1 00:00:05,375 --> 00:00:08,041 You are freaking out, Crane. 2 00:00:08,041 --> 00:00:10,375 Hardly. 3 00:00:10,375 --> 00:00:13,166 I'm making preparations 4 00:00:10,375 --> 00:00:13,166 for restoring Pandora's box. 5 00:00:13,166 --> 00:00:15,625 Oh, I know you well enough 6 00:00:13,166 --> 00:00:15,625 to know when you're bugging. 7 00:00:15,625 --> 00:00:18,291 Very well, perhaps I am 8 00:00:18,291 --> 00:00:19,958 a little more 9 00:00:18,291 --> 00:00:19,958 than moderately agitated. 10 00:00:19,958 --> 00:00:21,500 And for good reason-- 11 00:00:21,500 --> 00:00:23,791 finding Betsy Ross alive, 12 00:00:21,500 --> 00:00:23,791 trapped down here. 13 00:00:23,791 --> 00:00:26,375 It's what happens when she 14 00:00:23,791 --> 00:00:26,375 leaves that concerns me more. 15 00:00:26,375 --> 00:00:29,166 If Betsy enters the Well 16 00:00:26,375 --> 00:00:29,166 you used to leave this place, 17 00:00:29,166 --> 00:00:32,875 she will return 18 00:00:29,166 --> 00:00:32,875 in her own time, so... 19 00:00:32,875 --> 00:00:35,208 you and I 20 00:00:32,875 --> 00:00:35,208 must endeavor to 21 00:00:35,208 --> 00:00:38,041 help her on her way 22 00:00:35,208 --> 00:00:38,041 as soon as she returns 23 00:00:38,041 --> 00:00:39,375 from scouting 24 00:00:38,041 --> 00:00:39,375 the environs. 25 00:00:39,375 --> 00:00:40,666 And we cannot let on 26 00:00:40,666 --> 00:00:42,583 that we are from the future. 27 00:00:40,666 --> 00:00:42,583 Or we risk 28 00:00:42,583 --> 00:00:43,625 damaging the time stream. 29 00:00:43,625 --> 00:00:45,791 I get it. I saw Star Wars. 30 00:00:45,791 --> 00:00:49,708 Trek not Wars, but yes. 31 00:00:49,708 --> 00:00:52,708 As Captain James Tiberius Kirk 32 00:00:49,708 --> 00:00:52,708 learned the hard way 33 00:00:52,708 --> 00:00:54,458 in the most 34 00:00:52,708 --> 00:00:54,458 memorable episode, 35 00:00:54,458 --> 00:00:56,166 "City on the Edge of Forever." 36 00:00:56,166 --> 00:00:58,041 Okay, well, I will let you 37 00:00:56,166 --> 00:00:58,041 be the one to bring up 38 00:00:58,041 --> 00:01:00,083 jumping into 39 00:00:58,041 --> 00:01:00,083 a bottomless well. 40 00:01:00,083 --> 00:01:01,500 BETSY: 41 00:01:00,083 --> 00:01:01,500 My circumnavigation 42 00:01:01,500 --> 00:01:04,166 has revealed nothing of 43 00:01:01,500 --> 00:01:04,166 use to the war effort. 44 00:01:04,166 --> 00:01:07,708 Yeah, nothing but sand and sun 45 00:01:04,166 --> 00:01:07,708 for over 1,000 miles. 46 00:01:07,708 --> 00:01:09,583 Which makes me wonder 47 00:01:07,708 --> 00:01:09,583 how you came to acquire 48 00:01:09,583 --> 00:01:11,750 such intimate knowledge 49 00:01:09,583 --> 00:01:11,750 of the Catacombs. 50 00:01:11,750 --> 00:01:14,666 That information we 51 00:01:11,750 --> 00:01:14,666 cannot share, Betsy. 52 00:01:14,666 --> 00:01:17,166 You see, we are more than 53 00:01:14,666 --> 00:01:17,166 simply a rescue mission. 54 00:01:17,166 --> 00:01:19,541 We have very 55 00:01:17,166 --> 00:01:19,541 specific orders 56 00:01:19,541 --> 00:01:21,875 from General Washington. 57 00:01:21,875 --> 00:01:24,083 He would only have shared the 58 00:01:21,875 --> 00:01:24,083 existence of the supernatural 59 00:01:24,083 --> 00:01:27,416 with you in the most dire 60 00:01:24,083 --> 00:01:27,416 of circumstances. 61 00:01:30,625 --> 00:01:33,500 Or sent a stranger 62 00:01:30,625 --> 00:01:33,500 to accompany you. 63 00:01:33,500 --> 00:01:36,083 In your absence, 64 00:01:33,500 --> 00:01:36,083 Lieutenant Mills and I 65 00:01:36,083 --> 00:01:38,416 have formed a very 66 00:01:36,083 --> 00:01:38,416 strong partnership. 67 00:01:38,416 --> 00:01:40,041 Lieutenant? 68 00:01:42,583 --> 00:01:45,875 There are no female officers 69 00:01:42,583 --> 00:01:45,875 in the Continental Army. 70 00:01:45,875 --> 00:01:48,291 It's a pet name. 71 00:01:48,291 --> 00:01:50,250 I... 72 00:01:50,250 --> 00:01:51,833 call him Crane. 73 00:01:51,833 --> 00:01:53,916 CRANE: 74 00:01:51,833 --> 00:01:53,916 Regrettably, 75 00:01:53,916 --> 00:01:57,958 the veil of secrecy precludes 76 00:01:53,916 --> 00:01:57,958 our sharing of details, Betsy. 77 00:01:57,958 --> 00:01:59,916 We are to restore a powerful, 78 00:01:57,958 --> 00:01:59,916 supernatural artifact, 79 00:01:59,916 --> 00:02:02,416 and it is our only hope 80 00:02:02,416 --> 00:02:06,041 against a foe who holds the fate 81 00:02:02,416 --> 00:02:06,041 of the world in his hands. 82 00:02:10,541 --> 00:02:12,208 "Here rests 83 00:02:12,208 --> 00:02:15,583 "the container that holds 84 00:02:12,208 --> 00:02:15,583 all the evil of the world. 85 00:02:15,583 --> 00:02:18,041 "Dark vessel of nightmare. 86 00:02:18,041 --> 00:02:22,000 (echoing): 87 00:02:18,041 --> 00:02:22,000 "Dread urn forged in the void. 88 00:02:22,000 --> 00:02:26,166 Let that which is broken 89 00:02:22,000 --> 00:02:26,166 be remade." 90 00:02:43,333 --> 00:02:45,916 When last we saw this box, 91 00:02:43,333 --> 00:02:45,916 'twas silver in hue. 92 00:02:45,916 --> 00:02:47,125 Did we do something wrong? 93 00:02:47,125 --> 00:02:49,833 I performed the incantation 94 00:02:47,125 --> 00:02:49,833 as instructed. 95 00:02:49,833 --> 00:02:52,500 Over here. 96 00:02:59,708 --> 00:03:03,666 Cuneiform is the same 97 00:02:59,708 --> 00:03:03,666 as on the pedestal. 98 00:03:03,666 --> 00:03:06,708 "Binding the evils 99 00:03:03,666 --> 00:03:06,708 of the world. 100 00:03:06,708 --> 00:03:10,416 "A radiance given by... 101 00:03:10,416 --> 00:03:12,458 "one who bears Witness. 102 00:03:12,458 --> 00:03:14,458 An Eternal Soul." 103 00:03:17,125 --> 00:03:19,625 Pandora made 104 00:03:17,125 --> 00:03:19,625 no reference to this. 105 00:03:19,625 --> 00:03:21,291 That can't be good. 106 00:03:21,291 --> 00:03:23,250 CRANE: 107 00:03:21,291 --> 00:03:23,250 No, nor the reference 108 00:03:23,250 --> 00:03:26,125 to Witness, 109 00:03:23,250 --> 00:03:26,125 specifically this... 110 00:03:26,125 --> 00:03:28,000 Eternal Soul. 111 00:03:29,625 --> 00:03:31,916 I fear 112 00:03:29,625 --> 00:03:31,916 the missing ingredient 113 00:03:31,916 --> 00:03:34,250 may be one of us. 114 00:03:34,250 --> 00:03:35,750 Lieutenant! 115 00:03:35,750 --> 00:03:37,000 (loud whooshing) 116 00:03:39,750 --> 00:03:41,375 (grunting) 117 00:03:44,375 --> 00:03:47,000 (gasping) 118 00:03:44,375 --> 00:03:47,000 Lieutenant... 119 00:03:47,000 --> 00:03:48,916 are you all right? 