593 00:19:01,833 --> 00:19:03,333 Lieutenant. 594 00:19:07,416 --> 00:19:10,166 ABBIE: Since when 595 00:19:07,416 --> 00:19:10,166 does the Kindred write? 596 00:19:10,166 --> 00:19:12,166 Since when does he care to? 597 00:19:15,708 --> 00:19:18,750 Franklin's list 598 00:19:15,708 --> 00:19:18,750 of moderating influences. 599 00:19:18,750 --> 00:19:20,583 A creature of habit 600 00:19:18,750 --> 00:19:20,583 who returns to his origins-- 601 00:19:20,583 --> 00:19:21,916 that means home. 602 00:19:21,916 --> 00:19:23,833 Vibrations from 603 00:19:21,916 --> 00:19:23,833 a glass harmonica-- 604 00:19:23,833 --> 00:19:26,833 that can only mean... 605 00:19:23,833 --> 00:19:26,833 Music, relaxation therapy. 606 00:19:26,833 --> 00:19:30,833 These are moderating influences 607 00:19:26,833 --> 00:19:30,833 for people, not monsters. 608 00:19:30,833 --> 00:19:33,166 And the rage 609 00:19:30,833 --> 00:19:33,166 behind the killings. 610 00:19:33,166 --> 00:19:35,333 The anger, the pain, 611 00:19:35,333 --> 00:19:37,250 longing, emotions. 612 00:19:37,250 --> 00:19:38,875 The Kindred isn't just 613 00:19:37,250 --> 00:19:38,875 turning evil. 614 00:19:40,375 --> 00:19:42,375 He's turning human. 615 00:19:46,791 --> 00:19:48,500 (bells jingling) 616 00:19:48,500 --> 00:19:50,041 (horses whinny) 617 00:19:50,041 --> 00:19:53,000 (laughs) 618 00:19:53,000 --> 00:19:55,000 (growls) 619 00:19:58,666 --> 00:20:00,166 (chattering quietly, laughing) 620 00:20:05,083 --> 00:20:07,041 (growling) 621 00:20:07,041 --> 00:20:08,791 (gasps) No! 622 00:20:13,041 --> 00:20:14,541 (shrieking) 623 00:20:14,541 --> 00:20:17,291 (gunshots) 624 00:20:20,541 --> 00:20:22,625 Come on, come on. 625 00:20:25,583 --> 00:20:27,125 (growling) 626 00:20:27,125 --> 00:20:28,125 (snaps fingers) 627 00:20:28,125 --> 00:20:29,916 (horse neighing) 628 00:20:29,916 --> 00:20:32,041 (hoofbeats approaching) 629 00:20:53,083 --> 00:20:54,541 Hey. Good call, Mills. 630 00:20:54,541 --> 00:20:56,041 Geographical monster profiling 631 00:20:56,041 --> 00:20:58,125 set me on the right trail 632 00:20:56,041 --> 00:20:58,125 at the park. 633 00:20:58,125 --> 00:20:59,875 I see why Reynolds 634 00:20:58,125 --> 00:20:59,875 can't let you go. 635 00:20:59,875 --> 00:21:01,875 Well, he might 636 00:20:59,875 --> 00:21:01,875 feel differently if he knew 637 00:21:01,875 --> 00:21:03,541 that I'd created a monster. 638 00:21:03,541 --> 00:21:05,041 CRANE: 639 00:21:03,541 --> 00:21:05,041 Human. 640 00:21:05,041 --> 00:21:07,000 According to Franklin's 641 00:21:07,000 --> 00:21:08,750 uncharacteristically 642 00:21:07,000 --> 00:21:08,750 vague notes, 643 00:21:08,750 --> 00:21:11,541 these creations, 644 00:21:08,750 --> 00:21:11,541 over time, develop 645 00:21:11,541 --> 00:21:16,000 unique human traits, 646 00:21:11,541 --> 00:21:16,000 personality, emotions. 647 00:21:16,000 --> 00:21:18,625 We believe the Kindred 648 00:21:16,000 --> 00:21:18,625 is killing couples 649 00:21:18,625 --> 00:21:20,916 because he's envious of the love 650 00:21:20,916 --> 00:21:22,375 and connection 651 00:21:20,916 --> 00:21:22,375 that he cannot have. 652 00:21:22,375 --> 00:21:23,875 Problem now 653 00:21:23,875 --> 00:21:25,625 is that even if we had 654 00:21:23,875 --> 00:21:25,625 a way of killing him... 655 00:21:25,625 --> 00:21:28,750 We cannot simply destroy 656 00:21:25,625 --> 00:21:28,750 a semi-conscious being. 657 00:21:30,458 --> 00:21:34,416 We raised the Kindred in the 658 00:21:30,458 --> 00:21:34,416 absence of decency and morals. 659 00:21:34,416 --> 00:21:35,708 'Tis our responsibility 660 00:21:35,708 --> 00:21:37,125 to end this humanely. 661 00:21:37,125 --> 00:21:39,083 I get that you guys feel guilty, 662 00:21:39,083 --> 00:21:42,083 but whether this is 663 00:21:39,083 --> 00:21:42,083 a monster, a human 664 00:21:42,083 --> 00:21:45,166 or something in between, 665 00:21:42,083 --> 00:21:45,166 it is killing innocent people. 