1 00:00:33,041 --> 00:00:34,708 Not too terrible. 2 00:00:40,416 --> 00:00:41,708 Really, Crane? 3 00:00:44,166 --> 00:00:45,708 You know I quit coffee. 4 00:00:45,708 --> 00:00:47,166 You were forced 5 00:00:45,708 --> 00:00:47,166 to abandon 6 00:00:47,166 --> 00:00:49,000 the pleasures 7 00:00:47,166 --> 00:00:49,000 of the caffeinated bean 8 00:00:49,000 --> 00:00:50,750 during your stay 9 00:00:49,000 --> 00:00:50,750 in the Catacombs, 10 00:00:50,750 --> 00:00:52,416 but you and I both know... 11 00:00:54,458 --> 00:00:56,208 your strong desire... 12 00:00:57,833 --> 00:01:00,916 for the 13 00:00:57,833 --> 00:01:00,916 cappuccino con doppio caffé. 14 00:01:03,500 --> 00:01:05,625 We cannot hide 15 00:01:03,500 --> 00:01:05,625 who we truly are, Lieutenant, 16 00:01:05,625 --> 00:01:08,666 and if you and I are to 17 00:01:08,666 --> 00:01:10,041 yet again face 18 00:01:10,041 --> 00:01:11,375 the possibility 19 00:01:10,041 --> 00:01:11,375 of the end of the world... 20 00:01:11,375 --> 00:01:13,083 we should embrace 21 00:01:13,083 --> 00:01:16,125 the fruits of life 22 00:01:13,083 --> 00:01:16,125 with a full heart. 23 00:01:16,125 --> 00:01:19,083 How true. 24 00:01:20,916 --> 00:01:22,041 What's this? 25 00:01:25,791 --> 00:01:28,000 (sniffing) 26 00:01:28,000 --> 00:01:29,083 Bacon? 27 00:01:29,083 --> 00:01:31,666 With... 28 00:01:31,666 --> 00:01:35,208 maple and a hint of Meyer lemon. 29 00:01:35,208 --> 00:01:37,000 (sniffing) 30 00:01:39,583 --> 00:01:41,625 Bourbon? 31 00:01:39,583 --> 00:01:41,625 Mm-hmm. 32 00:01:41,625 --> 00:01:44,000 New gourmet donut shop 33 00:01:41,625 --> 00:01:44,000 opened up downtown. 34 00:01:44,000 --> 00:01:46,500 I wanted to surprise you. 35 00:01:50,416 --> 00:01:51,583 (moans) 36 00:01:51,583 --> 00:01:53,250 (laughs) 37 00:01:53,250 --> 00:01:55,958 Manna from heaven. 38 00:01:55,958 --> 00:01:59,416 Yeah, seeing as how we are 39 00:01:55,958 --> 00:01:59,416 going back to the Catacombs-- 40 00:01:59,416 --> 00:02:01,458 and it's the closest thing 41 00:01:59,416 --> 00:02:01,458 I can think of... 42 00:02:03,500 --> 00:02:06,083 ...to Hell-- 43 00:02:06,083 --> 00:02:08,208 you bet your ass 44 00:02:06,083 --> 00:02:08,208 I'm gonna drink this. 45 00:02:14,250 --> 00:02:15,833 Oh. 46 00:02:15,833 --> 00:02:16,916 That's good. 47 00:02:18,666 --> 00:02:20,250 You got a little something... 48 00:02:20,250 --> 00:02:21,666 Oh. 49 00:02:21,666 --> 00:02:23,458 (laughs) 50 00:02:26,916 --> 00:02:27,916 Lieutenant... 51 00:02:27,916 --> 00:02:29,541 Oh. 52 00:02:29,541 --> 00:02:32,375 Yes. 53 00:02:32,375 --> 00:02:33,875 I'm scared out of my mind 54 00:02:33,875 --> 00:02:36,250 of seeing 55 00:02:33,875 --> 00:02:36,250 that place again, 56 00:02:36,250 --> 00:02:38,833 and no, I'm not letting 57 00:02:36,250 --> 00:02:38,833 you go without me. 58 00:02:40,333 --> 00:02:42,041 Whatever you do, I do. 59 00:02:43,083 --> 00:02:44,250 That's the deal. 60 00:02:46,708 --> 00:02:48,916 Truth bomb if ever I heard one. 61 00:02:48,916 --> 00:02:50,375 (laughs) 62 00:02:50,375 --> 00:02:51,833 Okay. 63 00:02:51,833 --> 00:02:52,958 Oh, I do that very well, 64 00:02:51,833 --> 00:02:52,958 don't I? 65 00:02:52,958 --> 00:02:54,666 (laughing) 66 00:02:54,666 --> 00:02:56,208 JENNY: I'm sorry, 67 00:02:54,666 --> 00:02:56,208 but this does not work for me. 68 00:02:56,208 --> 00:02:57,458 JOE: 69 00:02:56,208 --> 00:02:57,458 Me neither. 70 00:02:57,458 --> 00:02:59,125 We've been down 71 00:02:57,458 --> 00:02:59,125 this road before. 72 00:02:59,125 --> 00:03:00,625 She's gonna work 73 00:02:59,125 --> 00:03:00,625 really hard to gain 74 00:03:00,625 --> 00:03:02,541 our confidence, 75 00:03:00,625 --> 00:03:02,541 and then screw us over again 76 00:03:02,541 --> 00:03:04,291 for her 77 00:03:02,541 --> 00:03:04,291 megalomaniac boyfriend. 78 00:03:04,291 --> 00:03:07,333 The Hidden One 79 00:03:04,291 --> 00:03:07,333 is my husband. 80 00:03:07,333 --> 00:03:09,791 Or was. 81 00:03:07,333 --> 00:03:09,791 Since he cast me out, 82 00:03:09,791 --> 00:03:11,916 I am now nothing more 83 00:03:11,916 --> 00:03:13,875 than one of billions 84 00:03:11,916 --> 00:03:13,875 he will slaughter 85 00:03:13,875 --> 00:03:15,833 once he achieves omnipotence. 86 00:03:15,833 --> 00:03:17,125 CRANE: 87 00:03:15,833 --> 00:03:17,125 Which is why we must 88 00:03:17,125 --> 00:03:19,333 allow bygones 89 00:03:17,125 --> 00:03:19,333 to be precisely that. 90 00:03:19,333 --> 00:03:21,333 No, you know what, Crane, 91 00:03:19,333 --> 00:03:21,333 I'm with "J" on this one. 92 00:03:21,333 --> 00:03:24,000 You spent months killing 93 00:03:21,333 --> 00:03:24,000 and terrorizing people, 94 00:03:24,000 --> 00:03:25,458 so, no, I'm definitely 95 00:03:24,000 --> 00:03:25,458 not over it. 96 00:03:25,458 --> 00:03:28,083 It matters very little 97 00:03:25,458 --> 00:03:28,083 if you trust me or not. 98 00:03:28,083 --> 00:03:30,041 My only wish is 99 00:03:30,041 --> 00:03:32,500 to save this world 100 00:03:30,041 --> 00:03:32,500 from annihilation. 101 00:03:32,500 --> 00:03:34,041 (door opens) 102 00:03:34,041 --> 00:03:35,333 REYNOLDS: 103 00:03:34,041 --> 00:03:35,333 Is now a good time 104 00:03:35,333 --> 00:03:36,333 to join the team? 105 00:03:44,750 --> 00:03:46,083 Join up 106 00:03:46,083 --> 00:03:47,791 just like that? 107 00:03:46,083 --> 00:03:47,791 I guess I could pretend 108 00:03:47,791 --> 00:03:49,083 like I never saw what I saw. 109 00:03:51,166 --> 00:03:52,208 Oh, God. 110 00:03:52,208 --> 00:03:54,458 Go back to my normal life, 111 00:03:54,458 --> 00:03:57,041 but I'm guessing 112 00:03:54,458 --> 00:03:57,041 that isn't an option. 113 00:03:57,041 --> 00:03:59,208 I'm just here to help. 114 00:03:59,208 --> 00:04:02,208 This is not something 115 00:03:59,208 --> 00:04:02,208 that you just rush into. 116 00:04:02,208 --> 00:04:03,750 If the world is hanging 117 00:04:02,208 --> 00:04:03,750 in the balance, 118 00:04:03,750 --> 00:04:05,625 I need to do everything 119 00:04:03,750 --> 00:04:05,625 I can to help. 120 00:04:05,625 --> 00:04:06,916 In for a penny, right? 121 00:04:08,958 --> 00:04:12,666 It's an expression. 122 00:04:08,958 --> 00:04:12,666 (laughs) I know, yes. 123 00:04:12,666 --> 00:04:14,416 If anything happened to you, 124 00:04:14,416 --> 00:04:15,833 I wouldn't be able 125 00:04:14,416 --> 00:04:15,833 to forgive myself. 126 00:04:15,833 --> 00:04:18,208 This is where I want to be. 127 00:04:18,208 --> 00:04:19,583 Here for you. 128 00:04:26,083 --> 00:04:28,708 After all this is over, 129 00:04:26,083 --> 00:04:28,708 you and I 130 00:04:28,708 --> 00:04:31,833 are going back to that house 131 00:04:28,708 --> 00:04:31,833 on Virginia Beach. 132 00:04:31,833 --> 00:04:34,208 Make up 133 00:04:31,833 --> 00:04:34,208 for some lost time. 134 00:04:34,208 --> 00:04:36,041 I'm gonna hold you to that. 135 00:04:37,916 --> 00:04:39,291 Welcome aboard. 136 00:04:42,041 --> 00:04:44,250 Eight hours, 137 00:04:42,041 --> 00:04:44,250 that's all we have left 138 00:04:44,250 --> 00:04:46,250 until the sands run out 139 00:04:44,250 --> 00:04:46,250 of the Hourglass. 