1 00:00:10,250 --> 00:00:11,083 (panting) 2 00:00:11,875 --> 00:00:13,875 ♪ ♪ 3 00:00:15,250 --> 00:00:16,291 (grunts) 4 00:00:16,291 --> 00:00:18,041 Oh, man, she's in good shape. 5 00:00:21,375 --> 00:00:22,416 (screams) 6 00:00:22,416 --> 00:00:24,333 Alice! 7 00:00:26,291 --> 00:00:28,291 Alice! 8 00:00:29,625 --> 00:00:31,125 Alice! 9 00:00:39,250 --> 00:00:40,666 Oh, my God! 10 00:00:40,666 --> 00:00:42,916 Alice! 11 00:00:42,916 --> 00:00:44,666 Alice! Alice! 12 00:00:44,666 --> 00:00:46,375 (footsteps approaching) 13 00:00:46,375 --> 00:00:48,375 (screaming) 14 00:00:52,125 --> 00:00:53,750 (growling) 15 00:00:53,750 --> 00:00:57,500 Your skills remain 16 00:00:53,750 --> 00:00:57,500 quite admirable. 17 00:00:57,500 --> 00:00:59,541 (hisses, snarls) 18 00:00:59,541 --> 00:01:03,000 Do you not recognize 19 00:00:59,541 --> 00:01:03,000 your master? 20 00:01:08,625 --> 00:01:12,125 (hissing, mumbling) 21 00:01:12,125 --> 00:01:13,708 Rise, my servant. 22 00:01:13,708 --> 00:01:15,708 I cannot understand 23 00:01:13,708 --> 00:01:15,708 a word you speak. 24 00:01:17,500 --> 00:01:19,666 Forgive me. 25 00:01:19,666 --> 00:01:21,875 I haven't used my voice 26 00:01:21,875 --> 00:01:24,458 in a long time. 27 00:01:24,458 --> 00:01:28,041 It is time I gave 28 00:01:24,458 --> 00:01:28,041 the Devil his due. 29 00:01:34,291 --> 00:01:36,375 (panting) 30 00:02:16,250 --> 00:02:18,083 What? 31 00:02:18,083 --> 00:02:21,583 These eggs are named after 32 00:02:18,083 --> 00:02:21,583 a traitor to this nation. 33 00:02:21,583 --> 00:02:24,458 These delicious baked 34 00:02:21,583 --> 00:02:24,458 goods after a member 35 00:02:24,458 --> 00:02:25,916 of the Hapsburg Monarchy, 36 00:02:24,458 --> 00:02:25,916 which is an affront 37 00:02:25,916 --> 00:02:27,875 to anyone who ever 38 00:02:25,916 --> 00:02:27,875 fought a Hessian. 39 00:02:27,875 --> 00:02:30,833 So, what is in a name? 40 00:02:30,833 --> 00:02:32,583 Apparently, nothing. 41 00:02:32,583 --> 00:02:33,791 Lox? 42 00:02:35,375 --> 00:02:37,875 Okay, this is obviously 43 00:02:35,375 --> 00:02:37,875 way more than just hunger. 44 00:02:37,875 --> 00:02:40,166 Spill it, Crane. 45 00:02:51,666 --> 00:02:53,333 Oh, Crane. 46 00:02:53,333 --> 00:02:55,666 I'm so sorry. 47 00:02:55,666 --> 00:02:57,291 This is insane. 48 00:02:55,666 --> 00:02:57,291 Immigration can't 49 00:02:57,291 --> 00:02:58,625 reject you as a citizen. 50 00:02:58,625 --> 00:03:00,208 You helped 51 00:02:58,625 --> 00:03:00,208 create the country. 52 00:03:00,208 --> 00:03:01,916 Yes, the irony is not lost. 53 00:03:01,916 --> 00:03:04,125 Well, wait, it says 54 00:03:01,916 --> 00:03:04,125 here you were rejected 55 00:03:04,125 --> 00:03:05,750 because you missed 56 00:03:04,125 --> 00:03:05,750 your formal interview. 57 00:03:05,750 --> 00:03:07,333 Yes, I was a little preoccupied 58 00:03:07,333 --> 00:03:09,458 rescuing your sister 59 00:03:07,333 --> 00:03:09,458 from the Catacombs. 60 00:03:09,458 --> 00:03:12,000 We just, we throw 61 00:03:09,458 --> 00:03:12,000 Joe's money at the problem. 62 00:03:12,000 --> 00:03:13,333 Hire you a top-gun lawyer. 63 00:03:13,333 --> 00:03:14,416 Scary, expensive lawyer. 64 00:03:14,416 --> 00:03:15,625 Nice suit. 65 00:03:15,625 --> 00:03:17,041 JENNY: 66 00:03:15,625 --> 00:03:17,041 In the meantime, 67 00:03:17,041 --> 00:03:18,458 I have a new word for you. 68 00:03:18,458 --> 00:03:19,916 Mimosa. 69 00:03:19,916 --> 00:03:22,000 I'll grab the champagne. 70 00:03:30,958 --> 00:03:31,875 ABBIE: 71 00:03:30,958 --> 00:03:31,875 Jen? 72 00:03:31,875 --> 00:03:32,791 Abbie. 73 00:03:32,791 --> 00:03:33,958 You looking for this? 74 00:03:33,958 --> 00:03:35,000 Yeah. 75 00:03:35,000 --> 00:03:36,375 I was just thinking. 76 00:03:36,375 --> 00:03:37,958 How would you like... 77 00:03:37,958 --> 00:03:39,666 to kill it out here? 78 00:03:39,666 --> 00:03:40,625 (chuckles) 79 00:03:39,666 --> 00:03:40,625 Just you and me. 80 00:03:40,625 --> 00:03:42,125 We don't have to share. 81 00:03:42,125 --> 00:03:43,583 Yeah, except I've seen you drink 82 00:03:42,125 --> 00:03:43,583 on an empty stomach, 83 00:03:43,583 --> 00:03:45,083 and it's not a good thing. 84 00:03:45,083 --> 00:03:46,791 Okay. 85 00:03:46,791 --> 00:03:48,416 (laughs) 86 00:03:48,416 --> 00:03:49,708 Come on. 87 00:03:52,875 --> 00:03:54,416 JOE: Okay, no, no, no, 88 00:03:52,875 --> 00:03:54,416 that's nothing. 89 00:03:54,416 --> 00:03:55,833 Here, check this out, ready? 90 00:03:55,833 --> 00:03:57,416 (exhales) 91 00:03:57,416 --> 00:03:58,708 Not again. 92 00:03:58,708 --> 00:04:00,750 JENNY: 93 00:03:58,708 --> 00:04:00,750 Oh, God. 94 00:04:00,750 --> 00:04:01,750 CRANE: 95 00:04:00,750 --> 00:04:01,750 Oh, yes. 96 00:04:01,750 --> 00:04:03,541 Very eerie. 97 00:04:03,541 --> 00:04:05,208 (laughter) 98 00:04:06,541 --> 00:04:08,416 Oop, no, thank you. 99 00:04:08,416 --> 00:04:10,250 That was Franklin's 100 00:04:08,416 --> 00:04:10,250 party trick. 101 00:04:10,250 --> 00:04:13,583 Not always on his nose. 102 00:04:13,583 --> 00:04:15,458 Oh, Crane! 103 00:04:13,583 --> 00:04:15,458 (Joe laughs) 104 00:04:15,458 --> 00:04:16,916 Finished? 105 00:04:19,000 --> 00:04:21,166 Thank you. 106 00:04:21,166 --> 00:04:22,541 Thank you. 107 00:04:21,166 --> 00:04:22,541 Thank you. 108 00:04:22,541 --> 00:04:24,541 That's good. 109 00:04:24,541 --> 00:04:25,958 Okay, seriously? 110 00:04:25,958 --> 00:04:27,208 JOE: That's mine. 111 00:04:25,958 --> 00:04:27,208 I have dibs. 112 00:04:27,208 --> 00:04:28,458 ABBIE: Stop! 113 00:04:27,208 --> 00:04:28,458 Oh, you think I'm fat? 114 00:04:29,958 --> 00:04:32,125 You seem happier. 115 00:04:32,125 --> 00:04:34,833 Yes, I admit 116 00:04:32,125 --> 00:04:34,833 I do feel rather suffonsified. 117 00:04:34,833 --> 00:04:37,791 And your sister's mood 118 00:04:37,791 --> 00:04:41,333 appears to have taken 119 00:04:37,791 --> 00:04:41,333 a significant upturn of late. 120 00:04:41,333 --> 00:04:42,583 Okay, come on. 121 00:04:41,333 --> 00:04:42,583 (laughing) 122 00:04:42,583 --> 00:04:44,583 Oh, my God. 123 00:04:44,583 --> 00:04:45,916 Yeah. 124 00:04:45,916 --> 00:04:47,250 She's running again. 125 00:04:47,250 --> 00:04:48,916 She's back at work. 126 00:04:48,916 --> 00:04:50,583 Seems like she's 127 00:04:48,916 --> 00:04:50,583 in a good place. 128 00:04:50,583 --> 00:04:52,916 And yet... 129 00:04:52,916 --> 00:04:54,875 my misgivings remain. 