120 00:03:48,916 --> 00:03:50,041 Fine. 121 00:03:50,041 --> 00:03:51,250 (panting) 122 00:03:51,250 --> 00:03:52,916 Its bark is worse 123 00:03:51,250 --> 00:03:52,916 than its bite. 124 00:03:55,333 --> 00:03:56,583 The Box-- 125 00:03:56,583 --> 00:03:57,875 we did it. 126 00:03:57,875 --> 00:03:59,458 Which means it got 127 00:03:57,875 --> 00:03:59,458 what it needed. 128 00:04:01,250 --> 00:04:02,500 (groans) 129 00:04:02,500 --> 00:04:03,708 No, no. 130 00:04:03,708 --> 00:04:06,166 Abbie. 131 00:04:06,166 --> 00:04:07,833 There's a pulse. 132 00:04:07,833 --> 00:04:09,666 It feels very faint. 133 00:04:16,708 --> 00:04:18,875 Crane... 134 00:04:18,875 --> 00:04:20,208 Save your strength. 135 00:04:25,875 --> 00:04:29,416 I hope you got the plates 136 00:04:25,875 --> 00:04:29,416 off the truck that hit me. 137 00:04:29,416 --> 00:04:33,250 The Box took something precious. 138 00:04:33,250 --> 00:04:35,791 There's a void. 139 00:04:37,458 --> 00:04:39,541 Something's wrong. 140 00:04:41,416 --> 00:04:43,000 We'll fix it. 141 00:04:43,000 --> 00:04:45,333 We've come back 142 00:04:43,000 --> 00:04:45,333 from worse. 143 00:04:46,833 --> 00:04:49,458 It is a side of the job 144 00:04:46,833 --> 00:04:49,458 that is never advertised. 145 00:04:49,458 --> 00:04:53,083 And we were just talking about, 146 00:04:49,458 --> 00:04:53,083 on the way here, cheating death. 147 00:04:53,083 --> 00:04:54,583 Enough of that. 148 00:04:56,833 --> 00:05:00,041 Perhaps Washington or Revere 149 00:04:56,833 --> 00:05:00,041 can help her when we get back. 150 00:05:07,750 --> 00:05:09,791 We're not coming back 151 00:05:07,750 --> 00:05:09,791 with you, Betsy. 152 00:05:09,791 --> 00:05:12,458 You are not the Crane I know. 153 00:05:12,458 --> 00:05:16,375 Betsy, believe me, I am telling 154 00:05:12,458 --> 00:05:16,375 the truth in that I... 155 00:05:16,375 --> 00:05:18,125 cannot tell the whole truth. 156 00:05:18,125 --> 00:05:20,583 Only one truth matters. 157 00:05:22,208 --> 00:05:26,000 Your heart belongs 158 00:05:22,208 --> 00:05:26,000 to Abigail Mills. 159 00:05:30,625 --> 00:05:32,583 She is my partner. 160 00:05:33,791 --> 00:05:35,833 I must leave this place. 161 00:05:35,833 --> 00:05:37,833 Um... 162 00:05:37,833 --> 00:05:39,583 at the far end 163 00:05:37,833 --> 00:05:39,583 of the plateau 164 00:05:39,583 --> 00:05:42,666 there is a Well beside 165 00:05:39,583 --> 00:05:42,666 the stump of a tree. 166 00:05:42,666 --> 00:05:45,166 Enter and... 167 00:05:45,166 --> 00:05:47,708 you will return 168 00:05:45,166 --> 00:05:47,708 from whence you came. 169 00:05:50,166 --> 00:05:51,541 Miss Mills. 170 00:05:51,541 --> 00:05:54,666 You have a good partner 171 00:05:51,541 --> 00:05:54,666 in Ichabod Crane. 172 00:05:54,666 --> 00:05:56,791 Put him in his place 173 00:05:54,666 --> 00:05:56,791 every once in a while. 174 00:05:58,458 --> 00:06:01,208 Keeps him honest. 175 00:06:17,875 --> 00:06:21,333 I'm sorry about how 176 00:06:17,875 --> 00:06:21,333 things ended with Betsy. 177 00:06:21,333 --> 00:06:23,125 At least now I understand 178 00:06:21,333 --> 00:06:23,125 why we never spoke 179 00:06:23,125 --> 00:06:24,875 after she returned from this... 180 00:06:24,875 --> 00:06:27,041 dreadful place. 181 00:06:27,041 --> 00:06:28,625 Our partnership 182 00:06:28,625 --> 00:06:32,041 was a prelude to a destiny 183 00:06:28,625 --> 00:06:32,041 I could never have imagined. 184 00:06:32,041 --> 00:06:34,875 One I share with you. 185 00:06:37,000 --> 00:06:38,333 Shall we? 186 00:06:38,333 --> 00:06:41,500 Well, not until you tell me 187 00:06:38,333 --> 00:06:41,500 whatever it is... 188 00:06:41,500 --> 00:06:43,750 you don't want to tell me. 189 00:06:43,750 --> 00:06:46,958 The tablet I found 190 00:06:43,750 --> 00:06:46,958 in my family crypt 191 00:06:46,958 --> 00:06:50,375 had a symbol on it I could not 192 00:06:46,958 --> 00:06:50,375 translate until today, 193 00:06:50,375 --> 00:06:53,666 when it appeared on 194 00:06:50,375 --> 00:06:53,666 the wall of the antechamber. 195 00:06:53,666 --> 00:06:56,666 It reads, "Eternal Soul," 196 00:06:56,666 --> 00:06:59,291 meaning the soul 197 00:06:56,666 --> 00:06:59,291 of a Witness 198 00:06:59,291 --> 00:07:01,041 that the Box requires. 199 00:07:04,333 --> 00:07:06,208 Which is why 200 00:07:04,333 --> 00:07:06,208 Pandora sent us both. 201 00:07:06,208 --> 00:07:07,250 There are powerful forces 202 00:07:07,250 --> 00:07:09,875 at work here, 203 00:07:09,875 --> 00:07:12,375 and I do not intend 204 00:07:09,875 --> 00:07:12,375 to be pawn to them. 205 00:07:12,375 --> 00:07:14,333 We make our own destiny. 206 00:07:14,333 --> 00:07:16,291 Right now, we are destined 207 00:07:16,291 --> 00:07:18,916 to take a plunge. 208 00:07:18,916 --> 00:07:20,333 Let's do this. 209 00:07:20,333 --> 00:07:21,958 In through a tree, 210 00:07:20,333 --> 00:07:21,958 out through a well. 211 00:07:21,958 --> 00:07:24,041 How about an escalator 212 00:07:21,958 --> 00:07:24,041 to the Catacombs? 213 00:07:24,041 --> 00:07:27,958 It would not have the same 214 00:07:24,041 --> 00:07:27,958 metaphorical heft, I fear. 215 00:07:32,500 --> 00:07:35,291 Now... 216 00:07:35,291 --> 00:07:38,583 let us not miss the perfect 217 00:07:35,291 --> 00:07:38,583 opportunity for embracing... 218 00:07:38,583 --> 00:07:40,250 (echoing): 219 00:07:38,583 --> 00:07:40,250 Tally-ho! 220 00:07:42,291 --> 00:07:44,916 That was not very sporting! 221 00:07:50,666 --> 00:07:51,625 (grunts) 222 00:07:51,625 --> 00:07:54,125 What she said. 223 00:07:57,708 --> 00:08:00,750 ♪ ♪ 224 00:08:36,666 --> 00:08:37,916 (door opens) 225 00:08:37,916 --> 00:08:41,625 Abbie, you made it. 226 00:08:41,625 --> 00:08:43,125 (grunts) 227 00:08:44,625 --> 00:08:45,625 The mission was a success. 228 00:08:48,625 --> 00:08:50,208 ABBIE: How'd it go on this end? 229 00:08:48,625 --> 00:08:50,208 Where is everyone? 230 00:08:50,208 --> 00:08:52,083 Where's Joe, Sophie, Reynolds? 231 00:08:55,166 --> 00:08:57,375 Dad. 232 00:08:57,375 --> 00:08:59,125 Jennifer asked me to come. 233 00:09:02,791 --> 00:09:04,166 What's wrong? What happened? 234 00:09:04,166 --> 00:09:06,333 It's Joe. 235 00:09:06,333 --> 00:09:08,041 He, uh... 236 00:09:09,583 --> 00:09:12,000 (crying): 237 00:09:09,583 --> 00:09:12,000 He turned again. 238 00:09:12,000 --> 00:09:13,666 The Hidden One... 239 00:09:14,666 --> 00:09:15,750 I'm sorry. 240 00:09:19,458 --> 00:09:21,083 Joe was our brother. 241 00:09:22,416 --> 00:09:23,666 And mine. 242 00:09:28,791 --> 00:09:31,000 My condolences, Miss Jenny. 