666 00:21:45,166 --> 00:21:46,833 We got to get 667 00:21:45,166 --> 00:21:46,833 a hold on it. 668 00:21:46,833 --> 00:21:48,166 The Masonic Cell. 669 00:21:48,166 --> 00:21:49,958 It worked 670 00:21:48,166 --> 00:21:49,958 for the Horseman of Death. 671 00:21:49,958 --> 00:21:52,416 We can use the glass harmonica 672 00:21:49,958 --> 00:21:52,416 to draw the Kindred inside. 673 00:21:52,416 --> 00:21:55,625 One of Franklin's more obnoxious 674 00:21:52,416 --> 00:21:55,625 hobbies was rewriting the lyrics 675 00:21:55,625 --> 00:21:58,958 of beloved songs to show 676 00:21:55,625 --> 00:21:58,958 how they'd hindered the melody. 677 00:21:58,958 --> 00:22:01,708 To illustrate his point, 678 00:22:01,708 --> 00:22:03,958 he composed a variation 679 00:22:01,708 --> 00:22:03,958 of the Charles Wesley hymn, 680 00:22:03,958 --> 00:22:05,583 "Come, Thou Almighty King." 681 00:22:08,291 --> 00:22:10,625 "Come, Thou Almighty Kin." 682 00:22:10,625 --> 00:22:12,500 As in "Kindred." 683 00:22:12,500 --> 00:22:14,041 (laughs) 684 00:22:14,041 --> 00:22:16,041 This is the summoning tune. 685 00:22:16,041 --> 00:22:18,250 (organ music playing) 686 00:22:20,041 --> 00:22:22,291 Look, I am just saying, 687 00:22:22,291 --> 00:22:24,333 grabbing a cup 688 00:22:22,291 --> 00:22:24,333 of coffee with the guy 689 00:22:24,333 --> 00:22:26,416 wouldn't be 690 00:22:24,333 --> 00:22:26,416 the end of the world. 691 00:22:26,416 --> 00:22:29,041 I don't want to have a 692 00:22:26,416 --> 00:22:29,041 latte with my deadbeat dad. 693 00:22:29,041 --> 00:22:30,458 Why are you 694 00:22:29,041 --> 00:22:30,458 fixating on this? 695 00:22:30,458 --> 00:22:31,791 (sighs) 696 00:22:31,791 --> 00:22:34,041 Because I did 697 00:22:31,791 --> 00:22:34,041 the exact same thing. 698 00:22:34,041 --> 00:22:36,583 The whole week 699 00:22:34,041 --> 00:22:36,583 before I deployed, 700 00:22:36,583 --> 00:22:39,208 I was crashing 701 00:22:36,583 --> 00:22:39,208 on a friend's couch, 702 00:22:39,208 --> 00:22:42,541 and I timed it so that 703 00:22:39,208 --> 00:22:42,541 I went home and packed my bag 704 00:22:42,541 --> 00:22:44,166 when my dad was out on duty. 705 00:22:44,166 --> 00:22:46,916 I mean, do you know 706 00:22:44,166 --> 00:22:46,916 what I'd give 707 00:22:46,916 --> 00:22:50,458 to see him, talk to him, 708 00:22:46,916 --> 00:22:50,458 even, like, for a second? 709 00:22:50,458 --> 00:22:53,583 Just about anything 710 00:22:50,458 --> 00:22:53,583 in the world. 711 00:22:53,583 --> 00:22:55,541 I'm sorry, Joe. 712 00:22:53,583 --> 00:22:55,541 No, no. 713 00:22:55,541 --> 00:22:57,208 I don't... I don't 714 00:22:55,541 --> 00:22:57,208 want you to be sorry. 715 00:22:57,208 --> 00:22:59,750 I just... want you to, 716 00:22:57,208 --> 00:22:59,750 like, put your ego aside 717 00:22:59,750 --> 00:23:02,083 for half a second 718 00:22:59,750 --> 00:23:02,083 and talk to the guy. 719 00:23:02,083 --> 00:23:05,708 We went through 720 00:23:02,083 --> 00:23:05,708 this already. 721 00:23:05,708 --> 00:23:07,250 Abbie doesn't want 722 00:23:05,708 --> 00:23:07,250 to talk to him. 723 00:23:07,250 --> 00:23:09,666 Oh, Jen, I mean, you can't 724 00:23:07,250 --> 00:23:09,666 use Abbie as an excuse 725 00:23:09,666 --> 00:23:11,583 not to have a relationship 726 00:23:09,666 --> 00:23:11,583 with your father. 727 00:23:11,583 --> 00:23:15,291 This is your life. 728 00:23:15,291 --> 00:23:19,083 You got to live it 729 00:23:15,291 --> 00:23:19,083 for yourself. 730 00:23:19,083 --> 00:23:21,541 (sighs) Let's give 731 00:23:19,083 --> 00:23:21,541 this thing a whirl. 732 00:23:21,541 --> 00:23:23,958 All right. 733 00:23:21,541 --> 00:23:23,958 (clears throat) 734 00:23:25,583 --> 00:23:27,750 (glass harmonica playing melody) 735 00:23:29,791 --> 00:23:31,458 (chuckles) 736 00:23:33,500 --> 00:23:34,916 Yeah. 737 00:23:34,916 --> 00:23:36,416 Six years of piano lessons. 