1 00:00:01,485 --> 00:00:03,045 Previously on The Strain... 2 00:00:05,426 --> 00:00:06,846 I have something... 3 00:00:06,847 --> 00:00:09,601 Something people would pay a lot of money for. 4 00:00:09,611 --> 00:00:11,941 - The Lumen. I think we can do business. 5 00:00:11,941 --> 00:00:14,911 - The Lumen will be auctioned off tomorrow. We need to prepare. 6 00:00:14,911 --> 00:00:18,541 - I will be attending the auction. - Not with my resources! 7 00:00:18,551 --> 00:00:21,611 - If you do not provide the funds for the Lumen, you will never 8 00:00:21,621 --> 00:00:24,181 get another drop of the white. - He's playing you. 9 00:00:24,191 --> 00:00:26,891 - Of course. There is much more to come. 10 00:00:26,891 --> 00:00:30,721 - Tomorrow the Lumen goes on sale to the highest bidder. 11 00:00:30,731 --> 00:00:33,871 I need the Ancients to back me. - The gold will not be an issue. 12 00:00:33,871 --> 00:00:37,361 - I will obtain the book. After I've examined it, 13 00:00:37,371 --> 00:00:39,771 I'll turn it over. - Agreed. 14 00:00:39,771 --> 00:00:42,571 Mr. Elizalde. Your mission was a success? 15 00:00:42,571 --> 00:00:45,371 - Got you 20 hungry wolves. - Good. Because your friend 16 00:00:45,371 --> 00:00:47,901 the pawnbroker is about to obtain a valuable book 17 00:00:47,911 --> 00:00:51,111 on behalf of the Ancients. Your job is to convince him 18 00:00:51,111 --> 00:00:54,311 to give up the book. - What if he doesn't get convinced? 19 00:00:54,311 --> 00:00:56,811 - Kill him and take it. - Kelly's parents 20 00:00:56,811 --> 00:00:59,281 contacted the centre yesterday. - Nana and Grandpa? 21 00:00:59,281 --> 00:01:01,151 - From where? - Sea Island, Georgia. 22 00:01:01,151 --> 00:01:03,621 - Dad, we should go there. We'll be safe. 23 00:01:03,621 --> 00:01:05,921 - It's done. We got the travel permits. 24 00:01:05,921 --> 00:01:09,091 - You had no other options for Zack. Now you do. 25 00:01:09,091 --> 00:01:12,661 - I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry for hurting you. 26 00:01:12,661 --> 00:01:15,531 I still love you. 27 00:01:21,341 --> 00:01:24,011 (metal screeching) 28 00:01:29,781 --> 00:01:32,581 - Good work, Mr. Ortega. 29 00:01:32,581 --> 00:01:36,341 I am impressed by your progress. - Well, it's been 30 00:01:36,351 --> 00:01:40,411 hard getting guys out here, given all the shit that's been going on. 31 00:01:40,421 --> 00:01:43,081 - That's why we are paying triple wages. 32 00:01:43,091 --> 00:01:45,491 - Yeah, that went a long way. 33 00:01:46,921 --> 00:01:48,921 You know, this is one of the most complicated systems 34 00:01:48,931 --> 00:01:51,971 I've ever worked on. Is it some sort of European model? 35 00:01:51,971 --> 00:01:55,761 - It's origins are European, yes. 36 00:01:58,431 --> 00:02:01,601 The enclosures open only from the top, yes? 37 00:02:01,601 --> 00:02:03,041 Just as you specified. 38 00:02:03,061 --> 00:02:06,301 And the incinerator? - It's being prefabbed. 39 00:02:06,311 --> 00:02:08,881 Should be installed by the end of the week. 40 00:02:08,881 --> 00:02:10,871 - Very good. - Seems like 41 00:02:10,881 --> 00:02:14,821 a strange time and a strange place to be constructing an animal-processing plant. 42 00:02:14,821 --> 00:02:16,541 - Your point being? 43 00:02:16,551 --> 00:02:20,921 - What kind of animal are you gonna be processing here? 44 00:02:22,851 --> 00:02:26,351 - Sheep. - Ah. 45 00:02:41,841 --> 00:02:44,381 (theme music) 46 00:03:01,021 --> 00:03:04,551 (lively blues music) 47 00:03:18,001 --> 00:03:20,401 (camera shutter sound) 48 00:03:22,041 --> 00:03:24,771 - Don't tell me you're actually going to miss this place? 49 00:03:24,771 --> 00:03:27,401 - A little. 50 00:03:31,381 --> 00:03:35,011 Mr. Setrakian, I'm leaving. 51 00:03:35,011 --> 00:03:37,011 - Very well. 52 00:03:37,021 --> 00:03:39,421 Travel safe. 53 00:03:44,891 --> 00:03:48,461 - Give me your phone. C'mon, get in there. Nora, c'mon. 54 00:03:51,601 --> 00:03:55,101 Alright. Everybody smile. 55 00:03:57,031 --> 00:03:59,131 Everybody smile. 56 00:04:01,801 --> 00:04:04,571 OK, that's... that's great. (camera shutter sound) 57 00:04:04,571 --> 00:04:06,541 Not big on good-byes, huh? 58 00:04:06,541 --> 00:04:10,611 - Not when you've said as many as I have. 59 00:04:10,611 --> 00:04:15,111 - Well, good luck getting your book, Professor. 60 00:04:21,051 --> 00:04:25,591 - Good luck to you too, Doctor. 61 00:04:25,591 --> 00:04:28,951 - Take care of yourself. Get some sleep. 