1 00:00:00,269 --> 00:00:02,239 Previously on The Strain... 2 00:00:03,753 --> 00:00:08,012 What the hell? What is it, man? 3 00:00:08,774 --> 00:00:11,527 Whoa, whoa, whoa! 4 00:00:12,843 --> 00:00:15,579 Where you taking me? Get your hands off me! 5 00:00:17,328 --> 00:00:19,165 He's nesting somewhere in the city. 6 00:00:19,195 --> 00:00:21,090 We can find him if we work together. 7 00:00:21,120 --> 00:00:24,071 Have you come here to destroy me? 8 00:00:27,777 --> 00:00:30,353 We've got him on the run. We must press on! 9 00:00:32,698 --> 00:00:36,747 Thank you! 10 00:01:06,385 --> 00:01:07,427 Sir? 11 00:01:09,222 --> 00:01:11,683 Come along, Mr. Fitzwilliam. 12 00:01:39,514 --> 00:01:40,684 I want all this boxed up 13 00:01:40,714 --> 00:01:44,318 - and brought back to my office. - Right away, sir. 14 00:01:50,254 --> 00:01:52,186 That can stay. 15 00:02:08,610 --> 00:02:12,152 Take special care of this valuable item. 16 00:02:12,481 --> 00:02:14,038 Certainly, sir. 17 00:02:24,552 --> 00:02:27,526 Silver. How quaint! 18 00:02:32,367 --> 00:02:35,345 Eldritch. Look at you! 19 00:02:37,226 --> 00:02:39,173 How are you feeling? 20 00:02:42,487 --> 00:02:47,160 I expected it to be traumatic, to say the least. 21 00:02:47,190 --> 00:02:48,788 But I feel wonderful! 22 00:02:48,818 --> 00:02:51,435 - Huh! - Strong, energized, 23 00:02:51,520 --> 00:02:53,654 no pain... 24 00:02:54,091 --> 00:02:55,656 When does my, uh... 25 00:02:55,725 --> 00:02:59,698 Oh... Did you think you had been turned? 26 00:03:00,495 --> 00:03:05,094 The Master gave you the white, yes, but not the worm. 27 00:03:05,967 --> 00:03:07,551 He gave me health 28 00:03:07,581 --> 00:03:10,420 but not immortality? 29 00:03:14,049 --> 00:03:15,359 Ugh... 30 00:03:16,011 --> 00:03:19,925 He visited you in your hour of need. 31 00:03:20,079 --> 00:03:24,184 He spared you the way of almost all flesh. 32 00:03:24,503 --> 00:03:26,969 - How long will this last? - I don't know. 33 00:03:27,421 --> 00:03:29,968 - But not forever. - Oh, no. 34 00:03:30,376 --> 00:03:33,929 You're turning people right and left all across this town, 35 00:03:33,959 --> 00:03:36,463 yet I'm on some... some sort of... 36 00:03:36,941 --> 00:03:38,092 waiting list? 37 00:03:38,141 --> 00:03:40,609 True, they are being turned, 38 00:03:40,850 --> 00:03:45,847 but being turned the way you seek, well... 39 00:03:46,239 --> 00:03:48,482 that is a far different thing. 40 00:03:48,512 --> 00:03:51,245 I've done too much, come too far 41 00:03:51,330 --> 00:03:55,578 - to be treated this way. - He chose you, Eldritch! 42 00:03:56,168 --> 00:03:58,348 He anointed you. 43 00:04:00,563 --> 00:04:04,392 You will serve at his right hand for eternity. 44 00:04:05,550 --> 00:04:07,174 Eventually. 45 00:04:08,096 --> 00:04:10,064 "Eventually"? When? 46 00:04:10,733 --> 00:04:13,496 Think of this as another test 47 00:04:13,526 --> 00:04:16,415 for your everlasting devotion. 48 00:04:24,134 --> 00:04:28,680 - sync & corrections by wolfen - - www.addic7ed.com 49 00:04:28,710 --> 00:04:32,547 The Strain season 01 - episode 13 "The Master" 50 00:04:39,317 --> 00:04:41,317 Thanks, buddy. 51 00:04:41,620 --> 00:04:43,157 Oh, my God, this is so cool! 52 00:04:43,187 --> 00:04:47,530 - Thanks, Mom! - It's from Dad, too, okay? 53 00:04:50,277 --> 00:04:53,410 Let's bring it on the street, let's bring this down... 54 00:04:53,440 --> 00:04:55,392 Oh, and I want to take some video to send to your dad 55 00:04:55,422 --> 00:04:57,050 while he's at his conference in Atlanta. 56 00:04:57,085 --> 00:04:58,673 I'll go around the corner and circle back. 57 00:04:58,703 --> 00:05:00,145 - Perfect. Watch out... - For a car. 58 00:05:00,175 --> 00:05:02,620 For cars, you got it. 59 00:05:14,747 --> 00:05:16,627 Hey, Dad, we miss you! 60 00:05:16,657 --> 00:05:19,556 Thanks, Mom, I love my bike. 61 00:05:20,042 --> 00:05:22,008 I love you too, honey. 62 00:05:40,319 --> 00:05:43,554 So why did we see all those vampires in one spot? 63 00:05:43,584 --> 00:05:46,145 Safety. Without the coffin, 64 00:05:46,175 --> 00:05:49,741 the Master needs to be protected during daylight hours. 