140 00:04:46,250 --> 00:04:48,833 When it does, the Hidden One 141 00:04:46,250 --> 00:04:48,833 will become omnipotent. 142 00:04:48,833 --> 00:04:51,250 When-when you 143 00:04:48,833 --> 00:04:51,250 say omnipotent... 144 00:04:51,250 --> 00:04:54,583 He will possess the total power 145 00:04:51,250 --> 00:04:54,583 of the pantheon of Ancient Gods. 146 00:04:54,583 --> 00:04:55,875 Enough to destroy 147 00:04:55,875 --> 00:04:57,791 every living thing 148 00:04:55,875 --> 00:04:57,791 in this world. 149 00:04:57,791 --> 00:04:58,791 CRANE: 150 00:04:57,791 --> 00:04:58,791 Our plan involves 151 00:04:58,791 --> 00:05:00,208 a two-pronged strategy-- 152 00:05:00,208 --> 00:05:01,500 the lieutenant and I 153 00:05:01,500 --> 00:05:02,625 will journey to 154 00:05:01,500 --> 00:05:02,625 the Delaware River 155 00:05:02,625 --> 00:05:03,625 where we should use 156 00:05:03,625 --> 00:05:04,750 Betsy Ross's flag 157 00:05:04,750 --> 00:05:06,458 to guide us to the Catacombs. 158 00:05:06,458 --> 00:05:09,625 Once there, 159 00:05:06,458 --> 00:05:09,625 we will restore Pandora's box 160 00:05:09,625 --> 00:05:11,291 and use it to drain 161 00:05:09,625 --> 00:05:11,291 the Hidden One of his power. 162 00:05:11,291 --> 00:05:12,541 ABBIE: 163 00:05:11,291 --> 00:05:12,541 Meanwhile, the rest of you 164 00:05:12,541 --> 00:05:14,166 will do your damndest 165 00:05:12,541 --> 00:05:14,166 to delay him. 166 00:05:14,166 --> 00:05:16,041 Slow him down 167 00:05:14,166 --> 00:05:16,041 by any means necessary. 168 00:05:16,041 --> 00:05:17,916 I know this is my first rodeo, 169 00:05:17,916 --> 00:05:19,291 but we seem very short 170 00:05:19,291 --> 00:05:21,291 on actual intel on 171 00:05:19,291 --> 00:05:21,291 this Hidden One, and why 172 00:05:21,291 --> 00:05:23,291 the both of you need to 173 00:05:21,291 --> 00:05:23,291 go back to the Catacombs. 174 00:05:23,291 --> 00:05:26,291 It can only be restored 175 00:05:23,291 --> 00:05:26,291 if both of the Witnesses 176 00:05:26,291 --> 00:05:27,708 are present 177 00:05:26,291 --> 00:05:27,708 in the Temple of the Gods. 178 00:05:27,708 --> 00:05:30,291 If only one of them goes, 179 00:05:30,291 --> 00:05:31,833 the mission will fail. 180 00:05:31,833 --> 00:05:33,375 JENNY: 181 00:05:31,833 --> 00:05:33,375 As in, you're not going? 182 00:05:33,375 --> 00:05:35,291 It's your Box! 183 00:05:35,291 --> 00:05:37,000 Pandora has provided us 184 00:05:37,000 --> 00:05:38,666 with detailed instructions 185 00:05:38,666 --> 00:05:40,708 how to access the antechamber 186 00:05:38,666 --> 00:05:40,708 within the temple. 187 00:05:40,708 --> 00:05:42,291 While she stays conveniently 188 00:05:40,708 --> 00:05:42,291 out of harm's way. 189 00:05:42,291 --> 00:05:45,500 None of you stand a chance 190 00:05:45,500 --> 00:05:47,500 facing my husband without me. 191 00:05:47,500 --> 00:05:49,958 I am the only one 192 00:05:47,500 --> 00:05:49,958 who knows 193 00:05:49,958 --> 00:05:51,708 what he is capable of. 194 00:05:51,708 --> 00:05:55,958 Time is as much our enemy 195 00:05:51,708 --> 00:05:55,958 as the Hidden One himself. 196 00:05:55,958 --> 00:05:58,375 So, I wish us all Godspeed. 197 00:06:06,250 --> 00:06:08,625 CRANE: 198 00:06:06,250 --> 00:06:08,625 Oh, Betsy, that's beautiful. 199 00:06:08,625 --> 00:06:10,583 These five-pointed stars... 200 00:06:12,750 --> 00:06:14,333 ...they practically shimmer. 201 00:06:14,333 --> 00:06:15,875 (chuckles) An illusion, 202 00:06:15,875 --> 00:06:19,083 created with 203 00:06:15,875 --> 00:06:19,083 a little gold thread. 204 00:06:19,083 --> 00:06:21,791 I daresay if all 205 00:06:19,083 --> 00:06:21,791 goes well today, 206 00:06:21,791 --> 00:06:24,083 this may very well be 207 00:06:21,791 --> 00:06:24,083 how I'm remembered. 208 00:06:28,041 --> 00:06:29,375 (horn honking) 209 00:06:29,375 --> 00:06:30,875 (tires squealing) 210 00:06:33,416 --> 00:06:35,041 You okay? 211 00:06:33,416 --> 00:06:35,041 Apologies. 212 00:06:35,041 --> 00:06:36,166 I can drive. 213 00:06:36,166 --> 00:06:37,500 No, no, no, 214 00:06:36,166 --> 00:06:37,500 no, apologies. 215 00:06:37,500 --> 00:06:39,041 (exhales) 216 00:06:39,041 --> 00:06:40,583 My mind was elsewhere. 217 00:06:40,583 --> 00:06:43,125 Let me guess, December 1776. 218 00:06:44,916 --> 00:06:47,000 Crane, Washington cut you 219 00:06:44,916 --> 00:06:47,000 out of a mission 220 00:06:47,000 --> 00:06:48,583 that could have changed 221 00:06:47,000 --> 00:06:48,583 the tide of the war. 222 00:06:48,583 --> 00:06:51,875 You were his protégé, 223 00:06:48,583 --> 00:06:51,875 his bravest officer, 224 00:06:51,875 --> 00:06:53,750 and instead of taking you, 225 00:06:51,875 --> 00:06:53,750 he took 226 00:06:53,750 --> 00:06:55,541 Betsy Ross and Paul Revere. 227 00:06:55,541 --> 00:06:56,958 That would haunt me, too. 228 00:06:56,958 --> 00:06:58,583 'Tis not simply the vote 229 00:06:56,958 --> 00:06:58,583 of no confidence 230 00:06:58,583 --> 00:07:00,375 from my commanding officer, 231 00:06:58,583 --> 00:07:00,375 Lieutenant. 232 00:07:00,375 --> 00:07:03,500 When Betsy returned 233 00:07:00,375 --> 00:07:03,500 from the Catacombs... 234 00:07:05,166 --> 00:07:07,000 ...she was changed. 235 00:07:07,000 --> 00:07:09,750 The Catacombs changed me. 236 00:07:09,750 --> 00:07:12,541 Yes, of course, but... 237 00:07:12,541 --> 00:07:14,750 this was different. 238 00:07:14,750 --> 00:07:18,041 See, Betsy and I, we... 239 00:07:18,041 --> 00:07:19,541 we were very close. 240 00:07:21,125 --> 00:07:22,916 We were as close 241 00:07:21,125 --> 00:07:22,916 as two compatriots can be. 242 00:07:22,916 --> 00:07:25,416 Until she came back 243 00:07:22,916 --> 00:07:25,416 from her mission. 244 00:07:25,416 --> 00:07:28,041 And we never spoke again. 245 00:07:30,416 --> 00:07:33,208 Just one letter... 246 00:07:33,208 --> 00:07:36,541 terminating our friendship. 247 00:07:40,416 --> 00:07:42,000 A tactical assault 248 00:07:40,416 --> 00:07:42,000 is off the table? 249 00:07:42,000 --> 00:07:43,416 He's a god. 250 00:07:43,416 --> 00:07:45,416 Trying to take him 251 00:07:43,416 --> 00:07:45,416 down with brute force 252 00:07:45,416 --> 00:07:46,625 is suicide. 253 00:07:46,625 --> 00:07:48,291 We need to focus 254 00:07:46,625 --> 00:07:48,291 on the Hourglass. 255 00:07:52,625 --> 00:07:55,375 This is where you offer 256 00:07:52,625 --> 00:07:55,375 that help we so badly need. 257 00:07:55,375 --> 00:07:57,333 In order to maximize 258 00:07:57,333 --> 00:07:58,666 the energies 259 00:07:57,333 --> 00:07:58,666 of the Hourglass, 260 00:07:58,666 --> 00:08:01,166 he will take it here. 261 00:08:02,958 --> 00:08:04,708 Bear Mountain? 262 00:08:04,708 --> 00:08:07,708 PANDORA: 263 00:08:04,708 --> 00:08:07,708 It sits upon a focal point 264 00:08:07,708 --> 00:08:09,541 of ancient energy. 265 00:08:09,541 --> 00:08:12,333 Energy he will use to amplify 266 00:08:12,333 --> 00:08:15,375 the forces held 267 00:08:12,333 --> 00:08:15,375 within the Hourglass 268 00:08:15,375 --> 00:08:18,833 to an even greater effect. 269 00:08:18,833 --> 00:08:20,833 His vantage point 270 00:08:18,833 --> 00:08:20,833 on the mountain 271 00:08:20,833 --> 00:08:24,208 will make his final victory 272 00:08:20,833 --> 00:08:24,208 all the sweeter. 