130 00:04:54,875 --> 00:04:58,250 JENNY: I can't put 131 00:04:54,875 --> 00:04:58,250 my finger on it, but yeah. 132 00:04:58,250 --> 00:05:00,083 She's definitely 133 00:04:58,250 --> 00:05:00,083 hiding something. 134 00:05:00,083 --> 00:05:01,750 Yeah, and if we push too hard... 135 00:05:01,750 --> 00:05:03,208 She'll pull away more. 136 00:05:03,208 --> 00:05:04,541 So, what do we do? 137 00:05:04,541 --> 00:05:05,625 Spy on her? 138 00:05:05,625 --> 00:05:07,250 Oh, no. No, no. 139 00:05:08,458 --> 00:05:10,208 We must remain 140 00:05:08,458 --> 00:05:10,208 cognizant of her needs. 141 00:05:10,208 --> 00:05:12,333 whilst vigilant 142 00:05:10,208 --> 00:05:12,333 to any subterfuge, 143 00:05:12,333 --> 00:05:14,125 intended or otherwise. 144 00:05:14,125 --> 00:05:16,583 Yeah, I'm not sure 145 00:05:14,125 --> 00:05:16,583 if Washington explained it, 146 00:05:16,583 --> 00:05:18,000 but that is called "spying." 147 00:05:20,083 --> 00:05:21,750 You never met Mrs. Washington. 148 00:05:21,750 --> 00:05:23,041 (wry, quiet laugh) 149 00:05:23,041 --> 00:05:23,875 (Joe and Abbie 150 00:05:23,041 --> 00:05:23,875 laughing in distance) 151 00:05:23,875 --> 00:05:25,333 (phone ringing) 152 00:05:25,333 --> 00:05:26,500 Oh, my God! 153 00:05:26,500 --> 00:05:27,750 Mm. 154 00:05:27,750 --> 00:05:30,166 Agent Mills. 155 00:05:31,333 --> 00:05:32,666 Okay, I'm on it. 156 00:05:35,208 --> 00:05:37,916 Serial killing 157 00:05:35,208 --> 00:05:37,916 or animal attack. 158 00:05:37,916 --> 00:05:39,166 Local PD is still debating. 159 00:05:39,166 --> 00:05:40,875 Either way, 160 00:05:40,875 --> 00:05:42,625 brunch is over. 161 00:05:46,875 --> 00:05:48,416 (camera clicking) 162 00:05:52,000 --> 00:05:55,291 Who would target two 163 00:05:52,000 --> 00:05:55,291 antiquarians in such a manner? 164 00:05:55,291 --> 00:05:57,291 This wound pattern 165 00:05:55,291 --> 00:05:57,291 doesn't track. 166 00:05:57,291 --> 00:05:59,458 The jugular is ripped out 167 00:05:59,458 --> 00:06:00,875 like a canine attack, 168 00:05:59,458 --> 00:06:00,875 but no other organs 169 00:06:00,875 --> 00:06:02,500 or extremities are targeted. 170 00:06:02,500 --> 00:06:04,208 It's too precise. 171 00:06:04,208 --> 00:06:06,416 (indistinct police radio 172 00:06:04,208 --> 00:06:06,416 communication) 173 00:06:07,875 --> 00:06:09,958 CRANE: Traumatic laceration, 174 00:06:07,875 --> 00:06:09,958 this rash, 175 00:06:09,958 --> 00:06:13,791 evidence of leiurus 176 00:06:09,958 --> 00:06:13,791 quinquestriatus. 177 00:06:13,791 --> 00:06:14,875 (siren approaching) 178 00:06:14,875 --> 00:06:15,875 Hmm. 179 00:06:19,916 --> 00:06:21,666 The pupils are pinned. 180 00:06:21,666 --> 00:06:24,916 Evidence of 181 00:06:21,666 --> 00:06:24,916 extreme toxicity. 182 00:06:24,916 --> 00:06:27,041 So, what was it-- 183 00:06:24,916 --> 00:06:27,041 were they poisoned 184 00:06:27,041 --> 00:06:28,500 or did they bleed to death? 185 00:06:28,500 --> 00:06:30,583 Or both? 186 00:06:30,583 --> 00:06:31,916 Sting of a scorpion. 187 00:06:31,916 --> 00:06:33,333 Claws of a wolf. 188 00:06:33,333 --> 00:06:34,875 Venom of a snake. 189 00:06:34,875 --> 00:06:36,041 Oh, that's great. 190 00:06:36,041 --> 00:06:38,500 A menagerie of evil. 191 00:06:38,500 --> 00:06:40,000 Except if there were 192 00:06:40,000 --> 00:06:41,958 multiple attackers, 193 00:06:41,958 --> 00:06:43,666 there would be 194 00:06:41,958 --> 00:06:43,666 a more disjointed 195 00:06:43,666 --> 00:06:45,333 blood splatter 196 00:06:43,666 --> 00:06:45,333 convergence point. 197 00:06:45,333 --> 00:06:48,583 Which means these deaths 198 00:06:45,333 --> 00:06:48,583 were caused by one beast 199 00:06:48,583 --> 00:06:51,708 that combines the deadliest 200 00:06:48,583 --> 00:06:51,708 attributes of many. 201 00:06:51,708 --> 00:06:54,541 There was a rumor in my time, 202 00:06:51,708 --> 00:06:54,541 passed among woodsmen, 203 00:06:54,541 --> 00:06:56,833 of a beast in the Jersey woods. 204 00:06:56,833 --> 00:06:58,416 An amalgamation 205 00:06:56,833 --> 00:06:58,416 of creatures. 206 00:06:58,416 --> 00:07:00,500 A monster in Jersey? 207 00:07:00,500 --> 00:07:03,208 That urban legend, 208 00:07:00,500 --> 00:07:03,208 still around. 209 00:07:03,208 --> 00:07:05,583 It will be nice if for once, 210 00:07:03,208 --> 00:07:05,583 the story was just a story. 211 00:07:05,583 --> 00:07:08,791 And yet, we must face the truth. 212 00:07:08,791 --> 00:07:12,708 The Jersey Devil 213 00:07:08,791 --> 00:07:12,708 has come to Sleepy Hollow. 214 00:07:14,666 --> 00:07:16,666 ♪ ♪ 215 00:07:50,916 --> 00:07:52,416 You know, the best thing 216 00:07:50,916 --> 00:07:52,416 about Sunday brunch 217 00:07:52,416 --> 00:07:54,041 is what follows it. 218 00:07:54,041 --> 00:07:56,708 Ooh, you mean, like three 219 00:07:54,041 --> 00:07:56,708 NFL games back to back? 220 00:07:56,708 --> 00:07:58,291 No? 221 00:07:58,291 --> 00:08:01,916 Uh, online gaming marathon? 222 00:08:01,916 --> 00:08:04,083 How about hot girlfriend, 223 00:08:04,083 --> 00:08:06,916 romantic trailer, cozy bed? 224 00:08:06,916 --> 00:08:08,000 Mmm. 225 00:08:08,000 --> 00:08:10,375 So, like, nap time, or...? 226 00:08:08,000 --> 00:08:10,375 Come here. 227 00:08:10,375 --> 00:08:12,041 (laughs) I know you 228 00:08:10,375 --> 00:08:12,041 think you're funny. 229 00:08:12,041 --> 00:08:14,166 But you're about 230 00:08:12,041 --> 00:08:14,166 to ruin the moment. 231 00:08:14,166 --> 00:08:16,625 (gasps) 232 00:08:16,625 --> 00:08:17,958 Oh, no, no, no, no, no! 233 00:08:19,625 --> 00:08:21,666 Oh, no! 234 00:08:21,666 --> 00:08:24,625 (groans) The water main 235 00:08:21,666 --> 00:08:24,625 hookup must've cracked 236 00:08:24,625 --> 00:08:26,041 or something. 237 00:08:26,041 --> 00:08:27,291 Damn it. 238 00:08:27,291 --> 00:08:28,583 You got it? 239 00:08:28,583 --> 00:08:30,458 Yeah. (groans) 240 00:08:30,458 --> 00:08:33,291 Well, you're gonna 241 00:08:30,458 --> 00:08:33,291 need a new system. 242 00:08:33,291 --> 00:08:35,375 Hell, a whole new kitchen, too. 243 00:08:35,375 --> 00:08:37,541 I'm serious, I mean... 244 00:08:37,541 --> 00:08:39,916 You know, Jen, this whole place 245 00:08:37,541 --> 00:08:39,916 could use a renovation. 246 00:08:39,916 --> 00:08:41,500 (chuckles) 247 00:08:41,500 --> 00:08:43,208 We can afford it. 248 00:08:43,208 --> 00:08:46,166 Look, we have been unearthing 249 00:08:43,208 --> 00:08:46,166 the past for months now. 250 00:08:46,166 --> 00:08:50,125 And personally, I'm feeling 251 00:08:46,166 --> 00:08:50,125 ready to take on the future. 