62 00:04:30,461 --> 00:04:32,591 - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, what? 63 00:04:32,601 --> 00:04:36,061 We're kissing now? (kissing sounds) 64 00:04:36,061 --> 00:04:38,091 C'mere, Zack. 65 00:04:38,101 --> 00:04:41,501 Take care of yourself, big guy. Yeah? 66 00:04:41,501 --> 00:04:45,631 You, uh, send me a postcard. - Yeah, right. 67 00:04:45,641 --> 00:04:49,001 - Well, it'll show up in a couple a years. 68 00:04:51,081 --> 00:04:54,246 I thought this was a quick trip down the coast and back. 69 00:04:54,247 --> 00:04:55,971 - With a couple of stops in DC. 70 00:04:55,981 --> 00:04:57,911 We've got some friends and contacts there. 71 00:04:57,911 --> 00:05:00,411 - To put your bio-bomb together? - Yeah, that's the plan. 72 00:05:00,421 --> 00:05:03,251 - Well... 73 00:05:03,251 --> 00:05:06,581 don't know where we'll be, but uh... 74 00:05:06,591 --> 00:05:08,821 when you get back, 75 00:05:08,821 --> 00:05:11,491 well, make sure... - We'll find you. 76 00:05:14,991 --> 00:05:17,661 Let's go. 77 00:05:51,501 --> 00:05:54,636 - You need to make them respect you, Eldritch. 78 00:05:54,637 --> 00:05:57,401 They can't succeed without you. 79 00:05:57,401 --> 00:06:01,131 - They seem very certain that they can. 80 00:06:01,141 --> 00:06:04,041 - Remind them that they can't. 81 00:06:06,141 --> 00:06:08,641 You don't need to die. 82 00:06:08,641 --> 00:06:13,241 And we never have to lose what we have... ever. 83 00:06:13,251 --> 00:06:16,051 - Ever. 84 00:06:22,891 --> 00:06:25,721 Ever. 85 00:06:27,321 --> 00:06:29,921 (car honking) - So, uh, 86 00:06:29,931 --> 00:06:32,371 how much gold are we talking about here? 87 00:06:32,371 --> 00:06:34,561 - Gold? 88 00:06:34,561 --> 00:06:37,031 - Yeah, gold. 89 00:06:37,031 --> 00:06:40,101 You know, the thing that we're using to bargain for the Lumen? 90 00:06:40,101 --> 00:06:43,931 How much do the Ancients have? - I have no idea. 91 00:06:43,941 --> 00:06:46,911 - No idea. 92 00:06:46,911 --> 00:06:49,011 Doesn't that kind of make it hard to bid? 93 00:06:49,011 --> 00:06:52,411 - One way or another, we will get the Lumen. 94 00:06:52,411 --> 00:06:54,511 - One way or another? 95 00:06:54,511 --> 00:06:57,081 - We win it, we take it, 96 00:06:57,081 --> 00:06:59,411 or we die trying. 97 00:06:59,421 --> 00:07:02,791 - Yeah, alright. 98 00:07:02,791 --> 00:07:06,101 How 'bout we skip that third option, though, huh? 99 00:07:10,191 --> 00:07:12,791 (crowd shouting) 100 00:07:12,801 --> 00:07:16,271 - (man): Keep going. Next! 101 00:07:20,101 --> 00:07:23,371 You folks are lucky. You're on the last train out. 102 00:07:23,371 --> 00:07:25,701 - The last train? - National Guard's 103 00:07:25,711 --> 00:07:30,281 gathering up all the trains. Go. Next! 104 00:07:35,721 --> 00:07:37,821 (gunshots) (screaming) 105 00:07:37,821 --> 00:07:41,421 - Come on. Let's go! - Let's go, be quick. Move it. 106 00:07:41,421 --> 00:07:43,381 - Two bag limit! 107 00:07:43,391 --> 00:07:46,801 No one is allowed on this train with more than two bags! 108 00:07:46,801 --> 00:07:50,051 - How long until the train arrives? 109 00:07:50,061 --> 00:07:52,621 - Your guess is as good as mine. - Attention all passengers. 110 00:07:52,631 --> 00:07:55,061 We appreciate your patience. The train departing 111 00:07:55,061 --> 00:07:58,231 for Washington DC, Charleston, Savannah, Jacksonville, 112 00:07:58,231 --> 00:08:02,231 Orlando and terminating in Tampa/Miami should be arriving shortly. 113 00:08:02,241 --> 00:08:05,771 - The right thing to do is usually the hardest. 114 00:08:05,771 --> 00:08:08,841 - Well, this is going to be very tough. 115 00:08:11,741 --> 00:08:14,111 You know, when we get to DC... 116 00:08:14,111 --> 00:08:18,681 we get a fresh shot at putting that bioweapon together again. 117 00:08:20,521 --> 00:08:23,451 Maybe, uh... 118 00:08:23,451 --> 00:08:27,081 - Let's focus on getting there, OK? 119 00:08:27,091 --> 00:08:30,251 - I know I don't have a right to ask you that... 120 00:08:30,261 --> 00:08:32,661 - No, you don't. 121 00:08:37,531 --> 00:08:40,161 - Well, at least I know that nobody can annoy you 122 00:08:40,171 --> 00:08:42,841 as much as I do. 123 00:09:12,161 --> 00:09:14,361 (grunt) 124 00:09:17,131 --> 00:09:19,301 (growling) 125 00:09:21,401 --> 00:09:24,071 (snarling) 126 00:09:32,481 --> 00:09:36,381 (men speaking in Spanish) 127 00:09:39,351 --> 00:09:41,081 - This here is Quinlan. 128 00:09:41,091 --> 00:09:44,031 He's the one responsible for getting you guys out of jail. 129 00:09:44,031 --> 00:09:46,291 Pay attention. 130 00:09:55,001 --> 00:09:57,001 (muttering) 131 00:09:57,001 --> 00:10:00,331 - This freak? 