243 00:09:32,625 --> 00:09:34,291 Master Corbin 244 00:09:32,625 --> 00:09:34,291 fought bravely, 245 00:09:34,291 --> 00:09:36,000 and he saved 246 00:09:34,291 --> 00:09:36,000 countless lives, 247 00:09:36,000 --> 00:09:37,416 and we will honor him 248 00:09:37,416 --> 00:09:40,583 by picking up his standard 249 00:09:37,416 --> 00:09:40,583 and marching on. 250 00:09:40,583 --> 00:09:42,500 Believe me... 251 00:09:42,500 --> 00:09:45,041 the Hidden One 252 00:09:42,500 --> 00:09:45,041 will pay for this. 253 00:09:54,500 --> 00:09:56,875 I've been looking for ways 254 00:09:54,500 --> 00:09:56,875 to modify our arsenal, 255 00:09:56,875 --> 00:09:59,416 searching for myths 256 00:09:56,875 --> 00:09:59,416 in which gods are killed, 257 00:09:59,416 --> 00:10:00,791 like the Norse Ragnarok. 258 00:10:00,791 --> 00:10:02,833 Twilight of the Gods. 259 00:10:03,916 --> 00:10:05,625 The battle in which 260 00:10:03,916 --> 00:10:05,625 all existence 261 00:10:05,625 --> 00:10:07,083 was destroyed and remade. 262 00:10:07,083 --> 00:10:09,208 We just need to get 263 00:10:07,083 --> 00:10:09,208 around that part. 264 00:10:09,208 --> 00:10:10,541 Nothing is where 265 00:10:09,208 --> 00:10:10,541 it used to be. 266 00:10:10,541 --> 00:10:12,250 You been here before? 267 00:10:12,250 --> 00:10:14,041 Many years ago. 268 00:10:14,041 --> 00:10:16,375 My friendship with August Corbin 269 00:10:14,041 --> 00:10:16,375 was strained, but there was... 270 00:10:16,375 --> 00:10:18,625 always mutual respect. 271 00:10:19,500 --> 00:10:21,333 Oh, here it is. 272 00:10:22,833 --> 00:10:25,541 The Elder Edda. (blows) 273 00:10:25,541 --> 00:10:28,208 If there's a clue 274 00:10:25,541 --> 00:10:28,208 in the Ragnarok myth, 275 00:10:28,208 --> 00:10:29,708 you'll find it here. 276 00:10:29,708 --> 00:10:31,291 But a weapon 277 00:10:29,708 --> 00:10:31,291 powerful enough 278 00:10:31,291 --> 00:10:32,500 to take down a god? 279 00:10:32,500 --> 00:10:34,000 It's a tall order. 280 00:10:34,000 --> 00:10:35,166 And we have just the thing, 281 00:10:35,166 --> 00:10:36,166 but the Box 282 00:10:36,166 --> 00:10:37,541 is no use without Pandora. 283 00:10:37,541 --> 00:10:39,583 The Hidden One disappeared 284 00:10:37,541 --> 00:10:39,583 with her to parts unknown. 285 00:10:39,583 --> 00:10:40,958 CRANE: 286 00:10:39,583 --> 00:10:40,958 And these... 287 00:10:40,958 --> 00:10:43,708 chirosiphones 288 00:10:40,958 --> 00:10:43,708 have proven most useful 289 00:10:43,708 --> 00:10:45,541 against all manner of creatures. 290 00:10:45,541 --> 00:10:47,708 Shouldn't take long 291 00:10:45,541 --> 00:10:47,708 to whip up some Greek Fire. 292 00:10:47,708 --> 00:10:48,708 (chuckles) 293 00:10:48,708 --> 00:10:49,875 If you have a moment. 294 00:10:54,541 --> 00:10:57,166 I'll, um... 295 00:10:54,541 --> 00:10:57,166 make the arrangements for Joe. 296 00:10:58,333 --> 00:11:00,583 I owe it to his father. 297 00:11:00,583 --> 00:11:02,416 And you girls 298 00:11:00,583 --> 00:11:02,416 have bigger fish to fry. 299 00:11:02,416 --> 00:11:03,791 Thank you. 300 00:11:03,791 --> 00:11:06,125 And thank you 301 00:11:03,791 --> 00:11:06,125 for looking after Jenny. 302 00:11:06,125 --> 00:11:07,875 It's nothing but a thing. 303 00:11:07,875 --> 00:11:10,083 All that water 304 00:11:07,875 --> 00:11:10,083 under the bridge-- 305 00:11:10,083 --> 00:11:12,958 doesn't make us 306 00:11:10,083 --> 00:11:12,958 any less a family. 307 00:11:14,833 --> 00:11:16,958 Amen to that. 308 00:11:21,166 --> 00:11:22,166 Are you okay? 309 00:11:22,166 --> 00:11:23,416 I'm fine. 310 00:11:26,375 --> 00:11:29,416 I have a thousand questions 311 00:11:26,375 --> 00:11:29,416 that I want to ask you, 312 00:11:29,416 --> 00:11:31,208 but right now is not the time. 313 00:11:31,208 --> 00:11:33,916 No, but when 314 00:11:31,208 --> 00:11:33,916 the moment's right, 315 00:11:33,916 --> 00:11:37,000 there is much I need 316 00:11:33,916 --> 00:11:37,000 to tell you, young lady. 317 00:11:38,208 --> 00:11:40,291 I look forward to it. 318 00:11:47,333 --> 00:11:49,208 Sorry about your friend. 319 00:11:49,208 --> 00:11:51,416 We'll pay our respects when 320 00:11:49,208 --> 00:11:51,416 we stop the world from ending. 321 00:11:51,416 --> 00:11:54,000 We got the Box. 322 00:11:54,000 --> 00:11:55,708 Now we need 323 00:11:54,000 --> 00:11:55,708 to find its owner. 324 00:11:55,708 --> 00:11:57,166 We've been monitoring 325 00:11:55,708 --> 00:11:57,166 emergency bands. 326 00:11:57,166 --> 00:11:59,208 National Weather Service 327 00:11:57,166 --> 00:11:59,208 is on alert. 328 00:11:59,208 --> 00:12:01,250 There's a freak storm 329 00:11:59,208 --> 00:12:01,250 building over the Hudson Valley. 330 00:12:01,250 --> 00:12:02,416 ABBIE: 331 00:12:01,250 --> 00:12:02,416 Wild guess-- 332 00:12:02,416 --> 00:12:04,125 target's at 333 00:12:02,416 --> 00:12:04,125 the epicenter. 334 00:12:04,958 --> 00:12:06,583 All right, thanks. 335 00:12:06,583 --> 00:12:09,291 Just doing our part 336 00:12:06,583 --> 00:12:09,291 for Team Witness, right? 337 00:12:09,291 --> 00:12:10,958 Not just for that. 338 00:12:10,958 --> 00:12:12,666 For taking all this 339 00:12:10,958 --> 00:12:12,666 in stride. 340 00:12:12,666 --> 00:12:14,625 I'm just glad 341 00:12:12,666 --> 00:12:14,625 we're all on the same page. 342 00:12:14,625 --> 00:12:17,416 Me, too, Danny. 343 00:12:19,000 --> 00:12:21,750 You and Sophie 344 00:12:19,000 --> 00:12:21,750 stay on overwatch. 345 00:12:21,750 --> 00:12:23,666 Keep the situation 346 00:12:21,750 --> 00:12:23,666 under wraps. 347 00:12:23,666 --> 00:12:26,208 I'm gonna get the Box 348 00:12:23,666 --> 00:12:26,208 back to Pandora. 349 00:12:35,416 --> 00:12:36,833 (thunder rumbling) 350 00:12:36,833 --> 00:12:39,958 Husband, release me 351 00:12:36,833 --> 00:12:39,958 from this prison. 352 00:12:42,458 --> 00:12:46,666 I have decided, Pandora, 353 00:12:42,458 --> 00:12:46,666 my rise shall be in stages. 354 00:12:46,666 --> 00:12:48,583 Rivers running red. 355 00:12:48,583 --> 00:12:50,666 Crops turning black. 356 00:12:50,666 --> 00:12:55,041 Water, water everywhere... 357 00:12:55,041 --> 00:12:57,833 and not a drop to drink. 358 00:12:57,833 --> 00:12:59,875 (loud whooshing) 359 00:13:05,625 --> 00:13:07,416 I was wondering 360 00:13:07,416 --> 00:13:09,625 when you were gonna make 361 00:13:07,416 --> 00:13:09,625 your last stand, Witness. 362 00:13:37,000 --> 00:13:38,333 Feed, my precious one. 363 00:13:38,333 --> 00:13:39,500 HIDDEN ONE: 364 00:13:38,333 --> 00:13:39,500 Enough of this! 365 00:13:41,625 --> 00:13:45,125 Feed as you never have before. 366 00:13:46,166 --> 00:13:47,291 Impossible. 