738 00:23:36,416 --> 00:23:38,125 I could've been shredding 739 00:23:36,416 --> 00:23:38,125 on a glass harmonica. 740 00:23:38,125 --> 00:23:39,833 Missed opportunity. 741 00:23:39,833 --> 00:23:41,541 Hey, Crane? 742 00:23:41,541 --> 00:23:44,625 We need the sheet music 743 00:23:41,541 --> 00:23:44,625 for the summoning tune. 744 00:23:44,625 --> 00:23:47,916 Oh, zounds. 745 00:23:47,916 --> 00:23:49,541 'Tis in the Archives. 746 00:23:50,750 --> 00:23:53,125 I shall have it 747 00:23:50,750 --> 00:23:53,125 in a shaking of a lamb's tail. 748 00:23:55,833 --> 00:23:59,708 Well done, 749 00:23:55,833 --> 00:23:59,708 Professor Crane, you fool. 750 00:24:03,666 --> 00:24:05,875 (clears throat) 751 00:24:05,875 --> 00:24:07,708 Zoe. 752 00:24:05,875 --> 00:24:07,708 Hi. 753 00:24:07,708 --> 00:24:09,041 Good evening. 754 00:24:09,041 --> 00:24:12,291 Uh... what are 755 00:24:09,041 --> 00:24:12,291 you doing here? 756 00:24:12,291 --> 00:24:14,625 Uh, figuring out 757 00:24:12,291 --> 00:24:14,625 a time to meet was becoming 758 00:24:14,625 --> 00:24:16,500 more of a production 759 00:24:14,625 --> 00:24:16,500 than the meeting itself, 760 00:24:16,500 --> 00:24:20,375 so I thought I'd just 761 00:24:16,500 --> 00:24:20,375 swing by and grab it. 762 00:24:20,375 --> 00:24:23,166 My book? 763 00:24:23,166 --> 00:24:26,625 Your book. 764 00:24:23,166 --> 00:24:26,625 Of course. Uh... 765 00:24:26,625 --> 00:24:28,125 What was it 766 00:24:26,625 --> 00:24:28,125 called again? 767 00:24:28,125 --> 00:24:30,625 A People's History 768 00:24:28,125 --> 00:24:30,625 by Howard Zinn? 769 00:24:30,625 --> 00:24:31,666 Of course it was. 770 00:24:31,666 --> 00:24:34,625 Um... right. 771 00:24:34,625 --> 00:24:39,791 I... don't know exactly 772 00:24:34,625 --> 00:24:39,791 where your book is... exactly, 773 00:24:39,791 --> 00:24:42,250 and, uh, the long 774 00:24:39,791 --> 00:24:42,250 and short of it is, 775 00:24:42,250 --> 00:24:43,791 I'm a little preoccupied 776 00:24:42,250 --> 00:24:43,791 at the moment. 777 00:24:43,791 --> 00:24:45,500 With what? 778 00:24:45,500 --> 00:24:48,708 You're alone in the Archives, 779 00:24:45,500 --> 00:24:48,708 literally doing nothing. 780 00:24:48,708 --> 00:24:51,583 Yes, I can understand why 781 00:24:48,708 --> 00:24:51,583 you would think that, but I... 782 00:24:53,708 --> 00:24:56,500 Zoe, I am, uh... 783 00:24:58,208 --> 00:25:00,458 It's very difficult to explain. 784 00:25:00,458 --> 00:25:02,875 Can you just tell me what it is? 785 00:25:02,875 --> 00:25:04,875 Do you have a wife 786 00:25:02,875 --> 00:25:04,875 or a secret family? 787 00:25:04,875 --> 00:25:06,583 Are you, like, a drug addict? 788 00:25:06,583 --> 00:25:08,750 No, I... 789 00:25:13,083 --> 00:25:16,125 (thumping, roaring) 790 00:25:16,125 --> 00:25:17,750 (gasping) 791 00:25:19,750 --> 00:25:21,916 Oh, Joe, he's coming out. 792 00:25:24,875 --> 00:25:28,291 (growling) 793 00:25:30,916 --> 00:25:32,708 (grunts) 794 00:25:35,250 --> 00:25:37,583 Come on, just try something. 795 00:25:37,583 --> 00:25:40,333 (growling) 796 00:25:50,791 --> 00:25:52,500 (chuffing) 797 00:25:54,500 --> 00:25:56,500 (growling) 798 00:25:58,666 --> 00:26:01,083 (panting) 799 00:26:04,458 --> 00:26:07,250 (glass harmonica playing melody) 800 00:26:07,250 --> 00:26:09,916 (grunts) 801 00:26:19,166 --> 00:26:22,000 It's working. 802 00:26:22,000 --> 00:26:24,083 (melody continues) 803 00:26:39,458 --> 00:26:41,666 (man and woman 804 00:26:39,458 --> 00:26:41,666 speaking indistinctly) 805 00:26:47,083 --> 00:26:48,375 What's happening? 806 00:26:47,083 --> 00:26:48,375 Why'd he stop? 807 00:26:49,833 --> 00:26:51,458 (roars) 808 00:26:51,458 --> 00:26:52,958 Okay. 809 00:26:56,041 --> 00:26:57,458 What the hell 810 00:26:56,041 --> 00:26:57,458 is he doing? 811 00:26:57,458 --> 00:26:59,166 It's not the right music. 812 00:26:59,166 --> 00:27:01,041 Didn't keep his attention. 