132 00:10:00,341 --> 00:10:04,951 He's one of them, man! - I am not one of them. 133 00:10:06,411 --> 00:10:09,371 - I'll tell you what you are... 134 00:10:09,381 --> 00:10:11,781 you're dead! 135 00:10:11,781 --> 00:10:14,241 (crunch) (outcries) 136 00:10:18,391 --> 00:10:21,361 - Anyone else? 137 00:10:23,891 --> 00:10:27,021 Gentlemen. Human life 138 00:10:27,021 --> 00:10:29,291 is fleeting. 139 00:10:30,961 --> 00:10:33,291 I've watched many men perish, 140 00:10:33,301 --> 00:10:35,101 good and bad. 141 00:10:35,101 --> 00:10:38,531 The act itself, the dying, is the same. 142 00:10:38,531 --> 00:10:41,531 - What distinguishes the honourable 143 00:10:41,541 --> 00:10:45,781 from the dishonourable is how in the few, most important moments in life, 144 00:10:45,781 --> 00:10:48,141 they conducted themselves. 145 00:10:48,141 --> 00:10:51,711 How would you men like to be remembered? 146 00:10:51,711 --> 00:10:54,711 As human animals, marginalized, 147 00:10:54,711 --> 00:10:58,881 locked away in cages? Or as warriors? 148 00:10:58,881 --> 00:11:01,951 Fighters of the highest order? 149 00:11:03,551 --> 00:11:07,291 Today, you fight for one tribe: 150 00:11:07,291 --> 00:11:09,821 humankind. 151 00:11:09,831 --> 00:11:12,831 It no longer matters what colour you wear, 152 00:11:12,831 --> 00:11:15,961 or what colour your skin is. All that matters 153 00:11:17,771 --> 00:11:19,771 is the colour of your blood. 154 00:11:19,771 --> 00:11:23,571 Red versus white. 155 00:11:23,571 --> 00:11:27,901 Today you will define who you are. 156 00:11:29,581 --> 00:11:33,281 Today you will spill white blood 157 00:11:33,281 --> 00:11:36,751 and change the future. 158 00:11:36,751 --> 00:11:39,191 Are you with me? (cheering) 159 00:11:41,151 --> 00:11:43,351 Then let us fight. 160 00:11:44,851 --> 00:11:47,481 (train bell clanging) (indistinct PA voice) 161 00:11:49,661 --> 00:11:52,061 (brakes screeching) 162 00:11:58,161 --> 00:12:01,091 (hubbub) 163 00:12:01,101 --> 00:12:03,831 - Everybody needs to find a seat! 164 00:12:03,841 --> 00:12:06,671 Keep your luggage out of the aisles! 165 00:12:06,671 --> 00:12:09,841 The train is full, 166 00:12:09,841 --> 00:12:12,271 but every ticketed passenger has a seat, 167 00:12:12,281 --> 00:12:14,811 so please be courteous. 168 00:12:14,811 --> 00:12:18,111 We hope to depart within the hour. 169 00:12:29,491 --> 00:12:32,791 - Welcome, Professor. I'm glad to see you made it. 170 00:12:32,791 --> 00:12:35,861 It's gonna be a good time. But first I'm gonna ask 171 00:12:35,861 --> 00:12:38,031 you and your friend here to check all your weapons. 172 00:12:38,031 --> 00:12:40,961 You'll get it back at the end. 173 00:12:40,971 --> 00:12:44,141 Now, how about a drink? 174 00:12:44,141 --> 00:12:45,901 - No, thank you. 175 00:12:45,901 --> 00:12:48,301 - Alright, I'll have one for you. 176 00:12:52,911 --> 00:12:55,171 We're gonna need you to verify and register 177 00:12:55,181 --> 00:12:58,221 your gold funds with James right over here. 178 00:12:59,851 --> 00:13:02,751 OK, good luck, Professor. 179 00:13:02,751 --> 00:13:05,291 - Thanks. 180 00:13:08,821 --> 00:13:11,381 - Who's this guy? 181 00:13:15,821 --> 00:13:18,561 - We are going to need to see your weapons. 182 00:13:18,561 --> 00:13:20,821 - I have no weapons. - Up. 183 00:13:20,831 --> 00:13:24,661 - Who are you? - I am Thomas Eichorst. 184 00:13:24,661 --> 00:13:26,431 Mr. Palmer's emissary. 185 00:13:26,431 --> 00:13:30,061 I will be bidding in his place. - You got gold, 186 00:13:30,071 --> 00:13:34,271 you can bid. Just register your funds right over there. 187 00:13:34,271 --> 00:13:37,001 - Of course. - I'll go get the book, 188 00:13:37,011 --> 00:13:39,446 so we can get this show on the road. 189 00:13:39,447 --> 00:13:43,111 - Here is my account information, which all will be verified. 190 00:13:43,111 --> 00:13:46,511 - Where is Palmer? - This transaction is much 191 00:13:46,521 --> 00:13:49,181 too important. 192 00:13:49,181 --> 00:13:52,621 I will have the honour of acquiring the Lumen. 193 00:13:57,861 --> 00:14:01,591 Abraham, how ironic that 194 00:14:01,601 --> 00:14:03,436 our duel should end not with a fight 195 00:14:03,437 --> 00:14:06,031 but with a simple transaction in gold. 196 00:14:06,031 --> 00:14:08,201 - I assure you, Eichorst, 197 00:14:08,201 --> 00:14:11,701 our duel shall end with a transaction in silver. 198 00:14:11,701 --> 00:14:15,871 So, the Master passed you over 199 00:14:15,871 --> 00:14:19,201 for Bolivar. A third-rate musical act. 200 00:14:19,211 --> 00:14:22,271 Does it hurt at all to be bound by loyalty 201 00:14:22,281 --> 00:14:26,381 to one so obviously unimpressed by you? 202 00:14:31,721 --> 00:14:34,081 - Does it not pain you 203 00:14:34,091 --> 00:14:38,391 to tally all the things that I have taken from you already? 