273 00:08:24,208 --> 00:08:28,416 When the sands run out, 274 00:08:24,208 --> 00:08:28,416 the power within will flow 275 00:08:28,416 --> 00:08:31,041 with the greatest purity. 276 00:08:31,041 --> 00:08:32,708 That's good, Bear Mountain. 277 00:08:31,041 --> 00:08:32,708 We have a target. 278 00:08:32,708 --> 00:08:33,916 According 279 00:08:32,708 --> 00:08:33,916 to Washington's journal, 280 00:08:33,916 --> 00:08:36,041 Bear Mountain 281 00:08:36,041 --> 00:08:39,041 is surrounded by a large amount 282 00:08:36,041 --> 00:08:39,041 of intersecting ley lines. 283 00:08:39,041 --> 00:08:40,208 Say what? 284 00:08:40,208 --> 00:08:41,791 SOPHIE: Geomagnetic markers 285 00:08:40,208 --> 00:08:41,791 in the earth, 286 00:08:41,791 --> 00:08:43,541 supposed to conduct 287 00:08:41,791 --> 00:08:43,541 mystical power. 288 00:08:43,541 --> 00:08:44,958 Okay, is there a way 289 00:08:43,541 --> 00:08:44,958 that can help us? 290 00:08:44,958 --> 00:08:46,958 PANDORA: The ancient power 291 00:08:44,958 --> 00:08:46,958 of the ley lines 292 00:08:46,958 --> 00:08:48,166 can be channeled. 293 00:08:48,166 --> 00:08:49,333 Focused... 294 00:08:49,333 --> 00:08:50,500 for a specific purpose. 295 00:08:51,541 --> 00:08:54,125 I say we fight fire with fire. 296 00:09:02,083 --> 00:09:03,083 Lieutenant, 297 00:09:03,083 --> 00:09:05,291 would you do the honors? 298 00:09:06,500 --> 00:09:08,541 If this doesn't work, 299 00:09:08,541 --> 00:09:11,375 you do realize that 300 00:09:08,541 --> 00:09:11,375 we're just two people on a boat, 301 00:09:11,375 --> 00:09:13,500 singing the anthem. 302 00:09:15,916 --> 00:09:17,875 (sighs) 303 00:09:20,000 --> 00:09:25,750 ♪ Oh, say can you see, 304 00:09:20,000 --> 00:09:25,750 by the dawn's ♪ 305 00:09:25,750 --> 00:09:28,291 ♪ Early light ♪ 306 00:09:28,291 --> 00:09:32,833 ♪ What so proudly we hailed ♪ 307 00:09:32,833 --> 00:09:35,750 ♪ At the twilight's last ♪ 308 00:09:35,750 --> 00:09:37,416 ♪ Gleaming ♪ 309 00:09:37,416 --> 00:09:40,875 ♪ Whose broad stripes 310 00:09:37,416 --> 00:09:40,875 and bright stars ♪ 311 00:09:40,875 --> 00:09:42,250 (magical chiming) 312 00:09:42,250 --> 00:09:46,958 ♪ Through the 313 00:09:42,250 --> 00:09:46,958 perilous fight... ♪ 314 00:09:46,958 --> 00:09:48,791 Lieutenant, 315 00:09:48,791 --> 00:09:51,416 we are no longer 316 00:09:48,791 --> 00:09:51,416 on the Delaware. 317 00:09:52,458 --> 00:09:55,458 This is the River Styx. 318 00:09:55,458 --> 00:09:58,750 Gateway to the Underworld. 319 00:10:05,500 --> 00:10:08,500 ♪ ♪ 320 00:10:40,583 --> 00:10:42,208 ABBIE: 321 00:10:40,583 --> 00:10:42,208 You ever think of how many times 322 00:10:42,208 --> 00:10:43,666 you and I have technically died? 323 00:10:43,666 --> 00:10:47,583 You were buried underground 324 00:10:43,666 --> 00:10:47,583 for centuries, 325 00:10:47,583 --> 00:10:49,750 choked out by a Sin Eater. 326 00:10:49,750 --> 00:10:50,958 Buried again by a tree. 327 00:10:50,958 --> 00:10:51,958 Trapped in purgatory, 328 00:10:51,958 --> 00:10:54,750 your jaunt to 1781, 329 00:10:54,750 --> 00:10:58,583 abandoned 330 00:10:54,750 --> 00:10:58,583 in Ancient Catacombs... 331 00:10:58,583 --> 00:11:01,458 You have endured much, 332 00:10:58,583 --> 00:11:01,458 Lieutenant. 333 00:11:01,458 --> 00:11:03,666 I can endure anything. 334 00:11:03,666 --> 00:11:05,125 It's the losses 335 00:11:05,125 --> 00:11:06,833 that wear me down. 336 00:11:08,333 --> 00:11:10,041 My mom and Corbin. 337 00:11:10,041 --> 00:11:11,625 My wife. 338 00:11:11,625 --> 00:11:13,750 My son. 339 00:11:13,750 --> 00:11:16,958 I prefer to focus 340 00:11:13,750 --> 00:11:16,958 on what we have, 341 00:11:16,958 --> 00:11:18,666 and I have a partner 342 00:11:18,666 --> 00:11:20,125 of the highest caliber. 343 00:11:21,166 --> 00:11:23,125 Better than Betsy Ross? 344 00:11:23,125 --> 00:11:25,625 Well, she was 345 00:11:23,125 --> 00:11:25,625 occasionally rather pushy. 346 00:11:25,625 --> 00:11:29,250 Prone to talking 347 00:11:25,625 --> 00:11:29,250 with a mouth full of food. 348 00:11:29,250 --> 00:11:31,250 George Washington? 349 00:11:31,250 --> 00:11:34,208 Well, now there was 350 00:11:31,250 --> 00:11:34,208 a great man... 351 00:11:34,208 --> 00:11:36,250 but a great man 352 00:11:36,250 --> 00:11:37,916 with legendary halitosis. 353 00:11:37,916 --> 00:11:39,500 (laughs) 354 00:11:39,500 --> 00:11:40,833 I really beat those guys? 355 00:11:40,833 --> 00:11:41,916 Oh... 356 00:11:41,916 --> 00:11:43,833 handily. 357 00:11:45,791 --> 00:11:48,166 You... 358 00:11:48,166 --> 00:11:50,416 never waiver in your faith. 359 00:11:52,125 --> 00:11:53,916 In what we do. In me. 360 00:11:53,916 --> 00:11:56,041 And you know how rare that is, 361 00:11:53,916 --> 00:11:56,041 don't you? 362 00:11:56,041 --> 00:12:00,541 When it concerns you and me, 363 00:11:56,041 --> 00:12:00,541 Lieutenant, 364 00:12:00,541 --> 00:12:03,458 there is no greater certainty. 365 00:12:10,083 --> 00:12:11,291 Port bow. 366 00:12:16,708 --> 00:12:19,083 God's wounds... 367 00:12:19,083 --> 00:12:21,333 Washington's crew. 368 00:12:21,333 --> 00:12:25,458 Frozen in death's rigor 369 00:12:21,333 --> 00:12:25,458 for over 200 years. 370 00:12:40,083 --> 00:12:41,625 Here. 371 00:12:43,666 --> 00:12:46,250 The web of ley lines we seek 372 00:12:43,666 --> 00:12:46,250 begins at this spot. 373 00:12:47,291 --> 00:12:49,125 You heard the lady. 374 00:12:49,125 --> 00:12:50,875 All right, how many 375 00:12:49,125 --> 00:12:50,875 of these do we need? 376 00:12:52,583 --> 00:12:56,666 They must surround the peak 377 00:12:52,583 --> 00:12:56,666 in a precise formation. 378 00:12:56,666 --> 00:12:58,666 Only then will they trigger 379 00:12:58,666 --> 00:13:01,500 disturbance 380 00:12:58,666 --> 00:13:01,500 of a decent magnitude. 381 00:13:01,500 --> 00:13:03,833 So, we're planting spikes 382 00:13:01,500 --> 00:13:03,833 across the whole mountain? 383 00:13:03,833 --> 00:13:06,833 Yes, with haste. 384 00:13:06,833 --> 00:13:08,125 Time grows short. 385 00:13:10,625 --> 00:13:12,958 Is she always like that? 386 00:13:12,958 --> 00:13:15,458 Trust me, man, 387 00:13:12,958 --> 00:13:15,458 this is her being nice. 388 00:13:19,000 --> 00:13:21,750 These men aren't 389 00:13:19,000 --> 00:13:21,750 regular Colonial troops. 390 00:13:21,750 --> 00:13:23,583 CRANE: Washington 391 00:13:21,750 --> 00:13:23,583 hand-picked his team 392 00:13:23,583 --> 00:13:25,166 for the Delaware mission. 393 00:13:25,166 --> 00:13:27,750 These are members 394 00:13:25,166 --> 00:13:27,750 of Knowlton's Rangers, 395 00:13:27,750 --> 00:13:31,041 the best militia fighters 396 00:13:27,750 --> 00:13:31,041 of their time. 397 00:13:31,041 --> 00:13:32,791 Got musket ball strikes 398 00:13:31,041 --> 00:13:32,791 on the bodies, 399 00:13:32,791 --> 00:13:34,583 and behind the trees. 400 00:13:38,625 --> 00:13:42,541 Shrapnel from an explosive 401 00:13:38,625 --> 00:13:42,541 charge on their boat. 402 00:13:47,250 --> 00:13:49,666 What the hell 403 00:13:47,250 --> 00:13:49,666 happened here, Crane? 404 00:13:58,625 --> 00:13:59,958 Crane? 405 00:13:59,958 --> 00:14:01,458 I recognize 406 00:13:59,958 --> 00:14:01,458 this handwriting. 