813 00:26:59,166 --> 00:27:01,041 It's more than that. 814 00:27:01,041 --> 00:27:02,791 He's following something. 815 00:27:11,083 --> 00:27:13,083 Where'd he go? 816 00:27:20,541 --> 00:27:22,541 ABBIE: 817 00:27:20,541 --> 00:27:22,541 I get it now. 818 00:27:22,541 --> 00:27:25,000 This is not just about 819 00:27:22,541 --> 00:27:25,000 envy and punishment. 820 00:27:25,000 --> 00:27:26,791 He's looking for connection. 821 00:27:26,791 --> 00:27:28,500 He wants a wife. 822 00:27:28,500 --> 00:27:30,750 I told my family about you. 823 00:27:30,750 --> 00:27:33,208 I asked my brother-in-law to 824 00:27:30,750 --> 00:27:33,208 help you with your immigration. 825 00:27:33,208 --> 00:27:36,125 Which was an unbelievably 826 00:27:33,208 --> 00:27:36,125 kind, and I'm very grateful. 827 00:27:36,125 --> 00:27:38,083 No, it was foolish! 828 00:27:38,083 --> 00:27:41,208 Because none of this mattered 829 00:27:38,083 --> 00:27:41,208 to you, none of it was real. 830 00:27:41,208 --> 00:27:43,375 It was just something 831 00:27:41,208 --> 00:27:43,375 I made up in my head, 832 00:27:43,375 --> 00:27:46,041 that we had this... 833 00:27:43,375 --> 00:27:46,041 special connection, 834 00:27:46,041 --> 00:27:48,041 and obviously we didn't. 835 00:27:49,083 --> 00:27:50,791 Look, 836 00:27:50,791 --> 00:27:51,791 forget it. 837 00:27:51,791 --> 00:27:52,958 I'm gonna go. 838 00:27:54,166 --> 00:27:55,666 (growling) 839 00:28:02,250 --> 00:28:03,375 (grunting) 840 00:28:14,375 --> 00:28:16,416 (whimpering) 841 00:28:19,583 --> 00:28:22,000 Mine. 842 00:28:22,000 --> 00:28:25,500 You follow, she dies. 843 00:28:37,375 --> 00:28:39,541 Normally, he would take a 844 00:28:37,375 --> 00:28:39,541 hostage to the tunnels, but that 845 00:28:39,541 --> 00:28:41,208 location has been compromised. 846 00:28:39,541 --> 00:28:41,208 Well, why the sudden change 847 00:28:39,541 --> 00:28:41,208 in M.O.? 848 00:28:41,208 --> 00:28:42,916 He's been killing victims, 849 00:28:41,208 --> 00:28:42,916 not kidnapping them. 850 00:28:42,916 --> 00:28:44,333 He's sick of waiting. 851 00:28:44,333 --> 00:28:48,000 He wants a bride, 852 00:28:44,333 --> 00:28:48,000 and he wants one now. 853 00:28:48,000 --> 00:28:49,750 The Carriage House. 854 00:28:51,250 --> 00:28:53,125 The Kindred has 855 00:28:51,250 --> 00:28:53,125 been there before. 856 00:28:53,125 --> 00:28:55,666 It's where the Headless Horseman 857 00:28:53,125 --> 00:28:55,666 tried to keep his own bride. 858 00:28:55,666 --> 00:28:58,250 I will text you the address, 859 00:28:55,666 --> 00:28:58,250 we'll meet you there. 860 00:28:58,250 --> 00:29:00,291 And do what? 861 00:29:00,291 --> 00:29:02,875 The Kindred has Zoe, we have 862 00:29:00,291 --> 00:29:02,875 no way of controlling him, 863 00:29:02,875 --> 00:29:05,458 and it's entirely 864 00:29:02,875 --> 00:29:05,458 my fault. 865 00:29:05,458 --> 00:29:07,083 I brought the Kindred 866 00:29:05,458 --> 00:29:07,083 into this world 867 00:29:07,083 --> 00:29:08,708 with the same 868 00:29:07,083 --> 00:29:08,708 thoughtless inelegance 869 00:29:08,708 --> 00:29:12,583 with which I dismissed 870 00:29:08,708 --> 00:29:12,583 poor Zoe, ghosted upon her. 871 00:29:12,583 --> 00:29:14,708 If he harms her in any way... 872 00:29:14,708 --> 00:29:16,208 Crane, the Kindred does 873 00:29:14,708 --> 00:29:16,208 not want to harm Zoe. 874 00:29:16,208 --> 00:29:17,916 He wants to hurt you, 875 00:29:16,208 --> 00:29:17,916 which is a good thing. 876 00:29:17,916 --> 00:29:20,333 He's getting joy 877 00:29:17,916 --> 00:29:20,333 from your suffering, 878 00:29:20,333 --> 00:29:22,083 which buys us some time. 879 00:29:22,083 --> 00:29:24,041 I know you're worried about 880 00:29:22,083 --> 00:29:24,041 her, but we'll get her back. 881 00:29:24,041 --> 00:29:25,583 Right. 882 00:29:25,583 --> 00:29:27,208 But how? 883 00:29:27,208 --> 00:29:31,083 For all Franklin's experiments, 884 00:29:27,208 --> 00:29:31,083 these books offer nothing 885 00:29:31,083 --> 00:29:32,208 of any practical use. 886 00:29:32,208 --> 00:29:33,750 Wait, wait. Hold on. Hold on. 887 00:29:33,750 --> 00:29:35,708 University of Pennsylvania? 