204 00:14:42,061 --> 00:14:44,761 - You're a creature of filth, Eichorst. 205 00:14:44,761 --> 00:14:47,831 - Were it up to me, 206 00:14:47,831 --> 00:14:52,131 I would suck you dry and snap your neck, 207 00:14:52,141 --> 00:14:54,241 denying you one final time. 208 00:14:54,241 --> 00:14:58,241 But do you know that the Master has a plan for you? 209 00:14:58,241 --> 00:15:00,001 Yes. 210 00:15:00,011 --> 00:15:01,941 He wants you to turn, 211 00:15:01,941 --> 00:15:04,811 to bear witness to that which you have been fighting 212 00:15:04,811 --> 00:15:07,311 against for so long. - Never! 213 00:15:07,321 --> 00:15:09,461 I will release you, Eichorst, to die 214 00:15:09,461 --> 00:15:12,051 like the soulless appendage you are. 215 00:15:13,691 --> 00:15:16,961 - I'm pretty sure he's right. 216 00:15:16,961 --> 00:15:19,761 - Easy... hey. Why don't you all step back? 217 00:15:19,761 --> 00:15:24,161 - It's too bad that all these gangsters are watching us, huh? 218 00:15:24,161 --> 00:15:26,291 'Cause I'm dying for a chance 219 00:15:26,301 --> 00:15:29,771 to stick a piece of rebar in your right ear 220 00:15:29,771 --> 00:15:31,931 and watch it come out your left. 221 00:15:31,931 --> 00:15:35,431 - Both credit lines verified. 222 00:15:35,441 --> 00:15:37,681 - (Creem): Here we go. 223 00:15:40,041 --> 00:15:42,341 Both your banks in Switzerland have agreed 224 00:15:42,341 --> 00:15:45,641 to convert funds into gold based upon the current exchange rate. 225 00:15:45,651 --> 00:15:47,551 Highest dollar value bid wins. 226 00:15:47,551 --> 00:15:50,881 Now, let me see. What number should I start at? 227 00:15:50,881 --> 00:15:55,151 - $5 million. - Alright, 5 million it is. 228 00:15:55,151 --> 00:15:58,021 - 10 million. - 15. 229 00:16:00,621 --> 00:16:02,451 - Do I hear 20? - 30 million. 230 00:16:02,461 --> 00:16:06,561 - 50. - Whoa, let me catch my breath here, hmm? 231 00:16:09,031 --> 00:16:11,631 - 100 million. - 200 million. 232 00:16:11,631 --> 00:16:14,631 - 300 million. - Whoa! 233 00:16:17,071 --> 00:16:21,171 I propose that the one with the most gold will win this book for exactly $1 more 234 00:16:21,171 --> 00:16:24,301 than the losing bid. Deal? 235 00:16:24,311 --> 00:16:26,511 - Agreed. 236 00:16:26,511 --> 00:16:30,081 - Agreed. - Alright. 237 00:16:30,081 --> 00:16:33,251 James here will check each account to find out its limits. 238 00:16:33,251 --> 00:16:37,151 James? - All set, boss. 239 00:16:37,151 --> 00:16:40,081 - Alright, we'll start with Mr. Setrakian here. 240 00:16:41,861 --> 00:16:45,031 What's the grand total? - Yes. 241 00:16:45,031 --> 00:16:48,171 What? Say it again? 242 00:16:50,661 --> 00:16:54,061 $323 million. 243 00:16:54,071 --> 00:16:57,701 (throat clearing) - 323 mil? 244 00:16:57,701 --> 00:17:01,331 OK. 245 00:17:01,341 --> 00:17:03,541 This must be some kind of book. 246 00:17:03,541 --> 00:17:08,341 Alright. What about the German here? What's he got? 247 00:17:08,341 --> 00:17:12,681 - You got the balance. Let me see it? - Here's the number, boss. 248 00:17:12,681 --> 00:17:16,681 - $351.8 million. 249 00:17:16,681 --> 00:17:18,411 - (man): Damn! (gavel banging) 250 00:17:18,421 --> 00:17:21,921 - Sold to the German for 323 million plus 1 buck. 251 00:17:21,921 --> 00:17:24,621 Transfer the gold to my account, right the hell now. 252 00:17:24,651 --> 00:17:25,696 - You got it, Creem. 253 00:17:25,697 --> 00:17:28,361 - Give me the damn book. - The game is over, Abraham. 254 00:17:28,361 --> 00:17:32,431 Nothing on this earth can stop the Master now. 255 00:17:34,301 --> 00:17:36,531 Please, 256 00:17:36,531 --> 00:17:39,101 put it in a canvas bag for me, would you? 257 00:17:39,101 --> 00:17:41,231 - For 323 million, hell, 258 00:17:41,241 --> 00:17:43,541 I'll gift wrap it if you want. 259 00:17:43,541 --> 00:17:45,701 - Yo, Creem. 260 00:17:49,711 --> 00:17:53,111 - You sure? What? Check again. 261 00:17:55,881 --> 00:17:59,111 The German's access to the Swiss bank account has been rescinded. 262 00:17:59,121 --> 00:18:02,621 - That's ridiculous. Obviously a mistake has been made. 263 00:18:02,621 --> 00:18:05,591 - It's not a mistake. They checked twice. Access to 264 00:18:05,591 --> 00:18:08,121 the gold account is withdrawn. Sorry, you're out of luck. 265 00:18:08,131 --> 00:18:10,811 I guess this is yours, old man. Congratulations. 266 00:18:10,831 --> 00:18:12,061 I was rooting for you. 267 00:18:12,061 --> 00:18:14,231 - No! - Whoa, whoa, that's far enough. 