252 00:08:50,125 --> 00:08:52,291 Hey, blood money or, uh, 253 00:08:52,291 --> 00:08:53,958 flood money? 254 00:08:53,958 --> 00:08:56,625 (scoffs) Rich people. 255 00:08:58,333 --> 00:09:00,416 CRANE: There have been 256 00:08:58,333 --> 00:09:00,416 many reported sightings 257 00:09:00,416 --> 00:09:03,666 of this Jersey Devil, 258 00:09:00,416 --> 00:09:03,666 dating back to 1777. 259 00:09:03,666 --> 00:09:07,000 And many different 260 00:09:03,666 --> 00:09:07,000 descriptions, 261 00:09:07,000 --> 00:09:09,458 from flying biped with hooves-- 262 00:09:09,458 --> 00:09:11,166 To acoustic Bon Jovi. 263 00:09:11,166 --> 00:09:13,708 Uh, no. 264 00:09:13,708 --> 00:09:16,166 No mention of that 265 00:09:13,708 --> 00:09:16,166 particular incarnation. 266 00:09:16,166 --> 00:09:19,541 But here, 267 00:09:16,166 --> 00:09:19,541 New Jersey Journal, 1882. 268 00:09:19,541 --> 00:09:21,958 "Citizen sighted a beast 269 00:09:21,958 --> 00:09:23,708 "with the head of a goat, 270 00:09:23,708 --> 00:09:26,375 the skin of a snake 271 00:09:23,708 --> 00:09:26,375 and the tail of a scorpion." 272 00:09:26,375 --> 00:09:28,208 Consistent 273 00:09:26,375 --> 00:09:28,208 with our victim's wounds. 274 00:09:28,208 --> 00:09:30,458 They have over 275 00:09:28,208 --> 00:09:30,458 a dozen unexplained 276 00:09:30,458 --> 00:09:31,916 animal attacks 277 00:09:30,458 --> 00:09:31,916 in the last ten years-- 278 00:09:31,916 --> 00:09:33,458 all in the Jersey woods. 279 00:09:33,458 --> 00:09:35,875 The last reported 280 00:09:33,458 --> 00:09:35,875 was a couple of runners 281 00:09:35,875 --> 00:09:37,833 in Atlantic County Park. 282 00:09:37,833 --> 00:09:39,958 "Atlantic County Park." 283 00:09:37,833 --> 00:09:39,958 Mm. 284 00:09:52,833 --> 00:09:54,166 Oh, my God. 285 00:09:54,166 --> 00:09:57,041 Leeds. 286 00:09:57,041 --> 00:09:59,875 Could it be? 287 00:09:59,875 --> 00:10:01,416 Crane? 288 00:10:01,416 --> 00:10:04,125 I once met a man 289 00:10:01,416 --> 00:10:04,125 in Atlantic County Park-- 290 00:10:04,125 --> 00:10:05,958 a rival scientist 291 00:10:05,958 --> 00:10:08,500 more than capable 292 00:10:05,958 --> 00:10:08,500 of creating a creature 293 00:10:08,500 --> 00:10:10,583 as horrific as this. 294 00:10:10,583 --> 00:10:12,458 It was during my apprenticeship 295 00:10:12,458 --> 00:10:14,625 to Benjamin Franklin. 296 00:10:21,416 --> 00:10:22,708 This can't be what 297 00:10:21,416 --> 00:10:22,708 you imagined 298 00:10:22,708 --> 00:10:24,916 when he offered you 299 00:10:22,708 --> 00:10:24,916 the position. 300 00:10:24,916 --> 00:10:27,333 To be the next 301 00:10:27,333 --> 00:10:30,833 in a long line 302 00:10:27,333 --> 00:10:30,833 of Franklin's whipping boys. 303 00:10:30,833 --> 00:10:32,291 I prefer apprentice. 304 00:10:33,791 --> 00:10:35,583 Ichabod Crane. You are...? 305 00:10:35,583 --> 00:10:36,916 Japeth Leeds. 306 00:10:36,916 --> 00:10:38,250 Inventor. 307 00:10:38,250 --> 00:10:39,541 The competition. 308 00:10:39,541 --> 00:10:41,000 Well, "competition" 309 00:10:41,000 --> 00:10:43,041 denotes comparative schools 310 00:10:41,000 --> 00:10:43,041 of thought. 311 00:10:43,041 --> 00:10:47,041 Franklin's, uh, 312 00:10:43,041 --> 00:10:47,041 so-called "lightning rod" 313 00:10:47,041 --> 00:10:50,958 is a pale imitation 314 00:10:47,041 --> 00:10:50,958 of my Electrostatic inducer. 315 00:10:50,958 --> 00:10:52,458 Where is the bloated 316 00:10:50,958 --> 00:10:52,458 old chap, anyway? 317 00:10:52,458 --> 00:10:54,000 Assuming 318 00:10:52,458 --> 00:10:54,000 he's wearing clothes? 319 00:10:54,000 --> 00:10:56,500 I expect him to arrive shortly. 320 00:10:56,500 --> 00:10:59,916 My time is too precious to spend 321 00:10:56,500 --> 00:10:59,916 in wait of a brazen Pierrot. 322 00:10:59,916 --> 00:11:01,666 Please pass on a message: 323 00:11:01,666 --> 00:11:05,458 If Franklin continues 324 00:11:01,666 --> 00:11:05,458 to demean my work in his 325 00:11:05,458 --> 00:11:07,125 execrable Almanac, 326 00:11:07,125 --> 00:11:09,166 I shall bring him up 327 00:11:07,125 --> 00:11:09,166 for a drubbing 328 00:11:09,166 --> 00:11:10,875 before the Continental Congress. 329 00:11:12,791 --> 00:11:14,166 Why? 330 00:11:17,416 --> 00:11:19,000 Why is your... 331 00:11:19,000 --> 00:11:20,791 Electrostatic inducer 332 00:11:20,791 --> 00:11:23,333 superior to Franklin's method 333 00:11:20,791 --> 00:11:23,333 of grounding? 334 00:11:23,333 --> 00:11:25,250 (wry, quiet laugh) 335 00:11:27,666 --> 00:11:29,041 The answer is simple. 336 00:11:31,041 --> 00:11:33,291 You chose the wrong mentor. 337 00:11:40,000 --> 00:11:43,541 CRANE: Among his many brilliant, 338 00:11:40,000 --> 00:11:43,541 albeit dubious, achievements, 339 00:11:43,541 --> 00:11:45,541 Leeds sought a method 340 00:11:45,541 --> 00:11:47,666 to isolate animal traits 341 00:11:47,666 --> 00:11:50,833 in order to use them 342 00:11:47,666 --> 00:11:50,833 to augment humanity. 343 00:11:50,833 --> 00:11:52,250 Genetic mutation? 344 00:11:53,833 --> 00:11:55,250 No wonder he was an outcast. 345 00:11:55,250 --> 00:11:57,083 Leeds had come 346 00:11:55,250 --> 00:11:57,083 to confront Franklin 347 00:11:57,083 --> 00:11:58,666 over a disparaging comment 348 00:11:58,666 --> 00:12:02,041 made in his Almanac, 349 00:12:02,041 --> 00:12:03,375 which... 350 00:12:03,375 --> 00:12:05,166 is here. 351 00:12:05,166 --> 00:12:06,583 Right. 352 00:12:10,125 --> 00:12:11,583 Yes, here. 353 00:12:14,041 --> 00:12:16,541 Hello. 354 00:12:16,541 --> 00:12:18,333 There's a message 355 00:12:18,333 --> 00:12:22,291 written in 356 00:12:18,333 --> 00:12:22,291 Franklin's alphabet. 357 00:12:22,291 --> 00:12:24,750 Here: "I take no pleasure 358 00:12:24,750 --> 00:12:26,708 "in ridiculing Dr. Leeds. 359 00:12:26,708 --> 00:12:29,416 "My campaign to discredit him 360 00:12:26,708 --> 00:12:29,416 is due to the knowledge 361 00:12:29,416 --> 00:12:31,750 "that he had turned 362 00:12:29,416 --> 00:12:31,750 to alchemy 363 00:12:31,750 --> 00:12:34,166 and ancient magic." 364 00:12:34,166 --> 00:12:35,916 (electrical buzzing) 365 00:12:35,916 --> 00:12:38,791 "Having turned his back 366 00:12:35,916 --> 00:12:38,791 on the scientific community, 367 00:12:38,791 --> 00:12:43,750 "Dr. Leeds has taken 368 00:12:38,791 --> 00:12:43,750 to experimenting on himself, 369 00:12:43,750 --> 00:12:45,250 altering his very physiology." 