65 00:05:49,771 --> 00:05:52,922 So those 500 or 1,000 down there... 66 00:05:52,952 --> 00:05:56,639 They were his security. The Master will be nesting nearby. 67 00:05:58,590 --> 00:06:01,347 So, whatever's above ground here, 68 00:06:01,663 --> 00:06:05,440 it's important to him. It's gotta be dark or protected... 69 00:06:05,747 --> 00:06:07,771 Most likely both. 70 00:06:08,964 --> 00:06:10,542 Did you just agree with me? 71 00:06:10,572 --> 00:06:12,558 In this instance, yes. 72 00:06:12,627 --> 00:06:16,319 You two are falling in love. 73 00:06:16,349 --> 00:06:19,221 It's a beautiful thing, huh. 74 00:06:19,251 --> 00:06:22,201 My vote: Reconnaissance. 75 00:06:22,231 --> 00:06:24,006 Now, Doc and I, we go down 76 00:06:24,036 --> 00:06:26,862 to Vestry and Washington and see what's there, yeah? 77 00:06:26,892 --> 00:06:28,247 And we should move. 78 00:06:28,277 --> 00:06:30,460 We wanna burn as little daylight as possible. 79 00:06:30,545 --> 00:06:33,560 Excellent idea. 80 00:06:33,590 --> 00:06:35,241 I heard you guys talking. What's going on? 81 00:06:35,271 --> 00:06:37,583 Uh, we're just discussing our plans. 82 00:06:39,524 --> 00:06:41,518 Are you going to try to attack him again? 83 00:06:41,548 --> 00:06:43,392 We most certainly are. 84 00:06:45,705 --> 00:06:48,090 We're just, uh... 85 00:06:48,488 --> 00:06:51,237 Fet and I are going down to Tribeca to check some things out. 86 00:06:51,267 --> 00:06:53,114 - What about me? - You? Uh, get dressed! 87 00:06:53,144 --> 00:06:55,681 We'll be back before you know it. 88 00:06:56,855 --> 00:06:58,807 When can we go home? 89 00:07:00,994 --> 00:07:02,976 Zach, we can't go back. 90 00:07:18,524 --> 00:07:20,322 I'd appreciate it if you let me decide 91 00:07:20,352 --> 00:07:22,045 what I want to tell my own son. 92 00:07:22,130 --> 00:07:25,303 Sheltering him will ultimately only make things worse. 93 00:07:25,333 --> 00:07:28,468 He needs to know the truth. The whole truth. 94 00:07:28,699 --> 00:07:31,054 Including what happened to his mother. 95 00:07:31,084 --> 00:07:34,127 That's not your decision to make. Keep your mouth shut. 96 00:07:34,157 --> 00:07:37,043 Shortest honeymoon on record, huh? 97 00:07:37,262 --> 00:07:40,771 Come on, Doc. We're burning daylight. 98 00:07:54,195 --> 00:07:58,037 Who's there? Huh? 99 00:07:59,801 --> 00:08:04,037 You must be real scared to have me tied up like this. 100 00:08:04,105 --> 00:08:08,476 You scared to look a Mexican in his eye, you coward? Huh? 101 00:08:15,343 --> 00:08:16,843 That's more like it. 102 00:08:18,759 --> 00:08:20,566 What is this shithole? 103 00:08:22,861 --> 00:08:25,558 What the hell are you? 104 00:08:30,015 --> 00:08:32,386 You planning on eating Mexican tonight? 105 00:08:32,928 --> 00:08:34,976 You gonna choke, I promise you that shit. 106 00:08:35,006 --> 00:08:38,318 I did not bring you all the way down here 107 00:08:38,602 --> 00:08:39,806 to drink you. 108 00:08:39,874 --> 00:08:43,643 - Down here where, huh? - Deep underground. 109 00:08:44,078 --> 00:08:45,678 Somewhere safe. 110 00:08:45,747 --> 00:08:48,525 Safe from what? 111 00:08:48,958 --> 00:08:51,308 What are you gonna do with that, huh? 112 00:08:59,747 --> 00:09:02,349 You be patient. 113 00:09:07,175 --> 00:09:09,042 So what do you wanna do, huh? 114 00:09:09,072 --> 00:09:12,127 Wanna just talk, have a conversation? 115 00:09:14,171 --> 00:09:15,707 Bad idea. 116 00:09:16,924 --> 00:09:19,211 - Son of a bitch! - Come with me. 117 00:09:31,500 --> 00:09:34,193 This is the heart of one who has been turned. 118 00:09:34,970 --> 00:09:37,475 I thought it would make a nicely ironic addition 119 00:09:37,505 --> 00:09:41,261 to my collection of my own failed organs. 120 00:09:41,873 --> 00:09:44,717 - If you say so, sir. - Apparently, 121 00:09:44,747 --> 00:09:48,897 Dr. Goodweather made an unauthorized broadcast last night, 122 00:09:48,927 --> 00:09:51,759 using the emergency alert system. 123 00:09:52,012 --> 00:09:53,928 Why was I not made aware of this? 124 00:09:53,958 --> 00:09:57,145 You were dying, sir. It didn't seem important. 