268 00:18:14,231 --> 00:18:17,001 Easy. - Allow me to call the bank 269 00:18:17,001 --> 00:18:18,961 and rectify the situation. 270 00:18:18,971 --> 00:18:22,071 - No. 323 million is 323 million. 271 00:18:22,071 --> 00:18:25,001 I ain't rectifying jack shit. (growling) 272 00:18:25,011 --> 00:18:28,411 - Hey! This is your last warning. 273 00:18:28,411 --> 00:18:31,441 (gun cocking) 274 00:18:31,451 --> 00:18:33,751 Try it. 275 00:18:33,751 --> 00:18:37,451 Go ahead. Do your thing. 276 00:18:37,451 --> 00:18:41,651 Step away. 277 00:18:43,591 --> 00:18:45,451 - It seems 278 00:18:45,461 --> 00:18:47,861 at the end of the day, Eldritch 279 00:18:47,861 --> 00:18:51,461 Palmer would rather I have the book than let it fall 280 00:18:51,461 --> 00:18:53,861 into the hands of the Master. 281 00:18:53,861 --> 00:18:57,101 Interesting. 282 00:18:57,101 --> 00:18:59,601 (small laugh) 283 00:18:59,601 --> 00:19:01,701 - I congratulate you, 284 00:19:01,701 --> 00:19:04,171 A230385. 285 00:19:04,171 --> 00:19:07,601 (chuckling): I congratulate you greatly. 286 00:19:07,611 --> 00:19:11,111 Enjoy this victory. 287 00:19:11,111 --> 00:19:14,211 Savour it. 288 00:19:14,211 --> 00:19:16,841 Plant it in your memory. 289 00:19:19,281 --> 00:19:21,711 I will see you soon. 290 00:19:21,721 --> 00:19:24,181 - Party's over. Off my island. 291 00:19:29,731 --> 00:19:31,861 (Creem chuckles) 292 00:19:31,861 --> 00:19:35,361 Thanks for making me rich, old man. 293 00:19:44,971 --> 00:19:47,371 - Come on, Professor. 294 00:19:51,741 --> 00:19:55,381 - It's gonna be dark soon. I hope you put some money aside 295 00:19:55,381 --> 00:19:57,881 to get a helicopter or something. 296 00:20:08,891 --> 00:20:11,821 (indistinct orders) 297 00:20:11,831 --> 00:20:14,161 (distant siren) 298 00:20:14,161 --> 00:20:16,061 - (man): Hurry up. 299 00:20:16,061 --> 00:20:19,831 - 323 million smackeronis, huh? 300 00:20:19,831 --> 00:20:22,101 Yeesh. - Be vigilant. 301 00:20:22,101 --> 00:20:24,831 The attack could come from any direction. 302 00:20:24,841 --> 00:20:26,941 - Yeah. 303 00:20:26,941 --> 00:20:29,401 Why didn't you arrange for backup? 304 00:20:29,411 --> 00:20:32,511 The Ancients, they paid a lot of gold for this thing, 305 00:20:32,511 --> 00:20:34,841 you'd think they'd want to help. 306 00:20:34,851 --> 00:20:38,351 - Mr. Fet, there is something I neglected to tell you. 307 00:20:38,351 --> 00:20:41,251 I'm not giving this book to the Ancients. 308 00:20:43,021 --> 00:20:45,081 - OK... 309 00:20:45,091 --> 00:20:48,091 So, uh, we're ripping off 310 00:20:48,091 --> 00:20:50,691 one gang of immortal munchers 311 00:20:50,691 --> 00:20:54,121 and we're looking to throw down against another? 312 00:20:54,131 --> 00:20:57,361 - That is an accurate assessment. 313 00:20:57,361 --> 00:20:59,931 Is it much further? 314 00:20:59,931 --> 00:21:02,701 - Almost there. 315 00:21:02,701 --> 00:21:05,131 You know, 316 00:21:05,141 --> 00:21:07,811 you could have told me about double-crossing... 317 00:21:07,811 --> 00:21:11,551 (truck roaring) (shattering) 318 00:21:14,051 --> 00:21:15,711 (creaking) 319 00:21:15,711 --> 00:21:19,281 (distant snarling) (small groan) 320 00:21:24,791 --> 00:21:27,491 - We need to move! 321 00:21:29,161 --> 00:21:31,261 (engine sputtering) - Hang on! 322 00:21:31,261 --> 00:21:34,791 (growling and hissing) 323 00:21:38,071 --> 00:21:40,901 (shrieking) (gunshots) 324 00:21:40,901 --> 00:21:43,231 (engine roaring) Here we go! 325 00:21:43,241 --> 00:21:46,911 (tires squealing) 326 00:21:46,911 --> 00:21:49,311 Come on! Let's go! 327 00:21:51,241 --> 00:21:55,441 (Fet growling) (creature croaking) 328 00:21:55,451 --> 00:21:58,421 - Damn thing's jammed! 329 00:22:00,151 --> 00:22:02,851 - Come on! (metal screeching) 330 00:22:10,261 --> 00:22:12,921 Hang on! (tires squealing) 331 00:22:14,761 --> 00:22:17,761 Go, Professor! Go! 332 00:22:30,511 --> 00:22:34,771 - (Eichorst, muffled): Abraham! - Uh-oh. 333 00:22:37,281 --> 00:22:41,011 - As always, your victory was fleeting. 334 00:22:43,291 --> 00:22:45,821 Bring me the book... 335 00:22:45,821 --> 00:22:49,021 and the Professor. (creatures snarling) 336 00:22:54,231 --> 00:22:56,631 (thumping) 337 00:23:07,311 --> 00:23:09,911 - Let them know we're not going easily! 338 00:23:43,841 --> 00:23:46,671 - Looks like somebody else joined the party. 339 00:24:07,701 --> 00:24:09,871 (grunt) 340 00:24:12,031 --> 00:24:16,701 (low growling) 341 00:24:23,281 --> 00:24:27,151 - The Born. - Can you see me through him? 342 00:24:32,881 --> 00:24:35,111 You were wise not to come here tonight. 