888 00:29:33,750 --> 00:29:35,708 That... 889 00:29:35,708 --> 00:29:38,916 It's almost like the insignia 890 00:29:35,708 --> 00:29:38,916 we saw at the opera house. 891 00:29:38,916 --> 00:29:41,375 What opera house? 892 00:29:38,916 --> 00:29:41,375 JENNY: 893 00:29:38,916 --> 00:29:41,375 The Jersey Opera House, 894 00:29:41,375 --> 00:29:43,125 where we stole Franklin's 895 00:29:41,375 --> 00:29:43,125 harmonica. We got lucky. 896 00:29:43,125 --> 00:29:45,750 It was a place he used to 897 00:29:43,125 --> 00:29:45,750 patron back in your day, 898 00:29:45,750 --> 00:29:47,458 but it was called 899 00:29:45,750 --> 00:29:47,458 something else then. 900 00:29:47,458 --> 00:29:49,458 The Ridotto Theatre. 901 00:29:47,458 --> 00:29:49,458 Yes, I know it well. 902 00:29:49,458 --> 00:29:51,000 Wait. So you know the insignia? 903 00:29:51,000 --> 00:29:52,833 It's on a weird door? 904 00:29:52,833 --> 00:29:54,666 Indeed. 905 00:29:54,666 --> 00:29:58,208 Franklin tasked Betsy and me 906 00:29:54,666 --> 00:29:58,208 with hiding medical supplies. 907 00:29:58,208 --> 00:30:00,000 It was our first mission. 908 00:30:04,000 --> 00:30:06,000 Do you know what time 909 00:30:04,000 --> 00:30:06,000 they lock the doors? 910 00:30:06,000 --> 00:30:07,583 6:30. You should make haste. 911 00:30:07,583 --> 00:30:09,750 The "Venere Bella" aria 912 00:30:07,583 --> 00:30:09,750 is about to begin. 913 00:30:09,750 --> 00:30:12,166 Wouldn't miss it for world. 914 00:30:16,166 --> 00:30:17,916 (gasps) 915 00:30:17,916 --> 00:30:21,375 Oh, nice. We're both 916 00:30:17,916 --> 00:30:21,375 an hour ahead of form. 917 00:30:21,375 --> 00:30:23,458 Did you know 918 00:30:21,375 --> 00:30:23,458 they lock the doors at 6:30? 919 00:30:23,458 --> 00:30:24,875 I did not know that. 920 00:30:24,875 --> 00:30:27,291 Nor that you were 921 00:30:24,875 --> 00:30:27,291 a patron of the opera. 922 00:30:27,291 --> 00:30:29,833 Oh, at Oxford, 923 00:30:27,291 --> 00:30:29,833 I lived and breathed it. 924 00:30:29,833 --> 00:30:32,833 Mr. Crane, I hope you don't take 925 00:30:29,833 --> 00:30:32,833 all of this confusion to mean 926 00:30:32,833 --> 00:30:35,083 I was intentionally 927 00:30:32,833 --> 00:30:35,083 trying to mislead you. 928 00:30:35,083 --> 00:30:38,291 My dear Miss Ross, 929 00:30:35,083 --> 00:30:38,291 you tried to lock me out, 930 00:30:38,291 --> 00:30:40,083 and then you left 931 00:30:38,291 --> 00:30:40,083 the performance 932 00:30:40,083 --> 00:30:42,375 immediately before 933 00:30:40,083 --> 00:30:42,375 "Venere Bella," 934 00:30:42,375 --> 00:30:45,583 Cleopatra's lengthy 935 00:30:42,375 --> 00:30:45,583 and highly-anticipated aria. 936 00:30:45,583 --> 00:30:47,416 You did this 937 00:30:45,583 --> 00:30:47,416 so you could acquire 938 00:30:47,416 --> 00:30:51,000 the greatest margin of time 939 00:30:47,416 --> 00:30:51,000 to execute our mission alone. 940 00:30:51,000 --> 00:30:53,333 I know you were trying 941 00:30:51,000 --> 00:30:53,333 to mislead me. 942 00:30:53,333 --> 00:30:55,750 But you're going to have to do 943 00:30:53,333 --> 00:30:55,750 better than that. 944 00:30:55,750 --> 00:30:58,750 Come along. I've already 945 00:30:55,750 --> 00:30:58,750 brought in the supplies. 946 00:31:02,000 --> 00:31:04,000 (gears rumbling) 947 00:31:10,291 --> 00:31:12,458 How's that 948 00:31:10,291 --> 00:31:12,458 for a rebellious bookworm? 949 00:31:12,458 --> 00:31:15,125 You'll do, I suppose. 950 00:31:15,125 --> 00:31:17,250 Now, let's see 951 00:31:15,125 --> 00:31:17,250 to the storage 952 00:31:17,250 --> 00:31:19,625 of Franklin's so-called 953 00:31:17,250 --> 00:31:19,625 moderating influence. 