125 00:09:57,175 --> 00:09:59,969 Well, it was important enough that the Secretary of Health 126 00:10:00,038 --> 00:10:02,295 and Human Services, Maggie Pierson, 127 00:10:02,325 --> 00:10:06,467 is talking about quarantining all of Manhattan. 128 00:10:08,349 --> 00:10:11,214 I need to have a serious chat with her. 129 00:10:11,282 --> 00:10:14,483 Bring the car around. Contact Eichhorst. 130 00:10:15,108 --> 00:10:16,608 No, sir. 131 00:10:21,560 --> 00:10:24,427 - Excuse me? - Won't do it. 132 00:10:24,495 --> 00:10:26,095 Not anymore. 133 00:10:26,458 --> 00:10:29,699 When people called you cruel and selfish, 134 00:10:29,729 --> 00:10:31,524 I defended you. 135 00:10:31,554 --> 00:10:34,247 I said they didn't know you as I know you. 136 00:10:34,753 --> 00:10:37,283 Then Eichhorst showed up and his ilk, 137 00:10:37,313 --> 00:10:39,508 and I told myself it was them, 138 00:10:39,577 --> 00:10:42,378 manipulating you, warping your judgement. 139 00:10:43,120 --> 00:10:44,452 I was wrong. 140 00:10:44,482 --> 00:10:47,042 You've been by my side the entire time. 141 00:10:47,072 --> 00:10:50,753 Yes, I am complicit, because I served you loyally. 142 00:10:51,235 --> 00:10:54,824 This is the part where the whore declares herself a virgin. 143 00:10:54,893 --> 00:10:58,343 You made a devil's bargain. You pulled me into it with you. 144 00:10:58,373 --> 00:11:00,090 Your sudden resurrection 145 00:11:00,120 --> 00:11:02,512 is an affront to nature and to God. 146 00:11:02,542 --> 00:11:04,550 What a load of horse shit! 147 00:11:04,580 --> 00:11:07,483 You self-righteous son of a bitch! 148 00:11:07,513 --> 00:11:10,434 How dare you defy me! 149 00:11:10,464 --> 00:11:13,009 Part of me thinks I should kill you right now, 150 00:11:13,078 --> 00:11:16,312 restore the natural order of things. 151 00:11:16,536 --> 00:11:18,247 But I can't. 152 00:11:18,813 --> 00:11:21,596 Not after all you did for me. 153 00:11:22,193 --> 00:11:25,988 Consider my debt to you paid in full. 154 00:11:26,422 --> 00:11:28,691 Never come after me. 155 00:11:28,760 --> 00:11:30,886 You fool! 156 00:11:30,916 --> 00:11:34,590 Deserting me when we're on the verge of triumph! 157 00:11:34,934 --> 00:11:36,705 Where will you go? 158 00:11:36,958 --> 00:11:39,502 What will you do without me to protect you? 159 00:11:41,837 --> 00:11:43,573 The question is, sir, 160 00:11:43,861 --> 00:11:47,310 what will you do without me to protect you? 161 00:12:20,411 --> 00:12:22,879 That Goth douchebag. 162 00:12:26,783 --> 00:12:28,590 Uh, share the wealth, Doc? 163 00:12:28,620 --> 00:12:30,741 Bolivar? The one who attacked Nora's mother? 164 00:12:30,771 --> 00:12:32,418 He was one of the four survivors on the plane. 165 00:12:32,448 --> 00:12:34,500 He said he was buying a theater in Tribeca. 166 00:12:34,530 --> 00:12:38,753 - He's living there. - He bought the Vestry, huh? 167 00:12:38,783 --> 00:12:42,777 Oh, this place goes all the way back to vaudeville, you know? 168 00:12:42,807 --> 00:12:45,235 And since then, it's been a silent movie theater, 169 00:12:45,265 --> 00:12:49,805 Yiddish stage, speakeasy, uh, burlesque house... 170 00:12:50,114 --> 00:12:53,259 This boulevard is one of the Master's favourite vamps. 171 00:12:53,289 --> 00:12:56,712 Then there's a high probability the Master's inside. 172 00:12:57,741 --> 00:13:00,452 Probability's not gonna cut it, Doc. 173 00:13:00,482 --> 00:13:03,486 We need to know for sure, you know? 174 00:13:08,223 --> 00:13:09,825 What? 175 00:13:12,361 --> 00:13:15,813 You know how I said that theater used to be a speakeasy? 176 00:13:15,843 --> 00:13:17,867 - Yeah, and... - Yeah. 177 00:13:30,743 --> 00:13:34,795 In the 20s, this place was called Hawk's Tavern. 178 00:13:34,825 --> 00:13:38,087 It was run by a gambler named Diamond Jim O'Brien 179 00:13:38,476 --> 00:13:42,046 who also owned the Vestry Hall across the way. 180 00:13:42,596 --> 00:13:45,018 But Diamond Jim, he was a legend 181 00:13:45,048 --> 00:13:47,697 during the Manhattan bootleg wars 182 00:13:47,749 --> 00:13:50,663 because his place had been raided so many times 183 00:13:50,693 --> 00:13:53,717 but never found any booze. You know why? 184 00:13:53,747 --> 00:13:55,663 I don't need to, you're going to tell me. 185 00:13:55,693 --> 00:13:57,141 They never found any booze because 186 00:13:57,171 --> 00:13:59,165 he built a secret tunnel, 187 00:14:00,428 --> 00:14:03,976 a tunnel that he connected to the sewer tunnel 188 00:14:04,006 --> 00:14:07,717 that connected to the theater, huh? 189 00:14:07,898 --> 00:14:11,711 That's how they ran the booze back and forth. 