370 00:12:48,708 --> 00:12:51,000 (sighs) 371 00:12:55,250 --> 00:12:56,666 (sighs) 372 00:12:59,666 --> 00:13:01,000 (groans) 373 00:13:03,000 --> 00:13:05,208 (gasps) 374 00:13:06,708 --> 00:13:07,708 (coughing) 375 00:13:07,708 --> 00:13:10,083 (crackling) 376 00:13:13,458 --> 00:13:15,500 (growling, huffing) 377 00:13:15,500 --> 00:13:17,791 (groaning) 378 00:13:27,791 --> 00:13:28,791 (grunts) 379 00:13:34,125 --> 00:13:36,000 My God. 380 00:13:34,125 --> 00:13:36,000 Hmm? 381 00:13:36,000 --> 00:13:37,916 Leeds made himself a monster. 382 00:13:37,916 --> 00:13:40,666 Which is why he's still kicking 383 00:13:37,916 --> 00:13:40,666 250 years later. 384 00:13:40,666 --> 00:13:44,541 You said Leeds' laboratorium 385 00:13:40,666 --> 00:13:44,541 is in Atlantic County Park. 386 00:13:44,541 --> 00:13:46,750 What are the odds 387 00:13:44,541 --> 00:13:46,750 that it's still there? 388 00:13:52,666 --> 00:13:54,166 JENNY: 389 00:13:52,666 --> 00:13:54,166 Hey, I got something for you. 390 00:13:54,166 --> 00:13:55,958 Those two professors 391 00:13:54,166 --> 00:13:55,958 who were murdered 392 00:13:55,958 --> 00:13:58,666 had a few items on loan 393 00:13:55,958 --> 00:13:58,666 from the London Museum. 394 00:13:58,666 --> 00:14:01,208 A Mayan prayer mask-- 395 00:13:58,666 --> 00:14:01,208 solid gold-- 396 00:14:01,208 --> 00:14:02,250 and also, 397 00:14:02,250 --> 00:14:04,708 a Celtic plate-- 398 00:14:02,250 --> 00:14:04,708 also solid gold. 399 00:14:04,708 --> 00:14:06,041 You think they were motive? 400 00:14:06,041 --> 00:14:07,125 I don't know, you tell me. 401 00:14:07,125 --> 00:14:09,125 Both artifacts were known to be 402 00:14:09,125 --> 00:14:11,125 vessels of the powers 403 00:14:09,125 --> 00:14:11,125 of the gods. 404 00:14:11,125 --> 00:14:13,458 I have a book on pantheistic 405 00:14:11,125 --> 00:14:13,458 deities back at the trailer. 406 00:14:13,458 --> 00:14:15,125 I'll grab it, check back in. 407 00:14:15,125 --> 00:14:16,708 Okay, I'll talk to you later. 408 00:14:16,708 --> 00:14:17,708 (phone beeps off) 409 00:14:28,166 --> 00:14:29,625 A Franklin stove. 410 00:14:29,625 --> 00:14:31,708 I thought you said Leeds 411 00:14:29,625 --> 00:14:31,708 hated the man. 412 00:14:31,708 --> 00:14:34,000 Why would he have his face 413 00:14:31,708 --> 00:14:34,000 in his kitchen? 414 00:14:34,000 --> 00:14:36,000 He wouldn't. 415 00:14:37,333 --> 00:14:38,666 A decidedly 416 00:14:38,666 --> 00:14:41,333 un-Franklin stove. 417 00:14:41,333 --> 00:14:44,208 Of Leeds' design, I believe. 418 00:14:45,666 --> 00:14:47,750 Leeds was an alchemist 419 00:14:47,750 --> 00:14:49,166 of exceeding skill. 420 00:14:50,416 --> 00:14:51,875 (groans) 421 00:14:51,875 --> 00:14:53,333 These symbols 422 00:14:53,333 --> 00:14:56,833 represent composition, 423 00:14:53,333 --> 00:14:56,833 reduction, 424 00:14:56,833 --> 00:15:00,250 steam and... 425 00:15:00,250 --> 00:15:01,625 fire. 426 00:15:01,625 --> 00:15:03,375 (flames whoosh) 427 00:15:01,625 --> 00:15:03,375 Well, it is a stove. 428 00:15:03,375 --> 00:15:04,916 Is it? 429 00:15:07,666 --> 00:15:08,625 Crane... 430 00:15:08,625 --> 00:15:10,166 An illusion. 431 00:15:10,166 --> 00:15:12,583 (rumbling, clanking) 432 00:15:24,583 --> 00:15:26,875 All right. 433 00:15:26,875 --> 00:15:29,583 I went in first 434 00:15:26,875 --> 00:15:29,583 last time. 435 00:16:07,541 --> 00:16:10,041 Lots of details, but no devil. 436 00:16:10,041 --> 00:16:12,416 Wherein we understand 437 00:16:10,041 --> 00:16:12,416 why Leeds murdered 438 00:16:12,416 --> 00:16:14,333 pursuing those relics 439 00:16:14,333 --> 00:16:16,583 and what he intends 440 00:16:14,333 --> 00:16:16,583 to do with them. 441 00:16:21,416 --> 00:16:23,291 Hmm. 442 00:16:23,291 --> 00:16:25,708 Built by Leeds himself, 443 00:16:23,291 --> 00:16:25,708 no doubt. 444 00:16:29,708 --> 00:16:32,041 (classical music playing) 445 00:16:39,083 --> 00:16:41,958 That a monster 446 00:16:39,083 --> 00:16:41,958 would create something 447 00:16:41,958 --> 00:16:44,208 of such rare beauty. 448 00:16:44,208 --> 00:16:45,541 "Beauty" is not the word 449 00:16:44,208 --> 00:16:45,541 I would use 450 00:16:45,541 --> 00:16:47,500 to describe this place. 451 00:16:48,458 --> 00:16:49,458 (quietly): 452 00:16:48,458 --> 00:16:49,458 Wow. 453 00:16:58,583 --> 00:17:00,625 This is the Hidden One. 454 00:17:00,625 --> 00:17:02,083 Was Leeds a fan? 455 00:17:07,416 --> 00:17:09,750 A worshipper of the Hidden One. 456 00:17:09,750 --> 00:17:11,500 Leeds was not drawn 457 00:17:09,750 --> 00:17:11,500 from his lair 458 00:17:11,500 --> 00:17:13,416 like the other creatures 459 00:17:11,500 --> 00:17:13,416 we've encountered. 460 00:17:14,416 --> 00:17:15,500 He came 461 00:17:15,500 --> 00:17:17,208 in service to his master. 462 00:17:26,583 --> 00:17:29,000 ♪ ♪ 463 00:17:36,791 --> 00:17:38,750 What have you found? 464 00:17:41,833 --> 00:17:43,791 Something on the table. 465 00:17:45,000 --> 00:17:46,666 Ah... 466 00:17:46,666 --> 00:17:49,666 that is no alchemy symbol. 467 00:17:51,375 --> 00:17:52,875 What could it mean? 468 00:17:52,875 --> 00:17:55,708 If it in the possession 469 00:17:52,875 --> 00:17:55,708 of a fiend such as Leeds, 470 00:17:55,708 --> 00:17:58,416 it can only represent evil. 471 00:18:23,291 --> 00:18:25,708 ♪ ♪ 472 00:18:31,833 --> 00:18:33,166 You're not supposed 473 00:18:31,833 --> 00:18:33,166 to be back yet. 474 00:18:33,166 --> 00:18:35,625 Why are you carrying 475 00:18:33,166 --> 00:18:35,625 a giant red bow? 476 00:18:35,625 --> 00:18:38,333 Well, I, uh, thought about 477 00:18:35,625 --> 00:18:38,333 what we talked about, 478 00:18:38,333 --> 00:18:39,875 and I figured 479 00:18:38,333 --> 00:18:39,875 why get you a new sink, 480 00:18:39,875 --> 00:18:41,708 when I could get you 481 00:18:39,875 --> 00:18:41,708 a new trailer? 482 00:18:41,708 --> 00:18:44,916 Please tell me this is a joke, 483 00:18:41,708 --> 00:18:44,916 so I don't just start screaming. 484 00:18:44,916 --> 00:18:46,291 J, come on, no, no, no. 485 00:18:46,291 --> 00:18:47,416 Hey, look, 486 00:18:47,416 --> 00:18:49,333 this is... 487 00:18:49,333 --> 00:18:51,541 a 2016 Sport Shark 4D-Thousand. 488 00:18:51,541 --> 00:18:54,291 It's got, like, 489 00:18:51,541 --> 00:18:54,291 200 feet of storage, 490 00:18:54,291 --> 00:18:56,291 queen-size bed... 491 00:18:54,291 --> 00:18:56,291 Joe! 492 00:18:56,291 --> 00:18:59,000 You can't just replace 493 00:18:56,291 --> 00:18:59,000 a person's house 494 00:18:59,000 --> 00:19:00,166 without asking. 495 00:19:00,166 --> 00:19:01,666 (stammering): 496 00:19:00,166 --> 00:19:01,666 I di... I-I'm... 497 00:19:01,666 --> 00:19:03,166 What happened to flood money? 