407 00:14:06,166 --> 00:14:07,875 This was written by Betsy Ross. 408 00:14:07,875 --> 00:14:11,291 "Our last hope to win the war 409 00:14:07,875 --> 00:14:11,291 has been lost. 410 00:14:11,291 --> 00:14:14,750 "Soon after we set off, 411 00:14:11,291 --> 00:14:14,750 Captain Revere was ordered 412 00:14:14,750 --> 00:14:15,875 to return down river." 413 00:14:15,875 --> 00:14:17,708 With Washington on this mission, 414 00:14:17,708 --> 00:14:20,208 Revere would have been needed 415 00:14:17,708 --> 00:14:20,208 to lead the attack on Trenton. 416 00:14:20,208 --> 00:14:22,833 "And as for General Washington 417 00:14:20,208 --> 00:14:22,833 and our band of brothers, 418 00:14:22,833 --> 00:14:24,583 "our hopes of 419 00:14:22,833 --> 00:14:24,583 reaching the Catacombs 420 00:14:24,583 --> 00:14:26,125 have been violently dashed." 421 00:14:34,875 --> 00:14:37,375 "Despite best efforts 422 00:14:37,375 --> 00:14:41,333 "to safeguard 423 00:14:37,375 --> 00:14:41,333 the mission's security, 424 00:14:41,333 --> 00:14:43,333 "there appears to have been 425 00:14:43,333 --> 00:14:45,375 an insurgent onboard." 426 00:14:43,333 --> 00:14:45,375 (gunshot) 427 00:14:45,375 --> 00:14:46,875 (screaming) 428 00:14:46,875 --> 00:14:48,833 Die, traitors! 429 00:14:48,833 --> 00:14:50,833 For King and Country, 430 00:14:50,833 --> 00:14:51,666 you bastards! 431 00:14:51,666 --> 00:14:53,291 Take him! 432 00:14:53,291 --> 00:14:54,583 ABBIE: 433 00:14:53,291 --> 00:14:54,583 "A saboteur." 434 00:14:54,583 --> 00:14:57,625 Gunpowder! Over the side! 435 00:14:57,625 --> 00:14:59,916 ABBIE: "This slaughtered 436 00:14:57,625 --> 00:14:59,916 the entire regiment." 437 00:15:02,166 --> 00:15:04,833 Yet somehow Washington 438 00:15:02,166 --> 00:15:04,833 and Betsy survived. 439 00:15:04,833 --> 00:15:07,250 They made it 440 00:15:04,833 --> 00:15:07,250 to the Catacombs, 441 00:15:07,250 --> 00:15:08,666 retrieved 442 00:15:07,250 --> 00:15:08,666 the Eye of Providence, 443 00:15:08,666 --> 00:15:11,125 and return to 1776 444 00:15:11,125 --> 00:15:13,166 just in time to take Trenton. 445 00:15:13,166 --> 00:15:14,875 Except you said she was 446 00:15:13,166 --> 00:15:14,875 different when she came back. 447 00:15:14,875 --> 00:15:17,458 Said good-bye 448 00:15:14,875 --> 00:15:17,458 to you in a letter. 449 00:15:17,458 --> 00:15:20,583 'Twas as if she were a 450 00:15:17,458 --> 00:15:20,583 different person altogether. 451 00:15:22,333 --> 00:15:23,958 My, God... 452 00:15:23,958 --> 00:15:25,791 what if that is 453 00:15:25,791 --> 00:15:28,500 exactly the case? 454 00:15:28,500 --> 00:15:31,208 You think the woman 455 00:15:28,500 --> 00:15:31,208 that went on the mission, 456 00:15:31,208 --> 00:15:32,791 settled in Philadelphia, 457 00:15:31,208 --> 00:15:32,791 and had all those kids... 458 00:15:32,791 --> 00:15:35,708 was not the real 459 00:15:32,791 --> 00:15:35,708 Elizabeth Phoebe Ross. 460 00:15:35,708 --> 00:15:37,916 We don't know that 461 00:15:35,708 --> 00:15:37,916 for sure, Crane. 462 00:15:37,916 --> 00:15:39,458 Washington made it back. 463 00:15:39,458 --> 00:15:40,500 I'm willing to bet 464 00:15:39,458 --> 00:15:40,500 that Betsy did, too. 465 00:15:40,500 --> 00:15:42,166 Yep. 466 00:15:40,500 --> 00:15:42,166 Yes, yes. 467 00:15:43,666 --> 00:15:44,958 You and I both know, 468 00:15:44,958 --> 00:15:47,250 Lieutenant... 469 00:15:47,250 --> 00:15:50,083 victory often comes 470 00:15:47,250 --> 00:15:50,083 at a terrible loss. 471 00:16:05,208 --> 00:16:07,791 Reynolds, 472 00:16:05,208 --> 00:16:07,791 we're done in our sector. 473 00:16:07,791 --> 00:16:09,458 Got less than 474 00:16:07,791 --> 00:16:09,458 an hour by my clock. 475 00:16:09,458 --> 00:16:10,791 15 minutes max, 476 00:16:09,458 --> 00:16:10,791 and we'll be set. 477 00:16:11,958 --> 00:16:13,583 (birds screeching) 478 00:16:23,583 --> 00:16:25,916 He knows that we're here. 479 00:16:27,916 --> 00:16:29,541 Everyone, take cover now! 480 00:16:29,541 --> 00:16:31,125 (thunder rumbling) 481 00:16:31,125 --> 00:16:33,125 Oh, my God. 482 00:16:31,125 --> 00:16:33,125 Go, go. 483 00:16:41,958 --> 00:16:44,208 ♪ ♪ 484 00:16:45,458 --> 00:16:46,791 (thunder rumbling) 485 00:17:02,708 --> 00:17:04,083 Nothing to tell us 486 00:17:02,708 --> 00:17:04,083 where or how 487 00:17:04,083 --> 00:17:05,291 to enter the Catacombs. 488 00:17:05,291 --> 00:17:06,625 No communiques, no maps, 489 00:17:06,625 --> 00:17:08,125 not even a compass among them. 490 00:17:08,125 --> 00:17:10,541 We've lost our way, 491 00:17:08,125 --> 00:17:10,541 just as they did. 492 00:17:10,541 --> 00:17:12,375 We came here to do a job, Crane, 493 00:17:12,375 --> 00:17:14,000 so keep searching. 494 00:17:14,000 --> 00:17:16,125 (sighs) 495 00:17:16,125 --> 00:17:19,000 Dead men really tell no tales. 496 00:17:20,916 --> 00:17:23,416 You. 497 00:17:26,625 --> 00:17:28,833 (grunts) 498 00:17:30,916 --> 00:17:31,875 (growling) 499 00:17:41,041 --> 00:17:42,375 Zombies again? 500 00:17:46,083 --> 00:17:47,625 (growling) 501 00:18:04,791 --> 00:18:06,625 (panting) 502 00:18:06,625 --> 00:18:08,125 What the hell is that? 503 00:18:08,125 --> 00:18:10,583 This is a dark magic charm, 504 00:18:10,583 --> 00:18:13,416 giving its wearer the curse 505 00:18:13,416 --> 00:18:15,458 of eternal life. 506 00:18:13,416 --> 00:18:15,458 Oh. 507 00:18:15,458 --> 00:18:16,875 This is surely a tactic 508 00:18:16,875 --> 00:18:18,083 of General Howe's. 509 00:18:18,083 --> 00:18:19,500 He persuaded 510 00:18:18,083 --> 00:18:19,500 one of his spies 511 00:18:19,500 --> 00:18:20,875 to sacrifice his very humanity 512 00:18:20,875 --> 00:18:23,041 in order to sabotage Washington. 513 00:18:23,041 --> 00:18:26,500 Too bad good ol' George 514 00:18:23,041 --> 00:18:26,500 didn't see it coming. 515 00:18:26,500 --> 00:18:29,041 (breathing heavily) 516 00:18:29,041 --> 00:18:30,750 Or perhaps he did. 517 00:18:37,708 --> 00:18:39,750 Clever. 518 00:18:39,750 --> 00:18:42,416 This letter's encoded. 519 00:18:42,416 --> 00:18:45,833 Now if Washington 520 00:18:42,416 --> 00:18:45,833 suspected sabotage, 521 00:18:45,833 --> 00:18:47,166 or that the British 522 00:18:45,833 --> 00:18:47,166 were sending 523 00:18:47,166 --> 00:18:49,333 reinforcements 524 00:18:47,166 --> 00:18:49,333 to follow him upriver, 525 00:18:49,333 --> 00:18:50,458 this will truly tell of it. 526 00:18:50,458 --> 00:18:52,083 Um... 527 00:18:52,083 --> 00:18:53,500 er, 528 00:18:53,500 --> 00:18:54,875 you don't happen to have... 529 00:18:54,875 --> 00:18:55,958 obliged. 530 00:18:57,083 --> 00:18:58,208 Let's see what 531 00:18:58,208 --> 00:18:59,416 you've got for us, Betsy. 532 00:19:01,958 --> 00:19:04,541 (grunting) 533 00:19:04,541 --> 00:19:05,750 Are you okay? 534 00:19:05,750 --> 00:19:07,500 Yeah, damn, 535 00:19:05,750 --> 00:19:07,500 that was intense. 536 00:19:07,500 --> 00:19:09,166 REYNOLDS: Mills! 537 00:19:10,750 --> 00:19:12,083 Everyone accounted for? 538 00:19:12,083 --> 00:19:13,541 JOE: Yeah, thanks 539 00:19:12,083 --> 00:19:13,541 for the heads up. 540 00:19:13,541 --> 00:19:15,250 So, the Hidden One 541 00:19:13,541 --> 00:19:15,250 took this round. 