343 00:24:35,121 --> 00:24:37,651 Cowardly, 344 00:24:37,651 --> 00:24:40,081 but wise. 345 00:24:40,091 --> 00:24:43,951 - (Master's voice): I fear no one. 346 00:24:43,961 --> 00:24:46,561 - Nor do I. 347 00:24:49,731 --> 00:24:51,891 (gunshots) 348 00:24:59,241 --> 00:25:01,241 (screeching) 349 00:25:01,241 --> 00:25:03,841 - Go, go, go! 350 00:25:30,101 --> 00:25:33,061 (beeping) 351 00:25:54,461 --> 00:25:57,191 - (Master's voice): Nothing will hinder 352 00:25:57,191 --> 00:26:00,861 the rise of my power. 353 00:26:10,671 --> 00:26:13,471 - Thanks, folks, for your patience. We have been cleared 354 00:26:13,471 --> 00:26:17,201 for departure, and train number 323, with stops 355 00:26:17,211 --> 00:26:21,871 in Washington DC, Charleston, Savannah, Jacksonville, 356 00:26:21,881 --> 00:26:26,081 Orlando and terminating in Tampa/Miami, is underway. 357 00:26:26,081 --> 00:26:29,951 - Go back to sleep. 358 00:26:51,671 --> 00:26:55,601 - It's a long ride. I'm going to go hit the Club Car before they run out. 359 00:26:58,241 --> 00:27:00,611 Excuse me? 360 00:27:03,751 --> 00:27:07,611 Sandwiches, drinks? - Waters, please. 361 00:27:13,591 --> 00:27:16,651 - I'll be right back. 362 00:27:31,541 --> 00:27:33,601 - Great to be underway, huh? 363 00:27:33,611 --> 00:27:36,381 Where you headed? 364 00:27:36,381 --> 00:27:39,081 - Savannah. - Nice. 365 00:27:39,081 --> 00:27:41,481 I'm going all the way to... (thumping) 366 00:27:41,481 --> 00:27:43,711 What the hell's that? 367 00:27:43,721 --> 00:27:46,551 Something on the tracks? 368 00:27:46,551 --> 00:27:48,451 - Shit. 369 00:27:48,451 --> 00:27:51,621 (horn honking) - We gotta stop! 370 00:27:52,891 --> 00:27:55,121 (brakes screeching) (roaring) 371 00:27:55,121 --> 00:27:57,391 Whoa! (glass shattering) 372 00:27:57,391 --> 00:27:59,391 (passengers screaming) 373 00:27:59,391 --> 00:28:02,291 (thumping) 374 00:28:02,301 --> 00:28:06,241 (screeching) 375 00:28:27,591 --> 00:28:30,321 - Eldritch, you have crossed 376 00:28:30,321 --> 00:28:32,791 a line that cannot be uncrossed. 377 00:28:32,791 --> 00:28:35,351 - Yes. Do you really believe 378 00:28:35,361 --> 00:28:37,121 that I am a man to be trifled with? 379 00:28:37,131 --> 00:28:41,101 - Who are you to give orders? Eldritch's pact isn't with you. 380 00:28:41,101 --> 00:28:44,771 - My dear, you will not speak unless spoken to. 381 00:28:44,771 --> 00:28:46,931 - There he goes again. 382 00:28:46,931 --> 00:28:50,971 She can and will speak her mind. 383 00:28:50,971 --> 00:28:54,131 - You humiliated me at the auction. 384 00:28:54,141 --> 00:28:56,271 You cost us the Lumen. 385 00:28:56,271 --> 00:28:58,541 But your most grievous crime was 386 00:28:58,541 --> 00:29:00,441 betraying the Master. 387 00:29:00,441 --> 00:29:03,011 - Please. It's Setrakian. 388 00:29:03,011 --> 00:29:05,981 My security team can have the book back in our hands 389 00:29:05,981 --> 00:29:08,281 before he's translated the title page... 390 00:29:08,281 --> 00:29:10,811 But only, ONLY, 391 00:29:10,821 --> 00:29:13,621 if you and your Master pay me the respect I deserve! 392 00:29:13,621 --> 00:29:16,951 - How dare you. - How dare you! 393 00:29:16,961 --> 00:29:20,301 Without Eldritch's influence, without his abilities, 394 00:29:20,301 --> 00:29:24,261 without what he has done... - I see who is deciding things. 395 00:29:26,631 --> 00:29:28,631 - We want the white when we need it. 396 00:29:28,631 --> 00:29:31,401 You will help us; we will help you. But as equals. 397 00:29:31,401 --> 00:29:34,501 That was, as I heard it, the bargain. 398 00:29:34,501 --> 00:29:36,701 - What do you think, 399 00:29:36,711 --> 00:29:40,921 mein Meister? (loud swoosh) 400 00:29:48,981 --> 00:29:52,921 - I see I've finally warranted your attention. 401 00:29:57,331 --> 00:29:59,661 These new terms... 402 00:29:59,661 --> 00:30:01,821 The white for immortality... Do not 403 00:30:01,831 --> 00:30:03,831 materially affect our agreement. 404 00:30:03,831 --> 00:30:06,991 Use my resources as necessary 405 00:30:07,001 --> 00:30:09,001 but do not EVER 406 00:30:09,001 --> 00:30:11,201 take me for granted again. 407 00:30:11,201 --> 00:30:13,271 - The terms of our agreement 408 00:30:13,271 --> 00:30:15,471 remain unchanged. 409 00:30:18,941 --> 00:30:21,511 (The Master shrieks) - No! 410 00:30:21,511 --> 00:30:24,341 No! (whimpering) 411 00:30:24,351 --> 00:30:28,311 (gasping) (slurping) 412 00:30:34,021 --> 00:30:37,021 (blubbering) 413 00:30:57,481 --> 00:31:01,811 - She has a new mate now, Eldritch. 414 00:31:01,821 --> 00:31:06,061 Devotion is a beautiful thing. 415 00:31:09,391 --> 00:31:12,391 (panicked voices) 416 00:31:14,231 --> 00:31:16,661 - What just happened? 