190 00:14:15,506 --> 00:14:20,024 No vampires. That's a good sign. 191 00:14:40,367 --> 00:14:45,171 He used to have, uh, secret latches to unlock the door. 192 00:14:52,096 --> 00:14:53,693 Not bad. 193 00:14:54,813 --> 00:14:57,488 Alcoholic's sixth sense for booze. 194 00:15:02,783 --> 00:15:05,241 What are you doing? We're not going in there without back-up. 195 00:15:05,310 --> 00:15:09,387 - I'm your back-up. We got weapons. - We have 30 bullets between us. 196 00:15:09,417 --> 00:15:10,958 We don't know what's on the other side of that door. 197 00:15:10,988 --> 00:15:12,651 It's just recon, Doc, 198 00:15:12,681 --> 00:15:15,578 you know? A little sneak and peek. Come on. 199 00:15:35,096 --> 00:15:36,597 There it is. 200 00:15:38,584 --> 00:15:40,256 The old sewer tunnel. 201 00:15:51,145 --> 00:15:52,400 Whoa. 202 00:15:53,530 --> 00:15:55,524 Look, smell and listen, huh? 203 00:15:58,952 --> 00:16:01,597 Look over this way. 204 00:16:04,410 --> 00:16:07,645 Look at this! Wow! 205 00:16:09,108 --> 00:16:10,606 To haul liquor up and down 206 00:16:10,636 --> 00:16:12,323 during prohibition. 207 00:16:13,205 --> 00:16:15,344 This is our stop. 208 00:16:25,193 --> 00:16:26,322 Come on up. 209 00:16:26,391 --> 00:16:28,157 Coast is clear. 210 00:17:02,006 --> 00:17:04,060 Coffin. 211 00:17:06,289 --> 00:17:08,297 They're reassembling it. 212 00:17:08,711 --> 00:17:11,667 The Master must be around here somewhere. 213 00:17:12,072 --> 00:17:13,789 Huh? 214 00:17:27,072 --> 00:17:29,785 Okay, that's enough recon. 215 00:17:39,416 --> 00:17:42,488 Let's get the others while it's still daylight. 216 00:17:45,416 --> 00:17:47,512 What the hell are you doing? 217 00:17:48,651 --> 00:17:51,163 "The secret to all victory 218 00:17:51,193 --> 00:17:55,464 lies in the organization of the non-obvious." Marcus Aurelius. 219 00:17:55,494 --> 00:17:58,163 We're gonna flood the sewer tunnels with sunlight. 220 00:17:58,193 --> 00:18:00,295 We don't want any more monsters to get into the theater 221 00:18:00,325 --> 00:18:02,231 before we come back. 222 00:18:03,855 --> 00:18:05,821 Come on. 223 00:18:10,905 --> 00:18:15,434 Do not pull the plug on me! Ugh, God! 224 00:18:18,651 --> 00:18:21,675 I am trying to gauge the impact of our pirate broadcast, 225 00:18:21,705 --> 00:18:23,066 but all the channels are gone. 226 00:18:23,096 --> 00:18:25,789 Well, I think that's your answer, right there. 227 00:18:38,096 --> 00:18:41,223 - What... - We've got work to do. 228 00:19:17,892 --> 00:19:19,821 Tell me you found something. 229 00:19:20,494 --> 00:19:23,158 The Master's at Bolivar's theater in Tribeca. 230 00:19:23,244 --> 00:19:25,554 The coffin is there, at least, pieces of it. 231 00:19:26,729 --> 00:19:28,211 When do we leave? 232 00:19:28,572 --> 00:19:30,253 I can't go. 233 00:19:31,699 --> 00:19:33,169 Because of Zach? 234 00:19:33,199 --> 00:19:34,741 Kelly's gonna find him sooner or later. 235 00:19:34,771 --> 00:19:37,301 - I can't leave him alone again. - So bring him. 236 00:19:37,331 --> 00:19:38,729 To Bolivar's? Are you crazy? 237 00:19:38,759 --> 00:19:40,880 We didn't go 30 feet before we ran into vampires. 238 00:19:40,910 --> 00:19:42,639 Open your eyes, Eph. 239 00:19:42,669 --> 00:19:46,524 Where I grew up, people disappeared in the middle of the night. 240 00:19:46,554 --> 00:19:50,114 You do not have the luxury of choice anymore. 241 00:19:51,072 --> 00:19:53,711 All we can do now is fight. 242 00:19:55,428 --> 00:19:57,476 If you want to protect Zach, just... 243 00:19:58,410 --> 00:20:01,396 keep him by your side. Always. 244 00:20:02,331 --> 00:20:04,572 And we'll see this thing through. 245 00:20:06,787 --> 00:20:09,143 Every bridge and turnpike. 