542 00:19:15,250 --> 00:19:16,375 I say we take the next. 543 00:19:16,375 --> 00:19:17,375 We got to finish 544 00:19:16,375 --> 00:19:17,375 this thing. 545 00:19:17,375 --> 00:19:19,958 We got a problem. 546 00:19:19,958 --> 00:19:22,208 PANDORA: 547 00:19:19,958 --> 00:19:22,208 My compass, it's broken. 548 00:19:22,208 --> 00:19:25,333 I cannot locate 549 00:19:22,208 --> 00:19:25,333 the ley lines without it. 550 00:19:25,333 --> 00:19:26,791 Then we need to find another way 551 00:19:25,333 --> 00:19:26,791 to pinpoint them. 552 00:19:26,791 --> 00:19:29,458 Jen, 553 00:19:26,791 --> 00:19:29,458 Crane's Christmas gift. 554 00:19:29,458 --> 00:19:31,791 Crane gave me one 555 00:19:29,458 --> 00:19:31,791 of George Washington's 556 00:19:29,458 --> 00:19:31,791 original maps 557 00:19:31,791 --> 00:19:33,625 of the Hudson Valley. It depicts 558 00:19:31,791 --> 00:19:33,625 all of of the ley lines 559 00:19:33,625 --> 00:19:35,666 around Sleepy Hollow, 560 00:19:33,625 --> 00:19:35,666 but it's back at my trailer. 561 00:19:35,666 --> 00:19:37,666 The sands will have run 562 00:19:35,666 --> 00:19:37,666 through the Hourglass 563 00:19:37,666 --> 00:19:39,291 by the time you return. 564 00:19:39,291 --> 00:19:41,916 I'll go. I can text you 565 00:19:39,291 --> 00:19:41,916 all exact coordinates. 566 00:19:41,916 --> 00:19:43,250 It'll be just like 567 00:19:41,916 --> 00:19:43,250 calling in an air strike. 568 00:19:43,250 --> 00:19:44,708 Trust me, 569 00:19:43,250 --> 00:19:44,708 I got this. 570 00:19:43,250 --> 00:19:44,708 Okay, go. 571 00:19:44,708 --> 00:19:46,791 All right, 572 00:19:44,708 --> 00:19:46,791 watch your back, babe. 573 00:19:46,791 --> 00:19:50,250 That was a hell of a show 574 00:19:46,791 --> 00:19:50,250 your husband put on back there. 575 00:19:50,250 --> 00:19:52,125 Thing is, I don't like 576 00:19:50,250 --> 00:19:52,125 being blind-sided. 577 00:19:53,875 --> 00:19:55,500 Mills, you're on recon. 578 00:19:55,500 --> 00:19:57,416 I don't care if his real name 579 00:19:55,500 --> 00:19:57,416 is the Hidden One, 580 00:19:57,416 --> 00:19:58,458 I want eyes on him. 581 00:19:58,458 --> 00:20:01,000 Wish me luck. 582 00:20:01,000 --> 00:20:02,166 All right, 583 00:20:01,000 --> 00:20:02,166 the rest of you are with me. 584 00:20:02,166 --> 00:20:04,166 All right. Copy that. 585 00:20:17,625 --> 00:20:19,750 Seems to be some kind of portal 586 00:20:19,750 --> 00:20:22,500 or gateway to 587 00:20:19,750 --> 00:20:22,500 the Catacombs themselves. 588 00:20:22,500 --> 00:20:25,250 I'm really going back there. 589 00:20:33,750 --> 00:20:35,750 Only this time 590 00:20:33,750 --> 00:20:35,750 you're not alone, 591 00:20:35,750 --> 00:20:38,833 and we have a way out. 592 00:20:46,416 --> 00:20:47,416 Shall we? 593 00:21:19,208 --> 00:21:21,958 ♪ ♪ 594 00:21:39,750 --> 00:21:41,500 I have eyes on him. 595 00:21:41,500 --> 00:21:44,750 Yeah, just make sure 596 00:21:41,500 --> 00:21:44,750 he doesn't have eyes on you. 597 00:21:47,125 --> 00:21:48,166 Guys, I have a shot. 598 00:21:48,166 --> 00:21:49,458 Negative. 599 00:21:49,458 --> 00:21:50,291 Recon only. 600 00:21:50,291 --> 00:21:51,625 Come on, Reynolds. 601 00:21:51,625 --> 00:21:53,166 We may not get 602 00:21:51,625 --> 00:21:53,166 another chance at this. 603 00:21:53,166 --> 00:21:54,333 I said negative. 604 00:21:54,333 --> 00:21:55,500 Stick to the plan. 605 00:21:55,500 --> 00:21:58,125 Say again? You're breaking up. 606 00:22:12,875 --> 00:22:14,666 (phone beeps) 607 00:22:14,666 --> 00:22:15,708 Got them. 608 00:22:17,375 --> 00:22:19,125 Tell Joe good job. 609 00:22:19,125 --> 00:22:20,166 Get back here ASAP. 610 00:22:22,041 --> 00:22:23,208 (phone chimes) 611 00:22:32,541 --> 00:22:34,833 Hey. 612 00:22:34,833 --> 00:22:37,333 Mr. Mills, what brings you here? 613 00:22:34,833 --> 00:22:37,333 Yeah, well, 614 00:22:37,333 --> 00:22:39,500 I was close by, thought I'd 615 00:22:37,333 --> 00:22:39,500 stop in and say hello. 616 00:22:39,500 --> 00:22:41,458 Oh. 617 00:22:41,458 --> 00:22:42,458 Is it a bad time? 618 00:22:58,666 --> 00:23:00,125 (grunting) 619 00:23:08,333 --> 00:23:10,666 It almost impresses me. 620 00:23:10,666 --> 00:23:12,208 The insatiable 621 00:23:12,208 --> 00:23:14,833 mortal desire to fight what you 622 00:23:14,833 --> 00:23:17,166 cannot possibly conquer. 623 00:23:17,166 --> 00:23:19,291 I don't know what 624 00:23:17,166 --> 00:23:19,291 I hate about you most: 625 00:23:19,291 --> 00:23:20,708 the way you talk, 626 00:23:20,708 --> 00:23:22,208 or the way 627 00:23:20,708 --> 00:23:22,208 you treat women. 628 00:23:22,208 --> 00:23:23,916 Let me help you choose. 629 00:23:23,916 --> 00:23:25,750 I know well 630 00:23:25,750 --> 00:23:28,791 the value mortals place on love. 631 00:23:30,708 --> 00:23:33,291 Let me take yours... 632 00:23:33,291 --> 00:23:35,916 and turn it into pain. 633 00:23:41,208 --> 00:23:43,208 EZRA: 634 00:23:41,208 --> 00:23:43,208 So, you two are busy, then? 635 00:23:43,208 --> 00:23:45,375 Uh, yeah, kind of, actually. 636 00:23:45,375 --> 00:23:47,125 The thing is 637 00:23:45,375 --> 00:23:47,125 Jen's stuck up at the top 638 00:23:47,125 --> 00:23:48,333 of Bear Mountain 639 00:23:47,125 --> 00:23:48,333 right now... 640 00:23:48,333 --> 00:23:49,500 so... 641 00:23:51,208 --> 00:23:52,291 (groans) 642 00:23:52,291 --> 00:23:53,208 You all right, son? 643 00:23:54,708 --> 00:23:57,125 No. 644 00:23:57,125 --> 00:23:59,416 No, no, no, no, no. 645 00:23:59,416 --> 00:24:00,250 Hey. 646 00:24:00,250 --> 00:24:02,333 (gasping) 647 00:24:02,333 --> 00:24:03,875 You need to run. 648 00:24:03,875 --> 00:24:05,166 (grunts) 649 00:24:06,166 --> 00:24:07,166 (in spectral voice): Run! 650 00:24:09,708 --> 00:24:12,166 (bellowing) 651 00:24:13,541 --> 00:24:15,166 HIDDEN ONE: 652 00:24:13,541 --> 00:24:15,166 The man you love... 653 00:24:15,166 --> 00:24:16,166 (grunts) 654 00:24:17,500 --> 00:24:20,416 is now, and shall be 655 00:24:17,500 --> 00:24:20,416 forever more... 656 00:24:20,416 --> 00:24:22,416 (bellowing) 657 00:24:24,250 --> 00:24:25,708 ...a beast. 658 00:24:25,708 --> 00:24:28,125 (bellowing continues) 659 00:24:35,750 --> 00:24:37,458 It seems like you're having 660 00:24:35,750 --> 00:24:37,458 a really bad day, son. 661 00:24:47,208 --> 00:24:49,208 SOPHIE: I can't get ahold 662 00:24:47,208 --> 00:24:49,208 of either of them. 663 00:24:49,208 --> 00:24:52,583 Something's wrong, man, 664 00:24:49,208 --> 00:24:52,583 he could have Joe or Jenny. 665 00:24:52,583 --> 00:24:54,250 If we're gonna move on this guy, 666 00:24:52,583 --> 00:24:54,250 we got to do it now. 667 00:24:54,250 --> 00:24:56,291 Just roll up on his ass, 668 00:24:54,250 --> 00:24:56,291 guns blazing? 669 00:24:56,291 --> 00:24:58,958 This is about buying time, 670 00:24:56,291 --> 00:24:58,958 not endangering more lives. 671 00:24:58,958 --> 00:25:01,458 We panic now, 672 00:24:58,958 --> 00:25:01,458 we're playing into his hands. 673 00:25:01,458 --> 00:25:02,583 He's right. 