498 00:19:01,666 --> 00:19:03,166 I thought... 499 00:19:03,166 --> 00:19:05,166 I thought that meant 500 00:19:03,166 --> 00:19:05,166 a new garbage disposal, 501 00:19:05,166 --> 00:19:06,416 not everything! 502 00:19:06,416 --> 00:19:08,541 What... 503 00:19:08,541 --> 00:19:10,291 My stuff? 504 00:19:10,291 --> 00:19:13,583 There was a crate labeled 505 00:19:10,291 --> 00:19:13,583 "fragile" with shipping labels. 506 00:19:13,583 --> 00:19:15,000 Yeah, yeah, from Bangalore. 507 00:19:15,000 --> 00:19:16,458 No, no, no, 508 00:19:15,000 --> 00:19:16,458 it's all under lock and key. 509 00:19:16,458 --> 00:19:17,708 Also, I got your 510 00:19:17,708 --> 00:19:19,875 Thracian Phiale, 511 00:19:17,708 --> 00:19:19,875 the Maelstrom crystal, 512 00:19:19,875 --> 00:19:21,083 Blackbeard's Flintlocks... 513 00:19:21,083 --> 00:19:23,125 It's all in the cell. 514 00:19:23,125 --> 00:19:25,208 Everything else is just 515 00:19:23,125 --> 00:19:25,208 in the self storage unit. 516 00:19:25,208 --> 00:19:28,125 Joe, I needed a book 517 00:19:25,208 --> 00:19:28,125 for Abbie and... 518 00:19:28,125 --> 00:19:29,666 Relax it's in the Masonic 519 00:19:28,125 --> 00:19:29,666 with all the rest 520 00:19:29,666 --> 00:19:31,416 of the magic store inventory. 521 00:19:29,666 --> 00:19:31,416 It's good. 522 00:19:31,416 --> 00:19:32,416 Oh... 523 00:19:34,833 --> 00:19:35,916 Come on! 524 00:19:35,916 --> 00:19:38,375 (engine starts) 525 00:19:40,541 --> 00:19:42,916 CRANE: Lieutenant, 526 00:19:40,541 --> 00:19:42,916 have you seen this? 527 00:19:42,916 --> 00:19:45,083 There's hundreds of years 528 00:19:42,916 --> 00:19:45,083 of research here. 529 00:19:45,083 --> 00:19:47,291 All the time Leeds was alive 530 00:19:47,291 --> 00:19:50,375 he used to uncover 531 00:19:47,291 --> 00:19:50,375 a lost historiography. 532 00:19:59,208 --> 00:20:02,666 Any idea what that is? 533 00:20:02,666 --> 00:20:04,708 Wax cylinder. 534 00:20:04,708 --> 00:20:08,291 From some old-school phonograph. 535 00:20:08,291 --> 00:20:10,250 (quietly): Phonograph... 536 00:20:15,958 --> 00:20:17,958 (squeaks, clicks) 537 00:20:26,375 --> 00:20:27,708 (whirring) 538 00:20:27,708 --> 00:20:29,541 (exhales) 539 00:20:35,958 --> 00:20:39,250 LEEDS: On this day, 540 00:20:35,958 --> 00:20:39,250 in the year of our Lord, 1794, 541 00:20:39,250 --> 00:20:41,625 I, Dr. Japheth Leeds, 542 00:20:39,250 --> 00:20:41,625 do bear this record. 543 00:20:41,625 --> 00:20:42,958 He built a movie projector 544 00:20:42,958 --> 00:20:45,125 200 years before they existed. 545 00:20:45,125 --> 00:20:49,541 LEEDS: ...a history of a deity 546 00:20:45,125 --> 00:20:49,541 above all others, 547 00:20:49,541 --> 00:20:53,958 our one true god-- 548 00:20:49,541 --> 00:20:53,958 the Hidden One. 549 00:20:53,958 --> 00:20:56,875 In an era before history, 550 00:20:56,875 --> 00:20:59,875 from a palace that shone 551 00:20:56,875 --> 00:20:59,875 with a sacred light, 552 00:20:59,875 --> 00:21:03,541 the gods of that age 553 00:20:59,875 --> 00:21:03,541 ruled over humanity. 554 00:21:07,958 --> 00:21:12,416 Humanity lived 555 00:21:07,958 --> 00:21:12,416 at the whims of the gods. 556 00:21:12,416 --> 00:21:15,791 They lived lives 557 00:21:12,416 --> 00:21:15,791 of servitude and pain. 558 00:21:15,791 --> 00:21:18,791 One of these servants 559 00:21:15,791 --> 00:21:18,791 was Pandora. 560 00:21:18,791 --> 00:21:21,625 Each day, she delivered 561 00:21:18,791 --> 00:21:21,625 an offering, 562 00:21:21,625 --> 00:21:24,791 a sign of submission and love 563 00:21:21,625 --> 00:21:24,791 from her people. 564 00:21:28,708 --> 00:21:33,375 One of the gods had been 565 00:21:28,708 --> 00:21:33,375 outcast, made to live below, 566 00:21:33,375 --> 00:21:37,625 in the Catacombs of the Dead, 567 00:21:33,375 --> 00:21:37,625 hidden from the eyes of all. 568 00:21:52,583 --> 00:21:55,541 Why have you brought 569 00:21:52,583 --> 00:21:55,541 that which is forbidden? 570 00:21:57,541 --> 00:22:00,958 I only wanted to bring you 571 00:21:57,541 --> 00:22:00,958 a bit of joy. 572 00:22:07,875 --> 00:22:11,500 LEEDS: In the dark depths, 573 00:22:07,875 --> 00:22:11,500 she was a ray of hope. 574 00:22:18,500 --> 00:22:21,916 Do you know why 575 00:22:18,500 --> 00:22:21,916 I stand guard, 576 00:22:21,916 --> 00:22:25,333 why I remain hidden 577 00:22:21,916 --> 00:22:25,333 in this place, 578 00:22:25,333 --> 00:22:27,458 while the others live 579 00:22:25,333 --> 00:22:27,458 in the light? 580 00:22:29,041 --> 00:22:31,708 Once, and only once, 581 00:22:31,708 --> 00:22:34,125 did all the gods work as one. 582 00:22:34,125 --> 00:22:37,916 We took all the 583 00:22:34,125 --> 00:22:37,916 evil in this world, 584 00:22:37,916 --> 00:22:39,583 and we hid it away... 585 00:22:44,458 --> 00:22:46,291 ...in this box, Pandora. 586 00:22:56,250 --> 00:22:59,833 And the job of guarding it 587 00:22:56,250 --> 00:22:59,833 fell to me. 588 00:22:59,833 --> 00:23:03,125 Evil is the force 589 00:22:59,833 --> 00:23:03,125 that my brother above 590 00:23:03,125 --> 00:23:05,791 siphons into his Hourglass. 591 00:23:05,791 --> 00:23:09,375 The only power that 592 00:23:05,791 --> 00:23:09,375 could destroy him 593 00:23:09,375 --> 00:23:11,791 lies within that box. 594 00:23:25,833 --> 00:23:30,666 LEEDS: 595 00:23:25,833 --> 00:23:30,666 Pandora, aided by her brethren, 596 00:23:25,833 --> 00:23:30,666 unleashed its contents. 597 00:23:39,000 --> 00:23:41,666 (shrieking) 598 00:23:56,041 --> 00:23:59,916 LEEDS: But humanity betrayed 599 00:23:56,041 --> 00:23:59,916 the Hidden One, 600 00:23:59,916 --> 00:24:02,916 cast him back down, 601 00:24:02,916 --> 00:24:05,916 locking him away forever. 602 00:24:10,041 --> 00:24:12,041 My God. 603 00:24:12,041 --> 00:24:15,041 Wait, the Mayan plate 604 00:24:12,041 --> 00:24:15,041 and the Celtic mask, 605 00:24:15,041 --> 00:24:17,041 they were made 606 00:24:15,041 --> 00:24:17,041 of the same primal element. 607 00:24:17,041 --> 00:24:18,250 Gold. 608 00:24:17,041 --> 00:24:18,250 Gold. 609 00:24:18,250 --> 00:24:19,750 Gold... 610 00:24:22,916 --> 00:24:25,750 This must be Leeds' plan. 611 00:24:25,750 --> 00:24:28,750 He's going to recreate 612 00:24:25,750 --> 00:24:28,750 the Golden Hourglass. 613 00:24:28,750 --> 00:24:30,750 The Mayan and Celtic relics 614 00:24:28,750 --> 00:24:30,750 are pieces of it, 615 00:24:30,750 --> 00:24:34,458 reappropriated at disparate 616 00:24:30,750 --> 00:24:34,458 cultures over millennia. 