367 00:13:48,333 --> 00:13:49,958 CRANE: 368 00:13:48,333 --> 00:13:49,958 No... 369 00:13:49,958 --> 00:13:51,583 just highly improbable. 370 00:13:51,583 --> 00:13:54,208 Which, as luck would have it, 371 00:13:54,208 --> 00:13:56,833 is our stock in trade. 372 00:13:57,875 --> 00:13:59,625 (grunts) 373 00:14:03,916 --> 00:14:05,125 No. 374 00:14:05,125 --> 00:14:07,208 I will not allow it. 375 00:14:11,125 --> 00:14:12,541 ABBIE: 376 00:14:11,125 --> 00:14:12,541 What's wrong? 377 00:14:12,541 --> 00:14:14,125 You had him on the ropes. 378 00:14:14,125 --> 00:14:15,958 It cannot draw any more energy. 379 00:14:15,958 --> 00:14:17,958 In order to stop him, 380 00:14:17,958 --> 00:14:19,083 you know what it needs, 381 00:14:17,958 --> 00:14:19,083 Abbie. 382 00:14:20,583 --> 00:14:22,458 You're resisting. 383 00:14:22,458 --> 00:14:24,583 You're holding on to hope. 384 00:14:26,666 --> 00:14:31,125 It hungers for the light 385 00:14:26,666 --> 00:14:31,125 at the center of your being. 386 00:14:31,125 --> 00:14:33,208 It needs... 387 00:14:33,208 --> 00:14:36,250 a binding agent to hold the 388 00:14:33,208 --> 00:14:36,250 darkness together, Abbie. 389 00:14:36,250 --> 00:14:38,166 He's getting 390 00:14:36,250 --> 00:14:38,166 his power back. 391 00:14:38,166 --> 00:14:41,041 It needs the rest 392 00:14:38,166 --> 00:14:41,041 of your Eternal Soul. 393 00:14:42,833 --> 00:14:45,375 In the Catacombs, 394 00:14:42,833 --> 00:14:45,375 Abbie, you beat it. 395 00:14:45,375 --> 00:14:46,958 The Box didn't finish. 396 00:14:46,958 --> 00:14:48,458 Because you closed it 397 00:14:46,958 --> 00:14:48,458 before it could. 398 00:14:48,458 --> 00:14:50,333 Yes. 399 00:14:50,333 --> 00:14:51,875 PANDORA: 400 00:14:50,333 --> 00:14:51,875 Open it. 401 00:14:53,083 --> 00:14:54,958 Give it what it needs. 402 00:14:54,958 --> 00:14:57,208 Only you can 403 00:14:54,958 --> 00:14:57,208 do this, Abbie. 404 00:14:57,208 --> 00:14:58,250 CRANE: 405 00:14:57,208 --> 00:14:58,250 No. 406 00:14:58,250 --> 00:14:59,500 There has to be another way. 407 00:15:05,333 --> 00:15:06,791 He will kill us all. 408 00:15:09,041 --> 00:15:11,041 Open it. 409 00:15:11,041 --> 00:15:13,416 Save the world, Abbie. 410 00:15:14,458 --> 00:15:15,708 No, Abbie! 411 00:15:18,583 --> 00:15:19,583 PANDORA: 412 00:15:18,583 --> 00:15:19,583 Yes. 413 00:15:21,333 --> 00:15:23,208 Yes. 414 00:15:25,458 --> 00:15:27,541 Let it speak to you. 415 00:15:27,541 --> 00:15:30,416 Give it your strength. 416 00:15:30,416 --> 00:15:31,708 Give it your hope. 417 00:15:33,500 --> 00:15:35,125 Give it your life! 418 00:15:39,500 --> 00:15:41,500 (loud rumbling) 419 00:15:44,041 --> 00:15:45,375 Abbie! 420 00:15:51,583 --> 00:15:53,625 Crane... 421 00:15:55,000 --> 00:15:57,541 ...never give up hope. 422 00:15:57,541 --> 00:16:00,208 Abbie... 423 00:16:12,083 --> 00:16:13,458 Abbie, no! 424 00:16:26,791 --> 00:16:29,833 Feeling contrite, 425 00:16:26,791 --> 00:16:29,833 I imagine. 426 00:16:31,708 --> 00:16:33,583 Beg for forgiveness. 427 00:16:36,291 --> 00:16:38,833 Beg for your life. 428 00:16:38,833 --> 00:16:40,958 (raspy breathing) 429 00:16:40,958 --> 00:16:43,125 I would do whatever you ask. 430 00:16:51,125 --> 00:16:52,541 That was for Joe. 431 00:16:54,041 --> 00:16:56,416 How dare you. 432 00:16:56,416 --> 00:16:59,208 This was my victory, 433 00:16:56,416 --> 00:16:59,208 not yours. 434 00:17:01,541 --> 00:17:03,166 Pandora. 435 00:17:04,666 --> 00:17:06,750 The threat is over. 436 00:17:08,166 --> 00:17:09,625 Now... 437 00:17:09,625 --> 00:17:11,625 wherever this container 438 00:17:09,625 --> 00:17:11,625 took Abbie, 439 00:17:11,625 --> 00:17:13,250 return her. 440 00:17:14,666 --> 00:17:17,375 I'm through 441 00:17:14,666 --> 00:17:17,375 being ordered around. 442 00:17:17,375 --> 00:17:19,083 No, no. 443 00:17:19,083 --> 00:17:20,708 We retrieved 444 00:17:19,083 --> 00:17:20,708 this Box for you. 445 00:17:20,708 --> 00:17:22,458 We gave you 446 00:17:20,708 --> 00:17:22,458 everything you asked. 447 00:17:22,458 --> 00:17:24,625 And now you can be 448 00:17:22,458 --> 00:17:24,625 the first to worship me. 449 00:17:24,625 --> 00:17:26,500 The Hidden One is dead. 450 00:17:26,500 --> 00:17:28,458 I have his power now. 451 00:17:28,458 --> 00:17:30,750 I won't ask much 452 00:17:28,458 --> 00:17:30,750 of my followers, 453 00:17:30,750 --> 00:17:32,833 only that they serve me, 454 00:17:30,750 --> 00:17:32,833 obey me, 455 00:17:32,833 --> 00:17:34,666 and as is fitting, fear me. 456 00:17:34,666 --> 00:17:36,666 What did you do to my sister? 457 00:17:36,666 --> 00:17:40,625 I had no recourse but to use 458 00:17:36,666 --> 00:17:40,625 her spirit to reform the Box, 459 00:17:40,625 --> 00:17:42,500 pushed to the edge as I was. 460 00:17:42,500 --> 00:17:44,000 You used us. 461 00:17:44,000 --> 00:17:45,333 We used each other. 462 00:17:46,916 --> 00:17:48,500 Let's call it even. 463 00:17:48,500 --> 00:17:49,750 Damn you. 464 00:17:49,750 --> 00:17:51,666 Damn you! 465 00:17:49,750 --> 00:17:51,666 No, Crane, wait. 466 00:17:54,666 --> 00:17:57,333 We need her... 467 00:17:57,333 --> 00:17:59,125 to get Abbie back. 468 00:18:08,625 --> 00:18:10,625 My husband let power 469 00:18:10,625 --> 00:18:12,875 go to his head. 470 00:18:12,875 --> 00:18:14,583 I won't make the same mistake. 471 00:18:14,583 --> 00:18:16,416 I don't want 472 00:18:14,583 --> 00:18:16,416 to destroy this world. 473 00:18:16,416 --> 00:18:17,875 I quite like it. 474 00:18:17,875 --> 00:18:20,333 As long as I am obeyed, 475 00:18:20,333 --> 00:18:23,583 I will be a benevolent goddess. 476 00:18:23,583 --> 00:18:24,583 (snaps fingers) 477 00:18:34,000 --> 00:18:36,291 Tell me it's not true. 478 00:18:36,291 --> 00:18:40,000 Abbie did what she did 479 00:18:36,291 --> 00:18:40,000 to save us all. 480 00:18:40,000 --> 00:18:42,708 So she's just gone? 481 00:18:42,708 --> 00:18:44,041 Just like that? 482 00:18:44,041 --> 00:18:46,083 CRANE: 483 00:18:44,041 --> 00:18:46,083 No. 484 00:18:46,083 --> 00:18:47,583 Not gone. 485 00:18:47,583 --> 00:18:50,708 But she is trapped 486 00:18:47,583 --> 00:18:50,708 in an infernal Box. 487 00:18:50,708 --> 00:18:52,041 We have brought 488 00:18:50,708 --> 00:18:52,041 her back 489 00:18:52,041 --> 00:18:53,958 from purgatory, 490 00:18:52,041 --> 00:18:53,958 from the Catacombs, 491 00:18:53,958 --> 00:18:56,833 and we will free her 492 00:18:53,958 --> 00:18:56,833 again now, today. 