246 00:20:09,173 --> 00:20:12,985 Shut down all the airports, the ferries, tunnels. 247 00:20:13,015 --> 00:20:14,176 Nothing gets through. 248 00:20:14,228 --> 00:20:16,030 Something always gets through. 249 00:20:16,060 --> 00:20:19,705 We're gonna need every National Guard unit in the Northeast. 250 00:20:28,681 --> 00:20:31,036 Eldritch! What are you doing here? 251 00:20:31,066 --> 00:20:34,988 Preventing you from making a grave mistake, Maggie. 252 00:20:38,386 --> 00:20:41,420 Where's Mr. Fitzwilliam? 253 00:20:42,018 --> 00:20:43,692 On leave. 254 00:20:45,181 --> 00:20:49,036 This is a colleague of mine, Thomas Eichhorst. 255 00:20:49,066 --> 00:20:50,590 Secretary Pierson, 256 00:20:50,620 --> 00:20:53,337 Everett Barnes, with the CDC. 257 00:20:53,367 --> 00:20:55,517 A pleasure. 258 00:20:56,313 --> 00:20:59,193 Eldritch, you look amazingly well. How did... 259 00:20:59,223 --> 00:21:02,663 Wonderful new medicine. Soon to be all the rage. 260 00:21:02,693 --> 00:21:04,059 - Now, Maggie... - Eldritch, 261 00:21:04,128 --> 00:21:06,018 someone has lied to you. 262 00:21:06,048 --> 00:21:09,494 Either that, or you've been less than truthful with me. 263 00:21:09,524 --> 00:21:11,548 You think I lied to you? 264 00:21:11,578 --> 00:21:15,639 Whatever happened, the situation was misrepresented. 265 00:21:15,669 --> 00:21:19,163 Now, I have a call in one hour with the President. 266 00:21:19,193 --> 00:21:22,149 I am strongly recommending that he declare martial law 267 00:21:22,179 --> 00:21:25,719 in New York City and order a complete quarantine. 268 00:21:25,749 --> 00:21:28,116 You're panicking, Maggie. It will mean the end 269 00:21:28,185 --> 00:21:31,633 - of your career. - My career? 270 00:21:31,663 --> 00:21:35,796 Human beings are being converted into these horrible monsters! 271 00:21:35,826 --> 00:21:39,494 We have absolute proof. I know it sounds preposterous. 272 00:21:39,524 --> 00:21:41,602 - Preposterous, indeed. - At the end of the day, 273 00:21:41,632 --> 00:21:44,187 Eldritch, my loyalty is to the American people, 274 00:21:44,217 --> 00:21:47,440 not to you. I'm sorry. 275 00:21:47,470 --> 00:21:51,325 Maggie, could you and I have a private talk? 276 00:22:09,831 --> 00:22:14,566 Have you been in Mr. Palmer's employ for very long? 277 00:22:15,434 --> 00:22:18,940 Oh, I'm not in his employ. 278 00:22:22,843 --> 00:22:25,789 Your accent... Are you from Germany? 279 00:22:26,530 --> 00:22:28,229 Originally. 280 00:22:29,946 --> 00:22:33,440 Uh... I once was in Munich for a conference. 281 00:22:33,470 --> 00:22:35,317 I didn't care for it. 282 00:22:36,705 --> 00:22:38,440 You wouldn't. 283 00:22:41,584 --> 00:22:44,559 Oh, looks like the conversation's coming to an end. 284 00:22:48,230 --> 00:22:52,866 Oh, my God! Maggie... Oh, my God! 285 00:23:06,153 --> 00:23:07,815 And this one? 286 00:23:10,186 --> 00:23:13,031 Dr. Barnes, do you have any thoughts 287 00:23:13,061 --> 00:23:16,174 on how to deal with this so-called crisis? 288 00:23:16,204 --> 00:23:17,831 Crisis? What crisis? 289 00:23:17,861 --> 00:23:20,795 Well, say you were promoted to Secretary of Health 290 00:23:20,825 --> 00:23:25,299 and Human Services in the wake of Maggie's tragic suicide, 291 00:23:25,329 --> 00:23:28,096 what do you think should be done? 292 00:23:30,192 --> 00:23:32,596 I think we should stay the course. 293 00:23:32,626 --> 00:23:36,138 That is, if you want. 294 00:23:36,168 --> 00:23:38,968 Now, if I remember correctly, 295 00:23:38,998 --> 00:23:41,788 Dr. Goodweather worked under you at the CDC, 296 00:23:41,818 --> 00:23:44,121 - did he not? - Goodweather went rogue. 297 00:23:45,138 --> 00:23:47,096 I told him to lay off. 298 00:23:47,126 --> 00:23:50,775 I got him fired. I had him arrested by the FBI. 299 00:23:50,843 --> 00:23:53,433 I did everything I could do to stop him. 300 00:23:58,385 --> 00:24:01,457 I think we'll keep him. 301 00:24:04,981 --> 00:24:06,445 Hey, Zach. 302 00:24:09,834 --> 00:24:11,298 Turn that off? 303 00:24:13,277 --> 00:24:14,753 What's up? 304 00:24:16,548 --> 00:24:17,873 We're leaving. 