617 00:24:34,458 --> 00:24:36,458 Which is why 618 00:24:34,458 --> 00:24:36,458 the Hidden One 619 00:24:36,458 --> 00:24:38,083 is drawing monsters 620 00:24:36,458 --> 00:24:38,083 to Sleepy Hollow-- 621 00:24:38,083 --> 00:24:39,416 so he can use their 622 00:24:38,083 --> 00:24:39,416 power for himself. 623 00:24:39,416 --> 00:24:41,791 And he needs 624 00:24:39,416 --> 00:24:41,791 the Hourglass to do it. 625 00:24:41,791 --> 00:24:45,208 LEEDS: Unexpected guests 626 00:24:41,791 --> 00:24:45,208 in the laboratorium? 627 00:24:45,208 --> 00:24:47,625 Did I leave the stove unlocked? 628 00:24:55,000 --> 00:24:57,958 Franklin's "key man." 629 00:24:57,958 --> 00:24:59,958 We meet again. 630 00:25:11,083 --> 00:25:13,083 My God, had I known 631 00:25:11,083 --> 00:25:13,083 you were still alive, 632 00:25:13,083 --> 00:25:17,291 we'd have had sherry 633 00:25:13,083 --> 00:25:17,291 and darts Friday nights. 634 00:25:17,291 --> 00:25:18,916 Maybe throw in some ritual 635 00:25:17,291 --> 00:25:18,916 murder for good measure. 636 00:25:20,333 --> 00:25:22,958 CRANE: You think 637 00:25:20,333 --> 00:25:22,958 yourself a scientist, 638 00:25:22,958 --> 00:25:25,625 but Franklin knew 639 00:25:22,958 --> 00:25:25,625 your true nature. 640 00:25:25,625 --> 00:25:28,041 You're an amoral 641 00:25:25,625 --> 00:25:28,041 abomination. 642 00:25:28,041 --> 00:25:30,000 (scoffs) 643 00:25:30,000 --> 00:25:33,041 Well, better that than ending up 644 00:25:33,041 --> 00:25:36,041 a shining example 645 00:25:33,041 --> 00:25:36,041 of mediocrity, 646 00:25:36,041 --> 00:25:38,458 which appears to have 647 00:25:36,041 --> 00:25:38,458 been your fate. 648 00:25:38,458 --> 00:25:39,958 Franklin knew the dangers 649 00:25:39,958 --> 00:25:42,083 of your brand of 650 00:25:39,958 --> 00:25:42,083 experimentation. 651 00:25:42,083 --> 00:25:43,708 By that, he means 652 00:25:42,083 --> 00:25:43,708 animal torture, 653 00:25:43,708 --> 00:25:48,291 mutation, worshipping a god bent 654 00:25:43,708 --> 00:25:48,291 on enslaving humanity. 655 00:25:48,291 --> 00:25:51,791 Bent on bestowing power 656 00:25:51,791 --> 00:25:54,666 to the worthy. 657 00:25:54,666 --> 00:25:57,125 Why should 658 00:25:54,666 --> 00:25:57,125 great men bow 659 00:25:57,125 --> 00:26:00,125 to the small-minded masses? 660 00:26:00,125 --> 00:26:02,958 Imagine an era 661 00:26:02,958 --> 00:26:07,041 where genius is rewarded, 662 00:26:02,958 --> 00:26:07,041 not feared. 663 00:26:07,041 --> 00:26:10,875 That is the promise 664 00:26:07,041 --> 00:26:10,875 of the Hidden One. 665 00:26:10,875 --> 00:26:13,666 A golden age. 666 00:26:13,666 --> 00:26:14,916 You're insane. 667 00:26:15,916 --> 00:26:17,541 No, I'm the Devil. 668 00:26:20,208 --> 00:26:23,708 Well, this has been a treat. 669 00:26:23,708 --> 00:26:25,916 Glad we got the chance 670 00:26:23,708 --> 00:26:25,916 to meet again, Crane. 671 00:26:25,916 --> 00:26:28,208 Now, which would 672 00:26:25,916 --> 00:26:28,208 you prefer-- 673 00:26:28,208 --> 00:26:31,041 bleeding out quickly 674 00:26:28,208 --> 00:26:31,041 from a severed artery, 675 00:26:31,041 --> 00:26:34,166 or expiring from 676 00:26:31,041 --> 00:26:34,166 a paralytic toxin? 677 00:26:34,166 --> 00:26:35,666 How about we go 678 00:26:34,166 --> 00:26:35,666 with option three? 679 00:26:35,666 --> 00:26:37,750 You get down 680 00:26:35,666 --> 00:26:37,750 on the floor right now. 681 00:26:49,458 --> 00:26:50,541 (growls in pain) 682 00:26:58,708 --> 00:27:00,333 That thing is 683 00:26:58,708 --> 00:27:00,333 a part of him? 684 00:27:00,333 --> 00:27:02,666 CRANE: The tail of 685 00:27:00,333 --> 00:27:02,666 a deathstalker scorpion. 686 00:27:12,666 --> 00:27:14,416 LEEDS: All of 687 00:27:12,666 --> 00:27:14,416 Franklin's talk 688 00:27:14,416 --> 00:27:19,000 of kindred corpses 689 00:27:14,416 --> 00:27:19,000 rising from the dead. 690 00:27:19,000 --> 00:27:23,208 If only he'd embraced 691 00:27:19,000 --> 00:27:23,208 the elegance and power 692 00:27:23,208 --> 00:27:26,166 of ancient alchemy. 693 00:27:28,666 --> 00:27:31,666 Oh, the venom... 694 00:27:31,666 --> 00:27:34,250 from your tail... 695 00:27:38,291 --> 00:27:41,291 And if only you 696 00:27:38,291 --> 00:27:41,291 had come work for me 697 00:27:41,291 --> 00:27:43,291 when Franklin wore you down. 698 00:27:46,833 --> 00:27:49,875 (gasps, grunts) 699 00:27:59,541 --> 00:28:00,875 (Crane gasping) 700 00:28:04,416 --> 00:28:06,416 Crane... 701 00:28:06,416 --> 00:28:07,833 (groaning) 702 00:28:10,375 --> 00:28:11,500 Scorpion venom. 703 00:28:13,125 --> 00:28:15,291 ABBIE: We're in 704 00:28:13,125 --> 00:28:15,291 a supernatural pharmacy. 705 00:28:15,291 --> 00:28:17,083 There has to be something 706 00:28:15,291 --> 00:28:17,083 that can stop this, okay? 707 00:28:17,083 --> 00:28:19,416 We'll make a... antidote. 708 00:28:19,416 --> 00:28:20,791 (groans) Yes. 709 00:28:19,416 --> 00:28:20,791 ABBIE: 710 00:28:19,416 --> 00:28:20,791 Okay, just talk me through it. 711 00:28:20,791 --> 00:28:22,958 What am I looking for? 712 00:28:22,958 --> 00:28:24,958 ABBIE: 713 00:28:22,958 --> 00:28:24,958 Come on. 714 00:28:24,958 --> 00:28:26,166 Laudanum powder. 715 00:28:28,291 --> 00:28:30,250 What else? 716 00:28:28,291 --> 00:28:30,250 Crane, stay with me. 717 00:28:30,250 --> 00:28:31,750 CRANE: 718 00:28:30,250 --> 00:28:31,750 Magnesium sulfate. 719 00:28:31,750 --> 00:28:33,500 What else? Magnesium sulfate. 720 00:28:33,500 --> 00:28:35,500 Wait... magnesium sulfate. 721 00:28:35,500 --> 00:28:36,500 Okay, good. 722 00:28:36,500 --> 00:28:38,291 What else? 723 00:28:38,291 --> 00:28:40,125 (mutters, gasps) 724 00:28:40,125 --> 00:28:41,833 Leiurus quinquestriatus. 725 00:28:41,833 --> 00:28:43,500 ABBIE: What? 726 00:28:43,500 --> 00:28:45,125 CRANE: Uh, in the vial. 727 00:28:50,291 --> 00:28:52,333 Okay... Oh! 728 00:28:52,333 --> 00:28:54,333 Aah! 729 00:28:54,333 --> 00:28:55,666 Uh... 730 00:29:00,625 --> 00:29:02,625 Lieutenant? 731 00:29:02,625 --> 00:29:04,666 Please. 732 00:29:11,125 --> 00:29:13,041 (weakly): 733 00:29:11,125 --> 00:29:13,041 Abbie... 734 00:29:13,041 --> 00:29:14,666 (eerie, whispering voices) 735 00:29:27,250 --> 00:29:30,583 (eerie, whispering voices) 736 00:29:30,583 --> 00:29:32,458 ABBIE: I've been here 737 00:29:30,583 --> 00:29:32,458 ten months, Crane. 738 00:29:34,208 --> 00:29:35,208 What do I do? 739 00:29:35,208 --> 00:29:36,166 (shout echoing) 740 00:29:39,208 --> 00:29:40,541 (gasping) 741 00:29:40,541 --> 00:29:42,541 Please. 