954 00:31:23,875 --> 00:31:26,125 The medical supplies 955 00:31:23,875 --> 00:31:26,125 I believed we were hiding 956 00:31:26,125 --> 00:31:27,916 from the British-- 957 00:31:26,125 --> 00:31:27,916 they were a cover. 958 00:31:27,916 --> 00:31:29,791 The entire medical school 959 00:31:29,791 --> 00:31:31,916 was a cover for Franklin's 960 00:31:29,791 --> 00:31:31,916 Kindred experiments. 961 00:31:31,916 --> 00:31:35,250 Now, this insignia 962 00:31:31,916 --> 00:31:35,250 symbolizes the Kindred, 963 00:31:35,250 --> 00:31:39,125 but also the Kindred's 964 00:31:35,250 --> 00:31:39,125 ultimate fail-safe. 965 00:31:39,125 --> 00:31:43,083 His one true 966 00:31:39,125 --> 00:31:43,083 moderating influence. 967 00:31:45,125 --> 00:31:46,750 That's the insignia we saw. 968 00:31:46,750 --> 00:31:48,041 With the cross 969 00:31:46,750 --> 00:31:48,041 at the bottom. 970 00:31:48,041 --> 00:31:49,458 The Venus symbol. 971 00:31:49,458 --> 00:31:51,458 Are you telling me 972 00:31:49,458 --> 00:31:51,458 that Benjamin Franklin 973 00:31:51,458 --> 00:31:53,375 actually built a female 974 00:31:51,458 --> 00:31:53,375 for the Kindred? 975 00:31:53,375 --> 00:31:55,333 Considering how little 976 00:31:53,375 --> 00:31:55,333 Franklin leaves to chance, 977 00:31:55,333 --> 00:31:57,666 I would rely upon it. 978 00:31:57,666 --> 00:31:59,666 (Kindred growling) 979 00:32:07,458 --> 00:32:10,208 (quietly): They're in the barn 980 00:32:07,458 --> 00:32:10,208 behind the Carriage House. 981 00:32:13,000 --> 00:32:16,333 Looks like he is ready to snap. 982 00:32:13,000 --> 00:32:16,333 Where are you guys? 983 00:32:16,333 --> 00:32:17,750 We took a slight detour. 984 00:32:17,750 --> 00:32:19,291 (gears rumbling) 985 00:32:30,916 --> 00:32:33,166 Behold... 986 00:32:33,166 --> 00:32:35,583 the Kindress. 987 00:32:44,250 --> 00:32:45,916 ♪ ♪ 988 00:32:57,125 --> 00:32:59,500 (roars) 989 00:32:57,125 --> 00:32:59,500 (shouts) 990 00:33:17,458 --> 00:33:19,333 (gasping, grunting) 991 00:33:31,875 --> 00:33:33,208 (grunts) 992 00:33:36,458 --> 00:33:37,583 And that's off the bucket list. 993 00:33:37,583 --> 00:33:38,791 (growls) 994 00:33:39,458 --> 00:33:40,875 (roaring) 995 00:33:44,791 --> 00:33:46,083 She's in here! 996 00:33:59,541 --> 00:34:02,500 (reading Romani Greek) 997 00:33:59,541 --> 00:34:02,500 And with the words of the old 998 00:33:59,541 --> 00:34:02,500 ones. 999 00:34:02,500 --> 00:34:07,166 I summon the soul of my kith, 1000 00:34:02,500 --> 00:34:07,166 body of my... 1001 00:34:07,166 --> 00:34:08,625 Kindress! 1002 00:34:13,916 --> 00:34:15,791 (crackling) 1003 00:34:35,041 --> 00:34:36,791 ♪ ♪ 1004 00:34:45,375 --> 00:34:47,291 (snarling) 1005 00:34:52,416 --> 00:34:53,541 (wailing) 1006 00:34:58,791 --> 00:34:59,791 (screams) 1007 00:34:59,791 --> 00:35:00,750 (hissing) 1008 00:35:01,708 --> 00:35:03,791 (growling) 1009 00:35:20,416 --> 00:35:23,916 (growling) 1010 00:35:26,666 --> 00:35:28,791 ♪ ♪ 1011 00:35:42,125 --> 00:35:44,125 (sighs) 1012 00:35:49,625 --> 00:35:51,166 (grunts) 1013 00:36:05,750 --> 00:36:08,166 (growls) 1014 00:36:23,708 --> 00:36:26,291 Well... 1015 00:36:26,291 --> 00:36:27,958 that was odd. 1016 00:36:41,583 --> 00:36:43,791 You never got a good look 1017 00:36:41,583 --> 00:36:43,791 at him at any point? 1018 00:36:43,791 --> 00:36:45,250 He was horribly disfigured. 1019 00:36:45,250 --> 00:36:47,083 Didn't say much. 1020 00:36:47,083 --> 00:36:50,333 I'm sorry. I-I wish 1021 00:36:47,083 --> 00:36:50,333 I could tell you more. 1022 00:36:50,333 --> 00:36:53,375 I know what 1023 00:36:50,333 --> 00:36:53,375 you're thinking. 1024 00:36:53,375 --> 00:36:55,166 Mills would've 1025 00:36:53,375 --> 00:36:55,166 caught him alive. 1026 00:36:58,166 --> 00:37:00,958 She's a damn good agent, 1027 00:36:58,166 --> 00:37:00,958 Reynolds. 