493 00:18:56,833 --> 00:18:59,291 If she's trapped inside the Box, 494 00:18:56,833 --> 00:18:59,291 how do we get her out? 495 00:18:59,291 --> 00:19:01,041 Pandora's the cause; 496 00:18:59,291 --> 00:19:01,041 she is the solution. 497 00:19:01,041 --> 00:19:02,291 She controls the Box. 498 00:19:02,291 --> 00:19:04,083 She can release 499 00:19:02,291 --> 00:19:04,083 the lieutenant. 500 00:19:04,083 --> 00:19:06,541 How do we twist her arm when 501 00:19:04,083 --> 00:19:06,541 she's stolen the power of a god? 502 00:19:06,541 --> 00:19:08,625 'Tis not the only power 503 00:19:06,541 --> 00:19:08,625 she stole. 504 00:19:14,083 --> 00:19:16,500 JENNY: 505 00:19:14,083 --> 00:19:16,500 The Blavatsky Map. 506 00:19:16,500 --> 00:19:18,791 It locates monsters. 507 00:19:18,791 --> 00:19:22,166 'Tis time we fought fire 508 00:19:18,791 --> 00:19:22,166 with fire. 509 00:19:27,083 --> 00:19:28,666 ♪ Well, your hands 510 00:19:27,083 --> 00:19:28,666 are getting friendly ♪ 511 00:19:28,666 --> 00:19:31,166 ♪ But I know exactly 512 00:19:28,666 --> 00:19:31,166 where they are... ♪ 513 00:19:31,166 --> 00:19:33,041 AUGUST: 514 00:19:31,166 --> 00:19:33,041 Ice cream's getting warm. 515 00:19:33,041 --> 00:19:35,083 Pie's getting cold. 516 00:19:35,083 --> 00:19:37,500 Not a good combo. 517 00:19:39,333 --> 00:19:40,916 Take a seat, kiddo. 518 00:19:40,916 --> 00:19:43,458 Coffee works twice as good 519 00:19:40,916 --> 00:19:43,458 as pinching yourself. 520 00:19:43,458 --> 00:19:44,958 I didn't figure you 521 00:19:43,458 --> 00:19:44,958 for an angel. 522 00:19:44,958 --> 00:19:46,000 (laughs) 523 00:19:46,000 --> 00:19:47,666 Me? (chuckles) 524 00:19:47,666 --> 00:19:48,750 Not even. 525 00:19:48,750 --> 00:19:50,166 You know what kind of pension 526 00:19:50,166 --> 00:19:51,833 those fools get? 527 00:19:51,833 --> 00:19:53,375 No, this isn't heaven, kid, 528 00:19:53,375 --> 00:19:55,000 not by a long shot. 529 00:19:55,000 --> 00:19:56,833 Is it hell? 530 00:19:58,375 --> 00:19:59,708 The pie's too good. 531 00:19:59,708 --> 00:20:00,916 Well, the last time 532 00:20:00,916 --> 00:20:02,958 I saw your face, 533 00:20:00,916 --> 00:20:02,958 it was on a demon. 534 00:20:02,958 --> 00:20:05,708 I'm what's left of the man 535 00:20:02,958 --> 00:20:05,708 you knew, warts and all. 536 00:20:05,708 --> 00:20:07,208 Made his share 537 00:20:05,708 --> 00:20:07,208 of mistakes. 538 00:20:07,208 --> 00:20:08,666 It cost him... 539 00:20:08,666 --> 00:20:09,916 and his son. 540 00:20:09,916 --> 00:20:11,625 You know about Joe. 541 00:20:11,625 --> 00:20:15,750 He was a soldier, 542 00:20:11,625 --> 00:20:15,750 like his old man, like you. 543 00:20:15,750 --> 00:20:19,166 Soldier knows 544 00:20:15,750 --> 00:20:19,166 when to make a sacrifice. 545 00:20:19,166 --> 00:20:21,291 Keep the world turning. 546 00:20:21,291 --> 00:20:24,208 Springsteen making records, 547 00:20:21,291 --> 00:20:24,208 kids on swings, 548 00:20:24,208 --> 00:20:26,458 trouts in the stream, 549 00:20:24,208 --> 00:20:26,458 all that good stuff. 550 00:20:26,458 --> 00:20:28,708 You made that same sacrifice, 551 00:20:26,458 --> 00:20:28,708 Abbie. 552 00:20:31,166 --> 00:20:35,041 It was me or the world, 553 00:20:31,166 --> 00:20:35,041 and my world felt complete. 554 00:20:35,041 --> 00:20:36,583 I made peace 555 00:20:35,041 --> 00:20:36,583 with my sister, 556 00:20:36,583 --> 00:20:38,250 Daniel Reynolds, 557 00:20:38,250 --> 00:20:41,708 found my dad, 558 00:20:38,250 --> 00:20:41,708 your old friend Ezra. 559 00:20:41,708 --> 00:20:43,291 You've come a long way. 560 00:20:43,291 --> 00:20:46,750 And now you've come 561 00:20:43,291 --> 00:20:46,750 to take me into the light. 562 00:20:46,750 --> 00:20:48,791 (laughs) 563 00:20:46,750 --> 00:20:48,791 Pearly gates? 564 00:20:48,791 --> 00:20:50,708 (laughing) 565 00:20:50,708 --> 00:20:52,750 No, no, no, no, no, no. 566 00:20:52,750 --> 00:20:54,916 Not yet, anyway. 567 00:20:54,916 --> 00:20:56,875 You ever hear of the phoenix? 568 00:20:56,875 --> 00:20:59,500 Yeah, magical bird, 569 00:20:56,875 --> 00:20:59,500 when it dies, 570 00:20:59,500 --> 00:21:01,958 it immolates itself, and from 571 00:20:59,500 --> 00:21:01,958 the ashes another one arises. 572 00:21:01,958 --> 00:21:03,375 Right, so when you see 573 00:21:03,375 --> 00:21:05,583 that bird, it's the same bird, 574 00:21:05,583 --> 00:21:07,583 only it isn't. 575 00:21:07,583 --> 00:21:10,458 When did you get 576 00:21:07,583 --> 00:21:10,458 so damn cryptic? 577 00:21:10,458 --> 00:21:12,791 (laughs) 578 00:21:12,791 --> 00:21:15,583 Oh, you want honesty. 579 00:21:19,541 --> 00:21:22,833 I'm proud of you, Agent Mills. 580 00:21:25,625 --> 00:21:28,500 I'm so proud of you. 581 00:21:31,083 --> 00:21:33,833 I know you're ready 582 00:21:31,083 --> 00:21:33,833 for the next adventure. 583 00:21:33,833 --> 00:21:35,916 What? 584 00:21:35,916 --> 00:21:39,250 What happens to Crane? 585 00:21:39,250 --> 00:21:41,875 You know he's still 586 00:21:39,250 --> 00:21:41,875 trying to get you back. 587 00:21:41,875 --> 00:21:44,166 He'll never give up; 588 00:21:41,875 --> 00:21:44,166 he always finds a way. 589 00:21:44,166 --> 00:21:46,458 Yeah, well, you two have that 590 00:21:44,166 --> 00:21:46,458 in common, don't you? 591 00:21:46,458 --> 00:21:49,500 You've taken him 592 00:21:46,458 --> 00:21:49,500 as far as you can, Abbie. 593 00:21:50,708 --> 00:21:52,541 Oh, my God. 594 00:21:58,916 --> 00:22:01,166 Thank you. 595 00:22:02,375 --> 00:22:04,208 Uh... 596 00:22:04,208 --> 00:22:06,208 would you excuse me 597 00:22:04,208 --> 00:22:06,208 for a minute? 598 00:22:07,416 --> 00:22:09,750 I'm gonna go buy my son a beer. 599 00:22:12,041 --> 00:22:13,750 (chuckles) 600 00:22:23,125 --> 00:22:24,333 (laughs) 601 00:22:35,000 --> 00:22:38,041 (choir humming) 602 00:22:38,041 --> 00:22:40,750 ♪ Ooh ♪ 603 00:22:42,916 --> 00:22:45,500 ♪ Oh, happy day ♪ 604 00:22:45,500 --> 00:22:47,791 ♪ Oh, happy day ♪ 605 00:22:47,791 --> 00:22:49,541 ♪ Oh, happy day ♪ 606 00:22:49,541 --> 00:22:51,083 ♪ Oh, happy day ♪ 607 00:22:51,083 --> 00:22:53,833 ♪ Oh, happy day ♪ 608 00:22:53,833 --> 00:22:56,000 ♪ Oh, happy day ♪ 609 00:22:56,000 --> 00:22:58,166 ♪ When Jesus washed ♪ 610 00:22:58,166 --> 00:23:00,250 ♪ When Jesus washed ♪ 611 00:23:00,250 --> 00:23:02,625 ♪ When Jesus washed ♪ 612 00:23:00,250 --> 00:23:02,625 ♪ Washed ♪ 613 00:23:02,625 --> 00:23:04,166 ♪ When Jesus washed ♪ 614 00:23:04,166 --> 00:23:05,833 ♪ When ♪ 615 00:23:05,833 --> 00:23:07,875 ♪ Jesus washed ♪ 616 00:23:05,833 --> 00:23:07,875 ♪ When Jesus washed ♪ 617 00:23:07,875 --> 00:23:10,041 ♪ He washed our sins away. ♪ 618 00:23:10,041 --> 00:23:12,500 (singing stops, quiet murmuring) 619 00:23:12,500 --> 00:23:13,958 Can I help you? 620 00:23:16,666 --> 00:23:18,875 Blood! 