305 00:24:17,942 --> 00:24:20,198 All of us, including you. 306 00:24:20,415 --> 00:24:22,873 Son, this is for you. 307 00:24:23,271 --> 00:24:26,765 It is very sharp, very dangerous. 308 00:24:27,319 --> 00:24:29,469 Handle it with great care. 309 00:24:39,698 --> 00:24:42,664 This weapon is forged from silver. 310 00:24:42,733 --> 00:24:45,066 Silver burns vampires. 311 00:24:47,004 --> 00:24:49,457 That's right, you hold it with two hands. 312 00:24:50,542 --> 00:24:52,060 Grip it tightly. 313 00:24:55,530 --> 00:24:58,326 You want to show it to them first. 314 00:24:59,704 --> 00:25:01,061 They fear silver. 315 00:25:08,451 --> 00:25:11,808 Strike here, if you can reach. 316 00:25:13,186 --> 00:25:14,475 If you can't, 317 00:25:15,861 --> 00:25:19,078 - strike here. - Where there is no bone. 318 00:25:19,108 --> 00:25:20,551 The blade goes deeper. 319 00:25:20,581 --> 00:25:24,773 Quick thrusts: in and out, in, out. 320 00:25:35,795 --> 00:25:38,849 - You know why we're doing this, right? - Yeah. 321 00:25:41,036 --> 00:25:43,078 Since the beginning of creation, 322 00:25:43,108 --> 00:25:45,590 boys have hunted beside their fathers. 323 00:25:46,494 --> 00:25:50,365 - This is no different. - This is very different. 324 00:25:51,120 --> 00:25:53,506 We're fighting to protect each other. 325 00:25:53,939 --> 00:25:55,837 We're going to get through this. 326 00:25:55,906 --> 00:25:57,839 And we're going to win. 327 00:26:20,560 --> 00:26:22,066 Remember, 328 00:26:22,096 --> 00:26:26,066 he will use whatever advantage he can against us. 329 00:26:26,235 --> 00:26:28,229 Whatever you see, 330 00:26:28,259 --> 00:26:30,012 whatever you hear, 331 00:26:30,042 --> 00:26:33,879 do not stop until the Master is defeated. 332 00:27:04,285 --> 00:27:06,002 Ready? 333 00:27:19,238 --> 00:27:20,593 I knew it! 334 00:27:21,280 --> 00:27:22,620 Nice, huh? 335 00:27:26,449 --> 00:27:28,039 They won't hold. 336 00:27:29,123 --> 00:27:32,385 Now they've seen us, they'll push through, sacrificing 337 00:27:32,415 --> 00:27:35,925 however many it takes so the others can get through. 338 00:27:35,955 --> 00:27:37,274 Remember when I, uh, 339 00:27:37,304 --> 00:27:40,853 went back to my place that one time? 340 00:27:40,883 --> 00:27:44,813 I grabbed a few things. I've been saving these babies. 341 00:27:44,882 --> 00:27:47,449 - Is that... - Dynamite, yes. 342 00:27:47,479 --> 00:27:50,919 It's, uh, a common exterminating tool. 343 00:27:50,949 --> 00:27:52,925 You flatter me, Doc. 344 00:27:52,955 --> 00:27:55,328 You guys might want to get back in the tunnel. 345 00:27:55,358 --> 00:27:58,618 Munchers are going boom-boom. 346 00:28:00,515 --> 00:28:02,756 Fire in the hole, vermin! 347 00:28:27,280 --> 00:28:29,907 Good. Come on, we're good! 348 00:28:30,696 --> 00:28:34,546 Cover your nose. Ammonia overload. 349 00:28:58,256 --> 00:29:00,154 :Woodcarver... 350 00:29:00,184 --> 00:29:02,485 You're hearing him, aren't you? 351 00:29:07,762 --> 00:29:10,672 Now it's his turn to hear me! 352 00:29:12,859 --> 00:29:15,170 Let's finish this. 353 00:29:20,388 --> 00:29:24,590 Spread out and attack! 354 00:29:33,967 --> 00:29:36,606 - Dutch! - No, wait! 355 00:29:38,160 --> 00:29:39,985 It's Jaimie. 356 00:29:40,509 --> 00:29:42,967 She works at a gallery in SoHo. 357 00:29:43,654 --> 00:29:47,377 Oh, God! 358 00:29:47,407 --> 00:29:49,365 Bloody hell! 359 00:29:50,069 --> 00:29:53,955 Ahh! 360 00:30:03,822 --> 00:30:06,859 - Keep moving! - Go find him, Professor! 361 00:30:07,093 --> 00:30:08,881 You too, Doc. 362 00:30:09,671 --> 00:30:11,684 We'll handle these monsters. 363 00:30:11,901 --> 00:30:13,527 Now, aim for the head! 364 00:30:13,762 --> 00:30:15,353 Like that! 365 00:30:15,383 --> 00:30:16,759 - Dad! - Come on! Let's go! 366 00:30:16,789 --> 00:30:19,632 - I got you, Zach. Come on! - That a girl. 367 00:30:24,009 --> 00:30:25,726 Dad! 368 00:30:27,118 --> 00:30:28,708 Zach! 369 00:30:44,955 --> 00:30:46,840 Clear this level. 370 00:30:52,455 --> 00:30:54,097 Incoming! 371 00:30:57,666 --> 00:30:59,277 Shit! 372 00:31:02,847 --> 00:31:04,491 Ms. Velders! 373 00:31:04,521 --> 00:31:07,894 - So I'll drink you first. - Yeah, try it, asshole! 