674 00:25:02,583 --> 00:25:05,125 No one... 675 00:25:05,125 --> 00:25:08,625 no place is safe until 676 00:25:05,125 --> 00:25:08,625 my husband has been dealt with. 677 00:25:09,708 --> 00:25:11,333 Finish your task. 678 00:25:11,333 --> 00:25:12,333 As soon as the last 679 00:25:12,333 --> 00:25:14,250 spike is planted, 680 00:25:14,250 --> 00:25:16,666 the energy in the ley lines 681 00:25:14,250 --> 00:25:16,666 will be summoned, 682 00:25:16,666 --> 00:25:18,708 and the disturbance 683 00:25:16,666 --> 00:25:18,708 will then occur. 684 00:25:18,708 --> 00:25:20,541 And where are you going? 685 00:25:20,541 --> 00:25:22,416 We need more time. 686 00:25:23,958 --> 00:25:26,875 I will try and give us 687 00:25:23,958 --> 00:25:26,875 as much as I can. 688 00:25:29,958 --> 00:25:32,291 No, no, you've helped enough. 689 00:25:34,041 --> 00:25:36,500 We can protect you from him. 690 00:25:36,500 --> 00:25:40,208 No one can be protected 691 00:25:36,500 --> 00:25:40,208 from a god, 692 00:25:40,208 --> 00:25:42,208 especially not an angry one. 693 00:25:48,250 --> 00:25:49,583 (screaming) 694 00:25:49,583 --> 00:25:52,250 (Wendigo bellowing) 695 00:25:59,375 --> 00:26:00,375 God Almighty. 696 00:26:00,375 --> 00:26:02,000 (gunshots) 697 00:26:02,000 --> 00:26:03,750 Joe? Joe, Joe! 698 00:26:03,750 --> 00:26:05,041 It's me, it's me. 699 00:26:05,041 --> 00:26:07,000 Okay, let's slow 700 00:26:05,041 --> 00:26:07,000 this down, okay? 701 00:26:07,000 --> 00:26:08,458 Just like we did last time. 702 00:26:07,000 --> 00:26:08,458 Jennifer. 703 00:26:08,458 --> 00:26:09,875 Stay back, Dad. Joe. 704 00:26:09,875 --> 00:26:11,416 We're gonna have 705 00:26:09,875 --> 00:26:11,416 a quiet conversation, 706 00:26:11,416 --> 00:26:12,375 just you and me. 707 00:26:12,375 --> 00:26:14,041 (bellowing) 708 00:26:14,041 --> 00:26:15,166 EZRA: I don't know what 709 00:26:14,041 --> 00:26:15,166 you're trying to do, 710 00:26:15,166 --> 00:26:16,166 but it's not working. 711 00:26:16,166 --> 00:26:17,250 We need to go! 712 00:26:17,250 --> 00:26:19,333 Damn it, Joe. 713 00:26:19,333 --> 00:26:21,625 That's not gonna work! 714 00:26:19,333 --> 00:26:21,625 It's a tracking bullet. 715 00:26:21,625 --> 00:26:24,208 We need to keep tabs on him 716 00:26:21,625 --> 00:26:24,208 until we have a plan. 717 00:26:21,625 --> 00:26:24,208 Go! 718 00:26:32,416 --> 00:26:34,791 (bellowing) 719 00:26:39,666 --> 00:26:42,500 I can't see a damn thing 720 00:26:39,666 --> 00:26:42,500 on my right side. 721 00:26:51,583 --> 00:26:53,000 That's handy. 722 00:26:54,500 --> 00:26:56,416 Okay, coordinates 723 00:26:54,500 --> 00:26:56,416 put the location 724 00:26:56,416 --> 00:27:00,000 about 200 yards that way. 725 00:27:08,625 --> 00:27:11,000 Considering the baggage 726 00:27:08,625 --> 00:27:11,000 Abbie brought to the party, 727 00:27:11,000 --> 00:27:12,875 I'd say you're handling 728 00:27:11,000 --> 00:27:12,875 this pretty well. 729 00:27:13,958 --> 00:27:15,250 It tore her up inside 730 00:27:15,250 --> 00:27:16,791 keeping you in the dark, 731 00:27:15,250 --> 00:27:16,791 you know. 732 00:27:18,291 --> 00:27:19,666 Tore me up, too. 733 00:27:19,666 --> 00:27:21,833 Yeah, I bet. 734 00:27:21,833 --> 00:27:23,250 Truth is, you and Abbie 735 00:27:23,250 --> 00:27:25,541 weren't the only one 736 00:27:23,250 --> 00:27:25,541 to keep secrets. 737 00:27:25,541 --> 00:27:27,333 I was tasked 738 00:27:27,333 --> 00:27:28,708 to keep an eye on Abbie, 739 00:27:28,708 --> 00:27:31,375 reporting her 740 00:27:28,708 --> 00:27:31,375 movements, moods, 741 00:27:31,375 --> 00:27:33,166 any details. 742 00:27:33,166 --> 00:27:35,125 All covert, off the books. 743 00:27:35,125 --> 00:27:36,333 Reporting to whom? 744 00:27:36,333 --> 00:27:37,583 High level people. 745 00:27:37,583 --> 00:27:38,625 Assistant Director Jack Walters 746 00:27:38,625 --> 00:27:39,875 was my primary contact, 747 00:27:39,875 --> 00:27:41,583 but I have to assume 748 00:27:39,875 --> 00:27:41,583 others are involved. 749 00:27:41,583 --> 00:27:43,791 So, they used you 750 00:27:41,583 --> 00:27:43,791 to spy on Abbie? 751 00:27:43,791 --> 00:27:45,000 I let them. 752 00:27:45,000 --> 00:27:46,375 Look, I don't even know 753 00:27:46,375 --> 00:27:47,791 how much Walters knows, 754 00:27:47,791 --> 00:27:50,375 but he did refer 755 00:27:47,791 --> 00:27:50,375 to Abbie as an asset. 756 00:27:50,375 --> 00:27:52,833 And now you think the fact 757 00:27:50,375 --> 00:27:52,833 that she's a Witness 758 00:27:52,833 --> 00:27:54,000 has something to do with it. 759 00:27:54,000 --> 00:27:55,750 I messed up. 760 00:27:55,750 --> 00:27:57,041 I can't change that, 761 00:27:57,041 --> 00:27:59,333 but I can do my best 762 00:27:57,041 --> 00:27:59,333 to protect her. 763 00:28:01,125 --> 00:28:03,125 The least I can do 764 00:28:01,125 --> 00:28:03,125 is help save the world. 765 00:28:25,333 --> 00:28:27,875 It's very different in person. 766 00:28:27,875 --> 00:28:29,708 Sadder. 767 00:28:30,833 --> 00:28:32,666 Stranger, if that's possible. 768 00:28:41,583 --> 00:28:43,583 Your bishop, I presume. 769 00:28:43,583 --> 00:28:44,833 A rook, 770 00:28:44,833 --> 00:28:46,250 but you did 771 00:28:44,833 --> 00:28:46,250 always say that 772 00:28:46,250 --> 00:28:48,750 it looked like a bishop, 773 00:28:46,250 --> 00:28:48,750 and it was just me 774 00:28:48,750 --> 00:28:50,708 trying to get 775 00:28:48,750 --> 00:28:50,708 an advantage over you. 776 00:28:50,708 --> 00:28:52,583 I still don't know 777 00:28:52,583 --> 00:28:54,250 how to deal with the fact 778 00:28:52,583 --> 00:28:54,250 that those conversations-- 779 00:28:54,250 --> 00:28:57,166 arguments, debates, 780 00:28:54,250 --> 00:28:57,166 thousands of them-- 781 00:28:57,166 --> 00:28:58,291 weren't real. 782 00:28:58,291 --> 00:28:59,458 It was just me 783 00:28:59,458 --> 00:29:01,708 talking to myself, 784 00:28:59,458 --> 00:29:01,708 trying to keep 785 00:29:01,708 --> 00:29:03,666 from falling off the edge. 786 00:29:03,666 --> 00:29:06,666 No, actually, in a way, 787 00:29:03,666 --> 00:29:06,666 they were real. 788 00:29:06,666 --> 00:29:08,625 I had many a rousing chat 789 00:29:08,625 --> 00:29:10,000 with you 790 00:29:08,625 --> 00:29:10,000 whilst we were apart. 791 00:29:11,791 --> 00:29:14,500 They meant we could 792 00:29:11,791 --> 00:29:14,500 watch over one another. 793 00:29:14,500 --> 00:29:16,291 And now after all this time... 794 00:29:18,250 --> 00:29:19,916 ...both of us wind up here, 795 00:29:19,916 --> 00:29:22,458 of all places. 796 00:29:22,458 --> 00:29:24,000 Using my prison... 797 00:29:24,000 --> 00:29:26,708 to save the world. 798 00:29:28,583 --> 00:29:31,750 I beat this, didn't I? 799 00:29:31,750 --> 00:29:34,083 Yes, you did. 800 00:29:37,291 --> 00:29:39,375 Ah, and this... 801 00:29:39,375 --> 00:29:40,541 must be your knight. 802 00:29:40,541 --> 00:29:42,333 Queen. 803 00:29:42,333 --> 00:29:43,375 Queen? 804 00:29:43,375 --> 00:29:45,041 Pure chicanery. 805 00:29:45,041 --> 00:29:47,375 Okay, Bobby Fischer, 806 00:29:45,041 --> 00:29:47,375 let's go fix Pandora's box. 807 00:29:48,708 --> 00:29:50,083 I've been 808 00:29:48,708 --> 00:29:50,083 in this section before. 809 00:29:50,083 --> 00:29:52,875 I thought it was just... 810 00:29:50,083 --> 00:29:52,875 ancient wallpaper. 