742 00:29:45,291 --> 00:29:46,916 (grunts in pain) 743 00:29:46,916 --> 00:29:48,333 Damn it. 744 00:29:48,333 --> 00:29:49,375 Hold on, Crane. 745 00:29:49,375 --> 00:29:50,541 Okay. 746 00:29:50,541 --> 00:29:52,083 Powder. 747 00:29:52,083 --> 00:29:54,458 Magnesium sulfate. 748 00:29:56,541 --> 00:29:59,125 Stay with me, Crane. 749 00:30:01,333 --> 00:30:03,083 Come on, come on, 750 00:30:01,333 --> 00:30:03,083 come on, come on. 751 00:30:03,083 --> 00:30:04,458 Crane, hey... 752 00:30:14,208 --> 00:30:16,083 Come on, come on. 753 00:30:23,583 --> 00:30:24,583 Come on. 754 00:30:34,083 --> 00:30:35,291 (sudden gasp) 755 00:30:36,750 --> 00:30:38,291 (rapid gasping) 756 00:30:45,708 --> 00:30:48,708 I'm sorry. 757 00:30:48,708 --> 00:30:51,208 I was a little distracted. 758 00:30:51,208 --> 00:30:53,208 By that symbol. 759 00:30:56,250 --> 00:30:59,000 (groans) 760 00:30:59,000 --> 00:31:01,666 One you clutch 761 00:30:59,000 --> 00:31:01,666 in your hand even now. 762 00:31:04,583 --> 00:31:06,583 You were drawn to it, 763 00:31:04,583 --> 00:31:06,583 Lieutenant. 764 00:31:06,583 --> 00:31:08,583 It has a hold on you. 765 00:31:08,583 --> 00:31:13,125 If it is here, 766 00:31:08,583 --> 00:31:13,125 it is a thing of evil. 767 00:31:13,125 --> 00:31:15,333 That doesn't change the fact 768 00:31:13,125 --> 00:31:15,333 that I need it. 769 00:31:15,333 --> 00:31:18,666 And I have for months. 770 00:31:18,666 --> 00:31:20,083 Months? 771 00:31:20,083 --> 00:31:22,208 Mm. 772 00:31:22,208 --> 00:31:23,708 That would mean... 773 00:31:23,708 --> 00:31:24,958 The Catacombs, 774 00:31:24,958 --> 00:31:27,916 the year of solitude... 775 00:31:27,916 --> 00:31:29,166 (sighs) 776 00:31:29,166 --> 00:31:33,125 No sleep, no way to dream... 777 00:31:34,875 --> 00:31:38,416 There was no 778 00:31:34,875 --> 00:31:38,416 escaping it. 779 00:31:38,416 --> 00:31:40,833 I was in my head the whole time, 780 00:31:40,833 --> 00:31:42,708 in a bad place, 781 00:31:42,708 --> 00:31:45,416 and then, one day, 782 00:31:42,708 --> 00:31:45,416 that's when I saw it, 783 00:31:45,416 --> 00:31:46,833 on the temple wall. 784 00:31:46,833 --> 00:31:49,875 I started drawing it, 785 00:31:46,833 --> 00:31:49,875 tracing it... 786 00:31:49,875 --> 00:31:51,708 It gave me peace. 787 00:31:54,208 --> 00:31:57,166 Gives me peace. 788 00:31:58,416 --> 00:32:01,958 When soldiers return from war, 789 00:32:01,958 --> 00:32:05,208 they do what they need 790 00:32:01,958 --> 00:32:05,208 to carry on. 791 00:32:08,750 --> 00:32:10,666 I almost let you die. 792 00:32:25,416 --> 00:32:27,375 Now who's a subpar alchemist? 793 00:32:28,916 --> 00:32:30,416 (phone ringing) 794 00:32:31,666 --> 00:32:33,083 Hey. 795 00:32:33,083 --> 00:32:34,250 Hey. You okay? 796 00:32:34,250 --> 00:32:35,708 I've been better. What's up? 797 00:32:35,708 --> 00:32:37,666 I finally relocated 798 00:32:37,666 --> 00:32:39,291 that book I was 799 00:32:37,666 --> 00:32:39,291 telling you about. 800 00:32:39,291 --> 00:32:41,083 (whispers): 801 00:32:39,291 --> 00:32:41,083 Sorry. 802 00:32:41,083 --> 00:32:43,625 There's a legend 803 00:32:41,083 --> 00:32:43,625 in many pantheons 804 00:32:43,625 --> 00:32:47,083 about an item left 805 00:32:43,625 --> 00:32:47,083 by the ancient gods. 806 00:32:47,083 --> 00:32:50,000 An artifact that literally 807 00:32:47,083 --> 00:32:50,000 bestows omnipotence. 808 00:32:50,000 --> 00:32:51,375 Let me guess: an hourglass? 809 00:32:51,375 --> 00:32:53,166 JENNY: 810 00:32:51,375 --> 00:32:53,166 Containing "The Sands of Life." 811 00:32:53,166 --> 00:32:54,916 Apparently, there's a ceremony 812 00:32:54,916 --> 00:32:57,875 that can be used to take items 813 00:32:54,916 --> 00:32:57,875 forged from Primal Gold 814 00:32:57,875 --> 00:33:00,333 and reduce them 815 00:32:57,875 --> 00:33:00,333 to the Sands of Life. 816 00:33:00,333 --> 00:33:04,083 The key ingredient 817 00:33:00,333 --> 00:33:04,083 is the "Fire of the Gods." 818 00:33:04,083 --> 00:33:06,916 Thanks. 819 00:33:04,083 --> 00:33:06,916 Um, call you on the road. 820 00:33:06,916 --> 00:33:09,166 Okay, Leeds has 821 00:33:06,916 --> 00:33:09,166 the mask and the plate 822 00:33:09,166 --> 00:33:11,666 and apparently he needs 823 00:33:09,166 --> 00:33:11,666 the "Fire of the Gods" 824 00:33:11,666 --> 00:33:13,166 to make the Hourglass work. 825 00:33:13,166 --> 00:33:16,291 Lightning. 826 00:33:16,291 --> 00:33:18,458 The device he took with him, 827 00:33:18,458 --> 00:33:20,291 that was his 828 00:33:18,458 --> 00:33:20,291 electrostatic inducer. 829 00:33:20,291 --> 00:33:21,625 A homemade lightning rod? 830 00:33:21,625 --> 00:33:23,458 If he's gonna collect lightning, 831 00:33:23,458 --> 00:33:26,000 he's gonna need to get to 832 00:33:23,458 --> 00:33:26,000 the highest point in the area. 833 00:33:26,000 --> 00:33:27,416 Yes, I think 834 00:33:26,000 --> 00:33:27,416 I know where that is. 835 00:33:27,416 --> 00:33:29,708 Quickly, it's close. 836 00:33:35,083 --> 00:33:37,458 LEEDS: 837 00:33:35,083 --> 00:33:37,458 Praise be to he 838 00:33:37,458 --> 00:33:39,750 who has long been hidden. 839 00:33:39,750 --> 00:33:44,583 Praise be to one true God 840 00:33:39,750 --> 00:33:44,583 above all. 841 00:33:44,583 --> 00:33:48,375 With the fire of the gods, 842 00:33:48,375 --> 00:33:52,250 the primal gold shall 843 00:33:48,375 --> 00:33:52,250 be made consecrate. 844 00:33:52,250 --> 00:33:55,916 With the fire of the heavens, 845 00:33:55,916 --> 00:33:58,791 I shall bring forth 846 00:33:58,791 --> 00:34:00,750 the Sands of Life. 847 00:34:00,750 --> 00:34:02,875 (thunder rumbling) 848 00:34:04,958 --> 00:34:09,000 Who's the true master of 849 00:34:04,958 --> 00:34:09,000 lightning now, Benjamin? 850 00:34:09,000 --> 00:34:10,166 ABBIE: 851 00:34:09,000 --> 00:34:10,166 Hold it right there. 852 00:34:10,166 --> 00:34:11,166 (guns cocking) 853 00:34:12,166 --> 00:34:14,916 You survived my venom. 854 00:34:14,916 --> 00:34:18,458 It appears I made 855 00:34:14,916 --> 00:34:18,458 the same mistake 856 00:34:18,458 --> 00:34:20,333 your mentor did: 857 00:34:20,333 --> 00:34:22,208 underestimated you. 858 00:34:22,208 --> 00:34:25,166 This has nothing 859 00:34:22,208 --> 00:34:25,166 to do with the past, Leeds. 860 00:34:25,166 --> 00:34:27,708 The forces with 861 00:34:25,166 --> 00:34:27,708 which you tamper... 862 00:34:27,708 --> 00:34:29,791 The Hidden One 863 00:34:27,708 --> 00:34:29,791 cannot be trusted. 