374 00:31:55,684 --> 00:31:59,780 Abraham... Abraham, come to me! 375 00:31:59,810 --> 00:32:01,615 Abraham, I'm here! 376 00:32:04,148 --> 00:32:09,877 Abraham, come to me, please... 377 00:32:12,280 --> 00:32:15,208 Come to me! 378 00:32:15,238 --> 00:32:17,864 Abraham! 379 00:32:24,039 --> 00:32:26,973 You wanted to find me, Woodcarver? 380 00:32:32,612 --> 00:32:34,631 Here I am. 381 00:32:42,057 --> 00:32:44,624 I have waited for this day. 382 00:32:49,347 --> 00:32:51,731 Break the windows, let in the light! 383 00:33:26,232 --> 00:33:28,798 It's over,strigoi! 384 00:33:52,112 --> 00:33:54,761 Come on! 385 00:34:04,057 --> 00:34:06,750 Come to me! 386 00:34:25,123 --> 00:34:29,963 In the name of all that is holy! 387 00:35:15,136 --> 00:35:16,576 Where is he? 388 00:35:18,479 --> 00:35:22,347 He ran down the building and disappeared. 389 00:35:23,937 --> 00:35:27,298 - In direct sunlight? - In direct sunlight. 390 00:35:27,606 --> 00:35:29,738 I thought that couldn't happen. 391 00:35:34,148 --> 00:35:36,624 I thought sunlight would kill him! 392 00:35:37,112 --> 00:35:39,804 What he did, I... 393 00:35:40,527 --> 00:35:43,545 did not know he was capable of doing. 394 00:35:43,575 --> 00:35:46,027 But you injured him, right? 395 00:35:46,057 --> 00:35:48,684 I mean, that's why the others ran off? 396 00:35:48,714 --> 00:35:50,726 I was wrong. 397 00:36:02,413 --> 00:36:06,118 Well, if sunlight doesn't kill him, what does? 398 00:36:11,377 --> 00:36:13,057 We're lost. 399 00:36:39,208 --> 00:36:41,467 Don't do that again. 400 00:36:50,847 --> 00:36:53,577 What is this? I've seen you kill other vampires, 401 00:36:53,662 --> 00:36:57,230 and I know you've got a sting or two. What do you want with me? 402 00:36:57,299 --> 00:37:01,201 - You work for the German. - I don't work for nobody. 403 00:37:01,943 --> 00:37:03,612 I did a job for him once 404 00:37:03,642 --> 00:37:05,847 - and I regret it. - You transported a box 405 00:37:05,877 --> 00:37:09,576 from the airport, across the river, into Manhattan. 406 00:37:09,606 --> 00:37:12,569 Yeah, and I owe him for that. 407 00:37:13,853 --> 00:37:16,491 He's number one on my list. 408 00:37:16,708 --> 00:37:18,660 Do you know what was in the box? 409 00:37:18,690 --> 00:37:22,889 Whatever it was, it cost me my mother. 410 00:37:23,702 --> 00:37:26,375 It cost me my best friend. 411 00:37:27,913 --> 00:37:29,596 It cost me everything. 412 00:37:30,190 --> 00:37:33,262 Maybe you would like some revenge? 413 00:37:34,726 --> 00:37:37,039 Well, you know what? 414 00:37:37,889 --> 00:37:40,328 Now that you mention it... 415 00:38:12,786 --> 00:38:16,166 Oh, what's up? You brought your homeboys? 416 00:38:38,160 --> 00:38:39,766 Holy shit! 417 00:38:46,654 --> 00:38:50,702 You are standing before beings of great honor, 418 00:38:51,118 --> 00:38:53,545 dignity, power. 419 00:38:53,575 --> 00:38:55,563 The Ancients. 420 00:38:59,485 --> 00:39:02,539 - Are they alive? - In a way. 421 00:39:03,525 --> 00:39:07,293 - I mean, can't they speak? - I speak for them... 422 00:39:07,323 --> 00:39:08,973 for now. 423 00:39:11,919 --> 00:39:13,600 Well, why is he looking at me like that? 424 00:39:13,668 --> 00:39:15,919 They're not looking at you. 425 00:39:15,949 --> 00:39:17,919 They're dreaming. 426 00:39:17,949 --> 00:39:20,828 If we wake them, we'll have to feed them. 427 00:39:20,858 --> 00:39:23,593 I don't think you'd enjoy that. 428 00:39:24,425 --> 00:39:26,979 An ancient truce has been broken. 429 00:39:27,009 --> 00:39:29,600 An act of war has been declared. 430 00:39:29,630 --> 00:39:31,780 We need a human soldier, 431 00:39:31,810 --> 00:39:34,754 who can move freely in the daylight. 432 00:39:34,823 --> 00:39:37,462 Someone who can use the power of the sun 433 00:39:37,492 --> 00:39:40,979 to massacre the unclean. 434 00:39:41,630 --> 00:39:44,164 You know what it sounds like to me? 435 00:39:44,232 --> 00:39:47,618 Sounds like you got a vampire turf war going on. 436 00:39:47,648 --> 00:39:50,870 You have proven yourself capable. 437 00:39:50,922 --> 00:39:53,039 Why should I help them? 438 00:39:53,377 --> 00:39:56,409 - Or you? - Payback. 439 00:39:56,478 --> 00:39:59,196 And a rich payday. 