811 00:29:52,875 --> 00:29:55,833 According 812 00:29:52,875 --> 00:29:55,833 to Pandora's instructions, 813 00:29:55,833 --> 00:29:57,666 'tis much more than that. 814 00:29:57,666 --> 00:29:59,875 Here. 815 00:30:02,750 --> 00:30:03,750 Bird. 816 00:30:03,750 --> 00:30:05,791 Huntress. 817 00:30:05,791 --> 00:30:07,500 Hourglass. 818 00:30:10,750 --> 00:30:12,333 Sun. 819 00:30:16,458 --> 00:30:19,166 This must lead 820 00:30:16,458 --> 00:30:19,166 to an inner chamber. 821 00:30:19,166 --> 00:30:23,125 (low rumbling) 822 00:30:49,083 --> 00:30:50,916 Crane. 823 00:31:09,166 --> 00:31:10,708 Betsy. 824 00:31:24,458 --> 00:31:26,875 CRANE: 825 00:31:24,458 --> 00:31:26,875 No breath, no pulse. 826 00:31:26,875 --> 00:31:28,208 I'm sorry, Crane. 827 00:31:28,208 --> 00:31:29,291 Yes, well, 828 00:31:29,291 --> 00:31:30,750 this must have been where 829 00:31:30,750 --> 00:31:33,708 the Eye of Providence was kept. 830 00:31:33,708 --> 00:31:35,333 Magical properties 831 00:31:33,708 --> 00:31:35,333 would have kept her... 832 00:31:36,833 --> 00:31:38,791 ...remains intact. 833 00:31:38,791 --> 00:31:41,416 I had the whole temple 834 00:31:38,791 --> 00:31:41,416 and the Catacombs to wander. 835 00:31:41,416 --> 00:31:44,291 She was trapped 836 00:31:41,416 --> 00:31:44,291 in this room for centuries. 837 00:31:44,291 --> 00:31:46,916 She deserved 838 00:31:44,291 --> 00:31:46,916 a better end than this. 839 00:31:53,708 --> 00:31:56,750 (sighs) 840 00:31:56,750 --> 00:31:58,375 At least now I know the truth. 841 00:31:59,916 --> 00:32:01,375 Look, Dad, 842 00:31:59,916 --> 00:32:01,375 I'm not sure what 843 00:32:01,375 --> 00:32:02,791 it is you wanted to show me, 844 00:32:01,375 --> 00:32:02,791 but I have to explain 845 00:32:02,791 --> 00:32:03,791 what you just saw. 846 00:32:03,791 --> 00:32:05,500 Your boyfriend is a Wendigo. 847 00:32:09,708 --> 00:32:10,958 The supernatural? 848 00:32:10,958 --> 00:32:12,208 Monsters? 849 00:32:12,208 --> 00:32:13,791 I know all about them. 850 00:32:13,791 --> 00:32:15,291 For how long? 851 00:32:15,291 --> 00:32:17,250 Since before you and Abigail 852 00:32:15,291 --> 00:32:17,250 were born. 853 00:32:17,250 --> 00:32:19,000 What?! 854 00:32:17,250 --> 00:32:19,000 I-I'm sorry 855 00:32:17,250 --> 00:32:19,000 I couldn't tell you, 856 00:32:19,000 --> 00:32:20,291 but I had my reasons. 857 00:32:23,375 --> 00:32:25,791 Half skull, obsidian blade. 858 00:32:25,791 --> 00:32:28,500 Just add some of his blood 859 00:32:25,791 --> 00:32:28,500 and say the words. 860 00:32:28,500 --> 00:32:30,208 You know 861 00:32:28,500 --> 00:32:30,208 the Shawnee incantation? 862 00:32:30,208 --> 00:32:31,500 Yes, of course 863 00:32:30,208 --> 00:32:31,500 I do, but... 864 00:32:31,500 --> 00:32:32,666 Good girl. 865 00:32:32,666 --> 00:32:33,875 Okay, just in case... 866 00:32:33,875 --> 00:32:35,708 we'll bring this. 867 00:32:35,708 --> 00:32:39,208 It's a prototype 868 00:32:35,708 --> 00:32:39,208 ballistics weapon. 869 00:32:39,208 --> 00:32:40,875 It'll pretty much 870 00:32:39,208 --> 00:32:40,875 take down any species, 871 00:32:40,875 --> 00:32:42,625 but it packs a punch, 872 00:32:42,625 --> 00:32:45,541 so last resort only, 873 00:32:42,625 --> 00:32:45,541 do you hear me? 874 00:32:47,000 --> 00:32:48,333 How much do you know? 875 00:32:48,333 --> 00:32:50,083 About me and Abbie? 876 00:32:50,083 --> 00:32:51,166 About... 877 00:32:51,166 --> 00:32:53,125 about Crane? 878 00:32:59,791 --> 00:33:02,083 You knew Corbin and Nevins. 879 00:33:02,083 --> 00:33:05,083 I was the one 880 00:33:02,083 --> 00:33:05,083 who took that picture. 881 00:33:05,083 --> 00:33:06,541 What... Dad... 882 00:33:06,541 --> 00:33:07,791 Jennifer, 883 00:33:07,791 --> 00:33:09,166 I know you have 884 00:33:07,791 --> 00:33:09,166 a million questions, 885 00:33:09,166 --> 00:33:10,916 and I promise I will 886 00:33:09,166 --> 00:33:10,916 answer every one, 887 00:33:10,916 --> 00:33:13,000 but right now we need 888 00:33:10,916 --> 00:33:13,000 to save Joe. 889 00:33:13,000 --> 00:33:15,125 I owe August Corbin that much. 890 00:33:19,791 --> 00:33:21,541 We should give her a ceremony. 891 00:33:22,958 --> 00:33:25,250 Just a few words. 892 00:33:25,250 --> 00:33:27,458 Let her soul be at peace. 893 00:33:27,458 --> 00:33:29,166 I don't think that's gonna work. 894 00:33:29,166 --> 00:33:32,000 Please, Lieutenant, 895 00:33:29,166 --> 00:33:32,000 we must honor her sacrifice. 896 00:33:32,000 --> 00:33:34,250 No, Crane, I mean it's not gonna 897 00:33:32,000 --> 00:33:34,250 work because she isn't dead. 898 00:33:34,250 --> 00:33:35,458 (gasping) 899 00:33:38,208 --> 00:33:41,875 (gasping) 900 00:33:41,875 --> 00:33:43,666 Betsy? 901 00:33:43,666 --> 00:33:45,208 Ichabod... 902 00:33:45,208 --> 00:33:47,083 is that you? 903 00:33:55,583 --> 00:33:57,625 You look well, my love. 904 00:33:57,625 --> 00:33:58,958 Do not... 905 00:33:58,958 --> 00:34:01,291 pretend that you love me. 906 00:34:02,750 --> 00:34:04,416 You never did. 907 00:34:04,416 --> 00:34:07,000 The truth was in front 908 00:34:04,416 --> 00:34:07,000 of your eyes from the moment 909 00:34:07,000 --> 00:34:08,791 you first took pity on me. 910 00:34:12,041 --> 00:34:13,875 The other gods 911 00:34:12,041 --> 00:34:13,875 kept me imprisoned 912 00:34:13,875 --> 00:34:14,875 for very good reasons. 913 00:34:14,875 --> 00:34:17,041 Reasons that had nothing 914 00:34:17,041 --> 00:34:19,000 to do with benevolence, 915 00:34:19,000 --> 00:34:21,541 or mercy 916 00:34:21,541 --> 00:34:23,375 or love. 917 00:34:23,375 --> 00:34:26,208 All I've ever loved 918 00:34:26,208 --> 00:34:28,041 was power. 919 00:34:30,666 --> 00:34:33,958 When the last grain 920 00:34:30,666 --> 00:34:33,958 passes through, 921 00:34:33,958 --> 00:34:36,000 I will take your life. 922 00:34:37,541 --> 00:34:39,791 Slowly. 923 00:34:46,000 --> 00:34:47,541 Okay, that was 924 00:34:46,000 --> 00:34:47,541 the last one. 925 00:34:50,166 --> 00:34:53,041 Why isn't anything 926 00:34:50,166 --> 00:34:53,041 happening? 927 00:34:53,041 --> 00:34:54,750 I don't know. 928 00:34:54,750 --> 00:34:56,500 She said it would 929 00:34:54,750 --> 00:34:56,500 just start up. 930 00:35:06,458 --> 00:35:09,291 ♪ ♪ 931 00:35:13,625 --> 00:35:15,166 You would dare?! 932 00:35:23,625 --> 00:35:25,083 You found my letter... 933 00:35:25,083 --> 00:35:26,083 on the river. 934 00:35:26,083 --> 00:35:27,083 Quite... 935 00:35:27,083 --> 00:35:28,083 the mess. 936 00:35:28,083 --> 00:35:29,208 Washington and I 937 00:35:29,208 --> 00:35:30,625 were lucky to escape it. 938 00:35:30,625 --> 00:35:32,875 Ichabod, you are a sight 939 00:35:30,625 --> 00:35:32,875 for sore eyes. 940 00:35:32,875 --> 00:35:34,500 Although you look... 941 00:35:34,500 --> 00:35:36,625 different, your... 942 00:35:36,625 --> 00:35:38,083 hair is... 943 00:35:36,625 --> 00:35:38,083 Yes, it's shorter. 944 00:35:38,083 --> 00:35:39,083 Cleaner. 945 00:35:39,083 --> 00:35:40,625 Right, Betsy, 946 00:35:40,625 --> 00:35:43,625 last I saw, 947 00:35:40,625 --> 00:35:43,625 you and General Washington 948 00:35:43,625 --> 00:35:44,708 were crossing to Trenton. 949 00:35:48,458 --> 00:35:50,500 Oh, my apologies. 