1028 00:37:00,958 --> 00:37:03,666 You should talk 1029 00:37:00,958 --> 00:37:03,666 to her again 1030 00:37:03,666 --> 00:37:06,333 and tell her 1031 00:37:03,666 --> 00:37:06,333 how important she is to you. 1032 00:37:13,958 --> 00:37:15,958 CRANE: 1033 00:37:13,958 --> 00:37:15,958 Zoe? 1034 00:37:15,958 --> 00:37:17,791 Oh. 1035 00:37:17,791 --> 00:37:19,458 (chuckles) 1036 00:37:17,791 --> 00:37:19,458 For you. 1037 00:37:19,458 --> 00:37:21,458 Did you like it? 1038 00:37:19,458 --> 00:37:21,458 I did. Very much. 1039 00:37:21,458 --> 00:37:23,166 Thank you. 1040 00:37:23,166 --> 00:37:26,375 Would it be foolish 1041 00:37:23,166 --> 00:37:26,375 of me to ask how you fare? 1042 00:37:26,375 --> 00:37:28,333 It's all a little overwhelming. 1043 00:37:28,333 --> 00:37:29,750 Of course. 1044 00:37:29,750 --> 00:37:31,375 Honestly, I'm just happy 1045 00:37:29,750 --> 00:37:31,375 to be alive. 1046 00:37:31,375 --> 00:37:32,833 Zoe, I am sorry. 1047 00:37:32,833 --> 00:37:34,875 For all of this. 1048 00:37:34,875 --> 00:37:36,625 You really don't 1049 00:37:34,875 --> 00:37:36,625 need to do this. 1050 00:37:36,625 --> 00:37:38,750 No, no, please. 1051 00:37:38,750 --> 00:37:41,166 My negligence 1052 00:37:38,750 --> 00:37:41,166 has been appalling. 1053 00:37:41,166 --> 00:37:45,416 I hope you know 1054 00:37:41,166 --> 00:37:45,416 I care for you very deeply, 1055 00:37:45,416 --> 00:37:49,583 and I would stand so lucky 1056 00:37:45,416 --> 00:37:49,583 to be with a woman of your... 1057 00:37:49,583 --> 00:37:53,375 beauty and character. 1058 00:37:53,375 --> 00:37:56,166 I only wish I were ready 1059 00:37:56,166 --> 00:37:58,250 for a commitment 1060 00:37:56,166 --> 00:37:58,250 of that caliber. 1061 00:37:58,250 --> 00:38:00,416 Truthfully, Ichabod, 1062 00:38:00,416 --> 00:38:05,125 I think you are 1063 00:38:00,416 --> 00:38:05,125 ready for someone. 1064 00:38:05,125 --> 00:38:07,541 I just don't think it's me. 1065 00:38:07,541 --> 00:38:09,333 And that's okay. 1066 00:38:09,333 --> 00:38:11,625 (chuckles softly) 1067 00:38:18,083 --> 00:38:20,791 Miss Corinth. 1068 00:38:20,791 --> 00:38:23,708 Farewell, Mr. Crane. 1069 00:38:26,000 --> 00:38:28,416 (knocking) 1070 00:38:30,416 --> 00:38:32,041 REYNOLDS: Five minutes. 1071 00:38:30,416 --> 00:38:32,041 That's all I need. 1072 00:38:37,666 --> 00:38:40,000 So... 1073 00:38:40,000 --> 00:38:42,000 what's going on, Danny? 1074 00:38:42,000 --> 00:38:44,416 You know why I fell in love 1075 00:38:42,000 --> 00:38:44,416 with you back when we were 1076 00:38:44,416 --> 00:38:45,833 new agents in training? 1077 00:38:45,833 --> 00:38:49,416 You were smarter, 1078 00:38:45,833 --> 00:38:49,416 you worked harder, 1079 00:38:49,416 --> 00:38:50,833 smelled better. 1080 00:38:50,833 --> 00:38:52,625 You made me push myself. 1081 00:38:52,625 --> 00:38:54,708 Made me a better man. 1082 00:38:54,708 --> 00:38:59,250 But, lately, 1083 00:38:54,708 --> 00:38:59,250 I don't recognize that man. 1084 00:38:59,250 --> 00:39:02,750 I guess what I'm saying is 1085 00:38:59,250 --> 00:39:02,750 you're a damn good agent, 1086 00:39:02,750 --> 00:39:04,416 and the Bureau's 1087 00:39:02,750 --> 00:39:04,416 gonna feel your loss, 1088 00:39:04,416 --> 00:39:07,916 but we're gonna have to learn 1089 00:39:04,416 --> 00:39:07,916 how to get on without you. 1090 00:39:07,916 --> 00:39:09,791 Abbie Mills deserves better. 1091 00:39:13,833 --> 00:39:16,166 You love me? 1092 00:39:16,166 --> 00:39:18,125 You never said that before. 1093 00:39:18,125 --> 00:39:20,166 I didn't have to. 1094 00:39:20,166 --> 00:39:21,458 (chuckles) 1095 00:39:21,458 --> 00:39:24,416 I care about you, Abs-- 1096 00:39:21,458 --> 00:39:24,416 always will. 1097 00:39:24,416 --> 00:39:27,250 And I just want you to be happy. 1098 00:39:27,250 --> 00:39:29,750 I want to apologize 1099 00:39:29,750 --> 00:39:31,750 for the way that I left. 1100 00:39:31,750 --> 00:39:33,166 And I'll come back to work. 1101 00:39:33,166 --> 00:39:34,750 Y-You know, 1102 00:39:33,166 --> 00:39:34,750 I want to come back to work, 1103 00:39:34,750 --> 00:39:36,125 and I need to come back to work. 1104 00:39:37,458 --> 00:39:38,958 And I'm ready now. 1105 00:39:38,958 --> 00:39:41,541 So, thank you. 1106 00:39:41,541 --> 00:39:44,666 See you Monday. 