864 00:34:29,791 --> 00:34:31,875 You fear him, 865 00:34:31,875 --> 00:34:36,250 just as those 866 00:34:31,875 --> 00:34:36,250 who betrayed him did, aeons ago. 867 00:34:36,250 --> 00:34:39,208 I shan't repeat 868 00:34:36,250 --> 00:34:39,208 the same mistake. 869 00:34:39,208 --> 00:34:42,833 I choose him as my master. 870 00:34:42,833 --> 00:34:47,500 I bow as his 871 00:34:42,833 --> 00:34:47,500 faithful servant 872 00:34:47,500 --> 00:34:49,041 and bring forth 873 00:34:49,041 --> 00:34:52,291 the very Sands of Life! 874 00:34:54,458 --> 00:34:55,625 (electrical crackling) 875 00:35:11,708 --> 00:35:13,291 (wind whistling) 876 00:35:22,166 --> 00:35:23,375 Leeds! 877 00:35:23,375 --> 00:35:25,958 Beautiful, isn't it? 878 00:35:27,166 --> 00:35:29,250 CRANE: It's folly! 879 00:35:27,166 --> 00:35:29,250 Franklin would laugh 880 00:35:29,250 --> 00:35:32,416 at such 881 00:35:29,250 --> 00:35:32,416 adolescent parlor tricks. 882 00:35:32,416 --> 00:35:35,416 I know what you're 883 00:35:32,416 --> 00:35:35,416 trying to do, Crane-- 884 00:35:35,416 --> 00:35:39,666 goad me into jealousy. 885 00:35:39,666 --> 00:35:42,416 You think your delusions of 886 00:35:39,666 --> 00:35:42,416 grandeur will set you apart. 887 00:35:42,416 --> 00:35:44,458 Your master 888 00:35:42,416 --> 00:35:44,458 will enslave you 889 00:35:44,458 --> 00:35:46,416 as surely as the rest of us. 890 00:35:46,416 --> 00:35:48,666 I shall be rewarded for this. 891 00:35:48,666 --> 00:35:49,958 Sooner than you think. 892 00:35:51,416 --> 00:35:52,666 (Leeds grunting) 893 00:35:57,625 --> 00:36:01,291 Clever ruse, Crane... 894 00:35:57,625 --> 00:36:01,291 (panting) 895 00:36:01,291 --> 00:36:03,291 I'll grant you that. 896 00:36:03,291 --> 00:36:06,125 I was mentored by one of 897 00:36:03,291 --> 00:36:06,125 the greatest minds in history. 898 00:36:06,125 --> 00:36:08,916 (thunder rumbles) 899 00:36:08,916 --> 00:36:11,083 Benjamin Franklin 900 00:36:08,916 --> 00:36:11,083 sends his regards. 901 00:36:25,583 --> 00:36:27,791 The Sands of Life... 902 00:36:27,791 --> 00:36:30,208 where are they? 903 00:36:35,500 --> 00:36:38,625 Okay, yes, the spigot 904 00:36:35,500 --> 00:36:38,625 is still broken, 905 00:36:38,625 --> 00:36:40,791 but you said you wanted 906 00:36:38,625 --> 00:36:40,791 everything back, 907 00:36:40,791 --> 00:36:44,166 exactly as it was, 908 00:36:40,791 --> 00:36:44,166 and I heard you. 909 00:36:44,166 --> 00:36:46,500 Well, that's a more 910 00:36:44,166 --> 00:36:46,500 recent concept. 911 00:36:46,500 --> 00:36:47,750 Oh, can we please 912 00:36:46,500 --> 00:36:47,750 move past this? 913 00:36:50,375 --> 00:36:52,000 I mean... 914 00:36:52,000 --> 00:36:53,958 yes, I jumped the gun, 915 00:36:53,958 --> 00:36:57,250 but I think you know that 916 00:36:53,958 --> 00:36:57,250 my heart was in the right place. 917 00:36:57,250 --> 00:36:58,625 Okay? 918 00:36:58,625 --> 00:37:00,333 And now everything's 919 00:36:58,625 --> 00:37:00,333 back the way it was, 920 00:37:00,333 --> 00:37:01,958 craptacular plumbing and all. 921 00:37:01,958 --> 00:37:03,458 Okay. You see, right there? 922 00:37:03,458 --> 00:37:05,916 You still think 923 00:37:03,458 --> 00:37:05,916 that replacing my house 924 00:37:05,916 --> 00:37:07,333 was a romantic gesture, 925 00:37:07,333 --> 00:37:09,166 instead of what it actually was: 926 00:37:09,166 --> 00:37:10,583 stealing. 927 00:37:13,041 --> 00:37:14,291 I get it. 928 00:37:15,750 --> 00:37:17,541 It's about boundaries, isn't it? 929 00:37:17,541 --> 00:37:19,375 Absolutely. 930 00:37:17,541 --> 00:37:19,375 Yeah. 931 00:37:20,875 --> 00:37:22,166 I... 932 00:37:22,166 --> 00:37:24,291 Mm... 933 00:37:28,250 --> 00:37:32,708 Never, ever touch my stuff 934 00:37:28,250 --> 00:37:32,708 without asking. 935 00:37:32,708 --> 00:37:34,333 Yes, ma'am. 936 00:37:40,541 --> 00:37:42,000 Um... 937 00:37:42,000 --> 00:37:43,666 (latch clicks) 938 00:37:44,125 --> 00:37:45,125 J? 939 00:37:46,541 --> 00:37:48,541 ♪ ♪ 940 00:38:10,875 --> 00:38:13,583 (sighs) 941 00:38:13,583 --> 00:38:14,833 Don't go. 942 00:38:18,083 --> 00:38:20,500 Come and talk to me. 943 00:38:34,291 --> 00:38:36,791 I overstepped my bounds. 944 00:38:36,791 --> 00:38:40,291 I have seen enough men 945 00:38:36,791 --> 00:38:40,291 scarred by war. 946 00:38:40,291 --> 00:38:43,750 They must use whatever means 947 00:38:40,291 --> 00:38:43,750 they can to... 948 00:38:43,750 --> 00:38:45,791 live with the memories 949 00:38:43,750 --> 00:38:45,791 they carry. 950 00:38:45,791 --> 00:38:48,208 It is not my 951 00:38:45,791 --> 00:38:48,208 place to judge 952 00:38:48,208 --> 00:38:51,875 how one bears 953 00:38:48,208 --> 00:38:51,875 their private burdens. 954 00:38:51,875 --> 00:38:53,833 You could've died... 955 00:38:56,708 --> 00:38:58,541 ...because of how much 956 00:38:56,708 --> 00:38:58,541 I needed this. 957 00:39:00,625 --> 00:39:02,666 And the scary part is 958 00:39:02,666 --> 00:39:05,958 how normal I made it in my mind. 959 00:39:05,958 --> 00:39:07,875 I was certain 960 00:39:05,958 --> 00:39:07,875 I could control it 961 00:39:07,875 --> 00:39:09,583 and manage how much 962 00:39:07,875 --> 00:39:09,583 it meant to me. 963 00:39:11,875 --> 00:39:13,541 Keep it a secret. 964 00:39:17,666 --> 00:39:21,541 That's a lie. 965 00:39:21,541 --> 00:39:23,666 The first step in... (exhales) 966 00:39:23,666 --> 00:39:26,083 ...solving a problem 967 00:39:23,666 --> 00:39:26,083 is admitting that there is one. 968 00:39:28,000 --> 00:39:29,250 So... 969 00:39:40,791 --> 00:39:42,916 (quietly): 970 00:39:40,791 --> 00:39:42,916 I need your help, Crane. 971 00:39:48,500 --> 00:39:50,500 ♪ ♪ 972 00:40:17,166 --> 00:40:18,541 My gift was meant for you. 973 00:40:18,541 --> 00:40:19,791 No. 974 00:40:19,791 --> 00:40:22,166 You are the only gift 975 00:40:22,166 --> 00:40:23,666 I have ever needed. 976 00:40:23,666 --> 00:40:25,708 As it was then, 977 00:40:25,708 --> 00:40:27,708 so it shall ever be. 978 00:40:28,750 --> 00:40:30,166 Now... 979 00:40:30,166 --> 00:40:32,541 please, my love, 980 00:40:32,541 --> 00:40:34,791 will you join me? 981 00:40:34,791 --> 00:40:37,750 ♪ ♪ 982 00:41:00,458 --> 00:41:03,541 (water bubbling) 983 00:41:31,666 --> 00:41:33,666 ♪ ♪ 984 00:41:36,041 --> 00:41:38,125 The time has come. 985 00:41:38,125 --> 00:41:41,916 The new world begins now. 986 00:42:24,208 --> 00:42:26,208 Captioned by 987 00:42:24,208 --> 00:42:26,208 Media Access Group at WGBH