621 00:23:18,875 --> 00:23:20,500 War. 622 00:23:20,500 --> 00:23:22,250 Famine. 623 00:23:22,250 --> 00:23:24,541 Poverty. 624 00:23:24,541 --> 00:23:28,750 A clawing sickness in our souls. 625 00:23:28,750 --> 00:23:30,833 No wonder you seek succor. 626 00:23:30,833 --> 00:23:32,625 I must ask you to leave. 627 00:23:32,625 --> 00:23:34,583 (people murmuring) 628 00:23:37,750 --> 00:23:38,833 (people gasping) 629 00:23:38,833 --> 00:23:42,458 This world has become 630 00:23:38,833 --> 00:23:42,458 a terrifying place. 631 00:23:42,458 --> 00:23:45,250 You want to push 632 00:23:42,458 --> 00:23:45,250 your fears aside, 633 00:23:45,250 --> 00:23:47,916 but they are all around you. 634 00:23:47,916 --> 00:23:50,458 Rejoice! 635 00:23:50,458 --> 00:23:52,250 For I have come. 636 00:23:52,250 --> 00:23:54,375 (chuckles) 637 00:23:54,375 --> 00:23:58,208 And all I ask is for your love, 638 00:23:58,208 --> 00:24:00,375 your adoration, 639 00:24:00,375 --> 00:24:02,416 your respect. 640 00:24:02,416 --> 00:24:04,958 I can take your fears away 641 00:24:04,958 --> 00:24:08,416 or I can send them 642 00:24:04,958 --> 00:24:08,416 slavering to your door. 643 00:24:09,458 --> 00:24:11,250 (loud rumbling) 644 00:24:12,625 --> 00:24:14,166 (people screaming) 645 00:24:42,708 --> 00:24:45,666 Though I loved him dearly, 646 00:24:45,666 --> 00:24:48,291 he loved me not. 647 00:24:50,041 --> 00:24:53,083 I trusted him dearly. 648 00:24:53,083 --> 00:24:56,125 He trusted me not. 649 00:24:57,583 --> 00:25:00,791 Now he lies dead. 650 00:25:00,791 --> 00:25:04,041 Dead, dead, dead. 651 00:25:07,458 --> 00:25:09,833 CRANE: 652 00:25:07,458 --> 00:25:09,833 Pandora! 653 00:25:12,458 --> 00:25:15,458 Abbie-- bring her back. 654 00:25:15,458 --> 00:25:17,000 And if I do not? 655 00:25:25,208 --> 00:25:26,916 Samael, 656 00:25:26,916 --> 00:25:28,583 Abbaddon, 657 00:25:28,583 --> 00:25:31,500 Dark Rider of 658 00:25:28,583 --> 00:25:31,500 the Apocalypse, 659 00:25:31,500 --> 00:25:34,166 I call you forth. 660 00:25:34,166 --> 00:25:35,458 (thunder rumbling) 661 00:25:52,166 --> 00:25:54,583 (horse whinnying) 662 00:26:00,958 --> 00:26:01,791 (whinnying continues) 663 00:26:01,791 --> 00:26:03,541 Horseman! 664 00:26:03,541 --> 00:26:05,625 I called you forth 665 00:26:03,541 --> 00:26:05,625 with a purpose. 666 00:26:05,625 --> 00:26:07,333 A common enemy. 667 00:26:07,333 --> 00:26:10,083 I made very quick work 668 00:26:10,083 --> 00:26:12,250 of you before, 669 00:26:10,083 --> 00:26:12,250 and I will do it again. 670 00:26:12,250 --> 00:26:14,250 You defeated him 671 00:26:12,250 --> 00:26:14,250 absent his true power. 672 00:26:15,666 --> 00:26:18,916 Wait, if you give him the head, 673 00:26:15,666 --> 00:26:18,916 doesn't the apocalypse begin? 674 00:26:18,916 --> 00:26:20,083 Moloch's apocalypse. 675 00:26:20,083 --> 00:26:21,791 Moloch's dead. 676 00:26:21,791 --> 00:26:24,666 Avatar of Death! 677 00:26:26,541 --> 00:26:27,583 End her. 678 00:26:45,250 --> 00:26:46,291 There! 679 00:27:04,250 --> 00:27:06,041 JENNY: You think 680 00:27:04,250 --> 00:27:06,041 he has a chance against her? 681 00:27:06,041 --> 00:27:08,125 He is the embodiment of death. 682 00:27:08,125 --> 00:27:08,958 No need to fight. 683 00:27:09,833 --> 00:27:11,958 I could use 684 00:27:11,958 --> 00:27:14,458 a strapping gentleman 685 00:27:11,958 --> 00:27:14,458 like you by my side. 686 00:27:20,458 --> 00:27:21,291 Oh, no. 687 00:27:40,000 --> 00:27:41,791 He can't do it on his own. 688 00:27:41,791 --> 00:27:42,791 Stay here. 689 00:27:42,791 --> 00:27:44,500 Crane! 690 00:27:50,583 --> 00:27:52,416 Do you feel that, Witness? 691 00:27:54,041 --> 00:27:56,166 The pain... 692 00:27:56,166 --> 00:27:58,291 the loss, the fear! 693 00:28:03,666 --> 00:28:05,541 JENNY: 694 00:28:03,666 --> 00:28:05,541 Crane! 695 00:28:05,541 --> 00:28:06,458 Hey. 696 00:28:06,458 --> 00:28:08,583 I lost her. I lost her. 697 00:28:08,583 --> 00:28:09,750 Hey... 698 00:28:08,583 --> 00:28:09,750 I lost Abbie. 699 00:28:09,750 --> 00:28:10,833 Hey, listen to me! 700 00:28:10,833 --> 00:28:12,250 She is with you. 701 00:28:12,250 --> 00:28:14,833 She sacrificed herself 702 00:28:12,250 --> 00:28:14,833 so that you could be here 703 00:28:14,833 --> 00:28:17,041 and win the day. 704 00:28:17,041 --> 00:28:19,125 Don't you dare 705 00:28:17,041 --> 00:28:19,125 let that be for nothing. 706 00:28:29,041 --> 00:28:31,708 There is always another way. 707 00:28:36,500 --> 00:28:37,708 (grunting) 708 00:28:39,666 --> 00:28:41,333 Horseman! 709 00:28:51,250 --> 00:28:52,083 Enough! 710 00:28:54,750 --> 00:28:55,750 It's over. 711 00:29:02,541 --> 00:29:04,916 Enough death 712 00:29:02,541 --> 00:29:04,916 for one night. 713 00:29:04,916 --> 00:29:07,291 Leave. 714 00:29:19,916 --> 00:29:24,208 Death wins in the end, 715 00:29:19,916 --> 00:29:24,208 it seems... 716 00:29:24,208 --> 00:29:26,791 even for a goddess. 717 00:29:29,041 --> 00:29:32,416 You love her, don't you? 718 00:29:35,166 --> 00:29:38,541 She is your hope... 719 00:29:38,541 --> 00:29:40,375 your everything. 720 00:29:40,375 --> 00:29:42,416 I took her from you. 721 00:29:42,416 --> 00:29:44,333 Let her out. 722 00:29:46,708 --> 00:29:49,166 Let her out now. 723 00:29:51,916 --> 00:29:53,416 It's over. 724 00:29:53,416 --> 00:29:55,833 (gasping) 725 00:29:57,500 --> 00:29:59,625 She was never inside it. 726 00:30:02,000 --> 00:30:03,291 She's dead. 727 00:30:06,250 --> 00:30:07,791 Dead and gone. 728 00:30:12,416 --> 00:30:14,041 The Box... 729 00:30:14,041 --> 00:30:15,333 it's gonna explode again. 730 00:30:18,666 --> 00:30:19,666 Quickly. 731 00:30:18,666 --> 00:30:19,666 Okay. 732 00:30:19,666 --> 00:30:21,875 Quickly! 733 00:30:37,291 --> 00:30:39,083 (door slams) 734 00:30:40,458 --> 00:30:41,458 (explosion) 735 00:30:46,958 --> 00:30:48,375 (lock buzzes) 736 00:30:53,500 --> 00:30:54,500 Crane. 737 00:30:54,500 --> 00:30:55,541 Abbie. 738 00:30:59,750 --> 00:31:02,291 Unlock the door. 739 00:31:02,291 --> 00:31:03,666 Let's go home. 740 00:31:03,666 --> 00:31:05,916 You're going back, Crane. 741 00:31:05,916 --> 00:31:08,541 We don't have long. 742 00:31:08,541 --> 00:31:11,458 It's time to say good-bye. 743 00:31:11,458 --> 00:31:13,833 No. 744 00:31:13,833 --> 00:31:14,958 No, Abbie. 745 00:31:14,958 --> 00:31:16,166 Abbie, don't. 746 00:31:16,166 --> 00:31:17,416 Abbie! 