440 00:40:02,774 --> 00:40:04,563 I'm listening. 441 00:40:06,262 --> 00:40:08,557 We'll go to my place to regroup. 442 00:40:09,100 --> 00:40:10,690 I have tools. 443 00:40:13,347 --> 00:40:16,256 Zach, where's your inhaler? 444 00:40:31,943 --> 00:40:34,831 The extra inhalers are in there. 445 00:40:35,304 --> 00:40:38,418 - Wait two minutes. - Make it one, Doc. 446 00:41:15,353 --> 00:41:18,822 Okay, Zach, I got it. Come here. Come on! 447 00:41:24,262 --> 00:41:29,039 - You're not wheezing. - You said we were never coming back. 448 00:41:31,045 --> 00:41:34,352 Did you do this just to get this photo album? 449 00:41:37,750 --> 00:41:39,503 It's dangerous here. 450 00:41:39,792 --> 00:41:41,147 Where are we going? 451 00:41:41,177 --> 00:41:43,334 Right now, we're going to Fet's. 452 00:41:44,328 --> 00:41:46,425 How will Mom find us? 453 00:41:51,684 --> 00:41:53,382 She'll find us. 454 00:41:57,702 --> 00:42:00,575 I remember that birthday party. 455 00:42:02,473 --> 00:42:04,482 We had that... that pony. 456 00:42:07,551 --> 00:42:12,390 - And Mom made that farm cake. - Yeah, that was awesome. 457 00:42:13,226 --> 00:42:15,226 I'm surprised she kept all this. 458 00:42:15,295 --> 00:42:17,021 She wouldn't just trash all these pictures 459 00:42:17,051 --> 00:42:19,363 just because you two split up. 460 00:42:22,804 --> 00:42:24,570 Okay. Time to go. 461 00:43:04,913 --> 00:43:07,063 Zach... 462 00:43:07,093 --> 00:43:08,310 No. 463 00:43:09,792 --> 00:43:12,650 - Mom! - Zach... 464 00:43:13,953 --> 00:43:15,684 - Zach... - Mom! 465 00:43:15,714 --> 00:43:18,702 - No. It's not her! - Mom! Let me go! 466 00:43:19,099 --> 00:43:23,310 - Stop it. Stop it, Zach! - No, Mom! 467 00:43:23,599 --> 00:43:26,230 - No, don't shoot her! - It's not her anymore! 468 00:43:27,485 --> 00:43:28,714 No! 469 00:43:34,659 --> 00:43:36,540 Mom! 470 00:43:37,786 --> 00:43:39,304 Mom! 471 00:43:44,364 --> 00:43:46,350 Mom... 472 00:43:51,575 --> 00:43:53,382 She was here? 473 00:43:54,087 --> 00:43:56,129 Why aren't there any more coming? 474 00:43:56,159 --> 00:43:58,587 There will be. She won't stop. 475 00:43:58,617 --> 00:44:01,370 Not until she gets what she wants. 476 00:44:03,322 --> 00:44:05,726 The Master will use your wife, 477 00:44:06,467 --> 00:44:08,617 her love for your boy. 478 00:44:09,937 --> 00:44:11,256 Eph... don't. 479 00:44:11,286 --> 00:44:13,117 He'll use your wife's love 480 00:44:13,147 --> 00:44:15,696 for her son to pursue us. 481 00:44:15,782 --> 00:44:17,296 - Don't. - To the ends of the earth, 482 00:44:17,326 --> 00:44:19,735 if necessary. 483 00:44:33,575 --> 00:44:36,105 Let him try. 484 00:44:40,515 --> 00:44:42,723 Too long I've lived, 485 00:44:42,809 --> 00:44:45,756 too much I've seen. 486 00:44:45,786 --> 00:44:48,646 This planet, our host, 487 00:44:48,731 --> 00:44:52,443 once so wild and unknown; 488 00:44:52,473 --> 00:44:55,696 we've mapped it, paved it, 489 00:44:56,093 --> 00:44:58,406 arranged it on a grid, 490 00:44:59,599 --> 00:45:01,325 never imagining 491 00:45:01,377 --> 00:45:03,575 that something else was watching us, 492 00:45:03,605 --> 00:45:06,051 a creature even more ruthless and predacious 493 00:45:06,081 --> 00:45:08,400 than we are, 494 00:45:08,430 --> 00:45:11,238 eager to exploit the very infrastructure 495 00:45:11,268 --> 00:45:15,214 we so obligingly arranged. 496 00:45:17,346 --> 00:45:19,876 Is the war already lost? 497 00:45:19,906 --> 00:45:23,220 Are we destined to be cattle for monsters? 498 00:45:23,455 --> 00:45:28,185 Or, now that the enemy has finally shown his face, 499 00:45:28,425 --> 00:45:31,739 do we have a fighting chance? 500 00:45:35,563 --> 00:45:40,063 The world today is not what it was one week ago. 501 00:45:40,093 --> 00:45:42,810 What will it be one week from now? 502 00:45:42,840 --> 00:45:44,780 One month from now? 503 00:45:45,105 --> 00:45:48,286 Nothing is written that cannot be changed. 504 00:45:48,708 --> 00:45:51,208 It is a small world, after all. 505 00:45:51,260 --> 00:45:53,711 We made it that way. 506 00:46:02,332 --> 00:46:08,189 - sync & corrections by wolfen - - www.addic7ed.com -