417 00:31:16,661 --> 00:31:19,061 - We've derailed. 418 00:31:19,061 --> 00:31:22,231 - (distant man): I can't feel my neck! 419 00:31:23,831 --> 00:31:26,331 - Get your dagger! 420 00:31:44,491 --> 00:31:47,791 Come on! 421 00:31:47,791 --> 00:31:49,921 - What about Dad? 422 00:31:49,921 --> 00:31:52,921 - He'll find us. We can't wait. 423 00:31:57,601 --> 00:32:01,441 (creatures croaking) 424 00:32:09,041 --> 00:32:11,201 Come on! 425 00:32:12,781 --> 00:32:15,221 (woman screaming) (creature shrieking) 426 00:32:25,051 --> 00:32:28,721 (distant shouting) - Zack! 427 00:32:28,721 --> 00:32:31,521 (low snarl) 428 00:32:33,891 --> 00:32:37,931 (growling) (heavy breathing) 429 00:32:40,471 --> 00:32:43,041 (shrieking) 430 00:32:44,731 --> 00:32:48,201 (woman screaming) (man yelling) 431 00:33:01,681 --> 00:33:04,011 ZACK! 432 00:33:04,021 --> 00:33:07,281 NORA! 433 00:33:16,161 --> 00:33:19,231 ZACK! 434 00:33:23,271 --> 00:33:26,271 (snarling) 435 00:33:42,351 --> 00:33:46,421 (shrieking) 436 00:33:58,701 --> 00:34:00,861 - Watch out for the third rail. 437 00:34:00,871 --> 00:34:03,641 Come on, the station's close. 438 00:34:03,641 --> 00:34:08,211 (footsteps) 439 00:34:13,881 --> 00:34:17,181 Get behind me. 440 00:34:19,221 --> 00:34:21,991 When I say "run," you run. 441 00:34:21,991 --> 00:34:25,221 Get to the station. Wait for your father or me. 442 00:34:25,221 --> 00:34:27,381 Got it? 443 00:34:34,631 --> 00:34:36,331 COME ON! 444 00:34:36,331 --> 00:34:40,561 I'M READY! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? 445 00:34:43,401 --> 00:34:45,731 (growling) 446 00:34:45,741 --> 00:34:48,241 (bullets pinging) 447 00:34:51,681 --> 00:34:54,651 (Nora yelling) (Kelly shrieking) 448 00:34:57,081 --> 00:35:01,611 RUN! (grunting) 449 00:35:01,621 --> 00:35:05,061 - (Kelly): Zack! 450 00:35:17,361 --> 00:35:19,761 (wheezing) 451 00:35:19,771 --> 00:35:21,771 - STOP! 452 00:35:21,771 --> 00:35:23,871 (croaking) 453 00:35:23,871 --> 00:35:25,931 - Ah! 454 00:35:25,941 --> 00:35:29,471 - No! Please! 455 00:35:29,471 --> 00:35:33,441 Let her go! (groaning) 456 00:35:33,441 --> 00:35:36,271 Please. 457 00:35:36,281 --> 00:35:39,781 Stop. 458 00:35:39,781 --> 00:35:42,181 (slurping) 459 00:35:44,491 --> 00:35:48,531 (Nora groaning) 460 00:35:53,361 --> 00:35:58,361 (moaning) 461 00:36:04,071 --> 00:36:06,971 (shaky breathing) 462 00:36:06,971 --> 00:36:10,471 (coughing) 463 00:36:10,471 --> 00:36:12,401 - Zack. 464 00:36:12,411 --> 00:36:16,211 - Let me see you. 465 00:36:33,331 --> 00:36:35,991 Mom? 466 00:36:36,001 --> 00:36:38,241 (dagger clattering) 467 00:36:54,211 --> 00:36:56,581 - Zack. 468 00:37:04,361 --> 00:37:08,671 (indistinct voices whispering) 469 00:37:11,261 --> 00:37:14,261 - (Nora, strained): Zack! 470 00:37:37,621 --> 00:37:39,651 (distant horn) 471 00:37:39,661 --> 00:37:42,861 (distant sirens) 472 00:37:51,301 --> 00:37:53,831 (Setrakian grunting) - That's it. 473 00:37:53,831 --> 00:37:56,571 There we go. 474 00:37:56,571 --> 00:37:59,271 Take your time. 475 00:37:59,271 --> 00:38:02,471 Alright, Professor. We're all set. 476 00:38:02,481 --> 00:38:05,581 There she is! Huh? 477 00:38:05,581 --> 00:38:08,281 Home free. 478 00:38:08,281 --> 00:38:10,881 Alright. 479 00:38:13,521 --> 00:38:15,521 - Hey, pawnbroker! 480 00:38:15,521 --> 00:38:17,921 (guns cocking) 481 00:38:17,921 --> 00:38:20,081 - Try me, big boy. 482 00:38:20,091 --> 00:38:23,851 You're lucky I don't shoot you for making me walk through that sewer. 483 00:38:23,861 --> 00:38:27,021 - Back off, man. Just walk away. 484 00:38:27,031 --> 00:38:30,101 - I'm talkin' to Mr. Setrakian. You made a deal, 485 00:38:30,101 --> 00:38:33,101 old man. I'm here to see that you honour it. 486 00:38:33,101 --> 00:38:35,161 - Who the hell is this guy, anyway? 487 00:38:35,171 --> 00:38:37,101 - Former customer. 488 00:38:37,101 --> 00:38:40,801 I am not giving this book to you, 489 00:38:40,811 --> 00:38:43,611 or to the Ancients, or to anyone. 490 00:38:43,611 --> 00:38:47,281 I'm going to walk onto that boat and either you are going 491 00:38:47,281 --> 00:38:50,451 to shoot me and Mr. Fet is going to shoot you, or... 492 00:38:50,451 --> 00:38:53,981 - Or, I could kill both of you. 493 00:38:53,981 --> 00:38:57,381 - This guy! 494 00:39:00,121 --> 00:39:02,981 - Mr. Quinlan, you did not come all this way 495 00:39:02,991 --> 00:39:05,521 to do the Ancients' bidding. 496 00:39:05,521 --> 00:39:08,461 I know who you are. - Do you? 497 00:39:08,461 --> 00:39:11,191 - I know what you want. It is not this book. 498 00:39:11,201 --> 00:39:15,001 - Same old pawnbroker, making deals. 