747 00:31:24,958 --> 00:31:26,875 I saw the Box take you. 748 00:31:26,875 --> 00:31:28,083 It did. 749 00:31:28,083 --> 00:31:30,166 Used my soul. 750 00:31:30,166 --> 00:31:31,875 But now the Box 751 00:31:30,166 --> 00:31:31,875 is broken to bits. 752 00:31:31,875 --> 00:31:33,000 You saw to that. 753 00:31:34,833 --> 00:31:36,708 I'm free. 754 00:31:36,708 --> 00:31:38,416 We... 755 00:31:38,416 --> 00:31:40,375 are Eternal Souls, Crane. 756 00:31:40,375 --> 00:31:41,625 What does that mean? 757 00:31:41,625 --> 00:31:43,250 Well, I don't really 758 00:31:41,625 --> 00:31:43,250 know myself, 759 00:31:43,250 --> 00:31:45,375 but I couldn't go 760 00:31:43,250 --> 00:31:45,375 into the light. 761 00:31:45,375 --> 00:31:47,291 There was an 762 00:31:45,375 --> 00:31:47,291 old friend there, 763 00:31:47,291 --> 00:31:50,750 who came to tell me 764 00:31:47,291 --> 00:31:50,750 that my job is done. 765 00:31:57,083 --> 00:31:58,583 And this place... 766 00:31:58,583 --> 00:32:00,583 where are we? 767 00:32:00,583 --> 00:32:03,500 It's a waiting room 768 00:32:00,583 --> 00:32:03,500 between life and death. 769 00:32:03,500 --> 00:32:05,500 I am being called. 770 00:32:05,500 --> 00:32:07,625 No, Abbie, we began 771 00:32:07,625 --> 00:32:09,833 this journey together, 772 00:32:07,625 --> 00:32:09,833 we will end it together. 773 00:32:09,833 --> 00:32:11,625 My journey isn't over. 774 00:32:11,625 --> 00:32:13,958 And for a Witness, 775 00:32:11,625 --> 00:32:13,958 it never truly is. 776 00:32:13,958 --> 00:32:15,916 But... 777 00:32:15,916 --> 00:32:19,166 Abbie Mills has done 778 00:32:15,916 --> 00:32:19,166 what she's supposed to do. 779 00:32:25,458 --> 00:32:27,458 (door opens) 780 00:32:27,458 --> 00:32:29,666 I don't understand. 781 00:32:29,666 --> 00:32:31,500 Don't try. 782 00:32:34,333 --> 00:32:36,625 It's more something... 783 00:32:36,625 --> 00:32:38,083 you feel. 784 00:32:40,291 --> 00:32:43,541 Your whole life... 785 00:32:43,541 --> 00:32:45,416 has finally fallen 786 00:32:43,541 --> 00:32:45,416 into place. 787 00:32:45,416 --> 00:32:47,458 Mm-hmm. 788 00:32:47,458 --> 00:32:49,708 Yes, it has. 789 00:32:49,708 --> 00:32:53,083 I made peace 790 00:32:49,708 --> 00:32:53,083 with it, Crane. 791 00:32:53,083 --> 00:32:55,083 Whatever this next stage is, 792 00:32:55,083 --> 00:32:56,875 I'm ready. 793 00:32:56,875 --> 00:32:59,625 It's time for a new beginning. 794 00:32:59,625 --> 00:33:04,333 What is there for me 795 00:32:59,625 --> 00:33:04,333 in a world without you? 796 00:33:07,208 --> 00:33:08,750 Think about it. 797 00:33:08,750 --> 00:33:12,208 Washington knew 798 00:33:08,750 --> 00:33:12,208 that you had a destiny. 799 00:33:12,208 --> 00:33:15,083 You've had mentors 800 00:33:12,208 --> 00:33:15,083 like Benjamin Franklin 801 00:33:15,083 --> 00:33:18,458 and Thomas Jefferson, 802 00:33:15,083 --> 00:33:18,458 and partners... 803 00:33:18,458 --> 00:33:21,416 like Betsy Ross... 804 00:33:21,416 --> 00:33:22,666 and me. 805 00:33:22,666 --> 00:33:25,583 Our job was 806 00:33:22,666 --> 00:33:25,583 to carry you forward. 807 00:33:25,583 --> 00:33:28,291 My job is done. 808 00:33:29,333 --> 00:33:31,458 No. 809 00:33:31,458 --> 00:33:33,000 Not good-bye. 810 00:33:33,000 --> 00:33:36,083 It's more like: 811 00:33:33,000 --> 00:33:36,083 until we meet again. 812 00:33:39,625 --> 00:33:42,041 In the meantime, 813 00:33:39,625 --> 00:33:42,041 bash some monsters for me. 814 00:33:42,041 --> 00:33:43,125 (chuckles) 815 00:33:43,125 --> 00:33:44,416 And look out for my sister. 816 00:33:44,416 --> 00:33:45,875 Abbie. 817 00:33:51,375 --> 00:33:53,583 I shall miss you. 818 00:33:53,583 --> 00:33:56,916 Do more than that. 819 00:33:56,916 --> 00:33:59,916 Honor our bond. 820 00:33:59,916 --> 00:34:01,875 And be brave. 821 00:34:01,875 --> 00:34:04,500 Be strong. 822 00:34:06,583 --> 00:34:08,500 I know you will be. 823 00:34:08,500 --> 00:34:11,333 You're my guy, always. 824 00:34:21,083 --> 00:34:22,583 My, my. 825 00:34:22,583 --> 00:34:24,208 Be still, my 826 00:34:22,583 --> 00:34:24,208 beating heart. 827 00:34:24,208 --> 00:34:26,833 (laughs) 828 00:34:45,375 --> 00:34:47,291 JENNY (echoing): 829 00:34:45,375 --> 00:34:47,291 Crane! 830 00:34:47,291 --> 00:34:50,291 Crane! Crane! 831 00:34:50,291 --> 00:34:53,083 Crane. 832 00:34:53,083 --> 00:34:55,250 Oh, my God. Hey. 833 00:35:02,166 --> 00:35:04,791 Abbie? 834 00:35:05,666 --> 00:35:08,125 (sighs) 835 00:35:08,750 --> 00:35:11,083 (sighs) 836 00:35:11,083 --> 00:35:13,125 (grunts) 837 00:35:23,708 --> 00:35:25,500 She's gone. 838 00:35:28,291 --> 00:35:30,416 She's really gone. 839 00:35:34,708 --> 00:35:36,708 No. 840 00:35:41,000 --> 00:35:43,583 The Box may have 841 00:35:41,000 --> 00:35:43,583 taken her hope. 842 00:35:45,916 --> 00:35:47,833 But she is-- 843 00:35:47,833 --> 00:35:51,375 and will forever be-- 844 00:35:51,375 --> 00:35:53,916 ours. 845 00:36:20,541 --> 00:36:23,708 Are you certain you would not 846 00:36:20,541 --> 00:36:23,708 like my company, Miss Jenny? 847 00:36:25,541 --> 00:36:28,958 Thanks for asking, 848 00:36:25,541 --> 00:36:28,958 but I think this is something 849 00:36:28,958 --> 00:36:30,708 I have to do by myself. 850 00:36:32,208 --> 00:36:34,291 Joe always said he wanted 851 00:36:32,208 --> 00:36:34,291 to spend more time 852 00:36:34,291 --> 00:36:37,500 up at his dad's cabin, 853 00:36:34,291 --> 00:36:37,500 and I thought I'd... 854 00:36:37,500 --> 00:36:40,416 spread his ashes in the lake. 855 00:36:41,833 --> 00:36:44,166 It's fitting. 856 00:36:44,166 --> 00:36:45,833 A serene resting place. 857 00:36:52,458 --> 00:36:54,333 You are coming back? 858 00:36:54,333 --> 00:36:56,000 Someone's got to keep you 859 00:36:54,333 --> 00:36:56,000 out of trouble. 860 00:36:59,041 --> 00:37:01,125 Tell my sister I said hello, 861 00:37:01,125 --> 00:37:02,541 and that I miss her. 862 00:37:05,375 --> 00:37:07,041 I always do. 863 00:37:24,041 --> 00:37:28,125 Well, the final season 864 00:37:24,041 --> 00:37:28,125 of American Idol has begun. 865 00:37:28,125 --> 00:37:31,291 It's not a return to form. 866 00:37:33,375 --> 00:37:37,416 Requires your 867 00:37:33,375 --> 00:37:37,416 spirited commentary. 868 00:37:37,416 --> 00:37:41,166 Oh, I've been accepted 869 00:37:37,416 --> 00:37:41,166 as archivist 870 00:37:41,166 --> 00:37:43,750 to the Historical Society, 871 00:37:41,166 --> 00:37:43,750 and I'm moving forward 872 00:37:43,750 --> 00:37:45,708 with my 873 00:37:43,750 --> 00:37:45,708 citizenship application. 