1107 00:39:46,625 --> 00:39:49,416 (door opens, closes) 1108 00:39:52,333 --> 00:39:54,958 The Kindred will be here 1109 00:39:52,333 --> 00:39:54,958 momentarily, 1110 00:39:54,958 --> 00:39:59,000 and with his arrival 1111 00:39:54,958 --> 00:39:59,000 comes a new beginning. 1112 00:39:59,000 --> 00:40:03,333 Soon, an entire army will follow 1113 00:39:59,000 --> 00:40:03,333 under his lead, 1114 00:40:03,333 --> 00:40:05,583 all to serve at my behest. 1115 00:40:05,583 --> 00:40:07,666 Yes, my love. 1116 00:40:07,666 --> 00:40:11,416 And they will be lucky 1117 00:40:07,666 --> 00:40:11,416 to serve you. 1118 00:40:11,416 --> 00:40:13,041 As am I. 1119 00:40:13,041 --> 00:40:16,250 Still, I... 1120 00:40:16,250 --> 00:40:18,458 think I would be more effective 1121 00:40:16,250 --> 00:40:18,458 in my service 1122 00:40:18,458 --> 00:40:21,375 if my powers were restored. 1123 00:40:21,375 --> 00:40:25,916 That way 1124 00:40:21,375 --> 00:40:25,916 we could serve each other. 1125 00:40:25,916 --> 00:40:28,041 Rule as one. 1126 00:40:29,750 --> 00:40:31,750 What say you, my love? 1127 00:40:31,750 --> 00:40:35,000 The Kindred-- he is 1128 00:40:31,750 --> 00:40:35,000 departing Sleepy Hollow. 1129 00:40:35,000 --> 00:40:36,500 For what cause? 1130 00:40:46,000 --> 00:40:48,666 My most valuable lieutenant 1131 00:40:48,666 --> 00:40:50,166 has abandoned his post. 1132 00:40:50,166 --> 00:40:51,333 For what?! 1133 00:40:51,333 --> 00:40:54,833 Love? 1134 00:40:51,333 --> 00:40:54,833 This weakness?! 1135 00:41:01,416 --> 00:41:04,416 I will not allow my 1136 00:41:01,416 --> 00:41:04,416 power to be diluted 1137 00:41:04,416 --> 00:41:07,166 by unnecessary 1138 00:41:04,416 --> 00:41:07,166 partnerships. 1139 00:41:07,166 --> 00:41:09,250 These trivial 1140 00:41:09,250 --> 00:41:10,833 human urges. 1141 00:41:12,250 --> 00:41:15,291 I will not allow weakness. 1142 00:41:23,958 --> 00:41:26,333 Right. Um... 1143 00:41:26,333 --> 00:41:28,750 What is this, amateur hour? 1144 00:41:28,750 --> 00:41:31,125 Oh. 1145 00:41:31,125 --> 00:41:32,541 Yes. 1146 00:41:32,541 --> 00:41:36,250 This is not the game 1147 00:41:32,541 --> 00:41:36,250 I promised, is it? 1148 00:41:36,250 --> 00:41:39,458 I'm afraid my mind remains... 1149 00:41:39,458 --> 00:41:41,625 elsewhere. 1150 00:41:41,625 --> 00:41:43,375 Mine, too. 1151 00:41:43,375 --> 00:41:46,958 It's been a lot 1152 00:41:43,375 --> 00:41:46,958 to process lately. 1153 00:41:46,958 --> 00:41:48,958 But it is nice to be home. 1154 00:41:53,958 --> 00:41:55,958 Speaking of home, 1155 00:41:55,958 --> 00:41:58,875 is this new Tex-Mex decor 1156 00:41:55,958 --> 00:41:58,875 really our new normal? 1157 00:41:58,875 --> 00:42:00,708 Yes. We're a 1158 00:41:58,875 --> 00:42:00,708 succulent family now. 1159 00:42:00,708 --> 00:42:01,708 Mm-hmm. 1160 00:42:01,708 --> 00:42:02,958 Ah! 1161 00:42:02,958 --> 00:42:04,375 (groans) 1162 00:42:04,375 --> 00:42:05,958 Oh, heavens, 1163 00:42:04,375 --> 00:42:05,958 you're bleeding. 1164 00:42:04,375 --> 00:42:05,958 Mm-hmm. 1165 00:42:05,958 --> 00:42:09,250 I'll fetch a bandage from 1166 00:42:05,958 --> 00:42:09,250 the apothecary drawer. 1167 00:42:09,250 --> 00:42:10,833 Oh, and no cheating. 1168 00:42:10,833 --> 00:42:13,625 Please. Please. 1169 00:42:10,833 --> 00:42:13,625 (mutters): "Please." 1170 00:42:13,625 --> 00:42:15,125 "Please." 1171 00:42:15,125 --> 00:42:17,125 (chuckles softly) 1172 00:42:29,875 --> 00:42:32,958 ♪ ♪ 1173 00:42:38,083 --> 00:42:39,833 CRANE: 1174 00:42:38,083 --> 00:42:39,833 Right. 1175 00:42:39,833 --> 00:42:41,875 Here. 1176 00:42:41,875 --> 00:42:44,083 Finger. Oh. Thank you. 1177 00:42:47,083 --> 00:42:49,083 You're up. 1178 00:42:49,083 --> 00:42:50,875 Oh, well, finally. 1179 00:42:50,875 --> 00:42:53,833 (clears throat)