499 00:39:15,001 --> 00:39:18,461 Careful, Quinlan, you're gonna end up with a broken clock. 500 00:39:20,001 --> 00:39:22,411 - The Ancients will destroy this book rather 501 00:39:22,441 --> 00:39:24,501 than allow its secrets to be revealed. 502 00:39:24,511 --> 00:39:29,381 And when they do, they will destroy the one item in this world The Master desires. 503 00:39:30,911 --> 00:39:33,141 - But as long as this book exists... 504 00:39:33,151 --> 00:39:37,051 - It is bait! Do you want the Master? 505 00:39:37,051 --> 00:39:39,351 He will come for whoever possesses it. 506 00:39:39,351 --> 00:39:41,751 That I guarantee you. 507 00:39:47,821 --> 00:39:49,991 - Nora? Zack? 508 00:39:49,991 --> 00:39:54,161 (Nora gasping) Nora! 509 00:39:54,161 --> 00:39:57,591 Where's Zack? Where is he? 510 00:40:00,371 --> 00:40:03,371 - She took him. - She turned him? 511 00:40:03,371 --> 00:40:06,171 - (hiccupping): No. 512 00:40:06,171 --> 00:40:09,941 She took him away with her. 513 00:40:13,341 --> 00:40:17,781 Don't! Don't come close. 514 00:40:21,881 --> 00:40:24,211 - We can manage this. 515 00:40:24,221 --> 00:40:26,751 I can figure something out. 516 00:40:28,761 --> 00:40:31,801 - You're always late. 517 00:40:33,891 --> 00:40:36,891 I already hear his voice in me. 518 00:40:36,901 --> 00:40:39,971 His will creeping into mine. 519 00:40:39,971 --> 00:40:43,201 I don't want him to hear your words, 520 00:40:43,201 --> 00:40:46,401 to see you through my eyes. 521 00:40:46,401 --> 00:40:51,441 - Nora! - I would come for you. 522 00:40:53,381 --> 00:40:56,311 I would come for you and Zack. 523 00:40:56,311 --> 00:40:59,441 - Please don't leave me. 524 00:41:03,551 --> 00:41:07,121 - It's done. 525 00:41:07,121 --> 00:41:09,481 (Ephraim gasps) (muffled bang) 526 00:41:12,261 --> 00:41:14,921 (muffled yell) 527 00:41:14,931 --> 00:41:18,041 (slow music plays) 528 00:42:13,151 --> 00:42:16,921 - I don't know about this, Professor. 529 00:42:22,961 --> 00:42:25,361 Well? 530 00:42:25,361 --> 00:42:27,621 - Somewhere in here 531 00:42:27,631 --> 00:42:31,291 is the key to the Master's origin and, 532 00:42:31,301 --> 00:42:34,331 hopefully, his demise. 533 00:42:34,331 --> 00:42:37,401 - You can figure it out though, right? 534 00:42:37,401 --> 00:42:39,731 - In time, yes. 535 00:42:39,741 --> 00:42:41,801 - In time? 536 00:42:41,811 --> 00:42:44,981 We've got a stolen book on a stolen boat, 537 00:42:44,981 --> 00:42:48,021 sailing down a river. We have no idea where we're going, 538 00:42:48,021 --> 00:42:52,181 Mexican gangbangers and a half-breed strigoi on board. 539 00:42:52,181 --> 00:42:54,651 The Ancients and the Master are after us. 540 00:42:54,651 --> 00:42:57,981 I'm sure we've got plenty of time, Professor. 541 00:43:00,091 --> 00:43:03,221 - (Setrakian): Long ago, I pledged my life 542 00:43:03,221 --> 00:43:06,561 to opposing these monsters. 543 00:43:06,561 --> 00:43:09,991 Since then, I have lost everything dear to me, 544 00:43:10,001 --> 00:43:11,701 driven to the edge of madness 545 00:43:11,701 --> 00:43:15,231 in my quest for knowledge and vengeance. 546 00:43:15,231 --> 00:43:18,731 Now, one step away from victory, 547 00:43:18,741 --> 00:43:22,171 why do I feel more trepidation than triumph? 548 00:43:22,171 --> 00:43:25,841 What insidious plan does the Master 549 00:43:25,841 --> 00:43:28,611 have for humankind? 550 00:43:28,611 --> 00:43:32,271 We have become overconfident 551 00:43:32,281 --> 00:43:34,181 as a species. 552 00:43:34,181 --> 00:43:36,941 We ignorantly believed in our primacy 553 00:43:36,951 --> 00:43:39,181 over all else... 554 00:43:39,181 --> 00:43:41,211 Over all other species, 555 00:43:41,221 --> 00:43:44,121 over our planet itself. 556 00:43:51,761 --> 00:43:55,831 Will we perish under our own greed and selfishness? 557 00:44:03,371 --> 00:44:07,701 Or will we overcome and survive? 558 00:44:09,711 --> 00:44:14,381 A short time ago, our current reality 559 00:44:14,381 --> 00:44:17,211 was beyond imagination. 560 00:44:17,221 --> 00:44:20,891 Now we have one last chance 561 00:44:20,891 --> 00:44:24,031 to win back our world. 562 00:44:26,221 --> 00:44:28,551 In order to defeat the Master, 563 00:44:28,561 --> 00:44:31,491 we must be as cold and ruthless 564 00:44:31,501 --> 00:44:34,041 and savage as he is... 565 00:44:37,631 --> 00:44:40,401 and yet without becoming 566 00:44:40,401 --> 00:44:43,131 monsters ourselves. 567 00:44:45,341 --> 00:44:47,701 (dramatic music builds) 568 00:45:04,491 --> 00:45:07,221 (theme music) 569 00:45:11,131 --> 00:45:13,191 Closed Captioning by SETTE inc.