874 00:37:45,708 --> 00:37:47,708 Slowly. 875 00:37:50,708 --> 00:37:54,666 Your house is now up for sale. 876 00:37:56,250 --> 00:37:59,791 I've begun the search 877 00:37:56,250 --> 00:37:59,791 for a place of my own. 878 00:37:59,791 --> 00:38:02,208 The rental market 879 00:37:59,791 --> 00:38:02,208 is more murderous 880 00:38:02,208 --> 00:38:04,583 than any supernatural beast 881 00:38:02,208 --> 00:38:04,583 we've fought. 882 00:38:06,958 --> 00:38:10,416 Not a peep on that front. 883 00:38:10,416 --> 00:38:13,833 'Tis a respite 884 00:38:10,416 --> 00:38:13,833 I fear will not last. 885 00:38:15,833 --> 00:38:19,000 This is Sleepy Hollow, 886 00:38:15,833 --> 00:38:19,000 after all. 887 00:38:27,666 --> 00:38:30,083 You are missed. 888 00:38:33,125 --> 00:38:34,666 Never forgotten. 889 00:38:34,666 --> 00:38:37,166 EZRA: 890 00:38:34,666 --> 00:38:37,166 Mr. Crane. 891 00:38:43,250 --> 00:38:45,750 I didn't get a chance 892 00:38:43,250 --> 00:38:45,750 to say the words you spoke 893 00:38:45,750 --> 00:38:48,208 at Abbie's service 894 00:38:45,750 --> 00:38:48,208 were quite lovely... 895 00:38:48,208 --> 00:38:49,916 We don't have much time, Crane. 896 00:38:49,916 --> 00:38:52,083 Abigail's death 897 00:38:49,916 --> 00:38:52,083 has set wheels in motion, 898 00:38:52,083 --> 00:38:54,916 and you need all the information 899 00:38:52,083 --> 00:38:54,916 I can give you. 900 00:38:54,916 --> 00:38:57,416 There must always be 901 00:38:54,916 --> 00:38:57,416 two Witnesses. 902 00:38:57,416 --> 00:39:00,458 When one dies, 903 00:38:57,416 --> 00:39:00,458 their soul does not move on. 904 00:39:00,458 --> 00:39:02,166 It's eternal. 905 00:39:02,166 --> 00:39:04,500 Wait, wait. 906 00:39:04,500 --> 00:39:06,750 Abbie told me this. 907 00:39:08,291 --> 00:39:11,500 It wasn't a dream. 908 00:39:11,500 --> 00:39:13,208 Mr. Mills, if there's 909 00:39:11,500 --> 00:39:13,208 a chance she lives... 910 00:39:13,208 --> 00:39:15,250 No, no, it doesn't 911 00:39:13,208 --> 00:39:15,250 work like that. 912 00:39:15,250 --> 00:39:17,000 Not as I understand it. 913 00:39:17,000 --> 00:39:20,041 The essence of 914 00:39:17,000 --> 00:39:20,041 a Witness's soul finds someone 915 00:39:20,041 --> 00:39:22,208 from their 916 00:39:20,041 --> 00:39:22,208 extended bloodline 917 00:39:22,208 --> 00:39:23,833 and sparks a new Witness. 918 00:39:23,833 --> 00:39:27,583 So Abbie's Eternal Soul 919 00:39:23,833 --> 00:39:27,583 lives on... 920 00:39:27,583 --> 00:39:29,500 in someone else. 921 00:39:29,500 --> 00:39:31,666 Find her before they do. 922 00:39:31,666 --> 00:39:34,000 They'll come 923 00:39:31,666 --> 00:39:34,000 for you, Crane. 924 00:39:34,000 --> 00:39:35,500 And they'll be looking 925 00:39:34,000 --> 00:39:35,500 for her, too. 926 00:39:35,500 --> 00:39:36,791 Who? 927 00:39:36,791 --> 00:39:38,875 This is from 928 00:39:36,791 --> 00:39:38,875 President Washington. 929 00:39:45,875 --> 00:39:49,000 This is dated 1789. 930 00:39:54,291 --> 00:39:57,416 "This Letter of Mark 931 00:39:54,291 --> 00:39:57,416 and Reprisal empowers me..." 932 00:39:57,416 --> 00:39:59,791 "...as First President 933 00:39:57,416 --> 00:39:59,791 of these United States, 934 00:39:59,791 --> 00:40:01,583 "to appoint 935 00:39:59,791 --> 00:40:01,583 Captain Ichabod Crane 936 00:40:01,583 --> 00:40:03,041 Commanding Officer." 937 00:40:03,041 --> 00:40:04,625 This being the Crane I met 938 00:40:04,625 --> 00:40:06,291 in the Catacombs, 939 00:40:04,625 --> 00:40:06,291 not the Crane 940 00:40:06,291 --> 00:40:09,208 who is said to have died 941 00:40:06,291 --> 00:40:09,208 on the battlefield in 1781. 942 00:40:09,208 --> 00:40:11,916 Hundreds of years from now, 943 00:40:09,208 --> 00:40:11,916 the man we know and love 944 00:40:11,916 --> 00:40:13,916 will be the last 945 00:40:11,916 --> 00:40:13,916 of the Founding Fathers, 946 00:40:13,916 --> 00:40:15,750 carrying on 947 00:40:13,916 --> 00:40:15,750 what we have built. 948 00:40:15,750 --> 00:40:19,458 "Captain Crane is to lead 949 00:40:15,750 --> 00:40:19,458 this organization. 950 00:40:19,458 --> 00:40:21,416 "His sworn duty, to stand guard 951 00:40:21,416 --> 00:40:24,875 against all threats 952 00:40:21,416 --> 00:40:24,875 deemed otherworldly." 953 00:40:32,833 --> 00:40:35,208 George Washington founded 954 00:40:32,833 --> 00:40:35,208 a secret organization 955 00:40:35,208 --> 00:40:36,916 to battle the supernatural. 956 00:40:36,916 --> 00:40:39,041 His intentions were noble. 957 00:40:39,041 --> 00:40:41,166 They're not all 958 00:40:39,041 --> 00:40:41,166 bad men, 959 00:40:41,166 --> 00:40:44,083 though many have lost their way. 960 00:40:46,291 --> 00:40:48,125 (tires screeching) 961 00:40:48,125 --> 00:40:49,833 Forgive them... 962 00:40:49,833 --> 00:40:52,041 for they know 963 00:40:49,833 --> 00:40:52,041 not what they do. 964 00:40:54,541 --> 00:40:56,541 ♪ ♪ 965 00:41:12,083 --> 00:41:15,708 ♪ Please allow me 966 00:41:12,083 --> 00:41:15,708 to introduce myself... ♪ 967 00:41:15,708 --> 00:41:16,791 Ichabod Crane. 968 00:41:16,791 --> 00:41:17,750 Who is asking? 969 00:41:17,750 --> 00:41:18,916 Jack Walters. 970 00:41:18,916 --> 00:41:20,500 I'm a federal agent. 971 00:41:20,500 --> 00:41:22,041 I'd like you 972 00:41:20,500 --> 00:41:22,041 to come with me. 973 00:41:22,041 --> 00:41:24,875 Some people in D.C. need 974 00:41:22,041 --> 00:41:24,875 to have words with you. 975 00:41:26,041 --> 00:41:28,166 Do I have a choice 976 00:41:26,041 --> 00:41:28,166 in the matter? 977 00:41:28,166 --> 00:41:30,500 Officially, yes, but... 978 00:41:30,500 --> 00:41:32,583 I suggest you not 979 00:41:30,500 --> 00:41:32,583 make things difficult. 980 00:41:32,583 --> 00:41:34,833 Very well. 981 00:41:34,833 --> 00:41:40,125 ♪ Stole many a man, 982 00:41:34,833 --> 00:41:40,125 stole his faith ♪ 983 00:41:40,125 --> 00:41:43,958 ♪ I was around 984 00:41:40,125 --> 00:41:43,958 when Jesus Christ ♪ 985 00:41:43,958 --> 00:41:47,083 ♪ Had his moment 986 00:41:43,958 --> 00:41:47,083 of doubt and pain... ♪ 987 00:41:47,083 --> 00:41:50,250 Wherever you are... 988 00:41:50,250 --> 00:41:52,875 whoever you are... 989 00:41:52,875 --> 00:41:54,666 I'll find you. 990 00:41:56,416 --> 00:41:58,416 ♪ Pleased to meet you ♪ 991 00:41:58,416 --> 00:42:01,416 ♪ Hope you guess my name ♪ 992 00:42:04,125 --> 00:42:06,458 ♪ Yeah, what's puzzling you ♪ 993 00:42:06,458 --> 00:42:09,958 ♪ Is the nature of my game. ♪ 994 00:42:50,208 --> 00:42:52,166 Captioned by 995 00:42:50,208 --> 00:42:52,166 Media Access Group at WGBH