950 00:35:50,500 --> 00:35:54,000 Allow me to introduce 951 00:35:50,500 --> 00:35:54,000 Miss Abigail Mills. 952 00:35:54,000 --> 00:35:55,583 This is... 953 00:35:55,583 --> 00:35:57,875 Miss Elizabeth Ross. 954 00:36:03,000 --> 00:36:05,375 Tracker puts him 955 00:36:03,000 --> 00:36:05,375 half a mile out. 956 00:36:05,375 --> 00:36:08,083 He's headed this way. 957 00:36:08,083 --> 00:36:11,875 Why do you owe it 958 00:36:08,083 --> 00:36:11,875 to August Corbin? 959 00:36:13,583 --> 00:36:14,875 That was the deal. 960 00:36:16,333 --> 00:36:17,791 It killed me 961 00:36:16,333 --> 00:36:17,791 to leave but... 962 00:36:17,791 --> 00:36:20,250 it was for your own protection. 963 00:36:20,250 --> 00:36:21,708 What does that mean? 964 00:36:21,708 --> 00:36:22,833 (tracker beeps) 965 00:36:22,833 --> 00:36:24,500 He's coming. 966 00:36:22,833 --> 00:36:24,500 Okay. 967 00:36:26,333 --> 00:36:29,666 (Wendigo bellowing) 968 00:36:33,416 --> 00:36:38,458 (whispering): 969 00:36:33,416 --> 00:36:38,458 I'm sorry about this, babe. 970 00:36:38,458 --> 00:36:40,166 (screeches) 971 00:36:41,333 --> 00:36:43,583 (growling) 972 00:36:48,333 --> 00:36:52,083 Great spirit in the sky, 973 00:36:52,083 --> 00:36:55,375 I call you to the aid of your 974 00:36:52,083 --> 00:36:55,375 warriors! 975 00:36:55,375 --> 00:36:59,375 Life the curse of blood hunger! 976 00:37:00,583 --> 00:37:04,916 Free the man inside the beast! 977 00:37:12,375 --> 00:37:14,041 EZRA: Hey! 978 00:37:12,375 --> 00:37:14,041 Hairy guy! 979 00:37:14,041 --> 00:37:15,916 Come here. 980 00:37:18,125 --> 00:37:19,208 Wait, Dad, don't! 981 00:37:23,583 --> 00:37:26,166 Joe, don't, no! 982 00:37:28,791 --> 00:37:30,208 (bellowing) 983 00:37:36,291 --> 00:37:37,583 Joe. 984 00:37:44,500 --> 00:37:46,083 Joe. 985 00:37:46,083 --> 00:37:47,083 Hey. 986 00:37:47,083 --> 00:37:48,083 (whispering): 987 00:37:47,083 --> 00:37:48,083 Joe. 988 00:37:49,666 --> 00:37:51,666 It's okay... it's okay. 989 00:37:51,666 --> 00:37:53,583 I didn't know. 990 00:37:53,583 --> 00:37:54,958 Hey. 991 00:37:54,958 --> 00:37:56,750 I love you. 992 00:37:56,750 --> 00:37:59,250 (crying): 993 00:37:56,750 --> 00:37:59,250 I love you. 994 00:37:59,250 --> 00:38:00,916 Joe. 995 00:38:00,916 --> 00:38:02,583 You had to, it's okay. 996 00:38:02,583 --> 00:38:04,250 You had to. 997 00:38:04,250 --> 00:38:05,250 (Joe groans) 998 00:38:05,250 --> 00:38:06,250 (sobbing) 999 00:38:08,250 --> 00:38:09,708 No. 1000 00:38:09,708 --> 00:38:11,875 (crying): 1001 00:38:09,708 --> 00:38:11,875 No, Joe, Joe. 1002 00:38:14,125 --> 00:38:15,791 Joe, no! 1003 00:38:15,791 --> 00:38:18,833 No. (sobbing continues) 1004 00:38:18,833 --> 00:38:20,458 What did I do? 1005 00:38:22,083 --> 00:38:24,250 What did I do? 1006 00:38:31,166 --> 00:38:32,958 (low rumbling) 1007 00:38:36,083 --> 00:38:37,291 (grunts) 1008 00:38:38,333 --> 00:38:39,958 Enough! 1009 00:39:01,666 --> 00:39:02,708 It is time. 1010 00:39:08,833 --> 00:39:10,958 (low rumbling) 1011 00:39:18,333 --> 00:39:20,750 (panting) 1012 00:39:27,291 --> 00:39:28,708 Husband? 1013 00:39:31,916 --> 00:39:33,541 (echoing): 1014 00:39:31,916 --> 00:39:33,541 The man... 1015 00:39:33,541 --> 00:39:36,666 you call husband 1016 00:39:33,541 --> 00:39:36,666 no longer exists. 1017 00:39:38,916 --> 00:39:41,500 All that remains... 1018 00:39:41,500 --> 00:39:43,291 is his final wish. 1019 00:39:47,166 --> 00:39:50,250 That this world shall burn! 1020 00:39:53,833 --> 00:39:55,833 Betsy, 1021 00:39:55,833 --> 00:39:58,250 how are you still alive? 1022 00:39:58,250 --> 00:40:00,541 Bad luck, mainly. 1023 00:40:00,541 --> 00:40:02,916 Honestly, 1024 00:40:00,541 --> 00:40:02,916 after so many trials, 1025 00:40:02,916 --> 00:40:05,416 you would think we were 1026 00:40:02,916 --> 00:40:05,416 due some decent fortune. 1027 00:40:06,916 --> 00:40:09,250 We were close to our goal-- 1028 00:40:09,250 --> 00:40:10,833 retrieving the Eye of 1029 00:40:09,250 --> 00:40:10,833 Providence from this temple. 1030 00:40:10,833 --> 00:40:12,375 General Washington 1031 00:40:12,375 --> 00:40:14,666 had spent months 1032 00:40:12,375 --> 00:40:14,666 decoding ancient texts, 1033 00:40:14,666 --> 00:40:15,666 preparing for this 1034 00:40:15,666 --> 00:40:16,958 very moment. 1035 00:40:22,333 --> 00:40:23,583 Our perseverance paid off... 1036 00:40:27,500 --> 00:40:29,916 ...until I became greedy, 1037 00:40:27,500 --> 00:40:29,916 curious 1038 00:40:29,916 --> 00:40:32,416 for more marvels held 1039 00:40:29,916 --> 00:40:32,416 within this chamber. 1040 00:40:32,416 --> 00:40:35,375 (low rumbling) 1041 00:40:35,375 --> 00:40:36,208 Betsy! 1042 00:40:37,958 --> 00:40:39,458 General! 1043 00:40:39,458 --> 00:40:40,791 Whatever sequence 1044 00:40:39,458 --> 00:40:40,791 the general used 1045 00:40:40,791 --> 00:40:42,375 to open this chamber 1046 00:40:40,791 --> 00:40:42,375 no longer worked. 1047 00:40:42,375 --> 00:40:43,375 It won't open! 1048 00:40:43,375 --> 00:40:44,416 BETSY: I was trapped. 1049 00:40:44,416 --> 00:40:45,916 I'll come back 1050 00:40:44,416 --> 00:40:45,916 for you. 1051 00:40:45,916 --> 00:40:46,958 BETSY: I could faintly hear 1052 00:40:45,916 --> 00:40:46,958 his entreaties 1053 00:40:46,958 --> 00:40:47,958 through the wall... 1054 00:40:47,958 --> 00:40:49,333 I'll find a way. 1055 00:40:49,333 --> 00:40:50,791 ...but I knew full well 1056 00:40:50,791 --> 00:40:53,416 there was no time 1057 00:40:50,791 --> 00:40:53,416 for any rescue. 1058 00:40:53,416 --> 00:40:55,250 Priorities would force him 1059 00:40:53,416 --> 00:40:55,250 to finish the mission. 1060 00:40:57,541 --> 00:41:00,250 I tried every 1061 00:40:57,541 --> 00:41:00,250 single thing I could 1062 00:41:00,250 --> 00:41:02,625 to escape... 1063 00:41:02,625 --> 00:41:05,125 but I had not the knowledge 1064 00:41:02,625 --> 00:41:05,125 of ancient glyphs 1065 00:41:05,125 --> 00:41:06,708 as you do, Ichabod. 1066 00:41:08,125 --> 00:41:09,250 Days? 1067 00:41:09,250 --> 00:41:10,333 Months? 1068 00:41:10,333 --> 00:41:11,916 Somehow, the energies 1069 00:41:11,916 --> 00:41:13,666 within the chamber 1070 00:41:11,916 --> 00:41:13,666 itself kept me alive. 1071 00:41:13,666 --> 00:41:18,333 My hopes for a rescue 1072 00:41:13,666 --> 00:41:18,333 began to abandon me. 1073 00:41:18,333 --> 00:41:20,208 Ultimately, 1074 00:41:20,208 --> 00:41:24,291 I had no choice 1075 00:41:20,208 --> 00:41:24,291 but to accept my fate. 1076 00:41:24,291 --> 00:41:26,375 You can fill in the blanks 1077 00:41:24,291 --> 00:41:26,375 on the journey home. 1078 00:41:26,375 --> 00:41:28,041 Tell me, both of you, 1079 00:41:28,041 --> 00:41:29,416 how fares the War? 1080 00:41:29,416 --> 00:41:30,541 Did we rout the blighters 1081 00:41:29,416 --> 00:41:30,541 at Trenton? 1082 00:41:30,541 --> 00:41:32,375 Betsy. 1083 00:41:33,916 --> 00:41:36,458 You do know how long 1084 00:41:33,916 --> 00:41:36,458 you've been down here? 1085 00:41:36,458 --> 00:41:37,833 Months. 1086 00:41:37,833 --> 00:41:40,458 We must be well into 1087 00:41:37,833 --> 00:41:40,458 the New Year by now. 1088 00:41:40,458 --> 00:41:41,833 Which New Year? 1089 00:41:41,833 --> 00:41:44,875 1777.